diff --git a/.codecov.yml b/.codecov.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b2bc67814e3..00000000000
--- a/.codecov.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- ci:
- - !appveyor
- - travis
diff --git a/.github/pull_request_template.md b/.github/pull_request_template.md
index ca7367b8753..553fa2be1ff 100644
--- a/.github/pull_request_template.md
+++ b/.github/pull_request_template.md
@@ -33,10 +33,27 @@ Please check [x] relevant options, delete irrelevant ones.
- [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
- [ ] Refactor (non-breaking change that only restructures code)
-- [ ] Tests (You added tests for code that already exists, or your new feature included in this PR)
-- [ ] Documentation Updates
+- [ ] Tests (you added tests for code that already exists, or your new feature included in this PR)
+- [ ] Documentation update
+- [ ] Chore (no impact to binary, e.g. `.gitignore`, formatting, dropping support for older tooling)
- [ ] Release
+### API Impact
+- [ ] Public API: New feature (new methods and/or new fields)
+- [ ] Public API: Breaking change (in general, breaking changes should only impact the next api_version)
+- [ ] `libxrpl` change (any change that may affect `libxrpl` or dependents of `libxrpl`)
+- [ ] Peer protocol change (must be backward compatible or bump the peer protocol version)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 02475adf0ff..00000000000
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# I don't know what the minimum size is, but we cannot build on t3.micro.
-# TODO: Factor common builds between different tests.
-# The parameters for our job matrix:
-# 1. Generator (Make, Ninja, MSBuild)
-# 2. Compiler (GCC, Clang, MSVC)
-# 3. Build type (Debug, Release)
-# 4. Definitions (-Dunity=OFF, -Dassert=ON, ...)
- only:
- variables:
- - $CI_PROJECT_URL =~ /^https?:\/\/gitlab.com\//
- stage: build
- tags:
- - linux
- - c5.2xlarge
- image: thejohnfreeman/rippled-build-ubuntu:4b73694e07f0
- script:
- - bin/ci/build.sh
- - bin/ci/test.sh
- cache:
- # Use a different key for each unique combination of (generator, compiler,
- # build type). Caches are stored as `.zip` files; they are not merged.
- # Generate a new key whenever you want to bust the cache, e.g. when the
- # dependency versions have been bumped.
- # By default, jobs pull the cache. Only a few specially chosen jobs update
- # the cache (with policy `pull-push`); one for each unique combination of
- # (generator, compiler, build type).
- policy: pull
- paths:
- - .nih_c/
-'build+test Make GCC Debug':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- GENERATOR: Unix Makefiles
- cache:
- key: 62ada41c-fc9e-4949-9533-736d4d6512b6
- policy: pull-push
-'build+test Ninja GCC Debug':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- cache:
- key: 1665d3eb-6233-4eef-9f57-172636899faa
- policy: pull-push
-'build+test Ninja GCC Debug -Dstatic=OFF':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- CMAKE_ARGS: '-Dstatic=OFF'
- cache:
- key: 1665d3eb-6233-4eef-9f57-172636899faa
-'build+test Ninja GCC Debug -Dstatic=OFF -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- cache:
- key: 1665d3eb-6233-4eef-9f57-172636899faa
-'build+test Ninja GCC Debug -Dunity=OFF':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- CMAKE_ARGS: '-Dunity=OFF'
- cache:
- key: 1665d3eb-6233-4eef-9f57-172636899faa
-'build+test Ninja GCC Release -Dassert=ON':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- BUILD_TYPE: Release
- CMAKE_ARGS: '-Dassert=ON'
- cache:
- key: c45ec125-9625-4c19-acf7-4e889d5f90bd
- policy: pull-push
-'build+test(manual) Ninja GCC Release -Dassert=ON':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- BUILD_TYPE: Release
- CMAKE_ARGS: '-Dassert=ON'
- MANUAL_TEST: 'true'
- cache:
- key: c45ec125-9625-4c19-acf7-4e889d5f90bd
-'build+test Make clang Debug':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- GENERATOR: Unix Makefiles
- COMPILER: clang
- cache:
- key: bf578dc2-5277-4580-8de5-6b9523118b19
- policy: pull-push
-'build+test Ninja clang Debug':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- COMPILER: clang
- cache:
- key: 762514c5-3d4c-4c7c-8da2-2df9d8839cbe
- policy: pull-push
-'build+test Ninja clang Debug -Dunity=OFF':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- COMPILER: clang
- CMAKE_ARGS: '-Dunity=OFF'
- cache:
- key: 762514c5-3d4c-4c7c-8da2-2df9d8839cbe
-'build+test Ninja clang Debug -Dunity=OFF -Dsan=address':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- COMPILER: clang
- CMAKE_ARGS: '-Dunity=OFF -Dsan=address'
- cache:
- key: 762514c5-3d4c-4c7c-8da2-2df9d8839cbe
-'build+test Ninja clang Debug -Dunity=OFF -Dsan=undefined':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- COMPILER: clang
- CMAKE_ARGS: '-Dunity=OFF -Dsan=undefined'
- cache:
- key: 762514c5-3d4c-4c7c-8da2-2df9d8839cbe
-'build+test Ninja clang Release -Dassert=ON':
- extends: .job_linux_build_test
- variables:
- COMPILER: clang
- BUILD_TYPE: Release
- CMAKE_ARGS: '-Dassert=ON'
- cache:
- key: 7751be37-2358-4f08-b1d0-7e72e0ad266d
- policy: pull-push
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..04893e956f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# .pre-commit-config.yaml
+- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-clang-format
+ rev: v10.0.1
+ hooks:
+ - id: clang-format
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d8cbf43448a..00000000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-# There is a known issue where Travis will have trouble fetching the cache,
-# particularly on non-linux builds. Try restarting the individual build
-# (probably will not be necessary in the "windep" stages) if the end of the
-# log looks like:
-# attempting to download cache archive
-# fetching travisorder/cache--windows-1809-containers-f2bf1c76c7fb4095c897a4999bd7c9b3fb830414dfe91f33d665443b52416d39--compiler-gpp.tgz
-# found cache
-# adding C:/Users/travis/_cache to cache
-# creating directory C:/Users/travis/_cache
-# No output has been received in the last 10m0s, this potentially indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself.
-# Check the details on how to adjust your build configuration on: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/common-build-problems/#build-times-out-because-no-output-was-received
-# The build has been terminated
-language: cpp
-dist: bionic
- - docker
- - windep-vcpkg
- - windep-boost
- - build
- global:
- - DOCKER_IMAGE="rippleci/rippled-ci-builder:2020-01-08"
- - CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS="-Dwerr=ON -Dwextra=ON"
- - NINJA_BUILD=true
- # change this if we get more VM capacity
- # this is NOT used by linux container based builds (which already have boost installed)
- - BOOST_URL='https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/1.75.0/source/boost_1_75_0.tar.gz'
- # Alternate dowload location
- - BOOST_URL2='https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.75.0/boost_1_75_0.tar.bz2?r=&ts=1594393912&use_mirror=newcontinuum'
- # Travis downloader doesn't seem to have updated certs. Using this option
- # introduces obvious security risks, but they're Travis's risks.
- # Note that this option is only used if the "normal" build fails.
- - BOOST_WGET_OPTIONS='--no-check-certificate'
- - VCPKG_DIR=${CACHE_DIR}/vcpkg
- - USE_CCACHE=true
- - CCACHE_DIR=${CACHE_DIR}/ccache
- - export NUM_PROCESSORS=$(nproc)
- - echo "NUM PROC is ${NUM_PROCESSORS}"
- - if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ] ; then docker pull ${DOCKER_IMAGE}; fi
- - if [ "${MATRIX_EVAL}" != "" ] ; then eval "${MATRIX_EVAL}"; fi
- - if [ "${CMAKE_ADD}" != "" ] ; then export CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS="${CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS} ${CMAKE_ADD}"; fi
- - bin/ci/ubuntu/travis-cache-start.sh
- fast_finish: true
- allow_failures:
- # TODO these need more investigation
- #
- # there are a number of UBs caught currently that need triage
- - name: ubsan, clang-8
- # this one often runs out of memory:
- - name: manual tests, gcc-8, release
- # The Windows build may fail if any of the dependencies fail, but
- # allow the rest of the builds to continue. They may succeed if the
- # dependency is already cached. These do not need to be retried if
- # _any_ of the Windows builds succeed.
- - stage: windep-vcpkg
- - stage: windep-boost
- # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-config-yaml#usage-of-yaml-anchors-and-aliases
- include:
- # debug builds
- - &linux
- stage: build
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: gcc-8, debug
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- script:
- - sudo chmod -R a+rw ${CACHE_DIR}
- - ccache -s
- - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} bin/ci/ubuntu/build-in-docker.sh
- - ccache -s
- - <<: *linux
- compiler: clang-8
- name: clang-8, debug
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-8 && CXX=clang++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - <<: *linux
- compiler: clang-8
- name: reporting, clang-8, debug
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-8 && CXX=clang++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dreporting=ON"
- # coverage builds
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_cov/
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: coverage, gcc-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dcoverage=ON"
- - TARGET=coverage_report
- - SKIP_TESTS=true
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_cov/
- compiler: clang-8
- name: coverage, clang-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-8 && CXX=clang++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dcoverage=ON"
- - TARGET=coverage_report
- - SKIP_TESTS=true
- # test-free builds
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: no-tests-unity, gcc-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dtests=OFF"
- - SKIP_TESTS=true
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/
- compiler: clang-8
- name: no-tests-non-unity, clang-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-8 && CXX=clang++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dtests=OFF -Dunity=OFF"
- - SKIP_TESTS=true
- # nounity
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_nounity/
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: non-unity, gcc-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dunity=OFF"
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_nounity/
- compiler: clang-8
- name: non-unity, clang-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-8 && CXX=clang++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dunity=OFF"
- # manual tests
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_man/
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: manual tests, gcc-8, debug
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- # manual tests
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_man/
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: manual tests, gcc-8, release
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Release
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dassert=ON -Dunity=OFF"
- # release builds
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_release/
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: gcc-8, release
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Release
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dassert=ON -Dunity=OFF"
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_release/
- compiler: clang-8
- name: clang-8, release
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-8 && CXX=clang++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Release
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dassert=ON"
- # asan
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_san/
- compiler: clang-8
- name: asan, clang-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-8 && CXX=clang++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Release
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dsan=address"
- - ASAN_OPTIONS="print_stats=true:atexit=true"
- #- LSAN_OPTIONS="verbosity=1:log_threads=1"
- # ubsan
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_san/
- compiler: clang-8
- name: ubsan, clang-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-8 && CXX=clang++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Release
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dsan=undefined"
- # once we can run clean under ubsan, add halt_on_error=1 to options below
- - UBSAN_OPTIONS="print_stacktrace=1:report_error_type=1"
- # tsan
- # current tsan failure *might* be related to:
- # https://github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/1104
- # but we can't get it to run, so leave it disabled for now
- # - <<: *linux
- # if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_linux/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_san/
- # compiler: clang-8
- # name: tsan, clang-8
- # env:
- # - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-8 && CXX=clang++-8"
- # - BUILD_TYPE=Release
- # - CMAKE_ADD="-Dsan=thread"
- # - TSAN_OPTIONS="history_size=3 external_symbolizer_path=/usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer verbosity=1"
- # - PARALLEL_TESTS=false
- # dynamic lib builds
- - <<: *linux
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: non-static, gcc-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dstatic=OFF"
- - <<: *linux
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: non-static + BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, gcc-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- # makefile
- - <<: *linux
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: makefile generator, gcc-8
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - NINJA_BUILD=false
- # misc alternative compilers
- - <<: *linux
- compiler: gcc-9
- name: gcc-9
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-9 && CXX=g++-9"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - <<: *linux
- compiler: clang-9
- name: clang-9, debug
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-9 && CXX=clang++-9"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - <<: *linux
- compiler: clang-9
- name: clang-9, release
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang-9 && CXX=clang++-9"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Release
- # verify build with min version of cmake
- - <<: *linux
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: min cmake version
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - CMAKE_EXE=/opt/local/cmake/bin/cmake
- - SKIP_TESTS=true
- # validator keys project as subproj of rippled
- - <<: *linux
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_vkeys/
- compiler: gcc-8
- name: validator-keys
- env:
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
- - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- - CMAKE_ADD="-Dvalidator_keys=ON"
- - TARGET=validator-keys
- # macos
- - &macos
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_mac/
- stage: build
- os: osx
- osx_image: xcode13.1
- name: xcode13.1, debug
- env:
- # put NIH in non-cache location since it seems to
- # cause failures when homebrew updates
- - BLD_CONFIG=Debug
- - BOOST_ROOT=${CACHE_DIR}/boost_1_75_0
- - >-
- addons:
- homebrew:
- packages:
- - protobuf
- - grpc
- - pkg-config
- - bash
- - ninja
- - cmake
- - wget
- - zstd
- - libarchive
- - openssl@1.1
- update: true
- install:
- - export OPENSSL_ROOT=$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)
- - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} Builds/containers/shared/install_boost.sh
- - brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies boost
- script:
- - mkdir -p build.macos && cd build.macos
- - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} cmake --build . --parallel --verbose
- - ./rippled --unittest --quiet --unittest-log --unittest-jobs ${NUM_PROCESSORS} ${TEST_EXTRA_ARGS}
- - <<: *macos
- name: xcode13.1, release
- before_script:
- - export BLD_CONFIG=Release
- - <<: *macos
- name: ipv6 (macos)
- before_script:
- - export TEST_EXTRA_ARGS="--unittest-ipv6"
- - <<: *macos
- osx_image: xcode13.1
- name: xcode13.1, debug
- # windows
- - &windows
- if: commit_message !~ /travis_run_/ OR commit_message =~ /travis_run_win/
- os: windows
- env:
- # put NIH in a non-cached location until
- # we come up with a way to stabilize that
- # cache on windows (minimize incremental changes)
- - CACHE_NAME=win_01
- - VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET="x64-windows-static"
- - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=cl.exe && CXX=cl.exe"
- - BOOST_ROOT=${CACHE_DIR}/boost_1_75
- - >-
- -DBoost_DIR=${BOOST_ROOT}/_INSTALLED_/lib/cmake/Boost-1.75.0
- -DBoost_COMPILER=vc141
- -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${VCPKG_DIR}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
- -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows-static"
- stage: windep-vcpkg
- name: prereq-vcpkg
- install:
- - choco upgrade cmake.install
- - choco install ninja visualstudio2017-workload-vctools -y
- script:
- - df -h
- - env
- - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} bin/sh/install-vcpkg.sh openssl
- - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} bin/sh/install-vcpkg.sh grpc
- - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} bin/sh/install-vcpkg.sh libarchive[lz4]
- # TBD consider rocksdb via vcpkg if/when we can build with the
- # vcpkg version
- # - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} bin/sh/install-vcpkg.sh rocksdb[snappy,lz4,zlib]
- - <<: *windows
- stage: windep-boost
- name: prereq-keep-boost
- install:
- - choco upgrade cmake.install
- - choco install ninja visualstudio2017-workload-vctools -y
- - choco install visualstudio2019buildtools visualstudio2019community visualstudio2019-workload-vctools -y
- script:
- - export BOOST_TOOLSET=msvc-14.1
- - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} Builds/containers/shared/install_boost.sh
- - &windows-bld
- <<: *windows
- stage: build
- name: windows, debug
- before_script:
- - export BLD_CONFIG=Debug
- script:
- - df -h
- - . ./bin/sh/setup-msvc.sh
- - mkdir -p build.ms && cd build.ms
- - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} cmake --build . --parallel --verbose
- # override num procs to force fewer unit test jobs
- - export NUM_PROCESSORS=2
- - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} ./rippled.exe --unittest --quiet --unittest-log --unittest-jobs ${NUM_PROCESSORS}
- - <<: *windows-bld
- name: windows, release
- before_script:
- - export BLD_CONFIG=Release
- - <<: *windows-bld
- name: windows, visual studio, debug
- script:
- - mkdir -p build.ms && cd build.ms
- - cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ${CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS} ..
- - export DESTDIR=${PWD}/_installed_
- - travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} cmake --build . --parallel --verbose --config ${BLD_CONFIG} --target install
- # override num procs to force fewer unit test jobs
- - export NUM_PROCESSORS=2
- - >-
- travis_wait ${MAX_TIME_MIN} "./_installed_/Program Files/rippled/bin/rippled.exe" --unittest --quiet --unittest-log --unittest-jobs ${NUM_PROCESSORS}
- - <<: *windows-bld
- name: windows, vc2019
- install:
- - choco upgrade cmake.install
- - choco install ninja -y
- - choco install visualstudio2019buildtools visualstudio2019community visualstudio2019-workload-vctools -y
- before_script:
- - export BLD_CONFIG=Release
- # we want to use the boost build from cache, which was built using the
- # vs2017 compiler so we need to specify the Boost_COMPILER. BUT, we
- # can't use the cmake config files generated by boost b/c they are
- # broken for Boost_COMPILER override, so we need to specify both
- # Boost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE and a slightly different Boost_COMPILER string
- # to make the legacy find module work for us. If the cmake configs are
- # fixed in the future, it should be possible to remove these
- # workarounds.
- - if [ $(uname) = "Linux" ] ; then SUDO="sudo"; else SUDO=""; fi
- - cd ${TRAVIS_HOME}
- - if [ -f cache_ignore.tar ] ; then $SUDO tar xvf cache_ignore.tar; fi
- timeout: 900
- directories:
- email: false
diff --git a/Builds/Test.py b/Builds/Test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 29cf8ea8a22..00000000000
--- a/Builds/Test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# This file is part of rippled: https://github.com/ripple/rippled
-# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017 Ripple Labs Inc.
-# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
-# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
-# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- ./Builds/Test.py - builds and tests all configurations
-The build must succeed without shell aliases for this to work.
-To pass flags to cmake, put them at the very end of the command line, after
-the -- flag - like this:
- ./Builds/Test.py -- -j4 # Pass -j4 to cmake --build
-Common problems:
-1) Boost not found. Solution: export BOOST_ROOT=[path to boost folder]
-2) OpenSSL not found. Solution: export OPENSSL_ROOT=[path to OpenSSL folder]
-3) cmake is not found. Solution: Be sure cmake directory is on your $PATH
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
-import argparse
-import itertools
-import os
-import platform
-import re
-import shutil
-import sys
-import subprocess
-def powerset(iterable):
- """powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"""
- s = list(iterable)
- return itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s) + 1))
-IS_WINDOWS = platform.system().lower() == 'windows'
-IS_OS_X = platform.system().lower() == 'darwin'
-# CMake
- CMAKE_UNITY_CONFIGS = ['Debug', 'Release']
- CMAKE_NONUNITY_CONFIGS = ['Debug', 'Release']
- '.nounity' : [['rippled'], CMAKE_NONUNITY_CONFIGS] }
- CMAKE_DIR_TARGETS = { ('msvc' + unity,) : targets for unity, targets in
-elif IS_OS_X:
- CMAKE_DIR_TARGETS = { (build + unity,) : targets
- for build in ['debug', 'release']
- for unity, targets in CMAKE_UNITY_COMBOS.items() }
- CMAKE_DIR_TARGETS = { (cc + "." + build + unity,) : targets
- for cc in ['gcc', 'clang']
- for build in ['debug', 'release', 'coverage', 'profile']
- for unity, targets in CMAKE_UNITY_COMBOS.items() }
-# list of tuples of all possible options
- CMAKE_ALL_GENERATE_OPTIONS = [tuple(x) for x in powerset(['-GNinja', '-Dassert=true'])]
- [tuple(x) for x in powerset(['-GNinja', '-Dstatic=true', '-Dassert=true', '-Dsan=address'])] +
- [tuple(x) for x in powerset(['-GNinja', '-Dstatic=true', '-Dassert=true', '-Dsan=thread'])]))
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='Test.py - run ripple tests'
- '--all', '-a',
- action='store_true',
- help='Build all configurations.',
- '--keep_going', '-k',
- action='store_true',
- help='Keep going after one configuration has failed.',
- '--silent', '-s',
- action='store_true',
- help='Silence all messages except errors',
- '--verbose', '-v',
- action='store_true',
- help=('Report more information about which commands are executed and the '
- 'results.'),
- '--test', '-t',
- default='',
- help='Add a prefix for unit tests',
- '--testjobs',
- default='0',
- type=int,
- help='Run tests in parallel'
- '--ipv6',
- action='store_true',
- help='Use IPv6 localhost when running unit tests.',
- '--clean', '-c',
- action='store_true',
- help='delete all build artifacts after testing',
- '--quiet', '-q',
- action='store_true',
- help='Reduce output where possible (unit tests)',
- '--dir', '-d',
- default=(),
- nargs='*',
- help='Specify one or more CMake dir names. '
- 'Will also be used as -Dtarget=
running cmake.'
- '--target',
- default=(),
- nargs='*',
- help='Specify one or more CMake build targets. '
- 'Will be used as --target running cmake --build.'
- )
- '--config',
- default=(),
- nargs='*',
- help='Specify one or more CMake build configs. '
- 'Will be used as --config running cmake --build.'
- )
- '--generator_option',
- action='append',
- help='Specify a CMake generator option. Repeat for multiple options. '
- 'Will be passed to the cmake generator. '
- 'Due to limits of the argument parser, arguments starting with \'-\' '
- 'must be attached to this option. e.g. --generator_option=-GNinja.')
- '--build_option',
- action='append',
- help='Specify a build option. Repeat for multiple options. '
- 'Will be passed to the build tool via cmake --build. '
- 'Due to limits of the argument parser, arguments starting with \'-\' '
- 'must be attached to this option. e.g. --build_option=-j8.')
- 'extra_args',
- default=(),
- nargs='*',
- help='Extra arguments are passed through to the tools'
-ARGS = parser.parse_args()
-def decodeString(line):
- # Python 2 vs. Python 3
- if isinstance(line, str):
- return line
- else:
- return line.decode()
-def shell(cmd, args=(), silent=False, cust_env=None):
- """"Execute a shell command and return the output."""
- silent = ARGS.silent or silent
- verbose = not silent and ARGS.verbose
- if verbose:
- print('$' + cmd, *args)
- command = (cmd,) + args
- # shell is needed in Windows to find executable in the path
- process = subprocess.Popen(
- command,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
- env=cust_env,
- shell=IS_WINDOWS)
- lines = []
- count = 0
- # readline returns '' at EOF
- for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ''):
- if process.poll() is None:
- decoded = decodeString(line)
- lines.append(decoded)
- if verbose:
- print(decoded, end='')
- elif not silent:
- count += 1
- if count >= 80:
- print()
- count = 0
- else:
- print('.', end='')
- else:
- break
- if not verbose and count:
- print()
- process.wait()
- return process.returncode, lines
-def get_cmake_dir(cmake_dir):
- return os.path.join('build' , 'cmake' , cmake_dir)
-def run_cmake(directory, cmake_dir, args):
- print('Generating build in', directory, 'with', *args or ('default options',))
- old_dir = os.getcwd()
- if not os.path.exists(directory):
- os.makedirs(directory)
- os.chdir(directory)
- if IS_WINDOWS and not any(arg.startswith("-G") for arg in args) and not os.path.exists("CMakeCache.txt"):
- if '--ninja' in args:
- args += ( '-GNinja', )
- else:
- args += ( '-GVisual Studio 14 2015 Win64', )
- # hack to extract cmake options/args from the legacy target format
- if re.search('\.unity', cmake_dir):
- args += ( '-Dunity=ON', )
- if re.search('\.nounity', cmake_dir):
- args += ( '-Dunity=OFF', )
- if re.search('coverage', cmake_dir):
- args += ( '-Dcoverage=ON', )
- if re.search('profile', cmake_dir):
- args += ( '-Dprofile=ON', )
- if re.search('debug', cmake_dir):
- args += ( '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug', )
- if re.search('release', cmake_dir):
- args += ( '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release', )
- m = re.search('gcc(-[^.]*)', cmake_dir)
- if m:
- args += ( '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=' + m.group(0),
- '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++' + m.group(1), )
- elif re.search('gcc', cmake_dir):
- args += ( '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc', '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++', )
- m = re.search('clang(-[^.]*)', cmake_dir)
- if m:
- args += ( '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=' + m.group(0),
- '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++' + m.group(1), )
- elif re.search('clang', cmake_dir):
- args += ( '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang', '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++', )
- args += ( os.path.join('..', '..', '..'), )
- resultcode, lines = shell('cmake', args)
- if resultcode:
- print('Generating FAILED:')
- if not ARGS.verbose:
- print(*lines, sep='')
- sys.exit(1)
- os.chdir(old_dir)
-def run_cmake_build(directory, target, config, args):
- print('Building', target, config, 'in', directory, 'with', *args or ('default options',))
- build_args=('--build', directory)
- if target:
- build_args += ('--target', target)
- if config:
- build_args += ('--config', config)
- if args:
- build_args += ('--',)
- build_args += tuple(args)
- resultcode, lines = shell('cmake', build_args)
- if resultcode:
- print('Build FAILED:')
- if not ARGS.verbose:
- print(*lines, sep='')
- sys.exit(1)
-def run_cmake_tests(directory, target, config):
- failed = []
- target += '.exe'
- executable = os.path.join(directory, config if config else 'Debug', target)
- if(not os.path.exists(executable)):
- executable = os.path.join(directory, target)
- print('Unit tests for', executable)
- testflag = '--unittest'
- quiet = ''
- testjobs = ''
- ipv6 = ''
- if ARGS.test:
- testflag += ('=' + ARGS.test)
- if ARGS.quiet:
- quiet = '-q'
- if ARGS.ipv6:
- ipv6 = '--unittest-ipv6'
- if ARGS.testjobs:
- testjobs = ('--unittest-jobs=' + str(ARGS.testjobs))
- resultcode, lines = shell(executable, (testflag, quiet, testjobs, ipv6))
- if resultcode:
- if not ARGS.verbose:
- print('ERROR:', *lines, sep='')
- failed.append([target, 'unittest'])
- return failed
-def main():
- all_failed = []
- if ARGS.all:
- build_dir_targets = CMAKE_DIR_TARGETS
- generator_options = CMAKE_ALL_GENERATE_OPTIONS
- else:
- build_dir_targets = { tuple(ARGS.dir) : [ARGS.target, ARGS.config] }
- if ARGS.generator_option:
- generator_options = [tuple(ARGS.generator_option)]
- else:
- generator_options = [tuple()]
- if not build_dir_targets:
- # Let CMake choose the build tool.
- build_dir_targets = { () : [] }
- if ARGS.build_option:
- ARGS.build_option = ARGS.build_option + list(ARGS.extra_args)
- else:
- ARGS.build_option = list(ARGS.extra_args)
- for args in generator_options:
- for build_dirs, (build_targets, build_configs) in build_dir_targets.items():
- if not build_dirs:
- build_dirs = ('default',)
- if not build_targets:
- build_targets = ('rippled',)
- if not build_configs:
- build_configs = ('',)
- for cmake_dir in build_dirs:
- cmake_full_dir = get_cmake_dir(cmake_dir)
- run_cmake(cmake_full_dir, cmake_dir, args)
- for target in build_targets:
- for config in build_configs:
- run_cmake_build(cmake_full_dir, target, config, ARGS.build_option)
- failed = run_cmake_tests(cmake_full_dir, target, config)
- if failed:
- print('FAILED:', *(':'.join(f) for f in failed))
- if not ARGS.keep_going:
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- all_failed.extend([decodeString(cmake_dir +
- "." + target + "." + config), ':'.join(f)]
- for f in failed)
- else:
- print('Success')
- if ARGS.clean:
- shutil.rmtree(cmake_full_dir)
- if all_failed:
- if len(all_failed) > 1:
- print()
- print('FAILED:', *(':'.join(f) for f in all_failed))
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- sys.exit(0)
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[Build instructions are currently located in `BUILD.md`](../../BUILD.md)
diff --git a/Builds/VisualStudio2019/CMakeSettings-example.json b/Builds/VisualStudio2019/CMakeSettings-example.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b90bfce6bb1..00000000000
--- a/Builds/VisualStudio2019/CMakeSettings-example.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- // See https://go.microsoft.com//fwlink//?linkid=834763 for more information about this file.
- "configurations": [
- {
- "name": "x64-Debug",
- "generator": "Visual Studio 16 2019",
- "configurationType": "Debug",
- "inheritEnvironments": [ "msvc_x64_x64" ],
- "buildRoot": "${thisFileDir}\\build\\${name}",
- "cmakeCommandArgs": "",
- "buildCommandArgs": "-v:minimal",
- "ctestCommandArgs": "",
- "variables": [
- {
- "name": "BOOST_ROOT",
- "value": "C:\\lib\\boost"
- },
- {
- "name": "OPENSSL_ROOT",
- "value": "C:\\lib\\OpenSSL-Win64"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "x64-Release",
- "generator": "Visual Studio 16 2019",
- "configurationType": "Release",
- "inheritEnvironments": [ "msvc_x64_x64" ],
- "buildRoot": "${thisFileDir}\\build\\${name}",
- "cmakeCommandArgs": "",
- "buildCommandArgs": "-v:minimal",
- "ctestCommandArgs": "",
- "variables": [
- {
- "name": "BOOST_ROOT",
- "value": "C:\\lib\\boost"
- },
- {
- "name": "OPENSSL_ROOT",
- "value": "C:\\lib\\OpenSSL-Win64"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
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-# Visual Studio 2019 Build Instructions
-## Important
-We do not recommend Windows for rippled production use at this time. Currently,
-the Ubuntu platform has received the highest level of quality assurance,
-testing, and support. Additionally, 32-bit Windows versions are not supported.
-## Prerequisites
-To clone the source code repository, create branches for inspection or
-modification, build rippled under Visual Studio, and run the unit tests you will
-need these software components
-| Component | Minimum Recommended Version |
-| [Visual Studio 2019](README.md#install-visual-studio-2019)| 15.5.4 |
-| [Git for Windows](README.md#install-git-for-windows)| 2.16.1 |
-| [OpenSSL Library](README.md#install-openssl) | 1.1.1L |
-| [Boost library](README.md#build-boost) | 1.70.0 |
-| [CMake for Windows](README.md#optional-install-cmake-for-windows)* | 3.12 |
-\* Only needed if not using the integrated CMake in VS 2019 and prefer generating dedicated project/solution files.
-## Install Software
-### Install Visual Studio 2019
-If not already installed on your system, download your choice of installer from
-the [Visual Studio 2019
-page, run the installer, and follow the directions. **You may need to choose the
-`Desktop development with C++` workload to install all necessary C++ features.**
-Any version of Visual Studio 2019 may be used to build rippled. The **Visual
-Studio 2019 Community** edition is available free of charge (see [the product
-page](https://www.visualstudio.com/products/visual-studio-community-vs) for
-licensing details), while paid editions may be used for an initial free-trial
-### Install Git for Windows
-Git is a distributed revision control system. The Windows version also provides
-the bash shell and many Windows versions of Unix commands. While there are other
-varieties of Git (such as TortoiseGit, which has a native Windows interface and
-integrates with the Explorer shell), we recommend installing [Git for
-Windows](https://git-scm.com/) since it provides a Unix-like command line
-environment useful for running shell scripts. Use of the bash shell under
-Windows is mandatory for running the unit tests.
-### Install OpenSSL
-[Download the latest version of
-OpenSSL.](http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html) There will
-several `Win64` bit variants available, you want the non-light
-`v1.1` line. As of this writing, you **should** select
-* Win64 OpenSSL v1.1.1q
-and should **not** select
-* Anything with "Win32" in the name
-* Anything with "light" in the name
-* Anything with "EXPERIMENTAL" in the name
-* Anything in the 3.0 line - rippled won't currently build with this version.
-Run the installer, and choose an appropriate location for your OpenSSL
-installation. In this guide we use `C:\lib\OpenSSL-Win64` as the destination
-You may be informed on running the installer that "Visual C++ 2008
-Redistributables" must first be installed first. If so, download it from the
-[same page](http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html), again making sure
-to get the correct 32-/64-bit variant.
-* NOTE: Since rippled links statically to OpenSSL, it does not matter where the
- OpenSSL .DLL files are placed, or what version they are. rippled does not use
- or require any external .DLL files to run other than the standard operating
- system ones.
-### Build Boost
-Boost 1.70 or later is required.
-[Download boost](http://www.boost.org/users/download/) and unpack it
-to `c:\lib`. As of this writing, the most recent version of boost is 1.80.0,
-which will unpack into a directory named `boost_1_80_0`. We recommended either
-renaming this directory to `boost`, or creating a junction link `mklink /J boost
-boost_1_80_0`, so that you can more easily switch between versions.
-Next, open **Developer Command Prompt** and type the following commands
-cd C:\lib\boost
-The rippled application is linked statically to the standard runtimes and
-external dependencies on Windows, to ensure that the behavior of the executable
-is not affected by changes in outside files. Therefore, it is necessary to build
-the required boost static libraries using this command:
-b2 -j --toolset=msvc-14.2 address-model=64 architecture=x86 link=static threading=multi runtime-link=shared,static stage
-where you should replace `` with the number of parallel
-invocations to use build, e.g. `bjam -j8 ...` would use up to 8 concurrent build
-shell commands for the build.
-Building the boost libraries may take considerable time. When the build process
-is completed, take note of both the reported compiler include paths and linker
-library paths as they will be required later.
-### (Optional) Install CMake for Windows
-[CMake](http://cmake.org) is a cross platform build system generator. Visual
-Studio 2019 includes an integrated version of CMake that avoids having to
-manually run CMake, but it is undergoing continuous improvement. Users that
-prefer to use standard Visual Studio project and solution files need to install
-a dedicated version of CMake to generate them. The latest version can be found
-at the [CMake download site](https://cmake.org/download/). It is recommended you
-select the install option to add CMake to your path.
-## Clone the rippled repository
-If you are familiar with cloning github repositories, just follow your normal
-process and clone `git@github.com:ripple/rippled.git`. Otherwise follow this
-section for instructions.
-1. If you don't have a github account, sign up for one at
- [github.com](https://github.com/).
-2. Make sure you have Github ssh keys. For help see
- [generating-ssh-keys](https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys).
-Open the "Git Bash" shell that was installed with "Git for Windows" in the step
-above. Navigate to the directory where you want to clone rippled (git bash uses
-`/c` for windows's `C:` and forward slash where windows uses backslash, so
-`C:\Users\joe\projs` would be `/c/Users/joe/projs` in git bash). Now clone the
-repository and optionally switch to the *master* branch. Type the following at
-the bash prompt:
-git clone git@github.com:XRPLF/rippled.git
-cd rippled
-If you receive an error about not having the "correct access rights" make sure
-you have Github ssh keys, as described above.
-For a stable release, choose the `master` branch or one of the tagged releases
-listed on [rippled's GitHub page](https://github.com/ripple/rippled/releases).
-git checkout master
-To test the latest release candidate, choose the `release` branch.
-git checkout release
-If you are doing development work and want the latest set of beta features,
-you can consider using the `develop` branch instead.
-git checkout develop
-# Build using Visual Studio integrated CMake
-In Visual Studio 2017, Microsoft added [integrated IDE support for
-To begin, simply:
-1. Launch Visual Studio and choose **File | Open | Folder**, navigating to the
- cloned rippled folder.
-2. Right-click on `CMakeLists.txt` in the **Solution Explorer - Folder View** to
- generate a `CMakeSettings.json` file. A sample settings file is provided
- [here](/Builds/VisualStudio2019/CMakeSettings-example.json). Customize the
- settings for `BOOST_ROOT`, `OPENSSL_ROOT` to match the install paths if they
- differ from those in the file.
-4. Select either the `x64-Release` or `x64-Debug` configuration from the
- **Project Settings** drop-down. This should invoke the built-in CMake project
- generator. If not, you can right-click on the `CMakeLists.txt` file and
- choose **Configure rippled**.
-5. Select the `rippled.exe`
- option in the **Select Startup Item** drop-down. This will be the target
- built when you press F7. Alternatively, you can choose a target to build from
- the top-level **CMake | Build** menu. Note that at this time, there are other
- targets listed that come from third party visual studio files embedded in the
- rippled repo, e.g. `datagen.vcxproj`. Please ignore them.
-For details on configuring debugging sessions or further customization of CMake,
-please refer to the [CMake tools for VS
-If using the provided `CMakeSettings.json` file, the executable will be in
-These paths are relative to your cloned git repository.
