diff --git a/src/iisnode/cmoduleconfiguration.cpp b/src/iisnode/cmoduleconfiguration.cpp
index a01ea031..826fe633 100644
--- a/src/iisnode/cmoduleconfiguration.cpp
+++ b/src/iisnode/cmoduleconfiguration.cpp
@@ -690,39 +690,11 @@ HRESULT CModuleConfiguration::ApplyConfigOverrideKeyValue(IHttpContext* context,
else if (0 == strcmpi(keyStart, "nodeProcessCommandLine"))
- if (config->nodeProcessCommandLine)
- {
- delete [] config->nodeProcessCommandLine;
- config->nodeProcessCommandLine = NULL;
- }
- ErrorIf(NULL == (config->nodeProcessCommandLine = new char[MAX_PATH]), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
- if (valueStart)
- {
- strcpy(config->nodeProcessCommandLine, valueStart);
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(config->nodeProcessCommandLine, "");
- }
+ CheckError(GetString(valueStart, &config->nodeProcessCommandLine));
else if (0 == strcmpi(keyStart, "interceptor"))
- if (config->interceptor)
- {
- delete [] config->interceptor;
- config->interceptor = NULL;
- }
- ErrorIf(NULL == (config->interceptor = new char[MAX_PATH]), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
- if (valueStart)
- {
- strcpy(config->interceptor, valueStart);
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(config->interceptor, "");
- }
+ CheckError(GetString(valueStart, &config->interceptor));
return S_OK;
@@ -1036,7 +1008,6 @@ HRESULT CModuleConfiguration::GetConfig(IHttpContext* context, CModuleConfigurat
CModuleConfiguration* c = NULL;
IAppHostElement* section = NULL;
- LPWSTR commandLine = NULL;
size_t i;
@@ -1074,28 +1045,14 @@ HRESULT CModuleConfiguration::GetConfig(IHttpContext* context, CModuleConfigurat
CheckError(GetBOOL(section, L"enableXFF", &c->enableXFF));
CheckError(GetString(section, L"promoteServerVars", &c->promoteServerVarsRaw));
CheckError(GetString(section, L"configOverrides", &c->configOverrides));
+ CheckError(GetString(section, L"nodeProcessCommandLine", &c->nodeProcessCommandLine));
+ CheckError(GetString(section, L"interceptor", &c->interceptor));
// debuggerPathSegment
CheckError(GetString(section, L"debuggerPathSegment", &c->debuggerPathSegment));
c->debuggerPathSegmentLength = wcslen(c->debuggerPathSegment);
- // nodeProcessCommandLine
- CheckError(GetString(section, L"nodeProcessCommandLine", &commandLine));
- ErrorIf(NULL == (c->nodeProcessCommandLine = new char[MAX_PATH]), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
- ErrorIf(0 != wcstombs_s(&i, c->nodeProcessCommandLine, (size_t)MAX_PATH, commandLine, _TRUNCATE), ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- delete [] commandLine;
- commandLine = NULL;
- // interceptor
- CheckError(GetString(section, L"interceptor", &commandLine));
- ErrorIf(NULL == (c->interceptor = new char[MAX_PATH]), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
- ErrorIf(0 != wcstombs_s(&i, c->interceptor, (size_t)MAX_PATH, commandLine, _TRUNCATE), ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- delete [] commandLine;
- commandLine = NULL;
// apply config setting overrides from the optional YAML configuration file
CheckError(CModuleConfiguration::ApplyYamlConfigOverrides(context, c));
@@ -1129,12 +1086,6 @@ HRESULT CModuleConfiguration::GetConfig(IHttpContext* context, CModuleConfigurat
section = NULL;
- if (NULL != commandLine)
- {
- delete [] commandLine;
- commandLine = NULL;
- }
if (NULL != c)
delete c;
@@ -1164,12 +1115,12 @@ DWORD CModuleConfiguration::GetNodeProcessCountPerApplication(IHttpContext* ctx)
-LPCTSTR CModuleConfiguration::GetNodeProcessCommandLine(IHttpContext* ctx)
+LPWSTR CModuleConfiguration::GetNodeProcessCommandLine(IHttpContext* ctx)
-LPCTSTR CModuleConfiguration::GetInterceptor(IHttpContext* ctx)
+LPWSTR CModuleConfiguration::GetInterceptor(IHttpContext* ctx)
diff --git a/src/iisnode/cmoduleconfiguration.h b/src/iisnode/cmoduleconfiguration.h
index d5ca2459..a7f75626 100644
--- a/src/iisnode/cmoduleconfiguration.h
+++ b/src/iisnode/cmoduleconfiguration.h
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ class CModuleConfiguration : public IHttpStoredContext
DWORD asyncCompletionThreadCount;
DWORD nodeProcessCountPerApplication;
- LPTSTR nodeProcessCommandLine;
- LPTSTR interceptor;
+ LPWSTR nodeProcessCommandLine;
+ LPWSTR interceptor;
DWORD maxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess;
