hod_5970] dfu METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfu/codec] cdc METHOD a ((I)Lepu;) -> [cdc/createPathFinder, cda/method_6336] err$b METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [err$b/getSerializedName, azk/method_15434] cdy METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdy/requires, cdy/method_19099] cmb METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [cmb/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] czd$a METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [czd$a/method_42303, czd$1/getRecipeFor] bth METHOD a ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [bth/getDimensions, bsr/method_18377] dlv METHOD c (()Lduf;) -> [dfn/method_9474, dlv/getShapeProperty] aqv METHOD a ((Lbsr;FLbrk;)F) -> [aqv/getEnchantedDamage, cmx/method_59903] bx$a$a METHOD a ((Lbsr;Laqu;Lexc;)Z) -> [bw/method_22497, bx$a$a/matches] aet METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aet/handle, zg/method_11054] ja METHOD a ((IIILji$a;)I) -> [ja/method_10056, ja/cycle] cpu METHOD a ((II)V) -> [cpu/method_7606, cpu/setData] frn METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, frn/getRowWidth] esr$a METHOD b (()Letf;) -> [esr$a/build, etf$a/method_515] bnb METHOD c (()J) -> [bnb/method_16073, bna/getEndTimeNano, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1/getEndTimeNano, bnb/getEndTimeNano] djm METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgb/method_9651, djm/isValidBonemealTarget] dkl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldco;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [dkl/onExplosionHit, dtb/method_55124] dvi$1 METHOD c (()Ljd;) -> [dsa/method_31705, dvi$1/getPos] awa METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lavw;I)V) -> [awa/method_15023, awa/setValue] cot METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cot/defineSynchedData] gcp$b METHOD a ((II)Lgql;) -> [gcp$b/get, gcp$b/method_18138] crq METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [crg/allowModification, crq/method_32754] ehv METHOD a ((Layw;Ldzv;)I) -> [ehx/method_35391, ehv/sample] wh$a METHOD a ((Lwh$a$a;)V) -> [zl$1/listPackets, wh$a/method_61108] oy METHOD a ((Lly;Ljo$a;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [oo/method_56888, oy/run] dyo$c METHOD c (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo$c/getFloor, dyo/method_32987] ux METHOD a ((Lty;)V) -> [vc/method_32290, ux/visitByteArray] fsw METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fsw/setInitialFocus] dod METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dod/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] cka METHOD gm (()Z) -> [ckw/method_7209, cka/convertsInWater] cff METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cff/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] ckj METHOD h ((Lbsr;)V) -> [bsr/method_5697, ckj/push] dsv METHOD f_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dsv/useShapeForLightOcclusion, dtb/method_9526] btn METHOD ff (()V) -> [btn/jumpFromGround, btn/method_6043] bsr METHOD au (()Lewx;) -> [bsr/method_33332, bsr/makeBoundingBox] azd METHOD d (()Laxc;) -> [azd/copy, azu/copy, azd/method_39939] cov METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [bsr/method_5688, cov/interact] fzg METHOD a ((Laaj;)V) -> [fzc/method_11152, fzg/handleCustomPayload] ij$b METHOD a (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;) -> [ij$c/parameters, ij$b/method_54428, ij$b/parameters] ckj METHOD ac (()I) -> [btp/method_5978, ckj/getMaxHeadXRot] dft METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dft/codec] dys$v METHOD b (()D) -> [dys$v/maxValue, dyr/comp_378] ahu METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahu/type] cac METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cac/canUse] jd$a METHOD e ((Lkh;)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35852, jd$a/subtract] aen METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aen/handle, zg/method_11054] cpb METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [bsr/method_5688, cpb/interact] eyb METHOD h (()Z) -> [eyi/method_1205, eyb/isAllowFriendlyFire] chk METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chk/method_6011, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] btp METHOD V (()Lakq;) -> [btp/getDefaultLootTable, btp/method_5991] apn METHOD r (()Z) -> [guo/isPublished, apn/method_3860, apn/isPublished, tc/isPublished] dyy$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dyy$a/getSerializedName] fvs METHOD d (()Lfyk;) -> [fvs/getHead, fvs/method_2838] dls METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dls/codec] fzg METHOD a ((Lads;)V) -> [fzg/handleOpenSignEditor, abu/method_11108] fan METHOD a (()V) -> [fan/method_15993, fgo/resizeDisplay] cvc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Lcmx;)Lzg;) -> [csz/method_7757, cvc/getUpdatePacket] ajd METHOD a ((Lvw;)V) -> [ajd/write, ajd/method_52295] cdk METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdk/doTick, cdy/method_19101] btp METHOD a ((Lbtk$a;)V) -> [btk/method_60960, btp/setLeashData] cln METHOD eg (()I) -> [cfe/getBaseExperienceReward, ckw/getBaseExperienceReward, cmx/getBaseExperienceReward, clh/getBaseExperienceReward, cln/method_6110, cfj/getBaseExperienceReward, btp/getBaseExperienceReward, cln/getBaseExperienceReward, cgg/getBaseExperienceReward] cjh METHOD s (()Lbsr;) -> [cnh/getOwner, bsn/getOwner, ckr/getOwner, cjh/method_24921, cjh/getOwner, cnp/getOwner, cji/getOwner] fki METHOD c ((DD)Z) -> [fki/method_25405, fki/isMouseOver] dmb METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dmb/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] fzg METHOD a ((Laen;)V) -> [fzg/method_34076, fzg/setActionBarText] flb METHOD a ((Laty$a;Laue;Lbnf;Lbnf;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [gst/reload, gcp/reload, gro/reload, alf/reload, auj/reload, gqm/reload, auf/reload, flb/method_25931, flb/reload, aww/reload] ckn METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, ckn/customServerAiStep] ayf$a METHOD a ((J)V) -> [ayf$a/downloadedBytes, ayf$a/method_55498] ftw METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [ftx/getPrompt, ftw/method_2781, ftw/getPrompt, ftq/getPrompt] cnp METHOD w ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cnp/restoreFrom, bsr/method_5878] jz METHOD b ((Lakr;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jz/method_17966, jz/getOptional] btp METHOD r ((I)Z) -> [btp/method_5969, cge/isMaxGroupSizeReached] aqv METHOD a ((Lavo;Lavq;FF)V) -> [cmx/method_17356, aqv/playNotifySound] fl$a METHOD a (()Luy;) -> [fl$a/createPreferredParentTag, fl$h/method_9382] cgv METHOD f ((Lbrk;F)V) -> [cgv/method_6074, cgh/actuallyHurt, cgv/actuallyHurt, cmx/actuallyHurt, geb/actuallyHurt, cgn/actuallyHurt, cfe/actuallyHurt] aqu$a METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [aqu$a/onTrackingEnd, dxo/method_31797] cqu METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cqu/stillValid, cpu/method_7597] czu METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, czu/assemble] dyd METHOD a (()Ldye;) -> [dyd/getType, dyd/method_32955] chk METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [chk/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] cmk METHOD l (()V) -> [cmk/tick, bsr/method_5773] btp METHOD eV (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [cmx/getArmorSlots, ciw/getArmorSlots, btp/method_5661, btp/getArmorSlots] dhp METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhp/codec] cfe METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cfe/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] fxd METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxd/setupAnim] epb METHOD c (()F) -> [epd/method_15784, epb/getExplosionResistance] dmy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dmy/getShape] dbc METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, dbc/codec] fdx METHOD d (()V) -> [fdx/onClose, fod/method_25419] ayw METHOD e (()Ldzl;) -> [ayw/method_38421, ayw/forkPositional] dsi METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dsi/getSerializedName] cpi METHOD i (()Lcpl;) -> [cpi/method_45322, cpi/requiredFeatures] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/BooleanSupplier;)V) -> [bph/method_18857, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/managedBlock] agi METHOD a ((Lagy;)V) -> [agi/method_12054, aru/handleContainerClose] cko METHOD p_ (()Z) -> [cko/onClimbable, btn/method_6101] dyt METHOD a ((Leaa;Ldzm;Lddq;Lduy;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [dyp/fillFromNoise, dyt/fillFromNoise, dyt/method_12088, dzb/fillFromNoise] cfl METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [btn/method_55694, cfl/getDefaultDimensions] fw$c METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [fw$c/method_45648, fw$c/cast] dys$n METHOD k (()Ldyr;) -> [dys$a/argument1, dys$n/argument1, dys$n/comp_375] crt METHOD d ((Lcuq;)I) -> [cqx/method_48357, crt/getSlotToQuickMoveTo] dgn METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dgn/getFluidState] enc METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljd;Ljd;Layw;)Z) -> [eng/method_26406, enc/test] cja METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ciy/getRemoveItemSound, cja/method_34240] fut METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fut/root, fvt/method_32008] cgq METHOD p (()Lbtn;) -> [bum/method_5968, cgq/getTarget] dqk METHOD b (()I) -> [bqk/method_5439, dqk/getContainerSize] fsk$a METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fod/method_25422, fsk$a/shouldCloseOnEsc] ezf$1 METHOD a ((Leze;)Z) -> [ezf$1/method_19667, ezf$1/release, ezf$b/release] abu METHOD a ((Lacz;)V) -> [fzg/handleExplosion, abu/method_11124] dpb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dpb/rotate] aez METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aez/handle] elo$2 METHOD a ((Lenu;ILelo$a;Ljd;Ljava/util/List;Layw;)Z) -> [elo$2/generate, elo$b/method_14687] dfu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dfu/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] fpi$c METHOD g (()Lcuq;) -> [fpi$c/getItem, fpi$c/method_7677] gio METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [gim$a/method_23109, gio/render] bsr METHOD bR (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5809, bsr/isOnFire] bsr METHOD ce (()Z) -> [bsr/method_20232, btn/isVisuallySwimming, cjr/isVisuallySwimming] gcc METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gcc/getLightColor, gcn/method_3068] ep$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jo$a/method_55282, ep$1/listRegistries] cgk METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [btn/method_6091, cgk/travel] crt METHOD l (()Lcqy;) -> [crt/createInputSlotDefinitions, cqx/method_48352] ftd$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, ftd$a/render] hi$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Class;) -> [dxn/method_31794, hi$1/getBaseClass] cgh METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, cgh/hurt] cnz METHOD a ((Ldtc;)V) -> [aqv/onInsideBlock, cnz/method_5622, cnz/onInsideBlock] ejr METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [ejr/method_41618, ejr/type] ju METHOD b ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ju/getHolder, jz/method_40264] fgr$e METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [fgr$n/method_41758, fgr$e/validateValue] dcl METHOD I_ (()I) -> [dcy/method_31607, dcl/getMinBuildHeight] gad METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)Z) -> [gad/method_44553, gad$b/canReport, gad$a/canReport] etn METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, etn/getType] bri METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, bri/getSerializedName] dsk METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dsk/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] cmb METHOD bd (()Z) -> [bsr/method_33189, cmb/dampensVibrations] bqk METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [bqk/stillValid, bqk/method_5443] dgh METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgh/codec] ftf METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, ftf/init] erj METHOD p (()Ldut$c;) -> [erj/getWorldBorder, erk/method_27422] dqr$1 METHOD f (()V) -> [dqr$1/onUpdated, dbx/method_8295] csy METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, csy/useOn] euu METHOD b ((Levc$a;)Leuu;) -> [euu/when, euu/method_840] clh METHOD gk (()I) -> [clj/method_24657, clh/getAttackAnimationRemainingTicks] fbt$j METHOD a (()I) -> [fbt$j/getMaxPosition, fih/method_25317] aqm METHOD a ((Laqn;Ldwc;Lazi;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [aqm/method_60442, aqm/applyStep] ciu METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, ciu/method_5965, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cgq/createNavigation] btw METHOD a ((Lbsr;F)Z) -> [btk/method_60956, btw/handleLeashAtDistance] fik METHOD c ((DD)Z) -> [fki/method_25405, fik/isMouseOver] dgi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dgi/getSignal] etu METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etu/getType, etf/method_29321] fot METHOD a ((Lcrq;IILcqe;)V) -> [fot/method_2383, fot/slotClicked] ftg METHOD d (()V) -> [ftg/onClose, fod/method_25419] fsr METHOD b ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25406, fsr/mouseReleased] atd METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ate$1/fromJson, gsj/fromJson, gsa/fromJson, atd/method_14421, grx/fromJson] bqv METHOD S_ (()Lwz;) -> [bqv/getDisplayName, eyf/method_5476, bqw/method_5476, bqv/method_5476] dgt METHOD a ((Lepd;)Z) -> [dgt/method_32765, dgt/canReceiveStalactiteDrip, dkh/canReceiveStalactiteDrip] gua METHOD i (()D) -> [gti/getY, gua/method_4779] cbf METHOD e (()V) -> [cbf/stop, cam/method_6270] fpx METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fpx/init] dgi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldco;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [dtb/method_55124, dgi/onExplosionHit] crd METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, crd/removeItemNoUpdate] cpf METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cpf/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] wl METHOD a (()Lzh;) -> [wf/method_52895, wl/flow] dfj METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfj/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] ark METHOD a (()Lark$a;) -> [ark/type, ark/method_52375] ftw METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fts/method_2780, ftw/getItems] ghx METHOD y_ (()Leot;) -> [dbz/method_22336, ghx/getLightEngine] he$1 METHOD a ((Lkp;Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [he$1/visitComponent, he$1/method_57802] chk METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [chk/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] cju METHOD p ((F)V) -> [cju/setYBodyRot, bsr/method_5636] btp METHOD f ((FF)F) -> [btp/method_6031, btp/tickHeadTurn, ciw/tickHeadTurn] chw$d METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [chw$d/checkExtraStartConditions, bvh/method_18919] fpv METHOD a ((Lfgo;II)V) -> [fpv/resize, fod/method_25410] chy METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [chy/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] dnd METHOD a ((Ldcc;Lbsr;)V) -> [dnd/updateEntityAfterFallOn, dfy/method_9502] gix METHOD a (()V) -> [gim$a/method_20414, gix/clear] jm METHOD d (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [jm/method_40229, jm/unwrap] amy$2 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lub;) -> [amy$c/method_54277, amy$2/arguments] dkt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dkt/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cbo METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cbo/tick] cks METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cks/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] ewc METHOD b ((Lerr;)F) -> [evy/method_32454, ewc/getFloat] dys$a METHOD j (()Ldys$y$a;) -> [dys$y/comp_374, dys$a/type] bvs METHOD a (()Lexc;) -> [bvs/currentPosition, bwv/method_18991] fxr METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fxr/root] dpo METHOD c (()Ldjn;) -> [dpo/getHeadBlock, djl/method_24945] tc METHOD l (()I) -> [tc/getFunctionCompilationLevel, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_21714] oo$1 METHOD a ((Lakr;Lcyz;Lag;)V) -> [oo$1/method_53819, oo$1/accept] ud METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [ud/accept, uy/method_39850] dtb METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/hasAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9498] bna METHOD a ((Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Z) -> [bna/saveResults, bne/method_16069] gav$1 METHOD a ((Lgax;)Z) -> [gav/method_37099, gav$1/isAllowed] glk METHOD b ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [glk/shouldShowName, glk/method_4055] ahd$c METHOD a (()V) -> [ahd$c/method_34218, ahd$c/onAttack] foc METHOD c (()V) -> [foc/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] fox$f METHOD a ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fox$e/method_18641, fox$f/renderIcon] cbd METHOD c (()Z) -> [cbd/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] dlj METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dlj/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] ty METHOD a ((ILuy;)Z) -> [uf/setTag, ty/setTag, ui/setTag, uh/setTag, ty/method_10535] eyr METHOD a ((Leyt;)V) -> [eyr/schedule, eyv/method_39363] fvx METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFF)V) -> [fvx/method_17086, fxf/prepareMobModel, fur/prepareMobModel, fvg/prepareMobModel, ful/prepareMobModel] fja METHOD a ((F)V) -> [fja/setProgress, aqr/setProgress, fja/method_5408] gnb METHOD b ((Lbtp;)F) -> [glp/method_55833, gnb/getShadowRadius] gqm METHOD a ((Laty$a;Laue;Lbnf;Lbnf;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [gst/reload, gcp/reload, gro/reload, gqm/method_25931, alf/reload, auj/reload, gqm/reload, auf/reload, flb/reload, aww/reload] fik METHOD u (()Lfmg$a;) -> [fmg/method_37018, fik/narrationPriority] ccz METHOD a ((Lbsr;I)Leps;) -> [cda/method_6349, ccz/createPath] chi METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, chi/aiStep] gtn METHOD p (()Z) -> [gtm/shouldSwitchSounds, gtn/method_22136, gtl/shouldSwitchSounds] aqg$a METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [aqg/method_52363, aqg$a/forEach] tw METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;)Z) -> [tw/method_4678, grp/has, tw$1/has] eso$b METHOD a ((Layw;II)I) -> [eso$b/method_467, eso$b/calculateNewCount] xe$1 METHOD a ((Lxe$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe$3/visit, xe$2/visit, xe$4/visit, wz/visit, xe$1/visit, fgz$c/visit, xe$1/method_27657] cgq METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cgq/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] dgc METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dgc/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] cja METHOD a ((Ljd;Lji;)Lewx;) -> [cja/calculateBoundingBox, ciz/method_59943] csw METHOD f ((Lcuq;)I) -> [csw/getBarColor, csw/method_31571] fkh METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fkh/children, fkh/method_25396] dko METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldtc;Lji;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9522, dko/skipRendering] drx METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, drx/method_38235, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket] edg METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edg/place] cbq METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cbq/start] aqv METHOD a ((Ldqr;)V) -> [geb/openCommandBlock, aqv/openCommandBlock, aqv/method_7323] eot METHOD b ((Ldcd;)V) -> [eot/propagateLightSources, eow/method_51471] agi METHOD a ((Lags;)V) -> [agi/method_52278, aru/handleChunkBatchReceived] eyg$1 METHOD e (()V) -> [eyg$1/unlock, eyg$1/method_55417] fui METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fui/setupAnim] bpt METHOD a ((Layw;)I) -> [bpt/sample, bpw/method_35008] dhj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dhj/useWithoutItem] gbp METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gbp/getLightColor, gcn/method_3068] cfs METHOD R (()I) -> [cfe/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfc/getAmbientSoundInterval, cjz/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgg/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgf/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfs/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfh/getAmbientSoundInterval, chi/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfs/method_5970] dys$m METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$m/codec] fjj$a METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fkh/method_25396, fjj$a/children] bvw METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bvw/start] aja METHOD d (()Z) -> [zg/method_55943, aja/isTerminal] czr METHOD g (()Lcuq;) -> [czr/method_17447, czq/getToastSymbol, czv/getToastSymbol, czw/getToastSymbol, cyk/getToastSymbol, czr/getToastSymbol, cym/getToastSymbol] cjt$c METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cjt$c/start] gbp$f METHOD i (()V) -> [gbp$f/postMoveUpdate, gbp/method_18822] erm METHOD a ((Ljd;F)V) -> [erm/setSpawn, erm/method_187] dja METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dja/getShape, dtb/method_9530] fob METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fob/render] fje METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fje/mouseClicked] erk METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)V) -> [erk/setWanderingTraderId, erk/method_18040] cpu METHOD b ((Lcrq;)Z) -> [fpi$b/canDragTo, cpu/method_7615] eii METHOD a ((Leiw;Layw;Ljd;)Z) -> [eix/method_38918, eii/shouldPlace] cbq METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cbq/tick] cot METHOD t (()V) -> [cot/method_7525, cot/applyNaturalSlowdown] che METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [che/makeBrain, btn/method_18867] cvn METHOD g (()I) -> [cul/method_7837, cvn/getEnchantmentValue] erl METHOD l (()Z) -> [erl/method_152, eqy/isHardcore, fzf$a/isHardcore, erj/isHardcore] bzw METHOD e (()V) -> [bzw/stop, cam/method_6270] dgp METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgp/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] dkt METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dkt/createBlockStateDefinition] crx METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, crx/removeItemNoUpdate] fme METHOD y (()I) -> [fmb/method_25368, fme/getWidth] dqb METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [dqb/removeComponentsFromTag, dqh/method_57569] dcw METHOD C_ (()Ldut;) -> [dcw/getWorldBorder, dcg/method_8621] cwk METHOD c (()F) -> [cwk/getAttackDamageBonus, cwi/method_8028] crg METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [crg/allowModification, crg/method_32754] dvi METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;Z)Ldtc;) -> [dve/setBlockState, dvh/setBlockState, dvs/setBlockState, dvi/method_12010, dvi/setBlockState] jo$a METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jo$a/method_46759, jo$a/lookup] esm METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lerr;)V) -> [esm/createItemStack, esj/method_433] azd METHOD b (()I) -> [axc/method_15215, azd/getSize] gos METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gos/render, gov/method_4199] gwg METHOD c (()V) -> [gwg/onOpenInventory, gwg/method_4904] dip METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dip/codec] chn METHOD gJ (()Lavo;) -> [chn/getAngrySound, chi/method_6747] fkc METHOD b ((D)I) -> [fkc/getSampleHeight, fkb/method_53475] dhk METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dhk/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cic METHOD c (()V) -> [cik/method_6855, cic/doServerTick] etj METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [etj/validate, ers/method_292] fki METHOD aO_ (()Z) -> [fki/method_25370, fki/isFocused] bqd METHOD a ((Layw;)I) -> [bqd/sample, bpw/method_35008] cv METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [cv/matches, dw/method_58167] cfg METHOD t (()Z) -> [chb/fromBucket, cfb/fromBucket, cgq/fromBucket, cfg/method_6453] fki METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fki/keyPressed] fow METHOD a ((Lfhz;FII)V) -> [fow/renderBg, fot/method_2389] cow METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cow/addAdditionalSaveData] jd$a METHOD c ((III)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_34592, jd$a/offset] vg METHOD b (()Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39870, vg/visitContainerEnd] fis$a METHOD c ((DD)Z) -> [fki/method_25405, fis$a/isMouseOver] gtf$a METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [gtf$a/method_55550, gtg$1/onFailure] ery METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [ery/validate, esh/method_415] cox METHOD E (()V) -> [cox/method_42273, cou/clearItemStacks, cow/clearItemStacks] crr$1 METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, crr$1/getSerializedName] cmk METHOD b ((B)V) -> [bsr/method_5711, cmk/handleEntityEvent] ue METHOD f (()J) -> [uc/getAsLong, ug/getAsLong, tz/getAsLong, ut/getAsLong, ue/method_10699, ue/getAsLong, uj/getAsLong] byw$a METHOD a ((Lbuq;Ljava/util/Optional;)Lbyv;) -> [byw/method_47253, byw$a/createAccessor] cfw METHOD b (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [cfw/getPersistentAngerTarget, btt/method_29508] cgn METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cgn/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] fjo METHOD c (()V) -> [fjo/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] cft$d METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cft$d/canUse] gaj$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [gak$a/method_53602, gaj$a/hasContent] dut$b METHOD c (()D) -> [dut$a/method_11992, dut$b/getMinZ] ll METHOD c (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [lm$1/codec, lq/codec, ll/method_29138] guo METHOD q (()Z) -> [guo/isCommandBlockEnabled, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3812] dkb METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, dkb/hasAnalogOutputSignal] dey METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dey/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] flc METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, flc/getSerializedName] ces METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BooleanSupplier;)V) -> [dwt/method_19290, ces/tick] ciu METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)V) -> [ckg/performRangedAttack, cjr/performRangedAttack, ciu/performRangedAttack, cln/performRangedAttack, chl/performRangedAttack, cgc/performRangedAttack, ckt/performRangedAttack, ciu/method_7105, cjl/performRangedAttack, ckb/performRangedAttack] efs METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [efu/method_23448, efs/createFoliage] cul METHOD a ((Lbsr;FLbrk;)F) -> [cvb/getAttackDamageBonus, cul/method_58403] cov METHOD a ((DZLdtc;Ljd;)V) -> [cov/checkFallDamage, bsr/method_5623] dpv METHOD a ((Ljv;)V) -> [dqb/method_11281, dpv/setItems] cjx METHOD B (()V) -> [cjx/registerGoals, btp/method_5959] es$1 METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [es/method_43496, es$1/sendSystemMessage] btn METHOD eW (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [btn/getHandSlots, btn/method_5877] cgh METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cgh/wantsToAttack, bul/method_6178] etx METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, etx/getType] clq METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [clq/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] he$c METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Function;)V) -> [he$c/visitSuggestions, he$d/method_56880] aib METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aib/handle, zg/method_11054] bqk METHOD al_ (()I) -> [dqq/getMaxStackSize, bqj/getMaxStackSize, dhj$c/getMaxStackSize, cpy$1/getMaxStackSize, drj/getMaxStackSize, drk$1/getMaxStackSize, dhj$b/getMaxStackSize, bqk/method_5444] dxv$a METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dxx$a/codec, dxv$a/codec, dxv$a/method_32957] ty METHOD a (()I) -> [uy/method_47988, ty/sizeInBytes] cg$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dv$a/comp_2029, cg$a/player] jz METHOD b ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jz/getHolder, jz/method_40264] fjo METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fod/method_25420, fjo/renderBackground] gjz METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gjz/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] cjc METHOD b ((DDDFF)V) -> [bsr/method_5808, cjc/moveTo] aij METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aij/type] chk METHOD a ((Lcfe;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6474, chk/canMate] acw METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, acw/handle] fpg METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fpg/init] jm$c METHOD a ((Ljp;)Z) -> [jm$c/canSerializeIn, jm/method_46745] uh$1 METHOD c ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)Luy;) -> [va/method_23262, uh$1/load] cks$b METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cks$b/start] emn$a METHOD e ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15036, emn$a/get2x2Secret] eso METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [eso/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] bsr METHOD l ((Lbsr;)Lexc;) -> [cko/getVehicleAttachmentPoint, bsr/method_55668, cjo/getVehicleAttachmentPoint] fdx METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fdx/init, fod/method_25426] etz METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, etz/getType] cay METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cay/start] gwe METHOD a ((Lcuq;)V) -> [gwh/onGetItem, gwe/method_4897, gwe/onGetItem, gwd/onGetItem] dbj METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldai$a;Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [dbj/method_60266, dbm/enchant, dbn/enchant, dbl/enchant] cgk METHOD k ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cgk/wantsToPickUp, btp/method_20820] dnw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dnw/mirror, dtb/method_9569] dys$d METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dys$d/maxValue] gl$c METHOD a (()Z) -> [gl$c/requiresNbt, gl$b/method_38559] czu$a METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [czu$a/streamCodec, cze/method_56104] gfn METHOD a (()I) -> [fay/method_1270, gfn/getId] gny METHOD b (()Lfvk;) -> [gny/method_23203, gpj/model, gny/model] dyt METHOD g (()I) -> [duz/method_33730, dyt/getMinY] cfh METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cfh/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] dig METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dig/createBlockStateDefinition] cfx METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cfx/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] dpb METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dpb/codec, dtb/method_53969] apj METHOD a ((Luy;)Lwz;) -> [apg/method_13882, apj/getPrintSuccess] cpb METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cpb/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cez METHOD a ((DZLdtc;Ljd;)V) -> [cez/checkFallDamage, bsr/method_5623] ccl METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ccl/start] dmz METHOD g ((Ldtc;)F) -> [dmz/method_49814, dmz/getYRotationDegrees] ub METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [uy/method_32289, ub/accept] apn METHOD b ((I)I) -> [apn/method_27903, guo/getScaledTrackingDistance, apn/getScaledTrackingDistance] dvi$d METHOD c (()Ljd;) -> [dsa/method_31705, dvi$d/getPos] dys$b METHOD b (()D) -> [dys$b/maxValue, dyr/comp_378] ace$g METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lace$b;)V) -> [ace$g/dispatch, ace$c/method_34106] duz METHOD a ((Larb;Lddq;Ldzm;Lduy;)V) -> [duz/buildSurface, duz/method_12110] fzf METHOD b ((Llk;DDDDDD)V) -> [fzf/addAlwaysVisibleParticle, dcw/method_8494] dpv$1 METHOD a (()I) -> [dpv$1/getCount, cqf/method_17389] cyi METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, cyi/matches] ckf$b METHOD c (()Z) -> [ckf$b/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] dfm METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfm/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] chl METHOD cM (()Lexc;) -> [chl/getLeashOffset, bsr/method_29919] chy METHOD t ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [chy/is, bsr/method_5779] fmd METHOD E (()I) -> [fmb/method_46427, fmd/getY] ecy METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ecy/place] dvi METHOD j (()Ldvz;) -> [dvi/getPersistedStatus, duy/method_12009] cns METHOD bA (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5863, cns/isPickable] gby METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gda/method_18132, gby/getQuadSize] dhh METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dhh/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] dkt METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dkt/getStateForPlacement] afp METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afp/handle] exu METHOD b ((Lji$a;)I) -> [exl/method_1045, exu/lastFull] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BooleanSupplier;)V) -> [tc/tickServer, guo/tickServer, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3748] chl METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, chl/defineSynchedData] ezl METHOD a (()F) -> [ezl/method_16799, fls$d/getBoldOffset] dgm METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgm/codec] ahd$d METHOD a ((Lahd$c;)V) -> [ahd$a/method_34213, ahd$d/dispatch] fqv METHOD c (()V) -> [fqv/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] cjz METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cjz/aiStep] fvn METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvn/setupAnim] cii METHOD g (()Lexc;) -> [cik/method_6851, cii/getFlyTargetLocation] epb METHOD a ((Ldcz;)I) -> [epb/getTickDelay, epb/method_15789, eph/getTickDelay, epk/getTickDelay] cfv METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cfv/registerGoals] crm METHOD b_ ((Lcuq;)V) -> [crq/method_7669, crm/checkTakeAchievements] cia METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cia/addAdditionalSaveData] fsy METHOD c ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fiw/renderContents, fsy/renderContents, fje/renderContents, fsy/method_44389] cyy METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyy/getSerializer, cyz/method_8119] wg METHOD a (()V) -> [wg/method_45083, wg/onSuccess] btp METHOD D (()Z) -> [btp/method_26323, btp/shouldPassengersInheritMalus] cjx METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cjx/addAdditionalSaveData] agi METHOD a ((Lahe;)V) -> [aru/handleJigsawGenerate, agi/method_27273] bth METHOD j_ (()Lepj;) -> [bsr/method_5657, bth/getPistonPushReaction] gts METHOD s (()Z) -> [gua/method_26273, gts/canPlaySound] edd METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edd/place] ehk METHOD a ((Lddc;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;Layw;ILjd;Lefe;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [ehm/method_26991, ehk/placeTrunk] cka METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [btn/method_6121, cka/doHurtTarget] enk METHOD a (()Leno;) -> [enk/getType, enn/method_16766] dcx METHOD a ((Lcmx;ILjd;I)V) -> [dcx/method_8444, aqu/levelEvent, fzf/levelEvent, arb/levelEvent] exq METHOD a (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/doubles/DoubleList;) -> [exq/getList, exo/method_1066] djj METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djj/codec] eml METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [eml/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] ekt METHOD a ((Lenu;Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Ljd;Ljd;Ldmm;Lejj;Layw;Lend;Z)Z) -> [ekx/place, ekt/method_16626, ekt/place, eky/place, eks/place] dgp METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgp/codec] dhk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dhk/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cjw$a METHOD l (()Lavo;) -> [cjw$a/getSpellPrepareSound, ckn$c/method_7150] km$a$a METHOD a ((Lkp;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [km/method_57829, km$a$a/get] dys$j METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$j/compute, dyr/method_40464] cod METHOD w (()F) -> [cod/getInertia, cof/getInertia, cod/method_7466] det METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, det/getStateForPlacement] eyo METHOD b ((JLjava/util/function/Function;)Luy;) -> [eyu/method_20463, eyo/save] bpm$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [bpm$a/isEmpty, bpm$c/method_16911, bpm$c/isEmpty] dcw METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lewx;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dcn/method_8333, dcw/getEntities] fpw METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fpw/onClose] ckr METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, ckr/defineSynchedData] cyl METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, cyl/matches] cql METHOD f (()I) -> [cql/method_17398, cql/getWidth] dlf METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dlf/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] cul METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lbtn;Lcuq;I)V) -> [cul/onUseTick, cul/method_7852] cgc METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cgc/aiStep] ebw METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ebw/place] cow METHOD E (()V) -> [cow/method_42273, cou/clearItemStacks, cow/clearItemStacks] gjr METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;FFFF)V) -> [gjr/setupRotations, glk/method_4058] ckd METHOD aQ (()Lavo;) -> [bsr/method_5737, ckd/getSwimSound] ctu METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, ctu/useOn] gno METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gno/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] jd$a METHOD o ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd/multiply, jd$a/multiply, jd$a/method_35862] cqt$4 METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [cqt$4/onTake, crq/method_7667] fwk METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fwk/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] cfw METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, cfw/getAmbientSound] cou METHOD e (()V) -> [cou/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] apn METHOD bo (()Z) -> [apn/acceptsTransfers, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_56040] frn$a METHOD a ((Lfmo;)Lfhw;) -> [fki/method_48205, frn$a/nextFocusPath] fov METHOD b ((Lfhz;Ldtc;)V) -> [fov/offsetSign, fov/method_45654] ju METHOD n (()V) -> [ju/resetTags, ju/method_40278] byw$b METHOD a (()Lccs;) -> [byw$b/memory, byw/comp_1151] doy METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9549, doy/getCollisionShape] dni METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dni/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] cpf METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cpf/tick] aes METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aes/handle] ana$1 METHOD a ((Ldcs$e;Ldcs$f;)V) -> [ana$1/visit, dcs$c/method_20762] frs$a METHOD f (()Latq;) -> [frs$a/method_29652, frs$b/getPackSource] ue METHOD i (()B) -> [ur/method_10698, ue/getAsByte] gcu METHOD a (()V) -> [gcu/tick, gcn/method_3070] czj METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, czj/assemble] coc METHOD D (()F) -> [coc/method_7436, coc/getWaterInertia] cow METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [bqk/method_5443, cow/stillValid] doi METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, doi/createBlockStateDefinition] dgb METHOD au_ (()Ldgb$a;) -> [dli/getType, djj/getType, dkw/getType, dlg/getType, dgb/method_55770] cih METHOD a (()Z) -> [cih/isSitting, cic/isSitting, cih/method_6848, cid/isSitting] cnf METHOD a ((Lcuq;)V) -> [cnf/setPickupItemStack, cnd/method_57313] eub METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [eub/run, ete/method_522] dms METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dms/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] ale METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Laue;Lbnf;)V) -> [grf/apply, get/apply, fgu/apply, ale/method_18788, ges$1/apply, ale/apply, czd/apply, gvf/apply, grn/apply, gre/apply] ejn METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [ejn/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] epk METHOD b ((Lepe;)Ldtc;) -> [epk/method_15790, epk/createLegacyBlock, eph/createLegacyBlock, epb/createLegacyBlock] cjh METHOD a_ ((I)Lbug;) -> [cjh/getSlot, bsr/method_32318] ckx METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, ckx/getAmbientSound] cke METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cke/finalizeSpawn] brr METHOD a ((Lbtn;I)Z) -> [brr/applyEffectTick, brx/method_5572] goe METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [goe/render, gov/method_4199] dnp METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dnp/getShape] czh METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, czh/matches] dyb METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljm;Ldxz$a;Lexc;)Z) -> [dyb/method_32947, dyb/handleGameEvent] aur$1 METHOD a ((Ldut;DD)V) -> [aur$1/onBorderCenterSet, dur/method_11930] fut METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fut/setupAnim] cjm METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, cjm/method_6011, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] dcc METHOD b_ ((Ljd;)Lepe;) -> [dcc/method_8316, dcc/getFluidState] dff METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dff/createBlockStateDefinition] cgk METHOD gn (()Ldyi$d;) -> [dyi/method_51299, cgk/getVibrationUser] fwv METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [fwg/method_2828, fwv/renderToBuffer] doy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, doy/getShape] efr METHOD a ((Layw;ILefe;)I) -> [efr/foliageHeight, efu/method_26989] bdp METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [bde/method_4982, bdp/fix] glm METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glm/render, gki/method_3936] afo METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afo/type] ebd METHOD a ((Leaz;Leax;Lduy;Ljava/util/function/Function;Ldux;Ljd$a;Ljd$a;Ldyk;Lorg/apache/commons/lang3/mutable/MutableBoolean;)Z) -> [ebd/carveBlock, ebd/method_16581] bzt METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, bzt/canContinueToUse] dkh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dtb/method_9572, dkh/getAnalogOutputSignal] cff$k METHOD e (()V) -> [cff$k/stop, cam/method_6270] vg METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39862, vg/visit] abu METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [fzg/handleAddEntity, abu/method_11112] aqv METHOD a ((Ldtc;)V) -> [aqv/onInsideBlock, cnz/onInsideBlock, aqv/method_5622] fwc METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [fwg/method_2828, fwc/renderToBuffer] bra METHOD a ((Luh;Ljo$a;)V) -> [bra/method_7659, bra/fromTag] ddl METHOD E (()Laqu;) -> [arb/getLevel, ddl/method_8410, aqu/getLevel] cwk METHOD a (()I) -> [cwk/getUses, cwi/method_8025] aru METHOD d (()V) -> [wn/method_18784, aru/tick] fpw METHOD G (()V) -> [fpw/closeScreen, fpw/method_34494] jd METHOD b ((III)Ljd;) -> [jd/method_10069, jd/offset] dzp$b METHOD a (()Layh;) -> [dzp$b/codec, dzp$o/method_39061] cim METHOD e (()V) -> [cic/end, cim/method_6854, cim/end] bsr METHOD n (()V) -> [bsr/method_38785, bsr/resetFallDistance] drk$2 METHOD a ((II)V) -> [cqf/method_17391, drk$2/set] ckj METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ckj/onSyncedDataUpdated, ajz/method_5674] geb METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbqq;)V) -> [geb/openItemGui, cmx/method_7315] dqh METHOD q (()Z) -> [dqh/method_11011, dqh/onlyOpCanSetNbt] eph METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lepe;Layw;)V) -> [eph/animateTick, epd/method_15776] czc METHOD b (()Z) -> [czc/isEmpty, czc/method_59987] chl METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, chl/registerGoals] bue METHOD i (()Z) -> [bue/isSaddled, bue/method_6725] dhr METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dhr/getStateForPlacement] fmc METHOD h (()Lfmc$a;) -> [fmc/method_46480, fmc$a/getExposed] fyy METHOD b (()Z) -> [fyy/method_46523, fyy/shouldRefreshKeyPair, fzr$1/shouldRefreshKeyPair] dys$q METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dys$q/minValue] djn METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9514, djn/randomTick] fjr$c METHOD a ((Lfhz;Lfhx;I)V) -> [fid/method_48589, fjr$c/renderString] cda METHOD a ((I)Lepu;) -> [cda/method_6336, cda/createPathFinder] dnc METHOD f_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dnc/useShapeForLightOcclusion, dtb/method_9526] ghn METHOD b (()F) -> [ghn/method_51272, ghn/getSignModelRenderScale] dkj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dkj/getShape, dtb/method_9530] kh METHOD s ((I)Lkh;) -> [kh/setZ, kh/method_20788] bnc METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)V) -> [bnf/method_15400, bnc/push] crw METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, crw/removed] blr METHOD d (()I) -> [blr/size, blr/method_56663] cgf$d METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cgf$d/tick] cfr METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldcz;)F) -> [cfr/getWalkTargetValue, btw/method_6144] fgr$f METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [fgr$n/method_41758, fgr$f/validateValue] gbf METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gda/method_18132, gbf/getQuadSize] ddc METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldqj;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ddc/method_35230, ddc/getBlockEntity, dcc/method_35230] cwb METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcuq;Lbtn;Lcuq;)Lcnd;) -> [csj/method_7702, cwb/createArrow] dgb METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgb/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] fwy METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fwy/root] dfy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfy/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] cwr METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cwr/use, cul/method_7836] aky METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [aky/method_12870, aky/logLine] djy METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djy/codec] ka$c METHOD c ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ka$c/registry, ka/method_33310] dyk$1 METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;D)Ldtc;) -> [dyk$1/computeSubstance, dyk/method_38317] ckx METHOD fb (()F) -> [btn/method_6017, ckx/getVoicePitch] fau METHOD a (()V) -> [fau/method_1282, fau/close] ckl METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbrk;Z)V) -> [ckl/dropCustomDeathLoot, btn/method_6099] abu METHOD a ((Laew;)V) -> [abu/method_20203, abu/handleSetChunkCacheRadius] uu METHOD a ((Luw;)V) -> [uu/visitString, vc/method_32302] cvh METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Lbtn;)Lcuq;) -> [cvh/finishUsingItem, cul/method_7861] cmf METHOD gs (()Z) -> [dbt/method_38069, cmf/isClientSide] dfv METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dfv/getStateForPlacement] bsq METHOD P_ (()D) -> [cot/lerpTargetZ, cov/lerpTargetZ, btn/lerpTargetZ, bsq/lerpTargetZ, bsq/method_53828] fox$1 METHOD a ((Lcpu;ILcuq;)V) -> [cqh/method_7635, fox$1/slotChanged] cnl METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [cnl/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance, bsr/method_5640] dbx METHOD j (()Z) -> [dbx/method_52175, dbx/isValid] gtr METHOD s (()Z) -> [gtr/canPlaySound, gua/method_26273] fsn$a$b METHOD c (()Z) -> [fsn$a$b/canSelect, fsn$a$b/method_44515] fmd METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [flx/visitChildren, fmd/visitChildren, fmd/method_48227, fly/visitChildren, flz/visitChildren, flw/visitChildren] dqk METHOD a ((Lji;)[I) -> [dqk/getSlotsForFace, brd/method_5494] cpd METHOD J (()D) -> [cpd/getLevelZ, drg/method_11265] dyt METHOD a ((Larb;JLdzm;Lddy;Lddq;Lduy;Ldyu$a;)V) -> [dyt/applyCarvers, duz/method_12108] fox$d METHOD aQ_ (()Lxn;) -> [fik/method_25360, fox$d/createNarrationMessage] fwc METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fwc/parts, fwc/method_22960] fwv METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwv/setupAnim] ehj METHOD a ((Lddc;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;Layw;ILjd;Lefe;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [ehm/method_26991, ehj/placeTrunk] emn$i METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljd;Lddl;Layw;Lejj;)V) -> [ekb/method_15026, emn$i/handleDataMarker] ezf$1 METHOD d (()I) -> [ezf$1/getUsedCount, ezf$a/method_20299] ate METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;) -> [ate$1/toJson, ate/method_45251] erj METHOD n (()Z) -> [erj/isInitialized, erk/method_222] ein METHOD a ((Layw;Ljd;)I) -> [ejc/method_14452, ein/count] dok METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dok/codec] ctv METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [ctv/appendHoverText, cul/method_7851] vj METHOD a (([J)Luv$b;) -> [vj/visit, uv/method_39869] djt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [djt/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] fgr$i METHOD a (()V) -> [fgr$i/applyValue, fpv$1/applyValue, fep$a/applyValue, fgr$i/method_25344] btn METHOD n ((F)V) -> [bsr/method_5879, btn/animateHurt] jg METHOD b ((Lakr;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jz/method_17966, jg/getOptional] gfp METHOD a ((FF)Lfbm;) -> [gfa$a/setUv, gfp/method_22913, fbj/setUv, fbd/setUv, fbp$b/setUv, gfp/setUv, fbp$a/setUv] fit$c$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fit$c$2/getDefaultList, fit$c$1/getDefaultList, fit$c$1/method_32629, ftc$d$2/getDefaultList] cfm$a METHOD e (()V) -> [cfm$a/stop, cam/method_6270] cju METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, cju/getAmbientSound] ccb METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ccb/start] cmo$a METHOD a ((Lbsr;Layw;)Ldbu;) -> [cmo$g/method_7246, cmo$a/getOffer] cah METHOD b (()Z) -> [cah/canUse, cam/method_6264] drr METHOD b ((ILcuq;Lji;)Z) -> [brd/method_5493, drr/canTakeItemThroughFace] atx METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [atx/listPacks, aue/method_29213] up$a METHOD a (()Luy;) -> [up$f/method_46239, up$a/result] cac METHOD U_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_6267, cac/isInterruptable] uu METHOD a ((Lug;)V) -> [vc/method_32297, uu/visitInt] dvs METHOD p (()Leyw;) -> [duy/method_12014, dvs/getFluidTicks] dff METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dff/propagatesSkylightDown, dtb/method_9579] abu METHOD a ((Lafw;)V) -> [abu/method_11086, abu/handleTeleportEntity] dlq METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dlq/codec] cfz METHOD gl (()Lavo;) -> [cfz/getFlopSound, cfk/getFlopSound, cge/getFlopSound, chb/getFlopSound, cfx/getFlopSound, cfz/method_6457] cfe METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cfe/aiStep] duc METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [duc/getName, duf/method_11901] hf$b METHOD c ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [hf$b/lookupComponentType, hf$b/method_58513] dfq METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dfq/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] dcw METHOD A_ (()Lerb;) -> [dcx/method_8401, dcw/getLevelData] ub METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V) -> [uy/method_10713, ub/write] dmt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Lcuq;Z)V) -> [dmt/spawnAfterBreak, dtb/method_9565] apj METHOD a (()Lub;) -> [apg/method_13881, apj/getData] cnf METHOD a ((Lbtn;)V) -> [cnd/method_7450, cnf/doPostHurtEffects] dir METHOD m (()Lbsy;) -> [cts/method_7685, dir/getEquipmentSlot] jq$b METHOD a ((Layw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jq$b/getRandomElement, jq$b/method_40243] cmq$a METHOD e (()V) -> [cmq$a/stop, cam/method_6270] dmg METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dmg/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcrq;Lcqd;Lcmx;)Z) -> [cul/method_31565, cul/overrideStackedOnOther] es METHOD w_ (()Z) -> [es/method_9202, es/acceptsFailure] crx METHOD e (()V) -> [crx/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] dex METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dex/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] bqi METHOD a (()V) -> [bqi/clearContent, bqi/method_5448] dot METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dot/codec] acn METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acn/type] edl METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [edl/place, ece/method_13151] fuz METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fuz/setupAnim] cqp METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, cqp/quickMoveStack] czh METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [czj/getGroup, czh/getGroup, cyh/getGroup, czo/getGroup, czh/method_8112] gms METHOD a ((Lcjl;)Lakr;) -> [gml/method_4119, gms/getTextureLocation] dqh METHOD a ((Ldcw;)V) -> [dqh/method_31662, dqh/setLevel] crx METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [crx/removeItem, bqk/method_5434] dvi$a METHOD c (()Ljd;) -> [dsa/method_31705, dvi$a/getPos] btn METHOD ep (()Z) -> [cmx/canBeSeenAsEnemy, btn/method_33190, cgq/canBeSeenAsEnemy] aqv METHOD K (()V) -> [aqv/updateInvisibilityStatus, aqv/method_6027, ciw/updateInvisibilityStatus] fpa METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fpa/mouseClicked] fgr$a METHOD e (()Lfgr$d$a;) -> [fgr$a/valueSetter, fgr$a/comp_674] cmk METHOD aa (()V) -> [cmk/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] ein METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eiy/method_39615, ein/type] fqg METHOD a ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fot/method_2380, fqg/renderTooltip] dqc METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqc/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] fja METHOD j (()F) -> [fja/getProgress, fja/method_5412] ctf METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [ctf/appendHoverText, cul/method_7851] ddj METHOD I_ (()I) -> [dcy/method_31607, ddj/getMinBuildHeight] drh METHOD H (()D) -> [drh/getLevelX, drg/method_11266] cji METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cji/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] mi METHOD a ((Ljo$a;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [me/method_10335, mi/generate] dx$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dx$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] cgh METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, cgh/method_6011, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] dvh METHOD h (()Ljava/util/Map;) -> [dvu/method_12179, dvh/getAllReferences] dyb METHOD c (()Ldyb$a;) -> [dyb/method_45472, dyb/getDeliveryMode] ckf METHOD aW (()Z) -> [ckf/isFlapping, bsr/method_5776] acn$e METHOD a ((Lep;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/builder/ArgumentBuilder;) -> [acn$c/build, acn$a/build, acn$e/method_42070] agi METHOD a ((Lagk;)V) -> [agi/method_12050, agi/handleAcceptTeleportPacket] gsx METHOD d (()Z) -> [gsx/isCustomRenderer, gsx/method_4713, gsp/isCustomRenderer, gsz/isCustomRenderer, gsw/isCustomRenderer] fxy METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fxy/root] agt METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [agt/handle, zg/method_11054] eai METHOD a (()Leag;) -> [eai/type, eaf/method_38873] ckw METHOD m_ (()V) -> [ckw/aiStep, btn/method_6007] dhj$c METHOD e (()V) -> [dhj$c/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] doo METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, doo/codec] cra$3 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cra$3/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] cox METHOD a ((J)V) -> [cox/method_42274, cox/setLootTableSeed] csj METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcuq;Lbtn;Lcuq;)Lcnd;) -> [csj/method_7702, csj/createArrow] ckx METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, ckx/defineSynchedData] cky METHOD b (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [cky/getPersistentAngerTarget, btt/method_29508] dia METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dia/tick] dsa METHOD b (()Z) -> [dsa/method_31704, dsa/isRemoved] yn$1 METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [ys$1/mapCodec, yo$1/mapCodec, yn$1/mapCodec, yn$1/method_55458] fof METHOD aL_ (()V) -> [fof/added, fod/method_49589] drc METHOD a ((Ldqh$b;)V) -> [dqh/method_57568, drc/applyImplicitComponents] dil METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dil/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] aiy METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aiy/handle] dsu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dsu/useWithoutItem] aad METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aad/handle] dnn METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [dnn/appendHoverText, dfy/method_9568] djk METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [djk/codec, dtb/method_53969] drh METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqh/method_11007, drh/saveAdditional] coj METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, coj/defineSynchedData] bvp METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvp/tick, bvh/method_18924] bx$a$a METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [bw/method_58152, bx$a$a/codec] aum METHOD f (()Z) -> [aum/method_14627, aum/hasExpired] dcz METHOD a ((II)Lduy;) -> [dcz/method_8392, arb/getChunk, dcw/getChunk] efx METHOD a ((Layw;ILefe;)I) -> [efx/foliageHeight, efu/method_26989] fgr$e METHOD a (()Lfit$c;) -> [fgr$d/method_42721, fgr$e/valueListSupplier] cjc METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cjc/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] gah$a METHOD c (()Lgak$b;) -> [gah$a/checkBuildable, gak$a/method_53605] gkx METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gkx/render, glk/method_4054] aqv METHOD r (()V) -> [btn/method_6070, aqv/pushEntities] euu METHOD d (()Leuu;) -> [euu/unwrap, euu/method_512] dys$h METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dys$h/minValue] brx METHOD a ((Lbtn;ILbsr$c;)V) -> [brx/method_58617, brx/onMobRemoved] cvd METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Lbtn;)Lcuq;) -> [cvd/finishUsingItem, cul/method_7861] bor METHOD f (()Lbnf;) -> [bot/method_34774, bor/getProfiler] crw METHOD a ((Lcmx;I)Z) -> [crw/clickMenuButton, cpu/method_7604] agi METHOD a ((Lagn;)V) -> [aru/handleChatAck, agi/method_44898] dnb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dnb/mirror, dtb/method_9569] gmj METHOD a ((Lbsr;F)Lexc;) -> [gmj/getRenderOffset, gki/method_23169] ud METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [ud/copy, uy/method_10707] ckv METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [btn/method_28306, ckv/brainProvider] dea METHOD a ((IIIIILjava/util/function/Predicate;Layw;ZLdef$f;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [dea/findBiomeHorizontal, dea/method_24385] gbz METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gcn/method_3068, gbz/getLightColor] dgw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldtc;)Ldtc;) -> [dgw/updateHeadAfterConvertedFromBody, djm/method_33624] dzb METHOD a ((IILdcy;Ldzm;)Lddi;) -> [dzb/getBaseColumn, duz/method_26261] gom METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gom/render, gov/method_4199] fx$a$a METHOD b ((Lep;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;) -> [io$a/method_41730, fx$a$a/instantiate] epd METHOD h (()Llk;) -> [eph/getDripParticle, epk/getDripParticle, epd/method_15787] dto METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dto/getSerializedName] btu METHOD bK (()Z) -> [bsr/method_48921, btu/couldAcceptPassenger] bsl METHOD k (()V) -> [bsl/method_5619, bsl/ageBoundaryReached] dkj METHOD f_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkj/useShapeForLightOcclusion, dtb/method_9526] eqy METHOD c ((I)V) -> [erk/method_164, eqy/setRainTime] fj METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fj/method_49545, fj/convertId] dqa METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqa/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] crq METHOD b ((Lcuq;I)Lcuq;) -> [crq/safeInsert, crq/method_32755] dqo METHOD d_ ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bqk/method_5435, dqo/startOpen] dvs METHOD j (()Ldvz;) -> [dvs/getPersistedStatus, duy/method_12009] gej$1 METHOD a ((Lfgo;)V) -> [gej$1/log, gej/method_51265] foh METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, foh/init] dli METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dli/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] cqn$1 METHOD a ((I)V) -> [cqn$1/set, cqn/method_17404] eks METHOD a (()Lela;) -> [eks/getType, ekz/method_16757] fx$c METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [fx$c/method_41173, fx$c/unwrap] ckm METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [ckm/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] caz METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, caz/tick] dfb METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dfb/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] afc METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afc/type] dpa METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dpa/createBlockStateDefinition] feh$b METHOD b ((I)V) -> [feh$b/selectItem, feh$b/method_25489] dmy METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dmy/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] dor METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dor/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] det METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [det/getAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9572] dut$a METHOD f (()D) -> [dut$d/getLerpSpeed, dut$a/method_11987, dut$b/getLerpSpeed] bpw METHOD c (()Lbpx;) -> [bpw/getType, bpw/method_35012] fpi$c METHOD f ((Lcuq;)V) -> [fpi$c/method_7673, fpi$c/set] cxe METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [cxe/withReplacedPages, cxe/method_58186] dne METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dne/mirror, dtb/method_9569] ebb METHOD a (()I) -> [ebb/method_16577, ebd/getCaveBound] aay METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aay/type, aaj/method_56479] on METHOD a (()Laf$a;) -> [on/method_53818, on/advancement] amy$b METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Lakr;I)V) -> [amy$5/signalResult, amy$b/method_54280] fpa METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fpa/render] cft$f METHOD c (()Z) -> [cft$f/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] ckf METHOD H (()Lbzk;) -> [cgv/createBodyControl, cgn/createBodyControl, ckf/createBodyControl, ckj/createBodyControl, ckf/method_5963] eca METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, eca/place] ezf$b METHOD c (()I) -> [ezf$b/getMaxCount, ezf$a/method_20298] cjl METHOD gm (()Z) -> [cjl/method_35191, cjl/isShaking] cno METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [cno/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] gy METHOD b (()Z) -> [gy/isYRelative, gr/method_9706] cks METHOD ai_ (()Lavo;) -> [coj/method_20033, cks/getCelebrateSound] er METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Lxp;) -> [er/getArgument, er/method_44907] chi METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, chi/hurt] amy$1 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lub;) -> [amy$c/method_54277, amy$1/arguments] cyv METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyv/getSerializer, cyz/method_8119] fgf$a METHOD b (()F) -> [fgf$a/getRealtimeDeltaTicks, fgf/method_60638] djf METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;)V) -> [djf/openContainer, det/method_17025] fkq METHOD H (()Lfms;) -> [fmb/method_48202, fkq/getRectangle, fki/method_48202] dyt METHOD a ((IILdyy$a;Ldcy;Ldzm;)I) -> [dyt/getBaseHeight, duz/method_16397] fzg METHOD a ((Lafx;)V) -> [fzg/handleTickingState, abu/method_54806] gcn METHOD a (()V) -> [gcn/tick, gcn/method_3070] chi METHOD fN (()I) -> [chi/getMaxSpawnClusterSize, btp/method_5945] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD ac (()Z) -> [apn/areNpcsEnabled, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3736] fuf METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fuf/headParts, fuf/method_22946] dyt METHOD a ((Larb;)V) -> [duz/method_12107, dyt/spawnOriginalMobs] zl$1 METHOD a ((Lwh$a$a;)V) -> [zl$1/listPackets, zl$1/method_61108] chi METHOD f (()Z) -> [chi/isSaddleable, bue/method_6765] gih METHOD a (()V) -> [gim$a/method_20414, gih/clear] gsw METHOD d (()Z) -> [gsx/isCustomRenderer, gsp/isCustomRenderer, gsz/isCustomRenderer, gsw/isCustomRenderer, gsw/method_4713] cjr METHOD ce (()Z) -> [cjr/method_20232, btn/isVisuallySwimming, cjr/isVisuallySwimming] bul METHOD b ((ZZ)V) -> [cfh/setTame, bul/method_6173] dv METHOD a ((Lakz;)V) -> [dv/removePlayerListeners, aq/method_791] als METHOD b ((Laqv;)V) -> [als/method_14089, als/removePlayer] cul METHOD aq_ (()Lavo;) -> [cul/getEatingSound, cul/method_21830] btn METHOD ez (()V) -> [btn/dropEquipment, btn/method_16078] gjx METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gjx/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dcz METHOD J_ (()I) -> [dcy$1/getHeight, dcz/getHeight, dym$1/getHeight, dcl/getHeight, duy/getHeight, arb/getHeight, ghx/getHeight, ddj/getHeight, dcz/method_31605] dyr$b METHOD b (()I) -> [dyr$b/comp_372, dyr$b/blockY] elx$d METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elx$d/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] abu METHOD a ((Lacr;)V) -> [fzg/handleContainerSetSlot, abu/method_11109] bqc METHOD c (()Lbpx;) -> [bpw/method_35012, bqc/getType] dsc METHOD q (()Z) -> [dqh/method_11011, dsc/onlyOpCanSetNbt] dzs$a METHOD a ((Ldzv;)I) -> [dzs$a/resolveY, dzs$c/resolveY, dzs$b/resolveY, dzs$a/method_33844] cjw$a METHOD i (()I) -> [ckn$c/method_7151, cjw$a/getCastingInterval] fsy METHOD i (()D) -> [fsy/scrollRate, fig/method_44393] cgf METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [cgf/getDefaultDimensions, btn/method_55694] dqn METHOD a ((Ldqh$b;)V) -> [dqn/applyImplicitComponents, dqh/method_57568] li METHOD a (()Lll;) -> [li/getType, lk/method_10295] gki METHOD a ((Lbsr;Ljd;)I) -> [gki/method_24087, gki/getBlockLightLevel] gbt METHOD a (()V) -> [gbt/tick, gcn/method_3070] dvs METHOD a ((Ldqh;)V) -> [duy/method_12007, dvs/setBlockEntity] did METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcuq;)Lkx;) -> [did/method_10011, dij/getDispenseMethod] fnr METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fnr/render] cbu METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cbu/tick] aip METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aip/handle] eks METHOD a ((Lenu;Ldmm;)Lkh;) -> [ekz/method_16601, eks/getSize] arv METHOD a ((Lvv;)V) -> [wf/method_10839, arv/onDisconnect] duy METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [duy/method_20598, dvi/getBlockEntityNbtForSaving, dvs/getBlockEntityNbtForSaving, dvh/getBlockEntityNbtForSaving] fof METHOD j (()V) -> [fof/removed, fod/method_25432] chz METHOD dB (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_31480, chz/getPickResult] bra METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5438, bra/getItem] cko METHOD c ((Lbrz;)Z) -> [btn/method_6049, cko/canBeAffected] cid METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)F) -> [cid/onHurt, cic/onHurt, cid/method_6852] cnh METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cnh/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] dkv METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dkv/getSerializedName] cds METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cdg/isMatchingEntity, cds/method_35148, cdj/isMatchingEntity, cec/isMatchingEntity] fze METHOD a ((Lais;)V) -> [fze/handleCompression, aio/method_12585] gnz METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbtn;FFFFFF)V) -> [gnz/method_4208, gpi/render] dfx METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;)V) -> [dfx/openContainer, det/method_17025] dqo METHOD j (()Ljv;) -> [dqb/method_11282, dqo/getItems] xo$b METHOD a ((Laqv;ZLwv$a;)V) -> [xo$a/sendToPlayer, xo$b/method_45095, xo$b/sendToPlayer] bsr METHOD cV (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [bsr/getPassengersAndSelf, dxg/method_31748] cyh METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, cyh/assemble] dio METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dio/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cfb METHOD x (()Lavo;) -> [cfg/method_35171, cfb/getPickupSound] cr METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [cr/matches, dw/method_58167] czh METHOD d (()Lcyo;) -> [cyr/category, czh/category, czj/category, czh/method_45441] crw$1 METHOD e (()V) -> [crw$1/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] div METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9558, div/canSurvive] dov METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dov/rotate] dni METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dni/getShape] ali METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [apn/getServerIp, ali/method_12929] yd METHOD a (()Lxa$a;) -> [xa/method_54163, yd/type] clh METHOD p (()Lbtn;) -> [clh/getTarget, bum/method_5968] fgr$f METHOD d (()I) -> [fgr$f/minInclusive, fgr$g/comp_593] dxg METHOD cV (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [dxg/getPassengersAndSelf, dxg/method_31748] afu METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afu/handle] ful METHOD a ((Lciw;FFFFF)V) -> [ful/setupAnim, ful/method_17066] gtd METHOD a ((Ljava/util/Map;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [gtd/method_55546, gtd/download] gaj METHOD a ((Lfod;Lgao;)Lfod;) -> [gaj/createScreen, gak/method_53596] frk METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [frk/getNarrationMessage, fod/method_25435] fmv METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fmv/onClose] ciw METHOD fq (()Lbtg;) -> [ciw/getMainArm, btn/method_6068] cdq METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdq/requires, cdy/method_19099] drk$1 METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5434, drk$1/removeItem] gsa METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [gsa/getMetadataSectionName, atd/method_14420] bpm$c METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [bpm$c/push, bpm$a/push, bpm$c/method_16910] fzf METHOD a ((Lzg;)V) -> [fzf/sendPacketToServer, fzf/method_8522] pn METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [pn/addTags, pz/method_10514] ful METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, ful/setupAnim] dfs METHOD a ((Ldtc;Leru$a;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dtb/method_9560, dfs/getDrops] dys$aa METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dys$aa/maxValue] cqq METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [crq/method_7680, cqq/mayPlace] abz METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [abz/type, zg/method_55846] csy METHOD h ((Lcuq;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [csy/getDescriptionId, cul/method_7866] csj METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljw;Lcuq;Lji;)Lcnp;) -> [cvm/method_58648, csj/asProjectile] bvs METHOD b (()Ljd;) -> [bvk/currentBlockPosition, bvs/method_18989, bvs/currentBlockPosition] cju METHOD bc (()Lbsr$b;) -> [cju/getMovementEmission, bsr/method_33570] gvg METHOD b ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [gvg/getSound, gvh/method_4893] fpt METHOD a ((CI)Z) -> [fpt/charTyped, fki/method_25400] ctt METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljw;Lcuq;Lji;)Lcnp;) -> [cvm/method_58648, ctt/asProjectile] lq METHOD a (()Lll;) -> [lk/method_10295, lq/getType] ckq METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [ckq/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] dmv METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dmv/codec, dtb/method_53969] bsr METHOD b ((Lbsr$c;)V) -> [bsr/setRemoved, bsr/method_31745] eos METHOD a ((J)I) -> [eos/method_15538, eon/getLightValue, eoy/getLightValue] cqa$a METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cqa$a/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] cye METHOD b (()Z) -> [cye/canPlace, cye/method_7716] chi$1 METHOD b ((Lcuq;)V) -> [eyn/method_54077, chi$1/setTheItem] eph$a METHOD c ((Lepe;)Z) -> [epd/method_15793, eph$a/isSource] fg$a METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lvw;)V) -> [io/method_10007, fg$a/serializeToNetwork] tp$b METHOD b ((Lsr;)V) -> [st/method_56200, tp$b/testBatchFinished] fl$f METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)I) -> [fl$f/setTag, fl$h/method_9376] diw METHOD f ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [diw/getOcclusionShape, dtb/method_9571] bna METHOD e (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bna/getProfilerResults, bne/method_34970] ast$a METHOD a ((Lasp;)Lasq;) -> [atm$c/method_52424, ast$a/openPrimary] cyf METHOD i (()F) -> [cyf/method_8044, cyf/getRotation] fig METHOD i (()D) -> [fig/method_44393, fig/scrollRate] fzg METHOD a ((Ladb;)V) -> [abu/method_11085, fzg/handleGameEvent] dys$p METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$p/compute, dyr/method_40464] dhb$3 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dif$b/method_17465, dhb$3/acceptDouble] all METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [brc/method_54675, all/setFrozen] cjh METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cjh/hurt, bsr/method_5643] ejy$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, ejy$a/getSerializedName] aia METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aia/handle, zg/method_11054] fqg METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fqg/mouseScrolled, fki/method_25401] ddc METHOD b ((Ljd;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [ddc/method_35237, arb/isFluidAtPosition, dcw/isFluidAtPosition] cov METHOD c_ (()D) -> [cov/lerpTargetX, bsr/method_53830] blr METHOD a (()V) -> [blr/useSample, blt/useSample, blr/method_56649] glk METHOD a ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [glk/isShaking, glk/method_25450] fzg METHOD a ((Lach;)V) -> [fzg/method_11140, fzg/handleChangeDifficulty] frd$a$a METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, frd$a$a/mouseClicked] epp METHOD a ((Lddj;Lbtp;)V) -> [epp/prepare, epp/method_12, epy/prepare, epn/prepare, eqa/prepare] tp$b METHOD a ((Lsr;)V) -> [tp$b/testBatchStarting, tp$b/method_56199] ajs METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ajs/type] dys$y METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$y/codec] crt METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [crt/method_24923, cpw/onTake, crt/onTake] dys$j METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$j/codec] dfv METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dfv/getFluidState] ty$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, ty$1/parse] bsx METHOD i (()Lcpl;) -> [cpi/method_45322, bsx/requiredFeatures] ph METHOD a ((Lly;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [ma/method_10319, ph/run] gld METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gld/render, gki/method_3936] dzp$g$d METHOD a (()Z) -> [dzp$i/method_39074, dzp$g$d/compute] dox METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dox/createBlockStateDefinition] dsp METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ldsm;Ldso;Z)V) -> [dsp/method_56805, dsp/onEnter] gct METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gct/getLightColor, gcn/method_3068] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD P (()Layn;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_24307, guo/getModdedStatus] cki METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cki/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] fdu METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fdu/onClose] eyq METHOD a ((Leyt;)V) -> [eyq/schedule, eyv/method_39363] afa METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afa/type] geo$a METHOD a ((Lexc;F)Lexc;) -> [geo/method_28112, geo$a/getBrightnessDependentFogColor] adv METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adv/type] cff METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, cff/isFood] fpw METHOD k (()Z) -> [fod/method_25421, fpw/isPauseScreen] cmx METHOD a ((ZZ)V) -> [cmx/stopSleepInBed, cmx/method_7358] bsr METHOD bG (()Z) -> [bsr/canBeCollidedWith, bsr/method_30948] fvf METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fvf/root] fgr$g METHOD b ((D)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [fgr$k/method_41763, fgr$g/fromSliderValue] eyr METHOD a (()I) -> [eyr/count, eyv/method_20825] dsu METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dsu/destroy, dsu/method_9585] drs METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, drs/method_38235, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket] fih METHOD b ((Lfih$a;)I) -> [fih/method_25321, fih/addEntry] apm METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [apm/setUsingWhiteList, apm/method_14557] gch METHOD a ((Lfbm;Lffy;F)V) -> [gch/method_3074, gch/render, gca/render, gcl/render, gck/render, gcy/render, gda/render, gbq/render, gdr/render, gbx$c/render, gbx$b/render] dqq METHOD a (()V) -> [dqq/clearContent, bqi/method_5448] fl$h METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fl$h/getTag, fl$h/method_9378] ckf METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [ckf/getDefaultDimensions, btn/method_55694] gsp METHOD f (()Lggi;) -> [gsp/getTransforms, gsm/method_4709] erl METHOD C (()Ldxb$a;) -> [erl/method_29036, erj/endDragonFightData] gcr$5 METHOD a ((Lfbk;Lgqm;)Lfbd;) -> [gcr$5/begin, gcr/method_18130] cfl METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [bsl/method_5613, cfl/getBreedOffspring] brj METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, brj/getSerializedName] dvh METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [dvh/setBlockEntityNbt, dvh/method_12042] frs$a METHOD b (()Latn;) -> [frs$b/getCompatibility, frs$a/method_29648] fnq METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fnq/keyPressed] cov METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cov/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] ckp METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [ckp/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] dke METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dke/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] aue$a METHOD a ((Lakr;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [aue/method_14489, aue$a/getResourceStack] agk METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, agk/type] btd METHOD a ((DZLdtc;Ljd;)V) -> [bsr/method_5623, btd/checkFallDamage] bqy$a METHOD g (()J) -> [bqy$a/nextLong, ayw/method_43055] bue METHOD f (()Z) -> [bue/isSaddleable, bue/method_6765] fsa METHOD a ((Lcrq;)V) -> [frw/slotClicked, fsa/method_2600] aqr METHOD a ((Lbqh$b;)V) -> [aqr/setOverlay, bqh/method_5409] eor$a METHOD b ((Ldcd;)V) -> [eor$a/propagateLightSources, eow/method_51471] cnp METHOD a ((Lewz;)V) -> [cnp/onHitEntity, cnp/method_7454] cfw METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cfw/registerGoals] eyb METHOD j (()Leyi$b;) -> [eyb/method_1201, eyb/getNameTagVisibility] fig METHOD h (()I) -> [fig/method_44391, fig/getInnerHeight] cah METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cah/canContinueToUse] cgc METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, cgc/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] drp$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ljm;Ldxz$a;)Z) -> [cgk$b/canReceiveVibration, drq$a/canReceiveVibration, drp$a/canReceiveVibration, cmb$a/canReceiveVibration, dqm$a/canReceiveVibration, drp$a/method_32970] dex METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dex/codec] aqb METHOD d ((J)Laqn;) -> [aqb/acquireGeneration, aqb/method_60448] apn METHOD ah (()Laur;) -> [apn/getPlayerList, apn/method_3760] aus METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lauv;) -> [auw/method_14642, aus/createEntry] eaa$1 METHOD a ((Lddz;)Lddz;) -> [eaa/method_39563, eaa$1/getBiomeResolver] cox$1 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cox$1/set, bug/method_32332] bmi$a METHOD a ((ILbmn;Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [bmi$a/store, bmi/method_58305] dof METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dof/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] epy METHOD a (()Lepq;) -> [epr/method_21, epy/getStart] eip METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eiy/method_39615, eip/type] cjw$d METHOD m (()Lckn$a;) -> [cjw$d/getSpell, ckn$c/method_7147] caj METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, caj/canUse] ix METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/method_10005, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] ckl METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, ckl/addAdditionalSaveData] dcw METHOD G (()Ldxp;) -> [dcw/method_31592, dcw/getEntities] ciw METHOD bA (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5863, ciw/isPickable] ehh METHOD a (()Lehn;) -> [ehh/type, ehm/method_28903] eqy METHOD a ((J)V) -> [erk/method_29034, eqy/setGameTime] gfp METHOD a ((FFFIFFIIFFF)V) -> [fbm/method_23919, gfp/addVertex] dox METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dox/mirror, dtb/method_9569] dgo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dgo/getShape] efl METHOD a ((II)I) -> [efj/method_27378, efl/getSizeAtHeight] erb METHOD g (()Z) -> [erb/method_203, erb/isThundering] ckx METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [btp/method_5992, ckx/mobInteract] dym$1 METHOD I_ (()I) -> [dym$1/getMinBuildHeight, dcy/method_31607] dsu METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dsu/createBlockStateDefinition] frs$a METHOD e (()Lwz;) -> [frs$a/method_29651, frs$a/getDescription] djc METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djc/codec] ckm$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [ckm$c/canUse, cam/method_6264] fpv METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fpv/onClose] dzc$b METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dzc$b/compute, dyr/method_40464] fmc METHOD f ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/method_46477, fmc$a/paddingHorizontal] ckk METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldcz;)F) -> [btw/method_6144, ckk/getWalkTargetValue] gwm METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, gwm/getNarrationMessage] asa$d METHOD a (()V) -> [arz$1/join, asa$d/method_31287, asa$d/join] dip METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, dip/getRenderShape] dsk METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dsk/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] duj METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, duj/getSerializedName] cni METHOD p (()Lcuq;) -> [cni/getItem, cnm/method_7495] btp METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [btp/interact, bsr/method_5688] gnf$1 METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gnf$1/render, gov/method_4199] et METHOD u (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [et/levels, ey/method_29310] ash METHOD a ((Latd;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ash/getMetadataSection, asq/method_14407] dvm METHOD b ((Lvw;)V) -> [dvo/method_12287, dvm/write] clq METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [btn/method_28306, clq/brainProvider] op METHOD a (()Lcul;) -> [op/getResult, ol/method_36441] gcn METHOD a ((DDD)V) -> [gct/move, gbz/move, gcn/method_3069, gca/move, gbu/move, gdl/move, gby/move] djp METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9558, djp/canSurvive] cix METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtm;)V) -> [cix/thunderHit, bsr/method_5800] cnd METHOD bc (()Lbsr$b;) -> [cnd/getMovementEmission, bsr/method_33570] ghp METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghp/render, ggz/method_3569] cah METHOD U_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_6267, cah/isInterruptable] dma METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, dma/useItemOn] cmh METHOD gs (()Z) -> [cmh/isClientSide, dbt/method_38069] cnv METHOD a ((Lbtn;)V) -> [cnv/doPostHurtEffects, cnd/method_7450] fpu METHOD j (()V) -> [fod/method_25432, fpu/removed] blr METHOD e (()V) -> [blr/method_56664, blr/reset] dh$c METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dh$c/min, dh/comp_1805] ckz METHOD fM (()I) -> [btp/method_20240, ckz/getHeadRotSpeed] etc METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [etc/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] dez METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dez/createBlockStateDefinition] fg$a METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [io/method_10006, fg$a/serializeToJson] ccx METHOD a ((Lexc;)D) -> [cda/method_38065, ccx/getGroundY] cul$b METHOD a (()Ljo$a;) -> [cul$b/method_59527, cul$b/registries] cgq METHOD x ((Z)V) -> [cfg/method_6454, cgq/setFromBucket] crn METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, crn/removed] ava METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lauv;) -> [auw/method_14642, ava/createEntry] zf$1 METHOD a ((Lzg;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [zf$1/method_48327, zf$1/unbundlePacket] fzc METHOD a ((Lzg;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V) -> [fzc/onPacketError, fzc/method_59807, agj/onPacketError] eye METHOD f (()V) -> [eye/lock, eye/method_55418] erb METHOD a ((Lp;Ldcy;)V) -> [erb/fillCrashReportCategory, erb/method_151] dgi METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgi/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] dff METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dff/codec] fiz METHOD a ((Lgvf;)V) -> [fik/method_25354, fiz/playDownSound] fbt METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fbt/init, fod/method_25426] ckn$c METHOD c (()Z) -> [ckn$c/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] epk$a METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [epk$a/method_15775, epc/createFluidStateDefinition, eph$a/createFluidStateDefinition, epk$a/createFluidStateDefinition] cky METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cky/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] cgn METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cgn/defineSynchedData] fzg METHOD a ((Lafv;)V) -> [fzg/handleTakeItemEntity, fzg/method_11150] doh METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9579, doh/propagatesSkylightDown] abu METHOD a ((Ladq;)V) -> [fzg/handleOpenBook, abu/method_17186] dcw METHOD a ((Lji;Ldtc;Ljd;Ljd;II)V) -> [dcw/neighborShapeChanged, dcw/method_42308] cgv METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [cgv/makeBrain, btn/method_18867] dhj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9584, dhj/getInteractionShape] dvi METHOD a ((Lbsr;)V) -> [dvh/addEntity, dvi/addEntity, dvi/method_12002, dvs/addEntity] arb METHOD a ((IILdvz;Z)Lduy;) -> [arb/getChunk, dcz/method_8402] btp METHOD Z (()Z) -> [btp/method_23734, btp/shouldDespawnInPeaceful] ckb$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ckb$a/canUse] drq$a METHOD b (()Ldyd;) -> [drq$a/getPositionSource, dyi$d/method_51300] cmf METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cmf/setTradingPlayer, cmh/setTradingPlayer, cmk/setTradingPlayer, cmf/method_8259] fih METHOD a ((Lfki;)V) -> [fih/setFocused, fkh/method_25395] ebe METHOD a ((Leax;Layw;)Z) -> [ebe/method_12705, ebe/isStartChunk] gir METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [gir/render, gim$a/method_23109] dip METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dip/useWithoutItem] bqf$a METHOD a ((Ldws;Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Ljava/lang/AutoCloseable;) -> [bqf$a/createStorage, bqf$a/method_56546] ggj METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Function;)V) -> [ggj/resolveParents, gsy/method_45785] btn METHOD a ((Lji$a;Ll$a;)Lexc;) -> [btn/getRelativePortalPosition, bsr/method_30633] crf METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [crf/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] bvo METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvo/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] ckc METHOD gh (()Z) -> [ckc/isDealsDamage, ckm/method_7163] fog METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fog/onClose] aru METHOD a ((Laia;)V) -> [aru/handleSetStructureBlock, aru/method_12051] ciw METHOD E ((Lbsr;)V) -> [ciw/method_6087, cfu/doPush, cmb/doPush, ciw/doPush, cfq/doPush, cez/doPush] chn METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, chn/method_6011, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] dys$f METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$f/fillArray] jd$a METHOD j (()Ljd;) -> [jd$a/immutable, jd$a/method_10062] cca METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cca/start] btp METHOD p (()Lbtn;) -> [btp/getTarget, bum/method_5968] ebl METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ebl/place, ece/method_13151] dsc METHOD a ((Lbsx;Layw;)V) -> [dsc/setEntityId, ddp/method_46408] btn METHOD a ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btn/method_6015, btn/setLastHurtByMob] bsr METHOD a ((Lbsr;)V) -> [bsr/method_56918, aqv/onExplosionHit] dyi METHOD gm (()Ldyi$a;) -> [dyi/method_51298, dyi/getVibrationData] efs METHOD b ((Layw;IIIIZ)Z) -> [efu/method_27387, efs/shouldSkipLocationSigned] chp METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, chp/canUse] fay METHOD b (()V) -> [gep/markDirty, fay/method_1279, gfn/markDirty] dfl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfl/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] ghe METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghe/render, ggz/method_3569] ftd METHOD c (()V) -> [ftd/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] ewf METHOD a (()Lewg;) -> [ewf/getType, ewf/method_32475, ewe/getType] kh METHOD b ((Lji;I)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_23226, kh/relative] cqh METHOD a ((Lcpu;II)V) -> [cqh/method_7633, cqh/dataChanged] dvh METHOD d ((Ljd;)V) -> [duy/method_12041, dvh/removeBlockEntity] cjr$f METHOD e (()V) -> [cjr$f/stop, cam/method_6270] cjt$c METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cjt$c/canContinueToUse] dxj METHOD a ((Ldxe;)V) -> [dxj/method_31760, dwk/storeEntities] dkl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dkl/getSignal] fzi METHOD B (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [fzi/getRelevantCoordinates, fzi/method_17771] abu METHOD a ((Lafr;)V) -> [fzg/handleStopSoundEvent, abu/method_11082] fjb METHOD a ((Lgvf;)V) -> [fik/method_25354, fjb/playDownSound] dxr$a METHOD a (()V) -> [dxh/method_31749, dxr$a/onMove] ckq METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, ckq/method_5965, cgq/createNavigation] erj METHOD t (()I) -> [erk/method_18038, erj/getWanderingTraderSpawnDelay] cff$j METHOD c (()Z) -> [cff$j/resetXRotOnTick, bzo/method_20433] cfs METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [cfs/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] ado METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ado/type] frs$d METHOD k (()V) -> [frs$a/method_29657, frs$d/unselect] jz METHOD a ((Layw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jz/method_10240, jz/getRandom] erg METHOD t (()Lwz;) -> [erg/primaryActionMessage, erg/method_54551] ckf METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, ckf/method_6011, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] dut$a METHOD d (()D) -> [dut$a/method_11985, dut$d/getMaxZ, dut$b/getMaxZ] ciw METHOD eq (()Z) -> [btn/method_36608, ciw/canBeSeenByAnyone] clq METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [clq/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] fox$1 METHOD a ((Lcpu;II)V) -> [cqh/method_7633, fox$1/dataChanged] crm METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [crm/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] foh$b$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, foh$b$a/render] chl METHOD gm (()Lavo;) -> [chi/method_28368, chl/getEatingSound] dfl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dfl/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] drn METHOD d ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [drn/canOpen, drn/method_17489] fw$b METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fw$c/method_45650, fw$b/asPrintable] cjz$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cjz$a/start] cfq METHOD a ((Ldcz;)Z) -> [btp/method_5957, cfq/checkSpawnObstruction] cuc METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, cuc/useOn] cov METHOD cQ (()Lbtn;) -> [cov/method_5642, cov/getControllingPassenger, ckq/getControllingPassenger, cfv/getControllingPassenger, chi/getControllingPassenger, btp/getControllingPassenger] ciw METHOD p ((F)V) -> [ciw/setYBodyRot, bsr/method_5636] bps METHOD a ((Layw;)F) -> [bpz/method_33920, bps/sample] cnw METHOD t (()Lcul;) -> [cnw/method_16942, cnw/getDefaultItem] bvp METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvp/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] cez METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cez/method_6011, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] cob METHOD a ((Lewy;)V) -> [cnp/method_24920, cob/onHitBlock] bsr METHOD d ((DDD)V) -> [bsr/teleportRelative, bsr/method_45166] ckm$c METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, ckm$c/tick] cns METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cns/tick] dsp$2 METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ldsm;Ldso;Z)V) -> [dsp$2/onEnter, dsp/method_56805] eqa METHOD a ((Lddj;Lbtp;)V) -> [epp/prepare, epy/prepare, epn/prepare, eqa/method_12, eqa/prepare] ckq METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [ckq/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] dnc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dnc/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cgk METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [cgk/brainProvider, btn/method_28306] cqt$1 METHOD e (()V) -> [cqt$1/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] elx$g METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elx$g/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] fqx$d METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fqx$d/mouseClicked] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD k_ (()Z) -> [es/method_9200, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/acceptsSuccess] frs$b METHOD f (()Latq;) -> [frs$b/getPackSource, frs$b/method_29652] dvs METHOD x (()Ldym;) -> [dvs/method_39300, dvs/getBelowZeroRetrogen] cpu$1 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cpu$1/set, bug/method_32332] fec METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fec/setInitialFocus, fod/method_56131] elv$b METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elv$b/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] cfo$k METHOD c (()Z) -> [cfo$k/resetXRotOnTick, bzo/method_20433] dxq METHOD a ((Ldxn;Laxa;)V) -> [dxp/method_31806, dxq/get] aqk$b METHOD a ((JII)V) -> [aqk$c/onLevelChange, aqk$b/method_17657] chi METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lbsu;F)Lexc;) -> [cgv/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, chi/method_52533, cot/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, chi/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, cov/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, chl/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, ckq/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, ckm/getPassengerAttachmentPoint] duy METHOD f (()Ldcd;) -> [duy/method_12004, dvh/getPos] cke METHOD gr (()Z) -> [coj/canJoinPatrol, cke/method_16472] fhw$b METHOD a (()Lfki;) -> [fhw$b/component, fhw/comp_1188] cjg METHOD bA (()Z) -> [cjg/isPickable, bsr/method_5863] dzr METHOD b ((J)V) -> [ayw/method_43052, dzr/setSeed] dvh METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;Z)Ldtc;) -> [dve/setBlockState, dvh/setBlockState, dvs/setBlockState, dvi/setBlockState, dvh/method_12010] dpv METHOD b ((ILcuq;Lji;)Z) -> [brd/method_5493, dpv/canTakeItemThroughFace] cnd METHOD a ((Lcuq;)V) -> [cnd/setPickupItemStack, cnd/method_57313] fzf METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;II)Z) -> [fzf/setBlock, dde/method_30092] cfb METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cfb/method_5965, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cgq/createNavigation] fte METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fte/render, fjp/method_25394] dyc$1 METHOD a (()Z) -> [dyc/method_32942, dyc$1/isEmpty] cfq METHOD a (()I) -> [cfq/getRemainingPersistentAngerTime, btt/method_29507] cyu METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyz/method_8119, cyu/getSerializer] fdu$b METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fdu$b/children, fkh/method_25396] dpv$1 METHOD a ((II)V) -> [cqf/method_17391, dpv$1/set] dvv$b$1 METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dvv$b$4/updateShape, dvv$b$5/updateShape, dvv$b$1/updateShape, dvv$b$1/method_12358, dvv$b$2/updateShape, dvv$b$3/updateShape] fbm METHOD c ((I)Lfbm;) -> [fbd/setLight, fbm/method_60803] flz METHOD a (()V) -> [fma/method_48222, flz/arrangeElements] dow METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dow/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] elr METHOD a ((Lejr$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ejr/method_38676, elr/findGenerationPoint] cmx METHOD df (()I) -> [bsr/method_5676, cmx/getFireImmuneTicks] drc METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [drc/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] bzo METHOD i (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ckj$d/getYRotD, bzo/method_20251] cgf$b METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cgf$b/tick] cez METHOD fa (()F) -> [cez/getSoundVolume, btn/method_6107] aru METHOD a ((Lahm;)V) -> [aru/handlePlayerAction, aru/method_12066] apm METHOD a (()V) -> [apm/reloadWhiteList, apm/method_14599] fzg METHOD a ((Lafw;)V) -> [abu/method_11086, fzg/handleTeleportEntity] cdb METHOD a ((Lbsr;I)Leps;) -> [cda/method_6349, cdb/createPath] fzd METHOD a ((Labd;)V) -> [fzd/handleConfigurationFinished, abc/method_52794] cof METHOD a ((Lewy;)V) -> [cnp/method_24920, cof/onHitBlock] emb$o METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emb$o/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] ake METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;IIII)V) -> [ake/addItemToSlot, ake/method_12815] flm METHOD a (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntSet;) -> [ezm/method_27442, flm/getSupportedGlyphs] dju METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dju/rotate] erj METHOD F (()Z) -> [erj/wasModded, erj/method_27431] dwt METHOD b ((J)V) -> [dwt/onSectionLoad, dwt/method_19291] agi METHOD b (()Lvu;) -> [wf/method_52280, agi/protocol] ckn$b METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckn$b/start] efs METHOD a (()Lefv;) -> [efu/method_28843, efs/type] cky METHOD c (()V) -> [cky/startPersistentAngerTimer, btt/method_29509] cdh METHOD c (()I) -> [cdh/radiusY, cdr/method_43082] dfi METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfi/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] fep METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fep/onClose] ad$a METHOD b ((Ljava/net/URI;)[Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ad$a/getOpenUriArguments, ad$a/method_674] aqv$2 METHOD a ((Lcpu;ILcuq;)V) -> [cqh/method_7635, aqv$2/slotChanged] dep METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfy/method_9538, dep/isPossibleToRespawnInThis] cfo$u METHOD e (()V) -> [cfo$u/stop, cam/method_6270] ckw METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5712, ckw/playStepSound] emu METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ljd;Lent$c;Lent$c;Lenp;)Lent$c;) -> [enq/method_15110, emu/processBlock] edb METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [edb/place, ece/method_13151] drh METHOD K (()Z) -> [drg/method_57081, drh/isGridAligned] czk METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, czk/matches] doy METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, doy/codec] cja METHOD z (()Lavo;) -> [cja/method_34244, ciy/getRotateItemSound] dci METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lexv;)Z) -> [dci/isUnobstructed, dci/method_8611] dof METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dof/mayPlaceOn] djz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldtc;Lji;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9522, djz/skipRendering] btn METHOD e_ (()F) -> [bsq/lerpTargetYRot, btn/lerpTargetYRot, cot/lerpTargetYRot, cov/lerpTargetYRot, btn/method_53831] bsr METHOD d_ (()D) -> [bsr/method_53827, bsr/lerpTargetY] cfq METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [cfq/die, btn/method_6078] adj METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adj/type] fdu METHOD c (()V) -> [fdu/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] fkn METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fkn/getTabTitle, fko/method_48610] fx$a METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [io/method_10006, fx$a/serializeToJson] erj METHOD a ((J)V) -> [erk/method_29034, erj/setGameTime] cfe METHOD f ((Lbrk;F)V) -> [cfe/method_6074, cgh/actuallyHurt, cgv/actuallyHurt, cmx/actuallyHurt, geb/actuallyHurt, cgn/actuallyHurt, cfe/actuallyHurt] dqv METHOD k (()Lwz;) -> [dqv/getDefaultName, dqb/method_17823] eso$a METHOD a ((Layw;II)I) -> [eso$a/calculateNewCount, eso$b/method_467] yh METHOD a ((Let;Lbsr;I)Lxn;) -> [xa/method_10890, yh/resolve] dln METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbtn;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9567, dln/setPlacedBy] ett METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [ett/run, ete/method_522] did METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, did/codec] ckw METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ckw/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD V (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3783, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/isSpawningMonsters] faz METHOD a ((FFFFFFFF)V) -> [faz/setMat2x4, faz/method_35645] btn METHOD cx (()I) -> [cjp/getMaxFallDistance, btn/method_5850, btp/getMaxFallDistance, btn/getMaxFallDistance] fsn$a$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fsn$a$a/render] fmc METHOD a ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/method_46464, fmc$a/padding] epu METHOD a ((Lepq;Lepq;)F) -> [epu/method_44000, epu/distance] hv METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [hv/method_36352, hv/onError] als METHOD a ((Laqv;)V) -> [aqr/method_14088, als/addPlayer] ckg METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, ckg/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] avf METHOD M_ (()Z) -> [avf/shouldInformAdmins, es/method_9201] ug METHOD j (()D) -> [uc/getAsDouble, tz/getAsDouble, ut/getAsDouble, ue/getAsDouble, ug/getAsDouble, uj/getAsDouble, ug/method_10697] dlc METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsr;Ljd;)Leqc;) -> [dlr/method_60770, dlc/getPortalDestination] aue METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [aue/method_14487, aue/getNamespaces] ciy METHOD w (()Lavo;) -> [ciy/getBreakSound, cja/method_34241] bul METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bul/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] apn METHOD i (()V) -> [tc/onServerExit, apn/method_3821, apn/onServerExit] cpv METHOD p (()I) -> [cri/method_7658, cpv/getSize] dpe METHOD i_ ((Ldtc;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dgz/method_31639, dpe/getNext] mq METHOD a ((Lly;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [ma/method_10319, mq/run] cfr METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cfr/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] bwg METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/method_18927, bwg/canStillUse] ccx METHOD a (()Z) -> [ccx/canUpdatePath, cda/method_6358] fsk METHOD c (()V) -> [fsk/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] ciw METHOD r (()V) -> [btn/method_6070, ciw/pushEntities] fmz METHOD a ((Lfgo;II)V) -> [fmz/resize, fod/method_25410] fte METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fte/setInitialFocus] doi METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Lewy;Lcnp;)V) -> [doi/onProjectileHit, dtb/method_19286] dhy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9536, dhy/onRemove] azd METHOD a (([I)V) -> [azd/unpack, axc/method_39892] dys$m METHOD j (()Ldys$l$a;) -> [dys$m/comp_383, dys$m/type] btn METHOD r (()V) -> [btn/method_6070, btn/pushEntities] ub METHOD b (()B) -> [ub/getId, uy/method_10711] gtq METHOD q (()V) -> [gub/method_16896, gtq/tick] uv METHOD b (()Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39870, uv/visitContainerEnd] drv METHOD b ((Lcuq;)I) -> [dpv/method_11200, drv/getBurnDuration] fmd METHOD m ((I)V) -> [fmb/method_46421, fmd/setX] dur METHOD a ((Ldut;DD)V) -> [dur/method_11930, dur/onBorderCenterSet] diy METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, diy/getStateForPlacement] dys$v METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$v/compute, dyr/method_40464] cgv METHOD c ((I)V) -> [cgv/method_6155, cgv/handleStartJump, chi/handleStartJump] fbp$a METHOD b ((FFF)Lfbm;) -> [fbp$a/setNormal, fbm/method_22914] dkn METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dkn/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] dny METHOD d ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)F) -> [dtb/method_9575, dny/getShadeBrightness] aee METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aee/handle] bzw METHOD c (()Z) -> [bzw/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] tp$c METHOD b ((Lsx;Lta;)V) -> [ti$1/testFailed, ta$1/testFailed, tp$c/testFailed, tj/testFailed, tp$c/method_22190] cfl METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cfl/registerGoals] bgj METHOD a ((Ljava/util/stream/Stream;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [bgj/processRecords, bac/method_44186] dmy METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dmy/getTicker, diq/method_31645] abu METHOD a ((Lact;)V) -> [abu/method_44763, abu/handleCustomChatCompletions] dht METHOD b (()Lduc;) -> [dht/method_9824, dht/getAgeProperty] dfn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dfn/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] eyg METHOD b ((Lexy;)V) -> [alk/onObjectiveChanged, eyg/method_1175] fng METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fod/method_25422, fng/shouldCloseOnEsc] dgd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dgd/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dfq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dfq/useWithoutItem] fyy METHOD a (()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [fzr/method_46522, fyy/prepareKeyPair] ady METHOD c (()Z) -> [zg/method_11051, ady/isSkippable] fqc METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fqc/render, fjp/method_25394] btp METHOD e ((Lbrk;)V) -> [btp/playHurtSound, btn/method_6013] cqo METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, cqo/quickMoveStack] ckw METHOD l (()V) -> [ckw/tick, bsr/method_5773] cpv METHOD a ((Lcnb;)V) -> [cpv/method_7654, cqm/fillCraftSlotsStackedContents, cqw/fillCraftSlotsStackedContents, cpv/fillCraftSlotsStackedContents] cot METHOD a ((IIIZ)V) -> [cot/activateMinecart, cot/method_7506] cku METHOD c ((Lbrz;)Z) -> [btn/method_6049, cku/canBeAffected] far METHOD b ((FFFFFFFFFFFF)V) -> [far/method_35655, far/setMat4x3] uj METHOD f (()J) -> [uc/getAsLong, ug/getAsLong, tz/getAsLong, ut/getAsLong, uj/method_10699, ue/getAsLong, uj/getAsLong] ui METHOD c (()Lva;) -> [uy/method_23258, ui/getType] dru METHOD a ((Ldqh$b;)V) -> [dqh/method_57568, dru/applyImplicitComponents] dge METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfy/method_9496, dge/animateTick] glj METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glj/render, gki/method_3936] dyr METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dyr/compute, dyr/method_40464] t METHOD g (()Z) -> [ae/method_48022, t/isStable] efu METHOD a ((Layw;ILefe;)I) -> [efu/foliageHeight, efu/method_26989] eme$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, eme$a/getSerializedName] abu METHOD a ((Lacy;)V) -> [abu/handleEntityEvent, abu/method_11148] dny METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dny/codec] cft METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cft/doHurtTarget, btn/method_6121] eb$e METHOD a ((Ldte;Lduf;)Z) -> [eb$d/match, eb$e/method_22532, eb$b/match] cmk METHOD fI (()V) -> [cmk/stopSleeping, btn/method_18400] fl$e METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)I) -> [fl$e/setTag, fl$h/method_9376] dpp METHOD a ((Ldtc;I)Ldtc;) -> [dpp/setSignalForState, dfm/method_9432] jd METHOD a ((I)Ljd;) -> [jd/multiply, jd/method_35830] chb METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [btn/method_28306, chb/brainProvider] ayw METHOD b ((J)V) -> [ayw/method_43052, ayw/setSeed] cmx METHOD ah (()Lwz;) -> [cmx/getName, bqw/method_5477] dhb$2 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dhb$2/method_24174, ghc/acceptNone, dhb$1/acceptNone, dhb$3/acceptNone, dhb$2/acceptNone] dxv METHOD a ((Ldcw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dxx/getPosition, dxv/getPosition, dxv/method_32956] btn METHOD F ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [btn/method_6057, btn/hasLineOfSight] ckq METHOD D (()Z) -> [btp/method_26323, ckq/shouldPassengersInheritMalus] dzc$d METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dzc$d/fillArray] gpl METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gov/method_4199, gpl/render] ckz METHOD di (()D) -> [ckz/getFluidJumpThreshold, bsr/method_29241] geb METHOD bk (()Z) -> [geb/isUnderWater, bsr/method_5869] cij METHOD i (()Lciq;) -> [cij/getPhase, cik/method_6849] jq$c METHOD c (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [jq/method_40248, jq$c/unwrap] djm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [djm/canBeReplaced, dtb/method_9616] cmk METHOD a ((Lcml;)V) -> [cmk/setVillagerData, cmm/method_7195] dmb METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dmb/getDirectSignal, dtb/method_9603] chl METHOD gn (()Z) -> [chl/method_6807, chl/isTraderLlama] bys METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bys/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] mv METHOD b (()V) -> [mv/method_10400, mv/generate] fca$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fca/method_21036, fca$a/logMessage] vj METHOD a (()Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39856, vj/visitEnd] cin METHOD c (()V) -> [cik/method_6855, cin/doServerTick] dix METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dix/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] bse METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [brx/method_5552, bse/shouldApplyEffectTickThisTick] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD f ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Ljava/lang/Runnable;) -> [bph/method_16211, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/wrapRunnable] qb METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [qb/addTags, pz/method_10514] fxi METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fxi/root] cne METHOD x (()F) -> [cne/method_55583, cof/getLiquidInertia] fvc METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [fvc/renderToBuffer, fwg/method_2828] dqn METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dqn/getUpdateTag] ftx$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;FI)V) -> [ftx$a/renderIcon, ftt/method_2784] fze METHOD c (()Z) -> [wf/method_48106, fze/isAcceptingMessages] cfh METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, cfh/setVariant] zm METHOD a ((Lzn;)V) -> [zm/method_52780, fzc/handleCustomPayload] erl METHOD q (()Lbqo;) -> [erb/method_207, erl/method_207, erl/getDifficulty] dkz$b METHOD a ((Ldcc;Ljd;Ldkz$c;)Z) -> [dkz$a/canSpreadInto, dkz$b/method_41457] brx METHOD i (()Lcpl;) -> [brx/requiredFeatures, cpi/method_45322] dfb METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfb/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] dqn METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqn/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] bqf$g METHOD a ((Ldwu;Lub;)Lub;) -> [bqf$d/upgradeTag, bqf$f/upgradeTag, bqf$g/method_56550] apn METHOD ac (()Z) -> [apn/method_3736, apn/areNpcsEnabled] dmx METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dmx/performBonemeal] dgk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dgk/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cft$h METHOD a (()V) -> [bzp/method_6240, cft$h/tick] cmb METHOD fK (()Z) -> [cmb/canDisableShield, cmb/method_42149] gmd METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmd/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] cmq METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cmq/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] gtf$a METHOD a (()V) -> [gtf$a/method_55549, gtf$a/onSuccess] aqc METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Function;)Laqc;) -> [aqc$a/map, aqc/method_57127, aqc$b/map] doc METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [doc/performBonemeal, dgb/method_9652] far METHOD a ((Lorg/joml/Matrix3f;)V) -> [far/method_39978, faz/set] bvk METHOD a ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [bwv/method_18990, bvk/isVisibleBy] eyf$2 METHOD cB (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [eyf$2/getScoreboardName, eyf/method_5820] gcn METHOD a ((Lfbm;Lffy;F)V) -> [gcn/method_3074, gch/render, gca/render, gcl/render, gck/render, gcy/render, gda/render, gbq/render, gdr/render, gbx$c/render, gbx$b/render] aq METHOD b ((Lakz;Laq$a;)V) -> [aq/removePlayerListener, aq/method_793] cul$b$3 METHOD a ((Leqr;)Leqt;) -> [cul$b$3/mapData, cul$b/method_59529] gtw METHOD s (()Z) -> [gua/method_26273, gtw/canPlaySound] dvh METHOD a ((Ljava/util/Map;)V) -> [duy/method_12034, dvh/setAllStarts] cfe METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cfe/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] drp$a METHOD f (()Z) -> [drp$a/requiresAdjacentChunksToBeTicking, dyi$d/method_51363] cja METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [cja/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance, bsr/method_5640] dne METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dne/performBonemeal] csw METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cul/method_7851, csw/appendHoverText] fkh METHOD aO_ (()Z) -> [fki/method_25370, fkh/isFocused] ctd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;)Z) -> [cvb/canAttackBlock, ctd/canAttackBlock, ctd/method_7885, cwg/canAttackBlock, cwn/canAttackBlock] far METHOD a (([F)V) -> [far/method_1253, faz/set] cmg METHOD a ((Laqu;ZZ)I) -> [dzj/tick, cmr/tick, cmg/tick, ceq/tick, dzk/tick, cmg/method_6445] bnf METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;I)V) -> [bnf/incrementCounter, bnf/method_24271] gjs METHOD a ((Lcko;)Lakr;) -> [gjs/getTextureLocation, gjs/method_4123] dcx METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldfy;)V) -> [dcx/blockUpdated, dcx/method_8408] cjx METHOD fN (()I) -> [btp/method_5945, cjx/getMaxSpawnClusterSize] fne$a$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fne$a$a/getNarration] gy METHOD c (()Z) -> [gs/isZRelative, gy/method_9707, gy/isZRelative] chi METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, chi/finalizeSpawn] dut$d METHOD i (()Ldus;) -> [dut$b/getStatus, dut$d/method_11995, dut$d/getStatus] fqn METHOD a ((Lfhx;IILfhz;)V) -> [fqk/renderImage, fqn/method_32666, fql/renderImage] vg METHOD a ((S)Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39866, vg/visit] dvs METHOD d ((Ljd;)V) -> [dvs/removeBlockEntity, duy/method_12041] cst METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, cst/use] fze METHOD a ((Lvv;)V) -> [fze/onDisconnect, wf/method_10839] dqb METHOD d ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [drn/canOpen, dqb/method_17489] ghn$a METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [ghn$a/renderToBuffer, fwg/method_2828] cmx METHOD a ((Lbsy;)Lcuq;) -> [cmx/getItemBySlot, btp/getItemBySlot, ciw/getItemBySlot, cmx/method_6118] iw METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [io/method_41726, iw/unpack] ut METHOD h (()S) -> [ut/getAsShort, ur/method_10696] evu METHOD a ((Lerr;)I) -> [evy/method_366, evu/getInt] czc METHOD a (()I) -> [czc/method_59983, czc/size] cjx METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, cjx/hurt] fpw$1 METHOD a ((Lcpu;II)V) -> [cqh/method_7633, fpw$1/dataChanged] fki METHOD a ((CI)Z) -> [fki/charTyped, fki/method_25400] erl METHOD J (()Ldda;) -> [erl/method_27433, erj/getLevelSettings] eiq METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eiy/method_39615, eiq/type] cl METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [cl/componentType, dw/method_58163] dqc$1 METHOD a ((II)V) -> [cqf/method_17391, dqc$1/set] dqb METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5434, dqb/removeItem] yo METHOD a ((I)Lxn;) -> [yp/method_55457, yo/format] dhb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9536, dhb/onRemove] dmg METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dmg/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] cal METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cal/tick] goq METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [goq/render, gov/method_4199] cff$e METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cff$e/canUse] fkq METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fkq/children, fkh/method_25396] aru METHOD a ((Laid;)V) -> [aru/method_12073, aru/handleTeleportToEntityPacket] evi METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, evi/getType] apn METHOD u (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ali/method_12916, apn/getPluginNames] epp METHOD a ((Ljd;)Z) -> [epp/canStartAt, eqa/method_47893] fzd METHOD a ((Lzx;)V) -> [zm/method_11126, fzd/handleUpdateTags] cik METHOD h (()F) -> [cik/method_6847, cik/getTurnSpeed] dcy METHOD J_ (()I) -> [dcy$1/getHeight, dcz/getHeight, dym$1/getHeight, dcl/getHeight, duy/getHeight, arb/getHeight, ghx/getHeight, ddj/getHeight, dcy/method_31605] ced METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [ced/doTick, cdy/method_19101] cyh METHOD e (()Lczf;) -> [cyh/getType, cyz/method_17716] gti METHOD i (()D) -> [gti/method_4779, gti/getY] cnd METHOD l (()V) -> [cnd/tick, bsr/method_5773] fou METHOD a ((DDIII)Z) -> [fou/hasClickedOutside, fot/method_2381] fsm$a METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [fsm$a/method_44492, fsn$a/acceptDivider] cwk METHOD b (()F) -> [cwk/getSpeed, cwk/method_8027] dlq METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dlq/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] cln METHOD b ((Lcuq;Lcuq;)Z) -> [cln/canReplaceCurrentItem, cjr/canReplaceCurrentItem, cln/method_5955] cai METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cai/start] cpf METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Z) -> [cpf/shouldSourceDestroy, cpf/method_55056] cjn METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cjn/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] cgk METHOD gm (()Ldyi$a;) -> [dyi/method_51298, cgk/getVibrationData] dfg METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfg/codec] cdo METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdo/requires, cdy/method_19099] cjw METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cjw/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] cal METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cal/start] bnd METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/String;)Lbmy$a;) -> [bmy/getEntry, bnc/getEntry, bnd/method_34696] fis$a METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fis$a/renderBack, fih$a/method_49568] eoe METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [eoe/compute, dyr/method_40464] cqs METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [cqs/method_7671, crg/remove, crm/remove, crf/remove, fpi$c/remove, cqs/remove] cqh METHOD a ((Lcpu;ILcuq;)V) -> [cqh/method_7635, cqh/slotChanged] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9584, dtb/getInteractionShape] dqr$1 METHOD j (()Z) -> [dbx/method_52175, dqr$1/isValid] ey METHOD w (()Lcpl;) -> [ey/enabledFeatures, ey/method_45549] gjf METHOD a ((Lbsr;Ljd;)I) -> [gjf/getBlockLightLevel, gki/method_24087] boi METHOD a (()Ljava/time/Duration;) -> [boi/comp_16, boi/duration] gct METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gct/getQuadSize, gda/method_18132] cjw METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cjw/customServerAiStep] chv METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [btn/method_28306, chv/brainProvider] uw METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V) -> [uy/method_10713, uw/write] cff$f METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cff$f/canContinueToUse] cwa METHOD i (()Lcpl;) -> [cwa/requiredFeatures, cpi/method_45322] jz METHOD d ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jz/getResourceKey, jz/method_29113] cho METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cho/aiStep] frk METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fod/method_25422, frk/shouldCloseOnEsc] aqc METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)Laqc;) -> [aqc/method_57126, aqc/ifSuccess] azx$2 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, azx$2/fix] cfx METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cfx/defineSynchedData] cnd METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cnd/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cki METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, cki/method_6011, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] bsr METHOD cw (()V) -> [bsr/removeAfterChangingDimensions, bsr/method_30076] dfw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dfw/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] bnl METHOD a ((F)V) -> [bnl/method_38654, bnl/onServerTick] ckl METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, ckl/defineSynchedData] dol METHOD c ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dnl/getVisualShape, dlt/getVisualShape, djz/getVisualShape, dol/method_26159, diw/getVisualShape, dni/getVisualShape, dol/getVisualShape, dkx/getVisualShape] dbt METHOD gs (()Z) -> [dbt/isClientSide, dbt/method_38069] fzg METHOD a ((Laee;)V) -> [fzg/method_11115, fzg/handleAddOrRemoveRecipes] ju METHOD d (()Lakq;) -> [ju/key, ju/method_30517] cfo$m METHOD a (()V) -> [bzp/method_6240, cfo$m/tick] dfr METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfr/codec] cmx METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cmx/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cgk METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cgk/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] geb METHOD i ((F)F) -> [bsr/method_5705, geb/getViewYRot] cff METHOD b (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [cff/getPersistentAngerTarget, btt/method_29508] cmx METHOD t (()V) -> [cmx/method_14247, aqv/doCloseContainer] cju METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cju/registerGoals] dug METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dug/getSerializedName] cja METHOD w (()Lavo;) -> [cja/method_34241, cja/getBreakSound] fls$f METHOD a ((I)I) -> [fls$f/method_51668, fls$f/line] ayw METHOD b ((I)V) -> [ayw/method_33650, dzz/consumeCount] ckg METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [ckg/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] enz METHOD a ((Layw;Lub;)Lub;) -> [enz/apply, eob/method_49892] cmx METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5712, cmx/playStepSound] dhu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dhu/rotate] djz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [djz/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] flu METHOD m ((I)V) -> [fmb/method_46421, flu/setX] flr METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [flr/unpack, flo/method_51734] uh METHOD f (()B) -> [uh/getElementType, ua/method_10601] arb METHOD b_ ((Ljd;)Lepe;) -> [arb/getFluidState, dcc/method_8316] dfx METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dfx/getTicker, diq/method_31645] gsz METHOD g (()Lggg;) -> [gsm/method_4710, gsz/getOverrides] cmx METHOD a ((Ldri;)V) -> [cmx/method_16354, geb/openJigsawBlock] blu METHOD a ((J)V) -> [blp/logSample, blu/method_53066] geb METHOD a ((Lbsr;Z)Z) -> [geb/startRiding, bsr/method_5873] ars METHOD a ((Lvv;)V) -> [wf/method_10839, ars/onDisconnect] dfb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcmx;Ldcc;Ljd;)F) -> [dfb/getDestroyProgress, dfc/getDestroyProgress, dfb/method_9594] coj$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, coj$a/start] eph METHOD j (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [epd/method_32359, eph/getPickupSound] dcg METHOD C_ (()Ldut;) -> [dcg/getWorldBorder, dcg/method_8621] dtb METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/getBlockSupportShape, dtb/method_25959] cix METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cix/tick] dnb METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dnb/getStateForPlacement] cot METHOD aZ (()D) -> [cot/getDefaultGravity, bsr/method_7490] cov METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lbsr$a;)V) -> [cov/positionRider, bsr/method_5865] cpf METHOD v (()Lcot$a;) -> [cot/method_7518, cpf/getMinecartType] gck METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gck/getRenderType] dhb$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dhb$1/acceptDouble, dif$b/method_17465] fgr$c METHOD f (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [fgr$n/comp_675, fgr$c/codec] cjw METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cjw/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] fjv METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fjv/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] dhq METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9615, dhq/onPlace] eft METHOD a (()Lefv;) -> [efu/method_28843, eft/type] fer METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fer/render] cfd METHOD gk (()Z) -> [cfb/method_6456, cfd/canRandomSwim] cte METHOD b ((Lcuq;Lbtn;Lbtn;)V) -> [cul/method_59978, cte/postHurtEnemy] cnx METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [cnx/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance, bsr/method_5640] cff$l METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cff$l/canContinueToUse] axp$c METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)F) -> [axp$c/apply, axp$c/method_41296, azq$1/apply, dys$w$a/apply, azq$2/apply, axp$e/apply] fws METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fws/setupAnim] frs$c METHOD s (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [frs$c/getSelfList, frs$b/method_29666] ju METHOD i (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ju/holders, ju/method_40270] aqv METHOD b ((Ljava/util/Collection;)I) -> [cmx/method_7333, aqv/resetRecipes] cvd METHOD b ((Lcuq;)Lcwo;) -> [cul/method_7853, cvd/getUseAnimation] erk METHOD p (()Ldut$c;) -> [erk/getWorldBorder, erk/method_27422] xn METHOD c (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [xn/getSiblings, wz/method_10855] cfv METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [cfv/onSyncedDataUpdated, ajz/method_5674] glz METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, glz/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] dsc METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dsc/method_38235, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket] drc METHOD aj (()Lwz;) -> [drc/getCustomName, drc/method_5797, dqb/getCustomName, bsr/getCustomName, dpw/getCustomName, dqc/getCustomName] ewa METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [ewa/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] aan METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aan/type, aaj/method_56479] bsr METHOD R_ (()Z) -> [bsr/method_7325, bsr/isSpectator] dqq METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqq/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] cjh METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [cjh/getSoundSource, bsr/method_5634] ui METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V) -> [uy/method_10713, ui/write] zf$a METHOD a ((Lzg;)Lzg;) -> [zf$a/method_48328, zf$a/addPacket] dbe METHOD a ((ILayw;F)F) -> [dbe/process, dam$c/process, dal/process, dbe/method_60213, daz/process, dax/process] agp METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, agp/handle] ckt METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ckt/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] cmf METHOD x ((Z)Lavo;) -> [cmf/method_18012, cmq/getTradeUpdatedSound] cyh METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [cyh/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] gqp METHOD a (()Lgqr;) -> [gqp/type, gqp/method_47672] dhq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dhq/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] fiz METHOD C (()Z) -> [fiz/isActive, fmg/method_37303] apf$1 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lapg;) -> [aph$c/method_13924, apf$1/access] dvu METHOD a ((Lejr;)Lejz;) -> [dvu/method_12181, dvu/getStartForStructure] feq METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, feq/onClose] cqx METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cpu/method_7597, cqx/stillValid] fqe METHOD a ((Lcpu;ILcuq;)V) -> [fqe/slotChanged, cqh/method_7635] dax METHOD a ((ILayw;F)F) -> [dbe/process, dam$c/process, dax/method_60213, dal/process, daz/process, dax/process] cul METHOD j (()Lcxn;) -> [cul/getDefaultAttributeModifiers, cul/method_7844] bsx METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Class;) -> [dxn/method_31794, bsx/getBaseClass] wf METHOD b (()Lvu;) -> [wf/method_52280, wf/protocol] gua METHOD r (()Z) -> [gtu/canStartSilent, gtt/canStartSilent, gtn/canStartSilent, gua/method_4785] dkz$b METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dmv$a/isOtherBlockValidAsSource, dkz$b/method_41462] cpf METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;F)F) -> [bsr/method_5774, cpf/getBlockExplosionResistance] eqy METHOD b ((Z)V) -> [erb/method_157, eqy/setRaining] grc METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Lwz;) -> [atj/method_45259, grc/getPackTitle] djw METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [djw/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] uc METHOD f (()J) -> [uc/getAsLong, ug/getAsLong, tz/getAsLong, ut/getAsLong, ue/getAsLong, uj/getAsLong, uc/method_10699] dkt METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dkt/performBonemeal] cnj METHOD a_ ((I)Lbug;) -> [cnj/getSlot, bsr/method_32318] fve METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fve/root, fvt/method_32008] ckv METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [ckv/hurt, bsr/method_5643] ezp$a$1 METHOD c (()Z) -> [ezp$a$1/isColored, ezn/method_2033] gsy METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Function;)V) -> [gsy/resolveParents, gsy/method_45785] fis$a METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fis$a/setFocused, fki/method_25365] dop METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dop/createBlockStateDefinition] bto METHOD bK (()Z) -> [bsr/method_48921, bto/couldAcceptPassenger] gkf METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gki/method_3936, gkf/render] ghj METHOD a ((Ldup;)Lgsq;) -> [ghj/getSignMaterial, ghj/method_45792] dki METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dki/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] fnc METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fnc/init] vc METHOD a ((Lty;)V) -> [vc/method_32290, vc/visitByteArray] fzg METHOD a ((Laeb;)V) -> [fzg/handleLookAt, abu/method_11092] cgk METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cgk/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] cjr METHOD bl (()V) -> [bsr/method_5790, cjr/updateSwimming] gr METHOD a (()Z) -> [gr/isXRelative, gr/method_9705] cqb$4 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [crq/method_7680, cqb$4/mayPlace] tz METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [tz/copy, uy/method_10707] fie METHOD a ((Lfmo;)Lfhw;) -> [fki/method_48205, fie/nextFocusPath] cfs METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cfs/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] cot METHOD n ((F)V) -> [cot/animateHurt, bsr/method_5879] frs$b METHOD e (()Lwz;) -> [frs$a/method_29651, frs$b/getDescription] gcr$3 METHOD a ((Lfbk;Lgqm;)Lfbd;) -> [gcr/method_18130, gcr$3/begin] cgf$i METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cgf$i/canContinueToUse] cqn METHOD b (()I) -> [cqn/get, cqn/method_17407] bsr METHOD df (()I) -> [bsr/getFireImmuneTicks, bsr/method_5676] fug METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fug/setupAnim] fef METHOD aL_ (()V) -> [fef/added, fod/method_49589] cof METHOD au (()Lewx;) -> [bsr/method_33332, cof/makeBoundingBox] dgw METHOD c (()Ldjn;) -> [dgw/getHeadBlock, djl/method_24945] etq METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etq/getType, etf/method_29321] ddw$c METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, ddw$c/getSerializedName] cno METHOD l (()V) -> [cno/tick, bsr/method_5773] dpl METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/Enum;) -> [dpl/getAge, dgz/method_33622] fsr METHOD C (()V) -> [fsr/addContent, fsk/method_61135] doq METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [doq/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] ju METHOD f (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [jz/method_10235, ju/keySet] ch METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [ch/matches, dw/method_58167] god METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [god/render, gov/method_4199] blx$a METHOD b (()Lblx$a;) -> [blx$b/method_47557, blx$a/compress] btn METHOD ch (()Z) -> [btn/method_5851, btn/isCurrentlyGlowing] crx METHOD h (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [crx/getItems, cql/method_51305] bsr METHOD c_ (()D) -> [bsr/lerpTargetX, bsr/method_53830] jd$a METHOD b ((Lji;I)Lkh;) -> [jd$a/relative, kh/method_23226] gdz METHOD a ((ZF)V) -> [gdz/method_3129, gdz/tick] bvu METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtw;J)V) -> [bvu/start, bvu/method_33197] acp METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acp/type] he$d METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Function;)V) -> [he$d/visitSuggestions, he$d/method_56880] cja METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cja/defineSynchedData] gec METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, gec/tick] cpu METHOD a (()Lcrc;) -> [cpu/method_17358, cpu/getType] erj METHOD f (()I) -> [erk/method_155, erj/getClearWeatherTime] dyr$b METHOD c (()I) -> [dyr$b/comp_373, dyr$b/blockZ] bsr METHOD dN (()Z) -> [bsr/isAlwaysTicking, dxg/method_31747] eqh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [eqi/method_41703, eqh/neighborChanged] chv METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [chv/die, btn/method_6078] cft$f METHOD e (()V) -> [cft$f/stop, cam/method_6270] ejv METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [ejv/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] dys$w$a METHOD c (()F) -> [dys$w$a/maxValue, azq/comp_533] zx METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zx/type] cqx METHOD a ((Lcmx;Z)Z) -> [cqx/method_24927, cqx/mayPickup] cmx METHOD dN (()Z) -> [cmx/isAlwaysTicking, dxg/method_31747] dil METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dil/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] cov METHOD bB (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5810, cov/isPushable] aqk METHOD b ((J)Lapz;) -> [aqk/method_14038, aqk/getChunk] fls$i METHOD a ((I)I) -> [fls$f/method_51668, fls$i/line] cfb METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cfb/registerGoals] fon METHOD a ((Lah;Lai;)V) -> [fon/onUpdateAdvancementProgress, fon/method_2865] dvr METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [dvr/method_39793, dvq/getAll] dzx METHOD b ((J)V) -> [ayw/method_43052, dzx/setSeed] fzg METHOD a ((Laev;)V) -> [fzg/method_20320, fzg/handleSetChunkCacheCenter] fsa METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fsa/method_2646, fsa/recipesShown] dke METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dke/getFluidState] es$1 METHOD M_ (()Z) -> [es$1/shouldInformAdmins, es/method_9201] dhy METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dhy/getFluidState] cfq METHOD E ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cfu/doPush, cmb/doPush, cfq/method_6087, ciw/doPush, cfq/doPush, cez/doPush] dfc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcmx;Ldcc;Ljd;)F) -> [dfb/getDestroyProgress, dfc/method_9594, dfc/getDestroyProgress] ux METHOD a ((Lug;)V) -> [ux/visitInt, vc/method_32297] clm METHOD a ((Laqu;)V) -> [clm/method_24694, cln/finishConversion] det METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, det/codec] bqk METHOD e (()V) -> [bqk/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] ciz METHOD a ((Lji;)V) -> [cja/setDirection, ciz/method_6892] cot METHOD bA (()Z) -> [cot/isPickable, bsr/method_5863] dni METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [dni/canBeReplaced, dtb/method_9616] lr METHOD a (()Lll;) -> [lr/getType, lk/method_10295] dys$v METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$v/codec] dni METHOD f_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dni/useShapeForLightOcclusion, dtb/method_9526] fwa METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwa/setupAnim] oo METHOD a ((Lon;)V) -> [oy/buildRecipes, ox/buildRecipes, oo/method_10419] cmx METHOD b ((Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [cmx/method_7335, cmx/awardRecipesByKey] ggb METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Function;)V) -> [ggb/resolveParents, gsy/method_45785] cul$b$3 METHOD b (()F) -> [cul$b/method_59531, cul$b$3/tickRate] fmc$a METHOD a ((IIII)Lfmc;) -> [fmc$a/padding, fmc$a/method_46466] fl$d METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fl$d/getTag, fl$h/method_9378] cho METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cho/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] fwi METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fwi/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] kc$3$1 METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [akp$c/method_46623, kc$3$1/lookup] zd METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zd/handle, zg/method_11054] fih METHOD u (()Lfmg$a;) -> [fmg/method_37018, fih/narrationPriority] ftc$d$2 METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [ftc$d$2/method_32626, fit$c$1/getSelectedList, ftc$d$2/getSelectedList, fit$c$2/getSelectedList] cjk$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cjk$b/canUse] csw METHOD g ((Lcuq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [cul/method_32346, csw/getTooltipImage] fzf$a METHOD a ((Lp;Ldcy;)V) -> [fzf$a/fillCrashReportCategory, erb/method_151] bso METHOD Y_ (()Lbtn;) -> [bso/method_49107, btn/getLastAttacker, bth/getLastAttacker] fay METHOD e (()V) -> [fay/attachToProgram, fay/method_34418] eky METHOD a ((Ldmm;Lejj;Lend;Z)Lenp;) -> [eky/getSettings, eky/method_16616] dqr$1 METHOD e (()Laqu;) -> [dqr$1/getLevel, dbx/method_8293] djl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, djl/tick] cmx METHOD c ((Lbsr;)V) -> [geb/magicCrit, aqv/magicCrit, cmx/method_7304] aix METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aix/handle] emn$f METHOD b ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15032, emn$f/get1x1Secret] fzg METHOD a ((Laeq;)V) -> [fzg/handleSetBorderSize, fzg/method_34079] ghj METHOD d (()Lexc;) -> [ghj/getTextOffset, ghn/method_45790] ddi METHOD a ((I)Ldtc;) -> [ddi/getBlock, dzq$1/getBlock, ddi/method_32892] btp METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, btp/defineSynchedData] bvc METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvc/checkExtraStartConditions, bvh/method_18919] ghx METHOD a_ ((Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [ghx/getBlockState, dcc/method_8320] uv METHOD a (()Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39856, uv/visitEnd] dys$aa METHOD a (()D) -> [dys$aa/minValue, dyr/comp_377] kp$a$a METHOD e (()Lyx;) -> [kp$a$a/method_57878, kp$a$a/streamCodec] dzp$m METHOD b (()Z) -> [dzp$m/test, dzp$e/method_39069] gdm METHOD c (()F) -> [gdm/method_18133, gdm/getU0, gdn/getU0, gbh/getU0] cyl METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [cyl/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] jo$b$a METHOD a (()Ljo$b;) -> [kc$d/parent, jz$2/parent, jo$b$a/method_46725, eu$1$1/parent, alc$a$1/parent, jo$b$1/parent] ckr$a METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_38846, ckr$a/requiresUpdateEveryTick] dcw METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;Ldtc;)V) -> [dcw/method_16109, dcw/setBlocksDirty] fpt METHOD b ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fpt/renderLabels, fot/method_2388] eqg$b METHOD a ((Ldcw;)Z) -> [eqg$e/runNext, eqg$b/method_41707, eqg$b/runNext, eqg$d/runNext, eqg$a/runNext] cfh$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfh$a/canUse] dhf METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dhf/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] goa METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [goa/render, gov/method_4199] up$c METHOD a ((Luy;)Lup$f;) -> [up$f/method_46240, up$c/accept] kc$l METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [kc$l/get, jn/method_46746] exm METHOD b (()Z) -> [exm/isDescending, exh/method_16193] alk METHOD b ((Leyf;Lexy;)V) -> [alk/method_1190, alk/onPlayerScoreRemoved] dri METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/method_38235, dri/getUpdatePacket] gip METHOD a (()V) -> [gim$a/method_20414, gip/clear] bsr METHOD cM (()Lexc;) -> [bsr/getLeashOffset, bsr/method_29919] acc METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acc/type] fsa METHOD b ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fsa/updateNarration, fmj/method_37020] cjt METHOD b (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [cjt/getPersistentAngerTarget, btt/method_29508] dhg METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhg/codec] dmw METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dmw/createBlockStateDefinition] dnl METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dnl/getCollisionShape, dtb/method_9549] etd$c METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;I)Ljava/util/List;) -> [etd$c/apply, etd/method_58192] fob METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fob/onClose] abx METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, abx/type] gkg METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gkg/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] cpa METHOD a ((ILcmw;)Lcpu;) -> [cou/method_17357, cpa/createMenu] ctk METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, ctk/use] dvh METHOD i (()Z) -> [dvh/method_12044, dvh/isUnsaved] cfo$q METHOD b (()Z) -> [cfo$q/canUse, cam/method_6264] aqv METHOD a ((Lavw;I)V) -> [aqv/method_7342, aqv/awardStat] dcg METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lexv;)Z) -> [dci/isUnobstructed, dcg/method_8611] cjx METHOD fa (()F) -> [btn/method_6107, cjx/getSoundVolume] ewl$a METHOD b ((Lub;)Lewn;) -> [ewl$a/deserialize, ewn$a/method_976] dnn METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dnn/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] ary METHOD c (()Z) -> [wf/method_48106, ary/isAcceptingMessages] ckn$c METHOD n (()I) -> [ckn$c/method_7146, ckn$c/getCastWarmupTime] dpa METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dpa/getShape] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD L (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3827, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getServerVersion] bne METHOD e (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bne/getProfilerResults, bne/method_34970] guo METHOD R (()I) -> [guo/getPort, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3756] drq METHOD gn (()Ldyi$d;) -> [drq/getVibrationUser, dyi/method_51299] jd$a METHOD m ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd/below, jd$a/below, jd$a/method_23227] ads METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ads/handle] ol METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Lol;) -> [ol/group, ol/method_33529] fgs$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Lfgr;)V) -> [fgs$2/process, fgs$3/process, fgs$4/process, fgs$2/method_42570] cvv METHOD a ((Ldrt;Lcmx;)Z) -> [cvv/canApplyToSign, cvv/method_49801] dov METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dov/createBlockStateDefinition] dcz METHOD a ((III)Ljm;) -> [dcz/method_22387, dcz/getUncachedNoiseBiome] cbs METHOD c (()Z) -> [cbs/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] duy METHOD d (()[Ldvj;) -> [duy/method_12006, duy/getSections] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD j (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/isHardcore, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3754] cjc METHOD dB (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_31480, cjc/getPickResult] ghj METHOD b (()F) -> [ghn/method_51272, ghj/getSignModelRenderScale] dou METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dou/codec, dtb/method_53969] ciw METHOD dB (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_31480, ciw/getPickResult] btt METHOD h ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btt/method_5980, btt/setTarget, btp/method_5980] caz METHOD a ((Lbtw;)I) -> [caz/method_6293, bzz/nextStartTick] ckr METHOD s (()Lbsr;) -> [cnh/getOwner, bsn/getOwner, ckr/getOwner, ckr/method_24921, cjh/getOwner, cnp/getOwner, cji/getOwner] apf$1 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/builder/ArgumentBuilder;Ljava/util/function/Function;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/builder/ArgumentBuilder;) -> [api$1/wrap, apf$1/method_13925, apj$1/wrap, apf$1/wrap] dyr METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dyr/fillArray] epc METHOD e (()Lepd;) -> [epc/method_15751, epc/getSource] cuf METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [cuf/getUseDuration, cul/method_7881] deq METHOD b ((Ldtc;)Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [deq/getParticleOffsets, deq/method_31613] exh METHOD a ((Lcul;)Z) -> [exh/method_17785, exm/isHoldingItem] ezm METHOD a (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntSet;) -> [ezm/method_27442, ezm/getSupportedGlyphs] avj METHOD b (()V) -> [avj/stop, avh/method_18050] erl METHOD A (()Z) -> [erl/method_45556, erj/isDebugWorld] elx$f METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [elx$f/addChildren, ejv/method_14918] aqq METHOD a ((JIZ)V) -> [aqq/checkNeighborsAfterUpdate, eoq/method_15487] dia METHOD g ((Ldtc;)I) -> [dia/method_9992, dia/getDelay] cnk METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cnk/addAdditionalSaveData] cxy METHOD a ((Lcul$b;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lcwm;)V) -> [cxy/method_57409, cxy/addToTooltip] bsr METHOD aS (()Lavo;) -> [bsr/method_5672, bsr/getSwimHighSpeedSplashSound] cri METHOD t (()Lcrj;) -> [cri/method_30264, cqm/getRecipeBookType, cqw/getRecipeBookType, cpv/getRecipeBookType] dqb METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqb/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] ahd$1 METHOD a ((Lahd$c;)V) -> [ahd$1/dispatch, ahd$a/method_34213] uw METHOD a (()I) -> [uw/sizeInBytes, uy/method_47988] cqf METHOD a (()I) -> [cqf/method_17389, cqf/getCount] dma METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;)V) -> [dma/attack, dtb/method_9606] cfo METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [buo/method_47827, cfo/getVariant] cix METHOD b ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cix/method_6889, cix/dropItem] dvg METHOD a ((Lvw;)V) -> [dvt/read, dvg/read, dvm/read, dvg/method_12289, dvf/read] fvx METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fuf/method_22948, fvx/bodyParts] fvv METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvv/setupAnim] dlh METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dlh/createBlockStateDefinition] fzg METHOD a ((Lagc;)V) -> [fzg/method_11106, fzg/handleUpdateRecipes] cjm METHOD bu (()F) -> [bsr/method_5718, cjm/getLightLevelDependentMagicValue] btu METHOD r_ (()Z) -> [bto/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bsq/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, ciw/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bth/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, cez/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, btu/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, btu/method_5696] dqs METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqs/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] fbt$b METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fbt$b/setFocused, fki/method_25365] dpn METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpn/codec] ace$1 METHOD a ((Lwk;)V) -> [ace$1/write, ace$c/method_34107] eyv METHOD a (()I) -> [eyv/count, eyv/method_20825] dvm METHOD c (()Ldvo;) -> [dvm/copy, dvo/method_39956] gnn METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glk/method_4054, gnn/render] doz METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [doz/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] erj METHOD v (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [erk/method_35506, erj/getWanderingTraderId] fca$c METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fca/method_21036, fca$c/logMessage] fl$b METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fl$h/method_9380, fl$b/getOrCreateTag] tc METHOD m (()Z) -> [guo/shouldRconBroadcast, apn/shouldRconBroadcast, tc/method_3732, tc/shouldRconBroadcast] eph METHOD a (()Lcul;) -> [eph/getBucket, eph/method_15774, epb/getBucket, epk/getBucket] aqr METHOD b (()V) -> [als/removeAllPlayers, aqr/method_14094] cst METHOD b (()Ljava/util/function/Predicate;) -> [ctc/getAllSupportedProjectiles, cst/getAllSupportedProjectiles, cst/method_19268] fih METHOD a ((Lfmq;)Lfih$a;) -> [fih/nextEntry, fih/method_48197] cfq METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cfq/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] dhw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dhw/getSignal] dmy METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dmy/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] vg METHOD a ((Lva;)Luv$a;) -> [vj/visitEntry, vg/method_39863, vg/visitEntry, vf/visitEntry] cmw METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, cmw/removeItemNoUpdate] fqg METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25403, fqg/mouseDragged] fcb$d METHOD e (()Lfcb;) -> [fcb$d/doConnect, fcb/method_21055] fgf$b METHOD a (()F) -> [fgf$b/getGameTimeDeltaTicks, fgf/method_60636] dqu METHOD b ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dqu/onClose, dqu/method_31683] cnl METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cnl/defineSynchedData] fpz METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fpz/init] foh$c$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [foh$c$a/render, fih$a/method_25343] bmo$e METHOD a ((Lbmk;Lbmm;Lbmg;)Z) -> [bmo$e/parse, bmo$b/parse, bmo$1/parse, bmu$a/parse, bmo$a/parse, bmo$e/method_58334, bmo$d/parse, bmo$c/parse, bmo$2/parse, bmu$b/parse] aqv METHOD a ((Lff$a;Lexc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5702, aqv/lookAt] clh METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [clh/makeBrain, btn/method_18867] fjg METHOD a ((I)Lfij;) -> [fjg/setColor, fij/method_48978] emj$b METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emj$b/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] dic METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dic/getShape, dtb/method_9530] frz$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;IIII)V) -> [ake/method_12815, frz$a/addItemToSlot] dzz METHOD d (()Layw;) -> [dyz/fork, dzo/fork, dzx/fork, bqy$a/fork, dzr/fork, dzz/fork, dzz/method_38420] duz METHOD a ((Larb;JLdzm;Lddy;Lddq;Lduy;Ldyu$a;)V) -> [duz/applyCarvers, duz/method_12108] eha METHOD a (()Lehb;) -> [eha/type, eha/method_28893] etd METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;I)Ljava/util/List;) -> [etd/apply, etd/method_58192] bph METHOD bw (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [bph/method_34705, bpk/profiledMetrics, bph/profiledMetrics] fzf METHOD P (()Leyp;) -> [fzf/getBlockTicks, dcx/method_8397] fsk METHOD j (()V) -> [fod/method_25432, fsk/removed] ado$c METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ado$c/handle, zg/method_11054] cgq METHOD aa (()V) -> [cgq/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] emj$1 METHOD a ((I)Z) -> [emj$1/doPlace, emj$f/method_14862] dzz METHOD h (()Z) -> [ayw/method_43056, dzz/nextBoolean] kx$18 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kw/method_10135, kx$18/execute] dse$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dse$a/method_56725, dse$a/getPlayers] doy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [doy/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] djh METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, djh/createBlockStateDefinition] epk METHOD c ((Ldcz;)I) -> [epk/method_15739, eph/getDropOff, epk/getDropOff] cmo$e METHOD a ((Lbsr;Layw;)Ldbu;) -> [cmo$g/method_7246, cmo$e/getOffer] bsr METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, bsr/defineSynchedData] fgs$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fgs$2/process, fgs$a/method_33683] cgf METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, cgf/isFood] fpt METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fpt/mouseClicked] ki METHOD o (()Ljn;) -> [ki/createRegistrationLookup, ki/method_46769] dq$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dq$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] cjb METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cjb/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] dgn METHOD b ((Ldtc;)Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [dgn/getParticleOffsets, deq/method_31613] fca$c METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [fca$c/errorMessage, fca/method_52657] fnb METHOD e (()V) -> [fod/method_25393, fnb/tick] cjx$d METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cjx$d/canContinueToUse] emv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Layw;)Z) -> [emv/test, enn/method_16768] fzf$a METHOD c (()J) -> [fzf$a/getGameTime, erb/method_188] cnd METHOD aZ (()D) -> [cnd/getDefaultGravity, bsr/method_7490] gjo METHOD a ((Lcjl;)Lakr;) -> [gml/method_4119, gjo/getTextureLocation] sw$1 METHOD R_ (()Z) -> [bsr/method_7325, sw$1/isSpectator] dkj METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, dkj/getRenderShape] ado$c METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [ado$c/type, zg/method_55846] drk$1 METHOD b (()I) -> [bqk/method_5439, drk$1/getContainerSize] fap METHOD a ((ZLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [gfn$1/applyImport, fap/method_34233, fau$1/applyImport] aiw METHOD a ((Laiy;)V) -> [aiw/method_12641, aiw/handleHello] cfo$r METHOD a (()V) -> [cfo$r/tick, cam/method_6268] dkc METHOD g ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkc/canGrowInto, dgv/canGrowInto, dos/canGrowInto, dkc/method_24949, dpn/canGrowInto] glp METHOD b ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [glp/shouldShowName, gki/method_3921] bnk METHOD a ((Lbnj;)Z) -> [bnl/method_37981, bnk/start] cvx METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cul/method_7851, cvx/appendHoverText] dgm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dgm/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] dhc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dhc/useItemOn, dtb/method_55765] fzg METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [fzg/handleAddEntity, fzg/method_11112] bsl METHOD o_ (()Z) -> [btn/method_6109, bsl/isBaby] gap METHOD b (()Lgak;) -> [gap/method_46547, gah/copy, gap/copy, gaj/copy] ckw METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckw/method_6011, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] cyh METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [czj/getGroup, czh/getGroup, cyh/method_8112, cyh/getGroup, czo/getGroup] fnh METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fod/method_25422, fnh/shouldCloseOnEsc] efu METHOD a ((Layw;I)I) -> [efu/method_23452, efy/foliageRadius] aga METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aga/type] bsr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lexc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5844, bsr/makeStuckInBlock] eqa METHOD a (()Lepq;) -> [eqa/getStart, epr/method_21] etd$a METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;I)Ljava/util/List;) -> [etd$a/apply, etd/method_58192] cja METHOD b ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cix/method_6889, cja/dropItem] dge METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dge/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dfs METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfs/hasAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9498] fbj METHOD a ((FFF)Lfbm;) -> [fbm/method_22912, fbj/addVertex] fdz METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fdz/init] dvh METHOD f ((Ljd;)Lub;) -> [duy/method_12024, dvh/getBlockEntityNbt] dxo METHOD f ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [dxo/method_31801, dxo/onDestroyed] fje METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fje/keyPressed] dne METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dne/getShape] cmw METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5434, cmw/removeItem] aio METHOD a ((Lair;)V) -> [fze/handleHello, aio/method_12587] chw$f METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, chw$f/start] bor METHOD e (()Z) -> [bot/method_34773, bor/isRecording] foh$b METHOD a ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fih/method_25312, foh$b/renderHeader] ckw METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ckw/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] dql METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dql/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] ece METHOD a ((Ldde;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [edq/setBlock, ece/method_13153] dvh METHOD a ((Lejr;Lejz;)V) -> [dvu/method_12184, dvh/setStartForStructure] dik METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfy/method_9496, dik/animateTick] fbj METHOD a ((IIII)Lfbm;) -> [fbp$a/setColor, gfa$a/setColor, fbj/setColor, gfp/setColor, fbj/method_1336, fbp$b/setColor, fbd/setColor] cwr METHOD n ((Lcuq;)Lwz;) -> [cul/method_7864, cwr/getName] crh METHOD a ((Luh;Ljo$a;)V) -> [crh/fromTag, bra/method_7659] btp METHOD Q (()V) -> [btp/ate, btp/method_5983] fay METHOD d (()Lfaw;) -> [fay/getFragmentProgram, fay/method_1278] cmb METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cmb/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] eye METHOD a ((I)V) -> [eye/set, eye/method_55410] che METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/method_6002, che/getDeathSound] fvx METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFFFF)V) -> [fvx/method_17087, fvx/setupAnim] bcz METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bcz/fix] elg METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [elg/codec, eld/method_54502] cgh METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cgh/aiStep] die METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, die/getShape] cz METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, cz/codec] cfm$a METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cfm$a/tick] dfd METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfd/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cez METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, cez/getAmbientSound] ekt METHOD a ((Lenu;Ldmm;)Lkh;) -> [ekz/method_16601, ekt/getSize] bte METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, bte/hurt] cgd METHOD y (()Z) -> [btk/method_5931, cgd/canBeLeashed] abu METHOD a ((Ladi;)V) -> [abu/method_11077, fzg/handleParticleEvent] dys$o METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dys$o/codec, dyr/method_41062] far METHOD b ((FFFFFFFF)V) -> [faz/setMat4x2, far/method_35654] byc METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, byc/checkExtraStartConditions] bmy$a METHOD d (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/Object2LongMap;) -> [bmy$a/getCounters, bnb$1/getCounters, bmy$a/method_24274] dvs METHOD a ((Ldvz;)V) -> [dvh/setPersistedStatus, dvs/method_12308] dny METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, dny/getRenderShape] dkh METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dkh/codec] ayk METHOD b (()Layk;) -> [axb$b/reversed, ayk/method_59513, axb/reversed] dys$g METHOD a ((D)D) -> [dys$g/transform, dys$g/method_40520, dys$k/transform, dys$n/transform] bmk METHOD a ((I)V) -> [bmk/restore, bmk/method_58311] afg METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afg/type] fpi$b METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cpu/method_7597, fpi$b/stillValid] cfx METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [cfx/onSyncedDataUpdated, ajz/method_5674] cmk METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cmk/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] dci METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldqj;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ddc/method_35230, dcc/method_35230, dci/getBlockEntity] fqx METHOD a ((Lfih$a;)V) -> [fih/method_25313, fqx/setSelected] gad$a METHOD c (()Lwz;) -> [gad/method_44555, gad$a/toNarrationComponent] vt METHOD c (()V) -> [wj/tickSecond, vt/method_30615] uw METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [uw/copy, uy/method_10707] dfk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;II)Z) -> [dhi/triggerEvent, dfk/method_9592, dsv/triggerEvent, dfk/triggerEvent, dlh/triggerEvent] aqr METHOD a ((F)V) -> [fja/setProgress, aqr/setProgress, aqr/method_5408] ghr METHOD d (()Lgfh;) -> [ghr/renderType, ghs/method_34589] fzg METHOD a ((Lacj;)V) -> [fzg/method_52800, fzg/handleChunkBatchStart] fbj METHOD a ((II)Lfbm;) -> [fbm/method_60796, fbj/setUv1] duy METHOD i (()Z) -> [duy/method_12044, dvh/isUnsaved] glg METHOD a ((Lbsr;F)Lexc;) -> [glg/getRenderOffset, gki/method_23169] eap METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [eap/test, eaq/method_38893] dvo METHOD b (()I) -> [dvo/method_12197, dvo/getSize] bsr METHOD aP (()F) -> [bsr/nextStep, bsr/method_5867] dsu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dsu/getShape, dtb/method_9530] apf METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [apf/setData, apg/method_13880] bn METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, bn/codec] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_40000, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/executeIfPossible] kz METHOD a ((Lku;)V) -> [kv/playSound, kz/method_10136, ky/playSound, cve$1/playSound, kz/playSound] kx$12 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kx$12/execute, kw/method_10135] ahk METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahk/type] cbr METHOD e (()V) -> [cbr/stop, cam/method_6270] fzc METHOD a ((Lzq;)V) -> [fzc/handleKeepAlive, fzc/method_52782] acb METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acb/type] aje METHOD a (()Lakr;) -> [aje/id, ajc/comp_1571] fod METHOD a ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fod/renderMenuBackground, fod/method_57735] ado$b METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ado$b/handle] fxt METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxt/setupAnim] dur$a METHOD a ((Ldut;I)V) -> [dur$a/onBorderSetWarningTime, dur/method_11932] gak$a METHOD c (()Lgak$b;) -> [gak$a/checkBuildable, gak$a/method_53605] eqy METHOD h (()I) -> [eqy/getThunderTime, erk/method_145] dnb METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnb/codec] chy METHOD a ((Laqt;)Lzg;) -> [chy/getAddEntityPacket, bsr/method_18002] dvm METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [dvo/method_19525, dvm/maybeHas] fkg METHOD aM_ (()Z) -> [fkh/method_25397, fkg/isDragging] fsn METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fsn/init] deq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [deq/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] frs$b METHOD l (()V) -> [frs$b/method_29658, frs$b/moveUp] cow METHOD a ((J)V) -> [cox/method_42274, cow/setLootTableSeed] dqn METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dqn/method_38235, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket] chi METHOD cQ (()Lbtn;) -> [cov/getControllingPassenger, chi/method_5642, ckq/getControllingPassenger, cfv/getControllingPassenger, chi/getControllingPassenger, btp/getControllingPassenger] dry METHOD a ((Lji;)Z) -> [dry/method_11400, dry/shouldRenderFace] eph METHOD d (()Lepd;) -> [eph/getFlowing, epc/method_15750] fpi METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fpi/init, fod/method_25426] btn METHOD g ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btn/doAutoAttackOnTouch, btn/method_5997] emu METHOD a (()Lens;) -> [emu/method_16772, enb/getType, emy/getType, emz/getType, enm/getType, ena/getType, emu/getType, emt/getType, ems/getType, ene/getType, emw/getType, enj/getType] aqu METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbsr;Ljm;Lavq;FFJ)V) -> [dcw/method_8449, aqu/playSeededSound] cbx METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbx/canUse] ep$1 METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ep$1/lookup, jo$a/method_46759] abu METHOD a ((Laeb;)V) -> [abu/handleLookAt, abu/method_11092] dqa METHOD a ((Ljv;)V) -> [dqb/method_11281, dqa/setItems] czv METHOD g (()Lcuq;) -> [czq/getToastSymbol, czv/getToastSymbol, czw/getToastSymbol, cyk/getToastSymbol, czr/getToastSymbol, czv/method_17447, cym/getToastSymbol] fxz METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxz/setupAnim] dmb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, dmb/neighborChanged] bqj METHOD c ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bqj/stopOpen, bqk/method_5432] bnb$1 METHOD b (()J) -> [bng/method_37169, bnb$1/getMaxDuration] uv METHOD b ((Lva;I)Luv$a;) -> [uv/method_39872, uv/visitElement] dnp METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9558, dnp/canSurvive] ckm$b METHOD a (()V) -> [ckm$b/tick, cam/method_6268] zr METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zr/handle, zg/method_11054] fzd METHOD c (()Z) -> [fzd/isAcceptingMessages, wf/method_48106] ebm METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ebm/place, ece/method_13151] guo METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [guo/halt, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3747] dfu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dfu/rotate] cqx METHOD a ((Lbqk;)V) -> [cqx/slotsChanged, cqm/slotsChanged, cqw/slotsChanged, cre/slotsChanged, crw/slotsChanged, cqt/slotsChanged, cqx/method_7609, cqp/slotsChanged, cqb/slotsChanged, cra/slotsChanged] fmc$a METHOD g (()Lfmc;) -> [fmc/method_46478, fmc$a/copy] dop METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dop/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] dll METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dll/rotate] btv METHOD e (()Ldcn;) -> [btv/method_48926, btv/level] fsn$a$b METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fsn$a$b/getNarration] cvb METHOD g (()I) -> [cul/method_7837, cvb/getEnchantmentValue] dmn METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmn/codec] ejv$a METHOD a ((Layw;IIIZ)V) -> [ejv$a/method_14948, ejv$a/next] els METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [ejr/method_41618, els/type] ju METHOD d ((Lakr;)Z) -> [ju/containsKey, jz/method_10250] doi METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lcmx;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9576, doi/playerWillDestroy] gpe METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gpe/render, gov/method_4199] jq METHOD a ((Layw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jq$b/getRandomElement, jq/method_40243] vc METHOD a ((Luw;)V) -> [vc/method_32302, vc/visitString] bto METHOD l (()V) -> [bto/tick, bsr/method_5773] ftb METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [ftb/init, fod/method_25426] ui$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ui$1/getName, va/method_23259] ace$a METHOD a (()Lace$d;) -> [ace$a/getType, ace$c/method_34105] dnp METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnp/codec] cgk METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cgk/hurt, bsr/method_5643] cff METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cff/aiStep] dcw$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dcw$a/getSerializedName] drd$1 METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;II)V) -> [drd$1/openerCountChanged, dqu/method_31682] cmx METHOD fm (()V) -> [cmx/serverAiStep, btn/method_6023] fel METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fel/onClose] bwn METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bwn/tick, bvh/method_18924] fiv METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fiv/setFocused, fki/method_25365] asu METHOD a ((Lass;)Ljava/util/Set;) -> [asu/getNamespaces, asq/method_14406] oo METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [oo/method_10321, ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, mo/getName] fih METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fih/mouseScrolled, fki/method_25401] dnt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dnt/mirror, dtb/method_9569] cfm METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [btn/method_6091, cfm/travel] fpx METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fpx/mouseScrolled, fki/method_25401] fzb METHOD a ((Lddf;Lkf;)V) -> [fzb/onLightUpdate, aqs/onLightUpdate, fzb/method_12247] fjo METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, fjo/getNarrationMessage] cdr METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdr/requires, cdy/method_19099] cke$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cke$a/canUse] apn METHOD aA (()I) -> [apn/method_3773, apn/getCompressionThreshold] ckv METHOD m_ (()V) -> [ckv/aiStep, btn/method_6007] dis METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dis/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] fux METHOD a ((Lfyk;)Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList$Builder;) -> [fux/createPartsBuilder, fww/method_45710] cjr METHOD gl (()Lcuq;) -> [cjr/getSkull, ckw/method_7215] cfy METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, cfy/setVariant] egg METHOD a (()Legh;) -> [egg/type, egg/method_43165] cil METHOD b (()V) -> [cil/doClientTick, cim/doClientTick, cic/doClientTick, cif/doClientTick, cil/method_6853, cij/doClientTick] btu METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, btu/defineSynchedData] fjv METHOD a ((Lgvf;)V) -> [fik/method_25354, fjv/playDownSound] dig METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lcmx;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9576, dig/playerWillDestroy] chb METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [chb/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] bzz METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, bzz/tick] uc METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V) -> [uy/method_10713, uc/write] apg METHOD a (()Lub;) -> [apg/method_13881, apg/getData] etl$a METHOD b (()Letf;) -> [etf$a/method_515, etl$a/build] guo METHOD e (()Z) -> [guo/method_3823, tc/initServer, apn/initServer, guo/initServer] aqu METHOD a ((Lcmx;ILjd;I)V) -> [aqu/levelEvent, aqu/method_8444, fzf/levelEvent, arb/levelEvent] ua METHOD c ((ILuy;)V) -> [ua/method_10531, ua/add] dko METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9579, dko/propagatesSkylightDown] aeb METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aeb/type] acz METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acz/type] fsn$a METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [fsn$a/method_44492, fsn$a/acceptDivider] gwj METHOD a ((Lcuq;)V) -> [gwh/onGetItem, gwe/onGetItem, gwj/method_4897, gwd/onGetItem] edi METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edi/place] ait METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ait/type] chz METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, chz/hurt] aru METHOD a ((Lagz;)V) -> [aru/handleContainerSlotStateChanged, aru/method_54436] vj METHOD a ((Lva;)Luv$a;) -> [vj/visitEntry, vg/visitEntry, vf/visitEntry, vj/method_39863] dtq METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dtq/getSerializedName] eqi METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;Lji;)V) -> [eqi/method_41705, eqi/updateNeighborsAtExceptFromFacing] cgv METHOD gz (()Z) -> [cgv/isTamed, chi/method_6727] cul METHOD e (()Lavo;) -> [cse/getBreakingSound, cul/method_57336] ckk$a METHOD c (()Z) -> [ckk$a/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] crt METHOD a ((Lcmx;Z)Z) -> [crt/mayPickup, cqx/method_24927] cmq METHOD go (()Lavo;) -> [cmq/getNotifyTradeSound, cmq/method_18010, cmf/getNotifyTradeSound, cmh/getNotifyTradeSound] ui$1 METHOD c ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)Luy;) -> [va/method_23262, ui$1/load] cgy METHOD fM (()I) -> [btp/method_20240, cgy/getHeadRotSpeed] ett METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, ett/getType] esm$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lerr;)V) -> [esj$1/createItemStack, esm$1/createItemStack, esm$1/method_426] fzg METHOD a ((Lacq;)V) -> [fzg/handleContainerSetData, fzg/method_11131] det METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, det/hasAnalogOutputSignal] dzz METHOD e (()Ldzl;) -> [ayw/method_38421, dzz/forkPositional] cmk METHOD gr (()V) -> [cmf/method_7237, cmk/updateTrades] cfh METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cfh/finalizeSpawn] dyi$d METHOD c (()Lawu;) -> [dyi$d/method_42210, dyi$d/getListenableEvents] cft$j METHOD U_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_6267, cft$j/isInterruptable] agi METHOD a ((Lahx;)V) -> [agi/handleSetCommandMinecart, agi/method_12049] ckq METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lexc;)V) -> [btn/method_49481, ckq/tickRidden] crm METHOD b ((I)V) -> [crm/onSwapCraft, crq/method_7672] uj$1 METHOD c ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)Luy;) -> [va/method_23262, uj$1/load] cqn$2 METHOD a ((I)V) -> [cqn/method_17404, cqn$2/set] fgv METHOD a (()I) -> [ayr/method_7362, fgv/getId] aqv METHOD a ((Lcjh;)V) -> [aqv/onItemPickup, aqv/method_29499] cji METHOD aZ (()D) -> [bsr/method_7490, cji/getDefaultGravity] ftc METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, ftc/init] dde METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;II)Z) -> [dde/setBlock, dde/method_30092] djn METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djn/codec] ckq METHOD aP (()F) -> [bsr/method_5867, ckq/nextStep] fzv$1 METHOD c (()Z) -> [fzv$1/isAcceptingMessages, wf/method_48106] nv$b METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [nv$b/getDefinedProperties, nv/method_25791] bxp METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, bxp/checkExtraStartConditions] ckc METHOD gg (()V) -> [ckc/decreaseSquish, ckc/method_7156] cdj METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cdg/isMatchingEntity, cdj/method_35148, cdj/isMatchingEntity, cec/isMatchingEntity] fgb METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, fgb/getSerializedName] btp METHOD h ((D)Z) -> [btp/method_5974, btp/removeWhenFarAway] gdl METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gdl/getRenderType] hf$b METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ha$b/method_58509, hf$b/listTagTypes] cff$h METHOD a ((Lbtp;Lbtn;)V) -> [cff$h/alertOther, cce/method_6319] fzf METHOD a ((III)Ljm;) -> [dcz/method_22387, fzf/getUncachedNoiseBiome] elm METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [elm/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] cky METHOD gt (()V) -> [cky/method_6001, cky/randomizeReinforcementsChance] eye METHOD g (()Lwz;) -> [eye/method_55419, eye/display] ayw METHOD j (()D) -> [ayw/method_43058, ayw/nextDouble] dtx METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dtx/getSerializedName] esk METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lerr;)V) -> [esk/createItemStack, esj/method_433] dys$n METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dys$n/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] cft$k METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cft$k/start] dys$n METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dys$n/minValue] dnv METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dnv/performBonemeal] cnd METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [cnd/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance, bsr/method_5640] bsr METHOD b ((Lbrk;)Z) -> [bsr/isInvulnerableTo, bsr/method_5679] abu METHOD a ((Ladt;)V) -> [abu/handlePlaceRecipe, abu/method_11090] dfm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dfm/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] dgc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dgc/getShape] cfo$o METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cfo$o/tick] byu$e METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [byu$e/method_47231, byu$e/debugString] gmk METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmk/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] jq$b METHOD a ((I)Ljm;) -> [jq$b/get, jq/method_40240] fgr$k METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)D) -> [fgr$m/toSliderValue, fgr$g/toSliderValue, fgr$m$1/toSliderValue, fgr$g$1/toSliderValue, fgr$k/method_41765] ckt METHOD gl (()Z) -> [cke/method_16485, ckt/canBeLeader] erl METHOD r (()Z) -> [fzf$a/isDifficultyLocked, erj/isDifficultyLocked, eqy/isDifficultyLocked, erl/method_197] eyf METHOD S_ (()Lwz;) -> [eyf/getDisplayName, eyf/method_5476, bqw/method_5476, bqv/method_5476] guo METHOD E (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_54809, guo/isPaused] cfv METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cfv/addAdditionalSaveData] bsr METHOD l ((Z)V) -> [cov/onAboveBubbleCol, bsr/method_5700] ckj$f METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckj$f/start] cqv METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, cqv/removed] bsq$g METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ajz/method_5674, bsq$g/onSyncedDataUpdated] cbb METHOD e (()V) -> [cbb/stop, cam/method_6270] dge METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dge/codec] bzo METHOD h (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [bzo/getXRotD, bzo/method_20250] bqy$a METHOD d (()Layw;) -> [dyz/fork, dzo/fork, dzx/fork, bqy$a/method_38420, bqy$a/fork, dzr/fork, dzz/fork] dgc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dgc/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] dgm METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Lewy;Lcnp;)V) -> [dgm/onProjectileHit, dtb/method_19286] dji METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dji/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] cku METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cku/finalizeSpawn] dms METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dms/tick] esp METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [esp/run, ete/method_522] cga METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cga/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] cki METHOD a ((Laqu;IZ)V) -> [cki/applyRaidBuffs, coj/method_16484] fod METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, fod/getNarrationMessage] dlt METHOD aw_ (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dgf/method_32351, dlt/getPickupSound] gr METHOD c (()Z) -> [gs/isZRelative, gr/method_9707, gy/isZRelative] drn METHOD a ((Lakq;)V) -> [drn/setLootTable, drn/method_11285, dqx/setLootTable] cjx$c METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cjx$c/tick] fog METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fog/init] dzb METHOD a ((Leaa;Ldzm;Lddq;Lduy;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [dyp/fillFromNoise, dyt/fillFromNoise, dzb/fillFromNoise, dzb/method_12088] adv METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [adv/handle, zg/method_11054] cga METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cga/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] cne METHOD b ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cne/canHitEntity, cnp/method_26958] eut METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [ers/method_292, eut/validate] djl METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [djl/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cpf METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [cpf/destroy, cpg/method_7516] djt METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, djt/getRenderShape] ky METHOD a ((Lku;)V) -> [kv/playSound, ky/method_10136, ky/playSound, cve$1/playSound, kz/playSound] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1/getTimes, bne/method_16067] cow METHOD c ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cow/stopOpen, bqk/method_5432] gsp METHOD d (()Z) -> [gsx/isCustomRenderer, gsp/method_4713, gsp/isCustomRenderer, gsz/isCustomRenderer, gsw/isCustomRenderer] dyn METHOD i (()F) -> [ayw/method_43057, dyn/nextFloat] ckb METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/method_6002, ckb/getDeathSound] crq METHOD g (()Lcuq;) -> [crq/method_7677, fpi$c/getItem] bsr METHOD f ((F)V) -> [bsr/method_5734, cgf/playSwimSound, cho/playSwimSound] gdy METHOD f (()Z) -> [cmx/method_7337, gdy/isCreative] few METHOD a (()J) -> [few/method_44643, few/delayCyclesAfterSuccess] efr METHOD a (()Lefv;) -> [efu/method_28843, efr/type] cgy METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [buo/method_47827, cgy/getVariant] ghn METHOD a ((Lfbi;IILfwg;Lfbm;)V) -> [ghn/method_45793, ghn/renderSignModel] cik METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)F) -> [cid/onHurt, cik/method_6852, cic/onHurt] abu METHOD a ((Laby;)V) -> [abu/handleAwardStats, abu/method_11129] chh METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [chh/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] dqq METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [bqk/method_5443, dqq/stillValid] dff METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dff/getFluidState] jo$a$1 METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jo$a$1/lookup, jo$a$1/method_46750] gmk METHOD c ((Lbtn;)F) -> [gmk/getFlipDegrees, glk/method_4039] efz METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [efu/method_23448, efz/createFoliage] chl$d METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [chl$d/getSerializedName, azk/method_15434] doo METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [doo/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] btw METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldcz;)F) -> [btw/method_6144, btw/getWalkTargetValue] ht$1 METHOD b (()Lhu;) -> [ht$1/currentFrame, ht/method_54893] fqy METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, fqy/getNarrationMessage] aqb METHOD a ((Laqn;)V) -> [aqb/method_60441, aqb/releaseGeneration] fqu METHOD m (()Lfma;) -> [fqy/method_57750, fqu/addFooterButtons] gy METHOD a (()Z) -> [gy/isXRelative, gr/method_9705] dgv METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgv/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] djb METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, djb/useItemOn] btt METHOD a (()I) -> [btt/getRemainingPersistentAngerTime, btt/method_29507] abu METHOD a ((Laft;)V) -> [abu/handleTabListCustomisation, abu/method_11105] ckj METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, ckj/tick] ajj METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ajj/type] dox METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9516, dox/isPathfindable] doh METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, doh/codec] fvo METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvo/setupAnim] dxj METHOD a ((Ldcd;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [dxj/method_31759, dwk/loadEntities] ajz METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [ajz/method_48850, bsr/onSyncedDataUpdated] bvb METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvb/tick, bvh/method_18924] dov METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dov/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] fzf$b METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [fzf$b/onTrackingStart, dxo/method_31798] csv METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcx;Ljd;)V) -> [csv/playEmptySound, csv/method_7727] doq METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [doq/getDirectSignal, dtb/method_9603] fmz METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fmz/render, fjp/method_25394] eln METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [ejr/method_41618, eln/type] coj$c METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, coj$c/tick] gec METHOD l ((DDD)V) -> [bsr/method_5750, gec/lerpMotion] dpk METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/Enum;) -> [dpk/getAge, dgz/method_33622] zs METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zs/handle, zg/method_11054] dvg METHOD a ((I)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dvf/valueFor, dvm/valueFor, dvg/valueFor, dvt/valueFor, dvg/method_12288] dhr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dhr/tick] evw METHOD b ((Lerr;)F) -> [evy/method_32454, evw/getFloat] dkm METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dkm/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] bnc METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;I)V) -> [bmy/incrementCounter, bnf$1/incrementCounter, bnc/incrementCounter, bnc/method_24270] vj METHOD a ((D)Luv$b;) -> [vj/visit, uv/method_39858] guo METHOD n (()Z) -> [tc/isDedicatedServer, apn/isDedicatedServer, guo/method_3816, guo/isDedicatedServer] bsf METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [bsf/shouldApplyEffectTickThisTick, brx/method_5552] chb METHOD h ((Lub;)V) -> [cfg/method_35170, chb/loadFromBucketTag] flu METHOD D (()I) -> [flu/getX, fmb/method_46426] djc METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [djc/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] apn METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [apn/getServerIp, apn/method_12929] aaj METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aaj/type, aaj/method_56479] ckq METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ajz/method_5674, ckq/onSyncedDataUpdated] dor METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Ljd;Ldtc;Ldqh;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9556, dor/playerDestroy] cty METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cty/useOn, cul/method_7884] abp METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, abp/type] fdx METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fdx/render, fjp/method_25394] abu METHOD a ((Lael;)V) -> [abu/method_11161, fzg/handleSelectAdvancementsTab] guf METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [guf/searchPlainText, gug/method_43791] dlf METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dlf/getShape] dif$b METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dif$b/acceptDouble, dif$b/method_17465] fzf METHOD a ((I)Lbsr;) -> [fzf/getEntity, dcw/method_8469] dhi METHOD a ((Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;)I) -> [dhi/method_9993, dhi/getOutputSignal] cgy METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [cgy/makeBrain, btn/method_18867] cyr METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyr/getResultItem, cyz/method_8110] ddn METHOD a ((Lbsr;)F) -> [ddn/getKnockbackMultiplier, dcp/method_57007] ug$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23259, ug$1/getName] dys$w$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)F) -> [axp$c/apply, azq$1/apply, dys$w$a/method_41296, dys$w$a/apply, azq$2/apply, axp$e/apply] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD aU (()V) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_24490, apn/endMetricsRecordingTick] cvk METHOD m ((Lcuq;)V) -> [cvk/verifyComponentsAfterLoad, cul/method_7860] dcz METHOD F_ (()Lddy;) -> [dcz/getBiomeManager, dcz/method_22385] cjb METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [cjb/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] btn METHOD f ((Lbrk;F)V) -> [cgh/actuallyHurt, cgv/actuallyHurt, btn/method_6074, cmx/actuallyHurt, geb/actuallyHurt, cgn/actuallyHurt, cfe/actuallyHurt] gmm METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [glk/method_4042, gmm/scale] fpa METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fod/method_25420, fpa/renderBackground] cgf$d METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cgf$d/canContinueToUse] dzr METHOD d (()Layw;) -> [dyz/fork, dzr/method_38420, dzo/fork, dzx/fork, bqy$a/fork, dzr/fork, dzz/fork] ckg METHOD s (()Lcjk$a;) -> [ckg/getArmPose, cjk/method_6990] dnc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [dnc/canBeReplaced, dtb/method_9616] brs METHOD a ((Lbtn;I)Z) -> [brs/applyEffectTick, brx/method_5572] jq METHOD b (()I) -> [jq/method_40247, jq$b/size] fih METHOD q (()I) -> [fru/getScrollbarPosition, fih/method_25329] cyb METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [cyb/pages, cxe/comp_2422] dht METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dht/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] esu$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [esu$a/getThis, ete$a/method_523] dgc METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dgc/createBlockStateDefinition] tp$c METHOD a ((Lsx;Lta;)V) -> [ti$1/testPassed, tj/testPassed, tp$c/method_33317, tp$c/testPassed, ta$1/testPassed] fpi$c METHOD h (()Z) -> [fpi$c/hasItem, fpi$c/method_7681] jq$1 METHOD f (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [jq$1/contents, jq$b/method_40249] cjw$d METHOD i (()I) -> [ckn$c/method_7151, cjw$d/getCastingInterval] dht METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dht/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] dzz$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;)V) -> [dzz$a/parityConfigString, dzl/method_39039] cfo$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfo$b/canUse] va$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;ILuk;)V) -> [va$1/skip, va/method_39854] bqh METHOD a ((Z)Lbqh;) -> [bqh/method_5406, bqh/setDarkenScreen] dvi$1 METHOD a (()V) -> [dsa/method_31703, dvi$1/tick] euy METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [euy/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] abu METHOD a ((Laga;)V) -> [abu/handleUpdateAttributes, abu/method_11149] dff METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dff/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] cgq METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldcz;)F) -> [btw/method_6144, cgq/getWalkTargetValue] dmp METHOD a ((Ldmu$a;Ldcx;Ljd;Layw;Ldmu;Z)I) -> [dmp/attemptUseCharge, dmp/method_41471] ckq METHOD i (()Z) -> [ckq/isSaddled, bue/method_6725] atx METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/Map;) -> [atx/listResourceStacks, aue/method_41265] gsw METHOD b (()Z) -> [gsm/method_4712, gsw/isGui3d] fjr$b METHOD a ((Lfhz;Lfhx;I)V) -> [fid/method_48589, fjr$b/renderString] axs$a METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [awv$b/visitOptionalDependencies, flb$e/visitOptionalDependencies, axs$a/method_51480] cso METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Lavo;) -> [cso/getPlaceSound, cso/method_19260] fkv METHOD e (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [fkv/method_1987, fku/getToken] aid METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aid/handle] fvy METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fvy/root] btp METHOD U (()V) -> [cki/updateControlFlags, btp/method_20417] cpa METHOD b (()I) -> [cpa/getContainerSize, bqk/method_5439] eot METHOD a ((Ljd;)V) -> [eot/checkBlock, eow/method_15513] dzp$l METHOD a (()Layh;) -> [dzp$l/codec, dzp$f/method_39064] gkf METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glk/method_4054, gkf/render] yp METHOD a ((I)Lxn;) -> [yp/method_55457, yp/format] azq$2 METHOD c (()F) -> [azq$2/maxValue, azq/comp_533] dgm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dgm/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] djf METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djf/codec] dys$q METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$q/codec] cqb$3 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cqb$3/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] gbp METHOD a (()V) -> [gbp/tick, gcn/method_3070] gia$b$b METHOD a (()V) -> [gia$b$c/cancel, gia$b$b/cancel, gia$b$b/method_22782] aqs$b METHOD ay (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/scheduleExecutables, aqs$b/method_5384, aqs$b/scheduleExecutables, bpl/scheduleExecutables] cjb METHOD b ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cjb/dropItem, cix/method_6889] crq METHOD f ((Lcuq;)V) -> [crq/method_7673, fpi$c/set] cgk METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, cgk/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] uh METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [uh/copy, uy/method_10707] dez METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dfy/method_9574, dez/getCloneItemStack] fgu METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Laue;Lbnf;)V) -> [grf/apply, fgu/method_18788, get/apply, fgu/apply, ges$1/apply, ale/apply, czd/apply, gvf/apply, grn/apply, gre/apply] ezp$a$1 METHOD a ((II)V) -> [ezp$a$1/upload, ezn/method_2030] aby METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aby/type] cqt METHOD a ((Lbqk;)V) -> [cqx/slotsChanged, cqm/slotsChanged, cqw/slotsChanged, cqt/method_7609, cre/slotsChanged, crw/slotsChanged, cqt/slotsChanged, cqp/slotsChanged, cqb/slotsChanged, cra/slotsChanged] jd$a METHOD m (()Lkh;) -> [jd$a/west, kh/method_35857] cff$i METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cff$i/start] cdr METHOD b (()I) -> [cdr/radiusXZ, cdr/method_43081] dys$w METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$w/compute, dyr/method_40464] cgf METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [cgf/travel, btn/method_6091] geb METHOD g (()Z) -> [geb/isLocalPlayer, sw$1/isLocalPlayer, geb/method_7340] auf METHOD a ((Laue;)V) -> [auf/onResourceManagerReload, auf/method_14491] che METHOD ae (()I) -> [che/getMaxHeadYRot, btp/method_5986] etw METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, etw/getType] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD b ((ZZZ)Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_39218, guo/saveEverything] btp METHOD h ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btt/method_5980, btp/method_5980, btp/setTarget] cmx METHOD cB (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [cmx/getScoreboardName, eyf/method_5820] btc METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [btc/hurt, bsr/method_5643] dut$a METHOD g (()J) -> [dut$a/method_11993, dut$a/getLerpRemainingTime] djr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [djr/getShape, dtb/method_9530] fia METHOD a ((Lakr;)Lgql;) -> [fia/getSprite, gro/method_18667] ckh METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)V) -> [ckg/performRangedAttack, cjr/performRangedAttack, ciu/performRangedAttack, cln/performRangedAttack, chl/performRangedAttack, cgc/performRangedAttack, ckh/method_7105, ckt/performRangedAttack, cjl/performRangedAttack, ckb/performRangedAttack] aqu$a METHOD e ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [aqu$a/onTickingStart, aqu$a/method_31800, fzf$b/onTickingStart] dcl METHOD J_ (()I) -> [dcy$1/getHeight, dcz/getHeight, dym$1/getHeight, dcl/getHeight, duy/getHeight, arb/getHeight, ghx/getHeight, ddj/getHeight, dcl/method_31605] kh METHOD d ((Lkh;)Lkh;) -> [kh/cross, kh/method_10259] dyo$c METHOD d (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo$c/getHeight, dyo/method_33385] cff METHOD aW (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5776, cff/isFlapping] fzg METHOD a ((Lael;)V) -> [fzg/handleSelectAdvancementsTab, fzg/method_11161] fgs$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fgs$a/method_33683, fgs$a/process] emb$r METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [emb$r/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] efu METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [efu/createFoliage, efu/method_23448] duy METHOD b ((Lejr;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/LongSet;) -> [dvh/getReferencesForStructure, duy/getReferencesForStructure, duy/method_12180] dyp METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Ldzm;Ljd;)V) -> [dyp/addDebugScreenInfo, duz/method_40450] cak METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cak/canContinueToUse] gak$a METHOD a ((Lgao;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [gak$a/build, gak$a/method_53600] cpf METHOD x (()Ldtc;) -> [cpf/getDefaultDisplayBlockState, cot/method_7517] ddp METHOD a ((Lbsx;Layw;)V) -> [ddp/method_46408, ddp/setEntityId] dhj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;)Lbrd;) -> [bre/method_17680, dhj/getContainer] dof METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dof/getShape] cfs METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cfs/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] eox METHOD a ((JJ)V) -> [eov/method_51530, eox/propagateDecrease] gia$b$c METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [gia$b$a/method_38556, gia$b$c/name] dyc$1 METHOD a ((Ldyb;)V) -> [dyc/method_32944, dyc$1/register] fof METHOD a ((Lfhz;F)V) -> [fod/method_57728, fof/renderPanorama] ckg METHOD b ((Lcjh;)V) -> [cln/pickUpItem, cfm/pickUpItem, cgk/pickUpItem, ckg/method_5949, ckg/pickUpItem, cfo/pickUpItem, coj/pickUpItem, cmk/pickUpItem, cft/pickUpItem] dqk METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqh/method_11007, dqk/saveAdditional] emf$b METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, emf$b/getSerializedName] agi METHOD a ((Lahw;)V) -> [aru/handleSetCommandBlock, agi/method_12077] cko METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/method_6002, cko/getDeathSound] aqs METHOD j (()I) -> [dvc/method_14151, aqs/getLoadedChunksCount] fpi$c METHOD a (()I) -> [fpi$c/getMaxStackSize, crq/method_7675] dhr METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbtn;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9567, dhr/setPlacedBy] byc METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [byc/tick, bvh/method_18924] dmw METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dmw/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] fzf METHOD M (()Leyg;) -> [dcw/method_8428, fzf/getScoreboard] bph METHOD az (()Ljava/lang/Thread;) -> [bph/getRunningThread, bph/method_3777] wh METHOD c (()Lyx;) -> [wh/codec, wh/comp_2236] dln METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dln/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] dys$e METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dys$e/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] dpw METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dpw/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] dog METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dog/codec] cpw METHOD m (()V) -> [cpw/method_24928, crt/createResult, cpw/createResult] eks METHOD a ((Lenu;Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Ljd;Ljd;Ldmm;Lejj;Layw;Lend;Z)Z) -> [ekx/place, eks/method_16626, ekt/place, eky/place, eks/place] dys$g METHOD b (()D) -> [dys$g/maxValue, dyr/comp_378] bzt METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, bzt/tick] ciu METHOD o ((Z)Z) -> [ciu/canUsePortal, bsr/method_5822] cfo$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfo$a/canUse] uw$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23261, uw$1/getPrettyName] gld METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gld/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] cfo METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, cfo/isFood] cyt METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, cyt/matches] fzg METHOD a ((Laeh;)V) -> [fzg/method_55450, fzg/handleResetScore] dqk METHOD a ((ILcmw;)Lcpu;) -> [dqb/method_5465, dqk/createMenu] dqt METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/method_38235, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket] ace$c METHOD a ((Lwk;)V) -> [ace$c/write, ace$c/method_34107] afn METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afn/handle] dpj METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpj/codec] cc METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, cc/codec] dvu METHOD h (()Ljava/util/Map;) -> [dvu/getAllReferences, dvu/method_12179] cam METHOD U_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_6267, cam/isInterruptable] cjg METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cjg/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] eqy METHOD j (()I) -> [eqy/getRainTime, erk/method_190] dig METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dig/getStateForPlacement] ckr METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ckr/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] aqs METHOD b ((II)Z) -> [aqs/method_12123, aqs/hasChunk] drf METHOD c (()I) -> [drf/getMaxTextLineWidth, drs/method_45470] aru METHOD a ((Lahx;)V) -> [aru/handleSetCommandMinecart, agi/method_12049] ecz METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ecz/place] btp METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, btp/method_5965, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cgq/createNavigation] dkj METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkj/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] dmt METHOD f_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9526, dmt/useShapeForLightOcclusion] agi METHOD a ((Lahc;)V) -> [aru/handleEntityTagQuery, agi/method_12074] dvf METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)I) -> [dvf/idFor, dvo/method_12291] ug METHOD i (()B) -> [ug/getAsByte, ur/method_10698] cic METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)F) -> [cid/onHurt, cic/method_6852, cic/onHurt] epk METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [epc/method_15730, epk/beforeDestroyingBlock] aix METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aix/type] byu$f$1 METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [byu$a$1/tryTrigger, byu$f$1/tryTrigger, byu$b$5/tryTrigger, byu$b$3/tryTrigger, byu$b$1/tryTrigger, byu$b$2/tryTrigger, byu$b$4/tryTrigger, byu$d$1/tryTrigger, byu$f$1/method_47232] czj METHOD a (()Ljv;) -> [cyz/method_8117, czj/getIngredients] btn METHOD h ((Z)V) -> [btn/setSprinting, btn/method_5728] cjh METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ajz/method_5674, cjh/onSyncedDataUpdated] dvh METHOD q (()Lduy$a;) -> [duy/method_39296, dvh/getTicksForSerialization] abc METHOD b (()Lvu;) -> [wf/method_52280, abc/protocol] arg METHOD b (()V) -> [arg/stop, ard/method_17671] ckj METHOD a ((Lbsr;Z)Z) -> [ckj/startRiding, bsr/method_5873] fxf METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxf/setupAnim] daj METHOD a ((I)F) -> [daj/method_60188, daj/calculate] ccz METHOD a (()Z) -> [ccz/canUpdatePath, cda/method_6358] fsh METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [fsh/getFuelItems, frw/method_17065] bsr METHOD aQ (()Lavo;) -> [bsr/getSwimSound, bsr/method_5737] eti METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, eti/getType] gdq METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gdq/getQuadSize, gda/method_18132] dar METHOD a ((Laqu;ILdab;Lbsr;Lexc;Z)V) -> [dat/method_60221, dar/onChangedBlock] ti$1 METHOD a ((Lsx;)V) -> [ti$1/method_22188, tj/testStructureLoaded, ta$1/testStructureLoaded, ti$1/testStructureLoaded, tp$c/testStructureLoaded] btn METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18867, btn/makeBrain] gbx$e METHOD a (()V) -> [gbx$e/tick, gcn/method_3070] dim METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lepd;)Z) -> [dil/canBeReplaced, dim/method_22358, dim/canBeReplaced] jo$b$1 METHOD a (()Ljo$b;) -> [kc$d/parent, jo$b$1/method_46725, jz$2/parent, eu$1$1/parent, alc$a$1/parent, jo$b$1/parent] eqh METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;)V) -> [eqi/method_41704, eqh/neighborChanged] fdt$b METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fdt$b/render] drw METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [drw/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] edj METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edj/place] dky METHOD c (()Ldkz;) -> [dky/method_41432, dky/getSpreader] eym$1 METHOD a ((Leyt;)V) -> [eym$1/schedule, eyv/method_39363] cin METHOD d (()V) -> [cik/method_6856, cin/begin] ux METHOD a ((Luh;)V) -> [vc/method_32298, ux/visitList] bzw METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, bzw/tick] chb METHOD b (()Lcuq;) -> [chb/getBucketItemStack, cfg/method_6452] cmx METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [aqv/canHarmPlayer, cmx/method_7256] cce METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cce/start] cmx METHOD ep (()Z) -> [cmx/canBeSeenAsEnemy, cgq/canBeSeenAsEnemy, cmx/method_33190] byu$b$4 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [byu$e/method_47231, byu$b$4/debugString] kc$1 METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [kc$1/get, jn/method_46746] aur$1 METHOD b ((Ldut;D)V) -> [aur$1/onBorderSetDamagePerBlock, dur/method_11929] cgh METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, cgh/getAmbientSound] enf METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljd;Ljd;Layw;)Z) -> [eng/method_26406, enf/test] fpi METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fpi/mouseDragged, fki/method_25403] fcb$c METHOD e (()Lfcb;) -> [fcb/method_21055, fcb$c/doConnect] gah METHOD b (()Lgak;) -> [gah/copy, gap/copy, gaj/copy, gah/method_46547] fpi$c METHOD a_ ((Lcuq;)I) -> [fpi$c/getMaxStackSize, crq/method_7676] eta METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [eta/validate, ers/method_292] dil METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lepd;)Z) -> [dil/method_22358, dil/canBeReplaced, dim/canBeReplaced] dye METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dxx$a/codec, dye/method_32957, dxv$a/codec] ger$e METHOD a (()Ljm;) -> [ger$e/method_42590, ger$b/getMobEffect, ger$a/getMobEffect] dyo METHOD d (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo/getHeight, dyo/method_33385] cjn METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cjn/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] czh METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [czh/getSerializer, cyz/method_8119] cra METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, cra/quickMoveStack] cmq METHOD m_ (()V) -> [cmq/aiStep, btn/method_6007] fus METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [fus/renderToBuffer, fwg/method_2828] fsv METHOD c ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fsv/enableScissor, fsv/method_49603] btn METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, btn/tick] zl$b METHOD a (()Lvu;) -> [zl$b/id, zl$b/comp_2234] fod METHOD a ((Lfhz;F)V) -> [fod/renderPanorama, fod/method_57728] gtn METHOD r (()Z) -> [gtu/canStartSilent, gtn/method_4785, gtt/canStartSilent, gtn/canStartSilent] ckj$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [ckj$c/canUse, cam/method_6264] dew METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Lewy;Lcnp;)V) -> [dew/onProjectileHit, dtb/method_19286] fpa METHOD E (()V) -> [fpw/pageBack, fpa/method_17057] guj$2 METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [guj$2/method_43803, guj$2/searchPath, guj$1/searchPath] dcw METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [fzf/addDestroyBlockEffect, dcw/method_31595] dpb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dpb/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dvf METHOD a ((I)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dvf/valueFor, dvm/valueFor, dvf/method_12288, dvg/valueFor, dvt/valueFor] ty METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/method_39850, ty/accept] fzg METHOD a ((Lacl;)V) -> [fzg/method_34071, fzg/handleTitlesClear] erj METHOD c (()J) -> [erj/getGameTime, erb/method_188] arb METHOD y_ (()Leot;) -> [dbz/method_22336, arb/getLightEngine] gcz METHOD a (()V) -> [gcz/tick, gcn/method_3070] dys$a METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dys$a/maxValue] aug$2 METHOD a ((Latd;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [aug/method_43041, aug$2/getSection] eyg$1 METHOD a ((I)V) -> [eyg$1/set, eye/method_55410] cgg METHOD cC (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5675, cgg/isPushedByFluid] ns$c METHOD a ((Ldtd;)V) -> [ns/method_25745, ns$c/validate] bfa$b METHOD a (()Z) -> [bfa$b/skippable, bfa$b/method_5076] cja METHOD a ((Laqt;)Lzg;) -> [cja/getAddEntityPacket, bsr/method_18002] gqp$b METHOD a (()V) -> [gqp$b/method_47676, gqp$b/discard] atj METHOD a ((Lasq;)Latm;) -> [atj/method_45257, atj/createVanillaPack] bue METHOD ac_ (()Lavo;) -> [bue/method_45328, bue/getSaddleSoundEvent] bl METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, bl/codec] fku METHOD a (()I) -> [fkv/method_29049, fku/width] gmf METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dcs$g METHOD g (()Ldcs$g;) -> [dcs$g/getSelf, dcs$g/method_20782] erk METHOD n (()Z) -> [erk/isInitialized, erk/method_222] drw METHOD a_ ((II)Z) -> [drw/triggerEvent, dqh/method_11004] erg METHOD v (()Z) -> [erg/canUpload, erg/method_56127] ajl METHOD a ((Lajm;)V) -> [aru/handlePingRequest, ajl/method_12697, ary/handlePingRequest] fik METHOD b ((DDDD)V) -> [fii/onDrag, fik/method_25349, fjm/onDrag] aqv METHOD a ((Lczb;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [aqv/triggerRecipeCrafted, aqv/method_51283] gjy METHOD a ((Lbsq;Ljava/lang/Object;Lfbi;Lgez;IF)V) -> [gjy/method_49052, gjy/renderInner] chh METHOD a ((Layw;)V) -> [chh/randomizeAttributes, chi/method_6001] gtn METHOD o (()Lgtj;) -> [gtn/getAlternativeSoundInstance, gtn/method_22135] cjm$a METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_38846, cjm$a/requiresUpdateEveryTick] zz METHOD a ((Laaa;)V) -> [zz/method_12069, aru/handleClientInformation, ars/handleClientInformation] ha$d METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ha$d/method_58344, ha$c/possibleResources, ha$a/possibleResources, ha$d/possibleResources, ha$e/possibleResources] dyb METHOD a (()Ldyd;) -> [dyb/method_32946, dyb/getListenerSource] erl METHOD x (()I) -> [erl/method_168, erl/getVersion] fzi METHOD s (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [fzi/method_9254, fzi/getAvailableSounds, et/getAvailableSounds] dod METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dod/codec] feg METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, feg/init] cfo$b METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$b/start] enn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Layw;)Z) -> [enn/test, enn/method_16768] aqv METHOD a ((Lbsr;I)V) -> [aqv/take, aqv/method_6103] fbt$l METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fbt$l/render] dzz METHOD j (()D) -> [ayw/method_43058, dzz/nextDouble] clm METHOD s (()Z) -> [clm/canHunt, clm/method_26952] gdn METHOD c (()F) -> [gdm/getU0, gdn/method_18133, gdn/getU0, gbh/getU0] bsr METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [bsr/getSoundSource, bsr/method_5634] ciu$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ciu$a/canUse] etd$c METHOD a (()Letd$f;) -> [etd$c/mode, etd/method_58191] dmp$1 METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;Ljava/util/Collection;Z)Z) -> [dmp$1/method_41469, dmp$1/attemptSpreadVein] eye METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [eye/method_55411, eye/display] brr METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [brr/shouldApplyEffectTickThisTick, brx/method_5552] cmk METHOD ab_ (()Z) -> [cmk/canBreed, cmk/method_19184] amy$4 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lub;) -> [amy$4/arguments, amy$c/method_54277] cyh METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, cyh/matches] gqw$a METHOD a (()V) -> [gqw$a/discard, gqp$b/method_47676] aqv METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [aqv/canHarmPlayer, aqv/method_7256] fsa METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fsa/setFocused, fki/method_25365] ckn METHOD s (()Lcjk$a;) -> [ckn/getArmPose, cjk/method_6990] dgk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9558, dgk/canSurvive] cgf METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, cgf/method_6011, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] ckv METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [ckv/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] frz$a METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fik/method_48579, frz$a/renderWidget] tc METHOD a ((Lac;)Lac;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3859, tc/fillServerSystemReport] bhm METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;) -> [bho/fix, bgl/fix, bhm/method_54447, bgt/fix, bhm/fix, beb/fix] fgs$3 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;F)F) -> [fgs$a/method_33679, fgs$3/process] os METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Lao;)Lol;) -> [os/unlockedBy, ol/method_33530] abk METHOD a ((Labm;)V) -> [abk/method_56909, abk/handleSelectKnownPacks] czw METHOD g (()Lcuq;) -> [czq/getToastSymbol, czv/getToastSymbol, czw/getToastSymbol, cyk/getToastSymbol, czr/getToastSymbol, czw/method_17447, cym/getToastSymbol] duy METHOD p (()Leyw;) -> [duy/method_12014, duy/getFluidTicks] etd$b METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;I)Ljava/util/List;) -> [etd$b/apply, etd/method_58192] cl METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [cl/matches, dw/method_58167] gjr METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gjr/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] gce METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gce/getQuadSize, gda/method_18132] elz$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljd;Lddl;Layw;Lejj;)V) -> [elz$a/handleDataMarker, ekb/method_15026] cmb METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [cmb/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] cfq METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, cfq/hurt] dcs$a METHOD a ((Ldcs$g;Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;)V) -> [dcs$g/method_27337, dcs$a/setFrom] dhd METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dhd/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] elq$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljd;Lddl;Layw;Lejj;)V) -> [ekb/method_15026, elq$a/handleDataMarker] ahd METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahd/type] uc$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [uc$1/getName, va/method_23259] dfb METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfb/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] dqc METHOD aj (()Lwz;) -> [drc/getCustomName, dqb/getCustomName, dqc/method_5797, bsr/getCustomName, dpw/getCustomName, dqc/getCustomName] gke$a METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [fwg/method_2828, gke$a/renderToBuffer] eow METHOD a ((Ljd;)V) -> [eow/method_15513, eow/checkBlock] cez METHOD aW (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5776, cez/isFlapping] afc METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afc/handle] dmy METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dmy/createBlockStateDefinition] cub METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldrs;ZLcmx;)Z) -> [cub/tryApplyToSign, cvv/method_49798] fzf METHOD a ((DDDLavo;Lavq;FFZ)V) -> [fzf/playLocalSound, fzf/method_8486] cof METHOD a ((Lewz;)V) -> [cnp/method_7454, cof/onHitEntity] dys$z METHOD j (()Ldyr;) -> [dys$x/comp_379, dys$z/input] dcs$d METHOD a ((Ldcs$g;Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;)V) -> [dcs$g/method_27337, dcs$d/setFrom] bph METHOD bz (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bpj/method_16898, bph/name] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD a ((Lac;)Lac;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3859, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/fillServerSystemReport] fwi METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fwi/headParts, fuf/method_22946] ha$b METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [hf$b/negate, ha$b/method_58507] bws METHOD g ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvi/method_18925, bws/doStop] fmb METHOD m ((I)V) -> [fmb/method_46421, fmb/setX] eqy METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)V) -> [eqy/setWanderingTraderId, erk/method_18040] ekx METHOD a ((Lenu;Ldmm;)Lkh;) -> [ekz/method_16601, ekx/getSize] bsq$b METHOD a ((ZF)V) -> [bsq$b/updateRenderSubState, bsq$g/updateRenderSubState, bsq$b/method_49776, bsq$l/updateRenderSubState] chn METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [chn/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] gbi METHOD a (()V) -> [gbi/tick, gcn/method_3070] cgv METHOD H (()Lbzk;) -> [cgv/createBodyControl, cgn/createBodyControl, cgv/method_5963, ckf/createBodyControl, ckj/createBodyControl] czg METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, czg/assemble] dmv$a METHOD a (()[Ldkz$e;) -> [dkz$b/method_41460, dmv$a/getSpreadTypes] fvj METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvj/setupAnim] cjw$d METHOD l (()Lavo;) -> [cjw$d/getSpellPrepareSound, ckn$c/method_7150] pf METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, pf/method_10321, mo/getName] fbt$i METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fbt$i/render] bsr METHOD bQ (()I) -> [cmx/getDimensionChangingDelay, bsr/method_5806] py METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [pz/method_10514, py/addTags] dqk METHOD a ((Ljv;)V) -> [dqb/method_11281, dqk/setItems] ajj METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ajj/handle] bsr METHOD q ((F)Lexc;) -> [cgv/getLeashOffset, bsr/method_45321] dcz METHOD a ((Ldyy$a;II)I) -> [dcz/getHeight, dcz/method_8624] dgx METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dgx/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] caf METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, caf/canContinueToUse] fxm METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fxm/root] cnm METHOD p (()Lcuq;) -> [cnm/getItem, cnm/method_7495] cff$f METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cff$f/tick] bng METHOD d (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/Object2LongMap;) -> [bmy$a/getCounters, bng/method_24274, bnb$1/getCounters] fzg METHOD a ((Labz;)V) -> [fzg/handleBlockChangedAck, fzg/method_21707] fos METHOD C (()I) -> [fqa/getPreviousY, fos/method_2364, fpd/getPreviousY] cgf METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtm;)V) -> [cgf/thunderHit, bsr/method_5800] cft$i METHOD c (()Z) -> [cft$i/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] cgy METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cgy/customServerAiStep] fnh METHOD e (()V) -> [fnh/tick, fod/method_25393] bsr METHOD bB (()Z) -> [bsr/isPushable, bsr/method_5810] ckk$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ckk$b/canUse] eic METHOD a ((Layw;Ldzv;)I) -> [eic/sample, ehx/method_35391] cij METHOD f (()F) -> [cij/getFlySpeed, cik/method_6846] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD aB (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_43500, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/enforceSecureProfile] bwm METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bwm/checkExtraStartConditions, bvh/method_18919] bsr METHOD bW (()Z) -> [bsr/isShiftKeyDown, bsr/method_5715] al$a METHOD d ((Lah;)V) -> [al$a/method_719, fon/onRemoveAdvancementTask] cjp METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cjp/registerGoals] dcw METHOD G_ (()J) -> [dcw/nextSubTickCount, dcx/method_39224] frs$b METHOD d (()Lwz;) -> [frs$b/getTitle, frs$b/method_29650] gkr METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gkr/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] gkx METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gkx/render, gki/method_3936] fw$a METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [io/method_10006, fw$a/serializeToJson] dpb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dpb/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] cjr METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cjr/finalizeSpawn] btn METHOD eH (()Lbtn$a;) -> [btn/getFallSounds, btn/method_39760] cgh METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cgh/finalizeSpawn] vj METHOD a ((Lva;Ljava/lang/String;)Luv$a;) -> [vj/visitEntry, vk/visitEntry, vg/visitEntry, vf/visitEntry, vj/method_39865] emj$j METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [emj$j/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] dys$k METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dys$k/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] fdu METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fdu/init] erg$c METHOD w (()Z) -> [erg/method_54553, erg$c/canEdit] fik METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fik/mouseClicked] dmc METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmc/codec] dnt METHOD e (()F) -> [dnt/method_9520, dnt/getExplosionResistance] deh METHOD a ((Ljd;IIILjava/util/function/Predicate;Ldef$f;Ldcz;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [deh/findClosestBiome3d, deh/method_42310] dhl METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dhl/getStateForPlacement] dfy METHOD r (()Lcul;) -> [dcv/method_8389, dtb/method_8389, dfy/asItem] dzp$v METHOD a (()Layh;) -> [dzp$v/codec, dzp$f/method_39064] ces$a METHOD a ((JI)V) -> [eoq/method_15485, ces$a/setLevel] dvq$d METHOD a ((Ljr;I)Ldvq$a;) -> [dvq$d$2/getConfiguration, dvq$d/method_38314, dvq$d$1/getConfiguration] duy METHOD a ((Ljava/util/Map;)V) -> [duy/setAllStarts, duy/method_12034] fmz METHOD a_ ((Ljava/lang/String;Z)V) -> [fmz/insertText, fmz/method_25415] cmb METHOD aP (()F) -> [cmb/nextStep, bsr/method_5867] bhc METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [bdi/getNewNameAndTag, bhc/method_5164, bcl/getNewNameAndTag, bco/getNewNameAndTag] eye METHOD d (()Z) -> [eyg$1/locked, eye/method_55416] cxm METHOD a ((Lcul$b;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lcwm;)V) -> [cxy/method_57409, cxm/addToTooltip] dey METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lbrk;) -> [dlq/getFallDamageSource, dey/getFallDamageSource, dey/method_32898] aqv METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [btn/method_6091, aqv/travel] dey METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dey/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] cgf METHOD aQ (()Lavo;) -> [cgf/getSwimSound, bsr/method_5737] ger$e METHOD a ((Lger$c;Lbtn;Lbrz;FF)V) -> [ger$e/method_42591, ger$e/setupFog] ftr$b METHOD a ((Lfhz;FI)V) -> [ftr$b/renderIcon, ftt/method_2784] chv METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, chv/tick] drp$a METHOD a (()I) -> [dqm$a/getListenerRadius, drp$a/getListenerRadius, cgk$b/getListenerRadius, drq$a/getListenerRadius, cmb$a/getListenerRadius, drp$a/method_49797] asn METHOD a ((Lass;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lasq$a;)V) -> [asn/listResources, asq/method_14408] dxy METHOD a (()Z) -> [dyc/method_32942, dxy/isEmpty] djl METHOD m ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [djl/canAttachTo, djl/method_24947] fpr METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fpr/render, fjp/method_25394] gjy$c METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931, gjy$c/getTextureLocation] dcw METHOD y_ (()Leot;) -> [dbz/method_22336, dcw/getLightEngine] chk METHOD d ((Lbsy;)Z) -> [chk/canUseSlot, btn/method_56991] bsr METHOD aR (()Lavo;) -> [bsr/getSwimSplashSound, bsr/method_5625] czk METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, czk/assemble] fpw METHOD E (()V) -> [fpw/method_17057, fpw/pageBack] ir METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/method_10005, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] cpb METHOD a ((IIIZ)V) -> [cpb/activateMinecart, cot/method_7506] dhw METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dhw/getTicker, diq/method_31645] cmf METHOD t ((I)V) -> [cmf/overrideXp, dbt/method_19271] erj METHOD b ((Z)V) -> [erj/setRaining, erb/method_157] egn METHOD a ((Layw;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [egj/method_23455, egn/getState] flm$b$1 METHOD c (()Z) -> [ezn/method_2033, flm$b$1/isColored] dcv METHOD r (()Lcul;) -> [dcv/method_8389, dtb/method_8389, dcv/asItem] fyb METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fyb/bodyParts, fuf/method_22948] dkc METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Z) -> [dkc/placeLiquid, dkp/method_10311] dnw METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dnw/createBlockStateDefinition] cff METHOD a (()I) -> [cff/getRemainingPersistentAngerTime, btt/method_29507] cfv METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [cfv/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] dfy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lddw$c;)V) -> [dgt/handlePrecipitation, dkh/handlePrecipitation, dfy/method_9504] dgj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dgj/tick, dtb/method_9588] fgo METHOD e ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Z) -> [fgo/shouldRun, bph/method_18856] gud$a METHOD q (()V) -> [gud$a/tick, gub/method_16896] dys$i METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dys$i/minValue] fnd METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fnd/onClose] gua METHOD e (()I) -> [gua/method_4780, gti/getDelay] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD a ((Laqv;)Larz;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_31371, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/createTextFilterForPlayer] doi METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, doi/useItemOn] uf METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [uy/method_32289, uf/accept] vj METHOD a ((I)Luv$b;) -> [vj/visit, uv/method_39860] geb METHOD fr (()Z) -> [geb/method_6115, geb/isUsingItem] ckj$b METHOD a (()V) -> [ckj$b/clientTick, bzk/method_6224] etl METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etl/getType, etf/method_29321] gvh METHOD a ((Lgvc;)V) -> [gvh/method_18188, gvh/preloadIfRequired] btn METHOD b ((Lbrk;F)V) -> [btn/method_6105, cgh/hurtArmor, cmx/hurtArmor] exm METHOD a ((Lcul;)Z) -> [exm/isHoldingItem, exm/method_17785] btp METHOD a ((Lbsr;Z)Z) -> [bsr/method_5873, btp/startRiding] div METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, div/getShape] bnl METHOD d (()Z) -> [bnl/method_38658, bnk/isAvailable, bnl$a/isAvailable] cgd METHOD b ((B)V) -> [bsr/method_5711, cgd/handleEntityEvent] epn METHOD a (()Lepq;) -> [epn/getStart, epr/method_21] fje METHOD i (()D) -> [fig/method_44393, fje/scrollRate] cot METHOD a ((Lji$a;Ll$a;)Lexc;) -> [cot/getRelativePortalPosition, bsr/method_30633] eld METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [elc/allTargets, elh/allTargets, elg/allTargets, eld/method_54499] foa METHOD aS_ (()Z) -> [fod/method_48262, foa/shouldNarrateNavigation] iw METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [io/method_10006, iw/serializeToJson] efo METHOD a (()Lefv;) -> [efu/method_28843, efo/type] grx METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ate$1/fromJson, grx/method_14421, gsj/fromJson, gsa/fromJson, grx/fromJson] cau METHOD b (()Z) -> [cau/canUse, cam/method_6264] cnd METHOD a ((Lexc;Lexc;)Lewz;) -> [cnd/method_7434, cnd/findHitEntity] vc METHOD a ((Lui;)V) -> [vd/visitLongArray, vc/method_32299, ux/visitLongArray, uu/visitLongArray] chv METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [bsl/method_5613, chv/getBreedOffspring] cda METHOD a ((Lexc;Lexc;)Z) -> [cda/canMoveDirectly, cda/method_6341] dfu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dfu/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] cny METHOD a ((Lewz;)V) -> [cnp/method_7454, cny/onHitEntity] dop METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dop/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] dys$k METHOD b (()D) -> [dys$k/maxValue, dyr/comp_378] gcr$2 METHOD a ((Lfbk;Lgqm;)Lfbd;) -> [gcr$2/begin, gcr/method_18130] goo METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [goo/render, gov/method_4199] va METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23259, va/getName] dgx METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgx/codec] cwj METHOD g (()I) -> [cul/method_7837, cwj/getEnchantmentValue] aqv METHOD a ((Lavw;)V) -> [cmx/method_7266, aqv/resetStat] cko METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cko/method_5965, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cgq/createNavigation] ene METHOD a (()Lens;) -> [enb/getType, emy/getType, emz/getType, enm/getType, ena/getType, emu/getType, ene/method_16772, emt/getType, ems/getType, ene/getType, emw/getType, enj/getType] dlt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldtc;Lji;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9522, dlt/skipRendering] dmx METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dmx/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cmk METHOD gq (()V) -> [cmk/stopTrading, cmf/method_19181] fw$d METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fw$c/method_45650, fw$d/asPrintable] eor$a METHOD K_ (()Z) -> [eor$a/hasLightWork, eow/method_15518] dij METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcuq;)Lkx;) -> [dij/getDispenseMethod, dij/method_10011] jg METHOD a ((Lakq;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljy;)Ljm$c;) -> [ki/method_10272, jg/register] eud$a METHOD b (()Letf;) -> [etf$a/method_515, eud$a/build] dcl METHOD c_ ((Ljd;)Ldqh;) -> [dcl/getBlockEntity, dcc/method_8321] xa$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, xa$a/getSerializedName] dvi METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dvi/getBlockEntityNbtForSaving, dvs/getBlockEntityNbtForSaving, dvh/getBlockEntityNbtForSaving, dvi/method_20598] he$1 METHOD a ((Lkp;)V) -> [he$d/method_60379, he$1/visitRemovedComponent] gnn METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gki/method_3936, gnn/render] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1 METHOD a (()J) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1/getStartTimeNano, bne/method_16068] zu METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zu/handle, zg/method_11054] gaf$b METHOD a (()Z) -> [gaf/method_44561, gaf$b/isEnabled] acx METHOD c (()Z) -> [zg/method_11051, acx/isSkippable] chw$e METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, chw$e/checkExtraStartConditions] bra METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, bra/removeItemNoUpdate] dsu METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dsu/codec] djf METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [djf/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] cmx METHOD cC (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5675, cmx/isPushedByFluid] dnd METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnd/codec] eoq METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [eoq/isSource, eoq/method_15494] dfw METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfw/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] few$1 METHOD a (()J) -> [few/method_44643, few$1/delayCyclesAfterSuccess] dvc METHOD c ((II)Ldvk;) -> [aqs/getChunkForLighting, dvc/getChunkForLighting, dvc/method_12246] cuu METHOD a ((Lcul$b;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lcwm;)V) -> [cxy/method_57409, cuu/addToTooltip] cgh METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5749, cgh/readAdditionalSaveData] btn METHOD a ((DDDFFI)V) -> [btn/lerpTo, bsr/method_5759] cqj METHOD a ((Lcpu;II)V) -> [cqh/method_7633, cqj/dataChanged] gki METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lgie;DDD)Z) -> [gki/method_3933, gki/shouldRender] dvh METHOD b ((Ldyu$a;)Ldux;) -> [dvh/method_28510, dvh/getOrCreateCarvingMask] dqv METHOD g (()I) -> [cql/method_17397, dqv/getHeight] uw$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [uw$1/getName, va/method_23259] cga METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, cga/isFood] djd METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djd/codec] dqo METHOD c ((Lcmx;)V) -> [dqo/stopOpen, bqk/method_5432] bsr METHOD bK (()Z) -> [bsr/couldAcceptPassenger, bsr/method_48921] eub METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, eub/getType] gtx METHOD a ((Lgvc;)V) -> [gtx/preloadIfRequired, gvh/method_18188] cjr$c METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cjr$c/canContinueToUse] acg METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, acg/handle] cgo$a METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18926, cgo$a/stop] fpq METHOD b ((Lfhz;Ldtc;)V) -> [fpq/offsetSign, fov/method_45654] et METHOD w (()Lcpl;) -> [et/enabledFeatures, ey/method_45549] frs$a METHOD n (()Z) -> [frs$a/isSelected, frs$a/method_29660] dfu METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfu/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] eak METHOD a (()Leag;) -> [eaf/method_38873, eak/type] dtb METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/useItemOn, dtb/method_55765] egz METHOD a ((Leha$a;)V) -> [egz/place, eha/method_23469] evo$a METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evo$1/getReferencedContextParams, evo$2/getReferencedContextParams, evo$a/method_32436] cff METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5712, cff/playStepSound] dou METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dou/rotate] cgy METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cgy/finalizeSpawn] cdb METHOD c (()V) -> [cdb/tick, cda/method_6360] cpx METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [cqw$1/getNoItemIcon, fpi$c/getNoItemIcon, cpx/method_7679, cpx/getNoItemIcon, cqp$3/getNoItemIcon] auw METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [auw/getKeyForUser, auw/method_14634] dki METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dki/getBlockSupportShape, dtb/method_25959] dln METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [dln/canBeReplaced, dtb/method_9616] dmg METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dmg/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cfh METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cfh/defineSynchedData] cfe METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cfe/customServerAiStep] fnz$a$a METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fnz$a$a/mouseClicked, fki/method_25402] ue$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, ue$1/parse] bsq$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, bsq$a/getSerializedName] ayv METHOD a ((I)V) -> [ayv/progressStagePercentage, ayv/method_15410] ju METHOD q (()Ljo$b;) -> [jz/method_46771, ju/asLookup] dpn METHOD a ((Layw;)I) -> [dpn/getBlocksToGrowWhenBonemealed, djn/method_26376] doo METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [doo/appendHoverText, dfy/method_9568] dde METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;I)Z) -> [dde/setBlock, dde/method_8652] eoy METHOD g ((J)Ldvd;) -> [eoy/createDataLayer, eos/method_15529] bsr METHOD cH (()Lji;) -> [ciz/getDirection, bsr/method_5735] dgy METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgy/codec] deh METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [dea/method_49494, deh/collectPossibleBiomes] ccx METHOD a ((Lexc;Lexc;)Z) -> [cda/method_6341, ccx/canMoveDirectly] dhr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dhr/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] byu$d$1 METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [byu$a$1/tryTrigger, byu$f$1/tryTrigger, byu$b$5/tryTrigger, byu$b$3/tryTrigger, byu$b$1/tryTrigger, byu$b$2/tryTrigger, byu$b$4/tryTrigger, byu$d$1/tryTrigger, byu$d$1/method_47232] bvk METHOD b (()Ljd;) -> [bvk/currentBlockPosition, bvk/method_18989, bvs/currentBlockPosition] ccd METHOD b (()Z) -> [ccd/canUse, cam/method_6264] env METHOD a (()Leno;) -> [enn/method_16766, env/getType] dmd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dmd/tick] cof METHOD t (()Z) -> [cne/method_7468, cof/shouldBurn] arb METHOD a ((DDDDLjava/util/function/Predicate;)Lcmx;) -> [arb/getNearestPlayer, dcn/method_8604] dmx METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dmx/mayPlaceOn] dfm METHOD g ((Ldtc;)I) -> [dpp/getSignalForState, dlw/getSignalForState, dfm/method_9435] dbg METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, dbg/codec] atq METHOD a ((Lwz;)Lwz;) -> [atq/method_45282, atq/decorate] esw METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, esw/getType] km METHOD a ((Lkp;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [km/get, km/method_57829] vc METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [vc/visitCompound, vc/method_32292] bqw METHOD ai (()Z) -> [bqw/hasCustomName, bqw/method_16914] cyw$b METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [cyw$b/getItems, cyw$c/method_8108] arb METHOD E_ (()Layw;) -> [arb/getRandom, dcx/method_8409] fwn METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [fwn/renderToBuffer, fwg/method_2828] cln METHOD a ((Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cln/method_5964, cku/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjl/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, clq/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckg/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cks/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cln/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cky/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots] cbh METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cbh/start] cda METHOD a ((Lexc;)D) -> [cda/getGroundY, cda/method_38065] bqj METHOD d_ ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bqk/method_5435, bqj/startOpen] gfh METHOD N (()Z) -> [gfh/isOutline, gfh/method_24295] gpk METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gpk/render, gov/method_4199] foz METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, foz/keyPressed] cnd METHOD a ((Lbtn;)V) -> [cnd/method_7450, cnd/doPostHurtEffects] pa METHOD a ((Lly;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [pa/run, ma/method_10319] dys$t METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$t/codec] gy METHOD b ((Let;)Lexb;) -> [gr/method_9709, gy/getRotation] dgf METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dgf/method_9700, dgf/pickupBlock] djf METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [djf/getTicker, diq/method_31645] drw METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [drw/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] dho METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dho/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cvr METHOD c ((Lcul;)V) -> [cvr/onCooldownEnded, cvr/method_7901] fkf METHOD d ((Lfhz;III)V) -> [fkf/renderAdditionalLinesAndLabels, fkb/method_53473] emj$l METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [ejv/method_14918, emj$l/addChildren] arb METHOD z_ (()I) -> [arb/method_8615, arb/getSeaLevel, dcw/getSeaLevel] chl METHOD gJ (()Lavo;) -> [chi/method_6747, chl/getAngrySound] cri METHOD b ((Lczb;)V) -> [cri/method_59964, cri/finishPlacingRecipe] dcp METHOD a ((Ldco;Lbsr;)Z) -> [dcp/shouldDamageEntity, dcp/method_55504] bnf$1 METHOD c (()V) -> [bnf/method_15407, bnf$1/pop] cou METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cou/stillValid, bqk/method_5443] ckd METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, ckd/method_6011, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] nr METHOD a (()Ldfy;) -> [nr/method_25743, nr/getBlock] fiz METHOD a ((Lfmo;)Lfhw;) -> [fki/method_48205, fiz/nextFocusPath] dln METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dln/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] dpe METHOD ay_ (()F) -> [dpe/getChanceModifier, dpe/method_33620] ck METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [ct/method_58161, ck/matches] fit$c$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fit$c$1/getSelectedList, ftc$d$2/getSelectedList, fit$c$2/getSelectedList, fit$c$1/method_32626] apj METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [apg/method_13883, apj/getModifiedSuccess] drj METHOD al_ (()I) -> [dqq/getMaxStackSize, bqj/getMaxStackSize, dhj$c/getMaxStackSize, cpy$1/getMaxStackSize, drj/method_5444, drj/getMaxStackSize, drk$1/getMaxStackSize, dhj$b/getMaxStackSize] fbd METHOD c ((I)Lfbm;) -> [fbd/method_60803, fbd/setLight] cfe METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, cfe/isFood] dys$v METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dys$v/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] deq METHOD d ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [deq/method_35246, dgn/canBeLit] eot METHOD b ((Ldcd;Z)V) -> [aqx/retainData, eot/method_20601] dse$a$2 METHOD a ((Laqu;Ldxn;Lewx;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dse$a/method_56724, dse$a$2/getEntities] dvs METHOD a ((Ldyu$a;)Ldux;) -> [dvs/method_12025, dvs/getCarvingMask] abu METHOD a ((Laca;)V) -> [fzg/handleBlockDestruction, abu/method_11116] dgo METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dgo/codec, dtb/method_53969] ckg METHOD a ((Lcvn;)Z) -> [btp/method_25938, ckg/canFireProjectileWeapon] evs METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evs/getReferencedContextParams, evq/method_32441] cfo$t METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cfo$t/canContinueToUse] erk METHOD j (()I) -> [erk/getRainTime, erk/method_190] emn$b METHOD a ((Layw;Z)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15033, emn$b/get1x2SideEntrance] dqv METHOD a ((Lcnb;)V) -> [crv/method_7683, dqv/fillStackedContents] tz$1 METHOD c ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)Luy;) -> [va/method_23262, tz$1/load] aid METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aid/type] aqu METHOD a ((I)Lbsr;) -> [dcw/method_8469, aqu/getEntity] cjm$a METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cjm$a/tick] bwr METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bwr/stop, bvh/method_18926] t METHOD a ((Lass;)I) -> [t/method_48017, t/getPackVersion] dhy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dhy/mirror, dtb/method_9569] fos METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fos/init, fod/method_25426] dic METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dic/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dhy METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, dhy/hasAnalogOutputSignal] cga METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cga/finalizeSpawn] arb METHOD E (()Laqu;) -> [arb/getLevel, aqu/getLevel, arb/method_8410] dno METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dno/codec] vd METHOD a ((Lut;)V) -> [vc/method_32301, vd/visitShort] cmx METHOD a ((Ljd;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [aqv/startSleepInBed, cmx/method_7269] dur METHOD b ((Ldut;I)V) -> [dur/method_11933, dur/onBorderSetWarningBlocks] cig METHOD d (()V) -> [cik/method_6856, cig/begin] gtc$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lgte$a;)V) -> [gtc$1/reportFinalResult, gte/method_55619] dqh$b METHOD a ((Lkp;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dqh$b/get, dqh$b/method_58694] alh METHOD M (()I) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getPlayerCount, alh/method_3788] duz METHOD a ((Larb;)V) -> [duz/method_12107, duz/spawnOriginalMobs] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/halt, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3747] frd$a METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, frd$a/getRowWidth] epd METHOD d ((Lepe;)I) -> [epk$a/getAmount, eph$b/getAmount, epb/getAmount, eph$a/getAmount, epd/method_15779, epk$b/getAmount, epc/getAmount] fsa METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;IIII)V) -> [ake/method_12815, fsa/addItemToSlot] dkw METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkw/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] exj METHOD a ((Lji$a;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/doubles/DoubleList;) -> [exj/getCoords, exv/method_1109] chq METHOD gn (()Z) -> [chl/method_6807, chq/isTraderLlama] fem METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fem/init, fod/method_25426] dgw METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgw/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] ckj METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, ckj/finalizeSpawn] emx METHOD a (()Leno;) -> [emx/getType, enn/method_16766] eto METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [ers/method_292, eto/validate] cpy METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, cpy/quickMoveStack] io METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [io/method_10006, io/serializeToJson] ckp METHOD t (()Lavo;) -> [cjl/method_6998, ckp/getStepSound] grc METHOD a ((Lasq;)Latm;) -> [grc/createVanillaPack, atj/method_45257] cmw METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [bqk/method_5447, cmw/setItem] bra METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [bra/removeItem, bqk/method_5434] jz METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)I) -> [jz/getId, axk/getId, jg/getId, js/getId, ju/getId, jz/method_10206, jz$1/getId] cca METHOD j (()Ljava/util/EnumSet;) -> [cam/method_6271, cca/getFlags] cdm METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdm/requires, cdy/method_19099] aqr METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [aqr/setName, aqr/method_5413] cjz METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cjz/method_5965, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cgq/createNavigation] jm$c METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [jm/comp_349, jm$c/value] cpw METHOD a ((Lcmx;Z)Z) -> [cqx/method_24927, cpw/mayPickup] uc METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [uy/method_32289, uc/accept] etk$a METHOD b (()Letf;) -> [etf$a/method_515, etk$a/build] apn METHOD bq (()Lalj;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_60672, apn/serverLinks] cqc METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, cqc/quickMoveStack] dvc METHOD a ((Ldcd;Z)V) -> [aqs/updateChunkForced, dvc/method_12124] est METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [est/run, ete/method_522] cno METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cno/defineSynchedData] atx METHOD a ((Lakr;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [aue/method_14489, atx/getResourceStack] btp METHOD a ((Lbrk;Z)V) -> [btn/method_16077, btp/dropFromLootTable] cff$e METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cff$e/canContinueToUse] cdi METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdi/requires, cdy/method_19099] iv METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/method_10005, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] bnl METHOD b (()Ljava/nio/file/Path;) -> [bnk/stop, bnl$a/stop, bnl/method_37980] aqr METHOD c ((Z)Lbqh;) -> [bqh/method_5411, aqr/setCreateWorldFog] ui METHOD a ((ILuy;)Z) -> [uf/setTag, ui/method_10535, ty/setTag, ui/setTag, uh/setTag] aue METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [aue/listPacks, aue/method_29213] est$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, est$a/getSerializedName] jd$a METHOD n ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd$a/above, kh/method_30930] fnw METHOD c (()V) -> [fnw/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] ezp$a$1 METHOD i (()F) -> [ezn/method_56129, ezp$a$1/getBearingLeft] cmk METHOD b ((Ldbu;)V) -> [cmf/method_18008, cmk/rewardTradeXp] bte METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/method_6002, bte/getDeathSound] cfb METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cfb/aiStep] dzb METHOD f (()I) -> [dzb/getSeaLevel, duz/method_16398] cdu METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdu/requires, cdy/method_19099] elq$a METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [elq$a/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] cld METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, cld/start] cfu METHOD bB (()Z) -> [cfu/isPushable, bsr/method_5810] fdq METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIZ)V) -> [fdq/draw, fdq/method_21112] dvi METHOD a ((I)Ldyc;) -> [dvi/getListenerRegistry, duy/method_32914] aej METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aej/type] duz METHOD e (()I) -> [dyp/getGenDepth, duz/method_12104, dyt/getGenDepth, dzb/getGenDepth] arb METHOD a ((Ljd;ZLbsr;I)Z) -> [arb/destroyBlock, dde/method_30093] exl METHOD b ((Lji$a;)I) -> [exl/method_1045, exl/lastFull] eob METHOD a (()Leoc;) -> [eob/method_49891, eob/getType] cyo METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, cyo/getSerializedName] cbd METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbd/canUse] cfs METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cfs/finalizeSpawn] fzc METHOD a ((Lzv;)V) -> [fzc/method_56149, fzc/handleStoreCookie] ud METHOD b (()B) -> [uy/method_10711, ud/getId] cwn METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, cwn/use] cdf METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdf/requires, cdy/method_19099] djv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, djv/rotate] aqv METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [aqv/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] chi METHOD R (()I) -> [cfe/getAmbientSoundInterval, chi/method_5970, cfc/getAmbientSoundInterval, cjz/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgg/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgf/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfs/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfh/getAmbientSoundInterval, chi/getAmbientSoundInterval] gsp METHOD g (()Lggg;) -> [gsm/method_4710, gsp/getOverrides] dgi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dgi/getShape] dyr$b METHOD d (()Leaa;) -> [dyr$b/getBlender, dyr$b/method_39327] dht METHOD d (()Ldcv;) -> [dht/method_9832, dht/getBaseSeedId] cja METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cja/interact, bsr/method_5688] dam$c METHOD a ((ILayw;F)F) -> [dbe/process, dam$c/process, dal/process, daz/process, dax/process, dam$c/method_60213] cja METHOD A (()Lcuq;) -> [cja/method_33340, ciy/getFrameItemStack] asj METHOD a ((Lass;)Ljava/util/Set;) -> [asj/getNamespaces, asq/method_14406] aua METHOD a (()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [auk/done, aua/method_18364] dut$d METHOD m (()Lexv;) -> [dut$d/getCollisionShape, dut$a/method_17906] dgb METHOD a ((Ljd;)Ljd;) -> [dgb/getParticlePos, dgb/method_55769] abd METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, abd/handle] erl METHOD z (()Z) -> [erl/method_45555, erj/isFlatWorld] dmz METHOD m ((Ldtc;)Lexc;) -> [dmz/method_50003, doz/getSignHitboxCenterPosition] feo METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, feo/setInitialFocus] dcs$c METHOD a ((Ldcs$e;Ldcs$f;)V) -> [dcs$c/method_20762, dcs$c/visit] fvg METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvg/setupAnim] agi METHOD a ((Lahu;)V) -> [agi/method_12057, aru/handleSetBeaconPacket] btc METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [bsr/method_5634, btc/getSoundSource] cqi METHOD a ((Lcpu;Lcuq;)V) -> [aqv$1/sendCarriedChange, cqi/method_34262] cbz METHOD h (()Lexc;) -> [cbz/getPosition, cbj/method_6302] enj METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ljd;Lent$c;Lent$c;Lenp;)Lent$c;) -> [enj/processBlock, enq/method_15110] cfs METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cfs/method_6011, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] evv METHOD b (()Levx;) -> [evv/getType, evy/method_365] dmy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dmy/useWithoutItem] ckj METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, ckj/registerGoals] dnk METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnk/codec] gec METHOD fR (()V) -> [gec/updatePlayerPose, gec/method_7318] cln METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [cln/setBaby, btp/method_7217] chn METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, chn/getAmbientSound] arw METHOD a ((Laix;)V) -> [arw/handleCustomQueryPacket, arw/method_12640] gwh METHOD a ((Lcuq;)V) -> [gwh/method_4897, gwh/onGetItem, gwe/onGetItem, gwd/onGetItem] ha$b METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ha$b/anyOf, ha$b/method_58508] dlq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dlq/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] gwj METHOD a ((Lgdz;)V) -> [gwj/method_4903, gwf/onInput] frs$a METHOD j (()V) -> [frs$a/method_29656, frs$a/select] ftr$1 METHOD aU_ (()Lwz;) -> [ftr$1/getName, ftt/method_16892] emn$a METHOD d ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15034, emn$a/get2x2] fod METHOD B (()Lavm;) -> [fod/getBackgroundMusic, fod/method_50024] dll METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [dll/canBeReplaced, dtb/method_9616] diy METHOD f ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dnk/canBurn, diy/canBurn, diy/method_10195] dqv METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [dqv/setItem, bqk/method_5447] fbd METHOD a ((FFFIFFIIFFF)V) -> [fbd/addVertex, fbm/method_23919] gmb METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [glk/method_4042, gmb/scale] bmt METHOD a ((I)V) -> [bmk/method_58311, bmt/restore] apn METHOD X (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [apn/getServerResourcePack, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_43659] clh METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [clh/brainProvider, btn/method_28306] dcw METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;I)Z) -> [dde/method_8652, dcw/setBlock] fxp METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [fxp/renderToBuffer, fwg/method_2828] dkn METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dkn/codec] gcy METHOD a (()V) -> [gcy/tick, gcn/method_3070] afs METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afs/handle] faz METHOD a (([F)V) -> [faz/method_1253, faz/set] dna METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Z) -> [dkp/method_10311, dna/placeLiquid] fih METHOD g ((I)I) -> [fih/method_25337, fih/getRowTop] cgn$a$4 METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [cgn$a$3/shouldHideInShell, cgn$a$4/method_56999, cgn$a$4/shouldHideInShell, cgn$a$1/shouldHideInShell, cgn$a$2/shouldHideInShell] cot METHOD c ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [cot/method_7513, cpc/moveAlongTrack] ckw METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [ckw/doHurtTarget, btn/method_6121] fvk METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fvk/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] cye METHOD h (()Z) -> [cye/method_8046, cye/isSecondaryUseActive] cve METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, cve/useOn] es$1 METHOD k_ (()Z) -> [es/method_9200, es$1/acceptsSuccess] ecq METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ecq/place] gmm METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gki/method_3936, gmm/render] bte METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bte/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] ffs METHOD a ((Lfby;J)V) -> [ffq/sendResetRequest, ffr/sendResetRequest, ffs/method_32517] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dtb/useWithoutItem] ars METHOD i (()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;) -> [ars/playerProfile, arr/method_52403] vg METHOD a ((Lva;I)Luv$b;) -> [vg/visitList, uv/method_39864] bne METHOD a (()J) -> [bne/getStartTimeNano, bne/method_16068] fiw METHOD c ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fiw/renderContents, fsy/renderContents, fje/renderContents, fiw/method_44389] gej METHOD a ((Lgej$c;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [gej/setWorldData, gej/method_51266] dlc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dlc/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] eft METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [eft/createFoliage, efu/method_23448] dqb METHOD a ((Lkm$a;)V) -> [dqb/collectImplicitComponents, dqh/method_57567] alf METHOD a ((Laty$a;Laue;Lbnf;Lbnf;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [gst/reload, gcp/reload, gro/reload, alf/reload, auj/reload, gqm/reload, alf/method_25931, auf/reload, flb/reload, aww/reload] gmf METHOD a (()Lfvk;) -> [gmf/method_4038, gmf/getModel] bre METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;)Lbrd;) -> [bre/method_17680, bre/getContainer] dut$b METHOD h (()D) -> [dut$a/method_11988, dut$b/getLerpTarget] bfn METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bfn/fix] fem$b METHOD a (()I) -> [fem$b/getMaxPosition, fih/method_25317] acn$c METHOD a ((Lvw;)V) -> [acn$c/write, acn$c/method_42071, acn$a/write] jq$c METHOD f (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [jq$c/contents, jq$b/method_40249] dge METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dge/getShape] cam METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/canUse, cam/method_6264] cfs METHOD bX (()Z) -> [cfs/isSteppingCarefully, bsr/method_21749] cbl METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_38846, cbl/requiresUpdateEveryTick] doy METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, doy/useItemOn] fnb METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fnb/render, fjp/method_25394] btn METHOD fi (()F) -> [btn/method_49484, btn/getFlyingSpeed] ahx METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ahx/handle, zg/method_11054] fpw METHOD j (()V) -> [fpw/removed, fod/method_25432] etw METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [ete/method_522, etw/run] ali METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [apn/runCommand, ali/method_12934] emj$n METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [emj$n/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] abh METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, abh/handle] der METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9584, der/getInteractionShape] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD B (()Z) -> [bph/method_16075, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/pollTask] fuo METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fuo/bodyParts, fuf/method_22948] dsb METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;II)V) -> [dqo/method_11049, dsb/signalOpenCount] dru METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dru/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] ftb$a$a METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, ftb$a$a/getRowWidth] cmf METHOD x (()Lbra;) -> [cmi/method_35199, cmf/getInventory] epr METHOD a (()Lepq;) -> [epr/getStart, epr/method_21] bsr METHOD ah (()Lwz;) -> [bqw/method_5477, bsr/getName] gnl METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [gnl/scale, glk/method_4042] dop METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dop/codec] fwk METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fwk/root] esq METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [esq/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] cac METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cac/tick] bnf$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)V) -> [bnf$1/popPush, bnf/method_15403] elx$p METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elx$p/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] fod METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIII)V) -> [fog/renderMenuBackground, fod/method_57736] dry METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dry/getUpdateTag] dox METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dox/codec, dtb/method_53969] aqv METHOD c ((I)V) -> [aqv/giveExperienceLevels, aqv/method_7316] ckg METHOD ai_ (()Lavo;) -> [coj/method_20033, ckg/getCelebrateSound] ckb$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckb$a/start] ef METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, ef/codec] cnp METHOD a ((Lcnq;Lbsr;Lbsr;Z)Z) -> [cnp/method_59859, coh/deflect] dpv METHOD b ((ILcuq;)Z) -> [drj/canPlaceItem, drk$1/canPlaceItem, cpy$1/canPlaceItem, bqj/canPlaceItem, dqk/canPlaceItem, dpv/canPlaceItem, dqv/canPlaceItem, dqq/canPlaceItem, dpv/method_5437] bwv METHOD a (()Lexc;) -> [bwv/method_18991, bwv/currentPosition] dvi$d METHOD b (()Z) -> [dsa/method_31704, dvi$d/isRemoved] cln METHOD k ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [btp/method_20820, cln/wantsToPickUp] dfs METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, dfs/getRenderShape] dly METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dly/rotate] fxs METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxs/setupAnim] fjf$2 METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIII)V) -> [fjf$2/renderCentered, fjf$1/renderCentered, fjf$2/method_30889] fnf METHOD c (()V) -> [fod/method_48640, fnf/repositionElements] dmo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dmo/getShape] eyb METHOD g (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [eyb/getPlayers, eyi/method_1204] vg METHOD a (([J)Luv$b;) -> [vg/visit, uv/method_39869] cbn METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cbn/canContinueToUse] ell METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [ejr/method_41618, ell/type] fgt METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fgt/getKey, ayr/method_7359] dea METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dea/method_28442, dea/codec] dfw METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfw/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] gke METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gke/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] ecc METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ecc/place, ece/method_13151] cjt METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cjt/hurt, bsr/method_5643] gvt METHOD a ((Lgvn;)V) -> [gvv/tick, gvt/method_47778] dlw METHOD g ((Ldtc;)I) -> [dpp/getSignalForState, dlw/method_9435, dlw/getSignalForState] bqd METHOD a (()I) -> [bpw/method_35009, bqd/getMinValue] afr METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afr/type] aru METHOD a ((Lagl;)V) -> [aru/handleBlockEntityTagQuery, aru/method_12072] erg$b METHOD v (()Z) -> [erg$b/canUpload, erg/method_56127] fxv METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxv/setupAnim] dvh METHOD B (()Leoo;) -> [dvk/method_12018, dvh/getSkyLightSources] ers METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [ers/method_292, ers/validate] uc$1 METHOD d (()Z) -> [va/method_23263, uc$1/isValue] bsq$l METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ajz/method_5674, bsq$l/onSyncedDataUpdated] ha$e METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [bmr/method_58343, ha$e/validateElement] dia METHOD c ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dhi/checkTickOnNeighbor, dia/method_9998] btn METHOD fH (()Z) -> [cfo/isSleeping, btn/method_6113] dqv METHOD h (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [cql/method_51305, dqv/getItems] gwm METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [gwm/init, fod/method_25426] crq METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [cqw$1/getNoItemIcon, fpi$c/getNoItemIcon, crq/method_7679, cpx/getNoItemIcon, cqp$3/getNoItemIcon] ebt METHOD a ((Ldcx;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [ebs/method_12863, ebt/placeFeature] cvl METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, cvl/useOn] agi METHOD a ((Lahi;)V) -> [agi/method_12064, agi/handlePaddleBoat] btc METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [btc/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] elo$1 METHOD a ((Lenu;ILelo$a;Ljd;Ljava/util/List;Layw;)Z) -> [elo$1/generate, elo$b/method_14687] afi METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afi/type] duz METHOD a ((Ldcy;)I) -> [duz/getSpawnHeight, duz/method_12100] js METHOD a ((I)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [jr/method_10200, js/byId] cko METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cko/defineSynchedData] deu METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [deu/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] ekz METHOD a ((Lelb$a;)Lekz;) -> [ekz/method_16622, ekz/setProjection] dli METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dli/codec] dbl METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dbn/codec, dbl/method_60265, dbm/codec, dbl/codec] dfb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dfb/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] gko METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gko/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dyn METHOD g (()J) -> [ayw/method_43055, dyn/nextLong] dge METHOD aw_ (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dge/getPickupSound, dgf/method_32351] fsn$a$e METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fsn$a$e/render] dat METHOD a ((Ldab;Lbsr;Lexc;I)V) -> [dat/method_60222, dat/onDeactivated] fit METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25401, fit/mouseScrolled] cmk METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cmk/defineSynchedData] elx$h METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [elx$h/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] afx METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afx/handle] drp METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [drp/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] cqm METHOD n (()I) -> [cqm/getGridWidth, cri/method_7653] cki METHOD F ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cki/hasLineOfSight, btn/method_6057] cgy METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cgy/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] fya METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fya/root] ckt METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)V) -> [ckg/performRangedAttack, cjr/performRangedAttack, ciu/performRangedAttack, cln/performRangedAttack, chl/performRangedAttack, cgc/performRangedAttack, ckt/method_7105, ckt/performRangedAttack, cjl/performRangedAttack, ckb/performRangedAttack] au$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [au$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] dmr METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmr/codec] dxg METHOD cU (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [dxg/getSelfAndPassengers, dxg/method_24204] edq METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edq/place] cab METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cab/requiresUpdateEveryTick, cam/method_38846] acj METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [acj/handle, zg/method_11054] epk METHOD c (()F) -> [epd/method_15784, epk/getExplosionResistance] agx METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [agx/handle, zg/method_11054] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD bf (()Ldct;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3761, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getForcedGameType] eqw$a METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [eqw$a/save, eql/method_75] cfh METHOD h ((D)Z) -> [cfh/removeWhenFarAway, btp/method_5974] fca$d METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [fca$d/errorMessage, fca/method_52657] fix METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fix/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] dhb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dhb/tick] fow METHOD E (()V) -> [fow/subInit, fpu/method_25445] bqc METHOD a ((Layw;)I) -> [bqc/sample, bpw/method_35008] cmx METHOD f ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [btn/method_18397, cmx/canTakeItem] duz METHOD a ((IILdyy$a;Ldcy;Ldzm;)I) -> [duz/method_16397, duz/getBaseHeight] cga METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cga/addAdditionalSaveData] eje METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eiy/method_39615, eje/type] bsr METHOD b ((Lwz;)V) -> [ciu/setCustomName, cks/setCustomName, bsr/method_5665] cja METHOD a ((Lji;)V) -> [cja/method_6892, cja/setDirection] cul METHOD r (()Lcul;) -> [dcv/method_8389, dtb/method_8389, cul/asItem] fpa METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fpa/init] fbd METHOD a ((IIII)Lfbm;) -> [fbp$a/setColor, gfa$a/setColor, fbj/setColor, gfp/setColor, fbd/method_1336, fbp$b/setColor, fbd/setColor] fl$f METHOD a (()Luy;) -> [fl$f/createPreferredParentTag, fl$h/method_9382] cvb METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cul/method_7873, cvb/hurtEnemy] bsr METHOD h ((Lbsr;)V) -> [bsr/method_5697, bsr/push] bnf METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;I)V) -> [bmy/incrementCounter, bnf$1/incrementCounter, bnf/method_24270, bnc/incrementCounter] clm METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, clm/addAdditionalSaveData] elv$d METHOD a ((III)V) -> [elv$d/move, ejv/method_14922] cga METHOD a (()Z) -> [buf/method_27072, cga/readyForShearing] dcs$d METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dcs$d/serialize, dcs$g/method_20779] eqa METHOD b (()V) -> [epr/method_19, eqa/done] ckj$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckj$a/start] gby METHOD a ((DDD)V) -> [gct/move, gbz/move, gby/method_3069, gca/move, gbu/move, gdl/move, gby/move] chi METHOD c ((I)V) -> [cgv/handleStartJump, chi/handleStartJump, chi/method_6155] agi METHOD a ((Lagq;)V) -> [aru/handleChat, agi/method_12048] cia METHOD o ((Z)Z) -> [cia/canUsePortal, bsr/method_5822] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD ao (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_39424, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/hidesOnlinePlayers] cpv METHOD a ((Lczb;)Z) -> [cpv/recipeMatches, cri/method_7652] dmb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfy/method_9496, dmb/animateTick] dos METHOD g ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkc/canGrowInto, dgv/canGrowInto, dos/method_24949, dos/canGrowInto, dpn/canGrowInto] esg METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lerr;)V) -> [esj$1/createItemStack, esm$1/createItemStack, esg/method_426] dme METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dme/createBlockStateDefinition] jz$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)I) -> [jz/getId, axk/getId, jg/getId, jz$1/method_10206, js/getId, ju/getId, jz$1/getId] gnm METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gki/method_3936, gnm/render] arb METHOD a_ ((Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [arb/getBlockState, dcc/method_8320] esk METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [esk/validate, esh/method_415] duy METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [dvh/setBlockEntityNbt, duy/method_12042] dys$o METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dys$o/maxValue] guc METHOD a (()V) -> [gtk/method_4756, guc/tick] exf METHOD a ((Lji$a;)I) -> [exf/firstFull, exl/method_1055] coc METHOD k ((DDD)Z) -> [coc/shouldRender, bsr/method_5727] aqw METHOD a (()V) -> [aqw/method_14264, aqw/tick] emj$n METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [emj$n/addChildren, ejv/method_14918] drc METHOD ah (()Lwz;) -> [bqw/method_5477, drc/getName] esh$a METHOD aH_ (()Lesh$a;) -> [esh$a/method_418, esh$a/getThis] fpi METHOD c ((III)Z) -> [fsa/keyReleased, fpi/method_16803, fog/keyReleased, fpi/keyReleased, fkh/keyReleased] ft$a$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [ft$a$a/type, io$a/method_41728] cja METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cja/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] jd METHOD b ((Lji;)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35851, jd/relative] fih$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fih$a/render] kh METHOD n (()Lkh;) -> [kh/south, kh/method_35859] bos METHOD d (()V) -> [bos/endTick, bot/method_34772] cmk METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cmk/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] gig