From bb21d22b977ef0cf1cc21dce531211c086ccc558 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Attila Olah Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 16:58:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 01/12] build: update gitignore --- .gitignore | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 2153d05ee..c89d84f27 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,6 +1,52 @@ -build/ -node_modules/ -coverage/ -npm-debug.log +# Log files +logs +*.log +*.tmp +*.tmp.* +log.txt +npm-debug.log* + +# Testing output +lib-cov/** +coverage/** + +# Environment files +.env + +# Dependency directories +node_modules + +# MacOS related files +*.DS_Store +.AppleDouble +.LSOverride +._* +UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate + +# Windows related files +Thumbs.db +Desktop.ini +$RECYCLE.BIN/ + +# IDE - Sublime +*.sublime-project +*.sublime-workspace + +# IDE - VSCode +.vscode/** +!.vscode/tasks.json +!.vscode/launch.json + +# IDE - IntelliJ .idea -.vscode + +# Compilation output folders +dist/ +build/ +tmp/ +out-tsc/ +temp + +# Files for playing around locally +playground.ts +playground.js \ No newline at end of file From 9f05b713a652189a246aeb5dbe44f6dd0e8fcba8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Attila Olah Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:15:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 02/12] build: update year in license --- LICENSE | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE index ae498f261..5507284be 100644 --- a/LICENSE +++ b/LICENSE @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ The MIT License -Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Umed Khudoiberdiev +Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Umed Khudoiberdiev Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal From 894a5fca49a2800e8e342ebf45d4f0fdd4add121 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Attila Olah Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:18:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 03/12] build: update TS and Jest config --- jest.config.js | 28 +++-------- package.json | 16 +++---- src/TransformOperationExecutor.ts | 2 + tsconfig.json | 79 ++++++------------------------- | 9 ++++ tsconfig.spec.json | 11 +++++ 6 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-) create mode 100644 create mode 100644 tsconfig.spec.json diff --git a/jest.config.js b/jest.config.js index 54ad0dbdd..7e62d43ea 100644 --- a/jest.config.js +++ b/jest.config.js @@ -1,24 +1,10 @@ module.exports = { - modulePaths: ["/node_modules"], - transform: { - "^.+\\.tsx?$": "ts-jest" + preset: 'ts-jest', + testEnvironment: 'node', + collectCoverageFrom: ['src/**/*.ts', '!src/**/index.ts', '!src/**/*.interface.ts'], + globals: { + 'ts-jest': { + tsConfig: 'tsconfig.spec.json', }, - testRegex: "(/__test__/.*|(\\.|/)(test|spec))\\.(jsx?|tsx?)$", - testEnvironment: "node", - moduleFileExtensions: [ - "ts", - "tsx", - "js", - "jsx", - "json", - "node" - ], - modulePathIgnorePatterns: [ - "/build/" - ], - coverageReporters: [ - // "html", - // "lcov", - "text-summary" - ] + }, }; diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index a46607e77..43fb5d3de 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ "typescript": "3.8.3" }, "scripts": { - "build": "rimraf build && echo Using TypeScript && tsc --version && tsc --pretty", - "clean": "rimraf build coverage", - "copy": "copyfiles -u 3 \"build/compiled/src/**/*\" build/package && copyfiles package.json build/package", - "lint": "eslint --config ./.eslintrc.js --ext .ts ./src ./test", - "package": "npm run build && npm run copy && npm run public && rimraf build/compiled", - "pretest": "npm run lint", - "public": "json -I -f build/package/package.json -e 'this.private=false'", - "test": "jest --coverage" + "build": "rimraf build && tsc --project", + "prettier:fix": "prettier --write \"**/*.{ts,md}\"", + "prettier:check": "prettier --check \"**/*.{ts,md}\"", + "lint:fix": "eslint --max-warnings 0 --fix --ext .ts src/", + "lint:check": "eslint --max-warnings 0 --ext .ts src/", + "test": "jest --coverage --verbose", + "test:watch": "jest --watch", + "test:ci": "jest --runInBand --coverage --verbose" } } diff --git a/src/TransformOperationExecutor.ts b/src/TransformOperationExecutor.ts index 6dd31ab7e..e3ee15aa7 100644 --- a/src/TransformOperationExecutor.ts +++ b/src/TransformOperationExecutor.ts @@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ export class TransformOperationExecutor { } else if(this.options.enableImplicitConversion && this.transformationType === TransformationType.PLAIN_TO_CLASS) { // if we have no registererd type via the @Type() decorator then we check if we have any // type declarations in reflect-metadata (type declaration is emited only if some decorator is added to the property.) + // TODO: Remove ts-ignore + // @ts-ignore: Unreachable code error const reflectedType = Reflect.getMetadata("design:type", (targetType as Function).prototype, propertyName); if (reflectedType) { diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index 8c873fff1..0edf824d7 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -1,67 +1,16 @@ { - "include": ["./src", "./test"], "compilerOptions": { - /* Basic Options */ - // "incremental": true, /* Enable incremental compilation */ - "target": "es5", /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT'. */ - "module": "commonjs", /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */ - // "lib": [], /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */ - // "allowJs": true, /* Allow javascript files to be compiled. */ - // "checkJs": true, /* Report errors in .js files. */ - // "jsx": "preserve", /* Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'. */ - "declaration": true, /* Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file. */ - // "declarationMap": true, /* Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding '.d.ts' file. */ - "sourceMap": true, /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */ - // "outFile": "./", /* Concatenate and emit output to single file. */ - "outDir": "./build/compiled", /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */ - // "rootDir": "./", /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */ - // "composite": true, /* Enable project compilation */ - // "tsBuildInfoFile": "./", /* Specify file to store incremental compilation information */ - // "removeComments": true, /* Do not emit comments to output. */ - // "noEmit": true, /* Do not emit outputs. */ - // "importHelpers": true, /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */ - // "downlevelIteration": true, /* Provide full support for iterables in 'for-of', spread, and destructuring when targeting 'ES5' or 'ES3'. */ - // "isolatedModules": true, /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */ - - /* Strict Type-Checking Options */ - "strict": true, /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */ - // "noImplicitAny": true, /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */ - "strictNullChecks": false, /* Enable strict null checks. */ - // "strictFunctionTypes": true, /* Enable strict checking of function types. */ - // "strictBindCallApply": true, /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */ - "strictPropertyInitialization": false, /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */ - // "noImplicitThis": true, /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */ - // "alwaysStrict": true, /* Parse in strict mode and emit "use strict" for each source file. */ - - /* Additional Checks */ - // "noUnusedLocals": true, /* Report errors on unused locals. */ - // "noUnusedParameters": true, /* Report errors on unused parameters. */ - // "noImplicitReturns": true, /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */ - // "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */ - - /* Module Resolution Options */ - // "moduleResolution": "node", /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */ - // "baseUrl": "./", /* Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names. */ - // "paths": {}, /* A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the 'baseUrl'. */ - // "rootDirs": [], /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */ - // "typeRoots": [], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */ - // "types": [], /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */ - // "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */ - "esModuleInterop": true, /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */ - // "preserveSymlinks": true, /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */ - // "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */ - - /* Source Map Options */ - // "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */ - // "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */ - // "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */ - // "inlineSources": true, /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */ - - /* Experimental Options */ - "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */ - "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */ - - /* Advanced Options */ - "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true /* Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. */ - } -} + "module": "commonjs", + "target": "es2018", + "lib": ["es2018"], + "outDir": "build", + "rootDir": "./src", + "strict": true, + "sourceMap": true, + "esModuleInterop": true, + "experimentalDecorators": true, + "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true + }, + "exclude": ["node_modules", "sample", "**/*.spec.ts", "testing/**"] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aeea210e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "extends": "./tsconfig.json", + "compilerOptions": { + "strict": false, + "sourceMap": true, + "removeComments": false, + "declaration": true, + }, +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tsconfig.spec.json b/tsconfig.spec.