?s ?o "Seniors, older adults, aging, and mobility" "Gene silencing, O6-meG detection, nucleic acid therapies, nucleic acid detection" "Critical thinking, critical thinking dispositions, habits of mind, nursing education, undergraduate baccalaureate nursing students" "Mixed methods, quantitative, qualitative, methodology, sequential design" "pain assessment, numeric rating scale, qualitative research, lived experience, acute trauma, meaning of pain" "superhydrophobic, nanostructure, Titania, Titanium Dioxide, nanotube, nanorod, annodization, functionalization," "Bio-oil, Pipeline, Life Cycle Assessment, Techno-economics" "Photovoltaics, Solvothermal Growth, IMPS and IMVS, KPFM, Surface potential mapping, Finite-difference time-domain simulation, Time-resolved photoluminescence" "Hepatitis C, HCV, Social Values, Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment" "Channel Knowledge, Feedback Quantization, Channel Estimation, LTE Systems, MIMO Multipath, Channel Reconstruction, Zero-forcing Precoding, Multiuser Interference" "Cytochrome P4501B1, Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids, 2-methoxyestradiol, Heart failure, Doxorubicin, Isoproterenol and Abdominal aortic constriction " "Arts-based research, community, gel transfer, photography, place, space, youth participatory action research. " "China, Alberta, Public Opinion, Foreign economic relations" "instructors, teaching, practices, activities, support, technology, scholarship, SoTL" "Sponge, Porifera, chemical signalling, behaviour, Ocean Networks Canada," "Non-classical simulation, NFR, fractured media, miscible injection" "Solvent injection, permeability reduction, asphaltene deposition, temperature and pressure" "Grosmont formation, Rock Physics, Bitumen, Carbonates, Viscoelastic, Complex modulus, Shear viscosity, Ultrasonic, Time lapse seismic " "festival, teaching and learning, scholarship, conference, program" "AAC, scanning, dynamic display, speech generating, access" "Eugenics, Eugenics Education, Race Hygiene and Immigration Restriction, Eugenics and Religion" "Endangered Species, Invasive Species, Athabasca Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout, Stable Isotope Analysis, Food Webs, Obed Coal Mine, Ecological Stressors" "approximate computing, arithmetic circuits, adder, multiplier, divider, square root circuit, adaptive filter" "Public health, law, liberty, rule of law, public health law" "RTOS, FPGA, RMS, STPWM,PI, IGBT, HIL, VSC, IGCT, HEV, HDL, ASIC, IP, SoC, PLD, PLBs, DLL, LUTs" "Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, EDI, Training Plan, HQP" "Magnetotellurics, 3-D modelling, Laurentia, Alberta" "Alberta Oilsands, Ecological Habitus, Pierre Bourdieu, Social Practice Theory, Climate Change Denial, Lifestyles, Green Technologies, Decarbonisation" "CPVC pipe, premature failure, mechanical properties, residual stress" "US dollar, US current account, oil prices, US government debt, global aggregate demand, equity prices, China, portfolio balance model, Error Correction Model, Vector Autoregressive Model" "Heterogeneity, Emulsification, Liquid Droplet, Coalescence, Shear Contact, Stochastic Process, DLVO theory" "glycoside hydrolase, neuraminidase, sialidase, viral, bacterial, human, molecular modeling, medicinal chemistry" "Machine Learning, Neuroimaging, Psychiatry, Mental Disorders" "glycoside hydrolase, neuraminidase, sialidase, NEU3, medicinal chemistry, inhibitor" "Lightning, Ionosphere, Excitation, Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator, code, Matlab, function, CARISMA, WWLLN, solar, terrestrial" "Programs for Research on Romance Authors, PRORA II, PRORA III, Literature, Linguistics" "Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768--Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman" "Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret), 1828-1897--Phoebe, Junior" "Cognitive Radio, Spectrum Sensing, Energy Detector, p-norm Detector" "Obesity, Pregnancy, obese male, high fat diet, offspring, glucose homeostasis, metabolic syndrome." "Dall'Oglio, Domenico, approximately 1700-1764--Sonatas,--violin, continuo" "Motor performance, learning, Down syndrome, cerebral lateralization" "Keystroke savings, communication rate, augmentative and alternative communication, human factors, word prediction" "Hydraulic fracturing, toxicology, rainbow trout, osmotic effect, daphnia magna, phototactic behaviour" "Genetics, molecular biology, undergraduate teaching, textbook" "China and Canada, Technology, Science and Technology, Sino-Canadian Relations" "festival, scenes, queer music, queer ethnomusicology" "Permanent deformation, resilient modulus, temperature prediction, spring load restrictions" "China, Alberta, Public Opinion, Foreign economic relations" "Immortalized human hepatocyte, HCV, SCID-uPA mice, de-immortalization, tamoxifen, Cre recombinase, JFH1, viral entry, HCV life cycle" "Inverse Dynamics, Piezoelectric Modeling, Smart Structures, Damage Identification, Structural Health Monitoring, Computational Solid Mechanics, Inverse Elastodynamics, Coupled Field, Elastic Waves" "Science, Arctic, Climate Change, modelling, Phytoplankton, Labrador Sea, oxygen inventory, sea ice, storms" "CRISPR, RNA, Prokaryotes, gene expression regulation, endonuclease" "glycoconjugate, bioconjugate, siglec, BCR, human blood group antigens" "CuAAC, chemical ligation, enzymatic ligation, SNP" "X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, solid state chemistry, X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy" "surface nanobubbles, interfacial nanobubbles, thermodynamic stability, resistance force, pinning, free energy, thermodynamic potential, bubble, liquid solution, cone, conical roughness, supersaturation, (de)wetting, osmotic virial equation, Margules equation, water, aqueous solution, solid–liquid equilibrium, thermodynamics " "Droplet spreading, droplet imbibition, precursor film, disjoining pressure, microporous membrane, polar, apolar interactions" "Metabolic rate, red squirrels, survival, variation" "asphaltene, aggregation, salt, molecular dynamics" "Biofouling, biofilm, bacterial streamer, extracellular polymeric substance, creeping flow, microfluidics, membrane mimic, microfluidic membrane, membrane filtration" "Thermal conversion, Bitumen, Deasphalted, cracking" "Copyright, Crown copyright, Copyright Act," "Deduction, Critique of Judgment, universality, necessity, normativity, Immanuel Kant" "learning outcomes, assessment, course, program, curriculum" "autism spectrum disorder, PEERS, adolescents, social communication, pragmatic language" "Nurse exit from profession, workload, shiftwork, bullying, student-teacher relationships" "Wavelets, Riesz bases, elliptic equations, multilevel decompositions, splines" "Intestinal epithelial cells,TLR9, Innate immunity, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis" "Greywater, staphylococci, Staphylococcus, performance testing, greywater testing, greywater standards, S. aureus" "Micro PIV, Micro porous media, pore scale velocity, velocity field" "ETC abnormalities, sarcopenia, apoptosis, necrosis, fiber loss, muscle aging, myofiber cell death" "Gold nanorods, surface enhancement Raman spectroscopy, Bioassay, thyroxine, Goat IgG" "Peptides, beta-peptides, cancer targeting, p160, and peptidomimetic" "visual communication design, hermeneutics, embodiment, Feminism, design practice, performance, dialogue" "Keywords: Stick-slip, Particle