diff --git a/unique_property_reference_numbers/README.md b/unique_property_reference_numbers/README.md
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Dataset name
Unique Property Reference Numbers in Trafford
Dataset description
An open dataset containing all the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) within Trafford found in AddressBase Premium, with their respective geometries in British National Grid and Latitude, Longitude.
The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique 12 digit number assigned to every unit of land and property recorded by local government. The UPRN uniquely and definitively identifies every addressable location in the country.
+*The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique 12 digit number assigned to every unit of land and property recorded by local government. The UPRN uniquely and definitively identifies every addressable location in the country.*
+Sort, filter and export a selection of the data using the table. An interactive map is also available.
+```{r preview}
+ class = 'cell-border stripe',
+ rownames = FALSE,
+ extensions = c('Scroller', 'Buttons', 'KeyTable'),
+ options = list(
+ keys = TRUE,
+ search = list(regex = TRUE),
+ searchHighlight = TRUE,
+ dom = 'ftB',
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv",
+ text = "Download selection")),
+ deferRender = TRUE,
+ scrollX = TRUE,
+ scrollY = 300,
+ scroller = TRUE,
+ autoWidth = TRUE,
+ columnDefs = list(
+ list(className = 'dt-left', targets = "_all")
+ )))
Unique Property Reference Numbers in Trafford
+Download the complete dataset using the following links:
+|File name |Format |
+|[trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.csv](trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.csv) |CSV |
+|[trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.geojson](trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.geojson) |GeoJSON |
+[The R script used to process the data](pre-processing.R) can be adapted to other areas. For information about R visit the CRAN website.
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+Unique Property Reference Numbers in Trafford
The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique 12 digit
+number assigned to every unit of land and property recorded by local
+government. The UPRN uniquely and definitively identifies every
+addressable location in the country.