#whitesource DVPWA was inspired by famous dvwa project and bobby-tables xkcd comics. The purpose of this project is to implement real-world like application in Python with as many vulnerabilities as possible while having a good design and intentions.
This project was used as demonstration of vulnerabilities during my Web vulnerabilities presentation at EVO Summer Python Lab'17.
DVPWA is packaged into docker container. All the dependencies described in
. You can easiliy run it and its dependencies
using a simple command:
docker-compose up
If for some reasons you cannot use docker or docker-compose you can run the application on your host system.
- Python3.6.2
- PostgreSQL database for data storage
- Redis for session storage
# Install application dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Set up postgresql database Further I assume your db user
# is named postgres and database name is sqli
# Create database schema by applying migration 000
psql -U postgres --d sqli --host localhot --port 5432 \
-f migrations/000-init-schema.sql
# Load fixtures into database
psql -U postgres --d sqli --host localhot --port 5432 \
-f migrations/001-fixtures.sql
# Modify config/dev.yaml
cat config/dev.yaml <<EOF
user: postgres
password: postgres
host: localhost
port: 5432
database: sqli
host: localhost
port: 6379
db: 0
port: 8080
# Run application
python run.py