BeaconControl Android SDK is an Android library providing APIs to manage beacon detection and react to beacon monitoring and ranging actions.
The library allows the application to start and stop beacon detection. If beacon monitoring is enabled, the application may receive callback about starting and ending of actions. Actions have to be defined earlier by the user. There are three types of actions: url, coupon and custom. Url and coupon actions may be handled automatically by the library, however custom actions must be performed manually by the user.
On the project website you will find JavaDoc documentation.
If you are using Gradle, include in your dependencies:
dependencies {
compile 'io.upnext.beaconcontrol:beaconcontrol:1.0.2'
You may also need to add one or more exclusions, as shown below:
android {
packagingOptions {
exclude 'META-INF/dependencies.txt'
exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'
exclude 'META-INF/license.txt'
exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE.txt'
exclude 'META-INF/notice.txt'
At the beginning you have to get the BeaconControl class instance to interact with BeaconControl SDK.
BeaconControl beaconControl = BeaconControl.getInstance(context, clientId, clientSecret, userId);
You may enable logging.
The next step is defining and setting the BeaconDelegate object. If you decide to perform an action automatically, there will be a WebView activity shown for url and coupon actions.
beaconControl.setBeaconDelegate(new BeaconDelegate() {
public boolean shouldPerformActionAutomatically() {
return true;
public void onActionStart(Action action) {
// you may do something when action starts
public void onActionEnd(Action action) {
// you may do something when action ends
public void onBeaconsConfigurationLoaded(List<Beacon> list) {
// you can save the beacons from the configuration for future use
public void onBeaconProximityChanged(Beacon beacon) {
// you may do something when beacon proximity changes
However, you should handle custom action by your own. Here is an example:
public void onActionStart(Action action) {
long actionId =;
String actionName =;
switch (action.type) {
case url:
onUrlActionStart(actionId, actionName, action.payload);
case coupon:
// do something for coupon action
case custom:
onCustomActionStart(actionId, actionName, action.customAttributes);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown action type.");
private void onUrlActionStart(long actionId, String actionName, Action.Payload payload) {
if (payload != null) {
String url = payload.url;
// you may do something for url action
private void onCustomActionStart(long actionId, String actionName, List<Action.CustomAttribute> customAttributes) {
for (Action.CustomAttribute customAttribute : customAttributes) {
long attributeId =;
String attributeName =;
String attributeValue = customAttribute.value;
// you may do something for custom attribute
If you want, you may set callback for errors. Then every time an error occurs, you will be notified.
beaconControl.setBeaconErrorListener(new BeaconErrorListener() {
public void onError(ErrorCode errorCode) {
Log.e(TAG, "Some error occured in Beacon SDK: " +;
BeaconSDK configuring is done now. When needed, you may start beacon monitoring and ranging.
When the scanning is started you can request at any given time a reload of configuration - it will be fetched from the backend server.
If the fetch was successful, you'll be notified in onBeaconsConfigurationLoaded
of BeaconDelegate
When you do not need monitoring and ranging, you may stop beacon detection.
If you want to communicate with your private instance of BeaconControl backend server, you need to overwrite the url by providing it in your application's strings.xml
<string name="sdk_config__service_base_url"></string>
You can find license in LICENSE.txt file.
If you have any troubles, please contact us at