From 78d6e4095fd7ca5fcda9a172d4c603d1a4e2a823 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Novus Nota <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 17:46:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] feat: new and awesome grammar, suitable for ST, VSCode, docs
and beyond!
Fully covers Tact 1.3.0 :rocket:
My refactoring kept those goals in mind:
1. Grammar should work with docs, which feature lots of small snippets
without the full context of a regular Tact file
2. Grammar should work with Sublime, VSCode and Monaco editor (VSCode's
underlying editor).
3. Grammar should properly highlight the "happy path", when the
referenced code can be checked by Tact compiler.
After all, this is a TextMate grammar, which operates on sequences of
RegExes. And thus, it's nigh-impossible and mostly pointless to cover
all cases and match up to Ohm's grammer even when one really tries (see
5k+ lines of terse RegEx in TypeScript's TextMate grammar). We just need
the "happy path" to work.
P.S.: Ironically enough, common advice for parsing HTML with regular
expressions is: "Please, don't!", while 80% of all HTML highlighting out
there is done with them :)
Closes #1
Closes #2
.gitignore | 2 +
package/Tact.tmLanguage | 801 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
package/Tact.tmLanguage.json | 525 +++++++++++++++++
package/tact.tmLanguage | 1025 ----------------------------------
package/tact.tmLanguage.json | 673 ----------------------
5 files changed, 1328 insertions(+), 1698 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 package/Tact.tmLanguage
create mode 100644 package/Tact.tmLanguage.json
delete mode 100644 package/tact.tmLanguage
delete mode 100644 package/tact.tmLanguage.json
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1efd363..a1fe1a5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -140,3 +140,5 @@ dist
diff --git a/package/Tact.tmLanguage b/package/Tact.tmLanguage
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6a377f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/Tact.tmLanguage
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+ name
+ Tact
+ displayName
+ Tact
+ scopeName
+ source.tact
+ fileTypes
+ tact
+ foldingStartMarker
+ \{\s*$
+ foldingStopMarker
+ ^\s*\}
+ patterns
+ include
+ #comment
+ include
+ #annotation
+ include
+ #literal
+ include
+ #type
+ include
+ #constant
+ include
+ #expression
+ include
+ #punctuation
+ include
+ #keyword
+ include
+ #function
+ include
+ #variable
+ repository
+ comment
+ patterns
+ name
+ comment.line.double-slash.tact
+ begin
+ //
+ beginCaptures
+ 0
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.comment.line.double-slash.tact
+ patterns
+ include
+ #todo
+ end
+ $
+ name
+ comment.block.tact
+ begin
+ \s*/\*
+ beginCaptures
+ 0
+ name
+ comment.block.begin.tact
+ patterns
+ include
+ #todo
+ end
+ \*/
+ endCaptures
+ 0
+ name
+ comment.block.end.tact
+ todo
+ match
+ name
+ keyword.comment.todo.tact
+ annotation
+ patterns
+ comment
+ @name() in native functions
+ begin
+ ^\s*(@name)\s*(\()
+ beginCaptures
+ 1
+ name
+ entity.other.attribute-name.tact
+ 2
+ name
+ punctuation.brackets.round.tact
+ patterns
+ comment
+ FunC identifier
+ match
+ ((?:[a-zA-Z_\'\?!&]|::)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\'\?!&]|::)*)
+ name
+ end
+ \)
+ endCaptures
+ 0
+ name
+ punctuation.brackets.round.tact
+ comment
+ One or more @inteface() before traits and contracts
+ begin
+ (?<!\.)(@interface)\s*(\()
+ beginCaptures
+ 1
+ name
+ entity.other.attribute-name.tact
+ 2
+ name
+ punctuation.brackets.round.tact
+ patterns
+ include
+ #string
+ end
+ \)
+ endCaptures
+ 0
+ name
+ punctuation.brackets.round.tact
+ comment
+ Fallback match
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(@name|@interface)\b
+ name
+ entity.other.attribute-name.tact
+ literal
+ patterns
+ comment
