diff --git a/packages/website/pages/docs/guides/run-a-node.mdx b/packages/website/pages/docs/guides/run-a-node.mdx
index ca4590148b7..ebba01af75a 100644
--- a/packages/website/pages/docs/guides/run-a-node.mdx
+++ b/packages/website/pages/docs/guides/run-a-node.mdx
@@ -47,13 +47,22 @@ Finally, set the following environment variables:
-> **Note:** You can get a Sepolia L1 endpoint from a few places, [Alchemy](https://www.alchemy.com/) is one popular example.
+ You can get a Sepolia L1 endpoint from a few places, [Alchemy](https://www.alchemy.com/) is one popular example.
### Enable your node as a prover (optional)
-> **NOTE:**: Only the first prover can get the reward, and others will be rejected by the protocol smart contract (with a custom error: L1_ID() or L1_ALREADY_PROVEN()). `💰 Your block proof was accepted` means you are the first prover and receive the reward. `✅ Valid block proven` means a proposed block was successfully proved on TaikoL1.
+ Only the first prover can get the reward, and others will be rejected by the protocol smart contract (with a custom error: L1_ID() or L1_ALREADY_PROVEN()). `💰 Your block proof was accepted` means you are the first prover and receive the reward. `✅ Valid block proven` means a proposed block was successfully proved on TaikoL1.
+ Keep in mind the additional prover requirements laid out in the prerequisites.
-Set the following environment variables to enable your node as a prover: - Set `ENABLE_PROVER` to `true` (replacing the default `false` with `true`). - Set `L1_PROVER_PRIVATE_KEY` to that of your wallet's private key; it will need some balance on Sepolia to prove blocks (if using MetaMask, follow these directions to [retrieve the private key](https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015289632-How-to-export-an-account-s-private-key)).
+Set the following environment variables to enable your node as a prover:
+ - Set `ENABLE_PROVER` to `true` (replacing the default `false` with `true`).
+ - Set `L1_PROVER_PRIVATE_KEY` to that of your wallet's private key; it will need some balance on Sepolia to prove blocks (if using MetaMask, follow these directions to [retrieve the private key](https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015289632-How-to-export-an-account-s-private-key)).
### Start a node