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9943a402b --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.spec.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "extends": "./tsconfig.json", + "compilerOptions": { + "strict": false, + "strictPropertyInitialization": false, + "sourceMap": false, + "removeComments": true, + "noImplicitAny": false, + }, + "exclude": ["node_modules"] +} \ No newline at end of file From 7e44f31f5f8d327d540491bbb5544de99f7e0c00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Attila Olah Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:19:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 04/12] build: add Prettier --- .prettierrc.yml | 8 ++++++++ package-lock.json | 6 ++++++ package.json | 1 + 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .prettierrc.yml diff --git a/.prettierrc.yml b/.prettierrc.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a87ac4a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.prettierrc.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +printWidth: 120 +tabWidth: 2 +useTabs: false +semi: true +singleQuote: true +trailingComma: es5 +bracketSpacing: true +arrowParens: avoid \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index aa65bcc30..0191dcf7f 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -4402,6 +4402,12 @@ "integrity": "sha1-IZMqVJ9eUv/ZqCf1cOBL5iqX2lQ=", "dev": true }, + "prettier": { + "version": "2.0.5", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-7PtVymN48hGcO4fGjybyBSIWDsLU4H4XlvOHfq91pz9kkGlonzwTfYkaIEwiRg/dAJF9YlbsduBAgtYLi+8cFg==", + "dev": true + }, "pretty-format": { "version": "25.1.0", "resolved": "", diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 43fb5d3de..927497e0c 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "eslint-plugin-jest": "23.8.2", "jest": "25.2.7", "json": "9.0.6", + "prettier": "^2.0.5", "reflect-metadata": "0.1.13", "rimraf": "3.0.2", "ts-jest": "25.3.0", From 4fe1ca3eaccd2640adc9d9625b83aaf40b8e73fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Attila Olah Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:20:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 05/12] build: configure Husky and lint-staged --- package-lock.json | 512 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ package.json | 15 ++ 2 files changed, 527 insertions(+) diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 0191dcf7f..2edfe10c4 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -803,6 +803,12 @@ "integrity": "sha512-f5j5b/Gf71L+dbqxIpQ4Z2WlmI/mPJ0fOkGGmFgtb6sAu97EPczzbS3/tJKxmcYDj55OX6ssqwDAWOHIYDRDGA==", "dev": true }, + "@types/parse-json": { + "version": "4.0.0", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-//oorEZjL6sbPcKUaCdIGlIUeH26mgzimjBB77G6XRgnDl/L5wOnpyBGRe/Mmf5CVW3PwEBE1NjiMZ/ssFh4wA==", + "dev": true + }, "@types/prettier": { "version": "1.19.1", "resolved": "", @@ -923,6 +929,16 @@ "integrity": "sha512-7evsyfH1cLOCdAzZAd43Cic04yKydNx0cF+7tiA19p1XnLLPU4dpCQOqpjqwokFe//vS0QqfqqjCS2JkiIs0cA==", "dev": true }, + "aggregate-error": { + "version": "3.0.1", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-quoaXsZ9/BLNae5yiNoUz+Nhkwz83GhWwtYFglcjEQB2NDHCIpApbqXxIFnm4Pq/Nvhrsq5sYJFyohrrxnTGAA==", + "dev": true, + "requires": { + "clean-stack": "^2.0.0", + "indent-string": "^4.0.0" + } + }, "ajv": { "version": "6.12.2", "resolved": "", @@ -935,6 +951,12 @@ "uri-js": "^4.2.2" } }, + 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tests: + name: Tests + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + strategy: + matrix: + node-version: [8.x, 10.x, 12.x, 14.x] + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v1 + - name: Setting up Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} + uses: actions/setup-node@v1 + - run: npm ci --ignore-scripts + - run: npm run test:ci + - run: npm install codecov -g + - run: codecov -f ./coverage/clover.xml -t ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} + build: + name: Build + needs: [tests, checks] + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v1 + - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 + - run: npm ci --ignore-scripts + - run: npm run build \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/nodejs.yml b/.github/workflows/nodejs.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 07dd653a3..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/nodejs.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -name: Node.js CI - -on: [push] - -jobs: - build: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - - strategy: - matrix: - node-version: [8.x, 10.x, 12.x] - - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 - with: - node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - - run: npm install - - run: npm run build - - run: npm test - env: - CI: true diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 7d96cd6b3..000000000 --- a/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -language: node_js -node_js: - - stable - - 12 - - 10 - - 8 - -after_success: - - bash <(curl -s diff --git a/ b/ index 965f37bda..2056f21c9 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,916 +1,899 @@ -# class-transformer - -[![Build Status](]( -[![codecov](]( -[![npm version](]( -[![Dependency Status](]( -[![Join the chat at](]( - -Its ES6 and Typescript era. Nowadays you are working with classes and constructor objects more then ever. -Class-transformer allows you to transform plain object to some instance of class and versa. -Also it allows to serialize / deserialize object based on criteria. -This tool is super useful on both frontend and backend. - -Example how to use with angular 2 in [plunker]( -Source code is available [here]( - -- [What is class-transformer](#what-is-class-transformer) -- [Installation](#installation) - - [Node.js](#nodejs) - - [Browser](#browser) -- [Methods](#methods) - - [plainToClass](#plaintoclass) - - [plainToClassFromExist](#plaintoclassfromexist) - - [classToPlain](#classtoplain) - - [classToClass](#classtoclass) - - [serialize](#serialize) - - [deserialize and deserializeArray](#deserialize-and-deserializearray) -- [Enforcing type-safe instance](#enforcing-type-safe-instance) -- [Working with nested objects](#working-with-nested-objects) - - [Providing more than one type option](#providing-more-than-one-type-option) -- [Exposing getters and method return values](#exposing-getters-and-method-return-values) -- [Exposing properties with different names](#exposing-properties-with-different-names) -- [Skipping specific properties](#skipping-specific-properties) -- [Skipping depend of operation](#skipping-depend-of-operation) -- [Skipping all properties of the class](#skipping-all-properties-of-the-class) -- [Skipping private properties, or some prefixed properties](#skipping-private-properties-or-some-prefixed-properties) -- [Using groups to control excluded properties](#using-groups-to-control-excluded-properties) -- [Using versioning to control exposed and excluded properties](#using-versioning-to-control-exposed-and-excluded-properties) -- [Сonverting date strings into Date objects](#сonverting-date-strings-into-date-objects) -- [Working with arrays](#working-with-arrays) -- [Additional data transformation](#additional-data-transformation) - - [Basic usage](#basic-usage) - - [Advanced usage](#advanced-usage) -- [Other decorators](#other-decorators) -- [Working with generics](#working-with-generics) -- [Implicit type conversion](#implicit-type-conversion) -- [How