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3. Skyline Plugin Installation

Raytwo edited this page Jun 12, 2020 · 4 revisions

Note: it is recommended you use sys-ftpd-light open on port 5000 (the default).

Installing Skyline

To install Skyline, go to its Github page and either build from source or download a latest release.

To build from source run the following command:

make clean && make send IP=X.X.X.X

where X.X.X.X is your switch's IP. Requires sys-ftpd-light.

Installing Plugins

Using FTP

First, to setup cargo-skyline for installing plugins, you need to set your switch IP, this allows you to wirelessly install mods to test quicker. Your switch IP is shared computer-wide for convenience purposes and can also be provided via --ip X.X.X.X for any command that uses it. To set your switch's ip use the following command:

cargo skyline set-ip X.X.X.X

To install a Rust plugin from source, us the following command from within its folder:

cargo skyline install

This will build your plugin if it does no already exist and install it to your switch over FTP.

While debugging your plugins, you might find it additionally useful to install and listen for logs in the same command. For that, cargo-skyline provides the following:

cargo skyline run

Installing manually

To manually install your plugin, you first need to build it. As mentioned on the Setup page, use the following command from within the folder:

cargo skyline build

If everything went well, you should now have a \target directory. Navigate to \target\aarch64-skyline-switch\release\ and you should see a file called libXXXXXXX.nro (XXXXXXX being the name of your project).

Using your favorite file transfer method, place this file on your SD at this location: atmosphere\contents\*titleID of the game you're working on*\romfs\skyline\plugins\

If you want to listen for logs from plugins already installed, use

cargo skyline listen