-# Build using stand-alone CMake
-This requires having installed [CMake for
-Windows](README.md#optional-install-cmake-for-windows). We do not recommend
-mixing this method with the integrated CMake method for the same repository
-clone. Assuming you included the cmake executable folder in your path,
-execute the following commands within your `rippled` cloned repository:
-mkdir build\cmake
-cd build\cmake
-cmake ..\.. -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -Ax64 -DBOOST_ROOT="C:\lib\boost" -DOPENSSL_ROOT="C:\lib\OpenSSL-Win64" -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET=host=x64
-Now launch Visual Studio 2019 and select **File | Open | Project/Solution**.
-Navigate to the `build\cmake` folder created above and select the `rippled.sln`
-file. You can then choose whether to build the `Debug` or `Release` solution
-The executable will be in
-These paths are relative to your cloned git repository.
-# Unity/No-Unity Builds
-The rippled build system defaults to using
-[unity source files](http://onqtam.com/programming/2018-07-07-unity-builds/)
-to improve build times. In some cases it might be desirable to disable the
-unity build and compile individual translation units. Here is how you can
-switch to a "no-unity" build configuration:
-## Visual Studio Integrated CMake
-Edit your `CmakeSettings.json` (described above) by adding `-Dunity=OFF`
-to the `cmakeCommandArgs` entry for each build configuration.
-## Standalone CMake Builds
-When running cmake to generate the Visual Studio project files, add
-`-Dunity=OFF` to the command line options passed to cmake.
-**Note:** you will need to re-run the cmake configuration step anytime you
-want to switch between unity/no-unity builds.
-# Unit Test (Recommended)
-`rippled` builds a set of unit tests into the server executable. To run these
-unit tests after building, pass the `--unittest` option to the compiled
-`rippled` executable. The executable will exit with summary info after running
-the unit tests.
diff --git a/Builds/build_all.sh b/Builds/build_all.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 3a08e3b5a5d..00000000000
--- a/Builds/build_all.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-num_procs=$(lscpu -p | grep -v '^#' | sort -u -t, -k 2,4 | wc -l) # number of physical cores
-path=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)
-cd $(dirname $path)
-${path}/Test.py -a -c --testjobs=${num_procs} -- -j${num_procs}
diff --git a/Builds/containers/README.md b/Builds/containers/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d96eb7719b..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/README.md
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@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# rippled Packaging and Containers
-This folder contains docker container definitions and configuration
-files to support building rpm and deb packages of rippled. The container
-definitions include some additional software/packages that are used
-for general build/test CI workflows of rippled but are not explicitly
-needed for the package building workflow.
-## CMake Targets
-If you have docker installed on your local system, then the main
-CMake file will enable several targets related to building packages:
-`rpm_container`, `rpm`, `dpkg_container`, and `dpkg`. The package targets
-depend on the container targets and will trigger a build of those first.
-The container builds can take several dozen minutes to complete (depending
-on hardware specs), so quick build cycles are not possible currently. As
-such, these targets are often best suited to CI/automated build systems.
-The package build can be invoked like any other cmake target from the
-rippled root folder:
-mkdir -p build/pkg && cd build/pkg
-cmake -Dpackages_only=ON ../..
-cmake --build . --target rpm
-Upon successful completion, the generated package files will be in
-the `build/pkg/packages` directory. For deb packages, simply replace
-`rpm` with `dpkg` in the build command above.
diff --git a/Builds/containers/centos-builder/Dockerfile b/Builds/containers/centos-builder/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index ef5f80f7bfd..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/centos-builder/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-FROM rippleci/centos:7
-ARG CI_USE=false
-LABEL git-commit=$GIT_COMMIT
-COPY centos-builder/centos_setup.sh /tmp/
-COPY shared/install_cmake.sh /tmp/
-RUN chmod +x /tmp/centos_setup.sh && \
- chmod +x /tmp/install_cmake.sh
-RUN /tmp/centos_setup.sh
-RUN /tmp/install_cmake.sh 3.16.3 /opt/local/cmake-3.16
-RUN ln -s /opt/local/cmake-3.16 /opt/local/cmake
-ENV PATH="/opt/local/cmake/bin:$PATH"
-# TODO: Install latest CMake for testing
-RUN if [ "${CI_USE}" = true ] ; then /tmp/install_cmake.sh 3.16.3 /opt/local/cmake-3.16; fi
-RUN mkdir -m 777 -p /opt/rippled_bld/pkg
-WORKDIR /opt/rippled_bld/pkg
-RUN mkdir -m 777 ./rpmbuild
-RUN mkdir -m 777 ./rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
-COPY packaging/rpm/build_rpm.sh ./
-CMD ./build_rpm.sh
diff --git a/Builds/containers/centos-builder/centos_setup.sh b/Builds/containers/centos-builder/centos_setup.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index ea110058bb8..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/centos-builder/centos_setup.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -ex
-source /etc/os-release
-yum -y upgrade
-yum -y update
-yum -y install epel-release centos-release-scl
-yum -y install \
- wget curl time gcc-c++ yum-utils autoconf automake pkgconfig libtool \
- libstdc++-static rpm-build gnupg which make cmake \
- devtoolset-11 devtoolset-11-gdb devtoolset-11-binutils devtoolset-11-libstdc++-devel \
- devtoolset-11-libasan-devel devtoolset-11-libtsan-devel devtoolset-11-libubsan-devel devtoolset-11-liblsan-devel \
- flex flex-devel bison bison-devel parallel \
- ncurses ncurses-devel ncurses-libs graphviz graphviz-devel \
- lzip p7zip bzip2 bzip2-devel lzma-sdk lzma-sdk-devel xz-devel \
- zlib zlib-devel zlib-static texinfo openssl openssl-static \
- jemalloc jemalloc-devel \
- libicu-devel htop \
- rh-python38 \
- ninja-build git svn \
- swig perl-Digest-MD5
diff --git a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/build_container.sh b/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/build_container.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index ea47b4a112c..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/build_container.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-set -ex
-if [ "${pkgtype}" = "rpm" ] ; then
- container_name="${RPM_CONTAINER_NAME}"
-elif [ "${pkgtype}" = "dpkg" ] ; then
- container_name="${DPKG_CONTAINER_NAME}"
- echo "invalid package type"
- exit 1
-if docker pull "${ARTIFACTORY_HUB}/${container_name}:latest_${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}"; then
- echo "found container for latest - using as cache."
- docker tag \
- "${ARTIFACTORY_HUB}/${container_name}:latest_${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" \
- "${container_name}:latest_${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}"
- CMAKE_EXTRA="-D${pkgtype}_cache_from=${container_name}:latest_${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}"
-cmake --version
-test -d build && rm -rf build
-mkdir -p build/container && cd build/container
-eval time \
- -G Ninja ../..
-time cmake --build . --target "${pkgtype}_container" -- -v
diff --git a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/build_package.sh b/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/build_package.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c591677fd2..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/build_package.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-set -ex
-if [ "${pkgtype}" = "rpm" ] ; then
- container_name="${RPM_CONTAINER_FULLNAME}"
- container_tag="${RPM_CONTAINER_TAG}"
-elif [ "${pkgtype}" = "dpkg" ] ; then
- container_name="${DPKG_CONTAINER_FULLNAME}"
- container_tag="${DPKG_CONTAINER_TAG}"
- echo "invalid package type"
- exit 1
-time docker pull "${ARTIFACTORY_HUB}/${container_name}"
-docker tag \
- "${ARTIFACTORY_HUB}/${container_name}" \
- "${container_name}"
-docker images
-test -d build && rm -rf build
-mkdir -p build/${pkgtype} && cd build/${pkgtype}
-time cmake \
- -Dpackages_only=ON \
- -Dcontainer_label="${container_tag}" \
- -Dhave_package_container=ON \
- -Dunity=OFF \
- -G Ninja ../..
-time cmake --build . --target ${pkgtype} -- -v
diff --git a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/docker_alpine_setup.sh b/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/docker_alpine_setup.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index a36543192d1..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/docker_alpine_setup.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-set -e
-# used as a before/setup script for docker steps in gitlab-ci
-# expects to be run in standard alpine/dind image
-echo $(nproc)
-docker login -u rippled \
-apk add --update py-pip
-apk add \
- bash util-linux coreutils binutils grep \
- make ninja cmake build-base gcc g++ abuild git \
- python3 python3-dev
-pip3 install awscli
-# list curdir contents to build log:
-ls -la
diff --git a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/get_component.sh b/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/get_component.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 99963f40864..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/get_component.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-case ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} in
- develop)
- export COMPONENT="nightly"
- ;;
- release)
- export COMPONENT="unstable"
- ;;
- master)
- export COMPONENT="stable"
- ;;
- *)
- export COMPONENT="_unknown_"
- ;;
diff --git a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/pkgbuild.yml b/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/pkgbuild.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f35186acb8e..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/pkgbuild.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,646 +0,0 @@
-## ##
-## gitlab CI defintition for rippled build containers and distro ##
-## packages (rpm and dpkg). ##
-## ##
-# NOTE: these are sensible defaults for Ripple pipelines. These
-# can be overridden by project or group variables as needed.
- # these containers are built manually using the rippled
- # cmake build (container targets) and tagged/pushed so they
- # can be used here
- RPM_CONTAINER_TAG: "2023-02-13"
- RPM_CONTAINER_NAME: "rippled-rpm-builder"
- DPKG_CONTAINER_TAG: "2023-03-20"
- DPKG_CONTAINER_NAME: "rippled-dpkg-builder"
- ARTIFACTORY_HOST: "artifactory.ops.ripple.com"
- GIT_SIGN_PUBKEYS_URL: "https://gitlab.ops.ripple.com/xrpledger/rippled-packages/snippets/49/raw"
- PUBLIC_REPO_ROOT: "https://repos.ripple.com/repos"
- # also need to define this variable ONLY for the primary
- # build/publish pipeline on the mainline repo:
- # IS_PRIMARY_REPO = "true"
- - build_packages
- - sign_packages
- - smoketest
- - verify_sig
- - tag_images
- - push_to_test
- - verify_from_test
- - wait_approval_prod
- - push_to_prod
- - verify_from_prod
- - get_final_hashes
- - build_containers
-.dind_template: &dind_param
- before_script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/docker_alpine_setup.sh
- variables:
- docker_driver: overlay2
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/docker:latest
- services:
- # workaround for TLS issues - consider going back
- # back to unversioned `dind` when issues are resolved
- - name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/docker:stable-dind
- alias: docker
- tags:
- - 4xlarge
-.only_primary_template: &only_primary
- only:
- refs:
- - /^(master|release|develop)$/
- variables:
- - $IS_PRIMARY_REPO == "true"
-.smoketest_local_template: &run_local_smoketest
- tags:
- - xlarge
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/smoketest.sh local
-.smoketest_repo_template: &run_repo_smoketest
- tags:
- - xlarge
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/smoketest.sh repo
-## ##
-## stage: build_packages ##
-## ##
-## build packages using containers from previous stage. ##
-## ##
- timeout: "1h 30m"
- stage: build_packages
- <<: *dind_param
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - build/rpm/packages/
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/build_package.sh rpm
- timeout: "1h 30m"
- stage: build_packages
- <<: *dind_param
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - build/dpkg/packages/
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/build_package.sh dpkg
-## ##
-## stage: sign_packages ##
-## ##
-## build packages using containers from previous stage. ##
-## ##
- stage: sign_packages
- dependencies:
- - rpm_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/centos:7
- <<: *only_primary
- before_script:
- - |
- # Make sure GnuPG is installed
- yum -y install gnupg rpm-sign
- # checking GPG signing support
- if [ -n "$GPG_KEY_B64" ]; then
- echo "$GPG_KEY_B64"| base64 -d | gpg --batch --no-tty --allow-secret-key-import --import -
- unset GPG_KEY_B64
- export GPG_PASSPHRASE=$(echo $GPG_KEY_PASS_B64 | base64 -di)
- unset GPG_KEY_PASS_B64
- export GPG_KEYID=$(gpg --with-colon --list-secret-keys | head -n1 | cut -d : -f 5)
- else
- echo -e "\033[0;31m****** GPG signing disabled ******\033[0m"
- exit 1
- fi
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - build/rpm/packages/
- script:
- - ls -alh build/rpm/packages
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/sign_package.sh rpm
- stage: sign_packages
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:18.04
- <<: *only_primary
- before_script:
- - |
- # make sure we have GnuPG
- apt update
- apt install -y gpg dpkg-sig
- # checking GPG signing support
- if [ -n "$GPG_KEY_B64" ]; then
- echo "$GPG_KEY_B64"| base64 -d | gpg --batch --no-tty --allow-secret-key-import --import -
- unset GPG_KEY_B64
- export GPG_PASSPHRASE=$(echo $GPG_KEY_PASS_B64 | base64 -di)
- unset GPG_KEY_PASS_B64
- export GPG_KEYID=$(gpg --with-colon --list-secret-keys | head -n1 | cut -d : -f 5)
- else
- echo -e "\033[0;31m****** GPG signing disabled ******\033[0m"
- exit 1
- fi
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - build/dpkg/packages/
- script:
- - ls -alh build/dpkg/packages
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/sign_package.sh dpkg
-## ##
-## stage: smoketest ##
-## ##
-## install unsigned packages from previous step and run unit tests. ##
-## ##
- stage: smoketest
- dependencies:
- - rpm_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/centos:7
- <<: *run_local_smoketest
- stage: smoketest
- dependencies:
- - rpm_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/rockylinux/rockylinux:8
- <<: *run_local_smoketest
- stage: smoketest
- dependencies:
- - rpm_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/fedora:37
- <<: *run_local_smoketest
- stage: smoketest
- dependencies:
- - rpm_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/fedora:38
- <<: *run_local_smoketest
- stage: smoketest
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:18.04
- <<: *run_local_smoketest
- stage: smoketest
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:20.04
- <<: *run_local_smoketest
- stage: smoketest
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:22.04
- <<: *run_local_smoketest
- stage: smoketest
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/debian:10
- <<: *run_local_smoketest
- stage: smoketest
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_build
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/debian:11
- <<: *run_local_smoketest
-## ##
-## stage: verify_sig ##
-## ##
-## use git/gpg to verify that HEAD is signed by an approved ##
-## committer. The whitelist of pubkeys is manually mantained ##
-## and fetched from GIT_SIGN_PUBKEYS_URL (currently a snippet ##
-## link). ##
-## ##
- stage: verify_sig
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:latest
- <<: *only_primary
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/verify_head_commit.sh
-## ##
-## stage: tag_images ##
-## ##
-## apply rippled version tag to containers from previous stage. ##
-## ##
- stage: tag_images
- variables:
- docker_driver: overlay2
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/docker:latest
- services:
- # workaround for TLS issues - consider going back
- # back to unversioned `dind` when issues are resolved
- - name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/docker:stable-dind
- alias: docker
- tags:
- - large
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/tag_docker_image.sh
-## ##
-## stage: push_to_test ##
-## ##
-## push packages to artifactory repositories (test) ##
-## ##
- stage: push_to_test
- variables:
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb-test-mirror"
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm-test-mirror"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/alpine:latest
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - files.info
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/push_to_artifactory.sh "PUT" "."
-## ##
-## stage: verify_from_test ##
-## ##
-## install/test packages from test repos. ##
-## ##
- stage: verify_from_test
- variables:
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm-test-mirror"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/centos:7
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_test
- variables:
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm-test-mirror"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/rockylinux/rockylinux:8
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_test
- variables:
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm-test-mirror"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/fedora:37
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_test
- variables:
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm-test-mirror"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/fedora:38
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_test
- variables:
- DISTRO: "bionic"
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb-test-mirror"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:18.04
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_test
- variables:
- DISTRO: "focal"
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb-test-mirror"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:20.04
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_test
- variables:
- DISTRO: "jammy"
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb-test-mirror"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:22.04
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_test
- variables:
- DISTRO: "buster"
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb-test-mirror"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/debian:10
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_test
- variables:
- DISTRO: "bullseye"
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb-test-mirror"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/debian:11
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
-## ##
-## stage: wait_approval_prod ##
-## ##
-## wait for manual approval before proceeding to next stage ##
-## which pushes to prod repo. ##
-## ##
- stage: wait_approval_prod
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/alpine:latest
- <<: *only_primary
- script:
- - echo "proceeding to next stage"
- when: manual
- allow_failure: false
-## ##
-## stage: push_to_prod ##
-## ##
-## push packages to artifactory repositories (prod) ##
-## ##
- variables:
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb"
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/alpine:latest
- stage: push_to_prod
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - files.info
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/push_to_artifactory.sh "PUT" "."
-## ##
-## stage: verify_from_prod ##
-## ##
-## install/test packages from prod repos. ##
-## ##
- stage: verify_from_prod
- variables:
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/centos:7
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_prod
- variables:
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/rockylinux/rockylinux:8
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_prod
- variables:
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/fedora:37
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_prod
- variables:
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/fedora:38
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_prod
- variables:
- DISTRO: "bionic"
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:18.04
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_prod
- variables:
- DISTRO: "focal"
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:20.04
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_prod
- variables:
- DISTRO: "jammy"
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/ubuntu:22.04
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_prod
- variables:
- DISTRO: "buster"
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/debian:10
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
- stage: verify_from_prod
- variables:
- DISTRO: "bullseye"
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/debian:11
- dependencies:
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- <<: *run_repo_smoketest
-## ##
-## stage: get_final_hashes ##
-## ##
-## fetch final hashes from artifactory. ##
-## ##
- variables:
- DEB_REPO: "rippled-deb"
- RPM_REPO: "rippled-rpm"
- image:
- name: artifactory.ops.ripple.com/alpine:latest
- stage: get_final_hashes
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - files.info
- dependencies:
- - rpm_sign
- - dpkg_sign
- <<: *only_primary
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/push_to_artifactory.sh "GET" ".checksums"
-## ##
-## stage: build_containers ##
-## ##
-## build containers from docker definitions. These containers are NOT ##
-## used for the package build. This step is only used to ensure that ##
-## the package build targets and files are still working properly. ##
-## ##
- stage: build_containers
- <<: *dind_param
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/build_container.sh rpm
- stage: build_containers
- <<: *dind_param
- script:
- - . ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/build_container.sh dpkg
diff --git a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/push_to_artifactory.sh b/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/push_to_artifactory.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 97a9e906ad6..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/push_to_artifactory.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-set -e
-. ./Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/get_component.sh
-apk add curl jq coreutils util-linux
-cd build/dpkg/packages
-RIPPLED_PKG=$(ls rippled_*.deb)
-RIPPLED_REPORTING_PKG=$(ls rippled-reporting_*.deb)
-RIPPLED_DBG_PKG=$(ls rippled-dbgsym_*.*deb)
-RIPPLED_REPORTING_DBG_PKG=$(ls rippled-reporting-dbgsym_*.*deb)
-# TODO - where to upload src tgz?
-RIPPLED_SRC=$(ls rippled_*.orig.tar.gz)
-for dist in buster bullseye bionic focal jammy; do
- DEB_MATRIX="${DEB_MATRIX};deb.distribution=${dist}"
-echo "{ \"debs\": {" > "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
- # first item doesn't get a comma separator
- if [ $deb != $RIPPLED_PKG ] ; then
- echo "," >> "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
- fi
- echo "\"${deb}\"": | tee -a "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
- ca="${CURLARGS}"
- if [ "${action}" = "PUT" ] ; then
- url="https://${ARTIFACTORY_HOST}/artifactory/${DEB_REPO}/pool/${COMPONENT}/${deb}${DEB_MATRIX}"
- ca="${ca} -T${deb}"
- elif [ "${action}" = "GET" ] ; then
- url="https://${ARTIFACTORY_HOST}/artifactory/api/storage/${DEB_REPO}/pool/${COMPONENT}/${deb}"
- fi
- echo "file info request url --> ${url}"
- eval "curl ${ca} \"${url}\"" | jq -M "${filter}" | tee -a "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
-echo "}," >> "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
-# RPM
-cd build/rpm/packages
-RIPPLED_PKG=$(ls rippled-[0-9]*.x86_64.rpm)
-RIPPLED_DEV_PKG=$(ls rippled-devel*.rpm)
-RIPPLED_DBG_PKG=$(ls rippled-debuginfo*.rpm)
-RIPPLED_REPORTING_PKG=$(ls rippled-reporting*.rpm)
-# TODO - where to upload src rpm ?
-RIPPLED_SRC=$(ls rippled-[0-9]*.src.rpm)
-echo "\"rpms\": {" >> "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
- # first item doesn't get a comma separator
- if [ $rpm != $RIPPLED_PKG ] ; then
- echo "," >> "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
- fi
- echo "\"${rpm}\"": | tee -a "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
- ca="${CURLARGS}"
- if [ "${action}" = "PUT" ] ; then
- url="https://${ARTIFACTORY_HOST}/artifactory/${RPM_REPO}/${COMPONENT}/"
- ca="${ca} -T${rpm}"
- elif [ "${action}" = "GET" ] ; then
- url="https://${ARTIFACTORY_HOST}/artifactory/api/storage/${RPM_REPO}/${COMPONENT}/${rpm}"
- fi
- echo "file info request url --> ${url}"
- eval "curl ${ca} \"${url}\"" | jq -M "${filter}" | tee -a "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
-echo "}}" >> "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
-jq '.' "${TOPDIR}/files.info" > "${TOPDIR}/files.info.tmp"
-mv "${TOPDIR}/files.info.tmp" "${TOPDIR}/files.info"
-if [ ! -z "${SLACK_NOTIFY_URL}" ] && [ "${action}" = "GET" ] ; then
- # extract files.info content to variable and sanitize so it can
- # be interpolated into a slack text field below
- finfo=$(cat ${TOPDIR}/files.info | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/\\n/g' | sed -E 's/"/\\"/g')
- # try posting file info to slack.
- # can add channel field to payload if the
- # default channel is incorrect. Get rid of
- # newlines in payload json since slack doesn't accept them
- CONTENT=$(tr -d '[\n]' <> /etc/apt/sources.list
- updateWithRetry
- # uncomment this next line if you want to see the available package versions
- # apt-cache policy rippled
- apt-get -y install rippled=${dpkg_full_version}
- elif [ "${install_from}" = "local" ] ; then
- # cached pkg install
- updateWithRetry
- apt-get -y install libprotobuf-dev libprotoc-dev protobuf-compiler libssl-dev
- rm -f build/dpkg/packages/rippled-dbgsym*.*
- dpkg --no-debsig -i build/dpkg/packages/*.deb
- else
- echo "unrecognized pkg source!"
- exit 1
- fi
- yum -y update
- if [ "${install_from}" = "repo" ] ; then
- pkgs=("yum-utils coreutils util-linux")
- if [ "$ID" = "rocky" ]; then
- pkgs="${pkgs[@]/coreutils}"
- fi
- yum install -y $pkgs
- REPOFILE="/etc/yum.repos.d/artifactory.repo"
- echo "[Artifactory]" > ${REPOFILE}
- echo "name=Artifactory" >> ${REPOFILE}
- echo "baseurl=${REPO_ROOT}/${RPM_REPO}/${COMPONENT}/" >> ${REPOFILE}
- echo "enabled=1" >> ${REPOFILE}
- echo "gpgcheck=0" >> ${REPOFILE}
- echo "gpgkey=${REPO_ROOT}/${RPM_REPO}/${COMPONENT}/repodata/repomd.xml.key" >> ${REPOFILE}
- echo "repo_gpgcheck=1" >> ${REPOFILE}
- yum -y update
- # uncomment this next line if you want to see the available package versions
- # yum --showduplicates list rippled
- yum -y install ${rpm_version_release}
- elif [ "${install_from}" = "local" ] ; then
- # cached pkg install
- pkgs=("yum-utils openssl-static zlib-static")
- if [[ "$ID" =~ rocky|fedora ]]; then
- if [[ "$ID" =~ "rocky" ]]; then
- sed -i 's/enabled=0/enabled=1/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/Rocky-PowerTools.repo
- fi
- pkgs="${pkgs[@]/openssl-static}"
- fi
- yum install -y $pkgs
- rm -f build/rpm/packages/rippled-debug*.rpm
- rm -f build/rpm/packages/*.src.rpm
- rpm -i build/rpm/packages/*.rpm
- else
- echo "unrecognized pkg source!"
- exit 1
- fi
-# verify installed version
-INSTALLED=$(/opt/ripple/bin/rippled --version | awk '{print $NF}')
-if [ "${rippled_version}" != "${INSTALLED}" ] ; then
- echo "INSTALLED version ${INSTALLED} does not match ${rippled_version}"
- exit 1
-# run unit tests
-/opt/ripple/bin/rippled --unittest --unittest-jobs $(nproc)
-/opt/ripple/bin/validator-keys --unittest
diff --git a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/tag_docker_image.sh b/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/tag_docker_image.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 66259059536..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/tag_docker_image.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-set -e
-docker login -u rippled \
-# this gives us rippled_version :
-source build/rpm/packages/build_vars
-# tag/push two labels...one using the current rippled version and one just using "latest"
-for label in ${rippled_version} latest ; do
- docker tag \
- docker push \
- docker tag \
- docker push \
diff --git a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/verify_head_commit.sh b/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/verify_head_commit.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index f724b7e968e..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/gitlab-ci/verify_head_commit.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-set -ex
-apt -y update
-DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get -y install tzdata
-apt -y install software-properties-common curl git gnupg
-curl -sk -o rippled-pubkeys.txt "${GIT_SIGN_PUBKEYS_URL}"
-gpg --import rippled-pubkeys.txt
-if git verify-commit HEAD; then
- echo "git commit signature check passed"
- echo "git commit signature check failed"
- git log -n 5 --color \
- --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an> [%G?]%Creset' \
- --abbrev-commit
- exit 1
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/build_dpkg.sh b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/build_dpkg.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 3cfafe9e342..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/build_dpkg.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -ex
-# make sure pkg source files are up to date with repo
-cd /opt/rippled_bld/pkg
-cp -fpru rippled/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/. debian/
-cp -fpu rippled/Builds/containers/shared/rippled*.service debian/
-cp -fpu rippled/Builds/containers/shared/update_sources.sh .
-source update_sources.sh
-# Build the dpkg
-#dpkg uses - as separator, so we need to change our -bN versions to tilde
-RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION=$(echo "${RIPPLED_VERSION}" | sed 's!-!~!g')
-# TODO - decide how to handle the trailing/release
-# version here (hardcoded to 1). Does it ever need to change?
-git config --global --add safe.directory /opt/rippled_bld/pkg/rippled
-cd /opt/rippled_bld/pkg/rippled
-if [[ -n $(git status --porcelain) ]]; then
- git status
- error "Unstaged changes in this repo - please commit first"
-git archive --format tar.gz --prefix rippled-${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}/ -o ../rippled-${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}.tar.gz HEAD
-cd ..
-# dpkg debmake would normally create this link, but we do it manually
-ln -s ./rippled-${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}.tar.gz rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}.orig.tar.gz
-tar xvf rippled-${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}.tar.gz
-cp -pr ../debian .
-# dpkg requires a changelog. We don't currently maintain
-# a useable one, so let's just fake it with our current version
-# TODO : not sure if the "unstable" will need to change for
-# release packages (?)
-NOWSTR=$(TZ=UTC date -R)
-cat << CHANGELOG > ./debian/changelog
-rippled (${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}) unstable; urgency=low
- -- Ripple Labs Inc. ${NOWSTR}
-# PATH must be preserved for our more modern cmake in /opt/local
-# TODO : consider allowing lintian to run in future ?
-export DH_BUILD_DDEBS=1
-debuild --no-lintian --preserve-envvar PATH --preserve-env -us -uc
-rc=$?; if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then
- error "error building dpkg"
-cd ..
-# copy artifacts
-cp rippled-reporting_${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}_amd64.deb ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-cp rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}_amd64.deb ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-# dbgsym suffix is ddeb under newer debuild, but just deb under earlier
-cp rippled-dbgsym_${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}_amd64.* ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-cp rippled-reporting-dbgsym_${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}_amd64.* ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-cp rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}_amd64.changes ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-cp rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}_amd64.build ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-cp rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}.orig.tar.gz ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-cp rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}.debian.tar.xz ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-# buildinfo is only generated by later version of debuild
-if [ -e rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}_amd64.buildinfo ] ; then
- cp rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}_amd64.buildinfo ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-cat rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}_amd64.changes
-# extract the text in the .changes file that appears between
-# Checksums-Sha256: ...
-# and
-# Files: ...
-awk '/Checksums-Sha256:/{hit=1;next}/Files:/{hit=0}hit' \
- rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}-1_amd64.changes | \
- sed -E 's!^[[:space:]]+!!' > shasums
-DEB_SHA256=$(cat shasums | \
- grep "rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}-1_amd64.deb" | cut -d " " -f 1)
-DBG_SHA256=$(cat shasums | \
- grep "rippled-dbgsym_${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}-1_amd64.*" | cut -d " " -f 1)
-REPORTING_DBG_SHA256=$(cat shasums | \
- grep "rippled-reporting-dbgsym_${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}-1_amd64.*" | cut -d " " -f 1)
-REPORTING_SHA256=$(cat shasums | \
- grep "rippled-reporting_${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}-1_amd64.deb" | cut -d " " -f 1)
-SRC_SHA256=$(cat shasums | \
- grep "rippled_${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}.orig.tar.gz" | cut -d " " -f 1)
-echo "deb_sha256=${DEB_SHA256}" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "dbg_sha256=${DBG_SHA256}" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "reporting_sha256=${REPORTING_SHA256}" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "reporting_dbg_sha256=${REPORTING_DBG_SHA256}" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "src_sha256=${SRC_SHA256}" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "rippled_version=${RIPPLED_VERSION}" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "dpkg_version=${RIPPLED_DPKG_VERSION}" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "dpkg_full_version=${RIPPLED_DPKG_FULL_VERSION}" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/README.Debian b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/README.Debian
deleted file mode 100644
index 25ba6b55f70..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/README.Debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-rippled daemon
- -- Mike Ellery Tue, 04 Dec 2018 18:19:03 +0000
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/compat b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/compat
deleted file mode 100644
index f599e28b8ab..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/compat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/control b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/control
deleted file mode 100644
index b840eb228be..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Source: rippled
-Section: misc
-Priority: extra
-Maintainer: Ripple Labs Inc.
-Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper (>=9), zlib1g-dev, dh-systemd, ninja-build
-Standards-Version: 3.9.7
-Homepage: http://ripple.com/
-Package: rippled
-Architecture: any
-Multi-Arch: foreign
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
-Description: rippled daemon
-Package: rippled-reporting
-Architecture: any
-Multi-Arch: foreign
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
-Description: rippled reporting daemon
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/copyright b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index dce318fd765..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
-Upstream-Name: rippled
-Source: https://github.com/ripple/rippled
-Files: *
-Copyright: 2012-2019 Ripple Labs Inc.
-License: __UNKNOWN__
-The accompanying files under various copyrights.
-Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, 2014 Ripple Labs Inc.
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
-purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
-copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
-The accompanying files incorporate work covered by the following copyright
-and previous license notice:
-Copyright (c) 2011 Arthur Britto, David Schwartz, Jed McCaleb,
-Vinnie Falco, Bob Way, Eric Lombrozo, Nikolaos D. Bougalis, Howard Hinnant
-Some code from Raw Material Software, Ltd., provided under the terms of the
- ISC License. See the corresponding source files for more details.
- Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
- Please visit http://www.juce.com
-Some code from ASIO examples:
-// Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-Some code from Bitcoin:
-// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
-// Copyright (c) 2011 The Bitcoin developers
-// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
-// file license.txt or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-Some code from Tom Wu:
-This software is covered under the following copyright:
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Tom Wu
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
- * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
- * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
- * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
- * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
- * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
- * the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- *
- * In addition, the following condition applies:
- *
- * All redistributions must retain an intact copy of this copyright notice
- * and disclaimer.
- */
-Address all questions regarding this license to:
- Tom Wu
- tjw@cs.Stanford.EDU
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/dirs b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/dirs
deleted file mode 100644
index aed307ee178..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/docs b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/docs
deleted file mode 100644
index 17aa966627c..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/docs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-dev.install b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-dev.install
deleted file mode 100644
index a222857c0b7..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-dev.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.dirs b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.dirs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f5cdbd40a7..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.install b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 255c7b0b5c4..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-bld/rippled-reporting/rippled-reporting opt/rippled-reporting/bin
-cfg/rippled-reporting.cfg opt/rippled-reporting/etc
-debian/tmp/opt/rippled-reporting/etc/validators.txt opt/rippled-reporting/etc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.links b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.links
deleted file mode 100644
index ab83b0c816d..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.links
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-opt/rippled-reporting/etc/rippled-reporting.cfg etc/opt/rippled-reporting/rippled-reporting.cfg
-opt/rippled-reporting/etc/validators.txt etc/opt/rippled-reporting/validators.txt
-opt/rippled-reporting/bin/rippled-reporting usr/local/bin/rippled-reporting
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.postinst b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.postinst
deleted file mode 100644
index 64044197344..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled-reporting.postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case "$1" in
- configure)
- id -u $USER_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
- adduser --system --quiet \
- --home /nonexistent --no-create-home \
- --disabled-password \
- --group "$GROUP_NAME"
- chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /var/log/rippled-reporting/
- chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /var/lib/rippled-reporting/
- chmod 755 /var/log/rippled-reporting/
- chmod 755 /var/lib/rippled-reporting/
- chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /opt/rippled-reporting
- ;;
- abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.conffiles b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.conffiles
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c6d1c36d42..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.conffiles
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.install b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ce9f60fb3a..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.links b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.links
deleted file mode 100644
index ff2abd82b31..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.links
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-opt/ripple/etc/rippled.cfg etc/opt/ripple/rippled.cfg
-opt/ripple/etc/validators.txt etc/opt/ripple/validators.txt
-opt/ripple/bin/rippled usr/local/bin/rippled
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.postinst b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.postinst
deleted file mode 100644
index 9838fa593f7..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case "$1" in
- configure)
- id -u $USER_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
- adduser --system --quiet \
- --home /nonexistent --no-create-home \
- --disabled-password \
- --group "$GROUP_NAME"
- chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /var/log/rippled/
- chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /var/lib/rippled/
- chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /opt/ripple
- chmod 755 /var/log/rippled/
- chmod 755 /var/lib/rippled/
- chmod 644 /opt/ripple/etc/update-rippled-cron
- chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/rippled
- chown -R root:$GROUP_NAME /opt/ripple/etc/update-rippled-cron
- ;;
- abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.postrm b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.postrm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9086993a1f5..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.postrm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case "$1" in
- purge|remove|upgrade|failed-upgrade|abort-install|abort-upgrade|disappear)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "postrm called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.preinst b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.preinst
deleted file mode 100644
index 10575345a2b..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.preinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case "$1" in
- install|upgrade)
- ;;
- abort-upgrade)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "preinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.prerm b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.prerm
deleted file mode 100644
index adabdbfb72a..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rippled.prerm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case "$1" in
- remove|upgrade|deconfigure)
- ;;
- failed-upgrade)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "prerm called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rules b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rules
deleted file mode 100755
index d62517d34b6..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-export DH_VERBOSE = 1
-export DH_OPTIONS = -v
-# debuild sets some warnings that don't work well
-# for our curent build..so try to remove those flags here:
-export CFLAGS:=$(subst -Wformat,,$(CFLAGS))
-export CFLAGS:=$(subst -Werror=format-security,,$(CFLAGS))
-export CXXFLAGS:=$(subst -Wformat,,$(CXXFLAGS))
-export CXXFLAGS:=$(subst -Werror=format-security,,$(CXXFLAGS))
- dh $@ --with systemd
- dh_systemd_start --no-restart-on-upgrade
- env
- rm -rf bld
- conan export external/snappy snappy/1.1.9@
- conan install . \
- --install-folder bld/rippled \
- --build missing \
- --build boost \
- --build sqlite3 \
- --settings build_type=Release
- cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=build/generators/conan_toolchain.cmake \
- -G Ninja \
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/ripple \
- -Dstatic=ON \
- -Dunity=OFF \
- -Dvalidator_keys=ON \
- -B bld/rippled
- conan install . \
- --install-folder bld/rippled-reporting \
- --build missing \
- --build boost \
- --build sqlite3 \
- --build libuv \
- --settings build_type=Release \
- --options reporting=True
- cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=build/generators/conan_toolchain.cmake \
- -G Ninja \
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/rippled-reporting \
- -Dstatic=ON \
- -Dunity=OFF \
- -Dreporting=ON \
- -B bld/rippled-reporting
- cmake --build bld/rippled --target rippled --target validator-keys -j${nproc}
- cmake --build bld/rippled-reporting --target rippled -j${nproc}
- cmake --install bld/rippled --prefix debian/tmp/opt/ripple
- install -D bld/rippled/validator-keys/validator-keys debian/tmp/opt/ripple/bin/validator-keys
- install -D Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled.sh debian/tmp/opt/ripple/bin/update-rippled.sh
- install -D bin/getRippledInfo debian/tmp/opt/ripple/bin/getRippledInfo
- install -D Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled-cron debian/tmp/opt/ripple/etc/update-rippled-cron
- install -D Builds/containers/shared/rippled-logrotate debian/tmp/etc/logrotate.d/rippled
- rm -rf debian/tmp/opt/ripple/lib64/cmake/date
- mkdir -p debian/tmp/opt/rippled-reporting/etc
- mkdir -p debian/tmp/opt/rippled-reporting/bin
- cp cfg/validators-example.txt debian/tmp/opt/rippled-reporting/etc/validators.txt
- sed -E 's/rippled?/rippled-reporting/g' Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled.sh > debian/tmp/opt/rippled-reporting/bin/update-rippled-reporting.sh
- sed -E 's/rippled?/rippled-reporting/g' bin/getRippledInfo > debian/tmp/opt/rippled-reporting/bin/getRippledReportingInfo
- sed -E 's/rippled?/rippled-reporting/g' Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled-cron > debian/tmp/opt/rippled-reporting/etc/update-rippled-reporting-cron
- sed -E 's/rippled?/rippled-reporting/g' Builds/containers/shared/rippled-logrotate > debian/tmp/etc/logrotate.d/rippled-reporting
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/source/format b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/source/format
deleted file mode 100644
index 163aaf8d82b..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/source/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/source/local-options b/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/source/local-options
deleted file mode 100644
index 00131ee8c41..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/dpkg/debian/source/local-options
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/50-rippled-reporting.preset b/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/50-rippled-reporting.preset
deleted file mode 100644
index 50d16dd7acd..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/50-rippled-reporting.preset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-enable rippled-reporting.service
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/50-rippled.preset b/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/50-rippled.preset
deleted file mode 100644
index 854e20a0872..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/50-rippled.preset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-enable rippled.service
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/build_rpm.sh b/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/build_rpm.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 57e576b510b..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/build_rpm.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -ex
-cd /opt/rippled_bld/pkg
-cp -fpu rippled/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/rippled.spec .
