/home/user/YC/phoebe /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/SMatrix.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/app.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/bands_app.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/dos_app.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/electron_wannier_transport_app.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/elph_plot_app.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/elph_qe_to_phoebe_app.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/lifetimes_app.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/ph_el_lifetimes.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/phonon_transport_app.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/qe_to_phoebe_epa.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/qe_to_phoebe_utils.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/qe_to_phoebe_wannier.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/apps/transport_epa_app.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bands/active_bandstructure.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bands/bandstructure.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bands/window.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/drift.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/el_scattering.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/helper_3rd_state.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/helper_el_scattering.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/ph_scattering.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/phel_scattering.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/scattering.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/vector_bte.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/vector_epa.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/common_kokkos.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/constants/periodic_table.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/context.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/crystal.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/delta_function.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/exceptions.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/electron_h0_fourier.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/electron_h0_wannier.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/harmonic.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0_kokkos.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0_sum_rule.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/interaction/interaction_3ph.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/interaction/interaction_elph.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/interaction/interaction_elph_parsing.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/interaction/interaction_epa.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/io.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/mpi/mpiController.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/mpi/mpiHelper.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/electron_viscosity.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/observable.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/onsager.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/phonon_thermal_cond.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/phonon_viscosity.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/specific_heat.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/viscosity_io.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/wigner_electron.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/wigner_phonon_thermal_cond.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/parser/ifc3_parser.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/parser/parser.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/parser/phonopy_input_parser.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/parser/qe_input_parser.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/particle.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/points.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/statistics_sweep.cpp/home/user/YC/phoebe/src/utilities.cpp -- Setting default Kokkos CXX standard to 17 -- The project name is: Kokkos -- Using internal gtest for testing -- Configured git information in /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/generated/Kokkos_Version_Info.cpp -- Using -std=c++17 for C++17 standard as feature -- Built-in Execution Spaces: -- Device Parallel: NoTypeDefined -- Host Parallel: Kokkos::OpenMP -- Host Serial: NONE -- -- Architectures: -- Using internal desul_atomics copy -- Kokkos Devices: OPENMP, Kokkos Backends: OPENMP -- The project name is: KokkosKernels CMake Warning at lib/kokkos-kernels/cmake/kokkoskernels_features.cmake:18 (MESSAGE): Disabling SUPERNODAL_SPTRSV - this capability is only supported with LayoutLeft Call Stack (most recent call first): lib/kokkos-kernels/CMakeLists.txt:215 (INCLUDE) ================================ Kokkos Kernels version: 4.1.0 ================================ Kokkos Kernels ETI Types Devices: Scalars: Ordinals: Offsets: Layouts: Kokkos Kernels components COMMON: ON BATCHED: ON BLAS: ON GRAPH: ON SPARSE: ON ODE: ON Kokkos Kernels TPLs (None) ================================ -- Skipping ETI files for Batched_Gemm_nt_nt_bll because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Batched_Gemm_nt_t_bll because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Batched_Gemm_t_nt_bll because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Batched_Gemm_t_t_bll because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Batched_Gemm_nt_nt_blr because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Batched_Gemm_nt_t_blr because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Batched_Gemm_t_nt_blr because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Batched_Gemm_t_t_blr because not all components are enabled -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_abs -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_abs_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_scal -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_scal_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_dot -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_dot_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas_gesv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_axpby -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_axpby_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_update -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_update_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_sum -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_sum_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm1 -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm1_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm2w -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm2w_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrminf -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrminf_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_iamax -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_iamax_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm2 -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm2_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_mult -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_mult_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_reciprocal -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_reciprocal_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_rot -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_rotg -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_rotm -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_rotmg -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_swap -- Creating ETI files for Blas2_gemv -- Creating ETI files for Blas2_ger -- Creating ETI files for Blas3_gemm -- Creating ETI files for Blas3_trsm -- Creating ETI files for Blas3_trmm -- Creating ETI files for Blas_trtri -- Skipping ETI files for Graph_color_d1 because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_sptrsv_solve because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spmv_struct because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spmv_mv_struct because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spmv_bsrmatrix because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spmv_mv_bsrmatrix because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spmv because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spmv_mv because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spgemm_symbolic because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spgemm_numeric because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spgemm_noreuse because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_bspgemm_numeric because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spgemm_jacobi because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spadd_symbolic because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spadd_numeric because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spiluk_symbolic because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_spiluk_numeric because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_par_ilut_symbolic because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_par_ilut_numeric because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_gmres because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_sptrsv_symbolic because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_trsv because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_gauss_seidel_symbolic because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_gauss_seidel_numeric because not all components are enabled -- Skipping ETI files for Sparse_gauss_seidel_apply because not all components are enabled CMake Deprecation Warning at build/googletest/CMakeLists.txt:4 (cmake_minimum_required): Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of CMake. Update the VERSION argument value or use a ... suffix to tell CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions. CMake Deprecation Warning at build/googletest/googlemock/CMakeLists.txt:45 (cmake_minimum_required): Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of CMake. Update the VERSION argument value or use a ... suffix to tell CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions. CMake Deprecation Warning at build/googletest/googletest/CMakeLists.txt:56 (cmake_minimum_required): Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of CMake. Update the VERSION argument value or use a ... suffix to tell CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions. -- Using the multi-header code from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/json_src/include/ -- Found SCALAPACK: /usr/local/lib/libscalapack.a -- Could NOT find Sphinx (missing: SPHINX_EXECUTABLE) Doxygen configured Documentation needs also sphinx -- Configuring done (3.5s) -- Generating done (0.1s) -- Build files have been written to: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build [ 1%] Creating directories for 'spglib_dep' [ 1%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/simd/src/CMakeFiles/kokkossimd.dir/Kokkos_SIMD_dummy.cpp.o [ 1%] Creating directories for 'pugixml_dep' [ 1%] Creating directories for 'highfive_dep' [ 4%] Creating directories for 'eigen_dep' [ 4%] Building CXX object _deps/googletest-build/googletest/CMakeFiles/gtest.dir/src/gtest-all.cc.o [ 4%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_CPUDiscovery.cpp.o [ 6%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Command_Line_Parsing.cpp.o [ 6%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Core.cpp.o [ 6%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_HostBarrier.cpp.o [ 6%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_ExecPolicy.cpp.o [ 8%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Error.cpp.o [ 9%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_HostSpace.cpp.o [ 9%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_HostSpace_deepcopy.cpp.o [ 9%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_MemoryPool.cpp.o [ 11%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Profiling.cpp.o [ 11%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_HostThreadTeam.cpp.o [ 11%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Spinwait.cpp.o [ 14%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_SharedAlloc.cpp.o [ 14%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Stacktrace.cpp.o [ 16%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_MemorySpace.cpp.o [ 17%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_hwloc.cpp.o [ 17%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/OpenMP/Kokkos_OpenMP_Instance.cpp.o [ 19%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'spglib_dep' [ 19%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/OpenMP/Kokkos_OpenMP_Task.cpp.o [ 19%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/__/__/tpls/desul/src/Lock_Array_CUDA.cpp.o [ 20%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/__/__/tpls/desul/src/Lock_Array_HIP.cpp.o [ 22%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'pugixml_dep' -- Avoiding repeated git clone, stamp file is up to date: '/home/user/YC/phoebe/build/spglib_dep-prefix/src/spglib_dep-stamp/spglib_dep-gitclone-lastrun.txt' [ 22%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'highfive_dep' [ 24%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'eigen_dep' -- Avoiding repeated git clone, stamp file is up to date: '/home/user/YC/phoebe/build/pugixml_dep-prefix/src/pugixml_dep-stamp/pugixml_dep-gitclone-lastrun.txt' -- Avoiding repeated git clone, stamp file is up to date: '/home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_dep-prefix/src/eigen_dep-stamp/eigen_dep-gitclone-lastrun.txt' -- Avoiding repeated git clone, stamp file is up to date: '/home/user/YC/phoebe/build/highfive_dep-prefix/src/highfive_dep-stamp/highfive_dep-gitclone-lastrun.txt' [ 25%] Linking CXX static library libkokkossimd.a [ 27%] No update step for 'spglib_dep' [ 29%] No update step for 'eigen_dep' [ 30%] No update step for 'highfive_dep' [ 30%] No update step for 'pugixml_dep' [ 30%] No patch step for 'spglib_dep' [ 30%] No patch step for 'eigen_dep' [ 30%] No patch step for 'highfive_dep' [ 32%] No patch step for 'pugixml_dep' [ 32%] Built target kokkossimd [ 32%] Performing configure step for 'spglib_dep' [ 33%] No configure step for 'eigen_dep' [ 33%] Performing configure step for 'highfive_dep' CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:2 (cmake_minimum_required): Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of CMake. Update the VERSION argument value or use a ... suffix to tell CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions. [ 33%] Performing configure step for 'pugixml_dep' -- Build type: Release CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required): Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of CMake. Update the VERSION argument value or use a ... suffix to tell CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions. -- Configuring done (0.0s) [ 35%] No build step for 'eigen_dep' -- Configuring done (0.0s) -- Generating done (0.0s) -- Generating done (0.0s) [ 35%] Built target AlwaysCheckGit -- Build files have been written to: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/spglib_build -- Build files have been written to: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/pugixml_build [ 35%] No install step for 'eigen_dep' [ 38%] Performing build step for 'pugixml_dep' [ 38%] Performing build step for 'spglib_dep' [ 38%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/CMakeFiles/impl_git_version.dir/__/__/generated/Kokkos_Version_Info.cpp.o [ 38%] Completed 'eigen_dep' [100%] Built target pugixml-static [ 38%] Built target eigen_dep [ 81%] Built target symspg [100%] Built target symspg_static [ 38%] No install step for 'pugixml_dep' [ 38%] No install step for 'spglib_dep' [ 38%] Completed 'pugixml_dep' [ 38%] Completed 'spglib_dep' [ 38%] Built target pugixml_dep [ 38%] Built target spglib_dep [ 40%] Linking CXX static library libimpl_git_version.a [ 40%] Built target impl_git_version /home/user/YC/phoebe/lib/kokkos/core/src/impl/Kokkos_Profiling.cpp: In function ‘Kokkos::Tools::Impl::InitializationStatus Kokkos::Tools::Impl::parse_environment_variables(Kokkos::Tools::InitArguments&)’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/lib/kokkos/core/src/impl/Kokkos_Profiling.cpp:180:79: warning: missing initializer for member ‘Kokkos::Tools::Impl::InitializationStatus::error_message’ [-Wmissing-field-initializers] 180 | Kokkos::Tools::Impl::InitializationStatus::InitializationResult::success}; | ^ /home/user/YC/phoebe/lib/kokkos/core/src/impl/Kokkos_Profiling.cpp: In function ‘Kokkos::Tools::Impl::InitializationStatus Kokkos::Tools::Impl::initialize_tools_subsystem(const Kokkos::Tools::InitArguments&)’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/lib/kokkos/core/src/impl/Kokkos_Profiling.cpp:195:69: warning: missing initializer for member ‘Kokkos::Tools::Impl::InitializationStatus::error_message’ [-Wmissing-field-initializers] 195 | return {InitializationStatus::InitializationResult::help_request}; | ^ /home/user/YC/phoebe/lib/kokkos/core/src/impl/Kokkos_Profiling.cpp:201:62: warning: missing initializer for member ‘Kokkos::Tools::Impl::InitializationStatus::error_message’ [-Wmissing-field-initializers] 201 | return {InitializationStatus::InitializationResult::success}; | ^ -- Configuring done (1.4s) -- Generating done (0.0s) -- Build files have been written to: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/highfive_dep-prefix/src/highfive_dep-build [ 40%] Performing build step for 'highfive_dep' [ 41%] Performing install step for 'highfive_dep' Install the project... -- Install configuration: "Release" -- Up-to-date: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/highfive_src/share/HighFive/CMake/HighFiveTargetDeps.cmake -- Up-to-date: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/highfive_src/share/HighFive/CMake/HighFiveConfig.cmake -- Up-to-date: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/highfive_src/share/HighFive/CMake/HighFiveConfigVersion.cmake -- Up-to-date: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/highfive_src/share/HighFive/CMake/HighFiveTargets.cmake -- Up-to-date: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/highfive_src/include -- Up-to-date: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/highfive_src/include/highfive -- Up-to-date: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/highfive_src/include/highfive/H5Version.hpp [ 43%] Completed 'highfive_dep' [ 43%] Built target highfive_dep [ 43%] Linking CXX static library libkokkoscore.a [ 43%] Built target kokkoscore [ 43%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos/containers/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscontainers.dir/impl/Kokkos_UnorderedMap_impl.cpp.o [ 45%] Linking CXX static library libkokkoscontainers.a [ 45%] Built target kokkoscontainers [ 46%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos-kernels/CMakeFiles/kokkoskernels.dir/common/src/dummy.cpp.o [ 46%] Building CXX object lib/kokkos-kernels/CMakeFiles/kokkoskernels.dir/sparse/tpls/KokkosKernels_tpl_handles.cpp.o [ 48%] Linking CXX static library libkokkoskernels.a [ 48%] Built target kokkoskernels [ 