diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index eec4637180e..6c7c81bc850 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ We use *breaking* word for marking changes that are not backward compatible (rel
 ## Unreleased
+### Fixed
+- [#1632](https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/issues/1632) Removes the duplicated external labels detection on Thanos Querier; warning only; Made Store Gateway compatible with older Querier versions.
+ NOTE: `thanos_store_nodes_grpc_connections` metric is now per `external_labels` and `store_type`. It is a recommended  metric for Querier storeAPIs. `thanos_store_node_info` is marked as obsolete and will be removed in next release.
+ NOTE2: Store Gateway is not advertising artificial: `"@thanos_compatibility_store_type=store"` label. This is to have current Store Gateway compatible with Querier pre v0.8.0. 
+This label can be disabled by hidden `debug.advertise-compatibility-label=false` flag on Store Gateway.
 ## [v0.8.0](https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/releases/tag/v0.8.0) - 2019.10.10
 Lot's of improvements this release! Noteworthy items:
@@ -51,7 +58,7 @@ Selecting blocks to serve depends on the result of block labels relabeling.
 - [#1362](https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pull/1362) `query.replica-label` configuration can be provided more than
 once for multiple deduplication labels like: `--query.replica-label=prometheus_replica --query.replica-label=service`.
 - [#1581](https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pull/1581) Thanos Store now can use smaller buffer sizes for Bytes pool; reducing memory for some requests.
-- [#1622](https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pull/1622) & [#1590](https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pull/1590) Updated to Go 1.13.1
+- [#1622](https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pull/1622) & [#1590](https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pull/1590) Upgraded to Go 1.13.1
 - [#1498](https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pull/1498) Thanos Receive change flag `labels` to `label` to be consistent with other commands.
 ### Fixed
diff --git a/cmd/thanos/store.go b/cmd/thanos/store.go
index fb5b6f04317..fdb84f16475 100644
--- a/cmd/thanos/store.go
+++ b/cmd/thanos/store.go
@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ func registerStore(m map[string]setupFunc, app *kingpin.Application) {
 	maxTime := model.TimeOrDuration(cmd.Flag("max-time", "End of time range limit to serve. Thanos Store will serve only blocks, which happened eariler than this value. Option can be a constant time in RFC3339 format or time duration relative to current time, such as -1d or 2h45m. Valid duration units are ms, s, m, h, d, w, y.").
+	advertiseCompatibilityLabel := cmd.Flag("debug.advertise-compatibility-label", "If true, Store Gateway in addition to other labels, will advertise special \"@thanos_compatibility_store_type=store\" label set. This makes store Gateway compatible with Querier before 0.8.0").
+		Hidden().Default("true").Bool()
 	selectorRelabelConf := regSelectorRelabelFlags(cmd)
 	m[component.Store.String()] = func(g *run.Group, logger log.Logger, reg *prometheus.Registry, tracer opentracing.Tracer, debugLogging bool) error {
@@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ func registerStore(m map[string]setupFunc, app *kingpin.Application) {
 				MaxTime: *maxTime,
+			*advertiseCompatibilityLabel,
@@ -119,6 +123,7 @@ func runStore(
 	blockSyncConcurrency int,
 	filterConf *store.FilterConfig,
 	selectorRelabelConf *extflag.PathOrContent,
+	advertiseCompatibilityLabel bool,
 ) error {
 	statusProber := prober.NewProber(component, logger, prometheus.WrapRegistererWithPrefix("thanos_", reg))
@@ -173,6 +178,7 @@ func runStore(
+		advertiseCompatibilityLabel,
 	if err != nil {
 		return errors.Wrap(err, "create object storage store")
diff --git a/pkg/query/internal/test-storeset-pre-v0.8.0/storeset.go b/pkg/query/internal/test-storeset-pre-v0.8.0/storeset.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..041796d9f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/query/internal/test-storeset-pre-v0.8.0/storeset.go
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+This package is for compatibility testing purposes. It is a code from v0.7.0 Querier.
+package testoldstoreset
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/go-kit/kit/log"
+	"github.com/go-kit/kit/log/level"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
+	"github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
+	"github.com/prometheus/prometheus/tsdb/labels"
+	"github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/component"
+	"github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/runutil"
+	"github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/store"
+	"github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/store/storepb"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc"
+const (
+	unhealthyStoreMessage = "removing store because it's unhealthy or does not exist"
+	droppingStoreMessage  = "dropping store, external labels are not unique"
+type StoreSpec interface {
+	// Addr returns StoreAPI Address for the store spec. It is used as ID for store.
+	Addr() string
+	// Metadata returns current labels, store type and min, max ranges for store.
+	// It can change for every call for this method.
+	// If metadata call fails we assume that store is no longer accessible and we should not use it.
+	// NOTE: It is implementation responsibility to retry until context timeout, but a caller responsibility to manage
+	// given store connection.
+	Metadata(ctx context.Context, client storepb.StoreClient) (labelSets []storepb.LabelSet, mint int64, maxt int64, err error)
+type StoreStatus struct {
+	Name      string
+	LastCheck time.Time
+	LastError error
+	LabelSets []storepb.LabelSet
+	StoreType component.StoreAPI
+	MinTime   int64
+	MaxTime   int64
+type grpcStoreSpec struct {
+	addr string
+// NewGRPCStoreSpec creates store pure gRPC spec.
+// It uses Info gRPC call to get Metadata.
+func NewGRPCStoreSpec(addr string) StoreSpec {
+	return &grpcStoreSpec{addr: addr}
+func (s *grpcStoreSpec) Addr() string {
+	// API addr should not change between state changes.
+	return s.addr
+// Metadata method for gRPC store API tries to reach host Info method until context timeout. If we are unable to get metadata after
+// that time, we assume that the host is unhealthy and return error.
+func (s *grpcStoreSpec) Metadata(ctx context.Context, client storepb.StoreClient) (labelSets []storepb.LabelSet, mint int64, maxt int64, err error) {
+	resp, err := client.Info(ctx, &storepb.InfoRequest{}, grpc.WaitForReady(true))
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, 0, 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "fetching store info from %s", s.addr)
+	}
+	if len(resp.LabelSets) == 0 && len(resp.Labels) > 0 {
+		resp.LabelSets = []storepb.LabelSet{{Labels: resp.Labels}}
+	}
+	return resp.LabelSets, resp.MinTime, resp.MaxTime, nil
+// StoreSet maintains a set of active stores. It is backed up by Store Specifications that are dynamically fetched on
+// every Update() call.
+type StoreSet struct {
+	logger log.Logger
+	// Store specifications can change dynamically. If some store is missing from the list, we assuming it is no longer
+	// accessible and we close gRPC client for it.
+	storeSpecs          func() []StoreSpec
+	dialOpts            []grpc.DialOption
+	gRPCInfoCallTimeout time.Duration
+	mtx                              sync.RWMutex
+	storesStatusesMtx                sync.RWMutex
+	stores                           map[string]*storeRef
+	storeNodeConnections             prometheus.Gauge
+	externalLabelOccurrencesInStores map[string]int
+	storeStatuses                    map[string]*StoreStatus
+	unhealthyStoreTimeout            time.Duration
+type storeSetNodeCollector struct {
+	externalLabelOccurrences func() map[string]int
+var nodeInfoDesc = prometheus.NewDesc(
+	"thanos_store_node_info",
+	"Number of nodes with the same external labels identified by their hash. If any time-series is larger than 1, external label uniqueness is not true",
+	[]string{"external_labels"}, nil,
+func (c *storeSetNodeCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
+	ch <- nodeInfoDesc
+func (c *storeSetNodeCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
+	externalLabelOccurrences := c.externalLabelOccurrences()
+	for externalLabels, occurrences := range externalLabelOccurrences {
+		ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(nodeInfoDesc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(occurrences), externalLabels)
+	}
+// NewStoreSet returns a new set of stores from cluster peers and statically configured ones.
+func NewStoreSet(
+	logger log.Logger,
+	reg *prometheus.Registry,
+	storeSpecs func() []StoreSpec,
+	dialOpts []grpc.DialOption,
+	unhealthyStoreTimeout time.Duration,
+) *StoreSet {
+	storeNodeConnections := prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
+		Name: "thanos_store_nodes_grpc_connections",
+		Help: "Number indicating current number of gRPC connection to store nodes. This indicates also to how many stores query node have access to.",
+	})
+	if logger == nil {
+		logger = log.NewNopLogger()
+	}
+	if reg != nil {
+		reg.MustRegister(storeNodeConnections)
+	}
+	if storeSpecs == nil {
+		storeSpecs = func() []StoreSpec { return nil }
+	}
+	ss := &StoreSet{
+		logger:                           log.With(logger, "component", "storeset"),
+		storeSpecs:                       storeSpecs,
+		dialOpts:                         dialOpts,
+		storeNodeConnections:             storeNodeConnections,
+		gRPCInfoCallTimeout:              10 * time.Second,
+		externalLabelOccurrencesInStores: map[string]int{},
+		stores:                           make(map[string]*storeRef),
+		storeStatuses:                    make(map[string]*StoreStatus),
+		unhealthyStoreTimeout:            unhealthyStoreTimeout,
+	}
+	storeNodeCollector := &storeSetNodeCollector{externalLabelOccurrences: ss.externalLabelOccurrences}
+	if reg != nil {
+		reg.MustRegister(storeNodeCollector)
+	}
+	return ss
+type storeRef struct {
+	storepb.StoreClient
+	mtx  sync.RWMutex
+	cc   *grpc.ClientConn
+	addr string
+	// Meta (can change during runtime).
