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Work Zone Data Working Group meeting, 7 25 2022

Mark Mockett edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 1 revision

Meeting information

Subject: Work Zone Data Working Group (WZDWG) Semi-Annual meeting
Date and Time: July 25, 2022, 12:00pm-2:30pm EDT
Location: Virtual (Zoom)

The slides from this meeting are available here.

The recording of this meeting is available here.


  • Provide updates on the WZDWG subgroups’ progress in working towards publication of WZDx Specification version 4.1 over the past eight months
  • Facilitate discussion on the near-term action items for the WZDWG membership
  • Provide updates on the future of WZDx and the Connected Work Zones standardization process
  • Learn about currently available and forthcoming WZDx data feeds


  • Sign-in and Welcome – WZDWG Co-Chairs
  • WZDx Updates & News - WZDWG Co-Chairs
  • Connected Work Zones and WZDx into the Future - USDOT Leadership
  • Specification Update Subgroup Report-Out – Specification Update Co-Chairs
  • Specification Extension Subgroup Report-Out – Specification Extension Co-Chairs
  • Scheduled Break
  • Smart Work Zone Subgroup Report-Out – SWZ Co-Chairs
  • Worker Presence Subgroup Report-Out – WP Co-Chairs
  • Technical Assistance Subgroup Report-Out – TA Co-Chairs
  • Announcements, Next STeps and Q&A – WZDWG Co-Chairs

Discussion Summary

and Welcome

  • Nate Deshmukh-Towery opened the meeting and went through the housekeeping/agenda items, and with the 2 initial polling questions.

WZDx Updates & News

  • Adam Graham highlighted the growth of the WZDx effort through recently compiled metrics.
  • Dave Craig presented an update of the WZDx feeds currently available and in development.

Connected Work Zones and WZDx into the Future

  • Deb Curtis and Murat Omay discused USDOT's intention to fold WZDx into the standards program and move the WZDx specification to a formal, systems-engineered standard. The effort will be led by the same 50/50 partnership of SAE and ITE that has been leading the Connected Intersections process. Membership of the standardization process will start with the current WZDx stakeholder group.
    • Frank Winters asked if USDOT had considered the Open Geospatial Committee as a stakeholder. Deb confirmed that the CTI partners are open to working with anyone.

Specification Update Subgroup Report-Out

  • Adam went through the milestones and accomplishments of the subgroup
  • Jacob Brady then detailed PRs #278, #281, #291, #294, and #302.
    • WZDWG membership/meeting attendees didn't have any comments or feedback on PRs #278, #281, #291, #294, and #302.
  • Jacob Larson detailed PRs #304 and #306.
    • Nikola Ivanov: Is there any plan to add inner- and outer-loop that exist in TMDD and are frequently used by DOTs managing work zones on beltways?
      • Mark Mockett: Yes, we're considering that for the v4.2 short cycle.
  • Skylar Knickerbocker detailed PRs #314 and #322.
    • WZDWG membership/meeting attendees didn't have any comments or feedback on PRs #314 and #322.
  • Skylar Knickerbocker discussed issues the group plans to address in the next interim release of the specification or through the Connected Work Zones standards process.


  • Nikola: What about adding "operator" or another designation for location method that is designated by TMC operator rather than a device? Currently we default to "other" which works, but isn't ideal.
    • Mark: I'm not sure I understand the use case for adding "operator" - the location method property is intended to identify how the geographic coordinates provided for the work zone correspond to its layout. That could mean the first/last point correspond to where traffic control equipment is located, where the first/last signs are located, or the last junction before the work zone.

Specification Extension Subgroup Report-Out

  • Weimin Huang presented PR #217 adding vehicle_impact property to the RestrictionRoadEvent
  • Brandon Patocka and Eric Kolb presented PR #218 adding a new Road Incident Feed to capture real-time impacts of incidents, disasters, and special events.


