.shell powershell # Reload whkd configuration # alt + o : taskkill /f /im whkd.exe && start /b whkd # if shell is cmd alt + o : taskkill /f /im whkd.exe; Start-Process whkd -WindowStyle hidden # if shell is pwsh / powershell alt + shift + o : komorebic reload-configuration # App shortcuts - these require shell to be pwsh / powershell # The apps will be focused if open, or launched if not open # alt + f : if ($wshell.AppActivate('Firefox') -eq $False) { start firefox } # alt + b : if ($wshell.AppActivate('Chrome') -eq $False) { start chrome } alt + return : wt alt + c : if ($wshell.AppActivate('code') -eq $False) { start code } alt + e : if ($wshell.AppActivate('OUTLOOK') -eq $False) { start explorer.exe } alt + n : if ($wshell.AppActivate('notepad') -eq $False) { start notepad } alt + s : if ($wshell.AppActivate('Spotify') -eq $False) { start spotify } alt + b : if ($wshell.AppActivate('thorium') -eq $False) {start thorium.exe} alt + t : if ($wshell.AppActivate('ms-teams') -eq $False) { start ms-teams } alt + o : if ($wshell.AppActivate('OUTLOOK') -eq $False) { start OUTLOOK.exe } # Focus windows alt + left : komorebic focus left alt + down : komorebic focus down alt + up : komorebic focus up alt + right : komorebic focus right alt + shift + m : komorebic minimize alt + shift + q : komorebic close # Move windows alt + shift + left : komorebic move left alt + shift + down : komorebic move down alt + shift + up : komorebic move up alt + shift + right : komorebic move right # Stack windows alt + ctrl + left : komorebic stack left alt + ctrl + down : komorebic stack down alt + ctrl + up : komorebic stack up alt + ctrl + right : komorebic stack right alt + ctrl + q : komorebic unstack # oem_1 is ; alt + oem_4 : komorebic cycle-stack previous # oem_4 is [ alt + ctrl + return : komorebic cycle-stack next # oem_6 is ] # Resize alt + ctrl + shift + left : komorebic resize-edge left increase alt + ctrl + shift + down : komorebic resize-edge down increase alt + ctrl + shift + up : komorebic resize-edge up increase alt + ctrl + shift + right : komorebic resize-edge right increase # Manipulate windows alt + f : komorebic toggle-float alt + shift + f : komorebic toggle-monocle # Window manager options alt + shift + r : komorebic retile alt + p : komorebic toggle-pause # Layouts alt + x : komorebic flip-layout horizontal alt + y : komorebic flip-layout vertical alt + shift + return : komorebic cycle-layout next # Workspaces alt + 1 : komorebic focus-workspace 0 alt + 2 : komorebic focus-workspace 1 alt + 3 : komorebic focus-workspace 2 alt + 4 : komorebic focus-workspace 3 alt + 5 : komorebic focus-workspace 4 alt + 6 : komorebic focus-workspace 5 alt + 7 : komorebic focus-workspace 6 alt + 8 : komorebic focus-workspace 7 alt + 9 : komorebic focus-workspace 8 alt + NumPad1 : komorebic focus-workspace 0 alt + NumPad2 : komorebic focus-workspace 1 alt + NumPad3 : komorebic focus-workspace 2 alt + NumPad4 : komorebic focus-workspace 3 alt + NumPad5 : komorebic focus-workspace 4 alt + NumPad6 : komorebic focus-workspace 5 alt + NumPad7 : komorebic focus-workspace 6 alt + NumPad8 : komorebic focus-workspace 7 alt + NumPad9 : komorebic focus-workspace 8 # Move windows across workspaces alt + shift + 1 : komorebic move-to-workspace 0 alt + shift + 2 : komorebic move-to-workspace 1 alt + shift + 3 : komorebic move-to-workspace 2 alt + shift + 4 : komorebic move-to-workspace 3 alt + shift + 5 : komorebic move-to-workspace 4 alt + shift + 6 : komorebic move-to-workspace 5 alt + shift + 7 : komorebic move-to-workspace 6 alt + shift + 8 : komorebic move-to-workspace 7 alt + shift + 9 : komorebic move-to-workspace 8 alt + shift + NumPad1 : komorebic move-to-workspace 0 alt + shift + NumPad2 : komorebic move-to-workspace 1 alt + shift + NumPad3 : komorebic move-to-workspace 2 alt + shift + NumPad4 : komorebic move-to-workspace 3 alt + shift + NumPad5 : komorebic move-to-workspace 4 alt + shift + NumPad6 : komorebic move-to-workspace 5 alt + shift + NumPad7 : komorebic move-to-workspace 6 alt + shift + NumPad8 : komorebic move-to-workspace 7 alt + shift + NumPad9 : komorebic move-to-workspace 8 alt + home : komorebic focus-monitor 0 alt + end : komorebic focus-monitor 1 alt + shift + home : komorebic move-to-monitor 0 alt + shift + end : komorebic move-to-monitor 1