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Releases: typedb/typedb-studio

TypeDB Studio 2.10.0-alpha

25 May 19:07
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TypeDB Studio 2.10.0

We've completely reimagined TypeDB Studio, taking it far beyond what it previously was! This new release of Studio, currently in early alpha, is a full-fledged TypeDB IDE (Integrated Development Environment), designed for the end-to-end development of TypeDB databases, database queries, and data exploration, via a clean and intuitive UI.

Manage TypeDB Projects

On launching Studio, you'll now be prompted to select (or create) a project directory. This is where Studio will load and save query files, but we can also freely edit text files in the project directory using Studio. The project browser maintains a live view of the directory contents on the filesystem, much like existing major IDEs do.

Rich Text Editing

We've added a fully-featured, performant text editor including all the basic functionality one would expect from an editor (Undo/Redo, Find/Replace, etc.) It includes syntax highlighting for TypeQL files (*.tql).

We initially tried using existing text editor libraries, but found that none of them had all of the features we needed. So TypeDB Studio's Text Editor is built almost entirely from the ground up, giving us total control over the architecture and full flexibility to add new features as desired.

Run any TypeQL Query

TypeDB Studio now allows (and requires!) you to select your session and transaction configuration. If you're manipulating schema, you'll need a schema session. Write operations require a write transaction. Explanations are available by taking a "snapshot", which keeps the transaction alive on a given snapshot of the data.

This brings it in line with the rest of the TypeDB stack (Console and Clients); provides greater visibility to the user about the state of the system; and crucially, allows for the running of any kind of TypeQL Query - Define, Insert, Match Aggregate, and so on, which was not possible in previous iterations of Studio. The results of these queries are printed to a Log Output window, which also features TypeQL syntax highlighting.

Manage Database Schemas

The new Type Browser provides a structured tree view of the connected database's type hierarchy. Opening any Type will bring up a page that lists in detail its properties - supertype, roles played, attributes owned, etc.

The follow-up alpha releases of Studio will add even more functionality to this Type Page, including the ability to edit any property of the Type, which will be invaluable to developers who are designing or upgrading their TypeDB schema.

Graph Visualiser Enhancements

Along with Log output, Match queries will continue to generate GPU-accelerated, graph-structured output visualisations. The overall look and feel is unchanged from previous releases of Studio, but we have made some notable improvements:

  • Parallelised physics engine - The physics engine powering the visualiser now distributes its work evenly across CPU cores, and the overall visualisation is sharply more performant as a result.
  • Improved graph shape - The physics engine has a set amount of "energy" that decays over time, which makes the graph shape stabilise. We now restore all energy whenever a new vertex or edge is loaded, which produces final shapes that much more clearly identify "regions" of strongly-connected vertices.

We've also made minor UX improvements, with more features and fixes due to be implemented in the next releases.


TypeDB Studio is available for Linux, Mac and Windows (download binaries below).

For Mac, TypeDB Studio is also available through Homebrew:

brew tap vaticle/tap
brew install --cask vaticle/tap/typedb-studio

TypeDB Server Compatible Versions

  • 2.10.0 and above

TypeDB Studio 2.4.0-alpha-5

29 Mar 13:32
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Patch release for compatibility with TypeDB 2.6+


TypeDB Studio is available for Linux, Mac and Windows (download binaries below).

For Mac, TypeDB Studio is also available through Homebrew:

brew tap vaticle/tap
brew install --cask vaticle/tap/typedb-studio

If upgrading a Windows installation, please ensure you uninstall the existing copy of Studio first. Otherwise, the installation may fail.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a query validation error that occurs in TypeDB 2.6.3+ when a returned Thing couldn't possibly own any attributes. Now, for each returned Thing, we check the attribute ownerships of its ThingType, caching the result, and we only load connected attributes of Things that could potentially own any.