+	labelSets []storepb.LabelSet
+	storeType component.StoreAPI
+	minTime   int64
+	maxTime   int64
+	logger log.Logger
+func (s *storeRef) Update(labelSets []storepb.LabelSet, minTime int64, maxTime int64) {
+	s.mtx.Lock()
+	defer s.mtx.Unlock()
+	s.labelSets = labelSets
+	s.minTime = minTime
+	s.maxTime = maxTime
+func (s *storeRef) LabelSets() []storepb.LabelSet {
+	s.mtx.RLock()
+	defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
+	return s.labelSets
+func (s *storeRef) TimeRange() (int64, int64) {
+	s.mtx.RLock()
+	defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
+	return s.minTime, s.maxTime
+func (s *storeRef) String() string {
+	mint, maxt := s.TimeRange()
+	return fmt.Sprintf("Addr: %s LabelSets: %v Mint: %d Maxt: %d", s.addr, storepb.LabelSetsToString(s.LabelSets()), mint, maxt)
+func (s *storeRef) Addr() string {
+	return s.addr
+func (s *storeRef) close() {
+	runutil.CloseWithLogOnErr(s.logger, s.cc, fmt.Sprintf("store %v connection close", s.addr))
+// Update updates the store set. It fetches current list of store specs from function and updates the fresh metadata
+// from all stores.
+func (s *StoreSet) Update(ctx context.Context) {
+	healthyStores := s.getHealthyStores(ctx)
+	// Record the number of occurrences of external label combinations for current store slice.
+	externalLabelOccurrencesInStores := map[string]int{}
+	for _, st := range healthyStores {
+		externalLabelOccurrencesInStores[externalLabelsFromStore(st)]++
+	}
+	level.Debug(s.logger).Log("msg", "updating healthy stores", "externalLabelOccurrencesInStores", fmt.Sprintf("%#+v", externalLabelOccurrencesInStores))
+	s.mtx.Lock()
+	defer s.mtx.Unlock()
+	// Close stores that where not healthy this time (are not in healthy stores map).
+	for addr, store := range s.stores {
+		if _, ok := healthyStores[addr]; ok {
+			continue
+		}
+		// Peer does not exists anymore.
+		store.close()
+		delete(s.stores, addr)
+		s.updateStoreStatus(store, errors.New(unhealthyStoreMessage))
+		level.Info(s.logger).Log("msg", unhealthyStoreMessage, "address", addr)
+	}
+	// Add stores that are not yet in s.stores.
+	for addr, store := range healthyStores {
+		if _, ok := s.stores[addr]; ok {
+			s.updateStoreStatus(store, nil)
+			continue
+		}
+		externalLabels := externalLabelsFromStore(store)
+		if len(store.LabelSets()) > 0 &&
+			externalLabelOccurrencesInStores[externalLabels] != 1 {
+			store.close()
+			s.updateStoreStatus(store, errors.New(droppingStoreMessage))
+			level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", droppingStoreMessage, "address", addr, "extLset", externalLabels, "duplicates", externalLabelOccurrencesInStores[externalLabels])
+			// We don't want to block all of them. Leave one to not disrupt in terms of migration.
+			externalLabelOccurrencesInStores[externalLabels]--
+			continue
+		}
+		s.stores[addr] = store
+		s.updateStoreStatus(store, nil)
+		level.Info(s.logger).Log("msg", "adding new store to query storeset", "address", addr)
+	}
+	s.externalLabelOccurrencesInStores = externalLabelOccurrencesInStores
+	s.storeNodeConnections.Set(float64(len(s.stores)))
+	s.cleanUpStoreStatuses()
+func (s *StoreSet) getHealthyStores(ctx context.Context) map[string]*storeRef {
+	var (
+		unique = make(map[string]struct{})
+		healthyStores = make(map[string]*storeRef, len(s.stores))
+		mtx           sync.Mutex
+		wg            sync.WaitGroup
+	)
+	// Gather healthy stores map concurrently. Build new store if does not exist already.
+	for _, storeSpec := range s.storeSpecs() {
+		if _, ok := unique[storeSpec.Addr()]; ok {
+			level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", "duplicated address in store nodes", "address", storeSpec.Addr())
+			continue
+		}
+		unique[storeSpec.Addr()] = struct{}{}
+		wg.Add(1)
+		go func(spec StoreSpec) {
+			defer wg.Done()
+			addr := spec.Addr()
+			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, s.gRPCInfoCallTimeout)
+			defer cancel()
+			store, ok := s.stores[addr]
+			if ok {
+				// Check existing store. Is it healthy? What are current metadata?
+				labelSets, minTime, maxTime, err := spec.Metadata(ctx, store.StoreClient)
+				if err != nil {
+					// Peer unhealthy. Do not include in healthy stores.
+					s.updateStoreStatus(store, err)
+					level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", "update of store node failed", "err", err, "address", addr)
+					return
+				}
+				store.Update(labelSets, minTime, maxTime)
+			} else {
+				// New store or was unhealthy and was removed in the past - create new one.
+				conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, addr, s.dialOpts...)
+				if err != nil {
+					s.updateStoreStatus(&storeRef{addr: addr}, err)
+					level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", "update of store node failed", "err", errors.Wrap(err, "dialing connection"), "address", addr)
+					return
+				}
+				store = &storeRef{StoreClient: storepb.NewStoreClient(conn), cc: conn, addr: addr, logger: s.logger}
+				// Initial info call for all types of stores to check gRPC StoreAPI.
+				resp, err := store.StoreClient.Info(ctx, &storepb.InfoRequest{}, grpc.WaitForReady(true))
+				if err != nil {
+					store.close()
+					s.updateStoreStatus(store, err)
+					level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", "update of store node failed", "err", errors.Wrap(err, "initial store client info fetch"), "address", addr)
+					return
+				}
+				if len(resp.LabelSets) == 0 && len(resp.Labels) > 0 {
+					resp.LabelSets = []storepb.LabelSet{{Labels: resp.Labels}}
+				}
+				store.storeType = component.FromProto(resp.StoreType)
+				store.Update(resp.LabelSets, resp.MinTime, resp.MaxTime)
+			}
+			mtx.Lock()
+			defer mtx.Unlock()
+			healthyStores[addr] = store
+		}(storeSpec)
+	}
+	wg.Wait()
+	return healthyStores
+func externalLabelsFromStore(store *storeRef) string {
+	tsdbLabelSetStrings := make([]string, 0, len(store.labelSets))
+	for _, ls := range store.labelSets {
+		tsdbLabels := labels.Labels(make([]labels.Label, 0, len(ls.Labels)))
+		for _, l := range ls.Labels {
+			tsdbLabels = append(tsdbLabels, labels.Label{
+				Name:  l.Name,
+				Value: l.Value,
+			})
+		}
+		sort.Sort(tsdbLabels)
+		tsdbLabelSetStrings = append(tsdbLabelSetStrings, tsdbLabels.String())
+	}
+	sort.Strings(tsdbLabelSetStrings)
+	return strings.Join(tsdbLabelSetStrings, ",")
+func (s *StoreSet) updateStoreStatus(store *storeRef, err error) {
+	s.storesStatusesMtx.Lock()
+	defer s.storesStatusesMtx.Unlock()
+	status := StoreStatus{Name: store.addr}
+	prev, ok := s.storeStatuses[store.addr]
+	if ok {
+		status = *prev
+	}
+	status.LastError = err
+	status.LastCheck = time.Now()
+	if err == nil {
+		status.LabelSets = store.labelSets
+		status.StoreType = store.storeType
+		status.MinTime = store.minTime
+		status.MaxTime = store.maxTime
+	}
+	s.storeStatuses[store.addr] = &status
+func (s *StoreSet) GetStoreStatus() []StoreStatus {
+	s.storesStatusesMtx.RLock()
+	defer s.storesStatusesMtx.RUnlock()
+	statuses := make([]StoreStatus, 0, len(s.storeStatuses))
+	for _, v := range s.storeStatuses {
+		statuses = append(statuses, *v)
+	}
+	sort.Slice(statuses, func(i, j int) bool {
+		return statuses[i].Name < statuses[j].Name
+	})
+	return statuses
+func (s *StoreSet) externalLabelOccurrences() map[string]int {
+	s.mtx.RLock()
+	defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
+	r := make(map[string]int, len(s.externalLabelOccurrencesInStores))
+	for k, v := range s.externalLabelOccurrencesInStores {
+		r[k] = v
+	}
+	return r
+// Get returns a list of all active stores.