  • Doug Benison: Would you consider combining flood, with wind under a weather category? This way a major snow or ice event can be included as well.
    • Eric: From my perspective a flood is more aligned with a disaster than a heavy snow or ice event. I can see a weather category added so that snow and ice can be added under it.
  • Alan Clelland: What about Sporting Events?
    • Eli: I would urge caution about including sporting events and the like. If you go there, you’ll have to deal with marathons, baseball games and everyhting else that may drift off-schedule.
    • Derald: With work zones moving to the standards area, there will be a clear break between work zones and this extension work. As we move toward TDx, answering those questions about how we inform drivers about events is something that can be discussed
  • Russell: I suggest combining several of the proposed similar categories (e.g., fair & carnival) unless some utility/value is provided by differentiation.
  • Todd Foster: Incident Type (Wind) seems very limited. Why not use Weather to include Flooding, Icy Roads, Heavy Rain/Snow, Low Visibility? It is not obvious as Flooding is located under disaster type, but visibility and road conditions (snow ice) are not addressed
  • Jeremy: Traffic info should not be part of WZDx.
    • Derald: That's part of why we're breaking it away to TDx. We want to bring people to the right place.
    • Jacob B: In past cycles when RoadRestrictionFeed was added - issues were in the WZDx repository, targeted the WZDx specification, etc. Even though the PRs exist in the WZDx repo, they won't be merged into WZDx and will be done on the separate repo. There will be even clearer separation than there is currently.
  • Ross: One of the crossing technologies between all of these is the DeviceFeed.
  • Siva: If you have questions or comments about TMDD - feel free to forward them. I can help address those through TMDD using two-way communication.

Smart Work Zone Subgroup Report-Out

  • Todd Foster reviewed the Smart Work Zone Subgroup's planned activities and milestones.
  • Jacob Brady presented the PRs proposed by the subgroup: #228, #266, #267, #273, #292, #293, #308, #309, #310, #311, #312, #313.
  • Neil Boudreau discussed issues that the subgroup had discussed but not addressed this cycle: #296, #289, #286, #263, #253, #274, and #187.
    • WZDWG membership/meeting attendees didn't have any comments or feedback on PRs or issues.

Worker Presence Subgroup Report-Out

  • Ben Acimovic presented on the activities of the Worker Presence Subgroup co-chairs, highlighted by interviews with 13 worker presence data producers and consumers.
  • Serge Beaudry discussed outstanding issues for exploration in the Connected Work Zones process: encouraging feedback on the worker presence element of the spec, defining business rules related to data quality, and potentially adding more worker presence devices to the Device Feed.

Technical Assistance Subgroup Report-Out – TA Subgroup Co-Chairs

  • Molly Behan presented the activities and milestones of the subgroup and the WZDx-related policy language examples available on GitHub.
  • Chuck Felice presented best practices on data security for WZDx feeds such as REST endpoint best practices, using cloude hosted platforms, and securing backend systems.
  • Chuck Felice presented the new content and format for WZDx specification business rules.
  • Chuck Felice presented a flow chart detailing how data flows from agency or external data sources, through processors, to third parties.

Announcements & Next Steps – WZDWG Co-Chairs

  • Nikola: MD will be introducing part time shoulder use that may impact the lane numbering scheme as the lane type will not be consistent depending on time of day or other factors (incidents, events, etc.) What is the experience across the country with part time shoulder use or reversible lane use as it pertains to WZDx? Does WZDx spec account for this?
  • Chris Brookes shared the link to the Michigan DOT demonstration of a WZDx feed with worker presence information:

Polling Questions

Who is in the audience today? %
State / Local DOT / Work Zone Data Provider 26%
Data Broker / Aggregator 5%
Mapping and Navigation Industry 7%
Contractor and/or Software Developer 38%
U.S. DOT or Other 10%
Other 14%
Is this your first time attending a WZDWG meeting? %
No 74%
Yes 26%