-cp -fpu rippled/Builds/containers/shared/update_sources.sh .
-source update_sources.sh
-# Build the rpm
-# post-release version
-if [ "hf" = "$(echo "$RELEASE" | cut -c -2)" ]; then
-# pre-release version (-b or -rc)
-elif [[ $RELEASE ]]; then
-if [[ $RPM_PATCH ]]; then
- export RPM_PATCH
-cd /opt/rippled_bld/pkg/rippled
-if [[ -n $(git status --porcelain) ]]; then
- git status
- error "Unstaged changes in this repo - please commit first"
-git archive --format tar.gz --prefix rippled/ -o ../rpmbuild/SOURCES/rippled.tar.gz HEAD
-cd ..
-source /opt/rh/devtoolset-11/enable
-rpmbuild --define "_topdir ${PWD}/rpmbuild" -ba rippled.spec
-rc=$?; if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then
- error "error building rpm"
-# Make a tar of the rpm and source rpm
-RPM_VERSION_RELEASE=$(rpm -qp --qf='%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}' ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/rippled-[0-9]*.rpm)
-cp ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/* ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-cp ./rpmbuild/SRPMS/* ${PKG_OUTDIR}
-RPM_MD5SUM=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{SIGMD5}\n' -p ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/rippled-[0-9]*.rpm 2>/dev/null)
-DBG_MD5SUM=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{SIGMD5}\n' -p ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/rippled-debuginfo*.rpm 2>/dev/null)
-DEV_MD5SUM=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{SIGMD5}\n' -p ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/rippled-devel*.rpm 2>/dev/null)
-REP_MD5SUM=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{SIGMD5}\n' -p ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/rippled-reporting*.rpm 2>/dev/null)
-SRC_MD5SUM=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{SIGMD5}\n' -p ./rpmbuild/SRPMS/*.rpm 2>/dev/null)
-RPM_SHA256="$(sha256sum ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/rippled-[0-9]*.rpm | awk '{ print $1}')"
-DBG_SHA256="$(sha256sum ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/rippled-debuginfo*.rpm | awk '{ print $1}')"
-REP_SHA256="$(sha256sum ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/rippled-reporting*.rpm | awk '{ print $1}')"
-DEV_SHA256="$(sha256sum ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/rippled-devel*.rpm | awk '{ print $1}')"
-SRC_SHA256="$(sha256sum ./rpmbuild/SRPMS/*.rpm | awk '{ print $1}')"
-echo "rpm_md5sum=$RPM_MD5SUM" > ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "rep_md5sum=$REP_MD5SUM" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "dbg_md5sum=$DBG_MD5SUM" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "dev_md5sum=$DEV_MD5SUM" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "src_md5sum=$SRC_MD5SUM" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "rpm_sha256=$RPM_SHA256" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "rep_sha256=$REP_SHA256" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "dbg_sha256=$DBG_SHA256" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "dev_sha256=$DEV_SHA256" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "src_sha256=$SRC_SHA256" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "rippled_version=$RIPPLED_VERSION" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "rpm_version=$RIPPLED_RPM_VERSION" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "rpm_file_name=$tar_file" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
-echo "rpm_version_release=$RPM_VERSION_RELEASE" >> ${PKG_OUTDIR}/build_vars
diff --git a/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/rippled.spec b/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/rippled.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index fe451d645d4..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/rippled.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-%define rippled_version %(echo $RIPPLED_RPM_VERSION)
-%define rpm_release %(echo $RPM_RELEASE)
-%define rpm_patch %(echo $RPM_PATCH)
-%define _prefix /opt/ripple
-Name: rippled
-# Dashes in Version extensions must be converted to underscores
-Version: %{rippled_version}
-Release: %{rpm_release}%{?dist}%{rpm_patch}
-Summary: rippled daemon
-License: MIT
-URL: http://ripple.com/
-Source0: rippled.tar.gz
-BuildRequires: cmake zlib-static ninja-build
-%package devel
-Summary: Files for development of applications using xrpl core library
-Group: Development/Libraries
-Requires: zlib-static
-%description devel
-core library for development of standalone applications that sign transactions.
-%package reporting
-Summary: Reporting Server for rippled
-%description reporting
-History server for XRP Ledger
-%setup -c -n rippled
-rm -rf ~/.conan/profiles/default
-cp /opt/libcstd/libstdc++.so.6.0.22 /usr/lib64
-cp /opt/libcstd/libstdc++.so.6.0.22 /lib64
-ln -sf /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6.0.22 /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6
-ln -sf /lib64/libstdc++.so.6.0.22 /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6
-source /opt/rh/rh-python38/enable
-pip install "conan<2"
-conan profile new default --detect
-conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default
-conan profile update settings.compiler.cppstd=20 default
-cd rippled
-mkdir -p bld.rippled
-conan export external/snappy snappy/1.1.9@
-pushd bld.rippled
-conan install .. \
- --settings build_type=Release \
- --output-folder . \
- --build missing
-cmake -G Ninja \
- -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=build/generators/conan_toolchain.cmake \
- -Dunity=OFF \
- -Dstatic=ON \
- -Dvalidator_keys=ON \
- ..
-cmake --build . --parallel $(nproc) --target rippled --target validator-keys
-mkdir -p bld.rippled-reporting
-pushd bld.rippled-reporting
-conan install .. \
- --settings build_type=Release \
- --output-folder . \
- --build missing \
- --settings compiler.cppstd=17 \
- --options reporting=True
-cmake -G Ninja \
- -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=build/generators/conan_toolchain.cmake \
- -Dunity=OFF \
- -Dstatic=ON \
- -Dvalidator_keys=ON \
- -Dreporting=ON \
- ..
-cmake --build . --parallel $(nproc) --target rippled
-test -e /etc/pki/tls || { mkdir -p /etc/pki; ln -s /usr/lib/ssl /etc/pki/tls; }
-DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT cmake --build rippled/bld.rippled --target install #-- -v
-mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/lib64/
-install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/opt/ripple
-install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/local/bin
-install -D ./rippled/cfg/rippled-example.cfg ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/etc/rippled.cfg
-install -D ./rippled/cfg/validators-example.txt ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_prefix}/etc/validators.txt
-ln -sf %{_prefix}/etc/rippled.cfg ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/opt/ripple/rippled.cfg
-ln -sf %{_prefix}/etc/validators.txt ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/opt/ripple/validators.txt
-ln -sf %{_prefix}/bin/rippled ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/local/bin/rippled
-install -D rippled/bld.rippled/validator-keys/validator-keys ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/validator-keys
-install -D ./rippled/Builds/containers/shared/rippled.service ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/systemd/system/rippled.service
-install -D ./rippled/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/50-rippled.preset ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/50-rippled.preset
-install -D ./rippled/Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled.sh ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/update-rippled.sh
-install -D ./rippled/bin/getRippledInfo ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/getRippledInfo
-install -D ./rippled/Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled-cron ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_prefix}/etc/update-rippled-cron
-install -D ./rippled/Builds/containers/shared/rippled-logrotate ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d/rippled
-install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/rippled
-install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/rippled
-# reporting mode
-%define _prefix /opt/rippled-reporting
-mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/opt/rippled-reporting/
-install -D rippled/bld.rippled-reporting/rippled-reporting ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/rippled-reporting
-install -D ./rippled/cfg/rippled-reporting.cfg ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_prefix}/etc/rippled-reporting.cfg
-install -D ./rippled/cfg/validators-example.txt ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_prefix}/etc/validators.txt
-install -D ./rippled/Builds/containers/packaging/rpm/50-rippled-reporting.preset ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/50-rippled-reporting.preset
-ln -s %{_prefix}/bin/rippled-reporting ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/local/bin/rippled-reporting
-ln -s %{_prefix}/etc/rippled-reporting.cfg ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/opt/rippled-reporting/rippled-reporting.cfg
-ln -s %{_prefix}/etc/validators.txt ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/opt/rippled-reporting/validators.txt
-install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/rippled-reporting
-install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/rippled-reporting
-install -D ./rippled/Builds/containers/shared/rippled-reporting.service ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/systemd/system/rippled-reporting.service
-sed -E 's/rippled?/rippled-reporting/g' ./rippled/Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled.sh > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/update-rippled-reporting.sh
-sed -E 's/rippled?/rippled-reporting/g' ./rippled/bin/getRippledInfo > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/getRippledReportingInfo
-sed -E 's/rippled?/rippled-reporting/g' ./rippled/Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled-cron > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_prefix}/etc/update-rippled-reporting-cron
-sed -E 's/rippled?/rippled-reporting/g' ./rippled/Builds/containers/shared/rippled-logrotate > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d/rippled-reporting
-%define _prefix /opt/ripple
-getent passwd $USER_NAME &>/dev/null || useradd $USER_NAME
-getent group $GROUP_NAME &>/dev/null || groupadd $GROUP_NAME
-chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /var/log/rippled/
-chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /var/lib/rippled/
-chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME %{_prefix}/
-chmod 755 /var/log/rippled/
-chmod 755 /var/lib/rippled/
-chmod 644 %{_prefix}/etc/update-rippled-cron
-chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/rippled
-chown -R root:$GROUP_NAME %{_prefix}/etc/update-rippled-cron
-%post reporting
-%define _prefix /opt/rippled-reporting
-getent passwd $USER_NAME &>/dev/null || useradd -r $USER_NAME
-getent group $GROUP_NAME &>/dev/null || groupadd $GROUP_NAME
-chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /var/log/rippled-reporting/
-chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME /var/lib/rippled-reporting/
-chown -R $USER_NAME:$GROUP_NAME %{_prefix}/
-chmod 755 /var/log/rippled-reporting/
-chmod 755 /var/lib/rippled-reporting/
-chmod -x /usr/lib/systemd/system/rippled-reporting.service
-%define _prefix /opt/ripple
-%doc rippled/README.md rippled/LICENSE.md
-%config(noreplace) %{_prefix}/etc/rippled.cfg
-%config(noreplace) /etc/opt/ripple/rippled.cfg
-%config(noreplace) %{_prefix}/etc/validators.txt
-%config(noreplace) /etc/opt/ripple/validators.txt
-%config(noreplace) /etc/logrotate.d/rippled
-%config(noreplace) /usr/lib/systemd/system/rippled.service
-%config(noreplace) /usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/50-rippled.preset
-%dir /var/log/rippled/
-%dir /var/lib/rippled/
-%files devel
-%files reporting
-%define _prefix /opt/rippled-reporting
-%doc rippled/README.md rippled/LICENSE.md
-%config(noreplace) /etc/opt/rippled-reporting/rippled-reporting.cfg
-%config(noreplace) %{_prefix}/etc/rippled-reporting.cfg
-%config(noreplace) %{_prefix}/etc/validators.txt
-%config(noreplace) /etc/opt/rippled-reporting/validators.txt
-%config(noreplace) /usr/lib/systemd/system/rippled-reporting.service
-%config(noreplace) /usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/50-rippled-reporting.preset
-%dir /var/log/rippled-reporting/
-%dir /var/lib/rippled-reporting/
-%config(noreplace) /etc/logrotate.d/rippled-reporting
-* Wed Aug 28 2019 Mike Ellery
-- Switch to subproject build for validator-keys
-* Wed May 15 2019 Mike Ellery
-- Make validator-keys use local rippled build for core lib
-* Wed Aug 01 2018 Mike Ellery
-- add devel package for signing library
-* Thu Jun 02 2016 Brandon Wilson
-- Install validators.txt
diff --git a/Builds/containers/shared/install_cmake.sh b/Builds/containers/shared/install_cmake.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e6f84dd6c03..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/shared/install_cmake.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e
-IFS=. read cm_maj cm_min cm_rel <<<"$1"
-: ${cm_rel:-0}
-function cmake_version ()
- if [[ -d ${CMAKE_ROOT} ]] ; then
- local perms=$(test $(uname) = "Linux" && echo "/111" || echo "+111")
- local installed=$(find ${CMAKE_ROOT} -perm ${perms} -type f -name cmake)
- if [[ "${installed}" != "" ]] ; then
- echo "$(${installed} --version | head -1)"
- fi
- fi
-if [[ "${installed}" != "" && ${installed} =~ ${cm_maj}.${cm_min}.${cm_rel} ]] ; then
- echo "cmake already installed: ${installed}"
- exit
-# From CMake 20+ "Linux" is lowercase so using `uname` won't create be the correct path
-if [ ${cm_min} -gt 19 ]; then
- linux="linux"
- linux=$(uname)
-wget --quiet https://cmake.org/files/v${cm_maj}.${cm_min}/${pkgname} -O ${tmppkg}
-mkdir -p ${CMAKE_ROOT}
-tar --strip-components 1 -xf ${tmppkg}
-rm -f ${tmppkg}
-echo "installed: $(cmake_version)"
diff --git a/Builds/containers/shared/rippled-logrotate b/Builds/containers/shared/rippled-logrotate
deleted file mode 100644
index 120aa91d3cc..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/shared/rippled-logrotate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/var/log/rippled/*.log {
- daily
- minsize 200M
- rotate 7
- nocreate
- missingok
- notifempty
- compress
- compresscmd /usr/bin/nice
- compressoptions -n19 ionice -c3 gzip
- compressext .gz
- postrotate
- /opt/ripple/bin/rippled --conf /opt/ripple/etc/rippled.cfg logrotate
- endscript
diff --git a/Builds/containers/shared/rippled-reporting.service b/Builds/containers/shared/rippled-reporting.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 69edf4794ab..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/shared/rippled-reporting.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Description=Ripple Daemon
-ExecStart=/opt/rippled-reporting/bin/rippled-reporting --silent --conf /etc/opt/rippled-reporting/rippled-reporting.cfg
diff --git a/Builds/containers/shared/rippled.service b/Builds/containers/shared/rippled.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 24d9dd97590..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/shared/rippled.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Description=Ripple Daemon
-ExecStart=/opt/ripple/bin/rippled --net --silent --conf /etc/opt/ripple/rippled.cfg
diff --git a/Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled-cron b/Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled-cron
deleted file mode 100644
index c7744219f9a..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled-cron
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# For automatic updates, symlink this file to /etc/cron.d/
-# Do not remove the newline at the end of this cron script
-# bash required for use of RANDOM below.
-# invoke check/update script with random delay up to 59 mins
-0 * * * * root sleep $((RANDOM*3540/32768)) && /opt/ripple/bin/update-rippled.sh
diff --git a/Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled.sh b/Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 19409ece0cb..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/shared/update-rippled.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# auto-update script for rippled daemon
-# Check for sudo/root permissions
-if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]] ; then
- echo "This update script must be run as root or sudo"
- exit 1
-function cleanup {
- # If this directory isn't removed, future updates will fail.
- rmdir $LOCKDIR
-# Use mkdir to check if process is already running. mkdir is atomic, as against file create.
-if ! mkdir $LOCKDIR 2>/dev/null; then
- echo $(date -u) "lockdir exists - won't proceed." >> $UPDATELOG
- exit 1
-trap cleanup EXIT
-source /etc/os-release
-if [[ "$ID" == "ubuntu" || "$ID" == "debian" ]] ; then
- # Silent update
- apt-get update -qq
- # The next line is an "awk"ward way to check if the package needs to be updated.
- RIPPLE=$(apt-get install -s --only-upgrade rippled | awk '/^Inst/ { print $2 }')
- test "$RIPPLE" == "rippled" && can_update=true
- function apply_update {
- apt-get install rippled -qq
- }
-elif [[ "$ID" == "fedora" || "$ID" == "centos" || "$ID" == "rhel" || "$ID" == "scientific" ]] ; then
- yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=ripple-$RIPPLE_REPO clean expire-cache
- yum check-update -q --enablerepo=ripple-$RIPPLE_REPO rippled || can_update=true
- function apply_update {
- yum update -y --enablerepo=ripple-$RIPPLE_REPO rippled
- }
- echo "unrecognized distro!"
- exit 1
-# Do the actual update and restart the service after reloading systemctl daemon.
-if [ "$can_update" = true ] ; then
- exec 3>&1 1>>${UPDATELOG} 2>&1
- set -e
- apply_update
- systemctl daemon-reload
- systemctl restart rippled.service
- echo $(date -u) "rippled daemon updated."
- echo $(date -u) "no updates available" >> $UPDATELOG
diff --git a/Builds/containers/shared/update_sources.sh b/Builds/containers/shared/update_sources.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 56ca958b287..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/shared/update_sources.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-function error {
- echo $1
- exit 1
-cd /opt/rippled_bld/pkg/rippled
-export RIPPLED_VERSION=$(egrep -i -o "\b(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(-[0-9a-z\-]+(\.[0-9a-z\-]+)*)?(\+[0-9a-z\-]+(\.[0-9a-z\-]+)*)?\b" src/ripple/protocol/impl/BuildInfo.cpp)
-: ${PKG_OUTDIR:=/opt/rippled_bld/pkg/out}
-export PKG_OUTDIR
-if [ ! -d ${PKG_OUTDIR} ]; then
- error "${PKG_OUTDIR} is not mounted"
-if [ -x ${OPENSSL_ROOT}/bin/openssl ]; then
diff --git a/Builds/containers/ubuntu-builder/Dockerfile b/Builds/containers/ubuntu-builder/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 23723967fc2..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/ubuntu-builder/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-FROM ubuntu:$DIST_TAG
-ARG CI_USE=false
-LABEL git-commit=$GIT_COMMIT
-WORKDIR /root
-COPY ubuntu-builder/ubuntu_setup.sh .
-RUN ./ubuntu_setup.sh && rm ubuntu_setup.sh
-RUN mkdir -m 777 -p /opt/rippled_bld/pkg/
-WORKDIR /opt/rippled_bld/pkg
-COPY packaging/dpkg/build_dpkg.sh ./
-CMD ./build_dpkg.sh
diff --git a/Builds/containers/ubuntu-builder/ubuntu_setup.sh b/Builds/containers/ubuntu-builder/ubuntu_setup.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index cd8db75153d..00000000000
--- a/Builds/containers/ubuntu-builder/ubuntu_setup.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -o errexit
-set -o nounset
-set -o xtrace
-# Parameters
-apt update
-# Iteratively build the list of packages to install so that we can interleave
-# the lines with comments explaining their inclusion.
-# - to identify the Ubuntu version
-dependencies+=' lsb-release'
-# - for add-apt-repository
-dependencies+=' software-properties-common'
-# - to download CMake
-dependencies+=' curl'
-# - to build CMake
-dependencies+=' libssl-dev'
-# - Python headers for Boost.Python
-dependencies+=' python3-dev'
-# - to install Conan
-dependencies+=' python3-pip'
-# - to download rippled
-dependencies+=' git'
-# - CMake generators (but not CMake itself)
-dependencies+=' make ninja-build'
-apt install --yes ${dependencies}
-add-apt-repository --yes ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
-apt install --yes gcc-${gcc_version} g++-${gcc_version} \
- debhelper debmake debsums gnupg dh-buildinfo dh-make dh-systemd cmake \
- ninja-build zlib1g-dev make cmake ninja-build autoconf automake \
- pkg-config apt-transport-https
-# Give us nice unversioned aliases for gcc and company.
-update-alternatives --install \
- /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-${gcc_version} 100 \
- --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-${gcc_version} \
- --slave /usr/bin/gcc-ar gcc-ar /usr/bin/gcc-ar-${gcc_version} \
- --slave /usr/bin/gcc-nm gcc-nm /usr/bin/gcc-nm-${gcc_version} \
- --slave /usr/bin/gcc-ranlib gcc-ranlib /usr/bin/gcc-ranlib-${gcc_version} \
- --slave /usr/bin/gcov gcov /usr/bin/gcov-${gcc_version} \
- --slave /usr/bin/gcov-tool gcov-tool /usr/bin/gcov-dump-${gcc_version} \
- --slave /usr/bin/gcov-dump gcov-dump /usr/bin/gcov-tool-${gcc_version}
-update-alternatives --auto gcc
-# Download and unpack CMake.
-curl --location --remote-name \
- "https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v${cmake_version}/${cmake_slug}.tar.gz"
-tar xzf ${cmake_slug}.tar.gz
-rm ${cmake_slug}.tar.gz
-# Build and install CMake.
-cd ${cmake_slug}
-./bootstrap --parallel=$(nproc)
-make --jobs $(nproc)
-make install
-cd ..
-rm --recursive --force ${cmake_slug}
-# Install Conan.
-pip3 install conan==${conan_version}
-conan profile new --detect gcc
-conan profile update settings.compiler=gcc gcc
-conan profile update settings.compiler.version=${gcc_version} gcc
-conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 gcc
-conan profile update env.CC=/usr/bin/gcc gcc
-conan profile update env.CXX=/usr/bin/g++ gcc
diff --git a/Builds/linux/README.md b/Builds/linux/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fce8e824a05..00000000000
--- a/Builds/linux/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[Build instructions are currently located in `BUILD.md`](../../BUILD.md)
diff --git a/Builds/macos/README.md b/Builds/macos/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fce8e824a05..00000000000
--- a/Builds/macos/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[Build instructions are currently located in `BUILD.md`](../../BUILD.md)
index 06b9d622cbb..1d916dcc6c7 100644
@@ -1,67 +1,186 @@
+The XRP Ledger has many and diverse stakeholders, and everyone deserves
+a chance to contribute meaningful changes to the code that runs the
# Contributing
-The XRP Ledger has many and diverse stakeholders, and everyone deserves a chance to contribute meaningful changes to the code that runs the XRPL.
-To contribute, please:
-1. Fork the repository under your own user.
-2. Create a new branch on which to write your changes. Please note that changes which alter transaction processing must be composed via and guarded using [Amendments](https://xrpl.org/amendments.html). Changes which are _read only_ i.e. RPC, or changes which are only refactors and maintain the existing behaviour do not need to be made through an Amendment.
-3. Write and test your code.
-4. Ensure that your code compiles with the provided build engine and update the provided build engine as part of your PR where needed and where appropriate.
-5. Write test cases for your code and include those in `src/test` such that they are runnable from the command line using `./rippled -u`. (Some changes will not be able to be tested this way.)
-6. Ensure your code passes automated checks (e.g. clang-format and levelization.)
-7. Squash your commits (i.e. rebase) into as few commits as is reasonable to describe your changes at a high level (typically a single commit for a small change.)
-8. Open a PR to the main repository onto the _develop_ branch, and follow the provided template.
-# Major Changes
-If your code change is a major feature, a breaking change or in some other way makes a significant alteration to the way the XRPL will operate, then you must first write an XLS document (XRP Ledger Standard) describing your change.
-To do this:
-1. Go to [XLS Standards](https://github.com/XRPLF/XRPL-Standards/discussions).
-2. Choose the next available standard number.
-3. Open a discussion with the appropriate title to propose your draft standard.
-4. Link your XLS in your PR.
+We assume you are familiar with the general practice of [making
+contributions on GitHub][1]. This file includes only special
+instructions specific to this project.
+## Before you start
+In general, contributions should be developed in your personal
+The following branches exist in the main project repository:
+- `dev`: The latest set of unreleased features, and the most common
+ starting point for contributions.
+- `candidate`: The latest beta release or release candidate.
+- `release`: The latest stable release.
+The tip of each branch must be signed. In order for GitHub to sign a
+squashed commit that it builds from your pull request, GitHub must know
+your verifying key. Please set up [signature verification][signing].
+[rippled]: https://github.com/XRPLF/rippled
+ https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/managing-commit-signature-verification/about-commit-signature-verification
+## Major contributions
+If your contribution is a major feature or breaking change, then you
+must first write an XRP Ledger Standard (XLS) describing it. Go to
+choose the next available standard number, and open a discussion with an
+appropriate title to propose your draft standard.
+When you submit a pull request, please link the corresponding XLS in the
+description. An XLS still in draft status is considered a
+work-in-progress and open for discussion. Please allow time for
+questions, suggestions, and changes to the XLS draft. It is the
+responsibility of the XLS author to update the draft to match the final
+implementation when its corresponding pull request is merged, unless the
+author delegates that responsibility to others.
+## Before making a pull request
+Changes that alter transaction processing must be guarded by an
+All other changes that maintain the existing behavior do not need an
+Ensure that your code compiles according to the build instructions in
+If you create new source files, they must go under `src/ripple`.
+You will need to add them to one of the
+[source lists](./Builds/CMake/RippledCore.cmake) in CMake.
+Please write tests for your code.
+If you create new test source files, they must go under `src/test`.
+You will need to add them to one of the
+[source lists](./Builds/CMake/RippledCore.cmake) in CMake.
+If your test can be run offline, in under 60 seconds, then it can be an
+automatic test run by `rippled --unittest`.
+Otherwise, it must be a manual test.
+The source must be formatted according to the style guide below.
+Header includes must be [levelized](./Builds/levelization).
+## Pull requests
+In general, pull requests use `develop` as the base branch.
+(Hotfixes are an exception.)
+Changes to pull requests must be added as new commits.
+Once code reviewers have started looking at your code, please avoid
+force-pushing a branch in a pull request.
+This preserves the ability for reviewers to filter changes since their last
+A pull request must obtain **approvals from at least two reviewers** before it
+can be considered for merge by a Maintainer.
+Maintainers retain discretion to require more approvals if they feel the
+credibility of the existing approvals is insufficient.
+Pull requests must be merged by [squash-and-merge][2]
+to preserve a linear history for the `develop` branch.
# Style guide
-This is a non-exhaustive list of recommended style guidelines. These are not always strictly enforced and serve as a way to keep the codebase coherent rather than a set of _thou shalt not_ commandments.
+This is a non-exhaustive list of recommended style guidelines. These are
+not always strictly enforced and serve as a way to keep the codebase
+coherent rather than a set of _thou shalt not_ commandments.
## Formatting
-All code must conform to `clang-format` version 10, unless the result would be unreasonably difficult to read or maintain.
-To change your code to conform use `clang-format -i `.
+All code must conform to `clang-format` version 10,
+according to the settings in [`.clang-format`](./.clang-format),
+unless the result would be unreasonably difficult to read or maintain.
+To demarcate lines that should be left as-is, surround them with comments like
+// clang-format off
+// clang-format on
+You can format individual files in place by running `clang-format -i ...`
+from any directory within this project.
+You can install a pre-commit hook to automatically run `clang-format` before every commit:
+pip3 install pre-commit
+pre-commit install
## Avoid
1. Proliferation of nearly identical code.
2. Proliferation of new files and classes.
3. Complex inheritance and complex OOP patterns.
4. Unmanaged memory allocation and raw pointers.
-5. Macros and non-trivial templates (unless they add significant value.)
-6. Lambda patterns (unless these add significant value.)
-7. CPU or architecture-specific code unless there is a good reason to include it, and where it is used guard it with macros and provide explanatory comments.
+5. Macros and non-trivial templates (unless they add significant value).
+6. Lambda patterns (unless these add significant value).
+7. CPU or architecture-specific code unless there is a good reason to
+ include it, and where it is used, guard it with macros and provide
+ explanatory comments.
8. Importing new libraries unless there is a very good reason to do so.
## Seek to
9. Extend functionality of existing code rather than creating new code.
-10. Prefer readability over terseness where important logic is concerned.
-11. Inline functions that are not used or are not likely to be used elsewhere in the codebase.
-12. Use clear and self-explanatory names for functions, variables, structs and classes.
-13. Use TitleCase for classes, structs and filenames, camelCase for function and variable names, lower case for namespaces and folders.
-14. Provide as many comments as you feel that a competent programmer would need to understand what your code does.
+10. Prefer readability over terseness where important logic is
+ concerned.
+11. Inline functions that are not used or are not likely to be used
+ elsewhere in the codebase.
+12. Use clear and self-explanatory names for functions, variables,
+ structs and classes.
+13. Use TitleCase for classes, structs and filenames, camelCase for
+ function and variable names, lower case for namespaces and folders.
+14. Provide as many comments as you feel that a competent programmer
+ would need to understand what your code does.
# Maintainers
-Maintainers are ecosystem participants with elevated access to the repository. They are able to push new code, make decisions on when a release should be made, etc.
-## Code Review
-New contributors' PRs must be reviewed by at least two of the maintainers. Well established prior contributors can be reviewed by a single maintainer.
-## Adding and Removing
-New maintainers can be proposed by two existing maintainers, subject to a vote by a quorum of the existing maintainers. A minimum of 50% support and a 50% participation is required. In the event of a tie vote, the addition of the new maintainer will be rejected.
-Existing maintainers can resign, or be subject to a vote for removal at the behest of two existing maintainers. A minimum of 60% agreement and 50% participation are required. The XRP Ledger Foundation will have the ability, for cause, to remove an existing maintainer without a vote.
-## Existing Maintainers
-* [JoelKatz](https://github.com/JoelKatz) (Ripple)
-* [Manojsdoshi](https://github.com/manojsdoshi) (Ripple)
-* [N3tc4t](https://github.com/n3tc4t) (XRPL Labs)
-* [Nikolaos D Bougalis](https://github.com/nbougalis)
-* [Nixer89](https://github.com/nixer89) (XRP Ledger Foundation)
-* [RichardAH](https://github.com/RichardAH) (XRPL Labs + XRP Ledger Foundation)
-* [Seelabs](https://github.com/seelabs) (Ripple)
-* [Silkjaer](https://github.com/Silkjaer) (XRP Ledger Foundation)
-* [WietseWind](https://github.com/WietseWind) (XRPL Labs + XRP Ledger Foundation)
-* [Ximinez](https://github.com/ximinez) (Ripple)
+Maintainers are ecosystem participants with elevated access to the repository.
+They are able to push new code, make decisions on when a release should be
+made, etc.
+## Adding and removing
+New maintainers can be proposed by two existing maintainers, subject to a vote
+by a quorum of the existing maintainers.
+A minimum of 50% support and a 50% participation is required.
+In the event of a tie vote, the addition of the new maintainer will be
+Existing maintainers can resign, or be subject to a vote for removal at the
+behest of two existing maintainers.
+A minimum of 60% agreement and 50% participation are required.
+The XRP Ledger Foundation will have the ability, for cause, to remove an
+existing maintainer without a vote.
+## Current Maintainers
+* [Richard Holland](https://github.com/RichardAH) (XRPL Labs + XRP Ledger Foundation)
+* [Denis Angell](https://github.com/dangell7) (XRPL Labs + XRP Ledger Foundation)
+* [Wietse Wind](https://github.com/WietseWind) (XRPL Labs + XRP Ledger Foundation)
+[1]: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/contributing-to-projects
+[2]: https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/incorporating-changes-from-a-pull-request/about-pull-request-merges#squash-and-merge-your-commits
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md
index 9282ed78baf..e276f4ccdaa 100644
--- a/LICENSE.md
+++ b/LICENSE.md
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ ISC License
Copyright (c) 2011, Arthur Britto, David Schwartz, Jed McCaleb, Vinnie Falco, Bob Way, Eric Lombrozo, Nikolaos D. Bougalis, Howard Hinnant.
Copyright (c) 2012-2020, the XRP Ledger developers.
+Copyright (c) 2021-2024, XRPL Labs.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
diff --git a/bin/browser.js b/bin/browser.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 81618bd0028..00000000000
--- a/bin/browser.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-// ledger?l=L
-// transaction?h=H
-// ledger_entry?l=L&h=H
-// account?l=L&a=A
-// directory?l=L&dir_root=H&i=I
-// directory?l=L&o=A&i=I // owner directory
-// offer?l=L&offer=H
-// offer?l=L&account=A&i=I
-// ripple_state=l=L&a=A&b=A&c=C
-// account_lines?l=L&a=A
-// A=address
-// C=currency 3 letter code
-// H=hash
-// I=index
-// L=current | closed | validated | index | hash
-var async = require("async");
-var extend = require("extend");
-var http = require("http");
-var url = require("url");
-var Remote = require("ripple-lib").Remote;
-var program = process.argv[1];
-var httpd_response = function (res, opts) {
- var self=this;
- res.statusCode = opts.statusCode;
- res.end(
- ""
- + "Title"
- + ""
- + "State:" + self.state
- + ""
- + (opts.body || '')
- + '
- + (opts.url || '')
- + '
- + ""
- + ""
- );
-var html_link = function (generic) {
- return '' + generic + '';
-// Build a link to a type.
-var build_uri = function (params, opts) {
- var c;
- if (params.type === 'account') {
- c = {
- pathname: 'account',
- query: {
- l: params.ledger,
- a: params.account,
- },
- };
- } else if (params.type === 'ledger') {
- c = {
- pathname: 'ledger',
- query: {
- l: params.ledger,
- },
- };
- } else if (params.type === 'transaction') {
- c = {
- pathname: 'transaction',
- query: {
- h: params.hash,
- },
- };
- } else {
- c = {};
- }
- opts = opts || {};
- c.protocol = "http";
- c.hostname = opts.hostname || self.base.hostname;
- c.port = opts.port || self.base.port;
- return url.format(c);
-var build_link = function (item, link) {
- return "" + item + "";
-var rewrite_field = function (type, obj, field, opts) {
- if (field in obj) {
- obj[field] = rewrite_type(type, obj[field], opts);
- }
-var rewrite_type = function (type, obj, opts) {
- if ('amount' === type) {
- if ('string' === typeof obj) {
- // XRP.
- return '' + obj + '';
- } else {
- rewrite_field('address', obj, 'issuer', opts);
- return obj;
- }
- return build_link(
- obj,
- build_uri({
- type: 'account',
- account: obj
- }, opts)
- );
- }
- if ('address' === type) {
- return build_link(
- obj,
- build_uri({
- type: 'account',
- account: obj
- }, opts)
- );
- }
- else if ('ledger' === type) {
- return build_link(
- obj,
- build_uri({
- type: 'ledger',
- ledger: obj,
- }, opts)
- );
- }
- else if ('node' === type) {
- // A node
- if ('PreviousTxnID' in obj)
- obj.PreviousTxnID = rewrite_type('transaction', obj.PreviousTxnID, opts);
- if ('Offer' === obj.LedgerEntryType) {
- if ('NewFields' in obj) {
- if ('TakerGets' in obj.NewFields)
- obj.NewFields.TakerGets = rewrite_type('amount', obj.NewFields.TakerGets, opts);
- if ('TakerPays' in obj.NewFields)
- obj.NewFields.TakerPays = rewrite_type('amount', obj.NewFields.TakerPays, opts);
- }
- }
- obj.LedgerEntryType = '' + obj.LedgerEntryType + '';
- return obj;
- }
- else if ('transaction' === type) {
- // Reference to a transaction.
