diff --git a/local_nature_reserves/README.md b/local_nature_reserves/README.md
index 7857f70..cca07dc 100644
--- a/local_nature_reserves/README.md
+++ b/local_nature_reserves/README.md
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
Attribution |
- © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [year]. |
+ © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024. |
Format |
diff --git a/local_nature_reserves/pre-processing.R b/local_nature_reserves/pre-processing.R
index 56ce174..adf4805 100644
--- a/local_nature_reserves/pre-processing.R
+++ b/local_nature_reserves/pre-processing.R
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ df_lnr <- df_lnr %>%
site_area_square_metres = Shape__Area,
natural_england_gid = GID,
british_map_grid_reference = REFERENCE) %>%
- # Calculate and store the coordinates of each locality's centroid as a "lat" and "lon" property
- mutate(lon = map_dbl(geometry, ~st_centroid(.x)[[1]]),
+ mutate(lon = map_dbl(geometry, ~st_centroid(.x)[[1]]), # Calculate the coordinates of the area's centroid as a "lat" and "lon" property
lat = map_dbl(geometry, ~st_centroid(.x)[[2]]),
site_area_hectares = as.numeric(str_trim(format(site_area_hectares, nsmall = 2))),
site_area_square_metres = as.numeric(str_trim(format(site_area_square_metres, nsmall = 2)))) %>%
diff --git a/scheduled_monuments/README.md b/scheduled_monuments/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc0c390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduled_monuments/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ Dataset name |
+ Scheduled Monuments in Trafford |
+ Dataset description |
+ Historic buildings and archaeological sites of national importance are given legal protection by being placed on a ‘Schedule’ of monuments. Historic England identifies and advises on these monuments, which are placed on the Schedule by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Examples of Scheduled Monuments are Roman remains, burial mounds, castles, bridges, earthworks, the remains of deserted villages, and industrial sites. Scheduled Monuments can not include ecclesiastical or residential buildings (except for associated caretaker’s dwellings), and unlike Listed Buildings they are not assigned grades. |
+ Source |
+ Historic England |
+ Publisher |
+ Historic England |
+ Publisher URL |
+ https://opendata-historicengland.hub.arcgis.com/maps/767f279327a24845bf47dfe5eae9862b/about |
+ Geography |
+ Local authority |
+ Geographic coverage |
+ Trafford |
+ Temporal coverage |
+ 2024-08-16 |
+ Update frequency |
+ Unknown |
+ Licence |
+ Open Government Licence |
+ Attribution |
+ © Historic England 2024. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024. |
+ Format |
+ GeoJSON |
+ Openness rating |
+ ★★★☆☆ Structured data in open format (e.g. CSV) |
+ Last updated |
+ 2024-08-16 |
+ Notes |
+ |
+ Lab visualisation |
+ View data within the Lab's Explore application. |
diff --git a/scheduled_monuments/pre-processing.R b/scheduled_monuments/pre-processing.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..143ff49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduled_monuments/pre-processing.R
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Scheduled Monuments in Trafford
+# Created 2024-08-16
+# Data updated: 2024-08-16
+# Data: https://opendata-historicengland.hub.arcgis.com/maps/767f279327a24845bf47dfe5eae9862b/about
+# Metadata: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/data-downloads
+# Licence: Open Government Licence v3 (https://historicengland.org.uk/terms/website-terms-conditions/open-data-hub/)
+# These features are obtained from an ArcGIS API service, similar to that of the ONS Geography Portal.
+# The default API call returns features for the whole county, therefore it's best to use some extra parameters, such as defining a rectangle (spatial envelope) around the LA, to reduce the amount of data being returned and speed up the process.
+# Required packages ---------
+library(tidyverse) ; library(sf)
+# =========
+# The IETF standard for GeoJSON has made certain changes over the original non-IETF specification. The changes can be viewed here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7946#appendix-B
+# One key change is that polygon rings MUST follow the right-hand rule for orientation (counter-clockwise external rings, clockwise internal rings).
+# This change has caused issues with certain libraries which have historically used the left-hand rule, i.e. clockwise for outer rings and counter-clockwise for interior rings.
+# D3-Geo, Vega-Lite and versions of sf below 1.0.0 (default behaviour) use the GEOS library for performing flat-space calculations, known as R^2 (R-squared) which produce polygons wound to the left-hand rule.
+# The sf package from version 1.0.0 onwards now uses the S2 library by default which performs S^2 (S-squared) spherical calculations and returns polygons wound according to the right-hand rule.
+# At the time of writing, if we want our geography files to work in D3 and Vega-Lite, they must use the left-hand rule and so we need sf to use the GEOS library not S2.
+# More information regarding this can be found at: https://r-spatial.github.io/sf/articles/sf7.html#switching-between-s2-and-geos
+# =========
+sf_vers <- package_version(packageVersion('sf')) # packageVersion returns a character string, package_version converts that into numeric version numbers (major.minor.patch) e.g. 1.0.0
+# Only run the following if we are using sf version 1.0.0 or above
+if (sf_vers$major >= 1) {
+ useS2 <- sf_use_s2() # store boolean to indicating if sf is currently using the s2 spherical geometry package for geographical coordinate operations
+ sf_use_s2(FALSE) # force sf to use R^2 flat space calculations using GEOS which returns polygons with left-hand windings
+# API parameters specifying the spatial rectangular area containing Trafford
+api_geommetry_envelope <- "&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&geometry=%7B%22spatialReference%22%3A%7B%22latestWkid%22%3A3857%2C%22wkid%22%3A102100%7D%2C%22xmin%22%3A-278455.35481123265%2C%22ymin%22%3A7047642.057770884%2C%22xmax%22%3A-244823.0623658004%2C%22ymax%22%3A7073592.428873666%2C%22type%22%3A%22esriGeometryEnvelope%22%7D"
+# Local authority district -------------------------
+# Source: ONS Open Geography Portal
+# URL: https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/ons::local-authority-districts-may-2023-boundaries-uk-bfc/about
+# Licence: OGL v3.0
+# NOTE: we need the LA boundary stored as an sf object for use in st_intersection() calculations for other boundaries/features
+# we use the full resolution version as this ensures any features near the border are included/not included correctly
+la <- st_read("https://services1.arcgis.com/ESMARspQHYMw9BZ9/arcgis/rest/services/Local_Authority_Districts_May_2023_UK_BFC_V2/FeatureServer/0/query?outFields=*&where=UPPER(lad23cd)%20like%20%27%25E08000009%25%27&f=geojson") %>%
+ select(area_code = LAD23CD, area_name = LAD23NM)
+# Get the information for items within Trafford -------------------------
+df_monuments <- st_read(paste0("https://services-eu1.arcgis.com/ZOdPfBS3aqqDYPUQ/arcgis/rest/services/National_Heritage_List_for_England_NHLE_v02_VIEW/FeatureServer/6/query?outFields=*&where=1%3D1&f=geojson", api_geommetry_envelope)) %>%
+ st_intersection(la)
+# Process the dataset, renaming and creating required variables
+df_monuments <- df_monuments %>%
+ rename(site_name = Name,
+ site_area_hectares = area_ha,
+ list_entry_number = ListEntry,
+ list_entry_url = hyperlink,
+ british_map_grid_reference = NGR) %>%
+ mutate(lon = map_dbl(geometry, ~st_centroid(.x)[[1]]), # Calculate the coordinates of the area's centroid as a "lat" and "lon" property
+ lat = map_dbl(geometry, ~st_centroid(.x)[[2]]),
+ site_area_hectares = as.numeric(str_trim(format(site_area_hectares, nsmall = 2))),
+ site_area_square_metres = site_area_hectares * 10000) %>%
+ select(site_name,
+ site_area_hectares,
+ site_area_square_metres,
+ list_entry,
+ list_url,
+ british_map_grid_reference,
+ lon,
+ lat)
+# Create the Local Nature Reserves file for Trafford -------------------------
+st_write(df_monuments, "trafford_scheduled_monuments.geojson")
+# Ensure sf_use_s2() is reset to the state it was in before running the code above, i.e. whether to use the S2 library (for S^2 spherical coordinates) or GEOS (for R^2 flat space coordinates). Only if using v1 or above of the sf package
+if (sf_vers$major >= 1) sf_use_s2(useS2)
diff --git a/scheduled_monuments/trafford_scheduled_monuments.geojson b/scheduled_monuments/trafford_scheduled_monuments.geojson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0774855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduled_monuments/trafford_scheduled_monuments.geojson