Voting Results

  • Final Voting results for version 4.1 proposed changes will be listed below once voting has concluded. Caltrans NYS Maryland DOT State Highway Administration IBI CTDOT Seattle DOT CO DOT SwRI-TX Google ODOT Hill and Smith HORIZON SIGNAL TECHNOLOGIES GM Neaera Consulting Austin Transportation Department Wanco Castle Rock Associates WashDOT IDOT City of Omaha HERE Iowa DOT NCDOT Ver-Mac USDOT Leidos (STOL) Mixon/Hill Butterfly Junction Technologies MCDOT VA DOT Ohio DOT Trihydro Corporation MassDOT Wisconsin DOT
  consumer Producer Producer Producer producer Producer Producer Producer producer Consumer Producer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Producer producer producer Producer Producer Producer Consumer Producer Producer producer Consumer consumer consumer consumer producer producer producer consumer producer producer
PR #278: Recommend Universally Unique IDs for identifiers and add “name” to RoadEventCoreDetails yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes neutral yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #281: Use Boolean properties for WorkZoneRoadEvent position verification yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral neutral yes no yes yes yes
PR #291: Use the same property name for the FeedInfo object for all WZDx feeds yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #294: Refactor and clarify event status and start/end date verification yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes neutral yes no neutral yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes
PR #302: Clarify usage of update_date yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #304: Add unknown and undefined for event direction yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes neutral yes yes no neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #306: Add no-passing to RestrictionType yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral neutral yes neutral yes neutral yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #314: Rename center-left-turn-lane to support more users yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral neutral yes yes yes yes yes
PR #322: Refactor Relationship object yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes neutral yes no yes neutral yes neutral yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes
PR #317: Add vehicle impact to Road Restriction Event yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes neutral neutral yes neutral yes yes yes
PR #318: Add new Road Incident Feed yes yes yes neutral no yes - yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes neutral neutral yes neutral yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes
PR #228: Change traffic sensor traffic data properties from Integer to Number value type yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes neutral yes neutral yes yes yes neutral yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes
PR #266: Add is_moving to FieldDeviceCoreDetails yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes neutral yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes
PR #267: Allow lane-level traffic sensor data without a defined road event neutral yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes neutral yes no yes neutral yes yes neutral yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes
PR #273: Add road_direction property to FieldDeviceCoreDetails yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes - yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #292: Add notes about HybridSign static_sign_text yes yes yes yes neutral yes neutral yes neutral yes neutral yes neutral yes - yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #293: Allow a LocationMarker device to represent a device that is worn or carried by a worker yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes neutral yes neutral yes yes yes - yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #308: Allow specifying the sign text for a Flashing Beacon yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes neutral yes no yes - yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #309: Allow providing a field device without providing a road name yes yes yes yes yes neutral neutral yes neutral yes neutral yes yes yes - yes yes neutral no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no neutral yes yes yes yes yes
PR #310: Rename SwzDeviceFeed feed and object to DeviceFeed yes yes yes yes yes neutral neutral yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes - yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #311: Allow a LocationMarker to mark any delineation point in a work zone yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes neutral yes neutral no neutral yes - yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes
PR #312: Allow a LocationMarker to mark the start of a road closure or ramp closure yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes neutral yes neutral yes yes yes - yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
PR #313: Enable the DeviceFeed to describe temporary traffic signals yes yes yes yes yes yes neutral yes neutral yes neutral neutral yes yes - yes neutral yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Meeting Participants

