From 4e8a0f5d915ba0e64aa0de38465cfa8f1ffa5456 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2019 02:08:15 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 01/11] Added pining of external wifi

 scripts/hostapd/install | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/scripts/hostapd/install b/scripts/hostapd/install
index 9a1521024..e1ced7f86 100755
--- a/scripts/hostapd/install
+++ b/scripts/hostapd/install
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ sudo cp "$BASE_DIR/hostapd.service" /etc/systemd/system/hostapd.service
 sudo systemctl daemon-reload
 sudo systemctl enable hostapd.service
 # Find onboard adapter by driver and lock to wlan-ap
 for wlanfile in /sys/class/net/wlan*; do
     wlan="$(basename "$wlanfile")"
@@ -138,11 +139,39 @@ for wlanfile in /sys/class/net/wlan*; do
     driver=$(basename "$driverPath")
 #    mac="$(cat /sys/class/net/$wlan/address)"
     if [[ "$driver" == "xradio_wlan" || "$driver" == "brcm80211" || "$driver" == "brcmfmac" || "$driver" == "rtl8189fs" ]]; then
-        echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS==\"$driver\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"wlan*\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\"" |
+        askModule "WITH_ONBOARD_WIFI" "HostAP - Found an onboard WiFi. Configure it as an Access Point?" "n"
+        if [ "$(checkModule 'WITH_ONBOARD_WIFI')" ]; then
+            echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS==\"$driver\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"wlan*\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\"" |
                 sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
+        fi
+if [ ! "$(checkModule 'WITH_ONBOARD_WIFI')" ]; then
+    askModule "WITH_EXTERNAL_WIFI" "HostAP - Configure External WiFi adapter as an Access Point?" "n"
+if [ "$(checkModule 'WITH_EXTERNAL_WIFI')" ]; then
+    OPTION=""
+    i=0
+    for wlanfile in /sys/class/net/wlan*; do
+        wlan="$(basename "$wlanfile")"        
+        mac="$(cat /sys/class/net/$wlan/address)"
+        i=$((i+1))
+        MAC[$i]=$mac
+        OPTION="${OPTION} \\n $i $mac"
+    done
+    askSelection "Select Adapter MAC to pin" "$OPTION"
+    mac="${MAC[$dialogREPLY]}"
+    if [ -z "$mac" ]; then
+        echo "Error unknown response $dialogREPLY"
+        exit
+    else
+       echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", ATTR{address}==\"$mac\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"wlan*\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\"" |
+          sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
+    fi    
 # dnsmasq for some reason won't bind to the hostapd on Orange Pi, restarting it works
 if ! grep -q dnsmasq /etc/rc.local; then
     sudo sed -i 's/^exit 0/service dnsmasq restart\nexit 0/' /etc/rc.local 

From 9c3ee3cfe4b824beba7cdcf0b83c93cdb606edec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 02:23:28 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 02/11] Added supprot for driver pinning

 scripts/hostapd/install | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/hostapd/install b/scripts/hostapd/install
index e1ced7f86..901b8e287 100755
--- a/scripts/hostapd/install
+++ b/scripts/hostapd/install
@@ -152,23 +152,40 @@ if [ ! "$(checkModule 'WITH_ONBOARD_WIFI')" ]; then
     askModule "WITH_EXTERNAL_WIFI" "HostAP - Configure External WiFi adapter as an Access Point?" "n"
 if [ "$(checkModule 'WITH_EXTERNAL_WIFI')" ]; then
+    askSelection "Pin adapter by" "1 Mac\n2 Driver"
+    pinBy=$dialogREPLY
+    pinByName[1]="Mac"
+    pinByName[2]="Driver"
+    pinBy=${pinByName[$pinBy]}
     for wlanfile in /sys/class/net/wlan*; do
         wlan="$(basename "$wlanfile")"        
         mac="$(cat /sys/class/net/$wlan/address)"
+        driver="$(basename $(readlink /sys/class/net/$wlan/device/driver))"
+        DRIVER[$i]=$driver
-        OPTION="${OPTION} \\n $i $mac"
+        OPTION="${OPTION} \\n $i $mac $driver"
-    askSelection "Select Adapter MAC to pin" "$OPTION"
+    askSelection "Select wireless adapter $pinBy to pin" "$OPTION"
+    driver="${DRIVER[$dialogREPLY]}"
     if [ -z "$mac" ]; then
         echo "Error unknown response $dialogREPLY"
-       echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", ATTR{address}==\"$mac\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"wlan*\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\"" |
-          sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
+       if [[ "$pinBy" == "Mac" ]]; then
+           echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", ATTR{address}==\"$mac\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"wlan*\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\"" |
+              sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
+       fi
+       if [[ "$pinBy" == "Driver" ]]; then
+           echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVER==\"$driver\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"wlan*\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\"" |
+              sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
+       fi

