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Generate assets module for your Elm application from content of a directory.


Change to a directory where you want to create the assets module (i.e. src directory of your Elm project). Then call the application with a path to the assets directory as its argument.

cd src
elm-asset-gen ../assets

This will create two files in the src directory:

  • Assets.js
  • Assets.elm


The javascript module will contain imports and export of all the assets.

If the structure of the assets directory is like this:

├── fonts
│   └── Gotham.otf
└── icons
    ├── arrow-down.svg
    └── arrow-up.svg

the Assets.js module will contain:

import assets_icons_arrowUpSvg from "../assets/icons/arrow-up.svg";
import assets_icons_arrowDownSvg from "../assets/icons/arrow-down.svg";
import assets_fonts_gothamOtf from "../assets/fonts/Gotham.otf";

export default {
  icons: {
    arrowUpSvg: assets_icons_arrowUpSvg,
    arrowDownSvg: assets_icons_arrowDownSvg
  fonts: {
    gothamOtf: assets_fonts_gothamOtf


The Elm module contains a type alias for the assets record and a JSON decoder for this type:

module Assets exposing (Assets, decoder)

import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Decode.Extra as Decode

type alias Icons =
    { arrowUpSvg : String
    , arrowDownSvg : String

type alias Fonts =
    { gothamOtf : String

type alias Assets =
    { icons : Icons
    , fonts : Fonts

decoder : Decode.Decoder Assets
decoder =
    Decode.succeed Assets
        |> Decode.andMap (Decode.field "icons" (Decode.succeed Icons
            |> Decode.andMap (Decode.field "arrowUpSvg" Decode.string)
            |> Decode.andMap (Decode.field "arrowDownSvg" Decode.string)
        |> Decode.andMap (Decode.field "fonts" (Decode.succeed Fonts
            |> Decode.andMap (Decode.field "gothamOtf" Decode.string)