Flow Code (PFC), Microseismic, Fault Instability" "Barren-ground caribou, community hunts, food-sharing, social-ecological resilience, Fort Good Hope" "Hydroxychloroquine sulfate, multifocal electroretinogram, cessation, sensitivity, specificty, risk of toxicity" "Composting model, spatial model, airflow, streamlines, windrow" "Robotics, Play, Physical Disabilities, Children, Cognitive Development" "Ketamine, treatment resistant depression, ultraresistant depression, suicide, intravenous, predictors." "Near infrared spectroscopy, NIR, polarization of light, beef toughness, meat quality characteristics, growth promotants, steroids, β-adrenergic agonist, ractopamine hydrochloride" "Orapa kimberlite cluster, mantle xenoliths, sublithospheric inclusions, Karowe diamonds" "probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, fibres, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease adult, cross-sectional studies, humans, survey, questionnaire, chart review" "Arctic, freshwaters, watersheds, Lake Hazen, glacial rivers, permafrost thaw streams, biogeochemistry" "Orality, popular culture, media, film, postcolonial, Nigeria, democracy, music" "Microglia, Inflammation, environment ischaemic injury, brain microglia, spinal cord microglia" "Sex, Gender, research process, research proposal, CIHR" "HCV, cell-to-cell spread, lipid droplet, Arf1" "digital initiatives, digital scholarship, research partnerships, libraries" "Open Access, library services, open access publishing, scholarly publishing, access to information" "Teacher professional learning, collaborative professional learning, collaborative action research, tension in teacher-researcher relationships" "Infrastructure, cyberinfrastructure, humanities computing, digital humanities" "BSE, Canadian Beef Industry, Social Amplification of Risk Framework, risk perceptions, consumer, producer" "Navigation, Cue integration, Path integration, Piloting" "History, Fur Trade, Consumerism, Western Canada, Rum, Tobacco, Textiles, Material Culture" "Bacillus subtilis, colony interaction, diffusion reaction, merge, separate, phase diagram" "animation, art, Dene, design, human ecology, indigenous, material culture, oral history, storytelling, Tłı̨chǫ, " "adverse health outcomes, severe mental illness, antipsychotics, single nucleotide polymorphisms, bone markers, metabolic syndrome, psychosis, cannabis, cocaine" "Stoicism, Moral Education, Material Goods, Virtue Education" "Arendt, action, disclosure, the 'who', praxis, performative, politics, daimon, actor, spectator, history, judgment, freedom, identity, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Heidegger, Jaspers, Marx, Kant, Hegel" "Unsaturated fatty acids, biotransformation, lipoxygenase, hydroxy fatty acids" "Utility Maximization, Deflators, Optimal Portfolios, Duality Method, Random Horizon, Progressive Enlargement, Informational Markets, Numéraire Portfolio" "Fuzzy rules, Fuzzy C-Means clustering, Anomaly Detection, Time Series, Reconstruction" "GSA, Gay-Straight Alliances, SGM, LGBTQ, LGBTQ2, PFLAG, Youth, Sexual Minority, Gender, Minority, School Policies, Discrimination, Safe Schools, Heterosexism, Genderism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Social Inclusion, IDG, Insight Development Grant, Successful SSHRC, Grant Application, 2018" "Carbon Storage, Shale, Pemeability, Capillary Pressure, Batch Reaction" "Syria, Russia, Intervention, Syrian Civil War, Russian foreign policy, Russian strategy" "Sublevel Stoping, Optimization, Production Scheduling, Stopes Layout" "Navigation, Cue Integration, Combination, Piloting, Path Integration" "Islamophobia, anti-Shari'a, Islam, Muslim, hate speech, Geller, Spencer, Levant, Fox, Sun, Blog, Park51," "AB-VTE, Bleeding, Cancer, Venous thromboembolism" "Breast Cancer, Oncology, Lymphedema, Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Exercise" "Health economics, nonprofit economics, social return on investment, human services economics" "Dermacentor andersoni, ixodid tick, Rocky mountain wood tick, critical weight, salivary gland degeneration, ovary weight, oocyte length, ovary vitellin content, reattachment" "Frequency, dispersion, mutual information, HAL, LSA, HiDEx, compound, Vietnamese, psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics" "Mast cells, Rho GTPase, RhoGDI, degranulation, exocytosis, regulation" "user-centric design, virtural reality, interior design, BIM " "Blood pressure(BP), electrocardiogram(ECG), photoplethysmogram(PPG), Pulse transit time(PTT), accelerometer, gyroscope, cross-correlation, recurrent neural network(RNN), long-short-term memory(LSTM), gated recurrent unit(GRU)" "Polar glaciers, biogeochemistry, hydrology, microbes, nutrients" "Early career attrition, teacher identity, narrative inquiry, physical education" "Climate Change Impact, Extreme flow, WRF, Regional Climate Model, Hydrological Models, NAM, VIC, Watflood, GCM, RCP Climate scenarios, Dynamic downscaling, Extreme Precipitation and Temperature, Optimization, Water management, Stochastic dual dynamic programming, Nile River Basin, Blue Nile River Basin" "English language arts, new literacies, critical literacy, born-digital, text, classrooms" "Music, media, subjectivity, lacan, music technology, phonograph, recording techniques, mashups, nostalgia, zizek" "Manganites, Magnetoresistive anisotropy, grain boundary disorder, phase transitions" "NEMS, biosensor, hellium ion microscopy, e-beam lithograohy, diazonium" "New Town, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada" "IPMSM, Core loss, Epstein frame test, SRA" "Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC), Intercultural Communicative Competence, Learner Autonomy, Speaking Fluency, Chinese College English Education" "Re-Os, loellingite, arsenopyrite, gold, garnetite, Broken Hill, closing temperature, Olarian Orogeny" "Navigation, Cue integration, Path integration, Piloting" "Arranged heterogeneous catalysts, three phase hydrogenation, oxidation of metals, alumina," "Social networks, Income diversification, Rural India, network econometric model" "classroom management software, surviellance, schools, education, Postphenomenology, phenomenology, hidden curriculum, surveillance technology in schools" "SAGD, Optimization, FCD, OCD, ICD, NPV, CMG, Bitumen, Simulation, Thermal, cSOR" "Life Cycle Assessment, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Toe-to-Heel Air Injection, Enhanced Solvent Extraction Incorporating Electromagnetic Heating, Oil Sands" "Body Composition, Sarcopenia, Myosteatosis, Muscle, Colorectal cancer" "foster, encourage, support, teaching, curriculum" "cobaltite, Re-Os, geochronology, Mesoproterozoic, metamorphism, greenschist, Idaho 56 Cobalt Belt, magmato-hydrothermal, xenotime, Great Falls tectonic zone" "Railcar, Train, Glad-hand gasket, Elastomer, Cold temperature, Reliability, Transportation" "Specific language impairment, Persian, Narratives, grammatical morphology" "Alternative oxidase, AOX, Neurospora crassa, AOX deficient mutants, possible AOX assembly mutants" "Real-time simulation, electric machines, FPGA, hardware-in-the-loop" "Applied mechanics, crack, mode-III, surface effects, Gurtin, Murdoch, elasticity" "Endoplasmic Reticulum, cholesterol, calreticulin, calcium, sterol regulatory binding protein, stromal interaction molecule 1, " "Aphanomyces euteiches, field pea, root rot, occurrence, fungicides, inoculum density, resistance, quantitative