diff --git a/docs/src/main/tut/faq.md b/docs/src/main/tut/faq.md
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--- a/docs/src/main/tut/faq.md
+++ b/docs/src/main/tut/faq.md
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* [What do types like `?` and `λ` mean?](#kind-projector)
* [What does `macro Ops` do? What is `cats.macros.Ops`?](#machinist)
* [What is `tailRecM`?](#tailrecm)
+ * [What does this symbol mean?](#symbol)
* [How can I help?](#contributing)
## What imports do I need?
@@ -202,6 +203,40 @@ If you're having trouble figuring out how to implement `tailRecM` lawfully, you
In some cases you may decide that providing a lawful `tailRecM` may be impractical or even impossible (if so we'd like to hear about it). For these cases we provide a way of testing all of the monad laws _except_ for the stack safety of `tailRecM`: just replace `MonadTests[F].monad[A, B, C]` in your tests with `MonadTests[F].stackUnsafeMonad[A, B, C]`.
+## What does this symbol mean?
+Below is a list of symbols used in cats.
+The `~>`, `⊥`, `⊤`, `:<:` and `:≺:` symbols can be imported with `import cats._`.
+All other symbols can be imported with `import cats.implicits._`
+| Symbol | Name | Nickname | Type Class | Signature |
+| -------------------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
+| fa |@| fb
| Cartesian builder | Cinnabon, scream | `Cartesian[F[_]]` | |@|(fa: F[A])(fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)]
+| `fa *> fb` | right apply | | `Cartesian[F[_]]` | `*>(fa: F[A])(fb: F[B]): F[A]` |
+| `fa <* fb` | left apply | | `Cartesian[F[_]]` | `<*(fa: F[A])(fb: F[B]): F[B]` |
+| `x === y` | equals | | `Eq[A]` | `eqv(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
+| `x =!= y` | not equals | | `Eq[A]` | `neqv(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
+| `fa >>= f` | flatMap | | `FlatMap[F[_]]` | `flatMap(fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]` |
+| `fa >> fb` | followed by | | `FlatMap[F[_]]` | `followedBy(fa: F[A])(fb: F[B]): F[B]` |
+| `fa << fb` | for effect | | `FlatMap[F[_]]` | `forEffect(fa: F[A])(fb: F[B]): F[A]` |
+| x |-| y
| remove | | `Group[A]` | `remove(x: A, y: A): A` |
+| `x > y` | greater than | | `PartialOrder[A]` | `gt(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
+| `x >= y` | greater than or equal | | `PartialOrder[A]` | `gteq(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
+| `x < y` | less than | | `PartialOrder[A]` | `lt(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
+| `x <= y` | less than or equal | | `PartialOrder[A]` | `lteq(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
+| x |+| y
| Semigroup combine | | `Semigroup[A]` | `combine(x: A, y: A): A` |
+| `x <+> y` | SemigroupK combine | | `SemigroupK[F[_]]` | `combineK(x: F[A], y: F[A]): F[A]` |
+| `f <<< g` | Arrow compose | | `Compose[F[_, _]]` | `compose(f: F[B, C], g: F[A, B]): F[A, C]` |
+| `f >>> g` | Arrow andThen | | `Compose[F[_, _]]` | `andThen(f: F[B, C], g: F[A, B]): F[A, C]` |
+| `F ~> G` | natural transformation | | `FunctionK[F[_], G[_]]` | `FunctionK` alias |
+| `F :<: G` | injectK | | `InjectK[F[_], G[_]]` | `InjectK` alias |
+| `F :≺: G` | injectK | | `InjectK[F[_], G[_]]` | `InjectK` alias |
+| `⊥` | bottom | | N/A | `Nothing` |
+| `⊤` | top | | N/A | `Any` |
## How can I help?
The cats community welcomes and encourages contributions, even if you are completely new to cats and functional programming. Here are a few ways to help out:
diff --git a/docs/src/main/tut/typeclasses/symbols.md b/docs/src/main/tut/typeclasses/symbols.md
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--- a/docs/src/main/tut/typeclasses/symbols.md
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-Below is a list of symbols used in cats.
