The Movie App System is a distributed application composed of multiple microservices designed to provide various functionalities related to user management, movie data retrieval integrated with imdb movie api, and wishlist management.
This is a Angular (v17.3.4) and Spring Boot (v3.2.4/3.2.5) project, structured around a microservices architecture. It's designed to integrate with the IMDb API to retrieve details about the top 100 movies. This project serves as a comprehensive practice exercise, covering a broad range of technologies commonly used in developing fully-fledged Spring microservices projects, including API gateway implementation, Spring Cloud integration, and more.
Furthermore, the project includes a CI/CD pipeline managed through GitHub. Continuous Integration (CI) is handled through GitHub Actions, enabling automated testing and validation of code changes as they are pushed to the repository. For Continuous Deployment (CD), Docker is utilized for containerization, ensuring consistent deployment across environments, and a workflow is established for deploying to Amazon EC2 instances.
Prerequisites: Docker is required.
for latest run
docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name my-movie-compose-container tejajagadeep/docker-compose-movie-container
Redirect to assets to find docker compose file
Note: Make sure that the below ports are available for bash command.
Interface | Description | URL |
MOVIE-APP | Web application for the MovieApp project | http://localhost:4201 |
Service | Description | URL |
API-GATEWAY | Gateway for accessing APIs | http://localhost:8765/actuator/info |
AUTHENTICATION-SERVICE | Service for user authentication and authorization | http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui/index.html |
USERPROFILE-SERVICE | Service for managing user profiles | http://localhost:8092/swagger-ui/index.html |
MOVIE-SERVICE | Service for fetching movie-related data | http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui/index.html |
WISHLIST-SERVICE | Service for managing user wishlists | http://localhost:8082/swagger-ui/index.html |
Server | Description | URL |
EUREKA-SERVER | Discovery server for microservices | http://localhost:8761 |
CONFIG-SERVER | Server for managing configuration properties | http://localhost:8888/actuator/health |
Component | Description | URL |
ZOOKEEPER | Distributed coordination service for distributed systems | http://ip-address:2182 |
KAFKA | Distributed streaming platform | http://ip-address:9093 |
MYSQLDB | Relational database management system (RDBMS) | http://ip-address:3307 |
MONGODB | NoSQL database system | http://ip-address:27018 |
UI | Description | URL |
SWAGGER-SERVER | Server hosting Swagger UI for API documentation | http://localhost:8769/swagger-ui/index.html |
ZIPKIN-SERVER | Distributed tracing system for monitoring microservices | http://localhost:9411 |
KAFKA-UI | Kafka UI for kafka server (host:kafka ,port:9093 ) |
http://localhost:9090 |
Note: Consider all service/server names in lowercase for docker-compose host names.
- User Profile Service: This Service is responsible for storing user registration details. The Service publishes the user credentials sent as part of registration to the message bus and stores the remaining user profile information in the database.
- Authentication Service: This Service is responsible for consuming user credential from the message bus and storing it in the database. When a user logs in, this service validates the login credentials against the credentials stored in the database. If the credentials matches, this service generates a JWT token and sends back as response, else an error message is sent.
- Movie Service: This Service is responsible for accessing an external movie API to fetch top 100 movies and returning back as response.
- Wishlist Service: This Service is responsible for storing movies bookmarked by users in the database.
- API Gateway: This Service acts as the entry point of the system. It intercepts all the requests and validates the JWT Token before routing it to the appropriate microservices.
- Eureka Server: This Service acts as a service registry where all the other microservices registers during startup for discoverability.
- Config Server: This Service acts as a centralized location to store the configuration of the other microservices of the system. Certainly! Here's the updated README incorporating the new services and including a brief description for the Angular UI:
- Swagger Server: Provides API documentation for all microservices using Swagger UI.
The Movie App Angular UI is a web interface developed using Angular, providing users with an intuitive platform to interact with the movie application. It offers features such as browsing movies, managing wishlists, and user authentication.
Prerequisites: Java 17 or higher, Maven, MysqlDB, MongoDB are required.
Zipkin-Server: to Setup Zipkin server Quick Start Zipkin or Download jar and run
java -jar .\zipkin-server-3.3.0-exec.jar
Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit pull requests. Thank You.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.