A place where Rong logs his significant code activity and comments
Started by @jinfinance
updated the parse_count_table_confusion_matrix.py script, so that:
- if we have the metasheet table, we will be able to retrieve all the predicted primers for each sample through the metasheet table, instead of using: run_grep.get_primers_for_sample_design_fasta function
- run_grep.get_primers_for_sample_design_fasta function is still there in case we run the script without the metasheet table
- do note that due to 2.) above, build_confusion_matrix() method is a little heavy now, and might need some simplification
- I tested the script with both 024 data which does not require map (sample-to-isolate) file, nor metasheet table; and 027-2 data which does have the map file and metasheet table.
python3 parse_count_table_confusion_matrix.py
-c /scicomp/home-pure/qtl7/test/hmas_test/output1.0_nseq9_noemptyfastq/juno.final.full.count_table
-s helper_scripts/M3235-22-024-sample.csv
-f /scicomp/home-pure/qtl7/test/hmas_test/output1.0_nseq9_noemptyfastq/juno.final.fasta
-r ~/HMAS-Internal-Validation/M347_21_026_nopre/juno_design_primers_full_full.fasta
-o confusion_matrix_nseq9_oldref_noemptyfastq_1104_1
python3 parse_count_table_confusion_matrix.py
-c /scicomp/groups/OID/NCEZID/DFWED/EDLB/projects/CIMS/HMAS_QC_pipeline/M3235_22_027_2/output1.0/juno.final.full.count_table
-f /scicomp/groups/OID/NCEZID/DFWED/EDLB/projects/CIMS/HMAS_QC_pipeline/M347_21_027_2/output1.0/juno.final.fasta
-r 2014K_0324_08_0900.fasta -e metasheet.csv -m sample_isolates_mapping.csv
-s M3235_22_027_2.csv
-o confusion_matrix_2014K_0324_08_0900_new027
Salmonella isolates WGS assembly
Wrote a script run_SRA_assembly.py
which takes a 2 column (tab delimited) plain file, 1st column is the sample name, 2nd column is the SRA number. It downloads all SRA files in the list and call shovill for the assembly.
The shovill program is from the loaded module at Scicomp, and I choose the skesa as the assembler, which currently is of version v2.3.
I ran it with the following 6 Salmonella isolates substitutes:
AM39224 (AR-0409)
I was not able to find the SRA files for 2013K-1067 and AR-0409, and Grant didn't know where to find the WGS for them either.
Except for 2013K-1067, NCBI already has the WGS assembly there. So it's probably not necessary to download the SRA reads and do the assembly ourselves. And there are some difference between NCBI version of the assembly and ours. They also use skesa for the assembly, but they used the version v2.2. Not sure if that made the difference. For example: sample 2016K-0878, their assembly has 27 contigs while our version has 25 contigs
Salmonella enterica strain 2016K-0878, whole genome shotgun sequencing project
shovill sometimes would freeze for no obvious reason, without any apparent errors. I set a 10 minutes' timeout in the script. If that ever happens, it will be necessary to re-run the script again with those affected samples/sra files
Ran extract_amplicon_from_primersearch_output.py
to generate the extracted amplicon sequences of those 6 isolate WGS files from yesterday.
python3 ~/HMAS_QC_Pipeline/extract_amplicon_from_primersearch_output.py
-s 2013K-1828_assembled.fa
-p ~/HMAS_QC_Pipeline/Salmonella-reformatted-primers-list-psearch.txt
processes one WGS a time. If we have a lot of WGS to extract amplicon sequence from, we need to write a simple shell script to do it efficiently.
All 6 assemblies and their extracted amplicon sequences are under: