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Tim Heuer edited this page Oct 5, 2012 · 1 revision

Frequently Asked Questions

To address some questions in forums, email and issues, I've compiled a list of some FAQ for the reader.

Why does this exist?

When I started creating Windows Store apps I tried to follow the user experience as best I could. Since I wasn't able to submit any apps to the store, I watched those who could and the forums and realized people were struggling with some core concepts that I had solved in my apps. I extracted these concepts into this toolkit.

Why don't these controls/etc exist in Windows?

As with any software development, features get prioritized. Most of the controls in Callisto are able to be created with the primitives provided in XAML. So the framework likely made some decision about priorities at the time.

Yeah, but shouldn't these exist in Windows?


Why don't some of the controls work in Blend?

Frustrating I know. When I released the initial version at BUILD (2011), it was based off of the API at that time. Certain things I did in the code were because APIs weren't finished or I was working around certain things. Either way, people started using it and I couldn't break compatibility.

Why aren't some of your controls flexible?

The goal of this when I set out was to ensure that Callisto UI controls met the Windows UI guidelines for these new 'modern' apps as best they could. Flexible in some areas, but rigid in others. My goal is that in a future release of Windows, some of these controls won't be needed and I'm hoping that there would be a smooth transition. I realize this doesn't satisfy everyone, but the project has goals and I'm just trying to stick to them.

Have you tried [another toolkit]?

Not entirely. I've looked at [another toolkit] most likely. There are some interesting things in [another toolkit] and find some interesting and others not interesting to my needs.

Why should I use Callisto instead of [another toolkit]?

I don't know, depends on what you need. I've tried my best to implement the controls in accordance with the guidelines in all ways.

What does 'Callisto' mean?

Callisto is the largest moon of Jupiter.

Are you making money?

Yes. Oh, you mean from Callisto? No, not at all. I thoroughly enjoy trying to make developers happy in areas where I spend a lot of time. This is my contribution to the community.

Your code sucks in some places.

Well that's mean. I'm one guy, doing my best. If it sucks, can you fix it for me without breaking anything?

Why don't you have [feature X]?

Probably because I don't think [feature X] is appropriate for this toolkit or I haven't found time to finish it. I work full time, have 2 kids and an awesome wife. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit.

Can I donate to Callisto?

Well, you'd really be donating to my bad eating habits and fetish for micro brew root beer instead of to the project. I appreciate the offer, but it isn't necessary (and won't make bugs get fixed any faster). But if you insist, my email is my paypal :-).