+func (s *StoreSet) Get() []store.Client {
+	s.mtx.RLock()
+	defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
+	stores := make([]store.Client, 0, len(s.stores))
+	for _, st := range s.stores {
+		stores = append(stores, st)
+	}
+	return stores
+func (s *StoreSet) Close() {
+	for _, st := range s.stores {
+		st.close()
+	}
+func (s *StoreSet) cleanUpStoreStatuses() {
+	s.storesStatusesMtx.Lock()
+	defer s.storesStatusesMtx.Unlock()
+	now := time.Now()
+	for addr, status := range s.storeStatuses {
+		if _, ok := s.stores[addr]; !ok {
+			if now.Sub(status.LastCheck) >= s.unhealthyStoreTimeout {
+				delete(s.storeStatuses, addr)
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/pkg/query/internal/test-storeset-pre-v0.8.0/storeset_test.go b/pkg/query/internal/test-storeset-pre-v0.8.0/storeset_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37b94836b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/query/internal/test-storeset-pre-v0.8.0/storeset_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+package testoldstoreset
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"math"
+	"net"
+	"os"
+	"testing"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/store"
+	"sort"
+	"github.com/fortytw2/leaktest"
+	"github.com/go-kit/kit/log"
+	"github.com/go-kit/kit/log/level"
+	"github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/component"
+	"github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/store/storepb"
+	"github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/testutil"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/status"
+var testGRPCOpts = []grpc.DialOption{
+	grpc.WithDefaultCallOptions(grpc.MaxCallRecvMsgSize(math.MaxInt32)),
+	grpc.WithInsecure(),
+type testStore struct {
+	info storepb.InfoResponse
+func (s *testStore) Info(ctx context.Context, r *storepb.InfoRequest) (*storepb.InfoResponse, error) {
+	return &s.info, nil
+func (s *testStore) Series(r *storepb.SeriesRequest, srv storepb.Store_SeriesServer) error {
+	return status.Error(codes.Unimplemented, "not implemented")
+func (s *testStore) LabelNames(ctx context.Context, r *storepb.LabelNamesRequest) (
+	*storepb.LabelNamesResponse, error,
+) {
+	return nil, status.Error(codes.Unimplemented, "not implemented")
+func (s *testStore) LabelValues(ctx context.Context, r *storepb.LabelValuesRequest) (
+	*storepb.LabelValuesResponse, error,
+) {
+	return nil, status.Error(codes.Unimplemented, "not implemented")
+type testStoreMeta struct {
+	extlsetFn func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet
+	storeType component.StoreAPI
+type testStores struct {
+	srvs map[string]*grpc.Server
+func startTestStores(stores []testStoreMeta) (*testStores, error) {
+	st := &testStores{
+		srvs: map[string]*grpc.Server{},
+	}
+	for _, store := range stores {
+		listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
+		if err != nil {
+			// Close so far started servers.
+			st.Close()
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		srv := grpc.NewServer()
+		storepb.RegisterStoreServer(srv, &testStore{info: storepb.InfoResponse{LabelSets: store.extlsetFn(listener.Addr().String()), StoreType: store.storeType.ToProto()}})
+		go func() {
+			_ = srv.Serve(listener)
+		}()
+		st.srvs[listener.Addr().String()] = srv
+	}
+	return st, nil
+func (s *testStores) StoreAddresses() []string {
+	var stores []string
+	for addr := range s.srvs {
+		stores = append(stores, addr)
+	}
+	return stores
+func (s *testStores) Close() {
+	for _, srv := range s.srvs {
+		srv.Stop()
+	}
+	s.srvs = nil
+func (s *testStores) CloseOne(addr string) {
+	srv, ok := s.srvs[addr]
+	if !ok {
+		return
+	}
+	srv.Stop()
+	delete(s.srvs, addr)
+func specsFromAddrFunc(addrs []string) func() []StoreSpec {
+	return func() (specs []StoreSpec) {
+		for _, addr := range addrs {
+			specs = append(specs, NewGRPCStoreSpec(addr))
+		}
+		return specs
+	}
+func TestPre0_8_0_StoreSet_AgainstNewStoreGW(t *testing.T) {
+	defer leaktest.CheckTimeout(t, 10*time.Second)()
+	st, err := startTestStores([]testStoreMeta{
+		{
+			storeType: component.Sidecar,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			storeType: component.Store,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							// This is the labelset exposed by store when having only one sidecar's data.
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{{Name: store.CompatibilityTypeLabelName, Value: "store"}},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		// We expect this to be duplicated.
+		{
+			storeType: component.Store,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{{Name: store.CompatibilityTypeLabelName, Value: "store"}},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+	})
+	testutil.Ok(t, err)
+	defer st.Close()
+	logger := log.NewLogfmtLogger(log.NewSyncWriter(os.Stderr))
+	logger = level.NewFilter(logger, level.AllowDebug())
+	logger = log.With(logger, "ts", log.DefaultTimestampUTC, "caller", log.DefaultCaller)
+	storeSet := NewStoreSet(logger, nil, specsFromAddrFunc(st.StoreAddresses()), testGRPCOpts, time.Minute)
+	storeSet.gRPCInfoCallTimeout = 2 * time.Second
+	defer storeSet.Close()
+	// Should not matter how many of these we run.
+	storeSet.Update(context.Background())
+	storeSet.Update(context.Background())
+	storeSet.Update(context.Background())
+	storeSet.Update(context.Background())
+	testutil.Assert(t, len(storeSet.stores) == 2, fmt.Sprintf("all services should respond just fine, but we expect duplicates being blocked. Expected %d stores, got %d", 5, len(storeSet.stores)))
+	// Sort result to be able to compare.
+	var existingStoreLabels [][][]storepb.Label
+	for _, store := range storeSet.stores {
+		lset := [][]storepb.Label{}
+		for _, ls := range store.LabelSets() {
+			lset = append(lset, ls.Labels)
+		}
+		existingStoreLabels = append(existingStoreLabels, lset)
+	}
+	sort.Slice(existingStoreLabels, func(i, j int) bool {
+		return len(existingStoreLabels[i]) > len(existingStoreLabels[j])
+	})
+	testutil.Equals(t, [][][]storepb.Label{
+		{
+			{
+				{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+				{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+			},
+			{
+				{Name: store.CompatibilityTypeLabelName, Value: "store"},
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			{
+				{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+				{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+			},
+		},
+	}, existingStoreLabels)
diff --git a/pkg/query/storeset.go b/pkg/query/storeset.go
index 1d49b0f73e1..ebfa441611d 100644
--- a/pkg/query/storeset.go
+++ b/pkg/query/storeset.go
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import (
 const (
 	unhealthyStoreMessage = "removing store because it's unhealthy or does not exist"
-	droppingStoreMessage  = "dropping store, external labels are not unique"
 type StoreSpec interface {
@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ type StoreSpec interface {
 	// If metadata call fails we assume that store is no longer accessible and we should not use it.
 	// NOTE: It is implementation responsibility to retry until context timeout, but a caller responsibility to manage
 	// given store connection.
-	Metadata(ctx context.Context, client storepb.StoreClient) (labelSets []storepb.LabelSet, mint int64, maxt int64, err error)
+	Metadata(ctx context.Context, client storepb.StoreClient) (labelSets []storepb.LabelSet, mint int64, maxt int64, storeType component.StoreAPI, err error)
 type StoreStatus struct {
@@ -63,16 +62,86 @@ func (s *grpcStoreSpec) Addr() string {
 // Metadata method for gRPC store API tries to reach host Info method until context timeout. If we are unable to get metadata after
 // that time, we assume that the host is unhealthy and return error.
-func (s *grpcStoreSpec) Metadata(ctx context.Context, client storepb.StoreClient) (labelSets []storepb.LabelSet, mint int64, maxt int64, err error) {
+func (s *grpcStoreSpec) Metadata(ctx context.Context, client storepb.StoreClient) (labelSets []storepb.LabelSet, mint int64, maxt int64, storeType component.StoreAPI, err error) {
 	resp, err := client.Info(ctx, &storepb.InfoRequest{}, grpc.WaitForReady(true))
 	if err != nil {
-		return nil, 0, 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "fetching store info from %s", s.addr)
+		return nil, 0, 0, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "fetching store info from %s", s.addr)
 	if len(resp.LabelSets) == 0 && len(resp.Labels) > 0 {
 		resp.LabelSets = []storepb.LabelSet{{Labels: resp.Labels}}
-	return resp.LabelSets, resp.MinTime, resp.MaxTime, nil
+	return resp.LabelSets, resp.MinTime, resp.MaxTime, component.FromProto(resp.StoreType), nil
+// storeSetNodeCollector is metric collector for Guge indicated number of available storeAPIs for Querier.
+// Collector is requires as we want atomic updates for all 'thanos_store_nodes_grpc_connections' series.
+type storeSetNodeCollector struct {
+	mtx             sync.Mutex
+	storeNodes      map[component.StoreAPI]map[string]int
+	storePerExtLset map[string]int
+	metricDesc  *prometheus.Desc
+	metricDesc2 *prometheus.Desc
+func newStoreSetNodeCollector() *storeSetNodeCollector {
+	return &storeSetNodeCollector{
+		storeNodes: map[component.StoreAPI]map[string]int{},
+		metricDesc: prometheus.NewDesc(
+			"thanos_store_nodes_grpc_connections",
+			"Number of gRPC connection to Store APIs. Opened connection means healthy store APIs available for Querier.",
+			[]string{"external_labels", "store_type"}, nil,
+		),
+		// TODO(bwplotka): Obsolete; Replaced by thanos_store_nodes_grpc_connections.
+		// Remove in next minor release.
