#!/bin/sh # Install slurp: https://github.com/naelstrof/slurp # pacman -S slurp # Run this like: ./screenshot [-d] [file] # -d Include window decorations SCREENSHOT_DIR="$HOME/media/screenshots" if ! which slurp 2>&1 > /dev/null then echo "slurp not installed" exit 1 fi FILTER="\(.rect.x + .window_rect.x),\(.rect.y + .window_rect.y) \(.window_rect.width)x\(.window_rect.height)" if [ "$1" = "-d" ] then FILTER="\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y - .deco_rect.height) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height + .deco_rect.height)" shift fi # Returns a list of open windows for slurp get_windows() { swaymsg --type get_tree | jq --raw-output " [recurse(.nodes[]) | (.nodes[], .floating_nodes[])] | map(select((.type == \"con\" or .type == \"floating_con\") and .visible)) | .[] | \"$FILTER\"" } mkdir -p "$SCREENSHOT_DIR" FILENAME="$SCREENSHOT_DIR/$(date -u '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')_screenshot.png" if SELECTION=$(get_windows | slurp) then echo "$SELECTION" | grim -c -g - - else grim -c - fi | tee "$FILENAME" | wl-copy --type 'image/png' echo "$FILENAME"