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+"type": "FeatureCollection",
+"name": "trafford_scheduled_monuments",
+"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },
+"features": [
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "site_name": "Watch Hill motte and bailey castle, 450m south of Streethead Farm", "site_area_hectares": 0.7828463, "site_area_square_metres": 7828.463, "list_entry_number": 1014377, "list_entry_url": "https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1014377", "british_map_grid_reference": "SJ 74784 85993", "lon": -2.3803079602367201, "lat": 53.370190155860683 }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -2.37984783830283, 53.370427120498697 ], [ -2.37983234342683, 53.370427169835096 ], [ -2.37981731194005, 53.370426939061304 ], [ -2.37980181700674, 53.370426988394001 ], [ -2.37978632213072, 53.370427037724497 ], [ -2.37976329767477, 53.370427111022899 ], [ -2.3797327762777, 53.370427486814002 ], [ -2.37939873181289, 53.370415632936798 ], [ -2.37937570987744, 53.370414294951999 ], [ -2.37936066095387, 53.370412104624897 ], [ -2.37934560691112, 53.370409339044699 ], [ -2.379331492252, 53.370405734508303 ], [ -2.37931781836636, 53.370400996035301 ], [ -2.37930510398394, 53.370395984826601 ], [ -2.37929331134866, 53.370389847101997 ], [ -2.37928244801546, 53.3703834187707 ], [ -2.37927252393068, 53.370376142535598 ], [ -2.3792639951799, 53.370368592214398 ], [ -2.379256408134, 53.370360463597002 ], [ -2.3792506947541, 53.370351771756802 ], [ -2.37924592827742, 53.370343085855403 ], [ -2.37924255697245, 53.370334107901797 ], [ -2.37924059588173, 53.370324846832098 ], [ -2.379242772875, 53.3703060176178 ], [ -2.37924551328582, 53.370296453950502 ], [ -2.37925053082823, 53.370280995475099 ], [ -2.37925512233706, 53.370268333803701 ], [ -2.37925879710153, 53.370259054816401 ], [ -2.3792634061427, 53.370250051491603 ], [ -2.37926802772266, 53.3702407694594 ], [ -2.37927263676, 53.370231766134097 ], [ -2.37927819013432, 53.370222481173201 ], [ -2.37928374598608, 53.370213474837101 ], [ -2.37928930431539, 53.370204747125598 ], [ -2.37929580698069, 53.370195737778303 ], [ -2.37930229710286, 53.370187007137702 ], [ -2.37930927067286, 53.3701785625761 ], [ -2.37931624173721, 53.370169830371097 ], [ -2.3793236811488, 53.3701613753435 ], [ -2.37933158650702, 53.370152927817401 ], [ -2.37933949439997, 53.370144758949898 ], [ -2.37934788309973, 53.370136579534801 ], [ -2.3793567227253, 53.370128407703099 ], [ -2.37936557990579, 53.370120514447699 ], [ -2.37937490295225, 53.37011261971 ], [ -2.37938422847573, 53.370105003596599 ], [ -2.37939403496586, 53.3700973949706 ], [ -2.37940429475872, 53.370090054551298 ], [ -2.37941456964873, 53.370082723066702 ], [ -2.37942482943465, 53.370075382645503 ], [ -2.37943557272444, 53.370068328301997 ], [ -2.37944678436052, 53.370061551135002 ], [ -2.37945799599309, 53.3700547739668 ], [ -2.37946967349058, 53.370047995315502 ], [ -2.37948135352313, 53.370041495322198 ], [ -2.38015904811078, 53.369582497042899 ], [ -2.38017546585479, 53.3696185432294 ], [ -2.38021199209271, 53.369654525353901 ], [ -2.38026490834128, 53.369721735774 ], [ -2.38032610140121, 53.369815400450399 ], [ -2.38035886527459, 53.369850783258698 ], [ -2.3803641303747, 53.3698614360314 ], [ -2.38036939304795, 53.369871810178601 ], [ -2.38037558753689, 53.369882190303599 ], [ -2.38038177951907, 53.369892282819599 ], [ -2.38038892074559, 53.369902650975497 ], [ -2.38039652292536, 53.369912460326503 ], [ -2.38040459095304, 53.369922259242003 ], [ -2.38041313995202, 53.369932065572598 ], [ -2.38042167144721, 53.3699415933254 ], [ -2.38043114967859, 53.369951109074599 ], [ -2.38044109137455, 53.369960353695603 ], [ -2.38045151145245, 53.369969309139002 ], [ -2.38046239737945, 53.369978254112098 ], [ -2.38047326582548, 53.369986929456402 ], [ -2.38048509616768, 53.369995601765901 ], [ -2.38049690638072, 53.370003707820104 ], [ -2.38050918252381, 53.370011812421303 ], [ -2.38052193720967, 53.370019645811098 ], [ -2.3805351576079, 53.370027459746602 ], [ -2.38054885400384, 53.3700347238454 ], [ -2.38056253536084, 53.370041979006999 ], [ -2.38057714605106, 53.370048961518499 ], [ -2.38059130332969, 53.370055657858103 ], [ -2.38060638991884, 53.370062072598003 ], [ -2.38062147394351, 53.370068199693101 ], [ -2.38063702140965, 53.370074046640198 ], [ -2.38065304728075, 53.370079613425602 ], [ -2.38066905564661, 53.370084901631799 ], [ -2.38068507654789, 53.370089911128602 ], [ -2.38070156075231, 53.370094631493501 ], [ -2.38071849337691, 53.370099071791998 ], [ -2.38073543853649, 53.370103233415001 ], [ -2.38075239615014, 53.370107107344801 ], [ -2.38135985459561, 53.370228419650701 ], [ -2.38146469287428, 53.370254556110297 ], [ -2.38151722405508, 53.370278450832402 ], [ -2.3815934777632, 53.370308067320003 ], [ -2.38161005019536, 53.370322620913001 ], [ -2.38161764266524, 53.370331306672497 ], [ -2.3816243083276, 53.370340552662697 ], [ -2.38162908542123, 53.370350371012997 ], [ -2.38163293071601, 53.370360192309903 ], [ -2.38163489739032, 53.3703700196508 ], [ -2.38163545386667, 53.370380130136297 ], [ -2.38163461003693, 53.3703899574502 ], [ -2.38163234100998, 53.370400076974697 ], [ -2.38162867181308, 53.370409922345097 ], [ -2.3816235998694, 53.370419205884097 ], [ -2.38161710015044, 53.370428494024502 ], [ -2.38160920020138, 53.370437507976099 ], [ -2.38159988006836, 53.370445690501903 ], [ -2.38158962555399, 53.370453588398803 ], [ -2.3815779382488, 53.370460924593203 ], [ -2.38156531408997, 53.370467706482401 ], [ -2.38155175069786, 53.3704736554402 ], [ -2.38153771372727, 53.370478751975597 ], [ -2.38152272494048, 53.370483294252601 ], [ -2.38150678176288, 53.370486994627903 ], [ -2.381490846121, 53.370489859043303 ], [ -2.38147442196332, 53.370491880101 ], [ -2.38145752179399, 53.370492770075501 ], [ -2.38125275134552, 53.370493424668801 ], [ -2.38122975198663, 53.370494621754098 ], [ -2.38121426209677, 53.370495237537902 ], [ -2.38119875716268, 53.370495844384003 ], [ -2.38118326727189, 53.3704964601638 ], [ -2.38116777486576, 53.370496788332701 ], [ -2.38115180150775, 53.370497118002 ], [ -2.38113631161585, 53.370497733775601 ], [ -2.3811208167169, 53.370497783278999 ], [ -2.38110532425242, 53.37049811144 ], [ -2.38108981682396, 53.370498439612398 ], [ -2.38107432186736, 53.370498489109899 ], [ -2.38105882696802, 53.370498538605297 ], [ -2.38104333201133, 53.370498588098698 ], [ -2.38102782209113, 53.370498637638001 ], [ -2.38101232713435, 53.370498687127501 ], [ -2.38099636381343, 53.370498459477602 ], [ -2.38098085140219, 53.370498230351302 ], [ -2.38096535395481, 53.370498001209597 ], [ -2.38094985648433, 53.370497763047801 ], [ -2.38093435903725, 53.370497533901997 ], [ -2.38091884413625, 53.370497026142502 ], [ -2.38090334411877, 53.370496509349799 ], [ -2.38088784415896, 53.370495992554801 ], [ -2.38087232920172, 53.370495484789501 ], [ -2.38085682932291, 53.370494976974001 ], [ -2.38084132681671, 53.370494181513898 ], [ -2.3808258243687, 53.370493386085798 ], [ -2.38081030684286, 53.3704925906695 ], [ -2.38079480447622, 53.370491804220897 ], [ -2.38077930197226, 53.370491008752602 ], [ -2.38076379703682, 53.370489934657101 ], [ -2.38074827951362, 53.3704891392671 ], [ -2.38073277457961, 53.370488065167599 ], [ -2.38071726709968, 53.370486712406802 ], [ -2.38070222804038, 53.370485636816497 ], [ -2.38068672310873, 53.370484562710999 ], [ -2.38067120061101, 