+		metricDesc2: prometheus.NewDesc(
+			"thanos_store_node_info",
+			"Deprecated, use thanos_store_node_info instead.",
+			[]string{"external_labels"}, nil,
+		),
+	}
+func (c *storeSetNodeCollector) Update(nodes map[component.StoreAPI]map[string]int) {
+	storeNodes := make(map[component.StoreAPI]map[string]int, len(nodes))
+	storePerExtLset := map[string]int{}
+	for k, v := range nodes {
+		storeNodes[k] = make(map[string]int, len(v))
+		for kk, vv := range v {
+			storePerExtLset[kk] += vv
+			storeNodes[k][kk] = vv
+		}
+	}
+	c.mtx.Lock()
+	defer c.mtx.Unlock()
+	c.storeNodes = storeNodes
+	c.storePerExtLset = storePerExtLset
+func (c *storeSetNodeCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
+	ch <- c.metricDesc
+	ch <- c.metricDesc2
+func (c *storeSetNodeCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
+	c.mtx.Lock()
+	defer c.mtx.Unlock()
+	for storeType, occurrencesPerExtLset := range c.storeNodes {
+		for externalLabels, occurrences := range occurrencesPerExtLset {
+			var storeTypeStr string
+			if storeType != nil {
+				storeTypeStr = storeType.String()
+			}
+			ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.metricDesc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(occurrences), externalLabels, storeTypeStr)
+		}
+	}
+	for externalLabels, occur := range c.storePerExtLset {
+		ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.metricDesc2, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(occur), externalLabels)
+	}
 // StoreSet maintains a set of active stores. It is backed up by Store Specifications that are dynamically fetched on
@@ -86,34 +155,17 @@ type StoreSet struct {
 	dialOpts            []grpc.DialOption
 	gRPCInfoCallTimeout time.Duration
-	mtx                              sync.RWMutex
-	storesStatusesMtx                sync.RWMutex
-	stores                           map[string]*storeRef
-	storeNodeConnections             prometheus.Gauge
-	externalLabelOccurrencesInStores map[string]int
-	storeStatuses                    map[string]*StoreStatus
-	unhealthyStoreTimeout            time.Duration
-type storeSetNodeCollector struct {
-	externalLabelOccurrences func() map[string]int
+	updateMtx         sync.Mutex
+	storesMtx         sync.RWMutex
+	storesStatusesMtx sync.RWMutex
-var nodeInfoDesc = prometheus.NewDesc(
-	"thanos_store_node_info",
-	"Number of nodes with the same external labels identified by their hash. If any time-series is larger than 1, external label uniqueness is not true",
-	[]string{"external_labels"}, nil,
-func (c *storeSetNodeCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
-	ch <- nodeInfoDesc
+	// Main map of stores currently used for fanout.
+	stores       map[string]*storeRef
+	storesMetric *storeSetNodeCollector
-func (c *storeSetNodeCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
-	externalLabelOccurrences := c.externalLabelOccurrences()
-	for externalLabels, occurrences := range externalLabelOccurrences {
-		ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(nodeInfoDesc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(occurrences), externalLabels)
-	}
+	// Map of statuses used only by UI.
+	storeStatuses         map[string]*StoreStatus
+	unhealthyStoreTimeout time.Duration
 // NewStoreSet returns a new set of stores from cluster peers and statically configured ones.
@@ -124,38 +176,28 @@ func NewStoreSet(
 	dialOpts []grpc.DialOption,
 	unhealthyStoreTimeout time.Duration,
 ) *StoreSet {
-	storeNodeConnections := prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
-		Name: "thanos_store_nodes_grpc_connections",
-		Help: "Number indicating current number of gRPC connection to store nodes. This indicates also to how many stores query node have access to.",
-	})
+	storesMetric := newStoreSetNodeCollector()
+	if reg != nil {
+		reg.MustRegister(storesMetric)
+	}
 	if logger == nil {
 		logger = log.NewNopLogger()
-	if reg != nil {
-		reg.MustRegister(storeNodeConnections)
-	}
 	if storeSpecs == nil {
 		storeSpecs = func() []StoreSpec { return nil }
 	ss := &StoreSet{
-		logger:                           log.With(logger, "component", "storeset"),
-		storeSpecs:                       storeSpecs,
-		dialOpts:                         dialOpts,
-		storeNodeConnections:             storeNodeConnections,
-		gRPCInfoCallTimeout:              10 * time.Second,
-		externalLabelOccurrencesInStores: map[string]int{},
-		stores:                           make(map[string]*storeRef),
-		storeStatuses:                    make(map[string]*StoreStatus),
-		unhealthyStoreTimeout:            unhealthyStoreTimeout,
+		logger:                log.With(logger, "component", "storeset"),
+		storeSpecs:            storeSpecs,
+		dialOpts:              dialOpts,
+		storesMetric:          storesMetric,
+		gRPCInfoCallTimeout:   10 * time.Second,
+		stores:                make(map[string]*storeRef),
+		storeStatuses:         make(map[string]*StoreStatus),
+		unhealthyStoreTimeout: unhealthyStoreTimeout,
-	storeNodeCollector := &storeSetNodeCollector{externalLabelOccurrences: ss.externalLabelOccurrences}
-	if reg != nil {
-		reg.MustRegister(storeNodeCollector)
-	}
 	return ss
@@ -175,22 +217,78 @@ type storeRef struct {
 	logger log.Logger
-func (s *storeRef) Update(labelSets []storepb.LabelSet, minTime int64, maxTime int64) {
+func (s *storeRef) Update(labelSets []storepb.LabelSet, minTime int64, maxTime int64, storeType component.StoreAPI) {
 	defer s.mtx.Unlock()
+	s.storeType = storeType
 	s.labelSets = labelSets
 	s.minTime = minTime
 	s.maxTime = maxTime
+func (s *storeRef) StoreType() component.StoreAPI {
+	s.mtx.RLock()
+	defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
+	return s.storeType
 func (s *storeRef) LabelSets() []storepb.LabelSet {
 	defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
-	return s.labelSets
+	labelSet := make([]storepb.LabelSet, 0, len(s.labelSets))
+	for _, ls := range s.labelSets {
+		if len(ls.Labels) == 0 {
+			continue
+		}
+		// Compatibility label for Queriers pre 0.8.1. Filter it out now.
+		if ls.Labels[0].Name == store.CompatibilityTypeLabelName {
+			continue
+		}
+		lbls := make([]storepb.Label, 0, len(ls.Labels))
+		for _, l := range ls.Labels {
+			lbls = append(lbls, storepb.Label{
+				Name:  l.Name,
+				Value: l.Value,
+			})
+		}
+		labelSet = append(labelSet, storepb.LabelSet{Labels: lbls})
+	}
+	return labelSet
-func (s *storeRef) TimeRange() (int64, int64) {
+func (s *storeRef) LabelSetsString() string {
+	s.mtx.RLock()
+	defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
+	labelSet := make([]string, 0, len(s.labelSets))
+	for _, ls := range s.labelSets {
+		if len(ls.Labels) == 0 {
+			continue
+		}
+		// Compatibility label for Queriers pre 0.8.1. Filter it out now.
+		if ls.Labels[0].Name == store.CompatibilityTypeLabelName {
+			continue
+		}
+		lbls := labels.Labels(make([]labels.Label, 0, len(ls.Labels)))
+		for _, l := range ls.Labels {
+			lbls = append(lbls, labels.Label{
+				Name:  l.Name,
+				Value: l.Value,
+			})
+		}
+		sort.Sort(lbls)
+		labelSet = append(labelSet, lbls.String())
+	}
+	sort.Strings(labelSet)
+	return strings.Join(labelSet, ",")
+func (s *storeRef) TimeRange() (mint int64, maxt int64) {
 	defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
@@ -206,79 +304,87 @@ func (s *storeRef) Addr() string {
 	return s.addr
-func (s *storeRef) close() {
+func (s *storeRef) Close() {
 	runutil.CloseWithLogOnErr(s.logger, s.cc, fmt.Sprintf("store %v connection close", s.addr))
+func newStoreAPIStats() map[component.StoreAPI]map[string]int {
+	nodes := make(map[component.StoreAPI]map[string]int, len(storepb.StoreType_name))
+	for i := range storepb.StoreType_name {
+		nodes[component.FromProto(storepb.StoreType(i))] = map[string]int{}
+	}
+	return nodes
 // Update updates the store set. It fetches current list of store specs from function and updates the fresh metadata
 // from all stores.
 func (s *StoreSet) Update(ctx context.Context) {
-	healthyStores := s.getHealthyStores(ctx)
+	s.updateMtx.Lock()
+	defer s.updateMtx.Unlock()
-	// Record the number of occurrences of external label combinations for current store slice.
-	externalLabelOccurrencesInStores := map[string]int{}
-	for _, st := range healthyStores {
-		externalLabelOccurrencesInStores[externalLabelsFromStore(st)]++
+	s.storesMtx.RLock()
+	stores := make(map[string]*storeRef, len(s.stores))
+	for addr, st := range s.stores {
+		stores[addr] = st
-	level.Debug(s.logger).Log("msg", "updating healthy stores", "externalLabelOccurrencesInStores", fmt.Sprintf("%#+v", externalLabelOccurrencesInStores))
+	s.storesMtx.RUnlock()
-	s.mtx.Lock()
-	defer s.mtx.Unlock()
+	level.Debug(s.logger).Log("msg", "starting updating storeAPIs", "cachedStores", len(stores))
+	healthyStores := s.getHealthyStores(ctx, stores)
+	level.Debug(s.logger).Log("msg", "checked requested storeAPIs", "healthyStores", len(healthyStores), "cachedStores", len(stores))
+	stats := newStoreAPIStats()
 	// Close stores that where not healthy this time (are not in healthy stores map).
-	for addr, store := range s.stores {
+	for addr, st := range stores {
 		if _, ok := healthyStores[addr]; ok {
+			stats[st.StoreType()][st.LabelSetsString()]++
-		// Peer does not exists anymore.