48%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/main.cpp.o [ 48%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/algebra/SMatrix.cpp.o [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/algebra/PMatrix.cpp.o [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/dos_app.cpp.o [ 51%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp.o [ 53%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/app.cpp.o [ 56%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/elph_plot_app.cpp.o [ 56%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/lifetimes_app.cpp.o [ 56%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/ph_el_lifetimes.cpp.o [ 56%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/bands_app.cpp.o [ 56%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/electron_wannier_transport_app.cpp.o [ 56%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/elph_qe_to_phoebe_app.cpp.o [ 58%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/phonon_transport_app.cpp.o [ 58%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/transport_epa_app.cpp.o [ 59%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/qe_to_phoebe_utils.cpp.o [ 59%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/qe_to_phoebe_wannier.cpp.o [ 61%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/apps/qe_to_phoebe_epa.cpp.o [ 61%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bands/active_bandstructure.cpp.o [ 61%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bands/bandstructure.cpp.o [ 61%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bte/drift.cpp.o [ 62%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bands/window.cpp.o [ 64%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bte/el_scattering.cpp.o [ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bte/helper_3rd_state.cpp.o [ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bte/helper_el_scattering.cpp.o [ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bte/ph_scattering.cpp.o [ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bte/phel_scattering.cpp.o [ 67%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bte/scattering.cpp.o [ 67%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bte/vector_bte.cpp.o [ 69%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/bte/vector_epa.cpp.o [ 69%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/common_kokkos.cpp.o [ 70%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/constants/periodic_table.cpp.o [ 70%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/context.cpp.o [ 72%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/crystal.cpp.o /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize(int, bool) [with T = double]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:69:46: warning: unused parameter ‘checkNegativeEigenvalues’ [-Wunused-parameter] 69 | bool checkNegativeEigenvalues) { | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bands/active_bandstructure.cpp: In member function ‘StatisticsSweep ActiveBandStructure::buildAsPostprocessing(Context&, Points, HarmonicHamiltonian&, const bool&, const bool&)’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bands/active_bandstructure.cpp:833:25: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘int’ and ‘std::vector::size_type’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-Wsign-compare] 833 | for (int iik = 0; iik < parallelIter.size(); iik++) { | ~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/phel_scattering.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void PhElScatteringMatrix::builder(VectorBTE*, std::vector&, std::vector&)’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bte/phel_scattering.cpp:85:25: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘int’ and ‘std::vector::size_type’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-Wsign-compare] 85 | for (int iik = 0; iik < kIterator.size(); iik++) { | ~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ 72%] Linking CXX static library ../../../lib/libgtest.a [ 72%] Built target gtest [ 72%] Building CXX object _deps/googletest-build/googlemock/CMakeFiles/gmock.dir/src/gmock-all.cc.o In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘Matrix Matrix::prod(const Matrix&, const char&, const char&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:8:39: cc1plus: warning: ‘this’ pointer is null [-Wnonnull] In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h: In member function ‘Matrix Matrix::prod(const Matrix&, const char&, const char&) [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:368:20: note: in a call to non-static member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ 368 | ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix& that) { | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In copy constructor ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix Matrix::prod(const Matrix&, const char&, const char&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:8:39: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:228:12: warning: ‘this’ pointer is null [-Wnonnull] 228 | (*mat) = (*that.mat); | ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:11, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/SMatrix.h: In member function ‘Matrix Matrix::prod(const Matrix&, const char&, const char&) [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/SMatrix.h:240:18: note: in a call to non-static member function ‘SerialMatrix& SerialMatrix::operator=(const SerialMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ 240 | SerialMatrix& SerialMatrix::operator=(const SerialMatrix& that) { | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:30:50: cc1plus: warning: ‘this’ pointer is null [-Wnonnull] In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:368:20: note: in a call to non-static member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ 368 | ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix& that) { | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In copy constructor ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:30:50: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:228:12: warning: ‘this’ pointer is null [-Wnonnull] 228 | (*mat) = (*that.mat); | ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:11, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/SMatrix.h: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/SMatrix.h:240:18: note: in a call to non-static member function ‘SerialMatrix& SerialMatrix::operator=(const SerialMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ 240 | SerialMatrix& SerialMatrix::operator=(const SerialMatrix& that) { | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: cc1plus: warning: ‘this’ pointer is null [-Wnonnull] In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:368:20: note: in a call to non-static member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ 368 | ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix& that) { | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In copy constructor ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:228:12: warning: ‘this’ pointer is null [-Wnonnull] 228 | (*mat) = (*that.mat); | ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:11, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/SMatrix.h: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/SMatrix.h:240:18: note: in a call to non-static member function ‘SerialMatrix& SerialMatrix::operator=(const SerialMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ 240 | SerialMatrix& SerialMatrix::operator=(const SerialMatrix& that) { | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:370:21: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::numRows_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 370 | numRows_ = that.numRows_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:371:21: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::numCols_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 371 | numCols_ = that.numCols_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:372:26: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::numLocalRows_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 372 | numLocalRows_ = that.numLocalRows_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:373:26: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::numLocalCols_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 373 | numLocalCols_ = that.numLocalCols_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:374:30: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::numLocalElements_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 374 | numLocalElements_ = that.numLocalElements_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:375:27: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::numBlocksRows_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 375 | numBlocksRows_ = that.numBlocksRows_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:376:27: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::numBlocksCols_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 376 | numBlocksCols_ = that.numBlocksCols_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:377:27: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::blockSizeRows_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 377 | blockSizeRows_ = that.blockSizeRows_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:378:27: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::blockSizeCols_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 378 | blockSizeCols_ = that.blockSizeCols_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:379:25: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::numBlasRows_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 379 | numBlasRows_ = that.numBlasRows_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:380:25: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::numBlasCols_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 380 | numBlasCols_ = that.numBlasCols_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:381:23: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::myBlasRow_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 381 | myBlasRow_ = that.myBlasRow_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:382:23: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::myBlasCol_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 382 | myBlasCol_ = that.myBlasCol_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:383:22: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::blasRank_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 383 | blasRank_ = that.blasRank_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:1: In member function ‘ParallelMatrix& ParallelMatrix::operator=(const ParallelMatrix&) [with T = std::complex]’, inlined from ‘Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&) [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.h:225:13, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>::_Head_base(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:200:4, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&) [with _UHead = Matrix >&; long unsigned int _Idx = 1; _Head = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:441:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>::_Tuple_impl(_UHead&&, _UTail&& ...) [with _UHead = std::vector&; _UTail = {Matrix >&}; = void; long unsigned int _Idx = 0; _Head = std::vector; _Tail = {Matrix >}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:292:38, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple<_T1, _T2>::tuple(_U1&&, _U2&&) [with _U1 = std::vector&; _U2 = Matrix >&; typename std::enable_if()), _T1, _T2>::__is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(), bool>::type = true; _T1 = std::vector; _T2 = Matrix >]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1079:63, inlined from ‘constexpr std::tuple::type>::__type ...> std::make_tuple(_Elements&& ...) [with _Elements = {std::vector >&, Matrix >&}]’ at /usr/include/c++/11/tuple:1609:62, inlined from ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’ at /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:42:51: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/PMatrix.h:384:26: warning: ‘tup.std::tuple >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::vector >, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Tuple_impl<1, ParallelMatrix > >::.std::_Head_base<1, ParallelMatrix >, false>::_M_head_impl.ParallelMatrix >::blacsContext_’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 384 | blacsContext_ = that.blacsContext_; | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp: In member function ‘std::tuple >, Matrix > Matrix::diagonalize() [with T = std::complex]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/algebra/Matrix.cpp:33:10: note: ‘tup’ declared here 33 | auto tup = pmat->diagonalize(); | ^~~ [ 72%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/delta_function.cpp.o [ 74%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/exceptions.cpp.o [ 74%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/harmonic/electron_h0_fourier.cpp.o [ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/harmonic/electron_h0_wannier.cpp.o [ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/harmonic/harmonic.cpp.o [ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.cpp.o [ 77%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/harmonic/phonon_h0_kokkos.cpp.o [ 77%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/harmonic/phonon_h0_sum_rule.cpp.o [ 79%] Building CXX object _deps/googletest-build/googletest/CMakeFiles/gtest_main.dir/src/gtest_main.cc.o [ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/interaction/interaction_3ph.cpp.o [ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/interaction/interaction_elph.cpp.o [ 82%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/interaction/interaction_elph_parsing.cpp.o [ 82%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/interaction/interaction_epa.cpp.o [ 83%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/io.cpp.o [ 83%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/mpi/mpiController.cpp.o [ 85%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/mpi/mpiHelper.cpp.o [ 85%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/observable/electron_viscosity.cpp.o [ 85%] Linking CXX static library ../../../lib/libgtest_main.a [ 85%] Built target gtest_main [ 85%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/observable/observable.cpp.o [ 87%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/observable/onsager.cpp.o [ 87%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/observable/phonon_thermal_cond.cpp.o In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.cpp:1: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.h: In copy constructor ‘PhononH0::PhononH0(const PhononH0&)’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.h:175:7: warning: ‘PhononH0::numBands’ will be initialized after [-Wreorder] 175 | int numBands; | ^~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.h:171:12: warning: ‘Crystal& PhononH0::crystal’ [-Wreorder] 171 | Crystal &crystal; | ^~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.cpp:251:1: warning: when initialized here [-Wreorder] 251 | PhononH0::PhononH0(const PhononH0 &that) | ^~~~~~~~ [ 88%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/observable/phonon_viscosity.cpp.o [ 90%] Linking CXX static library ../../../lib/libgmock.a [ 90%] Built target gmock [ 90%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/observable/specific_heat.cpp.o [ 91%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/observable/viscosity_io.cpp.o [ 91%] Building CXX object _deps/googletest-build/googlemock/CMakeFiles/gmock_main.dir/src/gmock_main.cc.o [ 91%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/observable/wigner_electron.cpp.o [ 93%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/observable/wigner_phonon_thermal_cond.cpp.o [ 93%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/parser/ifc3_parser.cpp.o [ 95%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/parser/parser.cpp.o [ 95%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/parser/phonopy_input_parser.cpp.o [ 95%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/parser/qe_input_parser.cpp.o [ 96%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/particle.cpp.o [ 96%] Linking CXX static library ../../../lib/libgmock_main.a [ 96%] Built target gmock_main [ 96%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/points.cpp.o [ 98%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/statistics_sweep.cpp.o [ 98%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/src/utilities.cpp.o In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Core:341, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Dense:1, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/eigen.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/common_kokkos.cpp:2: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularMatrixVector.h: In function ‘static void Eigen::internal::trmv_selector::run(const Lhs&, const Rhs&, Dest&, const typename Dest::Scalar&) [with Lhs = Eigen::Transpose, -1, -1>, -1, -1, false>, -1, -1, false> >; Rhs = Eigen::Transpose, std::complex >, const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp >, const Eigen::Matrix, 1, -1> >, const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp >, const Eigen::Transpose, -1, -1>, -1, -1, false>, -1, 1, true>, -1, 1, false> > > > >; Dest = Eigen::Transpose, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1>, 1, -1, true>, 1, -1, false> >; int Mode = 6]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularMatrixVector.h:332:12: warning: ‘result’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 327 | internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 328 | | ~~~~~~~~~ 332 | ::run(actualLhs.rows(),actualLhs.cols(), | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 333 | actualLhs.data(),actualLhs.outerStride(), | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 334 | actualRhsPtr,1, | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 335 | dest.data(),dest.innerStride(), | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 336 | actualAlpha); | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularMatrixVector.h:105:24: note: by argument 5 of type ‘const std::complex*’ to ‘static void Eigen::internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product::run(Index, Index, const LhsScalar*, Index, const RhsScalar*, Index, Eigen::internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product::ResScalar*, Index, const ResScalar&) [with Index = long int; int Mode = 6; LhsScalar = std::complex; bool ConjLhs = false; RhsScalar = std::complex; bool ConjRhs = true; int Version = 0]’ declared here 105 | EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void triangular_matrix_vector_product | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/viscosity_io.cpp: In function ‘void genericCalcSpecialEigenvectors(BaseBandStructure&, StatisticsSweep&, double&, Eigen::VectorXd&, Eigen::VectorXd&, Eigen::MatrixXd&, double&, Eigen::Vector3d&)’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/viscosity_io.cpp:128:10: warning: unused variable ‘popCont’ [-Wunused-variable] 128 | auto popCont = pop * (en - chemPot) * (en - chemPot); | ^~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/viscosity_io.cpp: In function ‘void genericOutputRealSpaceToJSON(ScatteringMatrix&, BaseBandStructure&, StatisticsSweep&, Eigen::VectorXd&, Eigen::VectorXd&, Eigen::MatrixXd&, double&, Eigen::Vector3d&, Context&)’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/observable/viscosity_io.cpp:321:42: warning: unused parameter ‘context’ [-Wunused-parameter] 321 | Context& context) { | ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Core:337, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Dense:1, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/eigen.