diff --git a/ehrapy/tools/__init__.py b/ehrapy/tools/__init__.py
index 1a32548f..ecd17743 100644
--- a/ehrapy/tools/__init__.py
+++ b/ehrapy/tools/__init__.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 from ehrapy.tools.nlp._hpo import HPOMapper
-    from ehrapy.tools.nlp._medcat import MedCAT
+    from ehrapy.tools.nlp._medcat import *  # noqa: E402,F403
 except ImportError:
 from ehrapy.tools.nlp._translators import Translator
diff --git a/ehrapy/tools/nlp/_medcat.py b/ehrapy/tools/nlp/_medcat.py
index c6bdc0dc..1857bcf0 100644
--- a/ehrapy/tools/nlp/_medcat.py
+++ b/ehrapy/tools/nlp/_medcat.py
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 from ehrapy import settings
 from ehrapy.core.tool_available import check_module_importable
+# TODO: State in docs those models are only needed when not using a model pack (cdb and vocab separatly)
+# so this check can be removed
 spacy_models_modules: list[str] = list(map(lambda model: model.replace("-", "_"), ["en-core-web-md"]))
 for model in spacy_models_modules:
     if not check_module_importable(model):
@@ -30,6 +33,7 @@
+# TODO: Discuss this could be used as a custom class for results
 class AnnotationResult:
     all_medcat_annotation_results: list | None
@@ -49,320 +53,192 @@ def __init__(self, vocabulary: Vocab = None, concept_db: CDB = None, model_pack_
         elif model_pack_path is not None:
             self.cat = CAT.load_model_pack(model_pack_path)
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_vocabulary(vocabulary_data: str, replace: bool = True) -> Vocab:
-        """Creates a MedCAT Vocab and sets it for the MedCAT object.
+    def update_cat(self, vocabulary: Vocab = None, concept_db: CDB = None):
+        """Updates the current MedCAT instance with new Vocabularies and Concept Databases.
-            vocabulary_data: Path to the vocabulary data.
-                             It is a tsv file and must look like:
-                             <token>\t<word_count>\t<vector_embedding_separated_by_spaces>
-                             house    34444     0.3232 0.123213 1.231231
-            replace: Whether to replace existing words in the vocabulary.
-        Returns:
-            Instance of a MedCAT Vocab
+            vocabulary: Vocabulary to update to.
+            concept_db: Concept Database to update to.
-        vocabulary = Vocab()
-        vocabulary.add_words(vocabulary_data, replace=replace)
-        return vocabulary
+        self.cat = CAT(cdb=concept_db, config=concept_db.config, vocab=vocabulary)
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_concept_db(csv_path: list[str], config: Config = None) -> CDB:
-        """Creates a MedCAT concept database and sets it for the MedCAT object.
+    def update_cat_config(self, concept_db_config: Config) -> None:
+        """Updates the MedCAT configuration.
-            csv_path: List of paths to one or more csv files containing all concepts.
-                      The concept csvs must look like:
-                      cui,name
-                      1,kidney failure
-                      7,coronavirus
-            config: Optional MedCAT concept database configuration.
-                    If not provided a default configuration with config.general['spacy_model'] = 'en_core_sci_md' is created.
-        Returns:
-            Instance of a MedCAT CDB concept database
+            concept_db_config: Concept to update to.
-        if config is None:
-            config = Config()
-            config.general["spacy_model"] = "en_core_sci_md"
-        maker = CDBMaker(config)
-        concept_db = maker.prepare_csvs(csv_path, full_build=True)
+        self.concept_db.config = concept_db_config
-        return concept_db
+    def set_filter_by_tui(self, tuis: list[str] | None = None):
+        """Restrict results of annotation step to certain tui's (type unique identifiers).
+        Note that this will change the MedCat object by updating the concept database config. In every annotation
+        process that will be run afterwards, entities are shown, only if they fall into the tui's type.
+        A full list of tui's can be found at: https://lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/ii/tools/MetaMap/Docs/SemanticTypes_2018AB.txt
-    def save_vocabulary(self, output_path: str) -> None:
-        """Saves a MedCAT vocabulary.