-		store.close()
-		delete(s.stores, addr)
-		s.updateStoreStatus(store, errors.New(unhealthyStoreMessage))
-		level.Info(s.logger).Log("msg", unhealthyStoreMessage, "address", addr)
+		st.Close()
+		delete(stores, addr)
+		s.updateStoreStatus(st, errors.New(unhealthyStoreMessage))
+		level.Info(s.logger).Log("msg", unhealthyStoreMessage, "address", addr, "extLset", st.LabelSetsString())
-	// Add stores that are not yet in s.stores.
-	for addr, store := range healthyStores {
-		if _, ok := s.stores[addr]; ok {
-			s.updateStoreStatus(store, nil)
+	// Add stores that are not yet in stores.
+	for addr, st := range healthyStores {
+		if _, ok := stores[addr]; ok {
-		// Check if the store has some external labels specified and if any if there are duplicates.
-		// We warn and exclude duplicates because it unnecessarily puts additional load on querier, network and underlying StoreAPIs and
-		// it indicates misconfiguration.
-		//
-		// Note: No external labels means strictly store gateway or ruler and it is fine to have access to multiple instances of them.
-		// Any other component will error out if it will be configured with empty external labels.
-		externalLabels := externalLabelsFromStore(store)
-		if len(store.LabelSets()) > 0 &&
-			store.storeType != nil &&
-			store.storeType.ToProto() != storepb.StoreType_STORE &&
-			externalLabelOccurrencesInStores[externalLabels] != 1 {
-			store.close()
-			s.updateStoreStatus(store, errors.New(droppingStoreMessage))
-			level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", droppingStoreMessage, "address", addr, "extLset", externalLabels, "duplicates", externalLabelOccurrencesInStores[externalLabels])
-			// We don't want to block all of them. Leave one to not disrupt in terms of migration.
-			externalLabelOccurrencesInStores[externalLabels]--
-			continue
+		extLset := st.LabelSetsString()
+		// All producers should have unique external labels. While this does not check only StoreAPIs connected to
+		// this querier this allows to notify early user about misconfiguration. Warn only. This is also detectable from metric.
+		if st.StoreType() != nil &&
+			(st.StoreType() == component.Sidecar || st.StoreType() == component.Rule) &&
+			stats[component.Sidecar][extLset]+stats[component.Rule][extLset] > 0 {
+			level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", "found duplicate storeAPI producer (sidecar or ruler). This is not advices as it will malform data in in the same bucket",
+				"address", addr, "extLset", extLset, "duplicates", fmt.Sprintf("%v", stats[component.Sidecar][extLset]+stats[component.Rule][extLset]+1))
+		stats[st.StoreType()][st.LabelSetsString()]++
-		s.stores[addr] = store
-		s.updateStoreStatus(store, nil)
-		level.Info(s.logger).Log("msg", "adding new store to query storeset", "address", addr)
+		stores[addr] = st
+		s.updateStoreStatus(st, nil)
+		level.Info(s.logger).Log("msg", "adding new storeAPI to query storeset", "address", addr, "extLset", extLset)
-	s.externalLabelOccurrencesInStores = externalLabelOccurrencesInStores
-	s.storeNodeConnections.Set(float64(len(s.stores)))
-	s.cleanUpStoreStatuses()
+	s.storesMetric.Update(stats)
+	s.storesMtx.Lock()
+	s.stores = stores
+	s.storesMtx.Unlock()
+	s.cleanUpStoreStatuses(stores)
-func (s *StoreSet) getHealthyStores(ctx context.Context) map[string]*storeRef {
+func (s *StoreSet) getHealthyStores(ctx context.Context, stores map[string]*storeRef) map[string]*storeRef {
 	var (
-		unique = make(map[string]struct{})
-		healthyStores = make(map[string]*storeRef, len(s.stores))
+		unique        = make(map[string]struct{})
+		healthyStores = make(map[string]*storeRef, len(stores))
 		mtx           sync.Mutex
 		wg            sync.WaitGroup
@@ -300,18 +406,8 @@ func (s *StoreSet) getHealthyStores(ctx context.Context) map[string]*storeRef {
 			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, s.gRPCInfoCallTimeout)
 			defer cancel()
-			store, ok := s.stores[addr]
-			if ok {
-				// Check existing store. Is it healthy? What are current metadata?
-				labelSets, minTime, maxTime, err := spec.Metadata(ctx, store.StoreClient)
-				if err != nil {
-					// Peer unhealthy. Do not include in healthy stores.
-					s.updateStoreStatus(store, err)
-					level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", "update of store node failed", "err", err, "address", addr)
-					return
-				}
-				store.Update(labelSets, minTime, maxTime)
-			} else {
+			st, seenAlready := stores[addr]
+			if !seenAlready {
 				// New store or was unhealthy and was removed in the past - create new one.
 				conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, addr, s.dialOpts...)
 				if err != nil {
@@ -319,53 +415,34 @@ func (s *StoreSet) getHealthyStores(ctx context.Context) map[string]*storeRef {
 					level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", "update of store node failed", "err", errors.Wrap(err, "dialing connection"), "address", addr)
-				store = &storeRef{StoreClient: storepb.NewStoreClient(conn), cc: conn, addr: addr, logger: s.logger}
+				st = &storeRef{StoreClient: storepb.NewStoreClient(conn), cc: conn, addr: addr, logger: s.logger}
+			}
-				// Initial info call for all types of stores to check gRPC StoreAPI.
-				resp, err := store.StoreClient.Info(ctx, &storepb.InfoRequest{}, grpc.WaitForReady(true))
-				if err != nil {
-					store.close()
-					s.updateStoreStatus(store, err)
-					level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", "update of store node failed", "err", errors.Wrap(err, "initial store client info fetch"), "address", addr)
-					return
-				}
-				if len(resp.LabelSets) == 0 && len(resp.Labels) > 0 {
-					resp.LabelSets = []storepb.LabelSet{{Labels: resp.Labels}}
+			// Check existing or new store. Is it healthy? What are current metadata?
+			labelSets, minTime, maxTime, storeType, err := spec.Metadata(ctx, st.StoreClient)
+			if err != nil {
+				if !seenAlready {
+					// Close only if new. Unhealthy `s.stores` will be closed later on.
+					st.Close()
-				store.storeType = component.FromProto(resp.StoreType)
-				store.Update(resp.LabelSets, resp.MinTime, resp.MaxTime)
+				s.updateStoreStatus(st, err)
+				level.Warn(s.logger).Log("msg", "update of store node failed", "err", errors.Wrap(err, "getting metadata"), "address", addr)
+				return
+			s.updateStoreStatus(st, nil)
+			st.Update(labelSets, minTime, maxTime, storeType)
 			defer mtx.Unlock()
-			healthyStores[addr] = store
+			healthyStores[addr] = st
 	return healthyStores
-func externalLabelsFromStore(store *storeRef) string {
-	tsdbLabelSetStrings := make([]string, 0, len(store.labelSets))
-	for _, ls := range store.labelSets {
-		tsdbLabels := labels.Labels{}
-		for _, l := range ls.Labels {
-			tsdbLabels = append(tsdbLabels, labels.Label{
-				Name:  l.Name,
-				Value: l.Value,
-			})
-		}
-		sort.Sort(tsdbLabels)
-		tsdbLabelSetStrings = append(tsdbLabelSetStrings, tsdbLabels.String())
-	}
-	sort.Strings(tsdbLabelSetStrings)
-	return strings.Join(tsdbLabelSetStrings, ",")
 func (s *StoreSet) updateStoreStatus(store *storeRef, err error) {
 	defer s.storesStatusesMtx.Unlock()
@@ -380,10 +457,12 @@ func (s *StoreSet) updateStoreStatus(store *storeRef, err error) {
 	status.LastCheck = time.Now()
 	if err == nil {
-		status.LabelSets = store.labelSets
-		status.StoreType = store.storeType
-		status.MinTime = store.minTime
-		status.MaxTime = store.maxTime
+		mint, maxt := store.TimeRange()
+		status.LabelSets = store.LabelSets()
+		status.StoreType = store.StoreType()
+		status.MinTime = mint
+		status.MaxTime = maxt
 	s.storeStatuses[store.addr] = &status
@@ -404,22 +483,10 @@ func (s *StoreSet) GetStoreStatus() []StoreStatus {
 	return statuses
-func (s *StoreSet) externalLabelOccurrences() map[string]int {
-	s.mtx.RLock()
-	defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
-	r := make(map[string]int, len(s.externalLabelOccurrencesInStores))
-	for k, v := range s.externalLabelOccurrencesInStores {
-		r[k] = v
-	}
-	return r
 // Get returns a list of all active stores.