+ Hexadecimal integer
+ match
+ \b(0[xX][a-fA-F0-9](?:_?[a-fA-F0-9])*)\b
+ name
+ constant.numeric.hex.tact
+ comment
+ Octal integer
+ match
+ \b(0[oO][0-7](?:_?[0-7])*)\b
+ name
+ constant.numeric.oct.tact
+ comment
+ Binary integer
+ match
+ \b(0[bB][01](?:_?[01])*)\b
+ name
+ constant.numeric.bin.tact
+ comment
+ Decimal integer WITH leading zero
+ match
+ \b(0[0-9]*)\b
+ name
+ constant.numeric.decimal.tact
+ comment
+ Decimal integer WITHOUT leading zero
+ match
+ \b([1-9](?:_?[0-9])*)\b
+ name
+ constant.numeric.decimal.tact
+ comment
+ Boolean literal
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(true|false)\b
+ name
+ constant.language.bool.tact
+ include
+ #string
+ comment
+ self
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(self)\b
+ name
+ variable.language.self.tact
+ string
+ comment
+ String literal
+ begin
+ "
+ beginCaptures
+ 0
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.tact
+ name
+ string.quoted.double.tact
+ patterns
+ include
+ #escape-sequence
+ end
+ "
+ endCaptures
+ 0
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.tact
+ escape-sequence
+ comment
+ Allowed escape sequences in strings
+ match
+ (\\)(([\\"nrtvbf])|(x[a-fA-F0-9]{2})|(u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})|(u\{[a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}\}))
+ name
+ constant.character.escape.tact
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ constant.character.escape.backslash.tact
+ 2
+ name
+ constant.character.escape.special.tact
+ 3
+ name
+ constant.character.escape.hex.tact
+ 4
+ name
+ constant.character.escape.unicode.tact
+ 5
+ name
+ constant.character.escape.unicodepoint.tact
+ type
+ patterns
+ include
+ #simple-type
+ comment
+ bounced<T>
+ begin
+ (?<!\.)\b(bounced)\s*(<)
+ beginCaptures
+ 1
+ name
+ storage.type.tact
+ 2
+ name
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.tact
+ patterns
+ include
+ #simple-type
+ end
+ >
+ endCaptures
+ 0
+ name
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.tact
+ comment
+ map<K, V>
+ begin
+ (?<!\.)\b(map)\s*(<)
+ beginCaptures
+ 1
+ name
+ storage.type.tact
+ 2
+ name
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.tact
+ patterns
+ include
+ #simple-type
+ match
+ ,
+ name
+ punctuation.comma.tact
+ include
+ #as-tlb
+ end
+ >
+ endCaptures
+ 0
+ name
+ punctuation.brackets.angle.tact
+ include
+ #as-tlb
+ simple-type
+ comment
+ Simple types
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(\??)
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ storage.type.tact
+ 2
+ name
+ keyword.operator.optional.tact
+ as-tlb
+ comment
+ Storage modifiers
+ patterns
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(as)\s+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ storage.modifier.tact
+ 2
+ name
+ storage.type.tact
+ constant
+ patterns
+ comment
+ ALL CAPS constants
+ match
+ \b([A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9_]*)\b
+ name
+ constant.other.caps.tact
+ comment
+ Constant declaration or definition
+ match
+ ^\s*(const)\s+([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\b
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ storage.type.tact
+ 2
+ name
+ constant.other.caps.tact
+ comment
+ null
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(null)\b
+ name
+ constant.language.null.tact
+ expression
+ patterns
+ comment
+ Logical operators
+ match
+ (\|\||&&|!!?)(?!=)
+ name
+ keyword.operator.logical.tact
+ comment
+ Bitwise operators
+ match
+ (\^|&|\||~|<<|>>)(?!=)
+ name
+ keyword.operator.bitwise.tact
+ comment
+ Augmented assignment operators
+ match
+ (\+=|-=|\*=|/=|%=|\^=|&=|\|=|<<=|>>=)
+ name
+ keyword.operator.assignment.tact
+ comment
+ Assignment operator
+ match
+ (?<![<>])=(?!=)
+ name
+ keyword.operator.assignment.equal.tact
+ comment
+ Comparison operators
+ match
+ ([!=]=|<=?|>=?)
