[![C/C++ CI](https://github.com/the29ster/ColorPalette/actions/workflows/c-cpp.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/the29ster/ColorPalette/actions/workflows/c-cpp.yml)

# ColorPalette

This is a simple C++ program for managing a collection or palette of RGB colors.

Invoke the program by running **Palette**, followed by a list of the color values, such as:

./Palette 000 afC940 876 5104 FEFED 9964Ba 00G000

In this case, the program should recognize the only valid colors provided were:

The program can be compiled using the command:
g++ main.cpp --std=c++17 -o Palette

Or to compile and run it with the above test data, invoke `sh test_runner.sh`

## Getting Started

If you don't already have the `cpp-container built, do so with the command:

docker build -t cpp-container .

Once built, run the image:

docker run -it cpp-container

...or run it interactively in a shell:

docker run -it cpp-container sh

...or run it with a volume mounted to the current source code:

docker run -v "$(pwd)":/usr/src -it cpp-container