trait loci," "Gold nanoparticles, stimulus response materials, microvalve, microfluidics, microspheres" "Northern Streams, Nature-like Fishpass, Flow Characteristics, Numerical Modeling, etc" "Rainfall-Runoff, Soil covers, Soil Atmospheric Modelling," "Ukraine, Ukrainian hearing parents, deaf children, Ukrainian families with deaf children, deaf education in Ukraine" "Campylobacter jejuni, Comparitive Genome Fingerprinting, Broiler Chicken Production Continuum, Southwestern Alberta " "Porifera, Sediment, Hecate Strait, Sponge reefs, Glass sponges," "Protein, extraction, pH-shifting, rheology, lipids, functionality" "Neonatal, newborn, cardiac, heart, congenital heart defect, fatty acid beta oxidation, metabolism, PPARalpha, cardiac hypertrophy" "object location memory, boundary, landmark, cue competition, shape segmentation" "educational leadership, academic development, self-study, leadership frames" "mitochondria, photobiomodulation, oxygraph, diabetic retinopathy, stargardt-like disease, mitochondrial function" "Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, TDLAS, BTJ-VCSEL, VCSEL, feedback operation, second harmonic wavelength modulation spectroscopy, WMS" "Healing through illumination, embodiment, connection, emergence" "festival, teaching and learning, scholarship, conference, program" "Exchange rate, profits, value added, wages, employment, OECD countries" "enfant, paralysie cérébrale, cheminement, thérapie de l'éducation conductive" "Sedimentology, Triassic, Charlie Lake Formation, Artex Member, aeolian" "Desulfurization, sorbent, regeneration, thermodynamic" "Breast Reconstruction, Virtual Surgical Planning, Surgical Design and Simulation, Patient Specific Modeling, Engineering, Design, 3D Printing, User Testing, Weighted Decision Matrix" "Carboxyl, microbial mats, microbialites, metal complexation, carbonates" "NSAIDs, Etodolac,Gastrointestinal Risk, Cardiovascular Risk, Acetylsalicylic Acid, Cardioprotective Effects, Interactions " "Dark matter, scintillation, pmt, liquid argon" "Crown copyright, Open government, Creative Commons, Advocacy, Copyright reform, Copyright law" "musical scales, classification of scales, fundamental scales, heptatonic scales, binary sequences" "Re-Os, l ¨ollingite, arsenopyrite, gold, garnetite, Broken Hill, closing temperature, Olarian Orogeny" "Climate change, resilience, sustainability, communities, rivers, Indigenous, environmental law, environmental engineering, organization studies," "Strain rate, Electron work function, Hardness, Corrosion and Wear." "Breast cancer therapy, siRNA delivery, Cell cycle proteins, Anti-apoptotic proteins, Protein phosphatase" "Coke, CRI, kinetic parameters, binder, conversion, porosity, Raman spectroscopy" "Time perspective, well-being, hope, balanced time perspective" "Liberal Peacebuilding, Statebuilding, Security Sector Reform, DDR, West Africa, Sierra Leone and Liberia" "Phonetics, reduction, word-medial stops, flaps" "Coaching, Foucault, Practice, Power, Knowledge, Collaboration " "anthropology, sex work, Eastern Europe, Ukraine, postsocialism, informality" "Pavement performance, Seasonal Variation, LTPP," "harm reduction, opiate assisted therapy, qualitative, nursing" "GlucoseThe Serpe group has shown that optical devices can be fabricated by layering poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAm) microgels onto a gold-coated glass substrate and then depositing another gold layer on top. These devices, called etalons, exhibit optical properties that depend on many characteristics, primarily temperature. Temperature is the most basic property of pNIPAm-based microgels, as it changes their solvation state. In this study, we modified pNIPAm-based microgels with 3-aminophenylboronic acid (APBA), which renders them responsive to glucose; i.e., they change size in a glucose-dependent fashion. By modifying the Au surface of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) with etalons composed of these microgels, we can make QCM-based devices that shift frequency as a function of glucose concentration in buffer solution. Again, this is a result of the microgels’ changing solvation state in response to glucose. It was determined that glucose-responsive pNIPAm microgel-based QCM can be used as a glucose sensor. This dissertation will detail the work done on these systems" "Spray, Simulation, Nasal, Deposition, Idealized, Particles" "Microsensors, Spectroscopy, Cantilever, Microfluidic, " "Magnetic targeting, magnetic aerosol, mucus clearance, tensiometry, magnetic particles, Marangoni effect, air-liquid interfaces" "Arsenic, drinking water, skin lesions, Bangladesh" "UHPFRC, FRC, Flexural, Compression Strength, Tensile, Shear, Flexural-Tensile, Pull-out, Push-out, Push-off, Experimental, Finite Element Method" "Pacific hagfish, eye evolution, vertebrate, cyclostome, retina, vision, eye, interneuron, CMZ, photoreceptor[" "Land reclamation,Soil cover depth, Plant productivity, Plant growth, Salt redistribution, climate change, South bison hills, Soil moisture content, Nitrogen availability, Northern Alberta," "oral health, dentistry, anatomy, tooth, pediatric" "medicine, oncology, computational drug design, colchicine derivatives, microtubules, tubulin, microtubule targetting agents, bladder cancer" "Eoarchean, ultramafic rocks, platinum group elements, Re-Os isotopes, cumulates" "Active DC Distribution,DC Microgrids ,Dynamic Loads ,Impedance-Based Analysis , Islanding Detection,wind power generation" "Fo Guang Shan, Humanistic Buddhism, Material religion, Mediation" "Omega-3, chicken meat, vitamin E, selenomethionine, oxysterols, broiler sex" "Routing, location-based routing, indoor localization, ad hoc and sensor networks" "Arsenides, ternary, quaternary, layered structure" "Smart grid, microgrid, control topology, management, nonlinear control, weak grid, self-synchronization" "Elastin-like polypeptides, recursive directional ligation, inverse temperature transitions, denaturing metal affinity chromatography, in vivo phage display, perinatal brain injury, hypoxic-ischemic, marginally soluble protein purification" "BHMT, lipid metabolism, NAFLD, liver, hepatocytes" "library catalogs, catalog design, historical analysis, revision history, classification systems" "Aboriginal, risk perception, mitigation, wildfire, firefighting, traditional burning, culture" "Fuzzy controller, defuzzification, log-domain, FPGA" "Genetic diversity, Brassica napus, spring canola, Brassica oleracea" "Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Adsorption, Water Droplets, Molecular Dynamics" "Emerging technologies, Ilex paraguariensis, methylxanthines, enzymes, catechins" "Spectrum management, energy management, machine learning, cognitive radio, energy harvesting, reinforcement learning, cooperative spectrum sensing, Markov decision process, Markov random field" "Patellofemoral pain, squats, treatment, exercise, knee pain, physical therapy" "stress response system, Cpx, Rcs, Escherichia coli" "Indigenous brand development, Indigenous culture and knowledge, LUXX Ready-to-Wear, Indigenous fashion, Empowerment through Design, Contemporary Indigenous textiles, Rainbow Warriors" "Construction machinery, Excavator, Positioning mechanism, Survey robot" "Drainage, hydraulics, plunging, drop manhole, dropshaft" "Algorithmic trading, VWAP, discrete time, dynamic programming" "Sea buckthorn pulp, cocoa bean, diacylglycerol acyltransferases, triacylglycerol, cloning" "Meniscus