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Specification Update Subgroup meeting, June 2022

Mark Mockett edited this page Jun 17, 2022 · 1 revision

Specification Update Subgroup

June 7, 2022

Meeting Information


  • Review proposed approaches to modifying the specification through Pull Requests (PRs).
  • Review and discuss issues not being resolved this cycle.


  • Sign-in and Welcome
  • Highlight Pull Requests (PRs) from Other Subgroups
  • Review Previously Discussed PRs
  • Discuss New PRs
    • Refactor Relationships & Mobile Work Zones – PR #322
    • Add Undefined and Unknown Directions– PR #304
    • Add No Passing Restriction– PR #306
    • Rename center-left-turn-lane – PR #314
  • Updating Examples on GitHub
  • Review Issues Not Resolved This Cycle
  • Action Items and Next Steps


Highlight PRs from Other Subgroups and Previously Discussed PRs

For those who haven't attended other subgroup meetings, we wanted to highlight the PRs that those groups have discussed in case folks want to join in on discussion.

Smart Work Zone Device Subgroup

Allow providing a field device without providing a road name  – PR #309

  • Change the conformance of the road_names property on the FieldDeviceCoreDetails from “Required” to “Optional”.
  • This allows producers of a SwzDeviceFeed to provide a field device without having to try to determine the name of the road it is deployed on, simplifying manual entry or internal processes for producers.

Allow a LocationMarker to mark any delineation point in a work zone – PR #311

  • Add a delineator value to the MarkedLocationType enumerated type.
  • Use for a generic delineation point in a work zone. This value can be used for most types of marked locations that don't match any of the other values.
  • Add a ramp-closure value to the MarkedLocationType enumerated type.
    • The start of a closed ramp onto or off a main road or highway.
  • Add a road-closure value to the MarkedLocationType enumerated type.
    • The start of a closed road.

Enable the DeviceFeed to describe temporary traffic signals - PR #313

  • Create a new TrafficSignal field device object that allows representing a traffic signal in a WZDx DeviceFeed as its own object with specific properties that apply to it.
    • Has "core_details" and "mode" properties
  • Create a new TrafficSignalMode enumerated type, used by the TrafficSignal
  • Deprecate the "temporary-traffic-signal" value on the MarkedLocationType enumerated type.

Previous meeting notes highlight other subgroup PRs here.

Specification Update Subgroup

Refactor and clarify event status and start/end date verification – PR #294

  • This PR follows a similar approach to #281
  • Changes to WorkZoneRoadEvent and DetourRoadEvent.
  • Deprecate the event_status, start_date_accuracy and end_date_accuracy properties.
  • Add new boolean properties is_start_date_verified and is_end_date_verified
    • Indicates if work has been confirmed to have started, such as from a person or device in the field or a report from a traffic management center.

Clarify usage of update_date - PR #302

\ RoadEventCoreDetails update_date FieldDeviceCoreDetails update_date
Current The UTC time and date when the activity or event was updated. The UTC time and date when the field device information was updated.
Proposed The UTC date and time when any information in the RoadEventFeature (including child objects) that the RoadEventCoreDetails applies to was most recently updated or confirmed as up to date. The UTC date and time when any information in the FieldDeviceFeature (including child objects) that the FieldDeviceCoreDetails applies to was most recently updated or confirmed as up to date.

Previous meeting notes highlight other Specification Update Subgroup PRs here.

Refactoring Relationship Object - PR #322

The relationship object is intended to be used to specify relationships between road events. Currently, it is not well defined how different types of relationships should be specified.

Some features of the current proposed model are:

  • The RelatedRoadEventType enumeration below relates road events in a spatial or temporal sequence back to the first road event.
  • There are two options for how these relationships could be used to relate groups of road events to other groups (i.e. a road event with multiple events)
  • See below for full enumeration of relationship types.

New property on RoadEventCoreDetails

Property Name Value Description Conformance Notes
Array; [RelatedRoadEvent] A list describing road events which are related to this road event. Examples of related road event include but are not limited to the sequence along the roadway, recurring work zones, related detours or other road events that encompass a similar work area. Optional

The RelatedRoadEvents object is used to identify another road event that is related to a road event.

Property Name Value Description Conformance Notes
type RelatedRoadEventType The type of relationship with the road event being identifed, such as another sequence of related work zones, a detour, or next road event in sequence. Required
id String An identifier for the related road event by the type property. The value of this property should correspond to the id of a RoadEventFeature within the same WZDx feed. Required

RelatedRoadEventType Enumerated Type describes a type of related road event, such as a work zone project, recurrent work zone, or detour-type road event.