TypeDB Studio 2.4.0-alpha-4

27 Oct 11:40
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TypeDB Studio is available for Linux, Mac and Windows (download binaries below).

For Mac, TypeDB Studio is also available through Homebrew:

brew tap vaticle/tap
brew install --cask vaticle/tap/typedb-studio

New Features

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue causing the application to fail to start on MacOS machines.

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

TypeDB Studio 2.4.0-alpha-3

26 Oct 16:24
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TypeDB Studio is available for Linux, Mac and Windows (download binaries below).

For Mac, TypeDB Studio is also available through Homebrew:

brew tap vaticle/tap
brew install --cask vaticle/tap/typedb-studio

New Features

Bugs Fixed


  • When there exist 2 (or more) edges between the same vertices, they are no longer superimposed, but are now rendered as curved edges
  • isa edges are now displayed
  • When dragging a roleplayer, its attributes and relations will now move with it
  • Disconnected subgraphs are now less likely to be pushed far from the centre

Concept Details

  • Field values are now scrollable and selectable
  • Internal ID is displayed correctly


  • Fixed a possible crash on submitting the login form
  • Fixed an issue causing code changes to be possibly ignored by the query runner

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

Non-Debian Linux support

  • We've added a Java binary artifact (a gzipped shell runner) that runs on all Linux platforms. Please note that Java 11 must be installed in order to run it.

TypeDB Studio 2.4.0-alpha-2

11 Oct 16:41
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TypeDB Studio is available for Linux, Mac and Windows (download binaries below).

For Mac, TypeDB Studio is also available through Homebrew:

brew tap vaticle/tap
brew install --cask vaticle/tap/typedb-studio

New Features

  • Support TypeDB Cluster
  • Login screen automatically lists databases
  • Reasoning can be toggled on/off via Query Settings
  • Clicking on a Concept lists its details in the Concept pane (IID/label, type, attribute value etc.)
  • Queries are tabs, and you can open or save queries on disk

Bugs Fixed

  • Add the correct title "TypeDB Studio" and icon to the application
  • Fix sub edges not being displayed

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

TypeDB Studio 2.4.0-alpha

17 Sep 15:54
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Alpha release of the brand new TypeDB Studio.

This pre-release contains the following features:

  • Running Match queries in TypeDB
  • Ability to rearrange the graph nodes
  • Reasoning (always on for now!) and Explanations (double click on turquoise-highlighted nodes!)


TypeDB Studio is available for Linux, Mac and Windows (download binaries below).

2.2.0: Upgrade from deprecated version of XCode image (#443)

16 Sep 15:17
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## What is the goal of this PR?

As CircleCI is going to deprecate (and eventually delete) the old image we're using for building & testing on macOS, we need to upgrade it.

## What are the changes implemented in this PR?

Bump version of XCode used for testing & building on macOS

TypeDB Workbase 2.1.2

11 Jun 14:33
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TypeDB Workbase is available for Linux, Mac and Windows (download binaries below).

For Mac, TypeDB Workbase also available through Brew Cask:

brew tap vaticle/tap
brew cask install vaticle/tap/typedb-workbase

New Features

Bugs Fixed

  • Mask password and make root CA optional
    Update password mask & root CA optionality.

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

TypeDB Workbase 2.1.1

11 Jun 13:18
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TypeDB Workbase is available for Linux, Mac and Windows (download binaries below).

For Mac, TypeDB Workbase also available through Brew Cask:

brew tap vaticle/tap
brew cask install vaticle/tap/typedb-workbase

New Features

  • Provide authentication and encryption connection to cluster
    Provide authentication and encryption connection to cluster.

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

TypeDB Workbase 2.1.0

20 May 18:04
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TypeDB Workbase is available for Linux, Mac and Windows (download binaries below).

For Mac, TypeDB Workbase also available through Brew Cask:

brew tap vaticle/tap
brew cask install vaticle/tap/typedb-workbase

New Features

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

Other Improvements