does it handle circular references?](#how-does-it-handle-circular-references) -- [Example with Angular2](#example-with-angular2) -- [Samples](#samples) -- [Release notes](#release-notes) - -## What is class-transformer - -In JavaScript there are two types of objects: - -* plain (literal) objects -* class (constructor) objects - -Plain objects are objects that are instances of `Object` class. -Sometimes they are called **literal** objects, when created via `{}` notation. -Class objects are instances of classes with own defined constructor, properties and methods. -Usually you define them via `class` notation. - -So, what is the problem? - -Sometimes you want to transform plain javascript object to the ES6 **classes** you have. -For example, if you are loading a json from your backend, some api or from a json file, -and after you `JSON.parse` it you have a plain javascript object, not instance of class you have. - -For example you have a list of users in your `users.json` that you are loading: - -```json -[{ - "id": 1, - "firstName": "Johny", - "lastName": "Cage", - "age": 27 -}, -{ - "id": 2, - "firstName": "Ismoil", - "lastName": "Somoni", - "age": 50 -}, -{ - "id": 3, - "firstName": "Luke", - "lastName": "Dacascos", - "age": 12 -}] -``` -And you have a `User` class: - -```typescript -export class User { - id: number; - firstName: string; - lastName: string; - age: number; - - getName() { - return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; - } - - isAdult() { - return this.age > 36 && this.age < 60; - } -} -``` - -You are assuming that you are downloading users of type `User` from `users.json` file and may want to write -following code: - -```typescript -fetch("users.json").then((users: User[]) => { - // you can use users here, and type hinting also will be available to you, - // but users are not actually instances of User class - // this means that you can't use methods of User class -}); -``` - -In this code you can use `users[0].id`, you can also use `users[0].firstName` and `users[0].lastName`. -However you cannot use `users[0].getName()` or `users[0].isAdult()` because "users" actually is -array of plain javascript objects, not instances of User object. -You actually lied to compiler when you said that its `users: User[]`. - -So what to do? How to make a `users` array of instances of `User` objects instead of plain javascript objects? -Solution is to create new instances of User object and manually copy all properties to new objects. -But things may go wrong very fast once you have a more complex object hierarchy. - -Alternatives? Yes, you can use class-transformer. Purpose of this library is to help you to map you plain javascript -objects to the instances of classes you have. - -This library also great for models exposed in your APIs, -because it provides a great tooling to control what your models are exposing in your API. -Here is example how it will look like: - -```typescript -fetch("users.json").then((users: Object[]) => { - const realUsers = plainToClass(User, users); - // now each user in realUsers is instance of User class -}); -``` - -Now you can use `users[0].getName()` and `users[0].isAdult()` methods. - -## Installation - -### Node.js - -1. Install module: - - `npm install class-transformer --save` - -2. `reflect-metadata` shim is required, install it too: - - `npm install reflect-metadata --save` - - and make sure to import it in a global place, like app.ts: - - ```typescript - import "reflect-metadata"; - ``` - -3. ES6 features are used, if you are using old version of node.js you may need to install es6-shim: - - `npm install es6-shim --save` - - and import it in a global place like app.ts: - - ```typescript - import "es6-shim"; - ``` - -### Browser - -1. Install module: - - `npm install class-transformer --save` - -2. `reflect-metadata` shim is required, install it too: - - `npm install reflect-metadata --save` - - add ` - - - - ``` - - If you are using angular 2 you should already have this shim installed. - -3. If you are using system.js you may want to add this into `map` and `package` config: - - ```json - { - "map": { - "class-transformer": "node_modules/class-transformer" - }, - "packages": { - "class-transformer": { "main": "index.js", "defaultExtension": "js" } - } - } - ``` - -## Methods - -### plainToClass - -This method transforms a plain javascript object to instance of specific class. - -```typescript -import {plainToClass} from "class-transformer"; - -let users = plainToClass(User, userJson); // to convert user plain object a single user. also supports arrays -``` - -### plainToClassFromExist - -This method transforms a plain object into a instance using a already filled Object which is a instance from the target class. - -```typescript -const defaultUser = new User(); -defaultUser.role = 'user'; - -let mixedUser = plainToClassFromExist(defaultUser, user); // mixed user should have the value role = user when no value is set otherwise. -``` - -### classToPlain - -This method transforms your class object back to plain javascript object, that can be `JSON.stringify` later. - -```typescript -import {classToPlain} from "class-transformer"; -let photo = classToPlain(photo); -``` - -### classToClass - -This method transforms your class object into new instance of the class object. -This maybe treated as deep clone of your objects. - -```typescript -import {classToClass} from "class-transformer"; -let photo = classToClass(photo); -``` - -You can also use a `ignoreDecorators` option in transformation options to ignore all decorators you classes is using. - -### serialize - -You can serialize your model right to the json using `serialize` method: - -```typescript -import {serialize} from "class-transformer"; -let photo = serialize(photo); -``` - -`serialize` works with both arrays and non-arrays. - -### deserialize and deserializeArray - -You can deserialize your model to from a json using `deserialize` method: - -```typescript -import {deserialize} from "class-transformer"; -let photo = deserialize(Photo, photo); -``` - -To make deserialization to work with arrays use `deserializeArray` method: - -```typescript -import {deserializeArray} from "class-transformer"; -let photos = deserializeArray(Photo, photos); -``` - -## Enforcing type-safe instance - -The default behaviour of the `plainToClass` method is to set *all* properties from the plain object, -even those which are not specified in the class. - -```typescript -import {plainToClass} from "class-transformer"; - -class User { - id: number - firstName: string - lastName: string -} - -const fromPlainUser = { - unkownProp: 'hello there', - firstName: 'Umed', - lastName: 'Khudoiberdiev', -} - -console.log(plainToClass(User, fromPlainUser)) - -// User { -// unkownProp: 'hello there', -// firstName: 'Umed', -// lastName: 'Khudoiberdiev', -// } -``` - -If this behaviour does not suit your needs, you can use the `excludeExtraneousValues` option -in the `plainToClass` method while *exposing all your class properties* as a requirement. - -```typescript -import {Expose, plainToClass} from "class-transformer"; - -class User { - @Expose() id: number; - @Expose() firstName: string; - @Expose() lastName: string; -} - -const fromPlainUser = { - unkownProp: 'hello there', - firstName: 'Umed', - lastName: 'Khudoiberdiev', -} - -console.log(plainToClass(User, fromPlainUser, { excludeExtraneousValues: true })) - -// User { -// id: undefined, -// firstName: 'Umed', -// lastName: 'Khudoiberdiev' -// } -``` - -## Working with nested objects - -When you are trying to transform objects that have nested objects, -its required to known what type of object you are trying to transform. -Since Typescript does not have good reflection abilities yet, -we should implicitly specify what type of object each property contain. -This is done using `@Type` decorator. - -Lets say we have an album with photos. -And we are trying to convert album plain object to class object: - -```typescript -import {Type, plainToClass} from "class-transformer"; - -export class Album { - - id: number; - - name: string; - - @Type(() => Photo) - photos: Photo[]; -} - -export class Photo { - id: number; - filename: string; -} - -let album = plainToClass(Album, albumJson); -// now album is Album object with Photo objects inside -``` - -### Providing more than one type option - -In case the nested object can be of different types, you can provide an additional options object, -that specifies a discriminator. The discriminator option must define a `property` that holds the sub -type name for the object and the possible `subTypes`, the nested object can converted to. A sub type -has a `value`, that holds the constructor of the Type and the `name`, that can match with the `property` -of the discriminator. - -Lets say we have an album that has a top photo. But this photo can be of certain different types. -And we are trying to convert album plain object to class object. The plain object input has to define -the additional property `__type`. This property is removed during transformation by default: - -**JSON input**: -```json -{ - "id": 1, - "name": "foo", - "topPhoto": { - "id": 9, - "filename": "cool_wale.jpg", - "depth": 1245, - "__type": "underwater" - } -} -``` - -```typescript -import {Type, plainToClass} from "class-transformer"; - -export abstract class Photo { - id: number; - filename: string; -} - -export class Landscape extends Photo { - panorama: boolean; -} - -export class Portrait extends Photo { - person: Person; -} - -export class UnderWater extends Photo { - depth: number; -} - -export class Album { - - id: number; - name: string; - - @Type(() => Photo, { - discriminator: { - property: "__type", - subTypes: [ - { value: Landscape, name: "landscape" }, - { value: Portrait, name: "portrait" }, - { value: UnderWater, name: "underwater" } - ] - } - }) - topPhoto: Landscape | Portrait | UnderWater; - -} - -let album = plainToClass(Album, albumJson); -// now album is Album object with a UnderWater object without `__type` property. -``` - -Hint: The same applies for arrays with different sub types. Moreover you can specify `keepDiscriminatorProperty: true` -in the options to keep the discriminator property also inside your resulting class. - -## Exposing getters and method return values - -You can expose what your getter or method return by setting a `@Expose()` decorator to those getters or methods: - -```typescript -import {Expose} from "class-transformer"; - -export class User { - - id: number; - firstName: string; - lastName: string; - password: string; - - @Expose() - get name() { - return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; - } - - @Expose() - getFullName() { - return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; - } -} -``` - -## Exposing properties with different names - -If you want to expose some of properties with a different name, -you can do it by specifying a `name` option to `@Expose` decorator: - -```typescript -import {Expose} from "class-transformer"; - -export class User { - - @Expose({ name: "uid" }) - id: number; - - firstName: string; - - lastName: string; - - @Expose({ name: "secretKey" }) - password: string; - - @Expose({ name: "fullName" }) - getFullName() { - return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; - } -} -``` - -## Skipping specific properties - -Sometimes you want to skip some properties during transformation. -This can be done using `@Exclude` decorator: - -```typescript -import {Exclude} from "class-transformer"; - -export class User { - - id: number; - - email: string; - - @Exclude() - password: string; -} -``` - -Now when you transform a User, `password` property will be skipped and not be included in the transformed result. - -## Skipping depend of operation - -You can control on what operation you will exclude a property. Use `toClassOnly` or `toPlainOnly` options: - -```typescript -import {Exclude} from "class-transformer"; - -export class User { - - id: number; - - email: string; - - @Exclude({ toPlainOnly: true }) - password: string; -} -``` - -Now `password` property will be excluded only during `classToPlain` operation. Oppositely, use `toClassOnly` option. - -## Skipping all properties of the class - -You can skip all properties of the class, and expose only those are needed explicitly: - -```typescript -import {Exclude, Expose} from "class-transformer"; - -@Exclude() -export class User { - - @Expose() - id: number; - - @Expose() - email: string; - - password: string; -} -``` - -Now `id` and `email` will be exposed, and password will be excluded during transformation. -Alternatively, you can set exclusion strategy during transformation: - -```typescript -import {classToPlain} from "class-transformer"; -let photo = classToPlain(photo, { strategy: "excludeAll" }); -``` - -In this case you don't need to `@Exclude()` a whole class. - -## Skipping private properties, or some prefixed properties - -If you name your private properties with a prefix, lets say with `_`, -then you can exclude such properties from transformation too: - -```typescript -import {classToPlain} from "class-transformer"; -let photo = classToPlain(photo, { excludePrefixes: ["_"] }); -``` - -This will skip all properties that start with `_` prefix. -You can pass any number of prefixes and all properties that begin with these prefixes will be ignored. -For example: - -```typescript -import {Expose, classToPlain} from "class-transformer"; - -export class User { - - id: number; - private _firstName: string; - private _lastName: string; - _password: string; - - setName(firstName: string, lastName: string) { - this._firstName = firstName; - this._lastName = lastName; - } - - @Expose() - get name() { - return this._firstName + " " + this._lastName; - } - -} - -const user = new User(); = 1; -user.setName("Johny", "Cage"); -user._password = "123"; - -const plainUser = classToPlain(user, { excludePrefixes: ["_"] }); -// here plainUser will be equal to -// { id: 1, name: "Johny Cage" } -``` - -## Using groups to control excluded properties - -You can use groups to control what data will be exposed and what will not be: - -```typescript -import {Exclude, Expose, classToPlain} from "class-transformer"; - -export class User { - - id: number; - - name: string; - - @Expose({ groups: ["user", "admin"] }) // this means that this data will be exposed only to users and admins - email: string; - - @Expose({ groups: ["user"] }) // this means that this data will be exposed only to users - password: string; -} - -let user1 = classToPlain(user, { groups: ["user"] }); // will contain id, name, email and password -let user2 = classToPlain(user, { groups: ["admin"] }); // will contain id, name and email -``` - -## Using versioning to control exposed and excluded properties - -If you are building an API that has different versions, class-transformer has extremely useful tools for that. -You can control which properties of your model should be exposed or excluded in what version. Example: - -```typescript -import {Exclude, Expose, classToPlain} from "class-transformer"; - -export class User { - - id: number; - - name: string; - - @Expose({ since: 0.7, until: 1 }) // this means that this property will be exposed for version starting from 0.7 until 1 - email: string; - - @Expose({ since: 2.1 }) // this means that this property will be exposed for version starting from 2.1 - password: string; -} - -let user1 = classToPlain(user, { version: 0.5 }); // will contain id and name -let user2 = classToPlain(user, { version: 0.7 }); // will contain id, name and email -let user3 = classToPlain(user, { version: 1 }); // will contain id and name -let user4 = classToPlain(user, { version: 2 }); // will contain id and name -let user5 = classToPlain(user, { version: 2.1 }); // will contain id, name and password -``` - -## Сonverting date strings into Date objects - -Sometimes you have a Date in your plain javascript object received in a string format. -And you want to create a real javascript Date object from it. -You can do it simply by passing a Date object to the `@Type` decorator: - -```typescript -import {Type} from "class-transformer"; - -export class User { - - id: number; - - email: string; - - password: string; - - @Type(() => Date) - registrationDate: Date; -} -``` - -Note, that dates will be converted to strings when you'll try to convert class object to plain object. - -Same technique can be used with `Number`, `String`, `Boolean` -primitive types when you want to convert your values into these types. - -## Working with arrays - -When you are using arrays you must provide a type of the object that array contains. -This type, you specify in a `@Type()` decorator: - -```typescript -import {Type} from "class-transformer"; - -export class Photo { - - id: number; - - name: string; - - @Type(() => Album) - albums: Album[]; -} -``` - -You can also use custom array types: - -```typescript -import {Type} from "class-transformer"; - -export class AlbumCollection extends Array { - // custom array functions ... -} - -export class Photo { - - id: number; - - name: string; - - @Type(() => Album) - albums: AlbumCollection; -} -``` - -Library will handle proper transformation automatically. - -ES6 collections `Set` and `Map` also require the `@Type` decorator: - -```typescript -export class Skill { - name: string; -} - -export class Weapon { - name: string; - range: number; -} - -export class Player { - name: string; - - @Type(() => Skill) - skills: Set; - - @Type(() => Weapon) - weapons: Map; -} -``` - -## Additional data transformation - -### Basic usage - -You can perform additional data transformation using `@Transform` decorator. -For example, you want to make your `Date` object to be a `moment` object when you are -transforming object from plain to class: - -```typescript -import {Transform} from "class-transformer"; -import * as moment from "moment"; -import {Moment} from "moment"; - -export class Photo { - - id: number; - - @Type(() => Date) - @Transform(value => moment(value), { toClassOnly: true }) - date: Moment; -} -``` - -Now when you call `plainToClass` and send a plain representation of the Photo object, -it will convert a date value in your photo object to moment date. -`@Transform` decorator also supports groups and versioning. - -### Advanced usage - -The `@Transform` decorator is given more arguments to let you configure how you want the transformation to be done. - -``` -@Transform((value, obj, type) => value) -``` - -| Argument | Description -|--------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -| `value` | The property value before the transformation. -| `obj` | The transformation source object. -| `type` | The transformation type. - -## Other decorators -| Signature | Example | Description -|--------------------|------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| -| `@TransformClassToPlain` | `@TransformClassToPlain({ groups: ["user"] })` | Transform the method return with classToPlain and expose the properties on the class. -| `@TransformClassToClass` | `@TransformClassToClass({ groups: ["user"] })` | Transform the method return with classToClass and expose the properties on the class. -| `@TransformPlainToClass` | `@TransformPlainToClass(User, { groups: ["user"] })` | Transform the method return with plainToClass and expose the properties on the class. - -The above decorators accept one optional argument: -ClassTransformOptions - The transform options like groups, version, name - -An example: - -```typescript -@Exclude() -class User { - - id: number; - - @Expose() - firstName: string; - - @Expose() - lastName: string; - - @Expose({ groups: [''] }) - email: string; - - password: string; -} - -class UserController { - - @TransformClassToPlain({ groups: [''] }) - getUser() { - const user = new User(); - user.firstName = "Snir"; - user.lastName = "Segal"; - user.password = "imnosuperman"; - - return user; - } -} - -const controller = new UserController(); -const user = controller.getUser(); -``` - -the `user` variable will contain only firstName,lastName, email properties becuase they are -the exposed variables. email property is also exposed becuase we metioned the group "". - -## Working with generics - -Generics are not supported because TypeScript does not have good reflection abilities yet. -Once TypeScript team provide us better runtime type reflection tools, generics will be implemented. -There are some tweaks however you can use, that maybe can solve your problem. -[Checkout this example.]( - -## Implicit type conversion - -> **NOTE** If you use class-validator together with class-transformer you propably DON'T want to enable this function. - -Enables automatic conversion between built-in types based on type information provided by Typescript. Disabled by default. - -```ts -import { IsString } from 'class-validator' - -class MyPayload { - - @IsString() - prop: string -} - - -const result1 = plainToClass(MyPayload, { prop: 1234 }, { enableImplicitConversion: true }); -const result2 = plainToClass(MyPayload, { prop: 1234 }, { enableImplicitConversion: false }); - -/** - * result1 will be `{ prop: "1234" }` - notice how the prop value has been converted to string. - * result2 will be `{ prop: 1234 }` - default behaviour - */ -``` - -## How does it handle circular references? - -Circular references are ignored. -For example, if you are transforming class `User` that contains property `photos` with type of `Photo`, - and `Photo` contains link `user` to its parent `User`, then `user` will be ignored during transformation. -Circular references are not ignored only during `classToClass` operation. - -## Example with Angular2 - -Lets say you want to download users and want them automatically to be mapped to the instances of `User` class. - -```typescript -import {plainToClass} from "class-transformer"; - -this.http - .get("users.json") - .map(res => res.json()) - .map(res => plainToClass(User, res as Object[])) - .subscribe(users => { - // now "users" is type of User[] and each user has getName() and isAdult() methods available - console.log(users); - }); -``` - -You can also inject a class `ClassTransformer` as a service in `providers`, and use its methods. - -Example how to use with angular 2 in [plunker]( -Source code is [here]( - -## Samples - -Take a look on samples in [./sample]( for more examples of -usages. - -## Release notes - -See information about breaking changes and release notes [here]( +# class-transformer + +![Build Status]( +[![codecov](]( +[![npm version](]( + +Its ES6 and Typescript era. Nowadays you are working with classes and constructor objects more then ever. +Class-transformer allows you to transform plain object to some instance of class and versa. +Also it allows to serialize / deserialize object based on criteria. +This tool is super useful on both frontend and backend. + +Example how to use with angular 2 in [plunker]( +Source code is available [here]( + +- [What is class-transformer](#what-is-class-transformer) +- [Installation](#installation) + - [Node.js](#nodejs) + - [Browser](#browser) +- [Methods](#methods) + - [plainToClass](#plaintoclass) + - [plainToClassFromExist](#plaintoclassfromexist) + - [classToPlain](#classtoplain) + - [classToClass](#classtoclass) + - [serialize](#serialize) + - [deserialize and deserializeArray](#deserialize-and-deserializearray) +- [Enforcing type-safe instance](#enforcing-type-safe-instance) +- [Working with nested objects](#working-with-nested-objects) + - [Providing more than one type option](#providing-more-than-one-type-option) +- [Exposing getters and method return values](#exposing-getters-and-method-return-values) +- [Exposing properties with different names](#exposing-properties-with-different-names) +- [Skipping specific properties](#skipping-specific-properties) +- [Skipping depend of operation](#skipping-depend-of-operation) +- [Skipping all properties of the class](#skipping-all-properties-of-the-class) +- [Skipping private properties, or some prefixed properties](#skipping-private-properties-or-some-prefixed-properties) +- [Using groups to control excluded properties](#using-groups-to-control-excluded-properties) +- [Using versioning to control exposed and excluded properties](#using-versioning-to-control-exposed-and-excluded-properties) +- [Сonverting date strings into Date objects](#сonverting-date-strings-into-date-objects) +- [Working with arrays](#working-with-arrays) +- [Additional data transformation](#additional-data-transformation) + - [Basic usage](#basic-usage) + - [Advanced usage](#advanced-usage) +- [Other decorators](#other-decorators) +- [Working with generics](#working-with-generics) +- [Implicit type conversion](#implicit-type-conversion) +- [How does it handle circular references?](#how-does-it-handle-circular-references) +- [Example with Angular2](#example-with-angular2) +- [Samples](#samples) +- [Release notes](#release-notes) + +## What is class-transformer + +In JavaScript there are two types of objects: + +- plain (literal) objects +- class (constructor) objects + +Plain objects are objects that are instances of `Object` class. +Sometimes they are called **literal** objects, when created via `{}` notation. +Class objects are instances of classes with own defined constructor, properties and methods. +Usually you define them via `class` notation. + +So, what is the problem? + +Sometimes you want to transform plain javascript object to the ES6 **classes** you have. +For example, if you are loading a json from your backend, some api or from a json file, +and after you `JSON.parse` it you have a plain javascript object, not instance of class you have. + +For example you have a list of users in your `users.json` that you are loading: + +```json +[ + { + "id": 1, + "firstName": "Johny", + "lastName": "Cage", + "age": 27 + }, + { + "id": 2, + "firstName": "Ismoil", + "lastName": "Somoni", + "age": 50 + }, + { + "id": 3, + "firstName": "Luke", + "lastName": "Dacascos", + "age": 12 + } +] +``` + +And you have a `User` class: + +```typescript +export class User { + id: number; + firstName: string; + lastName: string; + age: number; + + getName() { + return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName; + } + + isAdult() { + return this.age > 36 && this.age < 60; + } +} +``` + +You are assuming that you are downloading users of type `User` from `users.json` file and may want to write +following code: + +```typescript +fetch('users.json').then((users: User[]) => { + // you can use users here, and type hinting also will be available to you, + // but users are not actually instances of User class + // this means that you can't use methods of User class +}); +``` + +In this code you can use `users[0].id`, you can also use `users[0].firstName` and `users[0].lastName`. +However you cannot use `users[0].getName()` or `users[0].isAdult()` because "users" actually is +array of plain javascript objects, not instances of User object. +You actually lied to compiler when you said that its `users: User[]`. + +So what to do? How to make a `users` array of instances of `User` objects instead of plain javascript objects? +Solution is to create new instances of User object and manually copy all properties to new objects. +But things may go wrong very fast once you have a more complex object hierarchy. + +Alternatives? Yes, you can use class-transformer. Purpose of this library is to help you to map you plain javascript +objects to the instances of classes you have. + +This library also great for models exposed in your APIs, +because it provides a great tooling to control what your models are exposing in your API. +Here is example how it will look like: + +```typescript +fetch('users.json').then((users: Object[]) => { + const realUsers = plainToClass(User, users); + // now each user in realUsers is instance of User class +}); +``` + +Now you can use `users[0].getName()` and `users[0].isAdult()` methods. + +## Installation + +### Node.js + +1. Install module: + + `npm install class-transformer --save` + +2. `reflect-metadata` shim is required, install it too: + + `npm install reflect-metadata --save` + + and make sure to import it in a global place, like app.ts: + + ```typescript + import 'reflect-metadata'; + ``` + +3. ES6 features are used, if you are using old version of node.js you may need to install es6-shim: + + `npm install es6-shim --save` + + and import it in a global place like app.ts: + + ```typescript + import 'es6-shim'; + ``` + +### Browser + +1. Install module: + + `npm install class-transformer --save` + +2. `reflect-metadata` shim is required, install it too: + + `npm install reflect-metadata --save` + + add ` + + + + ``` + + If you are using angular 2 you should already have this shim installed. + +3. If you are using system.js you may want to add this into `map` and `package` config: + + ```json + { + "map": { + "class-transformer": "node_modules/class-transformer" + }, + "packages": { + "class-transformer": { "main": "index.js", "defaultExtension": "js" } + } + } + ``` + +## Methods + +### plainToClass + +This method transforms a plain javascript object to instance of specific class. + +```typescript +import { plainToClass } from 'class-transformer'; + +let users = plainToClass(User, userJson); // to convert user plain object a single user. also supports arrays +``` + +### plainToClassFromExist + +This method transforms a plain object into a instance using a already filled Object which is a instance from the target class. + +```typescript +const defaultUser = new User(); +defaultUser.role = 'user'; + +let mixedUser = plainToClassFromExist(defaultUser, user); // mixed user should have the value role = user when no value is set otherwise. +``` + +### classToPlain + +This method transforms your class object back to plain javascript object, that can be `JSON.stringify` later. + +```typescript +import { classToPlain } from 'class-transformer'; +let photo = classToPlain(photo); +``` + +### classToClass + +This method transforms your class object into new instance of the class object. +This maybe treated as deep clone of your objects. + +```typescript +import { classToClass } from 'class-transformer'; +let photo = classToClass(photo); +``` + +You can also use a `ignoreDecorators` option in transformation options to ignore all decorators you classes is using. + +### serialize + +You can serialize your model right to the json using `serialize` method: + +```typescript +import { serialize } from 'class-transformer'; +let photo = serialize(photo); +``` + +`serialize` works with both arrays and non-arrays. + +### deserialize and deserializeArray + +You can deserialize your model to from a json using `deserialize` method: + +```typescript +import { deserialize } from 'class-transformer'; +let photo = deserialize(Photo, photo); +``` + +To make deserialization to work with arrays use `deserializeArray` method: + +```typescript +import { deserializeArray } from 'class-transformer'; +let photos = deserializeArray(Photo, photos); +``` + +## Enforcing type-safe instance + +The default behaviour of the `plainToClass` method is to set _all_ properties from the plain object, +even those which are not specified in the class. + +```typescript +import { plainToClass } from 'class-transformer'; + +class User { + id: number; + firstName: string; + lastName: string; +} + +const fromPlainUser = { + unkownProp: 'hello there', + firstName: 'Umed', + lastName: 'Khudoiberdiev', +}; + +console.log(plainToClass(User, fromPlainUser)); + +// User { +// unkownProp: 'hello there', +// firstName: 'Umed', +// lastName: 'Khudoiberdiev', +// } +``` + +If this behaviour does not suit your needs, you can use the `excludeExtraneousValues` option +in the `plainToClass` method while _exposing all your class properties_ as a requirement. + +```typescript +import { Expose, plainToClass } from 'class-transformer'; + +class User { + @Expose() id: number; + @Expose() firstName: string; + @Expose() lastName: string; +} + +const fromPlainUser = { + unkownProp: 'hello there', + firstName: 'Umed', + lastName: 'Khudoiberdiev', +}; + +console.log(plainToClass(User, fromPlainUser, { excludeExtraneousValues: true })); + +// User { +// id: undefined, +// firstName: 'Umed', +// lastName: 'Khudoiberdiev' +// } +``` + +## Working with nested objects + +When you are trying to transform objects that have nested objects, +its required to known what type of object you are trying to transform. +Since Typescript does not have good reflection abilities yet, +we should implicitly specify what type of object each property contain. +This is done using `@Type` decorator. + +Lets say we have an album with photos. +And we are trying to convert album plain object to class object: + +```typescript +import { Type, plainToClass } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class Album { + id: number; + + name: string; + + @Type(() => Photo) + photos: Photo[]; +} + +export class Photo { + id: number; + filename: string; +} + +let album = plainToClass(Album, albumJson); +// now album is Album object with Photo objects inside +``` + +### Providing more than one type option + +In case the nested object can be of different types, you can provide an additional options object, +that specifies a discriminator. The discriminator option must define a `property` that holds the sub +type name for the object and the possible `subTypes`, the nested object can converted to. A sub type +has a `value`, that holds the constructor of the Type and the `name`, that can match with the `property` +of the discriminator. + +Lets say we have an album that has a top photo. But this photo can be of certain different types. +And we are trying to convert album plain object to class object. The plain object input has to define +the additional property `__type`. This property is removed during transformation by default: + +**JSON input**: + +```json +{ + "id": 1, + "name": "foo", + "topPhoto": { + "id": 9, + "filename": "cool_wale.jpg", + "depth": 1245, + "__type": "underwater" + } +} +``` + +```typescript +import { Type, plainToClass } from 'class-transformer'; + +export abstract class Photo { + id: number; + filename: string; +} + +export class Landscape extends Photo { + panorama: boolean; +} + +export class Portrait extends Photo { + person: Person; +} + +export class UnderWater extends Photo { + depth: number; +} + +export class Album { + id: number; + name: string; + + @Type(() => Photo, { + discriminator: { + property: '__type', + subTypes: [ + { value: Landscape, name: 'landscape' }, + { value: Portrait, name: 'portrait' }, + { value: UnderWater, name: 'underwater' }, + ], + }, + }) + topPhoto: Landscape | Portrait | UnderWater; +} + +let album = plainToClass(Album, albumJson); +// now album is Album object with a UnderWater object without `__type` property. +``` + +Hint: The same applies for arrays with different sub types. Moreover you can specify `keepDiscriminatorProperty: true` +in the options to keep the discriminator