+ name
+ keyword.operator.comparison.tact
+ comment
+ Math operators
+ match
+ ([+\-%]|\*|(?:/(?!/)))
+ name
+ keyword.operator.math.tact
+ comment
+ initOf expression
+ match
+ \b(initOf)\b
+ name
+ comment
+ Ternary expression
+ begin
+ (?!\?\.\s*[^[:digit:]])(\?)(?!\?)
+ beginCaptures
+ 1
+ name
+ keyword.operator.ternary.tact
+ patterns
+ include
+ $self
+ end
+ \s*(:)
+ endCaptures
+ 1
+ name
+ keyword.operator.ternary.tact
+ punctuation
+ patterns
+ match
+ ,
+ name
+ punctuation.comma.tact
+ match
+ [{}]
+ name
+ punctuation.brackets.curly.tact
+ match
+ [()]
+ name
+ punctuation.brackets.round.tact
+ match
+ ;
+ name
+ punctuation.semi.tact
+ match
+ :
+ name
+ punctuation.colon.tact
+ match
+ \.
+ name
+ keyword
+ patterns
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(import)\b
+ name
+ keyword.control.import.tact
+ comment
+ Control flow keywords
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(if|else|try|catch|repeat|do|until|while|foreach|in|return)\b
+ name
+ keyword.control.tact
+ comment
+ let and const
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(let|const)\b
+ name
+ keyword.other.tact
+ comment
+ Serialization
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(as)\b
+ name
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(struct)\b
+ name
+ keyword.other.struct.tact
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(message)\b
+ name
+ keyword.other.message.tact
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(trait)\b
+ name
+ keyword.other.trait.tact
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(contract)\b
+ name
+ keyword.other.contract.tact
+ comment
+ Constant and function attributes
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(abstract|virtual|override)\b
+ name
+ keyword.other.attribute.tact storage.modifier.tact
+ comment
+ Function attributes
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(extends|get|inline|mutates)\b
+ name
+ keyword.other.attribute.tact
+ comment
+ Function declaration/definition keywords
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(fun|native|init|receive|bounced|external)\b
+ name
+ keyword.other.function.tact
+ comment
+ Reserved keywords
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(extend|public)\b
+ name
+ keyword.other.reserved.tact
+ comment
+ Other keywords
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b(primitive|with)\b
+ name
+ keyword.other.tact
+ function
+ comment
+ Function declaration, definition or call
+ match
+ \b((?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*))\s*\(
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ variable
+ comment
+ Any valid Tact identifier
+ match
+ (?<!\.)\b([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b
+ name
+ variable.other.tact
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/Tact.tmLanguage.json b/package/Tact.tmLanguage.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e61c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/Tact.tmLanguage.json
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+ "name": "Tact",
+ "displayName": "Tact",
+ "scopeName": "source.tact",
+ "fileTypes": [
+ "tact"
+ ],
+ "foldingStartMarker": "\\{\\s*$",
+ "foldingStopMarker": "^\\s*\\}",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#comment"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#annotation"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#literal"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#constant"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#expression"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#punctuation"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#keyword"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#function"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#variable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "repository": {
+ "comment": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "name": "comment.line.double-slash.tact",
+ "begin": "//",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "0": {
+ "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.line.double-slash.tact"
+ }
+ },
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#todo"
+ }
+ ],
+ "end": "$"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment.block.tact",
+ "begin": "\\s*/\\*",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "0": {
+ "name": "comment.block.begin.tact"
+ }
+ },
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#todo"
+ }
+ ],
+ "end": "\\*/",
+ "endCaptures": {
+ "0": {
+ "name": "comment.block.end.tact"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "todo": {
+ "name": "keyword.comment.todo.tact"
+ },
+ "annotation": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "comment": "@name() in native functions",
+ "begin": "^\\s*(@name)\\s*(\\()",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "entity.other.attribute-name.tact"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "punctuation.brackets.round.tact"