+        As an exmaple:
+        Setting tuis=["T047", "T048"] will only annotate concepts (identified by a CUI (concept unique identifier)) in UMLS that are either diseases or
+        syndroms (T047) or mental/behavioural dysfunctions (T048). This is the default value.
-            output_path: Path to write the vocabulary to.
-        """
-        self.vocabulary.save(output_path)
-    def load_vocabulary(self, vocabulary_path) -> Vocab:
-        """Loads a MedCAT vocabulary.
-        Args:
-            vocabulary_path: Path to load the vocabulary from.
-        """
-        self.vocabulary = Vocab.load(vocabulary_path)
-        return self.vocabulary
-    def save_concept_db(self, output_path: str) -> None:
-        """Saves a MedCAT concept database.
+            tuis: list of TUI's
+        Returns:
-        Args:
-            output_path: Path to save the concept database to.
-        self.concept_db.save(output_path)
-    def load_concept_db(self, concept_db_path) -> CDB:
-        """Loads the concept database.
+        if tuis is None:
+            tuis = ['T047', 'T048']
+        # the filtered cui's that fall into the type of the filter tui's
+        cui_filters = set()
+        for type_id in tuis:
+            cui_filters.update(self.cat.cdb.addl_info['type_id2cuis'][type_id])
+        self.cat.cdb.config.linking['filters']['cuis'] = cui_filters
-        Args:
-            concept_db_path: Path to load the concept database from.
-        """
-        self.concept_db = CDB.load(concept_db_path)
-        return self.concept_db
+def create_vocabulary(vocabulary_data: str, replace: bool = True) -> Vocab:
+    """Creates a MedCAT Vocab and sets it for the MedCAT object.
-    def load_model_pack(self, model_pack_path) -> None:
-        """Loads a MedCAt model pack.
+    Args:
+        vocabulary_data: Path to the vocabulary data.
+                         It is a tsv file and must look like:
-        Updates the MedCAT object.
+                         <token>\t<word_count>\t<vector_embedding_separated_by_spaces>
+                         house    34444     0.3232 0.123213 1.231231
+        replace: Whether to replace existing words in the vocabulary.
-        Args:
-            model_pack_path: Path to save the model from.
-        """
-        self.cat.load_model_pack(model_pack_path)
+    Returns:
+        Instance of a MedCAT Vocab
+    """
+    vocabulary = Vocab()
+    vocabulary.add_words(vocabulary_data, replace=replace)
-    def update_cat(self, vocabulary: Vocab = None, concept_db: CDB = None):
-        """Updates the current MedCAT instance with new Vocabularies and Concept Databases.
+    return vocabulary
-        Args:
-            vocabulary: Vocabulary to update to.
-            concept_db: Concept Database to update to.
-        """
-        self.cat = CAT(cdb=concept_db, config=concept_db.config, vocab=vocabulary)
-    def update_cat_config(self, concept_db_config: Config) -> None:
-        """Updates the MedCAT configuration.
+def create_concept_db(csv_path: list[str], config: Config = None) -> CDB:
+    """Creates a MedCAT concept database and sets it for the MedCAT object.
-        Args:
-            concept_db_config: Concept to update to.
-        """
-        self.concept_db.config = concept_db_config
+    Args:
+        csv_path: List of paths to one or more csv files containing all concepts.
+                  The concept csvs must look like:
-    def extract_entities_text(self, text: str) -> Doc:
-        """Extracts entities for a provided text.
+                  cui,name
+                  1,kidney failure
+                  7,coronavirus
+        config: Optional MedCAT concept database configuration.
+                If not provided a default configuration with config.general['spacy_model'] = 'en_core_sci_md' is created.
+    Returns:
+        Instance of a MedCAT CDB concept database
+    """
+    if config is None:
+        config = Config()
+        config.general["spacy_model"] = "en_core_sci_md"
+    maker = CDBMaker(config)
+    concept_db = maker.prepare_csvs(csv_path, full_build=True)
-        Args:
-            text: The text to extract entities from
+    return concept_db
-        Returns:
-            A spacy Doc instance. Extract the entities using. doc.ents
-        """
-        return self.cat(text)
-    def print_cui(self, doc: Doc, table: bool = False) -> None:
-        """Prints the concept unique identifier for all entities.