- return build_link(
- obj,
- build_uri({
- type: 'transaction',
- hash: obj
- }, opts)
- );
- }
- return 'ERROR: ' + type;
-var rewrite_object = function (obj, opts) {
- var out = extend({}, obj);
- rewrite_field('address', out, 'Account', opts);
- rewrite_field('ledger', out, 'parent_hash', opts);
- rewrite_field('ledger', out, 'ledger_index', opts);
- rewrite_field('ledger', out, 'ledger_current_index', opts);
- rewrite_field('ledger', out, 'ledger_hash', opts);
- if ('ledger' in obj) {
- // It's a ledger header.
- out.ledger = rewrite_object(out.ledger, opts);
- if ('ledger_hash' in out.ledger)
- out.ledger.ledger_hash = '' + out.ledger.ledger_hash + '';
- delete out.ledger.hash;
- delete out.ledger.totalCoins;
- }
- if ('TransactionType' in obj) {
- // It's a transaction.
- out.TransactionType = '' + obj.TransactionType + '';
- rewrite_field('amount', out, 'TakerGets', opts);
- rewrite_field('amount', out, 'TakerPays', opts);
- rewrite_field('ledger', out, 'inLedger', opts);
- out.meta.AffectedNodes = out.meta.AffectedNodes.map(function (node) {
- var kind = 'CreatedNode' in node
- ? 'CreatedNode'
- : 'ModifiedNode' in node
- ? 'ModifiedNode'
- : 'DeletedNode' in node
- ? 'DeletedNode'
- : undefined;
- if (kind) {
- node[kind] = rewrite_type('node', node[kind], opts);
- }
- return node;
- });
- }
- else if ('node' in obj && 'LedgerEntryType' in obj.node) {
- // Its a ledger entry.
- if (obj.node.LedgerEntryType === 'AccountRoot') {
- rewrite_field('address', out.node, 'Account', opts);
- rewrite_field('transaction', out.node, 'PreviousTxnID', opts);
- rewrite_field('ledger', out.node, 'PreviousTxnLgrSeq', opts);
- }
- out.node.LedgerEntryType = '' + out.node.LedgerEntryType + '';
- }
- return out;
-var augment_object = function (obj, opts, done) {
- if (obj.node.LedgerEntryType == 'AccountRoot') {
- var tx_hash = obj.node.PreviousTxnID;
- var tx_ledger = obj.node.PreviousTxnLgrSeq;
- obj.history = [];
- async.whilst(
- function () { return tx_hash; },
- function (callback) {
-// console.log("augment_object: request: %s %s", tx_hash, tx_ledger);
- opts.remote.request_tx(tx_hash)
- .on('success', function (m) {
- tx_hash = undefined;
- tx_ledger = undefined;
-//console.log("augment_object: ", JSON.stringify(m));
- m.meta.AffectedNodes.filter(function(n) {
-// console.log("augment_object: ", JSON.stringify(n));
-// if (n.ModifiedNode)
-// console.log("augment_object: %s %s %s %s %s %s/%s", 'ModifiedNode' in n, n.ModifiedNode && (n.ModifiedNode.LedgerEntryType === 'AccountRoot'), n.ModifiedNode && n.ModifiedNode.FinalFields && (n.ModifiedNode.FinalFields.Account === obj.node.Account), Object.keys(n)[0], n.ModifiedNode && (n.ModifiedNode.LedgerEntryType), obj.node.Account, n.ModifiedNode && n.ModifiedNode.FinalFields && n.ModifiedNode.FinalFields.Account);
-// if ('ModifiedNode' in n && n.ModifiedNode.LedgerEntryType === 'AccountRoot')
-// {
-// console.log("***: ", JSON.stringify(m));
-// console.log("***: ", JSON.stringify(n));
-// }
- return 'ModifiedNode' in n
- && n.ModifiedNode.LedgerEntryType === 'AccountRoot'
- && n.ModifiedNode.FinalFields
- && n.ModifiedNode.FinalFields.Account === obj.node.Account;
- })
- .forEach(function (n) {
- tx_hash = n.ModifiedNode.PreviousTxnID;
- tx_ledger = n.ModifiedNode.PreviousTxnLgrSeq;
- obj.history.push({
- tx_hash: tx_hash,
- tx_ledger: tx_ledger
- });
-console.log("augment_object: next: %s %s", tx_hash, tx_ledger);
- });
- callback();
- })
- .on('error', function (m) {
- callback(m);
- })
- .request();
- },
- function (err) {
- if (err) {
- done();
- }
- else {
- async.forEach(obj.history, function (o, callback) {
- opts.remote.request_account_info(obj.node.Account)
- .ledger_index(o.tx_ledger)
- .on('success', function (m) {
-//console.log("augment_object: ", JSON.stringify(m));
- o.Balance = m.account_data.Balance;
-// o.account_data = m.account_data;
- callback();
- })
- .on('error', function (m) {
- o.error = m;
- callback();
- })
- .request();
- },
- function (err) {
- done(err);
- });
- }
- });
- }
- else {
- done();
- }
-if (process.argv.length < 4 || process.argv.length > 7) {
- console.log("Usage: %s ws_ip ws_port [ [ []]]", program);
-else {
- var ws_ip = process.argv[2];
- var ws_port = process.argv[3];
- var ip = process.argv.length > 4 ? process.argv[4] : "";
- var port = process.argv.length > 5 ? process.argv[5] : "8080";
-// console.log("START");
- var self = this;
- var remote = (new Remote({
- websocket_ip: ws_ip,
- websocket_port: ws_port,
- trace: false
- }))
- .on('state', function (m) {
- console.log("STATE: %s", m);
- self.state = m;
- })
-// .once('ledger_closed', callback)
- .connect()
- ;
- self.base = {
- hostname: ip,
- port: port,
- remote: remote,
- };
-// console.log("SERVE");
- var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
- var input = "";
- req.setEncoding();
- req.on('data', function (buffer) {
- // console.log("DATA: %s", buffer);
- input = input + buffer;
- });
- req.on('end', function () {
- // console.log("URL: %s", req.url);
- // console.log("HEADERS: %s", JSON.stringify(req.headers, undefined, 2));
- var _parsed = url.parse(req.url, true);
- var _url = JSON.stringify(_parsed, undefined, 2);
- // console.log("HEADERS: %s", JSON.stringify(_parsed, undefined, 2));
- if (_parsed.pathname === "/account") {
- var request = remote
- .request_ledger_entry('account_root')
- .ledger_index(-1)
- .account_root(_parsed.query.a)
- .on('success', function (m) {
- // console.log("account_root: %s", JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2));
- augment_object(m, self.base, function() {
- httpd_response(res,
- {
- statusCode: 200,
- url: _url,
- body: ""
- + JSON.stringify(rewrite_object(m, self.base), undefined, 2)
- + "
- });
- });
- })
- .request();
- } else if (_parsed.pathname === "/ledger") {
- var request = remote
- .request_ledger(undefined, { expand: true, transactions: true })
- .on('success', function (m) {
- // console.log("Ledger: %s", JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2));
- httpd_response(res,
- {
- statusCode: 200,
- url: _url,
- body: ""
- + JSON.stringify(rewrite_object(m, self.base), undefined, 2)
- +"
- });
- })
- if (_parsed.query.l && _parsed.query.l.length === 64) {
- request.ledger_hash(_parsed.query.l);
- }
- else if (_parsed.query.l) {
- request.ledger_index(Number(_parsed.query.l));
- }
- else {
- request.ledger_index(-1);
- }
- request.request();
- } else if (_parsed.pathname === "/transaction") {
- var request = remote
- .request_tx(_parsed.query.h)
-// .request_transaction_entry(_parsed.query.h)
-// .ledger_select(_parsed.query.l)
- .on('success', function (m) {
- // console.log("transaction: %s", JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2));
- httpd_response(res,
- {
- statusCode: 200,
- url: _url,
- body: ""
- + JSON.stringify(rewrite_object(m, self.base), undefined, 2)
- +"
- });
- })
- .on('error', function (m) {
- httpd_response(res,
- {
- statusCode: 200,
- url: _url,
- body: ""
- + 'ERROR: ' + JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2)
- +"
- });
- })
- .request();
- } else {
- var test = build_uri({
- type: 'account',
- ledger: 'closed',
- account: 'rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh',
- }, self.base);
- httpd_response(res,
- {
- statusCode: req.url === "/" ? 200 : 404,
- url: _url,
- });
- }
- });
- });
- server.listen(port, ip, undefined,
- function () {
- console.log("Listening at: http://%s:%s", ip, port);
- });
-// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et
diff --git a/bin/ci/README.md b/bin/ci/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 36d4fc1d310..00000000000
--- a/bin/ci/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-In this directory are two scripts, `build.sh` and `test.sh` used for building
-and testing rippled.
-(For now, they assume Bash and Linux. Once I get Windows containers for
-testing, I'll try them there, but if Bash is not available, then they will
-soon be joined by PowerShell scripts `build.ps` and `test.ps`.)
-We don't want these scripts to require arcane invocations that can only be
-pieced together from within a CI configuration. We want something that humans
-can easily invoke, read, and understand, for when we eventually have to test
-and debug them interactively. That means:
-(1) They should work with no arguments.
-(2) They should document their arguments.
-(3) They should expand short arguments into long arguments.
-While we want to provide options for common use cases, we don't need to offer
-the kitchen sink. We can rightfully expect users with esoteric, complicated
-needs to write their own scripts.
-To make argument-handling easy for us, the implementers, we can just take all
-arguments from environment variables. They have the nice advantage that every
-command-line uses named arguments. For the benefit of us and our users, we
-document those variables at the top of each script.
diff --git a/bin/ci/build.sh b/bin/ci/build.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index fa7a0c96829..00000000000
--- a/bin/ci/build.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -o xtrace
-set -o errexit
-# The build system. Either 'Unix Makefiles' or 'Ninja'.
-# The compiler. Either 'gcc' or 'clang'.
-# The build type. Either 'Debug' or 'Release'.
-# Additional arguments to CMake.
-# We use the `-` substitution here instead of `:-` so that callers can erase
-# the default by setting `$CMAKE_ARGS` to the empty string.
-# https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/18865
-if [[ ${COMPILER} == 'gcc' ]]; then
- export CC='gcc'
- export CXX='g++'
-elif [[ ${COMPILER} == 'clang' ]]; then
- export CC='clang'
- export CXX='clang++'
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake --build . -- -j $(nproc)
diff --git a/bin/ci/test.sh b/bin/ci/test.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 11615d732b7..00000000000
--- a/bin/ci/test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -o xtrace
-set -o errexit
-# Set to 'true' to run the known "manual" tests in rippled.
-# The maximum number of concurrent tests.
-# The path to rippled.
-# Additional arguments to rippled.
-function join_by { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }
-declare -a manual_tests=(
- 'beast.chrono.abstract_clock'
- 'beast.unit_test.print'
- 'ripple.NodeStore.Timing'
- 'ripple.app.Flow_manual'
- 'ripple.app.NoRippleCheckLimits'
- 'ripple.app.PayStrandAllPairs'
- 'ripple.consensus.ByzantineFailureSim'
- 'ripple.consensus.DistributedValidators'
- 'ripple.consensus.ScaleFreeSim'
- 'ripple.tx.CrossingLimits'
- 'ripple.tx.FindOversizeCross'
- 'ripple.tx.Offer_manual'
- 'ripple.tx.OversizeMeta'
- 'ripple.tx.PlumpBook'
-if [[ ${MANUAL_TESTS} == 'true' ]]; then
- RIPPLED_ARGS+=" --unittest=$(join_by , "${manual_tests[@]}")"
- RIPPLED_ARGS+=" --unittest --quiet --unittest-log"
-RIPPLED_ARGS+=" --unittest-jobs ${CONCURRENT_TESTS}"
diff --git a/bin/ci/ubuntu/build-and-test.sh b/bin/ci/ubuntu/build-and-test.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 7ae75f2b16a..00000000000
--- a/bin/ci/ubuntu/build-and-test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -ex
-function version_ge() { test "$(echo "$@" | tr " " "\n" | sort -rV | head -n 1)" == "$1"; }
-__dirname=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
-echo "using CC: ${CC}"
-"${CC}" --version
-export CC
-COMPNAME=$(basename $CC)
-echo "using CXX: ${CXX:-notset}"
-if [[ $CXX ]]; then
- "${CXX}" --version
- export CXX
-: ${BUILD_TYPE:=Debug}
-: ${TARGET:=install}
-if [[ ${TRAVIS:-false} != "true" ]]; then
- JOBS=$((JOBS+1))
-if [[ ! -z "${CMAKE_EXE:-}" ]] ; then
- export PATH="$(dirname ${CMAKE_EXE}):$PATH"
-if [ -x /usr/bin/time ] ; then
- : ${TIME:="Duration: %E"}
- export TIME
- time=/usr/bin/time
- time=
-echo "Building rippled"
-if [[ ${NINJA_BUILD:-} == true ]]; then
-if [[ "${TARGET}" == "coverage_report" ]] ; then
- echo "coverage option detected."
- coverage=true
-cmake --version
-CMAKE_VER=$(cmake --version | cut -d " " -f 3 | head -1)
-# allow explicit setting of the name of the build
-# dir, otherwise default to the compiler.build_type
-BUILDARGS="--target ${TARGET}"
-if version_ge $CMAKE_VER "3.12.0" ; then
- BUILDARGS+=" --parallel"
-if [[ ${NINJA_BUILD:-} == false ]]; then
- if version_ge $CMAKE_VER "3.12.0" ; then
- else
- fi
-if [[ ${VERBOSE_BUILD:-} == true ]]; then
- if version_ge $CMAKE_VER "3.14.0" ; then
- BUILDARGS+=" --verbose"
- else
- if [[ ${NINJA_BUILD:-} == false ]]; then
- BUILDTOOLARGS+=" verbose=1"
- else
- fi
- fi
-if [[ ${USE_CCACHE:-} == true ]]; then
- echo "using ccache with basedir [${CCACHE_BASEDIR:-}]"
-if [ -d "build/${BUILD_DIR}" ]; then
- rm -rf "build/${BUILD_DIR}"
-mkdir -p "build/${BUILD_DIR}"
-pushd "build/${BUILD_DIR}"
-# cleanup possible artifacts
-rm -fv CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log
-# Clean up NIH directories which should be git repos, but aren't
-for nih_path in ${NIH_CACHE_ROOT}/*/*/*/src ${NIH_CACHE_ROOT}/*/*/src
- for dir in lz4 snappy rocksdb
- do
- if [ -e ${nih_path}/${dir} -a \! -e ${nih_path}/${dir}/.git ]
- then
- ls -la ${nih_path}/${dir}*
- rm -rfv ${nih_path}/${dir}*
- fi
- done
-# generate
-# Display the cmake output, to help with debugging if something fails
-for file in CMakeOutput.log CMakeError.log
- if [ -f CMakeFiles/${file} ]
- then
- ls -l CMakeFiles/${file}
- cat CMakeFiles/${file}
- fi
-# build
-export DESTDIR=$(pwd)/_INSTALLED_
-${time} eval cmake --build . ${BUILDARGS} -- ${BUILDTOOLARGS}
-if [[ ${TARGET} == "docs" ]]; then
- ## mimic the standard test output for docs build
- ## to make controlling processes like jenkins happy
- if [ -f docs/html/index.html ]; then
- echo "1 case, 1 test total, 0 failures"
- else
- echo "1 case, 1 test total, 1 failures"
- fi
- exit
-if [[ "${TARGET}" == "validator-keys" ]] ; then
- export APP_PATH="$PWD/build/${BUILD_DIR}/validator-keys/validator-keys"
- export APP_PATH="$PWD/build/${BUILD_DIR}/rippled"
-echo "using APP_PATH: ${APP_PATH}"
-# See what we've actually built
-ldd ${APP_PATH}
-: ${APP_ARGS:=}
-if [[ "${TARGET}" == "validator-keys" ]] ; then
- APP_ARGS="--unittest"
- function join_by { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }
- # This is a list of manual tests
- # in rippled that we want to run
- # ORDER matters here...sorted in approximately
- # descending execution time (longest running tests at top)
- declare -a manual_tests=(
- 'ripple.ripple_data.reduce_relay_simulate'
- 'ripple.tx.Offer_manual'
- 'ripple.tx.CrossingLimits'
- 'ripple.tx.PlumpBook'
- 'ripple.app.Flow_manual'
- 'ripple.tx.OversizeMeta'
- 'ripple.consensus.DistributedValidators'
- 'ripple.app.NoRippleCheckLimits'
- 'ripple.ripple_data.compression'
- 'ripple.NodeStore.Timing'
- 'ripple.consensus.ByzantineFailureSim'
- 'beast.chrono.abstract_clock'
- 'beast.unit_test.print'
- )
- if [[ ${TRAVIS:-false} != "true" ]]; then
- # these two tests cause travis CI to run out of memory.
- # TODO: investigate possible workarounds.
- manual_tests=(
- 'ripple.consensus.ScaleFreeSim'
- 'ripple.tx.FindOversizeCross'
- "${manual_tests[@]}"
- )
- fi
- if [[ ${MANUAL_TESTS:-} == true ]]; then
- APP_ARGS+=" --unittest=$(join_by , "${manual_tests[@]}")"
- else
- APP_ARGS+=" --unittest --quiet --unittest-log"
- fi
- if [[ ${coverage} == false && ${PARALLEL_TESTS:-} == true ]]; then
- APP_ARGS+=" --unittest-jobs ${JOBS}"
- fi
- if [[ ${IPV6_TESTS:-} == true ]]; then
- APP_ARGS+=" --unittest-ipv6"
- fi
-if [[ ${coverage} == true && $CC =~ ^gcc ]]; then
- # Push the results (lcov.info) to codecov
- codecov -X gcov # don't even try and look for .gcov files ;)
- find . -name "*.gcda" | xargs rm -f
-if [[ ${SKIP_TESTS:-} == true ]]; then
- echo "skipping tests."
- exit
-ulimit -a
-corepat=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern)
-if [[ ${corepat} =~ ^[:space:]*\| ]] ; then
- echo "WARNING: core pattern is piping - can't search for core files"
- look_core=false
- look_core=true
- coredir=$(dirname ${corepat})
-if [[ ${look_core} == true ]]; then
- before=$(ls -A1 ${coredir})
-set +e
-echo "Running tests for ${APP_PATH}"
-if [[ ${MANUAL_TESTS:-} == true && ${PARALLEL_TESTS:-} != true ]]; then
- for t in "${manual_tests[@]}" ; do
- ${APP_PATH} --unittest=${t}
- if [[ $TEST_STAT -ne 0 ]] ; then
- break
- fi
- done
-set -e
-if [[ ${look_core} == true ]]; then
- after=$(ls -A1 ${coredir})
- oIFS="${IFS}"
- IFS=$'\n\r'
- found_core=false
- for l in $(diff -w --suppress-common-lines <(echo "$before") <(echo "$after")) ; do
- if [[ "$l" =~ ^[[:space:]]*\>[[:space:]]*(.+)$ ]] ; then
- corefile="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
- echo "FOUND core dump file at '${coredir}/${corefile}'"
- gdb_output=$(/bin/mktemp /tmp/gdb_output_XXXXXXXXXX.txt)
- found_core=true
- gdb \
- -ex "set height 0" \
- -ex "set logging file ${gdb_output}" \
- -ex "set logging on" \
- -ex "print 'ripple::BuildInfo::versionString'" \
- -ex "thread apply all backtrace full" \
- -ex "info inferiors" \
- -ex quit \
- "$APP_PATH" \
- "${coredir}/${corefile}" &> /dev/null
- echo -e "CORE INFO: \n\n $(cat ${gdb_output}) \n\n)"
- fi
- done
- IFS="${oIFS}"
-if [[ ${found_core} == true ]]; then
- exit -1
- exit $TEST_STAT
diff --git a/bin/ci/ubuntu/build-in-docker.sh b/bin/ci/ubuntu/build-in-docker.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index feeabb1189a..00000000000
--- a/bin/ci/ubuntu/build-in-docker.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# run our build script in a docker container
-# using travis-ci hosts
-set -eux
-function join_by { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }
-set +x
-echo "VERBOSE_BUILD=true" > /tmp/co.env
- 'TRAVIS.*' 'CI' 'CC' 'CXX'
- 'CODECOV.+' 'CMAKE.*' '.+_TESTS'
- '.+_OPTIONS' 'NINJA.*' 'NUM_.+'
- 'NIH_.+' 'BOOST.*' '.*CCACHE.*')
-matchstring=$(join_by '|' "${matchers[@]}")
-echo "MATCHSTRING IS:: $matchstring"
-env | grep -E "^(${matchstring})=" >> /tmp/co.env
-set -x
-# need to eliminate TRAVIS_CMD...don't want to pass it to the container
-cat /tmp/co.env | grep -v TRAVIS_CMD > /tmp/co.env.2
-mv /tmp/co.env.2 /tmp/co.env
-cat /tmp/co.env
-mkdir -p -m 0777 ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/cores
-echo "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/cores/%e.%p" | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
-docker run \
- -t --env-file /tmp/co.env \
- --cap-add SYS_PTRACE \
- --ulimit "core=-1" \
- /bin/bash -c 'if [[ $CC =~ ([[:alpha:]]+)-([[:digit:].]+) ]] ; then sudo update-alternatives --set ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} /usr/bin/$CC; fi; bin/ci/ubuntu/build-and-test.sh'
diff --git a/bin/ci/ubuntu/travis-cache-start.sh b/bin/ci/ubuntu/travis-cache-start.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 6811acb9043..00000000000
--- a/bin/ci/ubuntu/travis-cache-start.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# some cached files create churn, so save them here for
-# later restoration before packing the cache
-set -eux
-if [[ ! ( "${TRAVIS_JOB_NAME}" =~ "windows" || \
- "${TRAVIS_JOB_NAME}" =~ "prereq-keep" ) ]] && \
- ( [[ "${TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE}" =~ "${clean_cache}" ]] || \
- "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA}" != "" ]] && \
- git log -1 "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA}" | grep -cq "${clean_cache}" -
- )
- )
- find ${TRAVIS_HOME}/_cache -maxdepth 2 -type d
- rm -rf ${TRAVIS_HOME}/_cache
- mkdir -p ${TRAVIS_HOME}/_cache
-pushd ${TRAVIS_HOME}
-if [ -f cache_ignore.tar ] ; then
- rm -f cache_ignore.tar
-if [ -d _cache/nih_c ] ; then
- find _cache/nih_c -name "build.ninja" | tar rf cache_ignore.tar --files-from -
- find _cache/nih_c -name ".ninja_deps" | tar rf cache_ignore.tar --files-from -
- find _cache/nih_c -name ".ninja_log" | tar rf cache_ignore.tar --files-from -
- find _cache/nih_c -name "*.log" | tar rf cache_ignore.tar --files-from -
- find _cache/nih_c -name "*.tlog" | tar rf cache_ignore.tar --files-from -
- # show .a files in the cache, for sanity checking
- find _cache/nih_c -name "*.a" -ls
-if [ -d _cache/ccache ] ; then
- find _cache/ccache -name "stats" | tar rf cache_ignore.tar --files-from -
-if [ -f cache_ignore.tar ] ; then
- tar -tf cache_ignore.tar
diff --git a/bin/debug_local_sign.js b/bin/debug_local_sign.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 24f9aab4814..00000000000
--- a/bin/debug_local_sign.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-var ripple = require('ripple-lib');
-var v = {
- seed: "snoPBrXtMeMyMHUVTgbuqAfg1SUTb",
- addr: "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh"
-var remote = ripple.Remote.from_config({
- "trusted" : true,
- "websocket_ip" : "",
- "websocket_port" : 5006,
- "websocket_ssl" : false,
- "local_signing" : true
-var tx_json = {
- "Account" : v.addr,
- "Amount" : "10000000",
- "Destination" : "rEu2ULPiEQm1BAL8pYzmXnNX1aFX9sCks",
- "Fee" : "10",
- "Flags" : 0,
- "Sequence" : 3,
- "TransactionType" : "Payment"
- //"SigningPubKey": '0396941B22791A448E5877A44CE98434DB217D6FB97D63F0DAD23BE49ED45173C9'
-remote.on('connected', function () {
- var req = remote.request_sign(v.seed, tx_json);
- req.message.debug_signing = true;
- req.on('success', function (result) {
- console.log("SERVER RESULT");
- console.log(result);
- var sim = {};
- var tx = remote.transaction();
- tx.tx_json = tx_json;
- tx._secret = v.seed;
- tx.complete();
- var unsigned = tx.serialize().to_hex();
- tx.sign();
- sim.tx_blob = tx.serialize().to_hex();
- sim.tx_json = tx.tx_json;
- sim.tx_signing_hash = tx.signing_hash().to_hex();
- sim.tx_unsigned = unsigned;
- console.log("\nLOCAL RESULT");
- console.log(sim);
- remote.connect(false);
- });
- req.on('error', function (err) {
- if (err.error === "remoteError" && err.remote.error === "srcActNotFound") {
- console.log("Please fund account "+v.addr+" to run this test.");
- } else {
- console.log('error', err);
- }
- remote.connect(false);
- });
- req.request();
diff --git a/bin/email_hash.js b/bin/email_hash.js
deleted file mode 100755
index ab4f97c47ba..00000000000
--- a/bin/email_hash.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// Returns a Gravatar style hash as per: http://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/hash/
-if (3 != process.argv.length) {
- process.stderr.write("Usage: " + process.argv[1] + " email_address\n\nReturns gravatar style hash.\n");
- process.exit(1);
-} else {
- var md5 = require('crypto').createHash('md5');
- md5.update(process.argv[2].trim().toLowerCase());
- process.stdout.write(md5.digest('hex') + "\n");
-// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et
diff --git a/bin/flash_policy.js b/bin/flash_policy.js
deleted file mode 100755
index e1361d46dc7..00000000000
--- a/bin/flash_policy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// This program allows IE 9 ripple-clients to make websocket connections to
-// rippled using flash. As IE 9 does not have websocket support, this required
-// if you wish to support IE 9 ripple-clients.
-// http://www.lightsphere.com/dev/articles/flash_socket_policy.html
-// For better security, be sure to set the Port below to the port of your
-// [websocket_public_port].
-var net = require("net"),
- port = "*",
- domains = ["*:"+port]; // Domain:Port
- function(socket) {
- socket.write("\n");
- socket.write("\n");
- socket.write("\n");
- domains.forEach(
- function(domain) {
- var parts = domain.split(':');
- socket.write("\t\n");
- }
- );
- socket.write("\n");
- socket.end();
- }
diff --git a/bin/getRippledInfo b/bin/getRippledInfo
deleted file mode 100755
index abfa449bac4..00000000000
--- a/bin/getRippledInfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This script generates information about your rippled installation
-# and system. It can be used to help debug issues that you may face
-# in your installation. While this script endeavors to not display any
-# sensitive information, it is recommended that you read the output
-# before sharing with any third parties.
-while getopts ":e:c:" opt; do
- case $opt in
- e)
- rippled_exe=${OPTARG}
- ;;
- c)
- conf_file=${OPTARG}
- ;;
- \?)
- echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG"
- exit -1
- esac
-tmp_loc=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir ripple_info.XXXXX)
-chmod 751 ${tmp_loc}
-printf "# rippled report info\n\n> generated at %s\n" "$(date -R)" > ${summary_out}
-function log_section {
- printf "\n## %s\n" "$*" >> ${summary_out}
- while read -r l; do
- echo " $l" >> ${summary_out}
- done > ${awk_prog}
- BEGIN {FS="[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"; skip=0; db_path=""; print > OUT_FILE; split(exl,exa,"|")}
- /^#/ {next}
- save==2 && /^[[:space:]]*$/ {next}
- /^\[.+\]$/ {
- section=tolower(gensub(/^\[[[:space:]]*([a-zA-Z_]+)[[:space:]]*\]$/, "\\1", "g"))
- skip = 0
- for (i in exa) {
- if (section == exa[i])
- skip = 1
- }
- if (section == "database_path")
- save = 1
- }
- skip==1 {next}
- save==2 {save=0; db_path=$0}
- save==1 {save=2}
- $1 ~ /password/ {$0=$1"="}
- {print >> OUT_FILE}
- END {print db_path}
- db=$(\
- sed -r -e 's/\//g;s/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//' ${conf_file} |\
- awk -v OUT_FILE=${cleaned_conf} -v exl="$(join_by '|' "${exclude[@]}")" -f ${awk_prog})
- rm ${awk_prog}
- cat ${cleaned_conf} | log_section "cleaned config file"
- rm ${cleaned_conf}
- echo "${db}" | log_section "database path"
- df ${db} | log_section "df: database"
-# Send output from this script to a log file
-## this captures any messages
-## or errors from the script itself
-exec 3>&1 1>>${log_file} 2>&1
-## Send all stdout files to /tmp
-if [[ -x ${rippled_exe} ]] ; then
- pgrep rippled && \
- ${rippled_exe} --conf ${conf_file} \
- -- server_info | log_section "server info"
-cat /proc/meminfo | log_section "meminfo"
-cat /proc/swaps | log_section "swap space"
-ulimit -a | log_section "ulimit"
-if command -v lshw >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- lshw 2>/dev/null | log_section "hardware info"
- lscpu > ${tmp_loc}/hw_info.txt
- hwinfo >> ${tmp_loc}/hw_info.txt
- lspci >> ${tmp_loc}/hw_info.txt
- lsblk >> ${tmp_loc}/hw_info.txt
- cat ${tmp_loc}/hw_info.txt | log_section "hardware info"
- rm ${tmp_loc}/hw_info.txt
-if command -v iostat >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- iostat -t -d -x 2 6 | log_section "iostat"
-df -h | log_section "free disk space"
-drives=($(df | awk '$1 ~ /^\/dev\// {print $1}' | xargs -n 1 basename))
-block_devs=($(ls /sys/block/))
-for d in "${drives[@]}"; do
- for dev in "${block_devs[@]}"; do
- #echo "D: [$d], DEV: [$dev]"
- if [[ $d =~ $dev ]]; then
- # this file (if exists) has 0 for SSD and 1 for HDD
- if [[ "$(cat /sys/block/${dev}/queue/rotational 2>/dev/null)" == 0 ]] ; then
- echo "${d} : SSD" >> ${tmp_loc}/is_ssd.txt
- else
- echo "${d} : NO SSD" >> ${tmp_loc}/is_ssd.txt
- fi
- fi
- done
-if [[ -f ${tmp_loc}/is_ssd.txt ]] ; then
- cat ${tmp_loc}/is_ssd.txt | log_section "SSD"
- rm ${tmp_loc}/is_ssd.txt
-cat ${log_file} | log_section "script log"
-cat << MSG | tee /dev/fd/3
- rippled info has been gathered. Please copy the
- contents of ${summary_out}
- to a github gist at https://gist.github.com/
- BEFORE POSTING! We have tried our best to omit
- any sensitive information from this file, but you
- should verify before posting.
diff --git a/bin/hexify.js b/bin/hexify.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 1e2fb700094..00000000000
--- a/bin/hexify.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// Returns hex of lowercasing a string.
-var stringToHex = function (s) {
- return Array.prototype.map.call(s, function (c) {
- var b = c.charCodeAt(0);
- return b < 16 ? "0" + b.toString(16) : b.toString(16);
- }).join("");
-if (3 != process.argv.length) {
- process.stderr.write("Usage: " + process.argv[1] + " string\n\nReturns hex of lowercasing string.\n");
- process.exit(1);
-} else {
- process.stdout.write(stringToHex(process.argv[2].toLowerCase()) + "\n");
-// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et
diff --git a/bin/jsonrpc_request.js b/bin/jsonrpc_request.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b9c08666de..00000000000
--- a/bin/jsonrpc_request.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// This is a tool to issue JSON-RPC requests from the command line.
-// This can be used to test a JSON-RPC server.
-// Requires: npm simple-jsonrpc
-var jsonrpc = require('simple-jsonrpc');
-var program = process.argv[1];
-if (5 !== process.argv.length) {
- console.log("Usage: %s ", program);
-else {
- var url = process.argv[2];
- var method = process.argv[3];
- var json_raw = process.argv[4];
- var json;
- try {
- json = JSON.parse(json_raw);
- }
- catch (e) {
- console.log("JSON parse error: %s", e.message);
- throw e;
- }
- var client = jsonrpc.client(url);
- client.call(method, json,
- function (result) {
- console.log(JSON.stringify(result, undefined, 2));
- },
- function (error) {
- console.log(JSON.stringify(error, undefined, 2));
- });
-// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et
diff --git a/bin/jsonrpc_server.js b/bin/jsonrpc_server.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 4cd3ffb95ca..00000000000
--- a/bin/jsonrpc_server.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// This is a tool to listen for JSON-RPC requests at an IP and port.
-// This will report the request to console and echo back the request as the response.
-var http = require("http");
-var program = process.argv[1];
-if (4 !== process.argv.length) {
- console.log("Usage: %s ", program);
-else {
- var ip = process.argv[2];
- var port = process.argv[3];
- var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
- console.log("CONNECT");
- var input = "";
- req.setEncoding();
- req.on('data', function (buffer) {
- // console.log("DATA: %s", buffer);
- input = input + buffer;
- });
- req.on('end', function () {
- // console.log("END");
- var json_req;
- console.log("URL: %s", req.url);
- console.log("HEADERS: %s", JSON.stringify(req.headers, undefined, 2));
- try {
- json_req = JSON.parse(input);
- console.log("REQ: %s", JSON.stringify(json_req, undefined, 2));
- }
- catch (e) {
- console.log("BAD JSON: %s", e.message);
- json_req = { error : e.message }
- }
- res.statusCode = 200;
- res.end(JSON.stringify({
- jsonrpc: "2.0",
- result: { request : json_req },
- id: req.id
- }));
- });
- req.on('close', function () {
- console.log("CLOSE");
- });
- });
- server.listen(port, ip, undefined,
- function () {
- console.log("Listening at: %s:%s", ip, port);
- });
-// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et
diff --git a/bin/rlint.js b/bin/rlint.js
deleted file mode 100755
index ce12e9560a6..00000000000
--- a/bin/rlint.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-var async = require('async');
-var Remote = require('ripple-lib').Remote;
-var Transaction = require('ripple-lib').Transaction;
-var UInt160 = require('ripple-lib').UInt160;
-var Amount = require('ripple-lib').Amount;
-var book_key = function (book) {
- return book.taker_pays.currency
- + ":" + book.taker_pays.issuer
- + ":" + book.taker_gets.currency
- + ":" + book.taker_gets.issuer;
-var book_key_cross = function (book) {
- return book.taker_gets.currency
- + ":" + book.taker_gets.issuer
- + ":" + book.taker_pays.currency
- + ":" + book.taker_pays.issuer;
-var ledger_verify = function (ledger) {
- var dir_nodes = ledger.accountState.filter(function (entry) {
- return entry.LedgerEntryType === 'DirectoryNode' // Only directories
- && entry.index === entry.RootIndex // Only root nodes
- && 'TakerGetsCurrency' in entry; // Only offer directories
- });
- var books = {};
- dir_nodes.forEach(function (node) {
- var book = {
- taker_gets: {
- currency: UInt160.from_generic(node.TakerGetsCurrency).to_json(),
- issuer: UInt160.from_generic(node.TakerGetsIssuer).to_json()
- },
- taker_pays: {
- currency: UInt160.from_generic(node.TakerPaysCurrency).to_json(),
- issuer: UInt160.from_generic(node.TakerPaysIssuer).to_json()
- },
- quality: Amount.from_quality(node.RootIndex),
- index: node.RootIndex
- };
- books[book_key(book)] = book;
-// console.log(JSON.stringify(node, undefined, 2));
- });
-// console.log(JSON.stringify(dir_entry, undefined, 2));
- console.log("#%s books: %s", ledger.ledger_index, Object.keys(books).length);
- Object.keys(books).forEach(function (key) {
- var book = books[key];
- var key_cross = book_key_cross(book);
- var book_cross = books[key_cross];
- if (book && book_cross && !book_cross.done)
- {
- var book_cross_quality_inverted = Amount.from_json("1.0/1/1").divide(book_cross.quality);
- if (book_cross_quality_inverted.compareTo(book.quality) >= 0)
- {
- // Crossing books
- console.log("crossing: #%s :: %s :: %s :: %s :: %s :: %s :: %s", ledger.ledger_index, key, book.quality.to_text(), book_cross.quality.to_text(), book_cross_quality_inverted.to_text(),
- book.index, book_cross.index);
- }
- book_cross.done = true;
- }
- });
- var ripple_selfs = {};
- var accounts = {};
- var counts = {};
- ledger.accountState.forEach(function (entry) {
- if (entry.LedgerEntryType === 'Offer')
- {
- counts[entry.Account] = (counts[entry.Account] || 0) + 1;
- }
- else if (entry.LedgerEntryType === 'RippleState')
- {
- if (entry.Flags & (0x10000 | 0x40000))
- {
- counts[entry.LowLimit.issuer] = (counts[entry.LowLimit.issuer] || 0) + 1;
- }
- if (entry.Flags & (0x20000 | 0x80000))
- {
- counts[entry.HighLimit.issuer] = (counts[entry.HighLimit.issuer] || 0) + 1;
- }
- if (entry.HighLimit.issuer === entry.LowLimit.issuer)
- ripple_selfs[entry.Account] = entry;
- }
- else if (entry.LedgerEntryType == 'AccountRoot')
- {
- accounts[entry.Account] = entry;
- }
- });
- var low = 0; // Accounts with too low a count.