+ }
+ },
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "comment": "FunC identifier",
+ "match": "((?:[a-zA-Z_\\'\\?!&]|::)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\\'\\?!&]|::)*)",
+ "name": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "end": "\\)",
+ "endCaptures": {
+ "0": {
+ "name": "punctuation.brackets.round.tact"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "One or more @inteface() before traits and contracts",
+ "begin": "(?",
+ "begin": "(?",
+ "endCaptures": {
+ "0": {
+ "name": "punctuation.brackets.angle.tact"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "map",
+ "begin": "(?",
+ "endCaptures": {
+ "0": {
+ "name": "punctuation.brackets.angle.tact"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#as-tlb"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "simple-type": {
+ "comment": "Simple types",
+ "match": "(?>)(?!=)",
+ "name": "keyword.operator.bitwise.tact"
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "Augmented assignment operators",
+ "match": "(\\+=|-=|\\*=|/=|%=|\\^=|&=|\\|=|<<=|>>=)",
+ "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.tact"
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "Assignment operator",
+ "match": "(?])=(?!=)",
+ "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.equal.tact"
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "Comparison operators",
+ "match": "([!=]=|<=?|>=?)",
+ "name": "keyword.operator.comparison.tact"
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "Math operators",
+ "match": "([+\\-%]|\\*|(?:/(?!/)))",
+ "name": "keyword.operator.math.tact"
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "initOf expression",
+ "match": "\\b(initOf)\\b",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "Ternary expression",
+ "begin": "(?!\\?\\.\\s*[^[:digit:]])(\\?)(?!\\?)",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "keyword.operator.ternary.tact"
+ }
+ },
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "$self"
+ }
+ ],
+ "end": "\\s*(:)",
+ "endCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "keyword.operator.ternary.tact"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "punctuation": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": ",",
+ "name": "punctuation.comma.tact"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "[{}]",
+ "name": "punctuation.brackets.curly.tact"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "[()]",
+ "name": "punctuation.brackets.round.tact"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": ";",
+ "name": "punctuation.semi.tact"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": ":",
+ "name": "punctuation.colon.tact"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\.",
+ "name": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "keyword": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": "(?
- name
- tact
- scopeName
- source.tact
- fileTypes
- tact
- foldingStartMarker
- \{s*$
- foldingStopMarker
- ^\s*\}
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #import
- include
- #struct
- include
- #contract-or-trait
- include
- #annotation
- include
- #fun-declaration
- include
- #const-declaration
- include
- #statements
- repository
- import
- name
- meta.import.tact
- begin
- (?<![_$[:alnum:]])(?:(?<=\.\.\.)|(?<!\.))\b(import)\b\s*
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.other.import.tact
- end
- \s*(;)
- endCaptures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.terminator.tact
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #strings
- struct
- name
- meta.struct.tact
- begin
- (?<![_$[:alnum:]])(?:(?<=\.\.\.)|(?<!\.))\b(struct|message)\b
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.other.struct
- end
- (?<=\})
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #struct-header
- include
- #struct-body
- struct-header
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- match
- \b[\w]+\b
- captures
- 0
- name
- match
- \(((?:\b0(?:x|X)[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*\b)|(?:\b[0-9]+\b))\)
- captures
- 1
- name
- constant.numeric
- struct-body
- begin
- \{
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.block.tact
- end
- \}
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.block.tact
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #field-declaration
- contract-or-trait
- name
- meta.struct.tact
- begin
- (?<![_$[:alnum:]])(?:(?<=\.\.\.)|(?<!\.))\b(contract|trait)\b
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.other.struct
- end
- (?<=\})
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- name
- keyword.control.with.tact
- match
- with
- name
- match
- \b[\w]+\b
- include
- #contract-or-trait-body
- contract-or-trait-body
- begin
- \{
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.block.tact
- end
- \}