DWORD maxNamedPipeConnectionRetry;
DWORD namedPipeConnectionRetryDelay;
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ class CModuleConfiguration : public IHttpStoredContext
static DWORD GetAsyncCompletionThreadCount(IHttpContext* ctx);
static DWORD GetNodeProcessCountPerApplication(IHttpContext* ctx);
- static LPCTSTR GetNodeProcessCommandLine(IHttpContext* ctx);
- static LPCTSTR GetInterceptor(IHttpContext* ctx);
+ static LPWSTR GetNodeProcessCommandLine(IHttpContext* ctx);
+ static LPWSTR GetInterceptor(IHttpContext* ctx);
static DWORD GetMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess(IHttpContext* ctx);
static DWORD GetMaxNamedPipeConnectionRetry(IHttpContext* ctx);
static DWORD GetNamedPipeConnectionRetryDelay(IHttpContext* ctx);
diff --git a/src/iisnode/cnodeprocess.cpp b/src/iisnode/cnodeprocess.cpp
index f4d06965..7be1637b 100644
--- a/src/iisnode/cnodeprocess.cpp
+++ b/src/iisnode/cnodeprocess.cpp
@@ -45,20 +45,18 @@ HRESULT CNodeProcess::Initialize(IHttpContext* context)
UUID uuid;
RPC_CSTR suuid = NULL;
- LPTSTR fullCommandLine = NULL;
- LPCTSTR coreCommandLine;
- LPCTSTR interceptor;
+ LPWSTR fullCommandLine = NULL;
+ LPCWSTR coreCommandLine;
+ LPCWSTR interceptor;
PCWSTR scriptName;
- size_t coreCommandLineLength, scriptNameLength, scriptNameLengthW, interceptorLength;
PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation;
DWORD exitCode = S_OK;
LPCH newEnvironment = NULL;
DWORD flags;
PWSTR currentDirectory = NULL;
- PSTR currentDirectoryA = NULL;
+ PWSTR scriptTranslated = NULL;
DWORD currentDirectorySize = 0;
- DWORD currentDirectorySizeA = 0;
CNodeApplication* app = this->GetProcessManager()->GetApplication();
RtlZeroMemory(&processInformation, sizeof processInformation);
@@ -80,53 +78,44 @@ HRESULT CNodeProcess::Initialize(IHttpContext* context)
// build the full command line for the node.js process
interceptor = CModuleConfiguration::GetInterceptor(context);
- interceptorLength = strlen(interceptor);
coreCommandLine = CModuleConfiguration::GetNodeProcessCommandLine(context);
scriptName = this->GetProcessManager()->GetApplication()->GetScriptName();
- coreCommandLineLength = _tcslen(coreCommandLine);
- scriptNameLengthW = wcslen(scriptName) + 1;
- ErrorIf(0 != wcstombs_s(&scriptNameLength, NULL, 0, scriptName, _TRUNCATE), ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE);
// allocate memory for command line to allow for debugging options plus interceptor plus spaces and enclosing the script name in quotes
- ErrorIf(NULL == (fullCommandLine = new TCHAR[coreCommandLineLength + interceptorLength + scriptNameLength + 256]), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
- _tcscpy(fullCommandLine, coreCommandLine);
- DWORD offset = 0;
+ ErrorIf(NULL == (fullCommandLine = new WCHAR[wcslen(coreCommandLine) + wcslen(interceptor) + wcslen(scriptName) + 256]), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
+ wcscpy(fullCommandLine, coreCommandLine);
// add debug options
if (app->IsDebuggee())
- char buffer[64];
+ WCHAR buffer[64];
if (ND_DEBUG_BRK == app->GetDebugCommand())
- sprintf(buffer, " --debug-brk=%d ", app->GetDebugPort());
+ swprintf(buffer, L" --debug-brk=%d ", app->GetDebugPort());
else if (ND_DEBUG == app->GetDebugCommand())
- sprintf(buffer, " --debug=%d ", app->GetDebugPort());
+ swprintf(buffer, L" --debug=%d ", app->GetDebugPort());
- _tcscat(fullCommandLine, buffer);
- offset += strlen(buffer);
+ wcscat(fullCommandLine, buffer);
if (!app->IsDebugger())
// add interceptor
- _tcscat(fullCommandLine, _T(" "));
- offset += 1;
- _tcscat(fullCommandLine, interceptor);
- offset += interceptorLength;
+ wcscat(fullCommandLine, L" ");
+ wcscat(fullCommandLine, interceptor);
// add application entry point
- _tcscat(fullCommandLine, _T(" \""));
- offset += 2;
- ErrorIf(0 != wcstombs_s(&scriptNameLength, fullCommandLine + coreCommandLineLength + offset, scriptNameLength, scriptName, _TRUNCATE), ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE);
- _tcscat(fullCommandLine, _T("\""));
+ wcscat(fullCommandLine, L" \"");
+ wcscat(fullCommandLine, scriptName);
+ wcscat(fullCommandLine, L"\"");
// create the environment block for the node.js process
@@ -139,18 +128,17 @@ HRESULT CNodeProcess::Initialize(IHttpContext* context)
