backintime-qt --debug DEBUG: [common/ argParse] Used argument(s): {'debug': True, 'quiet': False} DEBUG: [common/ argParse] Unknown argument(s): [] DEBUG: [common/ startApp] backintime: {'name': 'Back In Time', 'version': '1.5.1-dev.', 'running-as-root': False} DEBUG: [common/ startApp] host-setup: {'OS': {'/etc/os-release': 'Fedora Linux 40 (Xfce)', '/etc/fedora-release': 'Fedora release 40 (Forty)\n', '/etc/redhat-release': 'Fedora release 40 (Forty)\n', '/etc/system-release': 'Fedora release 40 (Forty)\n', '/etc/system-release-cpe': 'cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:40\n'}} Back In Time Version: 1.5.1-dev. Back In Time comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `backintime --license' for details. DEBUG: [common/ Config.setCurrentProfile] Change current profile: 1=Main profile DEBUG: [common/ initiate_translation] No language code. Use systems current locale. DEBUG: [common/ set_lc_time_by_language_code] Try to set locale.LC_TIME to "en_US.UTF-8" based on language code "en". DEBUG: [common/ getConfig] config file: /home/johannes/.config/backintime/config DEBUG: [common/ getConfig] share path: /home/johannes/.local/share/backintime DEBUG: [common/ getConfig] profiles: 1=Main profile, 2=SmallExtern, 3=NAS DEBUG: [common/ PluginManager.load] Register plugin path /usr/share/backintime/plugins DEBUG: [common/ PluginManager.load] Probing plugin DEBUG: [common/ PluginManager.load] Add plugin DEBUG: [common/ PluginManager.load] Probing plugin DEBUG: [common/ is_Qt_working] Qt probing result: exit code 2 DEBUG: [common/ is_Qt_working] Qt probing stdout: DEBUG: [common/ is_Qt_working] Qt probing errout: DEBUG: [common/ ] /usr/share/backintime/common/ started... Call args: ['/usr/share/backintime/common/', '--debug'] DEBUG: [common/ ] Display system: x11 DEBUG: [common/ ] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1001 DEBUG: [common/ ] XAUTHORITY=/run/lightdm/johannes/xauthority DEBUG: [common/ ] QT_QPA_PLATFORM=($QT_QPA_PLATFORM is not set) DEBUG: [common/ ] Current euid: 1001 DEBUG: [common/ ] isSystemTrayAvailable for Qt: True DEBUG: [common/ ] /usr/share/backintime/common/ is terminating normally (exit code: 2) DEBUG: [plugins/ init] System tray is available to show the BiT system tray icon DEBUG: [common/ PluginManager.load] Add plugin DEBUG: [common/ PluginManager.load] Probing plugin DEBUG: [qt/ createQApplication] QT QPA platform plugin: xcb DEBUG: [qt/ createQApplication] QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct DEBUG: [qt/ createQApplication] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE= DEBUG: [qt/ createQApplication] QT active style: fusion DEBUG: [qt/ createQApplication] QT fallback style: gnome DEBUG: [qt/ createQApplication] QT supported styles: ['Windows', 'Fusion'] DEBUG: [qt/ createQApplication] themeSearchPaths: ['/home/johannes/.local/share/icons', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', ':/icons'] DEBUG: [qt/ createQApplication] fallbackSearchPaths: [] DEBUG: [qt/ createQApplication] Is SystemTray available: True DEBUG: [qt/ createQApplication] Trying to set App ID for non-privileged user DEBUG: [qt/ initiate_translator] No language code. Use systems current locale. DEBUG: [common/ set_lc_time_by_language_code] Try to set locale.LC_TIME to "en_GB.UTF-8" based on language code "en_GB". DEBUG: [qt/ ] Checking if the current theme contains the BiT icon... DEBUG: [qt/ ] Found an installed theme: elementary-xfce-dark DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Keyring config file folder: /home/johannes/.config/python_keyring DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Available keyring backends: DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] keyring.backends.libsecret.Keyring (priority: 4.8) DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] keyring.backends.chainer.ChainerBackend (priority: 10) DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] (priority: 0) DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring (priority: 5) DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Metaclass keyring.backends.Gnome.Keyring not found: AttributeError("module 'keyring.backends' has no attribute 'Gnome'") DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Metaclass keyring.backends.kwallet.Keyring not found: AttributeError("module 'keyring.backends.kwallet' has no attribute 'Keyring'") DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Metaclass keyring.backend.SecretServiceKeyring not found: AttributeError("module 'keyring.backend' has no attribute 'SecretServiceKeyring'") DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Metaclass keyring.backend.GnomeKeyring not found: AttributeError("module 'keyring.backend' has