Simple API Helper package for Quran API,
Quran API Helper is a library package for PHP developers, it fetches the requested data from API and brings you it in an array, this package also includes a caching system it caches all the requested data and boosts the speed, decreases the deley time.
- PHP 5.6+
- cUrl enabled
It's recommended that you use Composer to install it.
composer require quran/quran
This will install Quran.come API Helper module and all the dependencies needed.
Main API is written in Ruby.
Find the documents about main API here.
Here's a basic usage example:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$quran = new \Quran\Quran([
'cache' => __DIR__ . '/cache',
Options means getting list of the recitations, translations, languages or tafsirs.
// List of recitations
// List of translations
// List of languages
// List of tafsirs
You can search for a keyword in Quran.
'query' => 'adam', // Keyword
'size' => 20, // Number of items - OPTIONAL - default: 20
'page' => 0, // Number of items per page for pagination - OPTIONAL - default: 0
You send custom queries to the API, by providing path and http query.
$quran->get('/chapters/1/verses', 'language=en&recitation=2'); // 2nd Parameter is optional
Fetches short information about chapter given, fetches about all if null.
$quran->chapter(1,'about'); // 1st Parameter is optional
$quran->chapter('about'); // 2nd Parameter is must
Fetches detailed information about chapter given, doesn't fetches for all chapters at once
$quran->chapter(1, 'info');
Fetches the verses of a chapter provided.
$quran->chapter(69)->verse(); // Fetches first 10 verses of given chapter
$quran->chapter(69)->verse([ // Fetches all the 52 verses of the chapter 69
'offset' => 1, // Starting verse
'limit' => 52, // How many verses - OPTIONAL - default: 10
$quran->chapter(69)->verse([ // Fetches 11 - 20 verses of the chapter
'page' => 2 // There is 10 verses in each page
// Advance usage
// You don't need these to provide each time you can set
// them at once in top when instantiating the API Helper.
'language' => 'en', // language - default: en
'recitation' => 1, // recitation - default: 1
'translations' => [21, 54, 40], // translations - default: 21
'text_type' => 'image', // text type - default: text
$verses = $quran->chapter(69)->verse(['page' => 1],[ // Gets what you want, just add the parameters
'image' => 'url',
'audio' => 'url',
'translations' => ['text', 'language_name'],
foreach($verses as $verse){
echo '<pre>', print_r($verse, true), '</pre>';
Fetches you the tafsir of the verse of a chapter given, only 1 verse tafsir on each request.
Gets the tafsir of a verse of chapter, by default gets all the tafsir if you want the specific one just provide the parameter inside tafsir method otherwise leave it blank it will fetch all the available tafsirs.
$quran->chapter(114, 6)->tafsir(16);
Example of a beautiful usage
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$quran = new \Quran\Quran([
'cache' => __DIR__ . '/cache',
'language' => 'en',
'recitation' => 1,
'translations' => [21, 54, 40],
'tafsirs' => [16, 17],
'text_type' => 'image',
$verses = $quran->chapter(1)->verse(['page' => 1], [
'image' => 'url',
'audio' => 'url',
'translations' => 'text',
foreach ($verses as $verse) {
echo <<<EOT
<img src="{$verse['image_url']}">
<audio controls><source src="{$verse['audio_url']}" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
By calling cache method you see what files are cached, the date created and all the info. cache must be enable.
echo $quran->cache();