tissue engineering, meniscus, growth factor, FGF-18, fibroblast growth factor, ECM, extracellular matrix, " "Tailspike protein, bacteriophage, phage, P22, protein immobilization, biosensors, bioassays, bacterial detection, bacteria, salmonella" "Intersectionality, Kimberlé Crenshaw, francophone comics, la bande dessinée, French, français, Marjane Satrapi, Aurélia Aurita, Brigitte Findakly, Lewis Trondheim, Zeina Abirached, Marguerite Abouet, Clément Oubrerie, race, gender, sexuality, biracial, religion, qualitative discourse analysis" "Microbial adhesion, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Hydrophobicity, biodegradation, dodecanol" "Martini, Coarse-grained, Polyethylenimine, Molecular Dynamics" "Lego robots, cognitive ability, children, disability, play" "SCC, Corrosion Fatigue, Pipeline Steels, Hydrogen Embrittlement, Near-Neutral pH Environment" "nanostructured thin films, anodic alumina-tantala, porous anodic alumina, barrier anodic tantala, protein detection, thin-film device" "Politics, education, immigrant integration, political agency, ethno-cultural organizations" "Permeability, Fibre, X-ray micro CT, Reapirmortar" "Robotic arm, cognitive development, motoric disability, tool use, very young children" "Spin-torque, dmrg, chebyshev, electron-hole asymmetry" "Cultural Psychology, Vygotsky, Heidegger, Dreyfus, Skill Acquisition, Development" "Nori, Hodge, Fano variety, Cylinder Homomorphism, Abel" "self-motion cues, landmarks, driving, heading estimations, position estimations" "White spruce, lodgepole pine, site preparation, climate change, mixedwood forest, growth models" "Translation, Nigerian Literature, French, Literature, Literature as Cultural Diplomacy" "Healthcare Transition, Dementia, Community Dwelling Older Adults, Healthcare Utilization, Multimorbidity, Transition Pathways" "Inflammasome, NLRP3, Macrophages, Citrobacter rodentium" "photopolymer, super 8 film, home movies, memory, archives," "nostalgia, momento, moving pictures, intaglio" "Peptides, beta-peptides, cancer targeting, p160, and peptidomimetic" "STM, MEMS, NEMS, high frequency downmixing, electron tunneling transducer" "Reinforcement Learning, General Value Functions, Off-policy Learning, Robots" "Inference, Reverse Engineering, Regulatory networks, Systems Biology, Network Biology, Ordinary differential equation" "glycoside hydrolase, neuraminidase, sialidase, inhibitor, medicinal chemistry" "Productivity Modeling, Steel Fabrication, Regression Analysis, Stepwise Regression, Model Trees" "Analogues, Inhibitors, Glycosyltransferases, Bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane, Sulfonium ion" "One-sided Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems, Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems, Linear Matrix Inequality, Filter Design" "Discours, Dialogue, Mathématiques, Immersion française" "Mining Software Repositories, Textual Data, Text Mining, Knowledge Extraction" "flexible and stretchable electronics, wearable healthcare devices, printed electronics, hard/soft material integration, sEMG" "Cantonese literature, Sinophone literature, Memory, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia" "Perfluoroalkyl acids, Developmental Toxicity, Chemical Mixtures, Toxicology, Environmental Epidemiology" "Assistive technology, cerebral palsy, disabled children, physical disabilities, play, robotics, special education" "Nonlinear dynamics, Coupled nonlinear oscillators, Tree-like structures, Dynamics regularization" "Abstinence, sexuality, Evangelicalism, ethnography, erotic capital" "Dam-break, sediment transport, WENO, N-wave" "Geostatistics, localization, mining, uncertainty, resource evaluation, volume variance correction, local uncertainty" "Inhibition, Electrophysiology, EEG, ERP, Emotion, Physical Activity, Time Pressure, Go/No-go Task, Flanker Task" "Skeletal, dental, nasal aitway, changes, Quad-helix, CBCT." "metaphysics, philosophy of time, persistence, identity, four-dimensionalism, worm view" "MFT, Ozonation, Water Chemistry, Perticle settlement" "Migration,inversion, total variation, edge-preserving, adjoint state, Born approximation" "Power, discourse analysis, identity, Switzerland, code-switching, German" "African, Black, Citizens, Established, Foreigners, Makwerekwere, Nationalism, Outsiders, South Africa, Violence, Xenophobia" "Sointula, British Columbia - Buildings, structures, etc. - History" "Fault Detection, Change Detection, Leak Detection, Control Valve Stiction, Stiction-Compensation" "Absolute Quantification, N-terminal Truncated Protein, MS, Dansylation" "Quantitative Proteomic Analysis, MS, HER2, Breast Cancer, Biomarker" "Quantitative Proteomic Analysis, MS, Deep Tissue Injury, Biomarker" "Intergenerational Theatre, Seniors' Theatre, Community Theatre, Popular Theatre" "Robot, cognitive development, motoric disability, tool use, very young children" "Delta-sigma ADC, pixel-level ADC, logarithmic image sensor, column-level ADC, modulator, decimator, low power, low area, fixed-pattern noise, FPN" "Sovereignty, nationalism, islam,God, jalal al-ahmad" "navigation, spatial memory, path integration, multiscale spatial memories" "injury, biomechanics, blast, impact, brain, surrogate, model" "cryptochrome , cry4, light-dependent magnetoreception, zebrafish retina, UV cones, photoreceptors fish navigation, magnetic sense, vision, orientation" "Optimiser, rétroaction, élèves, littératie" "Farm level simulation, profit model, CGE model, chance constrained programming" "Water market, technology adoption, stochasitc modeling, risks and uncertainity" "Water trading,water markets, irrigation technology adoption, economic impacts,water reallocation, transboundary cooperation, benefits sharing,Nile River basin, Southern Alberta" "Anxiety, hippocampus, amgydala, septum, neurophysiology, theta, behaviour, models, elevated plus maze, shock probe burying test" "S1P, CMV infection, arteries, endothelial permeability and vascular tone" "Waste management, recycling, carbon credits, compost, landfill" "Genomics, Proteomics, Targeted Metabolomics, Bioactives," "Tuberculosis, Epidemiology, Transmission, Immigrants, Genotyping" "Assistive robots, play, cognitive development assessment, augmentative communication" "Robotics, Play, Physical Disabilities, Children, Cognitive Development" "conjunction, suoyi, interactional functions, Mandarin conversation, conversation analysis, interactional linguistics " "Powwow, Indigenous Cultures, Anthropology, Reflexivity" "Clinical trial designs, crossover design, N-of-1 trials, response-adaptive designs" "Superfluidity, supersolidity, superglass, disorder, helium film, optical lattice" "GMAW, Nickel, Tungsten Carbide, Calorimetry, Droplet Temperature, Droplet Heat Content, Metal Transfer" "Buparvaquone, Nanostructured Lipid Carrier, Leishmaniases, Neglected Diseases." "Biosaftey, gene flow, volunteer flax, persistence, fecundity, mitigation" "Health informatics, primary care, physician office systems, electronic medical records, electronic health records, socio-technical factors" "Public Health, Health Promotion, Food Security, Public Policy Advocacy" "Radio Resource Management Algorithms, Heterogeneous MIMO Cellular Networks, Cluster Rotation, User Scheduling Algorithms, Network MIMO Downlink, Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP) Transmission, Particle Swarm, Simulated Annealing, Precoding" "Deforestation, forest