METHOD a (()V) -> [gim$a/method_20414, gig/clear] bpq METHOD b (()F) -> [bpu/method_33921, bpq/getMaxValue] ftt METHOD a ((Lftr;)V) -> [ftw/selectItem, ftr$1/selectItem, ftx/selectItem, ftr$a/selectItem, ftp/selectItem, ftx$a/selectItem, ftr$b/selectItem, ftt/method_2783] cnw METHOD p (()Lcuq;) -> [cnw/getItem, cnm/method_7495] cfw METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [cfw/getDefaultDimensions, btn/method_55694] fxc METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxc/setupAnim] cdc METHOD b (()Lexc;) -> [cda/method_6347, cdc/getTempMobPos] ix$a METHOD b ((Lep;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;) -> [io$a/method_41730, ix$a/instantiate] ud METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [ud/accept, uy/method_32289] dgo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9516, dgo/isPathfindable] cbj METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cbj/canContinueToUse] ht METHOD b (()Lhu;) -> [ht/currentFrame, ht/method_54893] ju METHOD a ((Layw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jz/method_10240, ju/getRandom] vc METHOD a ((Lud;)V) -> [uu/visitEnd, ux/visitEnd, vc/method_32294, vd/visitEnd] far METHOD a ((Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;)V) -> [faz/set, far/method_1250] fid METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fik/method_48579, fid/renderWidget] cyy METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, cyy/matches] fpv METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fpv/render, fjp/method_25394] cjs METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cjs/customServerAiStep] fwu METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fwu/headParts, fuf/method_22946] cgh METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cgh/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] ess$c$3 METHOD a ((Luy;Lfl$g;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [ess$c/method_16864, ess$c$3/merge] cqw METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, cqw/removed] drp METHOD gm (()Ldyi$a;) -> [dyi/method_51298, drp/getVibrationData] erl METHOD a ((Lka;Lub;)Lub;) -> [erl/createTag, erl/method_163] crk METHOD d (()Lczb;) -> [crk/method_7663, crk/getRecipeUsed] djk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, djk/useWithoutItem] btn METHOD fs (()Lbqq;) -> [btn/method_6058, btn/getUsedItemHand] fot METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fot/renderBackground, fod/method_25420] dfe METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dfe/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] erg$b METHOD f (()J) -> [erg$b/getLastPlayed, erg/method_249] dnw METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dnw/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] cfo$q METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$q/start] elv$a METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elv$a/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] bzt METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, bzt/start] chl METHOD gM (()V) -> [chl/method_6746, chl/followMommy] ctc METHOD d (()Ljava/util/function/Predicate;) -> [ctc/getSupportedHeldProjectiles, ctc/method_20310] did METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [did/getAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9572] dpo METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpo/codec] cmh METHOD a ((Ldbu;)V) -> [dbt/method_8262, cmh/notifyTrade] acy METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [acy/type, zg/method_55846] uj METHOD b (()B) -> [uy/method_10711, uj/getId] cgk$a METHOD b (()I) -> [dyb/method_32948, cgk$a/getListenerRadius] afk METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afk/type] dji METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dji/codec] cqj METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, cqj/quickMoveStack] dkg METHOD d ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkg/isFull, der/method_32766] cua METHOD c ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [cwe/getPlacementState, cua/method_7707, cua/getPlacementState] ub METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/method_39850, ub/accept] gmz METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmz/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] gln METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gln/render, gki/method_3936] dfl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dfl/getShape, dtb/method_9530] frd METHOD D (()V) -> [frd/addContents, frh/method_60329] dcx METHOD P (()Leyp;) -> [dcx/method_8397, dcx/getBlockTicks] crk METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [dpv/awardUsedRecipes, crk/method_7664] dvi$a METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dvi$d/getType, dvi$a/getType, dvi$a/method_31706, dvi$1/getType] bzx METHOD b (()Z) -> [bzx/canUse, cam/method_6264] cyx METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, cyx/assemble] crx METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [crx/stillValid, bqk/method_5443] cff$k METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cff$k/start] dpf METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/Enum;) -> [dgz/method_33622, dpf/getAge] dhl METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dhl/getFluidState] dkc METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dkc/getStateForPlacement] ary METHOD a ((Lvv;)V) -> [wf/method_10839, ary/onDisconnect] dqk METHOD j (()Ljv;) -> [dqb/method_11282, dqk/getItems] bnc METHOD b (()V) -> [bnf/method_16066, bnc/endTick] fen$b METHOD a ((Lfih$a;)V) -> [fih/method_25313, fen$b/setSelected] ww$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, ww$a/getSerializedName] aqv METHOD d ((I)V) -> [aqv/giveExperiencePoints, cmx/method_7255] ggz METHOD a ((Ldqh;)Z) -> [ggz/method_3563, ggv/shouldRenderOffScreen, ghq/shouldRenderOffScreen] ei METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, ei/codec] cie METHOD i (()Lciq;) -> [cie/getPhase, cik/method_6849] cog METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [cof/method_55055, cog/explode] gcn METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gcn/getLightColor, gcn/method_3068] kx$1 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kx$1/execute, kw/method_10135] dvg METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [dvo/method_19525, dvg/maybeHas] cgv METHOD b ((FLexc;)V) -> [cgv/executeRidersJump, chi/method_45343] kr METHOD a ((Lkp;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [km/method_57829, kr/get] gpa METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gpa/render, gov/method_4199] dcz METHOD a ((Ldyy$a;Ljd;)Ljd;) -> [dci/getHeightmapPos, dcz/method_8598] cge METHOD b (()Lcuq;) -> [cge/getBucketItemStack, cfg/method_6452] dde METHOD b ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [dde/method_8649, dde/addFreshEntity] dsw METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dsw/codec] jq$c METHOD a ((Ljm;)Z) -> [jq$c/contains, jq/method_40241] jd METHOD b ((Lji$a;I)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35850, jd/relative] frg METHOD c (()V) -> [frg/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] fob METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fob/shouldCloseOnEsc, fod/method_25422] cbk METHOD h (()Lexc;) -> [cbk/getPosition, cbj/method_6302] ckb$b METHOD l (()Lavo;) -> [ckn$c/method_7150, ckb$b/getSpellPrepareSound] cvy METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, cvy/use] dvh METHOD a ((Ldyy$a;II)I) -> [dvh/getHeight, duy/method_12005] cjc METHOD a ((Ljd;Lji;)Lewx;) -> [ciz/method_59943, cjc/calculateBoundingBox] gah$a METHOD a ((Lgao;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [gah$a/build, gak$a/method_53600] dfh METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfh/codec] dtb METHOD d ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)F) -> [dtb/method_9575, dtb/getShadeBrightness] gqd METHOD a ((Lgqm;Laue;Lakr;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)V) -> [gpw/method_18169, gqd/reset] fqh METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fqh/keyPressed] czy METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, czy/assemble] dzc$g METHOD k (()Ldyr;) -> [dzc$g/wrapped, dzc$f/wrapped, dzc$i/wrapped, dzc$e/wrapped, dys$l/wrapped, dzc$d/wrapped, dzc$a/wrapped, dzc$g/comp_469, dzc$b/wrapped] glg METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lwz;Lfbi;Lgez;IF)V) -> [gki/method_3926, glg/renderNameTag] fzr METHOD a (()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [fzr/method_46522, fzr/prepareKeyPair] dyk METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;D)Ldtc;) -> [dyk/method_38317, dyk/computeSubstance] egq METHOD a (()Legk;) -> [egq/type, egj/method_28862] fiz$b METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fik/method_48579, fiz$b/renderWidget] fcb METHOD e (()Lfcb;) -> [fcb/method_21055, fcb/doConnect] cyj METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [cyj/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] cgy METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cgy/addAdditionalSaveData] dhd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dhd/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] ced METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [ced/requires, cdy/method_19099] btn METHOD b ((Lbrz;Lbsr;)Z) -> [btn/method_37222, btn/addEffect] fis$a METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fis$a/mouseClicked] cgn METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cgn/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] aru METHOD a ((Lajm;)V) -> [aru/method_12697, aru/handlePingRequest, ary/handlePingRequest] dfy METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dsu/destroy, dfy/method_9585] fzd METHOD a ((Labf;)V) -> [fzd/method_58577, fzd/handleResetChat] fqv$a METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, fqv$a/getRowWidth] epk METHOD e (()Lepd;) -> [epc/method_15751, epk/getSource] dkz$e$3 METHOD a ((Ljd;Lji;Lji;)Ldkz$c;) -> [dkz$e$3/method_41466, dkz$e$3/getSpreadPos, dkz$e$2/getSpreadPos, dkz$e$1/getSpreadPos] ckj METHOD bG (()Z) -> [ckj/canBeCollidedWith, bsr/method_30948] alk METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;Leyb;)V) -> [alk/method_1157, alk/removePlayerFromTeam] dht METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dht/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] cgg METHOD a ((Ldcz;)Z) -> [btp/method_5957, cgg/checkSpawnObstruction] etd$b METHOD a (()Letd$f;) -> [etd$b/mode, etd/method_58191] wg$1 METHOD b (()Lzg;) -> [wg/method_45086, wg$1/onFailure] byu$b$2 METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [byu$b$2/method_47232, byu$a$1/tryTrigger, byu$f$1/tryTrigger, byu$b$5/tryTrigger, byu$b$3/tryTrigger, byu$b$1/tryTrigger, byu$b$2/tryTrigger, byu$b$4/tryTrigger, byu$d$1/tryTrigger] epc METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [epc/method_15775, epc/createFluidStateDefinition, eph$a/createFluidStateDefinition, epk$a/createFluidStateDefinition] eqg METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;)V) -> [eqi/method_41704, eqg/neighborChanged] cso METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cso/appendHoverText, cul/method_7851] apn METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_19466, apn/isSingleplayerOwner] glp METHOD b ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [glp/shouldShowName, glk/method_4055] apj$1 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lapg;) -> [aph$c/method_13924, apj$1/access] uy METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [uy/method_32289, uy/accept] fei METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fei/onClose] fnk METHOD c (()V) -> [fnk/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] ckq METHOD bR (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5809, ckq/isOnFire] afz METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afz/type] fig METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fig/keyPressed] dme METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dme/getSignal] jz METHOD a ((Lawu;)Ljq$c;) -> [ju/getOrCreateTag, jz/method_40260] dnt METHOD f_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9526, dnt/useShapeForLightOcclusion] gnb METHOD f ((Lbtn;)F) -> [glk/method_55832, gnb/getShadowRadius] jq METHOD a ((Ljm;)Z) -> [jq/method_40241, jq/contains] erg$b METHOD q (()Z) -> [erg$c/isDisabled, erg$b/method_33784, erg$b/isDisabled] ckm METHOD h ((Lbsr;)V) -> [bsr/method_5697, ckm/push] cof METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [cof/explode, cof/method_55055] fij METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fik/method_47399, fij/updateWidgetNarration] dfb METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgb/method_9651, dfb/isValidBonemealTarget] va METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23261, va/getPrettyName] gdi METHOD a ((II)Lgql;) -> [gcp$b/get, gdi/method_18138] che METHOD aa (()V) -> [che/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] dmx METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmx/codec] cfv METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cfv/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] esh$a METHOD b ((Levc$a;)Leuu;) -> [esh$a/when, euu/method_840] dcx METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ljd;Lavo;Lavq;FF)V) -> [dcx/method_8396, dcx/playSound] gtj METHOD m (()Z) -> [gtj/isStopped, gub/method_4793] btp METHOD l ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [btp/method_6773, btp/isBodyArmorItem] yn$1 METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [yn$1/streamCodec, yq/method_56360] exl METHOD c ((III)V) -> [exl/method_1049, exl/fill] dzc$f METHOD j (()Ldys$l$a;) -> [dzc$f/type, dys$m/comp_383] czt METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [czt/getSerializer, cyz/method_8119] bnc METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [bmy/push, bnf$1/push, bnc/push, bnc/method_15396] eph METHOD c (()F) -> [epd/method_15784, eph/getExplosionResistance] axb METHOD b (()Layk;) -> [axb$b/reversed, axb/method_59513, axb/reversed] cgh METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)V) -> [cgh/setPersistentAngerTarget, btt/method_29513] gsr METHOD a ((Lakr;)Lgsy;) -> [gss$b/getModel, gsr/method_45872] fkf METHOD a ((J)I) -> [fkf/getSampleColor, fkb/method_53471] dm METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, dm/codec] fgm METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fha/setDown, fgm/method_23481] che METHOD e ((FF)I) -> [btn/method_23329, che/calculateFallDamage] gkc METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [glk/method_4042, gkc/scale] gme METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gme/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dvh METHOD a ((Lejr;J)V) -> [dvh/addReferenceForStructure, dvu/method_12182] der METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lepd;)V) -> [der/method_32764, der/receiveStalactiteDrip] gda METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gda/getQuadSize, gda/method_18132] abu METHOD a ((Laco;)V) -> [abu/method_11102, abu/handleContainerClose] eyg METHOD a ((Lexy;)V) -> [eyg/method_1185, eyg/onObjectiveAdded] frk METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, frk/init] fop METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fod/method_25420, fop/renderBackground] ckv METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [ckv/makeBrain, btn/method_18867] chi METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)Z) -> [chi/method_6742, chi/handleEating] erl METHOD I (()Lerk;) -> [erl/method_27859, erj/overworldData] aqc METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [aqc/getError, aqc/method_57129] eoa METHOD a ((Layw;Lub;)Lub;) -> [eob/method_49892, eoa/apply] fwj METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fwj/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] ats METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Latm$c;Lwz;)Latm;) -> [ats/createBuiltinPack, atj/method_45260] cft METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cft/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] ayr METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ayr/getKey, ayr/method_7359] dmc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dmc/tick] uu METHOD a ((Luh;)V) -> [uu/visitList, vc/method_32298] dgm METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dgm/getStateForPlacement] fxr METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxr/setupAnim] cgv$c METHOD a (()V) -> [bzp/method_6240, cgv$c/tick] erv$a METHOD c (()Letb;) -> [erv$a/method_43732, esj$a/unwrap, erv$a/unwrap, erw$a/unwrap] ace$h METHOD a ((Lwk;)V) -> [ace$h/write, ace$c/method_34107] ckv METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ckv/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] aff METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [aff/type, zg/method_55846] uh METHOD d ((ILuy;)Luy;) -> [uh/set, ua/method_10606] flm METHOD a ((I)Lezl;) -> [flm/getGlyph, ezm/method_2040] dhl METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dhl/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] doq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, doq/rotate] dhj$c METHOD a ((ILcuq;Lji;)Z) -> [dhj$a/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$b/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dqk/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$c/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dpv/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$c/method_5492, drr/canPlaceItemThroughFace] ecm METHOD a ((Ldcx;Layw;Ljd;ILjd$a;Leek;)V) -> [ebg/method_23375, ecm/makeCap] gdl METHOD a (()V) -> [gdl/tick, gcn/method_3070] ggw METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ggz/method_3569, ggw/render] brx METHOD a (()Z) -> [brw/isInstantenous, brx/method_5561] bsr METHOD dI (()F) -> [btn/maxUpStep, bsr/method_49476] fnc METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fnc/render, fjp/method_25394] fqx METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, fqx/getRowWidth] aru METHOD a ((Laab;)V) -> [arr/handleCustomPayload, aru/handleCustomPayload, aru/method_52392] dxn$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dxn$1/tryCast, dxn/method_31796] crl METHOD a ((Lczb;)V) -> [dpv/setRecipeUsed, crl/method_7662, crl/setRecipeUsed] etq METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [etq/run, ete/method_522] gkp METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gkp/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dvo METHOD a ((I)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dvo/method_12288, dvf/valueFor, dvm/valueFor, dvg/valueFor, dvt/valueFor] coj METHOD b ((Lcjh;)V) -> [cln/pickUpItem, cfm/pickUpItem, coj/method_5949, cgk/pickUpItem, ckg/pickUpItem, cfo/pickUpItem, coj/pickUpItem, cmk/pickUpItem, cft/pickUpItem] bsr METHOD ap (()V) -> [btn/kill, cia/kill, cja/kill, ciw/kill, chz/kill, bsr/method_5768] dyr$d METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dyr$d/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] btp METHOD H (()Lbzk;) -> [cgv/createBodyControl, cgn/createBodyControl, ckf/createBodyControl, btp/method_5963, ckj/createBodyControl] ki METHOD a ((Lakq;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljy;)Ljm$c;) -> [ki/method_10272, ki/register] elc METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [elc/codec, eld/method_54502] edr METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edr/place] azu METHOD a (([I)V) -> [axc/method_39892, azu/unpack] erp$2 METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [ero/method_59719, erp$2/type] che METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, che/addAdditionalSaveData] btt METHOD b (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [btt/method_29508, btt/getPersistentAngerTarget] uw$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, uw$1/parse] dvc METHOD p (()Leot;) -> [dvc/method_12130, dvc/getLightEngine] fzg METHOD a ((Lacs;)V) -> [abu/method_11087, fzg/handleItemCooldown] jd METHOD b ((Lji;I)Lkh;) -> [jd/relative, kh/method_23226] bvx METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, bvx/checkExtraStartConditions] gfa$a METHOD a ((FFF)Lfbm;) -> [gfa$a/addVertex, fbm/method_22912] eph METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [epc/method_15730, eph/beforeDestroyingBlock] cya METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [cxe/comp_2422, cya/pages] ir METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [io/method_41726, ir/unpack] drh METHOD a ((Ljv;)V) -> [dqb/method_11281, drh/setItems] chn METHOD x (()V) -> [chn/playChestEquipsSound, chh/method_6705] fti METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fti/render] btn METHOD x ((F)V) -> [btn/hurtCurrentlyUsedShield, btn/method_6056] bxr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bxr/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] jm$a METHOD a ((Lakr;)Z) -> [jm/method_40226, jm$a/is] dnz METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dnz/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] cyi METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [cyi/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] fzg METHOD a ((Lacn;)V) -> [fzg/method_11145, fzg/handleCommands] yi METHOD a ((Let;Lbsr;I)Lxn;) -> [xa/method_10890, yi/resolve] emt METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ljd;Lent$c;Lent$c;Lenp;)Lent$c;) -> [enq/method_15110, emt/processBlock] fzg METHOD a ((Ladh;)V) -> [fzg/handleLevelEvent, fzg/method_11098] bto METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [bto/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cfq METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cfq/registerGoals] ckn$c METHOD m (()Lckn$a;) -> [ckn$c/getSpell, ckn$c/method_7147] cfo$o METHOD b (()Z) -> [cfo$o/canUse, cam/method_6264] cmx METHOD b ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cmx/method_7277, cmx/crit] dcl METHOD b_ ((Ljd;)Lepe;) -> [dcc/method_8316, dcl/getFluidState] chs METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [chs/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] kh METHOD q (()Lkh;) -> [jd$a/above, jd/above, kh/method_30931] arb METHOD a ((Ljm;Lexc;Ldxz$a;)V) -> [dcx/method_32888, arb/gameEvent] ais METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ais/handle] dsv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;II)Z) -> [dhi/triggerEvent, dsv/method_9592, dsv/triggerEvent, dfk/triggerEvent, dlh/triggerEvent] dfr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dfr/getShape, dtb/method_9530] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dtb/getShape] dii METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Lcuq;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9565, dii/spawnAfterBreak] dcw METHOD a ((Lo;)Lp;) -> [dcw/fillReportDetails, dcw/method_8538] eso$e METHOD a ((Layw;II)I) -> [eso$e/calculateNewCount, eso$b/method_467] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;)V) -> [cul/method_7843, cul/onCraftedPostProcess] cou METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [cou/removeItem, bqk/method_5434] cvl METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, cvl/use] ahc METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ahc/handle] fpi METHOD b ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25406, fpi/mouseReleased] dfs METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dfs/getStateForPlacement] cff METHOD gx (()Z) -> [cff/method_6581, cff/isFlying, cfu/isFlying] gmc METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;FFFF)V) -> [gmc/setupRotations, glk/method_4058] cvs METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Ldtc;Ljd;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cvs/method_7879, cvs/mineBlock] epk METHOD d (()Lepd;) -> [epk/getFlowing, epc/method_15750] ebp METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ebp/place] dcx METHOD a ((Ljm;Lexc;Ldxz$a;)V) -> [dcx/method_32888, dcx/gameEvent] fsc METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fsc/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] cln METHOD gm (()Lclp;) -> [cln/getArmPose, clm/method_24705] dcw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dcw/method_41410, dcw/neighborChanged] cdb METHOD a ((Lbsr;D)Z) -> [cdb/moveTo, cda/method_6335] feh$b METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, feh$b/getRowWidth] gqh METHOD a ((II)V) -> [gqf$d/tickAndUpload, gqh/method_45824] ccz METHOD a ((I)Lepu;) -> [ccz/createPathFinder, cda/method_6336] ju$1 METHOD d (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ju$1/listTags, jo/method_42020] brc METHOD a ((F)V) -> [brc/method_54671, brc/setTickRate] cyd METHOD b (()Z) -> [cye/canPlace, cyd/method_7716] chw$e METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [chw$e/stop, bvh/method_18926] deu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9516, deu/isPathfindable] fti METHOD j (()V) -> [fod/method_25432, fti/removed] gwp METHOD s (()I) -> [fih/method_25342, gwp/getRowLeft] ftu METHOD a ((Lftr;)V) -> [ftu/onSpectatorMenuClosed, ftu/method_2782] btp METHOD cQ (()Lbtn;) -> [cov/getControllingPassenger, ckq/getControllingPassenger, cfv/getControllingPassenger, chi/getControllingPassenger, btp/getControllingPassenger, btp/method_5642] dly METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dly/createBlockStateDefinition] gli METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gli/render, gki/method_3936] dni METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dni/getStateForPlacement] cgh METHOD y (()Z) -> [cgh/canBeLeashed, btk/method_5931] fsw METHOD c (()V) -> [fod/method_48640, fsw/repositionElements] ja$1 METHOD a ((Lji$a;)Lji$a;) -> [ja/method_10058, ja$1/cycle] cku METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [btn/method_6121, cku/doHurtTarget] cgo$a METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [cgo$a/tick, bvh/method_18924] djt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dtb/method_9572, djt/getAnalogOutputSignal] fsa METHOD c (()Lwz;) -> [fsa/method_17064, fsa/getRecipeFilterName] cdh METHOD b (()I) -> [cdh/radiusXZ, cdr/method_43081] eux METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, eux/getType] ckr$d METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ckr$d/canUse] fbm METHOD b ((FFF)Lfbm;) -> [fbm/method_22914, fbm/setNormal] cjz METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, cjz/method_6011, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] vd METHOD a ((Luf;)V) -> [vc/method_32296, vd/visitIntArray] dcw METHOD h ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [fzf/shouldTickDeath, dcw/method_38989] cqj METHOD a ((Lcpu;ILcuq;)V) -> [cqh/method_7635, cqj/slotChanged] evc METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, evc/getType] bul METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [bul/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] bb METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [bb/method_59605, bb/unpack] ux METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ux/visitCompound, vc/method_32292] cbx METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cbx/start] gvg METHOD e (()I) -> [gvg/getWeight, gvh/method_4894] cbg METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cbg/tick] fuk METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fuk/setupAnim] fos METHOD a ((Ldbx;)V) -> [fos/method_2352, fos/populateAndSendPacket] cfu METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [cfu/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD o (()I) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getRateLimitPacketsPerSecond, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_30612] cqm METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cpu/method_7597, cqm/stillValid] bvv$b$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/stream/Stream;Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvv$b$1/apply, bvv$b/method_19559] gju METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)F) -> [gju/getBob, glk/method_4045] cgd METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cgd/aiStep] dqn METHOD a ((Lkm$a;)V) -> [dqn/collectImplicitComponents, dqh/method_57567] cko METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cko/finalizeSpawn] bwg METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bwg/checkExtraStartConditions, bvh/method_18919] bp METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [bp/codec, aq/method_54937] dfo METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfo/codec] ciu METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, ciu/aiStep] agi METHOD a ((Lagl;)V) -> [agi/method_12072, aru/handleBlockEntityTagQuery] doq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [doq/mirror, dtb/method_9569] aio METHOD b (()Lvu;) -> [wf/method_52280, aio/protocol] emb$d METHOD a ((Lemb$v;)Z) -> [emb$d/fits, emb$i/method_14769] gkn METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gkn/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] foa METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [foa/shouldCloseOnEsc, fod/method_25422] aww METHOD a ((Laty$a;Laue;Lbnf;Lbnf;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [aww/method_25931, gst/reload, gcp/reload, gro/reload, alf/reload, auj/reload, gqm/reload, auf/reload, flb/reload, aww/reload] cto METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [csr/isEnchantable, cto/isEnchantable, cse/isEnchantable, cto/method_7870] dcz METHOD I_ (()I) -> [dcy/method_31607, dcz/getMinBuildHeight] ju METHOD a ((Lawu;)Ljq$c;) -> [ju/getOrCreateTag, ju/method_40260] bsr METHOD r_ (()Z) -> [bto/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bsq/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bsr/method_5696, ciw/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bth/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, cez/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, btu/isIgnoringBlockTriggers] cih METHOD d (()V) -> [cik/method_6856, cih/begin] afa METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afa/handle] cmx METHOD c ((I)V) -> [aqv/giveExperienceLevels, cmx/method_7316] dxq METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [dxq/getAll, dxq/method_31803] ecx METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ecx/place, ece/method_13151] dhc METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhc/codec] ckw METHOD gm (()Z) -> [ckw/method_7209, ckw/convertsInWater] cnu METHOD a ((Lexa;)V) -> [cnp/method_7488, cnu/onHit] cft$f METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cft$f/canUse] dxo METHOD d ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [dxo/onTickingEnd, dxo/method_31799] cmx METHOD s ((F)Lexc;) -> [bsr/method_30951, cmx/getRopeHoldPosition] btn METHOD b ((B)V) -> [bsr/method_5711, btn/handleEntityEvent] djq METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [djq/codec, dtb/method_53969] cfs METHOD a ((Ldcz;)Z) -> [btp/method_5957, cfs/checkSpawnObstruction] esz METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [esz/run, ete/method_522] gcr METHOD a ((Lfbk;Lgqm;)Lfbd;) -> [gcr/method_18130, gcr/begin] dop METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dop/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] fdv METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fdv/onClose] cjg METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cjg/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cfy$e METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cfy$e/tick] dnb METHOD f ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9571, dnb/getOcclusionShape] gle METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;FFFF)V) -> [gle/setupRotations, glk/method_4058] erb METHOD q (()Lbqo;) -> [erb/method_207, erb/getDifficulty, erl/method_207] fbt$h METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fbt$h/mouseClicked] da$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [da$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] dcs$d METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [dcs$d/updateFromArgument, dcs$d/method_20776, dcs$a/updateFromArgument] blv METHOD a ((I)J) -> [blr/get, blv/method_56659] bwr METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtp;J)V) -> [bwr/stop, bwr/method_18981] cfy METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cfy/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] zm METHOD a ((Lzw;)V) -> [zm/method_56150, fzc/handleTransfer] fiw METHOD h (()I) -> [fig/method_44391, fiw/getInnerHeight] cfy$f METHOD a (()V) -> [cfy$f/tick, cam/method_6268] ery METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Lerz;) -> [esa/method_394, ery/compose] cmx METHOD a ((Lbqv;)Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [cmx/method_17355, aqv/openMenu] bsq METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, bsq/tick] fri METHOD m (()V) -> [frl/addOptions, frj/addOptions, frd/addOptions, frf/addOptions, frb/addOptions, frm/addOptions, fra/addOptions, fro/addOptions, fri/method_60325, fri/addOptions, fre/addOptions, frc/addOptions] tc METHOD i (()V) -> [tc/onServerExit, tc/method_3821, apn/onServerExit] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD bl (()I) -> [apn/getMaxChainedNeighborUpdates, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_41239] flm$b$1 METHOD a ((II)V) -> [ezn/method_2030, flm$b$1/upload] fg$a$a METHOD b ((Lep;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;) -> [io$a/method_41730, fg$a$a/instantiate] cfd METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cfd/tick] diw METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [diw/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] dmn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dmn/getShape, dtb/method_9530] ux METHOD a ((Lud;)V) -> [uu/visitEnd, ux/visitEnd, ux/method_32294, vd/visitEnd] byo METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [byo/stop, bvh/method_18926] dys$l METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$l/fillArray] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD M_ (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/shouldInformAdmins, es/method_9201] aqu METHOD a ((Lo;)Lp;) -> [aqu/fillReportDetails, dcw/method_8538] fnl METHOD d (()V) -> [fnl/onClose, fod/method_25419] enn METHOD a (()Leno;) -> [enn/method_16766, enn/getType] uh METHOD c ((ILuy;)V) -> [ua/method_10531, uh/add] cm$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [cm$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] cff METHOD c ((Lawu;)V) -> [cff/jumpInLiquid, btp/jumpInLiquid, cff/method_6010, ckc/jumpInLiquid] fes METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fes/init] cqx METHOD d ((Lcuq;)I) -> [cqx/getSlotToQuickMoveTo, cqx/method_48357] ghn METHOD a ((Ldup;)Lgsq;) -> [ghn/method_45792, ghj/getSignMaterial] clh METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [clh/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] dcp METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;F)Z) -> [dcp/shouldBlockExplode, dcp/method_29554] adc METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adc/type] dqc METHOD a ((Lkm$a;)V) -> [dqc/collectImplicitComponents, dqh/method_57567] efq METHOD a ((Layw;IIIIZ)Z) -> [efq/shouldSkipLocation, efu/method_23451] dpg METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9542, dpg/isRandomlyTicking] guz METHOD a (()Ljavax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat;) -> [gut/method_19719, guz/getFormat] fny$a METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fny$a/onClose] abl METHOD d (()Z) -> [zg/method_55943, abl/isTerminal] fpb METHOD a ((Lfhz;FII)V) -> [fpb/renderBg, fot/method_2389] dji METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dji/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cmb METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cmb/defineSynchedData] cfo METHOD f ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [btn/method_18397, cfo/canTakeItem] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcuq;)Z) -> [cul/isValidRepairItem, cul/method_7878] dqu METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dqu/onOpen, dqu/method_31681] coz METHOD v (()Lcot$a;) -> [coz/getMinecartType, cot/method_7518] bsr METHOD ag (()Lexc;) -> [bsr/method_60478, aqv/getKnownMovement] ckv METHOD p (()Lbtn;) -> [ckv/getTarget, bum/method_5968] cca METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cca/canContinueToUse] cmk METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [cmk/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] ud METHOD a (()I) -> [uy/method_47988, ud/sizeInBytes] gje METHOD a ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [gje/isShaking, glk/method_25450] eon$a METHOD b (()Leop;) -> [eop/method_15504, eon$a/copy] cov METHOD h ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cov/push, bsr/method_5697] fmz METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25401, fmz/mouseScrolled] cqm METHOD a ((Lczb;)Z) -> [cqm/recipeMatches, cri/method_7652] nu METHOD a (()Ldfy;) -> [nr/method_25743, nu/getBlock] cfy METHOD ff (()V) -> [btn/method_6043, cfy/jumpFromGround] etx METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [etx/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] dtb METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] cmo$j METHOD a ((Lbsr;Layw;)Ldbu;) -> [cmo$g/method_7246, cmo$j/getOffer] atv METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [atv/listPacks, aue/method_29213] dne METHOD ax_ (()F) -> [dtb/method_37247, dne/getMaxVerticalOffset] duy METHOD o (()Leyw;) -> [duy/method_12013, dvh/getBlockTicks, dvi/getBlockTicks, dvs/getBlockTicks] gvd METHOD az (()Ljava/lang/Thread;) -> [gvd/getRunningThread, bph/method_3777] gbp METHOD h (()V) -> [gbp/preMoveUpdate, gbp/method_18821] dqb METHOD k (()Lwz;) -> [dqb/method_17823, dqb/getDefaultName] chl METHOD gl (()Z) -> [chi/method_45349, chl/canPerformRearing] eyn METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [bqk/method_5447, eyn/setItem] elp METHOD a ((Lejr$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [elp/findGenerationPoint, ejr/method_38676] yg METHOD a (()Lxa$a;) -> [xa/method_54163, yg/type] dvg METHOD b ((Lvw;)V) -> [dvo/method_12287, dvg/write] crx METHOD a ((Lcnb;)V) -> [crv/method_7683, crx/fillStackedContents] dzp$c$a METHOD a (()Z) -> [dzp$i/method_39074, dzp$c$a/compute] glf METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glf/render, gki/method_3936] fmv METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fmv/init, fod/method_25426] ety METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [ety/run, ete/method_522] asc METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [ark/method_52376, asc/start] dsu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dsu/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] eym$2 METHOD a (()I) -> [eym$2/count, eyv/method_20825] btn METHOD o ((Z)Z) -> [btn/canUsePortal, bsr/method_5822] elg METHOD a ((Layw;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [elg/forEachResolved, elc/forEachResolved, elh/forEachResolved, elg/method_54500] dfy METHOD g (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dfy/method_9539, dfy/getDescriptionId] cot METHOD e_ (()F) -> [bsq/lerpTargetYRot, btn/lerpTargetYRot, cot/lerpTargetYRot, cov/lerpTargetYRot, cot/method_53831] ffk METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [ffn/method_53808, ffk/getTitle] cyj METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, cyj/assemble] ckb METHOD ai_ (()Lavo;) -> [coj/method_20033, ckb/getCelebrateSound] dmh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dmh/useWithoutItem] bsr METHOD i ((Lexc;)V) -> [bsr/method_18799, bsr/setDeltaMovement] btn METHOD bB (()Z) -> [btn/isPushable, bsr/method_5810] fzf METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lavo;Lavq;FF)V) -> [dcw/method_55116, fzf/playLocalSound] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD l (()I) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_21714, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getFunctionCompilationLevel] auk$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [auk$1/wait, aty$a/method_18352] jo METHOD d (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jo/method_42020, jo/listTags] evs METHOD a (()Levp;) -> [evo/getType, evs/getType, evs/method_32439] fos METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fos/setInitialFocus] cjb METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cjb/interact, bsr/method_5688] ctu METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljw;Lcuq;Lji;)Lcnp;) -> [cvm/method_58648, ctu/asProjectile] dcw METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [aqu/shouldTickBlocksAt, dcw/method_39425] agp METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [agp/type, zg/method_55846] epn METHOD b (()V) -> [epr/method_19, epn/done] ckj METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ckj/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] jd METHOD o ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd/multiply, jd$a/multiply, jd/method_35862] js METHOD c (()I) -> [ju/size, js/size, axk/size, jz$1/size, js/method_10204] yj METHOD a ((Let;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [yj/getData, ya/getData, yc/getData, yj/method_10916] cmb METHOD aa (()V) -> [cmb/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] dys$c METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$c/codec] fzf METHOD h ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [fzf/method_38989, fzf/shouldTickDeath] glo METHOD a ((Lcot;FLdtc;Lfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glo/method_4064, gmy/renderMinecartContents] gog METHOD b (()Lfvk;) -> [gog/method_23203, gpj/model, gny/model] cfo$h METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$h/start] cne METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [cne/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] gkd METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lgie;DDD)Z) -> [gkd/shouldRender, gki/method_3933] mu METHOD d (()V) -> [nc/generate, mu/method_10379] aqr METHOD b ((Z)Lbqh;) -> [aqr/setPlayBossMusic, bqh/method_5410] arb METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;II)Z) -> [arb/setBlock, dde/method_30092] dzl METHOD a ((III)Layw;) -> [dzl/at, dzl/method_38418] ftc$d$1 METHOD aQ_ (()Lxn;) -> [fik/method_25360, ftc$d$1/createNarrationMessage] crg METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [crg/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] fef$1 METHOD a (()Z) -> [fef$1/method_49592, fef$1/showOldNotifications, fef$2/showOldNotifications] cpd METHOD b (()I) -> [bqk/method_5439, cpd/getContainerSize] aqu METHOD P (()Leyp;) -> [dcx/method_8397, aqu/getBlockTicks] djl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [djl/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] djd METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, djd/createBlockStateDefinition] dhd METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9542, dhd/isRandomlyTicking] epk METHOD a ((Lepe;Ldcc;Ljd;Lepd;Lji;)Z) -> [epk/canBeReplacedWith, epd/method_15777] guo METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ldws;Ldcd;)V) -> [dwg/method_57822, guo/reportChunkSaveFailure] aqc$a METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)Laqc;) -> [aqc/method_57126, aqc$a/ifSuccess] bsr METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;F)Z) -> [cpf/shouldBlockExplode, bsr/method_5853] cul METHOD ao_ (()Z) -> [cul/isComplex, cul/method_16698] abu METHOD a ((Laeu;)V) -> [fzg/handleSetCarriedItem, abu/method_11135] fvi METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFFFF)V) -> [fvx/method_17087, fvi/setupAnim] dms METHOD f_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dms/useShapeForLightOcclusion, dtb/method_9526] ckv METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [ckv/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] ui METHOD c ((I)Luy;) -> [ua/method_10536, ui/remove] erj METHOD m (()Z) -> [erj/method_194, erj/isAllowCommands, eqy/isAllowCommands] fpw METHOD D (()Lcpu;) -> [fpw/getMenu, fpy/method_17577] kx$8 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kx$8/execute, kw/method_10135] glx METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [glx/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] fgr$f METHOD f (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [fgr$n/comp_675, fgr$f/codec] cff METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, cff/method_6011, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] cgv METHOD aa (()V) -> [cgv/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] ckw METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, ckw/registerGoals] djt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [djt/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] he$d METHOD a ((Lkp;Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [he$d/method_57802, he$1/visitComponent] gsy METHOD a ((Lgsr;Ljava/util/function/Function;Lgsv;)Lgsm;) -> [gsy/method_4753, gsy/bake] gwg METHOD a (()V) -> [gwg/tick, gwj/method_4899] ges$1 METHOD b ((Laue;Lbnf;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [auj/method_18789, ges$1/prepare] bnk METHOD d (()Z) -> [bnk/isAvailable, bnl$a/isAvailable, bnk/method_38658] efu$b METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [efu$b/method_49240, efu$b/set] ezp METHOD a (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntSet;) -> [ezm/method_27442, ezp/getSupportedGlyphs] cbf METHOD h (()Z) -> [cfo$n/shouldPanic, cbf/method_40072] etw METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [etw/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] djd METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [djd/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] dpg METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/Enum;) -> [dgz/method_33622, dpg/getAge] zm METHOD a ((Lzx;)V) -> [zm/method_11126, zm/handleUpdateTags] dzb METHOD a ((Larb;Lddq;Ldzm;Lduy;)V) -> [duz/method_12110, dzb/buildSurface] cdn METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdn/doTick, cdy/method_19101] dkd METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Z) -> [dkd/placeLiquid, dkp/method_10311] ckq METHOD cQ (()Lbtn;) -> [cov/getControllingPassenger, ckq/getControllingPassenger, ckq/method_5642, cfv/getControllingPassenger, chi/getControllingPassenger, btp/getControllingPassenger] abd METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [abd/type, zg/method_55846] nv$e METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [nv$e/getDefinedProperties, nv/method_25791] fvn METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fvn/root] gcn METHOD o (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [gcn/method_34019, gcn/getParticleGroup] btp METHOD ae (()I) -> [btp/getMaxHeadYRot, btp/method_5986] cjg METHOD cy (()Z) -> [cjg/displayFireAnimation, cjg/method_5862] jd METHOD i ((I)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35854, jd/east] gcr$6 METHOD a ((Lfbk;Lgqm;)Lfbd;) -> [gcr$6/begin, gcr/method_18130] dms METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dms/getDirectSignal, dtb/method_9603] ha$a METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [bmr/method_58343, ha$a/validateElement] elx$e METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [ejv/method_14918, elx$e/addChildren] bsr METHOD t ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [bsr/method_5779, bsr/is] fnj METHOD a ((Lfgo;II)V) -> [fnj/resize, fod/method_25410] dfu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfu/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] chh METHOD x (()V) -> [chh/method_6705, chh/playChestEquipsSound] dhe METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dhe/tick] me METHOD a ((Ljo$a;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [me/method_10335, me/generate] eud METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, eud/getType] dal METHOD a ((ILayw;F)F) -> [dbe/process, dal/method_60213, dam$c/process, dal/process, daz/process, dax/process] ol METHOD a ((Lon;Lakr;)V) -> [ol/save, ol/method_17972] far METHOD c ((FFFF)V) -> [far/setMat2x2, far/method_35657] dfp METHOD b (()Lcti;) -> [dfp/getColor, dfp/method_10622] aty METHOD a ((Laty$a;Laue;Lbnf;Lbnf;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [gst/reload, gcp/reload, aty/method_25931, gro/reload, alf/reload, auj/reload, gqm/reload, auf/reload, flb/reload, aww/reload] den METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dea/method_28442, den/codec] cjz METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cjz/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] far METHOD a ((FFF)V) -> [far/method_1249, far/set] ckg METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, ckg/registerGoals] dor METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dor/codec, dtb/method_53969] ftb METHOD c (()V) -> [ftb/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] ckj$d METHOD b (()V) -> [ckj$d/clampHeadRotationToBody, ckj$d/method_36980] ll METHOD d (()Lyx;) -> [lq/streamCodec, ll/method_56179, lm$1/streamCodec] drn METHOD aC_ (()J) -> [dqx/getLootTableSeed, drn/method_54870, drn/getLootTableSeed] dko METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dko/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dma METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dma/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] emm METHOD a ((Lejr$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [emm/findGenerationPoint, ejr/method_38676] fpg METHOD a ((DDIII)Z) -> [fot/method_2381, fpg/hasClickedOutside] aqu METHOD s (()Lbrc;) -> [dcw/method_54719, aqu/tickRateManager] glg METHOD b ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [glg/shouldShowName, gki/method_3921] bzy METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, bzy/canContinueToUse] zm METHOD a ((Lzq;)V) -> [fzc/handleKeepAlive, zm/method_52782] th METHOD b ((Lsx;)V) -> [tg/onTestSuccess, th/onTestSuccess, th/method_33322] acn METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, acn/handle] cmx METHOD cd (()Z) -> [cmx/method_5681, cmx/isSwimming] gvd METHOD e ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Z) -> [gvd/shouldRun, bph/method_18856] dde METHOD a ((Ljd;Z)Z) -> [dde/removeBlock, dde/method_8650] fzv$1 METHOD a ((Lajj;)V) -> [fzv$1/handlePongResponse, aji/method_12666] daj$a METHOD a ((I)F) -> [daj/method_60188, daj$a/calculate] dzz METHOD b ((J)V) -> [dzz/setSeed, ayw/method_43052] aed METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aed/handle] aru METHOD a ((Lagt;)V) -> [agi/method_12068, aru/handleClientCommand] cyf METHOD h (()Z) -> [cyf/method_8046, cye/isSecondaryUseActive] ckt METHOD ai_ (()Lavo;) -> [coj/method_20033, ckt/getCelebrateSound] cfg METHOD x (()Lavo;) -> [cfg/method_35171, cfg/getPickupSound] bsr METHOD k ((DDD)Z) -> [bsr/shouldRender, bsr/method_5727] cgh METHOD fN (()I) -> [btp/method_5945, cgh/getMaxSpawnClusterSize] fhw$a METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fhw$b/applyFocus, fhw$a/applyFocus, fhw$a/method_48195] dkf METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dkf/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] feg METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, feg/getNarrationMessage] cnp METHOD c ((DDDFF)V) -> [cnp/method_7485, cnd/shoot] bys METHOD a ((Laqu;Lcmk;)V) -> [bys/method_26335, bys/useWorkstation] dkf METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dkf/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] gmr METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)F) -> [gmr/getBob, glk/method_4045] up$g METHOD a ((Luy;)Lup$f;) -> [up$f/method_46240, up$g/accept] evl METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evl/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] acd METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acd/type] cgf$e METHOD a (()V) -> [cgf$e/tick, bzp/method_6240] fzg METHOD a ((Lagb;)V) -> [abu/method_11084, fzg/handleUpdateMobEffect] ckd METHOD ee (()Z) -> [ckd/shouldDropExperience, btn/method_6054] dbx METHOD e (()Laqu;) -> [dbx/method_8293, dbx/getLevel] chq$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, chq$a/start] dmo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dmo/tick] bvv METHOD a (()Lbvh$a;) -> [bvi/method_18921, bvv/getStatus] fx$b METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [fx$c/method_41175, fx$b/cast] cgn METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [cgn/brainProvider, btn/method_28306] dor METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dor/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] dut$b METHOD d (()D) -> [dut$b/method_11985, dut$d/getMaxZ, dut$b/getMaxZ] dfr METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dfr/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] bug$1 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [bug$1/set, bug/method_32332] oo$1 METHOD a (()Laf$a;) -> [on/method_53818, oo$1/advancement] dtb METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] eym$1 METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [eym$1/hasScheduledTick, eym$2/hasScheduledTick, eyo/hasScheduledTick, eyr/hasScheduledTick, eyq/hasScheduledTick, eym$1/method_8674, eyy/hasScheduledTick] dyr$a METHOD a (([DLdyr;)V) -> [dyr$a/method_40478, dzc/fillAllDirectly, dzc$1/fillAllDirectly] epp METHOD a ((Lepx;III)Lepv;) -> [epr/method_17, epp/getPathType] dmd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dmd/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] ebe METHOD a ((Leaz;Leax;Lduy;Ljava/util/function/Function;Layw;Ldyk;Ldcd;Ldux;)Z) -> [eaw/carve, ebb/carve, ebe/method_12702] ctg METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcw;Ljd;Lewy;)Z) -> [ctg/method_7731, ctg/emptyContents] gku METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [glk/method_4042, gku/scale] dfa METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgb/method_9651, dfa/isValidBonemealTarget] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcuq;Lcrq;Lcqd;Lcmx;Lbug;)Z) -> [cul/overrideOtherStackedOnMe, cul/method_31566] din METHOD f_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [din/useShapeForLightOcclusion, dtb/method_9526] axp$e METHOD a ((Laxp$d;)Laxp;) -> [axp$e/mapAll, axp/method_41187] io METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lvw;)V) -> [io/method_10007, io/serializeToNetwork] jd$a METHOD i ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd$a/east, kh/method_35854] fre METHOD m (()V) -> [frl/addOptions, fre/method_60325, frj/addOptions, frd/addOptions, frf/addOptions, frb/addOptions, frm/addOptions, fra/addOptions, fro/addOptions, fri/addOptions, fre/addOptions, frc/addOptions] dsw METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dsw/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] cjg METHOD bc (()Lbsr$b;) -> [cjg/getMovementEmission, bsr/method_33570] erk METHOD c ((I)V) -> [erk/method_164, erk/setRainTime] crx METHOD b (()I) -> [crx/getContainerSize, bqk/method_5439] cjr$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cjr$b/canUse] cmw METHOD c (()Z) -> [cmw/isEmpty, bqk/method_5442] cfu METHOD a ((Ljd;Z)V) -> [btn/method_6006, cfu/setRecordPlayingNearby] bnb METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [bnb/getTimes, bne/method_16067] bfo METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;) -> [bfo/method_54447, bho/fix, bgl/fix, bgt/fix, bhm/fix, beb/fix] cfh METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cfh/registerGoals] dps METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dps/codec] nv$d METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [nv$d/getDefinedProperties, nv/method_25791] gvf$a$1 METHOD e (()I) -> [gvh/method_4894, gvf$a$1/getWeight] fun METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fun/root] dzz$a METHOD a ((III)Layw;) -> [dzl/method_38418, dzz$a/at] czh METHOD h (()Z) -> [czh/showNotification, cyz/method_49188] gjy$a METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gjy$a/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] fgf$b METHOD a ((Z)F) -> [fgf$b/getGameTimeDeltaPartialTick, fgf/method_60637] dqa$1 METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;II)V) -> [dqa$1/openerCountChanged, dqu/method_31682] ckb METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, ckb/method_6011, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] dkw METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dkw/codec] djj METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [djj/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] et METHOD c ((I)Z) -> [et/hasPermission, fzi/hasPermission, et/method_9259] fpv$1 METHOD a (()V) -> [fgr$i/applyValue, fpv$1/applyValue, fep$a/applyValue, fpv$1/method_25344] cjt METHOD a ((I)V) -> [btt/method_29514, cjt/setRemainingPersistentAngerTime] bvi METHOD e ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/tryStart, bvi/method_18922, bvv/tryStart, bws/tryStart, bvr/tryStart] dhu METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9579, dhu/propagatesSkylightDown] btc METHOD b_ ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bsr/method_5694, btc/playerTouch] jz METHOD q (()Ljo$b;) -> [jz/method_46771, jz/asLookup] ciz METHOD a ((Lcuq;F)Lcjh;) -> [ciz/spawnAtLocation, ciz/method_5699] bmo$b METHOD a ((Lbmk;Lbmm;Lbmg;)Z) -> [bmo$e/parse, bmo$b/parse, bmo$1/parse, bmo$b/method_58334, bmu$a/parse, bmo$a/parse, bmo$d/parse, bmo$c/parse, bmo$2/parse, bmu$b/parse] fik METHOD y (()I) -> [fmb/method_25368, fik/getWidth] acn$a METHOD a ((Lvw;)V) -> [acn$c/write, acn$a/write, acn$a/method_42071] ckk METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, ckk/registerGoals] dut$a METHOD m (()Lexv;) -> [dut$a/getCollisionShape, dut$a/method_17906] cgg METHOD aw (()V) -> [bsr/method_5670, cgg/baseTick] dxg METHOD b ((Lbsr$c;)V) -> [bsr/setRemoved, dxg/method_31745] arb METHOD C_ (()Ldut;) -> [dcg/method_8621, arb/getWorldBorder] gqi$a METHOD a (()I) -> [gqf/width, gqi$a/method_45807] cad METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cad/requiresUpdateEveryTick, cam/method_38846] fgr$c METHOD a (()Lfit$c;) -> [fgr$c/valueListSupplier, fgr$d/method_42721] fkv METHOD b (()I) -> [fkv/height, fkv/method_29050] eox METHOD a ((J)V) -> [eox/checkNode, eov/method_51529] dqq METHOD a ((Ldqh$b;)V) -> [dqh/method_57568, dqq/applyImplicitComponents] dpa METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dpa/mirror, dtb/method_9569] fod METHOD d ((Lfki;)Lfki;) -> [fod/method_25429, fod/addWidget] dzx METHOD d (()Layw;) -> [dyz/fork, dzx/method_38420, dzo/fork, dzx/fork, bqy$a/fork, dzr/fork, dzz/fork] cmf METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cmf/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cbc METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cbc/tick] duc METHOD b (()I) -> [duf/method_11799, duc/generateHashCode] ags METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ags/type] hf$b METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [hf$b/forElementType, ha$b/method_58504] dmg METHOD g ((Ldtc;)I) -> [dia/method_9992, dmg/getDelay] fls$d$1 METHOD a (()I) -> [ezn/method_2031, fls$d$1/getPixelWidth] cdv METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdv/doTick, cdy/method_19101] ha$c METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ha$c/possibleResources, ha$a/possibleResources, ha$c/method_58344, ha$d/possibleResources, ha$e/possibleResources] bsr METHOD a ((DDDFFI)V) -> [bsr/lerpTo, bsr/method_5759] geb METHOD a ((Lbts;Lexc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5784, geb/move] cnl METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ajz/method_5674, cnl/onSyncedDataUpdated] fgf METHOD a ((Z)F) -> [fgf/getGameTimeDeltaPartialTick, fgf/method_60637] ccm METHOD l (()D) -> [ccm/method_6326, chl$a/getFollowDistance, cfw$a/getFollowDistance] cqp$1 METHOD e (()V) -> [cqp$1/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] kv METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kw/method_10135, kv/execute] fqw METHOD c (()V) -> [fqw/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] chk METHOD l ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [chk/isBodyArmorItem, btp/method_6773] dgj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dgj/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] gmw METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmw/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] csw METHOD e ((Lcuq;)I) -> [cul/method_31569, csw/getBarWidth] fkc METHOD a ((J)I) -> [fkb/method_53471, fkc/getSampleColor] fzb METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BooleanSupplier;Z)V) -> [fzb/tick, dvc/method_12127] bqj METHOD b ((ILcuq;)Z) -> [drj/canPlaceItem, drk$1/canPlaceItem, cpy$1/canPlaceItem, bqj/canPlaceItem, dqk/canPlaceItem, dpv/canPlaceItem, dqv/canPlaceItem, dqq/canPlaceItem, bqj/method_5437] fod METHOD z (()Lwz;) -> [fos/getUsageNarration, fod/method_53870] fkg METHOD a ((Lfki;)V) -> [fkg/setFocused, fkh/method_25395] cff METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [cff/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] cfo METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cfo/defineSynchedData] cgf METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cgf/method_5965, cgq/createNavigation] zn METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zn/handle, zg/method_11054] bvs METHOD a ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [bwv/method_18990, bvs/isVisibleBy] blu METHOD a (([J)V) -> [blu/method_56650, blp/logFullSample] evj METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evj/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] adl METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adl/type] dys$w METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$w/fillArray] cov METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cov/defineSynchedData] end METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, end/getSerializedName] ty METHOD f (()B) -> [ua/method_10601, ty/getElementType] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/mirror, dtb/method_9569] dhi METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dhi/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] fji$a METHOD c ((DD)Z) -> [fki/method_25405, fji$a/isMouseOver] fgz$c METHOD a ((Lxe$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe$3/visit, xe$2/visit, xe$4/visit, wz/visit, fgz$c/method_27657, xe$1/visit, fgz$c/visit] crg METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [crg/onTake, crq/method_7667] dip METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dip/getShape] esh METHOD a (()Lesi;) -> [esh/getType, esh/method_29318] gwj METHOD a (()V) -> [gwj/method_4899, gwj/tick] emg METHOD a ((Lejr$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [emg/findGenerationPoint, ejr/method_38676] cso METHOD c (()Z) -> [cvq/mustSurvive, cso/method_20360] cof METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, cof/hurt] afk METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afk/handle] acx METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, acx/handle] dcs$g METHOD f (()Ldcs$g;) -> [dcs$d/copy, dcs$a/copy, dcs$g/method_27338] bvw METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvw/stop, bvh/method_18926] cfb$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfb$b/canUse] dna METHOD aw_ (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dna/getPickupSound, dgf/method_32351] ij$a METHOD a (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;) -> [ij$c/parameters, ij$a/method_54428, ij$b/parameters] fot METHOD j (()V) -> [fot/removed, fod/method_25432] adz METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [adz/handle, zg/method_11054] far METHOD b ((FFFF)V) -> [far/setSafe, far/method_1252] geb METHOD a ((Lavo;Lavq;FF)V) -> [geb/playNotifySound, cmx/method_17356] lg METHOD a (()Lll;) -> [lk/method_10295, lg/getType] grf METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Laue;Lbnf;)V) -> [grf/apply, get/apply, fgu/apply, ges$1/apply, ale/apply, czd/apply, gvf/apply, grn/apply, grf/method_18788, gre/apply] cal METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cal/canUse] va$a METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;ILuk;)V) -> [va/method_39854, va$a/skip] fkg METHOD b_ ((Z)V) -> [fkg/setDragging, fkh/method_25398] lm$1 METHOD d (()Lyx;) -> [lm$1/method_56179, lq/streamCodec, lm$1/streamCodec] cjl METHOD a ((Lbsy;Lcuq;)V) -> [cmx/setItemSlot, cjl/method_5673, cjl/setItemSlot, btp/setItemSlot, ciw/setItemSlot] adb METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adb/type] fgo METHOD az (()Ljava/lang/Thread;) -> [fgo/getRunningThread, bph/method_3777] aqv METHOD ab (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [aqv/getWardenSpawnTracker, cmx/method_42272] dxg METHOD a ((Ldxh;)V) -> [dxg/method_31744, bsr/setLevelCallback] eim METHOD a_ ((Leiw;Layw;Ljd;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [eiy/method_14452, eim/getPositions] dys$q METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$q/compute, dyr/method_40464] czw METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, czw/matches] cjq METHOD b ((Z)V) -> [cjq/method_7110, cjq/setChargingCrossbow] gby METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gby/getRenderType] cho METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cho/addAdditionalSaveData] aqv METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, aqv/hurt] gua METHOD d (()Z) -> [gua/method_4786, gti/isLooping] ty$1 METHOD c ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)Luy;) -> [va/method_23262, ty$1/load] fpf METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fpf/render, fjp/method_25394] cga METHOD Q (()V) -> [cga/ate, btp/method_5983] cox METHOD D (()Ljv;) -> [cox/getItemStacks, cox/method_42278] dia METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dia/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] tc METHOD e (()Z) -> [tc/initServer, apn/initServer, tc/method_3823, guo/initServer] ahf METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahf/type] gah$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [gak$a/method_53602, gah$a/hasContent] cas METHOD c (()Z) -> [cas/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] dqu METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;II)V) -> [dqu/method_31682, dqu/openerCountChanged] tz METHOD c (()Lva;) -> [uy/method_23258, tz/getType] cgn METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cgn/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] din METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, din/getStateForPlacement] chi METHOD fc (()Z) -> [chi/isImmobile, btn/method_6062] ace METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ace/type] cji METHOD s (()Lbsr;) -> [cnh/getOwner, bsn/getOwner, ckr/getOwner, cjh/getOwner, cji/method_24921, cnp/getOwner, cji/getOwner] dtb METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dtb/getFluidState] fmc METHOD e ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/method_46475, fmc/paddingBottom] iu$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [iu$a/type, io$a/method_41728] dgo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dgo/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dfn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;)V) -> [dfn/updateState, dfn/method_9477] crc METHOD i (()Lcpl;) -> [cpi/method_45322, crc/requiredFeatures] cgk METHOD ez (()V) -> [btn/method_16078, cgk/dropEquipment] cqn METHOD a ((I)V) -> [cqn/set, cqn/method_17404] btp METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, btp/finalizeSpawn] cou METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [cpg/method_7516, cou/destroy] dka METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dka/createBlockStateDefinition] fbt$d METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fbt$d/getNarration] ffk METHOD b (()V) -> [ffj/abortTask, ffk/method_21071, ffk/abortTask] arb METHOD d_ ((Ljd;)Lbqp;) -> [arb/getCurrentDifficultyAt, dcx/method_8404] cnp METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cnp/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] bzx METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, bzx/start] abc METHOD a ((Labd;)V) -> [abc/method_52794, abc/handleConfigurationFinished] bwi METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bwi/start] cfo$p METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$p/start] cun METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, cun/getSerializedName] elo$b METHOD a ((Lenu;ILelo$a;Ljd;Ljava/util/List;Layw;)Z) -> [elo$b/generate, elo$b/method_14687] fnh METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fnh/render, fjp/method_25394] ars METHOD d (()V) -> [wn/method_18784, ars/tick] cay METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cay/canUse] bsr METHOD o ((Z)Z) -> [bsr/method_5822, bsr/canUsePortal] ckb METHOD gk (()Lavo;) -> [ckn/method_7142, ckb/getCastingSoundEvent] fsv METHOD a ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fsv/renderListSeparators, fih/method_57713] bwg METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bwg/start] fmc METHOD g ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/paddingVertical, fmc/method_46479] dcz METHOD H_ (()Lka;) -> [arb/registryAccess, dcz/method_30349, dcw/registryAccess] dvs METHOD a ((SI)V) -> [dvs/method_12029, dvs/addPackedPostProcess] frh METHOD j (()V) -> [frh/removed, fod/method_25432] ges$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Laue;Lbnf;)V) -> [grf/apply, get/apply, fgu/apply, ges$1/apply, ale/apply, czd/apply, gvf/apply, ges$1/method_18788, grn/apply, gre/apply] erp$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ero/method_59723, erp$2/getContents] cou METHOD a ((Lbsr$c;)V) -> [bsr/method_5650, cou/remove] cwx METHOD a ((Lcul$b;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lcwm;)V) -> [cxy/method_57409, cwx/addToTooltip] ckq METHOD a ((Lepe;)Z) -> [ckq/method_26319, ckq/canStandOnFluid] fou METHOD F (()Lfsa;) -> [fpt/getRecipeBookComponent, fpg/getRecipeBookComponent, fou/getRecipeBookComponent, fou/method_2659] dfi METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dfi/getFluidState] cjk METHOD s (()Lcjk$a;) -> [cjk/getArmPose, cjk/method_6990] fou METHOD E (()V) -> [fsg/method_16891, fou/recipesUpdated] amy$c METHOD b ((Lev;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/ContextChain;Lhn;Lht;)V) -> [amy$c/runGuarded, hp$b/method_54259] fwg METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [fwg/renderToBuffer, fwg/method_2828] btn METHOD ct (()F) -> [btn/getYHeadRot, btn/method_5791] doa$3 METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)Z) -> [doa$3/isSupporting, doa/method_30367] et METHOD a ((Lakq;Ley$a;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/suggestion/SuggestionsBuilder;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [ey/method_41213, et/suggestRegistryElements] aqu METHOD a ((Lji;Z)F) -> [arb/getShade, aqu/getShade, aqu/method_24852, ghx/getShade, fzf/getShade] bsq METHOD q_ (()I) -> [bsq/method_22861, bsq/getTeamColor] cjp METHOD a ((FFLbrk;)Z) -> [cjp/causeFallDamage, bsr/method_5747] fgr$g METHOD b (()I) -> [fgr$g/maxInclusive, fgr$g/comp_594] fjj$a METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fjj$a/narratables, fis$a/method_37025] dko METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9542, dko/isRandomlyTicking] eqy METHOD v (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [eqy/getWanderingTraderId, erk/method_35506] fvh METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fvh/bodyParts, fuf/method_22948] dsp$1 METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ldsm;Ldso;Z)V) -> [dsp/method_56805, dsp$1/onEnter] ut METHOD f (()J) -> [uc/getAsLong, ug/getAsLong, tz/getAsLong, ut/getAsLong, ut/method_10699, ue/getAsLong, uj/getAsLong] cmf METHOD b ((Ldbu;)V) -> [cmf/rewardTradeXp, cmf/method_18008] uf$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23261, uf$1/getPrettyName] cgv METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [btn/method_28306, cgv/brainProvider] dgh METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9579, dgh/propagatesSkylightDown] fod METHOD aL_ (()V) -> [fod/added, fod/method_49589] cgd METHOD t (()Lavo;) -> [cgd/method_33337, bte/getSquirtSound] agm METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, agm/type] cim METHOD c (()V) -> [cik/method_6855, cim/doServerTick] bvp METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvp/stop, bvh/method_18926] cln METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)V) -> [ckg/performRangedAttack, cjr/performRangedAttack, ciu/performRangedAttack, cln/performRangedAttack, chl/performRangedAttack, cgc/performRangedAttack, ckt/performRangedAttack, cln/method_7105, cjl/performRangedAttack, ckb/performRangedAttack] dic METHOD f_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dic/useShapeForLightOcclusion, dtb/method_9526] abu METHOD a ((Laex;)V) -> [abu/method_11142, abu/handleSetSpawn] ack METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ack/type] bqy$a METHOD i (()F) -> [ayw/method_43057, bqy$a/nextFloat] fod METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fod/keyPressed] grt METHOD a ((Laue;)V) -> [grt/onResourceManagerReload, auf/method_14491] dlj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dlj/rotate] cqu METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, cqu/quickMoveStack] ayw METHOD h (()Z) -> [ayw/method_43056, ayw/nextBoolean] djb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [djb/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] axc METHOD a ((I)I) -> [axc/method_15211, axc/get] eu$1 METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jo$a/method_46759, eu$1/lookup] cii METHOD d (()V) -> [cik/method_6856, cii/begin] egq METHOD a ((Layw;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [egq/getState, egj/method_23455] jm METHOD a ((Lakr;)Z) -> [jm/method_40226, jm/is] dhc METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dhc/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] eyg$1 METHOD a (()I) -> [eyg$1/get, eyg$1/method_55409] cgk METHOD aa (()V) -> [cgk/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] ckm$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ckm$a/canUse] gbj METHOD a (()V) -> [gbj/tick, gcn/method_3070] gbf METHOD a (()V) -> [gbf/tick, gcn/method_3070] eoa METHOD a (()Leoc;) -> [eoa/getType, eob/method_49891] apn METHOD aZ (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_27051, apn/forceSynchronousWrites] cpa METHOD c ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bqk/method_5432, cpa/stopOpen] duz METHOD a ((Ldzm;Leaa;Lddq;Lduy;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [duz/method_38275, duz/createBiomes] fzb METHOD e (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dvc/method_12122, fzb/gatherStats] dys$x METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$x/fillArray] ckq METHOD a ((DZLdtc;Ljd;)V) -> [ckq/checkFallDamage, bsr/method_5623] fen$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fen$a/render] byc METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, byc/start] dky METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dky/rotate, dtb/method_9598] dhw METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dhw/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] elx$f METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [ejv/method_14931, elx$f/postProcess] fzg METHOD a ((Laej;)V) -> [fzg/handleRotateMob, abu/method_11139] cmx METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cmx/defineSynchedData] fwp METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFFFF)V) -> [fvx/method_17087, fwp/setupAnim] drc METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [dqh/method_57569, drc/removeComponentsFromTag] erj METHOD e (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [erj/getLevelName, erl/method_150, erk/method_150] cgc METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [cgc/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] eot METHOD a ((Ldcd;Z)V) -> [eow/method_15512, eot/setLightEnabled] fpi$c METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [crq/method_7667, fpi$c/onTake] abu METHOD a ((Lacp;)V) -> [abu/method_11153, abu/handleContainerContent] fx$a$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [fx$a$a/type, io$a/method_41728] bph METHOD ay (()Z) -> [bph/method_5384, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/scheduleExecutables, aqs$b/scheduleExecutables, bpl/scheduleExecutables] bmy METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [bnf$1/popPush, bmy/method_15405, bnc/popPush, bmy/popPush] fgr$j METHOD a ((Lfgr$l;Lfgs;IIILjava/util/function/Consumer;)Ljava/util/function/Function;) -> [fgr$j/createButton, fgr$k/createButton, fgr$j/method_41756, fgr$d/createButton] ckg METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, ckg/addAdditionalSaveData] ji$a METHOD a ((DDD)D) -> [ji$a/method_10172, ji$a/choose] t METHOD e (()I) -> [t/getProtocolVersion, ae/method_48020] aqv$2 METHOD a ((Lcpu;II)V) -> [cqh/method_7633, aqv$2/dataChanged] bmo$2 METHOD a ((Lbmk;Lbmm;Lbmg;)Z) -> [bmo$e/parse, bmo$b/parse, bmo$1/parse, bmu$a/parse, bmo$a/parse, bmo$d/parse, bmo$c/parse, bmo$2/method_58334, bmo$2/parse, bmu$b/parse] fjf METHOD a ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fjf/method_30888, fjf/renderCentered] fmc METHOD a ((F)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/alignHorizontally, fmc/method_46462] ahn METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahn/type] cns METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cns/hurt, bsr/method_5643] frw METHOD a (()V) -> [fsa/method_2585, frw/initFilterButtonTextures] eiu METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eiu/type, eiy/method_39615] dqb METHOD S_ (()Lwz;) -> [eyf/method_5476, bqw/method_5476, dqb/getDisplayName, bqv/method_5476] tg METHOD a (()V) -> [tg/finish, tg/method_36109] fgo$a$3 METHOD a ((Z)Z) -> [fgo$a$4/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$3/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$1/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$3/method_33886, fgo$a$2/isChatAllowed] dmd METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dmd/hasNeighborSignal, dmd/method_10488] cid METHOD a (()Z) -> [cid/method_6848, cih/isSitting, cic/isSitting, cid/isSitting] coa METHOD aZ (()D) -> [coa/getDefaultGravity, bsr/method_7490] cpf METHOD a ((FFLbrk;)Z) -> [bsr/method_5747, cpf/causeFallDamage] dhq METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhq/codec] cfq METHOD a ((Lbsx;)Z) -> [btn/method_5973, cfq/canAttackType] dqg METHOD b ((Lcuq;)I) -> [dqg/getBurnDuration, dpv/method_11200] guj$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [guj$1/method_43803, guj$2/searchPath, guj$1/searchPath] flm$b$1 METHOD j (()F) -> [ezn/method_56130, flm$b$1/getBearingTop] chb METHOD t (()Z) -> [chb/method_6453, chb/fromBucket, cfb/fromBucket, cgq/fromBucket] ate$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;) -> [ate$1/method_45251, ate$1/toJson] fzg METHOD a ((Laer;)V) -> [fzg/method_34080, fzg/handleSetBorderWarningDelay] cdr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdr/doTick, cdy/method_19101] cpe METHOD v (()Lcot$a;) -> [cpe/getMinecartType, cot/method_7518] esl METHOD a (()Lesi;) -> [esh/method_29318, esl/getType] tz METHOD l (()Ljava/lang/Number;) -> [ur/method_10702, tz/getAsNumber] eor$a METHOD a ((Lkf;Z)V) -> [eow/method_15551, eor$a/updateSectionStatus] chv METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [chv/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] bqh METHOD c ((Z)Lbqh;) -> [bqh/setCreateWorldFog, bqh/method_5411] gbx$b METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gbx$b/getRenderType] cum METHOD b ((Lcul;I)V) -> [cvr/onCooldownStarted, cum/method_7902] cip METHOD c (()V) -> [cik/method_6855, cip/doServerTick] flj$1 METHOD a (()I) -> [flj$1/getPixelWidth, ezn/method_2031] drr METHOD j (()Ljv;) -> [drr/getItems, dqb/method_11282] dvs METHOD q (()Lduy$a;) -> [dvs/getTicksForSerialization, duy/method_39296] ka$1 METHOD c (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ka/method_40311, ka$1/registries] glq METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [glq/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] uf METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/method_39850, uf/accept] fki METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25403, fki/mouseDragged] bsr METHOD a ((Laqu;DDDLjava/util/Set;FF)Z) -> [bsr/method_48105, aqv/teleportTo] drg METHOD J (()D) -> [drg/getLevelZ, drg/method_11265] bzu METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, bzu/canUse] dsk METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dsk/getUpdateTag] etc METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etc/getType, etf/method_29321] axp$c METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [axp$c/parityString, axp$c/method_39225, axp$e/parityString] bnb METHOD a ((Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Z) -> [bnb/saveResults, bne/method_16069] dip METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Z)Ldif$c;) -> [dip/combine, des/method_24167] dsv METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dsv/codec] cfj METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cfj/addAdditionalSaveData] cqm METHOD m (()I) -> [cpv/getResultSlotIndex, cqw/getResultSlotIndex, cqm/method_7655, cqm/getResultSlotIndex] qq METHOD a ((Lakq;Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/mojang/serialization/Lifecycle;)Ljm$c;) -> [qq/method_46800, qq/register] bbg$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bbg$1/renameBlock, bbg/method_15593] fik METHOD k ((I)V) -> [fik/method_25358, fik/setWidth] gcm METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gcm/getQuadSize, gda/method_18132] dfx METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfx/codec] gbm METHOD a (()V) -> [gbm/tick, gcn/method_3070] dhm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dhm/getAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9572] aqv METHOD ag (()Lexc;) -> [aqv/method_60478, aqv/getKnownMovement] gec METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, gec/hurt] dpp METHOD b ((Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dfm/method_9434, dpp/getSignalStrength] che METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, che/customServerAiStep] ud$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, ud$1/parse] chi METHOD b ((B)V) -> [chi/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] dnv METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dnv/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] drw$1 METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lddo;)V) -> [drw$1/setNextSpawnData, dby/method_8277] cwa METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cwa/use, cul/method_7836] dd METHOD a ((Lbsr;Laqu;Lexc;)Z) -> [bw/method_22497, dd/matches] cfo$s METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$s/start] bpw METHOD a ((Layw;)I) -> [bpw/sample, bpw/method_35008] dry METHOD a_ ((II)Z) -> [dqh/method_11004, dry/triggerEvent] cfl METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cfl/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] ahv METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ahv/handle] ckm$d METHOD a (()V) -> [ckm$d/tick, bzp/method_6240] tc METHOD k (()I) -> [tc/getOperatorUserPermissionLevel, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3798] axp$c METHOD c (()F) -> [azq/comp_533, axp$c/maxValue] gql$a METHOD a (()V) -> [gql$a/method_45853, gql$a/tickAndUpload] fzg METHOD a ((Laek;)V) -> [abu/method_11100, fzg/handleChunkBlocksUpdate] grx METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [atd/method_14420, grx/getMetadataSectionName] dqk$1 METHOD a ((I)I) -> [dqk$1/get, cqf/method_17390] emn$a METHOD a ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$a/get1x1, emn$b/method_15037] bsr METHOD i ((F)F) -> [bsr/getViewYRot, bsr/method_5705] cbm METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cbm/tick] goh METHOD a (()Lgfh;) -> [got/renderType, gof/renderType, gpc/renderType, goh/method_23193] dzr METHOD k (()D) -> [ayw/method_43059, dzr/nextGaussian] arw METHOD a ((Labs;)V) -> [abr/method_55851, arw/handleCookieResponse] gne METHOD f ((Lbtn;)F) -> [glk/method_55832, gne/getShadowRadius] aqv METHOD d ((DDD)V) -> [aqv/teleportRelative, bsr/method_45166] ftx METHOD a ((Lfhz;FI)V) -> [ftx/renderIcon, ftt/method_2784] cft$g METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cft$g/tick] jd METHOD f ((Lkh;)Lkh;) -> [jd/method_35853, jd$a/offset, jd/offset] chw$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [chw$a/checkExtraStartConditions, bvh/method_18919] jd METHOD c ((III)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_34592, jd/offset] cfg METHOD h ((Lub;)V) -> [cfg/method_35170, cfg/loadFromBucketTag] djm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldtc;)Ldtc;) -> [djm/method_33624, djm/updateHeadAfterConvertedFromBody] dcw METHOD b ((Llk;ZDDDDDD)V) -> [fzf/addAlwaysVisibleParticle, dcw/method_17452] fkb METHOD b ((D)I) -> [fkb/method_53475, fkb/getSampleHeight] djc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [djc/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] bsn METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ajz/method_5674, bsn/onSyncedDataUpdated] btn METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [btn/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] enq METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ljd;Lent$c;Lent$c;Lenp;)Lent$c;) -> [enq/method_15110, enq/processBlock] cmq METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cmq/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] fpg METHOD C (()V) -> [fpg/containerTick, fot/method_37432] frd$a$a METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, frd$a$a/keyPressed] flu METHOD n ((I)V) -> [fmb/method_46419, flu/setY] etr METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, etr/getType] dqv METHOD b ((ILcuq;)Z) -> [drj/canPlaceItem, drk$1/canPlaceItem, cpy$1/canPlaceItem, bqj/canPlaceItem, dqk/canPlaceItem, dpv/canPlaceItem, dqv/canPlaceItem, dqq/canPlaceItem, dqv/method_5437] crq METHOD c (()V) -> [cqz$1/setChanged, cqk/setChanged, crq/method_7668, fpi$c/setChanged] all METHOD a ((F)V) -> [brc/method_54671, all/setTickRate] drf METHOD b (()I) -> [drf/getTextLineHeight, drf/method_45469] chk METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [chk/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] coc METHOD a ((Lexc;Lexc;)Lewz;) -> [cnd/method_7434, coc/findHitEntity] chl METHOD d ((Lbsy;)Z) -> [chl/canUseSlot, btn/method_56991] ix METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [io/method_10006, ix/serializeToJson] aqv METHOD f (()Z) -> [aqv/isCreative, cmx/method_7337] afy METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afy/handle] cvt METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcuq;)Z) -> [cvt/isValidRepairItem, cul/method_7878] grc METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Latm$c;Lwz;)Latm;) -> [grc/createBuiltinPack, atj/method_45260] btf METHOD b ((Lcmx;)V) -> [btf/openCustomInventoryScreen, btf/method_6722] bmy$a METHOD c (()J) -> [bng/method_24273, bmy$a/getCount] chj METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [chj/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] fpz METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fpz/mouseClicked] eto METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, eto/getType] dcm METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dcm/getBlockExplosionResistance, ddn/getBlockExplosionResistance, cji$1/getBlockExplosionResistance, dmh$1/getBlockExplosionResistance, dcm/method_29555] fl$c METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fl$h/method_9380, fl$c/getOrCreateTag] cju METHOD l (()V) -> [cju/tick, bsr/method_5773] cpy$1 METHOD al_ (()I) -> [dqq/getMaxStackSize, bqj/getMaxStackSize, dhj$c/getMaxStackSize, cpy$1/getMaxStackSize, drj/getMaxStackSize, drk$1/getMaxStackSize, dhj$b/getMaxStackSize, cpy$1/method_5444] fls$i METHOD a (()I) -> [fls$a/bitWidth, fls$i/comp_1512, fls$i/bitWidth, fls$e/bitWidth] dhw METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhw/codec] dzp$z$a METHOD a (()Z) -> [dzp$i/method_39074, dzp$z$a/compute] dyi$b METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljm;Ldxz$a;Lexc;)Z) -> [dyi$b/handleGameEvent, dyb/method_32947] bqb METHOD b (()F) -> [bpu/method_33921, bqb/getMaxValue] btu METHOD j_ (()Lepj;) -> [bsr/method_5657, btu/getPistonPushReaction] gak METHOD b (()Lgak;) -> [gah/copy, gap/copy, gaj/copy, gak/method_46547] djn METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [djn/isRandomlyTicking, dtb/method_9542] bgk METHOD a ((Ljava/util/stream/Stream;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [bgk/processRecords, bac/method_44186] gti METHOD l (()Z) -> [gti/isRelative, gti/method_4787] cfo$u METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cfo$u/tick] cxl$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, cxl$a/getSerializedName] byw METHOD b (()Lcct;) -> [byw/method_47254, byw/condition] jd$a METHOD f ((Lkh;)Lkh;) -> [jd$a/method_35853, jd$a/offset, jd/offset] dla METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dla/performBonemeal] etd$f METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, etd$f/getSerializedName] cfz METHOD b (()Lcuq;) -> [cfz/getBucketItemStack, cfg/method_6452] dko METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dgf/method_9700, dko/pickupBlock] ccy METHOD c (()V) -> [cda/method_6360, ccy/tick] erj METHOD a ((Ldct;)V) -> [erl/method_193, erk/method_193, erj/setGameType] arz$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [arz$1/processStreamMessage, arz/method_31288] dyo$b METHOD d (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo/method_33385, dyo$b/getHeight] dqv METHOD c (()Z) -> [dqv/isEmpty, bqk/method_5442] fis METHOD a ((Lfmo;)Lfhw;) -> [fki/method_48205, fis/nextFocusPath] gcx METHOD a (()V) -> [gcx/tick, gcn/method_3070] km METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [km/method_57831, km/keySet] cfj METHOD eg (()I) -> [cfe/getBaseExperienceReward, ckw/getBaseExperienceReward, cmx/getBaseExperienceReward, clh/getBaseExperienceReward, cfj/method_6110, cfj/getBaseExperienceReward, btp/getBaseExperienceReward, cln/getBaseExperienceReward, cgg/getBaseExperienceReward] flw METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [flx/visitChildren, fmd/visitChildren, fly/visitChildren, flz/visitChildren, flw/method_48227, flw/visitChildren] arb METHOD x_ (()Z) -> [arb/method_8608, arb/isClientSide, dcw/isClientSide] fog METHOD c ((III)Z) -> [fsa/keyReleased, fog/keyReleased, fpi/keyReleased, fkh/keyReleased, fog/method_16803] btn METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lexc;)V) -> [btn/tickRidden, btn/method_49481] cnd METHOD p (()V) -> [cnd/method_7446, coc/tickDespawn] gaw$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [gaw/method_36898, gaw$1/getHostName] dby METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lddo;)V) -> [dby/setNextSpawnData, dby/method_8277] dqu METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [dqu/method_31679, dqu/isOwnContainer] fji$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fji$a/getNarration] dqb METHOD a ((Ljv;)V) -> [dqb/method_11281, dqb/setItems] dkh METHOD b ((Ldtc;)D) -> [dkh/getContentHeight, der/method_31615] cow METHOD a (()V) -> [bqi/method_5448, cow/clearContent] chv METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [chv/getDefaultDimensions, btn/method_55694] btn METHOD fd (()F) -> [btn/method_6106, btn/getJumpPower] cpy METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, cpy/removed] cns METHOD b ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cns/canHitEntity, cnp/method_26958] gcd METHOD a (()V) -> [gcd/tick, gcn/method_3070] cmx METHOD eE (()F) -> [cmx/getHurtDir, btn/method_48157] bmy$a METHOD b (()J) -> [bng/method_37169, bmy$a/getMaxDuration] cra$1 METHOD e (()V) -> [cra$1/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] dvt METHOD a (()I) -> [dvo/method_12290, dvt/getSerializedSize] on METHOD a ((Lakr;Lcyz;Lag;)V) -> [on/method_53819, oo$1/accept] cnk METHOD a ((Lewz;)V) -> [cnk/onHitEntity, cnp/method_7454] exk METHOD a ((Lexo$a;)Z) -> [exk/forMergedIndexes, exo/method_1065] yb METHOD a ((Let;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [yj/getData, ya/getData, yb/method_10916, yc/getData] egf METHOD a ((Lddc;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;Layw;Ljd;Lefe;)V) -> [egf/placeRoot, egg/method_43172] btn METHOD b ((F)F) -> [btn/sanitizeScale, btn/method_56077] fqv METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fqv/init] apn METHOD o (()I) -> [apn/getRateLimitPacketsPerSecond, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_30612] ckd METHOD gp (()V) -> [ckd/method_16827, ckd/updateNoActionTime] fpa METHOD G (()V) -> [fpa/method_34494, fpw/closeScreen] cf METHOD b ((Lakz;Laq$a;)V) -> [aq/method_793, cf/removePlayerListener] fed METHOD c (()V) -> [fed/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] bsr METHOD a ((Laqt;)Lzg;) -> [bsr/method_18002, bsr/getAddEntityPacket] aqb METHOD a ((Ldvz;Ldcd;)Lapy;) -> [aqb/scheduleGenerationTask, aqm/method_60443] fbt$a METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fbt$a/keyPressed] cjc METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cjc/defineSynchedData] dat METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, dat/codec] fzg METHOD a ((Laes;)V) -> [fzg/handleSetBorderWarningDistance, abu/method_34081] fxq METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxq/setupAnim] dbx METHOD g (()Lexc;) -> [cpb$a/getPosition, dqr$1/getPosition, dbx/method_8300] fpi METHOD a ((Lfhz;FII)V) -> [fpi/renderBg, fot/method_2389] fls$d$1 METHOD d (()F) -> [ezn/method_2035, fls$d$1/getOversample] aht METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aht/handle] ckq METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lexc;)Lexc;) -> [btn/method_49482, ckq/getRiddenInput] cze METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [cze/codec, cze/method_53736] cmk METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cmk/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] ely METHOD a ((Lejr$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ejr/method_38676, ely/findGenerationPoint] dvm METHOD a (()I) -> [dvo/method_12290, dvm/getSerializedSize] eqg METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;Lji;)V) -> [eqi/method_41705, eqg/updateNeighborsAtExceptFromFacing] cfm METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cfm/method_5965, cgq/createNavigation] eir METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eir/type, eiy/method_39615] dlj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dlj/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] bvv$b METHOD a ((Ljava/util/stream/Stream;Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvv$b/apply, bvv$b/method_19559] djc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, djc/getShape] dhb$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dhb$1/method_24174, ghc/acceptNone, dhb$1/acceptNone, dhb$3/acceptNone, dhb$2/acceptNone] cjz$a METHOD e (()V) -> [cam/method_6270, cjz$a/stop] efj METHOD b (()Lefk;) -> [efm/type, efl/type, efj/method_28824] btp METHOD Y (()Z) -> [cfb/requiresCustomPersistence, btp/method_17326, cjt/requiresCustomPersistence, cgq/requiresCustomPersistence, coj/requiresCustomPersistence] zm METHOD a ((Lzp;)V) -> [zm/method_52781, zm/handleDisconnect] daj$c METHOD a ((I)F) -> [daj$c/calculate, daj/method_60188] fig METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fig/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] cez METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cez/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] ard METHOD a ((Ldcd;)V) -> [ard/method_17669, ard/updateSpawnPos] btn METHOD d ((Lcuq;)Lavo;) -> [btn/method_18869, btn/getEatingSound] ckf METHOD B (()V) -> [ckf/registerGoals, btp/method_5959] cdr METHOD c (()I) -> [cdr/radiusY, cdr/method_43082] enq METHOD a (()Lens;) -> [enb/getType, enq/method_16772, emy/getType, emz/getType, enm/getType, ena/getType, emu/getType, emt/getType, ems/getType, ene/getType, emw/getType, enj/getType] fmc$a METHOD h (()Lfmc$a;) -> [fmc$a/method_46480, fmc$a/getExposed] epc METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lepe;Lepe;)I) -> [epc/getSpreadDelay, epc/method_15753] bps METHOD a (()F) -> [bpu/method_33915, bps/getMinValue] aur METHOD r (()Lub;) -> [gun/getSingleplayerData, aur/method_14567] cfr METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, cfr/setVariant] dny METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dny/getShape] dbt METHOD a ((Ldbu;)V) -> [dbt/method_8262, dbt/notifyTrade] dro METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqh/method_11007, dro/saveAdditional] hf$b METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [hf$b/method_58507, hf$b/negate] cfo METHOD a ((Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cku/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjl/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, clq/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckg/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cks/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cln/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/method_5964, cky/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots] dko METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dko/getShape] cjm$a METHOD e (()V) -> [cjm$a/stop, cam/method_6270] fkx METHOD a ((Lfhz;Lfkw;J)Lfkv$a;) -> [fkv/method_1986, fkx/render] cfx METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cfx/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] byu$b$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [byu$e/method_47231, byu$b$1/debugString] ckv METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, ckv/method_6011, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] he$d METHOD a ((Ljm;)V) -> [he$d/visitItem, he$d/method_56853] cft$k METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cft$k/tick] fox$d METHOD a ((I)V) -> [fox$a/method_37080, fox$d/updateStatus] cnp METHOD s (()Lbsr;) -> [cnh/getOwner, bsn/getOwner, ckr/getOwner, cnp/method_24921, cjh/getOwner, cnp/getOwner, cji/getOwner] aqu METHOD C (()J) -> [aqu/getSeed, dds/method_8412] cgk$b METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ljm;Ldxz$a;)Z) -> [cgk$b/canReceiveVibration, drq$a/canReceiveVibration, drp$a/canReceiveVibration, cmb$a/canReceiveVibration, dqm$a/canReceiveVibration, cgk$b/method_32970] cni METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cni/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] aqx METHOD a ((Lddf;Lkf;Ldvd;)V) -> [eot/method_15558, aqx/queueSectionData] dh METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dh/min, dh/comp_1805] yo$1 METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [yo$1/streamCodec, yq/method_56360] cft METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [cft/getDefaultDimensions, btn/method_55694] cwn METHOD b ((Lcuq;)Lcwo;) -> [cwn/getUseAnimation, cul/method_7853] fkv METHOD a (()I) -> [fkv/method_29049, fkv/width] dfg METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dfg/getShape] emn$b METHOD d ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15034, emn$b/get2x2] chz METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, chz/defineSynchedData] jm METHOD b (()Z) -> [jm/method_40227, jm$c/isBound, jm$a/isBound] elo$a METHOD b (()Lakr;) -> [emn$i/makeTemplateLocation, elo$a/makeTemplateLocation, elo$a/method_35470] fzg METHOD a ((Lafl;)V) -> [fzg/method_11079, fzg/handleSetTime] vq METHOD a (()Lzh;) -> [wf/method_52895, vq/flow] ccf METHOD b (()Z) -> [ccf/canUse, cam/method_6264] cmx METHOD Z (()Z) -> [cmx/method_33793, aqv/isTextFilteringEnabled, geb/isTextFilteringEnabled] dhj$b METHOD e (()V) -> [dhj$b/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] cjt$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cjt$b/canUse] dpn METHOD b (()Ldfy;) -> [dpn/getBodyBlock, djl/method_24946] acu METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acu/type] ckj METHOD S (()V) -> [btp/method_5966, ckj/playAmbientSound] aga METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aga/handle] ckg METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldcz;)F) -> [btw/method_6144, ckg/getWalkTargetValue] cfo$p METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cfo$p/tick] dhe METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dhe/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] btn METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [btn/travel, btn/method_6091] aly$a$1 METHOD a ((Laqv;Lag;Ljava/lang/String;)Z) -> [aly$a$1/method_13000, aly$a$2/performCriterion, aly$a$1/performCriterion] abm METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [abm/handle, zg/method_11054] cmb METHOD a ((Ldcz;)Z) -> [cmb/checkSpawnObstruction, btp/method_5957] dfs METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dfs/getTicker, diq/method_31645] fgr$k METHOD a ((Lfgr$l;Lfgs;IIILjava/util/function/Consumer;)Ljava/util/function/Function;) -> [fgr$j/createButton, fgr$k/createButton, fgr$k/method_41756, fgr$d/createButton] dgn METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dgn/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] gvd METHOD A (()V) -> [bph/method_20813, gvd/waitForTasks] djm METHOD b (()Ldfy;) -> [djl/method_24946, djm/getBodyBlock] glh METHOD a ((Laue;)V) -> [glh/onResourceManagerReload, auf/method_14491] alc$a METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jo$a/method_46759, alc$a/lookup] alk METHOD a ((Leyf;Lexy;Leyd;)V) -> [eyg/method_1176, alk/onScoreChanged] cgw$a METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [cgw$a/start, bvh/method_18920] ug METHOD c (()Lva;) -> [uy/method_23258, ug/getType] eyn METHOD c ((I)Lcuq;) -> [drj/splitTheItem, eyn/method_54078, dqx/splitTheItem] fw$a METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/method_10005, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] aqu METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lbrk;Ldcp;DDDFZLdcw$a;Llk;Llk;Ljm;)Ldco;) -> [aqu/method_8454, aqu/explode] fjm METHOD b ((DDDD)V) -> [fii/onDrag, fjm/method_25349, fjm/onDrag] jw METHOD c (()D) -> [jw/method_10215, jw/z] fgr$m$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [fgr$m$1/validateValue, fgr$n/method_41758] hb$a METHOD c ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [hb$a/method_55591, hb$a/unwrapToCollection] dhd METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dhd/getBlockSupportShape, dtb/method_25959] drn METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [drn/removeItem, bqk/method_5434] gdm METHOD d (()F) -> [gda/method_18134, gdm/getU1] drr METHOD c ((Lcmx;)V) -> [drr/stopOpen, bqk/method_5432] dvm METHOD a ((I)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dvm/method_12288, dvf/valueFor, dvm/valueFor, dvg/valueFor, dvt/valueFor] fgr$i METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fgr$i/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] dnn METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dnn/getTicker, diq/method_31645] dqc METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dqc/method_38235, dri/getUpdatePacket] cgh METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, cgh/isFood] agm METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [agm/handle, zg/method_11054] dgd METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dgd/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] abu METHOD a ((Lafo;)V) -> [abu/method_11125, abu/handleSoundEntityEvent] cqa$c METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [cqa$c/onTake, crq/method_7667] evv METHOD b ((Lerr;)F) -> [evy/method_32454, evv/getFloat] cik METHOD d (()V) -> [cik/method_6856, cik/begin] foh$b$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, foh$b$a/getNarration] cmq$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cmq$a/canUse] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dtb/rotate] dpc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dpc/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] fpd METHOD a ((Ldbx;)V) -> [fpd/populateAndSendPacket, fos/method_2352] bsr METHOD dM (()Z) -> [bsr/shouldBeSaved, dxg/method_31746] dom METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dom/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] dgd METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgd/codec] ctc METHOD l ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [ctc/method_7838, ctc/useOnRelease] aaa METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aaa/handle] bwg METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bwg/tick, bvh/method_18924] ejv METHOD a ((III)V) -> [ejv/method_14922, ejv/move] bsr METHOD cQ (()Lbtn;) -> [cov/getControllingPassenger, ckq/getControllingPassenger, cfv/getControllingPassenger, chi/getControllingPassenger, bsr/method_5642, btp/getControllingPassenger] dam$b METHOD a ((Ldab;Lbsr;Lexc;I)V) -> [dat/method_60222, dam$b/onDeactivated] eaj METHOD a (()Leag;) -> [eaf/method_38873, eaj/type] fot METHOD b ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fot/method_2388, fot/renderLabels] cjc METHOD a ((DDDFFI)V) -> [cjc/lerpTo, bsr/method_5759] cbv METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbv/canUse] bsr METHOD a ((Ldtc;)V) -> [aqv/onInsideBlock, bsr/method_5622, cnz/onInsideBlock] gsx METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Layw;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [gsx/getQuads, gsm/method_4707] dve METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [dve/method_12228, dve/isYSpaceEmpty] cqb METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cqb/quickMoveStack, cpu/method_7601] eqy METHOD c ((Z)V) -> [erk/method_223, eqy/setInitialized] cyw$c METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [cyw$c/getItems, cyw$c/method_8108] cia METHOD bA (()Z) -> [cia/isPickable, bsr/method_5863] fzf METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbsr;Ljm;Lavq;FFJ)V) -> [fzf/playSeededSound, dcw/method_8449] erg METHOD s (()Lwz;) -> [erg$b/getInfo, erg$c/getInfo, erg/method_27429] dnc METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dnc/createBlockStateDefinition] dmw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dmw/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] dys$h METHOD b (()D) -> [dys$h/maxValue, dyr/comp_378] dmt METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dmt/getTicker, diq/method_31645] gjx METHOD b ((Lbtn;F)F) -> [gjx/getWhiteOverlayProgress, gjx/method_23185] bsr METHOD as (()V) -> [bsr/method_36209, bsr/onClientRemoval] dcn METHOD c ((Lbsr;Lewx;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [ddj/getEntityCollisions, dci/getEntityCollisions, dcn/method_20743] dgl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dgl/getSignal] czt METHOD b ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [czr/method_48454, czt/isBaseIngredient] ckq METHOD b ((Lbtn;)Lexc;) -> [ckq/getDismountLocationForPassenger, bsr/method_24829] wf METHOD a ((Lzg;)Z) -> [wf/shouldHandleMessage, wf/method_52413] frs$b METHOD m (()V) -> [frs$b/moveDown, frs$b/method_29659] fzc METHOD a ((Laaj;)V) -> [fzc/handleCustomPayload, fzc/method_11152] gbw METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gbw/getQuadSize, gda/method_18132] dmh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dmh/getAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9572] dyu$b METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dyu$b/getSerializedName] elo$b METHOD a (()V) -> [elo$b/init, elo$b/method_14688] dgn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgn/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] dlc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dlc/getShape] dzp$d METHOD a (()Layh;) -> [dzp$d/codec, dzp$o/method_39061] djs METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djs/codec] dfe METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dfe/mirror, dtb/method_9569] dfe METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dfe/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] fem$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fem$a/render, fih$a/method_25343] ciy METHOD z (()Lavo;) -> [ciy/getRotateItemSound, ciy/method_34244] faz METHOD a ((II)V) -> [faz/method_35650, faz/set] tw METHOD b (()Z) -> [tw/isDefaultRightToLeft, tw/method_29428] doy METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [doy/getBlockSupportShape, dtb/method_25959] dys$h METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$h/codec] aaa METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aaa/type] bqw METHOD aj (()Lwz;) -> [drc/getCustomName, dqb/getCustomName, bsr/getCustomName, dpw/getCustomName, bqw/method_5797, dqc/getCustomName] dke METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dke/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cmx METHOD eg (()I) -> [cfe/getBaseExperienceReward, ckw/getBaseExperienceReward, cmx/method_6110, cmx/getBaseExperienceReward, clh/getBaseExperienceReward, cfj/getBaseExperienceReward, btp/getBaseExperienceReward, cln/getBaseExperienceReward, cgg/getBaseExperienceReward] dgi METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dgi/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] vf METHOD b ((Lva;)Luv$b;) -> [vf/visitRootEntry, uv/method_39871] cqv$2 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cqv$2/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] bna METHOD d (()I) -> [bna/method_16070, bna/getEndTimeTicks, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1/getEndTimeTicks, bnb/getEndTimeTicks] ckg METHOD x (()Lbra;) -> [ckg/getInventory, cmi/method_35199] ezp$a$1 METHOD d (()F) -> [ezn/method_2035, ezp$a$1/getOversample] gwe METHOD a (()V) -> [gwe/tick, gwj/method_4899] dys$n METHOD a ((D)D) -> [dys$g/transform, dys$k/transform, dys$n/method_40520, dys$n/transform] ahi METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahi/type] chl METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, chl/isFood] dfv METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dfv/performBonemeal] erl METHOD G (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [erl/method_27432, erl/getKnownServerBrands] cvl METHOD h ((Lcuq;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [cul/method_7866, cvl/getDescriptionId] ggv METHOD a ((Ldqh;)Z) -> [ggv/method_3563, ggv/shouldRenderOffScreen, ghq/shouldRenderOffScreen] dvh METHOD a ((Ldyu$a;)Ldux;) -> [dvs/method_12025, dvh/getCarvingMask] dsw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dsw/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] dhe METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dhe/getStateForPlacement] dvi METHOD b ((Ldqh;)V) -> [dve/addAndRegisterBlockEntity, dvi/method_12216] eh$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [eh$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] cqs METHOD a ((Lcuq;I)V) -> [crq/method_7678, cqs/onQuickCraft] cft$l METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cft$l/canUse] cgn METHOD l (()V) -> [cgn/tick, bsr/method_5773] xd$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, xd$a/getSerializedName] ckm METHOD x (()I) -> [ckm/getJumpDelay, ckm/method_7154] ckr$c METHOD a (()V) -> [ckr$c/tick, bzp/method_6240] ju METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)I) -> [jz/getId, ju/method_10206, axk/getId, jg/getId, js/getId, ju/getId, jz$1/getId] feh$a$b METHOD a ((I)V) -> [fdq/method_21110, feh$a$b/onClick] fwe METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwe/setupAnim] dnk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dnk/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] agi METHOD a ((Lahd;)V) -> [agi/method_12062, aru/handleInteract] flr METHOD a (()Lflp;) -> [flr/type, flo/method_51731] ctc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [cul/method_7881, ctc/getUseDuration] iw METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/method_10005, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] azu METHOD b ((II)V) -> [azu/set, axc/method_15210] dbt METHOD t ((I)V) -> [dbt/method_19271, dbt/overrideXp] fle METHOD a ((Laue;)V) -> [gpw/method_4625, fle/load] uc METHOD c (()Lva;) -> [uy/method_23258, uc/getType] chl METHOD gx (()Lchl;) -> [chl/makeNewLlama, chl/method_18004] cpb METHOD ak_ (()Lcul;) -> [cpg/method_7557, cpb/getDropItem] bsr METHOD a ((FI)V) -> [bsr/method_5683, btn/lerpHeadTo] dik METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dik/getShape, dtb/method_9530] cdt METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdt/doTick, cdy/method_19101] dko METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dko/getFluidState] dvf METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [dvf/maybeHas, dvo/method_19525] eos METHOD i ((J)V) -> [eos/method_15534, eos/onNodeRemoved] dvh METHOD g (()Ljava/util/Map;) -> [dvh/method_12016, dvh/getAllStarts] cpb METHOD x (()Ldtc;) -> [cpb/getDefaultDisplayBlockState, cot/method_7517] frs$a METHOD r (()Z) -> [frs$a/method_29664, frs$b/canMoveDown] cng METHOD t (()Z) -> [cne/method_7468, cng/shouldBurn] dse$a$2 METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dse$a$2/getPlayers, dse$a/method_56725] elk$a METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [elk$a/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] doc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, doc/getShape] zf$1$1 METHOD a ((Lzg;)Lzg;) -> [zf$a/method_48328, zf$1$1/addPacket] grw METHOD a ((II)Lgry;) -> [grw/method_24143, grw/calculateFrameSize] abu METHOD a ((Lacn;)V) -> [abu/method_11145, fzg/handleCommands] brv METHOD a ((Lbtn;ILbrk;F)V) -> [brx/method_58614, brv/onMobHurt] cgy METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [cgy/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] ace$c METHOD a (()Lace$d;) -> [ace$c/getType, ace$c/method_34105] chb METHOD n ((Lcuq;)V) -> [cfg/method_6455, chb/saveToBucketTag] ys$1 METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [ys$1/streamCodec, yq/method_56360] cbq METHOD c (()Z) -> [cbq/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] dip METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dip/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] enx METHOD a ((Layw;Lub;)Lub;) -> [enx/apply, eob/method_49892] dpm METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpm/codec] eux METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [eux/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] bft METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bft/fix] eox METHOD a ((JJI)V) -> [eov/method_51531, eox/propagateIncrease] tj METHOD a ((Lsx;Lsx;Lta;)V) -> [tj/testAddedForRerun, sy/method_56216] fun METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fun/setupAnim] dqx METHOD a ((Ldqh$b;)V) -> [dqx/applyImplicitComponents, dqh/method_57568] gsx METHOD f (()Lggi;) -> [gsx/getTransforms, gsm/method_4709] cdn METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdn/requires, cdy/method_19099] aru METHOD a ((Laht;)V) -> [aru/handleSelectTrade, agi/method_12080] gl$a METHOD a (()Z) -> [gl$b/method_38559, gl$a/requiresNbt] doq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, doq/getShape] bvo METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvo/start, bvh/method_18920] fzg METHOD a ((Lacb;)V) -> [abu/method_11094, fzg/handleBlockEntityData] dkh METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dkh/createBlockStateDefinition] dmn METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dmn/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] dkr METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dkr/codec] dpa METHOD g (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dpa/getDescriptionId, dfy/method_9539] bwr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bwr/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] dfc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfc/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] vd METHOD a ((Lug;)V) -> [vc/method_32297, vd/visitInt] fs$a METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [io/method_41726, fs$a/unpack] dfr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dfr/useWithoutItem] fno METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fno/shouldCloseOnEsc, fod/method_25422] cho METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [bsl/method_5613, cho/getBreedOffspring] btn METHOD eg (()I) -> [cfe/getBaseExperienceReward, ckw/getBaseExperienceReward, cmx/getBaseExperienceReward, clh/getBaseExperienceReward, cfj/getBaseExperienceReward, btp/getBaseExperienceReward, cln/getBaseExperienceReward, cgg/getBaseExperienceReward, btn/method_6110] cqt METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, cqt/quickMoveStack] cyu METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [cyu/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] cmx METHOD m_ (()V) -> [cmx/aiStep, btn/method_6007] fzf METHOD a ((Ljm;Lexc;Ldxz$a;)V) -> [dcx/method_32888, fzf/gameEvent] bsr METHOD a ((DZLdtc;Ljd;)V) -> [bsr/checkFallDamage, bsr/method_5623] ckq METHOD a (()Z) -> [ckq/method_6577, cfv/boost, ckq/boost] chh METHOD af_ (()I) -> [chi/method_6702, chh/getInventoryColumns] chi METHOD gz (()Z) -> [chi/isTamed, chi/method_6727] gbz METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gbz/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] dfm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dfm/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] cjz METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cjz/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] far METHOD a ((FFFFFFFFF)V) -> [far/setMat3x3, far/method_35646] ahq METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ahq/handle, zg/method_11054] ckw$a METHOD i (()D) -> [ckw$a/acceptedDistance, caz/method_6291] fdz METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fdz/setInitialFocus] fqj METHOD a ((IIIIII)Lorg/joml/Vector2ic;) -> [fqj/positionTooltip, fqo/method_47944] fdz METHOD c (()V) -> [fdz/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] ckk METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, ckk/method_6011, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] ggv METHOD a ((Ldqh;Lexc;)Z) -> [ggv/method_33892, ggv/shouldRender] fnz METHOD d (()V) -> [fnz/onClose, fod/method_25419] chl METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [btn/method_55694, chl/getDefaultDimensions] drg METHOD K (()Z) -> [drg/method_57081, drg/isGridAligned] fnz$a METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fnz$a/keyPressed] ght METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ght/render, ggz/method_3569] cij METHOD c (()V) -> [cik/method_6855, cij/doServerTick] dqt METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dqt/getUpdateTag] aqv$1 METHOD a ((Lcpu;II)V) -> [aqv$1/sendDataChange, aqv$1/method_34260] tc METHOD o (()I) -> [tc/getRateLimitPacketsPerSecond, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_30612] cmf METHOD a ((Ldbv;)V) -> [dbt/method_8261, cmf/overrideOffers] dyi$d METHOD e (()V) -> [dyi$d/method_42672, dyi$d/onDataChanged] fdt$b METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fdt$b/mouseClicked] ckw METHOD ag_ (()V) -> [cka/doUnderWaterConversion, ckw/method_7218] cbf METHOD b (()Z) -> [cbf/canUse, cam/method_6264] dwt METHOD a ((J)V) -> [dwt/setDirty, dwt/method_19288] aef METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aef/handle] dbt METHOD gn (()Z) -> [dbt/showProgressBar, dbt/method_19270] flm$b$1 METHOD a (()I) -> [ezn/method_2031, flm$b$1/getPixelWidth] cfs$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfs$a/canUse] diy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [diy/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cff$e METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cff$e/start] cfv METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, cfv/isFood] adh METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adh/type] fon METHOD a (()V) -> [fon/onAdvancementsCleared, fon/method_722] auo METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lauv;) -> [auw/method_14642, auo/createEntry] dvq METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [dvq/maybeHas, dvq/method_19526] ckb$b METHOD h (()I) -> [ckb$b/getCastingTime, ckn$c/method_7149] ut METHOD c (()Lva;) -> [ut/getType, uy/method_23258] ax METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, ax/codec] cjg METHOD a ((Leqc;)Lbsr;) -> [cjg/changeDimension, bsr/method_5731] cbe METHOD c (()Z) -> [cbe/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] dky METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dky/getShape] ehj METHOD a (()Lehn;) -> [ehm/method_28903, ehj/type] dbf METHOD a ((Laqu;ILdab;Lbsr;Lexc;)V) -> [das/method_60220, dbf/apply] dvh METHOD e ((Ljd;)V) -> [duy/method_12039, dvh/markPosForPostprocessing] dfy METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lcmx;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9576, dfy/playerWillDestroy] gly METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gly/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] bsq$l METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsq$l/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] dmo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9584, dmo/getInteractionShape] esl$a METHOD aH_ (()Lesh$a;) -> [esh$a/method_418, esl$a/getThis] fov METHOD e (()V) -> [fov/tick, fod/method_25393] cjw$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cjw$c/canUse] eqy METHOD s (()Lewp;) -> [erk/method_143, eqy/getScheduledEvents] cfo$u METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$u/start] bra METHOD a (()V) -> [bra/clearContent, bqi/method_5448] brc METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [brc/method_54675, brc/setFrozen] duy METHOD b ((Ljava/util/Map;)V) -> [dvu/method_12183, duy/setAllReferences] dmw METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dmw/getFluidState] ckb METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, ckb/aiStep] dge METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, dge/getRenderShape] cfh METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;Lcuq;)V) -> [cfe/method_6475, cfh/usePlayerItem] btp METHOD b ((Lcjh;)V) -> [cln/pickUpItem, cfm/pickUpItem, cgk/pickUpItem, ckg/pickUpItem, btp/method_5949, cfo/pickUpItem, coj/pickUpItem, cmk/pickUpItem, cft/pickUpItem] gtc$6 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lgte$b;)V) -> [gte/method_55620, gtc$6/reportUpdate] fqd METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fqd/init, fod/method_25426] djn METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [djn/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] fcb$b METHOD e (()Lfcb;) -> [fcb/method_21055, fcb$b/doConnect] dlg METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dlg/codec, dtb/method_53969] wz METHOD g (()Laya;) -> [wz/getVisualOrderText, wz/method_30937] emj$g METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [emj$g/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] epn METHOD a ((DDD)Lepz;) -> [epr/method_16, epn/getTarget] ckc METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, ckc/method_6011, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] cbu METHOD h (()Z) -> [cbu/method_16081, cfh$c/canScare, cfs$b/canScare] cmx METHOD aR (()Lavo;) -> [cmx/getSwimSplashSound, bsr/method_5625] did METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [did/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cby METHOD h (()Lexc;) -> [cby/getPosition, cbj/method_6302] dnp METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dnp/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] fqg METHOD a ((Lfhz;FII)V) -> [fqg/renderBg, fot/method_2389] fca METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [fca/errorMessage, fca/method_52657] dzc$a METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dzc$a/minValue] dyi$b METHOD a (()Ldyd;) -> [dyi$b/getListenerSource, dyb/method_32946] bsq$b METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, bsq$b/defineSynchedData] fzf METHOD O (()Leyp;) -> [fzf/method_8405, fzf/getFluidTicks, aqu/getFluidTicks, arb/getFluidTicks] jm METHOD f (()Ljm$b;) -> [jm/method_40231, jm/kind] fx$a METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [io/method_41726, fx$a/unpack] cgy METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cgy/method_5965, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cgq/createNavigation] cbo METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;)V) -> [cbo/method_6309, ckw$a/playBreakSound] crw$2 METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [crw$2/onTake, crq/method_7667] dow METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dow/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cfh$c METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cfh$c/tick] cgn METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cgn/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] frl METHOD m (()V) -> [frl/addOptions, frj/addOptions, frd/addOptions, frf/addOptions, frb/addOptions, frl/method_60325, frm/addOptions, fra/addOptions, fro/addOptions, fri/addOptions, fre/addOptions, frc/addOptions] cul METHOD g (()I) -> [cul/method_7837, cul/getEnchantmentValue] chb METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [chb/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] ckk METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [ckk/hurt, bsr/method_5643] dpc METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dpc/mayPlaceOn] cgn METHOD f ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cgn/setInLove, cgn/method_6480] chh$1 METHOD a (()Lcuq;) -> [chh$1/get, bug/method_32327] cow METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, cow/removeItemNoUpdate] dkr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dkr/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] ghr METHOD a ((Ldrz;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghs/method_3591, ghr/render] fik METHOD a_ ((DD)V) -> [fik/method_25357, fii/onRelease] azz METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, azz/fix] dge METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dgf/method_9700, dge/pickupBlock] btn METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, btn/method_6011, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD r (()Z) -> [guo/isPublished, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3860, apn/isPublished, tc/isPublished] dyp METHOD a ((Ldds;Lduy;Lddq;)V) -> [dyp/applyBiomeDecoration, duz/method_12102] ckz METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18867, ckz/makeBrain] fs$a METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lvw;)V) -> [io/method_10007, fs$a/serializeToNetwork] dqn METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [dqn/removeComponentsFromTag, dqh/method_57569] bhv METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bhv/fix] dla METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dla/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] dkz$e METHOD a ((Ljd;Lji;Lji;)Ldkz$c;) -> [dkz$e$3/getSpreadPos, dkz$e/method_41466, dkz$e$2/getSpreadPos, dkz$e$1/getSpreadPos] crl METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [crl/setItem, bqk/method_5447] ckp METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, ckp/method_6011, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] ckq METHOD r ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [ckq/canAddPassenger, bsr/method_5818] ftd METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, ftd/onClose] fca$a METHOD a (()I) -> [fca/method_21037, fca$a/errorCode] ahr METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahr/type] drs METHOD d (()Lavo;) -> [drs/method_54303, drf/getSignInteractionFailedSoundEvent] dzc$d METHOD k (()Ldyr;) -> [dzc$g/wrapped, dzc$f/wrapped, dzc$i/wrapped, dzc$d/comp_469, dzc$e/wrapped, dys$l/wrapped, dzc$d/wrapped, dzc$a/wrapped, dzc$b/wrapped] ekb METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [ekb/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] fbt$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fbt$a/getNarration, fji$a/method_37006] bmk METHOD c (()I) -> [bmk/mark, bmk/method_58317] ckt METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/method_6002, ckt/getDeathSound] fmx METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fod/method_25422, fmx/shouldCloseOnEsc] daj$f METHOD a ((I)F) -> [daj$f/calculate, daj/method_60188] fmz METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fmz/setInitialFocus] fro METHOD m (()V) -> [frl/addOptions, frj/addOptions, frd/addOptions, frf/addOptions, frb/addOptions, frm/addOptions, fra/addOptions, fro/method_60325, fro/addOptions, fri/addOptions, fre/addOptions, frc/addOptions] dut$d METHOD a (()D) -> [dut$d/getMinX, dut$b/getMinX, dut$d/method_11994] avh METHOD b (()V) -> [avh/stop, avh/method_18050] duy METHOD a ((I)Ldyc;) -> [duy/getListenerRegistry, duy/method_32914] dao METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, dao/codec] chl METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, chl/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] dvf METHOD a ((Lvw;)V) -> [dvt/read, dvg/read, dvm/read, dvf/method_12289, dvf/read] dix METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dix/codec] fvx METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)V) -> [fvx/method_29353, fvx/setupAttackAnimation] cz$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ar/method_54938, cz$a/validate] aqs$b METHOD d ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V) -> [aqs$b/method_18859, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/doRunTask, bpl/doRunTask, aqs$b/doRunTask] ha$b METHOD b ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ha$b/method_58510, hf$b/forTagType] bnf$1 METHOD b (()V) -> [bnf$1/endTick, bnf/method_16066] jd METHOD l ((I)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35860, jd/north] cmx METHOD s (()V) -> [cmx/closeContainer, cmx/method_7346] dys$a METHOD l (()Ldyr;) -> [dys$a/argument2, dys$y/comp_376] gnj METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gnj/render, gki/method_3936] cka METHOD gk (()Lavo;) -> [cka/getStepSound, ckw/method_7207] arz METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [arz$1/processMessageBundle, arz/method_31289, asa$d/processMessageBundle] dzo METHOD e (()Ldzl;) -> [dzo/forkPositional, ayw/method_38421] bqh METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [aqr/setName, bqh/method_5413] ace$e METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lace$b;)V) -> [ace$e/dispatch, ace$c/method_34106] jo$b$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jo/method_42017, jo$b$1/listElements] djx METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djx/codec] fvx METHOD d (()Lfyk;) -> [fvx/getHead, fvs/method_2838] fzd METHOD a ((Labe;)V) -> [fzd/handleRegistryData, fzd/method_52795] byj METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18926, byj/stop] fne METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fne/render] cpd METHOD v (()Lcot$a;) -> [cpd/getMinecartType, cot/method_7518] esh$a METHOD c ((Lesh$a;)Lesl$a;) -> [esh$a/then, esh$a/method_35514] dju METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9569, dju/mirror] bsr METHOD do (()Ljd;) -> [bsr/blockPosition, bsr/method_24515] ckn$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ckn$b/canUse] btn METHOD ec (()Z) -> [cmx/isAffectedByFluids, btn/method_29920] dtn METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dtn/getSerializedName] aqv METHOD ad (()V) -> [aqv/stopRiding, bsr/method_5848] btn METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [btn/hurt, bsr/method_5643] fwu METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwu/setupAnim] dmi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dmi/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] axb$b METHOD b (()Layk;) -> [axb$b/reversed, axb$b/method_59513, axb/reversed] emj$g METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [emj$g/addChildren, ejv/method_14918] hp METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/ContextChain;Lhn;Lht;)V) -> [hp/run, hp/method_54290] dip METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dip/getFluidState] dkw METHOD au_ (()Ldgb$a;) -> [dli/getType, djj/getType, dkw/getType, dlg/getType, dkw/method_55770] cgh METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [buo/method_47827, cgh/getVariant] che METHOD o ((F)V) -> [che/setYHeadRot, bsr/method_5847] uv METHOD a ((S)Luv$b;) -> [uv/visit, uv/method_39866] bth METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [bth/interact, bsr/method_5688] dsv METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbtn;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9567, dsv/setPlacedBy] it METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [io/method_41726, it/unpack] chi METHOD e ((Lcmx;)F) -> [btn/method_49485, chi/getRiddenSpeed] cpd METHOD z (()I) -> [cpa/getDefaultDisplayOffset, cpd/getDefaultDisplayOffset, cpd/method_7526] bsr METHOD a ((Ldxh;)V) -> [bsr/setLevelCallback, bsr/method_31744] avf METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [es/method_43496, avf/sendSystemMessage] bsr METHOD r ((F)F) -> [bsr/getPreciseBodyRotation, bsr/method_60951] abu METHOD a ((Ladr;)V) -> [abu/method_17587, fzg/handleOpenScreen] apn METHOD c ((Ljava/util/function/BooleanSupplier;)V) -> [apn/tickChildren, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3813] cki METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cki/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] cca METHOD U_ (()Z) -> [cca/isInterruptable, cam/method_6267] chi METHOD gL (()I) -> [chi/getMaxTemper, chi/method_6755] cov METHOD dB (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_31480, cov/getPickResult] dpq METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dpq/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] dlm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dlm/getShape] geb METHOD u (()V) -> [geb/rideTick, bsr/method_5842] fjf$1 METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIII)V) -> [fjf$2/renderCentered, fjf$1/renderCentered, fjf$1/method_30889] doo METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [diq/method_31645, doo/getTicker] cjr METHOD gm (()Z) -> [ckw/method_7209, cjr/convertsInWater] dou METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dou/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] fod METHOD c ((Lfki;)Lfki;) -> [fod/method_37063, fod/addRenderableWidget] cnk METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cnk/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] dly METHOD c (()Lduf;) -> [dfn/method_9474, dly/getShapeProperty] fls$d$1 METHOD c (()Z) -> [ezn/method_2033, fls$d$1/isColored] ekb METHOD b (()Lakr;) -> [emn$i/makeTemplateLocation, elo$a/makeTemplateLocation, ekb/method_35470] fod METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fod/setInitialFocus] ace$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lace$b;)V) -> [ace$1/dispatch, ace$c/method_34106] elc METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [elc/allTargets, elh/allTargets, elg/allTargets, elc/method_54499] fkh METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fkh/mouseScrolled, fki/method_25401] dqc METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dqc/getUpdateTag] dut$a METHOD b (()D) -> [dut$a/getMaxX, dut$a/method_11991] ckr METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [ckr/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] fzg METHOD a ((Laez;)V) -> [fzg/handleSetEntityData, fzg/method_11093] cqg$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BiFunction;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [cqg/method_17395, cqg$2/evaluate] dv$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dv$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] ckk METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [ckk/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] hb$a METHOD b ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [hb$a/method_9770, hb$2/unwrap, hb$1/unwrap] crx METHOD a (()V) -> [crx/clearContent, bqi/method_5448] faz METHOD