[2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante] Loaded settings. [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante] Starting oculante. [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z ERROR sctk_adwaita::config] XDG Settings Portal did not return response in time: timeout: 100ms, key: color-scheme [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z INFO notan_glow] OpenGL Info: Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 555.58.02 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660/PCIe/SSE2 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation --- [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante] Now matching arguments Args { inner: ["target/debug/oculante", "file:///home/the_witch/Pictures/test%20image.jpg"] } [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante] Completed argument parsing. [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z INFO oculante] Successfully loaded previous settings. [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante] matches ArgMatches { valid_args: [help, INPUT, l, stdin, chainload], valid_subcommands: [], disable_asserts: false, args: {INPUT: MatchedArg { occurs: 1, source: Some(CommandLine), indices: [1], type_id: Some(alloc::string::String), vals: [[AnyValue { inner: alloc::string::String }]], raw_vals: [["file:///home/the_witch/Pictures/test%20image.jpg"]], ignore_case: false }}, subcommand: None } [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante] Image is: ["file:///home/the_witch/Pictures/test%20image.jpg"] [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante::utils] Stopping player on load [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante::utils] Image not in cache. [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z ERROR oculante::image_loader] Can't determine image type [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante::image_loader] matching 'jpg' [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante::image_loader] Loading jpeg using turbojpeg [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z ERROR oculante::utils] No such file or directory (os error 2) [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante] Received message: LoadError("No such file or directory (os error 2)") [2024-07-10T16:22:10Z DEBUG oculante] Received message: LoadError("Failed to load file:///home/the_witch/Pictures/test%20image.jpg") [2024-07-10T16:22:15Z DEBUG oculante] key down [2024-07-10T16:22:15Z INFO oculante] About to exit