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.block.tact
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #init-declaration
- include
- #receive-declaration
- include
- #bounce-declaration
- include
- #fun-declaration
- include
- #const-declaration
- include
- #field-declaration
- field-declaration
- name
- meta.struct.field.tact
- begin
- (\b[\w]+\b)
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- end
- (;)
- endCaptures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.terminator.tact
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #type-annotation
- include
- #variable-init
- const-declaration
- name
- meta.struct.field.tact
- begin
- (?=\b(?:(?:get|native|extends|mutates|virtual|override|inline|abstract)\s*)*const\b)
- end
- (;)
- endCaptures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.terminator.tact
- patterns
- name
- storage.type.tact
- match
- const
- name
- storage.modifier.tact
- match
- \b(get|native|extends|mutates|virtual|override|inline|abstract)\b
- name
- match
- \b[\w]+\b
- include
- #comments
- include
- #type-annotation
- include
- #variable-init
- init-declaration
- name
- meta.struct.field.tact
- begin
- (init)
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.control.init.tact
- end
- (?<=\})
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #fun-arguments
- include
- #block-declaration
- receive-declaration
- name
- meta.struct.field.tact
- begin
- (receive|external)
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.control.receive.tact
- end
- (?<=\})
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #fun-arguments
- include
- #block-declaration
- bounce-declaration
- name
- meta.struct.field.tact
- begin
- (bounced)
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.control.bounce.tact
- end
- (?<=\})
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #fun-arguments
- include
- #block-declaration
- fun-declaration
- name
- meta.function.tact
- begin
- (?=\b(?:(?:get|native|extends|mutates|virtual|override|inline|abstract)\s*)*fun\b)
- end
- (?<=\}|;)
- patterns
- name
- storage.type.tact
- match
- fun
- name
- storage.modifier.tact
- match
- \b(get|native|extends|mutates|virtual|override|inline|abstract)\b
- name
- meta.definition.function.tact
- match
- (\b[\w]+\b)
- include
- #fun-declaration-body
- fun-declaration-body
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #fun-arguments
- include
- #type-annotation
- include
- #block-declaration
- fun-arguments
- name
- meta.parameters.tact
- begin
- \(
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.tact
- end
- \)
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.parameters.end.tact
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #strings
- include
- #type-annotation
- match
- (?:(self)|(\b[\w]+\b))
- captures
- 1
- name
- variable.language.self.tact
- 2
- name
- block-declaration
- name
- meta.block.tact
- begin
- \{
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.block.begin.tact
- end
- \}
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.block.end.tact
- patterns
- include
- #statements
- statements
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #block-declaration
- include
- #expressions
- annotation
- name
- meta.annotation.tact
- begin
- (@)([\w_]+)(\()
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.control.annotation.tact
- 2
- name
- keyword.control.annotation.tact
- 3
- name
- punctuation.definition.annotation.tact
- end
- \)
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.annotation.tact
- patterns
- include
- #annotation-argument
- annotation-argument
- patterns
- match
- [\w_]+
- captures
- 0
- name
- expressions
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #keywords
- include
- #numeric
- include
- #strings
- include
- #type-annotation
- include
- #variables
- include
- #function-call
- include
- #struct-init
- struct-init
- name
- meta.struct.init
- begin
- (\b[\w]+\b)\s*(\{)
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- 2
- name
- punctuation.definition.block.begin.tact
- end
- (})
- endCaptures
- 2
- name
- punctuation.definition.block.end.tact
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #struct-property
- struct-property
- name
- begin
- (\b[\w]+\b)\s*(:)
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- 2
- name
- end
- (?=\}|\,)
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #expressions
- variable-init
- name
- begin
- (=)
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.tact
- end
- (?=\}|\{|\,|\;)
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #expressions
- type-annotation
- name
- meta.type.annotation.tact
- begin
- (:)\s+
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.operator.type.annotation.tact
- end
- (?=\{|\;|\=|\,|\))
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #type-as
- include
- #type-generic
- name
- keyword.operator.optional.tact
- match
- \?
