<!-- Don't edit this file by hand. See CONTRIBUTING.md. --> # Awesome CMS [![Awesome][awesome-image]][awesome-repo] A collection of **{{cmsCount}}** open and closed source Content Management Systems (CMS) for your perusal. Check out [the blog post][] on the creation of Awesome CMS. _Last generated on {{generationTime}}. See [CONTRIBUTING.md](/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on generation and contribution._ {{#each tocEntries}} - [{{text}}](#{{anchor}}) {{/each}} **Key** | Emoji | Meaning | | ---------------------- | ---------------- | | :octocat: | GitHub Repo | | :globe_with_meridians: | Official Website | | :sunglasses: | Awesome List | | ⓘ | Last Commit Date | {{#each cmsGroups}} ## {{name}} <table> <thead> <tr> {{#each headerColumns}} <th>{{this}}</th> {{/each}} </tr> </thead> <tbody> {{#each cmses}} <tr> <td width="240"> <div> <b>{{name}}</b> </div> <div> {{#if githubURL}} <a href="{{githubURL}}" title="GitHub Repo"> :octocat: </a> {{/if}} {{#if url}} <a href="{{url}}" title="Website for {{name}}"> :globe_with_meridians: </a> {{/if}} {{#if awesomeURL}} <a href="{{awesomeURL}}" title="Awesome List for {{name}}"> :sunglasses: </a> {{/if}} </div> <div> {{#if starCountText}} ★{{starCountText}} {{/if}} {{#if lastCommit}} | {{lastCommit}} <ins title="Last commit on {{lastCommit}}">ⓘ</ins> {{/if}} </div> </td> <td>{{description}}</td> </tr> {{/each}} </tbody> </table> {{/each}} ## Contributors - [Jeremy Mack](https://github.com/mutewinter) - [Paul Ford](https://github.com/ftrain) - [Drew Bell](https://github.com/droob) - [Stefan Grund](https://github.com/stefangrund) - [Phil Wareham](https://github.com/philwareham) - [Odirlei Borgert](https://github.com/odirleiborgert) - [Jack McDade](https://github.com/jackmcdade) - [Randy Oest](https://github.com/amazingrando) - [Nicolas Widart](https://github.com/nWidart) - [Iain K. MacLeod](https://github.com/boostventilator) - [Saint Asky](https://github.com/loongmxbt) - [Kumar Gaurav](https://github.com/kgthegreat) - [Hawken Rives](https://github.com/hawkrives) - [Gilles Bourgeat](https://github.com/gillesbourgeat) - [redaxmedia](https://github.com/redaxmedia) - [Mohammad Faisal](https://github.com/faisalhmohd) - [PitOn](https://github.com/GarPit) ## License MIT, see [LICENSE](/LICENSE) for more details. [awesome-image]: https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg [awesome-repo]: https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome [the blog post]: https://trackchanges.postlight.com/building-awesome-cms-f034344d8ed