-The `~>`, `⊥` and `⊤` symbols can be imported with `import cats._`.
-All other symbols can be imported with `import cats.implicits._`
-A scaladoc generated list is also available on the [Scaladoc symbols page](http://typelevel.org/cats/api/#index.index-_).
-| Symbol | Name | Type Class | Definition |
-| ---------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------- |
-| `fa |@| fb`| Cartesian builder | [`Cartesian[F[_]]`]({{ site.sources }}/core/src/main/scala/cats/Cartesian.scala) | `|@|(fa: F[A])(fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)]` |
-| `fa *> fb` | right apply | [`Cartesian[F[_]]`]({{ site.sources }}/core/src/main/scala/cats/Cartesian.scala) | `*>(fa: F[A])(fb: F[B]): F[A]` |
-| `fa <* fb` | left apply | [`Cartesian[F[_]]`]({{ site.sources }}/core/src/main/scala/cats/Cartesian.scala) | `<*(fa: F[A])(fb: F[B]): F[B]` |
-| `x === y` | equals | [`Eq[A]`]({{ site.sources }}/kernel/src/main/scala/cats/kernel/Eq.scala) | `eqv(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
-| `x =!= y` | not equals | [`Eq[A]`]({{ site.sources }}/kernel/src/main/scala/cats/kernel/Eq.scala) | `neqv(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
-| `fa >>= f` | flatMap | [`FlatMap[F[_]]`]({{ site.sources }}/core/src/main/scala/cats/FlatMap.scala) | `flatMap(fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]`|
-| `fa >> fb` | followed by | [`FlatMap[F[_]]`]({{ site.sources }}/core/src/main/scala/cats/FlatMap.scala) | `followedBy(fa: F[A])(fb: F[B]): F[B]` |
-| `x |-| y` | remove | [`Group[A]`]({{ site.sources }}/kernel/src/main/scala/cats/kernel/Group.scala) | `remove(x: A, y: A): A` |
-| `x > y` | greater than | [`PartialOrder[A]`]({{ site.sources }}/kernel/src/main/scala/cats/kernel/PartialOrder.scala)| `gt(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
-| `x >= y` | greater than or equal | [`PartialOrder[A]`]({{ site.sources }}/kernel/src/main/scala/cats/kernel/PartialOrder.scala)| `gteq(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
-| `x < y` | less than | [`PartialOrder[A]`]({{ site.sources }}/kernel/src/main/scala/cats/kernel/PartialOrder.scala)| `lt(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
-| `x <= y` | less than or equal | [`PartialOrder[A]`]({{ site.sources }}/kernel/src/main/scala/cats/kernel/PartialOrder.scala)| `lteq(x: A, y: A): Boolean` |
-| `x |+| y` | Semigroup combine | [`Semigroup[A]`]({{ site.sources }}/kernel/src/main/scala/cats/kernel/Semigroup.scala) | `combine(x: A, y: A): A` |
-| `x <+> y` | SemigroupK combine | [`SemigroupK[F[_]]`]({{ site.sources }}/core/src/main/scala/cats/SemigroupK.scala) | `combineK(x: F[A], y: F[A]): F[A]` |
-| `F ~> G` | natural transformation | [`FunctionK[F[_], G[_]]`]({{ site.sources }}/core/src/main/scala/cats/arrow/FunctionK.scala)| `FunctionK` alias |
-| `F :<: G` | inject | [`InjectK[F[_], G[_]]`]({{ site.sources }}/free/src/main/scala/cats/free/package.scala) | `InjectK` alias |
-| `F :≺: G` | inject | [`InjectK[F[_], G[_]]`]({{ site.sources }}/free/src/main/scala/cats/free/package.scala) | `InjectK` alias |
-| `⊥` | bottom | [N/A]({{ site.sources }}/core/src/main/scala/cats/package.scala) | `Nothing` |
-| `⊤` | top | [N/A]({{ site.sources }}/core/src/main/scala/cats/package.scala) | `Any` |