From 357a34dd186267220182cce82aff8aea49fc20e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 02:31:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 03/11] Remove lock for onboard access points only

 scripts/install2 | 12 +-----------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/install2 b/scripts/install2
index 9dfb3fd9a..3c25e4b30 100755
--- a/scripts/install2
+++ b/scripts/install2
@@ -21,29 +21,19 @@ sudo apt-get install -y net-tools || true
 # Get board information and set flags accordingly
-# Flag to identify if board can support on-board AP. Default to false.
 # Flag to identify if board can support on-board hardware watchdog.
 case "$BOARD_MODEL" in
-        # AP is supported if board already supports XRadio
-        if lsmod | grep -q xradio_wlan; then
-            SUPPORT_HOSTAP=true
-        fi
-        SUPPORT_HOSTAP=true
-        SUPPORT_HOSTAP=true
-        # Raspberry Pi 3 has on-board WiFi that can be used as an AP
-        SUPPORT_HOSTAP=true
         # Raspberry Pi 3 has hardware watchdog
@@ -324,7 +314,7 @@ if [ "$(checkModule 'WITH_AD_HOC')" ]; then
 # WiFi Access Point on supported boards
-if [ "$SUPPORT_HOSTAP" == "true" ] && [ "$(checkModule 'WITH_WIFI_AP')" ]; then
+if [ "$(checkModule 'WITH_WIFI_AP')" ]; then
     source hostapd/install

From 304715e2405c462ac9c6b0b86929d36bd28cbced Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 02:51:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 04/11] Added information about hostapd

 docs/ | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index c47ef22af..e572ac584 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ A short summary of each module is directly below. Documentation for specific abi
 | :------------------------------ | :--------------------------------------------- | :---------- |
 | `WITH_MESH_POINT`               | None                                           | Set to `true` if you have a suitable USB WiFi adapter and want to configure it as a 802.11s Mesh Point interface. |
 | `WITH_AD_HOC`                   | None                                           | Set to `true` if you have a suitable USB WiFi adapter and want to configure it as a IBSS Ad-hoc interface. |
-| `WITH_WIFI_AP`                  | None                                           | Set to `true` if you have a Raspberry Pi 3 and want to configure the on-board WiFi as an Access Point. The default configuration routes all traffic to the Ethernet port `eth0`. |
+| `WITH_WIFI_AP`                  | None                                           | Set to `true` if you have a suitable Onboard WIfI adapter or USB WiFi adapter and want to use it as an Access Point. The default configuration routes all traffic to the Ethernet port `eth0`. |
 | `WITH_FIREWALL`                 | None                                           | Set to `true` if you want to enable a basic firewall on your node.|
 | `WITH_CJDNS_IPTUNNEL`           | None                                           | Set to `true` if you want to use the cjdns iptunnel feature to set up an Internet gateway for your node. To configure as a server (exit Internet traffic for other nodes), create **/etc/cjdns.iptunnel.server** containing a newline-separated list of cjdns public keys of allowed clients. To configure as a client (use an exit server to access the Internet), create **/etc/cjdns.iptunnel.client** containing a newline-separated list of cjdns public keys of the gateway servers. You can only configure as one or the other, not both. |
 | `WITH_IPFS`                     | **80**: HTTP-to-IPFS gateway at `/ipfs/HASH`   | Set to `true` if you want to install [IPFS]( |
@@ -82,6 +82,31 @@ Defines the interface AdHoc will run on.
 Value: `interface on system`  
 Default: `The first interface that has a name other than wlan-ap`
+## Hostapd - WITH_WIFI_AP
+Configure hostapd to create an access point over one of the WiFi adapters available. 
+During installation you will be asked to select additional settings.
+### Type of WPA
+Traditional wireless password only encryption. You will be asked for a password as well
+Generates certificates and provides a Login/Password means of authentication. Note you may need to set the invalid CA.
+### WiFi adapter 
+**Onboard Adapter**
+Uses the onboard adapter if available for an Access Point
+**Extneral Adapter**
+Select one of the adapters available on your device to be the Access Point. You can have the system recognize it by Mac address or Driver. 
 Cjdns (Caleb James DeLisle's Network Suite) is a networking protocol and reference implementation. It is founded on the ideology that networks should be easy to set up, protocols should scale smoothly, and security should be built in by default.

