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+Contributing to UNICEF Inventory theme
+Thanks for your interest in contributing to the UNICEF Inventory theme!
+The UNICEF Inventory theme is a [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) theme to create a lightweight knowledgebase site.
+This page is a guide for making successful contributions to the project.
+**Table of contents**:
+1. [Contribution process](#process)
+1. [Conventions & courtesies](#conventions)
+ 1. [Start working on a ticket](#conventions--ticket-start)
+ 1. [Inactive tickets](#conventions--ticket-inactive)
+ 1. [Submit a pull request](#conventions--submit-pr)
+ 1. [Maintainer response time](#conventions--maintainer-response)
+1. [Structure & components](#components)
+ 1. [Theme](#components-theme)
+ 1. [Example site](#components-example)
+1. [How to create a development environment](#dev-env)
+ 1. [Requirements](#dev-env--requirements)
+ 1. [Set up the environment](#dev-env--setup)
+ 1. [Run the Hugo server](#dev-env--run-hugo)
+## Contribution process
+The UNICEF Inventory theme is managed as a tool of the [UNICEF Venture Fund](https://www.unicefinnovationfund.org/) within the [UNICEF Office of Innovation](https://www.unicef.org/innovation/).
+New contributions to the UNICEF Inventory theme are reviewed and managed by the UNICEF Ventures folks responsible for working with our team's open source technology.
+Decisions about the project are generally headed up by a specific tech lead assigned to the project.
+**As of 2022, this is currently [Justin W. Flory](https://github.com/jwflory).**
+Since the team is small and our efforts are still early, this project's governance is fluid and may change over time to help us grow and scale, as needed.
+## Conventions & courtesies
+This section describes conventions and common courtesies when working on the project.
+Following these steps improves the probability of your change or contribution being accepted.
+### Start working on a ticket
+Want to work on a new ticket?
+Follow these three steps:
+1. Check if ticket is already assigned
+1. Leave a comment in the ticket to work on it
+If someone else is already assigned, it means the task is **already in progress**.
+An assigned ticket is not available to start new work.
+If a ticket has no updates for longer than seven days, you may follow up and ask if the assignee is still working on the ticket.
+Finally, **leave a comment** in the ticket you want to work on.
+A maintainer will reply asking for more information or they will assign the ticket to you.
+When you are assigned a ticket, this means you are approved to work on it.
+### Inactive tickets
+Sometimes, an assignee of a ticket may no longer have time to work on a ticket.
+**After five days of no updates, a ticket can be reassigned by a project maintainer.**
+This _DOES NOT_ mean all tickets must be solved in five days.
+It _DOES_ mean if an assignee does not respond to new comments in a ticket after five days of their last comment, it can be re-assigned by a maintainer.
+This helps to keep tickets open and available for those who have time to work on them.
+If you are working on a ticket and more than five days have passed since your last comment, please give an update when possible.
+### Submit a pull request
+These guidelines help maintainers review new pull requests.
+Stick to the guidelines for faster pull request reviews.
+1. Prefer gradual small changes than sudden big changes
+1. Write a helpful title for your pull request (if someone reads only one sentence, will they understand your change?)
+1. Address the following questions in your pull request:
+ 1. What is a summary of your change?
+ 1. Why is this change helpful?
+ 1. Any specific details to consider?
+ 1. What do you think is the outcome of this change?
+1. Include screenshots of before/after if your change is a front-end change.
+### Maintainer response time
+Project maintainers / mentors are committed to **no more than three days for a reply** during Outreachy rounds.
+If more than three days have passed and you have not received a reply, follow up in [our Matrix room](https://matrix.to/#/#unicef-innovation:matrix.org).
+Someone may have missed your comment.
+_Remember_, using issue templates and answering the above questions in pull requests reduces response time from a maintainer to your ticket / PR.
+## Structure & components
+The UNICEF Inventory theme includes two components: the theme and an example site (used as a proof-of-concept to demonstrate capabilities of the theme).
+### Theme
+The website theme that provides the interface and UX of the public website is the [UNICEF Inventory theme](https://github.com/unicef/inventory-hugo-theme).
+It is a theme made for the [Hugo static site generator](https://gohugo.io/).
+For changes to the site look-and-feel, user interface, and user experience, you can open bug reports, feature requests, and ideas in the [issue tracker](https://github.com/unicef/inventory-hugo-theme/issues) of the UNICEF Inventory theme.
+The content you find published in the [public website](https://sustainers.github.io/design) is hosted here.
+You can find all the content in the [`content/` directory](/content/) of this repository.
+For changes to content, categories, and the text published on the website, this repository is the place to have discussions, submit changes, and collaborate with the Design & UX Working Group.
+### Example site
+There is also an example site included in the theme.
+It demonstrates basic features and look-and-feel of the theme.
+You can find the example site in the [`exampleSite/` directory](/exampleSite/) of this repository.
+This example site also acts as the documentation for the Hugo theme as well.
+## How to create a development environment
+So, you want to work on the UNICEF Inventory theme?
+This section describes how to set up a development environment using Hugo.
+A development environment is needed to test changes and build the site locally.
+While it is helpful for reviewing changes, it is not required so long as the continuous integration pipeline is passing on a Pull Request.
+### Requirements
+To create a developer environment, you must install the following:
+* [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/)
+* [git](https://github.com/git-guides/install-git) or a git client
+### Set up the environment
+First, create a fork of the repository to your GitHub account.
+Clone the git repository for **your fork** of the UNICEF Inventory theme:
+git clone git@github.com:your-username-here/inventory-hugo-theme.git
+### Run the Hugo server
+Finally, you will use Hugo to run a local HTTP web server and generate a preview of the site from your own machine.
+You must start the Hugo server from the directory containing the example site.
+Simply change directories to the example site, and run the Hugo server:
+cd /path/to/repo/
+cd exampleSite/
+hugo serve
+The terminal will print a message with a URL to the local preview, such as [localhost:1313/inventory-hugo-theme/](http://localhost:1313/inventory-hugo-theme/).
+Direct your browser to the local preview, and it should appear just as it does on the public website.
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index 79dee4f..2a21758 100644
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## Configuration
-See [`exampleSite/config.yaml`](/exampleSite/config.yaml) for an example Hugo site using this theme.
+See [`exampleSite/config.yaml`](/exampleSite/config.yaml) for an example Hugo site using the UNICEF Inventory theme.
-## Contributing
+## :busts_in_silhouette: Contributing
-If you want to work on this Hugo theme itself, you do not need to use git submodules.
-Fork and clone this repository like you would a normal git repository.
-Then, open a Pull Request when you have changes to propose.
+See [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) for contribution guidelines, conventions and courtesies, and other advice for working on the UNICEF Inventory theme.
## Features
@@ -77,7 +75,7 @@ The upstream Dot theme includes the following features:
[Open a new issue to report bugs and request new features.](https://github.com/unicef/inventory-hugo-theme/issues/new/choose)
-## Legal
+## :memo: Legal
Licensed under [MPL-2.0](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/ "About the Mozilla Public License").
From [_choosealicense.com_](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mpl-2.0/):