+def save_vocabulary(vocab: Vocab, output_path: str) -> None:
+    """Saves a vocabulary.
-        Args:
-            doc: A spacy tokens Doc.
-            table: Whether to print a Rich table.
-        """
-        if table:
-            # TODO IMPLEMENT ME
-            pass
-        else:
-            for entity in doc.ents:
-                # TODO make me pretty by ensuring that the lengths before the - token are aligned
-                print(f"[bold blue]{entity} - {entity._.cui}")
+    Args:
+        output_path: Path to write the vocabulary to.
+    """
+    vocab.save(output_path)
-    def print_semantic_type(self, doc: Doc, table: bool = False) -> None:
-        """Prints the semantic types for all entities.
-        Args:
-            doc: A spacy tokens Doc.
-            table: Whether to print a Rich table.
-        """
-        # TODO implement Rich table
-        for ent in doc.ents:
-            print(ent, " - ", self.concept_db.cui2type_ids.get(ent._.cui))
+def load_vocabulary(vocabulary_path) -> Vocab:
+    """Loads a vocabulary.
-    def print_displacy(self, doc: Doc, style: Literal["deb", "ent"] = "ent") -> None:
-        """Prints a Doc with displacy
+    Args:
+        vocabulary_path: Path to load the vocabulary from.
+    """
-        Args:
-            doc: A spacy tokens Doc.
-            style: The Displacy style to render
-        """
-        displacy.render(doc, style=style, jupyter=True)
+    return Vocab.load(vocabulary_path)
-    def run_unsupervised_training(self, text: pd.Series, print_statistics: bool = False) -> None:
-        """Performs MedCAT unsupervised training on a provided text column.
-        Args:
-            text: Pandas Series of text to annotate.
-            print_statistics: Whether to print training statistics after training.
-        """
-        print(f"[bold blue]Training using {len(text)} documents")
-        self.cat.train(text.values, progress_print=100)
+def save_concept_db(cdb, output_path: str) -> None:
+    """Saves a concept database.
-        if print_statistics:
-            self.concept_db.print_stats()
+    Args:
+        output_path: Path to save the concept database to.
+    """
+    cdb.save(output_path)
-    def filter_tui(self, concept_db: CDB, tui_filters: list[str]) -> CDB:
-        """Filters a concept database by semantic types (TUI).
-        Args:
-            concept_db: MedCAT concept database.
-            tui_filters: A list of semantic type filters. Example: T047 Disease or Syndrome -> "T047"
+def load_concept_db(concept_db_path) -> CDB:
+    """Loads the concept database.
-        Returns:
-            A filtered MedCAT concept database.
-        """
-        # TODO Figure out a way not to do this inplace and add an inplace parameter
-        cui_filters = set()
-        for tui in tui_filters:
-            cui_filters.update(concept_db.addl_info["type_id2cuis"][tui])
-        concept_db.config.linking["filters"]["cuis"] = cui_filters
-        print(f"[bold blue]The size of the concept database is now: {len(cui_filters)}")
-        return concept_db
-    def annotate(
-        self,
-        data: np.ndarray | pd.Series,
-        batch_size_chars=500000,
-        min_text_length=5,
-        n_jobs: int = settings.n_jobs,
-    ) -> AnnotationResult:
-        """Annotates a set of texts.
+    Args:
+        concept_db_path: Path to load the concept database from.
+    """
-        Args:
-            data: Text data to annotate.
-            batch_size_chars: Batch size in number of characters
-            min_text_length: Minimum text length
-            n_jobs: Number of parallel processes
+    return CDB.load(concept_db_path)
-        Returns:
-            A dictionary: {id: doc_json, id2: doc_json2, ...}, in case out_split_size is used
-            the last batch will be returned while that and all previous batches will be written to disk (out_save_dir).
-        """
-        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
-            data = pd.Series(data)
-        data = data[data.apply(lambda word: len(str(word)) > min_text_length)]
+def save_model_pack(ep_cat: MedCAT, model_pack_dir: str = ".", name: str = "ehrapy_medcat_model_pack") -> None:
+    """Saves a MedCAT model pack.