Name Organiztion
Donna Clark American Traffic Safety Services Association
Nagham Matout American Traffic Safety Services Association
Michael Kan Applied Concepts
Adam Carreon Arizona DOT
Dallin Starr Blycnsy
David Sacharny Blyncsy
Jacob Halu Blyncsy
Mahsa Ettefagh Booz Allen Hamilton
Melissa Glipa Clark California DOT
David Aylesworth CeVe
Luke Urie % City of Austin
Brandon Patocka $ City of Omaha
Jacob Larson * City of Omaha
Benjamin Acimovic #% Colorado DOT
Heather Hilgers Colorado DOT
Jenny Petrario Connecticut DOT
Patrick Chan Consensus Systems Technologies
Alan Clelland DKS Associates
Michael Kerpen Florida's Turnpike Enterprise
John Good Ford AV
David Craig ^ General Motors
Eli Sherer GEWI
Eric Kolb $ Google
Jeremy Agulnek Haas Alert
Weimin Huang $ HERE Technologies
Ivo Kushkiev Hill and Smith
Pete Krikelis Hill and Smith
Todd Hartnett Hill and Smith
William Twaite Hillsborough County (FL)
Jacob Brady * IBI Group
Michelle Boucher IBI Group
Ross Sheckler #& iCone
Juan Pava Illinois DOT
Peter Stresino Illinois DOT
Nathan Peck Illinois DOT
Mischa Kachler Indiana DOT
Ted Trepanier INRIX
Clayton Burke Iowa DOT
Dan Sprengeler Iowa DOT
Sinclair Stolle Iowa DOT
Skylar Knickerbocker * Iowa State University
Siva Narla ITE
David Haines Kimley Horn
William Martin Leidos
Samer Rajab Locomation
Samer Rajab Locomation
Alexander Lemka Maricopa County DOT
April Wire Maricopa County DOT
Neil Boudreau # Massachusetts DOT
Chris Brookes Michigan DOT
Michelle Moser Minnesota DOT
Christopher Poe Mixon Hill
Vinod Chandran Navjoy
Ethan Alexander Navjoy
Tony English Neaera
Tim Fiato New York State DOT
Frank Winters $ New York State Office of Information Technology Service
Justin Anderson Noblis
Kathy Thompson Noblis
Kellen Shain Noblis
Tim Johnson North Carolina Department of Information Technology
Greg Ferrara North Carolina State University
Adam Graham ^*
Courtney Reynolds
Justin King Oregon DOT
Al Brulo Pennsylvania Turnpike
Russell Holt Rhode Island DOT
John Copple Sanborn Mapping
Craig Moore Seattle DOT
Brad Nanna SolarTech
Nick Boltralik Southwest Research Institute
Sabrina Mosher Southwest Research Institute
Stan Young The Eastern Transportation Coalition
Zorica Cvijovic Trihydro
Jeremy Pate University of Alabama
Yunbo Wang University of California, Los Angeles
Nikola Ivanov University of Maryland CATT Lab
Yaw Adu-Gyamfi University of Missouri
Derald Dudley USDOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Deb Curtis USDOT Federal Highway Administration
Todd Peterson USDOT Federal Highway Administration
Mike Lukuc USDOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Murat Omay USDOT ITS Joint Program Office
Steve Sill USDOT ITS Joint Program Office
Jingi Shaw USDOT Volpe Center
Mark Mockett USDOT Volpe Center
Molly Behan USDOT Volpe Center
Nate Deshmukh Towery ^ USDOT Volpe Center
Gita Urban-Mathieux USGS
Blaine Leonard Utah DOT
Chuck Felice & Utah DOT
Ben Robitaille Ver-Mac
Pier Castonguay Ver-Mac
Serge Beaudry % Ver-Mac
Todd Foster # Ver-Mac
Kevin MacVittie Vmarkings
Matt Liddiard Vmarkings
Dagan Packman WANCO
Tim Paulino WANCO
Justin Belk Washington State DOT
Steve Haapala Washington State DOT
Tony Leingang Washington State DOT
Erin Schwark Wisconsin DOT
Michael Hanowsky Woolpert
Unwanna Dabney Woolpert
Virginia Lingham WSP
Cory Poff
Doug Benison
Eric Perry
George Vejar
James Barbosa
Manny Insignares
Vincent Chang

+7 dial-in only participants and +4 participants with no screenname

* Co-Chair of Spec Update Subgroup
$ Co-Chair of the Spec Extension Subgroup
# Co-Chair of the Smart Work Zone Subgroup
% Co-Chair of the Worker Presence Subgroup
& Co-Chair of the Technical Assistance Subgroup
^ Co-Chair of Work Zone Data Working Group


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