- var high = 0;
- var missing_accounts = 0; // Objects with no referencing account.
- var missing_objects = 0; // Accounts specifying an object but having none.
- Object.keys(counts).forEach(function (account) {
- if (account in accounts)
- {
- if (counts[account] !== accounts[account].OwnerCount)
- {
- if (counts[account] < accounts[account].OwnerCount)
- {
- high += 1;
- console.log("%s: high count %s/%s", account, counts[account], accounts[account].OwnerCount);
- }
- else
- {
- low += 1;
- console.log("%s: low count %s/%s", account, counts[account], accounts[account].OwnerCount);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- missing_accounts += 1;
- console.log("%s: missing : count %s", account, counts[account]);
- }
- });
- Object.keys(accounts).forEach(function (account) {
- if (!('OwnerCount' in accounts[account]))
- {
- console.log("%s: bad entry : %s", account, JSON.stringify(accounts[account], undefined, 2));
- }
- else if (!(account in counts) && accounts[account].OwnerCount)
- {
- missing_objects += 1;
- console.log("%s: no objects : %s/%s", account, 0, accounts[account].OwnerCount);
- }
- });
- if (low)
- console.log("counts too low = %s", low);
- if (high)
- console.log("counts too high = %s", high);
- if (missing_objects)
- console.log("missing_objects = %s", missing_objects);
- if (missing_accounts)
- console.log("missing_accounts = %s", missing_accounts);
- if (Object.keys(ripple_selfs).length)
- console.log("RippleState selfs = %s", Object.keys(ripple_selfs).length);
-var ledger_request = function (remote, ledger_index, done) {
- remote.request_ledger(undefined, {
- accounts: true,
- expand: true,
- })
- .ledger_index(ledger_index)
- .on('success', function (m) {
- // console.log("ledger: ", ledger_index);
- // console.log("ledger: ", JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2));
- done(m.ledger);
- })
- .on('error', function (m) {
- console.log("error");
- done();
- })
- .request();
-var usage = function () {
- console.log("rlint.js _websocket_ip_ _websocket_port_ ");
-var finish = function (remote) {
- remote.disconnect();
- // XXX Because remote.disconnect() doesn't work:
- process.exit();
-console.log("args: ", process.argv.length);
-console.log("args: ", process.argv);
-if (process.argv.length < 4) {
- usage();
-else {
- var remote = Remote.from_config({
- websocket_ip: process.argv[2],
- websocket_port: process.argv[3],
- })
- .once('ledger_closed', function (m) {
- console.log("ledger_closed: ", JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2));
- if (process.argv.length === 5) {
- var ledger_index = process.argv[4];
- ledger_request(remote, ledger_index, function (l) {
- if (l) {
- ledger_verify(l);
- }
- finish(remote);
- });
- } else if (process.argv.length === 6) {
- var ledger_start = Number(process.argv[4]);
- var ledger_end = Number(process.argv[5]);
- var ledger_cursor = ledger_end;
- async.whilst(
- function () {
- return ledger_start <= ledger_cursor && ledger_cursor <=ledger_end;
- },
- function (callback) {
- // console.log(ledger_cursor);
- ledger_request(remote, ledger_cursor, function (l) {
- if (l) {
- ledger_verify(l);
- }
- --ledger_cursor;
- callback();
- });
- },
- function (error) {
- finish(remote);
- });
- } else {
- finish(remote);
- }
- })
- .connect();
-// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et
diff --git a/bin/sh/install-vcpkg.sh b/bin/sh/install-vcpkg.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8cf8f2d0881..00000000000
--- a/bin/sh/install-vcpkg.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -exu
-: ${VCPKG_DIR:=".vcpkg"}
-: ${VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET:="x64-windows-static"}
-if [[ -z ${COMSPEC:-} ]]; then
- EXE="${EXE}.exe"
-if [[ -d "${VCPKG_DIR}" && -x "${VCPKG_DIR}/${EXE}" && -d "${VCPKG_DIR}/installed" ]] ; then
- echo "Using cached vcpkg at ${VCPKG_DIR}"
- ${VCPKG_DIR}/${EXE} list
- if [[ -d "${VCPKG_DIR}" ]] ; then
- rm -rf "${VCPKG_DIR}"
- fi
- git clone --branch 2021.04.30 https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git ${VCPKG_DIR}
- pushd ${VCPKG_DIR}
- if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]] ; then
- BSARGS+=(--allowAppleClang)
- fi
- if [[ -z ${COMSPEC:-} ]]; then
- chmod +x ./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh
- time ./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh "${BSARGS[@]}"
- else
- time ./bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
- fi
- popd
-# TODO: bring boost in this way as well ?
-# NOTE: can pin specific ports to a commit/version like this:
-# git checkout ports/boost
-if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "No extra packages specified..."
- PKGS=()
- PKGS=( "$@" )
-for LIB in "${PKGS[@]}"; do
- time ${VCPKG_DIR}/${EXE} --clean-after-build install ${LIB}
diff --git a/bin/sh/setup-msvc.sh b/bin/sh/setup-msvc.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d61c9757fa..00000000000
--- a/bin/sh/setup-msvc.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# NOTE: must be sourced from a shell so it can export vars
-cat << BATCH > ./getenv.bat
-CALL %*
-while read line ; do
- IFS='"' read x path arg <<<"${line}"
- if [ -f "${path}" ] ; then
- echo "FOUND: $path"
- export VCINSTALLDIR=$(./getenv.bat "${path}" ${arg} | grep "^VCINSTALLDIR=" | sed -E "s/^VCINSTALLDIR=//g")
- if [ "${VCINSTALLDIR}" != "" ] ; then
- export LIB=$(./getenv.bat "${path}" ${arg} | grep "^LIB=" | sed -E "s/^LIB=//g")
- export LIBPATH=$(./getenv.bat "${path}" ${arg} | grep "^LIBPATH=" | sed -E "s/^LIBPATH=//g")
- export INCLUDE=$(./getenv.bat "${path}" ${arg} | grep "^INCLUDE=" | sed -E "s/^INCLUDE=//g")
- ADDPATH=$(./getenv.bat "${path}" ${arg} | grep "^PATH=" | sed -E "s/^PATH=//g")
- export PATH="${ADDPATH}:${PATH}"
- break
- fi
- fi
-done <= 7
-import argparse
-import asyncio
-import configparser
-import contextlib
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-from pathlib import Path
-import platform
-import subprocess
-import time
-import urllib.error
-import urllib.request
-# Enable asynchronous subprocesses on Windows. The default changed in 3.8.
-# https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/asyncio-platforms.html#subprocess-support-on-windows
-if (platform.system() == 'Windows' and sys.version_info.major == 3
- and sys.version_info.minor < 8):
- asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsProactorEventLoopPolicy())
-DEFAULT_EXE = 'rippled'
-# Number of seconds to wait before forcefully terminating.
-# Number of contiguous seconds in a sync state to be considered synced.
-# Number of seconds between polls of state.
-SYNC_STATES = ('full', 'validating', 'proposing')
-def read_config(config_file):
- # strict = False: Allow duplicate keys, e.g. [rpc_startup].
- # allow_no_value = True: Allow keys with no values. Generally, these
- # instances use the "key" as the value, and the section name is the key,
- # e.g. [debug_logfile].
- # delimiters = ('='): Allow ':' as a character in Windows paths. Some of
- # our "keys" are actually values, and we don't want to split them on ':'.
- config = configparser.ConfigParser(
- strict=False,
- allow_no_value=True,
- delimiters=('='),
- )
- config.read(config_file)
- return config
-def to_list(value, separator=','):
- """Parse a list from a delimited string value."""
- return [s.strip() for s in value.split(separator) if s]
-def find_log_file(config_file):
- """Try to figure out what log file the user has chosen. Raises all kinds
- of exceptions if there is any possibility of ambiguity."""
- config = read_config(config_file)
- values = list(config['debug_logfile'].keys())
- if len(values) < 1:
- raise ValueError(
- f'no [debug_logfile] in configuration file: {config_file}')
- if len(values) > 1:
- raise ValueError(
- f'too many [debug_logfile] in configuration file: {config_file}')
- return values[0]
-def find_http_port(config_file):
- config = read_config(config_file)
- names = list(config['server'].keys())
- for name in names:
- server = config[name]
- if 'http' in to_list(server.get('protocol', '')):
- return int(server['port'])
- raise ValueError(f'no server in [server] for "http" protocol')
-async def rippled(exe=DEFAULT_EXE, config_file=DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILE):
- """A context manager for a rippled process."""
- # Start the server.
- process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
- str(exe),
- '--conf',
- str(config_file),
- stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- )
- logging.info(f'rippled started with pid {process.pid}')
- try:
- yield process
- finally:
- # Ask it to stop.
- logging.info(f'asking rippled (pid: {process.pid}) to stop')
- start = time.time()
- process.terminate()
- # Wait nicely.
- try:
- await asyncio.wait_for(process.wait(), PATIENCE)
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- # Ask the operating system to kill it.
- logging.warning(f'killing rippled ({process.pid})')
- try:
- process.kill()
- except ProcessLookupError:
- pass
- code = await process.wait()
- end = time.time()
- logging.info(
- f'rippled stopped after {end - start:.1f} seconds with code {code}'
- )
-async def sync(
- port,
- *,
- """Poll rippled on an interval until it has been synced for a duration."""
- start = time.perf_counter()
- while (time.perf_counter() - start) < duration:
- await asyncio.sleep(interval)
- request = urllib.request.Request(
- f'{port}',
- data=json.dumps({
- 'method': 'server_state'
- }).encode(),
- headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
- )
- with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as response:
- try:
- body = json.loads(response.read())
- except urllib.error.HTTPError as cause:
- logging.warning(f'server_state returned not JSON: {cause}')
- start = time.perf_counter()
- continue
- try:
- state = body['result']['state']['server_state']
- except KeyError as cause:
- logging.warning(f'server_state response missing key: {cause.key}')
- start = time.perf_counter()
- continue
- logging.info(f'server_state: {state}')
- if state not in SYNC_STATES:
- # Require a contiguous sync state.
- start = time.perf_counter()
-async def loop(test,
- *,
- """
- Start-test-stop rippled in an infinite loop.
- Moves log to a different file after each iteration.
- """
- log_file = find_log_file(config_file)
- id = 0
- while True:
- logging.info(f'iteration: {id}')
- async with rippled(exe, config_file) as process:
- start = time.perf_counter()
- exited = asyncio.create_task(process.wait())
- tested = asyncio.create_task(test())
- # Try to sync as long as the process is running.
- done, pending = await asyncio.wait(
- {exited, tested},
- return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED,
- )
- if done == {exited}:
- code = exited.result()
- logging.warning(
- f'server halted for unknown reason with code {code}')
- else:
- assert done == {tested}
- assert tested.exception() is None
- end = time.perf_counter()
- logging.info(f'synced after {end - start:.0f} seconds')
- os.replace(log_file, f'debug.{id}.log')
- id += 1
- format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
- level=logging.INFO,
- datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
- 'rippled',
- type=Path,
- nargs='?',
- default=DEFAULT_EXE,
- help='Path to rippled.',
- '--conf',
- type=Path,
- help='Path to configuration file.',
- '--duration',
- type=int,
- help='Number of contiguous seconds required in a synchronized state.',
- '--interval',
- type=int,
- help='Number of seconds to wait between polls of state.',
-args = parser.parse_args()
-port = find_http_port(args.conf)
-def test():
- return sync(port, duration=args.duration, interval=args.interval)
- asyncio.run(loop(test, exe=args.rippled, config_file=args.conf))
-except KeyboardInterrupt:
- # Squelch the message. This is a normal mode of exit.
- pass
diff --git a/bin/stop-test.js b/bin/stop-test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 45aa15e2717..00000000000
--- a/bin/stop-test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* -------------------------------- REQUIRES -------------------------------- */
-var child = require("child_process");
-var assert = require("assert");
-/* --------------------------------- CONFIG --------------------------------- */
-if (process.argv[2] == null) {
- [
- 'Usage: ',
- '',
- ' `node bin/stop-test.js i,j [rippled_path] [rippled_conf]`',
- '',
- ' Launch rippled and stop it after n seconds for all n in [i, j}',
- ' For all even values of n launch rippled with `--fg`',
- ' For values of n where n % 3 == 0 launch rippled with `--fg`\n',
- 'Examples: ',
- '',
- ' $ node bin/stop-test.js 5,10',
- (' $ node bin/stop-test.js 1,4 ' +
- 'build/clang.debug/rippled $HOME/.confs/rippled.cfg')
- ]
- .forEach(function(l){console.log(l)});
- process.exit();
-} else {
- var testRange = process.argv[2].split(',').map(Number);
- var rippledPath = process.argv[3] || 'build/rippled'
- var rippledConf = process.argv[4] || 'rippled.cfg'
-var options = {
- env: process.env,
- stdio: 'ignore' // we could dump the child io when it fails abnormally
-// default args
-var conf_args = ['--conf='+rippledConf];
-var start_args = conf_args.concat([/*'--net'*/])
-var stop_args = conf_args.concat(['stop']);
-/* --------------------------------- HELPERS -------------------------------- */
-function start(args) {
- return child.spawn(rippledPath, args, options);
-function stop(rippled) { child.execFile(rippledPath, stop_args, options)}
-function secs_l8r(ms, f) {setTimeout(f, ms * 1000); }
-function show_results_and_exit(results) {
- console.log(JSON.stringify(results, undefined, 2));
- process.exit();
-var timeTakes = function (range) {
- function sumRange(n) {return (n+1) * n /2}
- var ret = sumRange(range[1]);
- if (range[0] > 1) {
- ret = ret - sumRange(range[0] - 1)
- }
- var stopping = (range[1] - range[0]) * 0.5;
- return ret + stopping;
-/* ---------------------------------- TEST ---------------------------------- */
-console.log("Test will take ~%s seconds", timeTakes(testRange));
-(function oneTest(n /* seconds */, results) {
- if (n >= testRange[1]) {
- // show_results_and_exit(results);
- console.log(JSON.stringify(results, undefined, 2));
- oneTest(testRange[0], []);
- return;
- }
- var args = start_args;
- if (n % 2 == 0) {args = args.concat(['--fg'])}
- if (n % 3 == 0) {args = args.concat(['--net'])}
- var result = {args: args, alive_for: n};
- results.push(result);
- console.log("\nLaunching `%s` with `%s` for %d seconds",
- rippledPath, JSON.stringify(args), n);
- rippled = start(args);
- console.log("Rippled pid: %d", rippled.pid);
- // defaults
- var b4StopSent = false;
- var stopSent = false;
- var stop_took = null;
- rippled.once('exit', function(){
- if (!stopSent && !b4StopSent) {
- console.warn('\nRippled exited itself b4 stop issued');
- process.exit();
- };
- // The io handles close AFTER exit, may have implications for
- // `stdio:'inherit'` option to `child.spawn`.
- rippled.once('close', function() {
- result.stop_took = (+new Date() - stop_took) / 1000; // seconds
- console.log("Stopping after %d seconds took %s seconds",
- n, result.stop_took);
- oneTest(n+1, results);
- });
- });
- secs_l8r(n, function(){
- console.log("Stopping rippled after %d seconds", n);
- // possible race here ?
- // seems highly unlikely, but I was having issues at one point
- b4StopSent=true;
- stop_took = (+new Date());
- // when does `exit` actually get sent?
- stop();
- stopSent=true;
- // Sometimes we want to attach with a debugger.
- if (process.env.ABORT_TESTS_ON_STALL != null) {
- // We wait 30 seconds, and if it hasn't stopped, we abort the process
- secs_l8r(30, function() {
- if (result.stop_took == null) {
- console.log("rippled has stalled");
- process.exit();
- };
- });
- }
- })
-}(testRange[0], []));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/update_binformat.js b/bin/update_binformat.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7987f72c821..00000000000
--- a/bin/update_binformat.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- * bin/update_bintypes.js
- *
- * This unholy abomination of a script generates the JavaScript file
- * src/js/bintypes.js from various parts of the C++ source code.
- *
- * This should *NOT* be part of any automatic build process unless the C++
- * source data are brought into a more easily parseable format. Until then,
- * simply run this script manually and fix as needed.
- */
-// XXX: Process LedgerFormats.(h|cpp) as well.
-var filenameProto = __dirname + '/../src/cpp/ripple/SerializeProto.h',
- filenameTxFormatsH = __dirname + '/../src/cpp/ripple/TransactionFormats.h',
- filenameTxFormats = __dirname + '/../src/cpp/ripple/TransactionFormats.cpp';
-var fs = require('fs');
-var output = [];
-// Stage 1: Get the field types and codes from SerializeProto.h
-var types = {},
- fields = {};
-String(fs.readFileSync(filenameProto)).split('\n').forEach(function (line) {
- line = line.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, '');
- if (!line.length || line.slice(0, 2) === '//' || line.slice(-1) !== ')') return;
- var tmp = line.slice(0, -1).split('('),
- type = tmp[0],
- opts = tmp[1].split(',');
- if (type === 'TYPE') types[opts[1]] = [opts[0], +opts[2]];
- else if (type === 'FIELD') fields[opts[0]] = [types[opts[1]][0], +opts[2]];
-output.push('var ST = require("./serializedtypes");');
-output.push('var REQUIRED = exports.REQUIRED = 0,');
-output.push(' OPTIONAL = exports.OPTIONAL = 1,');
-output.push(' DEFAULT = exports.DEFAULT = 2;');
-function pad(s, n) { while (s.length < n) s += ' '; return s; }
-function padl(s, n) { while (s.length < n) s = ' '+s; return s; }
-Object.keys(types).forEach(function (type) {
- output.push(pad('ST.'+types[type][0]+'.id', 25) + ' = '+types[type][1]+';');
-// Stage 2: Get the transaction type IDs from TransactionFormats.h
-var ttConsts = {};
-String(fs.readFileSync(filenameTxFormatsH)).split('\n').forEach(function (line) {
- var regex = /tt([A-Z_]+)\s+=\s+([0-9-]+)/;
- var match = line.match(regex);
- if (match) ttConsts[match[1]] = +match[2];
-// Stage 3: Get the transaction formats from TransactionFormats.cpp
-var base = [],
- sections = [],
- current = base;
-String(fs.readFileSync(filenameTxFormats)).split('\n').forEach(function (line) {
- line = line.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, '');
- var d_regex = /DECLARE_TF\(([A-Za-z]+),tt([A-Z_]+)/;
- var d_match = line.match(d_regex);
- var s_regex = /SOElement\(sf([a-z]+),SOE_(REQUIRED|OPTIONAL|DEFAULT)/i;
- var s_match = line.match(s_regex);
- if (d_match) sections.push(current = [d_match[1], ttConsts[d_match[2]]]);
- else if (s_match) current.push([s_match[1], s_match[2]]);
-function removeFinalComma(arr) {
- arr[arr.length-1] = arr[arr.length-1].slice(0, -1);
-output.push('var base = [');
-base.forEach(function (field) {
- var spec = fields[field[0]];
- output.push(' [ '+
- pad("'"+field[0]+"'", 21)+', '+
- pad(field[1], 8)+', '+
- padl(""+spec[1], 2)+', '+
- 'ST.'+pad(spec[0], 3)+
- ' ],');
-output.push('exports.tx = {');
-sections.forEach(function (section) {
- var name = section.shift(),
- ttid = section.shift();
- output.push(' '+name+': ['+ttid+'].concat(base, [');
- section.forEach(function (field) {
- var spec = fields[field[0]];
- output.push(' [ '+
- pad("'"+field[0]+"'", 21)+', '+
- pad(field[1], 8)+', '+
- padl(""+spec[1], 2)+', '+
- 'ST.'+pad(spec[0], 3)+
- ' ],');
- });
- removeFinalComma(output);
- output.push(' ]),');
diff --git a/cfg/genesis.json b/cfg/genesis.json
index 45eda37ed00..fe7bdb445b8 100644
--- a/cfg/genesis.json
+++ b/cfg/genesis.json
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
"accountState": [
"Account": "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
- "Balance": "100000000000000000",
+ "Balance": "100000000000000",
"Flags": 0,
"LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
"OwnerCount": 0,
"PreviousTxnID": "A92EF82C3C68F771927E3892A2F708F12CBD492EF68A860F042E4053C8EC6C8D",
- "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 3,
- "Sequence": 4,
+ "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 0,
+ "Sequence": 1,
"index": "2B6AC232AA4C4BE41BF49D2459FA4A0347E1B543A4C92FCEE0821C0201E2E9A8"
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ "30CD365592B8EE40489BA01AE2F7555CAC9C983145871DC82A42A31CF5BAE7D9",
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@
- "F1ED6B4A411D8B872E65B9DCB4C8B100375B0DD3D62D07192E011D6D7F339013",
+ "DF8B4536989BDACE3F934F29423848B9F1D76D09BE6A1FCFE7E7F06AA26ABEAD",
@@ -55,34 +56,180 @@
+ "F5751842D26FC057B92CAA435ABF4F1428C2BCC4180D18775ADE92CB2643BBA3",
+ "D686F2538F410C9D0D856788E98E3579595DAF7B38D38887F81ECAC934B06040",
+ "6E739F4F8B07BED29FC9FF440DA3C301CD14A180DF45819F658FEC2F7DE31427",
"Flags": 0,
"LedgerEntryType": "Amendments",
"index": "7DB0788C020F02780A673DC74757F23823FA3014C1866E72CC4CD8B226CD6EF4"
+ },
+ {
+ "BaseFee": "A",
+ "Flags": 0,
+ "LedgerEntryType": "FeeSettings",
+ "ReferenceFeeUnits": 10,
+ "ReserveBase": 1000000,
+ "ReserveIncrement": 200000,
+ "AccountCount": 0,
+ "XahauActivationLgrSeq": 0,
+ "index": "4BC50C9B0D8515D3EAAE1E74B29A95804346C491EE1A95BF25E4AAB854A6A651"
+ },
+ {
+ "CreateCode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+ "Fee": "8620",
+ "Flags": 0,
+ "HookApiVersion": 0,
+ "HookHash": "610F33B8EBF7EC795F822A454FB852156AEFE50BE0CB8326338A81CD74801864",
+ "HookNamespace": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ "HookParameters": [],
+ "HookSetTxnID": "6B4BE82F808A27CF7AFA27394D98BF5A9AC2AF33CF02B3F6274A8A04B1A3762F",
+ "LedgerEntryType": "HookDefinition",
+ "ReferenceCount": "1",
+ "index": "052BCC5B9525C99521AFD9E1A4AAFCE1A517C648560702CD3120EC4BC3A1E78F"
+ },
+ {
+ "CreateCode": 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-# It should work with the most generic installation of Postgres,
-# and is necessary for rippled to store data in Postgres.
-# usage: sudo -u postgres ./initdb.sh
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diff --git a/cfg/rippled-standalone.cfg b/cfg/rippled-standalone.cfg
index 8963b027a4e..79c5c90040f 100755
--- a/cfg/rippled-standalone.cfg
+++ b/cfg/rippled-standalone.cfg
@@ -127,13 +127,20 @@ B6B3EEDC0267AB50491FDC450A398AF30DBCD977CECED8BEF2499CAB5DAC19E2 fixRmSmallIncre
98DECF327BF79997AEC178323AD51A830E457BFC6D454DAF3E46E5EC42DC619F CheckCashMakesTrustLine
B2A4DB846F0891BF2C76AB2F2ACC8F5B4EC64437135C6E56F3F859DE5FFD5856 ExpandedSignerList
32A122F1352A4C7B3A6D790362CC34749C5E57FCE896377BFDC6CCD14F6CD627 NonFungibleTokensV1_1
+DF8B4536989BDACE3F934F29423848B9F1D76D09BE6A1FCFE7E7F06AA26ABEAD fixRemoveNFTokenAutoTrustLine
+75A7E01C505DD5A179DFE3E000A9B6F1EDDEB55A12F95579A23E15B15DC8BE5A ImmediateOfferKilled
+47C3002ABA31628447E8E9A8B315FAA935CE30183F9A9B86845E469CA2CDC3DF DisallowIncoming
+93E516234E35E08CA689FA33A6D38E103881F8DCB53023F728C307AA89D515A7 XRPFees
2E2FB9CF8A44EB80F4694D38AADAE9B8B7ADAFD2F092E10068E61C98C4F092B0 fixUniversalNumber
73761231F7F3D94EC3D8C63D91BDD0D89045C6F71B917D1925C01253515A6669 fixNonFungibleTokensV1_2
AE35ABDEFBDE520372B31C957020B34A7A4A9DC3115A69803A44016477C84D6E fixNFTokenRemint
-ECF412BE0964EC2E71DCF807EEEA6EA8470D3DB15173D46F28AB6E234860AC32 Hooks
+ECE6819DBA5DB528F1A241695F5A9811EF99467CDE22510954FD357780BBD078 Hooks
42F8B586B357ABBAAAA1C733C3E7D3B75761395340D0CDF600179E8737E22478 BalanceRewards
919857E4B902A20216E4819B9BD9FD1FD19A66ECF63151C18A4C48C873DB9578 PaychanAndEscrowForTokens
ECF412BE0964EC2E71DCF807EEEA6EA8470D3DB15173D46F28AB6E234860AC32 URIToken
+F5751842D26FC057B92CAA435ABF4F1428C2BCC4180D18775ADE92CB2643BBA3 Import
+6E739F4F8B07BED29FC9FF440DA3C301CD14A180DF45819F658FEC2F7DE31427 XahauGenesis
+D686F2538F410C9D0D856788E98E3579595DAF7B38D38887F81ECAC934B06040 HooksUpdate1
86E83A7D2ECE3AD5FA87AB2195AE015C950469ABF0B72EAACED318F74886AE90 CryptoConditionsSuite
3C43D9A973AA4443EF3FC38E42DD306160FBFFDAB901CD8BAA15D09F2597EB87 NonFungibleTokensV1
0285B7E5E08E1A8E4C15636F0591D87F73CB6A7B6452A932AD72BBC8E5D1CBE3 fixNFTokenDirV1
diff --git a/cfg/validators-example.txt b/cfg/validators-example.txt
index 8f7c04729e0..6c2314ebdab 100644
--- a/cfg/validators-example.txt
+++ b/cfg/validators-example.txt
@@ -42,6 +42,15 @@
# ED2677ABFFD1B33AC6FBC3062B71F1E8397C1505E1C42C64D11AD1B28FF73F4734
# ED307A760EE34F2D0CAA103377B1969117C38B8AA0AA1E2A24DAC1F32FC97087ED
+# [import_vl_keys]
+# This section is used to import the public keys of trusted validator list publishers.
+# The keys are used to authenticate and accept new lists of trusted validators.
+# In this example, the key for the publisher "vl.xrplf.org" is imported.
+# Each key is represented as a hexadecimal string.
+# Examples:
+# ED2677ABFFD1B33AC6FBC3062B71F1E8397C1505E1C42C64D11AD1B28FF73F4734
# The default validator list publishers that the rippled instance
# trusts.
@@ -62,6 +71,10 @@ ED2677ABFFD1B33AC6FBC3062B71F1E8397C1505E1C42C64D11AD1B28FF73F4734
# vl.xrplf.org
+# vl.xrplf.org
# To use the test network (see https://xrpl.org/connect-your-rippled-to-the-xrp-test-net.html),
# use the following configuration instead:
@@ -70,3 +83,6 @@ ED45D1840EE724BE327ABE9146503D5848EFD5F38B6D5FEDE71E80ACCE5E6E738B
# [validator_list_keys]
# ED264807102805220DA0F312E71FC2C69E1552C9C5790F6C25E3729DEB573D5860
+# [import_vl_keys]
+# ED264807102805220DA0F312E71FC2C69E1552C9C5790F6C25E3729DEB573D5860
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile b/docker/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index dfa99ba6a06..00000000000
--- a/docker/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Use the official image as a parent image.
-FROM centos
-# Set the working directory.
-WORKDIR /opt/xrpld-hooks/
-# Copy the file from your host to your current location.
-COPY docker/screenrc /root/.screenrc
-COPY docker/wasm2wat /usr/bin/
-COPY rippled .
-COPY testnet.cfg .
-COPY testnetvalidators.txt .
-COPY docker/libboost/libboost_coroutine.so.1.70.0 /usr/lib/
-COPY docker/libboost/libboost_context.so.1.70.0 /usr/lib
-COPY docker/libboost/libboost_filesystem.so.1.70.0 /usr/lib
-COPY docker/libboost/libboost_program_options.so.1.70.0 /usr/lib
-COPY docker/libboost/libboost_regex.so.1.70.0 /usr/lib
-COPY docker/libboost/libboost_system.so.1.70.0 /usr/lib
-COPY docker/libboost/libboost_thread.so.1.70.0 /usr/lib
-COPY docker/libboost/libboost_chrono.so.1.70.0 /usr/lib
-COPY docker/libboost/libboost_date_time.so.1.70.0 /usr/lib
-COPY docker/libboost/libboost_atomic.so.1.70.0 /usr/lib
-COPY docker/js/ ./
-# Run the command inside your image filesystem.
-RUN dnf install epel-release -y
-RUN yum install -y vim screen python3-setuptools-wheel python3-pip-wheel python3 python3-pip curl make nodejs
-RUN curl https://cmake.org/files/v3.17/cmake-3.17.1-Linux-x86_64.sh --output cmake-3.17.1-Linux-x86_64.sh \
- && mkdir /opt/cmake \
- && printf "y\nn\n" | sh cmake-3.17.1-Linux-x86_64.sh --prefix=/opt/cmake > /dev/null \
- && ln -s /opt/cmake/bin/cmake /usr/local/bin/cmake
-RUN curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wasienv/wasienv/master/install.sh | sh
-RUN echo 'PATH=$PATH:/root/.wasienv/bin/' >> /root/.bash_rc
-RUN rm -f cmake-3.17.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
-RUN mkdir /etc/opt/ripple
-RUN ln -s /opt/xrpld-hooks/testnet.cfg /etc/opt/ripple/rippled.cfg
-RUN ln -s /opt/xrpld-hooks/testnetvalidators.txt /etc/opt/ripple/testnetvalidators.txt
-# Add metadata to the image to describe which port the container is listening on at runtime.
-EXPOSE 6005
-EXPOSE 5005
-# Run the specified command within the container.
-CMD ./rippled --conf testnet.cfg --net >> log 2>> log
diff --git a/docker/build_docker_xrpllabs.sh b/docker/build_docker_xrpllabs.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2caa7b342b3..00000000000
--- a/docker/build_docker_xrpllabs.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-cp -r ../hook-api-examples docker/js #docker doesnt like symlinks?
-/usr/bin/cp /root/wabt/bin/wasm2wat docker/
-docker build --tag xrpllabsofficial/xrpld-hooks-testnet:latest . && docker create xrpllabsofficial/xrpld-hooks-testnet
-rm -rf docker/js
-docker push xrpllabsofficial/xrpld-hooks-testnet:latest
diff --git a/docs/.gitignore b/docs/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index b3ee85720f3..00000000000
--- a/docs/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/docs/0001-negative-unl/README.md b/docs/0001-negative-unl/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 606b30aab15..00000000000
--- a/docs/0001-negative-unl/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
-# Negative UNL Engineering Spec
-## The Problem Statement
-The moment-to-moment health of the XRP Ledger network depends on the health and
-connectivity of a small number of computers (nodes). The most important nodes
-are validators, specifically ones listed on the unique node list
-([UNL](#Question-What-are-UNLs)). Ripple publishes a recommended UNL that most
-network nodes use to determine which peers in the network are trusted. Although
-most validators use the same list, they are not required to. The XRP Ledger
-network progresses to the next ledger when enough validators reach agreement
-(above the minimum quorum of 80%) about what transactions to include in the next
-As an example, if there are 10 validators on the UNL, at least 8 validators have
-to agree with the latest ledger for it to become validated. But what if enough
-of those validators are offline to drop the network below the 80% quorum? The
-XRP Ledger network favors safety/correctness over advancing the ledger. Which
-means if enough validators are offline, the network will not be able to validate
-Unfortunately validators can go offline at any time for many different reasons.
-Power outages, network connectivity issues, and hardware failures are just a few
-scenarios where a validator would appear "offline". Given that most of these
-events are temporary, it would make sense to temporarily remove that validator
-from the UNL. But the UNL is updated infrequently and not every node uses the
-same UNL. So instead of removing the unreliable validator from the Ripple
-recommended UNL, we can create a second negative UNL which is stored directly on
-the ledger (so the entire network has the same view). This will help the network
-see which validators are **currently** unreliable, and adjust their quorum
-calculation accordingly.
-*Improving the liveness of the network is the main motivation for the negative UNL.*
-### Targeted Faults
-In order to determine which validators are unreliable, we need clearly define
-what kind of faults to measure and analyze. We want to deal with the faults we
-frequently observe in the production network. Hence we will only monitor for
-validators that do not reliably respond to network messages or send out
-validations disagreeing with the locally generated validations. We will not
-target other byzantine faults.
-To track whether or not a validator is responding to the network, we could
-monitor them with a “heartbeat” protocol. Instead of creating a new heartbeat
-protocol, we can leverage some existing protocol messages to mimic the
-heartbeat. We picked validation messages because validators should send one and
-only one validation message per ledger. In addition, we only count the
-validation messages that agree with the local node's validations.
-With the negative UNL, the network could keep making forward progress safely
-even if the number of remaining validators gets to 60%. Say we have a network
-with 10 validators on the UNL and everything is operating correctly. The quorum
-required for this network would be 8 (80% of 10). When validators fail, the
-quorum required would be as low as 6 (60% of 10), which is the absolute
-***minimum quorum***. We need the absolute minimum quorum to be strictly greater
-than 50% of the original UNL so that there cannot be two partitions of
-well-behaved nodes headed in different directions. We arbitrarily choose 60% as
-the minimum quorum to give a margin of safety.
-Consider these events in the absence of negative UNL:
-1. 1:00pm - validator1 fails, votes vs. quorum: 9 >= 8, we have quorum
-1. 3:00pm - validator2 fails, votes vs. quorum: 8 >= 8, we have quorum
-1. 5:00pm - validator3 fails, votes vs. quorum: 7 < 8, we don’t have quorum
- * **network cannot validate new ledgers with 3 failed validators**
-We're below 80% agreement, so new ledgers cannot be validated. This is how the
-XRP Ledger operates today, but if the negative UNL was enabled, the events would
-happen as follows. (Please note that the events below are from a simplified
-version of our protocol.)
-1. 1:00pm - validator1 fails, votes vs. quorum: 9 >= 8, we have quorum
-1. 1:40pm - network adds validator1 to negative UNL, quorum changes to ceil(9 * 0.8), or 8
-1. 3:00pm - validator2 fails, votes vs. quorum: 8 >= 8, we have quorum
-1. 3:40pm - network adds validator2 to negative UNL, quorum changes to ceil(8 * 0.8), or 7
-1. 5:00pm - validator3 fails, votes vs. quorum: 7 >= 7, we have quorum
-1. 5:40pm - network adds validator3 to negative UNL, quorum changes to ceil(7 * 0.8), or 6
-1. 7:00pm - validator4 fails, votes vs. quorum: 6 >= 6, we have quorum
- * **network can still validate new ledgers with 4 failed validators**
-## External Interactions
-### Message Format Changes
-This proposal will:
-1. add a new pseudo-transaction type
-1. add the negative UNL to the ledger data structure.
-Any tools or systems that rely on the format of this data will have to be
-### Amendment
-This feature **will** need an amendment to activate.
