\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/lcra_waterquality_test.py b/test/lcra_waterquality_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..544e545f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lcra_waterquality_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+from ulmo.lcra.waterquality import get_stations, get_station_data
+import test_util
+import os
+def test_get_stations():
+ service_info_url = 'http://waterquality.lcra.org/sitelist.aspx'
+ service_info_file = 'lcra/waterquality/stations.html'
+ url_files = {
+ (service_info_url, ('GET',)): service_info_file,
+ }
+ with test_util.mocked_urls(url_files):
+ stations = get_stations()
+ assert len(stations) == 6
+ assert "SH 35 SOUTHWEST" in stations['20460']
+def test_get_station_data():
+ os.environ["ULMO_TESTING"] ="1"
+ service_info_url = 'http://waterquality.lcra.org/parameter.aspx?qrySite=12147'
+ service_info_file = 'lcra/waterquality/12147_params.html'
+ service_data_url = 'http://waterquality.lcra.org/events.aspx'
+ service_data_file = 'lcra/waterquality/12147_results.html'
+ url_files = {
+ (service_info_url, ('GET',)): service_info_file,
+ (service_data_url, ('POST',)): service_data_file,
+ }
+ with test_util.mocked_urls(url_files):
+ results = get_station_data(12147)
+ assert len(results) == 12
+ for data in results:
+ assert data['Site'] == u'12147'
+ del os.environ["ULMO_TESTING"]
diff --git a/ulmo/lcra/__init__.py b/ulmo/lcra/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67d8a236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ulmo/lcra/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from . import waterquality
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ulmo/lcra/waterquality/__init__.py b/ulmo/lcra/waterquality/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8cb35ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ulmo/lcra/waterquality/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .core import get_stations, get_station_data
diff --git a/ulmo/lcra/waterquality/core.py b/ulmo/lcra/waterquality/core.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa6f47b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ulmo/lcra/waterquality/core.py
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ ulmo.lcra.waterquality.core
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ This module provides access to data provided by the `Lower Colorado
+ River Authority` _ `Water Quality`_ web site.
+ .. _United States Army Corps of Engineers: http://www.lcra.org
+ .. _Tulsa District Water Control: http://waterquality.lcra.org/
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import logging
+from ulmo import util
+import pickle
+import os
+# import datetime
+import os.path as op
+LCRA_WATERQUALITY_DIR = op.join(util.get_ulmo_dir(), 'lcra/waterquality')
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import requests
+# import numpy as np
+# import pandas
+# try:
+# import cStringIO as StringIO
+# except ImportError:
+# import StringIO
+def get_stations():
+ """Fetches a list of station codes and descriptions.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ stations_dict : dict
+ a python dict with station codes mapped to station information
+ """
+ stations_url = 'http://waterquality.lcra.org/sitelist.aspx'
+ path = op.join(LCRA_WATERQUALITY_DIR, 'stationids.htm')
+ response = requests.get(stations_url)
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
+ gridview = soup.find(id="GridView1")
+ stations = [
+ (row.findAll('td')[0].string, row.findAll('td')[1].string)
+ for row in gridview.findAll('tr')
+ if len(row.findAll('td'))==2
+ ]
+ return dict(stations)
+def get_station_data(station_code, date=None, as_dataframe=False):
+ """Fetches data for a station at a given date.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ station_code: str
+ The station code to fetch data for. A list of stations can be retrieved with
+ ``get_stations()``
+ date : ``None`` or date (see :ref:`dates-and-times`)
+ The date of the data to be queried. If date is ``None`` (default), then
+ data for the current day is retreived.
+ as_dataframe : bool
+ This determines what format values are returned as. If ``False``
+ (default), the values dict will be a dict with timestamps as keys mapped
+ to a dict of gauge variables and values. If ``True`` then the values
+ dict will be a pandas.DataFrame object containing the equivalent
+ information.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ data_dict : dict
+ A dict containing station information and values.
+ """
+ if isinstance(station_code, (str)):
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(station_code, (int)):
+ station_code = str(station_code)
+ else:
+ log.error("Unsure of the station_code parameter type. \
+ Try string or int")
+ raise
+ if date:
+ log.info("Date parameter not implemented yet")
+ if as_dataframe:
+ log.info("as_dataframe parameter not implemented yet")
+ waterquality_url = "http://waterquality.lcra.org/parameter.aspx?qrySite=%s" %station_code
+ waterquality_url2 = 'http://waterquality.lcra.org/events.aspx'
+ dir_path = op.join(LCRA_WATERQUALITY_DIR, str(station_code))
+ resp_path = op.join(dir_path, "resp.html")
+ pickle_path = op.join(dir_path, "data.pickle")
+ util.mkdir_if_doesnt_exist(dir_path)
+ initial_request = requests.get(waterquality_url)
+ initialsoup = BeautifulSoup(initial_request.content, 'html.parser')
+ # stationvals = [ statag.get('value', None)
+ # for statag in initialsoup.findAll(id="multiple")
+ # if statag.get('value', None)
+ # ]
+ result = _make_next_request(waterquality_url2,
+ initial_request,
+ {'site': station_code})
+ if op.exists(resp_path) and \
+ util.misc._request_file_size_matches(result, resp_path)\
+ and not os.environ.get('ULMO_TESTING', None):
+ #means nothing has changed return cached pickle
+ log.info("%s was not processed because it is the same size"%station_code)
+ try:
+ with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as f:
+ return pickle.load(f)
+ except IOError:
+ log.info("Couldn't find the pickle that should be there for \
+ %s" %station_code)
+ pass
+ if not os.environ.get('ULMO_TESTING', None):
+ with open(resp_path, 'wb') as wf:
+ wf.write(result.content)
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(result.content, 'html.parser')
+ gridview = soup.find(id="GridView1")
+ results = []
+ headers = [head.text for head in gridview.findAll('th')]
+ #uses \xa0 for blank
+ for row in gridview.findAll('tr'):
+ vals = [_parse_val(aux.text) for aux in row.findAll('td')]
+ if len(vals) == 0:
+ continue
+ results.append(dict(zip(headers, vals)))
+ if not os.environ.get('ULMO_TESTING', None):
+ with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as mf:
+ pickle.dump(results, mf)
+ return results
+def _extract_headers_for_next_request(request):
+ payload = dict()
+ for tag in BeautifulSoup(request.content, 'html.parser').findAll('input'):
+ tag_dict = dict(tag.attrs)
+ #some tags don't have a value and are used w/ JS to toggle a set of checkboxes
+ payload[tag_dict['name']] = tag_dict.get('value')
+ return payload
+def _make_next_request(url, previous_request, data):
+ data_headers = _extract_headers_for_next_request(previous_request)
+ data_headers.update(data)
+ return requests.post(url, cookies=previous_request.cookies, data=data_headers)
+def _parse_val(val):
+ #the &nsbp translates to the following unicode
+ if val == u'\xa0':
+ return None
+ else:
+ return val