The MailContact plugin is a contact form plugin for that is based on the PHPMailer library.
Place the folder containing the plugin into your plugins directory located at ./user/plugins/
To configure the plugin you can change the corresponding settings in your configuration file located at ./user/config/config.php
You can set the question and answer of the CAPTCHA:
Plugins::set("mailcontact_question", t("Wähle den Begriff, der nicht passt: Freund, Feind, Nudelsuppe", MailContact::class));
Plugins::set("mailcontact_answer", t("Nudelsuppe", MailContact::class));
You can set the SMTP mail server configuration:
Plugins::set("mailcontact_host", "localhost");
Plugins::set("mailcontact_password", "");
Plugins::set("mailcontact_port", 587);
Plugins::set("mailcontact_recipient", "root@localhost");
Plugins::set("mailcontact_sender", "urlaube@localhost");
Plugins::set("mailcontact_username", "anonymous");
You can overwrite subject text of the sent mail:
Plugins::set("mailcontact_subject", t("Nachricht gesendet über MailContact", MailContact::class));
To include the contact form on a page you have to use the [mailcontact]
shortcode within the content. It will be replaced with the HTML sourcecode of the contact form.