degradation, causes, actors, Kalasha, Chitral, Pakistan" "social exclusion, brand warmth, consumer-brand relationships, consumer preference" "Cognitive neuroscience, selective attention, mobile EEG, ecological environments" "Atmospheric Neutrinos, IceCube, Particle- Astrophysics, Cosmic Rays, Kaons, Pions" "Great Oxidation Event, Boolgeeda Iron Formation, Banded Iron Formation, Turee Creek Group, Manganese, chemostratigraphy" "Cutworm and armyworm preference performance, influence of host plant and fertilization on larval performance, food bait lures, acetic acid, fermented sugar baits" "mathematics education, technology, Google Apps for Education (GAFE), SAMR model, direct instruction model" "Multiview video coding, 3D/multiview video, transcoder, distributed source coding" "Crown copyright, copyright law, Copyright Act, advocacy, open government" "IUGR, preeclampsia, DOHaD, cardiovasuclar, MitoQ, antioxidant, nanoparticles, placenta, hypoxia" "scholarship of teaching and learning, SoTL Canada, history, survey, activity" "Aboriginal, Indigenous, Family Resilience, Self Determination, Reconciliation, Interconnectedness, Decolonization, Trauma" "Convex optimization, convex deep learning, deep learning, robust regression" "Plant species at risk, pipeline, critical habitat, set back distance, conservation, rim niche, disturbance" "Aromatic oxidation, asphaltenes oxidation, metal oxide catalysis, carboxylic acid decomposition, decarboxylation, metal carboxylates, multinuclear aromatic ring-opening" "metaphysical poetry, mid-late Tang poetry, baroque, comparison" "Health challenges, cattle, metabolomics, proteomic, LPS, BSE" "Locally weighted modeling, Just-In-Time, Similarity measurement, NIR data, Classification, Variable selection " "Burgundy, Wavrin, chivalry, crusade, historiography" "Introgression, blackleg, ovule culture, backcross" "KATP, heart, metabolism, channels, AMPK, sulfonylureas, diazoxide, cardiac function" "Ozone, oil sands, naphthenic acids, tailings ponds, process-affected water" "Play, education, Lego, assistive robot, integrated system" "drag, drag king, gender, constituency audience, Alberta drag, performance" "Lucania, sanctuary, votive offerings, ritual, Romanization" "figurative painting, trauma, feminist art, body positivity, contemporary painting, autoethnography, artistic nude painting, patriarchy, Jenny Saville, Lisa Yuskavage, Francis Bacon, Rembrandt," "Biomolecule Immobilization, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Imaging, Interfacial Chemistry, Protein Adsorption, Immunoassay" "China and the Middle East, International Relations, Foreign Policy, Trade, Investment" "Education, poverty, development, World Bank, Interamerican Development Bank, Latin America, Mexico" "Oil sands; Produced water treatment; Boiler blowdown; Coagulation/flocculation; SAGD; Process integration; Membrane filtration, Nanofiltartion, Forward osmosis," "Spirituality, experiences, family caregivers, sense of belongingness, compassion, spiritual growth, self-transcendence, hospice, Pakistan" "Wetlands, non-market valuation, contingent valuation, willingness-to-pay, Manitoba" "Monochloramine, chloramination, ionic liquids, disinfection by-product, N-nitrosamine, nitrosamine, imidazolium, pyrrolidinium" "Indigenous peoples, circumpolar region, natural resource development, impact assessment, public health, geographic information systems" "SNP, radiation toxicity, machine learing, classification" "Storytelling, narrative, randomized controlled trial, croup, parent" "Asian American, Asian Canadian, contemporary art, migration, globalization, diaspora" "Focused Ethnography, Nursing Faculty Student, Transition, Culture, Context-Based Learning, Curriculum" "Chest X-ray, Emergency Department, Ordering, Canada, Asthma, Pneumonia, Choosing Wisely®" "Design of experiments, hierarchical clustering, nonlinear stochastic optimization, computational singular perturbation, ammonia decomposition, preferential oxidation" "foster, encourage, support, teaching, learning, curriculum" "Specified Risk Material, Valorization, Bioplastics, Biocomposites, Bioadhesives, Waste biomass, Biomass, Bio-based polymer," "Cereal and pulse proteins, Denaturation, Protein hydrolysis, Starch-protein interaction, Amylolysis, RDS content, Wheat, Pea proteins, Protease-hydrolysis, Extrusion, In vitro digestion" "Diamond, carbon isotopes, nitrogen, Churchill Province, Aviat" "Absorption, Metaphor, Expression, Integration, Narrative Identity." "Theater, Ethnomusicology, theater music, Mysore, Kannada, Biography, Ethnography, Karnatak music, Hindustani music, Nationalism, Colonialism" "Menadione, cytotoxicity, carbonate radical, bicarbonate, superoxide dismutase, Hepa1c1c7 cells" "Xenotransplantation, neonatal porcine islets, DR80, suramin, small inhibitory molecules" "Interfacial tension, Asphaltene, Temperature, Salinity" "Autism , Assistive robots, intervention, imitation" "Re-Os, l ¨ollingite, arsenopyrite, gold, garnetite, Broken Hill, closing temperature, Olarian Orogeny" "Elastomer, polymer chain, fracture toughness, constitutive model" "glycolipid, sphingolipid, glycosphingolipid, organic synthesis, lipid probes, fluorescent probes" "T cell, Tolerance, Lymphopenia, Cervical thymus, Autoimmunity" "De-politicization, ngo-ization, social movement, NGO, development,popular education, Third World feminism, Palestine, learning in struggle, women's movements" "Heterogeneous Computing, GPGPU, Compile Optimization, OpenMP, Loop Transformations" "Query suggestion, document clustering, query search, search term selection" "ESL students, beliefs, strategies, reading" "Mathematics, Geometry, Regulators, K-Theory, Cohomology" "Catalytic converter, monolith, light-off, heterogeneous model" "Social, Cultural, Environmental, and Population Health Research" "Teacher identity, post-secondary, mathematics, professor, graduate program, teaching assistant" "Moodle, Parents, élèves 3ème année, Ste Marguerite-Bourgeoys," "Tailings, filtration, settling, polymer, flocculation, Al-PAM" "industrial design, cardiac surgery, toy design, medical education, educational toys, anatomy for kids" "Geoarchaeology, Oil Sands, Geomorphology, Archaeology, Luminescence Dating" "Adsorption, Violanthrone-79, Asphaltene, Quartz Surfaces, Molecular Dynamics" "Translation, Nigerian Literature, Cultural Diplomacy, Politics of Translating and Publishing, Power Inequalities, Literary Hybridity, The Polysystem" "Zimbabwe, neoliberalism, authoritarian nationalism, higher education" "DNA Single Strand Break Repair, XRCC1, LIG3, PNKP" "Miscible CO2 injection, immiscible CO2 injection, first contact miscible displacement, fractured porous media, micromodel" "qualitative research, grizzly bear, human dimensions of wildlife, policy sciences, media content analysis, Alberta" "Intent to stay, desire to stay, relational leadership, structural equation models, theory" "Panelized construction, Internet of Things (IoT), Barcode, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)" "SAGD, heat transfer, conduction, convection, thermal diffusivity, observation wells" "scholarship of teaching and learning, survey, institutions, activity, SoTL Canada" "Gait, Walking, Balance, Stability, Extrapolated Centre of Mass" "Prader-Willi, myogenesis, differentiation, migration, polarity, myosin" "alendronate , vitamin D , rat model, osteoporosis,metabolomic" "AhR, Mercury, TCDD CYP1A1, NQO1, in vitro and in