-        cui_location: dict = {}  # CUI to a list of documents where it appears
-        type_ids_location = {}  # TUI to a list of documents where it appears
+    Args:
+        ep_cat: ehrapy's custom MedCAT object whose model should be saved
+        model_pack_dir: Path to save the model to (defaults to current working directory).
+        name: Name of the new model pack
+    """
+    # TODO Pathing is weird here (home/myname/...) will fo example create dir myname inside home inside the cwd instead of using the path
+    _ = ep_cat.cat.create_model_pack(model_pack_dir + name)
-        batch: list = []
-        with Progress(
-            "[progress.description]{task.description}",
-            SpinnerColumn(),
-        ) as progress:
-            progress.add_task("[red]Annotating...")
-            for text_id, text in data.iteritems():  # type: ignore
-                batch.append((text_id, text))
-            results = self.cat.multiprocessing(batch, batch_size_chars=batch_size_chars, nproc=n_jobs)
+def run_unsupervised_training(ep_cat: MedCAT, text: pd.Series, progress_print: int = 100, print_statistics: bool = False) -> None:
+    """Performs MedCAT unsupervised training on a provided text column.
-            for doc in list(results.keys()):
-                for annotation in list(results[doc]["entities"].values()):
-                    if annotation["cui"] in cui_location:
-                        cui_location[annotation["cui"]].append(doc)
-                    else:
-                        cui_location[annotation["cui"]] = [doc]
+    Args:
+        ep_cat: ehrapy's custom MedCAT object, that keeps track of the vocab, concept database and the (annotated) results
+        text: Pandas Series of (free) text to annotate.
+        progress_print: print progress after that many training documents
+        print_statistics: Whether to print training statistics after training.
+    """
+    print(f"[bold blue]Running unsupervised training using {len(text)} documents.")
+    ep_cat.cat.train(text.values, progress_print=progress_print)
-            for cui in cui_location.keys():
-                type_ids_location[list(self.cat.cdb.cui2type_ids[cui])[0]] = cui_location[cui]
+    if print_statistics:
+        ep_cat.cat.cdb.print_stats()
-            patient_to_entities: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
-            for patient_id, findings in results.items():
-                entities = []
-                for _, result in findings["entities"].items():
-                    entities.append(result["pretty_name"])
-                patient_to_entities[patient_id] = entities
+def annotate_text(ep_cat: MedCAT, obs: pd.DataFrame, text_column: str, n_proc: int = 2, batch_size_chars: int = 500000) -> None:
+    """Annotate the original free text data. Note this will only annotate non null rows. The result
+    will be a (large) dict containing all the entities extracted from the free text (and in case filtered before via set_filter_by_tui function).
+    This dict will be the base for all further analyses, for example coloring umaps by specific diseases.
-        return AnnotationResult(results, patient_to_entities, cui_location, type_ids_location)
+    Args:
+        ep_cat: Ehrapy's custom MedCAT object
+        obs: AnnData obs containing the free text column
+        text_column: Name of the column that should be annotated
+        n_proc: Number of processors to use
+        batch_size_chars: batch size to control for the variablity between document sizes
-    def calculate_disease_proportions(
-        self, adata: AnnData, cui_locations: dict, subject_id_col="subject_id"
-    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
-        """Calculates the relative proportion of found diseases as percentages.
+    """
+    non_null_text = _filter_null_values(obs, text_column)
+    formatted_text_column = _format_df_column(non_null_text, text_column)
+    results = ep_cat.cat.multiprocessing(formatted_text_column, batch_size_chars=batch_size_chars, nproc=n_proc)
+    # TODO: Discuss: Should we return a brand new custom "result" object here (as this is basically the base for downstream analysis) or
+    # TODO: just add it to the existing ehrapy MedCAT object as the "result" attribute.
+    # for testing and debugging, going with simply returning it
+    return results
-        Args:
-            adata: AnnData object. obs of this object must contain the results.
-            cui_locations: A dictionary containing the found CUIs and their location.
-            subject_id_col: The column header in the data containing the patient/subject IDs.
-        Returns:
-            A Pandas Dataframe containing the disease percentages.