From 7b5f0bc4c7e5f8b99a8e84d1c3ffc37016c6eb8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 02:59:20 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 05/11] Corrections and updates

 docs/ | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index e572ac584..5b93c8b06 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ A short summary of each module is directly below. Documentation for specific abi
 | :------------------------------ | :--------------------------------------------- | :---------- |
 | `WITH_MESH_POINT`               | None                                           | Set to `true` if you have a suitable USB WiFi adapter and want to configure it as a 802.11s Mesh Point interface. |
 | `WITH_AD_HOC`                   | None                                           | Set to `true` if you have a suitable USB WiFi adapter and want to configure it as a IBSS Ad-hoc interface. |
-| `WITH_WIFI_AP`                  | None                                           | Set to `true` if you have a suitable Onboard WIfI adapter or USB WiFi adapter and want to use it as an Access Point. The default configuration routes all traffic to the Ethernet port `eth0`. |
+| `WITH_WIFI_AP`                  | None                                           | Set to `true` if you have a suitable Onboard WiFi adapter or USB WiFi adapter and want to use it as an Access Point. The default configuration routes all traffic to the Ethernet port `eth0`. |
 | `WITH_FIREWALL`                 | None                                           | Set to `true` if you want to enable a basic firewall on your node.|
 | `WITH_CJDNS_IPTUNNEL`           | None                                           | Set to `true` if you want to use the cjdns iptunnel feature to set up an Internet gateway for your node. To configure as a server (exit Internet traffic for other nodes), create **/etc/cjdns.iptunnel.server** containing a newline-separated list of cjdns public keys of allowed clients. To configure as a client (use an exit server to access the Internet), create **/etc/cjdns.iptunnel.client** containing a newline-separated list of cjdns public keys of the gateway servers. You can only configure as one or the other, not both. |
 | `WITH_IPFS`                     | **80**: HTTP-to-IPFS gateway at `/ipfs/HASH`   | Set to `true` if you want to install [IPFS]( |
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Value: `interface on system`
 Default: `The first interface that has a name other than wlan-ap`
 ## Hostapd - WITH_WIFI_AP
-Configure hostapd to create an access point over one of the WiFi adapters available. 
+Configure hostapd to create an access point over one of the WiFi adapters available. The selected device will be pinned as `wlan-ap` to prevent run conditions.
 During installation you will be asked to select additional settings.
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ During installation you will be asked to select additional settings.
-Traditional wireless password only encryption. You will be asked for a password as well
+Traditional wireless password only encryption. You will be asked for a password as well.
-Generates certificates and provides a Login/Password means of authentication. Note you may need to set the invalid CA.
+Generates certificates and provides a Login/Password means of authentication. Note you may need to set the invalid CA. You will be asked for a password. The username will be guest. Additional accounts can be made by editing `/etc/hostapd/hostapd.eap_user`.
 ### WiFi adapter 
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Generates certificates and provides a Login/Password means of authentication. No
 Uses the onboard adapter if available for an Access Point
-**Extneral Adapter**
+**External Adapter**
 Select one of the adapters available on your device to be the Access Point. You can have the system recognize it by Mac address or Driver. 

From 116587ca69446be43ca9b8184eea839e2f6d843b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 20:40:24 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 06/11] Removed onboard ap check for hostapd

 scripts/install2 | 4 +---
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/install2 b/scripts/install2
index 3c25e4b30..a2f6d04a5 100755
--- a/scripts/install2
+++ b/scripts/install2
@@ -255,9 +255,7 @@ askModule "WITH_MESH_POINT" "Mesh Point Interface"
 if [ "$WITH_MESH_POINT" == false ]; then
     askModule "WITH_AD_HOC" "Ad-Hoc Interface"
-if [ "$SUPPORT_HOSTAP" == "true" ]; then
-    askModule "WITH_WIFI_AP" "WiFi Access Point"
+askModule "WITH_WIFI_AP" "WiFi Access Point"
 askModule "WITH_FIREWALL" "Basic Firewall"
 askModule "WITH_IPFS" "IPFS"
 if [ "$WITH_IPFS" == true ] && [ "$BOARD_FAMILY" == "Raspberry Pi" ]; then