vivo" "Canola, B. napus, B. oleracea, diversity, heterosis, SSR, MPH, hybrid, inbred, " "Interfacial tension, high temperature, surfactant, solute, asphaltene" "Literacies, Identities, Women, narrative inquiry" "macrophages, electrical stimulation, regeneration, satellite cells, muscle fibre, pro-inflammatory macrophages, anti-inflammatory macrophages" "Islam, the West, democracy, end of history, clash of civilizations, beyond culture, Islamism, new world order," "LiDAR, Traffic Safety, Performance-Based Design, Sight Distance, Horizontal Curves, Vertical Clearance, Cross Sections, Safe System Approach" "Naphthenic acids, chemical oxidation, biological oxidation, oxidative stress, systems biology, thermodynamics" "glycosyl hydrolase, neuraminidase, sialidase, enzyme kinetics, substrate specificity, Neu5Ac, Neu5Gc" "Ostrich eggshell, beads, palaeolithic, southern Africa, eastern Africa, bead diameter" "Geology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Re-Os, Sulphur Isotopes, WCSB, Ireland, Lisheen, Silvermines, Robb Lake, Prairie Creek, Salmo, Cordillera, Aquifer, WCSB, Isotopes, LA-ICPMS, TIMS" "Genetic strain, flock age, egg storage, embryo quality" "Free viewpoint video, stereo matching, optical flow, camera array" "Fractionation, Characterization, Leftover egg yolk, Supercritical CO2 extraction, Antioxidant activity, Super oxide production, Cholesterol extraction, Phospholipids extraction" "genomics, mountain pine beetle, linkage map, population genetics, forest management" "Linseed, flax, bast fibre, xylem, gibberellin, auxin, gene, SSR" "Control theory, nonlinear systems theory, Lyapunov methods, constructive control design" "AAC, adult, developmental disabilities, staff training" "Horn River, Anadarko, Muskwa, Evie, Cardium, Bakken" "Non linear fit, regression, generalized reduced gradient, evolutionary algorithm" "Effective pore volume, half length, load recovery, ultimate load recovery" "Unconventional tight oil, gas, sand, Shale reservoir Formation" "Fracture closure, compaction drive, expansion drive, gas drive, oil drive, hydrocarbon drive" "Mountain pine beetle, forest ecology, blue stain fungus, symbiosis, silviculture, fertilization, thinning, lodgepole pine" "Superoxide dismutase, hydrogen peroxide, bicarbonate, SOD peroxidase activity, carbonate, drug toxicity, phenylbutazone, mercaptopurine, HepG2, HEK293" "Biomolecule detection, DNA nanostructure, FRET, Quantum dots" "Star Chart Keyboard, Western Plains Cree; syllabic keyboard; indigenous language revitalization; mobile smartphone; iOS, Android, social media memes" "Widows, kilimanjaro, social action, gender equality, development" "Temporomandibular Disorders, Neck, cervical, impairments, muscles, relationship" "CNS tumours, brain tumours, case ascertainment, hospital discharge, completeness, cancer registry, EMR, molecular markers, biomarkers" "China, Alberta, Public opinion, Foreign economic relations" "War memorials, Ottawa, violence against women, human rights, Champlain" "Electron Beam Lithography, Developer Free, Heating, Reactive Ion Etching" "Non-intrusive load monitoring, load disaggregation, multi-label classification, semi-supervised learning, graph based learning " "Full waveform inversion, wave-equation, simultaneous sources, inversion, optimization" "Asymmetric Catalysis, Allylboration, Allylboronate, Palmerolide A" "thermal protective clothing, hot liquid splash, steam, radiant heat, stored thermal energy, hydraulic jump, instrumented spray mannequin, hydrodynamics of hot water flow, in-depth water penetration, fabric systems" "Pre-service, diversity, residency, relationships, action research, case study, professional learning, urban, teacher researchers" "Underground coal gasification (UCG), Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS), Ex-situ UCG experiment, Adsorption experiment, Coal" "Anti-fouling, Chemisorption, Lyophobicity, Electrochemical anodization, Wettability" "Wiebe, Rudy, 1934---Peace shall destroy many--Criticism, Textual" "Algebraic Geometry, Local Systems, Hodge Theory, Isomonodromic Deformations, Picard-Fuchs Equationsgebraic Geometry, Local Systems, Hodge Theory, Isomonodromic Deformations, Picard-Fuchs Equations" "Supercritical, Carbon dioxide, Bitumen, Oil Sands, Waste Streams" "Themodynamic modeling, Metal, Immobilization, Biochar" "Lego robots, cognitive ability, children, physical disability, play" "Cancer, metabolism, epigenetics, renal cell carcinoma" "Play, learning, cognitive development, lego robots, children with disabilities" "Nazarov, electrocyclization, Simmons-Smith, cyclopropanation, organoaluminum, cycloaddition, Lewis acid" "Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400--Canterbury tales (Norman, Okla.)" "Stable isotope analysis, Carbon stable isotopes, Nitrogen stable isotopes, Diet, Ecuador, Formative Period, Highlands, Maize" "HEDIS, Disparities, Bayesian Imputation, Race/Ethnic Differences, Medicaid, Children" "Foreign Language Anxiety, Low Communicative Competence, English as a second language, English as a foreign language, China" "Hydrocarbon, recovery, MFT, oil sands,flotation, Denver Cell, flocculation" "Flotation column, Al-PAM, Magnafloc-1011, Asphaltene" "Boundary, Cognitive map, Landmark, Cue competition, Localization" "Radar, vector network analyzer, F-K migration, Kirchhoff" "Myt1, Cdk1, cell cycle, Drosophila, intestine" "Parisina, consort of Niccolo III, d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio, 1404-1425--In literature" "Alberta, Digenea, Trematode, Diversity, Gastropod, Snail, Swimmer's itch, Cercarial dermatitis, cercariae, lake" "Culture, Daily Stress, Self-Construals, Situation Sampling, Situational Appraisal" "English 30-1, Novel Study, Rape Culture, The Female of the Species, English Language Arts" "Design, Mobile Robot, Lego-Based Systems, Reconfigurability" "Wettability, DLVO theory, Thin film stability, Enhanced oil recovery" "Patellofemoral pain, cartilage, contact stress, talus, implants, finite element analysis" "High Pressure Processing, honeydew melon juice, juice milk, bioactive compounds, antioxidant capacity" "Trembling aspen, Stand dyanmics, Maximum size-density relationship, Survival probability, Mortality, Mixedwood stands, Overyielding" "Speckle noise, ultrasound, echocardiography, filtering, medical images, medical imaging, Geodesic, Anisotropic, Gaussian, Median, Gradient, SNR, PSNR, CNR, Contrast, speckle reduction, speckle reduction, log compression" "Mothers, mothering, intellectual disability, ethnocultural community, oppression, resistance, narrative inquiry, intersectionality theory" "Computer Go, Move Prediction, Machine Learning, Ranking Model" "Assistive technologies, computer-assisted learning in children with disabilities, physical disabilities, play and disabilities, rehabilitation robotics" "Métis, natural resource management, environmental governance, power" "transgender, performance, social media, trans" "Molecular Dynamics, Froth Flotation, Solvent-Based Extraction of Bitumen, Solvent Recovery, Sulfide Mineral, Clay Mineral, Wettability, Contact Angle, Line Tension, Adsorption, Inorganic and Organic Ions " "Comparative Literature, Existentialism, William Faulkner, Sadeq Chubak, Persian literature, Iranian literature, Iranian literary modernism" "shape memory polymer, braiding, cellulose nanocrystal, suture, shape memory effect" "Steel, Run out table, Laminar Cooling, Optimization, Genetic Algorithms, PSO, Branch and