 func (s *StoreSet) Get() []store.Client {
-	s.mtx.RLock()
-	defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
+	s.storesMtx.RLock()
+	defer s.storesMtx.RUnlock()
 	stores := make([]store.Client, 0, len(s.stores))
 	for _, st := range s.stores {
@@ -429,21 +496,27 @@ func (s *StoreSet) Get() []store.Client {
 func (s *StoreSet) Close() {
+	s.storesMtx.Lock()
+	defer s.storesMtx.Unlock()
 	for _, st := range s.stores {
-		st.close()
+		st.Close()
+	s.stores = map[string]*storeRef{}
-func (s *StoreSet) cleanUpStoreStatuses() {
+func (s *StoreSet) cleanUpStoreStatuses(stores map[string]*storeRef) {
 	defer s.storesStatusesMtx.Unlock()
 	now := time.Now()
 	for addr, status := range s.storeStatuses {
-		if _, ok := s.stores[addr]; !ok {
-			if now.Sub(status.LastCheck) >= s.unhealthyStoreTimeout {
-				delete(s.storeStatuses, addr)
-			}
+		if _, ok := stores[addr]; ok {
+			continue
+		}
+		if now.Sub(status.LastCheck) >= s.unhealthyStoreTimeout {
+			delete(s.storeStatuses, addr)
diff --git a/pkg/query/storeset_test.go b/pkg/query/storeset_test.go
index 9f5cc30689a..54f9d0886f3 100644
--- a/pkg/query/storeset_test.go
+++ b/pkg/query/storeset_test.go
@@ -5,16 +5,12 @@ import (
-	"os"
-	"sort"
-	"github.com/go-kit/kit/log"
-	"github.com/go-kit/kit/log/level"
+	"github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/store"
@@ -27,11 +23,6 @@ var testGRPCOpts = []grpc.DialOption{
-var (
-	emptyStoresExtLabels [][]storepb.Label
-	emptyStoresTypes     []component.StoreAPI
 type testStore struct {
 	info storepb.InfoResponse
@@ -56,76 +47,54 @@ func (s *testStore) LabelValues(ctx context.Context, r *storepb.LabelValuesReque
 	return nil, status.Error(codes.Unimplemented, "not implemented")
+type testStoreMeta struct {
+	extlsetFn func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet
+	storeType component.StoreAPI
 type testStores struct {
-	srvs map[string]*grpc.Server
+	srvs       map[string]*grpc.Server
+	orderAddrs []string
-func newTestStores(numStores int, storesExtLabels [][]storepb.Label, storesTypes []component.StoreAPI) (*testStores, error) {
+func startTestStores(storeMetas []testStoreMeta) (*testStores, error) {
 	st := &testStores{
 		srvs: map[string]*grpc.Server{},
-	for i := 0; i < numStores; i++ {
-		lsetFn := func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
-			if len(storesExtLabels) != numStores {
-				return []storepb.LabelSet{{
-					Labels: []storepb.Label{
-						{
-							Name:  "addr",
-							Value: addr,
-						},
-					},
-				}}
-			}
-			ls := storesExtLabels[i]
-			if len(ls) == 0 {
-				return []storepb.LabelSet{}
-			}
-			return []storepb.LabelSet{{Labels: storesExtLabels[i]}}
-		}
-		storeTypeFn := func() storepb.StoreType {
-			if len(storesTypes) != numStores {
-				return component.Sidecar.ToProto()
-			}
-			st := storesTypes[i]
-			return st.ToProto()
-		}
-		srv, addr, err := startStore(lsetFn, storeTypeFn)
+	for _, meta := range storeMetas {
+		listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
 		if err != nil {
 			// Close so far started servers.
 			return nil, err
-		st.srvs[addr] = srv
-	}
+		srv := grpc.NewServer()
-	return st, nil
+		storeSrv := &testStore{
+			info: storepb.InfoResponse{
+				LabelSets: meta.extlsetFn(listener.Addr().String()),
+			},
+		}
+		if meta.storeType != nil {
+			storeSrv.info.StoreType = meta.storeType.ToProto()
+		}
+		storepb.RegisterStoreServer(srv, storeSrv)
+		go func() {
+			_ = srv.Serve(listener)
+		}()
-func startStore(lsetFn func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet, storeTypeFn func() storepb.StoreType) (*grpc.Server, string, error) {
-	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, "", err
+		st.srvs[listener.Addr().String()] = srv
+		st.orderAddrs = append(st.orderAddrs, listener.Addr().String())
-	srv := grpc.NewServer()
-	storepb.RegisterStoreServer(srv, &testStore{info: storepb.InfoResponse{LabelSets: lsetFn(listener.Addr().String()), StoreType: storeTypeFn()}})
-	go func() {
-		_ = srv.Serve(listener)
-	}()
-	return srv, listener.Addr().String(), nil
+	return st, nil
 func (s *testStores) StoreAddresses() []string {
 	var stores []string
-	for addr := range s.srvs {
-		stores = append(stores, addr)
-	}
+	stores = append(stores, s.orderAddrs...)
 	return stores
@@ -146,92 +115,402 @@ func (s *testStores) CloseOne(addr string) {
 	delete(s.srvs, addr)
-func specsFromAddrFunc(addrs []string) func() []StoreSpec {
-	return func() (specs []StoreSpec) {
-		for _, addr := range addrs {
-			specs = append(specs, NewGRPCStoreSpec(addr))
-		}
-		return specs
-	}
-func TestStoreSet_AllAvailable_ThenDown(t *testing.T) {
+func TestStoreSet_Update(t *testing.T) {
 	defer leaktest.CheckTimeout(t, 10*time.Second)()
-	st, err := newTestStores(2, emptyStoresExtLabels, emptyStoresTypes)
+	stores, err := startTestStores([]testStoreMeta{
+		{
+			storeType: component.Sidecar,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "addr", Value: addr},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "a", Value: "b"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			storeType: component.Sidecar,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "addr", Value: addr},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "a", Value: "b"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			storeType: component.Query,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "a", Value: "broken"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+	})
 	testutil.Ok(t, err)
-	defer st.Close()
+	defer stores.Close()
-	initialStoreAddr := st.StoreAddresses()
+	discoveredStoreAddr := stores.StoreAddresses()
+	// Start with one not available.
+	stores.CloseOne(discoveredStoreAddr[2])
 	// Testing if duplicates can cause weird results.
-	initialStoreAddr = append(initialStoreAddr, initialStoreAddr[0])
-	storeSet := NewStoreSet(nil, nil, specsFromAddrFunc(initialStoreAddr), testGRPCOpts, time.Minute)
+	discoveredStoreAddr = append(discoveredStoreAddr, discoveredStoreAddr[0])
+	storeSet := NewStoreSet(nil, nil, func() (specs []StoreSpec) {
+		for _, addr := range discoveredStoreAddr {
+			specs = append(specs, NewGRPCStoreSpec(addr))
+		}
+		return specs
+	}, testGRPCOpts, time.Minute)
 	storeSet.gRPCInfoCallTimeout = 2 * time.Second
 	defer storeSet.Close()
 	// Should not matter how many of these we run.
+	testutil.Equals(t, 2, len(storeSet.stores))
+	testutil.Equals(t, 3, len(storeSet.storeStatuses))
+	for addr, st := range storeSet.stores {
+		testutil.Equals(t, addr, st.addr)
+		lset := st.LabelSets()
+		testutil.Equals(t, 2, len(lset))
+		testutil.Equals(t, "addr", lset[0].Labels[0].Name)
+		testutil.Equals(t, addr, lset[0].Labels[0].Value)
+		testutil.Equals(t, "a", lset[1].Labels[0].Name)
+		testutil.Equals(t, "b", lset[1].Labels[0].Value)
+	}
-	testutil.Assert(t, len(storeSet.stores) == 2, "all services should respond just fine, so we expect all clients to be ready.")
-	for addr, store := range storeSet.stores {
-		testutil.Equals(t, addr, store.addr)
-		testutil.Equals(t, 1, len(store.labelSets))
-		testutil.Equals(t, "addr", store.labelSets[0].Labels[0].Name)
-		testutil.Equals(t, addr, store.labelSets[0].Labels[0].Value)
+	// Check stats.
+	expected := newStoreAPIStats()
+	expected[component.Sidecar] = map[string]int{
+		fmt.Sprintf("{a=\"b\"},{addr=\"%s\"}", discoveredStoreAddr[0]): 1,
+		fmt.Sprintf("{a=\"b\"},{addr=\"%s\"}", discoveredStoreAddr[1]): 1,
+	testutil.Equals(t, expected, storeSet.storesMetric.storeNodes)
-	st.CloseOne(initialStoreAddr[0])
+	// Remove address from discovered and reset last check, which should ensure cleanup of status on next update.
+	storeSet.storeStatuses[discoveredStoreAddr[2]].LastCheck = time.Now().Add(-4 * time.Minute)
+	discoveredStoreAddr = discoveredStoreAddr[:len(discoveredStoreAddr)-2]
+	storeSet.Update(context.Background())
+	testutil.Equals(t, 2, len(storeSet.storeStatuses))
+	stores.CloseOne(discoveredStoreAddr[0])
+	delete(expected[component.Sidecar], fmt.Sprintf("{a=\"b\"},{addr=\"%s\"}", discoveredStoreAddr[0]))
 	// We expect Update to tear down store client for closed store server.
+	testutil.Equals(t, 1, len(storeSet.stores), "only one service should respond just fine, so we expect one client to be ready.")
+	testutil.Equals(t, 2, len(storeSet.storeStatuses))
-	testutil.Assert(t, len(storeSet.stores) == 1, "only one service should respond just fine, so we expect one client to be ready.")
-	addr := initialStoreAddr[1]
-	store, ok := storeSet.stores[addr]
+	addr := discoveredStoreAddr[1]
+	st, ok := storeSet.stores[addr]
 	testutil.Assert(t, ok, "addr exist")
-	testutil.Equals(t, addr, store.addr)
-	testutil.Equals(t, 1, len(store.labelSets))
-	testutil.Equals(t, "addr", store.labelSets[0].Labels[0].Name)
-	testutil.Equals(t, addr, store.labelSets[0].Labels[0].Value)
-func TestStoreSet_StaticStores_OneAvailable(t *testing.T) {
-	defer leaktest.CheckTimeout(t, 10*time.Second)()
-	st, err := newTestStores(2, emptyStoresExtLabels, emptyStoresTypes)
+	testutil.Equals(t, addr, st.addr)
+	lset := st.LabelSets()
+	testutil.Equals(t, 2, len(lset))
+	testutil.Equals(t, "addr", lset[0].Labels[0].Name)
+	testutil.Equals(t, addr, lset[0].Labels[0].Value)
+	testutil.Equals(t, "a", lset[1].Labels[0].Name)
+	testutil.Equals(t, "b", lset[1].Labels[0].Value)
+	testutil.Equals(t, expected, storeSet.storesMetric.storeNodes)
+	// New big batch of storeAPIs.
