This Repository is a part of my College OOPS Mini-Project. Bus Reservation System
- What does the Project actually AIM and HOW it WORKS: -
We have created a bus reservation system in which we can store the data of buses and reserve tickets and then also fetch them accordingly.
• Install Bus: makes you add bus details.
• Reservation of bus seats: reserving bus tickets for the passengers.
• Show Ticket availability: Shows ticket availability and the tickets reserved.
• Buses Available: Displays the number of buses available.
• Exit: ends the program.
The names suggest what the functions would do.
- What we USED: -
• Switch Case: - Switch case statement is used when we have multiple conditions and we need to perform different actions based on the condition.
• Loops: - a) while loop b) for loop c) range-based for loop: -It is a new feature of C++ which was added in C++11. Also range based for loop will only work in code editors like “Code Blocks” and “Visual Studio”.
o If Else Statements: -It is used to execute some statement code block if the expression is evaluated to true, otherwise executes “else” statement code block.
• Classes and Objects: - A class in C++ is a user defined data type or data structure. In simple words, a class is a collection of objects of similar type. It is an instance of a class. When a class is defined, no memory is allocated but when object is instantiated memory is allocated.
• Encapsulation: - Binding data members and member functions in one unit known as a class. With the help of this concept, data is not accessible to the outside world and only those functions which are declared in the class, can access it.
• Inheritance: -Inheritance is a process by which objects of new class acquire the properties of objects of existing class. Using Inheritance, we can increase a class’s functionalities.
• FUNCTIONS LIKE: - fflush(stdin) used to empty the buffer.
o vline():- It draw a vertical line using ch starting at the cursor position in the window.
o STL: - We used classes defined in Standard Template Library like "string" class.