This small tool will help you to increase your blog view traffic with Differnet IP for each request with different User-agent.
- Tor
- stem library
- Python3
works only on Linux
apt-get install tor
Now open tor configuration file it is usually located in /etc/tor/torrc and uncomment following lines.
ControlPort 9051
HashedControlPassword "your password"
Save the file and exit.
pip install stem
pip install pysocks
service tor restart
If you are using both python version on single machine use pip3 for python3
git clone
cd breakfold
chmod 744
enter your tor password from torrc file
enter blog address with protocol
enter number of views you want
Now blog will be visited with different ip and User-Agent
This is in beta version and support for this is minimal.
Author will not take any responsibility of your activity using this tool. For Educational purpose only.
@vaibhav yadav for suggesting the name
MIT License