Note: This theme requires burodepeper's Markdown Grammar package.
This is an Atom theme that addresses my own preferences for writing Markdown-based prose. In particular it:
- Indents lists, gives list indicators a blue hue, and differentiates list text color from body text color;
- Uses a light font weight;
- Bolds headings; and
- presents a blue-on-blue font/background combination for block quote elements.
This style mostly adheres to my preferences for writing, but there are more changes I want to make (especially after I write with this theme for a while). Currently, I've only looked at this for Markdown; I'll work on other syntaxes as I need to. But it was difficult to find a Markdown-based syntax theme that worked for me, so this is an attempt to solve the problem in a way that best meets my needs and preferences.
"and your heart's a thousand colors / but they're all shades of blue"