First, generate your config file
This will create a config.ini file at the root of the folder where the folder structure is stored (each folder has it's absolute path as value in the folders section of the config)
Version : 2.78a
Version : 3.5
opencv-python (to read .exr files)
and more !
For demo purposes, I provide one scene containing a mixamo character (liam) with cameras, lights and actions.
To start rendering you can launch the following command (assuming blender is in your path and you are in the project folder).
blender data/blender-assets/scenes/liam-trimmed-anim.blend -b -noaudio -P blender-scripts/ -- --person liam --trimmed --background_folder data/blender-assets/backgrounds
This renderes several outputs in the 'annots' folder:
- rgb contains the RGB rendered images
- segm contains the skin segmentation
- 2Dcoord contains the 2D coordinates
- 3Dcoord contains the 3D coordinates (rescaled to realistic human scales in the metric system)
- depth contains the depth map
Some images we generated with another mixamo character (andromeda) with backgrounds from the LSUN dataset