- match
- \b[\w]+\b
- name
- type-generic
- name
- meta.type.generics.tact
- begin
- <
- end
- >
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- include
- #type-as
- name
- punctuation.tact
- match
- ,
- match
- \b[\w]+\b
- name
- type-as
- name
- begin
- (as)\s+
- end
- (?=\{|\;|\=|\,|\)|\>)
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- patterns
- include
- #comments
- match
- \b[\w]+\b
- name
- storage.modifier.tact
- keywords
- patterns
- name
- keyword.control.tact
- match
- \b(if|else|while|do|until|repeat|return|extends|mutates|virtual|override|inline|native|let|const|fun|self|is|initOf|map|bounced|get|as)\b
- name
- keyword.operator
- match
- (?<=\s)(<=>|>=|<=|!=|==|\^>>|\~>>|>>|<<|\/%|\^%|\~%|\^\/|\~\/|\+=|-=|\*=|\/=|~\/=|\^\/=|%=|\^%=|<<=|>>=|~>>=|\^>>=|&=|\|=|\^=|\^|=|~|\/|%|-|\*|\+|>|<|&|\||:|\?)(?=\s)
- name
- keyword.other
- match
- \b(false|true)\b
- strings
- name
- string.quoted.double.tact
- begin
- "
- end
- "
- numeric
- name
- constant.numeric
- match
- (?:\b0(?:x|X)[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*\b)|(?:\b[0-9]+\b)
- comments
- patterns
- name
- comment.line
- match
- \/\/(.*)
- name
- comment.block
- begin
- /\*
- end
- \*/
- variables
- patterns
- match
- \b[\w]+\b(?!\s*\()(?!\s*\{)
- name
- function-call
- patterns
- match
- \b[\w]+\b(?=\s*\()(?!\s*\{)
- name
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/tact.tmLanguage.json b/package/tact.tmLanguage.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 79ae6f7..0000000
--- a/package/tact.tmLanguage.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
- "name": "tact",
- "scopeName": "source.tact",
- "fileTypes": [
- "tact"
- ],
- "foldingStartMarker": "\\{s*$",
- "foldingStopMarker": "^\\s*\\}",
- "patterns": [
- {
- "include": "#comments"
- },
- {
- "include": "#import"
- },
- {
- "include": "#struct"
- },
- {
- "include": "#contract-or-trait"
- },
- {
- "include": "#annotation"
- },
- {
- "include": "#fun-declaration"
- },
- {
- "include": "#const-declaration"
- },
- {
- "include": "#statements"
- }
- ],
- "repository": {
- "import": {
- "name": "meta.import.tact",
- "begin": "(?",
- "patterns": [
- {
- "include": "#comments"
- },
- {
- "include": "#type-as"
- },
- {
- "name": "punctuation.tact",
- "match": ","
- },
- {
- "match": "\\b[\\w]+\\b",
- "name": ""
- }
- ]
- },
- "type-as": {
- "name": "",
- "begin": "(as)\\s+",
- "end": "(?=\\{|\\;|\\=|\\,|\\)|\\>)",
- "beginCaptures": {
- "1": {
- "name": ""
- }
- },
- "patterns": [
- {
- "include": "#comments"
- },
- {
- "match": "\\b[\\w]+\\b",
- "name": "storage.modifier.tact"
- }
- ]
- },
- "keywords": {
- "patterns": [
- {
- "name": "keyword.control.tact",
- "match": "\\b(if|else|while|do|until|repeat|return|extends|mutates|virtual|override|inline|native|let|const|fun|self|is|initOf|map|bounced|get|as)\\b"
- },
- {
- "name": "keyword.operator",
- "match": "(?<=\\s)(<=>|>=|<=|!=|==|\\^>>|\\~>>|>>|<<|\\/%|\\^%|\\~%|\\^\\/|\\~\\/|\\+=|-=|\\*=|\\/=|~\\/=|\\^\\/=|%=|\\^%=|<<=|>>=|~>>=|\\^>>=|&=|\\|=|\\^=|\\^|=|~|\\/|%|-|\\*|\\+|>|<|&|\\||:|\\?)(?=\\s)"
- },
- {
- "name": "keyword.other",
- "match": "\\b(false|true)\\b"
- }
- ]
- },
- "strings": {
- "name": "string.quoted.double.tact",
- "begin": "\"",
- "end": "\""
- },
- "numeric": {
- "name": "constant.numeric",
- "match": "(?:\\b0(?:x|X)[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*\\b)|(?:\\b[0-9]+\\b)"
- },
- "comments": {
- "patterns": [
- {
- "name": "comment.line",
- "match": "\\/\\/(.*)"
- },
- {
- "name": "comment.block",
- "begin": "/\\*",
- "end": "\\*/"
- }
- ]
- },
- "variables": {
- "patterns": [
- {
- "match": "\\b[\\w]+\\b(?!\\s*\\()(?!\\s*\\{)",
- "name": ""
- }
- ]
- },
- "function-call": {
- "patterns": [
- {
- "match": "\\b[\\w]+\\b(?=\\s*\\()(?!\\s*\\{)",
- "name": ""
- }
- ]
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file