-## Design
-This section discusses the following topics about the Negative UNL design:
-* [Negative UNL protocol overview](#Negative-UNL-Protocol-Overview)
-* [Validator reliability measurement](#Validator-Reliability-Measurement)
-* [Format Changes](#Format-Changes)
-* [Negative UNL maintenance](#Negative-UNL-Maintenance)
-* [Quorum size calculation](#Quorum-Size-Calculation)
-* [Filter validation messages](#Filter-Validation-Messages)
-* [High level sequence diagram of code
- changes](#High-Level-Sequence-Diagram-of-Code-Changes)
-### Negative UNL Protocol Overview
-Every ledger stores a list of zero or more unreliable validators. Updates to the
-list must be approved by the validators using the consensus mechanism that
-validators use to agree on the set of transactions. The list is used only when
-checking if a ledger is fully validated. If a validator V is in the list, nodes
-with V in their UNL adjust the quorum and V’s validation message is not counted
-when verifying if a ledger is fully validated. V’s flow of messages and network
-interactions, however, will remain the same.
-We define the ***effective UNL** = original UNL - negative UNL*, and the
-***effective quorum*** as the quorum of the *effective UNL*. And we set
-*effective quorum = Ceiling(80% * effective UNL)*.
-### Validator Reliability Measurement
-A node only measures the reliability of validators on its own UNL, and only
-proposes based on local observations. There are many metrics that a node can
-measure about its validators, but we have chosen ledger validation messages.
-This is because every validator shall send one and only one signed validation
-message per ledger. This keeps the measurement simple and removes
-timing/clock-sync issues. A node will measure the percentage of agreeing
-validation messages (*PAV*) received from each validator on the node's UNL. Note
-that the node will only count the validation messages that agree with its own
-We define the **PAV** as the **P**ercentage of **A**greed **V**alidation
-messages received for the last N ledgers, where N = 256 by default.
-When the PAV drops below the ***low-water mark***, the validator is considered
-unreliable, and is a candidate to be disabled by being added to the negative
-UNL. A validator must have a PAV higher than the ***high-water mark*** to be
-re-enabled. The validator is re-enabled by removing it from the negative UNL. In
-the implementation, we plan to set the low-water mark as 50% and the high-water
-mark as 80%.
-### Format Changes
-The negative UNL component in a ledger contains three fields.
-* ***NegativeUNL***: The current negative UNL, a list of unreliable validators.
-* ***ToDisable***: The validator to be added to the negative UNL on the next
- flag ledger.
-* ***ToReEnable***: The validator to be removed from the negative UNL on the
- next flag ledger.
-All three fields are optional. When the *ToReEnable* field exists, the
-*NegativeUNL* field cannot be empty.
-A new pseudo-transaction, ***UNLModify***, is added. It has three fields
-* ***Disabling***: A flag indicating whether the modification is to disable or
- to re-enable a validator.
-* ***Seq***: The ledger sequence number.
-* ***Validator***: The validator to be disabled or re-enabled.
-There would be at most one *disable* `UNLModify` and one *re-enable* `UNLModify`
-transaction per flag ledger. The full machinery is described further on.
-### Negative UNL Maintenance
-The negative UNL can only be modified on the flag ledgers. If a validator's
-reliability status changes, it takes two flag ledgers to modify the negative
-UNL. Let's see an example of the algorithm:
-* Ledger seq = 100: A validator V goes offline.
-* Ledger seq = 256: This is a flag ledger, and V's reliability measurement *PAV*
- is lower than the low-water mark. Other validators add `UNLModify`
- pseudo-transactions `{true, 256, V}` to the transaction set which goes through
- the consensus. Then the pseudo-transaction is applied to the negative UNL
- ledger component by setting `ToDisable = V`.
-* Ledger seq = 257 ~ 511: The negative UNL ledger component is copied from the
- parent ledger.
-* Ledger seq=512: This is a flag ledger, and the negative UNL is updated
- `NegativeUNL = NegativeUNL + ToDisable`.
-The negative UNL may have up to `MaxNegativeListed = floor(original UNL * 25%)`
-validators. The 25% is because of 75% * 80% = 60%, where 75% = 100% - 25%, 80%
-is the quorum of the effective UNL, and 60% is the absolute minimum quorum of
-the original UNL. Adding more than 25% validators to the negative UNL does not
-improve the liveness of the network, because adding more validators to the
-negative UNL cannot lower the effective quorum.
-The following is the detailed algorithm:
-* **If** the ledger seq = x is a flag ledger
- 1. Compute `NegativeUNL = NegativeUNL + ToDisable - ToReEnable` if they
- exist in the parent ledger
- 1. Try to find a candidate to disable if `sizeof NegativeUNL < MaxNegativeListed`
- 1. Find a validator V that has a *PAV* lower than the low-water
- mark, but is not in `NegativeUNL`.
- 1. If two or more are found, their public keys are XORed with the hash
- of the parent ledger and the one with the lowest XOR result is chosen.
- 1. If V is found, create a `UNLModify` pseudo-transaction
- `TxDisableValidator = {true, x, V}`
- 1. Try to find a candidate to re-enable if `sizeof NegativeUNL > 0`:
- 1. Find a validator U that is in `NegativeUNL` and has a *PAV* higher
- than the high-water mark.
- 1. If U is not found, try to find one in `NegativeUNL` but not in the
- local *UNL*.
- 1. If two or more are found, their public keys are XORed with the hash
- of the parent ledger and the one with the lowest XOR result is chosen.
- 1. If U is found, create a `UNLModify` pseudo-transaction
- `TxReEnableValidator = {false, x, U}`
- 1. If any `UNLModify` pseudo-transactions are created, add them to the
- transaction set. The transaction set goes through the consensus algorithm.
- 1. If have enough support, the `UNLModify` pseudo-transactions remain in the
- transaction set agreed by the validators. Then the pseudo-transactions are
- applied to the ledger:
- 1. If have `TxDisableValidator`, set `ToDisable=TxDisableValidator.V`.
- Else clear `ToDisable`.
- 1. If have `TxReEnableValidator`, set
- `ToReEnable=TxReEnableValidator.U`. Else clear `ToReEnable`.
-* **Else** (not a flag ledger)
- 1. Copy the negative UNL ledger component from the parent ledger
-The negative UNL is stored on each ledger because we don't know when a validator
-may reconnect to the network. If the negative UNL was stored only on every flag
-ledger, then a new validator would have to wait until it acquires the latest
-flag ledger to know the negative UNL. So any new ledgers created that are not
-flag ledgers copy the negative UNL from the parent ledger.
-Note that when we have a validator to disable and a validator to re-enable at
-the same flag ledger, we create two separate `UNLModify` pseudo-transactions. We
-want either one or the other or both to make it into the ledger on their own
-Readers may have noticed that we defined several rules of creating the
-`UNLModify` pseudo-transactions but did not describe how to enforce the rules.
-The rules are actually enforced by the existing consensus algorithm. Unless
-enough validators propose the same pseudo-transaction it will not be included in
-the transaction set of the ledger.
-### Quorum Size Calculation
-The effective quorum is 80% of the effective UNL. Note that because at most 25%
-of the original UNL can be on the negative UNL, the quorum should not be lower
-than the absolute minimum quorum (i.e. 60%) of the original UNL. However,
-considering that different nodes may have different UNLs, to be safe we compute
-`quorum = Ceiling(max(60% * original UNL, 80% * effective UNL))`.
-### Filter Validation Messages
-If a validator V is in the negative UNL, it still participates in consensus
-sessions in the same way, i.e. V still follows the protocol and publishes
-proposal and validation messages. The messages from V are still stored the same
-way by everyone, used to calculate the new PAV for V, and could be used in
-future consensus sessions if needed. However V's ledger validation message is
-not counted when checking if the ledger is fully validated.
-### High Level Sequence Diagram of Code Changes
-The diagram below is the sequence of one round of consensus. Classes and
-components with non-trivial changes are colored green.
-* The `ValidatorList` class is modified to compute the quorum of the effective
- UNL.
-* The `Validations` class provides an interface for querying the validation
- messages from trusted validators.
-* The `ConsensusAdaptor` component:
- * The `RCLConsensus::Adaptor` class is modified for creating `UNLModify`
- Pseudo-Transactions.
- * The `Change` class is modified for applying `UNLModify`
- Pseudo-Transactions.
- * The `Ledger` class is modified for creating and adjusting the negative UNL
- ledger component.
- * The `LedgerMaster` class is modified for filtering out validation messages
- from negative UNL validators when verifying if a ledger is fully
- validated.
-![Sequence diagram](./negativeUNL_highLevel_sequence.png?raw=true "Negative UNL
- Changes")
-## Roads Not Taken
-### Use a Mechanism Like Fee Voting to Process UNLModify Pseudo-Transactions
-The previous version of the negative UNL specification used the same mechanism
-as the [fee voting](https://xrpl.org/fee-voting.html#voting-process.) for
-creating the negative UNL, and used the negative UNL as soon as the ledger was
-fully validated. However the timing of fully validation can differ among nodes,
-so different negative UNLs could be used, resulting in different effective UNLs
-and different quorums for the same ledger. As a result, the network's safety is
-This updated version does not impact safety though operates a bit more slowly.
-The negative UNL modifications in the *UNLModify* pseudo-transaction approved by
-the consensus will take effect at the next flag ledger. The extra time of the
-256 ledgers should be enough for nodes to be in sync of the negative UNL
-### Use an Expiration Approach to Re-enable Validators
-After a validator disabled by the negative UNL becomes reliable, other
-validators explicitly vote for re-enabling it. An alternative approach to
-re-enable a validator is the expiration approach, which was considered in the
-previous version of the specification. In the expiration approach, every entry
-in the negative UNL has a fixed expiration time. One flag ledger interval was
-chosen as the expiration interval. Once expired, the other validators must
-continue voting to keep the unreliable validator on the negative UNL. The
-advantage of this approach is its simplicity. But it has a requirement. The
-negative UNL protocol must be able to vote multiple unreliable validators to be
-disabled at the same flag ledger. In this version of the specification, however,
-only one unreliable validator can be disabled at a flag ledger. So the
-expiration approach cannot be simply applied.
-### Validator Reliability Measurement and Flag Ledger Frequency
-If the ledger time is about 4.5 seconds and the low-water mark is 50%, then in
-the worst case, it takes 48 minutes *((0.5 * 256 + 256 + 256) * 4.5 / 60 = 48)*
-to put an offline validator on the negative UNL. We considered lowering the flag
-ledger frequency so that the negative UNL can be more responsive. We also
-considered decoupling the reliability measurement and flag ledger frequency to
-be more flexible. In practice, however, their benefits are not clear.
-## New Attack Vectors
-A group of malicious validators may try to frame a reliable validator and put it
-on the negative UNL. But they cannot succeed. Because:
-1. A reliable validator sends a signed validation message every ledger. A
-sufficient peer-to-peer network will propagate the validation messages to other
-validators. The validators will decide if another validator is reliable or not
-only by its local observation of the validation messages received. So an honest
-validator’s vote on another validator’s reliability is accurate.
-1. Given the votes are accurate, and one vote per validator, an honest validator
-will not create a UNLModify transaction of a reliable validator.
-1. A validator can be added to a negative UNL only through a UNLModify
-Assuming the group of malicious validators is less than the quorum, they cannot
-frame a reliable validator.
-## Summary
-The bullet points below briefly summarize the current proposal:
-* The motivation of the negative UNL is to improve the liveness of the network.
-* The targeted faults are the ones frequently observed in the production
- network.
-* Validators propose negative UNL candidates based on their local measurements.
-* The absolute minimum quorum is 60% of the original UNL.
-* The format of the ledger is changed, and a new *UNLModify* pseudo-transaction
- is added. Any tools or systems that rely on the format of these data will have
- to be updated.
-* The negative UNL can only be modified on the flag ledgers.
-* At most one validator can be added to the negative UNL at a flag ledger.
-* At most one validator can be removed from the negative UNL at a flag ledger.
-* If a validator's reliability status changes, it takes two flag ledgers to
- modify the negative UNL.
-* The quorum is the larger of 80% of the effective UNL and 60% of the original
- UNL.
-* If a validator is on the negative UNL, its validation messages are ignored
- when the local node verifies if a ledger is fully validated.
-## FAQ
-### Question: What are UNLs?
-Quote from the [Technical FAQ](https://xrpl.org/technical-faq.html): "They are
-the lists of transaction validators a given participant believes will not
-conspire to defraud them."
-### Question: How does the negative UNL proposal affect network liveness?
-The network can make forward progress when more than a quorum of the trusted
-validators agree with the progress. The lower the quorum size is, the easier for
-the network to progress. If the quorum is too low, however, the network is not
-safe because nodes may have different results. So the quorum size used in the
-consensus protocol is a balance between the safety and the liveness of the
-network. The negative UNL reduces the size of the effective UNL, resulting in a
-lower quorum size while keeping the network safe.
- Question: How does a validator get into the negative UNL? How is a
-validator removed from the negative UNL?
-A validator’s reliability is measured by other validators. If a validator
-becomes unreliable, at a flag ledger, other validators propose *UNLModify*
-pseudo-transactions which vote the validator to add to the negative UNL during
-the consensus session. If agreed, the validator is added to the negative UNL at
-the next flag ledger. The mechanism of removing a validator from the negative
-UNL is the same.
-### Question: Given a negative UNL, what happens if the UNL changes?
-Answer: Let’s consider the cases:
-1. A validator is added to the UNL, and it is already in the negative UNL. This
-case could happen when not all the nodes have the same UNL. Note that the
-negative UNL on the ledger lists unreliable nodes that are not necessarily the
-validators for everyone.
- In this case, the liveness is affected negatively. Because the minimum
- quorum could be larger but the usable validators are not increased.
-1. A validator is removed from the UNL, and it is in the negative UNL.
- In this case, the liveness is affected positively. Because the quorum could
- be smaller but the usable validators are not reduced.
-1. A validator is added to the UNL, and it is not in the negative UNL.
-1. A validator is removed from the UNL, and it is not in the negative UNL.
- Case 3 and 4 are not affected by the negative UNL protocol.
-### Question: Can we simply lower the quorum to 60% without the negative UNL?
-Answer: No, because the negative UNL approach is safer.
-First let’s compare the two approaches intuitively, (1) the *negative UNL*
-approach, and (2) *lower quorum*: simply lowering the quorum from 80% to 60%
-without the negative UNL. The negative UNL approach uses consensus to come up
-with a list of unreliable validators, which are then removed from the effective
-UNL temporarily. With this approach, the list of unreliable validators is agreed
-to by a quorum of validators and will be used by every node in the network to
-adjust its UNL. The quorum is always 80% of the effective UNL. The lower quorum
-approach is a tradeoff between safety and liveness and against our principle of
-preferring safety over liveness. Note that different validators don't have to
-agree on which validation sources they are ignoring.
-Next we compare the two approaches quantitatively with examples, and apply
-Theorem 8 of [Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus
-Protocol](https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.07242) paper:
-*XRP LCP guarantees fork safety if **Oi,j > nj / 2 +
-ni − qi + ti,j** for every pair of nodes
-Pi, Pj,*
-where *Oi,j* is the overlapping requirement, nj and
-ni are UNL sizes, qi is the quorum size of Pi,
-*ti,j = min(ti, tj, Oi,j)*, and
-ti and tj are the number of faults can be tolerated by
-Pi and Pj.
-We denote *UNLi* as *Pi's UNL*, and *|UNLi|* as
-the size of *Pi's UNL*.
-Assuming *|UNLi| = |UNLj|*, let's consider the following
-three cases:
-1. With 80% quorum and 20% faults, *Oi,j > 100% / 2 + 100% - 80% +
-20% = 90%*. I.e. fork safety requires > 90% UNL overlaps. This is one of the
-results in the analysis paper.
-1. If the quorum is 60%, the relationship between the overlapping requirement
-and the faults that can be tolerated is *Oi,j > 90% +
-ti,j*. Under the same overlapping condition (i.e. 90%), to guarantee
-the fork safety, the network cannot tolerate any faults. So under the same
-overlapping condition, if the quorum is simply lowered, the network can tolerate
-fewer faults.
-1. With the negative UNL approach, we want to argue that the inequation
-*Oi,j > nj / 2 + ni − qi +
-ti,j* is always true to guarantee fork safety, while the negative UNL
-protocol runs, i.e. the effective quorum is lowered without weakening the
-network's fault tolerance. To make the discussion easier, we rewrite the
-inequation as *Oi,j > nj / 2 + (ni −
-qi) + min(ti, tj)*, where Oi,j is
-dropped from the definition of ti,j because *Oi,j >
-min(ti, tj)* always holds under the parameters we will
-use. Assuming a validator V is added to the negative UNL, now let's consider the
-4 cases:
- 1. V is not on UNLi nor UNLj
- The inequation holds because none of the variables change.
- 1. V is on UNLi but not on UNLj
- The value of *(ni − qi)* is smaller. The value of
- *min(ti, tj)* could be smaller too. Other
- variables do not change. Overall, the left side of the inequation does
- not change, but the right side is smaller. So the inequation holds.
- 1. V is not on UNLi but on UNLj
- The value of *nj / 2* is smaller. The value of
- *min(ti, tj)* could be smaller too. Other
- variables do not change. Overall, the left side of the inequation does
- not change, but the right side is smaller. So the inequation holds.
- 1. V is on both UNLi and UNLj
- The value of *Oi,j* is reduced by 1. The values of
- *nj / 2*, *(ni − qi)*, and
- *min(ti, tj)* are reduced by 0.5, 0.2, and 1
- respectively. The right side is reduced by 1.7. Overall, the left side
- of the inequation is reduced by 1, and the right side is reduced by 1.7.
- So the inequation holds.
- The inequation holds for all the cases. So with the negative UNL approach,
- the network's fork safety is preserved, while the quorum is lowered that
- increases the network's liveness.
- Question: We have observed that occasionally a validator wanders off on its
-own chain. How is this case handled by the negative UNL algorithm?
-Answer: The case that a validator wanders off on its own chain can be measured
-with the validations agreement. Because the validations by this validator must
-be different from other validators' validations of the same sequence numbers.
-When there are enough disagreed validations, other validators will vote this
-validator onto the negative UNL.
-In general by measuring the agreement of validations, we also measured the
-"sanity". If two validators have too many disagreements, one of them could be
-insane. When enough validators think a validator is insane, that validator is
-put on the negative UNL.
- Question: Why would there be at most one disable UNLModify and one
-re-enable UNLModify transaction per flag ledger?
-Answer: It is a design choice so that the effective UNL does not change too
-quickly. A typical targeted scenario is several validators go offline slowly
-during a long weekend. The current design can handle this kind of cases well
-without changing the effective UNL too quickly.
-## Appendix
-### Confidence Test
-We will use two test networks, a single machine test network with multiple IP
-addresses and the QE test network with multiple machines. The single machine
-network will be used to test all the test cases and to debug. The QE network
-will be used after that. We want to see the test cases still pass with real
-network delay. A test case specifies:
-1. a UNL with different number of validators for different test cases,
-1. a network with zero or more non-validator nodes,
-1. a sequence of validator reliability change events (by killing/restarting
- nodes, or by running modified rippled that does not send all validation
- messages),
-1. the correct outcomes.
-For all the test cases, the correct outcomes are verified by examining logs. We
-will grep the log to see if the correct negative UNLs are generated, and whether
-or not the network is making progress when it should be. The ripdtop tool will
-be helpful for monitoring validators' states and ledger progress. Some of the
-timing parameters of rippled will be changed to have faster ledger time. Most if
-not all test cases do not need client transactions.
-For example, the test cases for the prototype:
-1. A 10-validator UNL.
-1. The network does not have other nodes.
-1. The validators will be started from the genesis. Once they start to produce
- ledgers, we kill five validators, one every flag ledger interval. Then we
- will restart them one by one.
-1. A sequence of events (or the lack of events) such as a killed validator is
- added to the negative UNL.
-#### Roads Not Taken: Test with Extended CSF
-We considered testing with the current unit test framework, specifically the
-[Consensus Simulation
-(CSF). However, the CSF currently can only test the generic consensus algorithm
-as in the paper: [Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus
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-@startuml negativeUNL_highLevel_sequence
-skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
-skinparam roundcorner 20
-skinparam maxmessagesize 160
-actor "Rippled Start" as RS
-participant "Timer" as T
-participant "NetworkOPs" as NOP
-participant "ValidatorList" as VL #lightgreen
-participant "Consensus" as GC
-participant "ConsensusAdaptor" as CA #lightgreen
-participant "Validations" as RM #lightgreen
-RS -> NOP: begin consensus
-activate NOP
-NOP -[#green]> VL: update negative UNL
-hnote over VL#lightgreen: store a copy of\nnegative UNL
-VL -> NOP
-NOP -> VL: update trusted validators
-activate VL
-VL -> VL: re-calculate quorum
-hnote over VL#lightgreen: ignore negative listed validators\nwhen calculate quorum
-VL -> NOP
-deactivate VL
-NOP -> GC: start round
-activate GC
-GC -> GC: phase = OPEN
-GC -> NOP
-deactivate GC
-deactivate NOP
-loop at regular frequency
-T -> GC: timerEntry
-activate GC
-alt phase == OPEN
- alt should close ledger
- GC -> GC: phase = ESTABLISH
- GC -> CA: onClose
- activate CA
- alt sqn%256==0
- CA -[#green]> RM: getValidations
- CA -[#green]> CA: create UNLModify Tx
- hnote over CA#lightgreen: use validatations of the last 256 ledgers\nto figure out UNLModify Tx candidates.\nIf any, create UNLModify Tx, and add to TxSet.
- end
- CA -> GC
- GC -> CA: propose
- deactivate CA
- end
-else phase == ESTABLISH
- hnote over GC: receive peer postions
- GC -> GC : update our position
- GC -> CA : propose \n(if position changed)
- GC -> GC : check if have consensus
- alt consensus reached
- GC -> GC: phase = ACCEPT
- GC -> CA : onAccept
- activate CA
- CA -> CA : build LCL
- hnote over CA #lightgreen: copy negative UNL from parent ledger
- alt sqn%256==0
- CA -[#green]> CA: Adjust negative UNL
- CA -[#green]> CA: apply UNLModify Tx
- end
- CA -> CA : validate and send validation message
- activate NOP
- CA -> NOP : end consensus and\nbegin next consensus round
- deactivate NOP
- deactivate CA
- hnote over RM: receive validations
- end
-else phase == ACCEPTED
- hnote over GC: timerEntry hash nothing to do at this phase
-deactivate GC
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-# Ledger Replay
-`LedgerReplayer` is a new `Stoppable` for replaying ledgers.
-Patterned after two other `Stoppable`s under `JobQueue`---`InboundLedgers`
-and `InboundTransactions`---it acts like a factory for creating
-state-machine workers, and a network message demultiplexer for those workers.
-Think of these workers like asynchronous functions.
-Like functions, they each take a set of parameters.
-The `Stoppable` memoizes these functions. It maintains a table for each
-worker type, mapping sets of arguments to the worker currently working
-on that argument set.
-Whenever the `Stoppable` is asked to construct a worker, it first searches its
-table to see if there is an existing worker with the same or overlapping
-argument set.
-If one exists, then it is used. If not, then a new one is created,
-initialized, and added to the table.
-For `LedgerReplayer`, there are three worker types: `LedgerReplayTask`,
-`SkipListAcquire`, and `LedgerDeltaAcquire`.
-Each is derived from `TimeoutCounter` to give it a timeout.
-For `LedgerReplayTask`, the parameter set
-is {reason, finish ledger ID, number of ledgers}. For `SkipListAcquire` and
-`LedgerDeltaAcquire`, there is just one parameter: a ledger ID.
-Each `Stoppable` has an entry point. For `LedgerReplayer`, it is `replay`.
-`replay` creates two workers: a `LedgerReplayTask` and a `SkipListAcquire`.
-`LedgerDeltaAcquire`s are created in the callback for when the skip list
-For `SkipListAcquire` and `LedgerDeltaAcquire`, initialization fires off the
-underlying asynchronous network request and starts the timeout. The argument
-set identifying the worker is included in the network request, and copied to
-the network response. `SkipListAcquire` sends a request for a proof path for
-the skip list of the desired ledger. `LedgerDeltaAcquire` sends a request for
-the transaction set of the desired ledger.
-`LedgerReplayer` is also a network message demultiplexer.
-When a response arrives for a request that was sent by a `SkipListAcquire` or
-`LedgerDeltaAcquire` worker, the `Peer` object knows to send it to the
-`LedgerReplayer`, which looks up the worker waiting for that response based on
-the identifying argument set included in the response.
-`LedgerReplayTask` may ask `InboundLedgers` to send requests to acquire
-the start ledger, but there is no way to attach a callback or be notified when
-the `InboundLedger` worker completes. All the responses for its messages will
-be directed to `InboundLedgers`, not `LedgerReplayer`. Instead,
-`LedgerReplayTask` checks whether the start ledger has arrived every time its
-timeout expires.
-Like a promise, each worker keeps track of whether it is pending (`!isDone()`)
-or whether it has resolved successfully (`complete_ == true`) or unsuccessfully
-(`failed_ == true`). It will never exist in both resolved states at once, nor
-will it return to a pending state after reaching a resolved state.
-Like promises, some workers can accept continuations to be called when they
-reach a resolved state, or immediately if they are already resolved.
-`SkipListAcquire` and `LedgerDeltaAcquire` both accept continuations of a type
-specific to their payload, both via a method named `addDataCallback()`. Continuations
-cannot be removed explicitly, but they are held by `std::weak_ptr` so they can
-be removed implicitly.
-`LedgerReplayTask` is simultaneously:
-1. an asynchronous function,
-1. a continuation to one `SkipListAcquire` asynchronous function,
-1. a continuation to zero or more `LedgerDeltaAcquire` asynchronous functions, and
-1. a continuation to its own timeout.
-Each of these roles corresponds to different entry points:
-1. `init()`
-1. the callback added to `SkipListAcquire`, which calls `updateSkipList(...)` or `cancel()`
-1. the callback added to `LedgerDeltaAcquire`, which calls `deltaReady(...)` or `cancel()`
-1. `onTimer()`
-Each of these entry points does something unique to that entry point. They
-either (a) transition `LedgerReplayTask` to a terminal failed resolved state
-(`cancel()` and `onTimer()`) or (b) try to make progress toward the successful
-resolved state. `init()` and `updateSkipList(...)` call `trigger()` while
-`deltaReady(...)` calls `tryAdvance()`. There's a similarity between this
-pattern and the way coroutines are implemented, where every yield saves the spot
-in the code where it left off and every resume jumps back to that spot.
-### Sequence Diagram
-![Sequence diagram](./ledger_replay_sequence.png?raw=true "A successful ledger replay")
-### Class Diagram
-![Class diagram](./ledger_replay_classes.png?raw=true "Ledger replay classes")
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-class TimeoutCounter {
- #app_ : Application&
-TimeoutCounter o-- "1" Application
-': app_
-Stoppable <.. Application
-class Application {
- -m_ledgerReplayer : uptr
- -m_inboundLedgers : uptr
-Application *-- "1" LedgerReplayer
-': m_ledgerReplayer
-Application *-- "1" InboundLedgers
-': m_inboundLedgers
-Stoppable <.. InboundLedgers
-Application "1" --o InboundLedgers
-': app_
-class InboundLedgers {
- -app_ : Application&
-Stoppable <.. LedgerReplayer
-InboundLedgers "1" --o LedgerReplayer
-': inboundLedgers_
-Application "1" --o LedgerReplayer
-': app_
-class LedgerReplayer {
- +createDeltas(LedgerReplayTask)
- -app_ : Application&
- -inboundLedgers_ : InboundLedgers&
- -tasks_ : vector>
- -deltas_ : hash_map>
- -skipLists_ : hash_map>
-LedgerReplayer *-- LedgerReplayTask
-': tasks_
-LedgerReplayer o-- LedgerDeltaAcquire
-': deltas_
-LedgerReplayer o-- SkipListAcquire
-': skipLists_
-TimeoutCounter <.. LedgerReplayTask
-InboundLedgers "1" --o LedgerReplayTask
-': inboundLedgers_
-LedgerReplayer "1" --o LedgerReplayTask
-': replayer_
-class LedgerReplayTask {
- -inboundLedgers_ : InboundLedgers&
- -replayer_ : LedgerReplayer&
- -skipListAcquirer_ : sptr
- -deltas_ : vector>
- +addDelta(sptr)
-LedgerReplayTask *-- "1" SkipListAcquire
-': skipListAcquirer_
-LedgerReplayTask *-- LedgerDeltaAcquire
-': deltas_
-TimeoutCounter <.. SkipListAcquire
-InboundLedgers "1" --o SkipListAcquire
-': inboundLedgers_
-LedgerReplayer "1" --o SkipListAcquire
-': replayer_
-LedgerReplayTask --o SkipListAcquire : implicit via callback
-class SkipListAcquire {
- +addDataCallback(callback)
- -inboundLedgers_ : InboundLedgers&
- -replayer_ : LedgerReplayer&
- -dataReadyCallbacks_ : vector
-TimeoutCounter <.. LedgerDeltaAcquire
-InboundLedgers "1" --o LedgerDeltaAcquire
-': inboundLedgers_
-LedgerReplayer "1" --o LedgerDeltaAcquire
-': replayer_
-LedgerReplayTask --o LedgerDeltaAcquire : implicit via callback
-class LedgerDeltaAcquire {
- +addDataCallback(callback)
- -inboundLedgers_ : InboundLedgers&
- -replayer_ : LedgerReplayer&
- -dataReadyCallbacks_ : vector
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-autoactivate on
-' participant app as "Application"
-participant peer as "Peer"
-participant lr as "LedgerReplayer"
-participant lrt as "LedgerReplayTask"
-participant sla as "SkipListAcquire"
-participant lda as "LedgerDeltaAcquire"
-[-> lr : replay(finishId, numLedgers)
- lr -> sla : make_shared(finishHash)
- return skipList
- lr -> lrt : make_shared(skipList)
- return task
- lr -> sla : init(numPeers=1)
- sla -> sla : trigger(numPeers=1)
- sla -> peer : sendRequest(ProofPathRequest)
- return
- return
- return
- lr -> lrt : init()
- lrt -> sla : addDataCallback(callback)
- return
- return
-deactivate lr
-[-> peer : onMessage(ProofPathResponse)
- peer -> lr : gotSkipList(ledgerHeader, item)
- lr -> sla : processData(ledgerSeq, item)
- sla -> sla : onSkipListAcquired(skipList, ledgerSeq)
- sla -> sla : notify()
- note over sla: call the callbacks added by\naddDataCallback(callback).
- sla -> lrt : callback(ledgerId)
- lrt -> lrt : updateSkipList(ledgerId, ledgerSeq, skipList)
- lrt -> lr : createDeltas(this)
- loop
- lr -> lda : make_shared(ledgerId, ledgerSeq)
- return delta
- lr -> lrt : addDelta(delta)
- lrt -> lda : addDataCallback(callback)
- return
- return
- lr -> lda : init(numPeers=1)
- lda -> lda : trigger(numPeers=1)
- lda -> peer : sendRequest(ReplayDeltaRequest)
- return
- return
- return
- end
- return
- return
- return
- return
- return
- return
-deactivate peer
-[-> peer : onMessage(ReplayDeltaResponse)
- peer -> lr : gotReplayDelta(ledgerHeader)
- lr -> lda : processData(ledgerHeader, txns)
- lda -> lda : notify()
- note over lda: call the callbacks added by\naddDataCallback(callback).
- lda -> lrt : callback(ledgerId)
- lrt -> lrt : deltaReady(ledgerId)
- lrt -> lrt : tryAdvance()
- loop as long as child can be built
- lrt -> lda : tryBuild(parent)
- lda -> lda : onLedgerBuilt()
- note over lda
- Schedule a job to store the built ledger.
- end note
- return
- return child
- end
- return
- return
- return
- return
- return
-deactivate peer
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-# Code Style Cheat Sheet
-## Form
-- One class per header file.
-- Place each data member on its own line.
-- Place each ctor-initializer on its own line.
-- Create typedefs for primitive types to describe them.
-- Return descriptive local variables instead of constants.
-- Use long descriptive names instead of abbreviations.
-- Use "explicit" for single-argument ctors
-- Avoid globals especially objects with static storage duration
-- Order class declarations as types, public, protected, private, then data.
-- Prefer 'private' over 'protected'
-## Function
-- Minimize external dependencies
- * Pass options in the ctor instead of using theConfig
- * Use as few other classes as possible
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-# Coding Standards
-Coding standards used here gradually evolve and propagate through
-code reviews. Some aspects are enforced more strictly than others.
-## Rules
-These rules only apply to our own code. We can't enforce any sort of
-style on the external repositories and libraries we include. The best
-guideline is to maintain the standards that are used in those libraries.
-* Tab inserts 4 spaces. No tab characters.
-* Braces are indented in the [Allman style][1].
-* Modern C++ principles. No naked ```new``` or ```delete```.
-* Line lengths limited to 80 characters. Exceptions limited to data and tables.
-## Guidelines
-If you want to do something contrary to these guidelines, understand
-why you're doing it. Think, use common sense, and consider that this
-your changes will probably need to be maintained long after you've
-moved on to other projects.
-* Use white space and blank lines to guide the eye and keep your intent clear.
-* Put private data members at the top of a class, and the 6 public special
-members immediately after, in the following order:
- * Destructor
- * Default constructor
- * Copy constructor
- * Copy assignment
- * Move constructor
- * Move assignment
-* Don't over-inline by defining large functions within the class
-declaration, not even for template classes.
-## Formatting
-The goal of source code formatting should always be to make things as easy to
-read as possible. White space is used to guide the eye so that details are not
-overlooked. Blank lines are used to separate code into "paragraphs."
-* Always place a space before and after all binary operators,
- especially assignments (`operator=`).
-* The `!` operator should be preceded by a space, but not followed by one.
-* The `~` operator should be preceded by a space, but not followed by one.
-* The `++` and `--` operators should have no spaces between the operator and
- the operand.
-* A space never appears before a comma, and always appears after a comma.
-* Don't put spaces after a parenthesis. A typical member function call might
- look like this: `foobar (1, 2, 3);`
-* In general, leave a blank line before an `if` statement.
-* In general, leave a blank line after a closing brace `}`.
-* Do not place code on the same line as any opening or
- closing brace.
-* Do not write `if` statements all-on-one-line. The exception to this is when
- you've got a sequence of similar `if` statements, and are aligning them all
- vertically to highlight their similarities.
-* In an `if-else` statement, if you surround one half of the statement with
- braces, you also need to put braces around the other half, to match.
-* When writing a pointer type, use this spacing: `SomeObject* myObject`.
- Technically, a more correct spacing would be `SomeObject *myObject`, but
- it makes more sense for the asterisk to be grouped with the type name,
- since being a pointer is part of the type, not the variable name. The only
- time that this can lead to any problems is when you're declaring multiple
- pointers of the same type in the same statement - which leads on to the next
- rule:
-* When declaring multiple pointers, never do so in a single statement, e.g.
- `SomeObject* p1, *p2;` - instead, always split them out onto separate lines
- and write the type name again, to make it quite clear what's going on, and
- avoid the danger of missing out any vital asterisks.
-* The previous point also applies to references, so always put the `&` next to
- the type rather than the variable, e.g. `void foo (Thing const& thing)`. And
- don't put a space on both sides of the `*` or `&` - always put a space after
- it, but never before it.
-* The word `const` should be placed to the right of the thing that it modifies,
- for consistency. For example `int const` refers to an int which is const.
- `int const*` is a pointer to an int which is const. `int *const` is a const
- pointer to an int.
-* Always place a space in between the template angle brackets and the type
- name. Template code is already hard enough to read!