Bound" "Advanced oxidation, chlorine photolysis, hydroxyl radicals, methanol, p-chlorobenzoic acid, cyclohexanoic acid" "Volt-Var-Control, Data Analytics, Smart Power Systems, Power System Assessment" "Significance Analysis of Microarrays, Significance Analysis of Microarrays for Gene Sets,Significance Analysis of Microarrays for Gene Sets Reduction,Prostate Cancer, SAMGSR, SAM-GS" "triboelectricity, tribo-tunneling, direct-current, nanogenerator" "Approximation of probability measures, quantization, Kantorovich metric, Levy metric, Kolmogorov metric, Benford's Law, slowly changing sequences, asymptotic distribution, invariance property." "Hyperlipidemia, Poloxamer 407, Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus" "Drought, carbon starvation, hydraulic failure, carbohydrates" "Lego robots, cognitive ability, children, disability, play" "Septets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, oboe, percussion)--Scores" "Dynamic optimization, Fall prevention, Forward dynamics, Musculoskeletal modeling, Walking stability, Computational biomechanics, Stability measure" "Virtual Reality, Haptic, Sense of Touch, Augmented Virtuality" "Microstructure,Thermal Conductivity,Pozzolanic Admixture,RQXRD" "trace metal cycling, surface complexation modelling, banded iron formation, cyanobacteria, dissolved organic carbon" "Robotic arm, cognitive development, motoric disability, tool use, very young children" "Virtual Reality, Haptic, Sense of Touch, Augmented Virtuality" "Assistive robots, virtual robots, play, learning, cognitive development" "Older Adults, Living Alone, Social Isolation, home" "Carbon Black Production, Thermal Decomposition of Methane (TDM), Premixed Flames, Particle Size and Morphology, Hydrogen Production" "professional development, graduate students, outreach, Images of Research" "Diabetes Knowledge, Self-care behaviors, Arabic-speaking, Edmonton" "Orientalism, Gender, Feminist Post Colonialism, Gendred Orientalism, Film, Islamophobia" "uthenium polypyridyl complex, iridium polypyridyl complex, diazonium, electrografting, photoelectrochemistry, photoanode, visible light chromophore." " Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Cultivar Mixtures, Organic Agriculture, Western Canada" "braided composites, kevlar, creep, aramid, composite materials, braiding" "PAC learning, label noise, minimum disagreement strategy, binary classification" "Noise, class noise, PAC, probably approximately correct" "Beef, dairy, single nucleotide polymorphism, BTA19, BTA29, quantitative trait loci, linkage disequilibrium, radiation hybrid" "Minority language, Cantonese, Cree, Language revitalization" "Large-scale CO2 sequestration, TOUGH2-ECO2N, Aquistore injection site, Williston Basin" "Numercial modelling, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, circulation, sea ice" "Feminism, deconstruction, embodiment, Canadian Society for Biblical studies" "Machine Learning, radiometric transformation, tropical dry forests, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle." "Hilton, Walter, Scala perfectionis, Manuscripts" "Hilton, Walter, Scale of Perfection, Manuscripts" "Antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity, bioactive starch films, chitosan, carvacrol, gallic acid, food packaging, subcritical water technology" "Mobile ars, clickers, classroom, student engagement, information literacy" "Monte Carlo Tree Search, Go, Search, Knowledge, Evaluation" "geostatistics, categorical variables, multivariate, kriging, geology, mining" "Human Rights, Human Rights-Based Approaches, Human Rights Education, International Rivers, Dams" "Gastroplus, Drug modelling,computer simulation, Drug bioavailability, Disease" "Production Scheduling, Mine Planning, Optimization, 3-D Material Mixing, Block Caving, Caving ‎Mines, BCSO, Mathematical Programming, Caving Flow, Material Flow" "Spectral Sequence, Exact Couple, Distribution Theorem, Transfinitely Filtered, Class of Modules, Comparison Theorems, Reverse Engineering" "Modeling, ASM2d, Steady State, GBWWTP, Calibration, GPS-[X]" "Cybercrime, internet regulation, Canada, Romania" "Play, lego, robotics, augmentative communication, interface design" "Spinal cord injury, Walking, Neuroprosthesis, Electrical Stimulation, Biomechanics, Ultrasound, Intraoperative, Anesthesia, Functional Organization of the Lumbosacral Enlargement" "Malaria, diagnosis, health systems, rapid diagnostic tests, RDTs, providers' compliance, policy, Ghana" "stress distribution, mat, crane, interaction soil structure, soil bearing pressure" "Motion Analysis, Human Cognition, Fall Detection, Animation Skeleton" "glass sponge reef, Porifera, recruitment, larvae, settlement, biodiversity, northwest Pacific" "Refraction, keratoconus, cataract, corneal dystrophy" "Respiratory Health, Occupation, Industry,Asthma, COPD,Lung Functions" "Cue integration, Navigation, Path integration, Piloting" "Assistive robotics, play, cognitive development assessment, augmentative communication" "Panelized construction, Internet of Things (IoT), Barcode, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)" "Transformative teaching praxis, transformative teaching and learning, meaningful learning experiences, transformative experiences, life-altering educational experiences, transformation without contrivance, self-reflection; social context of education; teacher education, class warfare, values-based teaching and learning" "Congenital Heart Disease, Industrial Emissions, Air Pollution, Developmental Toxicants" "Conservation Auction, Spatial Targeting, Experimental Study, Economics" "Segregation, Rheology, Yield Stress, Oil Sands Tailings" "Malory, Thomas, Sir, 15th century--Morte d'Arthur" "Peripheries, Decay, Eva Hesse, Minimalism, Post Minimalism, Abstract Expressionism, Drawing, Relief, Surface, Masculine, Gender Politics, Monument" "Field Programmable Gate Array, High Voltage Direction Current, Hybrid HVDC Breaker, Modular Multilevel Converter, Parallel Processing, Real-time Simulation" "Enseignement, sciences, technologie, élémentaire" "dry forest, forest recovery, succession, lianas, birds, acoustics, tree pollination and dispersal syndromes" "Robotics, severe disabilities, children, play" "SCC, Corrosion Fatigue, Pipeline Steels, Hydrogen Embrittlement, Near-Neutral pH Environment" "Biblical narrative, critic, Hebrew, Hamites, struggle" "Immigrant students, citizenship, citizenship education, deliberative democracy, interpretive inquiry, invisible immigrant, critical hermeneutics, educational policy, reform, Greece, country of origin, Greek Orthodox Church, Orthodoxy, economy, neo-fascism, religion, liberal democracy, nation, state, nation-state, ethnicity, interpretive, event, cultural reproduction, translation" "Panelized construction, Internet of Things (IoT), Barcode, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)" "AAC, SGD, mouse emulation, lego robots, user performance" "Linkage mapping, introgression, safflower, Carthamus tinctorius, Carthamus oxyacanthus, oilseed" "Extraction, Subcritical water, Potato peel, Phenolic compounds, Chlorogenic acid, Gallic acid" "Patients' Values, Self-care, Heart Failure, Concept Analysis, Mixed Methods Systematic Review, Focused Study" "Climate change, Egyptians, Risk perception, Cultural theory" "Built environment, urban form, ecological models, walkability, accessibility, space syntax, Geographic Information Systems" "Consumer, food, purchase, demographic, health, obesity, survey, meat" "Phenology, remote