+	stores2, err := startTestStores([]testStoreMeta{
+		{
+			storeType: component.Query,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l3", Value: "v4"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			// Duplicated Querier, in previous versions it would be deduplicated. Now it should be not.
+			storeType: component.Query,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l3", Value: "v4"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			storeType: component.Sidecar,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			// Duplicated Sidecar, in previous versions it would be deduplicated. Now it should be not.
+			storeType: component.Sidecar,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			// Querier that duplicates with sidecar, in previous versions it would be deduplicated. Now it should be not.
+			storeType: component.Query,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			// Ruler that duplicates with sidecar, in previous versions it would be deduplicated. Now it should be not.
+			// Warning should be produced.
+			storeType: component.Rule,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			// Duplicated Rule, in previous versions it would be deduplicated. Now it should be not. Warning should be produced.
+			storeType: component.Rule,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			// No storeType.
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "no-store-type"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		// Two pre v0.8.0 store gateway nodes, they don't have ext labels set.
+		{
+			storeType: component.Store,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{}
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			storeType: component.Store,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{}
+			},
+		},
+		// Regression tests against https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/issues/1632: From v0.8.0 stores advertise labels.
+		// If the object storage handled by store gateway has only one sidecar we used to hitting issue.
+		{
+			storeType: component.Store,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l3", Value: "v4"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		// Stores v0.8.1 has compatibility labels. Check if they are correctly removed.
+		{
+			storeType: component.Store,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l3", Value: "v4"},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: store.CompatibilityTypeLabelName, Value: "store"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+		// Duplicated store, in previous versions it would be deduplicated. Now it should be not.
+		{
+			storeType: component.Store,
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
+							{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: "l3", Value: "v4"},
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{Name: store.CompatibilityTypeLabelName, Value: "store"},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+		},
+	})
 	testutil.Ok(t, err)
-	defer st.Close()
+	defer stores2.Close()
-	initialStoreAddr := st.StoreAddresses()
-	st.CloseOne(initialStoreAddr[0])
+	discoveredStoreAddr = append(discoveredStoreAddr, stores2.StoreAddresses()...)
-	storeSet := NewStoreSet(nil, nil, specsFromAddrFunc(initialStoreAddr), testGRPCOpts, time.Minute)
-	storeSet.gRPCInfoCallTimeout = 2 * time.Second
-	defer storeSet.Close()
-	// Should not matter how many of these we run.
-	storeSet.Update(context.Background())
+	// New stores should be loaded.
+	testutil.Equals(t, 1+len(stores2.srvs), len(storeSet.stores))
-	testutil.Assert(t, len(storeSet.stores) == 1, "only one service should respond just fine, so we expect one client to be ready.")
+	// Check stats.
+	expected = newStoreAPIStats()
+	expected[component.StoreAPI(nil)] = map[string]int{
+		"{l1=\"no-store-type\",l2=\"v3\"}": 1,
+	}
+	expected[component.Query] = map[string]int{
+		"{l1=\"v2\",l2=\"v3\"}":             1,
+		"{l1=\"v2\",l2=\"v3\"},{l3=\"v4\"}": 2,
+	}
+	expected[component.Rule] = map[string]int{
+		"{l1=\"v2\",l2=\"v3\"}": 2,
+	}
+	expected[component.Sidecar] = map[string]int{
+		fmt.Sprintf("{a=\"b\"},{addr=\"%s\"}", discoveredStoreAddr[1]): 1,
+		"{l1=\"v2\",l2=\"v3\"}": 2,
+	}
+	expected[component.Store] = map[string]int{
+		"":                                  2,
+		"{l1=\"v2\",l2=\"v3\"},{l3=\"v4\"}": 3,
+	}
+	testutil.Equals(t, expected, storeSet.storesMetric.storeNodes)
-	addr := initialStoreAddr[1]
-	store, ok := storeSet.stores[addr]
-	testutil.Assert(t, ok, "addr exist")
-	testutil.Equals(t, addr, store.addr)
-	testutil.Equals(t, 1, len(store.labelSets))
-	testutil.Equals(t, "addr", store.labelSets[0].Labels[0].Name)
-	testutil.Equals(t, addr, store.labelSets[0].Labels[0].Value)
+	// Check statuses.
+	testutil.Equals(t, 2+len(stores2.srvs), len(storeSet.storeStatuses))
-func TestStoreSet_StaticStores_NoneAvailable(t *testing.T) {
+func TestStoreSet_Update_NoneAvailable(t *testing.T) {
 	defer leaktest.CheckTimeout(t, 10*time.Second)()
-	st, err := newTestStores(2, emptyStoresExtLabels, emptyStoresTypes)
+	st, err := startTestStores([]testStoreMeta{
+		{
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{
+								Name:  "addr",
+								Value: addr,
+							},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+			storeType: component.Sidecar,
+		},
+		{
+			extlsetFn: func(addr string) []storepb.LabelSet {
+				return []storepb.LabelSet{
+					{
+						Labels: []storepb.Label{
+							{
+								Name:  "addr",
+								Value: addr,
+							},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+			},
+			storeType: component.Sidecar,
+		},
+	})
 	testutil.Ok(t, err)
 	defer st.Close()
@@ -239,7 +518,12 @@ func TestStoreSet_StaticStores_NoneAvailable(t *testing.T) {
-	storeSet := NewStoreSet(nil, nil, specsFromAddrFunc(initialStoreAddr), testGRPCOpts, time.Minute)
+	storeSet := NewStoreSet(nil, nil, func() (specs []StoreSpec) {
+		for _, addr := range initialStoreAddr {
+			specs = append(specs, NewGRPCStoreSpec(addr))
+		}
+		return specs
+	}, testGRPCOpts, time.Minute)
 	storeSet.gRPCInfoCallTimeout = 2 * time.Second
 	// Should not matter how many of these we run.
@@ -249,80 +533,6 @@ func TestStoreSet_StaticStores_NoneAvailable(t *testing.T) {
 	// Leak test will ensure that we don't keep client connection around.
-func TestStoreSet_AllAvailable_BlockExtLsetDuplicates(t *testing.T) {
-	defer leaktest.CheckTimeout(t, 10*time.Second)()
-	storeExtLabels := [][]storepb.Label{
-		{
-			{Name: "l1", Value: "v1"},
-		},
-		{
-			{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
-			{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
-		},
-		{
-			// Duplicate with above.
-			{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
-			{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
-		},
-		// Two store nodes, they don't have ext labels set.
-		nil,
-		nil,
-		{
-			// Duplicate with two others.
-			{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
-			{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
-		},
-	}
-	storeTypes := []component.StoreAPI{
-		component.Query,
-		component.Sidecar,
-		component.Query,
-		component.Store,
-		component.Store,
-		component.Sidecar,
-	}
-	st, err := newTestStores(6, storeExtLabels, storeTypes)
-	testutil.Ok(t, err)
-	defer st.Close()
-	logger := log.NewLogfmtLogger(log.NewSyncWriter(os.Stderr))
-	logger = level.NewFilter(logger, level.AllowDebug())
-	logger = log.With(logger, "ts", log.DefaultTimestampUTC, "caller", log.DefaultCaller)
-	storeSet := NewStoreSet(logger, nil, specsFromAddrFunc(st.StoreAddresses()), testGRPCOpts, time.Minute)
-	storeSet.gRPCInfoCallTimeout = 2 * time.Second
-	defer storeSet.Close()
-	// Should not matter how many of these we run.
-	storeSet.Update(context.Background())
-	storeSet.Update(context.Background())
-	storeSet.Update(context.Background())
-	storeSet.Update(context.Background())
-	testutil.Assert(t, len(storeSet.stores) == 4, fmt.Sprintf("all services should respond just fine, but we expect duplicates being blocked. Expected %d stores, got %d", 4, len(storeSet.stores)))
-	// Sort result to be able to compare.
-	var existingStoreLabels [][]storepb.Label
-	for _, store := range storeSet.stores {
-		for _, ls := range store.LabelSets() {
-			existingStoreLabels = append(existingStoreLabels, ls.Labels)
-		}
-	}
-	sort.Slice(existingStoreLabels, func(i, j int) bool {
-		return len(existingStoreLabels[i]) > len(existingStoreLabels[j])
-	})
-	testutil.Equals(t, [][]storepb.Label{
-		{
-			{Name: "l1", Value: "v2"},
-			{Name: "l2", Value: "v3"},
-		},
-		{
-			{Name: "l1", Value: "v1"},
-		},
-	}, existingStoreLabels)
+	expected := newStoreAPIStats()
+	testutil.Equals(t, expected, storeSet.storesMetric.storeNodes)
diff --git a/pkg/store/bucket.go b/pkg/store/bucket.go
index a1f1a7d3955..d5cdf655de5 100644
--- a/pkg/store/bucket.go
+++ b/pkg/store/bucket.go
@@ -46,15 +46,29 @@ import (
-// maxSamplesPerChunk is approximately the max number of samples that we may have in any given chunk. This is needed
-// for precalculating the number of samples that we may have to retrieve and decode for any given query
-// without downloading them. Please take a look at https://github.com/prometheus/tsdb/pull/397 to know
-// where this number comes from. Long story short: TSDB is made in such a way, and it is made in such a way
-// because you barely get any improvements in compression when the number of samples is beyond this.