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/common_kokkos.cpp:2: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/SelfadjointMatrixVector.h: In function ‘static void Eigen::internal::selfadjoint_product_impl::run(Dest&, const Lhs&, const Rhs&, const Scalar&) [with Dest = Eigen::Block, -1, 1>, -1, 1, false>; Lhs = Eigen::Block, -1, -1>, -1, -1, false>; int LhsMode = 17; Rhs = Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp, std::complex >, const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp >, const Eigen::Matrix, -1, 1> >, const Eigen::Block, -1, -1>, -1, 1, true>, -1, 1, false> >]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/SelfadjointMatrixVector.h:229:7: warning: ‘result’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 227 | internal::selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product::Flags&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor, | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 228 | int(LhsUpLo), bool(LhsBlasTraits::NeedToConjugate), bool(RhsBlasTraits::NeedToConjugate)>::run | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 229 | ( | ^ 230 | lhs.rows(), // size | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 231 | &lhs.coeffRef(0,0), lhs.outerStride(), // lhs info | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 232 | actualRhsPtr, // rhs info | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 233 | actualDestPtr, // result info | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 234 | actualAlpha // scale factor | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 235 | ); | ~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/SelfadjointMatrixVector.h:41:6: note: by argument 4 of type ‘const std::complex*’ to ‘static void Eigen::internal::selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product::run(Index, const Scalar*, Index, const Scalar*, Scalar*, Scalar) [with Scalar = std::complex; Index = long int; int StorageOrder = 0; int UpLo = 1; bool ConjugateLhs = false; bool ConjugateRhs = false; int Version = 0]’ declared here 41 | void selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product::run( | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Core:341, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Dense:1, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/eigen.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/particle.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bands/bandstructure.h:5, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/electron_h0_wannier.h:6, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/electron_h0_wannier.cpp:2: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularMatrixVector.h: In function ‘static void Eigen::internal::trmv_selector::run(const Lhs&, const Rhs&, Dest&, const typename Dest::Scalar&) [with Lhs = Eigen::Transpose, -1, -1>, -1, -1, false>, -1, -1, false> >; Rhs = Eigen::Transpose, std::complex >, const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp >, const Eigen::Matrix, 1, -1> >, const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp >, const Eigen::Transpose, -1, -1>, -1, -1, false>, -1, 1, true>, -1, 1, false> > > > >; Dest = Eigen::Transpose, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1>, 1, -1, true>, 1, -1, false> >; int Mode = 6]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularMatrixVector.h:332:12: warning: ‘result’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 327 | internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 328 | | ~~~~~~~~~ 332 | ::run(actualLhs.rows(),actualLhs.cols(), | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 333 | actualLhs.data(),actualLhs.outerStride(), | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 334 | actualRhsPtr,1, | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 335 | dest.data(),dest.innerStride(), | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 336 | actualAlpha); | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularMatrixVector.h:105:24: note: by argument 5 of type ‘const std::complex*’ to ‘static void Eigen::internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product::run(Index, Index, const LhsScalar*, Index, const RhsScalar*, Index, Eigen::internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product::ResScalar*, Index, const ResScalar&) [with Index = long int; int Mode = 6; LhsScalar = std::complex; bool ConjLhs = false; RhsScalar = std::complex; bool ConjRhs = true; int Version = 0]’ declared here 105 | EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void triangular_matrix_vector_product | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Core:341, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Dense:1, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/eigen.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/particle.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bands/bandstructure.h:5, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.h:6, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.cpp:1: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularMatrixVector.h: In function ‘static void Eigen::internal::trmv_selector::run(const Lhs&, const Rhs&, Dest&, const typename Dest::Scalar&) [with Lhs = Eigen::Transpose, -1, -1>, -1, -1, false>, -1, -1, false> >; Rhs = Eigen::Transpose, std::complex >, const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp >, const Eigen::Matrix, 1, -1> >, const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp >, const Eigen::Transpose, -1, -1>, -1, -1, false>, -1, 1, true>, -1, 1, false> > > > >; Dest = Eigen::Transpose, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1>, 1, -1, true>, 1, -1, false> >; int Mode = 6]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularMatrixVector.h:332:12: warning: ‘result’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 327 | internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 328 | | ~~~~~~~~~ 332 | ::run(actualLhs.rows(),actualLhs.cols(), | ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 333 | actualLhs.data(),actualLhs.outerStride(), | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 334 | actualRhsPtr,1, | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 335 | dest.data(),dest.innerStride(), | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 336 | actualAlpha); | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularMatrixVector.h:105:24: note: by argument 5 of type ‘const std::complex*’ to ‘static void Eigen::internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product::run(Index, Index, const LhsScalar*, Index, const RhsScalar*, Index, Eigen::internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product::ResScalar*, Index, const ResScalar&) [with Index = long int; int Mode = 6; LhsScalar = std::complex; bool ConjLhs = false; RhsScalar = std::complex; bool ConjRhs = true; int Version = 0]’ declared here 105 | EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void triangular_matrix_vector_product | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Core:337, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Dense:1, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/eigen.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/particle.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bands/bandstructure.h:5, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.h:6, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/phonon_h0.cpp:1: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/SelfadjointMatrixVector.h: In function ‘static void Eigen::internal::selfadjoint_product_impl::run(Dest&, const Lhs&, const Rhs&, const Scalar&) [with Dest = Eigen::Block, -1, 1>, -1, 1, false>; Lhs = Eigen::Block, -1, -1>, -1, -1, false>; int LhsMode = 17; Rhs = Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp, std::complex >, const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp >, const Eigen::Matrix, -1, 1> >, const Eigen::Block, -1, -1>, -1, 1, true>, -1, 1, false> >]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/SelfadjointMatrixVector.h:229:7: warning: ‘result’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 227 | internal::selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product::Flags&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor, | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 228 | int(LhsUpLo), bool(LhsBlasTraits::NeedToConjugate), bool(RhsBlasTraits::NeedToConjugate)>::run | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 229 | ( | ^ 230 | lhs.rows(), // size | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 231 | &lhs.coeffRef(0,0), lhs.outerStride(), // lhs info | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 232 | actualRhsPtr, // rhs info | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 233 | actualDestPtr, // result info | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 234 | actualAlpha // scale factor | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 235 | ); | ~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/SelfadjointMatrixVector.h:41:6: note: by argument 4 of type ‘const std::complex*’ to ‘static void Eigen::internal::selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product::run(Index, const Scalar*, Index, const Scalar*, Scalar*, Scalar) [with Scalar = std::complex; Index = long int; int StorageOrder = 0; int UpLo = 1; bool ConjugateLhs = false; bool ConjugateRhs = false; int Version = 0]’ declared here 41 | void selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product::run( | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In file included from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Core:337, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/Dense:1, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/eigen.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/particle.h:4, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/bands/bandstructure.h:5, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/electron_h0_wannier.h:6, from /home/user/YC/phoebe/src/harmonic/electron_h0_wannier.cpp:2: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/SelfadjointMatrixVector.h: In function ‘static void Eigen::internal::selfadjoint_product_impl::run(Dest&, const Lhs&, const Rhs&, const Scalar&) [with Dest = Eigen::Block, -1, 1>, -1, 1, false>; Lhs = Eigen::Block, -1, -1>, -1, -1, false>; int LhsMode = 17; Rhs = Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp, std::complex >, const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp >, const Eigen::Matrix, -1, 1> >, const Eigen::Block, -1, -1>, -1, 1, true>, -1, 1, false> >]’: /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/SelfadjointMatrixVector.h:229:7: warning: ‘result’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] 227 | internal::selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product::Flags&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor, | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 228 | int(LhsUpLo), bool(LhsBlasTraits::NeedToConjugate), bool(RhsBlasTraits::NeedToConjugate)>::run | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 229 | ( | ^ 230 | lhs.rows(), // size | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 231 | &lhs.coeffRef(0,0), lhs.outerStride(), // lhs info | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 232 | actualRhsPtr, // rhs info | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 233 | actualDestPtr, // result info | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 234 | actualAlpha // scale factor | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 235 | ); | ~ /home/user/YC/phoebe/build/eigen_src/Eigen/src/Core/products/SelfadjointMatrixVector.h:41:6: note: by argument 4 of type ‘const std::complex*’ to ‘static void Eigen::internal::selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product::run(Index, const Scalar*, Index, const Scalar*, Scalar*, Scalar) [with Scalar = std::complex; Index = long int; int StorageOrder = 0; int UpLo = 1; bool ConjugateLhs = false; bool ConjugateRhs = false; int Version = 0]’ declared here 41 | void selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product::run( | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [100%] Linking CXX executable phoebe /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libscalapack.a(pxerbla.o): undefined reference to symbol '_gfortran_transfer_integer_write@@GFORTRAN_8' /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgfortran.so.5: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/build.make:1146: phoebe] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:490: CMakeFiles/phoebe.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [Makefile:146: all] Error 2