property also inside your resulting class. + +## Exposing getters and method return values + +You can expose what your getter or method return by setting a `@Expose()` decorator to those getters or methods: + +```typescript +import { Expose } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class User { + id: number; + firstName: string; + lastName: string; + password: string; + + @Expose() + get name() { + return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName; + } + + @Expose() + getFullName() { + return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName; + } +} +``` + +## Exposing properties with different names + +If you want to expose some of properties with a different name, +you can do it by specifying a `name` option to `@Expose` decorator: + +```typescript +import { Expose } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class User { + @Expose({ name: 'uid' }) + id: number; + + firstName: string; + + lastName: string; + + @Expose({ name: 'secretKey' }) + password: string; + + @Expose({ name: 'fullName' }) + getFullName() { + return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName; + } +} +``` + +## Skipping specific properties + +Sometimes you want to skip some properties during transformation. +This can be done using `@Exclude` decorator: + +```typescript +import { Exclude } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class User { + id: number; + + email: string; + + @Exclude() + password: string; +} +``` + +Now when you transform a User, `password` property will be skipped and not be included in the transformed result. + +## Skipping depend of operation + +You can control on what operation you will exclude a property. Use `toClassOnly` or `toPlainOnly` options: + +```typescript +import { Exclude } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class User { + id: number; + + email: string; + + @Exclude({ toPlainOnly: true }) + password: string; +} +``` + +Now `password` property will be excluded only during `classToPlain` operation. Oppositely, use `toClassOnly` option. + +## Skipping all properties of the class + +You can skip all properties of the class, and expose only those are needed explicitly: + +```typescript +import { Exclude, Expose } from 'class-transformer'; + +@Exclude() +export class User { + @Expose() + id: number; + + @Expose() + email: string; + + password: string; +} +``` + +Now `id` and `email` will be exposed, and password will be excluded during transformation. +Alternatively, you can set exclusion strategy during transformation: + +```typescript +import { classToPlain } from 'class-transformer'; +let photo = classToPlain(photo, { strategy: 'excludeAll' }); +``` + +In this case you don't need to `@Exclude()` a whole class. + +## Skipping private properties, or some prefixed properties + +If you name your private properties with a prefix, lets say with `_`, +then you can exclude such properties from transformation too: + +```typescript +import { classToPlain } from 'class-transformer'; +let photo = classToPlain(photo, { excludePrefixes: ['_'] }); +``` + +This will skip all properties that start with `_` prefix. +You can pass any number of prefixes and all properties that begin with these prefixes will be ignored. +For example: + +```typescript +import { Expose, classToPlain } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class User { + id: number; + private _firstName: string; + private _lastName: string; + _password: string; + + setName(firstName: string, lastName: string) { + this._firstName = firstName; + this._lastName = lastName; + } + + @Expose() + get name() { + return this._firstName + ' ' + this._lastName; + } +} + +const user = new User(); = 1; +user.setName('Johny', 'Cage'); +user._password = '123'; + +const plainUser = classToPlain(user, { excludePrefixes: ['_'] }); +// here plainUser will be equal to +// { id: 1, name: "Johny Cage" } +``` + +## Using groups to control excluded properties + +You can use groups to control what data will be exposed and what will not be: + +```typescript +import { Exclude, Expose, classToPlain } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class User { + id: number; + + name: string; + + @Expose({ groups: ['user', 'admin'] }) // this means that this data will be exposed only to users and admins + email: string; + + @Expose({ groups: ['user'] }) // this means that this data will be exposed only to users + password: string; +} + +let user1 = classToPlain(user, { groups: ['user'] }); // will contain id, name, email and password +let user2 = classToPlain(user, { groups: ['admin'] }); // will contain id, name and email +``` + +## Using versioning to control exposed and excluded properties + +If you are building an API that has different versions, class-transformer has extremely useful tools for that. +You can control which properties of your model should be exposed or excluded in what version. Example: + +```typescript +import { Exclude, Expose, classToPlain } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class User { + id: number; + + name: string; + + @Expose({ since: 0.7, until: 1 }) // this means that this property will be exposed for version starting from 0.7 until 1 + email: string; + + @Expose({ since: 2.1 }) // this means that this property will be exposed for version starting from 2.1 + password: string; +} + +let user1 = classToPlain(user, { version: 0.5 }); // will contain id and name +let user2 = classToPlain(user, { version: 0.7 }); // will contain id, name and email +let user3 = classToPlain(user, { version: 1 }); // will contain id and name +let user4 = classToPlain(user, { version: 2 }); // will contain id and name +let user5 = classToPlain(user, { version: 2.1 }); // will contain id, name and password +``` + +## Сonverting date strings into Date objects + +Sometimes you have a Date in your plain javascript object received in a string format. +And you want to create a real javascript Date object from it. +You can do it simply by passing a Date object to the `@Type` decorator: + +```typescript +import { Type } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class User { + id: number; + + email: string; + + password: string; + + @Type(() => Date) + registrationDate: Date; +} +``` + +Note, that dates will be converted to strings when you'll try to convert class object to plain object. + +Same technique can be used with `Number`, `String`, `Boolean` +primitive types when you want to convert your values into these types. + +## Working with arrays + +When you are using arrays you must provide a type of the object that array contains. +This type, you specify in a `@Type()` decorator: + +```typescript +import { Type } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class Photo { + id: number; + + name: string; + + @Type(() => Album) + albums: Album[]; +} +``` + +You can also use custom array types: + +```typescript +import { Type } from 'class-transformer'; + +export class AlbumCollection extends Array { + // custom array functions ... +} + +export class Photo { + id: number; + + name: string; + + @Type(() => Album) + albums: AlbumCollection; +} +``` + +Library will handle proper transformation automatically. + +ES6 collections `Set` and `Map` also require the `@Type` decorator: + +```typescript +export class Skill { + name: string; +} + +export class Weapon { + name: string; + range: number; +} + +export class Player { + name: string; + + @Type(() => Skill) + skills: Set; + + @Type(() => Weapon) + weapons: Map; +} +``` + +## Additional data transformation + +### Basic usage + +You can perform additional data transformation using `@Transform` decorator. +For example, you want to make your `Date` object to be a `moment` object when you are +transforming object from plain to class: + +```typescript +import { Transform } from 'class-transformer'; +import * as moment from 'moment'; +import { Moment } from 'moment'; + +export class Photo { + id: number; + + @Type(() => Date) + @Transform(value => moment(value), { toClassOnly: true }) + date: Moment; +} +``` + +Now when you call `plainToClass` and send a plain representation of the Photo object, +it will convert a date value in your photo object to moment date. +`@Transform` decorator also supports groups and versioning. + +### Advanced usage + +The `@Transform` decorator is given more arguments to let you configure how you want the transformation to be done. + +``` +@Transform((value, obj, type) => value) +``` + +| Argument | Description | +| -------- | --------------------------------------------- | +| `value` | The property value before the transformation. | +| `obj` | The transformation source object. | +| `type` | The transformation type. | + +## Other decorators + +| Signature | Example | Description | +| ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `@TransformClassToPlain` | `@TransformClassToPlain({ groups: ["user"] })` | Transform the method return with classToPlain and expose the properties on the class. | +| `@TransformClassToClass` | `@TransformClassToClass({ groups: ["user"] })` | Transform the method return with classToClass and expose the properties on the class. | +| `@TransformPlainToClass` | `@TransformPlainToClass(User, { groups: ["user"] })` | Transform the method return with plainToClass and expose the properties on the class. | + +The above decorators accept one optional argument: +ClassTransformOptions - The transform options like groups, version, name + +An example: + +```typescript +@Exclude() +class User { + id: number; + + @Expose() + firstName: string; + + @Expose() + lastName: string; + + @Expose({ groups: [''] }) + email: string; + + password: string; +} + +class UserController { + @TransformClassToPlain({ groups: [''] }) + getUser() { + const user = new User(); + user.firstName = 'Snir'; + user.lastName = 'Segal'; + user.password = 'imnosuperman'; + + return user; + } +} + +const controller = new UserController(); +const user = controller.getUser(); +``` + +the `user` variable will contain only firstName,lastName, email properties becuase they are +the exposed variables. email property is also exposed becuase we metioned the group "". + +## Working with generics + +Generics are not supported because TypeScript does not have good reflection abilities yet. +Once TypeScript team provide us better runtime type reflection tools, generics will be implemented. +There are some tweaks however you can use, that maybe can solve your problem. +[Checkout this example.]( + +## Implicit type conversion + +> **NOTE** If you use class-validator together with class-transformer you propably DON'T want to enable this function. + +Enables automatic conversion between built-in types based on type information provided by Typescript. Disabled by default. + +```ts +import { IsString } from 'class-validator'; + +class MyPayload { + @IsString() + prop: string; +} + +const result1 = plainToClass(MyPayload, { prop: 1234 }, { enableImplicitConversion: true }); +const result2 = plainToClass(MyPayload, { prop: 1234 }, { enableImplicitConversion: false }); + +/** + * result1 will be `{ prop: "1234" }` - notice how the prop value has been converted to string. + * result2 will be `{ prop: 1234 }` - default behaviour + */ +``` + +## How does it handle circular references? + +Circular references are ignored. +For example, if you are transforming class `User` that contains property `photos` with type of `Photo`, +and `Photo` contains link `user` to its parent `User`, then `user` will be ignored during transformation. +Circular references are not ignored only during `classToClass` operation. + +## Example with Angular2 + +Lets say you want to download users and want them automatically to be mapped to the instances of `User` class. + +```typescript +import { plainToClass } from 'class-transformer'; + +this.http + .get('users.json') + .map(res => res.json()) + .map(res => plainToClass(User, res as Object[])) + .subscribe(users => { + // now "users" is type of User[] and each user has getName() and isAdult() methods available + console.log(users); + }); +``` + +You can also inject a class `ClassTransformer` as a service in `providers`, and use its methods. + +Example how to use with angular 2 in [plunker]( +Source code is [here]( + +## Samples + +Take a look on samples in [./sample]( for more examples of +usages. + +## Release notes + +See information about breaking changes and release notes [here]( From f324a5b69e8383fe8822fc89dd607f1f3adec5c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Attila Olah Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:30:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 07/12] build: add codecov config --- codecov.yml | 12 ++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+) create mode 100644 codecov.yml diff --git a/codecov.yml b/codecov.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..744284bce --- /dev/null +++ b/codecov.yml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + +coverage: + range: 70..100 + round: down + precision: 2 + status: + default: + threshold: 3 +comment: off +ignore: + - testing/**/*.ts + - src/**/*.interface.ts \ No newline at end of file From 987e14cf32b7260d49213ba85f8d79054d0617a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Attila Olah Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:54:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 08/12] build: remove private true from package.json --- package.json | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 648e41501..9bbacd22e 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ "description": "Proper decorator-based transformation / serialization / deserialization of plain javascript objects to class constructors", "license": "MIT", "readmeFilename": "", - "private": true, "author": { "name": "Umed Khudoiberdiev", "email": "" From 422ad804889db0882ba7fa7e0a39644f43b8a225 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Attila Olah Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:56:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 09/12] build: remove unused packages --- package-lock.json | 224 ---------------------------------------------- package.json | 22 +++-- 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 236 deletions(-) diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 2edfe10c4..e84e17d5e 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -1472,17 +1472,6 @@ "integrity": "sha512-GRMWDxpOB6Dgk2E5Uo+3eEBvtOOlimMmpbFiKuLFnQzYDavtLFY3K5ona41jgN/WdRZtG7utuVSVTL4HbZHGkw==", "dev": true }, - 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run: cp package.json build/package.json - run: npm publish ./build env: - NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_PUBLISH_TOKEN }} \ No newline at end of file + NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_PUBLISH_TOKEN }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/continuous-integration-workflow.yml b/.github/workflows/continuous-integration-workflow.yml index c091dceac..8d4dcf586 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/continuous-integration-workflow.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/continuous-integration-workflow.yml @@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ jobs: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 - run: npm ci --ignore-scripts - - run: npm run build \ No newline at end of file + - run: npm run build diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index c89d84f27..905e73514 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -49,4 +49,4 @@ temp # Files for playing around locally playground.ts -playground.js \ No newline at end of file +playground.js diff --git a/.prettierrc.yml b/.prettierrc.yml index 8a87ac4a2..57c1c99c9 100644 --- a/.prettierrc.yml +++ b/.prettierrc.yml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ semi: true singleQuote: true trailingComma: es5 bracketSpacing: true -arrowParens: avoid \ No newline at end of file +arrowParens: avoid diff --git a/codecov.yml b/codecov.yml index 744284bce..25ab1d50a 100644 --- a/codecov.yml +++ b/codecov.yml @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ coverage: comment: off ignore: - testing/**/*.ts - - src/**/*.interface.ts \ No newline at end of file + - src/**/*.interface.ts diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index 0edf824d7..8e2dc9f10 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true }, "exclude": ["node_modules", "sample", "**/*.spec.ts", "testing/**"] -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/ b/ index aeea210e6..3321fa044 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ "removeComments": false, "declaration": true, }, -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/tsconfig.spec.json b/tsconfig.spec.json index 9943a402b..c0215c96a 100644 --- a/tsconfig.spec.json +++ b/tsconfig.spec.json @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ "noImplicitAny": false, }, "exclude": ["node_modules"] -} \ No newline at end of file +} From 2a1529592986a34b9c4b95710e948a1930ced934 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Attila Olah Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 18:12:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 12/12] style: remove empty firstline from Codecov config --- codecov.yml | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/codecov.yml b/codecov.yml index 25ab1d50a..5ddb8e5d5 100644 --- a/codecov.yml +++ b/codecov.yml @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - coverage: range: 70..100 round: down