Value Description
first-in-sequence The first road event in a sequence of road events that together describe a full work zone or detour
next-in-sequence The next (subsequent) road event in a sequence of road events that together describe a full work zone or detour
first-occurrence The first road event in the first occurrence in time of a recurrent work zone.
next-occurrence The first road event in the next occurrence in time of a recurrent work zone.
related-work-zone The first road event of related work zones (i.e. not part of a sequence of road events or recurrent work zone)
related-detour The first road event of related detours (i.e. not part of a sequence of road events)
planned-moving-operation The first road event of a related planned moving operation work zones (i.e. not part of a sequence of road events)
active-moving-operation The first road event of a related active moving operation work zones (i.e. not part of a sequence of road events)

This issue also partially resolves the Mobile Work Zones issue

  • Proposed RelatedRoadEvent object with planned-moving-operation and active-moving-operation relation types
  • Unable to identify that a future road event is going to be a moving operation because there would be no active moving operation to be related to

Adding 'undefined' and 'unknown' for event direction - PR #304

  • Currently direction is limited to one of four options (north-, south-, east-, or westbound) based on the signed route the event is occurring on, but that limits data producers.
  • Many existing permitting and work zone management systems do not include a direction attribute
  • New values would allow for data consumers to produce more accurate depictions of data

Proposed additional enumerations:

Value Description
northbound Road flow is in the northbound direction
eastbound Road flow is in the eastbound direction
southbound Road flow is in the southbound direction
westbound Road flow is in the westbound direction
NEW undefined Road flow does not have a signed direction. For a RoadEventFeature, the first and last coordinates in the feature's geometry represent the beginning and end of the road event in the direction of travel it impacts.
NEW unknown Road flow may have a signed direction, but the affected direction of travel is not known

Passing Lanes - PR #306

Currently, it is not clearly stated how passing lanes primarily used by traffic in the opposite direction should be included in WZDx

  • In examples posted in Discussion #131, the passing lane (opposing travel lane) is indicated as lane 1 with type general since it can be used for travel in the positive direction

Proposal: add a no-passing restriction and represent only lanes used for primary travel direction (i.e. from the yellow centerline to the road edge on a two-direction road) Description based from MUTCD

  • no-passing: Crossing the center line markings for passing is prohibited.

Rename center-left-turn-lane to accommodate left-side driving - PR #314

  • Deprecate the center-left-turn-lane value on the LaneType enumerated type.
  • Add two-way-center-turn-lane value to the LaneType enumerated type.
  • Makes the spec extensible to areas with left-side driving

Updating Examples on GitHub

WZDx GitHub has a section for examples here

Adding graphics: The examples on GitHub currently reference an old discussion post about lane configurations that is now out of date. The co-chairs are planning to add annotated diagrams corresponding to the example within the README, and storing the originals on GitHub for future changes

Co-chairs will also add new examples demonstrating proposed updates to the spec:

  • Mobile work zones
  • Other new relationship types

Are there other situations that should be included?


Dan: As long as you've got the basic blocks, then you should be able to represent anything. Chris B.: When you have a double lane closure and then go to a single lane closure, or have a lane drop. Sometimes lane numbers change and work zone ties in to that (i.e. drop work zone but not pick up another lane). Moreso the double lane closure to single lane closure.

  • Dan: We coordinate the lane drop at a ramp - is that what you're talking about? Because that would definitely renumber things.
  • Chris: I think this example is in number 6, where you go back to a single lane closure
  • Dan: i.e. a long term closure for the top lane, and then an additional closure overnight for the second lane.
  • Skylar: We could add a couple different examples related to this. And then introduce other concepts from WZDx to show a complete example of all the functionality. Most of what we've show up to this point is relatively simple - it would be good to show these more complex scenarios.
  • Chris B.: An actual split merge with express and local lanes would be good. The interesting thing to show with that - exits that can be accessed vs. not accessed.
  • Sinclair: I have another one, where you send traffic across to a lane used for the opposite direction.


Name Organization
Marty Lauber Arizona DOT
Lee Jackson Bentley Systems
Mahsa Ettefagh Booz Allen Hamilton
Ben Fischer Butterfly Junction Technologies
Jacob Larson* City of Omaha
Weimin Huang HERE
Todd Hartnett Hill and Smith
Pete Krikelis Hill and Smith
Jacob Brady* IBI Group
Michelle Boucher IBI Group
Sinclair Stolle Iowa DOT
Dan Sprengeler Iowa DOT
Skylar Knickerbocker* Iowa State University
Siva Narla ITE
William Martin Leidos
Samer Rajab Locomation
Alexander Lemka Maricopa County DOT
Neil Boudreau Massachusetts DOT
Chris Brookes Michigan DOT
Justin Anderson Noblis
Kellen Shain Noblis
Chad Mann Oregon DOT
Yang Cheng University of Wisconsin-Madison
Deb Curtis USDOT Federal Highway Administration
Mark Mockett USDOT Volpe Center
Molly Behan USDOT Volpe Center
Nate Deshmukh Towery^ USDOT Volpe Center
Chuck Felice Utah DOT
Erin Schwark Wisconsin DOT
Michael Hanowsky Woolpert

* Co-Chair of Spec Update Subgroup
^ Co-Chair of Work Zone Data Working Group


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