-// Take a look at Figure 6 in this whitepaper http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol8/p1816-teller.pdf.
-const maxSamplesPerChunk = 120
-const maxChunkSize = 16000
+const (
+	// maxSamplesPerChunk is approximately the max number of samples that we may have in any given chunk. This is needed
+	// for precalculating the number of samples that we may have to retrieve and decode for any given query
+	// without downloading them. Please take a look at https://github.com/prometheus/tsdb/pull/397 to know
+	// where this number comes from. Long story short: TSDB is made in such a way, and it is made in such a way
+	// because you barely get any improvements in compression when the number of samples is beyond this.
+	// Take a look at Figure 6 in this whitepaper http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol8/p1816-teller.pdf.
+	maxSamplesPerChunk = 120
+	maxChunkSize = 16000
+	// CompatibilityTypeLabelName is an artificial label that Store Gateway can optionally advertise. This is required for compatibility
+	// with pre v0.8.0 Querier. Previous Queriers was strict about duplicated external labels of all StoreAPIs that had any labels.
+	// Now with newer Store Gateway advertising all the external labels it has access to, there was simple case where
+	// Querier was blocking Store Gateway as duplicate with sidecar.
+	//
+	// Newer Queriers are not strict, no duplicated external labels check is there anymore.
+	// Additionally newer Queriers removes/ignore this exact labels from UI and querying.
+	//
+	// This label name is intentionally against Prometheus label style.
+	// TODO(bwplotka): Remove it at some point.
+	CompatibilityTypeLabelName = "@thanos_compatibility_store_type"
 type bucketStoreMetrics struct {
 	blocksLoaded          prometheus.Gauge
@@ -222,7 +236,8 @@ type BucketStore struct {
 	filterConfig  *FilterConfig
 	relabelConfig []*relabel.Config
-	labelSets map[uint64]labels.Labels
+	labelSets                map[uint64]labels.Labels
+	enableCompatibilityLabel bool
 // NewBucketStore creates a new bucket backed store that implements the store API against
@@ -240,6 +255,7 @@ func NewBucketStore(
 	blockSyncConcurrency int,
 	filterConf *FilterConfig,
 	relabelConfig []*relabel.Config,
+	enableCompatibilityLabel bool,
 ) (*BucketStore, error) {
 	if logger == nil {
 		logger = log.NewNopLogger()
@@ -271,10 +287,11 @@ func NewBucketStore(
 			extprom.WrapRegistererWithPrefix("thanos_bucket_store_series_", reg),
-		samplesLimiter: NewLimiter(maxSampleCount, metrics.queriesDropped),
-		partitioner:    gapBasedPartitioner{maxGapSize: maxGapSize},
-		filterConfig:   filterConf,
-		relabelConfig:  relabelConfig,
+		samplesLimiter:           NewLimiter(maxSampleCount, metrics.queriesDropped),
+		partitioner:              gapBasedPartitioner{maxGapSize: maxGapSize},
+		filterConfig:             filterConf,
+		relabelConfig:            relabelConfig,
+		enableCompatibilityLabel: enableCompatibilityLabel,
 	s.metrics = metrics
@@ -554,7 +571,7 @@ func (s *BucketStore) Info(context.Context, *storepb.InfoRequest) (*storepb.Info
 	res.LabelSets = make([]storepb.LabelSet, 0, len(s.labelSets))
 	for _, ls := range s.labelSets {
-		lset := []storepb.Label{}
+		lset := make([]storepb.Label, 0, len(ls))
 		for _, l := range ls {
 			lset = append(lset, storepb.Label{Name: l.Name, Value: l.Value})
@@ -562,6 +579,11 @@ func (s *BucketStore) Info(context.Context, *storepb.InfoRequest) (*storepb.Info
+	if s.enableCompatibilityLabel && len(res.LabelSets) > 0 {
+		// This is for compatibility with Querier v0.7.0.
+		// See query.StoreCompatibilityTypeLabelName comment for details.
+		res.LabelSets = append(res.LabelSets, storepb.LabelSet{Labels: []storepb.Label{{Name: CompatibilityTypeLabelName, Value: "store"}}})
+	}
 	return res, nil
diff --git a/pkg/store/bucket_e2e_test.go b/pkg/store/bucket_e2e_test.go
index 433a5498679..252f3e5b939 100644
--- a/pkg/store/bucket_e2e_test.go
+++ b/pkg/store/bucket_e2e_test.go
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ func prepareStoreWithTestBlocks(t testing.TB, dir string, bkt objstore.Bucket, m
 		maxTime: maxTime,
-	store, err := NewBucketStore(s.logger, nil, bkt, dir, s.cache, 0, maxSampleCount, 20, false, 20, filterConf, relabelConfig)
+	store, err := NewBucketStore(s.logger, nil, bkt, dir, s.cache, 0, maxSampleCount, 20, false, 20, filterConf, relabelConfig, true)
 	testutil.Ok(t, err)
 	s.store = store
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ func TestBucketStore_TimePartitioning_e2e(t *testing.T) {
 			MinTime: minTimeDuration,
 			MaxTime: filterMaxTime,
-		}, emptyRelabelConfig)
+		}, emptyRelabelConfig, true)
 	testutil.Ok(t, err)
 	err = store.SyncBlocks(ctx)
diff --git a/pkg/store/bucket_test.go b/pkg/store/bucket_test.go
index 2c984af976d..c285df4ed4c 100644
--- a/pkg/store/bucket_test.go
+++ b/pkg/store/bucket_test.go
@@ -430,7 +430,21 @@ func TestBucketStore_Info(t *testing.T) {
 	dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "bucketstore-test")
 	testutil.Ok(t, err)
-	bucketStore, err := NewBucketStore(nil, nil, nil, dir, noopCache{}, 2e5, 0, 0, false, 20, filterConf, emptyRelabelConfig)
+	bucketStore, err := NewBucketStore(
+		nil,
+		nil,
+		nil,
+		dir,
+		noopCache{},
+		2e5,
+		0,
+		0,
+		false,
+		20,
+		filterConf,
+		emptyRelabelConfig,
+		true,
+	)
 	testutil.Ok(t, err)
 	resp, err := bucketStore.Info(ctx, &storepb.InfoRequest{})
@@ -439,6 +453,8 @@ func TestBucketStore_Info(t *testing.T) {
 	testutil.Equals(t, storepb.StoreType_STORE, resp.StoreType)
 	testutil.Equals(t, int64(math.MaxInt64), resp.MinTime)
 	testutil.Equals(t, int64(math.MinInt64), resp.MaxTime)
+	testutil.Equals(t, []storepb.LabelSet{}, resp.LabelSets)
+	testutil.Equals(t, []storepb.Label(nil), resp.Labels)
 func TestBucketStore_isBlockInMinMaxRange(t *testing.T) {
@@ -488,7 +504,7 @@ func TestBucketStore_isBlockInMinMaxRange(t *testing.T) {
 			MinTime: minTimeDuration,
 			MaxTime: hourBefore,
-		}, emptyRelabelConfig)
+		}, emptyRelabelConfig, true)
 	testutil.Ok(t, err)
 	inRange, err := bucketStore.isBlockInMinMaxRange(context.TODO(), id1)
@@ -558,7 +574,7 @@ func TestBucketStore_selectorBlocks(t *testing.T) {
 		testutil.Ok(t, err)
 		bucketStore, err := NewBucketStore(nil, nil, bkt, dir, noopCache{}, 0, 0, 20, false, 20,
-			filterConf, relabelConf)
+			filterConf, relabelConf, true)
 		testutil.Ok(t, err)
 		for _, id := range []ulid.ULID{id1, id2, id3} {
@@ -614,7 +630,21 @@ func TestBucketStore_InfoWithLabels(t *testing.T) {
 	var relabelConfig []*relabel.Config
 	err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(relabelContentYaml), &relabelConfig)
 	testutil.Ok(t, err)
-	bucketStore, err := NewBucketStore(nil, nil, bkt, dir, noopCache{}, 2e5, 0, 0, false, 20, filterConf, relabelConfig)
+	bucketStore, err := NewBucketStore(
+		nil,
+		nil,
+		bkt,
+		dir,
+		noopCache{},
+		2e5,
+		0,
+		0,
+		false,
+		20,
+		filterConf,
+		relabelConfig,
+		true,
+	)
 	testutil.Ok(t, err)
 	err = bucketStore.SyncBlocks(ctx)
@@ -626,13 +656,16 @@ func TestBucketStore_InfoWithLabels(t *testing.T) {
 	testutil.Equals(t, storepb.StoreType_STORE, resp.StoreType)
 	testutil.Equals(t, int64(0), resp.MinTime)
 	testutil.Equals(t, int64(1000), resp.MaxTime)
+	testutil.Equals(t, []storepb.Label(nil), resp.Labels)
 	testutil.Equals(t, []storepb.LabelSet{
-		storepb.LabelSet{
+		{
+			Labels: []storepb.Label{
+				{Name: "cluster", Value: "B"},
+			},
+		},
+		{
 			Labels: []storepb.Label{
-				{
-					Name:  "cluster",
-					Value: "B",
-				},
+				{Name: CompatibilityTypeLabelName, Value: "store"},
 	}, resp.LabelSets)