sensing, aspen, heatsum, budbreak, genotype" "peripheral nerve injury, regeneration, retinoblastoma protein, RNAi" "Kongsfjord store, Ny Alesund, Spitzbergen, Norway" "Device-level modeling, Graphics processors, Power Diode, IGBT, Large-scale, Massive-thread, Parallel algorithms, Parallel programming, Power electronic circuit simulation" "Re-Os, l ¨ollingite, arsenopyrite, gold, garnetite, Broken Hill, closing temperature, Olarian Orogeny" "Dark matter, particle astrophysics, DEAP-3600, simulation" "Reinforcement learning, simulation-based search, computer Go, temporal-difference learning" "Robotic arm, cognitive development, motoric disability, tool use, very young children" "Internet access, filtering, censorware, censorship, intellectual freedom, reader response theory, indexing theory, retrieval theory," "Funk, signifying, music, p-funk, signifyin(g), signifyin', heteroglossia, african-american music, popular music, african-american literature, ethnography" "FASD, Children, Intervention, Social Skills" "EPL, Contaminants movement, Trace metals, NAs, Sr, Ba, Capwater, Porewater, Methanogenesis, Nutrients" "Tuberculosis, Lipopeptides, ESAT-6, Vaccine, Immunotherapy" "Liar, Liar: The Theory, Practice, and Destructive Properties of Deception by Gary Paulsen" "Anishinaabe, Ojibwe, Elders, lifelong learning, adult education, self-directed learning" "Solar fuels, Carbon dioxide photoreduction, Mass spectrometry, SemiconductorPhotocatalysis, FDTD simulations" "Chlorine isotopes, halogens, geothermal systems, porphyry copper deposits, iron oxide copper gold deposits, scapolite, stable isotopes, chlorine, bromine, lithium isotopes, lithium, pyrohydrolysis" "Aromatic polyols, polyurethanes, plastic sheets, foams, vegetable oil, physical properties" "Re-Os, l ¨ollingite, arsenopyrite, gold, garnetite, Broken Hill, closing temperature, Olarian Orogeny" "Metabolomics, Metabolite identification, Quantification, Acylglycines, Methylmalonic acid, MycompoundID, Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Mass spectrometry, Tandem mass spectrometry" "bacteriocin, resistance, carnocyclin A, Listeria, RNA sequencing, ncRNA, carbohydrates" "politics, marxism, technology, platforms, surveillance, negri" "Digital Initiatives, Interactive media, Data visualization, University of Alberta Libraries" "Alberta Aphasia Camp, Interprofessional, Inter D., Volunteer" "Read, Ask, Answer, Prompt hierarchy (RAAP)" "semiconductor nanowires, nanostructured titania, solvothermal synthesis, timeresolved photoluminescence, photovoltaics, single crystal nanostructured titania, Mie scattering" "industrial design, interior design, health, wellness, student health, environmental psychology, sustainable furniture, spaces, Fitwell assessment, ergonomics and comfort, accessibility, emotional design, pleasurable products, biophilic design" "BlipVert, music-drama, Lady Dice, Emerald Oyster Honeycomb, synaesthesia, interdisciplinary, interdisciplinarity, opera, composition, snapshot, performance, electronic music, graphic score, Pneuma Stream, visual art, experimental, soprano, percussion" "BlipVert, music-drama, Lady Dice, Emerald Oyster Honeycomb, synaesthesia, interdisciplinary, interdisciplinarity, opera, composition, snapshot, performance, electronic music, graphic score, Pneuma Stream, visual art, experimental, soprano, percussion" "Participatory Design, Co-Design, Older Adults, Health Smart Homes, Service Design, Design for Services, Empathy, Co-Creation" "Rossdale Area, Placemaking, Place Identity, Public Place, Community-led Design, Co-creation Design, Virtual Reality, Creative Design Method" "Sustainable Design, Industrial Design, Slow Design, Service Design, Habitat Loss, Food Security, Waste Diversion, Sustainable Development, Zambia" "DNA REPAIR, DOUBLE-STRAND BREAK, HOMOLOGOUS RECOMBINATION REPAIR, NONHOMOLOGOUS END JOINING, KU" "RNAseq, Micro RNAs, Feed efficiency, bovine and liver" "dentistry, health, community health, community education, preventative care" "Bayesian cue combination, path integration, piloting, navigation, homing" "active learning, student resistance, resilience, higher education" "carbon nitride, melem, s-heptazine, dye adsorption, photocatalysis, water spilitting, solar cells, plasmonic photocatalysis" "3D printed circuits, additive manufacturing, fused deposition modelling, microstrip transmission line resonator, transceive array element, conductive ink" "Dielectric pads, matching layer, array coils, optimal permittivity, dielectric resonance, RF safety, SAR" "Canada, children, Indigenous, nutrition policy, school, students" "copyright, open education, oer, fair dealing, open licensing, Creative Commons" "Magnetic resonance imaging, transmit array coils, specific absorption rate, mutual impedance, decoupling, high permittivity liner" "Motion compensation, haptic feedback, impedance model, teleoperation system, medical robots" "Motion compensation, ultrasound image, force feedback, impedance control, medical robotics, beating- heart surgery" "Robot-assisted surgery, telerobotics, impedance control, beating-heart surgery, mitral valve annuloplasty" "Photocatalysis, Quantum dots, Carbon nitride, Water splitting" "Carbon Nitride, Water splitting, Hydrogen evolution, Hetrojucntion, BiOI" "Graphene, Doped graphene, Plasmon, Exciton" "gay history, HIV crisis, AIDS crisis, gay autobiography, bathhouse, homophobia, gay, hetero-normalization, lost histories, autobiography" "Pawan Kumar, Amit Bansiwal, Nitin Labhsetwar, Suman L Jain" "Exposure Therapy, Serious Games, User Experience Design, Mental Health Application," "Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Qualitative Analysis, spider phobia, user interface design" "Modeling, Control, HCCI, MPC" "Racemase, DcsC, RacX, PLP" "S16, 2009, changes, seminar" "Shame, guilt, Chaucer, ethics" "TMJ, MRI, CBCT, Registration" "Bcl, Ki67, P53, P16, EGFR." "TGS, PTGS, Rdp1, Cut7" "Ubiquitin, SUMO, RAP80, NMR" "Glycemia, HIT, HIIE," "History, Astronomy, Science, Wales" "Language, Revitalisation, Gaelic, Manx" "Comments, Brenner, Torah, proverbs," "Quadrotor, UAV, saturation, delay" "Sex, Gender, CIHR, Tri-Council" "TMJ, MRI, CBCT, Registration" "AAC, lego, robot, speech generating" "Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender" "Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, EDI" "Oil Sands, Clay Minerals, XRD, TEM" "Arctic, canada, Schaefer, medicine" "Synthesis, Monosaccharide, Bicyclic," "Linear, bilinear, half, quarter, slope" "Sex, gender, Funding Applications," "Interaction, beam, column, warping" "Dentistry, pediatric, anatomy, tooth" "4DCT, CT, lung, motion management" "Children, infants, adolescents, youth" "Osteosarcoma, ABC, β-catenin, marker" "LiNbO3, PMN-PT, PZT-5A, Cryogenic" "HBase, Coprocessors, Endpoints, Hadoop" "NCC, polymer, depletion, CMC, HEC" "Deep beams, concrete, FRP" "Animals, Mythical, in art" "Handbooks, manuals, etc" ", NSERC, Discovery Grant" "Inclusion, évaluation, élèves à risque" "Rojas, Fernando de, -1541--Celestina" "Handbooks, manuals, etc" "Handbooks, manuals, etc" "History, Astronomy, Science, Wales" "Chalcogenides, structure, quaternary" "Receptors, Adrenergic, beta" "Enzymes, wheat millrun, DDGS" "Counselling, refugee, cultural broker" "Ny Alesund, Spitzbergen, Norway" "SPRI, Cambridge, England" "Nanisivik Mine, Baffin Island, Nunavut" "librarianship, labour, marxism" "Sci-Fi, Chat,"