unit uAnimTex; interface uses GLScene, GLMaterial, GLTexture, SysUtils, Classes, uCLasses; type TFramesList = array of String; TAnimTex = class private FFramesList: TFramesList; public MaterialLibrary: TGLMaterialLibrary; Obj: TGLBaseSceneObject; CurrentFrame: Integer; FramesCount: Integer; Interval: Integer; MainDir: String; procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: String); procedure Step(DeltaTime: Double); end; implementation { TAnimTex } procedure TAnimTex.LoadFromFile(const FileName: String); Var Pak: TPak; i: Integer; F: TextFile; begin try Pak:= TPak.Create; Pak.MainDir:= MainDir; Pak.OpenPak(FileName); for i:= 1 to FramesCount do with MaterialLibrary.Materials.Add do begin Name:= Obj.Name + 'Frame' + IntToStr(i); with Material do begin Texture.Enabled:= True; Texture.Image.LoadFromFile(Pak.ExtractFormPak('Frame' + IntToStr(i))); Texture.TextureWrap:= twNone; FrontProperties.Diffuse.SetColor(1,1,1); end; end; finally Pak.ClosePak; Pak.Free; end; end; procedure TAnimTex.Step(DeltaTime: Double); begin end; end.