b ((IIII)V) -> [faz/set, faz/method_35656] esk METHOD a (()Lesi;) -> [esk/getType, esh/method_29318] aru METHOD a ((Lzg;)Z) -> [aru/shouldHandleMessage, wf/method_52413] fzi METHOD a ((Lakq;Ley$a;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/suggestion/SuggestionsBuilder;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [ey/method_41213, fzi/suggestRegistryElements] cjn METHOD a ((Lcuq;FLcuq;)Lcnd;) -> [cjl/method_6996, cjn/getArrow] gdf METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gdf/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] gdm METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gdm/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] cgk METHOD a ((DZLdtc;Ljd;)V) -> [cgk/checkFallDamage, bsr/method_5623] ahp METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ahp/handle, zg/method_11054] bpp METHOD a (()I) -> [bpp/getMinValue, bpw/method_35009] md METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, md/method_10321, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, mo/getName] cgk METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, cgk/getBrain] cfw METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5712, cfw/playStepSound] dkz$a METHOD a ((Ldcc;Ljd;Ljd;Lji;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkz$a/stateCanBeReplaced, dkz$a/method_41458] dfc METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfc/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] bzy METHOD g (()V) -> [bzy/breed, bzy/method_6249] bot METHOD f (()Lbnf;) -> [bot/method_34774, bot/getProfiler] dxq METHOD a ((I)Ldxg;) -> [dxq/get, dxq/method_31804] ejv METHOD a ((Ldds;Lejj;Layw;IIILakq;)Z) -> [ejv/method_14915, elv$a/createChest] feg METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, feg/onClose] ft$a METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [ft$a/serializeToJson, io/method_10006] cnt METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, cnt/hurt] aac METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aac/handle] chi$1 METHOD f (()Lcuq;) -> [chi$1/getTheItem, eyn/method_54079] cgf METHOD gp (()Z) -> [cgf/method_6482, cgf/canFallInLove, cgn/canFallInLove, clh/canFallInLove] efu$b METHOD a ((Ljd;)Z) -> [efu$b/isSet, efu$b/method_49239] aqk$b METHOD b ((J)I) -> [aqf/method_14028, aqk$b/getLevelFromSource] dlj METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dlj/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] aru METHOD a ((Laha;)V) -> [aru/method_56619, aru/handleDebugSampleSubscription] fs$a$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [fs$a$a/type, io$a/method_41728] ejb METHOD a ((Leiw;Layw;Ljd;)Z) -> [eix/method_38918, ejb/shouldPlace] dba METHOD a ((Laqu;ILdab;Lbsr;Lexc;)V) -> [dba/apply, das/method_60220] dni METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dni/getBlockSupportShape, dtb/method_25959] gdm METHOD f (()F) -> [gda/method_18136, gdm/getV1] ckb$a METHOD k (()V) -> [ckb$a/performSpellCasting, ckn$c/method_7148] ka METHOD d (()Lka$b;) -> [ka/method_40316, ka$1/freeze] cmx METHOD dM (()Z) -> [cmx/shouldBeSaved, dxg/method_31746] epp METHOD a ((DDD)Lepz;) -> [epp/getTarget, epr/method_16] chb METHOD x (()Lavo;) -> [cfg/method_35171, chb/getPickupSound] dvi METHOD D (()Laql;) -> [dvi/method_12225, dvi/getFullStatus] ckd METHOD aR (()Lavo;) -> [ckd/getSwimSplashSound, bsr/method_5625] cfb METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cfb/defineSynchedData] aqv METHOD e ((DDD)V) -> [aqv/moveTo, aqv/method_24203] nt$b METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [nt$b/method_25768, nt$b/decorate] aiz METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aiz/handle] cla$a METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtp;J)V) -> [cla$a/method_18982, cla$a/start] cln METHOD a ((Lcvn;)Z) -> [cln/canFireProjectileWeapon, btp/method_25938] fzg METHOD a ((Ladr;)V) -> [fzg/method_17587, fzg/handleOpenScreen] aho METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aho/handle, zg/method_11054] cul METHOD m ((Lcuq;)V) -> [cul/verifyComponentsAfterLoad, cul/method_7860] dsw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9536, dsw/onRemove] dom METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dom/getShape] axp$c METHOD b (()F) -> [axp$c/minValue, azq/comp_532] feq METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [feq/render, fjp/method_25394] gqk METHOD a ((Lakr;Ljava/nio/file/Path;)V) -> [gqk/method_49712, gpy/dumpContents, fle/dumpContents, gqk/dumpContents] div METHOD f_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [div/useShapeForLightOcclusion, dtb/method_9526] dqq METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [dqq/setItem, bqk/method_5447] eij METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eij/type, eiy/method_39615] btn METHOD e ((Lcmx;)F) -> [btn/getRiddenSpeed, btn/method_49485] cbb METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cbb/canContinueToUse] aru METHOD a ((Lahw;)V) -> [aru/handleSetCommandBlock, aru/method_12077] bnb METHOD e (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bnb/getProfilerResults, bne/method_34970] aru METHOD a ((Laib;)V) -> [agi/method_12071, aru/handleSignUpdate] esy METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [esy/run, ete/method_522] ciw METHOD d ((Lbsy;)Z) -> [btn/method_56991, ciw/canUseSlot] fzf METHOD a ((DDDDDDLjava/util/List;)V) -> [fzf/method_8547, fzf/createFireworks] ta$1 METHOD b ((Lsx;Lta;)V) -> [ti$1/testFailed, ta$1/testFailed, ta$1/method_22190, tp$c/testFailed, tj/testFailed] chw$e METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [chw$e/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] dyc$1 METHOD b ((Ldyb;)V) -> [dyc$1/unregister, dyc/method_32945] cpd METHOD H (()D) -> [cpd/getLevelX, drg/method_11266] gnn METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gnn/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] agi METHOD a ((Laie;)V) -> [agi/method_12046, aru/handleUseItemOn] dqv$1 METHOD a (()I) -> [dqv$1/getCount, cqf/method_17389] bdi METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [bdi/getNewNameAndTag, bcl/getNewNameAndTag, bdi/method_5164, bco/getNewNameAndTag] fbp$b METHOD a ((FF)Lfbm;) -> [gfa$a/setUv, fbj/setUv, fbd/setUv, fbp$b/setUv, gfp/setUv, fbp$b/method_22913, fbp$a/setUv] dkt METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkt/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] ml METHOD a ((Ljo$a;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [ml/generate, me/method_10335] dqr METHOD a ((Lkm$a;)V) -> [dqh/method_57567, dqr/collectImplicitComponents] epb METHOD b ((Lepe;)Ldtc;) -> [epk/createLegacyBlock, epb/method_15790, eph/createLegacyBlock, epb/createLegacyBlock] aru METHOD a ((Lahd;)V) -> [aru/handleInteract, aru/method_12062] fay METHOD a (()I) -> [fay/method_1270, fay/getId] ut METHOD k (()F) -> [ut/getAsFloat, ur/method_10700] agw METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, agw/type] fqb METHOD a ((Lgvf;)V) -> [fik/method_25354, fqb/playDownSound] dim METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dim/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] elv$a METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [elv$a/addChildren, ejv/method_14918] dht METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dht/getShape] cgv METHOD b (()V) -> [cgv/handleStopJump, bty/method_6156] cix METHOD j ((DDD)V) -> [cix/push, bsr/method_5762] fjo METHOD aL_ (()V) -> [fjo/added, fod/method_49589] cbm METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cbm/requiresUpdateEveryTick, cam/method_38846] cul METHOD h ((Lcuq;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [cul/method_7866, cul/getDescriptionId] cqg METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BiFunction;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [cqg/method_17395, cqg/evaluate] cmb METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, cmb/getBrain] exl METHOD b ((III)Z) -> [exl/isFull, exl/method_1063] ffv METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [ffv/getTitle, ffn/method_53808] dmp METHOD j_ ((I)I) -> [dmp/updateDecayDelay, dmp/method_41473] dvt METHOD b (()I) -> [dvo/method_12197, dvt/getSize] fpu METHOD a ((Lcpu;ILcuq;)V) -> [cqh/method_7635, fpu/slotChanged] geb METHOD dF (()F) -> [bsr/method_43078, geb/getVisualRotationYInDegrees] dxx$a METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [dye/method_56123, dxx$a/streamCodec] frs$d METHOD s (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [frs$d/getSelfList, frs$b/method_29666] cnu METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cnu/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD a ((Ljava/nio/file/Path;)V) -> [apn/dumpServerProperties, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_37113] fzg METHOD d (()V) -> [wn/method_18784, fzg/tick] dys$z METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dys$z/maxValue] fsg METHOD E (()V) -> [fsg/method_16891, fsg/recipesUpdated] fnz$a METHOD a ((Lfih$a;)V) -> [fih/method_25313, fnz$a/setSelected] ka METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jo$a/method_55282, ka/listRegistries] bsr METHOD k ((Lbsr;)V) -> [bsr/method_5644, cov/onPassengerTurned] bmt METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [bmt/input, bmk/method_58315] fgv METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fgv/getKey, ayr/method_7359] fpn METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fpn/init, fod/method_25426] cgv METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ajz/method_5674, cgv/onSyncedDataUpdated] dyd METHOD a ((Ldcw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dxx/getPosition, dxv/getPosition, dyd/method_32956] dqc$1 METHOD a ((I)I) -> [cqf/method_17390, dqc$1/get] cfo METHOD cb (()Z) -> [cfo/isCrouching, bsr/method_18276] dde METHOD a ((Ljd;ZLbsr;I)Z) -> [dde/destroyBlock, dde/method_30093] cgf$i METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cgf$i/tick] cge METHOD r ((I)Z) -> [cge/method_5969, cge/isMaxGroupSizeReached] fzf$a METHOD r (()Z) -> [fzf$a/isDifficultyLocked, fzf$a/method_197, erj/isDifficultyLocked, eqy/isDifficultyLocked] cgq METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, cgq/getBrain] zu METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zu/type] gej$c METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, gej$c/getSerializedName] dfa METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfa/codec] fl$c METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)I) -> [fl$c/setTag, fl$h/method_9376] ghs METHOD c (()F) -> [ghs/method_35793, ghr/getOffsetDown] fgr$n METHOD f (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [fgr$n/comp_675, fgr$n/codec] abg METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, abg/handle] epk METHOD h (()Llk;) -> [eph/getDripParticle, epk/getDripParticle, epk/method_15787] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD k (()I) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getOperatorUserPermissionLevel, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3798] dfu METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dfu/getCollisionShape, dtb/method_9549] euw METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, euw/getType] gmv METHOD a ((Lbsr;Ljd;)I) -> [gki/method_24087, gmv/getBlockLightLevel] kc$2 METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jo/method_42017, kc$2/listElements] bsr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtm;)V) -> [bsr/thunderHit, bsr/method_5800] dqc METHOD S_ (()Lwz;) -> [eyf/method_5476, bqw/method_5476, dqc/getDisplayName, bqv/method_5476] fqt METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fqt/init] fih METHOD a (()I) -> [fih/getMaxPosition, fih/method_25317] dlk METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dlk/codec] erj METHOD B (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Lifecycle;) -> [erj/method_29588, erj/worldGenSettingsLifecycle] dvf METHOD c (()Ldvo;) -> [dvo/method_39956, dvf/copy] cja METHOD a_ ((I)Lbug;) -> [bsr/method_32318, cja/getSlot] djr METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djr/codec] dsy METHOD a ((Ldcw;)V) -> [dsy/setLevel, dqh/method_31662] cul METHOD ap_ (()Lavo;) -> [cul/method_21831, cuf/getDrinkingSound] che METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [che/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] acm METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acm/type] dns METHOD b (()Lcti;) -> [dfp/method_10622, dns/getColor] gtg$1 METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [gtg$1/method_55550, gtg$1/onFailure] faz METHOD b ((FFFFFFFF)V) -> [faz/setMat4x2, faz/method_35654] dwk METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [dwk/flush, dxj/method_31758] chw$b METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [chw$b/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] chi METHOD a ((Lbqk;)V) -> [chi/containerChanged, bqm/method_5453] esw METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [esw/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] aqv METHOD c ((Lbsr;)V) -> [geb/magicCrit, aqv/magicCrit, aqv/method_7304] aub METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/Map;) -> [aub/listResources, aue/method_14488] bnf METHOD a (()V) -> [bnf/startTick, bnf/method_16065] ckr METHOD a ((Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cku/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjl/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, clq/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckg/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cks/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cln/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cky/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckr/method_5964] cn$b METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [dw/method_58167, cn$b/matches] fox METHOD C (()V) -> [fot/method_37432, fox/containerTick] sy METHOD a ((Lsx;Lta;)V) -> [ti$1/testPassed, tj/testPassed, tp$c/testPassed, ta$1/testPassed, sy/method_33317] coc METHOD dS (()Lcuq;) -> [coc/getWeaponItem, bsr/method_59958] blu METHOD a ((JI)V) -> [blp/logPartialSample, blu/method_56535] far METHOD a ((I)V) -> [far/set, far/method_35649] aur METHOD a (()V) -> [apm/reloadWhiteList, aur/method_14599] fmc METHOD a ((II)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/method_46465, fmc/padding] dmr METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [diq/method_31645, dmr/getTicker] fsn METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fsn/getNarrationMessage, fod/method_25435] gda METHOD a ((Lfbm;Lffy;F)V) -> [gda/method_3074, gch/render, gca/render, gcl/render, gck/render, gcy/render, gda/render, gbq/render, gdr/render, gbx$c/render, gbx$b/render] cfx METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cfx/registerGoals] cky METHOD a (()I) -> [btt/method_29507, cky/getRemainingPersistentAngerTime] dby METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;I)V) -> [dby/broadcastEvent, dby/method_8273] dcw METHOD B_ (()I) -> [dcw/getSkyDarken, dcz/method_8594] ejn METHOD a ((III)V) -> [ejv/method_14922, ejn/move] dkd METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepd;)Z) -> [dkd/canPlaceLiquid, dkp/method_10310] cou METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cou/addAdditionalSaveData] dhb METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, dhb/hasAnalogOutputSignal] dzc$h METHOD k (()Ldyr;) -> [dzc$h/comp_469, dzc$g/wrapped, dzc$f/wrapped, dzc$i/wrapped, dzc$e/wrapped, dys$l/wrapped, dzc$d/wrapped, dzc$a/wrapped, dzc$b/wrapped] ckn$c METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckn$c/start] cti METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, cti/getSerializedName] dcs$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [dcs$a/method_20777, dcs$d/deserialize, dcs$a/deserialize] btn METHOD dS (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_59958, btn/getWeaponItem] fvv METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fvv/bodyParts, fuf/method_22948] dgo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dgo/useWithoutItem] bsr METHOD r ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [bsr/method_5818, bsr/canAddPassenger] dmp$1 METHOD j_ ((I)I) -> [dmp/method_41473, dmp$1/updateDecayDelay] cc$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dv$a/comp_2029, cc$a/player] cuc METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lji;Lcuq;Ljd;)Z) -> [cuc/mayPlace, cuc/method_7834] afb METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afb/handle] bqk METHOD b ((ILcuq;)Z) -> [drj/canPlaceItem, drk$1/canPlaceItem, cpy$1/canPlaceItem, bqj/canPlaceItem, dqk/canPlaceItem, dpv/canPlaceItem, dqv/canPlaceItem, dqq/canPlaceItem, bqk/method_5437] bzq METHOD a (()V) -> [bzo/method_6231, bzq/tick] ha$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ha$c/possibleResources, ha$a/possibleResources, ha$a/method_58344, ha$d/possibleResources, ha$e/possibleResources] gsw METHOD g (()Lggg;) -> [gsm/method_4710, gsw/getOverrides] exf METHOD c ((III)V) -> [exl/method_1049, exf/fill] gsm METHOD f (()Lggi;) -> [gsm/getTransforms, gsm/method_4709] emt METHOD a (()Lens;) -> [emt/method_16772, enb/getType, emy/getType, emz/getType, enm/getType, ena/getType, emu/getType, emt/getType, ems/getType, ene/getType, emw/getType, enj/getType] ayv METHOD a (()V) -> [ayv/method_15411, ayv/stop] dpk METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dpk/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] bsr METHOD aj (()Lwz;) -> [drc/getCustomName, dqb/getCustomName, bsr/getCustomName, dpw/getCustomName, bsr/method_5797, dqc/getCustomName] dqh METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dqh/getUpdateTag] bsr METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [es/method_43496, bsr/sendSystemMessage] qd METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [pz/method_10514, qd/addTags] caf METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, caf/start] ewb METHOD a ((Lerr;)I) -> [ewb/getInt, evy/method_366] die METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [die/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] drp METHOD c (()Ldyb;) -> [drp/getListener, dyb$b/method_51358] bsr METHOD di (()D) -> [bsr/getFluidJumpThreshold, bsr/method_29241] dfb METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfb/codec] bmy METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)V) -> [bnf/method_15400, bmy/push] dnt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9516, dnt/isPathfindable] fov METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fov/renderBackground, fod/method_25420] apn METHOD ak (()Z) -> [apn/method_3727, apn/hasGui] chv METHOD a ((Laqu;Lcfe;)V) -> [chv/spawnChildFromBreeding, cfe/method_24650] aue$a METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [aue$a/listPacks, aue/method_29213] ckr METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, ckr/method_6011, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] ayv METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [ayv/progressStartNoAbort, ayv/method_15412] gkb METHOD a ((Lckw;)Lakr;) -> [glb/getTextureLocation, gkb/method_4163, gkb/getTextureLocation] fmc$a METHOD b ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc$a/method_46469, fmc$a/paddingLeft] gvf$a$1 METHOD b ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [gvh/method_4893, gvf$a$1/getSound] cot METHOD Q_ (()F) -> [bsr/method_53829, cot/lerpTargetXRot] eme METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [ejr/method_41618, eme/type] fqq METHOD a ((IIIIII)Lorg/joml/Vector2ic;) -> [fqo/method_47944, fqq/positionTooltip] fwp METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fwp/bodyParts, fuf/method_22948] cft METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cft/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] btn METHOD ed (()V) -> [btn/method_6108, btn/tickDeath] fzf METHOD a ((Lji;Z)F) -> [arb/getShade, fzf/method_24852, aqu/getShade, ghx/getShade, fzf/getShade] btn METHOD b ((Laqu;Ljd;)V) -> [btn/method_6126, btn/onChangedBlock] aem METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aem/type] ct METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [ct/method_58161, ct/matches] dfc METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfc/codec] aue$a METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/Map;) -> [aue/method_41265, aue$a/listResourceStacks] bsr METHOD dA (()V) -> [bsr/method_5982, bsr/checkDespawn] fxn METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fxn/root, fvt/method_32008] ciu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lexc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5844, ciu/makeStuckInBlock] fbp$a METHOD a ((FF)Lfbm;) -> [gfa$a/setUv, fbj/setUv, fbd/setUv, fbp$b/setUv, gfp/setUv, fbp$a/method_22913, fbp$a/setUv] cmq METHOD c ((Lcuq;)Lavo;) -> [btn/method_18807, cmq/getDrinkingSound] czh METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8110, czh/getResultItem] acq METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, acq/handle] fsm$a METHOD a ((ILgad$a;)V) -> [fsm$a/acceptMessage, fsm$a/method_44490] cbm METHOD e (()V) -> [cbm/stop, cam/method_6270] cgc METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cgc/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] bsi METHOD a ((Lbtn;ILbsr$c;)V) -> [brx/method_58617, bsi/onMobRemoved] uf$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [uf$1/getName, va/method_23259] dko METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dko/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] cmx METHOD fI (()V) -> [btn/method_18400, cmx/stopSleeping] wf METHOD a (()Lzh;) -> [wf/method_52895, wf/flow] cfw$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cfw$a/canUse, cam/method_6264] dgl METHOD c (()I) -> [dgl/getActiveTicks, dms/method_51166] uv METHOD a ((Lva;)Luv$a;) -> [vj/visitEntry, uv/method_39863, vg/visitEntry, vf/visitEntry] dik METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dik/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] dkb METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dkb/getTicker, diq/method_31645] fiv METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fik/method_48579, fiv/renderWidget] eov METHOD a ((Lkf;)Ldvd;) -> [eor/method_15544, eov/getDataLayerData] cks$a METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cks$a/canContinueToUse] cn METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [cn/matches, dw/method_58167] cze METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [cze/streamCodec, cze/method_56104] xe$4 METHOD a ((Lxe$b;Lxw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe$4/visit, xe/method_27658] chi METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [chi/doPlayerRide, chi/method_6726] eoq METHOD b ((JJI)I) -> [aqf/computeLevelFromNeighbor, eoq/method_15488, aqq/computeLevelFromNeighbor] fum METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fum/setupAnim] bvl METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvl/checkExtraStartConditions, bvh/method_18919] dje METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dje/performBonemeal] cfj METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lbsr$a;)V) -> [cfj/positionRider, bsr/method_5865] bsn METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, bsn/addAdditionalSaveData] dut METHOD a (()D) -> [dut/method_11964, dut/getCenterX] aeh METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aeh/handle, zg/method_11054] abs METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, abs/type] emb$u METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emb$u/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] ftr$a METHOD aU_ (()Lwz;) -> [ftt/method_16892, ftr$a/getName] czo METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyz/method_8119, czo/getSerializer] cjg METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [cjg/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] ccb METHOD e (()V) -> [ccb/stop, cam/method_6270] cyp METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [czc/method_59984, cyp/getItem] cfo METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [cfo/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] cmx METHOD fi (()F) -> [cmx/getFlyingSpeed, btn/method_49484] few$2 METHOD b (()J) -> [few$2/delayCyclesAfterFailure, few/method_44645] jz METHOD p (()Ljp;) -> [jz/method_46770, jz/holderOwner] zg METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zg/type] agi METHOD a ((Lahy;)V) -> [aru/handleSetCreativeModeSlot, agi/method_12070] btp METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] fzg METHOD a ((Labx;)V) -> [abu/method_11160, fzg/handleAnimate] afy METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afy/type] dut$a METHOD h (()D) -> [dut$a/method_11988, dut$a/getLerpTarget] cft METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cft/method_6011, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] dqb METHOD a ((Ldqh$b;)V) -> [dqb/applyImplicitComponents, dqh/method_57568] dol METHOD d ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)F) -> [dol/getShadeBrightness, dtb/method_9575] dia METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dia/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] dil METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dil/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] cfh METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [bsl/method_5613, cfh/getBreedOffspring] gbh METHOD e (()F) -> [gda/method_18135, gbh/getV0] apn METHOD am (()I) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3841, apn/getSpawnProtectionRadius] fst$3 METHOD aQ_ (()Lxn;) -> [fik/method_25360, fst$3/createNarrationMessage] cug METHOD a ((Ldrt;Lcmx;)Z) -> [cug/canApplyToSign, cvv/method_49801] djs METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [djs/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] fon METHOD b ((Lah;)V) -> [fon/onRemoveAdvancementRoot, al$a/method_720] aqc$b METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [aqc/method_57129, aqc$b/getError] emz METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ljd;Lent$c;Lent$c;Lenp;)Lent$c;) -> [enq/method_15110, emz/processBlock] ell METHOD a ((Lejr$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ell/findGenerationPoint, ejr/method_38676] gmq METHOD a ((Lcko;)Lakr;) -> [gjs/getTextureLocation, gmq/method_4123] dmo METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dmo/createBlockStateDefinition] cmk METHOD cs (()Lwz;) -> [bsr/method_23315, cmk/getTypeName] dqc METHOD a ((Ldcw;)V) -> [dqc/setLevel, dqh/method_31662] fze METHOD a ((Laiq;)V) -> [fze/handleGameProfile, fze/method_12588] dut$b METHOD a (()D) -> [dut$b/method_11994, dut$d/getMinX, dut$b/getMinX] cjn METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cjn/addAdditionalSaveData] enm METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ljd;Lent$c;Lent$c;Lenp;)Lent$c;) -> [enq/method_15110, enm/processBlock] gnd METHOD a ((Lbsr;Ljd;)I) -> [gnd/getBlockLightLevel, gki/method_24087] fkq METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fkq/render] caz METHOD c (()Z) -> [caz/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] aqv METHOD a ((Lcuq;)V) -> [aqv/updateUsingItem, btn/method_37119] dmh METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dmh/createBlockStateDefinition] guj METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [guj/method_43803, guj$2/searchPath, guj$1/searchPath] fpt METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fpt/keyPressed] auv METHOD f (()Z) -> [aum/hasExpired, auv/method_14627] cgf$g METHOD a ((Ljd;)Z) -> [cgf$g/isStableDestination, cff$1/isStableDestination, cgf$g/method_6333, ccy/isStableDestination, ckq$b/isStableDestination, cdc/isStableDestination, ccx/isStableDestination] cvc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cul/method_7851, cvc/appendHoverText] ccj METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ccj/canUse] efx METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [efx/createFoliage, efu/method_23448] bvl METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvl/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] dmw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dmw/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] esd$a METHOD b (()Lesh;) -> [esd$a/build, esh$a/method_419] cgy METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cgy/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] cfb METHOD Y (()Z) -> [cfb/requiresCustomPersistence, cfb/method_17326, cjt/requiresCustomPersistence, cgq/requiresCustomPersistence, coj/requiresCustomPersistence] xo METHOD a ((Laqv;ZLwv$a;)V) -> [xo$a/sendToPlayer, xo$b/sendToPlayer, xo/method_45095] jo$a$2 METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jo$a/method_46759, jo$a$2/lookup] uh METHOD a (()I) -> [uh/sizeInBytes, uy/method_47988] dvh METHOD f (()Ldcd;) -> [dvh/method_12004, dvh/getPos] cmb METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cmb/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] jn METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jn/get, jn/method_46746] bnl$a METHOD b ((Lvu;Lzi;Ljava/net/SocketAddress;I)V) -> [bnl$a/onPacketSent, bnl/method_38657] fzb METHOD p (()Leot;) -> [fzb/getLightEngine, dvc/method_12130] wh$a METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Function;)Lwh;) -> [wh$a/bind, wh$a/method_61107] coj$b METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, coj$b/tick] djn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldtc;)Ldtc;) -> [djn/updateBodyAfterConvertedFromHead, djn/method_33625] clq METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18867, clq/makeBrain] cfy$f METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cfy$f/canContinueToUse] dgy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dgy/getShape] cmb METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [cmb/makeBrain, btn/method_18867] fsq$a METHOD a ((Lfih$a;)V) -> [fih/method_25313, fsq$a/setSelected] db METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, db/codec] fik METHOD I (()I) -> [fjw/method_48590, fik/getTabOrderGroup] fvv METHOD a ((Lchi;FFFFF)V) -> [fvv/method_17085, fuy/setupAnim] dbz METHOD a ((Lji;Z)F) -> [arb/getShade, aqu/getShade, dbz/method_24852, ghx/getShade, fzf/getShade] ehh METHOD a ((Lddc;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;Layw;ILjd;Lefe;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [ehm/method_26991, ehh/placeTrunk] cfl METHOD fa (()F) -> [cfl/getSoundVolume, btn/method_6107] dkn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dkn/getSignal] btp METHOD dB (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_31480, btp/getPickResult] cgd$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cgd$b/canUse, cam/method_6264] eyf$2 METHOD gY (()Lwz;) -> [eyf/method_55423, eyf$2/getFeedbackDisplayName] btt METHOD c (()V) -> [btt/startPersistentAngerTimer, btt/method_29509] gjm METHOD a ((Lbsr;Ljd;)I) -> [gjm/getBlockLightLevel, gki/method_24087] ctg METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcw;Lcuq;Ljd;)V) -> [ctg/method_7728, ctg/checkExtraContent] dyn METHOD h (()Z) -> [ayw/method_43056, dyn/nextBoolean] abu METHOD a ((Lafk;)V) -> [abu/method_34082, abu/setSubtitleText] cul METHOD ar_ (()Z) -> [cul/method_31568, cul/canFitInsideContainerItems] tj METHOD a ((Lsx;)V) -> [tj/testStructureLoaded, tj/method_22188, ta$1/testStructureLoaded, ti$1/testStructureLoaded, tp$c/testStructureLoaded] fsv METHOD b ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fsv/renderListBackground, fih/method_57715] abu METHOD a ((Lacc;)V) -> [abu/handleBlockEvent, abu/method_11158] fqe METHOD E (()V) -> [fqe/subInit, fpu/method_25445] gns METHOD a ((Lbtn;)I) -> [gpe/method_22134, gns/numStuck] flj$1 METHOD a ((II)V) -> [flj$1/upload, ezn/method_2030] erb METHOD d (()J) -> [erb/method_217, eqy/getDayTime, fzf$a/getDayTime, erj/getDayTime] emy METHOD a (()Lens;) -> [enb/getType, emy/getType, emz/getType, emy/method_16772, enm/getType, ena/getType, emu/getType, emt/getType, ems/getType, ene/getType, emw/getType, enj/getType] gwf METHOD a ((DD)V) -> [gwf/onMouse, gwj/method_4901] cqk METHOD c (()V) -> [cqz$1/setChanged, cqk/setChanged, fpi$c/setChanged, cqk/method_7668] edv METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edv/place] fna METHOD a ((I)V) -> [fna/addButtons, fna/method_37051] cfo METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbrk;)V) -> [cfo/method_16080, cfo/dropAllDeathLoot] bsr METHOD p ((Lbsr;)V) -> [bsr/addPassenger, bsr/method_5627] chi METHOD gN (()Z) -> [chi/method_6762, chl/canEatGrass] fsn$a$d METHOD b (()Z) -> [fsn$a$d/isSelected, fsn$a$b/method_44514] ahw METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ahw/handle, zg/method_11054] eov METHOD a ((Ldcd;Z)V) -> [eow/method_15512, eov/setLightEnabled] aqv METHOD a ((Lbsr;ILbrk;)V) -> [aqv/awardKillScore, bsr/method_5716] eom METHOD a ((JJ)V) -> [eov/method_51530, eom/propagateDecrease] fow METHOD b ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fot/method_2388, fow/renderLabels] aeg METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aeg/handle, zg/method_11054] ddw$d METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, ddw$d/getSerializedName] fxg METHOD a ((FFF)V) -> [fxg/method_2821, fxg/setupAnim, fye/setupAnim, fwn/setupAnim] gtm METHOD o (()Lgtj;) -> [gtm/getAlternativeSoundInstance, gtn/method_22135] clh METHOD h ((D)Z) -> [clh/removeWhenFarAway, btp/method_5974] dyp METHOD a ((Larb;)V) -> [duz/method_12107, dyp/spawnOriginalMobs] enb METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ljd;Lent$c;Lent$c;Lenp;)Lent$c;) -> [enq/method_15110, enb/processBlock] cgv METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cgv/customServerAiStep] chw$e METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, chw$e/start] gd METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [gd/method_49545, fj/convertId] fqg METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fqg/render] czt$a METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [czt$a/streamCodec, cze/method_56104] add METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, add/type] ckf METHOD Z (()Z) -> [btp/method_23734, ckf/shouldDespawnInPeaceful] ckb METHOD h_ (()Lewx;) -> [bsr/method_5830, ckb/getBoundingBoxForCulling] cwp METHOD c (()Lcvm$a;) -> [cwp/createDispenseConfig, cvm/method_58653] aqv METHOD a ((Lcuq;ZZ)Lcjh;) -> [cmx/method_7329, aqv/drop] cfm METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cfm/tick] ckb METHOD a ((Laqu;IZ)V) -> [ckb/applyRaidBuffs, coj/method_16484] fqg METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fqg/mouseClicked, fki/method_25402] dom METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dom/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] djl METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djl/codec] dgb METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/performBonemeal, dgb/method_9652] cfo METHOD cM (()Lexc;) -> [cfo/getLeashOffset, bsr/method_29919] dne METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dne/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] geb METHOD Z (()Z) -> [geb/method_33793, aqv/isTextFilteringEnabled, geb/isTextFilteringEnabled] cfl METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lcfl;) -> [cfl/getBreedOffspring, cfl/method_6483] abu METHOD a ((Lacq;)V) -> [abu/method_11131, fzg/handleContainerSetData] geo$b METHOD a ((Lexc;F)Lexc;) -> [geo/method_28112, geo$b/getBrightnessDependentFogColor] cfx METHOD b_ ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bsr/method_5694, cfx/playerTouch] evk METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, evk/getType] abu METHOD a ((Laem;)V) -> [fzg/handleServerData, abu/method_44075] afe METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [afe/handle, zg/method_11054] cjh METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cjh/defineSynchedData] bmy METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [bmy/push, bnf$1/push, bnc/push, bmy/method_15396] uv METHOD b ((Lva;)Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39871, uv/visitRootEntry] dzp$y METHOD a (()Layh;) -> [dzp$y/codec, dzp$f/method_39064] eor$a METHOD a ((Ldcd;Z)V) -> [eor$a/setLightEnabled, eow/method_15512] dt$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dt$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] cvz METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [cvz/getDescriptionId, cul/method_7876] cyy METHOD a ((Lcyp;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [czh/method_17727, cyy/assemble] feh$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, feh$a/getNarration] atq$1 METHOD a ((Lwz;)Lwz;) -> [atq/method_45282, atq$1/decorate] dhb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dhb/useWithoutItem] dmy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dmy/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] flu METHOD y (()I) -> [flu/getWidth, fmb/method_25368] dvt METHOD b ((Lvw;)V) -> [dvo/method_12287, dvt/write] ace$e METHOD a ((Lwk;)V) -> [ace$e/write, ace$c/method_34107] cov METHOD aZ (()D) -> [cov/getDefaultGravity, bsr/method_7490] ckq METHOD e ((Lcmx;)F) -> [ckq/getRiddenSpeed, btn/method_49485] gfn METHOD d (()Lfaw;) -> [gfn/getFragmentProgram, fay/method_1278] zn METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zn/type] cfu METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cfu/method_6011, cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] chi METHOD e (()Ldcn;) -> [btv/method_48926, chi/level] cda METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [cda/method_6354, cda/setCanFloat] kh METHOD f ((Lkh;)Lkh;) -> [jd$a/offset, kh/method_35853, jd/offset] drl METHOD a ((F)F) -> [drl/getOpenNess, drl/method_11274] cgk METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cgk/method_5965, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cgq/createNavigation] cjh METHOD cu (()Z) -> [cjh/isAttackable, bsr/method_5732] cyv METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, cyv/matches] cvz METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Lavo;) -> [cvz/getPlaceSound, cso/method_19260] cjq METHOD a (()V) -> [cjq/method_24651, cln/onCrossbowAttackPerformed, ckg/onCrossbowAttackPerformed] cov METHOD X_ (()Lbtk$a;) -> [btk/method_60955, cov/getLeashData] fno METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fno/renderBackground, fod/method_25420] dvr METHOD a ((III)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dvr/method_12321, dvr/get] cka METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cka/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] cmf METHOD y (()Z) -> [cmf/canBeLeashed, btk/method_5931] dgm METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dgm/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] ahj METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahj/type] ftf METHOD c (()V) -> [ftf/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] dlb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dlb/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] dnb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dnb/rotate] cas METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cas/start] doc METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [doc/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] bnl METHOD b ((Ldws;Ldcd;Ldwr;I)V) -> [bnl/method_56980, bnl$a/onRegionFileWrite, bnk/onRegionFileWrite] cfu METHOD aV (()V) -> [cia/onFlap, cfu/onFlap, cfj/onFlap, cfu/method_5801] cgv METHOD l (()V) -> [cgv/tick, bsr/method_5773] caa METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, caa/start] jd$a METHOD l ((I)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35860, jd$a/north] fpi$b METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcrq;)Z) -> [cqw/canTakeItemForPickAll, crw/canTakeItemForPickAll, cre/canTakeItemForPickAll, cqm/canTakeItemForPickAll, fpi$b/method_7613, fpi$b/canTakeItemForPickAll, cqb/canTakeItemForPickAll, crt/canTakeItemForPickAll] cjr$f METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cjr$f/canUse] eua$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, eua$a/getSerializedName] dkh METHOD a ((Lepd;)Z) -> [dkh/method_32765, dgt/canReceiveStalactiteDrip, dkh/canReceiveStalactiteDrip] bws METHOD f ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvi/method_18923, bws/tickOrStop] ciu METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, ciu/getAmbientSound] vd METHOD a ((Lud;)V) -> [uu/visitEnd, ux/visitEnd, vd/method_32294, vd/visitEnd] cjr$b METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [caz/method_6296, cjr$b/isValidTarget] gdr METHOD a ((Lfbm;Lffy;F)V) -> [gch/render, gca/render, gcl/render, gck/render, gcy/render, gda/render, gbq/render, gdr/render, gbx$c/render, gbx$b/render, gdr/method_3074] cln METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [cln/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] bzp METHOD a (()V) -> [bzp/tick, bzp/method_6240] fne METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fne/onClose] gia$b$b METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [gia$b$a/method_38556, gia$b$b/name] ags METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ags/handle, zg/method_11054] cjn METHOD a ((Lavq;)V) -> [cjn/shear, buf/method_6636] fop METHOD k (()Z) -> [fop/isPauseScreen, fod/method_25421] fzg METHOD a ((Ladt;)V) -> [abu/method_11090, fzg/handlePlaceRecipe] edt METHOD a ((Ldds;Lefh;Layw;Ljd;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;II)Ljava/util/Set;) -> [edt/method_34316, edt/placeGroundPatch] fim METHOD aQ_ (()Lxn;) -> [fik/method_25360, fim/createNarrationMessage] dcw METHOD Y (()V) -> [dcw/method_8525, fzf/disconnect] dfy METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [dfy/appendHoverText, dfy/method_9568] cmf METHOD go (()Lavo;) -> [cmq/getNotifyTradeSound, cmf/method_18010, cmf/getNotifyTradeSound, cmh/getNotifyTradeSound] evw METHOD b (()Levx;) -> [evw/getType, evy/method_365] bnl$a METHOD a ((Lbnj;)Z) -> [bnl/method_37981, bnl$a/start] fnv METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fnv/init] djs METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ljd;Lbsr;F)V) -> [dfy/method_9554, djs/fallOn] cnw METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cnw/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] bug$3 METHOD a (()Lcuq;) -> [bug/method_32327, bug$3/get] bdt METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;) -> [bfu/fixItemStackTag, bdt/fixItemStackTag, bdt/method_20445, bdy/fixItemStackTag] flh METHOD a ((ZFFLorg/joml/Matrix4f;Lfbm;FFFFI)V) -> [flh/method_2025, flh/render] akw METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [aky/method_12870, akw/logLine] dhb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dtb/method_9572, dhb/getAnalogOutputSignal] btp METHOD f ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [btn/method_18397, btp/canTakeItem] chi METHOD gA (()V) -> [chi/method_6764, cho/addBehaviourGoals, chs/addBehaviourGoals] djt METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, djt/hasAnalogOutputSignal] dro METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dro/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] cum METHOD c ((Lcul;)V) -> [cum/method_7901, cvr/onCooldownEnded] ffn METHOD b (()V) -> [ffj/abortTask, ffn/method_21071, ffk/abortTask] dey METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dey/codec, dtb/method_53969] iu METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/method_10005, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] fod METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fod/renderBackground, fod/method_25420] bvc METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvc/tick, bvh/method_18924] chw$c METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, chw$c/start] dxg METHOD cK (()Lewx;) -> [dxg/getBoundingBox, dxg/method_5829] cwa METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, cwa/useOn] bqo METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, bqo/getSerializedName] fmc METHOD d ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/paddingRight, fmc/method_46473] cmk METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [cmk/die, btn/method_6078] don METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, don/codec] bot METHOD b (()V) -> [bot/method_41320, bor/cancel, bos/cancel] fls$e METHOD a ((I)I) -> [fls$f/method_51668, fls$e/line] dph METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/Enum;) -> [dph/getAge, dgz/method_33622] dzb METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Ldzm;Ljd;)V) -> [dzb/addDebugScreenInfo, duz/method_40450] fon METHOD c (()V) -> [fod/method_48640, fon/repositionElements] fgs$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;I)I) -> [fgs$2/process, fgs$a/method_33680] dhi METHOD g ((Ldtc;)I) -> [dia/method_9992, dhi/getDelay] fzv$1 METHOD a ((Lajp;)V) -> [ajo/method_12667, fzv$1/handleStatusResponse] gdf METHOD e ((F)V) -> [gdf/setAlpha, gdf/method_3083] fds METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fds/renderBackground, fod/method_25420] etd METHOD a (()Letd$f;) -> [etd/mode, etd/method_58191] dcw METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lavo;Lavq;FF)V) -> [dcw/method_55116, dcw/playLocalSound] fzg METHOD a ((Ladj;)V) -> [abu/method_11143, fzg/handleLightUpdatePacket] cpw METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [cpw/method_24923, cpw/onTake, crt/onTake] dmo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dmo/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] mr METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, mr/method_10321, nm/getName, mp/getName, mo/getName] cgh$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cgh$a/start] ero METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ero/method_59726, erp$2/empty, erp$3/empty, erp$1/empty] dqx METHOD aB_ (()Lakq;) -> [bqz/method_54869, dqx/getLootTable] fqm METHOD a ((Lfhx;)I) -> [fqm/getWidth, fqn/method_32664] dom METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dom/getFluidState] deu METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, deu/codec] cft$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, cft$a/getSerializedName] ckq$a METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [caz/method_6296, ckq$a/isValidTarget] cfm METHOD b ((Lcjh;)V) -> [cln/pickUpItem, cfm/pickUpItem, cgk/pickUpItem, cfm/method_5949, ckg/pickUpItem, cfo/pickUpItem, coj/pickUpItem, cmk/pickUpItem, cft/pickUpItem] cie METHOD g (()Lexc;) -> [cik/method_6851, cie/getFlyTargetLocation] fbt$h METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fbt$h/getNarration] dmv METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dmv/createBlockStateDefinition] fnb METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fnb/shouldCloseOnEsc, fod/method_25422] cmx METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcuq;Lcpr;)Lcuq;) -> [btn/method_18866, cmx/eat] cbj METHOD h (()Lexc;) -> [cbj/getPosition, cbj/method_6302] cfo$f METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cfo$f/tick] fnj METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fnj/init, fod/method_25426] gki METHOD b ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [gki/shouldShowName, gki/method_3921] egf METHOD a ((Lddc;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;Layw;Ljd;Ljd;Lefe;)Z) -> [egf/method_43168, egf/placeRoots] cie METHOD f (()F) -> [cik/method_6846, cie/getFlySpeed] xn METHOD g (()Laya;) -> [xn/getVisualOrderText, wz/method_30937] cge METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cge/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cfm METHOD cl (()I) -> [cfm/getMaxAirSupply, bsr/method_5748] fqx$c METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fqx$c/render, fih$a/method_25343] bsl METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, bsl/defineSynchedData] fqo METHOD a ((IIIIII)Lorg/joml/Vector2ic;) -> [fqo/method_47944, fqo/positionTooltip] ctr METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [ctr/use, cul/method_7836] czu METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [czr/method_48453, czu/isTemplateIngredient] erk METHOD f (()I) -> [erk/method_155, erk/getClearWeatherTime] cgs METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/method_18927, cgs/canStillUse] cgf$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cgf$c/canUse] ast METHOD a (([Ljava/lang/String;)Latw;) -> [asq/method_14410, ast/getRootResource] cau METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cau/canContinueToUse] bug$2 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [bug$2/set, bug/method_32332] bnf METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [bmy/push, bnf/method_15396, bnf$1/push, bnc/push] ju METHOD e (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Lifecycle;) -> [ju/method_31138, ju/registryLifecycle] dqo METHOD a ((ILcmw;)Lcpu;) -> [dqb/method_5465, dqo/createMenu] epd METHOD c (()F) -> [epd/method_15784, epd/getExplosionResistance] emj$c METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [ejv/method_14918, emj$c/addChildren] dom METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dom/codec] crx METHOD c (()Z) -> [crx/isEmpty, bqk/method_5442] dvi$a METHOD a (()V) -> [dvi$a/tick, dsa/method_31703] ckg METHOD a (()V) -> [ckg/method_24651, cln/onCrossbowAttackPerformed, ckg/onCrossbowAttackPerformed] bsl METHOD a ((IZ)V) -> [cgn/ageUp, bsl/method_5620] n METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, n/getSerializedName] cnd METHOD c ((DDDFF)V) -> [cnd/method_7485, cnd/shoot] cka METHOD ah_ (()Z) -> [cka/method_7216, cka/isSunSensitive] cvn METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lcnp;IFFFLbtn;)V) -> [cvn/method_7763, cvn/shootProjectile] dls METHOD d (()Ldcv;) -> [dht/method_9832, dls/getBaseSeedId] dur$a METHOD a ((Ldut;DD)V) -> [dur$a/onBorderCenterSet, dur/method_11930] eld METHOD a ((Layw;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [elg/forEachResolved, elc/forEachResolved, elh/forEachResolved, eld/method_54500] bvx METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvx/start, bvh/method_18920] cia METHOD aV (()V) -> [cia/onFlap, cfu/onFlap, cia/method_5801, cfj/onFlap] fzf METHOD a ((Leqr;Leqt;)V) -> [fzf/method_17890, fzf/setMapData, aqu/setMapData] cyl METHOD a ((Lczc;)Ljv;) -> [cyl/getRemainingItems, cyj/getRemainingItems, cyl/method_8111] cjc METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cjc/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] uf METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [uy/method_10707, uf/copy] dvs METHOD b_ ((Ljd;)Lepe;) -> [dcc/method_8316, dvs/getFluidState] cia METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cia/aiStep] fna METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fna/render, fjp/method_25394] cre METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cpu/method_7597, cre/stillValid] daj$f METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [daj$a/codec, daj$f/method_60185, daj$b/codec, daj$f/codec, daj$d/codec, daj$c/codec, daj$e/codec] cwh METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljw;Lcuq;Lji;)Lcnp;) -> [cvm/method_58648, cwh/asProjectile] cpu METHOD a ((Lcmx;I)Z) -> [cpu/clickMenuButton, cpu/method_7604] cmx METHOD S_ (()Lwz;) -> [cmx/getDisplayName, eyf/method_5476, bqw/method_5476, bqv/method_5476] cam METHOD a ((Ljava/util/EnumSet;)V) -> [cam/method_6265, cca/setFlags] eik METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eiy/method_39615, eik/type] fx$d METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fx$c/method_41176, fx$d/asPrintable] dnd METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbsr;)V) -> [dnd/stepOn, dfy/method_9591] blx$b METHOD c (()Ljava/nio/file/Path;) -> [blx$b/comp_1156, blx$b/path] arw METHOD a ((Laiy;)V) -> [aiw/method_12641, arw/handleHello] cgv METHOD ea (()F) -> [cgv/method_17825, cgn/getAgeScale, cgv/getAgeScale, cgf/getAgeScale] dzc METHOD a (([DLdyr;)V) -> [dzc/fillAllDirectly, dzc$1/fillAllDirectly, dzc/method_40478] auj METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Laue;Lbnf;)V) -> [grf/apply, get/apply, fgu/apply, auj/method_18788, ges$1/apply, ale/apply, czd/apply, gvf/apply, grn/apply, gre/apply] btn METHOD aE (()V) -> [btn/onBelowWorld, bsr/method_5825] esh$a METHOD b (()Lesh;) -> [esh$a/method_419, esh$a/build] ace$b METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)V) -> [ace$b/method_34099, ace$b/remove] dvs METHOD e ((Ljd;)V) -> [duy/method_12039, dvs/markPosForPostprocessing] ejr METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Lekg;)V) -> [ejr/method_38694, ejr/afterPlace] ckk METHOD p ((F)V) -> [bsr/method_5636, ckk/setYBodyRot] amk$b METHOD M_ (()Z) -> [amk$b/shouldInformAdmins, es/method_9201] dv METHOD b ((Lakz;Laq$a;)V) -> [aq/method_793, dv/removePlayerListener] gap$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [gak$a/method_53602, gap$a/hasContent] bqz METHOD aC_ (()J) -> [dqx/getLootTableSeed, bqz/method_54870, drn/getLootTableSeed] eds METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, eds/place] dvr METHOD a ((Ldvq$b;)V) -> [dvq/count, dvr/method_21732] ckq METHOD ez (()V) -> [ckq/dropEquipment, btn/method_16078] bnf METHOD b (()V) -> [bnf/method_16066, bnf/endTick] geb METHOD s (()V) -> [geb/closeContainer, cmx/method_7346] eet METHOD e (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [eet/getFeatures, eei/method_30649] fzf METHOD v (()Leqr;) -> [aqu/getFreeMapId, fzf/method_17889, fzf/getFreeMapId] bsr METHOD k ((Z)V) -> [bsr/setInvisible, bsr/method_5648] jd$a METHOD k ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd/south, jd$a/south, jd$a/method_35858] gec METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [gec/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] ju$1 METHOD f (()Lakq;) -> [ju$1/key, kc$2/key, jo$b$a/key, ju$1/method_46765] dfc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dfc/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] cbj METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbj/canUse] gpy METHOD a ((Laue;)V) -> [gpy/load, gpw/method_4625] cga METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5712, cga/playStepSound] ckm$a METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, ckm$a/tick] fii METHOD a ((Lgvf;)V) -> [fik/method_25354, fii/playDownSound] km$2 METHOD a ((Lkp;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [km/method_57829, km$2/get] dmw METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmw/codec] cfb METHOD gl (()Lavo;) -> [cfz/getFlopSound, cfk/getFlopSound, cge/getFlopSound, chb/getFlopSound, cfx/getFlopSound, cfb/method_6457] bnf$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;I)V) -> [bmy/incrementCounter, bnf$1/incrementCounter, bnc/incrementCounter, bnf$1/method_24270] ir$a METHOD b ((Lep;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;) -> [io$a/method_41730, ir$a/instantiate] alk METHOD c ((Lexy;)V) -> [alk/onObjectiveRemoved, alk/method_1173] chk METHOD a ((Lbqk;)V) -> [bqm/method_5453, chk/containerChanged] ij METHOD a ((Lub;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/CommandDispatcher;)Lii;) -> [ij/instantiate, ig/method_52595] bf$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [bf$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ljd;)J) -> [dtb/method_9535, dtb/getSeed] dnl METHOD c ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dnl/getVisualShape, dlt/getVisualShape, djz/getVisualShape, diw/getVisualShape, dnl/method_26159, dni/getVisualShape, dol/getVisualShape, dkx/getVisualShape] dhz METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dhz/getDirectSignal, dtb/method_9603] fbt METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fbt/getNarrationMessage, fod/method_25435] btn METHOD dF (()F) -> [btn/getVisualRotationYInDegrees, bsr/method_43078] cbc METHOD e (()V) -> [cam/method_6270, cbc/stop] byw$b METHOD a ((Lbuq;Ljava/util/Optional;)Lbyv;) -> [byw/method_47253, byw$b/createAccessor] hv METHOD a ((ILjava/lang/String;I)V) -> [hv/onReturn, hv/method_36350] zx METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, zx/handle] dnx METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dnx/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] cfm$b METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfm$b/start] gne METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gne/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] aub METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [aue/method_14487, aub/getNamespaces] djf METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [djf/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] evf METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, evf/getType] ghk METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghk/render, ggz/method_3569] fsk$a METHOD m (()Lfma;) -> [fsk$a/addFooterButtons, fqy/method_57750] aui METHOD b ((Laue;Lbnf;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [auj/method_18789, aui/prepare] kp METHOD e (()Lyx;) -> [kp/method_57878, kp$a$a/streamCodec] coj$d METHOD e (()V) -> [coj$d/stop, cam/method_6270] cqm METHOD e ((I)Z) -> [cqm/shouldMoveToInventory, cri/method_32339] epc METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [epc/method_15730, epc/beforeDestroyingBlock] gml METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gml/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] apn METHOD a ((Lac;)Lac;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3859, apn/fillServerSystemReport] erj METHOD J (()Ldda;) -> [erj/method_27433, erj/getLevelSettings] dra METHOD a ((Ljv;)V) -> [dra/setItems, dqb/method_11281] fmv METHOD c (()V) -> [fmv/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] chv METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [chv/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] ezp$a$1 METHOD j (()F) -> [ezp$a$1/getBearingTop, ezn/method_56130] djn METHOD a ((Ldcx;)Ldtc;) -> [djn/method_24948, djn/getStateForPlacement] ezp METHOD a ((I)Lezl;) -> [ezm/method_2040, ezp/getGlyph] dys$a METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$a/fillArray] fsg METHOD F (()Lfsa;) -> [fpt/getRecipeBookComponent, fsg/method_2659, fpg/getRecipeBookComponent, fou/getRecipeBookComponent] zq METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zq/type] ahd$1 METHOD a ((Lvw;)V) -> [ahd$1/write, ahd$a/method_34212] cjr METHOD gk (()Lavo;) -> [cjr/getStepSound, ckw/method_7207] ace$h METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lace$b;)V) -> [ace$h/dispatch, ace$c/method_34106] bnc METHOD e (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [bnd/method_37168, bnc/getChartedPaths] ckb$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ckb$b/canUse] csp METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, csp/use] cvl METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cul/method_7851, cvl/appendHoverText] dfv METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dfv/createBlockStateDefinition] dzc$h METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dzc$h/maxValue] amk$b METHOD w_ (()Z) -> [es/method_9202, amk$b/acceptsFailure] btn METHOD a ((FFLbrk;)Z) -> [btn/causeFallDamage, bsr/method_5747] aqw METHOD a ((Laqv;Ldcw;Lcuq;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [aqw/useItem, aqw/method_14256] fpr METHOD a ((Lfhz;FII)V) -> [fpr/renderBg, fot/method_2389] cqz METHOD a ((Lcmx;I)Z) -> [cqz/clickMenuButton, cpu/method_7604] cln METHOD Z (()Z) -> [btp/method_23734, cln/shouldDespawnInPeaceful] cki METHOD gc (()Lewx;) -> [btp/method_53511, cki/getAttackBoundingBox] fie METHOD aO_ (()Z) -> [fki/method_25370, fie/isFocused] esj$a METHOD b ((Letf$a;)Letb;) -> [erw$a/apply, erv$a/apply, esj$a/method_511, esj$a/apply] dfr METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lcmx;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9576, dfr/playerWillDestroy] fbm METHOD a ((FF)Lfbm;) -> [gfa$a/setUv, fbj/setUv, fbd/setUv, fbp$b/setUv, gfp/setUv, fbm/method_22913, fbp$a/setUv] fzg METHOD a ((Laca;)V) -> [fzg/method_11116, fzg/handleBlockDestruction] jg METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Lakr;) -> [jz/method_10221, jg/getKey] emn$b METHOD b ((Layw;Z)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/get1x2FrontEntrance, emn$b/method_15031] fjm METHOD a ((Lfmo;)Lfhw;) -> [fki/method_48205, fjm/nextFocusPath] gvv METHOD a ((Lgvn;)V) -> [gvv/tick, gvv/method_47778] cjb METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cjb/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] fox$c METHOD a ((I)V) -> [fox$a/method_37080, fox$c/updateStatus] jm METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [jm/method_40224, jm/is] fkf METHOD b ((I)J) -> [fkf/method_56579, fkf/getValueForAggregation] aqv METHOD a ((Lbqq;)V) -> [geb/swing, aqv/swing, aqv/method_6104] aaz METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aaz/type, aaj/method_56479] btg METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [btg/getKey, ayr/method_7359] wg METHOD b (()Lzg;) -> [wg/method_45086, wg/onFailure] dqe METHOD e (()V) -> [dqe/method_5431, dqe/setChanged] agi METHOD a ((Lahr;)V) -> [aru/handleRenameItem, agi/method_12060] gqk METHOD e (()V) -> [gqk/tick, gqn/method_4622] agi METHOD a ((Lahs;)V) -> [agi/method_12058, agi/handleSeenAdvancements] bwr METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtp;J)V) -> [bwr/method_18982, cla$a/start] gph METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gph/render, gov/method_4199] eto$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [eto$a/getThis, ete$a/method_523] glg METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glg/render, gki/method_3936] ckc METHOD gk (()Lavo;) -> [ckc/getJumpSound, ckc/method_7153] aqv METHOD Z (()Z) -> [aqv/method_33793, aqv/isTextFilteringEnabled, geb/isTextFilteringEnabled] eyi METHOD h (()Z) -> [eyi/isAllowFriendlyFire, eyi/method_1205] cmb METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [cmb/onSyncedDataUpdated, ajz/method_5674] clh METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [clh/doHurtTarget, btn/method_6121] fki METHOD b ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25406, fki/mouseReleased] cjx$b METHOD a (()V) -> [bzp/method_6240, cjx$b/tick] aez METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [aez/type, zg/method_55846] dys$p METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$p/fillArray] ciw METHOD bB (()Z) -> [ciw/isPushable, bsr/method_5810] gmc METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glk/method_4054, gmc/render] abu METHOD a ((Lafv;)V) -> [abu/method_11150, fzg/handleTakeItemEntity] cwp METHOD a ((Lcnp;DDDFF)V) -> [cwp/method_58654, ctu/shoot, cwp/shoot] esd METHOD a (()Lesi;) -> [esd/getType, esh/method_29318] kx$6 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kx$6/execute, kw/method_10135] geb METHOD cb (()Z) -> [geb/isCrouching, bsr/method_18276] abu METHOD a ((Lafg;)V) -> [abu/method_11080, fzg/handleSetEntityPassengersPacket] ayf$a METHOD a ((Ljava/util/OptionalLong;)V) -> [gtc$3/downloadStart, ayf$a/method_55499] clq METHOD s (()Z) -> [clq/canHunt, clm/method_26952] fwp METHOD a ((Lbtg;Lfbi;)V) -> [fwp/translateToHand, fuj/method_2803] emn$f METHOD c ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15035, emn$f/get1x2Secret] geb METHOD br (()Z) -> [bsr/method_27298, geb/canSpawnSprintParticle] cni METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [cni/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance, bsr/method_5640] erp$3 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/stream/Stream;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ero/method_59724, erp$3/setContents] fpi METHOD a ((DDIII)Z) -> [fot/method_2381, fpi/hasClickedOutside] fjr$b METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fik/method_48579, fjr$b/renderWidget] jm$a METHOD d (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [jm/method_40229, jm$a/unwrap] cfo$t METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$t/start] caw METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, caw/start] cfz METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cfz/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] efo METHOD a ((Layw;ILefe;)I) -> [efo/foliageHeight, efu/method_26989] cga METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cga/aiStep] dtb METHOD q (()Ldfy;) -> [dtb/method_26160, dfy/asBlock] cwd METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, cwd/use] dtb METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9542, dtb/isRandomlyTicking] ckf METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [bsr/method_5634, ckf/getSoundSource] foz METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [foz/renderBackground, fod/method_25420] ekj METHOD a ((Lejv;)V) -> [ekj/method_35462, ekj/addPiece] giu METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [giu/render, gim$a/method_23109] fzg METHOD a ((Laeu;)V) -> [fzg/method_11135, fzg/handleSetCarriedItem] btn METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lexc;)Lexc;) -> [btn/method_49482, btn/getRiddenInput] deu METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [deu/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] djt METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, djt/createBlockStateDefinition] fjo METHOD d (()V) -> [fjo/onClose, fod/method_25419] cjx METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [bsr/method_5634, cjx/getSoundSource] ub$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, ub$1/parse] dzo METHOD b ((J)V) -> [dzo/setSeed, ayw/method_43052] dfc METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dfc/createBlockStateDefinition] cqm METHOD l (()V) -> [cqm/clearCraftingContent, cri/method_7657] gjn METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gjn/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] abu METHOD a ((Lacg;)V) -> [abu/method_48294, abu/handleBundlePacket] cab METHOD b (()Z) -> [cab/canUse, cam/method_6264] drn METHOD a ((Ldqh$b;)V) -> [drn/applyImplicitComponents, dqh/method_57568] cfo$l METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfo$l/canUse] frh METHOD D (()V) -> [frh/addContents, frh/method_60329] dfe METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dfe/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] fzb METHOD q (()Ldcc;) -> [fzb/method_16399, aqs/getLevel, fzb/getLevel] yg$a METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [yg$a/text, yg/comp_737] cgf METHOD f ((F)V) -> [cgf/playSwimSound, cgf/method_5734, cho/playSwimSound] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] ftd$b$1 METHOD b ((Lfmi;)V) -> [ftd$b$1/updateNarration, fmj/method_37020] gln METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gln/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dpg METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpg/codec] dgr METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)Lbqv;) -> [dtb/method_17454, dgr/getMenuProvider] cov METHOD Q_ (()F) -> [cov/lerpTargetXRot, bsr/method_53829] cgg METHOD eg (()I) -> [cgg/method_6110, cfe/getBaseExperienceReward, ckw/getBaseExperienceReward, cmx/getBaseExperienceReward, clh/getBaseExperienceReward, cfj/getBaseExperienceReward, btp/getBaseExperienceReward, cln/getBaseExperienceReward, cgg/getBaseExperienceReward] bpq METHOD a ((Layw;)F) -> [bpz/method_33920, bpq/sample] ju METHOD b ((Lawu;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ju/getTag, ju/method_40266] dpq METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpq/codec] bvl METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvl/stop, bvh/method_18926] cjr$e METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cjr$e/tick] aqv METHOD a ((Lbsr;Z)Z) -> [aqv/startRiding, bsr/method_5873] dut$d METHOD k (()V) -> [dut$d/onCenterChange, dut$a/method_11990] emn$i METHOD b (()Lakr;) -> [emn$i/makeTemplateLocation, elo$a/makeTemplateLocation, emn$i/method_35470] cyz METHOD e (()Lczf;) -> [cyz/getType, cyz/method_17716] doo METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, doo/createBlockStateDefinition] cpy$a METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cpy$a/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] bsr METHOD bu (()F) -> [bsr/method_5718, bsr/getLightLevelDependentMagicValue] bpq METHOD a (()F) -> [bpu/method_33915, bpq/getMinValue] fep$a METHOD a (()V) -> [fgr$i/applyValue, fep$a/method_25344, fpv$1/applyValue, fep$a/applyValue] azd METHOD c (()I) -> [axc/method_34896, azd/getBits] cul METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, cul/useOn] dsv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dsv/getShape] eyi METHOD l (()Leyi$a;) -> [eyi/getCollisionRule, eyi/method_1203] dbn METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldai$a;Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [dbm/enchant, dbn/enchant, dbn/method_60266, dbl/enchant] cff$g METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cff$g/tick] apn METHOD ao (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_39424, apn/hidesOnlinePlayers] cgh METHOD b ((Lbrk;F)V) -> [cgh/method_6105, cgh/hurtArmor, cmx/hurtArmor] ffn METHOD c (()V) -> [ffj/tick, ffn/method_21068] dom METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dom/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dil METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dil/getTicker, diq/method_31645] cjh METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cjh/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] fpv METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fpv/keyPressed] clf METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [clf/start, bvh/method_18920] gmg METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;FFFF)V) -> [gmg/setupRotations, glk/method_4058] uv METHOD a ((J)Luv$b;) -> [uv/visit, uv/method_39861] cjr$b METHOD e (()V) -> [cjr$b/stop, cam/method_6270] esu$a METHOD b (()Letf;) -> [esu$a/build, etf$a/method_515] cft$g METHOD c (()Z) -> [cft$g/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] cny METHOD a ((Lexa;)V) -> [cnp/method_7488, cny/onHit] pq METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [pz/method_10514, pq/addTags] ete$a METHOD d (()Leuu;) -> [ete$a/unwrap, euu/method_512] alh METHOD L (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [alh/method_3827, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getServerVersion] dru METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dru/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD X (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getServerResourcePack, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_43659] jm$a METHOD a ((Lakq;)Z) -> [jm$a/is, jm/method_40225] btc METHOD bc (()Lbsr$b;) -> [btc/getMovementEmission, bsr/method_33570] dec$b$2 METHOD a ((DDI)I) -> [dec$b/method_30823, dec$b$2/modifyColor] cfu METHOD E ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cfu/method_6087, cfu/doPush, cmb/doPush, ciw/doPush, cfq/doPush, cez/doPush] cuf METHOD ap_ (()Lavo;) -> [cuf/method_21831, cuf/getDrinkingSound] ik METHOD a ((Lub;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/CommandDispatcher;)Lii;) -> [ig/method_52595, ik/instantiate] gua METHOD a (()Lakr;) -> [gua/method_4775, gua/getLocation] btn METHOD d_ (()D) -> [bsr/method_53827, btn/lerpTargetY] dyn METHOD f (()I) -> [ayw/method_43054, dyn/nextInt] cag METHOD b (()Z) -> [cag/canUse, cam/method_6264] fig METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fig/mouseClicked, fki/method_25402] fpg METHOD a ((IIIIDD)Z) -> [fpg/method_2378, fpt/isHovering, fpg/isHovering] efy METHOD a ((Layw;ILefe;)I) -> [efy/foliageHeight, efu/method_26989] cjt METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cjt/defineSynchedData] ckl METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ckl/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] byw METHOD a (()Lccs;) -> [byw/comp_1151, byw/memory] cja METHOD a ((Lbts;Lexc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5784, cja/move] dhr METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dhr/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] fgr$g METHOD d (()I) -> [fgr$g/minInclusive, fgr$g/comp_593] dgn METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, dgn/useItemOn] oq METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Lol;) -> [oq/group, ol/method_33529] gdq METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gdq/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] dag METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dag/getSerializedName, azk/method_15434] cff METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cff/addAdditionalSaveData] dhy METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [dhy/appendHoverText, dfy/method_9568] dpv METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [dpv/method_7664, dpv/awardUsedRecipes] cgc METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)V) -> [ckg/performRangedAttack, cjr/performRangedAttack, ciu/performRangedAttack, cln/performRangedAttack, chl/performRangedAttack, cgc/performRangedAttack, ckt/performRangedAttack, cjl/performRangedAttack, ckb/performRangedAttack, cgc/method_7105] gbo METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gbo/getRenderType] ckq METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ckq/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] dsc METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldsi;)V) -> [dsf$b/method_55146, dsc/setState] bxp METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bxp/tick, bvh/method_18924] bsr METHOD M_ (()Z) -> [bsr/shouldInformAdmins, es/method_9201] cqz METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cqz/stillValid, cpu/method_7597] fzf$a METHOD o (()Ldcs;) -> [fzf$a/method_146, fzf$a/getGameRules, erj/getGameRules, eqy/getGameRules] dqb METHOD aj (()Lwz;) -> [drc/getCustomName, dqb/getCustomName, bsr/getCustomName, dpw/getCustomName, dqb/method_5797, dqc/getCustomName] cgc METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cgc/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] tz METHOD a (()I) -> [uy/method_47988, tz/sizeInBytes] gap METHOD a ((Lfod;Lgao;)Lfod;) -> [gap/createScreen, gak/method_53596] frg METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, frg/init] erk METHOD v (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [erk/getWanderingTraderId, erk/method_35506] dqv METHOD a ((ILcmw;)Lcpu;) -> [dqb/method_5465, dqv/createMenu] cn$b METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [dw/method_58163, cn$b/componentType] ahu METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ahu/handle] dne METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dne/mayPlaceOn] gcm METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcm/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] ckf METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [ckf/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] dfk METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)Lbqv;) -> [dtb/method_17454, dfk/getMenuProvider] giy METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [giy/render, gim$a/method_23109] far METHOD a ((II)V) -> [far/method_35650, faz/set] api METHOD a ((Lfl$g;DI)Lwz;) -> [api/getPrintSuccess, apg/method_13879] uy METHOD c (()Lva;) -> [uy/method_23258, uy/getType] eyi METHOD d ((Lwz;)Lxn;) -> [eyi/method_1198, eyb/getFormattedName] gcx METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcx/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] aqc$a METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [aqc$a/orElse, aqc/method_57130] cnv METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cnv/addAdditionalSaveData] ekz METHOD a (()Lela;) -> [ekz/getType, ekz/method_16757] fih$a METHOD c ((DD)Z) -> [fki/method_25405, fih$a/isMouseOver] cjx$a METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_38846, cjx$a/requiresUpdateEveryTick] gtg$1 METHOD a (()V) -> [gtf$a/method_55549, gtg$1/onSuccess] ckf$i METHOD e (()V) -> [ckf$i/stop, cam/method_6270] goh METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [goh/render, gov/method_4199] cbp METHOD e (()V) -> [cbp/stop, cam/method_6270] bth METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, bth/defineSynchedData] ckt METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, ckt/method_6011, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] duy METHOD a ((Ldyy$a;)Ldyy;) -> [duy/getOrCreateHeightmapUnprimed, duy/method_12032] et METHOD x (()Lcom/mojang/brigadier/CommandDispatcher;) -> [et/dispatcher, et/method_54310] cnk METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [cnk/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance, bsr/method_5640] cuf METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, cuf/use] fsn$a$d METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fsn$a$d/render] bqj METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, bqj/removeItemNoUpdate] evq METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evq/getReferencedContextParams, evq/method_32441] xe$1 METHOD a ((Lxe$b;Lxw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe$1/visit, xe/method_27658] aqv METHOD a ((Ljava/util/Collection;)I) -> [aqv/method_7254, aqv/awardRecipes] bpm$a METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [bpm/method_16909, bpm$a/pop] ctc METHOD c (()I) -> [cvn/method_24792, ctc/getDefaultProjectileRange] dfn METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfn/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] dpj METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9542, dpj/isRandomlyTicking] dro$a METHOD b (()I) -> [dro$a/getListenerRadius, dyb/method_32948] ddj METHOD C_ (()Ldut;) -> [ddj/getWorldBorder, dcg/method_8621] ub$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23261, ub$1/getPrettyName] uh METHOD a ((ILuy;)Z) -> [uf/setTag, ty/setTag, ui/setTag, uh/setTag, uh/method_10535] btn METHOD aw (()V) -> [bsr/method_5670, btn/baseTick] dsc METHOD d (()Ldsi;) -> [dsf$b/method_55151, dsc/getState] fwo METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFFFF)V) -> [fvx/method_17087, fwo/setupAnim] cpg METHOD ak_ (()Lcul;) -> [cpg/method_7557, cpg/getDropItem] cbd METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cbd/tick] azq$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)F) -> [axp$c/apply, azq$2/method_41296, azq$1/apply, dys$w$a/apply, azq$2/apply, axp$e/apply] caz METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [caz/requiresUpdateEveryTick, cam/method_38846] ccy METHOD a (()Z) -> [ccy/canUpdatePath, cda/method_6358] ftn METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [ftn/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Leru$a;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dtb/method_9560, dtb/getDrops] fou METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fou/render, fjp/method_25394] cio METHOD g (()Lexc;) -> [cik/method_6851, cio/getFlyTargetLocation] fog METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIII)V) -> [fog/renderMenuBackground, fog/method_57736] arz METHOD b (()V) -> [arz/leave, arz/method_31290] chi METHOD aa_ (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [btv/method_6139, chi/getOwnerUUID] arw METHOD a ((Laiz;)V) -> [arw/handleKey, aiw/method_12642] cff METHOD l (()V) -> [cff/tick, bsr/method_5773] ee$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ee$a/validate, ar/method_54938] csu METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [csu/getUseDuration, cul/method_7881] fer METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fer/mouseClicked] btn METHOD g ((I)V) -> [bsr/method_56073, btn/igniteForTicks] dim METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dim/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] cqv$1 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cqv$1/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] cff METHOD cM (()Lexc;) -> [cff/getLeashOffset, bsr/method_29919] cjz METHOD R (()I) -> [cfe/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfc/getAmbientSoundInterval, cjz/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgg/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgf/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfs/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfh/getAmbientSoundInterval, chi/getAmbientSoundInterval, cjz/method_5970] erj METHOD i (()Z) -> [erj/isRaining, erb/method_156] fze METHOD a ((Lait;)V) -> [fze/method_12584, fze/handleDisconnect] dfc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dfc/tick] epn METHOD c (()Z) -> [epn/method_37004, epn/isAmphibious] chv METHOD a ((Lcfe;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6474, chv/canMate] ahd METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ahd/handle] cbn METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbn/canUse] ir METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [io/method_10006, ir/serializeToJson] fbt$h METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fbt$h/render] cnx METHOD aZ (()D) -> [bsr/method_7490, cnx/getDefaultGravity] bul METHOD aa_ (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [btv/method_6139, bul/getOwnerUUID] jd$a METHOD l (()Lkh;) -> [jd$a/east, kh/method_35855] fjf METHOD c ((Lfhz;IIII)I) -> [fjf$1/renderLeftAlignedNoShadow, fjf/method_30896, fjf$2/renderLeftAlignedNoShadow] arz$1 METHOD a (()V) -> [arz$1/join, asa$d/join, arz$1/method_31287] dgb METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgb/method_9651, dgb/isValidBonemealTarget] vj METHOD a ((B)Luv$b;) -> [vj/visit, uv/method_39857] cmx METHOD fo (()F) -> [cmx/getAbsorptionAmount, cmx/method_6067] dgk METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dgk/createBlockStateDefinition] gia$a$1 METHOD a ((Lji;Lji;)Z) -> [gia$a$2/facesCanSeeEachother, gia$a$1/facesCanSeeEachother, gia$a$1/method_3650] dmy METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dmy/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] bvh METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bvh/start] cku METHOD B (()V) -> [cku/registerGoals, btp/method_5959] ckq METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, ckq/defineSynchedData] abu METHOD a ((Lafc;)V) -> [abu/method_11151, fzg/handleSetEquipment] cja METHOD dB (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_31480, cja/getPickResult] dra METHOD j (()Ljv;) -> [dqb/method_11282, dra/getItems] fpi$c METHOD c (()V) -> [cqz$1/setChanged, fpi$c/method_7668, cqk/setChanged, fpi$c/setChanged] cuh METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldrs;ZLcmx;)Z) -> [cuh/tryApplyToSign, cvv/method_49798] ug METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [uy/method_32289, ug/accept] ezf$b METHOD b (()V) -> [ezf$b/cleanup, ezf$1/cleanup, ezf$b/method_19668] os METHOD a ((Lon;Lakr;)V) -> [os/save, ol/method_17972] dmw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dmw/getShape] tw$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [tw/method_4679, tw$1/getOrDefault] dgr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dgr/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] cfm METHOD n ((I)I) -> [btn/method_6064, cfm/increaseAirSupply] dyu$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dyu$a/getSerializedName] arb METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lewx;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dcn/method_8333, arb/getEntities] ali METHOD u (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ali/method_12916, ali/getPluginNames] dxr$a METHOD a ((Lbsr$c;)V) -> [dxr$a/onRemove, dxh/method_31750] zw METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zw/type] cln METHOD h ((D)Z) -> [cln/removeWhenFarAway, btp/method_5974] fep METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fep/getNarrationMessage, fod/method_25435] et METHOD t (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ey/method_9273, et/getRecipeNames] fw$a METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [fw$a/unpack, io/method_41726] cca METHOD e (()V) -> [cam/method_6270, cca/stop] elk$a METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elk$a/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] dsv METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dsv/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] cup METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [cul/method_7876, cup/getDescriptionId] bth METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, bth/tick] btc METHOD bo (()V) -> [btc/doWaterSplashEffect, bsr/method_5746] cjl$1 METHOD e (()V) -> [cjl$1/stop, cam/method_6270] vd METHOD a ((Lty;)V) -> [vc/method_32290, vd/visitByteArray] chw$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [chw$a/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] czt METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [czt/getResultItem, cyz/method_8110] cji$1 METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dcm/getBlockExplosionResistance, ddn/getBlockExplosionResistance, cji$1/getBlockExplosionResistance, dmh$1/getBlockExplosionResistance, cji$1/method_29555] hf$b METHOD c (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [hf$b/listComponentTypes, hf$b/method_58512] fiv METHOD aQ_ (()Lxn;) -> [fiv/createNarrationMessage, fik/method_25360] clq METHOD go (()V) -> [clm/method_30238, clq/playConvertedSound] jz$2 METHOD b ((Lawu;)Ljq$c;) -> [jz$2/getOrThrow, jn/method_46735] emb$a METHOD a ((Lemb$v;)Z) -> [emb$a/fits, emb$i/method_14769] btn METHOD fq (()Lbtg;) -> [btn/method_6068, btn/getMainArm] gon METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gon/render, gov/method_4199] bxr METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [bxr/timedOut, bvh/method_18915] gdr METHOD a (()V) -> [gdr/tick, gcn/method_3070] fer METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, fer/getNarrationMessage] dqq METHOD c (()Z) -> [dqq/isEmpty, bqk/method_5442] kx$9 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kw/method_10135, kx$9/execute] eyc METHOD c (()Lyp;) -> [eyd/numberFormat, eyc/method_55400] cyf METHOD g (()Lji;) -> [cye/getHorizontalDirection, cyf/method_8042] apf METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [apg/method_13883, apf/getModifiedSuccess] fvh METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fvh/headParts, fuf/method_22946] dut$b METHOD k (()V) -> [dut$a/method_11990, dut$b/onCenterChange] chy METHOD a ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [bsr/method_18377, chy/getDimensions] cmx METHOD l (()V) -> [cmx/tick, bsr/method_5773] fzg METHOD a ((Laec;)V) -> [fzg/method_11157, fzg/handleMovePlayer] ets$a METHOD b (()Letf;) -> [ets$a/build, etf$a/method_515] bot METHOD e (()Z) -> [bot/method_34773, bot/isRecording] faz METHOD a ((Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;)V) -> [faz/set, faz/method_1250] gce METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gce/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] cdv METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdv/requires, cdy/method_19099] jo$a METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/DynamicOps;)Lakp;) -> [jo$a/createSerializationContext, jo$a/method_57093] cjr METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)V) -> [ckg/performRangedAttack, cjr/performRangedAttack, cjr/method_7105, ciu/performRangedAttack, cln/performRangedAttack, chl/performRangedAttack, cgc/performRangedAttack, ckt/performRangedAttack, cjl/performRangedAttack, ckb/performRangedAttack] gct METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gct/getRenderType] dqr$1 METHOD i (()Let;) -> [dqr$1/createCommandSourceStack, dbx/method_8303] dkf METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dkf/getShape] uc METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/method_39850, uc/accept] fxy METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fxy/setupAnim, fvk/method_2819] eyf METHOD cB (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [eyf/getScoreboardName, eyf/method_5820] dmp METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ldtc;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dmp/method_41468, dmp/onDischarged] vd METHOD a ((Luw;)V) -> [vc/method_32302, vd/visitString] ka METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jo$a/method_46759, ka/lookup] aiy METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aiy/type] dof METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dof/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] drn METHOD a ((J)V) -> [drn/setLootTableSeed, bqz/method_54866] fzg METHOD a ((Ladv;)V) -> [fzg/method_43595, fzg/handlePlayerChat] cgc METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cgc/registerGoals] fmc$a METHOD c ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc$a/paddingTop, fmc/method_46471] ka$1 METHOD c ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ka/method_33310, ka$1/registry] dnw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dnw/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] ciy METHOD x (()Lavo;) -> [cja/method_34242, ciy/getPlaceSound] crf METHOD a ((Lcuq;I)V) -> [crf/onQuickCraft, crq/method_7678] glk METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glk/render, gki/method_3936] dix METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dix/getBlockSupportShape, dtb/method_25959] dgh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dgh/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] cik METHOD a (()Z) -> [cih/isSitting, cic/isSitting, cid/isSitting, cik/method_6848] btn METHOD b ((Lbrk;)Z) -> [btn/isInvulnerableTo, bsr/method_5679] cfe METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cfe/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] dzb METHOD a ((Larb;)V) -> [duz/method_12107, dzb/spawnOriginalMobs] dok METHOD b ((I)Ldtc;) -> [dok/method_9828, dok/getStateForAge] dfy METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] byo METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, byo/start] cmx METHOD D ((F)V) -> [cmx/internalSetAbsorptionAmount, btn/method_52544] fur METHOD a ((Lbtp;FFF)V) -> [fur/method_19689, fur/prepareMobModel] btw METHOD a ((Ldcx;Lbtr;)Z) -> [btw/checkSpawnRules, btw/method_5979] cox METHOD c (()Z) -> [bqk/method_5442, cox/isEmpty] fiy METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fik/method_48579, fiy/renderWidget] asj METHOD a (()Lasp;) -> [asj/location, asj/method_56926, asu/location, ash/location] cmv METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ayr/method_7359, cmv/getKey] emn$a METHOD b ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15032, emn$a/get1x1Secret] ace$g METHOD a ((Lwk;)V) -> [ace$g/write, ace$c/method_34107] cfh METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cfh/addAdditionalSaveData] cjz METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ajz/method_5674, cjz/onSyncedDataUpdated] fsd METHOD j ((I)Z) -> [fsd/isValidClickButton, fsd/method_25351] fls$d METHOD b (()F) -> [fls$d/getShadowOffset, fls$d/method_16800] buo METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [buo/method_47827, buo/getVariant] chv METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [chv/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] crp METHOD a ((II)V) -> [cqf/method_17391, crp/set] cfv METHOD cQ (()Lbtn;) -> [cov/getControllingPassenger, ckq/getControllingPassenger, cfv/getControllingPassenger, chi/getControllingPassenger, btp/getControllingPassenger, cfv/method_5642] gdm METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gcn/method_3068, gdm/getLightColor] erk METHOD s (()Lewp;) -> [erk/method_143, erk/getScheduledEvents] cqb METHOD a ((Lbqk;)V) -> [cqx/slotsChanged, cqm/slotsChanged, cqw/slotsChanged, cqb/method_7609, cre/slotsChanged, crw/slotsChanged, cqt/slotsChanged, cqp/slotsChanged, cqb/slotsChanged, cra/slotsChanged] fdv METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fdv/render, fjp/method_25394] fis$a METHOD aO_ (()Z) -> [fis$a/isFocused, fki/method_25370] cot METHOD bB (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5810, cot/isPushable] uv METHOD a ((D)Luv$b;) -> [uv/visit, uv/method_39858] dmt METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmt/codec] fot METHOD a ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fot/method_2380, fot/renderTooltip] cpy METHOD a ((II)V) -> [cpy/setData, cpu/method_7606] erg$c METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [erg/method_252, erg$c/getLevelName] cf$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ar/method_54938, cf$a/validate] cjw$c METHOD k (()V) -> [cjw$c/performSpellCasting, ckn$c/method_7148] cqw METHOD m (()I) -> [cpv/getResultSlotIndex, cqw/getResultSlotIndex, cqm/getResultSlotIndex, cqw/method_7655] bsr METHOD bX (()Z) -> [bsr/isSteppingCarefully, bsr/method_21749] dhb METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)Lbqv;) -> [dhb/getMenuProvider, dtb/method_17454] act METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, act/type] ezn METHOD b (()I) -> [ezn/method_2032, ezn/getPixelHeight] fox$d METHOD a ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fox$d/renderIcon, fox$e/method_18641] btn METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, btn/getBrain] gjy$a METHOD a ((Lbsq;Ljava/lang/Object;Lfbi;Lgez;IF)V) -> [gjy/method_49052, gjy$a/renderInner] cvo METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [cvo/getSerializedName, azk/method_15434] eqy METHOD q (()Lbqo;) -> [erb/method_207, eqy/getDifficulty, erl/method_207] gwp METHOD b ((Lfih$a;)I) -> [gwp/addEntry, fih/method_25321] esr METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [esr/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] dru METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dru/getUpdateTag] va METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;ILuk;)V) -> [va/skip, va/method_39854] cja METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [cja/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] cjm METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cjm/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] fek METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fek/setInitialFocus] cmr METHOD a ((Laqu;ZZ)I) -> [dzj/tick, cmr/tick, cmg/tick, ceq/tick, dzk/tick, cmr/method_6445] cvq METHOD c (()Z) -> [cvq/mustSurvive, cvq/method_20360] cds METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cds/requires, cdy/method_19099] ciw METHOD a ((Lbsy;Lcuq;)V) -> [cmx/setItemSlot, ciw/method_5673, cjl/setItemSlot, btp/setItemSlot, ciw/setItemSlot] fw$c METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [fw$b/unwrap, fw$d/unwrap, fw$c/method_45647] erg METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [erg/getLevelName, erg/method_252] fvk METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvk/setupAnim] dcw METHOD E_ (()Layw;) -> [dcw/getRandom, dcx/method_8409] fon METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fon/mouseScrolled, fki/method_25401] dli METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dli/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] afh METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afh/handle] fsp METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fsp/init, fod/method_25426] dzc$b METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dzc$b/maxValue] ebs METHOD a ((Ldcx;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [ebs/placeFeature, ebs/method_12863] dne METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dne/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] fvt METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fvt/root] aiw METHOD b (()Lvu;) -> [wf/method_52280, aiw/protocol] cpc METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cpc/tick] cmx METHOD fj (()F) -> [cmx/getSpeed, btn/method_6029] clh METHOD aR (()Lavo;) -> [bsr/method_5625, clh/getSwimSplashSound] ckw$a METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;)V) -> [ckw$a/playBreakSound, ckw$a/method_6309] fzf METHOD K (()Lcwt;) -> [fzf/potionBrewing, dcw/method_59547] fui METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fui/root] fsk METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fsk/init, fod/method_25426] cmk METHOD gw (()Z) -> [cmk/canRestock, cmk/method_20708] bsr METHOD j ((DDD)V) -> [bsr/method_5762, bsr/push] fsq METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fsq/onClose] fsa METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fsa/keyPressed] gad$a METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)Z) -> [gad$b/canReport, gad$a/canReport, gad$a/method_44553] cdc METHOD a ((Lexc;)D) -> [cda/method_38065, cdc/getGroundY] bvh METHOD f ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvi/method_18923, bvh/tickOrStop] dqa METHOD b (()I) -> [bqk/method_5439, dqa/getContainerSize] cfu METHOD a ((DZLdtc;Ljd;)V) -> [cfu/checkFallDamage, bsr/method_5623] cpf METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cpf/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] kc$2 METHOD g (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Lifecycle;) -> [kc$2/registryLifecycle, jo$b/method_46766] ckl METHOD t (()Lavo;) -> [cjl/method_6998, ckl/getStepSound] frh METHOD c (()V) -> [frh/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] dvh METHOD j (()Ldvz;) -> [dvh/getPersistedStatus, duy/method_12009] bwc METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/method_18927, bwc/canStillUse] cmx METHOD eW (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [btn/method_5877, cmx/getHandSlots] exf METHOD b ((Lji$a;)I) -> [exl/method_1045, exf/lastFull] cjc METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, cjc/setVariant] dme METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dme/hasNeighborSignal, dmd/method_10488] abu METHOD a ((Lafn;)V) -> [abu/setTitlesAnimation, abu/method_34084] cgh METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cgh/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD a ((Ldct;)V) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3838, guo/setDefaultGameType] gls METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gls/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dfy METHOD e (()F) -> [dfy/method_9520, dnt/getExplosionResistance] cvz METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcw;Ljd;Lewy;)Z) -> [ctg/method_7731, cvz/emptyContents] csv METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcw;Ljd;Lewy;)Z) -> [csv/emptyContents, ctg/method_7731] fnd$a METHOD a ((Lfih$a;)V) -> [fih/method_25313, fnd$a/setSelected] cmx METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, cmx/hurt] gkn METHOD a ((Lbsr;Ljd;)I) -> [gkn/getBlockLightLevel, gki/method_24087] crt METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcrq;)Z) -> [cqw/canTakeItemForPickAll, crw/canTakeItemForPickAll, cre/canTakeItemForPickAll, crt/method_7613, cqm/canTakeItemForPickAll, fpi$b/canTakeItemForPickAll, cqb/canTakeItemForPickAll, crt/canTakeItemForPickAll] fbd METHOD b ((FFF)Lfbm;) -> [fbd/setNormal, fbm/method_22914] ceb METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [ceb/doTick, cdy/method_19101] ahs METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahs/type] dnk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dnk/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] ahd$e METHOD a (()Lahd$b;) -> [ahd$a/method_34211, ahd$e/getType] ete$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [ete$a/getThis, ete$a/method_523] ahn METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ahn/handle] bsr METHOD dr (()Lexc;) -> [bsr/method_18798, ckj/getDeltaMovement] cjw$a METHOD h (()I) -> [cjw$a/getCastingTime, ckn$c/method_7149] cjm METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cjm/customServerAiStep] bwk METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtp;J)V) -> [bwj/start, bwk/method_35082] jd$a METHOD b ((Lji;)Lkh;) -> [jd$a/relative, kh/method_35851] cmk METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cmk/finalizeSpawn] cnj METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cnj/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] fnj METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fnj/keyPressed] dmx METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dmx/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] csu METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lbtn;Lcuq;I)V) -> [csu/onUseTick, cul/method_7852] dfs METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfs/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] gej METHOD a ((Lfgo;)V) -> [gej/log, gej/method_51265] ast$a METHOD a ((Lasp;Latm$a;)Lasq;) -> [atm$c/method_52425, ast$a/openFull] fen METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, fen/getNarrationMessage] hb$2 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [hb$2/method_9771, hb$2/create, hb$1/create] duy METHOD a ((SI)V) -> [duy/method_12029, dvs/addPackedPostProcess] fon METHOD a ((Lah;)V) -> [fon/onAddAdvancementRoot, fon/method_723] dhz METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9615, dhz/onPlace] eur METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [eur/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] dbt METHOD gw (()Z) -> [dbt/method_20708, cmk/canRestock] cov METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cov/addAdditionalSaveData] cca METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cca/tick] fnp METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fnp/onClose] fx$c METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fx$c/method_41176, fx$c/asPrintable] aer METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aer/type] bmo$1 METHOD a ((Lbmk;Lbmm;Lbmg;)Z) -> [bmo$e/parse, bmo$b/parse, bmo$1/parse, bmu$a/parse, bmo$a/parse, bmo$d/parse, bmo$c/parse, bmo$1/method_58334, bmo$2/parse, bmu$b/parse] ejq METHOD a ((Lejr$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ejr/method_38676, ejq/findGenerationPoint] aru METHOD a ((Lahr;)V) -> [aru/handleRenameItem, aru/method_12060] dix METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldco;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [dix/onExplosionHit, dtb/method_55124] bsr METHOD cy (()Z) -> [cjg/displayFireAnimation, bsr/method_5862] gua METHOD c (()Lavq;) -> [gti/getSource, gua/method_4774] enl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Layw;)Z) -> [enl/test, enn/method_16768] fsk METHOD E (()V) -> [fsk/method_53586, fsk/onReportChanged] cgk METHOD b ((Lcjh;)V) -> [cln/pickUpItem, cfm/pickUpItem, cgk/pickUpItem, ckg/pickUpItem, cgk/method_5949, cfo/pickUpItem, coj/pickUpItem, cmk/pickUpItem, cft/pickUpItem] ut$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ut$1/getPrettyName, va/method_23261] bpr METHOD a (()I) -> [bpw/method_35009, bpr/getMinValue] dfw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dfw/getShape] ckm METHOD a ((Lbsr$c;)V) -> [bsr/method_5650, ckm/remove] abu METHOD a ((Lacv;)V) -> [fzg/handleDebugSample, abu/method_56607] dpf METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dpf/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] fgo$a$1 METHOD a ((Z)Z) -> [fgo$a$4/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$1/method_33886, fgo$a$3/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$1/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$2/isChatAllowed] etb METHOD c (()Letb;) -> [etb/method_43732, esj$a/unwrap, erv$a/unwrap, erw$a/unwrap] dkf METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dkf/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cmx METHOD dH (()Z) -> [cmx/method_48155, cgv/canSprint, cmx/canSprint] dfh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dfh/getShape] fw$c METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fw$c/method_45650, fw$c/asPrintable] crl METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [crl/removeItem, bqk/method_5434] aev METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aev/type] dpd METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dpd/getFluidState] cfs METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [cfs/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] czu METHOD b ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [czu/isBaseIngredient, czr/method_48454] fzd METHOD a ((Laaj;)V) -> [fzc/method_11152, fzd/handleCustomPayload] aqv METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, aqv/tick] fox METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fox/render] dkg METHOD b ((Ldtc;)D) -> [dkg/getContentHeight, der/method_31615] dfr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfr/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] ace$a METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lace$b;)V) -> [ace$a/dispatch, ace$c/method_34106] ckk METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, ckk/tick] bnb METHOD a (()J) -> [bnb/getStartTimeNano, bne/method_16068] gdy METHOD R_ (()Z) -> [bsr/method_7325, gdy/isSpectator] foh$a$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, foh$a$a/getNarration] dqh METHOD e (()V) -> [dqh/method_5431, dqe/setChanged] cot METHOD dB (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_31480, cot/getPickResult] eqy METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [eqy/setThundering, erk/method_147] cfh METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, cfh/method_6011, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] cov METHOD b ((Lbtn;)Lexc;) -> [cov/getDismountLocationForPassenger, bsr/method_24829] cou METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, cou/removeItemNoUpdate] dye METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [dye/method_56123, dye/streamCodec] cfu METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, cfu/setVariant] eso METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [eso/getType, etf/method_29321] va$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23261, va$1/getPrettyName] fbp$a METHOD b ((II)Lfbm;) -> [fbp$a/setUv2, fbm/method_22921] kh METHOD t ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd$a/setY, kh/method_10099] arr METHOD a ((Laac;)V) -> [arr/handleKeepAlive, zz/method_52393] car METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, car/canUse] km$a$a METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [km/method_57831, km$a$a/keySet] ix$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [ix$a/type, io$a/method_41728] btp METHOD k ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [btp/wantsToPickUp, btp/method_20820] ciw METHOD k ((Z)V) -> [bsr/method_5648, ciw/setInvisible] fis$a METHOD aN_ (()Lfki;) -> [fis$a/getFocused, fkh/method_25399] btc METHOD a ((Laqt;)Lzg;) -> [btc/getAddEntityPacket, bsr/method_18002] cih METHOD g (()Lexc;) -> [cik/method_6851, cih/getFlyTargetLocation] cmx METHOD a ((Ldqr;)V) -> [geb/openCommandBlock, aqv/openCommandBlock, cmx/method_7323] chi METHOD b ((FLexc;)V) -> [chi/executeRidersJump, chi/method_45343] cq METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [cq/componentType, dw/method_58163] dry METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dry/method_38235, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket] bzw METHOD b (()Z) -> [bzw/canUse, cam/method_6264] bvk METHOD a (()Lexc;) -> [bwv/method_18991, bvk/currentPosition] cnp METHOD a ((Lewy;)V) -> [cnp/method_24920, cnp/onHitBlock] fil$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;F)V) -> [fil$1/method_34100, fil$1/updateProgress] cjr$b METHOD c (()Z) -> [cjr$b/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] fkh METHOD c ((III)Z) -> [fsa/keyReleased, fog/keyReleased, fpi/keyReleased, fkh/method_16803, fkh/keyReleased] flb$e METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [awv$b/visitOptionalDependencies, flb$e/method_51480, flb$e/visitOptionalDependencies] cnt METHOD a ((Lewz;)V) -> [cnp/method_7454, cnt/onHitEntity] fgo$a$4 METHOD a ((Z)Z) -> [fgo$a$4/method_33886, fgo$a$4/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$3/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$1/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$2/isChatAllowed] eal METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [eaq/method_38893, eal/test] fsy METHOD a ((D)V) -> [fsy/setScrollAmount, fsy/method_44382] cbv METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cbv/start] cfo$k METHOD a (()V) -> [bzo/method_6231, cfo$k/tick] ckj METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, ckj/defineSynchedData] aqx METHOD b ((Ldcd;Z)V) -> [aqx/retainData, aqx/method_20601] cfm$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfm$b/canUse] fca$a METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [fca/method_52657, fca$a/errorMessage] gua METHOD h (()D) -> [gua/getX, gua/method_4784] dvq METHOD c (()I) -> [dvr/method_12327, dvq/getSerializedSize] ebb METHOD a ((Leax;Layw;)Z) -> [ebe/method_12705, ebb/isStartChunk] euz METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, euz/getType] uh$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23261, uh$1/getPrettyName] dfm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfm/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] ayr METHOD a (()I) -> [ayr/method_7362, ayr/getId] eyg METHOD c ((Lexy;)V) -> [eyg/method_1173, alk/onObjectiveRemoved] dkd METHOD m ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkd/canAttachTo, djl/method_24947] gmw METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gki/method_3936, gmw/render] fnl METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fnl/render] ciw METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, ciw/method_6011, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] cyt METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyz/method_8119, cyt/getSerializer] cbw METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbw/canUse] dkz$b METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)Ldtc;) -> [dkz$a/getStateForPlacement, dkz$b/method_41459] edp METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edp/place] dys$f METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dys$f/maxValue] ecm METHOD a ((IIII)I) -> [ecm/getTreeRadiusForHeight, ebg/method_23372] die METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbtn;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9567, die/setPlacedBy] gvt METHOD b ((Lgvn;)V) -> [gvv/sendEvent, gvt/method_47784] emn$b METHOD a ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15037, emn$b/get1x1] cfv METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lexc;)Lexc;) -> [btn/method_49482, cfv/getRiddenInput] hq METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/List;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/ContextChain;Lhn;Lht;)V) -> [hq/apply, hq/method_54270] kc$b$1 METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljn;) -> [kc$b$1/lookup, qq/method_46799] jo$b$a METHOD g (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Lifecycle;) -> [jo$b/method_46766, jo$b$a/registryLifecycle] cow METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [cow/destroy, cpg/method_7516] eor$a METHOD a ((Lkf;)Ldvd;) -> [eor/method_15544, eor$a/getDataLayerData] dkn METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dkn/getStateForPlacement] dbx METHOD f (()V) -> [dbx/method_8295, dbx/onUpdated] dme METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dme/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] fpn METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fpn/render, fjp/method_25394] dv$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [dv$a/validate, ar/method_54938] far METHOD a ((IIII)V) -> [far/method_1248, faz/setSafe] cke METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cke/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] ju METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ju/method_29107, ju/get] dsy METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dsy/getUpdateTag] ht$1 METHOD a ((Lhr;)V) -> [ht$1/method_54402, ht$1/queueNext] cjx$c METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cjx$c/start] cfz METHOD gm (()I) -> [cfz/getMaxSchoolSize, cfd/method_6465] gim$a METHOD a (()V) -> [gim$a/clear, gim$a/method_20414] ard METHOD b (()V) -> [ard/stop, ard/method_17671] eso$d METHOD a ((Layw;II)I) -> [eso$d/calculateNewCount, eso$b/method_467] bwv METHOD a ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [bwv/method_18990, bwv/isVisibleBy] eqg$e METHOD a ((Ldcw;)Z) -> [eqg$e/runNext, eqg$e/method_41707, eqg$b/runNext, eqg$d/runNext, eqg$a/runNext] dok METHOD d (()Ldcv;) -> [dht/method_9832, dok/getBaseSeedId] akm$1 METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [akm$1/lookup, akp$c/method_46623] did METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, did/createBlockStateDefinition] tc METHOD g (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_56626, tc/isTickTimeLoggingEnabled] glx METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [glk/method_4042, glx/scale] cmx METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cmx/addAdditionalSaveData] gwp METHOD l (()I) -> [gwp/getItemCount, gwp/method_25340] emj$f METHOD a ((I)Z) -> [emj$f/method_14862, emj$f/doPlace] fdp METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fdp/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] erj METHOD d ((I)V) -> [erj/setWanderingTraderSpawnDelay, erk/method_18041] diu METHOD a ((Lcjg;)V) -> [dey/falling, diu/method_10132] dyr$e METHOD c (()I) -> [dyr$b/comp_373, dyr$e/blockZ] ua METHOD c ((I)Luy;) -> [ua/method_10536, ua/remove] chk METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, chk/defineSynchedData] dgj METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgj/codec] erj METHOD a ((Lbqo;)V) -> [erj/setDifficulty, erl/method_208] cov METHOD n ((F)V) -> [cov/animateHurt, bsr/method_5879] fzi METHOD u (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [ey/method_29310, fzi/levels] chl$a METHOD l (()D) -> [chl$a/getFollowDistance, chl$a/method_6326, cfw$a/getFollowDistance] bw METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [bw/method_58152, bw/codec] uj METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V) -> [uj/write, uy/method_10713] bms METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ha$c/possibleResources, bms/method_58344, ha$a/possibleResources, ha$d/possibleResources, ha$e/possibleResources] ey METHOD q (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [ey/method_9262, ey/getOnlinePlayerNames] ciu METHOD e ((Laqv;)V) -> [ciu/method_5742, ciu/stopSeenByPlayer] fl$a METHOD a ((Luy;)I) -> [fl$h/method_9383, fl$a/removeTag] gti METHOD h (()D) -> [gua/method_4784, gti/getX] gqq$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)V) -> [gqp$a/method_47671, gqq$1/removeAll] dfy METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dfy/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] chv METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, chv/method_6011, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] aeq METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aeq/handle, zg/method_11054] duy METHOD c ((I)Z) -> [duy/isSectionEmpty, duy/method_60791] ciu METHOD b ((Lwz;)V) -> [ciu/setCustomName, cks/setCustomName, ciu/method_5665] ckd METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [ckd/isPreventingPlayerRest, ckd/method_7076] feh$b METHOD a (()I) -> [feh$b/getMaxPosition, fih/method_25317] btn METHOD m ((Lbsr;)Lexc;) -> [bsr/method_52538, btn/getPassengerRidingPosition] dfc METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9542, dfc/isRandomlyTicking] abo METHOD a ((Labp;)V) -> [abo/handleRequestCookie, abo/method_55845] fkh METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fkh/setFocused, fki/method_25365] ggx METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ggz/method_3569, ggx/render] ful METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFFFF)V) -> [fvx/method_17087, ful/setupAnim] dkx METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dkx/getBlockSupportShape, dtb/method_25959] eha METHOD a ((Leha$a;)V) -> [eha/place, eha/method_23469] fy$a$a METHOD b ((Lep;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;) -> [fy$a$a/instantiate, io$a/method_41730] fsa METHOD c ((III)Z) -> [fsa/method_16803, fsa/keyReleased, fog/keyReleased, fpi/keyReleased, fkh/keyReleased] cfj METHOD aW (()Z) -> [cfj/isFlapping, bsr/method_5776] btn METHOD a ((Lbsx;)Z) -> [btn/method_5973, btn/canAttackType] cgn METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, cgn/isFood] dki METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dki/createBlockStateDefinition] ciw METHOD fC (()Z) -> [ciw/method_6086, ciw/isAffectedByPotions] crp METHOD a (()I) -> [crp/getCount, cqf/method_17389] dez METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dez/mayPlaceOn] dhb METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dhb/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] ug METHOD g (()I) -> [ug/getAsInt, ur/method_10701] tz METHOD g (()I) -> [tz/getAsInt, ur/method_10701] du METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [du/codec, aq/method_54937] btn METHOD c_ (()D) -> [bsr/method_53830, btn/lerpTargetX] bws METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bvi/method_46910, bws/debugString] ctc METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lcnp;IFFFLbtn;)V) -> [ctc/shootProjectile, cvn/method_7763] frs$b METHOD i (()Z) -> [frs$b/isRequired, frs$b/method_29655] cul METHOD l ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cul/method_7838, ctc/useOnRelease] foc METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, foc/getNarrationMessage] cff METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cff/doHurtTarget, btn/method_6121] aru METHOD a ((Lahv;)V) -> [aru/method_12056, aru/handleSetCarriedItem] dcw METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;Ldtc;I)V) -> [dcw/method_8413, dcw/sendBlockUpdated] fzg METHOD a ((Laci;)V) -> [fzg/handleChunkBatchFinished, fzg/method_52799] fzf METHOD A_ (()Lerb;) -> [dcx/method_8401, fzf/getLevelData] erj METHOD l (()Z) -> [erj/method_152, eqy/isHardcore, fzf$a/isHardcore, erj/isHardcore] btn METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [btn/doHurtTarget, btn/method_6121] cmq METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [cmq/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] bra METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [bra/stillValid, bqk/method_5443] fox$g METHOD b ((Ljm;)Lxn;) -> [fox$g/method_37082, fox$g/createEffectDescription] eyi METHOD i (()Z) -> [eyb/canSeeFriendlyInvisibles, eyi/method_1199] bqy$a METHOD h (()Z) -> [ayw/method_43056, bqy$a/nextBoolean] enz METHOD a (()Leoc;) -> [enz/getType, eob/method_49891] fuo METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fuo/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] dys$w$a METHOD b (()F) -> [dys$w$a/minValue, azq/comp_532] agi METHOD a ((Lahq;)V) -> [aru/handleRecipeBookSeenRecipePacket, agi/method_12047] ckd METHOD eH (()Lbtn$a;) -> [btn/method_39760, ckd/getFallSounds] dbx METHOD k_ (()Z) -> [dbx/acceptsSuccess, es/method_9200] cmx METHOD d ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btn/method_6090, cmx/blockUsingShield] bdk METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bdc/rename, bdk/rename, bdr/rename, bdl/rename, bcm/rename, bdk/method_5163, bdb/rename] guy METHOD a (()Ljavax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat;) -> [gut/method_19719, guy/getFormat] dom METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dom/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] bnf$1 METHOD a (()V) -> [bnf$1/startTick, bnf/method_16065] ezn METHOD c (()Z) -> [ezn/isColored, ezn/method_2033] gmv METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gki/method_3936, gmv/render] cia METHOD ap (()V) -> [btn/kill, cia/kill, cja/kill, ciw/kill, cia/method_5768, chz/kill] dhl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dhl/getShape] chi METHOD a ((Lcfe;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6474, chi/canMate] jd METHOD o (()Lkh;) -> [jd/north, jd/method_35861, jd$a/north] emn$i METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [emn$i/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] fdy METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fdy/render, fjp/method_25394] dhf METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dhf/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cpf METHOD ak_ (()Lcul;) -> [cpg/method_7557, cpf/getDropItem] cfo$j METHOD b (()Z) -> [cfo$j/canUse, cam/method_6264] cmh METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cmf/setTradingPlayer, cmh/setTradingPlayer, cmk/setTradingPlayer, cmh/method_8259] drd$1 METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [drd$1/onOpen, dqu/method_31681] ftr$a METHOD a ((Lftr;)V) -> [ftw/selectItem, ftr$a/method_2783, ftr$1/selectItem, ftx/selectItem, ftr$a/selectItem, ftp/selectItem, ftx$a/selectItem, ftr$b/selectItem] fgo METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fgo/setWindowActive, fan/method_15995] aqu METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;)V) -> [aqu/method_8452, aqu/updateNeighborsAt] cxk METHOD a ((Lcul$b;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lcwm;)V) -> [cxy/method_57409, cxk/addToTooltip] don METHOD c (()Lavw;) -> [dhb/method_9755, don/getOpenChestStat] cfw$c METHOD a ((Lbtn;)V) -> [cfw$c/method_6288, cfw$c/checkAndPerformAttack, cfo$l/checkAndPerformAttack] dme METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dme/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cfu METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cfu/finalizeSpawn] dir METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dir/codec] cic METHOD h (()F) -> [cic/getTurnSpeed, cik/method_6847] btb METHOD a ((Lbsy;F)V) -> [btb/method_5946, btb/setDropChance] dpv METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [dpv/setItem, bqk/method_5447] ftd$d METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fis$a/method_37025, ftd$d/narratables] ckm METHOD a ((IZ)V) -> [ckm/setSize, ckm/method_7161] eug METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, eug/getType] ckf$d METHOD a (()V) -> [bzk/method_6224, ckf$d/clientTick] ftn METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, ftn/getRowWidth] cnd METHOD D (()F) -> [coc/getWaterInertia, cnd/method_7436] ftc METHOD d ((Lfki;)Lfki;) -> [fod/method_25429, ftc/addWidget] dfo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9558, dfo/canSurvive] ctk METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljw;Lcuq;Lji;)Lcnp;) -> [cvm/method_58648, ctk/asProjectile] ju$2 METHOD b ((Lawu;)Ljq$c;) -> [ju$2/getOrThrow, jn/method_46735] bqc METHOD b (()I) -> [bpw/method_35011, bqc/getMaxValue] bnd METHOD e (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [bnd/method_37168, bnd/getChartedPaths] fpp METHOD a ((Lfhz;FII)V) -> [fpp/renderBg, fot/method_2389] cgy METHOD aa (()V) -> [cgy/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] ghj METHOD a ((Lfbi;FLdtc;)V) -> [ghn/method_49918, ghj/translateSign] fel METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fel/init, fod/method_25426] cip METHOD d (()V) -> [cip/begin, cik/method_6856] flp METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, flp/getSerializedName] cac METHOD c (()Z) -> [cac/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] doq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, doq/tick] dht METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dht/performBonemeal] erg METHOD f (()J) -> [erg/method_249, erg/getLastPlayed] cjl$1 METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cjl$1/start] esu METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [esu/getType, etf/method_29321] far METHOD a ((FFFF)V) -> [far/method_1254, faz/set] fbt METHOD c (()V) -> [fbt/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] ckv METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ajz/method_5674, ckv/onSyncedDataUpdated] btn METHOD a ((Lcul;Lbsy;)V) -> [btn/onEquippedItemBroken, btn/method_20235] czt$a METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [cze/method_53736, czt$a/codec] tz METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/method_39850, tz/accept] crd METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [crd/getItem, bqk/method_5438] eyg$1 METHOD a ((Lyp;)V) -> [eye/method_55412, eyg$1/numberFormatOverride] etf$a METHOD b (()Letf;) -> [etf$a/method_515, etf$a/build] cqp METHOD a ((Lbqk;)V) -> [cqx/slotsChanged, cqm/slotsChanged, cqw/slotsChanged, cre/slotsChanged, crw/slotsChanged, cqt/slotsChanged, cqp/method_7609, cqp/slotsChanged, cqb/slotsChanged, cra/slotsChanged] dqo METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;II)V) -> [dqo/method_11049, dqo/signalOpenCount] chw$1 METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, chw$1/start] cri METHOD a ((Lcnb;)V) -> [cqm/fillCraftSlotsStackedContents, cqw/fillCraftSlotsStackedContents, cri/method_7654, cpv/fillCraftSlotsStackedContents] eeu METHOD e (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [eei/method_30649, eeu/getFeatures] eks METHOD a ((Lenu;Ljd;Ldmm;)Lejj;) -> [ekz/method_16628, eks/getBoundingBox] feg METHOD c (()V) -> [feg/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] dki METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dki/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] erl METHOD a ((Lddr;)V) -> [erl/method_29590, erl/setDataConfiguration] coc METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [coc/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] eov METHOD K_ (()Z) -> [eov/hasLightWork, eow/method_15518] ec$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ec$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] dld METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dld/getShape] gna METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gki/method_3936, gna/render] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD ay (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/scheduleExecutables, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_5384, aqs$b/scheduleExecutables, bpl/scheduleExecutables] ers METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [ers/method_293, ers/getReferencedContextParams] dop METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dop/getShape] arw METHOD a ((Laja;)V) -> [arw/method_52289, arw/handleLoginAcknowledgement] abu METHOD a ((Laef;)V) -> [abu/method_11095, abu/handleRemoveEntities] evs METHOD a ((Lerr;)Luy;) -> [evs/get, evq/method_32440] bsr METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldcw;)Z) -> [bsr/method_61113, cnz/canChangeDimensions] efx METHOD a ((Layw;IIIIZ)Z) -> [efu/method_23451, efx/shouldSkipLocation] cki METHOD m_ (()V) -> [cki/aiStep, btn/method_6007] bzp METHOD a ((DDDD)V) -> [bzp/method_6239, cfy$d/setWantedPosition] chq METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, chq/finalizeSpawn] dbt METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cmf/setTradingPlayer, cmh/setTradingPlayer, cmk/setTradingPlayer, dbt/method_8259] cfm METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cfm/method_6011, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] gap$a METHOD c (()Lgak$b;) -> [gap$a/checkBuildable, gak$a/method_53605] fqw METHOD e (()V) -> [fqw/tick, fod/method_25393] dsu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dsu/rotate] gap$a METHOD a ((Lgao;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [gak$a/method_53600, gap$a/build] kh METHOD l ((I)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35860, kh/north] bwk METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bwk/start] gjw METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gjw/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] bqb METHOD c (()Lbpv;) -> [bpu/method_33923, bqb/getType] fbt$j METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, fbt$j/getRowWidth] dkq METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dkq/createBlockStateDefinition] dng METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dng/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] cst METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [cst/getUseDuration, cul/method_7881] fvx METHOD a ((Lbtg;Lfbi;)V) -> [fuj/method_2803, fvx/translateToHand] dji METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dji/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] chi METHOD a ((Ldnm;)V) -> [chi/playGallopSound, chi/method_6761] dut$b METHOD m (()Lexv;) -> [dut$b/getCollisionShape, dut$a/method_17906] cjp METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cjp/addAdditionalSaveData] fkq METHOD a ((Lfmo;)Lfhw;) -> [fki/method_48205, fkq/nextFocusPath] dwj METHOD a ((Ldcd;Lub;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [dwj/method_17910, dwj/write] dcw METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lbrk;Ldcp;DDDFZLdcw$a;Llk;Llk;Ljm;)Ldco;) -> [dcw/method_8454, aqu/explode] clh METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, clh/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] ae METHOD g (()Z) -> [ae/method_48022, ae/isStable] fot METHOD a ((IIIIDD)Z) -> [fpt/isHovering, fpg/isHovering, fot/method_2378] afn METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afn/type] cgq METHOD ep (()Z) -> [cmx/canBeSeenAsEnemy, cgq/method_33190, cgq/canBeSeenAsEnemy] erl METHOD a ((Ldct;)V) -> [erl/setGameType, erl/method_193, erk/method_193] dkh METHOD d ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkh/isFull, der/method_32766] gsd$d METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, gsd$d/getSerializedName] dyz METHOD e (()Ldzl;) -> [dyz/forkPositional, ayw/method_38421] eyg METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Leyb;)Z) -> [eyg/method_1172, eyg/addPlayerToTeam] eb$d METHOD a ((Ldte;Lduf;)Z) -> [eb$d/match, eb$d/method_22532, eb$b/match] dkr METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9615, dkr/onPlace] dok METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dok/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] gqz$b METHOD a (()V) -> [gqz$b/discard, gqp$b/method_47676] bcm METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bdc/rename, bdk/rename, bdr/rename, bdl/rename, bcm/rename, bdb/rename, bcm/method_5163] jw METHOD b (()D) -> [jw/method_10214, exc/y] cfh METHOD R (()I) -> [cfe/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfh/method_5970, cfc/getAmbientSoundInterval, cjz/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgg/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgf/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfs/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfh/getAmbientSoundInterval, chi/getAmbientSoundInterval] dcz METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldch;)I) -> [dcz/getBlockTint, dbz/method_23752] glo METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, glo/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] aru METHOD a ((Lahe;)V) -> [aru/handleJigsawGenerate, aru/method_27273] cnl METHOD b ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cnp/method_26958, cnl/canHitEntity] gwj METHOD a ((DD)V) -> [gwj/method_4901, gwj/onMouse] uc$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23261, uc$1/getPrettyName] fgr$d METHOD e (()Lfgr$d$a;) -> [fgr$a/valueSetter, fgr$d/comp_674] boo METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)Ljava/util/Set;) -> [boo/method_37189, boo/samplers] fwo METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwo/setupAnim] aur$1 METHOD c ((Ldut;D)V) -> [aur$1/onBorderSetDamageSafeZOne, dur/method_11935] dhb METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [diq/method_10123, dhb/newBlockEntity] day METHOD a ((Laqu;ILdab;Lbsr;Lexc;)V) -> [day/apply, das/method_60220] cpb METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cpb/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] cft METHOD gd (()V) -> [btp/method_59928, cft/playAttackSound] chq METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [chq/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] ju METHOD c ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ju/registrationInfo, ju/method_57058] doc METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, doc/createBlockStateDefinition] cmk METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, cmk/getBrain] djt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, djt/rotate] bsr METHOD S_ (()Lwz;) -> [bsr/getDisplayName, eyf/method_5476, bqw/method_5476, bqv/method_5476] fnz$a$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fnz$a$a/render] eap METHOD a (()Leag;) -> [eaf/method_38873, eap/type] dm$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dm$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] buo METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, buo/setVariant] dlm METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9579, dlm/propagatesSkylightDown] cks METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cks/addAdditionalSaveData] eyn METHOD b (()I) -> [bqk/method_5439, eyn/getContainerSize] fs$a$a METHOD b ((Lep;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;) -> [io$a/method_41730, fs$a$a/instantiate] fww METHOD a ((Lfyk;)Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList$Builder;) -> [fww/method_45710, fww/createPartsBuilder] bqa METHOD a (()F) -> [bpu/method_33915, bqa/getMinValue] aqv METHOD b ((Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [aqv/awardRecipesByKey, cmx/method_7335] der METHOD b ((Ldtc;)D) -> [der/getContentHeight, der/method_31615] flz METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [flx/visitChildren, fmd/visitChildren, flz/method_48227, fly/visitChildren, flz/visitChildren, flw/visitChildren] dzc$i METHOD j (()Ldys$l$a;) -> [dzc$i/type, dys$m/comp_383] dbd METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, dbd/codec] bcd METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bcd/fix] uf METHOD c ((I)Luy;) -> [ua/method_10536, uf/remove] dsc METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dsc/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] cfo$t METHOD e (()V) -> [cfo$t/stop, cam/method_6270] dbt METHOD gk (()Lcmx;) -> [cmh/getTradingPlayer, cmf/getTradingPlayer, dbt/method_8257] bra METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [bra/setItem, bqk/method_5447] dlq METHOD c ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_37403, dlq/isCollisionShapeFullBlock] drs METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [drs/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] zf METHOD a ((Lzg;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [zf$1/unbundlePacket, zf/method_48327] aru$1 METHOD a (()V) -> [ahd$c/method_34218, aru$1/onAttack] dhr METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dhr/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] efw METHOD a ((Layw;ILefe;)I) -> [efu/method_26989, efw/foliageHeight] guo METHOD g (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_56626, guo/isTickTimeLoggingEnabled] eva METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [eva/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] cqg$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BiFunction;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [cqg$1/evaluate, cqg/method_17395] cyy METHOD a ((Lcyp;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyy/matches, czh/method_17728] gcy METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gcy/getQuadSize, gda/method_18132] acl METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acl/type] bzg METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bzg/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] cfb METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [cfb/travel, btn/method_6091] chi$2 METHOD a (()Lcuq;) -> [bug/method_32327, chi$2/get] cou METHOD D (()Ljv;) -> [cou/getItemStacks, cox/method_42278] dqv$1 METHOD a ((II)V) -> [cqf/method_17391, dqv$1/set] ekx METHOD a ((Lenu;Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Ljd;Ljd;Ldmm;Lejj;Layw;Lend;Z)Z) -> [ekx/place, ekx/method_16626, ekt/place, eky/place, eks/place] ut METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [ut/copy, uy/method_10707] fnb METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fnb/getNarrationMessage, fod/method_25435] da$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ar/method_54938, da$a/validate] jq$b METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jq$b/stream, jq$b/method_40239] fzg METHOD a ((Lafj;)V) -> [abu/method_39025, fzg/handleSetSimulationDistance] ara METHOD c ((J)I) -> [ara/getLevel, eoq/method_15480] gud$b METHOD q (()V) -> [gub/method_16896, gud$b/tick] dia METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dia/getShape] bsq$l METHOD a ((ZF)V) -> [bsq$b/updateRenderSubState, bsq$g/updateRenderSubState, bsq$l/method_49776, bsq$l/updateRenderSubState] exj METHOD a ((Lji$a;D)I) -> [exj/method_1100, exj/findIndex] dxq METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)Ldxg;) -> [dxp/method_31808, dxq/get] fpx METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25403, fpx/mouseDragged] fxq METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fxq/root, fvt/method_32008] eyi METHOD j (()Leyi$b;) -> [eyi/method_1201, eyb/getNameTagVisibility] chh$1 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [chh$1/set, bug/method_32332] dio METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dio/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] dpb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9569, dpb/mirror] btn METHOD dC (()Z) -> [btn/canFreeze, btn/method_32316, ckl/canFreeze] btp METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbrk;Z)V) -> [btp/dropCustomDeathLoot, btn/method_6099] cfo$o METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cfo$o/canContinueToUse] erl METHOD d ((Z)V) -> [erl/method_186, erl/setDifficultyLocked] dp METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dp/codec, bw/method_58152] btp METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, btp/addAdditionalSaveData] dnl METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dnl/codec, dtb/method_53969] amk$b METHOD a ((ILjava/lang/String;I)V) -> [hv/method_36350, amk$b/onReturn] ddw$d$1 METHOD a ((Ljd;F)F) -> [ddw$d$1/modifyTemperature, ddw$d/method_30798] aru METHOD a ((Lahg;)V) -> [aru/handleMovePlayer, aru/method_12063] elv$e METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [ejv/method_14918, elv$e/addChildren] dfd METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dfd/createBlockStateDefinition] gbg METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gbg/getQuadSize, gda/method_18132] dys$f METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$f/codec] oy METHOD a ((Lon;)V) -> [oy/buildRecipes, ox/buildRecipes, oy/method_10419] dey METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dey/getShape] czg METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [czg/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] ub$1 METHOD c ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)Luy;) -> [va/method_23262, ub$1/load] dmb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dmb/mirror, dtb/method_9569] frh METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, frh/onClose] gep METHOD d (()Lfaw;) -> [gep/getFragmentProgram, fay/method_1278] aem METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aem/handle, zg/method_11054] ftn METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fik/method_47399, ftn/updateWidgetNarration] arg METHOD a ((Ldcd;)V) -> [arg/updateSpawnPos, ard/method_17669] euz METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [euz/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] cnu METHOD a ((Lewz;)V) -> [cnp/method_7454, cnu/onHitEntity] adv METHOD c (()Z) -> [adv/isSkippable, zg/method_11051] bsr METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] bos METHOD e (()Z) -> [bot/method_34773, bos/isRecording] dyt METHOD f (()I) -> [dyt/getSeaLevel, duz/method_16398] esv METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [esv/run, ete/method_522] fwd METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwd/setupAnim] cjg METHOD a ((FFLbrk;)Z) -> [cjg/causeFallDamage, bsr/method_5747] ghx METHOD I_ (()I) -> [dcy/method_31607, ghx/getMinBuildHeight] bdb METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bdc/rename, bdb/method_5163, bdk/rename, bdr/rename, bdl/rename, bcm/rename, bdb/rename] caw METHOD b (()Z) -> [caw/canUse, cam/method_6264] cmb METHOD b ((Lbrk;)Z) -> [cmb/isInvulnerableTo, bsr/method_5679] fwj METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwj/setupAnim] eov METHOD a ((J)V) -> [eov/checkNode, eov/method_51529] eyg METHOD a ((Leyf;)V) -> [eyg/method_1152, alk/onPlayerRemoved] ats METHOD a ((Lasq;)Latm;) -> [atj/method_45257, ats/createVanillaPack] cjg METHOD cu (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5732, cjg/isAttackable] fik METHOD aQ_ (()Lxn;) -> [fik/method_25360, fik/createNarrationMessage] brd METHOD a ((ILcuq;Lji;)Z) -> [dhj$a/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$b/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dqk/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$c/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dpv/canPlaceItemThroughFace, brd/method_5492, drr/canPlaceItemThroughFace] cgn METHOD ea (()F) -> [cgn/getAgeScale, cgv/getAgeScale, cgn/method_17825, cgf/getAgeScale] tj METHOD b ((Lsx;Lta;)V) -> [ti$1/testFailed, ta$1/testFailed, tj/method_22190, tp$c/testFailed, tj/testFailed] chz METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [chz/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] czu METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, czu/matches] ftr$b METHOD aU_ (()Lwz;) -> [ftt/method_16892, ftr$b/getName] cfo$g METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$g/start] dfq METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfq/codec] ev METHOD b ((Leq;)Lev;) -> [ev/method_54307, ev/withCallback] gua METHOD a ((Lgvf;)Lgvg;) -> [gua/resolve, gua/method_4783] dgt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lddw$c;)V) -> [dgt/handlePrecipitation, dgt/method_9504, dkh/handlePrecipitation] sy METHOD a ((Lsx;)V) -> [tj/testStructureLoaded, ta$1/testStructureLoaded, sy/method_22188, ti$1/testStructureLoaded, tp$c/testStructureLoaded] dfu METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dfu/getTicker, diq/method_31645] aaq METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aaq/type, aaj/method_56479] afd METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afd/handle] ckg METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ckg/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] eyo METHOD a (()I) -> [eyo/count, eyv/method_20825] fsk$a METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fsk$a/onClose] fzg METHOD a ((Lafz;)V) -> [fzg/handleUpdateAdvancementsPacket, fzg/method_11130] btn METHOD Y_ (()Lbtn;) -> [btn/getLastAttacker, bth/getLastAttacker, btn/method_49107] fov METHOD k (()Z) -> [fod/method_25421, fov/isPauseScreen] eue METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [eue/run, ete/method_522] gss$b METHOD a ((Lakr;)Lgsy;) -> [gss$b/getModel, gss$b/method_45872] djv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [djv/mirror, dtb/method_9569] cfq METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cfq/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] exh METHOD a ((Lexv;Ljd;Z)Z) -> [exh/isAbove, exh/method_16192] emy METHOD a ((Lddl;Ljd;Ljd;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;Lenp;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [enq/method_49887, emy/finalizeProcessing] dxp METHOD a ((Lewx;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [dxp/method_31807, dxq/get] dcs$d METHOD g (()Ldcs$g;) -> [dcs$g/method_20782, dcs$d/getSelf] bnl METHOD a ((Lvu;Lzi;Ljava/net/SocketAddress;I)V) -> [bnl/method_38656, bnl/onPacketReceived] ftr$1 METHOD a ((Lfhz;FI)V) -> [ftr$1/renderIcon, ftt/method_2784] bph METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/executeIfPossible, bph/method_40000] fqx$d METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fqx$d/getNarration] cmf METHOD t (()I) -> [cmk/getVillagerXp, cmh/getVillagerXp, cmf/method_19269, cmf/getVillagerXp] eaa METHOD a ((Lddz;)Lddz;) -> [eaa/method_39563, eaa/getBiomeResolver] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD i (()V) -> [tc/onServerExit, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3821, apn/onServerExit] guo METHOD a ((Ldct;ZI)Z) -> [guo/method_3763, guo/publishServer] cf METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [cf/codec, aq/method_54937] bul METHOD y (()Z) -> [btk/method_5931, bul/canBeLeashed] tw$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;)Z) -> [tw$1/method_4678, grp/has, tw$1/has] ghg METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ggz/method_3569, ghg/render] btp METHOD X (()Lkh;) -> [btp/method_42646, btp/getPickupReach] fpd METHOD m (()Ldbx;) -> [fos/method_2351, fpd/getCommandBlock] cnp METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cnp/tick] dhf METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dhf/getShape] fca$c METHOD a (()I) -> [fca$c/errorCode, fca/method_21037] cff METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, cff/hurt] djl METHOD c (()Ldjn;) -> [djl/getHeadBlock, djl/method_24945] cgv METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cgv/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] fzr$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [fzr/method_46522, fzr$1/prepareKeyPair] ful METHOD a ((Lbtg;Lfbi;)V) -> [ful/translateToHand, fuj/method_2803] fzg METHOD a ((Lafk;)V) -> [abu/method_34082, fzg/setSubtitleText] gtc$3 METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [gtc$3/requestFinished, ayf$a/method_55500] fqp METHOD a ((IIIIII)Lorg/joml/Vector2ic;) -> [fqo/method_47944, fqp/positionTooltip] abu METHOD a ((Lafj;)V) -> [abu/method_39025, abu/handleSetSimulationDistance] got METHOD a (()Lgfh;) -> [got/method_23193, got/renderType, gof/renderType, gpc/renderType] jq METHOD d (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jq/method_45925, jq/unwrapKey] zg METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, zg/handle] dis METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dis/codec] ju METHOD f ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljm$c;) -> [ju/createIntrusiveHolder, ju/method_40269] ue METHOD c (()Lva;) -> [uy/method_23258, ue/getType] fqa METHOD m (()Ldbx;) -> [fqa/getCommandBlock, fos/method_2351] djd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, djd/tick] axc METHOD d (()Laxc;) -> [axc/method_39939, azd/copy, azu/copy] cyd METHOD c (()Z) -> [cye/replacingClickedOnBlock, cyd/method_7717] cjl METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)V) -> [ckg/performRangedAttack, cjr/performRangedAttack, ciu/performRangedAttack, cln/performRangedAttack, chl/performRangedAttack, cjl/method_7105, cgc/performRangedAttack, ckt/performRangedAttack, cjl/performRangedAttack, ckb/performRangedAttack] byp METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [byp/tick, bvh/method_18924] euh METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, euh/getType] cfy METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cfy/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] guo METHOD v (()V) -> [apn/stopServer, guo/stopServer, guo/method_3782] acb METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [acb/handle, zg/method_11054] dhh METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dhh/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] abu METHOD a ((Lagc;)V) -> [fzg/handleUpdateRecipes, abu/method_11106] aqs METHOD a ((IILdvz;Z)Lduy;) -> [aqs/getChunk, dvc/method_12121] dyo METHOD c (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo/getFloor, dyo/method_32987] dlc METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsr;)I) -> [dlc/method_60772, dlc/getPortalTransitionTime] cbm METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cbm/start] dej METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [dea/method_49494, dej/collectPossibleBiomes] bth METHOD r_ (()Z) -> [bto/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bsq/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, ciw/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bth/method_5696, bth/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, cez/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, btu/isIgnoringBlockTriggers] chi METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [bsl/method_5613, chi/getBreedOffspring] ckw METHOD gt (()V) -> [ckw/method_6001, cky/randomizeReinforcementsChance] foh$b METHOD b ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fih/method_25320, foh$b/renderDecorations] dvs METHOD a ((Lejr;Lejz;)V) -> [dvs/setStartForStructure, dvu/method_12184] evi METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evi/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] cky METHOD a ((Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cku/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjl/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, clq/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckg/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cks/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cln/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cky/method_5964, cky/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots] cjm METHOD fl (()Z) -> [cjm/isSensitiveToWater, btn/method_29503] cfy METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cfy/finalizeSpawn] frs$b METHOD r (()Z) -> [frs$b/canMoveDown, frs$b/method_29664] auy METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lauv;) -> [auw/method_14642, auy/createEntry] arw METHOD a ((Lvv;)V) -> [wf/method_10839, arw/onDisconnect] aqk$c METHOD a (()V) -> [aqk$c/method_14057, aqk$c/runAllUpdates] dgl METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dgl/getTicker, diq/method_31645] fzf METHOD N (()Ldvc;) -> [dcx/method_8398, fzf/getChunkSource] cjc METHOD a ((Laqt;)Lzg;) -> [cjc/getAddEntityPacket, bsr/method_18002] gti METHOD e (()I) -> [gti/method_4780, gti/getDelay] fiw METHOD b ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fiw/method_44386, fiw/renderBackground] dmt METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, dmt/getRenderShape] gnn METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)F) -> [gnn/getBob, glk/method_4045] dba METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, dba/codec] eqy METHOD a ((Ldct;)V) -> [erl/method_193, erk/method_193, eqy/setGameType] gi$a$a METHOD b ((Lep;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;) -> [io$a/method_41730, gi$a$a/instantiate] dhj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dhj/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] dqx METHOD f (()Lcuq;) -> [dqx/getTheItem, eyn/method_54079] fmv METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fmv/setInitialFocus] drp METHOD gn (()Ldyi$d;) -> [dyi/method_51299, drp/getVibrationUser] btn METHOD f ((FF)F) -> [btn/method_6031, btp/tickHeadTurn, ciw/tickHeadTurn] dkt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dkt/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] gfn$1 METHOD a ((ZLjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [gfn$1/applyImport, fau$1/applyImport, gfn$1/method_34233] fxe METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fxe/root] dqk$1 METHOD a (()I) -> [dqk$1/getCount, cqf/method_17389] fje METHOD a ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fig/method_44384, fje/renderDecorations] fik METHOD H (()Lfms;) -> [fmb/method_48202, fik/getRectangle, fki/method_48202] chb METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [chb/makeBrain, btn/method_18867] bwm METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bwm/tick, bvh/method_18924] emn$f METHOD d ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15034, emn$f/get2x2] cpb$a METHOD j (()Z) -> [dbx/method_52175, cpb$a/isValid] gsj METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [atd/method_14420, gsj/getMetadataSectionName] gtn METHOD s (()Z) -> [gua/method_26273, gtn/canPlaySound] eyc METHOD a (()I) -> [eyc/value, eyc/method_55397] fvx METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fvx/headParts, fuf/method_22946] evg METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, evg/getType] byw$a METHOD a (()Lccs;) -> [byw$a/memory, byw/comp_1151] cff METHOD aa (()V) -> [cff/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] uu METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [vc/method_32292, uu/visitCompound] cks$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cks$a/start] fs$a METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/method_10005, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] eyo METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [eyo/method_8674, eym$1/hasScheduledTick, eym$2/hasScheduledTick, eyo/hasScheduledTick, eyr/hasScheduledTick, eyq/hasScheduledTick, eyy/hasScheduledTick] bsr METHOD bz (()Z) -> [cmx/canBeHitByProjectile, bsr/method_49108, bth/canBeHitByProjectile] coj METHOD gp (()V) -> [coj/updateNoActionTime, ckd/method_16827] gtu METHOD q (()V) -> [gub/method_16896, gtu/tick] fef METHOD e (()V) -> [fod/method_25393, fef/tick] ckg METHOD b ((Z)V) -> [ckg/setChargingCrossbow, cjq/method_7110] erg$b METHOD t (()Lwz;) -> [erg/method_54551, erg$b/primaryActionMessage] ckk$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckk$a/start] glv METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, glv/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] dys$i METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dys$i/maxValue] dfy METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldco;)V) -> [dfy/method_9586, dfy/wasExploded] abu METHOD a ((Ladw;)V) -> [fzg/handlePlayerCombatEnd, abu/method_34073] dvi$1 METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dvi$d/getType, dvi$1/method_31706, dvi$a/getType, dvi$1/getType] dhx METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dhx/mayPlaceOn] kx$14 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kx$14/execute, kw/method_10135] fod METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/onClose, fod/method_25419] cul METHOD d ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cul/isBarVisible, cul/method_31567] arr METHOD a ((Labs;)V) -> [arr/handleCookieResponse, abr/method_55851] cju METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [cju/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] crq METHOD a_ ((Lcuq;)I) -> [crq/getMaxStackSize, crq/method_7676] fma METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [flx/visitChildren, fma/method_48227, fmd/visitChildren, fly/visitChildren, flz/visitChildren, flw/visitChildren] cih METHOD c (()V) -> [cih/doServerTick, cik/method_6855] cwq METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, cwq/use] cgk METHOD X (()Lkh;) -> [btp/method_42646, cgk/getPickupReach] fqk METHOD a ((Lfhx;IILfhz;)V) -> [fqk/renderImage, fqk/method_32666, fql/renderImage] dqr$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [dqr$1/setCommand, dbx/method_8286] cfu METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cfu/method_5965, cgq/createNavigation] bsr METHOD bJ (()V) -> [bsr/method_29239, bsr/removeVehicle] chb METHOD aa (()V) -> [chb/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] cmf METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cmf/addAdditionalSaveData] dke METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dke/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] csu METHOD b ((Lcuq;)Lcwo;) -> [csu/getUseAnimation, cul/method_7853] cod METHOD bR (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5809, cod/isOnFire] bsr METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [bsr/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] coj METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, coj/registerGoals] vc METHOD a ((Lug;)V) -> [vc/visitInt, vc/method_32297] fme METHOD w (()I) -> [fme/getHeight, fmb/method_25364] edq$1 METHOD a ((Ljd;)Z) -> [edq$1/isSet, efu$b/method_49239] erj METHOD A (()Z) -> [erj/method_45556, erj/isDebugWorld] aje METHOD a ((Lvw;)V) -> [aje/method_52296, aje/write] edh METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edh/place] cfo$j METHOD c (()Z) -> [cfo$j/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] ciw METHOD u ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [ciw/skipAttackInteraction, bsr/method_5698] ges$1 METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ges$1/method_22322, ges$1/getName] cbi METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cbi/canContinueToUse] bvv$b$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/stream/Stream;Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvv$b$2/apply, bvv$b/method_19559] bfj METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfj/fix, bfn/method_5105] ckw METHOD x (()Z) -> [ckw/supportsBreakDoorGoal, ckw/method_7212] bza METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bza/start, bvh/method_18920] eqa METHOD a ((Lepx;III)Lepv;) -> [epr/method_17, eqa/getPathType] ega METHOD a ((Layw;IIIIZ)Z) -> [efu/method_23451, ega/shouldSkipLocation] cmb METHOD a ((Laqt;)Lzg;) -> [cmb/getAddEntityPacket, bsr/method_18002] czs METHOD a (()I) -> [czs/size, czc/method_59983] dhb METHOD c (()Lavw;) -> [dhb/method_9755, dhb/getOpenChestStat] chl METHOD l ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [btp/method_6773, chl/isBodyArmorItem] elz$a METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elz$a/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] dhf METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9559, dhf/updateShape] cku METHOD a ((Lcuq;FLcuq;)Lcnd;) -> [cku/getArrow, cjl/method_6996] flm$b$1 METHOD b (()I) -> [ezn/method_2032, flm$b$1/getPixelHeight] foe METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, foe/onClose] dmb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dmb/getShape] cgn METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [cgn/makeBrain, btn/method_18867] gkg METHOD c ((Lbtn;)F) -> [gkg/getFlipDegrees, glk/method_4039] cgy METHOD z ((F)V) -> [btn/method_48565, cgy/updateWalkAnimation] cga METHOD V (()Lakq;) -> [cga/getDefaultLootTable, btp/method_5991] caw METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, caw/canContinueToUse] axp METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [axp$c/parityString, axp/method_39225, axp$e/parityString] cia METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cia/hurt, bsr/method_5643] arb METHOD a ((Lcmx;ILjd;I)V) -> [aqu/levelEvent, arb/method_8444, fzf/levelEvent, arb/levelEvent] cgv METHOD dH (()Z) -> [cgv/method_48155, cgv/canSprint, cmx/canSprint] asj METHOD a (([Ljava/lang/String;)Latw;) -> [asj/getRootResource, asq/method_14410] jn METHOD b ((Lawu;)Ljq$c;) -> [jn/getOrThrow, jn/method_46735] btc METHOD aZ (()D) -> [btc/getDefaultGravity, bsr/method_7490] jq$b METHOD f (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [jq$b/contents, jq$b/method_40249] erj METHOD a ((I)V) -> [erk/method_167, erj/setClearWeatherTime] cmx METHOD ab (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [cmx/method_42272, cmx/getWardenSpawnTracker] fow METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fow/setInitialFocus] gng METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [glk/method_4042, gng/scale] aru METHOD a ((Lagk;)V) -> [aru/handleAcceptTeleportPacket, agi/method_12050] etu METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [etu/run, ete/method_522] dcw METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbsr;Ljm;Lavq;FFJ)V) -> [dcw/playSeededSound, dcw/method_8449] dfr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ljd;)J) -> [dtb/method_9535, dfr/getSeed] dhc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dhc/getAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9572] dvf METHOD b (()I) -> [dvo/method_12197, dvf/getSize] crh METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [crh/stillValid, bqk/method_5443] dnx METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, dnx/neighborChanged] dos METHOD b (()Ldfy;) -> [dos/getBodyBlock, djl/method_24946] ax$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ax$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] dku METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dku/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] bsq METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, bsq/defineSynchedData] dlj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dlj/tick] cgn METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cgn/customServerAiStep] fca$b METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fca$b/logMessage, fca/method_21036] ckn METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ckn/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] fwf METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwf/setupAnim] dys$s METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$s/codec] cjx$d METHOD b (()Z) -> [cjx$d/canUse, cam/method_6264] chy METHOD dB (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_31480, chy/getPickResult] aqu METHOD N (()Ldvc;) -> [dcx/method_8398, aqu/getChunkSource] che METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, che/finalizeSpawn] abu METHOD a ((Laey;)V) -> [abu/method_11159, fzg/handleSetDisplayObjective] ckg METHOD a ((Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cku/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjl/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, clq/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckg/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cks/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckg/method_5964, ckr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cln/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cky/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots] goi METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [goi/render, gov/method_4199] ha$b METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ha$b/listTagTypes, ha$b/method_58509] btt METHOD a ((I)V) -> [btt/setRemainingPersistentAngerTime, btt/method_29514] abu METHOD b (()Lvu;) -> [wf/method_52280, abu/protocol] uh METHOD b ((ILuy;)Z) -> [ua/method_10533, uh/addTag] dys$u METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$u/fillArray] ezf$a METHOD c (()I) -> [ezf$a/getMaxCount, ezf$a/method_20298] eks METHOD a ((Lenu;Ljd;Ldmm;Layw;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [ekz/method_16627, eks/getShuffledJigsawBlocks] gqf METHOD c (()Lakr;) -> [gqi$a/method_45816, gqf/name] fvx METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvx/setupAnim] cfu METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cfu/aiStep] dhz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dhz/getSignal] dgj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dgj/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] dmz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dmz/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] cmx METHOD fk (()F) -> [cmx/method_53964, cmx/getMaxHeadRotationRelativeToBody] jm$c METHOD a ((Lakq;)Z) -> [jm$c/is, jm/method_40225] cfj METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [btn/method_55694, cfj/getDefaultDimensions] fbp$b METHOD a ((FFFIFFIIFFF)V) -> [fbm/method_23919, fbp$b/addVertex] dzp$t$a METHOD a (()Z) -> [dzp$i/method_39074, dzp$t$a/compute] fzg METHOD a ((Lacv;)V) -> [fzg/handleDebugSample, fzg/method_56607] dkn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dkn/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] fow METHOD a ((Lfgo;II)V) -> [fow/resize, fod/method_25410] dpb METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dpb/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] erg$c METHOD q (()Z) -> [erg$c/method_33784, erg$c/isDisabled, erg$b/isDisabled] gkw METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gkw/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] cmb$1$1 METHOD a ((Lepq;Lepq;)F) -> [cmb$1$1/distance, epu/method_44000] czg METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, czg/matches] cfu METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cfu/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] dpa METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dpa/rotate] cra METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cpu/method_7597, cra/stillValid] cq METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [cq/matches, dw/method_58167] erg METHOD u (()Z) -> [erg/method_54552, erg/primaryActionActive] dhz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dhz/tick] cmb$a METHOD b (()Ldyd;) -> [dyi$d/method_51300, cmb$a/getPositionSource] ciw METHOD b ((B)V) -> [ciw/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] eia METHOD a ((Layw;Ldzv;)I) -> [eia/sample, ehx/method_35391] dms METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dms/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] cfo$n METHOD h (()Z) -> [cfo$n/shouldPanic, cfo$n/method_40072] cmx METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [btn/method_55694, cmx/getDefaultDimensions] cov METHOD l (()V) -> [cov/tick, bsr/method_5773] cnk METHOD p (()Lcuq;) -> [cnk/getItem, cnm/method_7495] md METHOD a ((Lly;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [ma/method_10319, md/run] cfm METHOD ae (()I) -> [cfm/getMaxHeadYRot, btp/method_5986] cmx METHOD aO (()F) -> [bsr/method_23326, cmx/getBlockSpeedFactor] bqy METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [bqy/save, eql/method_75] up$f METHOD a ((Luy;)Lup$f;) -> [up$f/method_46240, up$f/accept] dnj METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dnj/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cmw METHOD ah (()Lwz;) -> [bqw/method_5477, cmw/getName] efs METHOD a ((Layw;IIIIZ)Z) -> [efu/method_23451, efs/shouldSkipLocation] cmo$d METHOD a ((Lbsr;Layw;)Ldbu;) -> [cmo$g/method_7246, cmo$d/getOffer] fgs$3 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z) -> [fgs$3/process, fgs$a/method_33684] agn METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, agn/type] fbp$a METHOD a ((FFFIFFIIFFF)V) -> [fbm/method_23919, fbp$a/addVertex] gnf METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gnf/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] fx$a METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, fx$a/method_10005, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] doz METHOD g ((Ldtc;)F) -> [doz/getYRotationDegrees, dmz/method_49814] cc$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ar/method_54938, cc$a/validate] io METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, io/method_10005, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] gcr$4 METHOD a ((Lfbk;Lgqm;)Lfbd;) -> [gcr$4/begin, gcr/method_18130] bza METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, bza/checkExtraStartConditions] gi$a METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lvw;)V) -> [io/method_10007, gi$a/serializeToNetwork] dhf METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dhf/createBlockStateDefinition] eyg$1 METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [eye/method_55411, eyg$1/display] dqo METHOD a ((F)F) -> [dqo/getOpenNess, drl/method_11274] cfc METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cfc/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] fjo METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fjo/init] cpv METHOD o (()I) -> [cqm/getGridHeight, cqw/getGridHeight, cpv/getGridHeight, cpv/method_7656] fbt METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fbt/render, fjp/method_25394] dcw METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;II)Z) -> [dde/method_30092, dcw/setBlock] fgb METHOD a (()I) -> [ayr/method_7362, fgb/getId] ali METHOD a (()Lapo;) -> [apn/getProperties, ali/method_16705] ftd$e METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [ftd$e/render, fih$a/method_25343] gwe METHOD a ((Lfzf;Lexa;)V) -> [gwe/onLookAt, gwj/method_4898] eyr METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [eym$1/hasScheduledTick, eym$2/hasScheduledTick, eyo/hasScheduledTick, eyr/hasScheduledTick, eyq/hasScheduledTick, eyr/method_8674, eyy/hasScheduledTick] drn METHOD a ((Lkm$a;)V) -> [drn/collectImplicitComponents, dqh/method_57567] gua METHOD g (()F) -> [gua/method_4782, gua/getPitch] jr METHOD c (()I) -> [ju/size, jr/method_10204, js/size, axk/size, jz$1/size] ae METHOD f (()Ljava/util/Date;) -> [ae/method_48021, ae/getBuildTime] dys$u METHOD j (()Ldyr$c;) -> [dys$u/comp_395, dys$u/offsetNoise] afr METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afr/handle] dmv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9559, dmv/updateShape] gch METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gch/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] clh METHOD e ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btn/method_6060, clh/blockedByShield] did METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, did/rotate] fqa METHOD C (()I) -> [fqa/method_2364, fqa/getPreviousY, fpd/getPreviousY] ahw METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahw/type] did METHOD a ((Laqu;Ldtc;Ljd;)V) -> [did/method_10012, dij/dispenseFrom] djv METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [djv/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] erl METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [erl/method_221, erl/setCustomBossEvents] aiq METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aiq/handle] dgm METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dgm/getFluidState] vg METHOD a ((J)Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39861, vg/visit] eqy METHOD i (()Z) -> [eqy/isRaining, erb/method_156] fkh METHOD b ((DDI)Z) -> [fkh/mouseReleased, fki/method_25406] bsr METHOD bk (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5869, bsr/isUnderWater] arb METHOD o (()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;) -> [arb/getServer, dcx/method_8503] cba METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cba/start] cad METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cad/tick] chv METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, chv/defineSynchedData] cox$1 METHOD a (()Lcuq;) -> [bug/method_32327, cox$1/get] dyr$e METHOD a (()I) -> [dyr$e/comp_371, dyr$e/blockX, dzc/blockX] cfb METHOD aQ (()Lavo;) -> [cfb/getSwimSound, bsr/method_5737] apj METHOD a ((Lfl$g;DI)Lwz;) -> [apj/getPrintSuccess, apg/method_13879] agi METHOD a ((Laib;)V) -> [agi/handleSignUpdate, agi/method_12071] ur METHOD g (()I) -> [ur/getAsInt, ur/method_10701] crq METHOD h (()Z) -> [fpi$c/hasItem, crq/method_7681] foz METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, foz/mouseClicked] dix METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dix/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] fos METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fos/mouseClicked, fki/method_25402] iw$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [iw$a/type, io$a/method_41728] alk METHOD b ((Leyb;)V) -> [alk/onTeamChanged, eyg/method_1154] fpi$c METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [crq/method_7674, fpi$c/mayPickup] ewa METHOD b (()Levx;) -> [ewa/getType, evy/method_365] ja$2 METHOD a ((IIILji$a;)I) -> [ja$2/cycle, ja/method_10056] asj METHOD a ((Lass;Lakr;)Latw;) -> [asj/getResource, asq/method_14405] dkf METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dkf/getFluidState] cab METHOD a (()V) -> [cab/tick, cam/method_6268] aqs METHOD a ((II)Ldvi;) -> [aqs/getChunkNow, aqs/method_21730] bul METHOD e (()Ldcn;) -> [btv/method_48926, bul/level] gia$b$a METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [gia$b$a/method_38556, gia$b$a/name] ego METHOD a ((Layw;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [ego/getState, egj/method_23455] duy METHOD t (()Leab;) -> [duy/method_39299, duy/getBlendingData] bpo METHOD c (()Lbpx;) -> [bpw/method_35012, bpo/getType] aum METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [aum/serialize, auv/method_24896] cfo$g METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfo$g/canUse] crx METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [crx/setItem, bqk/method_5447] dgd METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, dgd/getRenderShape] atj METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Latm$c;Lwz;)Latm;) -> [atj/createBuiltinPack, atj/method_45260] bra METHOD e (()V) -> [bra/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] cgq METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [cgq/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] fvv METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fvv/headParts, fuf/method_22946] chw$2 METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, chw$2/start] dpa METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpa/codec] jm$c METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [jm$c/is, jm/method_40224] aqr METHOD a ((Z)Lbqh;) -> [bqh/method_5406, aqr/setDarkenScreen] fkh METHOD a ((CI)Z) -> [fki/method_25400, fkh/charTyped] dlv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dlv/mirror, dtb/method_9569] cfh METHOD l (()V) -> [cfh/tick, bsr/method_5773] cfz METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cfz/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] ehf METHOD a (()Lehn;) -> [ehm/method_28903, ehf/type] cho METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cho/method_6011, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] btn METHOD a ((Lbsr;I)V) -> [btn/method_6103, aqv/take] crk METHOD a ((Lczb;)V) -> [dpv/setRecipeUsed, crk/method_7662, crl/setRecipeUsed] foh$a METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, foh$a/getRowWidth] dmh$1 METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dcm/getBlockExplosionResistance, ddn/getBlockExplosionResistance, cji$1/getBlockExplosionResistance, dmh$1/method_29555, dmh$1/getBlockExplosionResistance] ayf$a METHOD a (()V) -> [gtc$3/requestStart, ayf$a/method_55497] dzp$i METHOD a (()Z) -> [dzp$i/method_39074, dzp$i/compute] fru METHOD a ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fih/method_25312, fru/renderHeader] dlj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dlj/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] gbx$b METHOD a ((Lfbm;Lffy;F)V) -> [gch/render, gbx$b/method_3074, gca/render, gcl/render, gck/render, gcy/render, gda/render, gbq/render, gdr/render, gbx$c/render, gbx$b/render] ayw METHOD d (()Layw;) -> [dyz/fork, ayw/method_38420, dzo/fork, dzx/fork, bqy$a/fork, dzr/fork, dzz/fork] dys$i METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$i/codec] dkj METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)Lbqv;) -> [dkj/getMenuProvider, dtb/method_17454] jm$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [jm$c/isBound, jm$c/method_40227, jm$a/isBound] fqh METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fqh/init, fod/method_25426] gbs METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gbs/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] eyn METHOD a (()V) -> [eyn/clearContent, bqi/method_5448] epb METHOD b (()Z) -> [epb/method_15794, epb/isEmpty] dmo METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmo/codec] dpw METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket, dpw/method_38235] fgr$k METHOD b ((D)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [fgr$k/fromSliderValue, fgr$k/method_41763] geb METHOD fs (()Lbqq;) -> [btn/method_6058, geb/getUsedItemHand] cql METHOD h (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [cql/getItems, cql/method_51305] cbx METHOD e (()V) -> [cbx/stop, cam/method_6270] cft METHOD l (()V) -> [cft/tick, bsr/method_5773] fwf METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fwf/root] dqa METHOD j (()Ljv;) -> [dqa/getItems, dqb/method_11282] ezo METHOD a (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntSet;) -> [ezm/method_27442, ezo/getSupportedGlyphs] byu$b$5 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [byu$e/method_47231, byu$b$5/debugString] cgd METHOD fa (()F) -> [cgd/getSoundVolume, btn/method_6107] cov METHOD r ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [bsr/method_5818, cov/canAddPassenger] dgv METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dgv/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] gua METHOD b (()Lgtx;) -> [gti/getSound, gua/method_4776] dnb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dnb/getShape] aru METHOD a ((Lagn;)V) -> [aru/handleChatAck, aru/method_44898] ess$c METHOD a ((Luy;Lfl$g;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [ess$c/merge, ess$c/method_16864] abu METHOD a ((Laev;)V) -> [abu/method_20320, fzg/handleSetChunkCacheCenter] ava METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ava/getKeyForUser, auw/method_14634] cgh METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [cgh/die, btn/method_6078] alk METHOD a ((Lexx;Lexy;)V) -> [alk/setDisplayObjective, eyg/method_1158] btp METHOD cx (()I) -> [cjp/getMaxFallDistance, btp/getMaxFallDistance, btn/getMaxFallDistance, btp/method_5850] cio METHOD d (()V) -> [cik/method_6856, cio/begin] jd$a METHOD a ((Lji$a;I)Ljd;) -> [jd$a/relative, jd$a/method_30513] gtn METHOD q (()V) -> [gub/method_16896, gtn/tick] dys$k METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dys$k/minValue] cfw METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)V) -> [btt/method_29513, cfw/setPersistentAngerTarget] cja METHOD j ((DDD)V) -> [bsr/method_5762, cja/push] dkr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dkr/tick] ckb$a METHOD m (()Lckn$a;) -> [ckb$a/getSpell, ckn$c/method_7147] ckq$a METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, ckq$a/canContinueToUse] bsr METHOD aO (()F) -> [bsr/method_23326, bsr/getBlockSpeedFactor] fzg METHOD a ((Laga;)V) -> [fzg/handleUpdateAttributes, abu/method_11149] bsr METHOD aZ (()D) -> [bsr/getDefaultGravity, bsr/method_7490] crp METHOD a ((I)I) -> [cqf/method_17390, crp/get] cne METHOD b ((Lbsr;Z)V) -> [cne/onDeflection, cne/method_59525] der METHOD a ((Lepd;)Z) -> [der/method_32765, dgt/canReceiveStalactiteDrip, dkh/canReceiveStalactiteDrip] abu METHOD a ((Labw;)V) -> [fzg/handleAddExperienceOrb, abu/method_11091] aqu METHOD G (()Ldxp;) -> [dcw/method_31592, aqu/getEntities] caj METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, caj/tick] dfm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dfm/getShape, dtb/method_9530] cfh$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfh$b/canUse] dlq METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lbrk;) -> [dlq/getFallDamageSource, dey/getFallDamageSource, dlq/method_32898] fmc$a METHOD d ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/method_46473, fmc$a/paddingRight] frk METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, frk/render] cjb METHOD p (()V) -> [cjb/method_6895, cjb/recalculateBoundingBox, ciz/recalculateBoundingBox] ckk METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [ckk/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] ftd$d METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [ftd$d/children, fkh/method_25396] fnz METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fnz/render] btk METHOD a ((Lbsr;F)Z) -> [btk/handleLeashAtDistance, btk/method_60956] bww METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bww/stop, bvh/method_18926] jh METHOD a ((I)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [jh/byId, jr/method_10200] dma METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dma/createBlockStateDefinition] gbz METHOD a ((DDD)V) -> [gbz/method_3069, gct/move, gbz/move, gca/move, gbu/move, gdl/move, gby/move] cfu METHOD B (()V) -> [cfu/registerGoals, btp/method_5959] dqh$b METHOD a ((Lkp;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dqh$b/method_58695, dqh$b/getOrDefault] bb$b METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [bb/method_59605, bb$b/unpack] fdv METHOD e (()V) -> [fdv/tick, fod/method_25393] duy METHOD a ((Lbsr;)V) -> [dvh/addEntity, dvi/addEntity, duy/method_12002, dvs/addEntity] dia METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dia/codec] fji$a METHOD b ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fji$a/updateNarration, fmj/method_37020] cgh METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, cgh/setVariant] dez METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dez/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] chb METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, chb/addAdditionalSaveData] afv METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afv/handle] agu METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [agu/handle, zg/method_11054] bsz METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, bsz/getSerializedName] dnu METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dnu/getStateForPlacement] btp METHOD fm (()V) -> [btp/serverAiStep, btn/method_6023] cfe METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cfe/addAdditionalSaveData] epc METHOD a ((Lepe;)F) -> [epc/getOwnHeight, epd/method_20784] dll METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dll/mirror, dtb/method_9569] yp METHOD a (()Lyq;) -> [yp/method_55456, ys/type, yn/type, yo/type] dnv METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dnv/createBlockStateDefinition] clh METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [clh/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] frs$d METHOD n (()Z) -> [frs$d/isSelected, frs$a/method_29660] bsl METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [bsl/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] bsr METHOD dC (()Z) -> [btn/canFreeze, bsr/method_32316, ckl/canFreeze] cac METHOD e (()V) -> [cac/stop, cam/method_6270] dhh METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, dhh/getRenderShape] cft$j METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cft$j/canUse] fov METHOD d (()V) -> [fov/onClose, fod/method_25419] dkj METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, dkj/useItemOn] abu METHOD a ((Labz;)V) -> [fzg/handleBlockChangedAck, abu/method_21707] ahk METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ahk/handle, zg/method_11054] cra$6 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cra$6/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] ea$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ea$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] chh METHOD a_ ((I)Lbug;) -> [chh/getSlot, bsr/method_32318] gld METHOD d ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [gld/isBodyVisible, gld/method_4056] ahb METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahb/type] fel METHOD c (()V) -> [fel/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] fsn$a METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, fsn$a/getRowWidth] dhy METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dhy/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] dht METHOD a ((Ldcw;)I) -> [dht/getBonemealAgeIncrease, dht/method_9831] vj METHOD b ((Lva;I)Luv$a;) -> [vj/visitElement, uv/method_39872] kh METHOD o (()Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35861, jd/north, jd$a/north] lm$1 METHOD c (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [lm$1/codec, lq/codec, lm$1/method_29138] uf METHOD b (()B) -> [uf/getId, uy/method_10711] ys$1 METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [ys$1/mapCodec, ys$1/method_55458, yo$1/mapCodec, yn$1/mapCodec] dmb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9559, dmb/updateShape] ddn METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;F)Z) -> [dcp/method_29554, ddn/shouldBlockExplode] foz METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, foz/init] oq METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Lao;)Lol;) -> [oq/unlockedBy, ol/method_33530] dgk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dgk/getShape] cyz METHOD a (()Ljv;) -> [cyz/method_8117, cyz/getIngredients] dgw METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dgw/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] aqk$a METHOD b ((J)I) -> [aqf/method_14028, aqk$a/getLevelFromSource] deq METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Lewy;Lcnp;)V) -> [dtb/method_19286, deq/onProjectileHit] ciu METHOD dA (()V) -> [ciu/checkDespawn, bsr/method_5982] caj METHOD c (()Z) -> [caj/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] frs$a METHOD i (()Z) -> [frs$a/method_29655, frs$b/isRequired] ji$a$1 METHOD a ((DDD)D) -> [ji$a/method_10172, ji$a$1/choose] fww METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fww/setupAnim] ya METHOD a (()Lyb$a;) -> [yb/method_54225, ya/type] cfs METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cfs/customServerAiStep] chj METHOD gR (()V) -> [chj/method_6723, chn/playJumpSound, chj/playJumpSound, cho/playJumpSound] abu METHOD a ((Lade;)V) -> [abu/method_34072, fzg/handleInitializeBorder] erj METHOD c ((I)V) -> [erk/method_164, erj/setRainTime] ut METHOD i (()B) -> [ur/method_10698, ut/getAsByte] dmd METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dmd/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] dgm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dgm/getShape, dtb/method_9530] gje METHOD a ((Lckw;)Lakr;) -> [glb/getTextureLocation, gje/method_4163, gkb/getTextureLocation] fou METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fou/keyPressed] fum METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fum/bodyParts, fuf/method_22948] dqg METHOD k (()Lwz;) -> [dqg/getDefaultName, dqb/method_17823] dkb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dtb/method_9572, dkb/getAnalogOutputSignal] cda METHOD b (()Lexc;) -> [cda/getTempMobPos, cda/method_6347] eft METHOD a ((Layw;IIIIZ)Z) -> [efu/method_23451, eft/shouldSkipLocation] fmx METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fmx/render, fjp/method_25394] chi METHOD j ((Lbtn;)Lexb;) -> [chi/getRiddenRotation, chi/method_49489] fds METHOD e (()V) -> [fds/tick, fod/method_25393] fgt METHOD a (()I) -> [ayr/method_7362, fgt/getId] cqx$2 METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cqx$2/mayPickup, crq/method_7674] fot METHOD a ((DDIII)Z) -> [fot/hasClickedOutside, fot/method_2381] dvq METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [dvq/getAll, dvq/method_39793] cif METHOD f (()F) -> [cif/getFlySpeed, cik/method_6846] cda METHOD a (()Z) -> [cda/canUpdatePath, cda/method_6358] dys$z METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dys$z/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] bmo$d METHOD a ((Lbmk;Lbmm;Lbmg;)Z) -> [bmo$e/parse, bmo$b/parse, bmo$1/parse, bmu$a/parse, bmo$d/method_58334, bmo$a/parse, bmo$d/parse, bmo$c/parse, bmo$2/parse, bmu$b/parse] eck METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, eck/place] ewh METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [ewh/getReferencedContextParams, ewh/method_32477] bqy$a METHOD f (()I) -> [ayw/method_43054, bqy$a/nextInt] fig METHOD e (()Z) -> [fig/method_44392, fig/scrollbarVisible] cgc METHOD a (()Z) -> [buf/method_27072, cgc/readyForShearing] cbb METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cbb/start] fme METHOD m ((I)V) -> [fmb/method_46421, fme/setX] ara METHOD b ((J)I) -> [aqf/method_14028, ara/getLevelFromSource] epd METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [epc/createFluidStateDefinition, eph$a/createFluidStateDefinition, epd/method_15775, epk$a/createFluidStateDefinition] dzc$a METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dzc$a/codec] ds METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, ds/codec] cjg METHOD aZ (()D) -> [cjg/getDefaultGravity, bsr/method_7490] dgd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dgd/tick] cae METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cae/start] cgk METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [cgk/makeBrain, btn/method_18867] bqj METHOD c (()Z) -> [bqj/isEmpty, bqk/method_5442] foe METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, foe/init] bzx METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, bzx/tick] ckf$e METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckf$e/start] cp METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [cp/componentType, dw/method_58163] erw$a METHOD c (()Letb;) -> [esj$a/unwrap, erv$a/unwrap, erw$a/method_43732, erw$a/unwrap] dlq METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dlq/createBlockStateDefinition] cae METHOD e (()V) -> [cae/stop, cam/method_6270] dld METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dld/mayPlaceOn] btn METHOD fK (()Z) -> [cmb/canDisableShield, btn/method_42149] fxk METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fxk/root] emq METHOD a (()Leno;) -> [enn/method_16766, emq/getType] cgh$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cgh$a/canUse] dpv METHOD b ((Lcuq;)I) -> [dpv/method_11200, dpv/getBurnDuration] arb METHOD O (()Leyp;) -> [arb/method_8405, fzf/getFluidTicks, aqu/getFluidTicks, arb/getFluidTicks] wh METHOD b (()Lzh;) -> [wh/comp_2235, wh/flow] cbf METHOD c (()Z) -> [cbf/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] cul METHOD d_ ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [csy/isFoil, cul/method_7886] egt METHOD a (()Legk;) -> [egt/type, egj/method_28862] fsq$a METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, fsq$a/getRowWidth] ey METHOD B (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [fzi/getRelevantCoordinates, ey/method_17771] gs METHOD b (()Z) -> [gs/isYRelative, gr/method_9706] fot METHOD C (()V) -> [fot/method_37432, fot/containerTick] auk METHOD b (()F) -> [auk/getActualProgress, auk/method_18229] cmb METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cmb/finalizeSpawn] gqy METHOD a (()Lgqr;) -> [gqy/type, gqp/method_47672] ht METHOD a ((Lhr;)V) -> [ht/method_54402, ht$1/queueNext] jm$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [jm$c/isBound, jm$a/method_40227, jm$a/isBound] dys$w METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dys$w/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] dkh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lddw$c;)V) -> [dgt/handlePrecipitation, dkh/method_9504, dkh/handlePrecipitation] djr METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, djr/getFluidState] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD E (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_54809, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/isPaused] daj$b METHOD a ((I)F) -> [daj$b/calculate, daj/method_60188] dn$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dn$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] mn METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/method_10321, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, mo/getName] fie METHOD b_ ((Z)V) -> [fie/setDragging, fkh/method_25398] fqw METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fod/method_25422, fqw/shouldCloseOnEsc] cju METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cju/addAdditionalSaveData] cmx METHOD bJ (()V) -> [bsr/method_29239, cmx/removeVehicle] cot METHOD b ((Lbtn;)Lexc;) -> [cot/getDismountLocationForPassenger, bsr/method_24829] fli METHOD a ((ZFFLorg/joml/Matrix4f;Lfbm;FFFFI)V) -> [flh/method_2025, fli/render] chl METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [chl/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] bz METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, bz/codec] afe METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afe/type] cri METHOD o (()I) -> [cqm/getGridHeight, cqw/getGridHeight, cri/method_7656, cpv/getGridHeight] dgr METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgr/codec] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [cul/method_7881, cul/getUseDuration] dip METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dip/getTicker, diq/method_31645] der METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, der/codec] ckr$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [ckr$a/canUse, cam/method_6264] arb METHOD x (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [dcn/method_18456, arb/players] dkd METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dkd/codec] ty$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23261, ty$1/getPrettyName] dcw METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;Lji;)V) -> [aqu/updateNeighborsAtExceptFromFacing, dcw/method_8508] bes METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;) -> [bfu/fixItemStackTag, bdt/fixItemStackTag, bes/method_20445, bdy/fixItemStackTag] dfq METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, dfq/getRenderShape] kx$13 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kw/method_10135, kx$13/execute] erp$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [erp$1/getContents, ero/method_59723] dzp$h METHOD a (()Layh;) -> [dzp$h/codec, dzp$f/method_39064] cgq METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cgq/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] frd METHOD m (()V) -> [frd/method_60325, frl/addOptions, frj/addOptions, frd/addOptions, frf/addOptions, frb/addOptions, frm/addOptions, fra/addOptions, fro/addOptions, fri/addOptions, fre/addOptions, frc/addOptions] uc$1 METHOD c ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)Luy;) -> [va/method_23262, uc$1/load] eng METHOD a (()Lenh;) -> [eng/getType, eng/method_26404] eyn METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [eyn/getItem, bqk/method_5438] ghq METHOD aW_ (()I) -> [ggz/method_33893, ghq/getViewDistance] chi METHOD b ((Lbtn;)Lexc;) -> [chi/getDismountLocationForPassenger, bsr/method_24829] pz METHOD a ((Lly;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [ma/method_10319, pz/run] tz METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [uy/method_32289, tz/accept] dys$o METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dys$o/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] bsr METHOD a ((Lp;)V) -> [bsr/method_5819, bsr/fillCrashReportCategory] geb METHOD a ((Ldri;)V) -> [geb/method_16354, geb/openJigsawBlock] ftg METHOD j (()V) -> [ftg/removed, fod/method_25432] eyi METHOD n (()Ln;) -> [eyi/getColor, eyi/method_1202] ij$b METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/CommandDispatcher;Lakr;)Lhw;) -> [ij$b/instantiate, ij$a/method_54429] btn METHOD Q_ (()F) -> [bsr/method_53829, btn/lerpTargetXRot] fsq$a$a METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fsq$a$a/mouseClicked] ckg METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ckg/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] fsz METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, fsz/getNarrationMessage] fqd METHOD b ((Lfhz;Ldtc;)V) -> [fov/method_45654, fqd/offsetSign] dzz METHOD g (()J) -> [ayw/method_43055, dzz/nextLong] bwr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtp;)Z) -> [bwr/checkExtraStartConditions, bwr/method_18978] ty METHOD c ((I)Luy;) -> [ua/method_10536, ty/remove] dzb METHOD a ((Larb;JLdzm;Lddy;Lddq;Lduy;Ldyu$a;)V) -> [dzb/applyCarvers, duz/method_12108] duf METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [duf/getName, duf/method_11901] gav METHOD a ((Lgaw;)Z) -> [gav/method_37098, gav$1/isAllowed] gjy$c METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gjy$c/render, gki/method_3936] bqh METHOD a ((Lbqh$a;)V) -> [bqh/method_5416, aqr/setColor] czq METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [czq/getSerializer, cyz/method_8119] bsr METHOD Q_ (()F) -> [bsr/lerpTargetXRot, bsr/method_53829] dxg METHOD dN (()Z) -> [dxg/isAlwaysTicking, dxg/method_31747] dqx METHOD a ((Lakq;)V) -> [drn/setLootTable, dqx/setLootTable, dqx/method_11285] guo METHOD k (()I) -> [guo/getOperatorUserPermissionLevel, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3798] ns$a METHOD a ((Ldtd;)V) -> [ns/method_25745, ns$a/validate] dgn METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Z) -> [dkp/method_10311, dgn/placeLiquid] jz METHOD c ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ju/registrationInfo, jz/method_57058] dwg METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ldws;Ldcd;)V) -> [dwg/reportChunkLoadFailure, dwg/method_57821] btn METHOD eB (()J) -> [btn/getLootTableSeed, btn/method_51851] cmk METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cmk/method_6011, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] btc METHOD cu (()Z) -> [btc/isAttackable, bsr/method_5732] btu METHOD r ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [bsr/method_5818, btu/canAddPassenger] glg METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [glg/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] aec METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aec/type] eox METHOD a ((Ldcd;Z)V) -> [eow/method_15512, eox/setLightEnabled] cia METHOD dA (()V) -> [cia/checkDespawn, bsr/method_5982] xn METHOD b (()Lxa;) -> [wz/method_10851, xn/getContents] cmb$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ljm;Ldxz$a;)Z) -> [cmb$a/method_32970, cgk$b/canReceiveVibration, drq$a/canReceiveVibration, drp$a/canReceiveVibration, cmb$a/canReceiveVibration, dqm$a/canReceiveVibration] gsp METHOD e (()Lgql;) -> [gsm/method_4711, gsp/getParticleIcon] arb METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)V) -> [dds/method_36972, arb/setCurrentlyGenerating] dfc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dfc/getShape] cne METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [bsr/method_5640, cne/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance] eqy METHOD b (()F) -> [eqy/getSpawnAngle, erb/method_30656] cge METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cge/finalizeSpawn] can$2 METHOD h (()Z) -> [can$2/isRunning, cca/method_19056] vk METHOD a ((Lva;Ljava/lang/String;)Luv$a;) -> [vj/visitEntry, vk/method_39865, vk/visitEntry, vg/visitEntry, vf/visitEntry] erj METHOD o (()Ldcs;) -> [erj/method_146, fzf$a/getGameRules, erj/getGameRules, eqy/getGameRules] cho METHOD fh (()F) -> [cho/getWaterSlowDown, btn/method_6120] blx$a METHOD c (()Ljava/nio/file/Path;) -> [blx$b/comp_1156, blx$a/path] fzi METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [et/customSuggestion, fzi/method_9261, fzi/customSuggestion] esc METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lerr;)V) -> [esc/createItemStack, esj/method_433] des METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [des/codec, dtb/method_53969] dyp METHOD a ((Leaa;Ldzm;Lddq;Lduy;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [dyp/fillFromNoise, dyt/fillFromNoise, dyp/method_12088, dzb/fillFromNoise] eic METHOD a (()Lehy;) -> [ehz/getType, eic/method_35388, eib/getType, ehw/getType, eia/getType, ehv/getType, eic/getType] fei METHOD c (()V) -> [fei/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] gvq$b METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, gvq$b/getSerializedName] bvx METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvx/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] dvi METHOD a ((Ldqh;)V) -> [duy/method_12007, dvi/setBlockEntity] dnx METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbtn;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9567, dnx/setPlacedBy] jd$a METHOD b ((Lji$a;I)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35850, jd$a/relative] fkf METHOD c ((Lfhz;III)V) -> [fkf/drawAdditionalDimensions, fkb/method_56581] czn METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [czn/streamCodec, cze/method_56104] cgf METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cgf/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] fmb METHOD D (()I) -> [fmb/getX, fmb/method_46426] aru METHOD a ((Laic;)V) -> [aru/handleAnimate, aru/method_12052] bsq$l METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, bsq$l/defineSynchedData] cqz$1 METHOD c (()V) -> [cqz$1/method_7668, cqz$1/setChanged, cqk/setChanged, fpi$c/setChanged] cki METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cki/registerGoals] bsr METHOD a ((Laqv;)Z) -> [bsr/method_5680, aqv/broadcastToPlayer] cne METHOD bu (()F) -> [bsr/method_5718, cne/getLightLevelDependentMagicValue] ckc METHOD gi (()F) -> [ckm/method_7158, ckc/getAttackDamage] cqw METHOD a ((Lczb;)Z) -> [cqw/recipeMatches, cri/method_7652] ay$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ay$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] dys$r METHOD j (()Ldyr$c;) -> [dys$r/offsetNoise, dys$u/comp_395] gtg$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [gtg$1/method_55551, gtg$1/packsToLoad] ckm METHOD gk (()Lavo;) -> [ckc/getJumpSound, ckm/method_7153] ghx METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldch;)I) -> [dbz/method_23752, ghx/getBlockTint] cki METHOD gl (()Z) -> [cke/method_16485, cki/canBeLeader] cks$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cks$a/canUse] gdk METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gdk/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] cjp METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cjp/tick] frn$c METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [frn$c/narratables, fis$a/method_37025] gst METHOD a ((Laty$a;Laue;Lbnf;Lbnf;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [gst/reload, gcp/reload, gro/reload, alf/reload, auj/reload, gqm/reload, gst/method_25931, auf/reload, flb/reload, aww/reload] cfb METHOD n ((Lcuq;)V) -> [cfg/method_6455, cfb/saveToBucketTag] ftf METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, ftf/getNarrationMessage] ejp METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [ejp/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] der METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, der/tick] fzf METHOD b ((Llk;ZDDDDDD)V) -> [fzf/method_17452, fzf/addAlwaysVisibleParticle] amk$b METHOD a ((ILakr;I)V) -> [amk$b/method_36351, amk$b/onCall] fkn METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [fkn/visitChildren, fkn/method_48612] frw METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [frw/method_17065, frw/getFuelItems] cqw$1 METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcuq;)V) -> [crq/method_48931, cqw$1/setByPlayer] doc METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dfy/method_9574, doc/getCloneItemStack] fmc METHOD b ((F)Lfmc;) -> [fmc$a/alignVertically, fmc/method_46468] glk METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)F) -> [glk/method_4045, glk/getBob] gnz METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gnz/render, gov/method_4199] ckv METHOD gk (()I) -> [clj/method_24657, ckv/getAttackAnimationRemainingTicks] ezn METHOD a ((II)V) -> [ezn/upload, ezn/method_2030] fei METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fei/init, fod/method_25426] emj$j METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emj$j/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] cha METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, cha/checkExtraStartConditions] dys$a METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$a/compute, dyr/method_40464] czs METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [czs/getItem, czc/method_59984] dkn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dkn/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] dko METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, dko/neighborChanged] bqw METHOD S_ (()Lwz;) -> [bqw/getDisplayName, eyf/method_5476, bqw/method_5476, bqv/method_5476] gin METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [gim$a/method_23109, gin/render] day METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, day/codec] ega METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [ega/createFoliage, efu/method_23448] dvg METHOD b (()I) -> [dvo/method_12197, dvg/getSize] dcw METHOD a ((Lbsr;B)V) -> [dcw/method_8421, dcw/broadcastEntityEvent] clh METHOD y (()Z) -> [btk/method_5931, clh/canBeLeashed] bqk METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [bqk/setItem, bqk/method_5447] dxa$4 METHOD a ((Laqu;Ldxb;Ljava/util/List;ILjd;)V) -> [dxa$4/tick, dxa/method_12507] epd METHOD b ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lepe;)V) -> [epd/tick, epd/method_15778] adr METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [adr/handle, zg/method_11054] fpu METHOD c ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fow/renderErrorIcon, fpu/method_48467, fqe/renderErrorIcon] abu METHOD a ((Lafd;)V) -> [abu/method_11101, fzg/handleSetExperience] dtb METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;)V) -> [dtb/method_9606, dtb/attack] dut$a METHOD j (()V) -> [dut$a/method_11989, dut$b/onAbsoluteMaxSizeChange, dut$d/onAbsoluteMaxSizeChange] chv METHOD ae (()I) -> [chv/getMaxHeadYRot, btp/method_5986] cyz METHOD a ((Lczc;)Ljv;) -> [cyl/getRemainingItems, cyj/getRemainingItems, cyz/method_8111] dyt METHOD a ((Ldcy;)I) -> [duz/method_12100, dyt/getSpawnHeight] epd METHOD i (()Z) -> [epd/method_15795, eph/isRandomlyTicking] dkc METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepd;)Z) -> [dkc/canPlaceLiquid, dkp/method_10310] apn METHOD v (()V) -> [apn/stopServer, guo/stopServer, apn/method_3782] fef$2 METHOD a (()Z) -> [fef$2/method_49592, fef$1/showOldNotifications, fef$2/showOldNotifications] cmf METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [cmf/die, btn/method_6078] bsr METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] fzg METHOD a ((Lajj;)V) -> [fzg/handlePongResponse, aji/method_12666] dgj METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dgj/getCollisionShape, dtb/method_9549] btb METHOD a ((Lbsy;Lcuq;)V) -> [cmx/setItemSlot, btb/method_5673, cjl/setItemSlot, btp/setItemSlot, ciw/setItemSlot] guo METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ldws;Ldcd;)V) -> [guo/reportChunkLoadFailure, dwg/method_57821] dgx METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dgx/rotate, dtb/method_9598] cpe METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cpe/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] clc METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [clc/start, bvh/method_18920] cmx METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cmx/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] ciw METHOD f ((FF)F) -> [ciw/method_6031, btp/tickHeadTurn, ciw/tickHeadTurn] cjx$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [cjx$c/canUse, cam/method_6264] ckx METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/method_6002, ckx/getDeathSound] adt METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adt/type] cnt METHOD a ((Lexa;)V) -> [cnt/onHit, cnp/method_7488] aae METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [aae/type, zg/method_55846] erj METHOD H (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [erj/getRemovedFeatureFlags, erl/method_49900] etv METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etv/getType, etf/method_29321] esx METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [esx/getType, etf/method_29321] aum METHOD e (()Lwz;) -> [auz/getDisplayName, aum/method_14504, aup/getDisplayName] kh METHOD p (()Lkh;) -> [jd/below, jd$a/below, kh/method_23228] cpd METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cpd/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] gdu METHOD a (()V) -> [gcn/method_3070, gdu/tick] ebv METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ebv/place, ece/method_13151] gsp METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Layw;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [gsp/getQuads, gsm/method_4707] fig METHOD a ((D)V) -> [fsy/setScrollAmount, fig/method_44382] btg METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, btg/getSerializedName] ewc METHOD b (()Levx;) -> [ewc/getType, evy/method_365] dea METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [dea/method_49494, dea/collectPossibleBiomes] deu METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [diq/method_10123, deu/newBlockEntity] foh METHOD c (()V) -> [foh/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] ezf$1 METHOD a (()Leze;) -> [ezf$a/method_19666, ezf$1/acquire] fiw METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fiw/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] csf$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, csf$a/getSerializedName] ckw METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbrk;Z)V) -> [ckw/dropCustomDeathLoot, btn/method_6099] ftn METHOD a ((Lfih$a;)V) -> [fih/method_25313, ftn/setSelected] dzo METHOD d (()Layw;) -> [dyz/fork, dzo/fork, dzx/fork, bqy$a/fork, dzo/method_38420, dzr/fork, dzz/fork] ets METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [ets/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] aqu METHOD I (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [aqu/gatherChunkSourceStats, dcw/method_31419] dly METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dly/codec] gfa$a METHOD a ((FF)Lfbm;) -> [gfa$a/setUv, fbj/setUv, fbd/setUv, fbp$b/setUv, gfp/setUv, gfa$a/method_22913, fbp$a/setUv] esq METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, esq/getType] dzl METHOD a ((J)Layw;) -> [dzz$a/fromSeed, dzl/method_60628, dyz$a/fromSeed] fox METHOD b ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fot/method_2388, fox/renderLabels] eyi METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [eyi/method_1197, eyi/getName] fzd METHOD d (()V) -> [wn/method_18784, fzd/tick] cys METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, cys/matches] gsz METHOD c (()Z) -> [gsm/method_24304, gsz/usesBlockLight] ctm METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, ctm/use] abw METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, abw/handle] clm METHOD p (()Lbtn;) -> [clm/getTarget, bum/method_5968] cdt METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdt/requires, cdy/method_19099] gki METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lwz;Lfbi;Lgez;IF)V) -> [gki/renderNameTag, gki/method_3926] xa METHOD a ((Lxe$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xa/method_27659, xa/visit] car METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, car/tick] cgy$c METHOD a ((I)Lepu;) -> [cgy$c/createPathFinder, cda/method_6336] chr METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, chr/getSerializedName] jm METHOD a ((Lakq;)Z) -> [jm/method_40225, jm/is] cal METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cal/canContinueToUse] gca METHOD a ((DDD)V) -> [gca/method_3069, gct/move, gbz/move, gca/move, gbu/move, gdl/move, gby/move] fig METHOD b ((DDI)Z) -> [fig/mouseReleased, fki/method_25406] arh METHOD a ((Ldcd;)V) -> [arh/updateSpawnPos, ard/method_17669] cjk METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cjk/registerGoals] fzg METHOD a ((Lacy;)V) -> [fzg/handleEntityEvent, abu/method_11148] feh$a$a METHOD a ((I)V) -> [fdq/method_21110, feh$a$a/onClick] gs METHOD a (()Z) -> [gs/isXRelative, gr/method_9705] xe$3 METHOD a ((Lxe$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe$3/visit, xe$2/visit, xe$4/visit, wz/visit, xe$3/method_27657, xe$1/visit, fgz$c/visit] ckj METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, ckj/addAdditionalSaveData] byb METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [byb/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] bsr METHOD a ((Lavo;FF)V) -> [bsr/method_5783, bsr/playSound] abu METHOD a ((Lads;)V) -> [abu/handleOpenSignEditor, abu/method_11108] abu METHOD a ((Laeh;)V) -> [fzg/handleResetScore, abu/method_55450] byj METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, byj/checkExtraStartConditions] czo METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, czo/assemble] al$a METHOD c ((Lah;)V) -> [al$a/method_721, al$a/onAddAdvancementTask] ckw METHOD gk (()Lavo;) -> [ckw/method_7207, ckw/getStepSound] gki METHOD a ((Lbsr;F)Lexc;) -> [gki/getRenderOffset, gki/method_23169] epk$b METHOD c ((Lepe;)Z) -> [epk$b/isSource, epd/method_15793] dys$h METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$h/compute, dyr/method_40464] dys$aa METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$aa/codec] drs METHOD q (()Z) -> [dqh/method_11011, drs/onlyOpCanSetNbt] pv METHOD b (()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [pv/method_49651, pv/createContentsProvider] fyc METHOD a ((Lckd;)Z) -> [fud/method_17790, fyc/isAggressive] gof METHOD a (()Lgfh;) -> [gof/method_23193, got/renderType, gof/renderType, gpc/renderType] dnc METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Z) -> [dkp/method_10311, dnc/placeLiquid] cvt METHOD b ((Lcuq;)Lcwo;) -> [cul/method_7853, cvt/getUseAnimation] bsr METHOD b ((Lbtn;)Lexc;) -> [bsr/getDismountLocationForPassenger, bsr/method_24829] apm METHOD c (()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;) -> [aur/method_14561, apm/getServer] cn$a METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [dw/method_58163, cn$a/componentType] dhf METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9542, dhf/isRandomlyTicking] fti METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fti/init] ekj METHOD a ((Lejj;)Lejv;) -> [ekj/method_35461, ekj/findCollisionPiece] ait METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ait/handle] adp METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [adp/handle, zg/method_11054] cjt METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbrk;Z)V) -> [cjt/dropCustomDeathLoot, btn/method_6099] cso METHOD ar_ (()Z) -> [cso/canFitInsideContainerItems, cul/method_31568] cjt METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cjt/customServerAiStep] bhh METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bhh/fix] cgk$b METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ljm;Lbsr;Lbsr;F)V) -> [cgk$b/method_32969, drq$a/onReceiveVibration, cgk$b/onReceiveVibration, drp$a/onReceiveVibration, cmb$a/onReceiveVibration] act METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, act/handle] dmv METHOD a ((Ldmu$a;Ldcx;Ljd;Layw;Ldmu;Z)I) -> [dmp/method_41471, dmv/attemptUseCharge] dx METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, dx/codec] ckq METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, ckq/isFood] fxv METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fxu/method_17150, fxv/hatVisible] dxa$5 METHOD a ((Laqu;Ldxb;Ljava/util/List;ILjd;)V) -> [dxa/method_12507, dxa$5/tick] cqa$b METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cqa$b/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] djk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [djk/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] dtb METHOD c ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dnl/getVisualShape, dlt/getVisualShape, djz/getVisualShape, dtb/method_26159, diw/getVisualShape, dni/getVisualShape, dol/getVisualShape, dkx/getVisualShape] bsr METHOD bA (()Z) -> [bsr/isPickable, bsr/method_5863] ccf METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ccf/start] cfo$r METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cfo$r/canContinueToUse] dft METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dft/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] cgy METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, cgy/setVariant] io$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [io$a/type, io$a/method_41728] cks$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cks$b/canUse, cam/method_6264] dji METHOD c (()Ldkz;) -> [dky/method_41432, dji/getSpreader] up$e METHOD a ((Luy;)Lup$f;) -> [up$f/method_46240, up$e/accept] dzz METHOD k (()D) -> [ayw/method_43059, dzz/nextGaussian] ejv METHOD a (()Ldmm;) -> [ejv/method_16888, ejv/getRotation] uj METHOD j (()D) -> [uc/getAsDouble, tz/getAsDouble, uj/method_10697, ut/getAsDouble, ue/getAsDouble, ug/getAsDouble, uj/getAsDouble] tz METHOD k (()F) -> [tz/getAsFloat, ur/method_10700] fmz METHOD k (()Z) -> [fod/method_25421, fmz/isPauseScreen] fsw METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fsw/onClose] eut METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, eut/getType] jz METHOD e (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Lifecycle;) -> [ju/registryLifecycle, jz/method_31138] crd METHOD c (()Z) -> [crd/isEmpty, bqk/method_5442] ekx METHOD a ((Lenu;Ljd;Ldmm;)Lejj;) -> [ekz/method_16628, ekx/getBoundingBox] dcs$a METHOD c (()I) -> [dcs$a/getCommandResult, dcs$g/method_20781] cks METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cks/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] fon METHOD d ((Lah;)V) -> [fon/method_719, fon/onRemoveAdvancementTask] dey METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dey/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] cul METHOD b ((Lcuq;Lbtn;Lbtn;)V) -> [cul/postHurtEnemy, cul/method_59978] dok METHOD a ((Ldcw;)I) -> [dht/method_9831, dok/getBonemealAgeIncrease] dyn METHOD a ((I)I) -> [ayw/method_43048, dyn/nextInt] fyb METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fyb/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] dqq METHOD b ((ILcuq;)Z) -> [drj/canPlaceItem, drk$1/canPlaceItem, cpy$1/canPlaceItem, bqj/canPlaceItem, dqk/canPlaceItem, dpv/canPlaceItem, dqq/method_5437, dqv/canPlaceItem, dqq/canPlaceItem] frs$d METHOD t (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [frs$d/getOtherList, frs$b/method_29667] eor$a METHOD a (()I) -> [eow/method_15516, eor$a/runLightUpdates] cgd METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, cgd/hurt] cqm METHOD p (()I) -> [cri/method_7658, cqm/getSize] chi METHOD a ((FFLbrk;)Z) -> [chi/causeFallDamage, bsr/method_5747] dwk METHOD a ((Ldxe;)V) -> [dwk/storeEntities, dwk/method_31760] cgh METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [cgh/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] dcs$a METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [dcs$d/updateFromArgument, dcs$a/method_20776, dcs$a/updateFromArgument] alb$a METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jo$a/method_46759, alb$a/lookup] flj$1 METHOD b (()I) -> [ezn/method_2032, flj$1/getPixelHeight] ckf$i METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ckf$i/canUse] jd METHOD l (()Lkh;) -> [jd/east, kh/method_35855] cad METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cad/start] emn$b METHOD e ((Layw;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15036, emn$b/get2x2Secret] csv METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcw;Lcuq;Ljd;)V) -> [csv/checkExtraContent, ctg/method_7728] dml METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dml/codec] abu METHOD a ((Laej;)V) -> [abu/method_11139, abu/handleRotateMob] ua METHOD a ((ILuy;)Z) -> [uf/setTag, ty/setTag, ua/method_10535, ui/setTag, uh/setTag] diu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [diu/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] dku METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dku/createBlockStateDefinition] ckz METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, ckz/getBrain] dgv METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgv/codec] cow METHOD F (()I) -> [cow/method_42281, cow/getMaxPassengers] cge METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, cge/setVariant] cjl METHOD a ((Lcvn;)Z) -> [cjl/canFireProjectileWeapon, btp/method_25938] dpv METHOD a ((Lcnb;)V) -> [crv/method_7683, dpv/fillStackedContents] cmq METHOD B (()V) -> [cmq/registerGoals, btp/method_5959] cfb METHOD h ((D)Z) -> [cfb/removeWhenFarAway, btp/method_5974] cgn METHOD aa (()V) -> [btp/method_18409, cgn/sendDebugPackets] gcz METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcz/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] cmx METHOD d ((Lbsy;)Z) -> [btn/method_56991, cmx/canUseSlot] epp METHOD a (([Lepq;Lepq;)I) -> [epr/method_18, epp/getNeighbors] gpo METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;FFFF)V) -> [gpo/setupRotations, glk/method_4058] cfu METHOD cM (()Lexc;) -> [cfu/getLeashOffset, bsr/method_29919] fsn$a METHOD a ((ILgad$a;)V) -> [fsn$a/acceptMessage, fsm$a/method_44490] cez METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cez/customServerAiStep] hf$b METHOD d ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [hf$b/lookupPredicateType, hf$b/method_58515] cff$e METHOD h (()Z) -> [cff$e/canBeeUse, cff$a/method_21814] doe METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgb/method_9651, doe/isValidBonemealTarget] cre METHOD a ((Lbqk;)V) -> [cqx/slotsChanged, cqm/slotsChanged, cqw/slotsChanged, cre/method_7609, cre/slotsChanged, crw/slotsChanged, cqt/slotsChanged, cqp/slotsChanged, cqb/slotsChanged, cra/slotsChanged] dik METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dik/codec, dtb/method_53969] clq METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [clq/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] exm$1 METHOD a ((Lexv;Ljd;Z)Z) -> [exm$1/isAbove, exh/method_16192] bbb METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bbb/fix, bfn/method_5105] efu METHOD b ((Layw;IIIIZ)Z) -> [efu/method_27387, efu/shouldSkipLocationSigned] dkn METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dkn/getFluidState] fls$b METHOD a (()Lflp;) -> [flo/method_51731, fls$b/type] cki METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [cki/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] jo$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jo$a/method_55282, jo$a/listRegistries] fzg METHOD a ((Lact;)V) -> [abu/method_44763, fzg/handleCustomChatCompletions] dqb METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [dqb/stillValid, bqk/method_5443] dfd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dfd/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] dec$b$3 METHOD a ((DDI)I) -> [dec$b/method_30823, dec$b$3/modifyColor] ckj METHOD dr (()Lexc;) -> [ckj/method_18798, ckj/getDeltaMovement] djb METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dfy/method_9574, djb/getCloneItemStack] gcx METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gcn/method_3068, gcx/getLightColor] dfd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dfd/getShape] ghj METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghj/render, ggz/method_3569] dgy METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dgy/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] cki METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cki/addAdditionalSaveData] dgw METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dgw/performBonemeal] dym$1 METHOD J_ (()I) -> [dcy$1/getHeight, dcz/getHeight, dym$1/getHeight, dcl/getHeight, duy/getHeight, arb/getHeight, ghx/getHeight, ddj/getHeight, dym$1/method_31605] diu METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, diu/codec] diy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, diy/getShape] au$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ar/method_54938, au$a/validate] erl METHOD w (()Lub;) -> [erj/getLoadedPlayerTag, erl/method_226] cnk METHOD cu (()Z) -> [cnk/isAttackable, bsr/method_5732] fos METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fos/renderBackground, fod/method_25420] ckm METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ckm/onSyncedDataUpdated, ajz/method_5674] btp METHOD a ((Lbsx;)Z) -> [btn/method_5973, btp/canAttackType] bza METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/method_18927, bza/canStillUse] dno METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, dno/neighborChanged] cfw METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [cfw/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] def$e$a METHOD a (([JLdef$e$a;Ldef$a;)Ldef$e$a;) -> [def$e$c/search, def$e$a/method_38158, def$e$a/search] cgd METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [btn/method_6091, cgd/travel] cfo METHOD b ((Lcjh;)V) -> [cln/pickUpItem, cfm/pickUpItem, cgk/pickUpItem, cfo/method_5949, ckg/pickUpItem, cfo/pickUpItem, coj/pickUpItem, cmk/pickUpItem, cft/pickUpItem] cul METHOD b ((Lcuq;)Lcwo;) -> [cul/method_7853, cul/getUseAnimation] gmc METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gki/method_3936, gmc/render] cpu METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, cpu/removed] bsr METHOD aw (()V) -> [bsr/method_5670, bsr/baseTick] aqu METHOD a ((Leqr;)Leqt;) -> [dcw/method_17891, aqu/getMapData] btn METHOD a ((Lcuq;)V) -> [btn/updateUsingItem, btn/method_37119] fop METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fop/render] fks METHOD a ((Lfhz;Lfkw;J)Lfkv$a;) -> [fks/render, fkv/method_1986] ajp METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [ajp/type, zg/method_55846] car METHOD U_ (()Z) -> [car/isInterruptable, cam/method_6267] wx$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, wx$a/getSerializedName] cjr$f METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cjr$f/start] guo METHOD b ((I)I) -> [guo/getScaledTrackingDistance, apn/getScaledTrackingDistance, guo/method_27903] esj$b METHOD b (()Lesh;) -> [esj$b/build, esh$a/method_419] bay METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bay/fix] eso$e METHOD a (()Leso$c;) -> [eso$d/getType, eso$e/method_466, eso$a/getType, eso$e/getType] dbf$b METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dbf$b/getSerializedName] gqi$a METHOD c (()Lakr;) -> [gqi$a/name, gqi$a/method_45816] doy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [doy/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] emx METHOD a ((Ldtc;Layw;)Z) -> [emx/test, enn/method_16768] cod METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;F)F) -> [cod/getBlockExplosionResistance, bsr/method_5774] dku METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldtc;Lji;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9522, dku/skipRendering] cvm METHOD c (()Lcvm$a;) -> [cvm/method_58653, cvm/createDispenseConfig] dhy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Leru$a;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dhy/getDrops, dtb/method_9560] dys$d METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$d/fillArray] dzc METHOD d (()Leaa;) -> [dzc/getBlender, dyr$b/method_39327] ckm$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [ckm$b/canUse, cam/method_6264] fqv$b METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fqv$b/narratables, fis$a/method_37025] cqo METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cpu/method_7597, cqo/stillValid] cmx METHOD fW (()V) -> [cmx/method_7331, geb/respawn] cmx METHOD k (()Lcum;) -> [cmx/method_7265, cmx/createItemCooldowns] gtk METHOD a (()V) -> [gtk/tick, gtk/method_4756] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD b ((I)I) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_27903, guo/getScaledTrackingDistance, apn/getScaledTrackingDistance] ghq METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghq/render, ggz/method_3569] ftn$b METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, ftn$b/render] ahd$c METHOD a ((Lbqq;)V) -> [ahd$c/method_34219, aru$1/onInteraction] eco METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [eco/place, ece/method_13151] dmy METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dmy/getBlockSupportShape, dtb/method_25959] dtz METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dtz/getSerializedName] abu METHOD a ((Lafm;)V) -> [abu/method_34083, fzg/setTitleText] clh METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, clh/aiStep] dhw METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dhw/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] chj METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [chj/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] fsn$a$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fsn$a$a/getNarration, fji$a/method_37006] bpm METHOD b (()Z) -> [bpm$a/isEmpty, bpm/method_16911, bpm$c/isEmpty] bl$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ar/method_54938, bl$a/validate] frz$a METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [frz$a/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] ug$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, ug$1/parse] elx$j METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [ejv/method_14931, elx$j/postProcess] dmd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dmd/getSignal] ckl METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, ckl/getAmbientSound] bpt METHOD b (()I) -> [bpw/method_35011, bpt/getMaxValue] brb METHOD S_ (()Lwz;) -> [eyf/method_5476, bqw/method_5476, brb/getDisplayName, bqv/method_5476] fl$f METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fl$f/getTag, fl$h/method_9378] aqu METHOD b ((ILjd;I)V) -> [dcw/method_8474, aqu/globalLevelEvent] dof METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dof/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] ftb METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, ftb/getNarrationMessage] cim METHOD i (()Lciq;) -> [cim/getPhase, cik/method_6849] acl METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, acl/handle] emw METHOD a (()Lens;) -> [enb/getType, emw/method_16772, emy/getType, emz/getType, enm/getType, ena/getType, emu/getType, emt/getType, ems/getType, ene/getType, emw/getType, enj/getType] frd METHOD C (()V) -> [frh/method_31387, frd/addFooter] cjp METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cjp/method_6011, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] exm METHOD a ((Lepe;Lepe;)Z) -> [exh/method_27866, exm/canStandOnFluid] gli METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931, gli/getTextureLocation] dl METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, dl/codec] gpz METHOD a ((Laue;)V) -> [gpw/method_4625, gpz/load] cjl METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cjl/finalizeSpawn] gwo METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, gwo/render] cox METHOD a ((Lakq;)V) -> [cox/setLootTable, cox/method_42275] cft$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cft$c/canUse] gcf METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcf/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] gjh METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gjh/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] ext METHOD a ((Lji$a;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/doubles/DoubleList;) -> [exv/method_1109, ext/getCoords] fil$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lwz;FLbqh$a;Lbqh$b;ZZZ)V) -> [fil$1/add, ace$b/method_34103] bte METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, bte/addAdditionalSaveData] diu METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9615, diu/onPlace] ftn$c METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, ftn$c/getNarration] aqq METHOD b ((JJI)I) -> [aqf/computeLevelFromNeighbor, aqq/computeLevelFromNeighbor, aqq/method_15488] czj METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [czj/getResultItem, cyz/method_8110] cyb METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [cyb/withReplacedPages, cxe/method_58186] cgd$a METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cgd$a/tick] eso METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [eso/run, ete/method_522] dzm$a METHOD a ((Ldyr$c;)Ldyr$c;) -> [dzm$a/visitNoise, dyr$f/method_42358] dhj$b METHOD a ((ILcuq;Lji;)Z) -> [dhj$a/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$b/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dqk/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$c/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dpv/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$b/method_5492, drr/canPlaceItemThroughFace] axk METHOD c (()I) -> [ju/size, js/size, axk/size, jz$1/size, axk/method_10204] cfw$b METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfw$b/start] glj METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [glj/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] exc METHOD a (()D) -> [exc/method_10216, exc/x] crm METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [crm/onTake, crq/method_7667] cri METHOD an_ (()V) -> [cri/method_59963, cri/beginPlacingRecipe] guo METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_19466, guo/isSingleplayerOwner] cnl METHOD o ((Z)Z) -> [cnl/canUsePortal, bsr/method_5822] aly$a$1 METHOD a ((Laqv;Lag;)Z) -> [aly$a/method_13002, aly$a$1/perform] dhc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dhc/mirror, dtb/method_9569] frt METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, frt/init] dkl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dkl/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] cjs METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cjs/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] alk METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Leyb;)Z) -> [alk/addPlayerToTeam, eyg/method_1172] dnw METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)Lbqv;) -> [dtb/method_17454, dnw/getMenuProvider] fvm METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvm/setupAnim] chi METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, chi/defineSynchedData] ftn$b METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, ftn$b/getNarration] cov METHOD w (()F) -> [cov/method_42280, cow/getSinglePassengerXOffset] jo$a$2 METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jo$a/method_55282, jo$a$2/listRegistries] dhz METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhz/codec] dfl METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dfl/method_33614, dfl/spawnDestroyParticles] fgs$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;F)F) -> [fgs$2/process, fgs$a/method_33679] dvq METHOD e (()Ldvq;) -> [dvq/recreate, dvq/method_44350] fpt METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fpt/init] cvt METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cvt/appendHoverText, cul/method_7851] yh METHOD a (()Lxa$a;) -> [xa/method_54163, yh/type] fkf METHOD a ((D)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fkb/method_53468, fkf/toDisplayString] coz METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [bsr/method_5688, coz/interact] cvm METHOD a ((Lcnp;DDDFF)V) -> [ctu/shoot, cvm/method_58654, cwp/shoot] btg METHOD a (()I) -> [ayr/method_7362, btg/getId] cfx METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cfx/aiStep] cnd METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cnd/tryPickup, cnd/method_34713] bww METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bww/start] ckb METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ckb/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] djk METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [djk/getCollisionShape, dtb/method_9549] dbt METHOD t (()I) -> [cmk/getVillagerXp, cmh/getVillagerXp, dbt/method_19269, cmf/getVillagerXp] dyo$a METHOD c (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo$a/getFloor, dyo/method_32987] frs$a METHOD m (()V) -> [frs$b/moveDown, frs$a/method_29659] csl METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [csl/appendHoverText, cul/method_7851] dut$b METHOD i (()Ldus;) -> [dut$b/getStatus, dut$b/method_11995, dut$d/getStatus] cgv METHOD q ((F)Lexc;) -> [cgv/getLeashOffset, cgv/method_45321] esv$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [esv$a/getThis, ete$a/method_523] coc METHOD a ((Laqu;Lewy;Lcuq;)V) -> [coc/method_59956, coc/hitBlockEnchantmentEffects] cgf$c METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [caz/method_6296, cgf$c/isValidTarget] aqv METHOD G (()I) -> [bsr/method_5691, aqv/getPermissionLevel] cku METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, cku/getAmbientSound] dgo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgo/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] cjz METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [cjz/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] efm METHOD a ((II)I) -> [efj/method_27378, efm/getSizeAtHeight] cmo$i METHOD a ((Lbsr;Layw;)Ldbu;) -> [cmo$g/method_7246, cmo$i/getOffer] kx$5 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kx$5/execute, kw/method_10135] fie METHOD a ((Lfki;)V) -> [fkh/method_25395, fie/setFocused] gcg METHOD a (()V) -> [gcg/tick, gcn/method_3070] nt$a METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [nt$b/method_25768, nt$a/decorate] dmm METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dmm/getSerializedName] fxt METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fxt/root] dhd METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Lewy;Lcnp;)V) -> [dhd/onProjectileHit, dtb/method_19286] cgv METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cgv/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] ch METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [ch/componentType, dw/method_58163] dlh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;II)Z) -> [dhi/triggerEvent, dlh/method_9592, dsv/triggerEvent, dfk/triggerEvent, dlh/triggerEvent] cfq METHOD br (()Z) -> [cfq/canSpawnSprintParticle, bsr/method_27298] dcc METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldqj;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ddc/method_35230, dcc/method_35230, dcc/getBlockEntity] ets$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [ete$a/method_523, ets$a/getThis] ewm$a METHOD a ((Lub;Lewn;)V) -> [ewl$a/serialize, ewm$a/serialize, ewm$a/method_975] chk METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, chk/setVariant] byr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lcmk;)V) -> [bys/method_26335, byr/useWorkstation] din METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, din/codec] fqx$d METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fqx$d/keyPressed] cpv METHOD e ((I)Z) -> [cpv/shouldMoveToInventory, cri/method_32339] iv METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [iv/serializeToJson, io/method_10006] cqq METHOD a_ ((Lcuq;)I) -> [cqq/getMaxStackSize, crq/method_7676] dfu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldco;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [dtb/method_55124, dfu/onExplosionHit] fbt$d METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fbt$d/render] djy METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [djy/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] eyn METHOD c (()Z) -> [eyn/isEmpty, bqk/method_5442] apg METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [apg/method_13883, apg/getModifiedSuccess] aef METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aef/type] erw$a METHOD b ((Letf$a;)Letb;) -> [erw$a/apply, erv$a/apply, esj$a/apply, erw$a/method_511] eph METHOD b ((Ldcz;)I) -> [epc/method_15733, eph/getSlopeFindDistance] fzg METHOD a ((Lacz;)V) -> [fzg/method_11124, fzg/handleExplosion] cgc METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cgc/addAdditionalSaveData] esa METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Lerz;) -> [esa/compose, esa/method_394] ayw METHOD i (()F) -> [ayw/method_43057, ayw/nextFloat] cfm METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cfm/addAdditionalSaveData] ejv METHOD a ((Ldcz;IIILejj;)Z) -> [ejv/method_33780, ejv/canBeReplaced] azu METHOD c (()I) -> [axc/method_34896, azu/getBits] esz METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [esz/validate, ers/method_292] btn METHOD c ((Lawu;)V) -> [cff/jumpInLiquid, btp/jumpInLiquid, ckc/jumpInLiquid, btn/method_6010] drr METHOD a ((Ljv;)V) -> [drr/setItems, dqb/method_11281] va$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23259, va$1/getName] dvi METHOD d ((Ljd;)V) -> [dvi/removeBlockEntity, duy/method_12041] gdq METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gdq/getLightColor, gcn/method_3068] ega METHOD a (()Lefv;) -> [efu/method_28843, ega/type] dfr METHOD a ((Ldcc;Lbsr;)V) -> [dfr/updateEntityAfterFallOn, dfy/method_9502] cfg METHOD n ((Lcuq;)V) -> [cfg/method_6455, cfg/saveToBucketTag] cda METHOD b ((Lepv;)Z) -> [cgy$c/canCutCorner, cda/method_48158] dn$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [dn$a/validate, ar/method_54938] apg METHOD a ((Lfl$g;DI)Lwz;) -> [apg/getPrintSuccess, apg/method_13879] asq METHOD a ((Lass;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lasq$a;)V) -> [asq/listResources, asq/method_14408] dut$b METHOD f (()D) -> [dut$d/getLerpSpeed, dut$b/method_11987, dut$b/getLerpSpeed] agv METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, agv/type] dqv METHOD j (()Ljv;) -> [dqb/method_11282, dqv/getItems] cgk METHOD h ((D)Z) -> [cgk/removeWhenFarAway, btp/method_5974] blx$a METHOD a (()Ljava/io/Reader;) -> [blx$a/method_47556, blx$e/openReader, blx$a/openReader] fca METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fca/logMessage, fca/method_21036] geb METHOD z (()V) -> [geb/onUpdateAbilities, cmx/method_7355] cff$e METHOD i (()Z) -> [cff$e/canBeeContinueToUse, cff$a/method_21815] dfy METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfy/codec] dmy METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, dmy/hasAnalogOutputSignal] cpu METHOD b ((Lcuq;)V) -> [cpu/method_34254, cpu/setCarried] dmt METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbsr;)V) -> [dfy/method_9591, dmt/stepOn] cbr METHOD c (()Z) -> [cbr/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] ago METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ago/type] dmr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Lcuq;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9565, dmr/spawnAfterBreak] eaf METHOD a (()Leag;) -> [eaf/type, eaf/method_38873] cow METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [bqk/method_5447, cow/setItem] foz METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, foz/render] dil METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dil/codec] diq METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [diq/getTicker, diq/method_31645] jz METHOD c ((I)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ju/getHolder, jz/method_40265] bct METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [bde/method_4982, bct/fix] ahh METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahh/type] cgf METHOD ea (()F) -> [cgn/getAgeScale, cgv/getAgeScale, cgf/getAgeScale, cgf/method_17825] emo METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Lekg;)V) -> [ejr/method_38694, emo/afterPlace] axk METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)I) -> [jz/getId, axk/getId, jg/getId, js/getId, ju/getId, jz$1/getId, axk/method_10206] dla METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dla/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] btp METHOD fM (()I) -> [btp/method_20240, btp/getHeadRotSpeed] bwj METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtp;J)V) -> [bwj/method_35082, bwj/start] doy METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [diq/method_10123, doy/newBlockEntity] agi METHOD a ((Laif;)V) -> [agi/method_12065, agi/handleUseItem] cmo$g METHOD a ((Lbsr;Layw;)Ldbu;) -> [cmo$g/method_7246, cmo$g/getOffer] dhf METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dhf/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] abu METHOD a ((Laed;)V) -> [abu/method_59504, fzg/handleProjectilePowerPacket] cjz$a METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_38846, cjz$a/requiresUpdateEveryTick] cyd METHOD a (()Ljd;) -> [cyf/method_8037, cyd/getClickedPos] ael METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ael/handle, zg/method_11054] cva METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cva/appendHoverText, cul/method_7851] dvi METHOD b_ ((Ljd;)Lepe;) -> [dvi/getFluidState, dcc/method_8316] cjz METHOD B (()V) -> [cjz/registerGoals, btp/method_5959] hv METHOD a ((ILjava/lang/String;)V) -> [hv/method_36349, amk$b/onCommand] deu METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [deu/getTicker, diq/method_31645] gqu METHOD a ((Laue;Lgqp$a;)V) -> [gqu/run, gqp/method_47673] apn METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [apn/method_12934, apn/runCommand] dmy METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9579, dmy/propagatesSkylightDown] fsw METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fsw/init] btp METHOD d ((Lbsy;)Z) -> [btp/canUseSlot, btn/method_56991] ftc METHOD a ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fod/method_57735, ftc/renderMenuBackground] agy METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, agy/type] dys$z METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;D)D) -> [dys$z/transform, dys$x/method_40518] chz METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [bsr/method_5640, chz/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance] dzs$c METHOD a ((Ldzv;)I) -> [dzs$a/resolveY, dzs$c/method_33844, dzs$c/resolveY, dzs$b/resolveY] cnj METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cnj/hurt, bsr/method_5643] etd$d METHOD a (()Letd$f;) -> [etd$d/mode, etd/method_58191] cgf$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cgf$b/canUse] dhc METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dhc/hasAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9498] cfb METHOD gk (()Z) -> [cfb/canRandomSwim, cfb/method_6456] fko METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [fko/method_48612, fkn/visitChildren] ae METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ae/method_48019, ae/getName] fxd METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fwc/method_22960, fxd/parts] lp METHOD a (()Lll;) -> [lk/method_10295, lp/getType] dfs METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfs/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] cgd METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cgd/registerGoals] dkf METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dkf/codec] glk METHOD a ((Lbtn;ZZZ)Lgfh;) -> [glk/method_24302, gjh/getRenderType] fvf METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvf/setupAnim] cfj METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, cfj/isFood] dsk METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dsk/method_38235, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket] ajc METHOD a ((Lvw;)V) -> [aje/write, ajc/method_52296] asb METHOD a (()Lark$a;) -> [ark/method_52375, asb/type] fef$a METHOD a (()Z) -> [fef$1/showOldNotifications, fef$2/showOldNotifications, fef$a/method_49592] br$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [br$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] jg METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jg/getAny, jz/method_60385] ckj METHOD b ((F)F) -> [btn/method_56077, ckj/sanitizeScale] asu METHOD a ((Lass;Lakr;)Latw;) -> [asu/getResource, asq/method_14405] dqk METHOD b ((ILcuq;)Z) -> [drj/canPlaceItem, drk$1/canPlaceItem, cpy$1/canPlaceItem, bqj/canPlaceItem, dqk/canPlaceItem, dpv/canPlaceItem, dqv/canPlaceItem, dqq/canPlaceItem, dqk/method_5437] dmv METHOD c (()Ldkz;) -> [dky/method_41432, dmv/getSpreader] ahd$a METHOD a (()Lahd$b;) -> [ahd$a/method_34211, ahd$a/getType] bu$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [bu$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] epc METHOD a ((Lepe;Ldcc;Ljd;)F) -> [epc/getHeight, epd/method_15788] pu$a METHOD b ((Lawu;)Lpz$b;) -> [pz$b/method_26792, pu$a/addTag] aqb$a METHOD b ((J)Lapz;) -> [aqk/method_14038, aqb$a/getChunk] ffl METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [ffl/getTitle, ffn/method_53808] bqk METHOD c ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bqk/stopOpen, bqk/method_5432] ckx METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, ckx/addAdditionalSaveData] djp METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, djp/createBlockStateDefinition] dmg METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dmg/createBlockStateDefinition] ftq METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fts/method_2780, ftq/getItems] dqx METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqh/method_11007, dqx/saveAdditional] cfx METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cfx/method_6011, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] ctt METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, ctt/use] sw$1 METHOD g (()Z) -> [sw$1/method_7340, geb/isLocalPlayer, sw$1/isLocalPlayer] eip METHOD a_ ((Leiw;Layw;Ljd;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [eiy/method_14452, eip/getPositions] cfy METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [bsl/method_5613, cfy/getBreedOffspring] ix METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lvw;)V) -> [io/method_10007, ix/serializeToNetwork] cjp METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cjp/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] byp METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, byp/start] api$1 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lapg;) -> [aph$c/method_13924, api$1/access] cjc METHOD b ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cix/method_6889, cjc/dropItem] dhj METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, dhj/useItemOn] eyj$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, eyj$a/getSerializedName] che METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, che/isFood] fof METHOD e (()V) -> [fof/tick, fod/method_25393] coj$d METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, coj$d/canContinueToUse] arz METHOD a (()V) -> [arz$1/join, asa$d/join, arz/method_31287] bpt METHOD c (()Lbpx;) -> [bpw/method_35012, bpt/getType] dzc METHOD b (()I) -> [dyr$b/comp_372, dzc/blockY] dho METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dho/tick] agi METHOD a ((Lahl;)V) -> [agi/method_12083, aru/handlePlayerAbilities] yc METHOD a ((Let;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [yj/getData, ya/getData, yc/method_10916, yc/getData] cfc METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cfc/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] fbd METHOD a ((FFF)Lfbm;) -> [fbd/addVertex, fbm/method_22912] arb METHOD C (()J) -> [arb/getSeed, dds/method_8412] gl$b METHOD a (()Z) -> [gl$b/requiresNbt, gl$b/method_38559] ekz METHOD a ((Lenu;Ldmm;)Lkh;) -> [ekz/method_16601, ekz/getSize] cul$b$2 METHOD a (()Ljo$a;) -> [cul$b$2/registries, cul$b/method_59527] gok METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gok/render, gov/method_4199] dzc$g METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dzc$g/compute, dyr/method_40464] cnl METHOD a ((Lewz;)V) -> [cnp/method_7454, cnl/onHitEntity] gvf METHOD b ((Laue;Lbnf;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [gvf/prepare, auj/method_18789] kc$2 METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [kc$2/get, jn/method_46746] dlr METHOD b (()Ldlr$a;) -> [dlr/getLocalTransition, dlr/method_60778] gmj METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lgie;DDD)Z) -> [gmj/shouldRender, gki/method_3933] atv METHOD a ((Lakr;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [aue/method_14489, atv/getResourceStack] abl METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, abl/type] dve METHOD a_ ((Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dve/getBlockState, dcc/method_8320] aqv METHOD b ((Ljd;)V) -> [aqv/startSleeping, cmk/startSleeping, aqv/method_18403] cil METHOD i (()Lciq;) -> [cil/getPhase, cik/method_6849] eb$b METHOD a ((Ldte;Lduf;)Z) -> [eb$d/match, eb$b/match, eb$b/method_22532] fjm METHOD a ((Lgvf;)V) -> [fik/method_25354, fjm/playDownSound] fca$b METHOD a (()I) -> [fca/method_21037, fca$b/errorCode] det METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [det/mirror, dtb/method_9569] cno METHOD a ((Lewz;)V) -> [cno/onHitEntity, cnp/method_7454] fvg METHOD a ((Lckd;FFFFF)V) -> [fvg/setupAnim, fvg/method_17791] frg METHOD j (()V) -> [fod/method_25432, frg/removed] dgs METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dgs/createBlockStateDefinition] aqc$b METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [aqc$b/orElse, aqc/method_57130] btp METHOD R (()I) -> [cfe/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfc/getAmbientSoundInterval, cjz/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgg/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgf/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfs/getAmbientSoundInterval, btp/method_5970, cfh/getAmbientSoundInterval, chi/getAmbientSoundInterval] bsr METHOD G (()I) -> [bsr/method_5691, bsr/getPermissionLevel] cim METHOD d (()V) -> [cim/begin, cik/method_6856] cgq METHOD aR (()Lavo;) -> [cgq/getSwimSplashSound, bsr/method_5625] yq METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [ys$1/mapCodec, yo$1/mapCodec, yn$1/mapCodec, yq/method_55458] ary METHOD a ((Lajm;)V) -> [aru/handlePingRequest, ary/handlePingRequest, ary/method_12697] aqu$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [aqu$a/onSectionChange, dxo/method_43029] cyj METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyz/method_8119, cyj/getSerializer] gki METHOD c ((Lbsr;)F) -> [gki/getShadowRadius, gki/method_55831] dfi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dfi/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] gki METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gki/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dht METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dht/mayPlaceOn] hf$b METHOD d (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ha$b/method_58514, hf$b/listPredicateTypes] fg$a$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [fg$a$a/type, io$a/method_41728] dhk METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Ldtc;Lcjg;)V) -> [dit/method_10127, dhk/onLand] efy METHOD a ((Layw;I)I) -> [efy/foliageRadius, efy/method_23452] bot METHOD a (()V) -> [bot/method_34770, bor/end, bos/end] cfw METHOD fh (()F) -> [cfw/getWaterSlowDown, btn/method_6120] fik METHOD b ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fik/updateNarration, fmj/method_37020] btn METHOD g_ (()V) -> [aqv/onLeaveCombat, btn/method_6044] chb METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [btp/method_5992, chb/mobInteract] dhc METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dhc/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] dne METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dne/rotate, dtb/method_9598] erk METHOD t (()I) -> [erk/method_18038, erk/getWanderingTraderSpawnDelay] faz METHOD a ((FFFFFFFFF)V) -> [faz/setMat3x3, far/method_35646] dfw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfw/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dys$n METHOD j (()Ldys$y$a;) -> [dys$y/comp_374, dys$n/type] xe METHOD a ((Lxe$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe$3/visit, xe/method_27657, xe$2/visit, xe$4/visit, wz/visit, xe$1/visit, fgz$c/visit] gmq METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gmq/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] gde METHOD a (()V) -> [gde/tick, gcn/method_3070] doy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [doy/mirror, dtb/method_9569] dqa METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqa/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] hp$b METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/ContextChain;Lhn;Lht;)V) -> [hp$b/run, hp/method_54290] fan METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fan/method_15995, fan/setWindowActive] fmb METHOD E (()I) -> [fmb/getY, fmb/method_46427] ftr$a METHOD aV_ (()Z) -> [ftx/isEnabled, ftr$a/method_16893, ftr$b/isEnabled, ftp/isEnabled, ftx$a/isEnabled, ftr$1/isEnabled, ftr$a/isEnabled, ftw/isEnabled] fpk METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fpk/init] aur$1 METHOD a ((Ldut;DDJ)V) -> [aur$1/onBorderSizeLerping, dur$a/onBorderSizeLerping, aur$1/method_11931] fjw METHOD I (()I) -> [fjw/method_48590, fjw/getTabOrderGroup] dkj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dtb/method_9572, dkj/getAnalogOutputSignal] faz METHOD a ((F)V) -> [faz/set, far/method_1251] fod METHOD c (()V) -> [fod/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] cat METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cat/tick] dut$a METHOD a (()D) -> [dut$a/method_11994, dut$d/getMinX, dut$b/getMinX] dmb METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dmb/getStateForPlacement] dlv METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dlv/createBlockStateDefinition] cyv METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [cyv/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] cnd METHOD a ((Lewz;)V) -> [cnp/method_7454, cnd/onHitEntity] ig METHOD a ((Lub;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/CommandDispatcher;)Lii;) -> [ig/method_52595, ig/instantiate] cfu METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cfu/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] dsv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, dsv/neighborChanged] uf METHOD c ((ILuy;)V) -> [ua/method_10531, uf/add] eqy METHOD e ((I)V) -> [erk/method_18042, eqy/setWanderingTraderSpawnChance] gtt METHOD q (()V) -> [gub/method_16896, gtt/tick] cks METHOD a ((Laqu;IZ)V) -> [coj/method_16484, cks/applyRaidBuffs] cia METHOD aW (()Z) -> [cia/isFlapping, bsr/method_5776] chi METHOD bB (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5810, chi/isPushable] fpv$1 METHOD b (()V) -> [fii/method_25346, fpv$1/updateMessage] ewh METHOD a (()Lewg;) -> [ewh/method_32475, ewf/getType, ewe/getType] cnh METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [cnh/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] dys$t METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$t/compute, dyr/method_40464] asd METHOD a (()Lark$a;) -> [ark/method_52375, asd/type] ckw METHOD a ((Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cku/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjl/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, clq/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckg/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cks/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/method_5964, ckr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cln/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cky/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots] cxp METHOD a ((Lcul$b;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lcwm;)V) -> [cxy/method_57409, cxp/addToTooltip] cbt METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cbt/start] ctu METHOD c (()Lcvm$a;) -> [ctu/createDispenseConfig, cvm/method_58653] cnx METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cnx/tick] cce METHOD b (()Z) -> [cce/canUse, cam/method_6264] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD v (()V) -> [apn/stopServer, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3782, guo/stopServer] btp METHOD b ((B)V) -> [btp/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] dvh METHOD a ((Lbsr;)V) -> [dvh/addEntity, dvi/addEntity, dvh/method_12002, dvs/addEntity] dmj METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmj/codec] fnr METHOD j (()V) -> [fnr/removed, fod/method_25432] dua METHOD b (()I) -> [dua/generateHashCode, duf/method_11799] dor METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dor/createBlockStateDefinition] dzc$i METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dzc$i/fillArray] bsl METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, bsl/aiStep] gcw METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gcw/getLightColor, gcn/method_3068] evb METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, evb/getType] ghn METHOD a ((Lfbi;FLdtc;)V) -> [ghn/translateSign, ghn/method_49918] ckf METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, ckf/defineSynchedData] fnk METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fnk/init] arf METHOD b (()V) -> [ard/method_17671, arf/stop] dmx METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dmx/getFluidState] dvh METHOD b ((Lejr;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/LongSet;) -> [dvh/getReferencesForStructure, dvh/method_12180, duy/getReferencesForStructure] dpf METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9542, dpf/isRandomlyTicking] cgq METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;Lcuq;)V) -> [cfe/method_6475, cgq/usePlayerItem] geb METHOD bJ (()V) -> [bsr/method_29239, geb/removeVehicle] cfy METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cfy/customServerAiStep] gbp$e METHOD i (()V) -> [gbp$e/postMoveUpdate, gbp/method_18822] bzd METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bzd/tick, bvh/method_18924] cyz METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [cyz/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] ckw METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [ckw/killedEntity, ckw/method_5874, cmx/killedEntity] duy METHOD v (()Z) -> [duy/method_12038, dvh/isLightCorrect] aqu$a METHOD d ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [dxo/method_31799, aqu$a/onTickingEnd] fqn METHOD a ((Lfhx;)I) -> [fqn/getWidth, fqn/method_32664] gtc$7 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lgte$b;)V) -> [gte/method_55620, gtc$7/reportUpdate] eqi METHOD a ((Lji;Ldtc;Ljd;Ljd;II)V) -> [eqi/method_42392, eqh/shapeUpdate, eqg/shapeUpdate] gsz METHOD a (()Z) -> [gsz/useAmbientOcclusion, gsm/method_4708] gop METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gop/render, gov/method_4199] esd$a METHOD b ((Lesh$a;)Lesd$a;) -> [esd$a/method_35513, esd$a/append] cha METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, cha/start] edq$1 METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [efu$b/method_49240, edq$1/set] cix METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cix/hurt, bsr/method_5643] arb METHOD a ((Ldyy$a;II)I) -> [dcz/method_8624, arb/getHeight] dut$d METHOD l (()Ldut$a;) -> [dut$a/method_11986, dut$d/update] ddc METHOD a ((Ldyy$a;Ljd;)Ljd;) -> [dci/getHeightmapPos, ddc/method_8598] cjx$c METHOD e (()V) -> [cjx$c/stop, cam/method_6270] ezo$a METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [ezo$a/unpack, flo/method_51734] fot METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fot/keyPressed] gnx METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gnx/render, gov/method_4199] chi METHOD p_ (()Z) -> [chi/onClimbable, btn/method_6101] cxl METHOD a ((Lcul$b;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lcwm;)V) -> [cxy/method_57409, cxl/addToTooltip] clh METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [bsl/method_5613, clh/getBreedOffspring] abd METHOD d (()Z) -> [abd/isTerminal, zg/method_55943] cgh METHOD b (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [btt/method_29508, cgh/getPersistentAngerTarget] epk$a METHOD c ((Lepe;)Z) -> [epd/method_15793, epk$a/isSource] kc$2 METHOD f (()Lakq;) -> [ju$1/key, kc$2/method_46765, kc$2/key, jo$b$a/key] dks METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dks/performBonemeal, dgb/method_9652] ft$a METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lvw;)V) -> [io/method_10007, ft$a/serializeToNetwork] dnz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dnz/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] ckv METHOD aa (()V) -> [ckv/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] ccx METHOD a ((I)Lepu;) -> [ccx/createPathFinder, cda/method_6336] gml METHOD a ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [gml/isShaking, glk/method_25450] erj METHOD a (()Ljd;) -> [erj/getSpawnPos, erb/method_56126] elu METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [elu/type, ejr/method_41618] cpx METHOD a (()I) -> [crq/method_7675, cpx/getMaxStackSize] dnb$b METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dnb$b/getSerializedName] bsq$g METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsq$g/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] crm METHOD f (()Z) -> [crq/method_55059, crm/isFake] gte METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lgte$a;)V) -> [gte/reportFinalResult, gte/method_55619] dof METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepd;)Z) -> [dkp/method_10310, dof/canPlaceLiquid] frt METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fod/method_29638, frt/onFilesDrop] acr METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acr/type] crf METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [crg/remove, crm/remove, crf/remove, fpi$c/remove, cqs/remove, crf/method_7671] dtb METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)Lbqv;) -> [dtb/getMenuProvider, dtb/method_17454] aqv METHOD a ((ILdbv;IIZZ)V) -> [cmx/method_17354, aqv/sendMerchantOffers] yg$a METHOD a ((Lxe$b;Lxw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [yk/visit, yd/visit, yg$a/method_27660, yi/visit, yg$a/visit] cmk METHOD gs (()Z) -> [dbt/method_38069, cmk/isClientSide] frt METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, frt/onClose] aqu METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;Ldtc;I)V) -> [dcw/method_8413, aqu/sendBlockUpdated] aqx METHOD a ((Ldcd;Z)V) -> [eow/method_15512, aqx/setLightEnabled] fnc METHOD e (()V) -> [fnc/tick, fod/method_25393] dkg METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dkg/codec] fzf METHOD a ((Leqr;)Leqt;) -> [fzf/getMapData, dcw/method_17891] aqv METHOD a ((Lchi;Lbqk;)V) -> [aqv/method_7291, aqv/openHorseInventory] dut$a METHOD k (()V) -> [dut$a/method_11990, dut$a/onCenterChange] fit METHOD aQ_ (()Lxn;) -> [fit/createNarrationMessage, fik/method_25360] dtu METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dtu/getSerializedName] bvi METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bvi/method_46910, bvi/debugString] dhj$a METHOD a ((Lji;)[I) -> [brd/method_5494, dhj$a/getSlotsForFace] jm$a METHOD f (()Ljm$b;) -> [jm$a/kind, jm/method_40231] cia METHOD b ((Lbrz;Lbsr;)Z) -> [cia/addEffect, btn/method_37222] cjx METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cjx/defineSynchedData] fnw METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fnw/init] diy METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, diy/codec] bsr METHOD s ((F)Lexc;) -> [bsr/getRopeHoldPosition, bsr/method_30951] fzf$a METHOD g (()Z) -> [erb/method_203, fzf$a/isThundering] gaf METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/authlib/minecraft/report/AbuseReportLimits;) -> [gaf/reportLimits, gaf/method_44564] ui METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/method_39850, ui/accept] cwf METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Lbtn;)Lcuq;) -> [cul/method_7861, cwf/finishUsingItem] ccx METHOD a ((Ljd;)Z) -> [cgf$g/isStableDestination, cff$1/isStableDestination, ccy/isStableDestination, ckq$b/isStableDestination, cdc/isStableDestination, ccx/isStableDestination, ccx/method_6333] frw METHOD a ((Lcrq;)V) -> [frw/slotClicked, frw/method_2600] cgc METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cgc/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] pp METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [pz/method_10514, pp/addTags] gy METHOD a ((Let;)Lexc;) -> [gy/getPosition, gy/method_9708, gs/getPosition] blv METHOD d (()I) -> [blr/size, blv/method_56663] dsy METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dsy/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] dgm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dgm/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] cfh METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [buo/method_47827, cfh/getVariant] gkt METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [glk/method_4042, gkt/scale] ach METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ach/type] eci METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [eci/place, ece/method_13151] cfk METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cfk/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] cdh METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdh/doTick, cdy/method_19101] auv METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [auv/method_24896, auv/serialize] dka METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [diq/method_10123, dka/newBlockEntity] ckg METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [ckg/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] dnu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dnu/mirror, dtb/method_9569] fik METHOD w (()I) -> [fik/getHeight, fmb/method_25364] cfw METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cfw/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] agi METHOD a ((Lahn;)V) -> [agi/method_12045, aru/handlePlayerCommand] cfm METHOD f ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfm/canTakeItem, btn/method_18397] cyh METHOD a (()Ljv;) -> [cyz/method_8117, cyh/getIngredients] fgs$3 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fgs$3/process, fgs$a/method_33683] btn METHOD e ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btn/method_6060, btn/blockedByShield] cbu METHOD b (()Z) -> [cbu/canUse, cam/method_6264] dkh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dkh/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] aft METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aft/type] dko METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9615, dko/onPlace] dys$s METHOD j (()Ldyr$c;) -> [dys$s/offsetNoise, dys$u/comp_395] clm METHOD aa (()V) -> [clm/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] bmy METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;I)V) -> [bmy/incrementCounter, bnf/method_24271] dqv METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqv/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] aak METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aaj/method_56479, aak/type] dhz METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dhz/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] cri METHOD e ((I)Z) -> [cri/method_32339, cri/shouldMoveToInventory] bpj$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [bpj$1/tell, bpj/method_16901] glx METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;FFFF)V) -> [glx/setupRotations, glk/method_4058] cw$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [cw$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] eaw METHOD a ((Leaz;Leax;Lduy;Ljava/util/function/Function;Layw;Ldyk;Ldcd;Ldux;)Z) -> [eaw/carve, ebb/carve, eaw/method_12702] btn METHOD b ((Ljd;)V) -> [aqv/startSleeping, cmk/startSleeping, btn/method_18403] cow METHOD w (()F) -> [cow/method_42280, cow/getSinglePassengerXOffset] dtb METHOD av_ (()F) -> [dtb/getMaxHorizontalOffset, dtb/method_32913] ahi METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ahi/handle, zg/method_11054] fsn$a$b METHOD d (()Z) -> [fsn$a$d/canReport, fsn$a$b/method_44694] wh METHOD a (()Lvu;) -> [zl$b/id, wh/comp_2234] aqk$b METHOD c ((J)I) -> [aqk$b/getLevel, eoq/method_15480] apn METHOD s (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ali/method_3865, apn/getLevelIdName] dys$l$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dys$l$a/getSerializedName] fpb METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fpb/init, fod/method_25426] dhd METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dhd/createBlockStateDefinition] dgl METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dgl/createBlockStateDefinition] ckf METHOD fa (()F) -> [ckf/getSoundVolume, btn/method_6107] bsr METHOD dF (()F) -> [bsr/method_43078, bsr/getVisualRotationYInDegrees] gcc METHOD a (()V) -> [gcc/tick, gcn/method_3070] chw$a METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, chw$a/start] dmb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dmb/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] fqa METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fqa/init] dcp METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dcm/getBlockExplosionResistance, dcp/method_29555, ddn/getBlockExplosionResistance, cji$1/getBlockExplosionResistance, dmh$1/getBlockExplosionResistance] dnt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dnt/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] apn METHOD m (()Z) -> [guo/shouldRconBroadcast, apn/method_3732, apn/shouldRconBroadcast, tc/shouldRconBroadcast] ckf METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, ckf/addAdditionalSaveData] btn METHOD fz (()Z) -> [btn/isSuppressingSlidingDownLadder, btn/method_21754] cov METHOD bA (()Z) -> [cov/isPickable, bsr/method_5863] vj METHOD a ((F)Luv$b;) -> [vj/visit, uv/method_39859] blv METHOD c (()I) -> [blv/capacity, blv/method_56662] eye METHOD a (()I) -> [eyg$1/get, eye/method_55409] gaf$b METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lgan;Lcom/mojang/authlib/minecraft/report/AbuseReport;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [gaf$b/send, gaf$b/method_44563] cpx METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcuq;)V) -> [cpx/setByPlayer, crq/method_48931] chk METHOD gm (()Lavo;) -> [chi/method_28368, chk/getEatingSound] fqx$c METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fqx$c/getNarration, fji$a/method_37006] frd$a$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, frd$a$a/render] cfh METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cfh/customServerAiStep] eky METHOD a ((Lenu;Ljd;Ldmm;Layw;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [eky/getShuffledJigsawBlocks, ekz/method_16627] jz METHOD h (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [jz/method_29722, jz/entrySet] dlc METHOD b (()Ldlr$a;) -> [dlr/method_60778, dlc/getLocalTransition] chy METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, chy/addAdditionalSaveData] bph METHOD B (()Z) -> [bph/method_16075, bph/pollTask] duf METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [duf/getValue, duf/method_11900] dzz METHOD b ((I)V) -> [dzz/method_33650, dzz/consumeCount] dys$z METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dys$z/minValue] fog METHOD k (()Z) -> [fog/isPauseScreen, fod/method_25421] fov METHOD a ((CI)Z) -> [fki/method_25400, fov/charTyped] frl METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [frl/mouseScrolled, fki/method_25401] erv$a METHOD d (()Leuu;) -> [erv$a/unwrap, euu/method_512] dox METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dox/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] ckn$c METHOD i (()I) -> [ckn$c/method_7151, ckn$c/getCastingInterval] dfj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfj/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] fen$a METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fen$a/mouseClicked] fl$h METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)I) -> [fl$h/setTag, fl$h/method_9376] fuw METHOD a ((Lfyk;)Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList$Builder;) -> [fuw/method_45702, fuw/createPartsBuilder] cqw METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cpu/method_7597, cqw/stillValid] faz METHOD a ((Lorg/joml/Matrix3f;)V) -> [faz/set, faz/method_39978] cow METHOD C (()J) -> [cow/getLootTableSeed, cou/getLootTableSeed, cow/method_42277] hb$2 METHOD b ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [hb$2/method_9770, hb$2/unwrap, hb$1/unwrap] jz METHOD f (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [jz/method_10235, jz/keySet] ckm METHOD ff (()V) -> [ckm/jumpFromGround, btn/method_6043] fki METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/mouseClicked, fki/method_25402] btp METHOD fq (()Lbtg;) -> [btn/method_6068, btp/getMainArm] cnd METHOD cu (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5732, cnd/isAttackable] apn METHOD M_ (()Z) -> [apn/shouldInformAdmins, es/method_9201] bgh METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bgh/fix] fzg METHOD a ((Laby;)V) -> [fzg/handleAwardStats, abu/method_11129] cwe METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ldtc;Ljd;)Z) -> [cwe/method_45431, cud/canPlace] jd$a METHOD q (()Lkh;) -> [jd$a/above, jd/above, jd$a/method_30931] ue METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V) -> [uy/method_10713, ue/write] cbl METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbl/canUse] fpf METHOD a ((Lfhz;Lcrq;)V) -> [fpf/renderSlot, fot/method_2385] ddn METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dcm/getBlockExplosionResistance, ddn/method_29555, ddn/getBlockExplosionResistance, cji$1/getBlockExplosionResistance, dmh$1/getBlockExplosionResistance] fof METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fof/mouseClicked] bnc METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)V) -> [bnf/method_15403, bnc/popPush] cra$6 METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [cra$6/onTake, crq/method_7667] doi METHOD a ((Ldco;)Z) -> [dfy/method_9533, doi/dropFromExplosion] blr METHOD c (()I) -> [blv/method_56662, blr/capacity] gca METHOD a ((Lfbm;Lffy;F)V) -> [gch/render, gca/render, gcl/render, gck/render, gcy/render, gda/render, gbq/render, gdr/render, gbx$c/render, gca/method_3074, gbx$b/render] iv$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [iv$a/type, io$a/method_41728] ess$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [ete$a/method_523, ess$a/getThis] dcw METHOD b ((ILjd;I)V) -> [dcw/method_8474, dcw/globalLevelEvent] dqv METHOD a ((Ljv;)V) -> [dqb/method_11281, dqv/setItems] awv$b METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [awv$b/visitRequiredDependencies, awv$b/method_51478, flb$e/visitRequiredDependencies] bnf METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)V) -> [bnf/method_15403, bnf/popPush] dgd METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dgd/createBlockStateDefinition] gvf$a$1 METHOD a ((Lgvc;)V) -> [gvf$a$1/preloadIfRequired, gvh/method_18188] feb METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, feb/onClose] cfl METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cfl/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] afj METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afj/handle] feh$a$b METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIZ)V) -> [feh$a$b/draw, fdq/method_21112] bsr METHOD a ((Lbsr;Z)Z) -> [bsr/method_5873, bsr/startRiding] dqh METHOD aA_ (()V) -> [dqh/method_11012, dqh/setRemoved] fii METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fii/keyPressed] dnu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dnu/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] abu METHOD a ((Ladj;)V) -> [abu/method_11143, abu/handleLightUpdatePacket] cai METHOD b (()Z) -> [cai/canUse, cam/method_6264] eyq METHOD a (()I) -> [eyq/count, eyv/method_20825] dlh METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dlh/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] bmr METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [bmr/method_58343, bmr/validateElement] fzg METHOD a ((Laeg;)V) -> [fzg/handleRemoveMobEffect, abu/method_11119] duy METHOD j (()Ldvz;) -> [duy/getPersistedStatus, duy/method_12009] ctq METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [ctq/use, cul/method_7836] gsm METHOD d (()Z) -> [gsx/isCustomRenderer, gsm/method_4713, gsp/isCustomRenderer, gsz/isCustomRenderer, gsw/isCustomRenderer] elv$a METHOD a ((Ldds;Lejj;Layw;IIILakq;)Z) -> [elv$a/createChest, elv$a/method_14915] cnl METHOD as (()V) -> [cnl/onClientRemoval, bsr/method_36209] aip METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aip/type] dyo$b METHOD c (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo$b/getFloor, dyo/method_32987] cku METHOD a ((Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cku/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjl/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, clq/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cku/method_5964, ckg/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cks/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cln/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cky/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots] edx METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [edx/place, ece/method_13151] drk$1 METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [drk$1/getItem, bqk/method_5438] fqh$1 METHOD a ((CI)Z) -> [fqh$1/charTyped, fki/method_25400] fly METHOD a (()V) -> [fma/method_48222, fly/arrangeElements] grc METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [grc/populatePackList, grc/method_45263] dse$a$1 METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dse$a$1/getPlayers, dse$a/method_56725] erk METHOD b ((J)V) -> [erk/method_29035, erk/setDayTime] fos METHOD m (()Ldbx;) -> [fos/method_2351, fos/getCommandBlock] ciu METHOD a (()Z) -> [ciu/isPowered, bub/method_6872] elx$m METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [elx$m/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] vf METHOD a ((Lva;)Luv$a;) -> [vj/visitEntry, vf/method_39863, vg/visitEntry, vf/visitEntry] cff$e METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cff$e/tick] kh METHOD e ((Lkh;)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35852, kh/subtract] bqa METHOD b (()F) -> [bpu/method_33921, bqa/getMaxValue] arz$1 METHOD b (()V) -> [arz/method_31290, arz$1/leave] ug METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V) -> [ug/write, uy/method_10713] chw$3 METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, chw$3/start] cln METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbrk;Z)V) -> [cln/dropCustomDeathLoot, btn/method_6099] elv$a METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [elv$a/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] alh METHOD af (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [alh/method_3818, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getMotd] fqh METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fod/method_25420, fqh/renderBackground] bsr METHOD bd (()Z) -> [bsr/method_33189, bsr/dampensVibrations] eph METHOD e (()Lepd;) -> [epc/method_15751, eph/getSource] dfs METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Ljd;Ldtc;Ldqh;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9556, dfs/playerDestroy] bpq METHOD c (()Lbpv;) -> [bpu/method_33923, bpq/getType] bsy METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, bsy/getSerializedName] dzc$b METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dzc$b/minValue] cal METHOD e (()V) -> [cal/stop, cam/method_6270] aqu METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [aqu/shouldTickBlocksAt, aqu/method_39425] grp METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;)Z) -> [grp/method_4678, grp/has, tw$1/has] aru METHOD a ((Lagv;)V) -> [aru/handleConfigurationAcknowledged, aru/method_52279] uc$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [uc$1/parse, va/method_39852] ftd$b METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [ftd$b/narratables, fis$a/method_37025] dxg METHOD do (()Ljd;) -> [bsr/blockPosition, dxg/method_24515] ckd METHOD ef (()Z) -> [ckd/method_27071, ckd/shouldDropLoot] cfo METHOD S (()V) -> [btp/method_5966, cfo/playAmbientSound] eqa METHOD a ((Lepx;IIILbtp;)Lepv;) -> [eqa/getPathTypeOfMob, epr/method_25] epr METHOD a ((Lepx;III)Lepv;) -> [epr/getPathType, epr/method_17] fhw METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fhw$b/applyFocus, fhw$a/applyFocus, fhw/method_48195] dey METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Ldtc;Lcjg;)V) -> [dit/method_10127, dey/onLand] bvi METHOD g ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvi/doStop, bvi/method_18925] gwj METHOD a ((Lfzf;Ljd;Ldtc;F)V) -> [gwj/onDestroyBlock, gwj/method_4900] fmw METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fmw/render, fjp/method_25394] cjo METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cjo/finalizeSpawn] fgr$g$1 METHOD f (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [fgr$n/comp_675, fgr$g$1/codec] gak METHOD a ((Lfod;Lgao;)Lfod;) -> [gak/createScreen, gak/method_53596] fov METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fov/init] gsx METHOD a (()Z) -> [gsm/method_4708, gsx/useAmbientOcclusion] btp METHOD cw (()V) -> [btp/removeAfterChangingDimensions, bsr/method_30076] cgs METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, cgs/start] edn METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [edn/place, ece/method_13151] dvi METHOD C (()Z) -> [dvi/method_12223, dvi/isEmpty] bys METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, bys/checkExtraStartConditions] cgk METHOD aW (()Z) -> [cgk/isFlapping, bsr/method_5776] qq METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljn;) -> [qq/method_46799, qq/lookup] fyb METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fyb/headParts, fuf/method_22946] cmf METHOD gr (()V) -> [cmf/method_7237, cmf/updateTrades] cwi METHOD c (()F) -> [cwi/getAttackDamageBonus, cwi/method_8028] cbe METHOD e (()V) -> [cbe/stop, cam/method_6270] btw METHOD gj (()D) -> [btw/followLeashSpeed, btw/method_6148] dqk METHOD a ((ILcuq;Lji;)Z) -> [dhj$a/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$b/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dqk/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$c/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dpv/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dqk/method_5492, drr/canPlaceItemThroughFace] dcw METHOD s (()Lbrc;) -> [dcw/method_54719, dcw/tickRateManager] cov$b METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, cov$b/getSerializedName] acx METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acx/type] fpa METHOD F (()V) -> [fpw/pageForward, fpa/method_17058] acq METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acq/type] gmi METHOD a ((Lbsr;Ljd;)I) -> [gmi/getBlockLightLevel, gki/method_24087] cmk METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/method_6002, cmk/getDeathSound] ess METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [ete/method_522, ess/run] doe METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, doe/codec] cod METHOD a ((Lexa;)V) -> [cod/onHit, cnp/method_7488] dqq METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, dqq/removeItemNoUpdate] czv METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [czv/getSerializer, cyz/method_8119] cbi METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_38846, cbi/requiresUpdateEveryTick] gpb METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gov/method_4199, gpb/render] fdw METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fdw/init] cnv METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cnv/tick] bsr METHOD bl (()V) -> [bsr/method_5790, bsr/updateSwimming] aqx METHOD a (()I) -> [eow/method_15516, aqx/runLightUpdates] fl$b METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)I) -> [fl$b/setTag, fl$h/method_9376] ta$1 METHOD a ((Lsx;Lsx;Lta;)V) -> [sy/method_56216, ta$1/testAddedForRerun] dme METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dme/getShape] drx METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, drx/getUpdateTag] dzp$q METHOD a (()Layh;) -> [dzp$q/codec, dzp$o/method_39061] cnk METHOD a ((Lewy;)V) -> [cnk/onHitBlock, cnp/method_24920] ddn METHOD a ((Ldco;Lbsr;)Z) -> [dcp/method_55504, ddn/shouldDamageEntity] uc METHOD g (()I) -> [uc/getAsInt, ur/method_10701] dhh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dhh/mirror, dtb/method_9569] gfh METHOD M (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [gfh/method_23289, gfh/outline] erg$c METHOD s (()Lwz;) -> [erg$b/getInfo, erg$c/method_27429, erg$c/getInfo] clh METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, clh/isFood] czt METHOD c ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [czr/method_30029, czt/isAdditionIngredient] cnk METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cnk/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] dow METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dow/rotate] gtw METHOD q (()V) -> [gub/method_16896, gtw/tick] ckq METHOD f (()Z) -> [ckq/isSaddleable, bue/method_6765] epy METHOD b (()V) -> [epr/method_19, epy/done] djh METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, djh/getStateForPlacement] pf METHOD a ((Lly;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [pf/run, ma/method_10319] gdr METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gdr/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] cgq METHOD gd (()V) -> [btp/method_59928, cgq/playAttackSound] dko METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dko/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] crg METHOD f (()Z) -> [crq/method_55059, crg/isFake] cgd METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, cgd/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] fml$c METHOD a (()Lfmi;) -> [fml$c/method_37031, fml$c/nest] ctc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cul/method_7851, ctc/appendHoverText] fuu METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fuu/root] bne METHOD a ((Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Z) -> [bne/saveResults, bne/method_16069] dkj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dkj/getSignal] azd METHOD a (()[J) -> [azd/getRaw, axc/method_15212] edo METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [edo/place, ece/method_13151] dix METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9549, dix/getCollisionShape] bza METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bza/stop, bvh/method_18926] t METHOD d (()Leqx;) -> [t/getDataVersion, ae/method_37912] cwm METHOD b (()Z) -> [cwm/isCreative, cwm/method_47370] cff$l METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cff$l/canUse] cul METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [cul/getDescriptionId, cul/method_7876] czj$a METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [cze/method_53736, czj$a/codec] cjz$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cjz$a/canUse, cam/method_6264] cjs METHOD t (()I) -> [cjs/getAttackDuration, cjs/method_7055] chz METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, chz/addAdditionalSaveData] drj METHOD v (()Ldqh;) -> [drj/getContainerBlockEntity, eyn$a/method_54080] dmy METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dmy/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] fte METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fte/init, fod/method_25426] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;II)Z) -> [dhi/triggerEvent, dsv/triggerEvent, dtb/method_9592, dfk/triggerEvent, dlh/triggerEvent] cki METHOD e ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btn/method_6060, cki/blockedByShield] dvh METHOD a ((Lddz;Ldef$f;)V) -> [duy/method_38257, dvh/fillBiomesFromNoise] dlq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dlq/tick] dig METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dig/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] czu METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8110, czu/getResultItem] dvi METHOD a_ ((Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dvi/getBlockState, dcc/method_8320] dgi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dgi/useWithoutItem] fkq METHOD a ((Lfki;)V) -> [fkq/setFocused, fkh/method_25395] cul METHOD n ((Lcuq;)Lwz;) -> [cul/method_7864, cul/getName] asu METHOD a (()Lasp;) -> [asj/location, asu/location, ash/location, asu/method_56926] fzg METHOD a ((Lacc;)V) -> [fzg/handleBlockEvent, abu/method_11158] cnl METHOD a ((DDDFFI)V) -> [cnl/lerpTo, bsr/method_5759] btn METHOD c ((F)V) -> [btn/method_6025, btn/heal] ckf METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, ckf/aiStep] zv METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zv/handle, zg/method_11054] fou METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fou/mouseClicked] erj METHOD g (()Z) -> [erb/method_203, erj/isThundering] bnl$a METHOD a ((Ldcd;Lakq;Ljava/lang/String;)Lbno;) -> [bnk/onChunkGenerate, bnl$a/onChunkGenerate, bnl$a/method_38655] czm METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [cze/method_53736, czm/codec] cfj METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/method_6002, cfj/getDeathSound] aqv METHOD b ((Laqu;Ljd;)V) -> [btn/method_6126, aqv/onChangedBlock] bsr METHOD br (()Z) -> [bsr/method_27298, bsr/canSpawnSprintParticle] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD A (()V) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/waitForTasks, bph/method_20813] bps METHOD c (()Lbpv;) -> [bpu/method_33923, bps/getType] fle METHOD a ((Lakr;Ljava/nio/file/Path;)V) -> [fle/method_49712, gpy/dumpContents, fle/dumpContents, gqk/dumpContents] ewb METHOD b (()Levx;) -> [ewb/getType, evy/method_365] ckc METHOD t (()Llk;) -> [ckc/getParticleType, ckm/method_7162] fmc$a METHOD a ((II)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/method_46465, fmc$a/padding] fuo METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fuo/setupAnim] btn METHOD bE (()Z) -> [btn/isAlive, btn/method_5805] dyo$c METHOD b (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo$b/getCeiling, dyo$a/getCeiling, dyo$c/method_32985, dyo$c/getCeiling] flo METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [flo/unpack, flo/method_51734] dyi$d METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ljm;Ldxz$a;)Z) -> [cgk$b/canReceiveVibration, drq$a/canReceiveVibration, drp$a/canReceiveVibration, dyi$d/method_32970, cmb$a/canReceiveVibration, dqm$a/canReceiveVibration] dnv METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dnv/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] ets METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, ets/getType] bdy METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;) -> [bfu/fixItemStackTag, bdt/fixItemStackTag, bdy/method_20445, bdy/fixItemStackTag] eoq METHOD a ((JJI)I) -> [eoq/method_15486, aqq/getComputedLevel, aqf/getComputedLevel] fmg METHOD C (()Z) -> [fmg/method_37303, fmg/isActive] dhy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dhy/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] etl METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [etl/run, ete/method_522] ade METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ade/handle] eby METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [eby/place, ece/method_13151] chw$d METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/method_18927, chw$d/canStillUse] frz METHOD aO_ (()Z) -> [fki/method_25370, frz/isFocused] jo$b$a METHOD f (()Lakq;) -> [ju$1/key, jo$b$a/method_46765, kc$2/key, jo$b$a/key] bvx METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvx/tick, bvh/method_18924] eas METHOD a (()Leag;) -> [eaf/method_38873, eas/type] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;II)V) -> [dtb/updateIndirectNeighbourShapes, dtb/method_9517] dil METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsr;Ljd;)Leqc;) -> [dlr/method_60770, dil/getPortalDestination] oq METHOD a ((Lon;Lakr;)V) -> [oq/save, ol/method_17972] dzb METHOD e (()I) -> [dyp/getGenDepth, dzb/method_12104, dyt/getGenDepth, dzb/getGenDepth] bzh METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, bzh/checkExtraStartConditions] dif$b METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ghc/acceptNone, dhb$1/acceptNone, dif$b/method_24174, dhb$3/acceptNone, dhb$2/acceptNone] fxv METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fxv/root] djm METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djm/codec] cln METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cln/method_6011, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] dmy METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lcmx;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9576, dmy/playerWillDestroy] dcz METHOD D_ (()Ldwy;) -> [dcz/dimensionType, dcz/method_8597] dfu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dfu/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] cmf METHOD n ((Lcuq;)V) -> [dbt/method_8258, cmf/notifyTradeUpdated] czd METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Laue;Lbnf;)V) -> [grf/apply, czd/method_18788, get/apply, fgu/apply, ges$1/apply, ale/apply, czd/apply, gvf/apply, grn/apply, gre/apply] cgq$b METHOD a (()V) -> [bzo/method_6231, cgq$b/tick] dkj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dkj/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] dvu METHOD a ((Lejr;Lejz;)V) -> [dvu/setStartForStructure, dvu/method_12184] cky METHOD k ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [btp/method_20820, cky/wantsToPickUp] dml METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dml/rotate] abu METHOD a ((Labx;)V) -> [abu/method_11160, abu/handleAnimate] dne METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dne/codec] adu METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [adu/handle, zg/method_11054] aad METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aad/type] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Lbtn;)Lcuq;) -> [cul/method_7861, cul/finishUsingItem] dxo METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [dxo/method_31798, dxo/onTrackingStart] fje METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fje/setFocused, fki/method_25365] ehm METHOD a (()Lehn;) -> [ehm/type, ehm/method_28903] cou METHOD B (()Lakq;) -> [cox/method_42276, cou/getLootTable] cja METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cja/hurt, bsr/method_5643] ciw METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ciw/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] wz METHOD b (()Lxa;) -> [wz/getContents, wz/method_10851] dqa METHOD a ((ILcmw;)Lcpu;) -> [dqb/method_5465, dqa/createMenu] aei METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aei/handle, zg/method_11054] bmy METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/String;)Lbmy$a;) -> [bmy/getEntry, bmy/method_34696, bnc/getEntry] gje METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gje/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dnt METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dnt/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] dft METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dft/getShape] cmb$a METHOD d (()Z) -> [dyi$d/method_43695, cmb$a/canTriggerAvoidVibration] adq METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adq/type] dhb METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dhb/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] asa$d METHOD b (()V) -> [arz/method_31290, asa$d/leave] vf METHOD b (()Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39870, vf/visitContainerEnd] kr METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [km/method_57831, kr/keySet] feb METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [feb/init, fod/method_25426] fob METHOD aS_ (()Z) -> [fod/method_48262, fob/shouldNarrateNavigation] etc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [etc/run, ete/method_522] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD az (()Ljava/lang/Thread;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getRunningThread, bph/method_3777] dvr METHOD b ((Lvw;)V) -> [dvq/write, dvr/method_12325] xf$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, xf$a/getSerializedName] dzc$e METHOD j (()Ldys$l$a;) -> [dzc$e/type, dys$m/comp_383] flm$b$1 METHOD d (()F) -> [ezn/method_2035, flm$b$1/getOversample] fpi METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fpi/keyPressed] cqw METHOD l (()V) -> [cqw/clearCraftingContent, cri/method_7657] erk METHOD a ((J)V) -> [erk/method_29034, erk/setGameTime] bqf$b METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/AutoCloseable;Ldcd;Lakq;)Z) -> [bqf$g/tryProcessOnePosition, bqf$b/method_56543, bqf$b/tryProcessOnePosition] dgo METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dgo/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] cbi METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbi/canUse] afu METHOD c (()Z) -> [zg/method_11051, afu/isSkippable] dff METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepd;)Z) -> [dkp/method_10310, dff/canPlaceLiquid] cpg METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [cpg/destroy, cpg/method_7516] erp$3 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [erp$3/method_59726, erp$2/empty, erp$3/empty, erp$1/empty] uc METHOD h (()S) -> [ur/method_10696, uc/getAsShort] ciz METHOD C (()V) -> [ciz/method_6894, ciz/playPlacementSound] cbo METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [caz/method_6296, cbo/isValidTarget] ctc METHOD j ((Lcuq;)I) -> [ctc/getDurabilityUse, cvn/method_57345] fzf METHOD a ((Lcmx;ILjd;I)V) -> [aqu/levelEvent, fzf/levelEvent, arb/levelEvent, fzf/method_8444] evk METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evk/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] fiv METHOD a ((DD)V) -> [fiv/onClick, fii/onClick, fid/onClick, fiv/method_25348] qe METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [qe/addTags, pz/method_10514] bpm METHOD c (()I) -> [bpm/method_34706, bpm/size] cvc METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cvc/useOn, cul/method_7884] cmx METHOD fq (()Lbtg;) -> [cmx/getMainArm, btn/method_6068] fgo$a METHOD a ((Z)Z) -> [fgo$a$4/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$3/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$1/isChatAllowed, fgo$a/method_33886, fgo$a$2/isChatAllowed] gnq METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gnq/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] cjt$b METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cjt$b/tick] glp METHOD c ((Lbsr;)F) -> [glp/getShadowRadius, gki/method_55831] fgs$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z) -> [fgs$a/method_33684, fgs$a/process] das METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, das/codec] dcz METHOD c ((II)Ldcc;) -> [dcg/method_22338, dcz/getChunkForCollisions] btp METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, btp/aiStep] bvr METHOD g ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvr/doStop, bvi/method_18925] coj METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [coj/hurt, bsr/method_5643] dqx METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqx/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] djp METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [djp/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] gvg METHOD a ((Lgvc;)V) -> [gvg/preloadIfRequired, gvh/method_18188] asj METHOD a ((Lass;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lasq$a;)V) -> [asj/listResources, asq/method_14408] dov METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dov/getShape] fie METHOD b ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25406, fie/mouseReleased] dqc METHOD aA_ (()V) -> [dqh/method_11012, dqc/setRemoved] be METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, be/codec] blx$e METHOD b (()Lblx$a;) -> [blx$b/method_47557, blx$e/compress] bpu METHOD b (()F) -> [bpu/method_33921, bpu/getMaxValue] cqm METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cqm/quickMoveStack, cpu/method_7601] gia$b$c METHOD a ((Lgfk;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [gia$b$c/method_22783, gia$b$c/doTask, gia$b$b/doTask] bzz METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, bzz/start] emn$f METHOD a ((Layw;Z)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15033, emn$f/get1x2SideEntrance] vj METHOD a (([B)Luv$b;) -> [vj/method_39867, vj/visit, vg/visit] abu METHOD a ((Laeq;)V) -> [abu/method_34079, fzg/handleSetBorderSize] bsr METHOD P_ (()D) -> [cot/lerpTargetZ, cov/lerpTargetZ, bsr/method_53828, btn/lerpTargetZ, bsq/lerpTargetZ] fql METHOD a (()I) -> [fql/getHeight, fqm/getHeight, fql/method_32661, fqk/getHeight] cfy$g METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, cfy$g/getSerializedName] eak METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [eaq/method_38893, eak/test] cbr METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbr/canUse] dhp METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dhp/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] bmr METHOD a ((Lbmk;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [bml/method_58318, bmr/parse] dfc METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9579, dfc/propagatesSkylightDown] afi METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afi/handle] aqv METHOD s (()V) -> [aqv/closeContainer, cmx/method_7346] fef METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fef/render, fjp/method_25394] pz METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, pz/method_10321, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, mo/getName] ckj$d METHOD i (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ckj$d/getYRotD, ckj$d/method_20251] aqj METHOD a ((Ljd;Lahm$a;Lji;II)V) -> [aqj/handleBlockBreakAction, aqj/method_14263] aab METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aab/type] elx$h METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elx$h/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] fzv$1 METHOD a ((Lvv;)V) -> [wf/method_10839, fzv$1/onDisconnect] gcj METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcj/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] cff$i METHOD i (()Z) -> [cff$i/canBeeContinueToUse, cff$a/method_21815] cnl METHOD bc (()Lbsr$b;) -> [cnl/getMovementEmission, bsr/method_33570] fis$a METHOD a ((Lfki;)V) -> [fis$a/setFocused, fkh/method_25395] cfm$a METHOD c (()Z) -> [cfm$a/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] jz METHOD a ((Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [jz/method_10223, jz/get] daj$b METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [daj$a/codec, daj$b/codec, daj$b/method_60185, daj$f/codec, daj$d/codec, daj$c/codec, daj$e/codec] fot METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fot/onClose] fl$e METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fl$e/getTag, fl$h/method_9378] emj$m METHOD h (()Ljd;) -> [ejv/method_35458, emj$m/getLocatorPosition] cjl METHOD gl (()I) -> [cjn/getAttackInterval, cjl/method_57079] apz METHOD i (()I) -> [aqn/method_14005, apz/getTicketLevel] apf METHOD a ((Luy;)Lwz;) -> [apg/method_13882, apf/getPrintSuccess] tg METHOD a ((Lsx;)V) -> [tu/method_22304, tg/onTestFailed] mp METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, oo/getName, mp/method_10321, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, mo/getName] cof METHOD b ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cnp/method_26958, cof/canHitEntity] gtl METHOD o (()Lgtj;) -> [gtl/getAlternativeSoundInstance, gtn/method_22135] djb METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djb/codec] cue METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, cue/useOn] bsr METHOD bE (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5805, btn/isAlive] bnl$a METHOD a ((F)V) -> [bnl/method_38654, bnl$a/onServerTick] gsm METHOD a (()Z) -> [gsm/method_4708, gsm/useAmbientOcclusion] fzf METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;Ldtc;)V) -> [fzf/setBlocksDirty, dcw/method_16109] drq$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ljm;Lbsr;Lbsr;F)V) -> [drq$a/method_32969, drq$a/onReceiveVibration, cgk$b/onReceiveVibration, drp$a/onReceiveVibration, cmb$a/onReceiveVibration] dvg METHOD c (()Ldvo;) -> [dvg/copy, dvo/method_39956] dpc METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpc/codec] cqa METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cpu/method_7597, cqa/stillValid] ezn METHOD j (()F) -> [ezn/method_56130, ezn/getBearingTop] feh METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, feh/init] dgc METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, dgc/hasAnalogOutputSignal] fik METHOD aO_ (()Z) -> [fik/isFocused, fki/method_25370] cln METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cln/defineSynchedData] dnl METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dnl/getBlockSupportShape, dtb/method_25959] dhr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dhr/rotate] gfh$a METHOD N (()Z) -> [gfh/method_24295, gfh$a/isOutline] dps METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbtn;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9567, dps/setPlacedBy] gjx METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [glk/method_4042, gjx/scale] fbm METHOD a ((FFF)Lfbm;) -> [fbm/method_22912, fbm/addVertex] eho METHOD a (()Lehn;) -> [eho/type, ehm/method_28903] cgn METHOD H (()Lbzk;) -> [cgv/createBodyControl, cgn/createBodyControl, cgn/method_5963, ckf/createBodyControl, ckj/createBodyControl] cpd METHOD I (()D) -> [drg/method_11264, cpd/getLevelY] dyb METHOD b (()I) -> [dyb/method_32948, dyb/getListenerRadius] ckw METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [ckw/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] agi METHOD a ((Lagm;)V) -> [agi/method_19475, aru/handleChangeDifficulty] dop METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dop/tick] blx$e METHOD c (()Ljava/nio/file/Path;) -> [blx$b/comp_1156, blx$e/path] emb$s METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emb$s/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] fgr$g$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [fgr$n/method_41758, fgr$g$1/validateValue] dun METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dun/getSerializedName] cya METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [cxe/method_58186, cya/withReplacedPages] erg$c METHOD x (()Z) -> [erg/method_54554, erg$c/canRecreate] brt METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lbsr;Lbtn;ID)V) -> [brx/method_5564, brt/applyInstantenousEffect] nq METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, nq/method_10321, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, mo/getName] cmx METHOD ff (()V) -> [cmx/jumpFromGround, btn/method_6043] dve METHOD C (()Z) -> [dvi/method_12223, dve/isEmpty] fds METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fds/render, fjp/method_25394] gsv METHOD b (()Lj;) -> [gsv/getRotation, gsv/method_3509] fnj METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fnj/setInitialFocus] dur METHOD a ((Ldut;D)V) -> [dur/method_11934, dur$a/onBorderSizeSet, aur$1/onBorderSizeSet] gjy$a METHOD b ((Lbsq;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [gjy$a/getSubState, gjy/method_49921] chv METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, chv/customServerAiStep] wh METHOD d (()Lzf;) -> [wh/bundlerInfo, wh/comp_2237] dqb METHOD ah (()Lwz;) -> [bqw/method_5477, dqb/getName] cov METHOD bc (()Lbsr$b;) -> [cov/getMovementEmission, bsr/method_33570] ciw METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtm;)V) -> [ciw/thunderHit, bsr/method_5800] cof METHOD a ((Lexa;)V) -> [cof/onHit, cnp/method_7488] ctc METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lbtn;Lcuq;Lcuq;Z)Lcnp;) -> [ctc/createProjectile, cvn/method_57344] dys$h METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$h/fillArray] dfn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, dfn/neighborChanged] aru METHOD a ((Laaa;)V) -> [aru/method_12069, aru/handleClientInformation, ars/handleClientInformation] fbt$j METHOD a ((Lfih$a;)V) -> [fih/method_25313, fbt$j/setSelected] ftb$a$b METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, ftb$a$b/render] erj METHOD E (()Lub;) -> [erj/getCustomBossEvents, erj/method_228] ut METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [uy/method_32289, ut/accept] ma METHOD a ((Lly;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [ma/method_10319, ma/run] dqc METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqc/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] dzr METHOD c ((I)I) -> [dyn/method_43156, dzr/next] bqk METHOD a ((Lbqk;ILcuq;)Z) -> [dqq/canTakeItem, drj/canTakeItem, bqk/method_49104] dzc$d METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dzc$d/compute, dyr/method_40464] cfx METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [btn/method_55694, cfx/getDefaultDimensions] egs METHOD a ((Layw;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [egs/getState, egj/method_23455] cjm$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cjm$a/start] chl METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lbsu;F)Lexc;) -> [cgv/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, cot/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, chi/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, cov/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, chl/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, ckq/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, ckm/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, chl/method_52533] dhr METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dhr/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] dqr$1 METHOD g (()Lexc;) -> [cpb$a/getPosition, dqr$1/getPosition, dqr$1/method_8300] csf METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcuq;)Z) -> [csf/isValidRepairItem, cul/method_7878] dlc METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dlc/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] cyj METHOD a ((Lczc;)Ljv;) -> [cyl/getRemainingItems, cyj/method_8111, cyj/getRemainingItems] fmc$a METHOD g ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/method_46479, fmc$a/paddingVertical] cka METHOD ag_ (()V) -> [cka/doUnderWaterConversion, cka/method_7218] cgy METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [cgy/setBaby, btp/method_7217] dex METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dex/getStateForPlacement] cea METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cea/requires, cdy/method_19099] aex METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aex/type] fst$2 METHOD aQ_ (()Lxn;) -> [fst$2/createNarrationMessage, fik/method_25360] dmo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dmo/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] fpg METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fpg/render, fjp/method_25394] alh METHOD N (()I) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getMaxPlayers, alh/method_3802] fl$d METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)I) -> [fl$d/setTag, fl$h/method_9376] cff$f METHOD i (()Z) -> [cff$f/canBeeContinueToUse, cff$a/method_21815] bqh METHOD a ((Lbqh$b;)V) -> [bqh/setOverlay, bqh/method_5409] amk$b METHOD l_ (()Z) -> [amk$b/method_36320, amk$b/alwaysAccepts] enb METHOD a (()Lens;) -> [enb/getType, emy/getType, emz/getType, enm/getType, ena/getType, emu/getType, enb/method_16772, emt/getType, ems/getType, ene/getType, emw/getType, enj/getType] cam METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/tick, cam/method_6268] dme METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dme/rotate] cfm METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cfm/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] va$a METHOD b ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)V) -> [ui$1/skip, va$1/skip, uw$1/skip, ud$1/skip, uh$1/skip, ty$1/skip, ub$1/skip, uf$1/skip, va$a/skip, va$a/method_39851] fwa METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fwa/root] eim METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eim/type, eiy/method_39615] coj METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [coj/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] eyb METHOD d ((Lwz;)Lxn;) -> [eyb/method_1198, eyb/getFormattedName] aru METHOD a ((Lags;)V) -> [aru/handleChunkBatchReceived, aru/method_52278] cff$j METHOD a (()V) -> [bzo/method_6231, cff$j/tick] ckm METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, ckm/defineSynchedData] evq METHOD a ((Lerr;)Luy;) -> [evq/get, evq/method_32440] elo$1 METHOD a (()V) -> [elo$1/init, elo$b/method_14688] bvl METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18924, bvl/tick] ckj$a METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_38846, ckj$a/requiresUpdateEveryTick] cri METHOD m (()I) -> [cpv/getResultSlotIndex, cri/method_7655, cqw/getResultSlotIndex, cqm/getResultSlotIndex] emj$e METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emj$e/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] duy METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [dve/isYSpaceEmpty, duy/method_12228] eqy METHOD a (()Ljd;) -> [erb/method_56126, eqy/getSpawnPos] btp METHOD a ((Lbsy;Lcuq;)V) -> [cmx/setItemSlot, btp/method_5673, cjl/setItemSlot, btp/setItemSlot, ciw/setItemSlot] bsn METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsn/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] chl METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, chl/finalizeSpawn] gln METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gln/render, glk/method_4054] cil METHOD c (()V) -> [cik/method_6855, cil/doServerTick] crq METHOD d (()Z) -> [crq/method_7682, crq/isActive] cqm METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, cqm/removed] dqh METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqh/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] few$1 METHOD b (()J) -> [few$1/delayCyclesAfterFailure, few/method_44645] gsx METHOD b (()Z) -> [gsm/method_4712, gsx/isGui3d] ckm METHOD fa (()F) -> [ckm/getSoundVolume, btn/method_6107] eqi METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;)V) -> [eqi/method_41704, eqi/neighborChanged] ft$a METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [ft$a/unpack, io/method_41726] cqw METHOD t (()Lcrj;) -> [cqw/method_30264, cqm/getRecipeBookType, cqw/getRecipeBookType, cpv/getRecipeBookType] bqh METHOD b ((Z)Lbqh;) -> [bqh/setPlayBossMusic, bqh/method_5410] fpu METHOD d ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fpu/renderFg, fpu/method_25444] epb METHOD a ((Lepe;Ldcc;Ljd;Lepd;Lji;)Z) -> [epb/canBeReplacedWith, epd/method_15777] epd METHOD a ((Lepe;)F) -> [epd/getOwnHeight, epd/method_20784] cgf$c METHOD l (()Z) -> [cfo$f/shouldRecalculatePath, cgf$c/shouldRecalculatePath, ckq$a/shouldRecalculatePath, cgf$c/method_6294] bsr METHOD cs (()Lwz;) -> [bsr/getTypeName, bsr/method_23315] bpr METHOD c (()Lbpx;) -> [bpr/getType, bpw/method_35012] dln METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dln/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] dis METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dis/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] aal METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aal/type, aaj/method_56479] fgr$g$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)D) -> [fgr$m/toSliderValue, fgr$g/toSliderValue, fgr$g$1/method_41765, fgr$m$1/toSliderValue, fgr$g$1/toSliderValue] dkm METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dkm/createBlockStateDefinition] dmy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dmy/mirror, dtb/method_9569] dds METHOD C (()J) -> [dds/method_8412, dds/getSeed] der METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [der/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] ey METHOD t (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ey/method_9273, ey/getRecipeNames] dla METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dla/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] fkf METHOD b ((D)I) -> [fkb/method_53475, fkf/getSampleHeight] fvr METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvr/setupAnim] cle METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, cle/start] dcw METHOD b ((Ljd;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [arb/isFluidAtPosition, dcw/isFluidAtPosition, dcw/method_35237] cgq METHOD x (()Lavo;) -> [cfg/method_35171, cgq/getPickupSound] agi METHOD a ((Laha;)V) -> [aru/handleDebugSampleSubscription, agi/method_56619] bly$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [blz/method_47570, bly$1/next] dcw METHOD a ((ILjd;I)V) -> [dcw/method_8517, dcw/destroyBlockProgress] fpt METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fpt/render, fjp/method_25394] jm$a METHOD a ((Ljp;)Z) -> [jm$a/canSerializeIn, jm/method_46745] abu METHOD a ((Lacs;)V) -> [abu/handleItemCooldown, abu/method_11087] chk METHOD a ((Layw;)V) -> [chk/randomizeAttributes, chi/method_6001] fpz METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25403, fpz/mouseDragged] jq$c METHOD d (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jq/method_45925, jq$c/unwrapKey] fud METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fud/setupAnim] djc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, djc/tick] gr METHOD b ((Let;)Lexb;) -> [gr/getRotation, gr/method_9709] epn METHOD a ((Lepx;III)Lepv;) -> [epr/method_17, epn/getPathType] cjr METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [cjr/travel, btn/method_6091] dvf METHOD a (()I) -> [dvf/getSerializedSize, dvo/method_12290] eir METHOD a_ ((Leiw;Layw;Ljd;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [eiy/method_14452, eir/getPositions] cjw METHOD gk (()Lavo;) -> [ckn/method_7142, cjw/getCastingSoundEvent] cul$b$3 METHOD a (()Ljo$a;) -> [cul$b/method_59527, cul$b$3/registries] ckk$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ckk$a/canUse] ckm METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [bsr/method_5634, ckm/getSoundSource] uf$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, uf$1/parse] fl$b METHOD a (()Luy;) -> [fl$h/method_9382, fl$b/createPreferredParentTag] jq$b METHOD b (()I) -> [jq$b/size, jq$b/method_40247] ut METHOD j (()D) -> [uc/getAsDouble, tz/getAsDouble, ut/getAsDouble, ut/method_10697, ue/getAsDouble, ug/getAsDouble, uj/getAsDouble] dka METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dka/rotate] dik METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dik/getTicker, diq/method_31645] gia$b$b METHOD a ((Lgfk;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [gia$b$b/method_22783, gia$b$c/doTask, gia$b$b/doTask] cbp METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cbp/start] ebd METHOD b (()D) -> [ebd/method_16578, ebd/getYScale] dnp METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dnp/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dip METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dip/mirror, dtb/method_9569] cft$f METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cft$f/start] bsr METHOD i ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [bsr/canCollideWith, bsr/method_30949] ue$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23261, ue$1/getPrettyName] blx$b METHOD d (()Lblx$c;) -> [blx$b/comp_1157, blx$e/id, blx$a/id] dgj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dgj/getShape] ckr$b METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckr$b/start] kp METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [kp/method_57875, kp$a$a/codec] cgh METHOD d ((Lbsy;)Z) -> [cgh/canUseSlot, btn/method_56991] emj$i METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [emj$i/addChildren, ejv/method_14918] flb$e METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [flb$e/method_51478, awv$b/visitRequiredDependencies, flb$e/visitRequiredDependencies] eto METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [eto/run, ete/method_522] feh$a METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, feh$a/mouseClicked] dyr$b METHOD a (()I) -> [dyr$b/comp_371, dyr$e/blockX, dzc/blockX] cou METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5438, cou/getItem] cvz METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, cvz/useOn] cfr METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lcfl;) -> [cfl/method_6483, cfr/getBreedOffspring] ehi METHOD a (()Lehn;) -> [ehm/method_28903, ehi/type] cmx METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcuq;Lcqd;)V) -> [cmx/method_33592, cmx/updateTutorialInventoryAction] frs$c METHOD k (()V) -> [frs$c/unselect, frs$a/method_29657] ego METHOD a (()Legk;) -> [ego/type, egj/method_28862] ey METHOD s (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [fzi/getAvailableSounds, et/getAvailableSounds, ey/method_9254] aif METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aif/handle] czo$b METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [cze/method_56104, czo$b/streamCodec] chb METHOD x ((Z)V) -> [cfg/method_6454, chb/setFromBucket] dka METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dka/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] btn METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] ftd$b METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, ftd$b/render] dzc$g METHOD j (()Ldys$l$a;) -> [dzc$g/type, dys$m/comp_383] emd$a METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [emd$a/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] gdn METHOD e (()F) -> [gda/method_18135, gdn/getV0] foa METHOD a (()V) -> [foa/stop, ayv/method_15411] bro METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, bro/getSerializedName] fkq METHOD u (()Lfmg$a;) -> [fkq/narrationPriority, fmg/method_37018] bth METHOD bA (()Z) -> [bth/isPickable, bsr/method_5863] cqx$1 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cqx$1/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] ahd$a METHOD a ((Lahd$c;)V) -> [ahd$a/dispatch, ahd$a/method_34213] epp METHOD b ((III)Lepv;) -> [epp/method_31932, epp/getCachedPathType] dgx METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dgx/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cgk METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cgk/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] ud$1 METHOD c ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)Luy;) -> [va/method_23262, ud$1/load] aiw METHOD a ((Laix;)V) -> [arw/handleCustomQueryPacket, aiw/method_12640] cjz$c METHOD a (()V) -> [cjz$c/tick, bzp/method_6240] arf METHOD a (()V) -> [arh/start, arf/start, arf/method_17675, arg/start] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD aA (()I) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3773, apn/getCompressionThreshold] esu METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [esu/run, ete/method_522] jm$c METHOD a ((Lawu;)Z) -> [jm$c/method_40220, jm$a/is, jm$c/is] fiv METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fiv/keyPressed] cnp METHOD l ((DDD)V) -> [bsr/method_5750, cnp/lerpMotion] dvo METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)I) -> [dvo/method_12291, dvo/idFor] dys$t METHOD j (()Ldyr$c;) -> [dys$u/comp_395, dys$t/offsetNoise] cmb$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ljm;Lbsr;Lbsr;F)V) -> [cmb$a/method_32969, drq$a/onReceiveVibration, cgk$b/onReceiveVibration, drp$a/onReceiveVibration, cmb$a/onReceiveVibration] bra METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Luh;) -> [bra/method_7660, bra/createTag] djr METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [djr/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] dvh METHOD p (()Leyw;) -> [duy/method_12014, dvh/getFluidTicks] faz METHOD a ((FFFFFF)V) -> [faz/setMat2x3, faz/method_35644] deh METHOD a ((IIIILdef$f;)Ljava/util/Set;) -> [deh/getBiomesWithin, dea/method_8763] ddj METHOD c ((II)Ldcc;) -> [dcg/method_22338, ddj/getChunkForCollisions] ado$b METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ado$b/type] cuf METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Lbtn;)Lcuq;) -> [cuf/finishUsingItem, cul/method_7861] ji$a$3 METHOD a ((III)I) -> [ji$a$3/choose, ji$a$3/method_10173, ji$a$2/choose, ji$a$1/choose] bsr METHOD a ((Ldmm;)F) -> [ciz/rotate, bsr/method_5832] cmx METHOD b ((Lbrk;F)V) -> [cgh/hurtArmor, cmx/hurtArmor, cmx/method_6105] dfm METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfy/method_9538, dfm/isPossibleToRespawnInThis] dky METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dky/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dey METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)I) -> [dey/getDustColor, diu/method_10130] cfv METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cfv/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] bfg METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;) -> [bfg/fixComponent, bfg/method_58045] ue METHOD g (()I) -> [ur/method_10701, ue/getAsInt] fox$e METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fox$e/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] cae METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cae/canUse] crl METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, crl/removeItemNoUpdate] ckm METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, ckm/finalizeSpawn] ghs METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghs/render, ggz/method_3569] fyd METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fyd/setupAnim] cak METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cak/start] dsw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, dsw/neighborChanged] bsr METHOD cP (()Z) -> [bsr/onlyOpCanSetNbt, bsr/method_5833] aru METHOD a ((Lagr;)V) -> [agi/method_46367, aru/handleChatSessionUpdate] fjf$1 METHOD a ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fjf/method_30888, fjf$1/renderCentered] cvp METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcmx;Lbtn;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7847, cvp/interactLivingEntity] elm METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elm/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] ahv METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahv/type] cgf$h METHOD b (()Z) -> [cgf$h/canUse, cam/method_6264] dji METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dji/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] far METHOD a ((FFFFFF)V) -> [far/method_35644, faz/setMat2x3] bpt METHOD a (()I) -> [bpt/getMinValue, bpw/method_35009] cdc METHOD a (()Z) -> [cdc/canUpdatePath, cda/method_6358] ftx METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fts/method_2780, ftx/getItems] cft$g METHOD b (()Z) -> [cft$g/canUse, cam/method_6264] dmb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;II)V) -> [dmb/updateIndirectNeighbourShapes, dtb/method_9517] ghc METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ghc/acceptSingle, dif$b/method_17464] abr METHOD a ((Labs;)V) -> [abr/handleCookieResponse, abr/method_55851] gda METHOD p (()Lgda$a;) -> [gda/method_55245, gdq/getFacingCameraMode] csz METHOD ao_ (()Z) -> [csz/isComplex, cul/method_16698] cra$2 METHOD e (()V) -> [cra$2/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] bsq$g METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, bsq$g/defineSynchedData] bsq METHOD a_ ((DDD)V) -> [bsq/setPos, bsr/method_5814] bth METHOD au (()Lewx;) -> [bsr/method_33332, bth/makeBoundingBox] chw$b METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [chw$b/stop, bvh/method_18926] fig METHOD c ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fiw/renderContents, fsy/renderContents, fje/renderContents, fig/method_44389] aqv METHOD k (()Lcum;) -> [cmx/method_7265, aqv/createItemCooldowns] etr METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [etr/run, ete/method_522] cot METHOD a ((DDDFFI)V) -> [cot/lerpTo, bsr/method_5759] cgq METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [cgq/travel, btn/method_6091] dfe METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfe/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] jq METHOD a ((Ljp;)Z) -> [jq/canSerializeIn, jq/method_46768] gwj METHOD a ((Lfzf;Lexa;)V) -> [gwj/onLookAt, gwj/method_4898] dqv METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [dqv/getItem, bqk/method_5438] coj METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [coj/die, btn/method_6078] bx$b$a METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [bx$b$a/codec, bw/method_58152] cpv METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cpv/stillValid, cpu/method_7597] dly METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dly/mirror, dtb/method_9569] geb METHOD a ((Lbqq;)V) -> [geb/swing, geb/method_6104, aqv/swing] ja$2 METHOD a ((DDDLji$a;)D) -> [ja$3/cycle, ja$2/cycle, ja$2/method_35819, ja$1/cycle] cia METHOD fa (()F) -> [cia/getSoundVolume, btn/method_6107] czl METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [czl/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] fpn METHOD C (()V) -> [fot/method_37432, fpn/containerTick] cmw METHOD b (()I) -> [cmw/getContainerSize, bqk/method_5439] tu METHOD b ((Lsx;)V) -> [tg/onTestSuccess, th/onTestSuccess, tu/method_33322] gdp METHOD a (()V) -> [gdp/tick, gcn/method_3070] abe METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, abe/type] cfu METHOD a ((Lcfe;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6474, cfu/canMate] aur METHOD b ((Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V) -> [apm/deop, aur/method_14604] grn METHOD b ((Laue;Lbnf;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [auj/method_18789, grn/prepare] fvy METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fvy/setupAnim] abu METHOD a ((Laci;)V) -> [fzg/handleChunkBatchFinished, abu/method_52799] acw METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acw/type] cou METHOD a ((ILcmw;)Lcpu;) -> [cou/method_17357, cou/createMenu] ckb$b METHOD k (()V) -> [ckb$b/performSpellCasting, ckn$c/method_7148] cfm METHOD gd (()V) -> [btp/method_59928, cfm/playAttackSound] fsn$a METHOD b ((D)V) -> [fsn$a/method_25307, fsn$a/setScrollAmount] afs METHOD c (()Z) -> [zg/method_11051, afs/isSkippable] fbt$b METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fbt$b/keyPressed] emb$b METHOD a ((Lemb$v;)Z) -> [emb$b/fits, emb$i/method_14769] elv$e METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elv$e/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] dlv METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dlv/codec, dtb/method_53969] up$b METHOD a ((Luy;)Lup$f;) -> [up$f/method_46240, up$b/accept] chj METHOD gm (()Lavo;) -> [chi/method_28368, chj/getEatingSound] dys$e METHOD a (()D) -> [dys$e/minValue, dyr/comp_377] gny METHOD a (()Lakr;) -> [gny/method_23201, gpj/getTextureLocation, gny/getTextureLocation] dgi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dgi/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] eti METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [ers/method_292, eti/validate] uu METHOD a ((Lue;)V) -> [vc/method_32295, uu/visitFloat] cmx METHOD n ((F)V) -> [cmx/animateHurt, bsr/method_5879] cki METHOD fc (()Z) -> [cki/isImmobile, btn/method_6062] dgc METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dtb/method_9604, dgc/getRenderShape] chk METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [chk/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] dyt METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Ldzm;Ljd;)V) -> [dyt/addDebugScreenInfo, duz/method_40450] fgr$c METHOD b (()I) -> [fgr$c/maxInclusive, fgr$g/comp_594] dua METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dua/getValue, duf/method_11900] csf METHOD n (()Ljm;) -> [csf/method_31570, dpu/getEquipSound, ctm/getEquipSound, csf/getEquipSound] fpi METHOD b ((Lfhz;II)V) -> [fpi/renderLabels, fot/method_2388] ciu METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, ciu/addAdditionalSaveData] evf METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evf/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] cnz METHOD l (()V) -> [cnz/tick, bsr/method_5773] ub$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23259, ub$1/getName] dms METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dms/getStateForPlacement] fbd METHOD b ((I)Lfbm;) -> [fbd/method_22922, fbd/setOverlay] gcp METHOD a ((Laty$a;Laue;Lbnf;Lbnf;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [gst/reload, gcp/reload, gro/reload, alf/reload, auj/reload, gqm/reload, auf/reload, flb/reload, aww/reload, gcp/method_25931] dt METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, dt/codec] fpi$c METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [crg/remove, crm/remove, crf/remove, fpi$c/remove, cqs/remove, fpi$c/method_7671] aqv$1 METHOD a ((Lcpu;ILcuq;)V) -> [aqv$1/sendSlotChange, aqv$1/method_34261] dfs METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dfs/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] bzo METHOD a (()V) -> [bzo/method_6231, bzo/tick] afw METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afw/type] dln METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dln/mayPlaceOn] dnl METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dnl/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] cff$e METHOD e (()V) -> [cff$e/stop, cam/method_6270] bot METHOD c (()V) -> [bot/method_34771, bot/startTick] jd$a METHOD o (()Lkh;) -> [jd$a/method_35861, jd/north, jd$a/north] cjw METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cjw/registerGoals] chn METHOD gm (()Lavo;) -> [chi/method_28368, chn/getEatingSound] dhz METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, dhz/hasAnalogOutputSignal] hi$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dxn/method_31796, hi$1/tryCast] fhw METHOD a (()Lfki;) -> [fhw/component, fhw/comp_1188] gda METHOD d (()F) -> [gda/method_18134, gda/getU1] ckf METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, ckf/getAmbientSound] asq METHOD a ((Lass;Lakr;)Latw;) -> [asq/getResource, asq/method_14405] gfn METHOD e (()V) -> [fay/method_34418, gfn/attachToProgram] aur$1 METHOD b ((Ldut;I)V) -> [dur/method_11933, aur$1/onBorderSetWarningBlocks] iu METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [io/method_41726, iu/unpack] dke METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dke/mirror, dtb/method_9569] chv METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [chv/getBrain, btn/method_18868] ciu METHOD c ((Lbrz;)Z) -> [btn/method_6049, ciu/canBeAffected] efz METHOD a ((Layw;ILefe;)I) -> [efz/foliageHeight, efu/method_26989] doe METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, doe/getShape] cic METHOD a ((Lchz;Ljd;Lbrk;Lcmx;)V) -> [cic/method_6850, cic/onCrystalDestroyed, cig/onCrystalDestroyed] cqw METHOD o (()I) -> [cqw/method_7656, cqm/getGridHeight, cqw/getGridHeight, cpv/getGridHeight] ftw METHOD aU_ (()Lwz;) -> [ftt/method_16892, ftw/getName] fjf METHOD a (()I) -> [fjf/method_30887, fjf/getLineCount] egv METHOD a (()Lehb;) -> [egv/type, eha/method_28893] ftx$a METHOD aU_ (()Lwz;) -> [ftt/method_16892, ftx$a/getName] emk METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [emk/type, ejr/method_41618] ghc METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ghc/method_24174, ghc/acceptNone, dhb$1/acceptNone, dhb$3/acceptNone, dhb$2/acceptNone] vf METHOD a ((Lva;Ljava/lang/String;)Luv$a;) -> [vj/visitEntry, vk/visitEntry, vg/visitEntry, vf/visitEntry, vf/method_39865] db$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dv$a/comp_2029, db$a/player] btp METHOD X_ (()Lbtk$a;) -> [btp/getLeashData, btk/method_60955] dej METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dej/codec, dea/method_28442] flw METHOD a (()V) -> [fma/method_48222, flw/arrangeElements] bsr METHOD a ((Ldkv;)F) -> [ciz/mirror, bsr/method_5763] bty METHOD b ((I)V) -> [cgv/onPlayerJump, bty/method_6154, chi/onPlayerJump] gkd METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gkd/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dqv METHOD b (()I) -> [dqv/getContainerSize, bqk/method_5439] fmz METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fmz/init] jq$c METHOD a ((Ljp;)Z) -> [jq/method_46768, jq$c/canSerializeIn] cgy METHOD ae (()I) -> [cgy/getMaxHeadYRot, btp/method_5986] foh$c METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, foh$c/getRowWidth] ghu METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghu/render, ggz/method_3569] bvw METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvw/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] emd$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljd;Lddl;Layw;Lejj;)V) -> [ekb/method_15026, emd$a/handleDataMarker] fgo METHOD a (()V) -> [fgo/resizeDisplay, fgo/method_15993] aio METHOD a ((Laiq;)V) -> [fze/handleGameProfile, aio/method_12588] cft$l METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cft$l/start] cx METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [dw/method_58163, cx/componentType] ghl METHOD aW_ (()I) -> [ghl/getViewDistance, ggz/method_33893] lk METHOD a (()Lll;) -> [lk/getType, lk/method_10295] ali METHOD h (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [apn/getServerName, ali/method_12930] cmx METHOD a ((Lbsr;FLbrk;)F) -> [cmx/method_59903, cmx/getEnchantedDamage] gpo METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gpo/render, glk/method_4054] fls$e METHOD a (()I) -> [fls$a/bitWidth, fls$e/comp_1512, fls$i/bitWidth, fls$e/bitWidth] giq METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [giq/render, gim$a/method_23109] abu METHOD a ((Lafi;)V) -> [abu/method_11118, fzg/handleSetScore] dky METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [dky/canBeReplaced, dtb/method_9616] zg METHOD c (()Z) -> [zg/method_11051, zg/isSkippable] kc$b$1 METHOD a ((Lakq;Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/mojang/serialization/Lifecycle;)Ljm$c;) -> [qq/method_46800, kc$b$1/register] cvh METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cul/method_7851, cvh/appendHoverText] yc METHOD a (()Lyb$a;) -> [yb/method_54225, yc/type] uj METHOD l (()Ljava/lang/Number;) -> [uj/getAsNumber, ur/method_10702] elw$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, elw$a/getSerializedName] bnl METHOD e (()Lbno;) -> [bnl/method_38659, bnl/onWorldLoadedStarted] dih METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dih/codec] evo$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [evo$1/getId, evo$a/method_32434] dmw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9616, dmw/canBeReplaced] ug METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [ug/copy, uy/method_10707] ahg$b METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ahg$b/handle] doj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [doj/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] cgv METHOD ac_ (()Lavo;) -> [bue/method_45328, cgv/getSaddleSoundEvent] dkd METHOD c (()Ldjn;) -> [dkd/getHeadBlock, djl/method_24945] dsu METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dsu/getTicker, diq/method_31645] cfy$d METHOD a (()V) -> [bzp/method_6240, cfy$d/tick] fpi$c METHOD d (()Z) -> [fpi$c/isActive, crq/method_7682] amk$b METHOD k_ (()Z) -> [es/method_9200, amk$b/acceptsSuccess] cfy METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cfy/registerGoals] fsl METHOD C (()V) -> [fsl/addContent, fsk/method_61135] dgh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9558, dgh/canSurvive] cbl METHOD a (()V) -> [cbl/tick, cam/method_6268] dkh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lepd;)V) -> [der/method_32764, dkh/receiveStalactiteDrip] bsr METHOD bo (()V) -> [bsr/doWaterSplashEffect, bsr/method_5746] erj METHOD b ((J)V) -> [erk/method_29035, erj/setDayTime] bsl METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, bsl/finalizeSpawn] dgs METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgs/codec] pt METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [pz/method_10514, pt/addTags] dez METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dez/mirror, dtb/method_9569] uh METHOD c ((I)Luy;) -> [uh/remove, ua/method_10536] cmk METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cmk/addAdditionalSaveData] abu METHOD a ((Lafy;)V) -> [fzg/handleTickingStep, abu/method_54807] cfm$b METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cfm$b/tick] duy METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [duy/method_51524, duy/findBlockLightSources] bnl METHOD c (()Z) -> [bnl/isRunning, bnl/method_37984] nm METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, nm/method_10321, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, mo/getName] ae METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [t/getId, ae/method_48018] agc METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, agc/type] cgv METHOD b ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cgv/openCustomInventoryScreen, btf/method_6722] dbc METHOD a ((Laqu;ILdab;Lbsr;Lexc;)V) -> [dbc/apply, das/method_60220] dkb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dkb/useWithoutItem] erk METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [erk/method_147, erk/setThundering] elv$b METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [elv$b/addChildren, ejv/method_14918] oq METHOD a (()Lcul;) -> [ol/method_36441, oq/getResult] et METHOD q (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [et/getOnlinePlayerNames, ey/method_9262] dtb METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] dwn METHOD a ((Ldcd;Lub;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [dwn/write, dwn/method_56565] cnd METHOD a ((Lbts;Lexc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5784, cnd/move] jm$a METHOD a ((Lawu;)Z) -> [jm$a/method_40220, jm$a/is, jm$c/is] dqn METHOD a (()V) -> [dqn/clearContent, bqi/method_5448] cmx METHOD a ((ILdbv;IIZZ)V) -> [cmx/method_17354, cmx/sendMerchantOffers] foz METHOD e (()V) -> [fod/method_25393, foz/tick] eta METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [eta/run, ete/method_522] dfv METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Lewy;Lcnp;)V) -> [dfv/onProjectileHit, dtb/method_19286] fgf METHOD b (()F) -> [fgf/getRealtimeDeltaTicks, fgf/method_60638] ui METHOD f (()B) -> [ua/method_10601, ui/getElementType] dvs METHOD z (()Ldcy;) -> [dvs/getHeightAccessorForGeneration, dvs/method_39460] czg METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyz/method_8119, czg/getSerializer] ftq METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [ftx/getPrompt, ftw/getPrompt, ftq/getPrompt, ftq/method_2781] gpf METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gov/method_4199, gpf/render] ghq METHOD a ((Ldqh;)Z) -> [ghq/method_3563, ggv/shouldRenderOffScreen, ghq/shouldRenderOffScreen] km$a$a METHOD b ((Lkp;)Z) -> [km$a$a/method_57832, km$a$a/has] dfu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dfu/mirror, dtb/method_9569] gbp$g METHOD i (()V) -> [gbp$g/postMoveUpdate, gbp/method_18822] btp METHOD a ((ZZ)V) -> [btp/method_5932, btp/dropLeash] cfm$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfm$a/start] ckj METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ckj/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] ciw METHOD eH (()Lbtn$a;) -> [ciw/getFallSounds, btn/method_39760] csn METHOD a ((Lcyd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [csn/placeBlock, cso/method_7708] cmx METHOD ez (()V) -> [cmx/dropEquipment, btn/method_16078] dcs$a METHOD g (()Ldcs$g;) -> [dcs$a/getSelf, dcs$g/method_20782] cgg METHOD R (()I) -> [cfe/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgg/method_5970, cfc/getAmbientSoundInterval, cjz/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgg/getAmbientSoundInterval, cgf/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfs/getAmbientSoundInterval, cfh/getAmbientSoundInterval, chi/getAmbientSoundInterval] dkq METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)Lbqv;) -> [dtb/method_17454, dkq/getMenuProvider] gda METHOD e (()F) -> [gda/method_18135, gda/getV0] dwu METHOD a ((Ldcd;Lub;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [dwn/write, dwu/method_56565] efx METHOD a (()Lefv;) -> [efu/method_28843, efx/type] fox METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fox/init] dfc METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfc/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] dku METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dku/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] grw$1 METHOD a ((II)Lgry;) -> [grw$1/calculateFrameSize, grw/method_24143] kh METHOD l (()Lkh;) -> [kh/east, kh/method_35855] dfo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfo/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] xe$2 METHOD a ((Lxe$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe$3/visit, xe$2/visit, xe$4/visit, wz/visit, xe$2/method_27657, xe$1/visit, fgz$c/visit] dcn METHOD a ((DDDDLjava/util/function/Predicate;)Lcmx;) -> [dcn/method_8604, dcn/getNearestPlayer] arf METHOD a ((Ldcd;)V) -> [ard/method_17669, arf/updateSpawnPos] cgq METHOD ac (()I) -> [btp/method_5978, cgq/getMaxHeadXRot] cvw METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldcw;Lcmx;Lcuq;Ldtc;)Z) -> [cvw/updateCustomBlockEntityTag, cvw/method_7710] dla METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dla/mayPlaceOn] bsr METHOD a ((Lbsr;ILbrk;)V) -> [bsr/awardKillScore, bsr/method_5716] dhl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dhl/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] fer METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fer/keyPressed] fqk METHOD a ((Lfhx;)I) -> [fqk/getWidth, fqn/method_32664] fen METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fen/init] bos METHOD b (()V) -> [bos/method_41320, bor/cancel, bos/cancel] duy METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [duy/setUnsaved, duy/method_12008] agb METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, agb/type] dcn METHOD a ((Ldxn;Lewx;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dcn/method_18023, dcn/getEntities] gmt METHOD f ((Lbtn;)F) -> [glk/method_55832, gmt/getShadowRadius] cgv METHOD a ((Lbsr;F)Z) -> [cgv/handleLeashAtDistance, btk/method_60956] dgi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dgi/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] dzp$y$a METHOD a (()Z) -> [dzp$i/method_39074, dzp$y$a/compute] glk METHOD c ((Lbsr;)F) -> [glk/getShadowRadius, gki/method_55831] btk METHOD X_ (()Lbtk$a;) -> [btk/method_60955, btk/getLeashData] cjr$e METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cjr$e/canContinueToUse] apn METHOD a ((Laqv;Lbls;)V) -> [apn/method_56625, apn/subscribeToDebugSample] emj$a METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [emj$a/addChildren, ejv/method_14918] bb$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [bb/method_59605, bb$a/unpack] cgy METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [cgy/onSyncedDataUpdated, ajz/method_5674] ehl METHOD a ((Lddc;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;Layw;ILjd;Lefe;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [ehl/placeTrunk, ehm/method_26991] ec METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, ec/codec] eyq METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [eym$1/hasScheduledTick, eym$2/hasScheduledTick, eyo/hasScheduledTick, eyr/hasScheduledTick, eyq/hasScheduledTick, eyq/method_8674, eyy/hasScheduledTick] dqt METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqt/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] fgr$g$1 METHOD b ((D)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [fgr$g$1/fromSliderValue, fgr$k/method_41763] apn METHOD aU (()V) -> [apn/endMetricsRecordingTick, apn/method_24490] dyi$d METHOD f (()Z) -> [dyi$d/method_51363, dyi$d/requiresAdjacentChunksToBeTicking] bsr METHOD a ((FFLbrk;)Z) -> [bsr/causeFallDamage, bsr/method_5747] cix METHOD a ((Lbts;Lexc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5784, cix/move] cni METHOD bu (()F) -> [bsr/method_5718, cni/getLightLevelDependentMagicValue] fgr$h METHOD a (()Lfit$c;) -> [fgr$h/valueListSupplier, fgr$d/method_42721] dve METHOD b_ ((Ljd;)Lepe;) -> [dcc/method_8316, dve/getFluidState] aic METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aic/handle] fzd METHOD a ((Labh;)V) -> [fzd/handleEnabledFeatures, abc/method_52796] bsq METHOD r_ (()Z) -> [bto/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bsq/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, ciw/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bsq/method_5696, bth/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, cez/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, btu/isIgnoringBlockTriggers] drs METHOD c (()I) -> [drs/getMaxTextLineWidth, drs/method_45470] aht METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aht/type] drr METHOD b (()I) -> [bqk/method_5439, drr/getContainerSize] ejc METHOD a ((Layw;Ljd;)I) -> [ejc/method_14452, ejc/count] cjg METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cjg/defineSynchedData] fzg METHOD a ((Ladg;)V) -> [abu/method_11128, fzg/handleLevelChunkWithLight] fih METHOD a ((Ljava/util/Collection;)V) -> [fih/method_25314, fih/replaceEntries] btp METHOD db (()Z) -> [ciw/isEffectiveAi, geb/isEffectiveAi, btp/method_6034, btp/isEffectiveAi] dke METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dke/getShape] chl METHOD af_ (()I) -> [chl/getInventoryColumns, chi/method_6702] nc METHOD d (()V) -> [nc/method_10379, nc/generate] bul METHOD s ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [bul/isAlliedTo, bsr/method_5722] aat METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aat/type, aaj/method_56479] fot METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [fpi/getTooltipFromContainerItem, fot/method_51454] djk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, djk/rotate] eow METHOD a ((Lkf;Z)V) -> [eow/method_15551, eow/updateSectionStatus] dez METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dez/codec] djt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9584, djt/getInteractionShape] fvx METHOD c_ ((Z)V) -> [fvx/method_2805, fwp/setAllVisible] dft METHOD c (()I) -> [dht/method_9827, dft/getMaxAge] gjv METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;FFFF)V) -> [gjv/setupRotations, glk/method_4058] eon METHOD a ((J)I) -> [eon/method_15538, eon/getLightValue, eoy/getLightValue] ha$b METHOD d (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ha$b/method_58514, ha$b/listPredicateTypes] dfr METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbtn;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9567, dfr/setPlacedBy] fne$a$a METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fne$a$a/mouseClicked] cbt METHOD b (()Z) -> [cbt/canUse, cam/method_6264] esw$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [esw$a/getThis, ete$a/method_523] dlx METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, dlx/useItemOn] bmy METHOD e (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [bnd/method_37168, bmy/getChartedPaths] gjy$b METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931, gjy$b/getTextureLocation] fov METHOD a ((Lfhz;Ldtc;)V) -> [fov/method_45656, fov/renderSignBackground] ajo METHOD a ((Lajp;)V) -> [ajo/method_12667, ajo/handleStatusResponse] ekm METHOD a ((Ldva;II)Z) -> [eko/method_40168, ekm/isPlacementChunk] btk METHOD b ((Lbsr;)V) -> [btk/method_60963, btw/closeRangeLeashBehaviour] cfq METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cfq/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] dgn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [dgn/canBeReplaced, dtb/method_9616] uu METHOD a ((Ltz;)V) -> [uu/visitByte, vd/visitByte, ux/visitByte, uu/method_32291] dsc METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqh/method_11007, dsc/saveAdditional] coj$c METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, coj$c/start] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD ah (()Laur;) -> [apn/getPlayerList, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3760] drp METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [drp/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] elx$e METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elx$e/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] emb$k METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emb$k/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] bra METHOD b (()I) -> [bqk/method_5439, bra/getContainerSize] dqe METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [dqe/removeComponentsFromTag, dqh/method_57569] enf METHOD a (()Lenh;) -> [enf/getType, eng/method_26404] btm METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, btm/defineSynchedData] fgf$b METHOD b (()F) -> [fgf$b/getRealtimeDeltaTicks, fgf/method_60638] fpc METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fpc/render, fjp/method_25394] dut$b METHOD e (()D) -> [dut$d/getSize, dut$b/method_11984, dut$b/getSize] fop METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fop/init] cyf METHOD a (()Ljd;) -> [cyf/getClickedPos, cyf/method_8037] fih METHOD a ((ILflz;)V) -> [fih/method_57712, fqv$a/updateSize] fit METHOD b (()V) -> [fid/method_25306, fit/onPress] exf METHOD b ((III)Z) -> [exf/isFull, exl/method_1063] fzg METHOD a ((Laet;)V) -> [fzg/handleSetCamera, abu/method_11111] dyk$1 METHOD a (()Z) -> [dyk/method_33742, dyk$1/shouldScheduleFluidUpdate] bvu METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvu/tick, bvh/method_18924] yi METHOD a (()Lxa$a;) -> [yi/type, xa/method_54163] dor METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ljd;Lbsr;F)V) -> [dfy/method_9554, dor/fallOn] chb METHOD gl (()Lavo;) -> [chb/method_6457, cfz/getFlopSound, cfk/getFlopSound, cge/getFlopSound, chb/getFlopSound, cfx/getFlopSound] azd METHOD a ((II)I) -> [azd/getAndSet, axc/method_15214] crq METHOD b ((I)V) -> [crq/onSwapCraft, crq/method_7672] cmk METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtm;)V) -> [cmk/thunderHit, bsr/method_5800] cif METHOD b (()V) -> [cil/doClientTick, cim/doClientTick, cic/doClientTick, cif/method_6853, cif/doClientTick, cij/doClientTick] flm$a METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [flm$a/unpack, flo/method_51734] dlr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsr;Ljd;)Leqc;) -> [dlr/method_60770, dlr/getPortalDestination] dcz METHOD B_ (()I) -> [dcz/getSkyDarken, dcz/method_8594] dyz$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;)V) -> [dyz$a/parityConfigString, dzl/method_39039] eqa METHOD a ((Ljd;)Z) -> [eqa/canStartAt, eqa/method_47893] uc METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [uc/copy, uy/method_10707] evu METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evu/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] bcq METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bcq/fix] dyi$b METHOD b (()I) -> [dyi$b/getListenerRadius, dyb/method_32948] bnb METHOD b (()I) -> [bnb/getStartTimeTicks, bne/method_16072] fca$b METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [fca$b/errorMessage, fca/method_52657] byu$f$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [byu$e/method_47231, byu$f$1/debugString] btp METHOD E (()V) -> [btp/onPathfindingStart, btp/method_51504] dln METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dln/performBonemeal] dqv METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [dqv/stillValid, bqk/method_5443] aru METHOD a ((Lagm;)V) -> [aru/method_19475, aru/handleChangeDifficulty] duy METHOD a ((Ldyy$a;II)I) -> [duy/method_12005, duy/getHeight] dko METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dko/getCollisionShape, dtb/method_9549] dpj METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dpj/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] fed METHOD e (()V) -> [fed/tick, fod/method_25393] vc METHOD a ((Luj;)V) -> [vc/visitLong, vc/method_32300] cix METHOD i_ (()V) -> [bsr/method_18382, cix/refreshDimensions] gep METHOD a (()I) -> [fay/method_1270, gep/getId] duy METHOD A (()V) -> [duy/method_51522, dvh/initializeLightSources] cff$i METHOD h (()Z) -> [cff$i/canBeeUse, cff$a/method_21814] uy METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/accept, uy/method_39850] dcs$d METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [dcs$d/method_20777, dcs$d/deserialize, dcs$a/deserialize] eot METHOD a ((Lddf;Lkf;Ldvd;)V) -> [eot/method_15558, eot/queueSectionData] ckn METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [ckn/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] fkh METHOD aN_ (()Lfki;) -> [fkh/method_25399, fkh/getFocused] dmd METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dmd/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] ckj METHOD H (()Lbzk;) -> [cgv/createBodyControl, cgn/createBodyControl, ckf/createBodyControl, ckj/createBodyControl, ckj/method_5963] cot METHOD aO (()F) -> [cot/getBlockSpeedFactor, bsr/method_23326] erj METHOD d ((Z)V) -> [erl/method_186, erj/setDifficultyLocked] ekb METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [ekb/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] czo METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [czj/getGroup, czh/getGroup, cyh/getGroup, czo/getGroup, czo/method_8112] cjx METHOD Z (()Z) -> [cjx/shouldDespawnInPeaceful, btp/method_23734] dvq$d$2 METHOD a ((Ljr;I)Ldvq$a;) -> [dvq$d$2/getConfiguration, dvq$d$2/method_38314, dvq$d$1/getConfiguration] dnc METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dnc/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] agz METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [agz/handle, zg/method_11054] ma METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, ma/method_10321, mo/getName] cgf$f METHOD b (()Z) -> [cgf$f/canUse, cam/method_6264] dqo METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqo/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] ewa METHOD b ((Lerr;)F) -> [ewa/getFloat, evy/method_32454] dgk METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dgk/useItemOn, dtb/method_55765] agi METHOD a ((Lahf;)V) -> [agi/handleLockDifficulty, agi/method_19476] dna METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dgf/method_9700, dna/pickupBlock] akp$c METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [akp$c/lookup, akp$c/method_46623] dkz$e$1 METHOD a ((Ljd;Lji;Lji;)Ldkz$c;) -> [dkz$e$1/method_41466, dkz$e$3/getSpreadPos, dkz$e$2/getSpreadPos, dkz$e$1/getSpreadPos] gbf METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gbf/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] fdv METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fdv/init] cgq$d METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [cgq$d/getSerializedName, azk/method_15434] cgd METHOD aZ (()D) -> [cgd/getDefaultGravity, bsr/method_7490] geb METHOD fQ (()Z) -> [cmx/method_7295, geb/updateIsUnderwater] cou METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cou/interact, bsr/method_5688] epc METHOD c ((Ldcz;)I) -> [epc/method_15739, eph/getDropOff, epk/getDropOff] cgk METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcuq;)Z) -> [btn/method_45324, cgk/equipmentHasChanged] gni METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gki/method_3936, gni/render] dtt METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dtt/getValue, duf/method_11900] cmb METHOD bB (()Z) -> [cmb/isPushable, bsr/method_5810] drp$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ljm;Lbsr;Lbsr;F)V) -> [drp$a/method_32969, drq$a/onReceiveVibration, cgk$b/onReceiveVibration, drp$a/onReceiveVibration, cmb$a/onReceiveVibration] cmx METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [cmx/die, btn/method_6078] gbx$c METHOD a (()V) -> [gbx$c/tick, gcn/method_3070] fpz METHOD a ((Lfhz;FII)V) -> [fpz/renderBg, fot/method_2389] eyi METHOD k (()Leyi$b;) -> [eyi/method_1200, eyb/getDeathMessageVisibility] dhi METHOD b ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)I) -> [dhi/getInputSignal, dhi/method_9991] cmq METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, cmq/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] ddj METHOD J_ (()I) -> [dcy$1/getHeight, dcz/getHeight, dym$1/getHeight, dcl/getHeight, duy/getHeight, arb/getHeight, ghx/getHeight, ddj/getHeight, ddj/method_31605] fnz METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fnz/init, fod/method_25426] cln METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, cln/getBrain] cvq METHOD b ((Lcyd;)Lcyd;) -> [cvq/updatePlacementContext, cvq/method_16356] cgn METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5712, cgn/playStepSound] dhz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dhz/mirror, dtb/method_9569] bug$3 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [bug$3/set, bug/method_32332] cpc METHOD t (()V) -> [cot/method_7525, cpc/applyNaturalSlowdown] cfo METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cfo/registerGoals] fx$c METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [fx$c/method_41175, fx$c/cast] bpp METHOD a ((Layw;)I) -> [bpw/method_35008, bpp/sample] dkt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dkt/getShape] ekz METHOD a ((Lenu;Ljd;Ldmm;)Lejj;) -> [ekz/method_16628, ekz/getBoundingBox] dfl METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dfl/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] dhy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dhy/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] azu METHOD a ((I)I) -> [azu/get, axc/method_15211] cgh METHOD a ((I)V) -> [cgh/setRemainingPersistentAngerTime, btt/method_29514] ace METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ace/handle] ewz METHOD c (()Lexa$a;) -> [ewz/getType, exa/method_17783] dvh METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [dvh/setUnsaved, duy/method_12008] cda METHOD a ((Lbsr;I)Leps;) -> [cda/method_6349, cda/createPath] elo$3 METHOD a ((Lenu;ILelo$a;Ljd;Ljava/util/List;Layw;)Z) -> [elo$3/generate, elo$b/method_14687] cye METHOD a (()Ljd;) -> [cyf/method_8037, cye/getClickedPos] ffs METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [ffs/getTitle, ffn/method_53808] cye METHOD i (()F) -> [cyf/method_8044, cye/getRotation] fw$d METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [fw$d/cast, fw$c/method_45648] avb METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [auv/method_24896, avb/serialize] far METHOD a ((FF)V) -> [far/set, far/method_1255] bvr METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bvi/method_46910, bvr/debugString] fiv METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fik/method_47399, fiv/updateWidgetNarration] gjh METHOD b ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [gjh/shouldShowName, glk/method_4055] ckr METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, ckr/addAdditionalSaveData] ftg METHOD e (()V) -> [ftg/tick, fod/method_25393] ace$h METHOD a (()Lace$d;) -> [ace$h/getType, ace$c/method_34105] dqa$1 METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [dqa$1/isOwnContainer, dqu/method_31679] gac METHOD a (()Lgac$a;) -> [gac/type, gac/method_46538] avf METHOD k_ (()Z) -> [avf/acceptsSuccess, es/method_9200] tc METHOD q (()Z) -> [tc/isCommandBlockEnabled, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3812] gjy METHOD b ((Lbsq;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [gjy/method_49921, gjy/getSubState] aio METHOD a ((Lait;)V) -> [fze/handleDisconnect, aio/method_12584] fzc METHOD a ((Lzw;)V) -> [fzc/method_56150, fzc/handleTransfer] cgq METHOD Y (()Z) -> [cfb/requiresCustomPersistence, cgq/method_17326, cjt/requiresCustomPersistence, cgq/requiresCustomPersistence, coj/requiresCustomPersistence] dpd METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpd/codec] fpp METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fpp/render] fzf$b METHOD g ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [fzf$b/onCreated, dxo/method_31802] cmx METHOD eH (()Lbtn$a;) -> [cmx/getFallSounds, btn/method_39760] dbx METHOD i (()Let;) -> [dbx/createCommandSourceStack, dbx/method_8303] bne METHOD c (()J) -> [bna/getEndTimeNano, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1/getEndTimeNano, bne/method_16073, bnb/getEndTimeNano] aqv METHOD f_ (()V) -> [aqv/method_6000, aqv/onEnterCombat] gbp$d METHOD i (()V) -> [gbp$d/postMoveUpdate, gbp/method_18822] dxq METHOD a ((Ldxn;Lewx;Laxa;)V) -> [dxp/method_31805, dxq/get] dfn METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9615, dfn/onPlace] dcw METHOD c ((II)Ldcc;) -> [dcg/method_22338, dcw/getChunkForCollisions] ta$1 METHOD a ((Lsx;)V) -> [tj/testStructureLoaded, ta$1/testStructureLoaded, ta$1/method_22188, ti$1/testStructureLoaded, tp$c/testStructureLoaded] ju METHOD a ((Ljava/util/Map;)V) -> [ju/method_40257, ju/bindTags] chk METHOD a ((Ldnm;)V) -> [chk/playGallopSound, chi/method_6761] gks METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gks/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] btn METHOD a ((Lbsy;Lcuq;)V) -> [cmx/setItemSlot, btn/method_5673, cjl/setItemSlot, btp/setItemSlot, ciw/setItemSlot] ckp METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ckp/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] axp$e METHOD c (()F) -> [axp$e/maxValue, azq/comp_533] dcw METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ljd;)Z) -> [dcw/mayInteract, dcw/method_8505] btn METHOD eV (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [cmx/getArmorSlots, ciw/getArmorSlots, btn/method_5661, btp/getArmorSlots] dqr METHOD a ((Ldqh$b;)V) -> [dqh/method_57568, dqr/applyImplicitComponents] zl$b METHOD c (()Lyx;) -> [zl$b/codec, wh/comp_2236] cfu METHOD fb (()F) -> [btn/method_6017, cfu/getVoicePitch] atj METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [grc/populatePackList, atj/method_45263] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD n (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3816, tc/isDedicatedServer, apn/isDedicatedServer, guo/isDedicatedServer] tc METHOD n (()Z) -> [tc/method_3816, tc/isDedicatedServer, apn/isDedicatedServer, guo/isDedicatedServer] zo METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zo/type] crd METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [crd/removeItem, bqk/method_5434] blr METHOD a ((I)J) -> [blr/get, blr/method_56659] egj METHOD a ((Layw;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [egj/getState, egj/method_23455] fzf METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [fzf/method_31595, fzf/addDestroyBlockEffect] jd$a METHOD u ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd$a/setX, kh/method_20787] cso METHOD i (()Lcpl;) -> [cso/requiredFeatures, cpi/method_45322] fl$a METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fl$a/getTag, fl$h/method_9378] cmx METHOD b ((Ljava/util/Collection;)I) -> [cmx/resetRecipes, cmx/method_7333] cda METHOD a ((Lbsr;D)Z) -> [cda/moveTo, cda/method_6335] cgk METHOD fS (()Z) -> [cgk/canPickUpLoot, cgk/method_5936] czr METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [czr/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] csv METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [csv/use, cul/method_7836] ki METHOD l (()Z) -> [ki/method_35863, ju/isEmpty] gsz METHOD d (()Z) -> [gsx/isCustomRenderer, gsp/isCustomRenderer, gsz/isCustomRenderer, gsz/method_4713, gsw/isCustomRenderer] ju$2 METHOD b ((Lakq;)Ljm$c;) -> [ju$2/method_46747, ju$2/getOrThrow] gck METHOD a ((Lfbm;Lffy;F)V) -> [gch/render, gca/render, gcl/render, gck/render, gck/method_3074, gcy/render, gda/render, gbq/render, gdr/render, gbx$c/render, gbx$b/render] uh$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)V) -> [ui$1/skip, va$1/skip, uw$1/skip, ud$1/skip, uh$1/skip, uh$1/method_39851, ty$1/skip, ub$1/skip, uf$1/skip, va$a/skip] aqs METHOD a ((Lddf;Lkf;)V) -> [fzb/onLightUpdate, aqs/onLightUpdate, aqs/method_12247] cix METHOD a_ ((DDD)V) -> [cix/setPos, bsr/method_5814] dio METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dio/createBlockStateDefinition] dvq METHOD a ((III)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dvr/method_12321, dvq/get] cfm METHOD aQ (()Lavo;) -> [cfm/getSwimSound, bsr/method_5737] cyw$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [cyw$a/getItems, cyw$c/method_8108] dcw METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;)V) -> [dcw/neighborChanged, dcw/method_8492] cov METHOD a ((DDDFFI)V) -> [cov/lerpTo, bsr/method_5759] gug METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [gug/searchPlainText, gug/method_43791] fft METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [ffn/method_53808, fft/getTitle] ckj METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, ckj/setVariant] dra METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dra/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] bvc METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18926, bvc/stop] ffx METHOD a (()I) -> [ayr/method_7362, ffx/getId] grn METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Laue;Lbnf;)V) -> [grf/apply, grn/method_18788, get/apply, fgu/apply, ges$1/apply, ale/apply, czd/apply, gvf/apply, grn/apply, gre/apply] efo METHOD a ((Layw;IIIIZ)Z) -> [efu/method_23451, efo/shouldSkipLocation] btn METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, btn/aiStep] cdm METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdm/doTick, cdy/method_19101] erj METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [erj/setCustomBossEvents, erl/method_221] ahe METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ahe/handle] cof METHOD l (()V) -> [cof/tick, bsr/method_5773] ciu METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ciu/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] dqb METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [dqb/getItem, bqk/method_5438] ju METHOD l (()Z) -> [ju/method_35863, ju/isEmpty] btn METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [btn/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] dzs METHOD a ((Ldzv;)I) -> [dzs$a/resolveY, dzs$c/resolveY, dzs$b/resolveY, dzs/method_33844] dni METHOD c ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dni/method_26159, dnl/getVisualShape, dlt/getVisualShape, djz/getVisualShape, diw/getVisualShape, dni/getVisualShape, dol/getVisualShape, dkx/getVisualShape] jz METHOD d ((Lakr;)Z) -> [jz/containsKey, jz/method_10250] euv METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [ers/method_293, euv/getReferencedContextParams] eja METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eja/type, eiy/method_39615] dys$z METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$z/codec] cqv$1 METHOD d (()Z) -> [cqv$1/isActive, crq/method_7682] cvl METHOD w (()Lcuq;) -> [cvl/getDefaultInstance, cvl/method_7854, cwl/getDefaultInstance] geb METHOD a ((Lwz;Z)V) -> [geb/displayClientMessage, cmx/method_7353] afu METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afu/type] eqa METHOD c (()Z) -> [epn/isAmphibious, eqa/method_37004] cyx METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [cyx/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] gqz METHOD a ((Laue;Lgqp$a;)V) -> [gqp/method_47673, gqz/run] fpt METHOD a ((IIIIDD)Z) -> [fpt/isHovering, fpt/method_2378, fpg/isHovering] dhi METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dhi/method_9990, dhi/shouldTurnOn] dgo METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgo/hasAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9498] anx$c METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/ContextChain;Lhn;Lht;)V) -> [anx$c/run, hp/method_54290] cot METHOD d_ (()D) -> [cot/lerpTargetY, bsr/method_53827] bsr METHOD d ((Laqv;)V) -> [bsr/startSeenByPlayer, bsr/method_5837] exu METHOD a ((Lji$a;)I) -> [exu/firstFull, exl/method_1055] ejw METHOD a ((Lejv;)V) -> [ejw/method_35462, ekj/addPiece] aqv METHOD a ((Laqv;)Z) -> [aqv/method_5680, aqv/broadcastToPlayer] bsl METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [bsl/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] bwi METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18926, bwi/stop] dlg METHOD au_ (()Ldgb$a;) -> [dli/getType, djj/getType, dkw/getType, dlg/getType, dlg/method_55770] gro METHOD a ((Lakr;)Lgql;) -> [gro/method_18667, gro/getSprite] fpz METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25401, fpz/mouseScrolled] fnr METHOD b ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fnr/method_37056, fnr/updateNarratedWidget] czy METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyz/method_8119, czy/getSerializer] cgb METHOD l (()V) -> [cgb/tick, bsr/method_5773] dzo METHOD c ((I)I) -> [dyn/method_43156, dzo/next] das METHOD a ((Laqu;ILdab;Lbsr;Lexc;)V) -> [das/method_60220, das/apply] cci METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cci/canUse] dqh METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [dqh/removeComponentsFromTag, dqh/method_57569] cnp METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cnp/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] dik METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dik/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] btp METHOD S (()V) -> [btp/method_5966, btp/playAmbientSound] ckz METHOD S (()V) -> [btp/method_5966, ckz/playAmbientSound] eqg$a METHOD a ((Ldcw;)Z) -> [eqg$e/runNext, eqg$b/runNext, eqg$a/method_41707, eqg$d/runNext, eqg$a/runNext] dmc METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dmc/getStateForPlacement] cfl METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, cfl/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] mq METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, mq/method_10321, pa/getName, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, mo/getName] ckq METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, ckq/registerGoals] dih METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dih/getShape] cgh METHOD a ((Lcfe;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6474, cgh/canMate] dov METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9579, dov/propagatesSkylightDown] dmz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dmz/getShape] djv METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, djv/createBlockStateDefinition] cpe METHOD x (()Ldtc;) -> [cpe/getDefaultDisplayBlockState, cot/method_7517] kh METHOD k ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd/south, jd$a/south, kh/method_35858] dhr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dhr/mirror, dtb/method_9569] eh METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [eh/codec, aq/method_54937] gpj METHOD a ((F)F) -> [gog/method_23202, gpj/xOffset] emj$h METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emj$h/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] guo METHOD aZ (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_27051, guo/forceSynchronousWrites] ery$a METHOD a ((Lesh$a;)Lery$a;) -> [ery$a/method_417, ery$a/otherwise] dos METHOD a ((Layw;)I) -> [dos/getBlocksToGrowWhenBonemealed, djn/method_26376] fpt METHOD a ((Lfhz;FII)V) -> [fpt/renderBg, fot/method_2389] epc METHOD b ((Lepe;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [epc/method_17775, epb/getShape, epc/getShape] blp METHOD a (([J)V) -> [blp/logFullSample, blp/method_56650] cdh METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [cdh/requires, cdy/method_19099] dcw METHOD z_ (()I) -> [arb/getSeaLevel, dcw/method_8615, dcw/getSeaLevel] cik METHOD f (()F) -> [cik/getFlySpeed, cik/method_6846] ji$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, ji$a/getSerializedName] btp METHOD eA (()Lakq;) -> [btn/method_5989, btp/getLootTable] cag METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cag/requiresUpdateEveryTick, cam/method_38846] erj METHOD a ((Ldxb$a;)V) -> [erj/method_29037, erj/setEndDragonFightData] gtf$a METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [gtf$a/method_55551, gtg$1/packsToLoad] crx METHOD g (()I) -> [cql/method_17397, crx/getHeight] agi METHOD a ((Lagz;)V) -> [agi/method_54436, aru/handleContainerSlotStateChanged] eoe METHOD b (()D) -> [eoe/maxValue, dyr/comp_378] fvj METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fvj/root] ckw METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, ckw/hurt] eqy METHOD a ((Ldut$c;)V) -> [eqy/setWorldBorder, erj/setWorldBorder, eqy/method_27415] drn METHOD c (()Z) -> [drn/isEmpty, bqk/method_5442] elx$o METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [elx$o/addChildren, ejv/method_14918] cfq METHOD m ((I)I) -> [btn/method_6130, cfq/decreaseAirSupply] alk METHOD a ((Leyf;)V) -> [alk/onPlayerRemoved, alk/method_1152] vg METHOD a ((D)Luv$b;) -> [vg/visit, uv/method_39858] daz METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [daz/codec, dau/method_60211] jz METHOD j (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jz/getTags, jz/method_40272] cjr$a METHOD c (()Z) -> [cjr$a/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] btp METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [btp/doHurtTarget, btn/method_6121] ghr METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghr/render, ggz/method_3569] ciw METHOD l (()V) -> [ciw/tick, bsr/method_5773] it METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)V) -> [io/method_10006, it/serializeToJson] cvn METHOD b (()Ljava/util/function/Predicate;) -> [ctc/getAllSupportedProjectiles, cst/getAllSupportedProjectiles, cvn/method_19268] km$2 METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [km/method_57831, km$2/keySet] bsr METHOD a ((Lji$a;Ll$a;)Lexc;) -> [bsr/method_30633, bsr/getRelativePortalPosition] azk METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, azk/getSerializedName] ckx METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, ckx/finalizeSpawn] bzb METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bzb/stop, bvh/method_18926] dep METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dep/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] ckj$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ckj$a/canUse] kh METHOD j ((I)Lkh;) -> [kh/west, kh/method_35856] dpr METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dpr/mayPlaceOn] cln METHOD a ((Laqu;)V) -> [cln/method_24694, cln/finishConversion] blx$b METHOD a (()Ljava/io/Reader;) -> [blx$b/method_47556, blx$e/openReader, blx$a/openReader] frn$a$1 METHOD b ((Lfmi;)V) -> [frn$a$1/updateNarration, fmj/method_37020] btn METHOD a ((Lbsy;)Lcuq;) -> [cmx/getItemBySlot, btn/method_6118, btp/getItemBySlot, ciw/getItemBySlot] eph METHOD i (()Z) -> [eph/isRandomlyTicking, eph/method_15795] tz METHOD i (()B) -> [ur/method_10698, tz/getAsByte] cjc METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [cjc/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] crq METHOD d ((Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [crq/method_32756, crq/safeInsert] dep METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dep/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] uc METHOD k (()F) -> [uc/getAsFloat, ur/method_10700] cvs METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, cvs/useOn] bqd METHOD b (()I) -> [bpw/method_35011, bqd/getMaxValue] eqy METHOD d ((I)V) -> [erk/method_18041, eqy/setWanderingTraderSpawnDelay] blp METHOD a ((JI)V) -> [blp/logPartialSample, blp/method_56535] cmb$a METHOD c (()Lawu;) -> [cmb$a/getListenableEvents, dyi$d/method_42210] aly$a METHOD a ((Laqv;Lag;)Z) -> [aly$a/method_13002, aly$a/perform] ju METHOD e ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljm;) -> [ju/wrapAsHolder, ju/method_47983] aff METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aff/handle, zg/method_11054] btn METHOD A ((F)V) -> [btn/method_6125, btp/setSpeed] cpa METHOD z (()I) -> [cpa/getDefaultDisplayOffset, cpd/getDefaultDisplayOffset, cpa/method_7526] jm$c METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [kc$f/bindValue, jm$c/method_45918] dkj METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dkj/getStateForPlacement] bpk METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [bpk/tell, bpj/method_16901] feo METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [feo/init, fod/method_25426] dsw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dsw/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] fpt METHOD C (()V) -> [fot/method_37432, fpt/containerTick] asq METHOD a (([Ljava/lang/String;)Latw;) -> [asq/getRootResource, asq/method_14410] gvq$c METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, gvq$c/getSerializedName] btd METHOD p_ (()Z) -> [btd/onClimbable, btn/method_6101] gwd METHOD a (()V) -> [gwd/tick, gwj/method_4899] fil$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lwz;)V) -> [ace$b/method_34102, fil$1/updateName] fbt$b METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fbt$b/mouseClicked] gbn METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gbn/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] eqy METHOD p (()Ldut$c;) -> [eqy/getWorldBorder, erk/method_27422] ei$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ei$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$1 METHOD a ((Ldcs$e;Ldcs$f;)V) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$1/visit, dcs$c/method_20762] btn METHOD L_ (()V) -> [btn/completeUsingItem, btn/method_6040] frz$a METHOD a ((Lczb;)V) -> [frz$a/method_2619, frz$b/calculateIngredientsPositions] efw METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [efu/method_23448, efw/createFoliage] bqk METHOD d_ ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bqk/startOpen, bqk/method_5435] chw$c METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [chw$c/checkExtraStartConditions, bvh/method_18919] eur METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, eur/getType] ig METHOD a (()Lakr;) -> [ik/id, ij/id, ig/comp_1994] etd$d METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;I)Ljava/util/List;) -> [etd$d/apply, etd/method_58192] dgc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dgc/useWithoutItem] xo METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [xo/content, xo/comp_1081] ciw METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [bsr/method_5640, ciw/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance] ux METHOD a ((Luj;)V) -> [vc/method_32300, ux/visitLong] al$a METHOD b ((Lah;)V) -> [al$a/method_720, al$a/onRemoveAdvancementRoot] bul METHOD ck (()Leyb;) -> [bul/method_5781, bul/getTeam] bqf$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/AutoCloseable;Ldcd;Lakq;)Z) -> [bqf$g/tryProcessOnePosition, bqf$a/method_56543, bqf$b/tryProcessOnePosition] btn METHOD i ((F)F) -> [btn/getViewYRot, bsr/method_5705] dv METHOD a ((Lakz;Laq$a;)V) -> [dv/addPlayerListener, aq/method_792] dhj METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dhj/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] fsa METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fsa/render, fjp/method_25394] gbn METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gda/method_18132, gbn/getQuadSize] cgq METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [buo/method_47827, cgq/getVariant] cwp METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljw;Lcuq;Lji;)Lcnp;) -> [cvm/method_58648, cwp/asProjectile] ede METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ede/place] cfm METHOD o ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cfm/canRide, bsr/method_5860] gav METHOD a ((Lgax;)Z) -> [gav/method_37099, gav/isAllowed] fsn$a$d METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fsn$a$d/mouseClicked] dys$u METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dys$u/minValue] fra METHOD m (()V) -> [fra/method_60325, frl/addOptions, frj/addOptions, frd/addOptions, frf/addOptions, frb/addOptions, frm/addOptions, fra/addOptions, fro/addOptions, fri/addOptions, fre/addOptions, frc/addOptions] dfy METHOD q (()Ldfy;) -> [dfy/method_26160, dfy/asBlock] dvr METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [dvq/maybeHas, dvr/method_19526] fik METHOD m ((I)V) -> [fmb/method_46421, fik/setX] dcs$c METHOD c ((Ldcs$e;Ldcs$f;)V) -> [dcs$c/method_27330, ftd$g$1/visitInteger] dys$y METHOD j (()Ldys$y$a;) -> [dys$y/comp_374, dys$y/type] ut METHOD g (()I) -> [ut/getAsInt, ur/method_10701] cfb$a METHOD a (()V) -> [cfb$a/tick, bzp/method_6240] enj METHOD a (()Lens;) -> [enb/getType, emy/getType, emz/getType, enm/getType, ena/getType, emu/getType, emt/getType, ems/getType, enj/method_16772, ene/getType, emw/getType, enj/getType] gsp METHOD b (()Z) -> [gsp/isGui3d, gsm/method_4712] bsj METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [brx/method_5552, bsj/shouldApplyEffectTickThisTick] ewb METHOD b ((Lerr;)F) -> [evy/method_32454, ewb/getFloat] fwt METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fwt/root] yb$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, yb$a/getSerializedName] dsp$3 METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ldsm;Ldso;Z)V) -> [dsp/method_56805, dsp$3/onEnter] duf METHOD b (()I) -> [duf/generateHashCode, duf/method_11799] dmn METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dmn/performBonemeal] csw METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcrq;Lcqd;Lcmx;)Z) -> [cul/method_31565, csw/overrideStackedOnOther] cmx METHOD a ((Lcuq;I)V) -> [cmx/method_7286, aqv/onEnchantmentPerformed] acv METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, acv/handle] fuz METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fuz/headParts, fuf/method_22946] cjt$d METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cjt$d/tick] aue$a METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/Map;) -> [aue$a/listResources, aue/method_14488] crw METHOD a (()Lcrc;) -> [cpu/method_17358, crw/getType] st METHOD b ((Lsr;)V) -> [st/method_56200, st/testBatchFinished] dgv METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgv/isValidBonemealTarget, dgb/method_9651] etk METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [etk/run, ete/method_522] dmt METHOD f ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dmt/getOcclusionShape, dtb/method_9571] ces$a METHOD b ((J)I) -> [ces$a/getLevelFromSource, ces$a/method_18749] cmk METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [btn/method_28306, cmk/brainProvider] gow METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gow/render, gov/method_4199] cfv METHOD i (()Z) -> [bue/method_6725, cfv/isSaddled] uh METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/method_39850, uh/accept] fnz METHOD a ((Lfgo;II)V) -> [fod/method_25410, fnz/resize] fea METHOD e (()V) -> [fea/tick, fod/method_25393] fmw METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fmw/shouldCloseOnEsc, fod/method_25422] ciw METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lexc;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [ciw/interactAt, bsr/method_5664] fis$a METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fis$a/narratables, fis$a/method_37025] epy METHOD a ((Lddj;Lbtp;)V) -> [epy/method_12, epp/prepare, epy/prepare, epn/prepare, eqa/prepare] fbm METHOD b ((II)Lfbm;) -> [fbm/setUv2, fbm/method_22921] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD a ((Ldct;ZI)Z) -> [guo/publishServer, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3763] lq METHOD d (()Lyx;) -> [lq/streamCodec, lq/method_56179, lm$1/streamCodec] ghc METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ghc/acceptDouble, dif$b/method_17465] fuu METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fuu/setupAnim] ui METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [uy/method_32289, ui/accept] dvi METHOD o (()Leyw;) -> [dvi/method_12013, dvh/getBlockTicks, dvi/getBlockTicks, dvs/getBlockTicks] gcs METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gcs/getQuadSize, gda/method_18132] abu METHOD a ((Ladn;)V) -> [abu/method_17586, fzg/handleMerchantOffers] ka METHOD c ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ka/registry, ka/method_33310] ckt METHOD m_ (()V) -> [ckt/aiStep, btn/method_6007] fzf METHOD b ((ILjd;I)V) -> [dcw/method_8474, fzf/globalLevelEvent] btn METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbrk;Z)V) -> [btn/method_6099, btn/dropCustomDeathLoot] cku METHOD t (()Lavo;) -> [cjl/method_6998, cku/getStepSound] fay METHOD c (()Lfaw;) -> [fay/getVertexProgram, fay/method_1274] cul METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;)Z) -> [cvb/canAttackBlock, ctd/canAttackBlock, cul/method_7885, cwg/canAttackBlock, cwn/canAttackBlock] btp METHOD c ((Lawu;)V) -> [cff/jumpInLiquid, btp/jumpInLiquid, btp/method_6010, ckc/jumpInLiquid] abk METHOD b (()Lvu;) -> [wf/method_52280, abk/protocol] bsr METHOD a_ ((I)Lbug;) -> [bsr/getSlot, bsr/method_32318] eyn METHOD f (()Lcuq;) -> [eyn/getTheItem, eyn/method_54079] fqh METHOD a ((Lfgo;II)V) -> [fqh/resize, fod/method_25410] fgr$m$1 METHOD f (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [fgr$n/comp_675, fgr$m$1/codec] dpv METHOD a ((Lji;)[I) -> [dpv/getSlotsForFace, brd/method_5494] aqv METHOD a ((Ldrs;Z)V) -> [aqv/openTextEdit, cmx/method_7311] t METHOD f (()Ljava/util/Date;) -> [ae/method_48021, t/getBuildTime] feh$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, feh$a/render] ess$c METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, ess$c/getSerializedName] chv METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [ajz/method_5674, chv/onSyncedDataUpdated] bwk METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bwk/tick, bvh/method_18924] bvh METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18924, bvh/tick] cga METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cga/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] dvt METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)I) -> [dvt/idFor, dvo/method_12291] ckw METHOD ah_ (()Z) -> [ckw/method_7216, cka/isSunSensitive] dnk METHOD f ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dnk/canBurn, dnk/method_10195, diy/canBurn] frn$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, frn$a/render] coa METHOD t (()Lcul;) -> [cnw/method_16942, coa/getDefaultItem] dfy METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Ljd;Ldtc;Ldqh;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9556, dfy/playerDestroy] exp METHOD a ((Lexo$a;)Z) -> [exp/forMergedIndexes, exo/method_1065] bxr METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bxr/stop, bvh/method_18926] ftt METHOD a ((Lfhz;FI)V) -> [ftt/renderIcon, ftt/method_2784] dft METHOD d (()Ldcv;) -> [dft/getBaseSeedId, dht/method_9832] btn METHOD fc (()Z) -> [btn/method_6062, btn/isImmobile] elv$a METHOD b ((Ldds;Ldtc;IIILejj;)V) -> [elv$a/fillColumnDown, ejv/method_14936] byu$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bvi/method_46910, byu$1/debugString] ggo METHOD f (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [ggo/getDependencies, gsy/method_4755] ayv METHOD c ((Lwz;)V) -> [ayv/progressStage, ayv/method_15414] cgv METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cgv/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] epb METHOD c ((Lepe;)Z) -> [epd/method_15793, epb/isSource] drk$1 METHOD b ((ILcuq;)Z) -> [drj/canPlaceItem, drk$1/canPlaceItem, cpy$1/canPlaceItem, bqj/canPlaceItem, dqk/canPlaceItem, dpv/canPlaceItem, drk$1/method_5437, dqv/canPlaceItem, dqq/canPlaceItem] aue METHOD a ((Lakr;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [aue/method_14489, aue/getResourceStack] dys$k METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$k/codec] cpw METHOD l (()Lcqy;) -> [cpw/createInputSlotDefinitions, cqx/method_48352] czk METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [czk/getSerializer, cyz/method_8119] bi$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ar/method_54938, bi$a/validate] dnv METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnv/codec] dik METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)Lbqv;) -> [dik/getMenuProvider, dtb/method_17454] cff$d METHOD h (()Z) -> [cff$d/canBeeUse, cff$a/method_21814] elx$l METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [elx$l/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] cff$a METHOD h (()Z) -> [cff$a/canBeeUse, cff$a/method_21814] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lepd;)Z) -> [dil/canBeReplaced, dtb/method_22358, dim/canBeReplaced] dqb METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, dqb/removeItemNoUpdate] dyo$a METHOD d (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo/method_33385, dyo$a/getHeight] emb$i METHOD a ((Lji;Lemb$v;Layw;)Lemb$r;) -> [emb$c/create, emb$d/create, emb$b/create, emb$e/create, emb$g/create, emb$f/create, emb$a/create, emb$i/method_14768] adw METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adw/type] ir$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [ir$a/type, io$a/method_41728] epr METHOD a (([Lepq;Lepq;)I) -> [epr/method_18, epr/getNeighbors] et METHOD p (()Leq;) -> [et/callback, ev/method_54881] fqv$a METHOD a ((ILflz;)V) -> [fqv$a/method_57712, fqv$a/updateSize] bul METHOD a ((Lbsr;F)Z) -> [bul/handleLeashAtDistance, btk/method_60956] fme METHOD D (()I) -> [fmb/method_46426, fme/getX] yd METHOD a ((Lxe$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xa/method_27659, yd/visit] bsd METHOD a ((Lbtn;I)Z) -> [bsd/applyEffectTick, brx/method_5572] chs METHOD a ((Layw;)V) -> [chs/randomizeAttributes, chi/method_6001] cqt$4 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cqt$4/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] dbt METHOD a ((Ldbv;)V) -> [dbt/overrideOffers, dbt/method_8261] bnc METHOD c (()V) -> [bnf/method_15407, bnc/pop] cfo$l METHOD a ((Lbtn;)V) -> [cfo$l/method_6288, cfw$c/checkAndPerformAttack, cfo$l/checkAndPerformAttack] aru METHOD a ((Lahl;)V) -> [aru/method_12083, aru/handlePlayerAbilities] buu$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, buu$a/getSerializedName] ahd$c METHOD a ((Lbqq;Lexc;)V) -> [ahd$c/method_34220, ahd$c/onInteraction] gpo METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lwz;Lfbi;Lgez;IF)V) -> [gki/method_3926, gpo/renderNameTag] ckr METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, ckr/getAmbientSound] clh METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, clh/defineSynchedData] fst METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fst/children, fkh/method_25396] fod METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fod/shouldCloseOnEsc, fod/method_25422] exl METHOD a ((Lji$a;)I) -> [exl/method_1055, exl/firstFull] wh$a METHOD b (()Lzh;) -> [zl$1/flow, wh$a/method_61109] dcw METHOD a ((Lzg;)V) -> [fzf/sendPacketToServer, dcw/method_8522] gsr METHOD a ((Lakr;Lgsv;)Lgsm;) -> [gss$b/bake, gsr/method_45873] aur METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V) -> [aur/method_14582, aur/op] bto METHOD j_ (()Lepj;) -> [bsr/method_5657, bto/getPistonPushReaction] dmp METHOD d (()Z) -> [dmp/canChangeBlockStateOnSpread, dmp/method_41472] fx$a METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lvw;)V) -> [io/method_10007, fx$a/serializeToNetwork] ckq METHOD fl (()Z) -> [ckq/isSensitiveToWater, btn/method_29503] aqc$b METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)Laqc;) -> [aqc/method_57126, aqc$b/ifSuccess] cjx METHOD b ((Lbrk;)Z) -> [cjx/isInvulnerableTo, bsr/method_5679] cke METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cke/addAdditionalSaveData] fsq$a$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fsq$a$a/getNarration] bne METHOD d (()I) -> [bne/method_16070, bna/getEndTimeTicks, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1/getEndTimeTicks, bnb/getEndTimeTicks] ewc METHOD a ((Lerr;)I) -> [evy/method_366, ewc/getInt] cjr$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [cjr$c/canUse, cam/method_6264] btk METHOD b ((Lbsr;F)V) -> [btk/elasticRangeLeashBehaviour, btk/method_61162] faz METHOD a ((I)V) -> [far/method_35649, faz/set] cgf$a METHOD g (()V) -> [cgf$a/breed, bzy/method_6249] fnt METHOD a (()Z) -> [fnt/isPauseScreen, fnx/method_18640] fgb METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ayr/method_7359, fgb/getKey] abu METHOD a ((Laei;)V) -> [fzg/handleRespawn, abu/method_11117] czj METHOD d (()Lcyo;) -> [cyr/category, czh/category, czj/category, czj/method_45441] uy METHOD b (()B) -> [uy/method_10711, uy/getId] gsm METHOD e (()Lgql;) -> [gsm/method_4711, gsm/getParticleIcon] csf METHOD g (()I) -> [cul/method_7837, csf/getEnchantmentValue] bsr METHOD a ((Lbsr$c;)V) -> [bsr/remove, bsr/method_5650] coc METHOD t (()Lavo;) -> [cnd/method_7440, coc/getDefaultHitGroundSoundEvent] ery METHOD a (()Lesi;) -> [ery/getType, esh/method_29318] fop$b METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fop$b/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] aqv METHOD g_ (()V) -> [aqv/method_6044, aqv/onLeaveCombat] dqx METHOD a_ ((II)Z) -> [dqx/triggerEvent, dqh/method_11004] cff$k METHOD h (()Z) -> [cff$a/method_21814, cff$k/canBeeUse] cre METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, cre/removed] evl METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, evl/getType] ha$b METHOD c ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ha$b/method_58513, hf$b/lookupComponentType] dmb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dmb/onRemove, dtb/method_9536] ckj$f METHOD e (()V) -> [ckj$f/stop, cam/method_6270] fxi METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxi/setupAnim] abu METHOD a ((Laep;)V) -> [abu/method_34078, fzg/handleSetBorderLerpSize] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcmx;Ldcc;Ljd;)F) -> [dfb/getDestroyProgress, dtb/method_9594, dfc/getDestroyProgress] efu METHOD a (()Lefv;) -> [efu/method_28843, efu/type] dey METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lcjg;)V) -> [dey/onBrokenAfterFall, dey/method_10129, dgd/onBrokenAfterFall, dlq/onBrokenAfterFall] frs$c METHOD t (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [frs$c/getOtherList, frs$b/method_29667] elp METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [elp/type, ejr/method_41618] fbt$b METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fbt$b/getNarration] abu METHOD a ((Ladl;)V) -> [abu/method_11120, fzg/handleLogin] dys$w METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dys$w/maxValue] cod METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cod/defineSynchedData] qc METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [pz/method_10514, qc/addTags] dhk METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhk/codec] dlk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dlk/getShape, dtb/method_9530] zl$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Function;)Lwh;) -> [zl$1/bind, wh$a/method_61107] cgq METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cgq/finalizeSpawn] dkt METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dkt/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] cft METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, cft/isFood] fox$b METHOD b (()V) -> [fox$b/onPress, fid/method_25306] gjy$b METHOD b ((Lbsq;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [gjy/method_49921, gjy$b/getSubState] fme METHOD n ((I)V) -> [fmb/method_46419, fme/setY] vj METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Luv$b;) -> [vj/visit, uv/method_39862] aqk$b METHOD a (()V) -> [aqk$b/method_14057, aqk$c/runAllUpdates] cqi METHOD a ((Lcpu;ILcuq;)V) -> [aqv$1/sendSlotChange, cqi/method_34261] eov METHOD a ((JJI)V) -> [eov/method_51531, eov/propagateIncrease] dys$f METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$f/compute, dyr/method_40464] cfw METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cfw/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] bnd METHOD d (()Lbne;) -> [bnd/method_16064, bnd/getResults] ful METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [ful/bodyParts, fuf/method_22948] dcx METHOD N (()Ldvc;) -> [dcx/getChunkSource, dcx/method_8398] eup$a METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Levc;) -> [eup$a/create, eup$a/method_51724, euq$a/create] clh METHOD aQ (()Lavo;) -> [clh/getSwimSound, bsr/method_5737] erj METHOD a ((Ldut$c;)V) -> [eqy/setWorldBorder, erj/setWorldBorder, erj/method_27415] fuy METHOD a ((Lchi;FFFFF)V) -> [fuy/setupAnim, fuy/method_17085] esx METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [esx/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] dom METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dom/neighborChanged, dtb/method_9612] cff$a METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cff$a/canContinueToUse] gnl METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gnl/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] geb METHOD fz (()Z) -> [geb/isSuppressingSlidingDownLadder, btn/method_21754] gpj METHOD a (()Lakr;) -> [gpj/getTextureLocation, gpj/method_23201, gny/getTextureLocation] ckf$e METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, ckf$e/canUse] dzc$b METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dzc$b/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] cfs$b METHOD h (()Z) -> [cfh$c/canScare, cfs$b/canScare, cfs$b/method_16081] abp METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, abp/handle] aru METHOD a ((Lagp;)V) -> [aru/handleSignedChatCommand, aru/method_58580] btk METHOD z (()V) -> [btk/method_60970, btp/leashTooFarBehaviour] dhv METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhv/codec] eob METHOD a ((Layw;Lub;)Lub;) -> [eob/apply, eob/method_49892] fpu METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fpu/init, fod/method_25426] ecr METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ecr/place] cqm METHOD an_ (()V) -> [cri/method_59963, cqm/beginPlacingRecipe] arb METHOD a ((III)Ljm;) -> [arb/getUncachedNoiseBiome, dcz/method_22387] bvb METHOD a ((Laqu;Lcfe;J)V) -> [bvb/method_24544, bvb/start] gna METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;FFFF)V) -> [gna/setupRotations, glk/method_4058] fsz METHOD c (()V) -> [fsz/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] bnl$a METHOD e (()Lbno;) -> [bnl/method_38659, bnl$a/onWorldLoadedStarted] drj METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [drj/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] fjf$2 METHOD c ((Lfhz;IIII)I) -> [fjf$1/renderLeftAlignedNoShadow, fjf$2/method_30896, fjf$2/renderLeftAlignedNoShadow] ba$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ba$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] fbt METHOD e (()V) -> [fod/method_25393, fbt/tick] fon METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fon/onClose] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cul/hurtEnemy, cul/method_7873] brd METHOD a ((Lji;)[I) -> [brd/getSlotsForFace, brd/method_5494] jm METHOD c (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jm/method_40228, jm/tags] cfq METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cfq/defineSynchedData] gsd$b METHOD a (()Lgsd$d;) -> [gsd$a/type, gsd$b/type, gsd$b/method_52876, gsd$c/type] fqv$b METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fqv$b/children, fkh/method_25396] cjz METHOD ac (()I) -> [btp/method_5978, cjz/getMaxHeadXRot] cft METHOD y (()Z) -> [cft/canBeLeashed, btk/method_5931] ckj METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [buo/method_47827, ckj/getVariant] gtu METHOD s (()Z) -> [gua/method_26273, gtu/canPlaySound] cff METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cff/method_5965, cgq/createNavigation] elb$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, elb$a/getSerializedName] cpa METHOD ak_ (()Lcul;) -> [cpg/method_7557, cpa/getDropItem] djt METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [djt/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] dnn METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnn/codec] btl METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Map;) -> [btl/method_36976, cgq/getModelRotationValues] jh METHOD b (()Lakr;) -> [jh/method_10137, jg/getDefaultKey] fel$a METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fel$a/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] ely METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [ejr/method_41618, ely/type] btb METHOD a ((Lbsy;)Lcuq;) -> [cmx/getItemBySlot, btb/method_6118, btp/getItemBySlot, ciw/getItemBySlot] ctz METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, ctz/use] gwe METHOD b (()V) -> [gwj/method_4902, gwe/clear] cnd METHOD bA (()Z) -> [cnd/isPickable, bsr/method_5863] ckj METHOD ad (()V) -> [ckj/stopRiding, bsr/method_5848] ckf METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ckf/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] che METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [che/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] dho METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dho/codec] ewf METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [ewf/getReferencedContextParams, ewh/method_32477] esx METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [esx/run, ete/method_522] guo METHOD P (()Layn;) -> [guo/method_24307, guo/getModdedStatus] dqq METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [dqq/removeItem, bqk/method_5434] fzf$a METHOD b ((Z)V) -> [fzf$a/setRaining, erb/method_157] ghl METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghl/render, ggz/method_3569] fzg METHOD a ((Lafo;)V) -> [abu/method_11125, fzg/handleSoundEntityEvent] cvl METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [cvl/getUseDuration, cul/method_7881] dft METHOD a ((Ldcw;)I) -> [dft/getBonemealAgeIncrease, dht/method_9831] ehc METHOD a ((Leha$a;)V) -> [eha/method_23469, ehc/place] djy METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [djy/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] fmj METHOD b ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fmj/updateNarration, fmj/method_37020] ezl METHOD b (()F) -> [fls$d/getShadowOffset, ezl/method_16800] eyn METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [eyn/removeItem, bqk/method_5434] yo$1 METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [ys$1/mapCodec, yo$1/mapCodec, yo$1/method_55458, yn$1/mapCodec] cln METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cln/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] cgf$b METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cgf$b/canContinueToUse] erj METHOD G (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [erj/getKnownServerBrands, erl/method_27432] h METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, h/getSerializedName] dkt METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dkt/getFluidState] ezf$a METHOD d (()I) -> [ezf$a/getUsedCount, ezf$a/method_20299] cgv METHOD r ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cgv/canAddPassenger, bsr/method_5818] frx METHOD c (()Lwz;) -> [fsa/method_17064, frx/getRecipeFilterName] cgc METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cgc/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] emj$e METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [emj$e/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] dyr$a METHOD a ((I)Ldyr$b;) -> [dzc$1/forIndex, dzc/forIndex, dyr$a/method_40477] gjv METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gjv/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] cnh METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cnh/tick] bqk METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/removeItem, bqk/method_5434] zz METHOD a ((Laae;)V) -> [zz/method_52395, arr/handleResourcePackResponse, ars/handleResourcePackResponse] ha$b METHOD d ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [hf$b/lookupPredicateType, ha$b/method_58515] cgv METHOD a (()Z) -> [cgv/canJump, bty/method_6153] cmx METHOD g ((Lbtn;)V) -> [cmx/doAutoAttackOnTouch, btn/method_5997] dlj METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dlj/codec, dtb/method_53969] fgr$c METHOD c (()Z) -> [fgr$c/method_42722, fgr$c/createCycleButton] ace$b METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;F)V) -> [ace$b/method_34100, fil$1/updateProgress] dy METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [bw/method_58152, dy/codec] dnu METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnu/codec] azq$1 METHOD b (()F) -> [azq$1/minValue, azq/comp_532] dfj METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfj/codec] dmw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9558, dmw/canSurvive] coj METHOD Y (()Z) -> [cfb/requiresCustomPersistence, cjt/requiresCustomPersistence, coj/method_17326, cgq/requiresCustomPersistence, coj/requiresCustomPersistence] aea METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aea/handle, zg/method_11054] exv METHOD a ((Lji$a;D)I) -> [exv/method_1100, exj/findIndex] wn METHOD d (()V) -> [wn/method_18784, wn/tick] fsp METHOD c (()V) -> [fsp/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] dmn METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dmn/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] dys$x METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;D)D) -> [dys$x/transform, dys$x/method_40518] dxo METHOD e ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [aqu$a/onTickingStart, dxo/method_31800, fzf$b/onTickingStart] cgf$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cgf$a/canUse] cge METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [cge/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] fpt METHOD a ((Lcrq;IILcqe;)V) -> [fpt/slotClicked, fot/method_2383] erk METHOD a ((Lp;Ldcy;)V) -> [erk/fillCrashReportCategory, erb/method_151] dpv METHOD a ((Lczb;)V) -> [dpv/setRecipeUsed, dpv/method_7662, crl/setRecipeUsed] gbh METHOD f (()F) -> [gda/method_18136, gbh/getV1] cjl METHOD a ((Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cjl/method_5964, cku/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjl/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, clq/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckg/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cks/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cln/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cky/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots] dcp METHOD a ((Lbsr;)F) -> [dcp/getKnockbackMultiplier, dcp/method_57007] dys$l METHOD j (()Ldys$l$a;) -> [dys$l/type, dys$m/comp_383] xe$4 METHOD a ((Lxe$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe$3/visit, xe$2/visit, xe$4/visit, wz/visit, xe$1/visit, xe$4/method_27657, fgz$c/visit] ahl METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ahl/handle, zg/method_11054] chh METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [btn/method_55694, chh/getDefaultDimensions] abx METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, abx/handle] ccd METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ccd/start] cfw METHOD l (()V) -> [cfw/tick, bsr/method_5773] up$g METHOD a (()Luy;) -> [up$f/method_46239, up$g/result] aqu METHOD a ((Leqr;Leqt;)V) -> [aqu/method_17890, fzf/setMapData, aqu/setMapData] ti$1 METHOD a ((Lsx;Lsx;Lta;)V) -> [sy/method_56216, ti$1/testAddedForRerun] cgn METHOD gp (()Z) -> [cgn/method_6482, cgf/canFallInLove, cgn/canFallInLove, clh/canFallInLove] dng METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dng/getTicker, diq/method_31645] cjt$c METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cjt$c/tick] eoq METHOD a ((JI)V) -> [eoq/setLevel, eoq/method_15485] chy METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [chy/hurt, bsr/method_5643] btn METHOD fl (()Z) -> [btn/isSensitiveToWater, btn/method_29503] zp METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zp/handle, zg/method_11054] cff$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [cff$b/canUse, cam/method_6264] gwg METHOD b (()V) -> [gwj/method_4902, gwg/clear] dhb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Z)Ldif$c;) -> [dhb/combine, des/method_24167] vj METHOD b (()Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39870, vj/visitContainerEnd] cff METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cff/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] jz METHOD d ((Lakq;)Z) -> [jz/method_35842, jz/containsKey] ftx METHOD aV_ (()Z) -> [ftx/isEnabled, ftr$b/isEnabled, ftp/isEnabled, ftx$a/isEnabled, ftr$1/isEnabled, ftr$a/isEnabled, ftw/isEnabled, ftx/method_16893] ciw METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [ciw/hurt, bsr/method_5643] aq METHOD a ((Lakz;Laq$a;)V) -> [aq/addPlayerListener, aq/method_792] fig METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fig/mouseScrolled, fki/method_25401] cr METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [dw/method_58163, cr/componentType] fgf$a METHOD a (()F) -> [fgf$a/getGameTimeDeltaTicks, fgf/method_60636] afp METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afp/type] cgq METHOD aQ (()Lavo;) -> [cgq/getSwimSound, bsr/method_5737] auy METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [auy/getKeyForUser, auw/method_14634] ctj METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldrs;ZLcmx;)Z) -> [cvv/method_49798, ctj/tryApplyToSign] bng METHOD b (()J) -> [bng/method_37169, bng/getMaxDuration] frf METHOD m (()V) -> [frf/method_60325, frl/addOptions, frj/addOptions, frd/addOptions, frf/addOptions, frb/addOptions, frm/addOptions, fra/addOptions, fro/addOptions, fri/addOptions, fre/addOptions, frc/addOptions] aqu METHOD O (()Leyp;) -> [fzf/getFluidTicks, aqu/getFluidTicks, aqu/method_8405, arb/getFluidTicks] bvv METHOD g ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvv/doStop, bvi/method_18925] dht METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dht/createBlockStateDefinition] dfc METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dfc/performBonemeal] bnk METHOD b ((Ldws;Ldcd;Ldwr;I)V) -> [bnk/method_56980, bnl$a/onRegionFileWrite, bnk/onRegionFileWrite] gtc$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lgte$b;)V) -> [gte/method_55620, gtc$2/reportUpdate] dl$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [dl$a/validate, ar/method_54938] gdm METHOD e (()F) -> [gda/method_18135, gdm/getV0] adh METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [adh/handle, zg/method_11054] ef$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ar/method_54938, ef$a/validate] drh METHOD I (()D) -> [drh/getLevelY, drg/method_11264] fwa METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fwa/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] exu METHOD b ((III)Z) -> [exu/isFull, exl/method_1063] guo METHOD l (()I) -> [guo/getFunctionCompilationLevel, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_21714] fbt$l METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fbt$l/getNarration] ffo METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [ffo/getTitle, ffn/method_53808] clh METHOD ee (()Z) -> [clh/shouldDropExperience, btn/method_6054] apn METHOD bf (()Ldct;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3761, apn/getForcedGameType] dqe METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqe/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] cnd METHOD dS (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_59958, cnd/getWeaponItem] czt METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, czt/assemble] aue METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/Map;) -> [aue/method_14488, aue/listResources] fji$a METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fji$a/setFocused, fki/method_25365] dft METHOD b (()Lduc;) -> [dft/getAgeProperty, dht/method_9824] dcj METHOD a ((Laqu;ZZ)I) -> [dcj/method_6445, dzj/tick, cmr/tick, cmg/tick, ceq/tick, dzk/tick] btn METHOD o ((F)V) -> [btn/setYHeadRot, bsr/method_5847] ado$a METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ado$a/handle] eaq METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [eaq/method_38893, eaq/test] gpi METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gov/method_4199, gpi/render] cfy METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [cfy/getSoundSource, bsr/method_5634] fpg METHOD E (()V) -> [fsg/method_16891, fpg/recipesUpdated] bru METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [brx/method_5552, bru/shouldApplyEffectTickThisTick] fwx METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwx/setupAnim] emj$a METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emj$a/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] dou METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dou/mirror, dtb/method_9569] che METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, che/getBrain] gne METHOD c ((Lbsr;)F) -> [gne/getShadowRadius, gki/method_55831] ali METHOD d (()I) -> [ali/method_12918, apn/getServerPort] atd METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [atd/method_14420, atd/getMetadataSectionName] dkn METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9506, dkn/isSignalSource] ckf$f METHOD a (()V) -> [bzo/method_6231, ckf$f/tick] ckq METHOD a ((Ldcz;)Z) -> [btp/method_5957, ckq/checkSpawnObstruction] gcn METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] chi METHOD a_ ((I)Lbug;) -> [bsr/method_32318, chi/getSlot] clm METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [clm/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cqu METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, cqu/removed] dma METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dma/codec] dix METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dix/getShape] eja METHOD a_ ((Leiw;Layw;Ljd;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [eiy/method_14452, eja/getPositions] fgr$m$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)D) -> [fgr$m/toSliderValue, fgr$g/toSliderValue, fgr$m$1/toSliderValue, fgr$g$1/toSliderValue, fgr$m$1/method_41765] cki METHOD U (()V) -> [cki/updateControlFlags, cki/method_20417] ggb METHOD f (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [ggb/getDependencies, gsy/method_4755] bsr METHOD M (()V) -> [bsr/method_5760, aqv/processPortalCooldown] dzp$g$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [dzp$e/method_39069, dzp$g$a/test] fkh METHOD aM_ (()Z) -> [fkh/method_25397, fkh/isDragging] bqz METHOD a ((Lakq;)V) -> [drn/setLootTable, dqx/setLootTable, bqz/method_11285] dec$b METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dec$b/getSerializedName, azk/method_15434] fot METHOD a ((Lfhz;Lcrq;)V) -> [fot/method_2385, fot/renderSlot] dys$g METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dys$g/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] btp METHOD eX (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [btn/method_56674, btp/getArmorAndBodyArmorSlots] arg METHOD a ((Ldcd;Ldvz;)V) -> [ard/method_17670, arg/onStatusChange] ciw METHOD i_ (()V) -> [bsr/method_18382, ciw/refreshDimensions] dij METHOD a ((Laqu;Ldtc;Ljd;)V) -> [dij/method_10012, dij/dispenseFrom] ui$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)V) -> [ui$1/skip, va$1/skip, ui$1/method_39851, uw$1/skip, ud$1/skip, uh$1/skip, ty$1/skip, ub$1/skip, uf$1/skip, va$a/skip] dms METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dms/getSignal] bpk METHOD bw (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [bpk/method_34705, bpk/profiledMetrics, bph/profiledMetrics] dkm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dkm/useWithoutItem] aqu METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;II)V) -> [aqu/blockEvent, aqu/method_8427] cnf METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cnf/tick] ut$1 METHOD c ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)Luy;) -> [va/method_23262, ut$1/load] elv$d METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [elv$d/addChildren, ejv/method_14918] dit METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lcjg;)V) -> [dey/onBrokenAfterFall, dgd/onBrokenAfterFall, dit/method_10129, dlq/onBrokenAfterFall] cra$4 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [crq/method_7680, cra$4/mayPlace] dqx METHOD a ((J)V) -> [dqx/setLootTableSeed, bqz/method_54866] km$3 METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [km/method_57831, km$3/keySet] emj$o METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emj$o/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] gti METHOD g (()F) -> [gua/method_4782, gti/getPitch] cfb METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cfb/addAdditionalSaveData] ckw METHOD k ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [btp/method_20820, ckw/wantsToPickUp] gep METHOD b (()V) -> [gep/markDirty, gfn/markDirty, gep/method_1279] dmr METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dmr/createBlockStateDefinition] cjc METHOD C (()V) -> [cjc/playPlacementSound, ciz/method_6894] ffu METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [ffu/getTitle, ffn/method_53808] fou METHOD C (()V) -> [fou/containerTick, fot/method_37432] euc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [euc/run, ete/method_522] dne METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dne/createBlockStateDefinition] eit METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eiy/method_39615, eit/type] jz METHOD e ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljm;) -> [jz/method_47983, ju/wrapAsHolder] cfe METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lbqq;Lcuq;)V) -> [cfe/method_6475, cfe/usePlayerItem] dno METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dno/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] ue$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23259, ue$1/getName] fmb METHOD w (()I) -> [fmb/getHeight, fmb/method_25364] cau METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cau/start] cgq METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cgq/hurt, bsr/method_5643] dks METHOD a ((Ljd;)Ljd;) -> [dgb/method_55769, dks/getParticlePos] vc METHOD a ((Lue;)V) -> [vc/visitFloat, vc/method_32295] aqv METHOD a ((DD)V) -> [aqv/indicateDamage, btn/method_48761] cfj METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cfj/aiStep] ast METHOD a ((Lass;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lasq$a;)V) -> [ast/listResources, asq/method_14408] ij$c METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/CommandDispatcher;Lakr;)Lhw;) -> [ij$c/instantiate, ij$a/method_54429] grp METHOD b (()Z) -> [grp/isDefaultRightToLeft, tw/method_29428] fzg METHOD a ((Lacp;)V) -> [abu/method_11153, fzg/handleContainerContent] cic METHOD d (()V) -> [cik/method_6856, cic/begin] eye METHOD e (()V) -> [eyg$1/unlock, eye/method_55417] drr METHOD k (()Lwz;) -> [drr/getDefaultName, dqb/method_17823] cvb METHOD b ((Lcuq;Lbtn;Lbtn;)V) -> [cul/method_59978, cvb/postHurtEnemy] cwi METHOD f (()Lcyw;) -> [cwi/getRepairIngredient, cwi/method_8023] cnd METHOD t (()Lavo;) -> [cnd/getDefaultHitGroundSoundEvent, cnd/method_7440] bsr METHOD aV (()V) -> [cia/onFlap, cfu/onFlap, cfj/onFlap, bsr/method_5801] dgk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dgk/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] dcw METHOD a ((Lcmx;DDDLjm;Lavq;FFJ)V) -> [dcw/method_8465, dcw/playSeededSound] geb METHOD c ((F)V) -> [btn/method_6025, geb/heal] dqf METHOD a_ ((II)Z) -> [dqf/triggerEvent, dqh/method_11004] cwm METHOD a (()Z) -> [cwm$a/isAdvanced, cwm/method_8035] fw$a METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lvw;)V) -> [io/method_10007, fw$a/serializeToNetwork] dov METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dov/codec] dip METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dip/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] djp METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [djp/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cvg METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcmx;Lbtn;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7847, cvg/interactLivingEntity] edm METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edm/place] coc METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cnd/method_34713, coc/tryPickup] duy METHOD b ((Z)V) -> [duy/method_12020, duy/setLightCorrect] eot METHOD K_ (()Z) -> [eot/hasLightWork, eow/method_15518] cnd METHOD c ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cnd/method_7432, cnl/setOwner, cnd/setOwner] fea METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fea/render, fjp/method_25394] aqv METHOD L_ (()V) -> [aqv/completeUsingItem, btn/method_6040] cfq METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [cfq/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] cft METHOD gb (()Z) -> [cft/isAggressive, btp/method_6510] la METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [la/execute, kw/method_10135] chi METHOD gR (()V) -> [chi/method_6723, chn/playJumpSound, chj/playJumpSound, cho/playJumpSound] cmx METHOD eV (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [cmx/getArmorSlots, ciw/getArmorSlots, cmx/method_5661, btp/getArmorSlots] cjk METHOD s ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cjk/isAlliedTo, bsr/method_5722] erb METHOD i (()Z) -> [erb/isRaining, erb/method_156] btn METHOD fE (()Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList;) -> [btn/getDismountPoses, btn/method_24831] cqv METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cqv/stillValid, cpu/method_7597] fro METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fro/render] gnv METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gnv/render, gov/method_4199] aci METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aci/handle] dys$m METHOD k (()Ldyr;) -> [dzc$g/wrapped, dzc$f/wrapped, dys$m/comp_469, dzc$i/wrapped, dzc$e/wrapped, dys$l/wrapped, dzc$d/wrapped, dzc$a/wrapped, dzc$b/wrapped] cfo$b METHOD e (()V) -> [cfo$b/stop, cam/method_6270] die METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, die/rotate] pu METHOD b ((Lawu;)Lpz$b;) -> [pz/method_10512, pu/tag] eyy METHOD a (()I) -> [eyv/method_20825, eyy/count] dyi METHOD gn (()Ldyi$d;) -> [dyi/method_51299, dyi/getVibrationUser] esd METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Lerz;) -> [esa/method_394, esd/compose] bug$1 METHOD a (()Lcuq;) -> [bug/method_32327, bug$1/get] ue METHOD h (()S) -> [ur/method_10696, ue/getAsShort] fsn METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fsn/onClose] ey METHOD c ((I)Z) -> [et/hasPermission, fzi/hasPermission, ey/method_9259] fzg METHOD a ((Lafq;)V) -> [fzg/handleConfigurationStart, fzg/method_52798] cfv METHOD e ((Lcmx;)F) -> [cfv/getRiddenSpeed, btn/method_49485] dot METHOD c (()Ldjn;) -> [djl/method_24945, dot/getHeadBlock] cgv METHOD gm (()Lavo;) -> [chi/method_28368, cgv/getEatingSound] ccm METHOD e (()V) -> [ccm/stop, cam/method_6270] ckv METHOD b ((B)V) -> [ckv/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] efs METHOD a ((Layw;ILefe;)I) -> [efs/foliageHeight, efu/method_26989] cfy METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cfy/aiStep] cjy METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldcz;)F) -> [btw/method_6144, cjy/getWalkTargetValue] cjp METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cjp/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] cvt METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [cvt/getUseDuration, cul/method_7881] bdn METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bdn/fix] up$a METHOD a ((Luy;)Lup$f;) -> [up$f/method_46240, up$a/accept] erl METHOD H (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [erl/getRemovedFeatureFlags, erl/method_49900] zl$1 METHOD a (()Lvu;) -> [zl$1/method_61106, zl$1/id] fot METHOD k (()Z) -> [fot/isPauseScreen, fod/method_25421] kc$c METHOD a ((Lawu;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [kc$c/get, jn/method_46733] jz METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Lakr;) -> [jz/method_10221, jz/getKey] glb METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [glb/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dgl METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dgl/codec, dtb/method_53969] dfb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfb/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cwi METHOD e (()I) -> [cwi/getEnchantmentValue, cwi/method_8026] foh METHOD k (()Z) -> [foh/isPauseScreen, fod/method_25421] asq METHOD a ((Lass;)Ljava/util/Set;) -> [asq/getNamespaces, asq/method_14406] dic METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dic/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] dve METHOD b ((Ldqh;)V) -> [dve/addAndRegisterBlockEntity, dve/method_12216] euv METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, euv/getType] gkh METHOD a ((Laue;)V) -> [gkh/onResourceManagerReload, auf/method_14491] dsw METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lcmx;)Ldtc;) -> [dsw/playerWillDestroy, dfy/method_9576] dly METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;)V) -> [dly/updateState, dfn/method_9477] dhd METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhd/codec] ol METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Lao;)Lol;) -> [ol/unlockedBy, ol/method_33530] cku METHOD a ((Lddl;Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cku/populateDefaultEquipmentEnchantments, btp/method_5984] cgn METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [cgn/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] cdi METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdi/doTick, cdy/method_19101] esq$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [esq$a/getThis, ete$a/method_523] fqa METHOD a ((Ldbx;)V) -> [fos/method_2352, fqa/populateAndSendPacket] gmy METHOD a ((Lcot;FLdtc;Lfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gmy/renderMinecartContents, gmy/method_4064] kz METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kz/execute, kw/method_10135] dni METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dni/createBlockStateDefinition] ju$1 METHOD a ((Lawu;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ju$1/get, jn/method_46733] ui METHOD b (()B) -> [ui/getId, uy/method_10711] dof METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dof/getFluidState] dgk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dtb/method_9572, dgk/getAnalogOutputSignal] fis METHOD u (()Lfmg$a;) -> [fis/narrationPriority, fmg/method_37018] ckc METHOD bR (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5809, ckc/isOnFire] cp METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [dw/method_58167, cp/matches] gku METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931, gku/getTextureLocation] bba METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bba/fix] dkx METHOD c ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dnl/getVisualShape, dlt/getVisualShape, djz/getVisualShape, diw/getVisualShape, dni/getVisualShape, dol/getVisualShape, dkx/getVisualShape, dkx/method_26159] dve METHOD d ((Ljd;)V) -> [duy/method_12041, dve/removeBlockEntity] bsh METHOD a ((Lbtn;ILbsr$c;)V) -> [brx/method_58617, bsh/onMobRemoved] kp$a$a METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [kp$a$a/codec, kp$a$a/method_57875] cik METHOD a ((Lchz;Ljd;Lbrk;Lcmx;)V) -> [cik/method_6850, cic/onCrystalDestroyed, cig/onCrystalDestroyed] cjr METHOD a ((Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cku/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjl/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, clq/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckg/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cks/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/method_5964, ckr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cln/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cky/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots] ftc METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [ftc/keyPressed, fki/method_25404] gfg$n METHOD c (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [gfg$n/cutoutTexture, gfg$e/method_23564] gkm$1 METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gkm$1/render, gov/method_4199] ux METHOD a ((Luc;)V) -> [ux/visitDouble, vc/method_32293] djj METHOD au_ (()Ldgb$a;) -> [djj/method_55770, dli/getType, djj/getType, dkw/getType, dlg/getType] cam METHOD e (()V) -> [cam/method_6270, cam/stop] cvj METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, cvj/use] elx$d METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [ejv/method_14918, elx$d/addChildren] cga METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, cga/getAmbientSound] erk METHOD a ((Ldut$c;)V) -> [eqy/setWorldBorder, erj/setWorldBorder, erk/method_27415] fih METHOD b ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25406, fih/mouseReleased] bvr METHOD e ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/tryStart, bvv/tryStart, bws/tryStart, bvr/tryStart, bvr/method_18922] dai METHOD a ((Lcul$b;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lcwm;)V) -> [cxy/method_57409, dai/addToTooltip] cmx METHOD f (()Z) -> [cmx/isCreative, cmx/method_7337] cov METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lbsu;F)Lexc;) -> [cgv/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, cot/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, chi/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, cov/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, cov/method_52533, chl/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, ckq/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, ckm/getPassengerAttachmentPoint] drj METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [drj/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] dqm METHOD b (()Ldyi$d;) -> [dqm/createVibrationUser, drp/method_49831] aqb METHOD a ((Ldcd;Z)Ljava/util/List;) -> [aqb/getPlayers, apz$b/method_17210] byu$a$1 METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [byu$a$1/tryTrigger, byu$a$1/method_47232, byu$f$1/tryTrigger, byu$b$5/tryTrigger, byu$b$3/tryTrigger, byu$b$1/tryTrigger, byu$b$2/tryTrigger, byu$b$4/tryTrigger, byu$d$1/tryTrigger] ckb$a METHOD i (()I) -> [ckn$c/method_7151, ckb$a/getCastingInterval] emf METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljd;Lddl;Layw;Lejj;)V) -> [emf/handleDataMarker, ekb/method_15026] gld$1 METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gld$1/render, gov/method_4199] ggz METHOD aW_ (()I) -> [ggz/method_33893, ggz/getViewDistance] aqx METHOD a ((Lkf;Z)V) -> [aqx/updateSectionStatus, eow/method_15551] cvh METHOD b ((Lcuq;)Lcwo;) -> [cul/method_7853, cvh/getUseAnimation] av$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [av$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] esl$a METHOD c ((Lesh$a;)Lesl$a;) -> [esl$a/then, esh$a/method_35514] ark METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [ark/start, ark/method_52376] cdo METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdo/doTick, cdy/method_19101] fzf METHOD a ((Llk;DDDDDD)V) -> [fzf/addParticle, dcx/method_8406] dke METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dke/createBlockStateDefinition] fzg METHOD a ((Ladz;)V) -> [fzg/method_45725, fzg/handlePlayerInfoRemove] dqe METHOD a ((Lkm$a;)V) -> [dqe/collectImplicitComponents, dqh/method_57567] cky METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cky/customServerAiStep] cki METHOD ai_ (()Lavo;) -> [coj/method_20033, cki/getCelebrateSound] cqx METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cqx/removed, cpu/method_7595] cju METHOD m_ (()V) -> [cju/aiStep, btn/method_6007] cye METHOD g (()Lji;) -> [cye/getHorizontalDirection, cye/method_8042] aqb METHOD a ((Laqn;Ldwc;Lazi;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [aqb/applyStep, aqm/method_60442] eud METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [eud/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] uj METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/method_39850, uj/accept] ckm$a METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, ckm$a/canContinueToUse] cia METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [cia/getSoundSource, bsr/method_5634] erj METHOD y (()Ldzw;) -> [erj/method_28057, erj/worldGenOptions] ckb$a METHOD h (()I) -> [ckb$a/getCastingTime, ckn$c/method_7149] dfu METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Lewy;Lcnp;)V) -> [dfu/onProjectileHit, dtb/method_19286] agq METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, agq/type] epy METHOD a ((Lepx;III)Lepv;) -> [epr/method_17, epy/getPathType] ae METHOD d (()Leqx;) -> [ae/getDataVersion, ae/method_37912] chq METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [chq/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] env METHOD a ((Ldtc;Layw;)Z) -> [env/test, enn/method_16768] dkx METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dkx/codec] dvm METHOD b (()I) -> [dvo/method_12197, dvm/getSize] crq METHOD a (()I) -> [crq/getMaxStackSize, crq/method_7675] dqv$1 METHOD a ((I)I) -> [cqf/method_17390, dqv$1/get] dfm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dfm/tick] cjm METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cjm/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] ash METHOD a (()Lasp;) -> [ash/method_56926, asj/location, asu/location, ash/location] cim METHOD b (()V) -> [cil/doClientTick, cim/doClientTick, cic/doClientTick, cif/doClientTick, cim/method_6853, cij/doClientTick] dru METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket, dru/method_38235] cgn METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cgn/hurt, bsr/method_5643] btp METHOD A ((F)V) -> [btp/method_6125, btp/setSpeed] cgf$i METHOD e (()V) -> [cgf$i/stop, cam/method_6270] bsr METHOD a ((Leqc;)Lbsr;) -> [bsr/changeDimension, bsr/method_5731] aqf METHOD a ((JIZ)V) -> [eoq/method_15487, aqf/checkNeighborsAfterUpdate] dpb METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dpb/createBlockStateDefinition] dhm METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhm/codec] drh METHOD j (()Ljv;) -> [drh/getItems, dqb/method_11282] tc METHOD f (()Lblu;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_56593, tc/getTickTimeLogger] fbd METHOD a ((FF)Lfbm;) -> [gfa$a/setUv, fbj/setUv, fbd/setUv, fbd/method_22913, fbp$b/setUv, gfp/setUv, fbp$a/setUv] vj METHOD a (([I)Luv$b;) -> [vj/visit, uv/method_39868] bvc METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bvc/start] euw METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [euw/getReferencedContextParams, ers/method_293] ahl METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahl/type] gbw METHOD a (()V) -> [gbw/tick, gcn/method_3070] dgm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dgm/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] dvc METHOD a ((IILdvz;Z)Lduy;) -> [dvc/getChunk, dvc/method_12121] btn METHOD eX (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [btn/method_56674, btn/getArmorAndBodyArmorSlots] fjm METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fjm/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] dri$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dri$a/getSerializedName] chy METHOD dM (()Z) -> [chy/shouldBeSaved, dxg/method_31746] dqm$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ljm;Ldxz$a;)Z) -> [cgk$b/canReceiveVibration, drq$a/canReceiveVibration, drp$a/canReceiveVibration, dqm$a/method_32970, cmb$a/canReceiveVibration, dqm$a/canReceiveVibration] fgo$a$2 METHOD a ((Z)Z) -> [fgo$a$4/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$3/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$1/isChatAllowed, fgo$a$2/method_33886, fgo$a$2/isChatAllowed] dzp$k METHOD c (()J) -> [dzp$i/method_39479, dzp$k/getContextLastUpdate] euf METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [euf/run, ete/method_522] drn METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, drn/removeItemNoUpdate] abu METHOD a ((Lacl;)V) -> [abu/method_34071, fzg/handleTitlesClear] gbs METHOD b ((F)F) -> [gbs/getQuadSize, gda/method_18132] dpb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dpb/getShape] fox$g METHOD a ((I)V) -> [fox$g/updateStatus, fox$a/method_37080] czj METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, czj/matches] efp METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [efp/createFoliage, efu/method_23448] fzg METHOD a ((Lafi;)V) -> [fzg/method_11118, fzg/handleSetScore] cge METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cge/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] alk METHOD b ((Lexy;)V) -> [alk/method_1175, alk/onObjectiveChanged] cm METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, cm/codec] amk$a$1 METHOD a ((Lev;Lhs;Lhu;)V) -> [hz/method_54851, amk$a$1/execute] fjf$1 METHOD a (()I) -> [fjf$1/getLineCount, fjf/method_30887] ahf METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ahf/handle] dlg METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dlg/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] aja METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aja/type] che METHOD b ((B)V) -> [che/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] dla METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dla/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] dmd METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dmd/getDirectSignal, dtb/method_9603] dum METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dum/getSerializedName] ckr$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckr$a/start] fea METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fea/init, fod/method_25426] aqv METHOD z (()V) -> [aqv/onUpdateAbilities, cmx/method_7355] fvu METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fvu/headParts, fuf/method_22946] fne$a METHOD a ((Lfih$a;)V) -> [fih/method_25313, fne$a/setSelected] bzh METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18926, bzh/stop] evo METHOD a (()Levp;) -> [evo/method_32439, evo/getType, evs/getType] fkh METHOD a ((Lfmo;)Lfhw;) -> [fki/method_48205, fkh/nextFocusPath] abw METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, abw/type] dhw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dhw/getShape, dtb/method_9530] ewy METHOD c (()Lexa$a;) -> [exa/method_17783, ewy/getType] ace$a METHOD a ((Lwk;)V) -> [ace$a/write, ace$c/method_34107] xo$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [xo$a/content, xo/comp_1081] eyg METHOD c ((Leyb;)V) -> [eyg/onTeamRemoved, eyg/method_1193] ger$b METHOD a (()Ljm;) -> [ger$b/getMobEffect, ger$a/getMobEffect, ger$b/method_42590] dge METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dge/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] byw$c METHOD a ((Lbuq;Ljava/util/Optional;)Lbyv;) -> [byw/method_47253, byw$c/createAccessor] cbg METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbg/canUse] aaw METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aaj/method_56479, aaw/type] cla$a METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [cla$a/stop, bvh/method_18926] fzg METHOD a ((Lafc;)V) -> [fzg/method_11151, fzg/handleSetEquipment] erj METHOD b (()F) -> [erj/getSpawnAngle, erb/method_30656] ftc METHOD c (()V) -> [ftc/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] aap METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aap/type, aaj/method_56479] eyf$1 METHOD cB (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [eyf$1/getScoreboardName, eyf/method_5820] cns METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cns/defineSynchedData] ckm METHOD b_ ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bsr/method_5694, ckm/playerTouch] dmr METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dmr/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] cdc METHOD a ((Lexc;Lexc;)Z) -> [cdc/canMoveDirectly, cda/method_6341] ahp METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahp/type] dqa METHOD d_ ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bqk/method_5435, dqa/startOpen] ftn METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, ftn/keyPressed] btu METHOD p ((Lbsr;)V) -> [btu/addPassenger, bsr/method_5627] cix METHOD s (()Z) -> [cix/survives, cix/method_6888] ug METHOD h (()S) -> [ug/getAsShort, ur/method_10696] ckj METHOD a ((DDDFFI)V) -> [ckj/lerpTo, bsr/method_5759] fbm METHOD a ((IIII)Lfbm;) -> [fbp$a/setColor, gfa$a/setColor, fbj/setColor, gfp/setColor, fbp$b/setColor, fbd/setColor, fbm/method_1336] ckb$b METHOD m (()Lckn$a;) -> [ckn$c/method_7147, ckb$b/getSpell] dff METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dff/getStateForPlacement] cki METHOD ae (()I) -> [cki/getMaxHeadYRot, btp/method_5986] dgw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dgw/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] vc METHOD a ((Luc;)V) -> [vc/visitDouble, vc/method_32293] dlc METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dlc/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] doq METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, doq/createBlockStateDefinition] jq METHOD c (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [jq/method_40248, jq/unwrap] fpg METHOD a ((Lfhz;FII)V) -> [fpg/renderBg, fot/method_2389] diw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [diw/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] zm METHOD a ((Lzs;)V) -> [fzc/handleResourcePackPop, zm/method_55512] chi METHOD fa (()F) -> [chi/getSoundVolume, btn/method_6107] cgk$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljm;Ldxz$a;Lexc;)Z) -> [cgk$a/handleGameEvent, dyb/method_32947] ftg METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [ftg/render, fjp/method_25394] cky METHOD h ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btt/method_5980, btp/method_5980, cky/setTarget] ckz METHOD ae (()I) -> [ckz/getMaxHeadYRot, btp/method_5986] fko METHOD a ((Lfms;)V) -> [fko/method_48611, fkn/doLayout] fdt METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fdt/init] apm METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V) -> [apm/op, aur/method_14582] kc$e METHOD d (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [kc$e/listTags, jo/method_42020] cjh METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, cjh/tick] fzc METHOD a ((Lzs;)V) -> [fzc/handleResourcePackPop, fzc/method_55512] geb METHOD G (()I) -> [bsr/method_5691, geb/getPermissionLevel] gjp METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gki/method_3936, gjp/render] dox METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9549, dox/getCollisionShape] aqf METHOD b ((J)I) -> [aqf/getLevelFromSource, aqf/method_14028] bsr METHOD s ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [bsr/isAlliedTo, bsr/method_5722] dlq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9559, dlq/updateShape] cic METHOD e (()V) -> [cic/method_6854, cic/end, cim/end] clh METHOD k (()V) -> [bsl/method_5619, clh/ageBoundaryReached] bnc METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/String;)Lbmy$a;) -> [bmy/getEntry, bnc/method_34696, bnc/getEntry] dcx METHOD a ((Lji;Ldtc;Ljd;Ljd;II)V) -> [dcw/neighborShapeChanged, dcx/method_42308] ud METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V) -> [ud/write, uy/method_10713] cgk METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, cgk/getAmbientSound] kx$17 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kx$17/execute, kw/method_10135] dij METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dij/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] dko METHOD aw_ (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dgf/method_32351, dko/getPickupSound] aqb METHOD g (()V) -> [aqb/method_60450, aqb/runGenerationTasks] cjh METHOD a ((Leqc;)Lbsr;) -> [cjh/changeDimension, bsr/method_5731] bgl METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;) -> [bho/fix, bgl/fix, bgl/method_54447, bgt/fix, bhm/fix, beb/fix] apn METHOD d (()I) -> [apn/method_12918, apn/getServerPort] dmo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9616, dmo/canBeReplaced] fqm METHOD a ((Lfhx;IILorg/joml/Matrix4f;Lgez$a;)V) -> [fqm/renderText, fqn/method_32665] gov METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gov/render, gov/method_4199] eyg$1 METHOD f (()V) -> [eyg$1/lock, eye/method_55418] djn METHOD g ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkc/canGrowInto, dgv/canGrowInto, dos/canGrowInto, djn/method_24949, dpn/canGrowInto] fgr$d METHOD a ((Lfgr$l;Lfgs;IIILjava/util/function/Consumer;)Ljava/util/function/Function;) -> [fgr$j/createButton, fgr$k/createButton, fgr$d/method_41756, fgr$d/createButton] blx$a METHOD d (()Lblx$c;) -> [blx$a/comp_1157, blx$e/id, blx$a/id] fod METHOD a ((Lfgo;II)V) -> [fod/method_25410, fod/resize] dgx METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dgx/getTicker, diq/method_31645] cfo$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$a/start] yq METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [yq/streamCodec, yq/method_56360] btn METHOD a ((Lcjh;)V) -> [aqv/onItemPickup, btn/method_29499] cow METHOD a ((Lakq;)V) -> [cow/setLootTable, cox/method_42275] ekx METHOD a ((Lenu;Ljd;Ldmm;Layw;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [ekx/getShuffledJigsawBlocks, ekz/method_16627] bb$c METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [bb/method_59605, bb$c/unpack] dgv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Layw;)Ldtc;) -> [djn/method_33626, dgv/getGrowIntoState] axp$c METHOD a ((Laxp$d;)Laxp;) -> [axp/method_41187, axp$c/mapAll] dpv METHOD b (()I) -> [bqk/method_5439, dpv/getContainerSize] gwh METHOD b (()V) -> [gwj/method_4902, gwh/clear] bvn METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [bvn/timedOut, bvh/method_18915] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Ldtc;Ljd;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cul/method_7879, cvs/mineBlock] dfm METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfm/codec] chw$c METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/method_18927, chw$c/canStillUse] bmi$a METHOD a ((I)V) -> [bmi$a/finish, bmi/method_58304] uw METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/method_39850, uw/accept] cix METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cix/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] bqj METHOD b (()I) -> [bqk/method_5439, bqj/getContainerSize] dgm METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [diq/method_10123, dgm/newBlockEntity] cki METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cki/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] bsr METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [bsr/method_42147, bsr/updateDynamicGameEventListener] gni METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gni/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] esa METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [esa/validate, esh/method_415] ddc METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [ddc/method_16358, ddc/isStateAtPosition] fzf METHOD J (()Lcpl;) -> [dcz/method_45162, fzf/enabledFeatures] fsw METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fsw/keyPressed] gnu METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gnu/render, gov/method_4199] aqf METHOD a ((JJI)I) -> [aqq/getComputedLevel, aqf/getComputedLevel, aqf/method_15486] geb METHOD s ((F)Lexc;) -> [bsr/method_30951, geb/getRopeHoldPosition] dxp METHOD a ((Ldxn;Lewx;Laxa;)V) -> [dxp/method_31805, dxp/get] jh METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Lakr;) -> [jz/method_10221, jh/getKey] eup METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, eup/getType] dmg METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmg/codec] byj METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, byj/start] dur METHOD a ((Ldut;I)V) -> [dur/method_11932, dur/onBorderSetWarningTime] ca METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, ca/codec] eow METHOD K_ (()Z) -> [eow/hasLightWork, eow/method_15518] dxh$1 METHOD a (()V) -> [dxh$1/onMove, dxh/method_31749] bsq$g METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [bsq$g/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cgh METHOD t (()V) -> [cgh/applyTamingSideEffects, cgh/method_56996] ate$1 METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ate$1/fromJson, ate$1/method_14421, gsj/fromJson, gsa/fromJson, grx/fromJson] dxs$a METHOD a (()V) -> [dxh/method_31749, dxs$a/onMove] duy METHOD B (()Leoo;) -> [duy/getSkyLightSources, dvk/method_12018] dje METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dje/mayPlaceOn] adc METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, adc/handle] crd METHOD a (()V) -> [crd/clearContent, bqi/method_5448] ps METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [pz/method_10514, ps/addTags] epk METHOD j (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [epd/method_32359, epk/getPickupSound] dhi METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhi/codec] cmk METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cmf/setTradingPlayer, cmk/method_8259, cmh/setTradingPlayer, cmk/setTradingPlayer] cmx METHOD d ((I)V) -> [cmx/giveExperiencePoints, cmx/method_7255] egf METHOD a ((Lddc;Ljd;)Z) -> [egf/method_43167, egf/canPlaceRoot] fqm METHOD a (()I) -> [fql/getHeight, fqm/getHeight, fqm/method_32661, fqk/getHeight] dyk METHOD a (()Z) -> [dyk/method_33742, dyk/shouldScheduleFluidUpdate] erl METHOD D (()Lddr;) -> [erl/getDataConfiguration, erl/method_29589] foh$c$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [foh$c$a/getNarration, fji$a/method_37006] aio METHOD a ((Laip;)V) -> [fze/handleCustomQuery, aio/method_12586] it METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, it/method_10005, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] dzc$f METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dzc$f/compute, dyr/method_40464] fzi METHOD t (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ey/method_9273, fzi/getRecipeNames] ddj METHOD a_ ((Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [ddj/getBlockState, dcc/method_8320] eyy METHOD a ((Leyt;)V) -> [eyv/method_39363, eyy/schedule] coj$d METHOD b (()Z) -> [coj$d/canUse, cam/method_6264] or METHOD a ((Lon;Lakr;)V) -> [or/save, ol/method_17972] fsz METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fsz/init] cho METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [cho/getDefaultDimensions, btn/method_55694] dka METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dka/codec, dtb/method_53969] asa$d METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [arz$1/processMessageBundle, asa$d/method_31289, asa$d/processMessageBundle] fte METHOD c (()V) -> [fte/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] abu METHOD a ((Lafq;)V) -> [fzg/handleConfigurationStart, abu/method_52798] cpf METHOD a ((Ldco;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;F)Z) -> [cpf/shouldBlockExplode, cpf/method_5853] frs$a METHOD k (()V) -> [frs$a/method_29657, frs$a/unselect] bsq METHOD h_ (()Lewx;) -> [bsq/getBoundingBoxForCulling, bsr/method_5830] dra METHOD k (()Lwz;) -> [dra/getDefaultName, dqb/method_17823] chi METHOD a ((Layw;)V) -> [chi/randomizeAttributes, chi/method_6001] duy METHOD I_ (()I) -> [duy/getMinBuildHeight, dcy/method_31607] ckk METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ckk/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] ckx METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [ckx/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] chi METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [chi/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] dut$a METHOD l (()Ldut$a;) -> [dut$a/update, dut$a/method_11986] czu$a METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [cze/method_53736, czu$a/codec] cjt METHOD fl (()Z) -> [cjt/isSensitiveToWater, btn/method_29503] ckt METHOD e ((Lbrk;F)F) -> [ckt/method_6036, ckt/getDamageAfterMagicAbsorb] dju METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dju/codec] dlw METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dlw/codec] tc METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BooleanSupplier;)V) -> [tc/tickServer, guo/tickServer, tc/method_3748] daj METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [daj$a/codec, daj$b/codec, daj$f/codec, daj$d/codec, daj/method_60185, daj$c/codec, daj$e/codec] cov METHOD a ((Lbsr$c;)V) -> [bsr/method_5650, cov/remove] fjg METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fik/method_48579, fjg/renderWidget] djt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, djt/getShape] er$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Lxp;) -> [er$1/getArgument, er/method_44907] fxw METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxw/setupAnim] erp$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/stream/Stream;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [erp$2/setContents, ero/method_59724] fzg METHOD a ((Laey;)V) -> [fzg/method_11159, fzg/handleSetDisplayObjective] dhi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dhi/tick, dtb/method_9588] dnr METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnr/codec] evo$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evo$1/method_32436, evo$1/getReferencedContextParams, evo$2/getReferencedContextParams] emr METHOD a (()Lenh;) -> [emr/getType, eng/method_26404] emj$j METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [ejv/method_14918, emj$j/addChildren] ehf METHOD a ((Lddc;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;Layw;ILjd;Lefe;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [ehf/placeTrunk, ehm/method_26991] dhh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dhh/neighborChanged, dtb/method_9612] fii METHOD a_ ((DD)V) -> [fii/method_25357, fii/onRelease] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1 METHOD b (()I) -> [bne/method_16072, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1/getStartTimeTicks] ckz METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [btn/method_28306, ckz/brainProvider] erg$b METHOD s (()Lwz;) -> [erg$b/method_27429, erg$b/getInfo, erg$c/getInfo] eyr METHOD b ((JLjava/util/function/Function;)Luy;) -> [eyr/save, eyu/method_20463] crl METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5438, crl/getItem] fsa METHOD aO_ (()Z) -> [fsa/isFocused, fki/method_25370] cfq METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)V) -> [btt/method_29513, cfq/setPersistentAngerTarget] chi METHOD ez (()V) -> [btn/method_16078, chi/dropEquipment] doq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [doq/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] btn METHOD p_ (()Z) -> [btn/onClimbable, btn/method_6101] dkj METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9549, dkj/getCollisionShape] cnp METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;)Z) -> [bsr/method_36971, cnp/mayInteract] ev METHOD y (()Z) -> [et/isSilent, ev/method_54882] dlt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dlt/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] ug METHOD l (()Ljava/lang/Number;) -> [ur/method_10702, ug/getAsNumber] ejb METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [eiy/method_39615, ejb/type] fjb METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fik/method_48579, fjb/renderWidget] dln METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9549, dln/getCollisionShape] cip METHOD i (()Lciq;) -> [cip/getPhase, cik/method_6849] csk METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [csk/useOn, cul/method_7884] eym$2 METHOD a ((Leyt;)V) -> [eym$2/schedule, eyv/method_39363] cax METHOD h (()Lexc;) -> [cax/getPosition, cbj/method_6302] dlh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dlh/useWithoutItem] fku METHOD a ((Lfhz;Lfkw;J)Lfkv$a;) -> [fku/render, fkv/method_1986] dms METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dms/getFluidState] fox$c METHOD b (()V) -> [fid/method_25306, fox$c/onPress] aco METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aco/type] abu METHOD a ((Ladp;)V) -> [abu/handleMoveVehicle, abu/method_11134] dzc$b METHOD k (()Ldyr;) -> [dzc$g/wrapped, dzc$f/wrapped, dzc$i/wrapped, dzc$b/comp_469, dzc$e/wrapped, dys$l/wrapped, dzc$d/wrapped, dzc$a/wrapped, dzc$b/wrapped] dnc METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dnc/getFluidState] cmx METHOD f ((Lbrk;F)V) -> [cgh/actuallyHurt, cgv/actuallyHurt, cmx/method_6074, cmx/actuallyHurt, geb/actuallyHurt, cgn/actuallyHurt, cfe/actuallyHurt] dpe$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dpe$a/getSerializedName, azk/method_15434] dqo METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqo/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] ty METHOD d ((ILuy;)Luy;) -> [ua/method_10606, ty/set] eph METHOD h (()Llk;) -> [eph/getDripParticle, eph/method_15787, epk/getDripParticle] dyz METHOD c ((I)I) -> [dyn/method_43156, dyz/next] fpq METHOD m (()Lorg/joml/Vector3f;) -> [fov/method_45661, fpq/getSignTextScale] gnm METHOD a ((Lbsr;Ljd;)I) -> [gki/method_24087, gnm/getBlockLightLevel] frn$c METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [frn$c/children, fkh/method_25396] epk METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lepe;Layw;)V) -> [epk/animateTick, epd/method_15776] bzk METHOD a (()V) -> [bzk/method_6224, bzk/clientTick] kx$15 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kw/method_10135, kx$15/execute] frs$b METHOD t (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [frs$b/method_29667, frs$b/getOtherList] bsr METHOD an (()I) -> [dxg/method_5628, bsr/getId] cqm METHOD o (()I) -> [cqm/method_7656, cqm/getGridHeight, cqw/getGridHeight, cpv/getGridHeight] aqc METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [aqc/orElse, aqc/method_57130] add METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, add/handle] cmk METHOD gv (()Lcml;) -> [cmk/getVillagerData, cmm/method_7231] die METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [die/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] aqk METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [aqk/isChunkToRemove, aqk/method_14035] cwd METHOD b ((Lcuq;)Lcwo;) -> [cul/method_7853, cwd/getUseAnimation] gmr METHOD a ((Lcgd;)Lakr;) -> [gmr/method_4127, gkv/getTextureLocation] fbt$h METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fbt$h/keyPressed] btp METHOD ac (()I) -> [btp/method_5978, btp/getMaxHeadXRot] erg METHOD q (()Z) -> [erg$c/isDisabled, erg/method_33784, erg$b/isDisabled] cff METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cff/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] vg METHOD a ((F)Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39859, vg/visit] dzl METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Layw;) -> [dzl/method_38995, dzl/fromHashOf] cdu METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdu/doTick, cdy/method_19101] aqu METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;)V) -> [aqu/neighborChanged, dcw/method_8492] aue METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/Map;) -> [aue/method_41265, aue/listResourceStacks] elx$k METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elx$k/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] exm METHOD a ((Lexv;Ljd;Z)Z) -> [exm/isAbove, exh/method_16192] cik METHOD i (()Lciq;) -> [cik/getPhase, cik/method_6849] cgy METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cgy/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] frh METHOD m (()V) -> [frl/addOptions, frj/addOptions, frd/addOptions, frf/addOptions, frb/addOptions, frm/addOptions, fra/addOptions, fro/addOptions, frh/method_60325, fri/addOptions, fre/addOptions, frc/addOptions] bqj METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [bqj/stillValid, bqk/method_5443] btn METHOD a ((Lbrz;Lbsr;)V) -> [btn/method_6020, btn/onEffectAdded] bys METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bys/start] gaj$a METHOD a ((Lgao;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [gak$a/method_53600, gaj$a/build] fzf$a METHOD i (()Z) -> [erb/method_156, fzf$a/isRaining] ckf$i METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckf$i/start] cai METHOD c (()Z) -> [cai/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] dfe METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfe/codec] abu METHOD a ((Lacx;)V) -> [abu/method_45724, abu/handleDisguisedChat] ftd$g METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [ftd$g/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] it$a METHOD a (()Lio;) -> [it$a/type, io$a/method_41728] ti$1 METHOD a ((Lsx;Lta;)V) -> [ti$1/testPassed, tj/testPassed, tp$c/testPassed, ta$1/testPassed, ti$1/method_33317] fog METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fog/keyPressed] dkf METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dkf/createBlockStateDefinition] ji$a$2 METHOD a ((DDD)D) -> [ji$a/method_10172, ji$a$2/choose] dlq METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ljd;Lbsr;F)V) -> [dlq/fallOn, dfy/method_9554] djo METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldtc;Lji;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9522, djo/skipRendering] aai METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aai/type, aaj/method_56479] ix METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [io/method_41726, ix/unpack] egx METHOD a (()Lehb;) -> [egx/type, eha/method_28893] cko$a METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cko$a/canContinueToUse] cmk METHOD b ((Ljd;)V) -> [aqv/startSleeping, cmk/method_18403, cmk/startSleeping] cjo METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cjo/doHurtTarget, btn/method_6121] fud METHOD a ((Lckd;FFFFF)V) -> [fud/method_17791, fvg/setupAnim] dgq METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgq/codec] ha$b METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Ljava/lang/Object;Luy;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ha$b/method_58506, ha$b/createComponentTest] ckd METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [ckd/getSoundSource, bsr/method_5634] bvc METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/method_18927, bvc/canStillUse] din METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [din/mirror, dtb/method_9569] clh METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [clh/getSoundSource, bsr/method_5634] csf METHOD m (()Lbsy;) -> [cts/method_7685, csf/getEquipmentSlot] btp METHOD a ((Lbsy;)Lcuq;) -> [cmx/getItemBySlot, btp/getItemBySlot, ciw/getItemBySlot, btp/method_6118] chn METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/method_6002, chn/getDeathSound] fpu METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fpu/render, fjp/method_25394] aqu METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldfy;Lji;)V) -> [aqu/method_8508, aqu/updateNeighborsAtExceptFromFacing] cbu METHOD e (()V) -> [cbu/stop, cam/method_6270] cfy METHOD gd (()V) -> [btp/method_59928, cfy/playAttackSound] fzf METHOD G (()Ldxp;) -> [fzf/getEntities, dcw/method_31592] frs$b METHOD q (()Z) -> [frs$b/canMoveUp, frs$b/method_29663] crt METHOD c ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [crt/canMoveIntoInputSlots, cqx/method_48356] dky METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dky/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] dgk METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgk/codec] kx$10 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kx$10/execute, kw/method_10135] yj METHOD a (()Lyb$a;) -> [yb/method_54225, yj/type] cso METHOD c ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [cwe/getPlacementState, cua/getPlacementState, cso/method_7707] dif$b METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dif$b/acceptSingle, dif$b/method_17464] cov METHOD bG (()Z) -> [cov/canBeCollidedWith, bsr/method_30948] dvs METHOD a ((Lbsr;)V) -> [dvh/addEntity, dvi/addEntity, dvs/method_12002, dvs/addEntity] vd METHOD a ((Luc;)V) -> [vd/visitDouble, vc/method_32293] dsf$b METHOD f (()V) -> [dsf$b/method_55152, dsc/markUpdated] cnd METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cnd/defineSynchedData] fpi METHOD a ((Lfgo;II)V) -> [fpi/resize, fod/method_25410] ci METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [ci/matches, dw/method_58167] uj$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23259, uj$1/getName] gdl METHOD a ((DDD)V) -> [gdl/method_3069, gct/move, gbz/move, gca/move, gbu/move, gdl/move, gby/move] brt METHOD a ((Lbtn;I)Z) -> [brt/applyEffectTick, brx/method_5572] cmq METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [btp/method_5992, cmq/mobInteract] aub METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/Map;) -> [aue/method_41265, aub/listResourceStacks] bbj METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bbj/fix] asd METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [ark/method_52376, asd/start] cff$g METHOD i (()Z) -> [cff$g/canBeeContinueToUse, cff$a/method_21815] cgq METHOD h ((D)Z) -> [cgq/removeWhenFarAway, btp/method_5974] tc METHOD j (()Z) -> [tc/isHardcore, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3754] cpc METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cpc/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] agn METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, agn/handle] ud$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;ILuk;)V) -> [va/method_39854, ud$1/skip] fup METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fup/root] bul$a METHOD a (()V) -> [bul$a/tick, cam/method_6268] ckq$a METHOD k (()Ljd;) -> [ckq$a/getMoveToTarget, caz/method_30953] dyo$b METHOD b (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo$b/getCeiling, dyo$a/getCeiling, dyo$b/method_32985, dyo$c/getCeiling] aup METHOD e (()Lwz;) -> [aup/method_14504, auz/getDisplayName, aup/getDisplayName] fnq METHOD a ((CI)Z) -> [fnq/charTyped, fki/method_25400] cae METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cae/canContinueToUse] bsr METHOD c ((DDD)V) -> [bsr/teleportTo, bsr/method_5859] drk$1 METHOD b ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5441, drk$1/removeItemNoUpdate] frf METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [frf/init, fod/method_25426] afx METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afx/type] asj METHOD a ((Latd;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [asj/getMetadataSection, asq/method_14407] epc METHOD b ((Ldcz;)I) -> [epc/method_15733, epc/getSlopeFindDistance] dxh METHOD a ((Lbsr$c;)V) -> [dxh/onRemove, dxh/method_31750] eph$b METHOD d ((Lepe;)I) -> [epk$a/getAmount, eph$b/getAmount, epb/getAmount, eph$b/method_15779, eph$a/getAmount, epk$b/getAmount, epc/getAmount] ars METHOD c (()Z) -> [ars/isAcceptingMessages, wf/method_48106] aqu METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ljd;)Z) -> [dcw/method_8505, aqu/mayInteract] aeu METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aeu/type] gua METHOD k (()Lgua$a;) -> [gua/getAttenuation, gua/method_4777] apn METHOD l (()I) -> [apn/getFunctionCompilationLevel, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_21714] dys$b METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$b/fillArray] dmt METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dmt/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] fmd METHOD n ((I)V) -> [fmb/method_46419, fmd/setY] cii METHOD i (()Lciq;) -> [cii/getPhase, cik/method_6849] dki METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dki/isRandomlyTicking, dtb/method_9542] bth METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bth/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] dys$s METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$s/compute, dyr/method_40464] cmx METHOD a ((Lavo;Lavq;FF)V) -> [cmx/playNotifySound, cmx/method_17356] elx$b METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [elx$b/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] dfd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dfd/rotate, dtb/method_9598] fwy METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwy/setupAnim] ger$a METHOD a ((Lger$c;Lbtn;Lbrz;FF)V) -> [ger$e/method_42591, ger$a/setupFog] aqv METHOD b ((Lbrk;)Z) -> [aqv/isInvulnerableTo, bsr/method_5679] geb METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcuq;Lcqd;)V) -> [cmx/method_33592, geb/updateTutorialInventoryAction] elo$3 METHOD a (()V) -> [elo$3/init, elo$b/method_14688] cfr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtm;)V) -> [cfr/thunderHit, bsr/method_5800] cdf METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdf/doTick, cdy/method_19101] fii METHOD a (()V) -> [fgr$i/applyValue, fpv$1/applyValue, fii/method_25344, fep$a/applyValue] fei$a METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fei$a/children, fkh/method_25396] eky METHOD a (()Lela;) -> [eky/getType, ekz/method_16757] jq METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jq$b/stream, jq/method_40239] ehc METHOD a (()Lehb;) -> [ehc/type, eha/method_28893] erk METHOD m (()Z) -> [erj/isAllowCommands, eqy/isAllowCommands, erk/method_194] fl$e METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fl$h/method_9380, fl$e/getOrCreateTag] jd METHOD p (()Lkh;) -> [jd/below, jd$a/below, jd/method_23228] cw$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [cw$a/validate, ar/method_54938] fuq METHOD c (()Lfyk;) -> [fxx/method_22954, fuq/waterPatch] fgr$k METHOD aR_ (()Z) -> [fgr$f/applyValueImmediately, fgr$k/comp_2661] fzf METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldch;)I) -> [fzf/getBlockTint, dbz/method_23752] ciy METHOD y (()Lavo;) -> [ciy/getAddItemSound, ciy/method_34243] cwp METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, cwp/use] czd$1 METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [czd$1/method_42303, czd$1/getRecipeFor] chi METHOD gm (()Lavo;) -> [chi/method_28368, chi/getEatingSound] cnp METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [cnp/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] bnb$1 METHOD c (()J) -> [bng/method_24273, bnb$1/getCount] cwn METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cul/method_7873, cwn/hurtEnemy] air METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, air/handle] erv$a METHOD b ((Levc$a;)Leuu;) -> [erv$a/when, euu/method_840] ht METHOD a ((Lhv;)V) -> [ht/tracer, ht/method_54403] fvg METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fvg/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] dmq METHOD d (()Z) -> [dmq/canChangeBlockStateOnSpread, dmp/method_41472] dkj METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dkj/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] uj METHOD g (()I) -> [uj/getAsInt, ur/method_10701] che METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, che/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] erb METHOD l (()Z) -> [eqy/isHardcore, fzf$a/isHardcore, erb/method_152, erj/isHardcore] dql METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dql/getUpdateTag] aey METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aey/handle] aru METHOD a ((Lagw;)V) -> [aru/method_12055, aru/handleContainerButtonClick] fmc$a METHOD f ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc$a/paddingHorizontal, fmc$a/method_46477] enk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Layw;)Z) -> [enk/test, enn/method_16768] dnr METHOD b (()Lcti;) -> [dnr/getColor, dfp/method_10622] dmw METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dmw/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] abu METHOD a ((Lacb;)V) -> [abu/method_11094, abu/handleBlockEntityData] abh METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, abh/type] eky METHOD a ((Lenu;Ljd;Ldmm;)Lejj;) -> [eky/getBoundingBox, ekz/method_16628] aqs METHOD p (()Leot;) -> [dvc/method_12130, aqs/getLightEngine] cmx METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [cmx/getSoundSource, bsr/method_5634] dhy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dhy/rotate] chk METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [chk/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] dpw METHOD a ((Ldqh$b;)V) -> [dqh/method_57568, dpw/applyImplicitComponents] exc METHOD c (()D) -> [jw/method_10215, exc/z] gbz METHOD a (()V) -> [gbz/tick, gcn/method_3070] t METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ae/method_48019, t/getName] gle METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gle/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] fie METHOD aM_ (()Z) -> [fie/isDragging, fkh/method_25397] ese METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lerr;)V) -> [ese/createItemStack, esj/method_433] cjt METHOD c (()V) -> [cjt/startPersistentAngerTimer, btt/method_29509] cgk METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cgk/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] gnq METHOD a ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [glk/method_25450, gnq/isShaking] cay METHOD e (()V) -> [cay/stop, cam/method_6270] fis$a METHOD b_ ((Z)V) -> [fkh/method_25398, fis$a/setDragging] ha$d METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ha$d/validateElement, bmr/method_58343] cul$b METHOD b (()F) -> [cul$b/method_59531, cul$b/tickRate] cfm$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfm$a/canUse] flu METHOD E (()I) -> [flu/getY, fmb/method_46427] dxa$1 METHOD a ((Laqu;Ldxb;Ljava/util/List;ILjd;)V) -> [dxa$1/tick, dxa/method_12507] ckm$e METHOD b (()Z) -> [ckm$e/canUse, cam/method_6264] cft$j METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cft$j/start] cmx METHOD a ((Lwz;Z)V) -> [cmx/method_7353, cmx/displayClientMessage] flx METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [flx/visitChildren, fmd/visitChildren, fly/visitChildren, flx/method_48227, flz/visitChildren, flw/visitChildren] ccx METHOD b (()Lexc;) -> [ccx/getTempMobPos, cda/method_6347] czk METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [czk/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] dfm METHOD b ((Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dfm/method_9434, dfm/getSignalStrength] ub$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)V) -> [ui$1/skip, va$1/skip, uw$1/skip, ud$1/skip, uh$1/skip, ty$1/skip, ub$1/skip, uf$1/skip, va$a/skip, ub$1/method_39851] esh METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [esh/validate, esh/method_415] cov METHOD bk (()Z) -> [cov/isUnderWater, bsr/method_5869] cjh METHOD w ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cjh/restoreFrom, bsr/method_5878] dsu METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dsu/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] dqo METHOD k (()Lwz;) -> [dqo/getDefaultName, dqb/method_17823] aru METHOD a ((Lahf;)V) -> [agi/method_19476, aru/handleLockDifficulty] etk$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [etk$a/getThis, ete$a/method_523] cyz METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/getResultItem, cyz/method_8110] cul METHOD f ((Lcuq;)I) -> [csw/getBarColor, cul/method_31571] ckq$b METHOD a ((Ljd;)Z) -> [cgf$g/isStableDestination, cff$1/isStableDestination, ccy/isStableDestination, ckq$b/isStableDestination, ckq$b/method_6333, cdc/isStableDestination, ccx/isStableDestination] emc METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [emc/type, ejr/method_41618] gft METHOD a ((Laue;)V) -> [gft/onResourceManagerReload, auf/method_14491] cvc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;)V) -> [cvc/onCraftedPostProcess, cul/method_7843] doc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, doc/useItemOn] dyc METHOD b ((Ldyb;)V) -> [dyc/method_32945, dyc/unregister] gtm METHOD p (()Z) -> [gtm/shouldSwitchSounds, gtm/method_22136, gtl/shouldSwitchSounds] gkb METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;FFFF)V) -> [gkb/setupRotations, glk/method_4058] dzc$a METHOD k (()Ldyr;) -> [dzc$g/wrapped, dzc$f/wrapped, dzc$i/wrapped, dzc$e/wrapped, dys$l/wrapped, dzc$d/wrapped, dzc$a/wrapped, dzc$b/wrapped, dzc$a/comp_469] cni METHOD l ((DDD)V) -> [cni/lerpMotion, bsr/method_5750] ajr METHOD a ((Lajs;)V) -> [ajr/method_12698, ajr/handleStatusRequest] erj METHOD c ((Z)V) -> [erk/method_223, erj/setInitialized] elo$2 METHOD a (()V) -> [elo$b/method_14688, elo$2/init] chi$1 METHOD e (()V) -> [chi$1/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] fl$c METHOD a ((Luy;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fl$c/getTag, fl$h/method_9378] dro$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljm;Ldxz$a;Lexc;)Z) -> [dro$a/handleGameEvent, dyb/method_32947] erj METHOD a ((Ljd;F)V) -> [erj/setSpawn, erm/method_187] ciw METHOD eW (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [btn/method_5877, ciw/getHandSlots] cck METHOD b (()Z) -> [cck/canUse, cam/method_6264] gve METHOD a ((Lgua;Lgvg;F)V) -> [gve/method_4884, gve/onPlaySound] dgy METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dgy/getFluidState] dfw METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfw/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] es METHOD l_ (()Z) -> [es/method_36320, amk$b/alwaysAccepts] cvn METHOD c (()I) -> [cvn/getDefaultProjectileRange, cvn/method_24792] cou METHOD E (()V) -> [cou/clearItemStacks, cou/method_42273, cow/clearItemStacks] ik METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [ik/entries, ik/comp_1995] did METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, did/useWithoutItem] gwp METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, gwp/getRowWidth] elv$d METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [elv$d/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] fih$a METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_49568, fih$a/renderBack] ear METHOD a (()Leag;) -> [eaf/method_38873, ear/type] fgh METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fgh/getKey, ayr/method_7359] erb METHOD b ((Z)V) -> [erb/setRaining, erb/method_157] cez METHOD bB (()Z) -> [cez/isPushable, bsr/method_5810] bzz METHOD a ((Lbtw;)I) -> [bzz/nextStartTick, bzz/method_6293] cgq METHOD b ((Ldcw;)Lcda;) -> [ckq/createNavigation, cjz/createNavigation, cff/createNavigation, cfu/createNavigation, chb/createNavigation, cko/createNavigation, cfm/createNavigation, cgq/method_5965, cgf/createNavigation, cfb/createNavigation, cgy/createNavigation, cmb/createNavigation, cgk/createNavigation, ciu/createNavigation, cgq/createNavigation] bnl$a METHOD b (()Ljava/nio/file/Path;) -> [bnk/stop, bnl$a/stop, bnl$a/method_37980] aqu METHOD E (()Laqu;) -> [aqu/method_8410, arb/getLevel, aqu/getLevel] ut$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, ut$1/parse] cgy METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [cgy/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] dtb METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9579, dtb/propagatesSkylightDown] uv METHOD a ((B)Luv$b;) -> [uv/visit, uv/method_39857] dlc METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dfy/method_9574, dlc/getCloneItemStack] drd$1 METHOD b ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dqu/method_31683, drd$1/onClose] eph METHOD a ((Ldcz;)I) -> [epb/getTickDelay, eph/method_15789, eph/getTickDelay, epk/getTickDelay] fod METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fkh/method_25396, fod/children] dzc METHOD c (()I) -> [dyr$b/comp_373, dzc/blockZ] fni METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fni/render, fjp/method_25394] fis METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fis/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] fem$a METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fem$a/getNarration] aqv METHOD a ((Lcuq;I)V) -> [aqv/method_7286, aqv/onEnchantmentPerformed] gmv METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmv/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] fig METHOD b ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fig/method_44386, fiw/renderBackground] dvs METHOD a_ ((Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dcc/method_8320, dvs/getBlockState] csu METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, csu/useOn] czu METHOD i (()Z) -> [cyz/method_31584, czu/isIncomplete] zm METHOD a ((Lzr;)V) -> [zm/method_52783, fzc/handlePing] cnk METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cnk/defineSynchedData] asc METHOD a (()Lark$a;) -> [asc/type, ark/method_52375] cmx METHOD a ((Lexc;Lbts;)Lexc;) -> [cmx/maybeBackOffFromEdge, bsr/method_18796] clh METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, clh/getBrain] cgv METHOD j ((Lbtn;)Lexb;) -> [chi/method_49489, cgv/getRiddenRotation] dwh METHOD a ((Ldcd;Luv;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [dwh/method_39795, dwh/scanChunk] jr METHOD a ((I)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [jr/byId, jr/method_10200] cah METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cah/start] cln METHOD o_ (()Z) -> [btn/method_6109, cln/isBaby] fpt METHOD F (()Lfsa;) -> [fpt/getRecipeBookComponent, fpt/method_2659, fpg/getRecipeBookComponent, fou/getRecipeBookComponent] cwn METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [cwn/getUseDuration, cul/method_7881] glk METHOD f ((Lbtn;)F) -> [glk/method_55832, glk/getShadowRadius] bph METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [bph/tell, bpj/method_16901] acv METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acv/type] cmb METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldcz;)F) -> [btw/method_6144, cmb/getWalkTargetValue] fji$a METHOD aO_ (()Z) -> [fki/method_25370, fji$a/isFocused] dkl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dkl/getShape] dys$p METHOD a ((D)D) -> [dys$g/transform, dys$k/transform, dys$n/transform, dys$p/method_40520] cnl METHOD l (()V) -> [cnl/tick, bsr/method_5773] fxk METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxk/setupAnim] guj METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [guj$1/searchNamespace, guj$2/searchNamespace, guj/method_43801] dzz$a METHOD a ((J)Layw;) -> [dzz$a/fromSeed, dzz$a/method_60628, dyz$a/fromSeed] eyy METHOD b ((Ljd;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [eyp/method_8677, eyy/willTickThisTick] dhr METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhr/codec] ftc METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, ftc/setInitialFocus] fef$2 METHOD a ((Lfdm;)Lfev$c;) -> [fef$2/initDataFetcher, fef$a/method_49593] dhm METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dhm/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] uv METHOD a (([B)Luv$b;) -> [vj/visit, uv/method_39867, vg/visit] dkn METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dkn/createBlockStateDefinition] fsa METHOD c ((DD)Z) -> [fki/method_25405, fsa/isMouseOver] cwh METHOD c (()Lcvm$a;) -> [cvm/method_58653, cwh/createDispenseConfig] agi METHOD a ((Lahg;)V) -> [aru/handleMovePlayer, agi/method_12063] cnv METHOD x (()Lcuq;) -> [cnd/method_57314, cnv/getDefaultPickupItem] dtb METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/getDirectSignal, dtb/method_9603] edc METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [edc/place, ece/method_13151] dtb METHOD ax_ (()F) -> [dtb/method_37247, dtb/getMaxVerticalOffset] chv METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [chv/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] bwm METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bwm/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] fzr$1 METHOD b (()Z) -> [fzr$1/method_46523, fyy/shouldRefreshKeyPair, fzr$1/shouldRefreshKeyPair] aty$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [aty$a/method_18352, aty$a/wait] dmi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dmi/getShape] dex METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dex/mirror, dtb/method_9569] djt METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [djt/codec, dtb/method_53969] cld METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cld/checkExtraStartConditions, bvh/method_18919] cb METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [cb/codec, bw/method_58152] cix METHOD p (()V) -> [cix/method_6895, cjb/recalculateBoundingBox, ciz/recalculateBoundingBox] cfm$c METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfm$c/start] cdy METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdy/doTick, cdy/method_19101] tu METHOD a (()V) -> [tg/finish, tu/method_36109] dut$a METHOD c (()D) -> [dut$a/method_11992, dut$a/getMinZ] ecu METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ecu/place, ece/method_13151] fqn METHOD a (()I) -> [fqn/method_32661, fql/getHeight, fqm/getHeight, fqk/getHeight] ger$a METHOD a (()Ljm;) -> [ger$b/getMobEffect, ger$a/getMobEffect, ger$a/method_42590] eho METHOD a ((Lddc;Ljd;)Z) -> [ehm/method_43196, eho/validTreePos] fkh METHOD a ((Lfki;)V) -> [fkh/setFocused, fkh/method_25395] ckq METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, ckq/tick] dkt METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dkt/codec] dyp METHOD a ((IILdyy$a;Ldcy;Ldzm;)I) -> [dyp/getBaseHeight, duz/method_16397] eto$a METHOD b (()Letf;) -> [eto$a/build, etf$a/method_515] agi METHOD a ((Laid;)V) -> [agi/method_12073, aru/handleTeleportToEntityPacket] aex METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aex/handle, zg/method_11054] jz METHOD i (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ju/holders, jz/method_40270] fnz METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25401, fnz/mouseScrolled] gbp METHOD i (()V) -> [gbp/postMoveUpdate, gbp/method_18822] api$1 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/builder/ArgumentBuilder;Ljava/util/function/Function;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/builder/ArgumentBuilder;) -> [api$1/method_13925, api$1/wrap, apj$1/wrap, apf$1/wrap] btn METHOD a ((Lbsr$c;)V) -> [bsr/method_5650, btn/remove] daj$c METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [daj$a/codec, daj$c/method_60185, daj$b/codec, daj$f/codec, daj$d/codec, daj$c/codec, daj$e/codec] amk$b METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [es/method_43496, amk$b/sendSystemMessage] dvg METHOD a (()I) -> [dvg/getSerializedSize, dvo/method_12290] bug METHOD a (()Lcuq;) -> [bug/get, bug/method_32327] emb$t METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emb$t/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] dql METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqh/method_11014, dql/loadAdditional] arb METHOD A_ (()Lerb;) -> [dcx/method_8401, arb/getLevelData] aqk$c METHOD a ((JII)V) -> [aqk$c/onLevelChange, aqk$c/method_17657] duy METHOD a ((Lddz;Ldef$f;)V) -> [duy/fillBiomesFromNoise, duy/method_38257] gbl METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gbl/getRenderType] dbj METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dbj/method_60265, dbn/codec, dbm/codec, dbl/codec] fnj METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fnj/onClose] azq$1 METHOD c (()F) -> [azq/comp_533, azq$1/maxValue] va METHOD b ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)V) -> [va/method_39851, ui$1/skip, va$1/skip, uw$1/skip, ud$1/skip, uh$1/skip, ty$1/skip, ub$1/skip, uf$1/skip, va$a/skip] hb$1 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [hb$1/method_9771, hb$2/create, hb$1/create] dut$d METHOD j (()V) -> [dut$d/method_11989, dut$b/onAbsoluteMaxSizeChange, dut$d/onAbsoluteMaxSizeChange] uc METHOD i (()B) -> [uc/getAsByte, ur/method_10698] fbm METHOD a ((FFFIFFIIFFF)V) -> [fbm/method_23919, fbm/addVertex] cez METHOD l (()V) -> [cez/tick, bsr/method_5773] esh$a METHOD b ((Lesh$a;)Lesd$a;) -> [esh$a/method_35513, esd$a/append] gmi METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gmi/render, gki/method_3936] bte METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, bte/method_6011, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] cwn METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljw;Lcuq;Lji;)Lcnp;) -> [cvm/method_58648, cwn/asProjectile] dfj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dfj/rotate] jz METHOD c ((Lakr;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ju/getHolder, jz/method_55841] fdt METHOD c (()V) -> [fdt/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] chv METHOD ff (()V) -> [chv/jumpFromGround, btn/method_6043] dhj$b METHOD b ((ILcuq;Lji;)Z) -> [dhj$b/canTakeItemThroughFace, brd/method_5493] bnf$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [bmy/push, bnf$1/push, bnc/push, bnf$1/method_15396] dmk METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmk/codec] dmb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dmb/useWithoutItem] fgr$e METHOD f (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [fgr$n/comp_675, fgr$e/codec] abv METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, abv/type] cfo METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cfo/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] chw$f METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [chw$f/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] aaf METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aaf/type, aaj/method_56479] dqa METHOD k (()Lwz;) -> [dqb/method_17823, dqa/getDefaultName] dhs METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dhs/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] aqm METHOD d ((J)Laqn;) -> [aqb/acquireGeneration, aqm/method_60448] ckm METHOD i_ (()V) -> [bsr/method_18382, ckm/refreshDimensions] gep METHOD e (()V) -> [fay/method_34418, gep/attachToProgram] fl$e METHOD a ((Luy;)I) -> [fl$h/method_9383, fl$e/removeTag] dit METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lbrk;) -> [dlq/getFallDamageSource, dey/getFallDamageSource, dit/method_32898] fqu METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fqu/onClose] ess$a METHOD b (()Letf;) -> [etf$a/method_515, ess$a/build] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD ak (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3727, apn/hasGui] elv$c METHOD a ((Ldcz;IIILejj;)Z) -> [ejv/method_33780, elv$c/canBeReplaced] ccz METHOD W_ (()V) -> [ccz/trimPath, ccz/method_6359] ckr$a METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, ckr$a/canContinueToUse] cmh METHOD gn (()Z) -> [dbt/method_19270, cmh/showProgressBar] fzi METHOD A (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [ey/method_9269, fzi/getSelectedEntities] esv METHOD b (()Letg;) -> [etf/method_29321, esv/getType] dcw METHOD H_ (()Lka;) -> [arb/registryAccess, dcw/method_30349, dcw/registryAccess] cgf METHOD y (()Z) -> [cgf/canBeLeashed, btk/method_5931] ut METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [ut/accept, uy/method_39850] zr METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zr/type] bsr METHOD cU (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [bsr/getSelfAndPassengers, dxg/method_24204] dvt METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [dvo/method_19525, dvt/maybeHas] ckf METHOD l (()V) -> [ckf/tick, bsr/method_5773] auw METHOD a (()[Ljava/lang/String;) -> [auw/getUserList, auw/method_14636] iv$a METHOD b ((Lep;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;) -> [io$a/method_41730, iv$a/instantiate] fgr$n METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [fgr$n/method_41758, fgr$n/validateValue] arz$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [arz$1/method_31289, arz$1/processMessageBundle, asa$d/processMessageBundle] dhf METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhf/codec] fzb METHOD j (()I) -> [dvc/method_14151, fzb/getLoadedChunksCount] bsr METHOD aE (()V) -> [bsr/onBelowWorld, bsr/method_5825] ev METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/exceptions/CommandExceptionType;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/Message;ZLhv;)V) -> [ev/method_54491, ev/handleError] cgc METHOD fl (()Z) -> [cgc/isSensitiveToWater, btn/method_29503] glp METHOD f ((Lbtn;)F) -> [glp/getShadowRadius, glk/method_55832] dci METHOD c ((Lbsr;Lewx;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [ddj/getEntityCollisions, dci/getEntityCollisions, dci/method_20743] dut$d METHOD e (()D) -> [dut$d/getSize, dut$b/getSize, dut$d/method_11984] cnd METHOD a ((Laqu;Lewy;Lcuq;)V) -> [cnd/method_59956, coc/hitBlockEnchantmentEffects] edw METHOD a ((Ldds;Lefh;Lduz;Layw;Ljd;)Z) -> [edw/placeVegetation, edt/method_34315] gsx METHOD c (()Z) -> [gsm/method_24304, gsx/usesBlockLight] jm METHOD e (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jm$a/unwrapKey, jm$c/unwrapKey, jm/method_40230] chi METHOD b (()V) -> [chi/handleStopJump, bty/method_6156] jq$a METHOD f (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [jq$a/contents, jq$b/method_40249] bul METHOD t (()V) -> [cgh/applyTamingSideEffects, bul/method_56996] fzf METHOD Y (()V) -> [fzf/method_8525, fzf/disconnect] ckg METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)V) -> [ckg/performRangedAttack, cjr/performRangedAttack, ciu/performRangedAttack, cln/performRangedAttack, chl/performRangedAttack, cgc/performRangedAttack, ckt/performRangedAttack, ckg/method_7105, cjl/performRangedAttack, ckb/performRangedAttack] doc METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, doc/codec] gkx METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gkx/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] ckn$c METHOD k (()V) -> [ckn$c/method_7148, ckn$c/performSpellCasting] erk METHOD e (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [erl/method_150, erk/method_150, erk/getLevelName] gld METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gld/render, glk/method_4054] cif METHOD g (()Lexc;) -> [cif/getFlyTargetLocation, cik/method_6851] bsr METHOD dB (()Lcuq;) -> [bsr/method_31480, bsr/getPickResult] bue METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lavq;)V) -> [bue/method_6576, bue/equipSaddle] giz METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [giz/render, gim$a/method_23109] coj$d METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, coj$d/tick] up$f METHOD a (()Luy;) -> [up$f/method_46239, up$f/result] bf METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [bf/codec, aq/method_54937] erj METHOD k (()Ldct;) -> [erk/method_210, erl/method_210, erj/getGameType] awv$1 METHOD a ((Lakr;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [awv$1/element, aws$a/method_43948] cqx METHOD l (()Lcqy;) -> [cqx/createInputSlotDefinitions, cqx/method_48352] dgl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9569, dgl/mirror] byw METHOD a ((Lbuq;Ljava/util/Optional;)Lbyv;) -> [byw/createAccessor, byw/method_47253] arb METHOD D_ (()Ldwy;) -> [arb/dimensionType, dcz/method_8597] ayw METHOD k (()D) -> [ayw/method_43059, ayw/nextGaussian] cvu METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, cvu/useOn] btn METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [btn/method_55694, btn/getDefaultDimensions] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcmx;Lbtn;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7847, cul/interactLivingEntity] fzi METHOD C (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [fzi/getAbsoluteCoordinates, fzi/method_17772] fod METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fod/method_37062, fod/updateNarrationState] cfc METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, cfc/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] bau METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bau/fix] ckr METHOD a ((Lbts;Lexc;)V) -> [bsr/method_5784, ckr/move] btn METHOD dU (()Lbuq$b;) -> [btn/method_28306, btn/brainProvider] cgv$b METHOD a (()V) -> [bzo/method_6231, cgv$b/tick] dow METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dow/mirror, dtb/method_9569] chi METHOD af_ (()I) -> [chi/getInventoryColumns, chi/method_6702] cfe METHOD f ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cgn/setInLove, cfe/method_6480] faz METHOD a ((Lorg/joml/Vector4f;)V) -> [faz/method_35652, faz/set] dmb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dmb/getSignal] che METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, che/aiStep] auf METHOD a ((Laty$a;Laue;Lbnf;Lbnf;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [auf/method_25931, gst/reload, gcp/reload, gro/reload, alf/reload, auj/reload, gqm/reload, auf/reload, flb/reload, aww/reload] dmh METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dmh/hasAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9498] gwj METHOD c (()V) -> [gwj/method_4904, gwg/onOpenInventory] foa METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [ayv/method_15412, foa/progressStartNoAbort] dlf METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dfy/method_9574, dlf/getCloneItemStack] dmh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dmh/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] gmt METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmt/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] bte METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, bte/getAmbientSound] bmo$a METHOD a ((Lbmk;Lbmm;Lbmg;)Z) -> [bmo$e/parse, bmo$b/parse, bmo$1/parse, bmu$a/parse, bmo$a/method_58334, bmo$a/parse, bmo$d/parse, bmo$c/parse, bmo$2/parse, bmu$b/parse] ckx METHOD h ((D)Z) -> [ckx/removeWhenFarAway, btp/method_5974] fzf METHOD x (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fzf/players, dcn/method_18456] btn METHOD t ((Z)V) -> [btn/setJumping, btn/method_6100] aqv$1 METHOD a ((Lcpu;Ljv;Lcuq;[I)V) -> [aqv$1/method_34263, aqv$1/sendInitialData] iu$a METHOD b ((Lep;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;) -> [iu$a/instantiate, io$a/method_41730] dyn METHOD j (()D) -> [ayw/method_43058, dyn/nextDouble] epk METHOD a (()Lcul;) -> [eph/getBucket, epk/method_15774, epb/getBucket, epk/getBucket] fph METHOD a ((Lcpu;ILcuq;)V) -> [cqh/method_7635, fph/slotChanged] aek METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aek/type] bez METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bez/fix] fsf METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fsa/recipesShown, fsf/method_2646] fzr METHOD b (()Z) -> [fzr/method_46523, fyy/shouldRefreshKeyPair, fzr$1/shouldRefreshKeyPair] erj METHOD j (()I) -> [erj/getRainTime, erk/method_190] cic METHOD a (()Z) -> [cih/isSitting, cic/isSitting, cid/isSitting, cic/method_6848] ckv METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, ckv/getBrain] wz METHOD a ((Lxe$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe$3/visit, xe$2/visit, xe$4/visit, wz/visit, wz/method_27657, xe$1/visit, fgz$c/visit] dxp METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [dxp/method_31803, dxq/getAll] cow METHOD B (()Lakq;) -> [cow/getLootTable, cox/method_42276] km$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [km/method_57831, km$1/keySet] fxe METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxe/setupAnim] cka METHOD gl (()Lcuq;) -> [ckw/method_7215, cka/getSkull] cjr METHOD x (()Z) -> [cjr/supportsBreakDoorGoal, ckw/method_7212] dtb METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9549, dtb/getCollisionShape] cjh METHOD bd (()Z) -> [bsr/method_33189, cjh/dampensVibrations] cfv METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtm;)V) -> [cfv/thunderHit, bsr/method_5800] fdt$b METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fdt$b/getNarration, fji$a/method_37006] gih METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [gim$a/method_23109, gih/render] dic METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dic/codec] cow METHOD b ((Lcmx;)V) -> [btf/method_6722, cow/openCustomInventoryScreen] ckm METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [btn/method_55694, ckm/getDefaultDimensions] bhq METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bhq/fix] dhy METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Lcuq;) -> [dhy/getCloneItemStack, dfy/method_9574] dht METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dht/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] dlq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dlq/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] foh$b METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [foh$b/method_25310, foh$b/clickedHeader] erj METHOD a ((Lka;Lub;)Lub;) -> [erl/method_163, erj/createTag] crr METHOD a (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;) -> [crr/slots, crr/method_58075] dgk METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgk/hasAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9498] fou METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fou/init] fix METHOD a ((Lgvf;)V) -> [fik/method_25354, fix/playDownSound] dgx METHOD g ((Ldtc;)F) -> [dmz/method_49814, dgx/getYRotationDegrees] dph METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dph/codec] wz METHOD c (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [wz/getSiblings, wz/method_10855] fzg METHOD a ((Lacw;)V) -> [fzg/handleDeleteChat, fzg/method_44814] edk METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [edk/place, ece/method_13151] fdu$a METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, fdu$a/getRowWidth] cyt METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyt/getResultItem, cyz/method_8110] frt METHOD e (()V) -> [frt/tick, fod/method_25393] cfu METHOD go (()Z) -> [bul/method_60716, cfu/canFlyToOwner] dyt METHOD a ((Larb;Lddq;Ldzm;Lduy;)V) -> [dyt/buildSurface, duz/method_12110] dkx METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9549, dkx/getCollisionShape] dys$t METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dys$t/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] fno METHOD c (()V) -> [fno/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] fgs$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z) -> [fgs$2/process, fgs$a/method_33684] gkc METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gkc/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] drc METHOD a ((Lkm$a;)V) -> [dqh/method_57567, drc/collectImplicitComponents] bnb METHOD f (()I) -> [bnb/method_16074, bnb/getTickDuration] coz METHOD ak_ (()Lcul;) -> [cpg/method_7557, coz/getDropItem] dog METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dog/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] tz METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V) -> [tz/write, uy/method_10713] dyi$d METHOD b (()Ldyd;) -> [dyi$d/method_51300, dyi$d/getPositionSource] cgq METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [cgq/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] eov METHOD b ((Ljd;)I) -> [eor/method_15543, eov/getLightValue] bvw METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvw/checkExtraStartConditions, bvh/method_18919] cky METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)V) -> [btt/method_29513, cky/setPersistentAngerTarget] fqx$d METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fqx$d/render] cjh METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cjh/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] ue METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [uy/method_32289, ue/accept] cgq$c METHOD a (()V) -> [cgq$c/tick, bzp/method_6240] dsa METHOD c (()Ljd;) -> [dsa/method_31705, dsa/getPos] ty$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23259, ty$1/getName] ekl METHOD a ((Ldva;II)Z) -> [ekl/isPlacementChunk, eko/method_40168] dsw METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dsw/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dsp METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ldsm;Ldso;)V) -> [dsp$4/onExit, dsp/method_56808] adx METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adx/type] fme METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [fme/visitWidgets, fmb/method_48206] dzc$a METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/comp_378, dzc$a/maxValue] glk METHOD b ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [glk/shouldShowName, gki/method_3921] cfd METHOD gm (()I) -> [cfd/getMaxSchoolSize, cfd/method_6465] jd METHOD e ((Lkh;)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35852, jd/subtract] cjn METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cjn/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] emb$b METHOD a ((Lji;Lemb$v;Layw;)Lemb$r;) -> [emb$c/create, emb$d/create, emb$b/create, emb$e/create, emb$g/create, emb$f/create, emb$a/create, emb$b/method_14768] emh$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljd;Lddl;Layw;Lejj;)V) -> [ekb/method_15026, emh$a/handleDataMarker] fsn$a METHOD a ((Lfih$a;)V) -> [fih/method_25313, fsn$a/setSelected] cff$f METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cff$f/canUse] btn METHOD E ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cfu/doPush, cmb/doPush, ciw/doPush, cfq/doPush, cez/doPush, btn/method_6087] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD v_ (()V) -> [tc/waitUntilNextTick, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_16208] anx$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/ContextChain;Lhn;Lht;)V) -> [anx$a/run, hp/method_54290] fls$b METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [fls$b/unpack, flo/method_51734] bvv METHOD e ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/tryStart, bvv/method_18922, bvv/tryStart, bws/tryStart, bvr/tryStart] emo METHOD e (()Leka;) -> [emo/type, ejr/method_41618] dhl METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dhl/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] cpy$1 METHOD b ((ILcuq;)Z) -> [drj/canPlaceItem, cpy$1/method_5437, drk$1/canPlaceItem, cpy$1/canPlaceItem, bqj/canPlaceItem, dqk/canPlaceItem, dpv/canPlaceItem, dqv/canPlaceItem, dqq/canPlaceItem] gut METHOD a ((I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;) -> [gut/read, gut/method_19720] fju METHOD a ((Lgua;Lgvg;F)V) -> [gve/method_4884, fju/onPlaySound] dzc$i METHOD k (()Ldyr;) -> [dzc$g/wrapped, dzc$f/wrapped, dzc$i/wrapped, dzc$e/wrapped, dys$l/wrapped, dzc$i/comp_469, dzc$d/wrapped, dzc$a/wrapped, dzc$b/wrapped] eqt METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [eqt/save, eql/method_75] dpw METHOD ah (()Lwz;) -> [bqw/method_5477, dpw/getName] ja$1 METHOD a (()Lja;) -> [ja/method_10055, ja$1/inverse] dzz METHOD f (()I) -> [dzz/nextInt, ayw/method_43054] dlf METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dlf/createBlockStateDefinition] fzc METHOD a ((Lzg;)Z) -> [wf/method_52413, fzc/shouldHandleMessage] fox$a METHOD a ((I)V) -> [fox$a/updateStatus, fox$a/method_37080] fjf$2 METHOD a (()I) -> [fjf/method_30887, fjf$2/getLineCount] bpd METHOD a (()Lbpc;) -> [bpd/method_34979, bpd/getWeight] ckq$b METHOD a ((I)Lepu;) -> [cda/method_6336, ckq$b/createPathFinder] bdo METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bdo/fix] ey METHOD z (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [fzi/getCustomTabSugggestions, ey/method_44750] dou METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dou/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] chi METHOD b ((I)V) -> [cgv/onPlayerJump, chi/method_6154, chi/onPlayerJump] dhj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dhj/getAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9572] ee$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ee$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] cfo$r METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$r/start] cjh METHOD aL (()Ljd;) -> [bsr/method_23314, cjh/getBlockPosBelowThatAffectsMyMovement] fw$d METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [fw$b/unwrap, fw$d/method_45647, fw$d/unwrap] aqv METHOD t (()V) -> [aqv/doCloseContainer, aqv/method_14247] cmw METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [bqk/method_5438, cmw/getItem] dhz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dhz/rotate] fuv METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fuv/setupAnim] dip METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dip/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] ago METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ago/handle] chw$d METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18926, chw$d/stop] uh METHOD c (()Lva;) -> [uy/method_23258, uh/getType] cgd METHOD s (()Llk;) -> [bte/getInkParticle, cgd/method_33336] cdp METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdp/doTick, cdy/method_19101] gsj METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ate$1/fromJson, gsj/fromJson, gsa/fromJson, gsj/method_14421, grx/fromJson] br METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [br/codec, aq/method_54937] bnf$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)V) -> [bnf/method_15400, bnf$1/push] adj METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [adj/handle, zg/method_11054] dpw METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dpw/getUpdateTag] gua METHOD j (()D) -> [gua/getZ, gua/method_4778] det METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [det/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] drq$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Ljm;Ldxz$a;)Z) -> [cgk$b/canReceiveVibration, drq$a/canReceiveVibration, drp$a/canReceiveVibration, drq$a/method_32970, cmb$a/canReceiveVibration, dqm$a/canReceiveVibration] csi METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [csi/useOn, cul/method_7884] dgh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dgh/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dxy METHOD a ((Ldyb;)V) -> [dyc/method_32944, dxy/register] cgk$a METHOD a (()Ldyd;) -> [cgk$a/getListenerSource, dyb/method_32946] cmf METHOD s ((F)Lexc;) -> [bsr/method_30951, cmf/getRopeHoldPosition] ema METHOD a ((Lejr$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ema/findGenerationPoint, ejr/method_38676] dlh METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dlh/useItemOn, dtb/method_55765] eje METHOD a ((Leiw;Layw;Ljd;)Z) -> [eix/method_38918, eje/shouldPlace] drp$a METHOD d (()Z) -> [drp$a/canTriggerAvoidVibration, dyi$d/method_43695] etv METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [etv/run, ete/method_522] acs METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, acs/type] bfu METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;) -> [bfu/method_20445, bfu/fixItemStackTag, bdt/fixItemStackTag, bdy/fixItemStackTag] fny$a METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fny$a/init, fod/method_25426] frt$1 METHOD d ((Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [frt$1/createZipPack, ato/method_52439] cmx METHOD aQ (()Lavo;) -> [cmx/getSwimSound, bsr/method_5737] cou METHOD C (()J) -> [cou/method_42277, cow/getLootTableSeed, cou/getLootTableSeed] ahz METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [ahz/type, zg/method_55846] ftb$a METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, ftb$a/init] dxp METHOD a ((Ldxn;Laxa;)V) -> [dxp/method_31806, dxp/get] ub METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [ub/copy, uy/method_10707] dxn$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dxn$2/tryCast, dxn/method_31796] cne METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cne/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] aru METHOD a ((Lahp;)V) -> [aru/handleRecipeBookChangeSettingsPacket, aru/method_30303] dji METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9579, dji/propagatesSkylightDown] fkc METHOD a ((D)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fkb/method_53468, fkc/toDisplayString] cff$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cff$a/canUse, cam/method_6264] kh METHOD n ((I)Lkh;) -> [kh/above, kh/method_30930] dvu METHOD b ((Lejr;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/LongSet;) -> [dvh/getReferencesForStructure, dvu/method_12180, duy/getReferencesForStructure] doa METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)Z) -> [doa/method_30367, doa/isSupporting] aqs METHOD e (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [aqs/gatherStats, dvc/method_12122] fpa METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fpa/keyPressed] bvn METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvn/tick, bvh/method_18924] crh METHOD d_ ((Lcmx;)V) -> [crh/startOpen, bqk/method_5435] cwd METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [cwd/getUseDuration, cul/method_7881] bvu METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvu/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] fha METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fha/setDown, fha/method_23481] dkl METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfy/method_9496, dkl/animateTick] gfp METHOD a ((II)Lfbm;) -> [fbm/method_60796, gfp/setUv1] dhg METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)I) -> [dhg/getDustColor, diu/method_10130] cn$a METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [cn$a/matches, dw/method_58167] dnh METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnh/codec] dig METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dig/codec] afl METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afl/type] ui METHOD a (()I) -> [uy/method_47988, ui/sizeInBytes] coj METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, coj/aiStep] fqb METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fqb/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] fek METHOD c (()V) -> [fek/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] abv METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, abv/handle] ftd$b METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [ftd$b/children, fkh/method_25396] giv METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [gim$a/method_23109, giv/render] cfw METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cfw/finalizeSpawn] chb METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, chb/customServerAiStep] dzp$g$c METHOD a (()Z) -> [dzp$i/method_39074, dzp$g$c/compute] drr METHOD a_ ((II)Z) -> [drr/triggerEvent, dqh/method_11004] azq METHOD b (()F) -> [azq/minValue, azq/comp_532] jm$c METHOD a ((Lakr;)Z) -> [jm/method_40226, jm$c/is] dhj$a METHOD a ((ILcuq;Lji;)Z) -> [dhj$a/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$b/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dqk/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$c/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dpv/canPlaceItemThroughFace, dhj$a/method_5492, drr/canPlaceItemThroughFace] dnh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dnh/tick] fsd METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fsd/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] axp$e METHOD b (()F) -> [axp$e/minValue, azq/comp_532] dqv METHOD f (()I) -> [cql/method_17398, dqv/getWidth] dpv METHOD d (()Lczb;) -> [crk/method_7663, dpv/getRecipeUsed] guo METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BooleanSupplier;)V) -> [guo/method_3748, tc/tickServer, guo/tickServer] uv METHOD a (([I)Luv$b;) -> [uv/visit, uv/method_39868] cfq METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cfq/aiStep] cy METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [cy/componentType, dw/method_58163] cdc METHOD a ((Ljd;)Z) -> [cgf$g/isStableDestination, cff$1/isStableDestination, ccy/isStableDestination, cdc/method_6333, ckq$b/isStableDestination, cdc/isStableDestination, ccx/isStableDestination] dhy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dtb/method_9572, dhy/getAnalogOutputSignal] geb METHOD a ((Ldqr;)V) -> [geb/method_7323, geb/openCommandBlock, aqv/openCommandBlock] edw METHOD a ((Ldds;Lefh;Layw;Ljd;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;II)Ljava/util/Set;) -> [edw/placeGroundPatch, edt/method_34316] cul$b$1 METHOD b (()F) -> [cul$b/method_59531, cul$b$1/tickRate] et METHOD r (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [ey/method_9267, et/getAllTeams] get METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Laue;Lbnf;)V) -> [get/method_18788, grf/apply, get/apply, fgu/apply, ges$1/apply, ale/apply, czd/apply, gvf/apply, grn/apply, gre/apply] fig METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25403, fig/mouseDragged] djj METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [djj/performBonemeal, dgb/method_9652] dqr METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqr/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] arb METHOD b ((II)Z) -> [dcz/method_8393, arb/hasChunk] cgn METHOD d ((Lcuq;)Lavo;) -> [btn/method_18869, cgn/getEatingSound] cln METHOD a ((Lbsr;Z)Z) -> [bsr/method_5873, cln/startRiding] wg$1 METHOD a (()V) -> [wg/method_45083, wg$1/onSuccess] ace$c METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;Lace$b;)V) -> [ace$c/dispatch, ace$c/method_34106] cke METHOD gl (()Z) -> [cke/canBeLeader, cke/method_16485] dys$p METHOD aG_ (()Ldyr;) -> [dys$n/input, dys$p/comp_380, dys$g/input, dys$k/input] cjl METHOD u (()V) -> [bsr/method_5842, cjl/rideTick] gne METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [glk/method_4042, gne/scale] cez METHOD r_ (()Z) -> [bto/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bsq/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, ciw/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, bth/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, cez/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, btu/isIgnoringBlockTriggers, cez/method_5696] cff$k METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cff$k/tick] fke METHOD a ((J)I) -> [fke/getSampleColor, fkb/method_53471] eao METHOD a (()Leag;) -> [eaf/method_38873, eao/type] elo$4 METHOD a ((Lenu;ILelo$a;Ljd;Ljava/util/List;Layw;)Z) -> [elo$4/generate, elo$b/method_14687] dhz METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dhz/createBlockStateDefinition, dfy/method_9515] bqy$a METHOD e (()Ldzl;) -> [ayw/method_38421, bqy$a/forkPositional] cky METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cky/isPreventingPlayerRest, ckd/method_7076] bvi METHOD f ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvi/method_18923, bvi/tickOrStop] doz METHOD m ((Ldtc;)Lexc;) -> [doz/method_50003, doz/getSignHitboxCenterPosition] btn METHOD c ((Lcuq;)Lavo;) -> [btn/method_18807, btn/getDrinkingSound] dll METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dll/getShape] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] aqv METHOD a ((Ljd;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [aqv/startSleepInBed, aqv/method_7269] cre METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, cre/quickMoveStack] cpy$a METHOD a (()I) -> [cpy$a/getMaxStackSize, crq/method_7675] dqc METHOD ah (()Lwz;) -> [dqc/getName, bqw/method_5477] dmv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [dmv/canBeReplaced, dtb/method_9616] cra METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, cra/removed] arb METHOD H_ (()Lka;) -> [arb/registryAccess, dcw/registryAccess, arb/method_30349] ful METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFF)V) -> [fxf/prepareMobModel, fur/prepareMobModel, fvg/prepareMobModel, ful/prepareMobModel, ful/method_17086] btn METHOD a ((Lbrz;ZLbsr;)V) -> [btn/onEffectUpdated, btn/method_6009] ciy METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ciy/getRemoveItemSound, ciy/method_34240] fma METHOD a (()V) -> [fma/method_48222, fma/arrangeElements] bsr METHOD dn (()Lexc;) -> [cjc/trackingPosition, bsr/method_43390] drh METHOD b (()I) -> [drh/getContainerSize, bqk/method_5439] dmx METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgb/method_9651, dmx/isValidBonemealTarget] jd$a METHOD t ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd$a/setY, jd$a/method_10099] aej METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aej/handle, zg/method_11054] dof METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Z) -> [dkp/method_10311, dof/placeLiquid] dyt METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [duz/method_28506, dyt/codec] cmw METHOD a (()V) -> [cmw/clearContent, bqi/method_5448] axc METHOD a (([I)V) -> [axc/method_39892, axc/unpack] cff$d METHOD i (()Z) -> [cff$d/canBeeContinueToUse, cff$a/method_21815] dnx METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnx/codec] feq METHOD i (()Lwz;) -> [fod/method_25435, feq/getNarrationMessage] bvh METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/stop, bvh/method_18926] dvc METHOD j (()I) -> [dvc/method_14151, dvc/getLoadedChunksCount] dja METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dja/codec] cgk$b METHOD b (()Ldyd;) -> [cgk$b/getPositionSource, dyi$d/method_51300] fov METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fov/render, fjp/method_25394] cgk METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cgk/aiStep] bvh METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [bvh/timedOut, bvh/method_18915] byo METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, byo/checkExtraStartConditions] diw METHOD c ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dnl/getVisualShape, dlt/getVisualShape, djz/getVisualShape, diw/getVisualShape, diw/method_26159, dni/getVisualShape, dol/getVisualShape, dkx/getVisualShape] cgy$a METHOD c (()Z) -> [bzo/method_20433, cgy$a/resetXRotOnTick] es METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [es/method_43496, es/sendSystemMessage] giw METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [gim$a/method_23109, giw/render] uy METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [uy/copy, uy/method_10707] aqv METHOD a ((Laqu;DDDLjava/util/Set;FF)Z) -> [aqv/method_48105, aqv/teleportTo] cgf$d METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [caz/method_6296, cgf$d/isValidTarget] dma METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Lcuq;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9565, dma/spawnAfterBreak] cfv METHOD ez (()V) -> [btn/method_16078, cfv/dropEquipment] gsz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Layw;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [gsz/getQuads, gsm/method_4707] bwm METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [bwm/timedOut, bvh/method_18915] doc METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [doc/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] drh METHOD a ((ILcuq;)V) -> [bqk/method_5447, drh/setItem] daq METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, daq/codec] frs$b METHOD h (()Z) -> [frs$b/method_29654, frs$b/isFixedPosition] cov METHOD k ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cov/method_5644, cov/onPassengerTurned] cmb METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cmb/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] diw METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [diw/useItemOn, dtb/method_55765] dgd METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9615, dgd/onPlace] eqy METHOD n (()Z) -> [erk/method_222, eqy/isInitialized] axc METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/IntConsumer;)V) -> [axc/getAll, axc/method_21739] awv$b METHOD b ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [awv$b/visitOptionalDependencies, awv$b/method_51480, flb$e/visitOptionalDependencies] gad$b METHOD a (()Lgac$a;) -> [gad$b/type, gac/method_46538] dyz$a METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Layw;) -> [dyz$a/fromHashOf, dzl/method_38995] fkh METHOD aP_ (()Lfhw;) -> [fkh/method_48218, fkh/getCurrentFocusPath] atv METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/Map;) -> [aue/method_14488, atv/listResources] djb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [djb/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dtb/tick] chl METHOD f (()Z) -> [bue/method_6765, chl/isSaddleable] evy METHOD b ((Lerr;)F) -> [evy/method_32454, evy/getFloat] tz METHOD h (()S) -> [tz/getAsShort, ur/method_10696] djp METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, djp/getFluidState] cfm METHOD b ((I)V) -> [cgg/method_6673, cfm/handleAirSupply] dcx METHOD ak (()J) -> [ddd/method_30271, dcx/dayTime] ftx$a METHOD a ((Lftr;)V) -> [ftw/selectItem, ftr$1/selectItem, ftx/selectItem, ftx$a/method_2783, ftr$a/selectItem, ftp/selectItem, ftx$a/selectItem, ftr$b/selectItem] cjw$d METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cjw$d/canUse] ue METHOD k (()F) -> [ue/getAsFloat, ur/method_10700] fsn$a$d METHOD d (()Z) -> [fsn$a$d/canReport, fsn$a$d/method_44694] jm METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [jm/value, jm/comp_349] gwd METHOD a ((Lcuq;)V) -> [gwh/onGetItem, gwe/onGetItem, gwd/method_4897, gwd/onGetItem] aur METHOD c (()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;) -> [aur/method_14561, aur/getServer] flo METHOD a (()Lflp;) -> [flo/method_51731, flo/type] cgy METHOD cC (()Z) -> [cgy/isPushedByFluid, bsr/method_5675] bsr METHOD cu (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5732, bsr/isAttackable] fpa METHOD b ((I)Z) -> [fpw/forcePage, fpa/method_17789] btn METHOD c ((Lbrk;F)V) -> [btn/hurtHelmet, btn/method_36977] dcx METHOD d_ ((Ljd;)Lbqp;) -> [dcx/getCurrentDifficultyAt, dcx/method_8404] cnk METHOD a_ ((Lbtn;Lbrk;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/doubles/DoubleDoubleImmutablePair;) -> [cnk/calculateHorizontalHurtKnockbackDirection, cnp/method_59959] gml METHOD a ((Lcjl;)Lakr;) -> [gml/method_4119, gml/getTextureLocation] cld METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [cld/tick, bvh/method_18924] nv$a METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [nv$a/getDefinedProperties, nv/method_25791] bwg METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [bwg/timedOut, bvh/method_18915] ftp METHOD aU_ (()Lwz;) -> [ftt/method_16892, ftp/getName] dam$a METHOD a ((Laqu;ILdab;Lbsr;Lexc;)V) -> [das/method_60220, dam$a/apply] fwl METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fwl/root, fvt/method_32008] btn METHOD fx (()V) -> [btn/stopUsingItem, btn/method_6021] cft$k METHOD e (()V) -> [cam/method_6270, cft$k/stop] dhv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfy/method_9496, dhv/animateTick] dat METHOD a ((Laqu;ILdab;Lbsr;Lexc;Z)V) -> [dat/method_60221, dat/onChangedBlock] fur METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fur/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] jm$c METHOD a ((Ljm;)Z) -> [jm/method_55838, jm$c/is] bvv METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bvi/method_46910, bvv/debugString] chi METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [chi/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] cgy METHOD dT (()Lbuq;) -> [btn/method_18868, cgy/getBrain] fnq METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fnq/render, fjp/method_25394] dys$g METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dys$g/minValue] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD q (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/isCommandBlockEnabled, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3812] amy$5 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Lakr;I)V) -> [amy$5/signalResult, amy$5/method_54280] frz METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, frz/render] btw METHOD b ((Lbsr;)V) -> [btw/method_60963, btw/closeRangeLeashBehaviour] dki METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dki/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] crq METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [crg/remove, crm/remove, crf/remove, fpi$c/remove, cqs/remove, crq/method_7671] czo METHOD e (()Lczf;) -> [czo/getType, cyz/method_17716] dik METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dik/useWithoutItem, dtb/method_55766] bsq METHOD Q_ (()F) -> [bsq/lerpTargetXRot, bsr/method_53829] lf METHOD a (()Lll;) -> [lf/getType, lk/method_10295] cul$b$2 METHOD a ((Leqr;)Leqt;) -> [cul$b$2/mapData, cul$b/method_59529] zv METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zv/type] dex METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dex/createBlockStateDefinition] adb METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [adb/handle, zg/method_11054] aqv METHOD a ((Lbrz;Lbsr;)V) -> [aqv/onEffectAdded, btn/method_6020] dlj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dlj/mirror, dtb/method_9569] cai METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cai/tick] uv METHOD a (([J)Luv$b;) -> [uv/visit, uv/method_39869] gjp METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glk/method_4054, gjp/render] blz$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [blz/method_47570, blz$1/next] czl METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, czl/assemble] cwn METHOD b ((Lcuq;Lbtn;Lbtn;)V) -> [cul/method_59978, cwn/postHurtEnemy] bhr METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bhr/fix] cfq METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfq/method_6011, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] ckq METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldcz;)F) -> [ckq/getWalkTargetValue, btw/method_6144] aau METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aau/type, aaj/method_56479] fzg METHOD a ((Ladn;)V) -> [fzg/handleMerchantOffers, fzg/method_17586] gbg METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gbg/getRenderType] cfo$b METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cfo$b/canContinueToUse] chw$c METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18926, chw$c/stop] cmx METHOD fR (()V) -> [gec/updatePlayerPose, cmx/method_7318] ace$e METHOD a (()Lace$d;) -> [ace$e/getType, ace$c/method_34105] aiq METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [aiq/type, zg/method_55846] crq METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [crq/method_7667, crq/onTake] btm METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [btm/getSoundSource, bsr/method_5634] cqf METHOD a ((II)V) -> [cqf/method_17391, cqf/set] cfo METHOD h ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btt/method_5980, cfo/setTarget, btp/method_5980] bto METHOD p ((Lbsr;)V) -> [bto/addPassenger, bsr/method_5627] cyz METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, cyz/assemble] dcw METHOD F_ (()Lddy;) -> [dcw/getBiomeManager, dcz/method_22385] ddj METHOD c_ ((Ljd;)Ldqh;) -> [dcc/method_8321, ddj/getBlockEntity] fen$b METHOD a (()I) -> [fen$b/getMaxPosition, fih/method_25317] fki METHOD a ((DDDD)Z) -> [fki/mouseScrolled, fki/method_25401] bzh METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bzh/start] btn METHOD ef (()Z) -> [btn/method_27071, ckd/shouldDropLoot] aqs METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BooleanSupplier;Z)V) -> [aqs/tick, dvc/method_12127] dbd METHOD a ((Laqu;ILdab;Lbsr;Lexc;)V) -> [dbd/apply, das/method_60220] cja METHOD ap (()V) -> [btn/kill, cia/kill, cja/kill, ciw/kill, cja/method_5768, chz/kill] gej$1 METHOD a ((Lgej$c;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [gej/method_51266, gej$1/setWorldData] cjt METHOD Y (()Z) -> [cfb/requiresCustomPersistence, cjt/requiresCustomPersistence, cjt/method_17326, cgq/requiresCustomPersistence, coj/requiresCustomPersistence] dyc METHOD a (()Z) -> [dyc/method_32942, dyc/isEmpty] fon METHOD j (()V) -> [fod/method_25432, fon/removed] ftn$c METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, ftn$c/render] fqt METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fqt/render] btm METHOD l (()V) -> [btm/tick, bsr/method_5773] apn METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Lcmx;)Z) -> [apn/isUnderSpawnProtection, apn/method_3785] dcy METHOD I_ (()I) -> [dcy/getMinBuildHeight, dcy/method_31607] beb METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;) -> [bho/fix, bgl/fix, bgt/fix, beb/method_54447, bhm/fix, beb/fix] gec METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [bsr/method_5640, gec/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance] cmx METHOD ec (()Z) -> [cmx/isAffectedByFluids, cmx/method_29920] epn METHOD a ((Lddj;Lbtp;)V) -> [epp/prepare, epy/prepare, epn/method_12, epn/prepare, eqa/prepare] cmk METHOD k (()V) -> [bsl/method_5619, cmk/ageBoundaryReached] bnc METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;I)V) -> [bnf/method_24271, bnc/incrementCounter] did METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, did/neighborChanged] dmz METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, dmz/useItemOn] duy METHOD f ((Ljd;)Lub;) -> [duy/method_12024, duy/getBlockEntityNbt] fbp$a METHOD a ((II)Lfbm;) -> [fbm/method_60796, fbp$a/setUv1] fst METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fis$a/method_37025, fst/narratables] cks METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cks/method_6011, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] gpg METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gpg/render, gov/method_4199] aqw METHOD a ((Laqv;Ldcw;Lcuq;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [aqj/useItemOn, aqw/method_14262] erk METHOD c ((Z)V) -> [erk/method_223, erk/setInitialized] ghs METHOD b (()F) -> [ghs/method_3594, ghs/getOffsetUp] afh METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afh/type] fit$c METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fit$c$1/getSelectedList, ftc$d$2/getSelectedList, fit$c/method_32626, fit$c$2/getSelectedList] cfb METHOD fN (()I) -> [cfb/getMaxSpawnClusterSize, btp/method_5945] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1/saveResults, bne/method_16069] ftr$b METHOD a ((Lftr;)V) -> [ftw/selectItem, ftr$1/selectItem, ftx/selectItem, ftr$b/method_2783, ftr$a/selectItem, ftp/selectItem, ftx$a/selectItem, ftr$b/selectItem] byc METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [byc/stop, bvh/method_18926] csq METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [csq/useOn, cul/method_7884] fki METHOD aP_ (()Lfhw;) -> [fki/method_48218, fkh/getCurrentFocusPath] cmq METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cmq/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] cfs METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cfs/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] cyt METHOD a ((Lczc;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [cyz/method_8116, cyt/assemble] fnb METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fnb/keyPressed] fpi$b METHOD b ((Lcrq;)Z) -> [fpi$b/canDragTo, fpi$b/method_7615] cqc METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, cqc/removed] aqs METHOD c ((II)Ldvk;) -> [aqs/getChunkForLighting, dvc/getChunkForLighting, aqs/method_12246] dig METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ljd;)J) -> [dig/getSeed, dtb/method_9535] cbt METHOD e (()V) -> [cbt/stop, cam/method_6270] fit$c METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [fit$c$2/getDefaultList, fit$c$1/getDefaultList, fit$c/method_32629, ftc$d$2/getDefaultList] gna METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [glk/method_4054, gna/render] cju METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cju/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] fon METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fon/keyPressed] bdl METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bdc/rename, bdk/rename, bdr/rename, bdl/rename, bcm/rename, bdl/method_5163, bdb/rename] ckv METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [ckv/doHurtTarget, btn/method_6121] fih METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25403, fih/mouseDragged] dcx METHOD b ((II)Z) -> [dcx/hasChunk, dcz/method_8393] cji METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cji/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] atm$c METHOD a ((Lasp;Latm$a;)Lasq;) -> [atm$c/method_52425, atm$c/openFull] gcz METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gcn/method_3068, gcz/getLightColor] doq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [doq/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dqo METHOD a ((Ljv;)V) -> [dqo/setItems, dqb/method_11281] bxr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, bxr/checkExtraStartConditions] acm METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, acm/handle] dgv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dgv/useWithoutItem] efr METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [efu/method_23448, efr/createFoliage] fqw METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fqw/init, fod/method_25426] dob METHOD b (()Lcxw;) -> [dob/method_53233, dja/getSuspiciousEffects] amk$a METHOD b ((Lev;Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/ContextChain;Lhn;Lht;)V) -> [amk$a/runGuarded, hp$b/method_54259] dzc$e METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dzc$e/fillArray] gde METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gde/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] guj$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [guj$1/searchNamespace, guj$2/searchNamespace, guj$1/method_43801] dri METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqh/method_11007, dri/saveAdditional] cve$1 METHOD a ((Lku;)V) -> [kv/playSound, ky/playSound, cve$1/playSound, kz/playSound, cve$1/method_10136] abu METHOD a ((Lafb;)V) -> [abu/method_11132, abu/handleSetEntityMotion] arb METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ljd;Lavo;Lavq;FF)V) -> [dcx/method_8396, arb/playSound] dko METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dko/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] abu METHOD a ((Ladx;)V) -> [abu/handlePlayerCombatEnter, abu/method_34074] dov METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dov/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] fod METHOD aS_ (()Z) -> [fod/shouldNarrateNavigation, fod/method_48262] dhh METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dhh/getStateForPlacement] bot METHOD d (()V) -> [bot/endTick, bot/method_34772] eyh METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [eyh/save, eql/method_75] bsx METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dxn/method_31796, bsx/tryCast] ghx METHOD a ((Lji;Z)F) -> [arb/getShade, aqu/getShade, ghx/method_24852, ghx/getShade, fzf/getShade] arp METHOD c (()Z) -> [arp/isAcceptingMessages, wf/method_48106] dkb METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dkb/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] fzi METHOD r (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [fzi/getAllTeams, ey/method_9267] dvi METHOD c_ ((Ljd;)Ldqh;) -> [dvi/getBlockEntity, dcc/method_8321] dhj$c METHOD a ((Lji;)[I) -> [dhj$c/getSlotsForFace, brd/method_5494] ckq METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsl;)Lbsl;) -> [ckq/getBreedOffspring, bsl/method_5613] cov METHOD cM (()Lexc;) -> [cov/getLeashOffset, bsr/method_29919] fke METHOD d ((Lfhz;III)V) -> [fke/renderAdditionalLinesAndLabels, fkb/method_53473] fzg METHOD a ((Lacm;)V) -> [fzg/method_11081, fzg/handleCommandSuggestions] djt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [djt/mirror, dtb/method_9569] chl METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [chl/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] aue$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [aue/method_14487, aue$a/getNamespaces] cuc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cul/method_7851, cuc/appendHoverText] zt METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zt/type] cjh METHOD dF (()F) -> [cjh/getVisualRotationYInDegrees, bsr/method_43078] dcx METHOD o (()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;) -> [dcx/getServer, dcx/method_8503] ju METHOD h (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [jz/method_29722, ju/entrySet] ace$f METHOD a (()Lace$d;) -> [ace$c/method_34105, ace$f/getType] czy METHOD a ((Lczc;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cyz/method_8115, czy/matches] afq METHOD d (()Z) -> [zg/method_55943, afq/isTerminal] bsr METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [bsr/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] dhl METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dhl/codec] dkb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dkb/getSignal] dzp$o METHOD a (()Layh;) -> [dzp$o/codec, dzp$o/method_39061] apn METHOD an (()Z) -> [apn/repliesToStatus, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_27902] cxz METHOD a ((Lcul$b;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lcwm;)V) -> [cxy/method_57409, cxz/addToTooltip] cpe METHOD cP (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5833, cpe/onlyOpCanSetNbt] cba METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cba/canUse] drg METHOD I (()D) -> [drg/getLevelY, drg/method_11264] ahb METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ahb/handle] jd METHOD q (()Lkh;) -> [jd/method_30931, jd$a/above, jd/above] fsn$a$d METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [fji$a/method_37006, fsn$a$d/getNarration] fiz METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fiz/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] yf METHOD a ((Let;Lbsr;I)Lxn;) -> [yf/resolve, xa/method_10890] agi METHOD a ((Laht;)V) -> [agi/handleSelectTrade, agi/method_12080] ctc METHOD b (()Ljava/util/function/Predicate;) -> [ctc/getAllSupportedProjectiles, cst/getAllSupportedProjectiles, ctc/method_19268] eu$1$1 METHOD b ((Lawu;)Ljq$c;) -> [eu$1$1/getOrThrow, jn/method_46735] dhz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dtb/method_9572, dhz/getAnalogOutputSignal] euz METHOD a ((Lerx;)V) -> [ers/method_292, euz/validate] dhr METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [dhr/getTicker, diq/method_31645] gpe METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFF)V) -> [gpe/method_22130, gpe/renderStuckItem] fca METHOD