53.370483210026499 ], [ -2.38065569311178, 53.370481848274103 ], [ -2.38064065156711, 53.370480494051002 ], [ -2.3806251440927, 53.370479141278402 ], [ -2.38060963410801, 53.3704775008949 ], [ -2.38059459256624, 53.3704761466661 ], [ -2.38057908252644, 53.370474506278903 ], [ -2.38056355760458, 53.3704728749209 ], [ -2.38054851100912, 53.370470954383997 ], [ -2.38053300105306, 53.370469322974301 ], [ -2.38051795446049, 53.370467402467902 ], [ -2.38050290786889, 53.370465481925301 ], [ -2.38048739540605, 53.370463562901001 ], [ -2.38047235387258, 53.370462208622598 ], [ -2.38045730985265, 53.370460575717203 ], [ -2.38044226575369, 53.370458933826399 ], [ -2.38042722422351, 53.370457579576602 ], [ -2.38041218020686, 53.370455946665601 ], [ -2.38039667266806, 53.370454584880001 ], [ -2.38038163114077, 53.370453230624499 ], [ -2.38036658961412, 53.370451876332901 ], [ -2.38035153298776, 53.370450513138103 ], [ -2.38033602559029, 53.370449160328 ], [ -2.38032098655325, 53.370448084690103 ], [ -2.38030594503054, 53.370446730425101 ], [ -2.38029090599506, 53.370445654783403 ], [ -2.38027540103034, 53.370444580624998 ], [ -2.38026035950994, 53.370443226320099 ], [ -2.38024485460417, 53.3704421521577 ], [ -2.38022981805798, 53.3704413551676 ], [ -2.38021477902621, 53.370440279516401 ], [ -2.38019927406525, 53.370439205348198 ], [ -2.38018423752058, 53.370438408318201 ], [ -2.3801687175976, 53.370437334193802 ], [ -2.38015368105442, 53.370436537194301 ], [ -2.38013817866173, 53.370435750626697 ], [ -2.38012314211965, 53.370434953623402 ], [ -2.38010763970528, 53.3704341580682 ], [ -2.38009260572945, 53.370433648669596 ], [ -2.38007708823825, 53.370432853192902 ], [ -2.38006205426325, 53.370432343790398 ], [ -2.38004655185086, 53.370431548227401 ], [ -2.3800315177965, 53.370431029837597 ], [ -2.38001601789275, 53.370430521913697 ], [ -2.38000098383909, 53.370430003519999 ], [ -2.37998548647801, 53.370429774251299 ], [ -2.37997045250508, 53.370429264837298 ], [ -2.37995495252252, 53.370428747921999 ], [ -2.37993944014103, 53.370428518660802 ], [ -2.37992440865331, 53.370428287900403 ], [ -2.37990891115545, 53.3704280496042 ], [ -2.37989387966803, 53.3704278188399 ], [ -2.37987838230792, 53.370427589523104 ], [ -2.37986286979014, 53.370427351303 ], [ -2.37984783830283, 53.370427120498697 ] ] ] } }
diff --git a/sites_of_special_scientific_interest/README.md b/sites_of_special_scientific_interest/README.md
index c3e44f8..6f42b8e 100644
--- a/sites_of_special_scientific_interest/README.md
+++ b/sites_of_special_scientific_interest/README.md
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
Attribution |
- © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [year]. |
+ © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024. |
Format |
diff --git a/sites_of_special_scientific_interest/pre-processing.R b/sites_of_special_scientific_interest/pre-processing.R
index 1633528..4d5cf60 100644
--- a/sites_of_special_scientific_interest/pre-processing.R
+++ b/sites_of_special_scientific_interest/pre-processing.R
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ df_sssi <- df_sssi %>%
site_area_square_metres = Shape__Area,
natural_england_site_id = ENSISID,
british_map_grid_reference = REFERENCE) %>%
- # Calculate and store the coordinates of each locality's centroid as a "lat" and "lon" property
- mutate(lon = map_dbl(geometry, ~st_centroid(.x)[[1]]),
+ mutate(lon = map_dbl(geometry, ~st_centroid(.x)[[1]]), # Calculate the coordinates of the area's centroid as a "lat" and "lon" property
lat = map_dbl(geometry, ~st_centroid(.x)[[2]]),
site_area_hectares = as.numeric(str_trim(format(site_area_hectares, nsmall = 2))),
site_area_square_metres = as.numeric(str_trim(format(site_area_square_metres, nsmall = 2)))) %>%