Ph.D. Student Beihang University
37 Xueyuan Rd., Haidian Dist.
Beijing, China, 100191
- Natural Language Processing
- Large Language Models
Ph.D. Student Beihang University
37 Xueyuan Rd., Haidian Dist.
Beijing, China, 100191
Forked from liuhuanyong/CrimeKgAssitant
Crime assistant including crime type prediction and crime consult service based on nlp methods and crime kg,罪名法务智能项目,内容包括856项罪名知识图谱, 基于280万罪名训练库的罪名预测,基于20W法务问答对的13类问题分类与法律资讯问答功能.
Forked from liyumeng/DeepLearningPractice2017
Jupyter Notebook 1
Forked from ShawnyXiao/2017-CCF-BDCI-Enterprise
2017-CCF-BDCI-企业经营退出风险预测 9th/569 (Top 1.58%)
Jupyter Notebook 1
Forked from liuhuanyong/SentenceSentimentClassifier
Sentiment Classifier base on traditional Maching learning methods, eg Bayes, SVM ,DecisionTree, KNN and Deeplearning method like MLP,CNN,RNN(LSTM)
Python 1
Forked from lihanghang/NLP-Knowledge-Graph
Forked from ShawnyXiao/2017-CCF-BDCI-AIJudge
2017-CCF-BDCI-让AI当法官 初赛 7th/415 (Top 1.68%)
Jupyter Notebook