// establish the current directory for node.exe process to be the same as the location of the application *.js file
// (in case of the debugger process, it is still the debuggee application file)
- currentDirectory = (PWSTR)context->GetScriptTranslated(¤tDirectorySize);
- while (currentDirectorySize && currentDirectory[currentDirectorySize] != L'\\' && currentDirectory[currentDirectorySize] != L'/')
+ scriptTranslated = (PWSTR)context->GetScriptTranslated(¤tDirectorySize);
+ while (currentDirectorySize && scriptTranslated[currentDirectorySize] != L'\\' && scriptTranslated[currentDirectorySize] != L'/')
- ErrorIf(0 == (currentDirectorySizeA = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, currentDirectory, currentDirectorySize, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)), E_FAIL);
- ErrorIf(NULL == (currentDirectoryA = new char[currentDirectorySize + 1]), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
- ErrorIf(currentDirectorySizeA != WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, currentDirectory, currentDirectorySize, currentDirectoryA, currentDirectorySizeA, NULL, NULL), E_FAIL);
- currentDirectoryA[currentDirectorySizeA] = '\0';
+ ErrorIf(NULL == (currentDirectory = new WCHAR[wcslen(scriptTranslated) + 1]), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
+ wcscpy(currentDirectory, scriptTranslated);
+ currentDirectory[currentDirectorySize] = L'\0';
// create startup info for the node.js process
RtlZeroMemory(&this->startupInfo, sizeof this->startupInfo);
- GetStartupInfo(&startupInfo);
+ GetStartupInfoW(&startupInfo);
// create process watcher thread in a suspended state
@@ -172,7 +160,7 @@ HRESULT CNodeProcess::Initialize(IHttpContext* context)
- if(!CreateProcess(
+ if(!CreateProcessW(
@@ -180,7 +168,7 @@ HRESULT CNodeProcess::Initialize(IHttpContext* context)
- currentDirectoryA,
+ currentDirectory,
@@ -211,8 +199,8 @@ HRESULT CNodeProcess::Initialize(IHttpContext* context)
// clean up
- delete [] currentDirectoryA;
- currentDirectoryA = NULL;
+ delete [] currentDirectory;
+ currentDirectory = NULL;
delete [] newEnvironment;
newEnvironment = NULL;
delete [] fullCommandLine;
@@ -245,10 +233,10 @@ HRESULT CNodeProcess::Initialize(IHttpContext* context)
L"iisnode failed to initialize a new node.exe process", WINEVENT_LEVEL_ERROR);
- if (currentDirectoryA)
+ if (currentDirectory)
- delete [] currentDirectoryA;
- currentDirectoryA = NULL;
+ delete [] currentDirectory;
+ currentDirectory = NULL;
if (suuid != NULL)
diff --git a/src/iisnode/cnodeprocess.h b/src/iisnode/cnodeprocess.h
index 14ec87b3..95eb7f63 100644
--- a/src/iisnode/cnodeprocess.h
+++ b/src/iisnode/cnodeprocess.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class CNodeProcess
HANDLE processWatcher;
DWORD maxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess;
BOOL isClosing;
- STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
+ STARTUPINFOW startupInfo;
BOOL hasProcessExited;
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
CConnectionPool connectionPool;
diff --git a/src/iisnode/cprotocolbridge.cpp b/src/iisnode/cprotocolbridge.cpp
index b2cf4b9e..ba535c29 100644
--- a/src/iisnode/cprotocolbridge.cpp
+++ b/src/iisnode/cprotocolbridge.cpp
@@ -160,25 +160,12 @@ BOOL CProtocolBridge::SendIisnodeError(IHttpContext* httpCtx, HRESULT hr)
- LPCTSTR commandLine = CModuleConfiguration::GetNodeProcessCommandLine(httpCtx);
- char* errorMessage;
- if (NULL == (errorMessage = (char*)httpCtx->AllocateRequestMemory(strlen(commandLine) + 512)))
- {
- errorMessage =
+ char* errorMessage =
"The iisnode module is unable to start the node.exe process. Make sure the node.exe executable is available "
"at the location specified in the "
"system.webServer/iisnode/@nodeProcessCommandLine element of web.config. "
"By default node.exe is expected to be installed in %ProgramFiles%\\nodejs folder on x86 systems and "
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\nodejs folder on x64 systems.";
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(errorMessage,
- "The iisnode module is unable to start the node.exe process. Make sure the node.exe executable is available "
- "at the location specified in the "
- "system.webServer/iisnode/@nodeProcessCommandLine element of web.config. "
- "The command line iisnode attempted to run was:
%s", commandLine);
- }