-[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indent_style#Allman_style
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-# `rippled` Docker Image
-- Some info relating to Docker containers can be found here: [../Builds/containers](../Builds/containers)
-- Images for building and testing rippled can be found here: [thejohnfreeman/rippled-docker](https://github.com/thejohnfreeman/rippled-docker/)
- - These images do not have rippled. They have all the tools necessary to build rippled.
diff --git a/docs/Dockerfile b/docs/Dockerfile
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-FROM ubuntu:16.04
-RUN apt -y update
-RUN apt -y upgrade
-RUN apt -y install build-essential g++ git libbz2-dev wget python-dev
-RUN apt -y install cmake flex bison graphviz graphviz-dev libicu-dev
-RUN apt -y install jarwrapper java-common
-RUN cd /tmp
-ENV CM_INSTALLER=cmake-3.10.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64.sh
-ENV CM_VER_DIR=/opt/local/cmake-3.10.0
-RUN cd /tmp && wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.10/$CM_INSTALLER && chmod a+x $CM_INSTALLER
-RUN mkdir -p $CM_VER_DIR
-RUN ln -s $CM_VER_DIR /opt/local/cmake
-RUN /tmp/$CM_INSTALLER --prefix=$CM_VER_DIR --exclude-subdir
-RUN rm -f /tmp/$CM_INSTALLER
-RUN cd /tmp && wget https://ftp.stack.nl/pub/users/dimitri/doxygen-1.8.14.src.tar.gz
-RUN cd /tmp && tar xvf doxygen-1.8.14.src.tar.gz
-RUN mkdir -p /tmp/doxygen-1.8.14/build
-RUN cd /tmp/doxygen-1.8.14/build && /opt/local/cmake/bin/cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
-RUN cd /tmp/doxygen-1.8.14/build && make -j2
-RUN cd /tmp/doxygen-1.8.14/build && make install
-RUN rm -f /tmp/doxygen-1.8.14.src.tar.gz
-RUN rm -rf /tmp/doxygen-1.8.14
-RUN mkdir -p /opt/plantuml
-RUN wget -O /opt/plantuml/plantuml.jar http://sourceforge.net/projects/plantuml/files/plantuml.jar/download
-ENV DOXYGEN_PLANTUML_JAR_PATH=/opt/plantuml/plantuml.jar
-CMD cd /opt/rippled && doxygen docs/Doxyfile
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-# Project related configuration options
-PROJECT_NAME = "rippled"
-# Build related configuration options
-# Configuration options related to warning and progress messages
-WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text"
-# Configuration options related to the input files
-INPUT = \
- docs \
- src/ripple \
- src/test \
- src/README.md \
- README.md \
-FILE_PATTERNS = *.h *.cpp *.md
- docs/images/ \
- docs/images/consensus/ \
- src/test/csf/ \
-# Configuration options related to source browsing
-# Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
-# Configuration options related to the HTML output
-DOCSET_FEEDNAME = "Doxygen generated docs"
-DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID = org.doxygen.Project
-DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID = org.doxygen.Publisher
-QHP_NAMESPACE = org.doxygen.Project
-ECLIPSE_DOC_ID = org.doxygen.Project
-MATHJAX_RELPATH = http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest
-SEARCHDATA_FILE = searchdata.xml
-# Configuration options related to the LaTeX output
-# Configuration options related to the RTF output
-# Configuration options related to the man page output
-# Configuration options related to the XML output
-# Configuration options related to the DOCBOOK output
-# Configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
-# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
- _MSC_VER \
-# Configuration options related to external references
-# Configuration options related to the dot tool
-# DOT_NUM_THREADS = 0 means 1 for every processor.
-DOT_FONTNAME = Helvetica
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-## Heap profiling of rippled with jemalloc
-The jemalloc library provides a good API for doing heap analysis,
-including a mechanism to dump a description of the heap from within the
-running application via a function call. Details on how to perform this
-activity in general, as well as how to acquire the software, are available on
-the jemalloc site:
-jemalloc is acquired separately from rippled, and is not affiliated
-with Ripple Labs. If you compile and install jemalloc from the
-source release with default options, it will install the library and header
-under `/usr/local/lib` and `/usr/local/include`, respectively. Heap
-profiling has been tested with rippled on a Linux platform. It should
-work on platforms on which both rippled and jemalloc are available.
-To link rippled with jemalloc, the argument
-`profile-jemalloc=` is provided after the optional target.
-The `` argument should be the same as that of the
-`--prefix` parameter passed to the jemalloc configure script when building.
-## Examples:
-Build rippled with jemalloc library under /usr/local/lib and
-header under /usr/local/include:
- $ scons profile-jemalloc=/usr/local
-Build rippled using clang with the jemalloc library under /opt/local/lib
-and header under /opt/local/include:
- $ scons clang profile-jemalloc=/opt/local
-## Using the jemalloc library from within the code
-The `profile-jemalloc` parameter enables a macro definition called
-`PROFILE_JEMALLOC`. Include the jemalloc header file as
-well as the api call(s) that you wish to make within preprocessor
-conditional groups, such as:
-In global scope:
- #include
- #endif
-And later, within a function scope:
- mallctl("prof.dump", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
- #endif
-Fuller descriptions of how to acquire and use jemalloc's api to do memory
-analysis are available at the [jemalloc
-Linking against the jemalloc library will override
-the system's default `malloc()` and related functions with jemalloc's
-implementation. This is the case even if the code is not instrumented
-to use jemalloc's specific API.
diff --git a/docs/NodeStoreRefactoringCaseStudy.pdf b/docs/NodeStoreRefactoringCaseStudy.pdf
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Binary files a/docs/NodeStoreRefactoringCaseStudy.pdf and /dev/null differ
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-# Building documentation
-## Dependencies
-Install these dependencies:
-- [Doxygen](http://www.doxygen.nl): All major platforms have [official binary
- distributions](http://www.doxygen.nl/download.html#srcbin), or you can
- build from [source](http://www.doxygen.nl/download.html#srcbin).
- - MacOS: We recommend installing via Homebrew: `brew install doxygen`.
- The executable will be installed in `/usr/local/bin` which is already
- in the default `PATH`.
- If you use the official binary distribution, then you'll need to make
- Doxygen available to your command line. You can do this by adding
- a symbolic link from `/usr/local/bin` to the `doxygen` executable. For
- example,
- ```
- $ ln -s /Applications/Doxygen.app/Contents/Resources/doxygen /usr/local/bin/doxygen
- ```
-- [PlantUML](http://plantuml.com):
- 1. Install a functioning Java runtime, if you don't already have one.
- 2. Download [`plantuml.jar`](http://sourceforge.net/projects/plantuml/files/plantuml.jar/download).
-- [Graphviz](https://www.graphviz.org):
- - Linux: Install from your package manager.
- - Windows: Use an [official installer](https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/Download/Download_windows.html).
- - MacOS: Install via Homebrew: `brew install graphviz`.
-## Docker
-Instead of installing the above dependencies locally, you can use the official
-build environment Docker image, which has all of them installed already.
-1. Install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/)
-2. Pull the image:
- ```
- sudo docker pull rippleci/rippled-ci-builder:2944b78d22db
- ```
-3. Run the image from the project folder:
- ```
- sudo docker run -v $PWD:/opt/rippled --rm rippleci/rippled-ci-builder:2944b78d22db
- ```
-## Build
-There is a `docs` target in the CMake configuration.
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake ..
-cmake --build . --target docs
-The output will be in `build/docs/html`.
diff --git a/docs/consensus.md b/docs/consensus.md
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-# Consensus and Validation
-**This section is a work in progress!!**
-Consensus is the task of reaching agreement within a distributed system in the
-presence of faulty or even malicious participants. This document outlines the
-[XRP Ledger Consensus Algorithm](https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.07242)
-as implemented in [rippled](https://github.com/ripple/rippled), but
-focuses on its utility as a generic consensus algorithm independent of the
-detailed mechanics of the Ripple Consensus Ledger. Most notably, the algorithm
-does not require fully synchronous communication between all nodes in the
-network, or even a fixed network topology, but instead achieves consensus via
-collectively trusted subnetworks.
-## Distributed Agreement
-A challenge for distributed systems is reaching agreement on changes in shared
-state. For the Ripple network, the shared state is the current ledger--account
-information, account balances, order books and other financial data. We will
-refer to shared distributed state as a /ledger/ throughout the remainder of this
-![Ledger Chain](images/consensus/ledger_chain.png "Ledger Chain")
-As shown above, new ledgers are made by applying a set of transactions to the
-prior ledger. For the Ripple network, transactions include payments,
-modification of account settings, updates to offers and more.
-In a centralized system, generating the next ledger is trivial since there is a
-single unique arbiter of which transactions to include and how to apply them to
-a ledger. For decentralized systems, participants must resolve disagreements on
-the set of transactions to include, the order to apply those transactions, and
-even the resulting ledger after applying the transactions. This is even more
-difficult when some participants are faulty or malicious.
-The Ripple network is a decentralized and **trust-full** network. Anyone is free
-to join and participants are free to choose a subset of peers that are
-collectively trusted to not collude in an attempt to defraud the participant.
-Leveraging this network of trust, the Ripple algorithm has two main components.
-* *Consensus* in which network participants agree on the transactions to apply
- to a prior ledger, based on the positions of their chosen peers.
-* *Validation* in which network participants agree on what ledger was
- generated, based on the ledgers generated by chosen peers.
-These phases are continually repeated to process transactions submitted to the
-network, generating successive ledgers and giving rise to the blockchain ledger
-history depicted below. In this diagram, time is flowing to the right, but
-links between ledgers point backward to the parent. Also note the alternate
-Ledger 2 that was generated by some participants, but which failed validation
-and was abandoned.
-![Block Chain](images/consensus/block_chain.png "Block Chain")
-The remainder of this section describes the Consensus and Validation algorithms
-in more detail and is meant as a companion guide to understanding the generic
-implementation in `rippled`. The document **does not** discuss correctness,
-fault-tolerance or liveness properties of the algorithms or the full details of
-how they integrate within `rippled` to support the Ripple Consensus Ledger.
-## Consensus Overview
-### Definitions
-* The *ledger* is the shared distributed state. Each ledger has a unique ID to
- distinguish it from all other ledgers. During consensus, the *previous*,
- *prior* or *last-closed* ledger is the most recent ledger seen by consensus
- and is the basis upon which it will build the next ledger.
-* A *transaction* is an instruction for an atomic change in the ledger state. A
- unique ID distinguishes a transaction from other transactions.
-* A *transaction set* is a set of transactions under consideration by consensus.
- The goal of consensus is to reach agreement on this set. The generic
- consensus algorithm does not rely on an ordering of transactions within the
- set, nor does it specify how to apply a transaction set to a ledger to
- generate a new ledger. A unique ID distinguishes a set of transactions from
- all other sets of transactions.
-* A *node* is one of the distributed actors running the consensus algorithm. It
- has a unique ID to distinguish it from all other nodes.
-* A *peer* of a node is another node that it has chosen to follow and which it
- believes will not collude with other chosen peers. The choice of peers is not
- symmetric, since participants can decide on their chosen sets independently.
-* A /position/ is the current belief of the next ledger's transaction set and
- close time. Position can refer to the node's own position or the position of a
- peer.
-* A *proposal* is one of a sequence of positions a node shares during consensus.
- An initial proposal contains the starting position taken by a node before it
- considers any peer positions. If a node subsequently updates its position in
- response to its peers, it will issue an updated proposal. A proposal is
- uniquely identified by the ID of the proposing node, the ID of the position
- taken, the ID of the prior ledger the proposal is for, and the sequence number
- of the proposal.
-* A *dispute* is a transaction that is either not part of a node's position or
- not in a peer's position. During consensus, the node will add or remove
- disputed transactions from its position based on that transaction's support
- amongst its peers.
-Note that most types have an ID as a lightweight identifier of instances of that
-type. Consensus often operates on the IDs directly since the underlying type is
-potentially expensive to share over the network. For example, proposal's only
-contain the ID of the position of a peer. Since many peers likely have the same
-position, this reduces the need to send the full transaction set multiple times.
-Instead, a node can request the transaction set from the network if necessary.
-### Overview
-![Consensus Overview](images/consensus/consensus_overview.png "Consensus Overview")
-The diagram above is an overview of the consensus process from the perspective
-of a single participant. Recall that during a single consensus round, a node is
-trying to agree with its peers on which transactions to apply to its prior
-ledger when generating the next ledger. It also attempts to agree on the
-[network time when the ledger closed](#effective_close_time). There are
-3 main phases to a consensus round:
-* A call to `startRound` places the node in the `Open` phase. In this phase,
-the node is waiting for transactions to include in its open ledger.
-* At some point, the node will `Close` the open ledger and transition to the
-`Establish` phase. In this phase, the node shares/receives peer proposals on
-which transactions should be accepted in the closed ledger.
-* At some point, the node determines it has reached consensus with its peers on
-which transactions to include. It transitions to the `Accept` phase. In this
-phase, the node works on applying the transactions to the prior ledger to
-generate a new closed ledger. Once the new ledger is completed, the node shares
-the validated ledger hash with the network and makes a call to `startRound` to
-start the cycle again for the next ledger.
-Throughout, a heartbeat timer calls `timerEntry` at a regular frequency to drive
-the process forward. Although the `startRound` call occurs at arbitrary times
-based on when the initial round began and the time it takes to apply
-transactions, the transitions from `Open` to `Establish` and `Establish` to
-`Accept` only occur during calls to `timerEntry`. Similarly, transactions can
-arrive at arbitrary times, independent of the heartbeat timer. Transactions
-received after the `Open` to `Close` transition and not part of peer proposals
-won't be considered until the next consensus round. They are represented above
-by the light green triangles.
-Peer proposals are issued by a node during a `timerEntry` call, but since peers
-do not synchronize `timerEntry` calls, they are received by other peers at
-arbitrary times. Peer proposals are only considered if received prior to the
-`Establish` to `Accept` transition, and only if the peer is working on the same
-prior ledger. Peer proposals received after consensus is reached will not be
-meaningful and are represented above by the circle with the X in it. Only
-proposals from chosen peers are considered.
-### Effective Close Time ### {#effective_close_time}
-In addition to agreeing on a transaction set, each consensus round tries to
-agree on the time the ledger closed. Each node calculates its own close time
-when it closes the open ledger. This exact close time is rounded to the nearest
-multiple of the current *effective close time resolution*. It is this
-*effective close time* that nodes seek to agree on. This allows servers to
-derive a common time for a ledger without the need for perfectly synchronized
-clocks. As depicted below, the 3 pink arrows represent exact close times from 3
-consensus nodes that round to the same effective close time given the current
-resolution. The purple arrow represents a peer whose estimate rounds to a
-different effective close time given the current resolution.
-![Effective Close Time](images/consensus/EffCloseTime.png "Effective Close Time")
-The effective close time is part of the node's position and is shared with peers
-in its proposals. Just like the position on the consensus transaction set, a
-node will update its close time position in response to its peers' effective
-close time positions. Peers can agree to disagree on the close time, in which
-case the effective close time is taken as 1 second past the prior close.
-The close time resolution is itself dynamic, decreasing (coarser) resolution in
-subsequent consensus rounds if nodes are unable to reach consensus on an
-effective close time and increasing (finer) resolution if nodes consistently
-reach close time consensus.
-### Modes
-Internally, a node operates under one of the following consensus modes. Either
-of the first two modes may be chosen when a consensus round starts.
-* *Proposing* indicates the node is a full-fledged consensus participant. It
- takes on positions and sends proposals to its peers.
-* *Observing* indicates the node is a passive consensus participant. It
- maintains a position internally, but does not propose that position to its
- peers. Instead, it receives peer proposals and updates its position
- to track the majority of its peers. This may be preferred if the node is only
- being used to track the state of the network or during a start-up phase while
- it is still synchronizing with the network.
-The other two modes are set internally during the consensus round when the node
-believes it is no longer working on the dominant ledger chain based on peer
-validations. It checks this on every call to `timerEntry`.
-* *Wrong Ledger* indicates the node is not working on the correct prior ledger
- and does not have it available. It requests that ledger from the network, but
- continues to work towards consensus this round while waiting. If it had been
- *proposing*, it will send a special "bowout" proposal to its peers to indicate
- its change in mode for the rest of this round. For the duration of the round,
- it defers to peer positions for determining the consensus outcome as if it
- were just *observing*.
-* *Switch Ledger* indicates that the node has acquired the correct prior ledger
- from the network. Although it now has the correct prior ledger, the fact that
- it had the wrong one at some point during this round means it is likely behind
- and should defer to peer positions for determining the consensus outcome.
-![Consensus Modes](images/consensus/consensus_modes.png "Consensus Modes")
-Once either wrong ledger or switch ledger are reached, the node cannot
-return to proposing or observing until the next consensus round. However,
-the node could change its view of the correct prior ledger, so going from
-switch ledger to wrong ledger and back again is possible.
-The distinction between the wrong and switched ledger modes arises because a
-ledger's unique identifier may be known by a node before the ledger itself. This
-reflects that fact that the data corresponding to a ledger may be large and take
-time to share over the network, whereas the smaller ID could be shared in a peer
-validation much more quickly. Distinguishing the two states allows the node to
-decide how best to generate the next ledger once it declares consensus.
-### Phases
-As depicted in the overview diagram, consensus is best viewed as a progression
-through 3 phases. There are 4 public methods of the generic consensus algorithm
-that determine this progression
-* `startRound` begins a consensus round.
-* `timerEntry` is called at a regular frequency (`LEDGER_MIN_CLOSE`) and is the
- only call to consensus that can change the phase from `Open` to `Establish`
- or `Accept`.
-* `peerProposal` is called whenever a peer proposal is received and is what
- allows a node to update its position in a subsequent `timerEntry` call.
-* `gotTxSet` is called when a transaction set is received from the network. This
- is typically in response to a prior request from the node to acquire the
- transaction set corresponding to a disagreeing peer's position.
-The following subsections describe each consensus phase in more detail and what
-actions are taken in response to these calls.
-#### Open
-The `Open` phase is a quiescent period to allow transactions to build up in the
-node's open ledger. The duration is a trade-off between latency and throughput.
-A shorter window reduces the latency to generating the next ledger, but also
-reduces transaction throughput due to fewer transactions accepted into the
-A call to `startRound` would forcibly begin the next consensus round, skipping
-completion of the current round. This is not expected during normal operation.
-Calls to `peerProposal` or `gotTxSet` simply store the proposal or transaction
-set for use in the coming `Establish` phase.
-A call to `timerEntry` first checks that the node is working on the correct
-prior ledger. If not, it will update the mode and request the correct ledger.
-Otherwise, the node checks whether to switch to the `Establish` phase and close
-the ledger.
-##### Ledger Close
-Under normal circumstances, the open ledger period ends when one of the following
-is true
-* if there are transactions in the open ledger and more than `LEDGER_MIN_CLOSE`
- have elapsed. This is the typical behavior.
-* if there are no open transactions and a suitably longer idle interval has
- elapsed. This increases the opportunity to get some transaction into
- the next ledger and avoids doing useless work closing an empty ledger.
-* if more than half the number of prior round peers have already closed or finished
- this round. This indicates the node is falling behind and needs to catch up.
-When closing the ledger, the node takes its initial position based on the
-transactions in the open ledger and uses the current time as
-its initial close time estimate. If in the proposing mode, the node shares its
-initial position with peers. Now that the node has taken a position, it will
-consider any peer positions for this round that arrived earlier. The node
-generates disputed transactions for each transaction not in common with a peer's
-position. The node also records the vote of each peer for each disputed
-In the example below, we suppose our node has closed with transactions 1,2 and 3. It creates disputes
-for transactions 2,3 and 4, since at least one peer position differs on each.
-##### disputes ##### {#disputes_image}
-![Disputes](images/consensus/disputes.png "Disputes")
-#### Establish
-The establish phase is the active period of consensus in which the node
-exchanges proposals with peers in an attempt to reach agreement on the consensus
-transactions and effective close time.
-A call to `startRound` would forcibly begin the next consensus round, skipping
-completion of the current round. This is not expected during normal operation.
-Calls to `peerProposal` or `gotTxSet` that reflect new positions will generate
-disputed transactions for any new disagreements and will update the peer's vote
-for all disputed transactions.
-A call to `timerEntry` first checks that the node is working from the correct
-prior ledger. If not, the node will update the mode and request the correct
-ledger. Otherwise, the node updates the node's position and considers whether
-to switch to the `Accepted` phase and declare consensus reached. However, at
-least `LEDGER_MIN_CONSENSUS` time must have elapsed before doing either. This
-allows peers an opportunity to take an initial position and share it.
-##### Update Position
-In order to achieve consensus, the node is looking for a transaction set that is
-supported by a super-majority of peers. The node works towards this set by
-adding or removing disputed transactions from its position based on an
-increasing threshold for inclusion.
-![Threshold](images/consensus/threshold.png "Threshold")
-By starting with a lower threshold, a node initially allows a wide set of
-transactions into its position. If the establish round continues and the node is
-"stuck", a higher threshold can focus on accepting transactions with the most
-support. The constants that define the thresholds and durations at which the
-thresholds change are given by `AV_XXX_CONSENSUS_PCT` and
-`AV_XXX_CONSENSUS_TIME` respectively, where `XXX` is `INIT`,`MID`,`LATE` and
-`STUCK`. The effective close time position is updated using the same
-Given the [example disputes above](#disputes_image) and an initial threshold
-of 50%, our node would retain its position since transaction 1 was not in
-dispute and transactions 2 and 3 have 75% support. Since its position did not
-change, it would not need to send a new proposal to peers. Peer C would not
-change either. Peer A would add transaction 3 to its position and Peer B would
-remove transaction 4 from its position; both would then send an updated
-Conversely, if the diagram reflected a later call to =timerEntry= that occurs in
-the stuck region with a threshold of say 95%, our node would remove transactions
-2 and 3 from its candidate set and send an updated position. Likewise, all the
-other peers would end up with only transaction 1 in their position.
-Lastly, if our node were not in the proposing mode, it would not include its own
-vote and just take the majority (>50%) position of its peers. In this example,
-our node would maintain its position of transactions 1, 2 and 3.
-##### Checking Consensus
-After updating its position, the node checks for supermajority agreement with
-its peers on its current position. This agreement is of the exact transaction
-set, not just the support of individual transactions. That is, if our position
-is a subset of a peer's position, that counts as a disagreement. Also recall
-that effective close time agreement allows a supermajority of participants
-agreeing to disagree.
-Consensus is declared when the following 3 clauses are true:
-* `LEDGER_MIN_CONSENSUS` time has elapsed in the establish phase
-* At least 75% of the prior round proposers have proposed OR this establish
- phase is `LEDGER_MIN_CONSENSUS` longer than the last round's establish phase
-* `minimumConsensusPercentage` of ourself and our peers share the same position
-The middle condition ensures slower peers have a chance to share positions, but
-prevents waiting too long on peers that have disconnected. Additionally, a node
-can declare that consensus has moved on if `minimumConsensusPercentage` peers
-have sent validations and moved on to the next ledger. This outcome indicates
-the node has fallen behind its peers and needs to catch up.
-If a node is not proposing, it does not include its own position when
-calculating the percent of agreeing participants but otherwise follows the above
-##### Accepting Consensus
-Once consensus is reached (or moved on), the node switches to the `Accept` phase
-and signals to the implementing code that the round is complete. That code is
-responsible for using the consensus transaction set to generate the next ledger
-and calling `startRound` to begin the next round. The implementation has total
-freedom on ordering transactions, deciding what to do if consensus moved on,
-determining whether to retry or abandon local transactions that did not make the
-consensus set and updating any internal state based on the consensus progress.
-#### Accept
-The `Accept` phase is the terminal phase of the consensus algorithm. Calls to
-`timerEntry`, `peerProposal` and `gotTxSet` will not change the internal
-consensus state while in the accept phase. The expectation is that the
-application specific code is working to generate the new ledger based on the
-consensus outcome. Once complete, that code should make a call to `startRound`
-to kick off the next consensus round. The `startRound` call includes the new
-prior ledger, prior ledger ID and whether the round should begin in the
-proposing or observing mode. After setting some initial state, the phase
-transitions to `Open`. The node will also check if the provided prior ledger
-and ID are correct, updating the mode and requesting the proper ledger from the
-network if necessary.
-## Consensus Type Requirements
-The consensus type requirements are given below as minimal implementation stubs.
-Actual implementations would augment these stubs with members appropriate for
-managing the details of transactions and ledgers within the larger application
-### Transaction
-The transaction type `Tx` encapsulates a single transaction under consideration
-by consensus.
-struct Tx
- using ID = ...;
- ID const & id() const;
- //... implementation specific
-### Transaction Set
-The transaction set type `TxSet` represents a set of `Tx`s that are collectively
-under consideration by consensus. A `TxSet` can be compared against other `TxSet`s
-(typically from peers) and can be modified to add or remove transactions via
-the mutable subtype.
-struct TxSet
- using Tx = Tx;
- using ID = ...;
- ID const & id() const;
- bool exists(Tx::ID const &) const;
- Tx const * find(Tx::ID const &) const ;
- // Return set of transactions that are not common with another set
- // Bool in map is true if in our set, false if in other
- std::map compare(TxSet const & other) const;
- // A mutable view that allows changing transactions in the set
- struct MutableTxSet
- {
- MutableTxSet(TxSet const &);
- bool insert(Tx const &);
- bool erase(Tx::ID const &);
- };
- // Construct from a mutable view.
- TxSet(MutableTxSet const &);
- // Alternatively, if the TxSet is itself mutable
- // just alias MutableTxSet = TxSet
- //... implementation specific
-### Ledger
-The `Ledger` type represents the state shared amongst the
-distributed participants. Notice that the details of how the next ledger is
-generated from the prior ledger and the consensus accepted transaction set is
-not part of the interface. Within the generic code, this type is primarily used
-to know that peers are working on the same tip of the ledger chain and to
-provide some basic timing data for consensus.
-struct Ledger
- using ID = ...;
- using Seq = //std::uint32_t?...;
- ID const & id() const;
- // Sequence number that is 1 more than the parent ledger's seq()
- Seq seq() const;
- // Whether the ledger's close time was a non-trivial consensus result
- bool closeAgree() const;
- // The close time resolution used in determining the close time
- NetClock::duration closeTimeResolution() const;
- // The (effective) close time, based on the closeTimeResolution
- NetClock::time_point closeTime() const;
- // The parent ledger's close time
- NetClock::time_point parentCloseTime() const;
- Json::Value getJson() const;
- //... implementation specific
-### PeerProposal
-The `PeerProposal` type represents the signed position taken
-by a peer during consensus. The only type requirement is owning an instance of a
-generic `ConsensusProposal`.
-// Represents our proposed position or a peer's proposed position
-// and is provided with the generic code
-template class ConsensusProposal;
-struct PeerPosition
- ConsensusProposal<
- NodeID_t,
- typename Ledger::ID,
- typename TxSet::ID> const &
- proposal() const;
- // ... implementation specific
-### Generic Consensus Interface
-The generic `Consensus` relies on `Adaptor` template class to implement a set
-of helper functions that plug the consensus algorithm into a specific application.
-The `Adaptor` class also defines the types above needed by the algorithm. Below
-are excerpts of the generic consensus implementation and of helper types that will
-interact with the concrete implementing class.
-// Represents a transction under dispute this round
-template class DisputedTx;
-// Represents how the node participates in Consensus this round
-enum class ConsensusMode { proposing, observing, wrongLedger, switchedLedger};
-// Measure duration of phases of consensus
-class ConsensusTimer
- std::chrono::milliseconds read() const;
- // details omitted ...
-// Initial ledger close times, not rounded by closeTimeResolution
-// Used to gauge degree of synchronization between a node and its peers
-struct ConsensusCloseTimes
- std::map peers;
- NetClock::time_point self;
-// Encapsulates the result of consensus.
-struct ConsensusResult
- //! The set of transactions consensus agrees go in the ledger
- Adaptor::TxSet_t set;
- //! Our proposed position on transactions/close time
- ConsensusProposal<...> position;
- //! Transactions which are under dispute with our peers
- hash_map> disputes;
- // Set of TxSet ids we have already compared/created disputes
- hash_set compares;
- // Measures the duration of the establish phase for this consensus round
- ConsensusTimer roundTime;
- // Indicates state in which consensus ended. Once in the accept phase
- // will be either Yes or MovedOn
- ConsensusState state = ConsensusState::No;
-class Consensus
- Consensus(clock_type, Adaptor &, beast::journal);
- // Kick-off the next round of consensus.
- void startRound(
- NetClock::time_point const& now,
- typename Ledger_t::ID const& prevLedgerID,
- Ledger_t const& prevLedger,
- bool proposing);
- // Call periodically to drive consensus forward.
- void timerEntry(NetClock::time_point const& now);
- // A peer has proposed a new position, adjust our tracking. Return true if the proposal
- // was used.
- bool peerProposal(NetClock::time_point const& now, Proposal_t const& newProposal);
- // Process a transaction set acquired from the network
- void gotTxSet(NetClock::time_point const& now, TxSet_t const& txSet);
- // ... details
-### Adapting Generic Consensus
-The stub below shows the set of callback/helper functions required in the implementing class.
-struct Adaptor
- using Ledger_t = Ledger;
- using TxSet_t = TxSet;
- using PeerProposal_t = PeerProposal;
- using NodeID_t = ...; // Integer-like std::uint32_t to uniquely identify a node
- // Attempt to acquire a specific ledger from the network.
- boost::optional acquireLedger(Ledger::ID const & ledgerID);
- // Acquire the transaction set associated with a proposed position.
- boost::optional acquireTxSet(TxSet::ID const & setID);
- // Whether any transactions are in the open ledger
- bool hasOpenTransactions() const;
- // Number of proposers that have validated the given ledger
- std::size_t proposersValidated(Ledger::ID const & prevLedger) const;
- // Number of proposers that have validated a ledger descended from the
- // given ledger
- std::size_t proposersFinished(Ledger::ID const & prevLedger) const;
- // Return the ID of the last closed (and validated) ledger that the
- // application thinks consensus should use as the prior ledger.
- Ledger::ID getPrevLedger(Ledger::ID const & prevLedgerID,
- Ledger const & prevLedger,
- ConsensusMode mode);
- // Called when consensus operating mode changes
- void onModeChange(ConsensuMode before, ConsensusMode after);
- // Called when ledger closes. Implementation should generate an initial Result
- // with position based on the current open ledger's transactions.
- ConsensusResult onClose(Ledger const &, Ledger const & prev, ConsensusMode mode);
- // Called when ledger is accepted by consensus
- void onAccept(ConsensusResult const & result,
- RCLCxLedger const & prevLedger,
- NetClock::duration closeResolution,
- ConsensusCloseTimes const & rawCloseTimes,
- ConsensusMode const & mode);
- // Propose the position to peers.
- void propose(ConsensusProposal<...> const & pos);
- // Share a received peer proposal with other peers.
- void share(PeerPosition_t const & pos);
- // Share a disputed transaction with peers
- void share(TxSet::Tx const & tx);
- // Share given transaction set with peers
- void share(TxSet const &s);
- //... implementation specific
-The implementing class hides many details of the peer communication
-model from the generic code.
-* The `share` member functions are responsible for sharing the given type with a
- node's peers, but are agnostic to the mechanism. Ideally, messages are delivered
- faster than `LEDGER_GRANULARITY`.
-* The generic code does not specify how transactions are submitted by clients,
- propagated through the network or stored in the open ledger. Indeed, the open
- ledger is only conceptual from the perspective of the generic code---the
- initial position and transaction set are opaquely generated in a
- `Consensus::Result` instance returned from the `onClose` callback.
-* The calls to `acquireLedger` and `acquireTxSet` only have non-trivial return
- if the ledger or transaction set of interest is available. The implementing
- class is free to block while acquiring, or return the empty option while
- servicing the request asynchronously. Due to legacy reasons, the two calls
- are not symmetric. `acquireTxSet` requires the host application to call
- `gotTxSet` when an asynchronous `acquire` completes. Conversely,
- `acquireLedger` will be called again later by the consensus code if it still
- desires the ledger with the hope that the asynchronous acquisition is
- complete.
-## Validation
-Coming Soon!
diff --git a/docs/images/consensus/EffCloseTime.png b/docs/images/consensus/EffCloseTime.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 922320de50b..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/consensus/EffCloseTime.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/consensus/block_chain.png b/docs/images/consensus/block_chain.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c5dfee7533..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/consensus/block_chain.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/consensus/consensus_modes.png b/docs/images/consensus/consensus_modes.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e575631dacb..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/consensus/consensus_modes.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/consensus/consensus_overview.png b/docs/images/consensus/consensus_overview.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a5b4a004968..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/consensus/consensus_overview.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/consensus/disputes.png b/docs/images/consensus/disputes.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b97b9735637..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/consensus/disputes.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/consensus/ledger_chain.png b/docs/images/consensus/ledger_chain.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 05981f08fcc..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/consensus/ledger_chain.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/consensus/threshold.png b/docs/images/consensus/threshold.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a2ff12e573..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/consensus/threshold.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/xrp-text-mark-black-small@2x.png b/docs/images/xrp-text-mark-black-small@2x.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f16a20a15ba..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/xrp-text-mark-black-small@2x.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/sample_chart.doc b/docs/sample_chart.doc
deleted file mode 100644
index 631c0554b23..00000000000
--- a/docs/sample_chart.doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- \page somestatechart Example state diagram
- \startuml SomeState "my state diagram"
- scale 600 width
- [*] -> State1
- State1 --> State2 : Succeeded
- State1 --> [*] : Aborted
- State2 --> State3 : Succeeded
- State2 --> [*] : Aborted
- state State3 {
- state "Accumulate Enough Data\nLong State Name" as long1
- long1 : Just a test
- [*] --> long1
- long1 --> long1 : New Data
- long1 --> ProcessData : Enough Data
- }
- State3 --> State3 : Failed
- State3 --> [*] : Succeeded / Save Result
- State3 --> [*] : Aborted
- \enduml
diff --git a/external/snappy/conandata.yml b/external/snappy/conandata.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c12aed54a1..00000000000
--- a/external/snappy/conandata.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "1.1.9":
- url: "https://github.com/google/snappy/archive/1.1.9.tar.gz"
- sha256: "75c1fbb3d618dd3a0483bff0e26d0a92b495bbe5059c8b4f1c962b478b6e06e7"
- "1.1.8":
- url: "https://github.com/google/snappy/archive/1.1.8.tar.gz"
- sha256: "16b677f07832a612b0836178db7f374e414f94657c138e6993cbfc5dcc58651f"
- "1.1.7":
- url: "https://github.com/google/snappy/archive/1.1.7.tar.gz"
- sha256: "3dfa02e873ff51a11ee02b9ca391807f0c8ea0529a4924afa645fbf97163f9d4"
- "1.1.9":
- - patch_file: "patches/1.1.9-0001-fix-inlining-failure.patch"
- - patch_file: "patches/1.1.9-0002-no-Werror.patch"
- - patch_file: "patches/1.1.9-0003-fix-clobber-list-older-llvm.patch"
- - patch_file: "patches/1.1.9-0004-rtti-by-default.patch"
diff --git a/external/snappy/conanfile.py b/external/snappy/conanfile.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 23558639f46..00000000000
--- a/external/snappy/conanfile.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-from conan import ConanFile
-from conan.tools.build import check_min_cppstd
-from conan.tools.cmake import CMake, CMakeToolchain, cmake_layout
-from conan.tools.files import apply_conandata_patches, copy, export_conandata_patches, get, rmdir
-from conan.tools.scm import Version
-import os
-required_conan_version = ">=1.54.0"
-class SnappyConan(ConanFile):
- name = "snappy"
- description = "A fast compressor/decompressor"
- topics = ("google", "compressor", "decompressor")
- url = "https://github.com/conan-io/conan-center-index"
- homepage = "https://github.com/google/snappy"
- license = "BSD-3-Clause"
- package_type = "library"
- settings = "os", "arch", "compiler", "build_type"
- options = {
- "shared": [True, False],
- "fPIC": [True, False],
- }
- default_options = {
- "shared": False,
- "fPIC": True,
- }
- def export_sources(self):
- export_conandata_patches(self)
- def config_options(self):
- if self.settings.os == 'Windows':
- del self.options.fPIC
- def configure(self):
- if self.options.shared:
- self.options.rm_safe("fPIC")
- def layout(self):
- cmake_layout(self, src_folder="src")
- def validate(self):
- if self.settings.compiler.get_safe("cppstd"):
- check_min_cppstd(self, 11)
- def source(self):
- get(self, **self.conan_data["sources"][self.version], strip_root=True)
- def generate(self):
- tc = CMakeToolchain(self)
- tc.variables["SNAPPY_BUILD_TESTS"] = False
- if Version(self.version) >= "1.1.8":
- tc.variables["SNAPPY_FUZZING_BUILD"] = False
- tc.variables["SNAPPY_REQUIRE_AVX"] = False
- tc.variables["SNAPPY_REQUIRE_AVX2"] = False
- tc.variables["SNAPPY_INSTALL"] = True
- if Version(self.version) >= "1.1.9":
- tc.variables["SNAPPY_BUILD_BENCHMARKS"] = False
- tc.generate()
- def build(self):
- apply_conandata_patches(self)
- cmake = CMake(self)
- cmake.configure()
- cmake.build()
- def package(self):
- copy(self, "COPYING", src=self.source_folder, dst=os.path.join(self.package_folder, "licenses"))
- cmake = CMake(self)
- cmake.install()
- rmdir(self, os.path.join(self.package_folder, "lib", "cmake"))
- def package_info(self):
- self.cpp_info.set_property("cmake_file_name", "Snappy")
- self.cpp_info.set_property("cmake_target_name", "Snappy::snappy")
- # TODO: back to global scope in conan v2 once cmake_find_package* generators removed
- self.cpp_info.components["snappylib"].libs = ["snappy"]
- if not self.options.shared:
- if self.settings.os in ["Linux", "FreeBSD"]:
- self.cpp_info.components["snappylib"].system_libs.append("m")
- # TODO: to remove in conan v2 once cmake_find_package* generators removed
- self.cpp_info.names["cmake_find_package"] = "Snappy"
- self.cpp_info.names["cmake_find_package_multi"] = "Snappy"
- self.cpp_info.components["snappylib"].names["cmake_find_package"] = "snappy"
- self.cpp_info.components["snappylib"].names["cmake_find_package_multi"] = "snappy"
- self.cpp_info.components["snappylib"].set_property("cmake_target_name", "Snappy::snappy")
diff --git a/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0001-fix-inlining-failure.patch b/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0001-fix-inlining-failure.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cdc119c0d58..00000000000
--- a/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0001-fix-inlining-failure.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Fixes the following error:
-error: inlining failed in call to ‘always_inline’ ‘size_t snappy::AdvanceToNextTag(const uint8_t**, size_t*)’: function body can be overwritten at link time
---- snappy-stubs-internal.h
-+++ snappy-stubs-internal.h
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
- // Inlining hints.
