Construcción de Interfaces de Usuario, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.
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class TiktokSystem {
val users = mutableListOf<User>()
val posts = mutableListOf<Post>()
val comments = mutableListOf<Comment>()
* Login to the system
* @param username the username of the user
* @param password the password of the user
* @return the user that has been logged in
fun login(username: String, password: String): User
* Add a new post to the system
* @param idUser the id of the user that is adding the post
* @param draftPost the post that is going to be added
* @return the post that has been added
* @throws UserException if the user is not found
fun addPost(idUser: String, draftPost: DraftPost): Post
* Edit a post
* @param idPost the id of the post that is going to be edited
* @param idUser the id of the user that is going to edit the post
* @param editPost the new post that is going to replace the old one
* @return the post that has been edited
* @throws PostException if the post is not found
* @throws UserException if the user is not found
fun editPost(idPost: String, idUser: String, editPost: DraftPost): Post
* Add new user to the system
* @param user the user that is going to be added
* @return the user that has been added
* @throws UserException if the username or email is already in use
fun addUser(user: DraftUser): User
* Edit a user
* @param idUser the id of the user that is going to be edited
* @param editUser the new user that is going to replace the old one
* @return the user that has been edited
* @throws UserException if the user is not found
fun editUser(idUser: String, editUser: DraftEditUser): User
* Get the latest posts
* @return the 10 latest posts
fun getLatestPosts(): List<Post>
* Get the timeline of a user
* @param userId the id of the user
* @return the 10 latest posts of the user and the users that the user is following
fun getTimeline(userId: String): List<Post>
* Get users can be recommended to follow
* @param idUser the id of the user
* @return the 10 users that can be recommended to follow
* @throws UserException if the user is not found
fun getRecommendAccounts(idUser: String): List<User>
* Get the top trends
* @return the 10 top trends
fun getTopTrends(): List<String>
* Get the posts of a trend
* @param trend the trend that is going to be searched
* @return the posts that contain the trend
fun getTrend(trend: String): List<Post>
* Search for users and posts
* @param text the text that is going to be searched
* @return the users and posts that contain the text
fun search(text: String): SearchResult
* Add a comment to a post
* @param idUser the id of the user that is going to add the comment
* @param idPost the id of the post that is going to receive the comment
* @param draftComment the comment that is going to be added
* @return the post that has been commented
* @throws UserException if the user is not found
* @throws PostException if the post is not found
fun addComment(idUser: String, idPost: String, draftComment: DraftComment): Post
* Update the like of a post
* @param idUser the id of the user that is going to like the post
* @param idPost the id of the post that is going to receive the like
* @return the post that has been liked
* @throws UserException if the user is not found
* @throws PostException if the post is not found
fun updateLike(idUser: String, idPost: String): Post
* Update the follow of a user
* @param idUser the id of the user that is going to follow another user
* @param idOfUserToFollow the id of the user that is going to be followed
* @return the user that has been followed
* @throws UserException if the user is not found
* @throws FollowException if the user is the same id as idOfUserToFollow
fun updateFollow(idUser: String, idOfUserToFollow: String): User
* Get the user by id
* @param idUser the id of the user
* @return the user that has the id
* @throws UserException if the user is not found
fun getUser(idUser: String): User
* Get the post by id
* @param idPost the id of the post
* @return the post that has the id
* @throws PostException if the post is not found
fun getPost(idPost: String): Post
val service = Bootstrap().getService()
class User(
val id: String,
val username: String,
var email: String,
var password: String,
var image: String,
val posts: MutableList<Post>,
val following: MutableList<User>,
val followers: MutableList<User>
class Post(
val id: String,
val user: User,
var title: String,
var description: String,
var video: String,
val comments: MutableList<Comment>,
val likes: MutableList<User>
class Comment(
val id: String,
val user: User,
val post: Post,
val text: String
class SearchResult(
val users: List<User>,
val posts: List<Post>
El sistema tiene que permitir agregar/editar Posts.
cuenta con:- Un id unico (con formato "p_{numero}").
- Un titulo (no puede ser vacio)
- Una descripcion (no puede ser vacia).
- Un video (que es una url) (no puede ser vacia).
- Comentarios.
cuenta con:- Un id unico (con formato "c_{numero}").
- Un usuario (que tiene que pertenecer al sistema)
- Un Post (que tiene que pertenecer al sistema)
- Un texto (que no puede ser vacio)
cuenta con:- Un id unico (con formato "u_{numero}").
- Un username (que no puede estar repetido en la aplicacion y no puede ser vacio).
- Una contraseña (que no puede ser vacia).
- Un email (que no puede estar repetido en la aplicacion y no puede ser vacio).
- Un listado de posts.
TODA interaccion tiene que pasar por TiktokSystem (con la interfaz definida previamente).
El TiktokSystem es el encargado de setear los ids de cada elemento que se agrega el sistema.
- Para simplificar se utilizan objetos draft
class DraftPost(
var title: String,
var description: String,
var video: String
class DraftUser(
var username: String,
var email: String,
var password: String,
var image: String
class DraftEditUser(
var email: String,
var password: String,
var image: String
class DraftComment(
var text: String