Generate assets module for your Elm application from content of a directory.
Change to a directory where you want to create the assets module (i.e. src directory of your Elm project). Then call the application with a path to the assets directory as its argument.
cd src
elm-asset-gen ../assets
This will create two files in the src
The javascript module will contain imports and export of all the assets.
If the structure of the assets directory is like this:
├── fonts
│ └── Gotham.otf
└── icons
├── arrow-down.svg
└── arrow-up.svg
the Assets.js
module will contain:
import assets_icons_arrowUpSvg from "../assets/icons/arrow-up.svg";
import assets_icons_arrowDownSvg from "../assets/icons/arrow-down.svg";
import assets_fonts_gothamOtf from "../assets/fonts/Gotham.otf";
export default {
icons: {
arrowUpSvg: assets_icons_arrowUpSvg,
arrowDownSvg: assets_icons_arrowDownSvg
fonts: {
gothamOtf: assets_fonts_gothamOtf
The Elm module contains a type alias for the assets record and a JSON decoder for this type:
module Assets exposing (Assets, decoder)
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Decode.Extra as Decode
type alias Icons =
{ arrowUpSvg : String
, arrowDownSvg : String
type alias Fonts =
{ gothamOtf : String
type alias Assets =
{ icons : Icons
, fonts : Fonts
decoder : Decode.Decoder Assets
decoder =
Decode.succeed Assets
|> Decode.andMap (Decode.field "icons" (Decode.succeed Icons
|> Decode.andMap (Decode.field "arrowUpSvg" Decode.string)
|> Decode.andMap (Decode.field "arrowDownSvg" Decode.string)
|> Decode.andMap (Decode.field "fonts" (Decode.succeed Fonts
|> Decode.andMap (Decode.field "gothamOtf" Decode.string)