+def _format_df_column(df: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str) -> list[tuple[int, str]]:
+    """Format the df to match: formatted_data = [(row_id, row_text), (row_id, row_text), ...]
+    as this is required by medcat's multiprocessing annotation step
+    """
+    # TODO This can be very memory consuming -> possible to use generators here instead (medcat compatible?)?
+    formatted_data = []
+    for id, row in df.iterrows():
+        text = row[column_name]
+        formatted_data.append((id, text))
+    return formatted_data
-            cui 	nsubjects 	tui 	name 	perc_subjects
-        """
-        cui_subjects: dict[int, list[int]] = {}
-        cui_subjects_unique: dict[int, set[int]] = {}
-        for cui in cui_locations:
-            for location in cui_locations[cui]:
-                # TODO: int casting is required as AnnData requires indices to be str (maybe we can change this) so we dont need type casting here
-                subject_id = adata.obs.iat[int(location), list(adata.obs.columns).index(subject_id_col)]
-                if cui in cui_subjects:
-                    cui_subjects[cui].append(subject_id)
-                    cui_subjects_unique[cui].add(subject_id)
-                else:
-                    cui_subjects[cui] = [subject_id]
-                    cui_subjects_unique[cui] = {subject_id}
-        cui_nsubjects = [("cui", "nsubjects")]
-        for cui in cui_subjects_unique.keys():
-            cui_nsubjects.append((cui, len(cui_subjects_unique[cui])))  # type: ignore
-        df_cui_nsubjects = pd.DataFrame(cui_nsubjects[1:], columns=cui_nsubjects[0])
-        df_cui_nsubjects = df_cui_nsubjects.sort_values("nsubjects", ascending=False)
-        # Add type_ids for each CUI
-        df_cui_nsubjects["type_ids"] = ["unk"] * len(df_cui_nsubjects)
-        cols = list(df_cui_nsubjects.columns)
-        for i in range(len(df_cui_nsubjects)):
-            cui = df_cui_nsubjects.iat[i, cols.index("cui")]
-            type_ids = self.cat.cdb.cui2type_ids.get(cui, "unk")
-            df_cui_nsubjects.iat[i, cols.index("type_ids")] = type_ids
-        # Add name for each CUI
-        df_cui_nsubjects["name"] = ["unk"] * len(df_cui_nsubjects)
-        cols = list(df_cui_nsubjects.columns)
-        for i in range(len(df_cui_nsubjects)):
-            cui = df_cui_nsubjects.iat[i, cols.index("cui")]
-            name = self.cat.cdb.cui2preferred_name.get(cui, "unk")
-            df_cui_nsubjects.iat[i, cols.index("name")] = name
-        # Add the percentage column
-        total_subjects = len(adata.obs[subject_id_col].unique())
-        df_cui_nsubjects["perc_subjects"] = (df_cui_nsubjects["nsubjects"] / total_subjects) * 100
-        df_cui_nsubjects.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
-        return df_cui_nsubjects
-    def plot_top_diseases(self, df_cui_nsubjects: pd.DataFrame, top_diseases: int = 30) -> None:
-        """Plots the top n (default: 30) found diseases.
-        Args:
-            df_cui_nsubjects: Pandas DataFrame containing the determined annotations.
-            top_diseases: Number of top diseases to plot
-        """
-        warnings.warn("This function will be moved and likely removed in a future version!", FutureWarning)
-        # TODO this should ideally be drawn with a Scanpy plot or something
-        # TODO Needs more options such as saving etc
-        sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize": (5, 12)}, style="whitegrid", palette="pastel")
-        f, ax = plt.subplots()
-        _data = df_cui_nsubjects.iloc[0:top_diseases]
-        sns.barplot(x="perc_subjects", y="name", data=_data, label="Disorder Name", color="b")
-        _ = ax.set(xlim=(0, 70), ylabel="Disease Name", xlabel="Percentage of patients with disease")
-        plt.show()
+def _filter_null_values(df: pd.DataFrame, column: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """Filter null values of a given column and return that column without the null values
+    """
+    return pd.DataFrame(df[column][~df[column].isnull()])