From 2d1b55cf05f4ea4d455ca1896ec66ce4dd8a5c64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 20:46:29 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 07/11] dont preset WITH_ONBOARD_WIFI

 scripts/hostapd/install | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/scripts/hostapd/install b/scripts/hostapd/install
index 901b8e287..df3ab75ba 100755
--- a/scripts/hostapd/install
+++ b/scripts/hostapd/install
@@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ sudo cp "$BASE_DIR/hostapd.service" /etc/systemd/system/hostapd.service
 sudo systemctl daemon-reload
 sudo systemctl enable hostapd.service
 # Find onboard adapter by driver and lock to wlan-ap
 for wlanfile in /sys/class/net/wlan*; do
     wlan="$(basename "$wlanfile")"
@@ -145,6 +144,8 @@ for wlanfile in /sys/class/net/wlan*; do
             echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS==\"$driver\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"wlan*\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\"" |
                 sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
+    else
+        WITH_ONBOARD_WIFI=false

From b2d17a86cc4b06eb3cc921f7f06e601b7afef498 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 21:06:06 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 08/11] Update mesh-point

 scripts/mesh-point/mesh-point | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/scripts/mesh-point/mesh-point b/scripts/mesh-point/mesh-point
index 61251b0dd..da9353a81 100755
--- a/scripts/mesh-point/mesh-point
+++ b/scripts/mesh-point/mesh-point
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
 function isMeshable {
     interface=`iw dev | grep phy#$1 -A 1 | grep Interface | awk '{print $2}'`
+    if [ "$interface" == "wlan-ap" ]; then
+        return=''
+    fi
     # Check to see if driver reports missing mesh point support
     if  [ -z "$(iw phy phy$1 info | grep 'mesh point')" ]; then
         result='' # Indicate interface is not meshable

From 01b00fcca87d367201e61b071a6dbd068266bdf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 21:08:50 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 09/11] Exit if wlan-ap

 scripts/mesh-point/mesh-point | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/scripts/mesh-point/mesh-point b/scripts/mesh-point/mesh-point
index da9353a81..796dd0ca9 100755
--- a/scripts/mesh-point/mesh-point
+++ b/scripts/mesh-point/mesh-point
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ function isMeshable {
     if [ "$interface" == "wlan-ap" ]; then
+	exit 0
     # Check to see if driver reports missing mesh point support

From 4471e909180e0420b25056940e30d46761e39fce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 07:56:25 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 10/11] Removed extra name=wlan

 scripts/hostapd/install | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/scripts/hostapd/install b/scripts/hostapd/install
index df3ab75ba..7157a2ed2 100755
--- a/scripts/hostapd/install
+++ b/scripts/hostapd/install
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ if [ "$(checkModule 'WITH_EXTERNAL_WIFI')" ]; then
               sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
        if [[ "$pinBy" == "Driver" ]]; then
-           echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVER==\"$driver\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"wlan*\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\"" |
+           echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVER==\"$driver\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"wlan*\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\"" |
               sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

From 91901368ef7cf491d6c025a700045f272a31e21d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: darkdrgn2k <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2019 22:58:22 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 11/11] Default to YES for onboard wifi

 scripts/hostapd/install | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/scripts/hostapd/install b/scripts/hostapd/install
index 7157a2ed2..8b89420cf 100755
--- a/scripts/hostapd/install
+++ b/scripts/hostapd/install
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ for wlanfile in /sys/class/net/wlan*; do
 #    mac="$(cat /sys/class/net/$wlan/address)"
     if [[ "$driver" == "xradio_wlan" || "$driver" == "brcm80211" || "$driver" == "brcmfmac" || "$driver" == "rtl8189fs" ]]; then
-        askModule "WITH_ONBOARD_WIFI" "HostAP - Found an onboard WiFi. Configure it as an Access Point?" "n"
+        askModule "WITH_ONBOARD_WIFI" "HostAP - Found an onboard WiFi. Configure it as an Access Point?" "y"
         if [ "$(checkModule 'WITH_ONBOARD_WIFI')" ]; then
             echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS==\"$driver\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"wlan*\", NAME=\"wlan-ap\"" |
                 sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules