diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fdbb180..eee3214 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -241,6 +241,26 @@ $ docker run -d --name jira \
> Start the Jira and link it to the mysql instance.
+## SQL Server
+Starting with version 7.8.0 of JIRA, Atlassian no longer provides/uses the jTDS JDBC driver and instead bundles the Microsoft JDBC driver. This proves to be a bit of a headache because while the jTDS driver used the
+conventional JDBC URL scheme, Microsoft's driver uses a non-standard JDBC URL scheme that departs wildly from the usual (see [Issue #72](https://github.com/blacklabelops/jira/issues/72) for details). As a result of
+this deviation from the standard, users wishing to connect to a SQL Server database *MUST* encode their host/port/database information in the `JIRA_DATABASE_URL` and cannot leverage the individual
+`JIRA_DB_*` variables. Note that any additional driver properties needed can be appended in much the same was as `databaseName` is handled in the example below.
+docker run \
+ -d \
+ --name jira \
+ --network jiranet \
+ -v jiravolume:/var/atlassian/jira \
+ -e "JIRA_DATABASE_URL=sqlserver://MySQLServerHost:1433;databaseName=MyDatabase" \
+ -e "JIRA_DB_USER=jira-app" \
+ -e "JIRA_DB_PASSWORD=***" \
+ -p 8080:8080 \
+ blacklabelops/jira
# Database Wait Feature
A Jira container can wait for the database container to start up. You have to specify the
diff --git a/imagescripts/common.sh b/imagescripts/common.sh
index ccdf64e..ce20581 100755
--- a/imagescripts/common.sh
+++ b/imagescripts/common.sh
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ extract_database_url() {
local jdbc_url="jdbc:postgresql://$host_port_name"
local hibernate_dialect="org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"
local database_type="postgres72"
+ local validation_query="select version();"
if [ -z "$(read_var $prefix PORT)" ]; then
@@ -76,16 +77,14 @@ extract_database_url() {
local jdbc_url="jdbc:mysql://$host_port_name?autoReconnect=true&characterEncoding=utf8&useUnicode=true&sessionVariables=default_storage_engine%3DInnoDB"
local hibernate_dialect="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect"
local database_type="mysql"
+ local validation_query="select 1"
- if [ -z "$(read_var $prefix PORT)" ]; then
- eval "${prefix}_PORT=1433"
- fi
- local host_port_name="$(read_var $prefix HOST):$(read_var $prefix PORT)/$(read_var $prefix NAME)"
- local jdbc_driver="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"
- local jdbc_url="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://$host_port_name"
+ local jdbc_driver="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
+ local jdbc_url="jdbc:$url"
local hibernate_dialect="org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect"
local database_type="mssql"
+ local validation_query="select 1"
echo "Unsupported database url scheme: $(read_var $prefix SCHEME)"
@@ -97,4 +96,6 @@ extract_database_url() {
eval "${prefix}_JDBC_URL=\"$jdbc_url\""
eval "${prefix}_DIALECT=\"$hibernate_dialect\""
eval "${prefix}_TYPE=\"$database_type\""
+ eval "${prefix}_VALIDATION_QUERY=\"$validation_query\""
diff --git a/imagescripts/launch.sh b/imagescripts/launch.sh
index 3a2c3ab..a019509 100755
--- a/imagescripts/launch.sh
+++ b/imagescripts/launch.sh
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if [ -n "$JIRA_DATABASE_URL" ]; then
- select version();