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A framework for Idris RTS.

Features(listed by priorities)

  • An abstraction of some intermediate representations(common abstract machine, aka CAM)
  • Back end: Python AST
  • Back end: Julia AST
  • Persisting locations with Idris IRs, like DDecls.
  • Python standard libraries
  • Handy FFI
  • Tail call elimination
  • Back end: Python Bytecode
  • Specializations for some primitive data types
  • Incremental compilation

Build && Cam Codegen

  • Build

    git clone && cd idris-cam
    stack build
  • Codegen

    stack exec idris -- --codegen=cam <input idris files> -o <output cam file>
  • Install to .local

    stack install

    After installing this, your idris command could use cam back end via idris --codegen cam.

  • Usage within idris command.

    idris f1.idr f2.idr -o --codegen cam -p cam
  • Run .cam files

    • Idris-Python

      You can check Idris-Python, and install it via pip will give you a command run-cam which accepts a filename of .cam file and executes it in Python.

      Also, you can load .cam file in Python session, via load_cam function.

    • Idris-Julia

      Check cam-julia/test/runtests.jl.

      It hasn't been published yet.

Python & Julia Example

Test Generation

You can test the Idris package Cam, generating test files for Python or Julia with

~/github/idris-cam | master> cd libs && python

Above command compiles idris-cam/libs/Test/Simple.idr into .cam file.

-- idris-cam/libs/Test/Simple.idr
module Test.Simple
import Cam.FFI
import Cam.OS.FileSystem
import Cam.IO
import Cam.Data.Collections
import Cam.Data.FCollections
import Cam.Data.Compat
import Data.Vect
import Data.HVect

%hide HVect.index
%hide Vect.index
%hide Vect.reverse

%access export

testSimple : FFI.IO ()
testSimple = do
      -- In Julia, use "MLStyle" or other Julia module.
      sklearn <- camImport $ TheModule "sklearn"

      -- fprintln works for only foreign objects
      fprintln sklearn

      -- get property of module
      external_mod <- camImportFrom sklearn "externals"

      -- println works for all objects
      println external_mod

      file <- openFile "./text.txt" "r"
      text <- readAllText file
      closeFile file
      fprintln $ text
      println $ "test hvec: " show hvec
      hvec : HVect [Double, Int]
      hvec = reverse [1.0, 5]

Test in Python

Use idris-python command from Idris-Python. Change module name from Test.Simple to Main is okay.

idris-python main.idr

Test in Julia

~/github/idris-cam | master> cd cam-julia
~/github/idris-cam | master> julia
~/github/idris-cam | master> cd cam-julia
julia> ]
v1.1> activate .
(CamJulia) pkg> test
   Testing CamJulia
 Resolving package versions...

啊,太懂了!太懂Idris Julia辣!

test hvec: [1.0, 5]

Cam Loader

A .cam file is simply a JSON file consist of the abstract instructions which could be loaded by Python and Julia and compiled conveniently.

For Julia, there's a @load_cam macro:

macro load_cam(path)
    aeson = CamJulia.ReadIR.load_aeson(path);
    ir = CamJulia.ReadIR.aeson_to_ir(aeson)
    x = CamJulia.CAM.ir_to_julia(ir)

@load_cam "./"

For Python, there is a load_cal function:

def load_cam(path, session):
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        js = json.load(f)

    letrec: LetRec = aeson_to_ir(js)
    return run_code(letrec, session)

The session argument of Python's load_cam indicates a symbol generator. Comparisons of symbols are O(1) thus allow us to create efficient tagged unions(ADTs, data types). In Julia, Symbol is an essential type.

FFI Mechansim

Our handy FFI becomes feasible due to New Foreign Function Interface.

Idris Side

In Idris side, we have made a FFI implementation for Idris-CAM, and then you can declare foreign functions via such codes:

println : Unsafe -> FFI.IO Unsafe
println s = fcall (Unsafe -> FFI.IO Unsafe) (Builtin "println") s

You can check libs/Cam for more information, and I'll make Idris libraries for both Julia and Python sooner.

Target Back End

We have already Julia and Python back ends, and Python's is already available, so we use Python to demonstrate how to setup FFI.

Note that we referenced println as builtin functions in previous Idris codes.

So we update, add its implementation:

    return {
        'cam-rt.cmp': operator.eq,
        '': operator.is_,
        'builtin-println': print,