These are my dotfiles. There are many like them, but these ones are mine.
Config is used on Ubuntu 22.04.3 and Fedora.
- Window Manager: i3
- Terminal: Kitty (catppuccin-mocha theme)
- Terminal multiplexer: tmux
- Shell: zsh
- Text editor: Neovim (based on LazyVim, using catppuccin-mocha theme)
- Application launcher: rofi
- Bar: polybar
Sway and Waybar not actively used due to issues with screensharing in Zoom.
Other useful terminal applications
Applications below may be required by neovim plugins. Run :checkhealth
to confirm.
- fzf (improve terminal ctrl+r, ctrl+t, alt+c)
- ripgrep/rg (alternative to grep)
- fdfind (alternative to find)
- lazydocker (docker) [ld]
- lazygit (git) [lg]
- nethogs (network monitoring)
- pass (password manager)
- eza (replaces ls)
- btop (replaces top)
- bat (replaces cat)
- [sysz]( (fzf terminal ui for systemctl)