--#define SNAPPY_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline))
- #else
- #endif
diff --git a/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0002-no-Werror.patch b/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0002-no-Werror.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d86e4e0a9df..00000000000
--- a/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0002-no-Werror.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- CMakeLists.txt
-+++ CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
-- # Use -Werror for clang only.
diff --git a/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0003-fix-clobber-list-older-llvm.patch b/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0003-fix-clobber-list-older-llvm.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 84bc674fdd5..00000000000
--- a/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0003-fix-clobber-list-older-llvm.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-asm clobbers do not work for clang < 9 and apple-clang < 11 (found by SpaceIm)
---- snappy.cc
-+++ snappy.cc
-@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@
- size_t literal_len = *tag >> 2;
- size_t tag_type = *tag;
- bool is_literal;
--#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__)
-+#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && ( (!defined(__clang__) && !defined(__APPLE__)) || (!defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ >= 9)) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ > 11)) )
- // TODO clang misses the fact that the (c & 3) already correctly
- // sets the zero flag.
- asm("and $3, %k[tag_type]\n\t"
diff --git a/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0004-rtti-by-default.patch b/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0004-rtti-by-default.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c353a489d0e..00000000000
--- a/external/snappy/patches/1.1.9-0004-rtti-by-default.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
---- a/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "MSVC")
- add_definitions(-D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0)
- # Disable RTTI.
- # Use -Wall for clang and gcc.
-@@ -78,8 +76,6 @@ endif()
- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fno-exceptions")
- # Disable RTTI.
-- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fno-rtti")
- # BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is a standard CMake variable, but we declare it here to make
diff --git a/hook/LaunchHooks.md b/hook/LaunchHooks.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0df9a554495..00000000000
--- a/hook/LaunchHooks.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Xahau Launch Hooks
-## Savings Hook
-When it comes to managing money, it is a common practice to maintain separate spending and savings accounts.
-Suppose you receive an income or salary to your on-ledger account several times a month. Each time you receive funds above a certain threshold you may wish to move a predefined percentage to a savings account where you will not accidentally spend them. The savings hook does exactly this.
-### Hook Parameters
- 1. Account to install on
- 2. Account to send savings to
- 3. The percentage to send
- 4. The threshold at which it is activated
- 5. Whether it applies to incoming payments only, outgoing payments only or both.
-### xApp Features
- 1. Display the send-to account
- 2. Display the percentage
- 3. Display the total amount sent
- 4. Display the conditions of sending (threshold + incoming/outgoing payments)
- 5. Allow the hook to be uninstalled
-## Firewall Hook
-The ledger is a messy place full of unwanted transactions and spam. To avoid being spammed with low value transactions containing unsolicitied memos you may install a Firewall hook on your account.
-### Hook Parameters
- 1. Types of transactions to allow into and out of your account (Payment, Escrow, PayChannel) etc.
- 2. Allow a minimum number of drops for an incoming txn to be allowed.
- 3. Allow a minimum amount to be specified for each of the trustline assets on the account as well.
- 4. Allow any txn with a memo larger than X bytes to be blocked regardless of other rules.
-### xApp Features
- 1. Display the current settings of the hook. Allow the settings to be changed.
- 2. Allow the hook to be uninstalled.
-## Blocklist Hook
-Filter outgoing and incoming payments against a known list of scam accounts maintained by a third party. This acts as a guard against accidentally sending to a scam, or being sent tainted funds by a scammer.
-### Hook Parameters
- 1. The blocklist (account) to listen to.
-### xApp Features
- 1. Number of times a transaction was blocked.
- 2. The current blocklist (account) being listened to.
- 3. Allow the hook to be uninstalled.
-## Direct Debit Hook
-Allow trusted third parties to pull funds from your account up to a limit you set. For example your power company can bill you and your account can automatically pay that bill.
-### Hook Parameters
- 1. One or more accounts to provide direct deposit authorization to.
- 2. A currency and a limit for each of these.
-## xApp Features
- 1. See who you've authorized.
- 2. See how much they're authorized for.
- 3. See how much they've drawn down this month.
- 4. Allow authorization to be removed.
- 5. Allow authorization limit to be changed.
- 6. Allow additional authorizations to be created.
- 7. Allow the hook to be uninstalled.
- 8. Show a list of recent direct debit transactions.
-## High-Value Payment Hook
-When sending high value transactions out of your account, require first a notification that a high valued payment will be made, followed by a time delay, followed by the high value transaction itself. This prevents accidental high value sends, adding an additional layer of security to your account.
-### Hook Parameters
- 1. Select currencies for which the hook will act.
- 2. Select the thresholds for which the hook will be triggered.
-### xApp Features
- 1. See current pending outgoing high value transactions.
- 2. State that the hook is active and for which currencies and thresholds.
- 3. Allow the hook to be uninstalled.
- 4. If installed, and a high value transaction is made from Xumm, it is redirected into the xApp.
- 5. The xApp then generates a notification transaction (ttInvoke) which is sent to the hook.
- 6. The xApp will then remind the user with an event at a later time that the transaction proper still needs to be sent.
- 7. Sending the transaction proper again will result in successful send.
diff --git a/hook/definitions.json b/hook/definitions.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 64e294019a5..00000000000
--- a/hook/definitions.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2473 +0,0 @@
- "TYPES": {
- "Done": -1,
- "Unknown": -2,
- "NotPresent": 0,
- "UInt16": 1,
- "UInt32": 2,
- "UInt64": 3,
- "Hash128": 4,
- "Hash256": 5,
- "Amount": 6,
- "Blob": 7,
- "AccountID": 8,
- "STObject": 14,
- "STArray": 15,
- "UInt8": 16,
- "Hash160": 17,
- "PathSet": 18,
- "Vector256": 19,
- "UInt96": 20,
- "UInt192": 21,
- "UInt384": 22,
- "UInt512": 23,
- "Transaction": 10001,
- "LedgerEntry": 10002,
- "Validation": 10003,
- "Metadata": 10004
- },
- "Invalid": -1,
- "AccountRoot": 97,
- "DirectoryNode": 100,
- "RippleState": 114,
- "Ticket": 84,
- "SignerList": 83,
- "Offer": 111,
- "LedgerHashes": 104,
- "Amendments": 102,
- "FeeSettings": 115,
- "Escrow": 117,
- "PayChannel": 120,
- "Check": 67,
- "DepositPreauth": 112,
- "NegativeUNL": 78,
- "NFTokenPage": 80,
- "NFTokenOffer": 55,
- "Any": -3,
- "Child": -2,
- "Nickname": 110,
- "Contract": 99,
- "GeneratorMap": 103,
- "Hook": 72,
- "HookState": 118,
- "HookDefinition": 68,
- "EmittedTxn": 69
- },
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- "type": "Unknown"
- }
- ],
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- "isSerialized": false,
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- "type": "Unknown"
- }
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- }
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- "isSigningField": false,
- "type": "Amount"
- }
- ],
- [
- "taker_pays_funded",
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- "nth": 259,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": false,
- "isSigningField": false,
- "type": "Amount"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "LedgerEntry"
- }
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- "type": "Transaction"
- }
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "Validation"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "Metadata"
- }
- ],
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- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
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- "type": "UInt8"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 2,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt8"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt8"
- }
- ],
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt8"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt8"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt8"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt16"
- }
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- "type": "UInt16"
- }
- ],
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt16"
- }
- ],
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt16"
- }
- ],
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt16"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt16"
- }
- ],
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- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt16"
- }
- ],
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- {
- "nth": 19,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt16"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 20,
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- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt16"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- {
- "nth": 5,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "LedgerSequence",
- {
- "nth": 6,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "CloseTime",
- {
- "nth": 7,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "ParentCloseTime",
- {
- "nth": 8,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "SigningTime",
- {
- "nth": 9,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "Expiration",
- {
- "nth": 10,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
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- {
- "nth": 11,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 12,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- {
- "nth": 13,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 14,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "HighQualityIn",
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- "nth": 16,
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- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "HighQualityOut",
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- "nth": 17,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "LowQualityIn",
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- "nth": 18,
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "LowQualityOut",
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- "nth": 19,
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 20,
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
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- "nth": 21,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 22,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 23,
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- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "LoadFee",
- {
- "nth": 24,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "FirstLedgerSequence",
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- "nth": 26,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "LastLedgerSequence",
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- "nth": 27,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "isVLEncoded": false,
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "OperationLimit",
- {
- "nth": 29,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 30,
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- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "ReserveBase",
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- "nth": 31,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
- [
- "ReserveIncrement",
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- "nth": 32,
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- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "ClearFlag",
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "SignerQuorum",
- {
- "nth": 35,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "CancelAfter",
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "FinishAfter",
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- "nth": 37,
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 39,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 41,
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 42,
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 43,
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- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 44,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "HookStateCount",
- {
- "nth": 45,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "EmitGeneration",
- {
- "nth": 46,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "LockCount",
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- "nth": 47,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "RewardTime",
- {
- "nth": 98,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "RewardLgrFirst",
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- "nth": 99,
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "RewardLgrLast",
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- "type": "UInt32"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 2,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "BookNode",
- {
- "nth": 3,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "OwnerNode",
- {
- "nth": 4,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "BaseFee",
- {
- "nth": 5,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "ExchangeRate",
- {
- "nth": 6,
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- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "LowNode",
- {
- "nth": 7,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "HighNode",
- {
- "nth": 8,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "DestinationNode",
- {
- "nth": 9,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "Cookie",
- {
- "nth": 10,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "ServerVersion",
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- "nth": 11,
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- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "NFTokenOfferNode",
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- "nth": 12,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 13,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "HookInstructionCount",
- {
- "nth": 17,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 18,
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- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "RewardAccumulator",
- {
- "nth": 100,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
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- "type": "UInt64"
- }
- ],
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- "nth": 1,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "Hash128"
- }
- ],
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- "TakerPaysCurrency",
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- "nth": 1,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "Hash160"
- }
- ],
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- "TakerPaysIssuer",
- {
- "nth": 2,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "Hash160"
- }
- ],
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- "TakerGetsCurrency",
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- "nth": 3,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "Hash160"
- }
- ],
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- "TakerGetsIssuer",
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- "nth": 4,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "Hash160"
- }
- ],
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- "LedgerHash",
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- "type": "Hash256"
- }
- ],
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- "ParentHash",
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- "type": "Hash256"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "Hash256"
- }
- ],
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- "AccountHash",
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- "nth": 4,
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- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "Hash256"
- }
- ],
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- "PreviousTxnID",
- {
- "nth": 5,
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "Hash256"
- }
- ],
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- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "Hash256"
- }
- ],
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- "WalletLocator",
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- "Sufficient",
- {
- "nth": 7,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "STArray"
- }
- ],
- [
- "AffectedNodes",
- {
- "nth": 8,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "STArray"
- }
- ],
- [
- "Memos",
- {
- "nth": 9,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "STArray"
- }
- ],
- [
- "NFTokens",
- {
- "nth": 10,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "STArray"
- }
- ],
- [
- "Hooks",
- {
- "nth": 11,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "STArray"
- }
- ],
- [
- "Majorities",
- {
- "nth": 16,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "STArray"
- }
- ],
- [
- "DisabledValidators",
- {
- "nth": 17,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "STArray"
- }
- ],
- [
- "HookExecutions",
- {
- "nth": 18,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "STArray"
- }
- ],
- [
- "HookParameters",
- {
- "nth": 19,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "STArray"
- }
- ],
- [
- "HookGrants",
- {
- "nth": 20,
- "isVLEncoded": false,
- "isSerialized": true,
- "isSigningField": true,
- "type": "STArray"
- }
- ]
- ],
- "telLOCAL_ERROR": -399,
- "telBAD_DOMAIN": -398,
- "telBAD_PATH_COUNT": -397,
- "telBAD_PUBLIC_KEY": -396,
- "telINSUF_FEE_P": -394,
- "telNO_DST_PARTIAL": -393,
- "telCAN_NOT_QUEUE": -392,
- "telCAN_NOT_QUEUE_BLOCKS": -390,
- "telCAN_NOT_QUEUE_FEE": -388,
- "telCAN_NOT_QUEUE_FULL": -387,
- "telWRONG_NETWORK": -386,
- "temMALFORMED": -299,
- "temBAD_AMOUNT": -298,
- "temBAD_CURRENCY": -297,
- "temBAD_EXPIRATION": -296,
- "temBAD_FEE": -295,
- "temBAD_ISSUER": -294,
- "temBAD_LIMIT": -293,
- "temBAD_OFFER": -292,
- "temBAD_PATH": -291,
- "temBAD_PATH_LOOP": -290,
- "temBAD_REGKEY": -289,
- "temBAD_SEND_XRP_LIMIT": -288,
- "temBAD_SEND_XRP_MAX": -287,
- "temBAD_SEND_XRP_NO_DIRECT": -286,
- "temBAD_SEND_XRP_PARTIAL": -285,
- "temBAD_SEND_XRP_PATHS": -284,
- "temBAD_SEQUENCE": -283,
- "temBAD_SIGNATURE": -282,
- "temBAD_SRC_ACCOUNT": -281,
- "temBAD_TRANSFER_RATE": -280,
- "temDST_IS_SRC": -279,
- "temDST_NEEDED": -278,
- "temINVALID": -277,
- "temINVALID_FLAG": -276,
- "temREDUNDANT": -275,
- "temRIPPLE_EMPTY": -274,
- "temDISABLED": -273,
- "temBAD_SIGNER": -272,
- "temBAD_QUORUM": -271,
- "temBAD_WEIGHT": -270,
- "temBAD_TICK_SIZE": -269,
- "temINVALID_ACCOUNT_ID": -268,
- "temINVALID_COUNT": -266,
- "temHOOK_DATA_TOO_LARGE": -265,
- "temHOOK_REJECTED": -264,
- "temUNCERTAIN": -263,
- "temUNKNOWN": -262,
- "temSEQ_AND_TICKET": -261,
- "tefFAILURE": -199,
- "tefALREADY": -198,
- "tefBAD_ADD_AUTH": -197,
- "tefBAD_AUTH": -196,
- "tefBAD_LEDGER": -195,
- "tefCREATED": -194,
- "tefEXCEPTION": -193,
- "tefINTERNAL": -192,
- "tefNO_AUTH_REQUIRED": -191,
- "tefPAST_SEQ": -190,
- "tefWRONG_PRIOR": -189,
- "tefMASTER_DISABLED": -188,
- "tefMAX_LEDGER": -187,
- "tefBAD_SIGNATURE": -186,
- "tefBAD_QUORUM": -185,
- "tefNOT_MULTI_SIGNING": -184,
- "tefBAD_AUTH_MASTER": -183,
- "tefINVARIANT_FAILED": -182,
- "tefTOO_BIG": -181,
- "tefNO_TICKET": -180,
- "terRETRY": -99,
- "terFUNDS_SPENT": -98,
- "terINSUF_FEE_B": -97,
- "terNO_ACCOUNT": -96,
- "terNO_AUTH": -95,
- "terNO_LINE": -94,
- "terOWNERS": -93,
- "terPRE_SEQ": -92,
- "terLAST": -91,
- "terNO_RIPPLE": -90,
- "terQUEUED": -89,
- "terPRE_TICKET": -88,
- "terNO_HOOK": -87,
- "tesSUCCESS": 0,
- "tecCLAIM": 100,
- "tecPATH_PARTIAL": 101,
- "tecUNFUNDED_ADD": 102,
- "tecUNFUNDED_OFFER": 103,
- "tecDIR_FULL": 121,
- "tecNO_DST": 124,
- "tecNO_DST_INSUF_XRP": 125,
- "tecNO_LINE_REDUNDANT": 127,
- "tecPATH_DRY": 128,
- "tecUNFUNDED": 129,
- "tecNO_REGULAR_KEY": 131,
- "tecOWNERS": 132,
- "tecNO_ISSUER": 133,
- "tecNO_AUTH": 134,
- "tecNO_LINE": 135,
- "tecINSUFF_FEE": 136,
- "tecFROZEN": 137,
- "tecNO_TARGET": 138,
- "tecNO_PERMISSION": 139,
- "tecNO_ENTRY": 140,
- "tecNEED_MASTER_KEY": 142,
- "tecDST_TAG_NEEDED": 143,
- "tecINTERNAL": 144,
- "tecOVERSIZE": 145,
- "tecEXPIRED": 148,
- "tecDUPLICATE": 149,
- "tecKILLED": 150,
- "tecHAS_OBLIGATIONS": 151,
- "tecTOO_SOON": 152,
- "tecHOOK_REJECTED": 153,
- "tecOBJECT_NOT_FOUND": 160,
- "tecREQUIRES_FLAG": 162,
- "tecPRECISION_LOSS": 163
- },
- "Invalid": -1,
- "Payment": 0,
- "EscrowCreate": 1,
- "EscrowFinish": 2,
- "AccountSet": 3,
- "EscrowCancel": 4,
- "SetRegularKey": 5,
- "NickNameSet": 6,
- "OfferCreate": 7,
- "OfferCancel": 8,
- "Contract": 9,
- "TicketCreate": 10,
- "TicketCancel": 11,
- "SignerListSet": 12,
- "PaymentChannelCreate": 13,
- "PaymentChannelFund": 14,
- "PaymentChannelClaim": 15,
- "CheckCreate": 16,
- "CheckCash": 17,
- "CheckCancel": 18,
- "DepositPreauth": 19,
- "TrustSet": 20,
- "AccountDelete": 21,
- "SetHook": 22,
- "NFTokenMint": 25,
- "NFTokenBurn": 26,
- "NFTokenCreateOffer": 27,
- "NFTokenCancelOffer": 28,
- "NFTokenAcceptOffer": 29,
- "ClaimReward": 98,
- "Invoke": 99,
- "EnableAmendment": 100,
- "SetFee": 101,
- "UNLModify": 102,
- "EmitFailure": 103
- }
diff --git a/hook/govern.c b/hook/genesis/govern.c
similarity index 100%
rename from hook/govern.c
rename to hook/genesis/govern.c
diff --git a/hook/makefile b/hook/genesis/makefile
similarity index 100%
rename from hook/makefile
rename to hook/genesis/makefile
diff --git a/hook/mint.c b/hook/genesis/mint.c
similarity index 100%
rename from hook/mint.c
rename to hook/genesis/mint.c
diff --git a/hook/nftoken.c b/hook/genesis/nftoken.c
similarity index 100%
rename from hook/nftoken.c
rename to hook/genesis/nftoken.c
diff --git a/hook/rekey-validator.js b/hook/genesis/rekey-validator.js
similarity index 100%
rename from hook/rekey-validator.js
rename to hook/genesis/rekey-validator.js
diff --git a/hook/reward.c b/hook/genesis/reward.c
similarity index 100%
rename from hook/reward.c
rename to hook/genesis/reward.c
diff --git a/hook/utils-tests.js b/hook/utils-tests.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 376161aa4dc..00000000000
--- a/hook/utils-tests.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-const fs = require('fs')
-const xrpljs = require('xrpl-hooks');
-const kp = require('ripple-keypairs');
-const crypto = require('crypto')
-const rbc = require('xrpl-binary-codec')
-const rac = require('ripple-address-codec');
-const err = (x) =>
- console.log(x); process.exit(1);
-// Fails via process.exit
-module.exports = {
- TestRig: (endpoint)=>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>
- {
- const api = new xrpljs.Client(endpoint);
- const nftid = (acc, flags, fee, taxon, mintseq) =>
- {
- if (typeof(acc.classicAddress) != "undefined")
- acc = acc.classicAddress;
- acc = rac.decodeAccountID(acc);
- const ts = mintseq;
- const tax =(taxon ^ ((384160001 * ts) + 2459));
- const id = Buffer.from([
- (flags >> 8) & 0xFF,
- flags & 0xFF,
- (fee >> 8) & 0xFF,
- fee & 0xFF,
- acc[0],
- acc[1],
- acc[2],
- acc[3],
- acc[4],
- acc[5],
- acc[6],
- acc[7],
- acc[8],
- acc[9],
- acc[10],
- acc[11],
- acc[12],
- acc[13],
- acc[14],
- acc[15],
- acc[16],
- acc[17],
- acc[18],
- acc[19],
- (tax >> 24) & 0xFF,
- (tax >> 16) & 0xFF,
- (tax >> 8) & 0xFF,
- tax & 0xFF,
- (ts >> 24) & 0xFF,
- (ts >> 16) & 0xFF,
- (ts >> 8) & 0xFF,
- ts & 0xFF
- ], 'binary').toString('hex').toUpperCase()
- return id;
- };
- const fee = (tx_blob) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- let req = {command: 'fee'};
- if (tx_blob)
- req['tx_blob'] = tx_blob;
- console.log(req);
- api.request(req).then(resp =>
- {
- resolve(resp.result.drops);
- }).catch(e =>
- {
- reject(e);
- });
- });
- };
- const ledgerAccept = (n) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- const la = (remaining) =>
- {
- let req = {command: 'ledger_accept'};
- api.request(req).then(resp =>
- {
- if (remaining <= 0)
- resolve(resp);
- la(remaining - 1);
- }).catch(e=>reject(e));
- };
- la(typeof(n) == 'undefined' ? 1 : n);
- });
- };
- const assertTxnSuccess = x =>
- {
- if (!x || !x.result || x.result.engine_result_code != 0)
- {
- console.log("Transaction failed:", x)
- process.exit(1);
- }
- };
- const assert = (x, m) =>
- {
- if (!(x))
- {
- console.log("Assertion failed: ", m);
- console.log(new Error().stack);
- process.exit(1);
- }
- };
- const fetchMeta = (hash) =>
- {
- if (typeof(hash) != 'string')
- hash = hash.result.tx_json.hash
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- api.request(
- {
- command:"tx",
- transaction: hash
- }).then(e=>{
- resolve(e.result.meta)
- }).catch(e=>reject(e));
- });
- };
- const fetchMetaHookExecutions = (hash, hookhash) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- fetchMeta(hash).then(m=>
- {
- if (typeof(m) == 'undefined' ||
- typeof(m.HookExecutions) == 'undefined' ||
- typeof(m.HookExecutions.length) == 'undefined')
- {
- return resolve([])
- }
- let ret = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < m.HookExecutions.length; ++i)
- {
- if (typeof(hookhash) == 'undefined' ||
- m.HookExecutions[i].HookExecution.HookHash == hookhash)
- m.HookExecutions[i].HookExecution.HookReturnCode =
- parseInt(m.HookExecutions[i].HookExecution.HookReturnCode, 16);
- m.HookExecutions[i].HookExecution.HookInstructionCount =
- parseInt(m.HookExecutions[i].HookExecution.HookInstructionCount, 16);
- let s = m.HookExecutions[i].HookExecution.HookReturnString;
- if (s != '')
- m.HookExecutions[i].HookExecution.HookReturnString =
- Buffer.from(s, 'hex').toString('utf-8')
- ret.push(m.HookExecutions[i].HookExecution);
- }
- resolve(ret);
- }).catch(e=>reject(e));
- });
- };
- const assertTxnFailure = x =>
- {
- if (!x || !x.result || x.result.engine_result_code == 0)
- {
- console.log("Transaction failed:", x)
- process.exit(1);
- }
- };
- const wasm = (x) =>
- {
- console.log('wasm(' + x + ')');
- try
- {
- return fs.readFileSync(x).toString('hex').toUpperCase();
- }
- catch (e) {}
- try
- {
- return fs.readFileSync('' + x).toString('hex').toUpperCase();
- }
- catch (e) {}
- console.log("Could not find " + x)
- process.exit(1);
- };
- const wasmHash = (x)=>
- {
- const blob = wasm(x);
- return crypto.createHash('SHA512').
- update(Buffer.from(blob, 'hex')).
- digest().slice(0,32).toString('hex').toUpperCase();
- }
- const feeCompute = (account_seed, txn_org) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- txn_to_send = { ... txn_org };
- txn_to_send['SigningPubKey'] = '';
- let wal = xrpljs.Wallet.fromSeed(account_seed);
- api.prepareTransaction(txn_to_send, {wallet: wal}).then(txn =>
- {
- let ser = rbc.encode(txn);
- fee(ser).then(fees =>
- {
- let base_drops = fees.base_fee
- delete txn_to_send['SigningPubKey']
- if (txn_to_send['Fee'] === undefined)
- txn_to_send['Fee'] = base_drops + '';
- api.request(
- {
- command: "account_info",
- account: txn.Account
- }).then(y=>
- {
- let seq = (y.result.account_data.Sequence);
- txn_to_send.Sequence = seq;
- api.prepareTransaction(txn_to_send, {wallet: wal}).then(txn =>
- {
- resolve(txn);
- }).catch(e=>{reject(e);});
- }).catch(e=>{reject(e);});
- }).catch(e=>{reject(e);});
- }).catch(e=>{reject(e);});
- });
- }
- const feeSubmitAccept = (seed, txn) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- feeSubmit(seed, txn).then(x=>
- {
- ledgerAccept().then(()=>
- {
- resolve(x);
- }).catch(e=>
- {
- reject(e);
- });
- }).catch(e =>
- {
- reject(e);
- });
- });
- }
- const submit = (seed, txn) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- api.submit(txn,
- {wallet: xrpljs.Wallet.fromSeed(seed)}).then(s=>
- {
- resolve(s);
- }).catch(e=>{reject(e);});
- });
- }
- const feeSubmit = (seed, txn) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- feeCompute(seed, txn).then(txn=>
- {
- api.submit(txn,
- {wallet: xrpljs.Wallet.fromSeed(seed)}).then(s=>
- {
- resolve(s);
- }).catch(e=>{reject(e);});
- }).catch(e=>{reject(e);});
- });
- }
- const genesisseed = 'snoPBrXtMeMyMHUVTgbuqAfg1SUTb';
- const genesisaddr = 'rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh';
- const genesis = xrpljs.Wallet.fromSeed(genesisseed);
- const randomAccount = ()=>
- {
- const acc = xrpljs.Wallet.fromSeed(kp.generateSeed());
- return acc
- };
- const fromSeed = (x)=>
- {
- const acc = xrpljs.Wallet.fromSeed(x);
- return acc
- };
- const pay_mock = (seed, amt, dest) =>
- {
- if (dest.classicAddress != undefined)
- dest = dest.classicAddress;
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- let wal = xrpljs.Wallet.fromSeed(seed);
- api.prepareTransaction({
- Account: wal.classicAddress,
- TransactionType: "Payment",
- Amount: ''+amt,
- Destination: dest,
- SigningPubKey: ''
- }, {wallet: wal}).then(txn =>
- {
- resolve(rbc.encode(txn));
- }).catch(e=>
- {
- reject(e);
- });
- });
- }
- const pay = (seed, amt, dest) =>
- {
- if (dest.classicAddress != undefined)
- dest = dest.classicAddress;
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- let wal = xrpljs.Wallet.fromSeed(seed);
- feeSubmit(seed, {
- Account: wal.classicAddress,
- TransactionType: "Payment",
- Amount: ''+amt,
- Destination: dest
- }).then(x=>
- {
- assertTxnSuccess(x);
- resolve(x);
- }).catch(err);
- });
- };
- const hookHash = fn =>
- {
- let b = fs.readFileSync('' + fn);
- return crypto.createHash('SHA512').update(b).digest().slice(0,32).toString('hex').toUpperCase()
- }
- const fundFromGenesis = (acc) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- const ffg = (acc, after) =>
- {
- if (typeof(acc) != 'string')
- acc = acc.classicAddress;
- console.log('ffg: ' + acc);
- feeSubmitAccept(genesis.seed, {
- Account: genesis.classicAddress, // fund account from genesis
- TransactionType: "Payment",
- Amount: "100000000000",
- Destination: acc,
- }).then(x=>
- {
- assertTxnSuccess(x);
- if (after)
- return after();
- else
- resolve();
- }).catch(err);
- };
- const doFfg = (acc) =>
- {
- if (typeof(acc.length) == 'undefined')
- return ffg(acc);
- else if (acc.length == 1)
- return ffg(acc[0]);
- else
- {
- return ffg(acc[0],
- ((acc)=>{
- return ()=>{
- acc.shift();
- return doFfg(acc);
- };
- })(acc));
- }
- }
- return doFfg(acc);
- });
- };
- const trustSet = (issuer, currency, limit, holders) =>
- {
- if (typeof(issuer.classicAddress) != 'undefined')
- issuer = issuer.classicAddress;
- return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>
- {
- const doTs = (holder) =>
- {
- if (holder.length == 0)
- return resolve();
- let h = holder.shift();
- feeSubmitAccept(h.seed,
- {
- Account: h.classicAddress,
- TransactionType: "TrustSet",
- LimitAmount: {
- "currency": currency + "",
- "issuer": issuer,
- "value": limit + ""
- }
- }).then(x=>
- {
- console.log(x)
- assertTxnSuccess(x);
- return doTs(holder);
- }).catch(e=>reject(e));
- };
- doTs(holders);
- });
- };
- const issueTokens = (issuer, currency, toWhom) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- const itf = (issuer, currency, toWhom) =>
- {
- let c = 0;
- for (let next in toWhom)
- {
- c++;
- let addr = next;
- let amt = toWhom[addr];
- delete toWhom[addr];
- let txn =
- {
- Account: issuer.classicAddress,
- TransactionType: "Payment",
- Amount: {
- "currency": currency,
- "value": amt + "",
- "issuer": issuer.classicAddress
- },
- Destination: addr
- };
- feeSubmitAccept(issuer.seed, txn).then(x=>
- {
- console.log(x);
- assertTxnSuccess(x);
- return itf(issuer, currency, toWhom);
- }).catch(e=>reject(e));
- break;
- }
- if (c == 0)
- resolve();
- };
- return itf(issuer, currency, toWhom);
- });
- };
- const setTshCollect = (accounts) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- const stc = (accounts) =>
- {
- if (accounts.length == 0)
- return resolve();
- let acc = accounts.shift();
- feeSubmitAccept(acc.seed,
- {
- Account: acc.classicAddress,
- TransactionType: "AccountSet",
- SetFlag: 11
- }).then(x=>
- {
- console.log(x);
- assertTxnSuccess(x);
- return stc(accounts);
- }).catch(e=>reject(e));
- };
- stc(accounts);
- });
- }
- const feeSubmitAcceptMultiple = (txn, accounts) =>
- {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- const stc = (accounts) =>
- {
- if (accounts.length == 0)
- return resolve();
- let acc = accounts.shift();
- let txn_to_submit = { ... txn };
- txn_to_submit['Account'] = acc.classicAddress;
- feeSubmitAccept(acc.seed, txn_to_submit).then(x=>
- {
- console.log(x);
- assertTxnSuccess(x);
- return stc(accounts);
- }).catch(e=>reject(e));
- };
- stc(accounts);
- });
- }
- const log = m =>
- {
-// console.log(JSON.stringify(m, null, 4));
- console.dir(m, {depth:null});
- }
- const hex_memos = (x) =>
- {
- if (!("Memos" in x))
- return;
- for (y in x["Memos"])
- {
- for (a in x["Memos"][y])
- {
- let Fields = ["MemoFormat", "MemoType", "MemoData"];
- for (z in Fields)
- {
- if (Fields[z] in x["Memos"][y][a])
- {
- let u = x["Memos"][y][a][Fields[z]].toUpperCase()
- if (u.match(/^[0-9A-F]+$/))
- {
- x["Memos"][y][a][Fields[z]] = u;
- continue;
- }
- x["Memos"][y][a][Fields[z]] =
- ""+Buffer.from(x["Memos"][y][a][Fields[z]]).toString('hex').toUpperCase();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- api.connect().then(()=>
- {
- resolve({
- hex_memos: hex_memos,
- rbc: rbc,
- rac: rac,
- api: api,
- xrpljs: xrpljs,
- assertTxnSuccess: assertTxnSuccess,
- assertTxnFailure: assertTxnFailure,
- wasm: wasm,
- kp: kp,
- genesis: genesis,
- randomAccount: randomAccount,
- fromSeed: fromSeed,
- fundFromGenesis: fundFromGenesis,
- err: err,
- hsfOVERRIDE: 1,
- hsfNSDELETE: 2,
- hsfCOLLECT: 4,
- asfTshCollect: 11,
- hookHash: hookHash,
- pay: pay,
- pay_mock: pay_mock,
- fee: fee,
- genesisseed: genesisseed,
- genesisaddr: genesisaddr,
- feeCompute: feeCompute,
- feeSubmit: feeSubmit,
- feeSubmitAccept: feeSubmitAccept,
- ledgerAccept: ledgerAccept,
- fetchMeta: fetchMeta,
- fetchMetaHookExecutions: fetchMetaHookExecutions,
- wasmHash: wasmHash,
- assert: assert,
- trustSet: trustSet,
- issueTokens: issueTokens,
- log: log,
- submit: submit,
- setTshCollect: setTshCollect,
- feeSubmitAcceptMultiple: feeSubmitAcceptMultiple,
- nftid: nftid
- });
- }).catch(err);
- });
- }
diff --git a/hook/v3l1s b/hook/v3l1s
deleted file mode 100644
index 503b8c69dbd..00000000000
--- a/hook/v3l1s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-nHDs6fHVnhb4ZbSFWF2dTTPHoZ6Rr39i2UfLotzgf8FKUi7iZdxx #tn4
-nHUvgFxT8EGrXqQZ1rqMw67UtduefbaCHiVtVahk9RXDJP1g1mB4 #tn5
-nHU7Vn6co7xEFMBesV7qw7FXE8ucKrhVWQiYZB5oGyMhvqrnZrnJ #tn6 table with 2 members
-nHBoJCE3wPgkTcrNPMHyTJFQ2t77EyCAqcBRspFCpL6JhwCm94VZ #tn7 table with 3 members
-nHUVv4g47bFMySAZFUKVaXUYEmfiUExSoY4FzwXULNwJRzju4XnQ #tn8 table with 5 members
-nHBvr8avSFTz4TFxZvvi4rEJZZtyqE3J6KAAcVWVtifsE7edPM7q #tn9 tbale with 20 members
-nHUH3Z8TRU57zetHbEPr1ynyrJhxQCwrJvNjr4j1SMjYADyW1WWe #tn10
-nHBdSXv3DhYJVXUppMLpCwJWDFVQyFdZrbMxeh8CFiBEvfTCy3Uh #tn11
-+sn4KDPD8Voo8izLJmZ3YouPWupc6t - rh93ixpFBnSmgnytLe2qkC5YNCqykvcKH5 # tn4
-+snggivhEEkSuTWuznHCiezKkd16aF - rHWQWs7Ci1N6USkJRcCQgmDQB4RjrKg9MT # tn5
-+sn6QG65zVPwBdAiWiMV9gYUpTSs12 - rswfmipoy321YysJo145LaD3q3b7aqiC3t # tn10
-+shvun4yCBEkvDmTjKek6jERHjrHDM - rwLnvKrNK1YvdnbrLoeFLUfZwSTWg3iuLx # tn11
diff --git a/hook/v3l2s b/hook/v3l2s
deleted file mode 100644
index df729e3a550..00000000000
--- a/hook/v3l2s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
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-V8 Seat 2:
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-V8 Seat 3:
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-V9 Seat 4:
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-V9 Seat 5:
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-V9 Seat 7:
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-V9 Seat 8:
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-V9 Seat 9:
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-V9 Seat 10:
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-V9 Seat 12:
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-V9 Seat 13:
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-V9 Seat 15:
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-V9 Seat 16:
- r: 'rUrAvfQTv16EETc3Q2sgCTAoKS9C49crx2',
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-V9 Seat 17:
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-V9 Seat 18:
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-V9 Seat 19:
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