a (()I) -> [fca/method_21037, fca/errorCode] ciu METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbrk;Z)V) -> [ciu/dropCustomDeathLoot, btn/method_6099] djn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Layw;)Ldtc;) -> [djn/getGrowIntoState, djn/method_33626] btn METHOD c ((Lbqq;)V) -> [geb/startUsingItem, btn/method_6019] ju$2 METHOD a ((Lawu;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jn/method_46733, ju$2/get] dzp$x METHOD a (()Layh;) -> [dzp$x/codec, dzp$o/method_39061] cjw$b METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cjw$b/tick] cho METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [btp/method_5994, cho/getAmbientSound] al$a METHOD a ((Lah;)V) -> [fon/onAddAdvancementRoot, al$a/method_723] epd METHOD b ((Lepe;)Ldtc;) -> [epk/createLegacyBlock, epd/method_15790, eph/createLegacyBlock, epb/createLegacyBlock] fef METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fef/renderBackground, fod/method_25420] bsn METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, bsn/tick] fii METHOD b ((DDDD)V) -> [fii/onDrag, fii/method_25349, fjm/onDrag] dlt METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dlt/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] cfy METHOD cM (()Lexc;) -> [cfy/getLeashOffset, bsr/method_29919] geb METHOD a ((Lavo;FF)V) -> [geb/playSound, bsr/method_5783] cob METHOD a_ ((Lbtn;Lbrk;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/doubles/DoubleDoubleImmutablePair;) -> [cnp/method_59959, cob/calculateHorizontalHurtKnockbackDirection] ue METHOD a (()I) -> [uy/method_47988, ue/sizeInBytes] ckm METHOD Z (()Z) -> [ckm/shouldDespawnInPeaceful, btp/method_23734] wf METHOD a ((Lvv;)V) -> [wf/method_10839, wf/onDisconnect] cbn METHOD e (()V) -> [cbn/stop, cam/method_6270] fgr$a METHOD f (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [fgr$n/comp_675, fgr$a/codec] cnf METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [cnf/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] dfy METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfy/method_9538, dfy/isPossibleToRespawnInThis] btn METHOD eA (()Lakq;) -> [btn/method_5989, btn/getLootTable] cjw METHOD a ((Laqu;IZ)V) -> [cjw/applyRaidBuffs, coj/method_16484] fii METHOD a ((DD)V) -> [fiv/onClick, fii/onClick, fii/method_25348, fid/onClick] cjw$a METHOD m (()Lckn$a;) -> [cjw$a/getSpell, ckn$c/method_7147] fjs METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fjs/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] ggu METHOD a ((Ldqh;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ggz/method_3569, ggu/render] bsq METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [bsr/method_5640, bsq/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance] chl METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [chl/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] ddw$d METHOD a ((Ljd;F)F) -> [ddw$d/modifyTemperature, ddw$d/method_30798] ji METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, ji/getSerializedName] dqq METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [dqq/getItem, bqk/method_5438] atx METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/Map;) -> [atx/listResources, aue/method_14488] elx$c METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elx$c/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] cgv METHOD ae (()I) -> [cgv/getMaxHeadYRot, btp/method_5986] ayu METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Layu;) -> [ayu$a/forChild, ayu/method_54946] btn METHOD a ((Lbrk;)V) -> [btn/die, btn/method_6078] deq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldco;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V) -> [dtb/method_55124, deq/onExplosionHit] fte METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fte/onClose] fec METHOD c (()V) -> [fec/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] fsn METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fsn/render, fjp/method_25394] crq METHOD a ((Lcuq;I)V) -> [crq/method_7678, crq/onQuickCraft] cpv METHOD m (()I) -> [cpv/getResultSlotIndex, cpv/method_7655, cqw/getResultSlotIndex, cqm/getResultSlotIndex] uf METHOD b ((ILuy;)Z) -> [ua/method_10533, uf/addTag] cky METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cky/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] ckq METHOD a ((Lbsr;Lbsu;F)Lexc;) -> [cgv/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, cot/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, chi/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, cov/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, ckq/method_52533, chl/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, ckq/getPassengerAttachmentPoint, ckm/getPassengerAttachmentPoint] goj METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [goj/render, gov/method_4199] dlq METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lcjg;)V) -> [dey/onBrokenAfterFall, dgd/onBrokenAfterFall, dlq/method_10129, dlq/onBrokenAfterFall] apn METHOD g (()Z) -> [apn/isTickTimeLoggingEnabled, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_56626] fqt METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fqt/keyPressed] eph METHOD a ((Lepe;Ldcc;Ljd;Lepd;Lji;)Z) -> [eph/canBeReplacedWith, epd/method_15777] eko METHOD e (()Lekp;) -> [eko/method_40166, eko/type] vg METHOD a ((I)Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39860, vg/visit] dhj METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, dhj/hasAnalogOutputSignal] dhb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dhb/mirror, dtb/method_9569] ciw METHOD db (()Z) -> [ciw/method_6034, ciw/isEffectiveAi, geb/isEffectiveAi, btp/isEffectiveAi] cjw$d METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cjw$d/start] eow METHOD b ((Ldcd;)V) -> [eow/propagateLightSources, eow/method_51471] btp METHOD a ((Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [cku/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cfo/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cjl/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, clq/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckg/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckw/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cks/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, ckr/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cln/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, cky/populateDefaultEquipmentSlots, btp/method_5964] ue METHOD d (()Luy;) -> [ue/copy, uy/method_10707] dhy METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lcmx;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9576, dhy/playerWillDestroy] dut$d METHOD b (()D) -> [dut$a/method_11991, dut$d/getMaxX] eqy METHOD o (()Ldcs;) -> [eqy/method_146, fzf$a/getGameRules, erj/getGameRules, eqy/getGameRules] bqz METHOD a ((J)V) -> [bqz/setLootTableSeed, bqz/method_54866] epk$a METHOD d ((Lepe;)I) -> [epk$a/getAmount, eph$b/getAmount, epb/getAmount, eph$a/getAmount, epk$b/getAmount, epk$a/method_15779, epc/getAmount] fsd METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fik/method_48579, fsd/renderWidget] dhp METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dhp/tick] gsw METHOD c (()Z) -> [gsm/method_24304, gsw/usesBlockLight] cad METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cad/canUse] kx$11 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [kx$11/execute, kw/method_10135] st METHOD a ((Lsr;)V) -> [st/method_56199, tp$b/testBatchStarting] dan METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, dan/codec] dfq METHOD b (()Lcti;) -> [dfp/method_10622, dfq/getColor] cyz METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyz/method_8119, cyz/getSerializer] fqt METHOD e (()V) -> [fqt/tick, fod/method_25393] dgs METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dgs/getStateForPlacement] ean METHOD a (()Leag;) -> [ean/type, eaf/method_38873] gqq$1 METHOD a ((Lakr;Lgqp$b;)V) -> [gqq$1/add, gqq$1/method_47670] cfq METHOD c (()V) -> [btt/method_29509, cfq/startPersistentAngerTimer] ta$1 METHOD a ((Lsx;Lta;)V) -> [ti$1/testPassed, tj/testPassed, ta$1/method_33317, tp$c/testPassed, ta$1/testPassed] cij METHOD d (()V) -> [cij/begin, cik/method_6856] ckf$c METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, ckf$c/start] dkr METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbsr;)V) -> [dfy/method_9591, dkr/stepOn] cpa METHOD x (()Ldtc;) -> [cpa/getDefaultDisplayBlockState, cot/method_7517] cjh METHOD be (()Z) -> [cjh/fireImmune, cjh/method_5753] bzh METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bzh/tick, bvh/method_18924] fmb METHOD H (()Lfms;) -> [fmb/method_48202, fki/method_48202, fmb/getRectangle] asq METHOD a (()Lasp;) -> [asq/method_56926, asj/location, asu/location, ash/location] gcb METHOD a (()V) -> [gcn/method_3070, gcb/tick] fgo METHOD b (()V) -> [fgo/cursorEntered, fgo/method_30133] dmb METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmb/codec] dhj$b METHOD al_ (()I) -> [dqq/getMaxStackSize, bqj/getMaxStackSize, dhj$c/getMaxStackSize, cpy$1/getMaxStackSize, drj/getMaxStackSize, drk$1/getMaxStackSize, dhj$b/getMaxStackSize, dhj$b/method_5444] cgq METHOD cC (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5675, cgq/isPushedByFluid] ug METHOD a ((Luv;)Luv$b;) -> [uy/method_39850, ug/accept] dql METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket, dql/method_38235] bsq$l METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5749, bsq$l/readAdditionalSaveData] cot METHOD i ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cot/canCollideWith, bsr/method_30949] frl METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, frl/mouseClicked] dsp METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dsp/getSerializedName] cgy METHOD o_ (()Z) -> [btn/method_6109, cgy/isBaby] bpl METHOD d ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/doRunTask, bpl/doRunTask, aqs$b/doRunTask, bpl/method_18859] bpd$a METHOD a (()Lbpc;) -> [bpd/method_34979, bpd$a/getWeight] ebe METHOD a ((Leaz;Leax;Lduy;Ljava/util/function/Function;Ldux;Ljd$a;Ljd$a;Ldyk;Lorg/apache/commons/lang3/mutable/MutableBoolean;)Z) -> [ebd/carveBlock, ebe/method_16581] fvg METHOD a ((Lbtn;FFFFF)V) -> [fvx/method_17087, fvg/setupAnim] dhb$2 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [dhb$2/acceptDouble, dif$b/method_17465] gtt METHOD s (()Z) -> [gua/method_26273, gtt/canPlaySound] djz METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [djz/codec, dtb/method_53969] djv METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, djv/codec] div METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, div/createBlockStateDefinition] btn METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [btn/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] dfn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfn/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] bsr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [ckw/killedEntity, bsr/method_5874, cmx/killedEntity] chh METHOD ez (()V) -> [btn/method_16078, chh/dropEquipment] yg METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [yg/comp_737, yg/text] es$1 METHOD w_ (()Z) -> [es/method_9202, es$1/acceptsFailure] fmb METHOD n ((I)V) -> [fmb/method_46419, fmb/setY] dyo METHOD b (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo$b/getCeiling, dyo/method_32985, dyo$a/getCeiling, dyo$c/getCeiling] fvx METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fvx/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] buj$1 METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;)Ljd;) -> [buj$1/adjustSpawnPosition, buj$1/method_56553] fke METHOD b ((D)I) -> [fkb/method_53475, fke/getSampleHeight] gss$b METHOD a ((Lakr;Lgsv;)Lgsm;) -> [gss$b/bake, gss$b/method_45873] fsa METHOD a ((Lczb;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [fsa/method_2596, frw/setupGhostRecipe] zw METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, zw/handle] nt$b METHOD a ((Ldtd;)V) -> [nt$b/method_25767, nt$b/validate] cgf$d METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cgf$d/canUse] emb$g METHOD a ((Lemb$v;)Z) -> [emb$i/method_14769, emb$g/fits] duy METHOD a ((Ldyy$a;[J)V) -> [duy/setHeightmap, duy/method_12037] dnw METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnw/codec] cdl METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)V) -> [cdl/doTick, cdy/method_19101] ahd$d METHOD a (()Lahd$b;) -> [ahd$a/method_34211, ahd$d/getType] ete$a METHOD b ((Levc$a;)Leuu;) -> [ete$a/when, euu/method_840] cvj METHOD a ((Lcyf;)Lbqr;) -> [cul/method_7884, cvj/useOn] ckl METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [ckl/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] bwj METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bwj/start] fkl METHOD a ((Lftr;)V) -> [fkl/onSpectatorMenuClosed, ftu/method_2782] chl METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [buo/method_47827, chl/getVariant] jm$c METHOD f (()Ljm$b;) -> [jm/method_40231, jm$c/kind] cmm METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, cmm/setVariant] gch METHOD a (()V) -> [gch/tick, gcn/method_3070] cdj METHOD b (()Lccs;) -> [cdj/getMemory, cds/method_35150] dnn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Lcuq;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9565, dnn/spawnAfterBreak] dcw METHOD a ((Ljd;Z)Z) -> [dcw/removeBlock, dde/method_8650] ey METHOD A (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [ey/method_9269, ey/getSelectedEntities] cgv METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [btn/method_55694, cgv/getDefaultDimensions] dlo METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dlo/codec] km$1 METHOD a ((Lkp;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [km$1/get, km/method_57829] cye METHOD c (()Z) -> [cye/replacingClickedOnBlock, cye/method_7717] cpf METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cpf/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cpb METHOD v (()Lcot$a;) -> [cpb/getMinecartType, cot/method_7518] exo METHOD a (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/doubles/DoubleList;) -> [exo/getList, exo/method_1066] jd$a METHOD p (()Lkh;) -> [jd/below, jd$a/below, jd$a/method_23228] dys$y$a METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dys$y$a/getSerializedName] erj METHOD s (()Lewp;) -> [erk/method_143, erj/getScheduledEvents] fox$e METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fox$e/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] eae METHOD a (()Leag;) -> [eaf/method_38873, eae/type] eyg METHOD a ((Leyf;Lexy;Leyd;)V) -> [eyg/onScoreChanged, eyg/method_1176] goy METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [goy/render, gov/method_4199] kc$f METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [kc$f/method_45918, kc$f/bindValue] aqu METHOD a ((Lbsr;B)V) -> [dcw/method_8421, aqu/broadcastEntityEvent] bi METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [bi/codec, aq/method_54937] cfo$h METHOD b (()Z) -> [cfo$h/canUse, cam/method_6264] fw$b METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either;) -> [fw$b/unwrap, fw$d/unwrap, fw$b/method_45647] bvo METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18926, bvo/stop] bsq METHOD a ((DDDFFI)V) -> [bsq/lerpTo, bsr/method_5759] ju METHOD a ((Lakq;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljy;)Ljm$c;) -> [ki/method_10272, ju/register] fbm METHOD a ((I)Lfbm;) -> [fbm/method_39415, fbm/setColor] eql METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [eql/save, eql/method_75] vg METHOD a (([B)Luv$b;) -> [vj/visit, vg/method_39867, vg/visit] erj METHOD a ((Lp;Ldcy;)V) -> [erj/fillCrashReportCategory, erb/method_151] elx$c METHOD a ((Lejv;Lejw;Layw;)V) -> [ejv/method_14918, elx$c/addChildren] eot METHOD a (()I) -> [eow/method_15516, eot/runLightUpdates] edt METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edt/place] bvr METHOD f ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvi/method_18923, bvr/tickOrStop] ezn METHOD i (()F) -> [ezn/method_56129, ezn/getBearingLeft] fje METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25403, fje/mouseDragged] fos METHOD e (()V) -> [fos/tick, fod/method_25393] ebb METHOD b (()D) -> [ebb/method_16578, ebd/getYScale] cfu METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [cfu/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] crm METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [crg/remove, crm/remove, crf/remove, fpi$c/remove, cqs/remove, crm/method_7671] geb METHOD ed (()V) -> [btn/method_6108, geb/tickDeath] fon METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fon/render, fjp/method_25394] cku METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbrk;Z)V) -> [cku/dropCustomDeathLoot, btn/method_6099] djd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, djd/neighborChanged] fsi METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [frw/method_17065, fsi/getFuelItems] auz METHOD e (()Lwz;) -> [auz/getDisplayName, auz/method_14504, aup/getDisplayName] ckf METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, ckf/finalizeSpawn] bbg METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [bbg/renameBlock, bbg/method_15593] amk$b METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)V) -> [amk$b/onError, hv/method_36352] dfx METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfx/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] fwd METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [fwg/method_2828, fwd/renderToBuffer] ux METHOD a ((Lui;)V) -> [ux/method_32299, vd/visitLongArray, ux/visitLongArray, uu/visitLongArray] ug METHOD k (()F) -> [ug/getAsFloat, ur/method_10700] dpl METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9542, dpl/isRandomlyTicking] ju METHOD c ((I)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ju/getHolder, ju/method_40265] cwg METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cwg/hurtEnemy, cul/method_7873] fny$a METHOD c (()V) -> [fny$a/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] epy METHOD a ((Lepx;IIILbtp;)Lepv;) -> [epr/method_25, epy/getPathTypeOfMob] jd METHOD m ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd/below, jd$a/below, jd/method_23227] cjm METHOD m_ (()V) -> [btn/method_6007, cjm/aiStep] eik METHOD a_ ((Leiw;Layw;Ljd;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [eiy/method_14452, eik/getPositions] cvv METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldrs;ZLcmx;)Z) -> [cvv/method_49798, cvv/tryApplyToSign] dnj METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dnj/createBlockStateDefinition] far METHOD a ((Lorg/joml/Vector4f;)V) -> [far/method_35652, faz/set] ciw METHOD a ((Lbsy;)Lcuq;) -> [cmx/getItemBySlot, btp/getItemBySlot, ciw/getItemBySlot, ciw/method_6118] ciu METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, ciu/defineSynchedData] cmx METHOD aS (()Lavo;) -> [cmx/getSwimHighSpeedSplashSound, bsr/method_5672] aqs$b METHOD e ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Z) -> [bph/method_18856, aqs$b/shouldRun] epd METHOD b ((Lepe;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [epb/getShape, epc/getShape, epd/method_17775] gcf METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gcf/getLightColor, gcn/method_3068] fzf METHOD I (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dcw/method_31419, fzf/gatherChunkSourceStats] djl METHOD a ((Ldcx;)Ldtc;) -> [djl/method_24948, djn/getStateForPlacement] bor METHOD a (()V) -> [bor/end, bor/method_34770, bos/end] dtb METHOD f ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/getOcclusionShape, dtb/method_9571] crg METHOD b ((Lcuq;Lcuq;)V) -> [crg/method_7670, crg/onQuickCraft] few$2 METHOD a (()J) -> [few/method_44643, few$2/delayCyclesAfterSuccess] fzg METHOD a ((Lada;)V) -> [fzg/handleForgetLevelChunk, fzg/method_11107] btn METHOD ap (()V) -> [btn/kill, cia/kill, cja/kill, btn/method_5768, ciw/kill, chz/kill] dqq METHOD al_ (()I) -> [dqq/getMaxStackSize, bqj/getMaxStackSize, dqq/method_5444, dhj$c/getMaxStackSize, cpy$1/getMaxStackSize, drj/getMaxStackSize, drk$1/getMaxStackSize, dhj$b/getMaxStackSize] efy METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [efy/createFoliage, efu/method_23448] cks METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, cks/finalizeSpawn] cgk METHOD gi (()Z) -> [cgk/shouldStayCloseToLeashHolder, btw/method_43689] btn METHOD h ((Lbsr;)V) -> [bsr/method_5697, btn/push] ckq METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, ckq/addAdditionalSaveData] ftd$g$1 METHOD c ((Ldcs$e;Ldcs$f;)V) -> [ftd$g$1/method_27330, ftd$g$1/visitInteger] cqp$3 METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [cqw$1/getNoItemIcon, fpi$c/getNoItemIcon, cpx/getNoItemIcon, cqp$3/method_7679, cqp$3/getNoItemIcon] fih$a METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fih$a/setFocused, fki/method_25365] cnz METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldcw;)Z) -> [cnz/method_61113, cnz/canChangeDimensions] cqm METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcrq;)Z) -> [cqw/canTakeItemForPickAll, cqm/method_7613, crw/canTakeItemForPickAll, cre/canTakeItemForPickAll, cqm/canTakeItemForPickAll, fpi$b/canTakeItemForPickAll, cqb/canTakeItemForPickAll, crt/canTakeItemForPickAll] fop$b METHOD B (()Z) -> [fop$b/isHoveredOrFocused, fik/method_25367] ejn METHOD a (()Ldmm;) -> [ejv/method_16888, ejn/getRotation] glp METHOD b ((Lbtp;)F) -> [glp/getShadowRadius, glp/method_55833] don METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [don/getDirectSignal, dtb/method_9603] cke METHOD h ((D)Z) -> [cke/removeWhenFarAway, btp/method_5974] aug$a$1 METHOD a ((Latd;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [aug$a$1/getSection, aug/method_43041] cmx METHOD a ((Lbsr$c;)V) -> [cmx/remove, bsr/method_5650] eei METHOD e (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [eei/method_30649, eei/getFeatures] djn METHOD a ((Layw;)I) -> [djn/getBlocksToGrowWhenBonemealed, djn/method_26376] caz METHOD l (()Z) -> [cfo$f/shouldRecalculatePath, cgf$c/shouldRecalculatePath, caz/method_6294, ckq$a/shouldRecalculatePath] dul METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, dul/getSerializedName] fnl METHOD aI_ (()V) -> [fod/method_56131, fnl/setInitialFocus] dnn METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dnn/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] cpu METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, cpu/quickMoveStack] cho METHOD aQ (()Lavo;) -> [cho/getSwimSound, bsr/method_5737] fpi$c METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcuq;)V) -> [crq/method_48931, fpi$c/setByPlayer] ckw METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [ckw/setBaby, btp/method_7217] clq METHOD gm (()Lclp;) -> [clq/getArmPose, clm/method_24705] cho METHOD a ((Layw;)V) -> [cho/randomizeAttributes, chi/method_6001] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [es/method_43496, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/sendSystemMessage] jk METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, jk/getSerializedName] cno METHOD a ((Lewy;)V) -> [cnp/method_24920, cno/onHitBlock] djk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, djk/getShape] cwn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;)Z) -> [cvb/canAttackBlock, ctd/canAttackBlock, cwn/method_7885, cwg/canAttackBlock, cwn/canAttackBlock] btc METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, btc/defineSynchedData] cot METHOD c_ (()D) -> [cot/lerpTargetX, bsr/method_53830] epc METHOD a ((Ldcw;)Z) -> [eph/canConvertToSource, epc/method_15737, epk/canConvertToSource] arr METHOD i (()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;) -> [arr/playerProfile, arr/method_52403] etd$a METHOD a (()Letd$f;) -> [etd$a/mode, etd/method_58191] fjt METHOD a ((I)Lfij;) -> [fjt/setColor, fij/method_48978] dqx METHOD a ((Lkm$a;)V) -> [dqx/collectImplicitComponents, dqh/method_57567] cvh METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [cvh/getUseDuration, cul/method_7881] dys$e METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dys$e/codec, dyr/method_41062] enx METHOD a (()Leoc;) -> [eob/method_49891, enx/getType] cug METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldrs;ZLcmx;)Z) -> [cug/tryApplyToSign, cvv/method_49798] cpc METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cpc/defineSynchedData] cbd METHOD e (()V) -> [cbd/stop, cam/method_6270] geb METHOD b ((Lbsr;)V) -> [geb/crit, cmx/method_7277] dgg METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dgg/codec] fvy METHOD a ((Lbtg;Lfbi;)V) -> [fvy/translateToHand, fuj/method_2803] atq$1 METHOD a (()Z) -> [atq$1/shouldAddAutomatically, atq$1/method_45279] aus METHOD a (()[Ljava/lang/String;) -> [aus/getUserList, auw/method_14636] cfm METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cfm/defineSynchedData] dzc$a METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dzc$a/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] cka METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cka/method_6011, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] pr METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)V) -> [pr/addTags, pz/method_10514] cgo$a METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [cgo$a/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] yf METHOD a (()Lxa$a;) -> [yf/type, xa/method_54163] dcw METHOD I (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dcw/gatherChunkSourceStats, dcw/method_31419] dqk$1 METHOD a ((II)V) -> [cqf/method_17391, dqk$1/set] cnp METHOD bA (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5863, cnp/isPickable] apn METHOD c ((I)V) -> [apn/method_3803, apn/setPlayerIdleTimeout] cot METHOD bc (()Lbsr$b;) -> [cot/getMovementEmission, bsr/method_33570] cac METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cac/start] cjl METHOD t (()Lavo;) -> [cjl/method_6998, cjl/getStepSound] ckb METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, ckb/registerGoals] cpb$a METHOD i (()Let;) -> [cpb$a/createCommandSourceStack, dbx/method_8303] fgr$f METHOD aR_ (()Z) -> [fgr$f/applyValueImmediately, fgr$f/comp_2661] dys$x METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$x/compute, dyr/method_40464] cff METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cff/registerGoals] gdc METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gdc/getRenderType] cbg METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cbg/canContinueToUse] dmk METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dmk/getShape, dtb/method_9530] ckr$a METHOD e (()V) -> [ckr$a/stop, cam/method_6270] cy METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [dw/method_58167, cy/matches] fbt$l METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fbt$l/keyPressed] ajo METHOD b (()Lvu;) -> [wf/method_52280, ajo/protocol] et METHOD b ((Leq;)Lev;) -> [et/withCallback, ev/method_54307] dgi METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dgi/codec, dtb/method_53969] gkc METHOD a ((Lcjz;)Lakr;) -> [gkx/method_3976, gkc/getTextureLocation] fpd METHOD a ((Lfgo;II)V) -> [fpd/resize, fod/method_25410] cju METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cju/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] dqc METHOD a ((Ldqh$b;)V) -> [dqh/method_57568, dqc/applyImplicitComponents] dnj METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dnj/codec] fog METHOD j (()V) -> [fog/removed, fod/method_25432] cmx$2 METHOD a (()Lcuq;) -> [bug/method_32327, cmx$2/get] dgq METHOD d (()Ldcv;) -> [dht/method_9832, dgq/getBaseSeedId] dmo METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9615, dmo/onPlace] gkm METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gkm/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] bx$b$a METHOD a ((Lbsr;Laqu;Lexc;)Z) -> [bw/method_22497, bx$b$a/matches] gjy$b METHOD a ((Lbsq;Ljava/lang/Object;Lfbi;Lgez;IF)V) -> [gjy/method_49052, gjy$b/renderInner] dmw METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dmw/performBonemeal] dmg METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dmg/useWithoutItem] elh METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [elh/codec, eld/method_54502] cja METHOD C (()V) -> [ciz/method_6894, cja/playPlacementSound] ebs METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ebs/place] cmx METHOD a ((Lczb;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [aqv/triggerRecipeCrafted, cmx/method_51283] emb$f METHOD a ((Lemb$v;)Z) -> [emb$f/fits, emb$i/method_14769] chy METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [chy/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] emj$a METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [emj$a/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] btp METHOD y (()Z) -> [btp/canBeLeashed, btk/method_5931] frd METHOD c (()V) -> [frd/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] arg METHOD a (()V) -> [arh/start, arf/start, arg/method_17675, arg/start] caf METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, caf/canUse] aev METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [aev/handle, zg/method_11054] bzb METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bzb/start] fbp$b METHOD a ((FFF)Lfbm;) -> [fbm/method_22912, fbp$b/addVertex] crg METHOD d ((Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [crq/method_32756, crg/safeInsert] eqy METHOD g (()Z) -> [erb/method_203, eqy/isThundering] cof METHOD v (()Llk;) -> [cof/getTrailParticle, cne/method_7467] dnt METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dnt/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] byp METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/method_18927, byp/canStillUse] et METHOD v (()Lka;) -> [et/method_30497, et/registryAccess, fzi/registryAccess] cqo METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cqo/removed, cpu/method_7595] clq METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, clq/method_6011, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] fim METHOD b (()V) -> [fid/method_25306, fim/onPress] cjg METHOD cs (()Lwz;) -> [cjg/getTypeName, bsr/method_23315] aqj METHOD a ((Laqv;Ldcw;Lcuq;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [aqw/method_14256, aqj/useItem] clh METHOD aa (()V) -> [clh/sendDebugPackets, btp/method_18409] cjt$a METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cjt$a/tick] ckr METHOD w ((Lbsr;)V) -> [ckr/restoreFrom, bsr/method_5878] dng METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dng/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] atv METHOD c ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/Map;) -> [aue/method_41265, atv/listResourceStacks] dmh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dmh/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] dvh METHOD A (()V) -> [dvh/method_51522, dvh/initializeLightSources] dfu METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dfu/getShape, dtb/method_9530] bia METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bia/fix] ghs METHOD a ((Ldrz;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghs/render, ghs/method_3591] cgf METHOD k (()V) -> [cgf/ageBoundaryReached, bsl/method_5619] cfj METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cfj/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] cyp METHOD a (()I) -> [czc/method_59983, cyp/size] dpb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dpb/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] fy$a METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [io/method_41726, fy$a/unpack] ea METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, ea/codec] ya METHOD a ((Let;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [yj/getData, ya/getData, yc/getData, ya/method_10916] fzg METHOD a ((Lafp;)V) -> [fzg/method_11146, fzg/handleSoundEvent] gjy$b METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gjy$b/render, gki/method_3936] cja METHOD a ((Lajw;)V) -> [cja/onSyncedDataUpdated, ajz/method_5674] cvn METHOD j ((Lcuq;)I) -> [cvn/getDurabilityUse, cvn/method_57345] czn METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [czn/codec, cze/method_53736] als METHOD b (()V) -> [als/removeAllPlayers, als/method_14094] cmb METHOD o ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cmb/canRide, bsr/method_5860] dkj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dkj/rotate, dtb/method_9598] abu METHOD a ((Laeg;)V) -> [abu/handleRemoveMobEffect, abu/method_11119] dia METHOD a ((Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;)I) -> [dia/method_9993, dhi/getOutputSignal] ftx METHOD a ((Lftr;)V) -> [ftw/selectItem, ftr$1/selectItem, ftx/selectItem, ftr$a/selectItem, ftp/selectItem, ftx$a/selectItem, ftr$b/selectItem, ftx/method_2783] apn METHOD a ((Laqv;)Larz;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_31371, apn/createTextFilterForPlayer] cjm METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cjm/registerGoals] arb METHOD J_ (()I) -> [dcy$1/getHeight, dcz/getHeight, dym$1/getHeight, dcl/getHeight, duy/getHeight, arb/getHeight, ghx/getHeight, ddj/getHeight, arb/method_31605] btn METHOD fr (()Z) -> [btn/method_6115, geb/isUsingItem] fsp METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fsp/onClose] cmx METHOD bl (()V) -> [bsr/method_5790, cmx/updateSwimming] duy METHOD e ((Ljd;)V) -> [duy/method_12039, duy/markPosForPostprocessing] efm METHOD b (()Lefk;) -> [efm/type, efl/type, efm/method_28824] aru METHOD a ((Lahh;)V) -> [aru/method_12078, aru/handleMoveVehicle] cot METHOD l (()V) -> [cot/tick, bsr/method_5773] ate$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [atd/method_14420, ate$1/getMetadataSectionName] bsr METHOD l ((F)Lexc;) -> [bsr/getLightProbePosition, bsr/method_31166] dmp$1 METHOD a ((Ldmu$a;Ldcx;Ljd;Layw;Ldmu;Z)I) -> [dmp$1/attemptUseCharge, dmp/method_41471] cwb METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljw;Lcuq;Lji;)Lcnp;) -> [cvm/method_58648, cwb/asProjectile] fon METHOD c ((Lah;)V) -> [al$a/method_721, fon/onAddAdvancementTask] kr METHOD d (()I) -> [km/method_57835, kr/size] cmx METHOD bo (()V) -> [cmx/doWaterSplashEffect, bsr/method_5746] va$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)V) -> [va$1/method_39851, ui$1/skip, va$1/skip, uw$1/skip, ud$1/skip, uh$1/skip, ty$1/skip, ub$1/skip, uf$1/skip, va$a/skip] dzx METHOD e (()Ldzl;) -> [ayw/method_38421, dzx/forkPositional] cyk METHOD g (()Lcuq;) -> [czq/getToastSymbol, czv/getToastSymbol, cyk/method_17447, czw/getToastSymbol, cyk/getToastSymbol, czr/getToastSymbol, cym/getToastSymbol] cpb METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [cpb/defineSynchedData, bsr/method_5693] czo$b METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [cze/method_53736, czo$b/codec] djr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [djr/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] bug METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [bug/set, bug/method_32332] czh METHOD i (()Z) -> [cyz/method_31584, czh/isIncomplete] fwo METHOD a ((Lbtn;F)V) -> [fvx/method_29353, fwo/setupAttackAnimation] dbz METHOD y_ (()Leot;) -> [dbz/getLightEngine, dbz/method_22336] dcw METHOD a ((Leqr;)Leqt;) -> [dcw/getMapData, dcw/method_17891] cpv METHOD n (()I) -> [cri/method_7653, cpv/getGridWidth] aru METHOD a ((Laho;)V) -> [agi/method_12067, aru/handlePlayerInput] daw METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, daw/codec] fzg METHOD a ((Laed;)V) -> [fzg/handleProjectilePowerPacket, fzg/method_59504] cau METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cau/tick] chl METHOD x (()V) -> [chh/method_6705, chl/playChestEquipsSound] ug$1 METHOD c (()I) -> [va$a/method_39853, ug$1/size] xe$2 METHOD a ((Lxe$b;Lxw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe$2/visit, xe/method_27658] geb METHOD c ((Lbsr;)V) -> [geb/magicCrit, aqv/magicCrit, geb/method_7304] gqk METHOD a ((Laue;)V) -> [gpw/method_4625, gqk/load] chw$3 METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtw;J)V) -> [bvu/method_33197, chw$3/start] eov METHOD a ((Ljd;)V) -> [eow/method_15513, eov/checkBlock] cgh$a METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cgh$a/tick] dvh METHOD Q (()I) -> [dcc/method_8315, dvh/getMaxLightLevel] cvy METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljw;Lcuq;Lji;)Lcnp;) -> [cvm/method_58648, cvy/asProjectile] btn METHOD a ((Lbrz;)V) -> [btn/method_6129, btn/onEffectRemoved] dys$y METHOD k (()Ldyr;) -> [dys$a/argument1, dys$y/comp_375, dys$n/argument1] cgk METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cgk/customServerAiStep] chs METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, chs/method_6011, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] wz METHOD a (()Lxw;) -> [xn/getStyle, wz/method_10866] bsr METHOD db (()Z) -> [bsr/method_6034, ciw/isEffectiveAi, geb/isEffectiveAi, btp/isEffectiveAi] cfo$f METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [caz/method_6296, cfo$f/isValidTarget] dxg METHOD cz (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [bsr/getUUID, dxg/method_5667] dcz METHOD a ((IILdvz;Z)Lduy;) -> [dcz/method_8402, dcz/getChunk] dgy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9559, dgy/updateShape] coh METHOD a ((Lcnq;Lbsr;Lbsr;Z)Z) -> [coh/method_59859, coh/deflect] dvr METHOD e (()Ldvq;) -> [dvq/recreate, dvr/method_44350] fos METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fos/keyPressed, fki/method_25404] fsa METHOD u (()Lfmg$a;) -> [fsa/narrationPriority, fmg/method_37018] akp$a METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [akp$a/lookup, akp$c/method_46623] fnb METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fnb/init, fod/method_25426] emn$a METHOD a ((Layw;Z)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [emn$b/method_15033, emn$a/get1x2SideEntrance] dns METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dns/codec] ena METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ljd;Lent$c;Lent$c;Lenp;)Lent$c;) -> [ena/processBlock, enq/method_15110] cou METHOD a (()V) -> [cou/clearContent, bqi/method_5448] cff$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cff$c/canUse] cqs METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cqs/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] fxu METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [fxu/method_17150, fxu/hatVisible] ur METHOD l (()Ljava/lang/Number;) -> [ur/getAsNumber, ur/method_10702] iw METHOD a ((Lio$a;Lvw;)V) -> [iw/serializeToNetwork, io/method_10007] yn METHOD a (()Lyq;) -> [ys/type, yn/method_55456, yn/type, yo/type] esl METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;)Lerz;) -> [esl/compose, esa/method_394] gpy METHOD a ((Lakr;Ljava/nio/file/Path;)V) -> [gpy/dumpContents, fle/dumpContents, gqk/dumpContents, gpy/method_49712] fid METHOD b (()V) -> [fid/onPress, fid/method_25306] fwz METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwz/setupAnim] dcs$c METHOD b ((Ldcs$e;Ldcs$f;)V) -> [ftd$g$1/visitBoolean, dcs$c/method_27329] ghn METHOD a ((Ldrs;FLfbi;Lgez;II)V) -> [ghn/render, ghn/method_23083] gqf METHOD a (()I) -> [gqf/width, gqf/method_45807] dsu METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dsu/getCollisionShape, dtb/method_9549] dne METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgb/method_9650, dne/isBonemealSuccess] eky METHOD a ((Lenu;Ldmm;)Lkh;) -> [ekz/method_16601, eky/getSize] dkn METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dkn/tick] cja METHOD s (()Z) -> [cja/survives, cix/method_6888] fzg METHOD a ((Lace;)V) -> [fzg/handleBossUpdate, fzg/method_11078] djz METHOD c ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [djz/method_26159, dnl/getVisualShape, dlt/getVisualShape, djz/getVisualShape, diw/getVisualShape, dni/getVisualShape, dol/getVisualShape, dkx/getVisualShape] fbt$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fbt$a/render] jd METHOD n ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd/above, kh/method_30930] wf METHOD a ((Lzg;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V) -> [fzc/onPacketError, agj/onPacketError, wf/method_59807] dkg METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dkg/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] pz METHOD b (()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [pz/method_49651, pv/createContentsProvider] cqb METHOD a ((Lcmx;)V) -> [cpu/method_7595, cqb/removed] abc METHOD a ((Labf;)V) -> [fzd/handleResetChat, abc/method_58577] dtb METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] drq$a METHOD a (()I) -> [dqm$a/getListenerRadius, drp$a/getListenerRadius, cgk$b/getListenerRadius, drq$a/getListenerRadius, cmb$a/getListenerRadius, drq$a/method_49797] dfy METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbtn;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9567, dfy/setPlacedBy] jd METHOD k ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd/south, jd$a/south, jd/method_35858] caj METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, caj/start] fmi METHOD a ((Lfmh;Lfmk;)V) -> [fmi/method_37032, fmi/add] cmx METHOD cF (()Z) -> [cmx/shouldShowName, bsr/method_5733] fxf METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFF)V) -> [fxf/prepareMobModel, fvk/method_2816] crq METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [crq/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] cko METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, cko/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] die METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, die/createBlockStateDefinition] abu METHOD a ((Ladu;)V) -> [abu/method_11154, fzg/handlePlayerAbilities] cjx METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cjx/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] apm METHOD b ((Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V) -> [apm/method_14604, apm/deop] dpq METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dpq/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] cfo$o METHOD e (()V) -> [cam/method_6270, cfo$o/stop] cyi METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyz/method_8119, cyi/getSerializer] cwl METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cul/method_7851, cwl/appendHoverText] cgf METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [cgf/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] geb METHOD h ((F)F) -> [bsr/method_5695, geb/getViewXRot] bwn METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bwn/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] eyi METHOD g (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [eyi/method_1204, eyi/getPlayers] cfr METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cfr/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] bub METHOD a (()Z) -> [bub/isPowered, bub/method_6872] cst METHOD b ((Lcuq;)Lcwo;) -> [cul/method_7853, cst/getUseAnimation] aqu METHOD K (()Lcwt;) -> [aqu/potionBrewing, dcw/method_59547] fy$a METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/method_10005, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork] cbe METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cbe/start] hb$1 METHOD b ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [hb$2/unwrap, hb$1/unwrap, hb$1/method_9770] bsr METHOD cK (()Lewx;) -> [bsr/getBoundingBox, dxg/method_5829] gou METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lcuq;Lcun;Lbtg;Lfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gou/method_4192, gou/renderArmWithItem] dfd METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfd/codec] cft$j METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, cft$j/canContinueToUse] dsa METHOD d (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dvi$d/getType, dsa/method_31706, dvi$a/getType, dvi$1/getType] bna METHOD c (()J) -> [bna/method_16073, bna/getEndTimeNano, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1/getEndTimeNano, bnb/getEndTimeNano] dzc$d METHOD j (()Ldys$l$a;) -> [dys$m/comp_383, dzc$d/type] ezo$a METHOD a (()Lflp;) -> [flo/method_51731, ezo$a/type] cbt METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cbt/requiresUpdateEveryTick, cam/method_38846] fl$c METHOD a ((Luy;)I) -> [fl$c/removeTag, fl$h/method_9383] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD e (()Z) -> [tc/initServer, apn/initServer, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3823, guo/initServer] aqv METHOD n (()V) -> [bsr/method_38785, aqv/resetFallDistance] ciz METHOD a ((Ljd;Lji;)Lewx;) -> [ciz/calculateBoundingBox, ciz/method_59943] bsq METHOD d_ (()D) -> [bsr/method_53827, bsq/lerpTargetY] fkd METHOD a ((J)I) -> [fkb/method_53471, fkd/getSampleColor] dje METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dje/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] cul$b$2 METHOD b (()F) -> [cul$b/method_59531, cul$b$2/tickRate] fzg METHOD a ((Lafg;)V) -> [fzg/method_11080, fzg/handleSetEntityPassengersPacket] fnp METHOD e (()V) -> [fnp/tick, fod/method_25393] ckm METHOD gg (()V) -> [ckm/method_7156, ckc/decreaseSquish] cic METHOD f (()F) -> [cic/getFlySpeed, cik/method_6846] css METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, css/use] dua METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Collection;) -> [dua/getPossibleValues, duf/method_11898] btn METHOD a_ ((I)Lbug;) -> [btn/getSlot, bsr/method_32318] ehg METHOD a (()Lehn;) -> [ehm/method_28903, ehg/type] cfn METHOD gx (()Z) -> [cfn/method_6581, cff/isFlying, cfu/isFlying] cgf METHOD m_ (()V) -> [cgf/aiStep, btn/method_6007] fnt METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fnt/render] fpk METHOD a ((Lfhz;FII)V) -> [fpk/renderBg, fot/method_2389] mn METHOD a ((Lly;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [ma/method_10319, mn/run] jn$a METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jo$a$1/lookup, jn$a/method_46750] cou METHOD a ((Lakq;)V) -> [cox/method_42275, cou/setLootTable] cks METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cks/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] cul$b$1 METHOD a ((Leqr;)Leqt;) -> [cul$b/method_59529, cul$b$1/mapData] cmx METHOD u (()V) -> [cmx/rideTick, bsr/method_5842] yd METHOD a ((Lxe$b;Lxw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [yd/method_27660, yk/visit, yd/visit, yi/visit, yg$a/visit] gnb METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gnb/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] dsc METHOD a ((Ljo$a;)Lub;) -> [dqh/method_16887, dsc/getUpdateTag] fl$c METHOD a (()Luy;) -> [fl$c/createPreferredParentTag, fl$h/method_9382] epd METHOD a ((Lepe;Ldcc;Ljd;)F) -> [epd/method_15788, epd/getHeight] fuz METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fuz/bodyParts, fuf/method_22948] chi METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, chi/addAdditionalSaveData] dqn METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dqn/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Lbsr;IZ)V) -> [cul/inventoryTick, cul/method_7888] cnh METHOD s (()Lbsr;) -> [cnh/getOwner, bsn/getOwner, ckr/getOwner, cjh/getOwner, cnh/method_24921, cnp/getOwner, cji/getOwner] gia$b$a METHOD a (()V) -> [gia$b$a/method_22782, gia$b$c/cancel, gia$b$b/cancel] cqx METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)V) -> [cpw/onTake, crt/onTake, cqx/method_24923] cpb$a METHOD e (()Laqu;) -> [dbx/method_8293, cpb$a/getLevel] gto$a METHOD q (()V) -> [gub/method_16896, gto$a/tick] cba METHOD c (()Z) -> [cba/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] apg METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [apg/setData, apg/method_13880] ctu METHOD a ((Lcnp;DDDFF)V) -> [ctu/shoot, cwp/shoot, ctu/method_58654] ut$1 METHOD d (()Z) -> [va/method_23263, ut$1/isValue] dfw METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dfw/performBonemeal] bpm METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [bpm/method_16909, bpm/pop] dqh METHOD az_ (()Lzg;) -> [dsk/getUpdatePacket, dqh/method_38235, drx/getUpdatePacket, dqd/getUpdatePacket, dsc/getUpdatePacket, dqc/getUpdatePacket, drs/getUpdatePacket, dql/getUpdatePacket, dry/getUpdatePacket, dqx/getUpdatePacket, dqt/getUpdatePacket, dpw/getUpdatePacket, dqn/getUpdatePacket, drw/getUpdatePacket, dru/getUpdatePacket, dri/getUpdatePacket] cpx METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [crq/method_7674, cpx/mayPickup] dht METHOD d_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9542, dht/isRandomlyTicking] ckn$c METHOD h (()I) -> [ckn$c/getCastingTime, ckn$c/method_7149] duy METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;Z)Ldtc;) -> [dve/setBlockState, dvh/setBlockState, dvs/setBlockState, dvi/setBlockState, duy/method_12010] bph METHOD f ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Ljava/lang/Runnable;) -> [bph/wrapRunnable, bph/method_16211] dcy$1 METHOD J_ (()I) -> [dcy$1/getHeight, dcz/getHeight, dym$1/getHeight, dcl/getHeight, duy/getHeight, arb/getHeight, dcy$1/method_31605, ghx/getHeight, ddj/getHeight] chl METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lcuq;)Z) -> [chl/handleEating, chi/method_6742] jm$a METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [jm$a/value, jm/comp_349] emj$g METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emj$g/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] dhb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dhb/getShape, dtb/method_9530] ebb METHOD a ((Leaz;Leax;Lduy;Ljava/util/function/Function;Layw;Ldyk;Ldcd;Ldux;)Z) -> [eaw/carve, ebb/carve, ebb/method_12702] agi METHOD a ((Laho;)V) -> [agi/method_12067, agi/handlePlayerInput] coc METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [coc/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_19466, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/isSingleplayerOwner] frw METHOD a ((Lczb;Ljava/util/List;)V) -> [frw/setupGhostRecipe, frw/method_2596] dvc METHOD b ((II)Z) -> [aqs/hasChunk, dvc/method_12123] gsa METHOD a ((Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ate$1/fromJson, gsj/fromJson, gsa/fromJson, grx/fromJson, gsa/method_14421] dim METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsr;Ljd;)Leqc;) -> [dlr/method_60770, dim/getPortalDestination] flz METHOD n ((I)V) -> [fmb/method_46419, flz/setY] fpw METHOD b ((I)Z) -> [fpw/forcePage, fpw/method_17789] dna METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepd;)Z) -> [dkp/method_10310, dna/canPlaceLiquid] dfr METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfr/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] dlc METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dlc/codec] fza$a METHOD a ((Lag;)V) -> [fza$a/method_2866, fza$a/onSelectedTabChanged] evh METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, evh/getType] gwf METHOD b (()V) -> [gwj/method_4902, gwf/clear] cfm$c METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfm$c/canUse] gbv METHOD a (()V) -> [gbv/tick, gcn/method_3070] ciu METHOD d ((Laqv;)V) -> [ciu/startSeenByPlayer, bsr/method_5837] ckc METHOD gj (()Lavo;) -> [ckc/getSquishSound, ckm/method_7160] ecs METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ecs/place] cnz METHOD a ((Lexa;)V) -> [cnz/onHit, cnp/method_7488] djp METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, djp/getShape] atk$a METHOD c ((Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ato/method_52438, atk$a/createDirectoryPack] cec METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cdg/isMatchingEntity, cec/method_35148, cdj/isMatchingEntity, cec/isMatchingEntity] gaf$b METHOD b (()Lcom/mojang/authlib/minecraft/report/AbuseReportLimits;) -> [gaf$b/reportLimits, gaf/method_44564] ha$b METHOD b ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ImmutableStringReader;Ljava/lang/Object;Luy;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [ha$b/method_58511, hf$b/createPredicateTest] dfe METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dfe/rotate] bsr METHOD ad (()V) -> [bsr/stopRiding, bsr/method_5848] ado METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ado/handle, zg/method_11054] dqb METHOD a ((ILcmw;)Lcpu;) -> [dqb/method_5465, dqb/createMenu] egx METHOD a ((Leha$a;)V) -> [eha/method_23469, egx/place] ur METHOD h (()S) -> [ur/getAsShort, ur/method_10696] dia METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbtn;Lcuq;)V) -> [dfy/method_9567, dia/setPlacedBy] cov METHOD ak_ (()Lcul;) -> [cpg/method_7557, cov/getDropItem] djn METHOD b ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dgb/method_9651, djn/isValidBonemealTarget] dms METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dms/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] brx METHOD a ((Lbtn;ILbrk;F)V) -> [brx/method_58614, brx/onMobHurt] djk METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)Lbqv;) -> [dtb/method_17454, djk/getMenuProvider] glk METHOD b ((Lbtn;F)F) -> [glk/method_23185, gjx/getWhiteOverlayProgress] kh METHOD o ((I)Lkh;) -> [jd/multiply, kh/method_35862, jd$a/multiply] ux METHOD a ((Lue;)V) -> [ux/visitFloat, vc/method_32295] cky METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cky/method_6011, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] eqy METHOD f (()I) -> [erk/method_155, eqy/getClearWeatherTime] eqy METHOD d (()J) -> [eqy/getDayTime, fzf$a/getDayTime, eqy/method_217, erj/getDayTime] cqm METHOD a ((Lbqk;)V) -> [cqx/slotsChanged, cqm/slotsChanged, cqw/slotsChanged, cre/slotsChanged, crw/slotsChanged, cqt/slotsChanged, cqp/slotsChanged, cqb/slotsChanged, cqm/method_7609, cra/slotsChanged] ejd METHOD b (()Leiz;) -> [ejd/type, eiy/method_39615] dwt METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/BooleanSupplier;)V) -> [dwt/tick, dwt/method_19290] erp$1 METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [erp$1/type, ero/method_59719] fzg METHOD a ((Laei;)V) -> [fzg/method_11117, fzg/handleRespawn] dlj METHOD e_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dlj/isSignalSource, dtb/method_9506] dvu METHOD b ((Ljava/util/Map;)V) -> [dvu/setAllReferences, dvu/method_12183] gob METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFFFF)V) -> [gob/render, gov/method_4199] fze METHOD a ((Laip;)V) -> [fze/handleCustomQuery, fze/method_12586] evo METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [evo/getReferencedContextParams, evq/method_32441] jz METHOD n (()V) -> [ju/resetTags, jz/method_40278] dlj METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dlj/getDirectSignal, dtb/method_9603] gs METHOD c (()Z) -> [gs/isZRelative, gs/method_9707, gy/isZRelative] ckz METHOD de (()Lavq;) -> [bsr/method_5634, ckz/getSoundSource] chl METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [chl/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] cxe METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [cxe/pages, cxe/comp_2422] bpm$c METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [bpm/method_16909, bpm$c/pop] dnx METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dnx/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] dhy METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, dhy/useItemOn] btn METHOD g ((Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [btn/method_18808, ckd/getProjectile, cmx/getProjectile] cce METHOD a ((Lbtp;Lbtn;)V) -> [cce/method_6319, cce/alertOther] cha METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18924, cha/tick] fpf METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fpf/init, fod/method_25426] ju METHOD g (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [ju/registryKeySet, jz/method_42021] gsx METHOD g (()Lggg;) -> [gsm/method_4710, gsx/getOverrides] dfy METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lbsr;)V) -> [dfy/stepOn, dfy/method_9591] ty METHOD c ((ILuy;)V) -> [ua/method_10531, ty/add] cri METHOD n (()I) -> [cri/getGridWidth, cri/method_7653] ccx METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [cda/method_6354, ccx/setCanFloat] czx METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [czx/canCraftInDimensions, cyz/method_8113] cbh METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbh/canUse] cfo$f METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cfo$f/start] dov METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldkv;)Ldtc;) -> [dov/mirror, dtb/method_9569] cgv METHOD z ((F)V) -> [btn/method_48565, cgv/updateWalkAnimation] cfo$f METHOD l (()Z) -> [cfo$f/method_6294, cfo$f/shouldRecalculatePath, cgf$c/shouldRecalculatePath, ckq$a/shouldRecalculatePath] fwx METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fwx/root] dfn METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfn/codec] cfs METHOD h ((D)Z) -> [btp/method_5974, cfs/removeWhenFarAway] faz METHOD b ((FFFFFF)V) -> [far/method_35653, faz/setMat3x2] dff METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dff/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] dhh METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dhh/tick] ffq METHOD a ((Lfby;J)V) -> [ffq/sendResetRequest, ffr/sendResetRequest, ffq/method_32517] azu METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/IntConsumer;)V) -> [axc/method_21739, azu/getAll] cfo METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, cfo/method_6011, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] drq$a METHOD c (()Lawu;) -> [drq$a/getListenableEvents, dyi$d/method_42210] bwm METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18926, bwm/stop] aqg$1 METHOD a ((IIZ)Z) -> [aqg$1/contains, aqg/method_52359] dcx METHOD a ((Llk;DDDDDD)V) -> [dcx/method_8406, dcx/addParticle] dvl METHOD a ((Lddf;Lkf;)V) -> [fzb/onLightUpdate, aqs/onLightUpdate, dvl/method_12247] fih METHOD b ((D)V) -> [fsn$a/setScrollAmount, fih/method_25307] dvl METHOD c ((II)Ldvk;) -> [aqs/getChunkForLighting, dvc/getChunkForLighting, dvl/method_12246] cns METHOD a ((Lewz;)V) -> [cns/onHitEntity, cnp/method_7454] ckj METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [ckj/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] dtb METHOD c ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/isCollisionShapeFullBlock, dtb/method_37403] dke METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dke/rotate] eom METHOD a ((JJI)V) -> [eov/method_51531, eom/propagateIncrease] cfk METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, cfk/method_6011, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] fik METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25403, fik/mouseDragged] esq METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [esq/run, ete/method_522] tc METHOD a ((Lo;)V) -> [tc/onServerCrash, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3744] duz METHOD a ((Ljava/util/List;Ldzm;Ljd;)V) -> [duz/addDebugScreenInfo, duz/method_40450] cgq METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, cgq/setVariant] bp$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [bp$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] dys$l METHOD k (()Ldyr;) -> [dys$l/comp_469, dzc$g/wrapped, dzc$f/wrapped, dzc$i/wrapped, dzc$e/wrapped, dys$l/wrapped, dzc$d/wrapped, dzc$a/wrapped, dzc$b/wrapped] bmy$a METHOD a (()J) -> [bng/method_24272, bmy$a/getDuration] fmd METHOD w (()I) -> [fmd/getHeight, fmb/method_25364] bqy$a METHOD b ((J)V) -> [ayw/method_43052, bqy$a/setSeed] cqm METHOD t (()Lcrj;) -> [cqm/method_30264, cqm/getRecipeBookType, cqw/getRecipeBookType, cpv/getRecipeBookType] eam METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [eaq/method_38893, eam/test] fen METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fen/render, fjp/method_25394] bug$4 METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [bug$4/set, bug/method_32332] lb METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [lb/execute, kw/method_10135] cks METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cks/registerGoals] frs$a METHOD l (()V) -> [frs$a/method_29658, frs$b/moveUp] fkb METHOD b ((I)J) -> [fkb/method_56579, fkf/getValueForAggregation] fmo METHOD a (()Lfmq;) -> [fmo/getVerticalDirectionForInitialFocus, fmo/method_48231] ace$1 METHOD a (()Lace$d;) -> [ace$1/getType, ace$c/method_34105] coj METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, coj/finalizeSpawn] gkv METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gkv/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] vc METHOD a ((Luh;)V) -> [vc/visitList, vc/method_32298] js METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)I) -> [jz/getId, axk/getId, jg/getId, js/method_10206, js/getId, ju/getId, jz$1/getId] fsw METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fsw/renderBackground, fod/method_25420] gtc$3 METHOD a (()V) -> [gtc$3/method_55497, gtc$3/requestStart] cfh METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cfh/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] agv METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, agv/handle] jz METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jz/getAny, jz/method_60385] exa METHOD c (()Lexa$a;) -> [exa/method_17783, exa/getType] ftw METHOD aV_ (()Z) -> [ftx/isEnabled, ftr$b/isEnabled, ftp/isEnabled, ftw/method_16893, ftx$a/isEnabled, ftr$1/isEnabled, ftr$a/isEnabled, ftw/isEnabled] afq METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, afq/type] egy METHOD a (()Lehb;) -> [eha/method_28893, egy/type] cni METHOD cu (()Z) -> [cni/isAttackable, bsr/method_5732] cod METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cod/hurt, bsr/method_5643] cpe$1 METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;I)V) -> [dby/method_8273, cpe$1/broadcastEvent] bto METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, bto/defineSynchedData] asu METHOD a ((Lass;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lasq$a;)V) -> [asu/listResources, asq/method_14408] dkx METHOD d ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)F) -> [dkx/getShadeBrightness, dtb/method_9575] gaj METHOD b (()Lgak;) -> [gah/copy, gap/copy, gaj/copy, gaj/method_46547] fmd METHOD D (()I) -> [fmb/method_46426, fmd/getX] eio METHOD a_ ((Leiw;Layw;Ljd;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [eiy/method_14452, eio/getPositions] dqb METHOD c (()Z) -> [dqb/isEmpty, bqk/method_5442] uu METHOD a ((Lty;)V) -> [vc/method_32290, uu/visitByteArray] fen METHOD c (()V) -> [fen/repositionElements, fod/method_48640] btn METHOD n ((I)I) -> [btn/method_6064, btn/increaseAirSupply] dmc METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dmc/createBlockStateDefinition] fes METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fes/render] aqv METHOD a ((Lbrz;ZLbsr;)V) -> [btn/method_6009, aqv/onEffectUpdated] dam$a METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, dam$a/codec] esc METHOD a (()Lesi;) -> [esh/method_29318, esc/getType] dkx METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dkx/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] der METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, der/getShape] uh METHOD a ((Lvc;)V) -> [uy/method_32289, uh/accept] fne METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fne/init, fod/method_25426] cbt METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cbt/tick] bdz METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bdz/fix] kv METHOD a ((Lku;)V) -> [kv/playSound, ky/playSound, cve$1/playSound, kv/method_10136, kz/playSound] cyy METHOD as_ (()Z) -> [cyy/isSpecial, cyz/method_8118] ces$a METHOD c ((J)I) -> [eoq/method_15480, ces$a/getLevel] ahz METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ahz/handle, zg/method_11054] fwr METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwr/setupAnim] hv METHOD a ((ILakr;I)V) -> [hv/method_36351, amk$b/onCall] egv METHOD a ((Leha$a;)V) -> [egv/place, eha/method_23469] ckb METHOD a ((Lddl;Lbqp;Lbtr;Lbuh;)Lbuh;) -> [btp/method_5943, ckb/finalizeSpawn] fpw$1 METHOD a ((Lcpu;ILcuq;)V) -> [cqh/method_7635, fpw$1/slotChanged] drd$1 METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [drd$1/isOwnContainer, dqu/method_31679] dgv METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgv/performBonemeal, dgb/method_9652] arb METHOD b ((Ljd;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [arb/method_35237, arb/isFluidAtPosition, dcw/isFluidAtPosition] aec METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, aec/handle] dbn METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dbn/codec, dbm/codec, dbn/method_60265, dbl/codec] bnl$a METHOD d (()Z) -> [bnl$a/method_38658, bnk/isAvailable, bnl$a/isAvailable] emj$k METHOD a ((Layw;IIIZ)V) -> [ejv$a/method_14948, emj$k/next] dyz METHOD b ((J)V) -> [ayw/method_43052, dyz/setSeed] dys$q METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dys$q/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] gua METHOD l (()Z) -> [gti/isRelative, gua/method_4787] cqx METHOD m (()V) -> [cqx/method_24928, crt/createResult, cpw/createResult] dfw METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dfw/codec] erp$3 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ero/method_59723, erp$3/getContents] fih METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIFIIIII)V) -> [fih/method_44397, fih/renderItem] byu$b$1 METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [byu$b$1/method_47232, byu$a$1/tryTrigger, byu$f$1/tryTrigger, byu$b$5/tryTrigger, byu$b$3/tryTrigger, byu$b$1/tryTrigger, byu$b$2/tryTrigger, byu$b$4/tryTrigger, byu$d$1/tryTrigger] cjp METHOD cx (()I) -> [cjp/getMaxFallDistance, cjp/method_5850, btp/getMaxFallDistance, btn/getMaxFallDistance] guw METHOD b (()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;) -> [guw/readAll, guw/method_59757] evu METHOD b ((Lerr;)F) -> [evy/method_32454, evu/getFloat] fmc METHOD b ((I)Lfmc;) -> [fmc/method_46469, fmc$a/paddingLeft] dci METHOD a ((Ldyy$a;Ljd;)Ljd;) -> [dci/getHeightmapPos, dci/method_8598] dys$n METHOD b (()D) -> [dys$n/maxValue, dyr/comp_378] arf METHOD a ((Ldcd;Ldvz;)V) -> [ard/method_17670, arf/onStatusChange] aub METHOD b (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [aub/listPacks, aue/method_29213] aqq METHOD b ((J)I) -> [aqq/method_18749, ces$a/getLevelFromSource] far METHOD a ((FFFFFFFFFFFF)V) -> [far/setMat3x4, far/method_35647] vk METHOD b (()Luv$b;) -> [uv/method_39870, vk/visitContainerEnd] alc$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jo$a/method_55282, alc$a/listRegistries] dcz METHOD z_ (()I) -> [dcz/method_8615, arb/getSeaLevel, dcw/getSeaLevel] dok METHOD c (()I) -> [dht/method_9827, dok/getMaxAge] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldtc;Lji;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9522, dtb/skipRendering] bsr METHOD g ((I)V) -> [bsr/method_56073, bsr/igniteForTicks] etp METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [etp/run, ete/method_522] dke METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dke/codec] ciz METHOD p (()V) -> [ciz/method_6895, cjb/recalculateBoundingBox, ciz/recalculateBoundingBox] dhr METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dtb/method_9572, dhr/getAnalogOutputSignal] dms METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Lcuq;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9565, dms/spawnAfterBreak] emj$d METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emj$d/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] fng METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fng/init, fod/method_25426] dzs$b METHOD a ((Ldzv;)I) -> [dzs$b/method_33844, dzs$a/resolveY, dzs$c/resolveY, dzs$b/resolveY] dgg METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9514, dgg/randomTick] ahm METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, ahm/handle] btn METHOD c ((Lbtn;)Z) -> [btn/method_18395, btn/canAttack] dmk METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dmk/mayPlaceOn] xa METHOD a (()Lxa$a;) -> [xa/method_54163, xa/type] esx$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [ete$a/method_523, esx$a/getThis] drp$a METHOD e (()V) -> [dyi$d/method_42672, drp$a/onDataChanged] fmz METHOD j (()V) -> [fmz/removed, fod/method_25432] feb METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [feb/render, fjp/method_25394] uh$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, uh$1/parse] bsr METHOD w ((Lbsr;)V) -> [bsr/restoreFrom, bsr/method_5878] geb METHOD a ((Ldbx;)V) -> [geb/method_7257, geb/openMinecartCommandBlock] dhj METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dhj/getShape] dzp$aa$a METHOD a (()Z) -> [dzp$i/method_39074, dzp$aa$a/compute] ecl METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ecl/place, ece/method_13151] div METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ljd;Lbsr;F)V) -> [div/fallOn, dfy/method_9554] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD a ((Laqu;Ljd;Lcmx;)Z) -> [apn/isUnderSpawnProtection, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3785] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD R (()I) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3756, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getPort] cjt$a METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cjt$a/start] dyr METHOD a ((Ldyr$f;)Ldyr;) -> [dyr/mapAll, dyr/method_40469] btp METHOD fS (()Z) -> [cgk/canPickUpLoot, btp/method_5936] dvq METHOD a ((Ljr;Ldvq$d;)Ldvr$a;) -> [dvr/method_44345, dvq/pack] wf METHOD a ((Lwz;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Lvv;) -> [wf/method_60881, fzc/createDisconnectionInfo] ghj METHOD c (()F) -> [ghj/method_51273, ghj/getSignTextRenderScale] dzc$e METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dzc$e/compute, dyr/method_40464] dyt METHOD a ((Ljo;Ldzm;J)Ldva;) -> [dyt/method_46696, dyt/createState] cpe METHOD ak_ (()Lcul;) -> [cpg/method_7557, cpe/getDropItem] fxw METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fxw/root] yn METHOD a ((I)Lxn;) -> [yp/method_55457, yn/format] eyu METHOD b ((JLjava/util/function/Function;)Luy;) -> [eyu/save, eyu/method_20463] ekt METHOD a ((Lenu;Ljd;Ldmm;)Lejj;) -> [ekt/getBoundingBox, ekz/method_16628] eqi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [eqi/method_41703, eqi/neighborChanged] dn METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, dn/codec] cgq METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Map;) -> [cgq/method_36976, cgq/getModelRotationValues] dzr METHOD e (()Ldzl;) -> [dzr/forkPositional, ayw/method_38421] dys$w METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dys$w/minValue] fze METHOD a ((Lair;)V) -> [fze/handleHello, fze/method_12587] cqs METHOD b_ ((Lcuq;)V) -> [crq/method_7669, cqs/checkTakeAchievements] gwh METHOD a (()V) -> [gwh/tick, gwj/method_4899] ajm METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ajm/type] drq$a METHOD f (()Z) -> [drq$a/requiresAdjacentChunksToBeTicking, dyi$d/method_51363] esl$a METHOD b (()Lesh;) -> [esl$a/build, esh$a/method_419] gbo METHOD a (()V) -> [gbo/tick, gcn/method_3070] ckr$a METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, ckr$a/tick] bph METHOD d ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/doRunTask, bpl/doRunTask, aqs$b/doRunTask, bph/method_18859] cfv METHOD f (()Z) -> [cfv/isSaddleable, bue/method_6765] aqs METHOD q (()Ldcc;) -> [aqs/method_16399, aqs/getLevel, fzb/getLevel] fjf$2 METHOD b (()I) -> [fjf/method_44048, fjf$2/getWidth] fgr$n METHOD a ((Lfgr$l;Lfgs;IIILjava/util/function/Consumer;)Ljava/util/function/Function;) -> [fgr$j/createButton, fgr$k/createButton, fgr$n/method_41756, fgr$d/createButton] fbd METHOD a ((I)Lfbm;) -> [fbm/method_39415, fbd/setColor] cff METHOD fa (()F) -> [btn/method_6107, cff/getSoundVolume] eyb METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [eyi/method_1197, eyb/getName] cmk METHOD a ((Lbtn;)V) -> [btn/method_6015, cmk/setLastHurtByMob] wj METHOD c (()V) -> [wj/tickSecond, wj/method_30615] cvc METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Lbsr;IZ)V) -> [cul/method_7888, cvc/inventoryTick] fmc$a METHOD b ((F)Lfmc;) -> [fmc$a/method_46468, fmc$a/alignVertically] cta$c METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcta$g;)V) -> [cta$c/accept, cta$e/method_45417] cov METHOD F (()I) -> [cow/getMaxPassengers, cov/method_42281] dvv$a METHOD a ((Ldcx;)V) -> [dvv$a/processChunk, dvv$a/method_12357] ghx METHOD b_ ((Ljd;)Lepe;) -> [dcc/method_8316, ghx/getFluidState] cfo METHOD b ((B)V) -> [cfo/handleEntityEvent, bsr/method_5711] ar METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ar/validate, ar/method_54938] dfb METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dfb/performBonemeal] arb METHOD J (()Lcpl;) -> [arb/enabledFeatures, dcz/method_45162] gsp METHOD c (()Z) -> [gsm/method_24304, gsp/usesBlockLight] dds METHOD f_ ((Ljd;)Z) -> [dds/ensureCanWrite, dds/method_37368] dhm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, dhm/neighborChanged] dpl METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpl/codec] btu METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, btu/addAdditionalSaveData] aif METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [aif/type, zg/method_55846] fih METHOD e ((I)Z) -> [fih/method_25332, fih/isSelectedItem] asn METHOD a (([Ljava/lang/String;)Latw;) -> [asq/method_14410, asn/getRootResource] erg$b METHOD w (()Z) -> [erg/method_54553, erg$b/canEdit] bqy$a METHOD k (()D) -> [ayw/method_43059, bqy$a/nextGaussian] frn$a METHOD aK_ (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [frn$a/children, fkh/method_25396] ayw METHOD g (()J) -> [ayw/nextLong, ayw/method_43055] eqa METHOD b ((III)Lepv;) -> [eqa/method_31932, epp/getCachedPathType] czj$a METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [czj$a/streamCodec, cze/method_56104] dfa METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfa/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] btn METHOD c ((Lbrk;)V) -> [bsr/method_48922, btn/handleDamageEvent] dgv METHOD g ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkc/canGrowInto, dgv/canGrowInto, dos/canGrowInto, dpn/canGrowInto, dgv/method_24949] dvi METHOD q (()Lduy$a;) -> [dvi/getTicksForSerialization, duy/method_39296] drk$1 METHOD al_ (()I) -> [dqq/getMaxStackSize, bqj/getMaxStackSize, drk$1/method_5444, dhj$c/getMaxStackSize, cpy$1/getMaxStackSize, drj/getMaxStackSize, drk$1/getMaxStackSize, dhj$b/getMaxStackSize] dez METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dez/getShape, dtb/method_9530] btc METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, btc/tick] bnk METHOD a ((Lvu;Lzi;Ljava/net/SocketAddress;I)V) -> [bnk/onPacketReceived, bnl/method_38656] cul METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cul/method_7851, cul/appendHoverText] afl METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afl/handle] dcw METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z) -> [ddc/method_16358, dcw/isStateAtPosition] dex METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, dex/rotate] dgm METHOD a ((Ldcx;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepe;)Z) -> [dkp/method_10311, dgm/placeLiquid] cmk METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lbuq;) -> [cmk/makeBrain, btn/method_18867] efy METHOD a ((Layw;IIIIZ)Z) -> [efu/method_23451, efy/shouldSkipLocation] fsl METHOD E (()V) -> [fsl/onReportChanged, fsk/method_53586] dw METHOD a (()Lkp;) -> [dw/method_58163, dw/componentType] cul METHOD a ((Lcjh;)V) -> [cul/method_33261, cul/onDestroyed] clm METHOD go (()V) -> [clm/playConvertedSound, clm/method_30238] cfk METHOD gl (()Lavo;) -> [cfz/getFlopSound, cfk/getFlopSound, cge/getFlopSound, cfk/method_6457, chb/getFlopSound, cfx/getFlopSound] gky METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gky/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] ekx METHOD a (()Lela;) -> [ekx/getType, ekz/method_16757] dme METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dme/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] fyg METHOD a ((Laue;)V) -> [auf/method_14491, fyg/onResourceManagerReload] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD bq (()Lalj;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_60672, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/serverLinks] blv METHOD a ((II)J) -> [blv/get, blv/method_56660] bde METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [bde/method_4982, bde/fix] cro METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cro/mayPlace, crq/method_7680] dhj$c METHOD al_ (()I) -> [dqq/getMaxStackSize, bqj/getMaxStackSize, dhj$c/method_5444, dhj$c/getMaxStackSize, cpy$1/getMaxStackSize, drj/getMaxStackSize, drk$1/getMaxStackSize, dhj$b/getMaxStackSize] cqn$2 METHOD b (()I) -> [cqn$2/get, cqn/method_17407] chw$f METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, chw$f/checkExtraStartConditions] cmw METHOD e (()V) -> [cmw/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] bsr METHOD a ((Ldco;)Z) -> [ciw/ignoreExplosion, cmb/ignoreExplosion, bsr/method_5659] fx$d METHOD a ((Lakq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [fx$c/method_41175, fx$d/cast] fik METHOD D (()I) -> [fmb/method_46426, fik/getX] emb$a METHOD a ((Lji;Lemb$v;Layw;)Lemb$r;) -> [emb$c/create, emb$d/create, emb$b/create, emb$e/create, emb$a/method_14768, emb$g/create, emb$f/create, emb$a/create] gdf METHOD a (()V) -> [gdf/tick, gcn/method_3070] dvi$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [dsa/method_31704, dvi$a/isRemoved] gwm METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [gwm/render, fjp/method_25394] bsr METHOD cx (()I) -> [cjp/getMaxFallDistance, btp/getMaxFallDistance, bsr/method_5850, btn/getMaxFallDistance] eph METHOD b ((Lepe;)Ldtc;) -> [eph/method_15790, epk/createLegacyBlock, eph/createLegacyBlock, epb/createLegacyBlock] efp METHOD a (()Lefv;) -> [efu/method_28843, efp/type] ejw METHOD a ((Lejj;)Lejv;) -> [ejw/method_35461, ekj/findCollisionPiece] crw METHOD b ((Lcmx;I)Lcuq;) -> [cpu/method_7601, crw/quickMoveStack] fkd METHOD a ((D)Ljava/lang/String;) -> [fkb/method_53468, fkd/toDisplayString] chj METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [btn/method_6002, chj/getDeathSound] bnb METHOD d (()I) -> [bna/getEndTimeTicks, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$c$1/getEndTimeTicks, bnb/getEndTimeTicks, bnb/method_16070] guo METHOD p (()Z) -> [guo/isEpollEnabled, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3759] jd$a METHOD a ((Lji;I)Ljd;) -> [jd$a/method_10079, jd$a/relative] cys METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cys/getSerializer, cyz/method_8119] dg METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, dg/codec] cwn METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldcw;Lbtn;I)V) -> [cul/method_7840, cwn/releaseUsing] jz METHOD k (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [jz/method_40273, ju/getTagNames] faz METHOD a ((FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)V) -> [faz/method_35648, faz/setMat4x4] btn METHOD fI (()V) -> [btn/stopSleeping, btn/method_18400] cfm$c METHOD e (()V) -> [cam/method_6270, cfm$c/stop] car METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, car/start] cji METHOD a ((Leqc;)Lbsr;) -> [cji/changeDimension, bsr/method_5731] dhz METHOD c (()Lduf;) -> [dfn/method_9474, dhz/getShapeProperty] gns METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;ILbsr;FFFF)V) -> [gpe/method_22130, gns/renderStuckItem] dhb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dhb/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] adg METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, adg/handle] cb METHOD a ((Lbsr;Laqu;Lexc;)Z) -> [bw/method_22497, cb/matches] dyn METHOD c ((I)I) -> [dyn/method_43156, dyn/next] dow METHOD g (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dow/getDescriptionId, dfy/method_9539] dvh METHOD a_ ((Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dvh/getBlockState, dcc/method_8320] dog METHOD a ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dtb/method_9588, dog/tick] btn METHOD a ((DD)V) -> [btn/method_48761, btn/indicateDamage] cbn METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_38846, cbn/requiresUpdateEveryTick] crn METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [crn/stillValid, cpu/method_7597] fza$a METHOD a ((Lah;Lai;)V) -> [fza$a/method_2865, fon/onUpdateAdvancementProgress] apn METHOD a ((Ljava/nio/file/Path;)V) -> [apn/dumpServerProperties, apn/method_37113] dys$aa METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$aa/compute, dyr/method_40464] dfc METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dfc/getCollisionShape, dtb/method_9549] tz$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, tz$1/parse] geo$c METHOD a ((Lexc;F)Lexc;) -> [geo/method_28112, geo$c/getBrightnessDependentFogColor] ggk METHOD b (()Lj;) -> [gsv/method_3509, ggk/getRotation] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD af (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3818, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/getMotd] bqa METHOD c (()Lbpv;) -> [bqa/getType, bpu/method_33923] dsv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lept;)Z) -> [dsv/isPathfindable, dtb/method_9516] aqk METHOD a ((JILapz;I)Lapz;) -> [aqk/method_14053, aqb$a/updateChunkScheduling] chl METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [buo/method_47826, chl/setVariant] cvf METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcw;Lcuq;Ljd;)V) -> [ctg/method_7728, cvf/checkExtraContent] dvh METHOD b ((Z)V) -> [dvh/setLightCorrect, duy/method_12020] chi METHOD a (()Z) -> [bty/method_6153, chi/canJump] bsr METHOD bc (()Lbsr$b;) -> [bsr/getMovementEmission, bsr/method_33570] dve METHOD i ((Ljd;)I) -> [dcc/method_8317, dve/getLightEmission] ejn METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [ejn/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] cfo METHOD m_ (()V) -> [cfo/aiStep, btn/method_6007] fgr$c METHOD d (()I) -> [fgr$c/minInclusive, fgr$g/comp_593] ka METHOD c (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [ka/method_40311, ka/registries] uf$1 METHOD c ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)Luy;) -> [va/method_23262, uf$1/load] api METHOD a ((Luy;)Lwz;) -> [apg/method_13882, api/getPrintSuccess] ux METHOD a ((Lut;)V) -> [vc/method_32301, ux/visitShort] gbi METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gbi/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] fjc METHOD aQ_ (()Lxn;) -> [fjc/createNarrationMessage, fik/method_25360] drq METHOD gm (()Ldyi$a;) -> [dyi/method_51298, drq/getVibrationData] gdi METHOD a ((Layw;)Lgql;) -> [gcp$b/get, gdi/method_18139] uw METHOD b (()B) -> [uy/method_10711, uw/getId] arr METHOD a ((Laad;)V) -> [zz/method_52394, arr/handlePong] fnw METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fnw/shouldCloseOnEsc, fod/method_25422] azd METHOD b ((II)V) -> [azd/set, axc/method_15210] ju METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ju/getAny, jz/method_60385] fze METHOD a ((Labp;)V) -> [fze/handleRequestCookie, abo/method_55845] cns METHOD a ((Labv;)V) -> [cns/recreateFromPacket, bsr/method_31471] cgn METHOD a ((IZ)V) -> [cgn/method_5620, cgn/ageUp] hb$2 METHOD c ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair;) -> [hb$2/unwrapToCollection, hb$a/method_55591] cgd$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cgd$a/canUse] ehe METHOD a (()Lehn;) -> [ehe/type, ehm/method_28903] gsp METHOD a (()Z) -> [gsm/method_4708, gsp/useAmbientOcclusion] caa METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, caa/tick] cmw METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cmw/stillValid, bqk/method_5443] czt METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [czt/isTemplateIngredient, czr/method_48453] efq METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [efu/method_23448, efq/createFoliage] dmd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9612, dmd/neighborChanged] elo$a METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [ejv/method_14943, elo$a/addAdditionalSaveData] gji METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gji/render, gki/method_3936] fuq METHOD a ((Lfyk;)Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList$Builder;) -> [fuw/createPartsBuilder, fuq/method_45702] frz METHOD a ((Z)V) -> [frz/setFocused, fki/method_25365] adm METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, adm/handle] byu$a$1 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [byu$e/method_47231, byu$a$1/debugString] dki METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dki/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] dys$k METHOD aG_ (()Ldyr;) -> [dys$n/input, dys$g/input, dys$k/comp_380, dys$k/input] cff METHOD c (()V) -> [cff/startPersistentAngerTimer, btt/method_29509] dtt METHOD b (()I) -> [dtt/generateHashCode, duf/method_11799] aru METHOD a ((Lahs;)V) -> [aru/handleSeenAdvancements, agi/method_12058] esj$1 METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lerr;)V) -> [esj$1/createItemStack, esj$1/method_426, esm$1/createItemStack] czh$a METHOD b (()Lyx;) -> [czh$a/streamCodec, cze/method_56104] dlt METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dlt/getCollisionShape, dtb/method_9549] fgs$3 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/function/Function;Ljava/util/function/Function;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [fgs$2/process, fgs$3/method_33681, fgs$3/process] ajr METHOD b (()Lvu;) -> [wf/method_52280, ajr/protocol] dtb METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] gmu METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmu/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] fan METHOD b (()V) -> [fan/method_30133, fgo/cursorEntered] ec$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ec$a/validate, ar/method_54938] bwx METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, bwx/checkExtraStartConditions] ewn$a METHOD a ((Lub;Lewn;)V) -> [ewn$a/method_975, ewl$a/serialize, ewm$a/serialize] dgh METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgh/method_9695, dgh/mayPlaceOn] ud$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)V) -> [ud$1/method_39851, ui$1/skip, va$1/skip, uw$1/skip, ud$1/skip, uh$1/skip, ty$1/skip, ub$1/skip, uf$1/skip, va$a/skip] dmg METHOD c ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dmg/isLocked, dmg/method_9996] gqf METHOD b (()I) -> [gqi$a/method_45815, gqf/height] dfu METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dfu/createBlockStateDefinition] coj$a METHOD e (()V) -> [coj$a/stop, cam/method_6270] crl METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [crl/stillValid, bqk/method_5443] geo METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [geo/isFoggyAt, geo/method_28110] epd METHOD a ((Lepe;Ldcc;Ljd;Lepd;Lji;)Z) -> [epd/canBeReplacedWith, epd/method_15777] fik METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fik/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] cng METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, cng/hurt] cjp METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbrk;Z)V) -> [cjp/dropCustomDeathLoot, btn/method_6099] ckq METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, ckq/method_6011, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] cnp METHOD c ((Lbsr;)V) -> [cnp/method_7432, cnl/setOwner, cnd/setOwner] deu METHOD m (()Lbsy;) -> [deu/getEquipmentSlot, cts/method_7685] dyo$a METHOD b (()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;) -> [dyo$b/getCeiling, dyo$a/getCeiling, dyo$c/getCeiling, dyo$a/method_32985] ciw METHOD j_ (()Lepj;) -> [bsr/method_5657, ciw/getPistonPushReaction] bsr METHOD aL (()Ljd;) -> [bsr/getBlockPosBelowThatAffectsMyMovement, bsr/method_23314] dkj METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dkj/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] fnp METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fnp/shouldCloseOnEsc, fod/method_25422] dfi METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfi/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] ciz METHOD a ((Ldkv;)F) -> [ciz/method_5763, ciz/mirror] dki METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dki/getFluidState] aqv METHOD M (()V) -> [aqv/processPortalCooldown, aqv/method_5760] bck METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bck/fix] dkd METHOD b_ ((Ldtc;)Lepe;) -> [dtb/method_9545, dkd/getFluidState] eoy METHOD h ((J)V) -> [eos/method_15523, eoy/onNodeAdded] cgn$1 METHOD a (()V) -> [bzk/method_6224, cgn$1/clientTick] fnj METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fnj/render, fjp/method_25394] bpo METHOD b (()I) -> [bpw/method_35011, bpo/getMaxValue] dec$b METHOD a ((DDI)I) -> [dec$b/method_30823, dec$b/modifyColor] kh METHOD c ((III)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_34592, kh/offset] dmz METHOD a ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dfy/method_9538, dmz/isPossibleToRespawnInThis] jz$1 METHOD a ((I)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [jz$1/byId, jr/method_10200] azx$1 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, azx$1/fix] erk METHOD h (()I) -> [erk/getThunderTime, erk/method_145] cky METHOD e ((Lbua;)Lbsu;) -> [btn/method_55694, cky/getDefaultDimensions] fdt METHOD d (()V) -> [fod/method_25419, fdt/onClose] fgo METHOD f ((Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Ljava/lang/Runnable;) -> [fgo/wrapRunnable, bph/method_16211] chl METHOD b ((Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [chl/playStepSound, bsr/method_5712] cjb METHOD a ((D)Z) -> [bsr/method_5640, cjb/shouldRenderAtSqrDistance] cfu METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [cfu/hurt, bsr/method_5643] fzf$a METHOD d (()J) -> [eqy/getDayTime, fzf$a/getDayTime, fzf$a/method_217, erj/getDayTime] va METHOD d (()Z) -> [va/method_23263, va/isValue] dur METHOD c ((Ldut;D)V) -> [dur/method_11935, dur/onBorderSetDamageSafeZOne] apg METHOD a ((Luy;)Lwz;) -> [apg/method_13882, apg/getPrintSuccess] bsr METHOD b_ ((Lcmx;)V) -> [bsr/method_5694, bsr/playerTouch] cja METHOD x (()Lavo;) -> [cja/getPlaceSound, cja/method_34242] emr METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljd;Ljd;Layw;)Z) -> [eng/method_26406, emr/test] dbx METHOD a ((Lwz;)V) -> [es/method_43496, dbx/sendSystemMessage] dit METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Ldtc;Lcjg;)V) -> [dit/onLand, dit/method_10127] bnz METHOD a (()Ljava/time/Duration;) -> [boi/comp_16, bnz/duration] byu$b$2 METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [byu$b$2/debugString, byu$e/method_47231] dey METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)Lbqv;) -> [dtb/method_17454, dey/getMenuProvider] cfx METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [cfx/addAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5652] cbf METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cbf/start] dgx METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dgx/canSurvive, dtb/method_9558] cfo$f METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cfo$f/canUse] dys$v METHOD a (([DLdyr$a;)V) -> [dyr/method_40470, dys$v/fillArray] frx METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [frw/method_17065, frx/getFuelItems] fek METHOD d (()V) -> [fek/onClose, fod/method_25419] bsr METHOD ct (()F) -> [btn/getYHeadRot, bsr/method_5791] dom METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [dtb/method_55766, dom/useWithoutItem] ahg$d METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, ahg$d/type] eqg METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ljd;Ldfy;Ljd;Z)V) -> [eqi/method_41703, eqg/neighborChanged] arr METHOD a ((Laae;)V) -> [arr/method_52395, arr/handleResourcePackResponse, ars/handleResourcePackResponse] eye METHOD a ((Lyp;)V) -> [eye/method_55412, eye/numberFormatOverride] bqf$g METHOD a ((Ldws;Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Ljava/lang/AutoCloseable;) -> [bqf$a/method_56546, bqf$g/createStorage] dou METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Ldqj;)Ldqi;) -> [diq/method_31645, dou/getTicker] ur METHOD k (()F) -> [ur/getAsFloat, ur/method_10700] dhj$a METHOD b ((ILcuq;Lji;)Z) -> [brd/method_5493, dhj$a/canTakeItemThroughFace] czx METHOD at_ (()Lcze;) -> [cyz/method_8119, czx/getSerializer] coj$a METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [coj$a/requiresUpdateEveryTick, cam/method_38846] djw METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [djw/codec, dtb/method_53969] ju METHOD c (()I) -> [ju/size, ju/method_10204, js/size, axk/size, jz$1/size] dho METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dho/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] bwc METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bwc/start] cgg METHOD b ((I)V) -> [cgg/method_6673, cgg/handleAirSupply] ckl METHOD dC (()Z) -> [btn/canFreeze, ckl/method_32316, ckl/canFreeze] cve$1 METHOD a ((Lku;Lcuq;)Lcuq;) -> [cve$1/execute, kw/method_10135] bvu METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [bvu/timedOut, bvh/method_18915] atq METHOD a (()Z) -> [atq$1/shouldAddAutomatically, atq/method_45279] djm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [djm/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cjr METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cjr/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] fie METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25403, fie/mouseDragged] emw METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;Ljd;Lent$c;Lent$c;Lenp;)Lent$c;) -> [enq/method_15110, emw/processBlock] dcz METHOD x_ (()Z) -> [arb/isClientSide, dcz/method_8608, dcw/isClientSide] tz$1 METHOD d (()Z) -> [va/method_23263, tz$1/isValue] dpb METHOD g (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dpb/getDescriptionId, dfy/method_9539] fso METHOD b ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25406, fso/mouseReleased] fmx METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fmx/init, fod/method_25426] dhi METHOD c ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dhi/checkTickOnNeighbor, dhi/method_9998] die METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Lcmx;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9576, die/playerWillDestroy] cft$e METHOD a ((Lbtp;Lbtn;)V) -> [cft$e/alertOther, cce/method_6319] gka METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gka/render, gki/method_3936] asq METHOD a ((Latd;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [asq/getMetadataSection, asq/method_14407] ft$a METHOD b ((Lvw;)Lio$a;) -> [fx$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fg$a/deserializeFromNetwork, iw/deserializeFromNetwork, ix/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fw$a/deserializeFromNetwork, fs$a/deserializeFromNetwork, gi$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ir/deserializeFromNetwork, iu/deserializeFromNetwork, it/deserializeFromNetwork, iv/deserializeFromNetwork, fy$a/deserializeFromNetwork, ft$a/method_10005] jg METHOD b (()Lakr;) -> [jg/method_10137, jg/getDefaultKey] arh METHOD b (()V) -> [arh/stop, ard/method_17671] dvr METHOD c (()I) -> [dvr/getSerializedSize, dvr/method_12327] cfw METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cfw/method_6011, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] fbp$b METHOD a ((IIII)Lfbm;) -> [fbp$a/setColor, gfa$a/setColor, fbj/setColor, gfp/setColor, fbp$b/setColor, fbp$b/method_1336, fbd/setColor] gaw METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [gaw/getHostName, gaw/method_36898] cfe METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldcz;)F) -> [cfe/getWalkTargetValue, btw/method_6144] byb METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;)Z) -> [bvh/method_18919, byb/checkExtraStartConditions] agi METHOD a ((Lagp;)V) -> [aru/handleSignedChatCommand, agi/method_58580] cko METHOD B (()V) -> [cko/registerGoals, btp/method_5959] de$a METHOD a ((Lbh;)V) -> [ar/method_54938, de$a/validate] aeh METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, aeh/type] dqg METHOD a ((ILcmw;)Lcpu;) -> [dqb/method_5465, dqg/createMenu] fpe METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fpe/render, fjp/method_25394] tz$1 METHOD c (()I) -> [va$a/method_39853, tz$1/size] fji METHOD a ((Lfmi;)V) -> [fji/updateWidgetNarration, fik/method_47399] gmt METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;F)V) -> [glk/method_4042, gmt/scale] fsn$a$f METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fsn$a$f/render] fgs$3 METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;Lfgr;)V) -> [fgs$2/process, fgs$3/process, fgs$4/process, fgs$3/method_42570] epd METHOD j (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [epd/method_32359, epd/getPickupSound] fro METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fro/mouseClicked] cnd METHOD l ((DDD)V) -> [bsr/method_5750, cnd/lerpMotion] eaw METHOD a ((Leax;Layw;)Z) -> [ebe/method_12705, eaw/isStartChunk] bzd METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bzd/start, bvh/method_18920] bun METHOD s (()Lbsr;) -> [cnh/getOwner, bsn/getOwner, ckr/getOwner, cjh/getOwner, cnp/getOwner, cji/getOwner, bun/method_24921] ju METHOD o (()Ljn;) -> [ju/createRegistrationLookup, ki/method_46769] cri METHOD p (()I) -> [cri/getSize, cri/method_7658] yi METHOD a ((Lxe$a;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xa/method_27659, yi/visit] geb METHOD bW (()Z) -> [geb/isShiftKeyDown, bsr/method_5715] fmo$c METHOD a (()Lfmq;) -> [fmo$c/getVerticalDirectionForInitialFocus, fmo/method_48231] dfr METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dfr/createBlockStateDefinition] dgy METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dgy/getStateForPlacement] dqr METHOD q (()Z) -> [dqh/method_11011, dqr/onlyOpCanSetNbt] gbk METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gbk/getRenderType] eqy METHOD c (()J) -> [eqy/getGameTime, erb/method_188] gkn METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gkn/render, gki/method_3936] vd METHOD a ((Lue;)V) -> [vd/visitFloat, vc/method_32295] eyd METHOD c (()Lyp;) -> [eyd/method_55400, eyd/numberFormat] daj$e METHOD a ((I)F) -> [daj/method_60188, daj$e/calculate] fvb METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lfbm;III)V) -> [fvb/renderToBuffer, fwg/method_2828] bpu METHOD a (()F) -> [bpu/method_33915, bpu/getMinValue] ewe METHOD b (()Ljava/util/Set;) -> [ewe/getReferencedContextParams, ewh/method_32477] uu METHOD a ((Luf;)V) -> [vc/method_32296, uu/visitIntArray] bo METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, bo/codec] bpo METHOD a (()I) -> [bpw/method_35009, bpo/getMinValue] gcc METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gcn/method_18122, gcc/getRenderType] frh METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, frh/init] cia METHOD o ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [bsr/method_5860, cia/canRide] brw METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [brx/method_5552, brw/shouldApplyEffectTickThisTick] dpp METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dpp/codec] cqv$2 METHOD d (()Z) -> [cqv$2/isActive, crq/method_7682] euh METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [euh/run, ete/method_522] cfq METHOD D ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [cfq/doHurtTarget, btn/method_6121] dfk METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;)Ldmf;) -> [dfk/getRenderShape, dtb/method_9604] fih METHOD l (()I) -> [gwp/getItemCount, fih/method_25340] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD p (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/isEpollEnabled, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3759] crr$1 METHOD a (()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;) -> [crr$1/slots, crr/method_58075] ard METHOD a ((Ldcd;Ldvz;)V) -> [ard/method_17670, ard/onStatusChange] cgw$b METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, cgw$b/start] egs METHOD a (()Legk;) -> [egj/method_28862, egs/type] erj METHOD a ((Ljava/util/UUID;)V) -> [erj/setWanderingTraderId, erk/method_18040] ckq METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lavq;)V) -> [bue/method_6576, ckq/equipSaddle] dkz$a METHOD a ((Ldcc;Ljd;Ldkz$c;)Z) -> [dkz$a/canSpreadInto, dkz$a/method_41457] gcy METHOD a ((Lfbm;Lffy;F)V) -> [gch/render, gca/render, gcl/render, gck/render, gcy/render, gda/render, gbq/render, gdr/render, gbx$c/render, gbx$b/render, gcy/method_3074] fpi METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fpi/render] jd METHOD a ((Lji;I)Ljd;) -> [jd$a/relative, jd/method_10079] epn METHOD a (([Lepq;Lepq;)I) -> [epr/method_18, epn/getNeighbors] dre METHOD a ((ILcmw;)Lcpu;) -> [dqb/method_5465, dre/createMenu] bsr METHOD a ((Lcmx;Lexc;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [bsr/method_5664, bsr/interactAt] cmm METHOD gv (()Lcml;) -> [cmm/getVillagerData, cmm/method_7231] etz METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [etz/run, ete/method_522] bsr METHOD c ((Lbrk;)V) -> [bsr/method_48922, bsr/handleDamageEvent] bmv METHOD a ((Lbmk;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [bml/method_58318, bmv/parse] cmk METHOD t (()I) -> [cmk/getVillagerXp, cmh/getVillagerXp, cmk/method_19269, cmf/getVillagerXp] emb$e METHOD a ((Lji;Lemb$v;Layw;)Lemb$r;) -> [emb$c/create, emb$e/method_14768, emb$d/create, emb$b/create, emb$e/create, emb$g/create, emb$f/create, emb$a/create] uv METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Luv$b;) -> [uv/visit, uv/method_39862] fpw METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fpw/init] cgn METHOD ae (()I) -> [cgn/getMaxHeadYRot, btp/method_5986] eqh METHOD a ((Lji;Ldtc;Ljd;Ljd;II)V) -> [eqh/method_42392, eqh/shapeUpdate, eqg/shapeUpdate] dxp METHOD a ((I)Ldxg;) -> [dxp/method_31804, dxq/get] bca METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bca/fix] agl METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [agl/handle, zg/method_11054] dfx METHOD a ((Ljd;Ldtc;)Ldqh;) -> [dfx/newBlockEntity, diq/method_10123] ckg METHOD b ((Lddl;Layw;Lbqp;)V) -> [ckg/enchantSpawnedWeapon, ckg/method_30759] mk METHOD a ((Ljo$a;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [me/method_10335, mk/generate] cln METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, cln/customServerAiStep] dia METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dia/getSignal, dtb/method_9524] dkl METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dkl/createBlockStateDefinition] drn METHOD a ((I)Lcuq;) -> [drn/getItem, bqk/method_5438] eaa$1 METHOD a ((II)Leaa$a;) -> [eaa$1/blendOffsetAndFactor, eaa$1/method_39340] drk METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [drk/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] adr METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adr/type] dyr METHOD a (()D) -> [dyr/comp_377, dyr/minValue] eov METHOD a ((JJ)V) -> [eov/method_51530, eov/propagateDecrease] chl$c METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/method_6266, chl$c/canContinueToUse] dki METHOD g ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)I) -> [dtb/method_9505, dki/getLightBlock] dys$y METHOD l (()Ldyr;) -> [dys$y/comp_376, dys$y/argument2] fih METHOD b ((Lfhz;)V) -> [fih/method_57715, fih/renderListBackground] bzy METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, bzy/tick] fec METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fec/render, fjp/method_25394] cwg METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;)Z) -> [cvb/canAttackBlock, ctd/canAttackBlock, cwg/method_7885, cwg/canAttackBlock, cwn/canAttackBlock] wf METHOD c (()Z) -> [wf/method_48106, wf/isAcceptingMessages] cpg METHOD a ((Lbrk;F)Z) -> [bsr/method_5643, cpg/hurt] dnl METHOD d ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)F) -> [dtb/method_9575, dnl/getShadeBrightness] cne METHOD a ((Laqt;)Lzg;) -> [cne/getAddEntityPacket, bsr/method_18002] cfj METHOD aV (()V) -> [cia/onFlap, cfj/method_5801, cfu/onFlap, cfj/onFlap] btm METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [btm/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] ech METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ech/place] cws METHOD i (()Lcpl;) -> [cpi/method_45322, cws/requiredFeatures] cia METHOD ed (()V) -> [btn/method_6108, cia/tickDeath] nm METHOD a ((Lly;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [ma/method_10319, nm/run] chi METHOD o ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [cfe/method_6481, chi/isFood] fed METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fed/keyPressed] ars METHOD a ((Labm;)V) -> [abk/method_56909, ars/handleSelectKnownPacks] ciw METHOD a ((Lexc;)V) -> [btn/method_6091, ciw/travel] arb METHOD a ((Llk;DDDDDD)V) -> [dcx/method_8406, arb/addParticle] dkc METHOD b (()Ldfy;) -> [djl/method_24946, dkc/getBodyBlock] dgv METHOD a ((Layw;)I) -> [dgv/getBlocksToGrowWhenBonemealed, djn/method_26376] ekt METHOD a ((Lenu;Ljd;Ldmm;Layw;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [ekt/getShuffledJigsawBlocks, ekz/method_16627] eqy METHOD a ((I)V) -> [eqy/setClearWeatherTime, erk/method_167] fik METHOD b ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25406, fik/mouseReleased] fzg METHOD c (()Z) -> [fzg/isAcceptingMessages, wf/method_48106] gti METHOD k (()Lgua$a;) -> [gti/getAttenuation, gua/method_4777] dfv METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfv/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] efz METHOD a ((Layw;IIIIZ)Z) -> [efu/method_23451, efz/shouldSkipLocation] uf METHOD f (()B) -> [uf/getElementType, ua/method_10601] cul METHOD g ((Lcuq;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [cul/getTooltipImage, cul/method_32346] dhd METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9558, dhd/canSurvive] bzz METHOD a ((Ldcz;Ljd;)Z) -> [caz/method_6296, bzz/isValidTarget] dxo METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Object;)V) -> [dxo/onTrackingEnd, dxo/method_31797] che METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [che/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] cmx METHOD bz (()Z) -> [cmx/canBeHitByProjectile, bth/canBeHitByProjectile, cmx/method_49108] bna METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [bna/getTimes, bne/method_16067] cez METHOD r (()V) -> [cez/pushEntities, btn/method_6070] fpg METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fpg/keyPressed] jq$a METHOD d (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [jq/method_45925, jq$a/unwrapKey] czj METHOD a ((II)Z) -> [cyz/method_8113, czj/canCraftInDimensions] cpy METHOD b ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [cpu/method_7597, cpy/stillValid] fzc METHOD a ((Lzp;)V) -> [fzc/handleDisconnect, zm/method_52781] fzg METHOD a ((Lafu;)V) -> [fzg/handleTagQueryPacket, fzg/method_11127] btn METHOD c ((Lbrz;)Z) -> [btn/method_6049, btn/canBeAffected] cfj METHOD B (()V) -> [cfj/registerGoals, btp/method_5959] ezf$b METHOD a ((Leze;)Z) -> [ezf$1/release, ezf$b/release, ezf$b/method_19667] eg$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [dv$a/comp_2029, eg$a/player] ccy METHOD a ((Lexc;Lexc;)Z) -> [ccy/canMoveDirectly, cda/method_6341] aqb$a METHOD a ((J)Z) -> [aqb$a/isChunkToRemove, aqk/method_14035] cov METHOD l ((Z)V) -> [cov/onAboveBubbleCol, cov/method_5700] avh METHOD a (()Z) -> [avi/start, avh/method_14728] guo METHOD M_ (()Z) -> [es/method_9201, guo/shouldInformAdmins] cot METHOD x (()Ldtc;) -> [cot/getDefaultDisplayBlockState, cot/method_7517] bwy METHOD d ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvh/method_18920, bwy/start] dia METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dia/method_9990, dhi/shouldTurnOn] fid METHOD a ((Lfhz;Lfhx;I)V) -> [fid/renderString, fid/method_48589] cvh METHOD a ((Ldcw;Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqs;) -> [cul/method_7836, cvh/use] faz METHOD a ((IIII)V) -> [faz/method_1248, faz/setSafe] aqu METHOD v (()Leqr;) -> [aqu/getFreeMapId, aqu/method_17889, fzf/getFreeMapId] ghr METHOD c (()F) -> [ghr/method_35793, ghr/getOffsetDown] eva METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, eva/getType] ekw METHOD a ((Ldmm;Lejj;Lend;Z)Lenp;) -> [eky/method_16616, ekw/getSettings] ef$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ef$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] cam METHOD c (()Z) -> [cam/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] clq METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, clq/customServerAiStep] crq METHOD b_ ((Lcuq;)V) -> [crq/method_7669, crq/checkTakeAchievements] ey METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContext;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [et/customSuggestion, ey/method_9261, fzi/customSuggestion] fwq METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fwq/setupAnim, fvk/method_2819] cfr METHOD a ((Laka$a;)V) -> [bsr/method_5693, cfr/defineSynchedData] es METHOD k_ (()Z) -> [es/acceptsSuccess, es/method_9200] dcx METHOD E_ (()Layw;) -> [dcx/getRandom, dcx/method_8409] ckp METHOD a ((Lcuq;FLcuq;)Lcnd;) -> [cjl/method_6996, ckp/getArrow] abu METHOD a ((Laez;)V) -> [fzg/handleSetEntityData, abu/method_11093] ji$a METHOD a ((III)I) -> [ji$a$3/choose, ji$a/method_10173, ji$a$2/choose, ji$a$1/choose] ctq METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [ctq/getUseDuration, cul/method_7881] ug METHOD a (()I) -> [ug/sizeInBytes, uy/method_47988] apj$1 METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/builder/ArgumentBuilder;Ljava/util/function/Function;)Lcom/mojang/brigadier/builder/ArgumentBuilder;) -> [apj$1/method_13925, api$1/wrap, apj$1/wrap, apf$1/wrap] zd METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, zd/type] fob METHOD k (()Z) -> [fod/method_25421, fob/isPauseScreen] erg$b METHOD u (()Z) -> [erg/method_54552, erg$b/primaryActionActive] fon METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fon/init, fod/method_25426] chb METHOD ee (()Z) -> [chb/shouldDropExperience, btn/method_6054] ph METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [ph/getName, mq/getName, ph/method_10321, pz/getName, ms/getName, nq/getName, pa/getName, oo/getName, mr/getName, mw/getName, md/getName, mn/getName, pf/getName, nm/getName, mp/getName, mo/getName] bpl METHOD ay (()Z) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/scheduleExecutables, aqs$b/scheduleExecutables, bpl/scheduleExecutables, bpl/method_5384] foh$a$a METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, foh$a$a/render] dq METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, dq/codec] egp METHOD a ((Layw;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [egp/getState, egj/method_23455] gdr METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gcn/method_3068, gdr/getLightColor] bww METHOD c ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bww/tick, bvh/method_18924] doc METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [doc/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] dhb$2$1 METHOD S_ (()Lwz;) -> [eyf/method_5476, bqw/method_5476, dhb$2$1/getDisplayName, bqv/method_5476] ckq METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [ckq/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] bzu METHOD a (()V) -> [bzu/tick, cam/method_6268] fl$h METHOD a (()Luy;) -> [fl$h/createPreferredParentTag, fl$h/method_9382] ckw METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [ckw/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] fos METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fos/render] fbt$a METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fbt$a/mouseClicked] fts METHOD b (()Lwz;) -> [ftx/getPrompt, fts/method_2781, ftw/getPrompt, ftq/getPrompt] cfs METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cfs/addAdditionalSaveData] eua METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lerr;)Lcuq;) -> [eua/run, ete/method_522] dxq METHOD a ((Lewx;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V) -> [dxq/get, dxq/method_31807] uf$1 METHOD b ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luk;)V) -> [ui$1/skip, va$1/skip, uw$1/skip, ud$1/skip, uh$1/skip, ty$1/skip, uf$1/method_39851, ub$1/skip, uf$1/skip, va$a/skip] dma METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dma/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] ckj$c METHOD a ((D)Lewx;) -> [ccf/method_6321, ckj$c/getTargetSearchArea] fji$a METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fki/method_25402, fji$a/mouseClicked] btn METHOD eE (()F) -> [btn/method_48157, btn/getHurtDir] adg METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, adg/type] gaw METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [gaw/getHostIp, gaw/method_36900] arb METHOD I_ (()I) -> [dcy/method_31607, arb/getMinBuildHeight] btn METHOD fC (()Z) -> [ciw/isAffectedByPotions, btn/method_6086] cfh METHOD n_ (()Lavo;) -> [cfh/getDeathSound, btn/method_6002] czs METHOD b (()Z) -> [czs/isEmpty, czc/method_59987] fdu METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fdu/render, fjp/method_25394] ccb METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, ccb/tick] cuj METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lcul$b;Ljava/util/List;Lcwm;)V) -> [cul/method_7851, cuj/appendHoverText] gix METHOD a ((Lfbi;Lgez;DDD)V) -> [gix/render, gim$a/method_23109] cbb METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cbb/canUse] afq METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, afq/handle] fot METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fot/render] aly$a$2 METHOD a ((Laqv;Lag;)Z) -> [aly$a$2/perform, aly$a/method_13002] ckm METHOD gh (()Z) -> [ckm/method_7163, ckm/isDealsDamage] doz METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, doz/createBlockStateDefinition] ghs METHOD d (()Lgfh;) -> [ghs/renderType, ghs/method_34589] erk METHOD b ((I)V) -> [erk/method_173, erk/setThunderTime] caa METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, caa/canUse] cow METHOD b (()I) -> [cow/getContainerSize, bqk/method_5439] ui METHOD d ((ILuy;)Luy;) -> [ui/set, ua/method_10606] net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer METHOD c ((Ljava/util/function/BooleanSupplier;)V) -> [net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/tickChildren, net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/method_3813] gpo METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFLfbi;Lgez;I)V) -> [gpo/render, gki/method_3936] nv$c METHOD b (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [nv$c/getDefinedProperties, nv/method_25791] emb$g METHOD a ((Lji;Lemb$v;Layw;)Lemb$r;) -> [emb$c/create, emb$d/create, emb$b/create, emb$g/method_14768, emb$e/create, emb$g/create, emb$f/create, emb$a/create] dkm METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lexh;)Lexv;) -> [dtb/method_9530, dkm/getShape] cjx$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cjx$a/canUse] dji METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lcyd;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9616, dji/canBeReplaced] gvv METHOD f (()V) -> [gvv/method_47783, gvv/takeSample] fot METHOD a ((DDI)Z) -> [fot/mouseClicked, fki/method_25402] bvu METHOD b ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvu/stop, bvh/method_18926] duo METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, duo/getSerializedName] de$a METHOD a (()Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [de$a/player, dv$a/comp_2029] eyd METHOD b (()Z) -> [eyd/isLocked, eyc/method_1131] caw METHOD e (()V) -> [caw/stop, cam/method_6270] dds METHOD a ((Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)V) -> [dds/setCurrentlyGenerating, dds/method_36972] fuq METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fuq/setupAnim] fxo METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fuf/method_22948, fxo/bodyParts] fsy METHOD h (()I) -> [fig/method_44391, fsy/getInnerHeight] fyb METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fyb/setupAnim] dty METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dty/getSerializedName, azk/method_15434] cak METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, cak/tick] cym METHOD g (()Lcuq;) -> [czq/getToastSymbol, czv/getToastSymbol, czw/getToastSymbol, cyk/getToastSymbol, czr/getToastSymbol, cym/method_17447, cym/getToastSymbol] dii METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dii/codec] ckj METHOD bc (()Lbsr$b;) -> [bsr/method_33570, ckj/getMovementEmission] cil METHOD d (()V) -> [cik/method_6856, cil/begin] gjh METHOD a ((Lbtn;Lfbi;FFFF)V) -> [gjh/setupRotations, glk/method_4058] fum METHOD a (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fum/headParts, fuf/method_22946] czh METHOD a ((Lcyp;Ljo$a;)Lcuq;) -> [czh/assemble, czh/method_17727] fnm METHOD aJ_ (()Z) -> [fnm/shouldCloseOnEsc, fod/method_25422] cuf METHOD aq_ (()Lavo;) -> [cuf/getEatingSound, cul/method_21830] djy METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldmm;)Ldtc;) -> [dtb/method_9598, djy/rotate] dhf METHOD a ((Laqu;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)V) -> [dgb/method_9652, dhf/performBonemeal] dal METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dau/method_60211, dal/codec] fxn METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fxn/setupAnim] ckn METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, ckn/addAdditionalSaveData] ja$1 METHOD a ((DDDLji$a;)D) -> [ja$3/cycle, ja$2/cycle, ja$1/method_35819, ja$1/cycle] cjr$e METHOD d (()V) -> [cam/method_6269, cjr$e/start] cov METHOD e_ (()F) -> [bsq/lerpTargetYRot, btn/lerpTargetYRot, cov/method_53831, cot/lerpTargetYRot, cov/lerpTargetYRot] emj$l METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [emj$l/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] gjh METHOD b ((Lbsr;)Z) -> [gjh/shouldShowName, gki/method_3921] dar METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dat/method_60219, dar/codec] gkf METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmf/method_3931, gkf/getTextureLocation, gki/method_3931] flz METHOD y (()I) -> [fmb/method_25368, flz/getWidth] acs METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [zg/method_11054, acs/handle] dnh METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dtb/method_9615, dnh/onPlace] fos METHOD a ((Lfgo;II)V) -> [fos/resize, fod/method_25410] fmo$a METHOD a (()Lfmq;) -> [fmo$a/getVerticalDirectionForInitialFocus, fmo/method_48231] clm METHOD ab (()V) -> [btp/method_5958, clm/customServerAiStep] ckf$i METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, ckf$i/tick] dfe METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, dfe/hasAnalogOutputSignal] bsr METHOD cC (()Z) -> [bsr/method_5675, bsr/isPushedByFluid] ebg METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, ebg/place] oo METHOD a ((Lly;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;) -> [oo/run, ma/method_10319] dgm METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, dgm/useItemOn] dtb METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Lewy;Lcnp;)V) -> [dtb/onProjectileHit, dtb/method_19286] ecv METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ecv/place, ece/method_13151] ftx$a METHOD aV_ (()Z) -> [ftx$a/method_16893, ftx/isEnabled, ftr$b/isEnabled, ftp/isEnabled, ftx$a/isEnabled, ftr$1/isEnabled, ftr$a/isEnabled, ftw/isEnabled] che METHOD k (()V) -> [che/ageBoundaryReached, bsl/method_5619] dfc METHOD b ((Ldtc;Laqu;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dfc/randomTick, dtb/method_9514] jz METHOD b ((Lawu;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [ju/getTag, jz/method_40266] eyv METHOD a ((Ljd;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z) -> [eym$1/hasScheduledTick, eym$2/hasScheduledTick, eyo/hasScheduledTick, eyr/hasScheduledTick, eyq/hasScheduledTick, eyv/method_8674, eyy/hasScheduledTick] ekl METHOD e (()Lekp;) -> [eko/method_40166, ekl/type] btn METHOD a ((FI)V) -> [btn/lerpHeadTo, btn/method_5683] cgn METHOD d ((Lbrk;)Lavo;) -> [cln/getHurtSound, cgn/getHurtSound, cjw/getHurtSound, cgf/getHurtSound, ckb/getHurtSound, ckd/getHurtSound, cgh/getHurtSound, cff/getHurtSound, ckj/getHurtSound, ckf/getHurtSound, cmx/getHurtSound, cjs/getHurtSound, cfy/getHurtSound, cfw/getHurtSound, cju/getHurtSound, chv/getHurtSound, cfq/getHurtSound, ckv/getHurtSound, ckt/getHurtSound, ckq/getHurtSound, cfu/getHurtSound, ckp/getHurtSound, cfl/getHurtSound, cfv/getHurtSound, ckz/getHurtSound, cku/getHurtSound, cfk/getHurtSound, cfj/getHurtSound, ckm/getHurtSound, ckl/getHurtSound, cko/getHurtSound, cky/getHurtSound, cfh/getHurtSound, ckx/getHurtSound, cmb/getHurtSound, ckw/getHurtSound, cft/getHurtSound, cfs/getHurtSound, cjm/getHurtSound, cgy/getHurtSound, cjn/getHurtSound, cfm/getHurtSound, cgv/getHurtSound, ckr/getHurtSound, cfo/getHurtSound, cks/getHurtSound, cia/getHurtSound, clq/getHurtSound, cjx/getHurtSound, cjz/getHurtSound, cgk/getHurtSound, cgq/getHurtSound, cjp/getHurtSound, ckc/getHurtSound, ckg/getHurtSound, cgn/method_6011, cfc/getHurtSound, ckk/getHurtSound, chs/getHurtSound, cfz/getHurtSound, cfx/getHurtSound, cjr/getHurtSound, cki/getHurtSound, cjt/getHurtSound, chb/getHurtSound, cmk/getHurtSound, che/getHurtSound, chj/getHurtSound, cho/getHurtSound, bte/getHurtSound, cga/getHurtSound, ciw/getHurtSound, cka/getHurtSound, chn/getHurtSound, cmq/getHurtSound, cge/getHurtSound, cgd/getHurtSound, cgc/getHurtSound, chk/getHurtSound, cez/getHurtSound, clh/getHurtSound, chl/getHurtSound, ciu/getHurtSound] fkh METHOD a ((DDIDD)Z) -> [fki/method_25403, fkh/mouseDragged] edu METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [edu/place, ece/method_13151] dkj METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dkj/codec] dhz METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lbsr;)V) -> [dhz/entityInside, dtb/method_9548] drx METHOD a ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [drx/loadAdditional, dqh/method_11014] cyd METHOD d (()Lji;) -> [cyd/getNearestLookingDirection, cyd/method_7715] coj$a METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, coj$a/tick] doy METHOD g (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [dfy/method_9539, doy/getDescriptionId] dop METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;Z)V) -> [dop/onPlace, dtb/method_9615] drh METHOD a ((II)Lcuq;) -> [drh/removeItem, bqk/method_5434] gwj METHOD b (()V) -> [gwj/method_4902, gwj/clear] cjn METHOD t (()Lavo;) -> [cjl/method_6998, cjn/getStepSound] ace$g METHOD a (()Lace$d;) -> [ace$g/getType, ace$c/method_34105] fje METHOD h (()I) -> [fig/method_44391, fje/getInnerHeight] axc METHOD b (()I) -> [axc/method_15215, axc/getSize] cnd METHOD a_ ((I)Lbug;) -> [cnd/getSlot, bsr/method_32318] dog METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ldtc;Lewy;Lcnp;)V) -> [dog/onProjectileHit, dtb/method_19286] dro METHOD c (()Ldyb;) -> [dro/getListener, dyb$b/method_51358] dxy METHOD a ((Ljm;Lexc;Ldxz$a;Ldyc$a;)Z) -> [dyc$1/visitInRangeListeners, dxy/method_32943, dxy/visitInRangeListeners] fzg METHOD a ((Laew;)V) -> [abu/method_20203, fzg/handleSetChunkCacheRadius] btq METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [azk/method_15434, btq/getSerializedName] dfm METHOD a ((Ldtc;I)Ldtc;) -> [dfm/method_9432, dfm/setSignalForState] bmy METHOD b (()V) -> [bmy/endTick, bnf/method_16066] dgl METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [dfy/method_9605, dgl/getStateForPlacement] coj$a METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, coj$a/canUse] aqv METHOD a ((Lwz;Z)V) -> [cmx/method_7353, aqv/displayClientMessage] gnk METHOD a ((Lbsr;Ljd;)I) -> [gnk/getBlockLightLevel, gki/method_24087] bsr METHOD cz (()Ljava/util/UUID;) -> [bsr/getUUID, bsr/method_5667] dcs$d METHOD f (()Ldcs$g;) -> [dcs$d/copy, dcs$a/copy, dcs$d/method_27338] dog METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)I) -> [dtb/method_9524, dog/getSignal] cmi METHOD x (()Lbra;) -> [cmi/method_35199, cmi/getInventory] cfs METHOD B (()V) -> [cfs/registerGoals, btp/method_5959] et METHOD s (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [fzi/getAvailableSounds, et/getAvailableSounds, et/method_9254] cts METHOD m (()Lbsy;) -> [cts/method_7685, cts/getEquipmentSlot] ese METHOD a (()Lesi;) -> [esh/method_29318, ese/getType] jd METHOD a ((Lji$a;I)Ljd;) -> [jd/method_30513, jd$a/relative] dhk METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)I) -> [dhk/getDustColor, diu/method_10130] cfh$b METHOD c (()Z) -> [cfh$b/canContinueToUse, cam/method_6266] bc$d METHOD a (()Ljava/util/List;) -> [bc/method_59613, bc$d/unpack] eyb METHOD k (()Leyi$b;) -> [eyb/method_1200, eyb/getDeathMessageVisibility] dja METHOD b (()Lcxw;) -> [dja/method_53233, dja/getSuspiciousEffects] evm METHOD b (()Levd;) -> [evc/method_29325, evm/getType] fik METHOD a ((Lgvf;)V) -> [fik/method_25354, fik/playDownSound] drh METHOD k (()Lwz;) -> [drh/getDefaultName, dqb/method_17823] dfj METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dfj/createBlockStateDefinition] sw$2 METHOD R_ (()Z) -> [bsr/method_7325, sw$2/isSpectator] diu METHOD b ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;)I) -> [diu/getDustColor, diu/method_10130] btn METHOD aZ (()D) -> [btn/getDefaultGravity, bsr/method_7490] fix METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fik/method_48579, fix/renderWidget] agx METHOD a (()Lzi;) -> [zg/method_55846, agx/type] ay METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [ay/codec, aq/method_54937] chq METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, chq/registerGoals] vj METHOD a ((Lva;I)Luv$b;) -> [vj/visitList, uv/method_39864] fnp METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [fod/method_25426, fnp/init] ckr$b METHOD b (()Z) -> [ckr$b/canUse, cam/method_6264] exh METHOD a ((Lepe;Lepe;)Z) -> [exh/canStandOnFluid, exh/method_27866] bnk METHOD b ((Lvu;Lzi;Ljava/net/SocketAddress;I)V) -> [bnk/onPacketSent, bnl/method_38657] erl METHOD y (()Ldzw;) -> [erl/method_28057, erj/worldGenOptions] bax METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/Typed;) -> [bfn/method_5105, bax/fix] zg METHOD d (()Z) -> [zg/method_55943, zg/isTerminal] apn METHOD bl (()I) -> [apn/getMaxChainedNeighborUpdates, apn/method_41239] dpw METHOD b ((Lub;Ljo$a;)V) -> [dpw/saveAdditional, dqh/method_11007] fmi METHOD a (()Lfmi;) -> [fmi/method_37031, fml$c/nest] dwg METHOD b ((Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ldws;Ldcd;)V) -> [dwg/method_57822, dwg/reportChunkSaveFailure] bqk METHOD b (()I) -> [bqk/getContainerSize, bqk/method_5439] apm METHOD c ((Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z) -> [apm/isWhiteListed, apm/method_14587] edf METHOD a ((Lecg;)Z) -> [ece/method_13151, edf/place] dqa METHOD c ((Lcmx;)V) -> [dqa/stopOpen, bqk/method_5432] cjw METHOD ai_ (()Lavo;) -> [coj/method_20033, cjw/getCelebrateSound] dxx METHOD a (()Ldye;) -> [dxx/getType, dyd/method_32955] btn METHOD ea (()F) -> [btn/method_17825, cgn/getAgeScale, cgv/getAgeScale, cgf/getAgeScale] ckj METHOD i ((Lexc;)V) -> [bsr/method_18799, ckj/setDeltaMovement] cuj METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;)I) -> [cul/method_7881, cuj/getUseDuration] gnr METHOD a ((Lbtn;)I) -> [gpe/method_22134, gnr/numStuck] ckt METHOD a ((Laqu;IZ)V) -> [ckt/applyRaidBuffs, coj/method_16484] dyt METHOD a ((IILdcy;Ldzm;)Lddi;) -> [dyt/getBaseColumn, duz/method_26261] dkp METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepd;)Z) -> [dkp/method_10310, dkp/canPlaceLiquid] cjt METHOD h ((Lbtn;)V) -> [cjt/setTarget, btt/method_5980, btp/method_5980] gdt METHOD a (()V) -> [gdt/tick, gcn/method_3070] dkg METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;)I) -> [dkg/getAnalogOutputSignal, dtb/method_9572] dih METHOD a_ ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;)V) -> [dtb/method_9606, dih/attack] eph METHOD a ((Ldcw;Ljd;Lepe;Lepe;)I) -> [eph/getSpreadDelay, epc/method_15753] ajp METHOD a ((Lwf;)V) -> [ajp/handle, zg/method_11054] gfa$a METHOD b ((FFF)Lfbm;) -> [gfa$a/setNormal, fbm/method_22914] ckf METHOD a ((Lbsx;)Z) -> [btn/method_5973, ckf/canAttackType] cln METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cln/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] eqy METHOD a ((Ljd;F)V) -> [erm/method_187, eqy/setSpawn] cnh METHOD b ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5652, cnh/addAdditionalSaveData] bsr METHOD ai (()Z) -> [bsr/hasCustomName, bqw/method_16914] ui$1 METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [va/method_23261, ui$1/getPrettyName] esq$a METHOD b (()Letf;) -> [etf$a/method_515, esq$a/build] dcx METHOD A_ (()Lerb;) -> [dcx/method_8401, dcx/getLevelData] dmd METHOD a ((Ldtd$a;)V) -> [dfy/method_9515, dmd/createBlockStateDefinition] fwb METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fwb/root] gto METHOD a (()V) -> [gtk/method_4756, gto/tick] dlw METHOD a ((Ldtc;I)Ldtc;) -> [dlw/setSignalForState, dfm/method_9432] cfh METHOD b ((Lcmx;Lbqq;)Lbqr;) -> [cfh/mobInteract, btp/method_5992] fqv$b METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIIIIIIZF)V) -> [fih$a/method_25343, fqv$b/render] czt METHOD i (()Z) -> [cyz/method_31584, czt/isIncomplete] fjj METHOD b (()I) -> [fih/method_25322, fjj/getRowWidth] dtb METHOD i (()Lcpl;) -> [cpi/method_45322, dtb/requiredFeatures] efo METHOD a ((Lddc;Lefu$b;Layw;Lefe;ILefu$a;III)V) -> [efo/createFoliage, efu/method_23448] akf METHOD a ((Ljava/lang/Object;IIII)V) -> [ake/method_12815, akf/addItemToSlot] crl METHOD a (()V) -> [crl/clearContent, bqi/method_5448] cfr METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cfr/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] crd METHOD a ((Lcmx;)Z) -> [bqk/method_5443, crd/stillValid] elx$o METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [elx$o/postProcess, ejv/method_14931] ffj METHOD a (()Lwz;) -> [ffj/getTitle, ffn/method_53808] fos$1 METHOD aQ_ (()Lxn;) -> [fos$1/createNarrationMessage, fik/method_25360] dpv METHOD j (()Ljv;) -> [dpv/getItems, dqb/method_11282] drd METHOD a_ ((II)Z) -> [drd/triggerEvent, dqh/method_11004] dlr METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbsr;)I) -> [dlr/method_60772, dlc/getPortalTransitionTime] fgz$c METHOD a ((Lxe$b;Lxw;)Ljava/util/Optional;) -> [xe/method_27658, fgz$c/visit] btp METHOD eB (()J) -> [btp/getLootTableSeed, btn/method_51851] dli METHOD au_ (()Ldgb$a;) -> [dli/getType, djj/getType, dkw/getType, dli/method_55770, dlg/getType] ckn$b METHOD a (()V) -> [cam/method_6268, ckn$b/tick] dw METHOD a ((Lcuq;)Z) -> [dw/matches, ct/method_58161] dko METHOD a ((Ldtc;Leru$a;)Ljava/util/List;) -> [dtb/method_9560, dko/getDrops] asn$a METHOD a ((Lasp;)Lasq;) -> [asn$a/openPrimary, atm$c/method_52424] hz METHOD a ((Lev;Lhs;Lhu;)V) -> [hz/method_54851, hz/execute] azu METHOD a (()[J) -> [azu/getRaw, axc/method_15212] fxl METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fxl/root] cgf METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [cgf/readAdditionalSaveData, bsr/method_5749] fwk METHOD a ((Lbsr;FFFFF)V) -> [fvk/method_2819, fwk/setupAnim] doa$2 METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcc;Ljd;Lji;)Z) -> [doa/method_30367, doa$2/isSupporting] dia METHOD b ((Ldcw;Ljd;Ldtc;)I) -> [dhi/getInputSignal, dia/method_9991] ejv METHOD a ((Lekh;Lub;)V) -> [ejv/addAdditionalSaveData, ejv/method_14943] fg$a METHOD a ((Lcom/mojang/brigadier/arguments/ArgumentType;)Lio$a;) -> [io/method_41726, fg$a/unpack] cot METHOD v (()Lcot$a;) -> [cot/getMinecartType, cot/method_7518] dsc METHOD f (()V) -> [dsc/markUpdated, dsc/method_55152] cyz METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [czj/getGroup, czh/getGroup, cyh/getGroup, czo/getGroup, cyz/method_8112] dp METHOD a ((Lbsr;Laqu;Lexc;)Z) -> [bw/method_22497, dp/matches] cjw$c METHOD i (()I) -> [ckn$c/method_7151, cjw$c/getCastingInterval] dys$r METHOD c (()Layh;) -> [dyr/method_41062, dys$r/codec] dre METHOD k (()Lwz;) -> [dre/getDefaultName, dqb/method_17823] kh METHOD b ((Lji;)Lkh;) -> [kh/method_35851, kh/relative] bwi METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bwi/canStillUse, bvh/method_18927] coa METHOD a ((Lexa;)V) -> [coa/onHit, cnp/method_7488] bvv METHOD f ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)V) -> [bvv/tickOrStop, bvi/method_18923] vc METHOD a ((Lut;)V) -> [vc/method_32301, vc/visitShort] ii METHOD a (()Lakr;) -> [ik/id, ij/id, ii/comp_1994] fvl METHOD a (()Lfyk;) -> [fvt/method_32008, fvl/root] ebg METHOD a ((Ldcx;Layw;Ljd;ILjd$a;Leek;)V) -> [ebg/makeCap, ebg/method_23375] dkb METHOD a ((Lcuq;Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Lcmx;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqt;) -> [dtb/method_55765, dkb/useItemOn] gdy METHOD l (()V) -> [bsr/method_5773, gdy/tick] czp METHOD a (()I) -> [czp/size, czc/method_59983] gmj METHOD a ((Lbsr;)Lakr;) -> [gmj/getTextureLocation, gmf/method_3931, gki/method_3931] emb$i METHOD a ((Lemb$v;)Z) -> [emb$i/fits, emb$i/method_14769] did METHOD c_ ((Ldtc;)Z) -> [dtb/method_9498, did/hasAnalogOutputSignal] chz METHOD bc (()Lbsr$b;) -> [chz/getMovementEmission, bsr/method_33570] elg METHOD a (()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;) -> [elc/allTargets, elh/allTargets, elg/allTargets, elg/method_54499] dmi METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dtb/method_53969, dmi/codec] gbj METHOD b (()Lgcr;) -> [gbj/getRenderType, gcn/method_18122] bnk METHOD a ((F)V) -> [bnl/method_38654, bnk/onServerTick] abu METHOD a ((Ladh;)V) -> [fzg/handleLevelEvent, abu/method_11098] duk METHOD c (()Ljava/lang/String;) -> [duk/getSerializedName, azk/method_15434] nt METHOD a (()Ldfy;) -> [nt/getBlock, nr/method_25743] jd METHOD m (()Lkh;) -> [jd/west, kh/method_35857] guy METHOD a ((Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/floats/FloatConsumer;)Z) -> [guy/readChunk, gux/method_59758] dyr METHOD b (()D) -> [dyr/maxValue, dyr/comp_378] etl$a METHOD c (()Lete$a;) -> [etl$a/getThis, ete$a/method_523] az METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;) -> [aq/method_54937, az/codec] cpd METHOD ak_ (()Lcul;) -> [cpg/method_7557, cpd/getDropItem] aqv METHOD R_ (()Z) -> [bsr/method_7325, aqv/isSpectator] gaj$a METHOD c (()Lgak$b;) -> [gaj$a/checkBuildable, gak$a/method_53605] abu METHOD a ((Laec;)V) -> [fzg/handleMovePlayer, abu/method_11157] chn METHOD gR (()V) -> [chn/playJumpSound, chj/playJumpSound, cho/playJumpSound, chn/method_6723] cqb$2 METHOD e (()V) -> [cqb$2/setChanged, bqk/method_5431] aqj METHOD a ((Laqv;Ldcw;Lcuq;Lbqq;Lewy;)Lbqr;) -> [aqj/useItemOn, aqj/method_14262] cfm METHOD B (()V) -> [btp/method_5959, cfm/registerGoals] dyb$b METHOD c (()Ldyb;) -> [dyb$b/getListener, dyb$b/method_51358] le METHOD a (()Lll;) -> [le/getType, lk/method_10295] fkc METHOD d ((Lfhz;III)V) -> [fkc/renderAdditionalLinesAndLabels, fkb/method_53473] bvn METHOD a ((Laqu;Lbtn;J)Z) -> [bvh/method_18927, bvn/canStillUse] doy METHOD a ((Lcyd;)Ldtc;) -> [doy/getStateForPlacement, dfy/method_9605] cda METHOD W_ (()V) -> [cda/method_6359, ccz/trimPath] ezf$b METHOD a (()Leze;) -> [ezf$a/method_19666, ezf$b/acquire] fov METHOD a ((III)Z) -> [fki/method_25404, fov/keyPressed] fwi METHOD b (()Ljava/lang/Iterable;) -> [fwi/bodyParts, fuf/method_22948] va METHOD a ((Ljava/io/DataInput;Luv;Luk;)Luv$b;) -> [va/method_39852, va/parse] arr METHOD a ((Lvv;)V) -> [wf/method_10839, arr/onDisconnect] cie METHOD d (()V) -> [cik/method_6856, cie/begin] cfy$f METHOD b (()Z) -> [cfy$f/canUse, cam/method_6264] feq METHOD aT_ (()V) -> [feq/init, fod/method_25426] fqh METHOD a ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fjp/method_25394, fqh/render] dim METHOD a ((Ldtc;Ldcw;Ljd;Layw;)V) -> [dim/animateTick, dfy/method_9496] cja METHOD a ((Lub;)V) -> [bsr/method_5749, cja/readAdditionalSaveData] dnf METHOD a (()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;) -> [dnf/codec, dtb/method_53969] dig METHOD a ((Ldtc;Lji;Ldtc;Ldcx;Ljd;Ljd;)Ldtc;) -> [dig/updateShape, dtb/method_9559] cbc METHOD V_ (()Z) -> [cam/method_38846, cbc/requiresUpdateEveryTick] dys$o METHOD a ((Ldyr$b;)D) -> [dys$o/compute, dyr/method_40464] cmh METHOD n ((Lcuq;)V) -> [dbt/method_8258, cmh/notifyTradeUpdated] fiw METHOD b ((Lfhz;IIF)V) -> [fiw/renderWidget, fik/method_48579] asu METHOD a (([Ljava/lang/String;)Latw;) -> [asu/getRootResource, asq/method_14410] aav METHOD a (()Laaj$b;) -> [aav/type, aaj/method_56479] cte METHOD a ((Lcuq;Lbtn;Lbtn;)Z) -> [cte/hurtEnemy, cul/method_7873] cas METHOD b (()Z) -> [cam/method_6264, cas/canUse] emb$n METHOD a ((Ldds;Lddq;Lduz;Layw;Lejj;Ldcd;Ljd;)V) -> [ejv/method_14931, emb$n/postProcess] km$3 METHOD a ((Lkp;)Ljava/lang/Object;) -> [km$3/get, km/method_57829] fmd METHOD a (()V) -> [fma/method_48222, fmd/arrangeElements] dnc METHOD a ((Lcmx;Ldcc;Ljd;Ldtc;Lepd;)Z) -> [dkp/method_10310, dnc/canPlaceLiquid] gcy METHOD a ((F)I) -> [gcy/getLightColor, gcn/method_3068] eor$a METHOD b ((Ljd;)I) -> [eor$a/getLightValue, eor/method_15543] cfy METHOD v (()Lavo;) -> [cfy/getAmbientSound, btp/method_5994] ckr METHOD B (()V) -> [ckr/registerGoals, btp/method_5959] dkw METHOD a ((Ldcw;Layw;Ljd;Ldtc;)Z) -> [dkw/isBonemealSuccess, dgb/method_9650] fzg METHOD a ((Lafn;)V) -> [fzg/setTitlesAnimation, abu/method_34084] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring root project 'mcgel'. > Failed to setup Minecraft, java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to remap minecraft * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights. > Get more help at https://help.gradle.org. CONFIGURE FAILED in 7s