no attribute 'GnomeKeyring'") DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Metaclass keyring.backend.KDEWallet not found: AttributeError("module 'keyring.backend' has no attribute 'KDEWallet'") DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Available supported backends: [, , ] DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Found appropriate keyring 'keyring.backends.chainer' DEBUG: [common/ Config._cron_line] Profile: Main profile | Automatic backup: 0 DEBUG: [common/ Config._cron_line] Profile: SmallExtern | Automatic backup: 0 DEBUG: [common/ Config._cron_line] Profile: NAS | Automatic backup: 30 DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Keyring config file folder: /home/johannes/.config/python_keyring DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Available keyring backends: DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] keyring.backends.libsecret.Keyring (priority: 4.8) DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] keyring.backends.chainer.ChainerBackend (priority: 10) DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] (priority: 0) DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring (priority: 5) DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Metaclass keyring.backends.Gnome.Keyring not found: AttributeError("module 'keyring.backends' has no attribute 'Gnome'") DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Metaclass keyring.backends.kwallet.Keyring not found: AttributeError("module 'keyring.backends.kwallet' has no attribute 'Keyring'") DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Metaclass keyring.backend.SecretServiceKeyring not found: AttributeError("module 'keyring.backend' has no attribute 'SecretServiceKeyring'") DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Metaclass keyring.backend.GnomeKeyring not found: AttributeError("module 'keyring.backend' has no attribute 'GnomeKeyring'") DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Metaclass keyring.backend.KDEWallet not found: AttributeError("module 'keyring.backend' has no attribute 'KDEWallet'") DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Available supported backends: [, , ] DEBUG: [common/ keyringSupported] Found appropriate keyring 'keyring.backends.chainer' DEBUG: [common/ SSH.startSshAgent] ssh-agent already running. Skip starting a new one. DEBUG: [common/ SSH.unlockSshAgent] Private key /home/johannes/.ssh/2019QnapNAS is already unlocked in ssh agent DEBUG: [common/ SSH.mountProcessLockAcquire] Acquire mountprocess lock /home/johannes/.local/share/backintime/mnt/86451.lock DEBUG: [common/ SSH.checkPingHost] Check ping host "" DEBUG: [common/ SSH.checkPingHost] Host "" is available DEBUG: [common/ SSH.checkLogin] Check login DEBUG: [common/ Config.sshCommand] SSH command: ['ssh', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=240', '-o', 'LogLevel=Error', '-o', 'IdentityFile=/home/johannes/.ssh/2019QnapNAS', '-o', 'PreferredAuthentications=publickey', '-p', '21212', 'johannes@', 'exit'] DEBUG: [common/ SSH.checkRemoteFolder] Check remote folder DEBUG: [common/ Config.sshCommand] SSH command: ['ssh', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=240', '-o', 'LogLevel=Error', '-o', 'IdentityFile=/home/johannes/.ssh/2019QnapNAS', '-p', '21212', 'johannes@', 'd=0;test -e "/share/homes/johannes/backup/backintime" || d=1;test $d -eq 1 && mkdir "/share/homes/johannes/backup/backintime"; err=$?;test $d -eq 1 && exit $err;test -d "/share/homes/johannes/backup/backintime" || exit 11;test -w "/share/homes/johannes/backup/backintime" || exit 12;test -x "/share/homes/johannes/backup/backintime" || exit 13;exit 20'] DEBUG: [common/ SSH.checkRemoteFolder] Call command: ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=240 -o LogLevel=Error -o IdentityFile=/home/johannes/.ssh/2019QnapNAS -p 21212 johannes@ d=0;test -e "/share/homes/johannes/backup/backintime" || d=1;test $d -eq 1 && mkdir "/share/homes/johannes/backup/backintime"; err=$?;test $d -eq 1 && exit $err;test -d "/share/homes/johannes/backup/backintime" || exit 11;test -w "/share/homes/johannes/backup/backintime" || exit 12;test -x "/share/homes/johannes/backup/backintime" || exit 13;exit 20 DEBUG: [common/ SSH.checkRemoteFolder] Command returncode: 20 DEBUG: [common/ SSH._mount] Call mount command: sshfs -o ServerAliveInterval=240 -o LogLevel=Error -o IdentityFile=/home/johannes/.ssh/2019QnapNAS -p 21212 -o idmap=user -o cache_dir_timeout=2 -o cache_stat_timeout=2 johannes@ /home/johannes/.local/share/backintime/mnt/826D3CE5/mountpoint DEBUG: [common/ _mount] Execute SSHFS command ['sshfs', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=240', '-o', 'LogLevel=Error', '-o', 'IdentityFile=/home/johannes/.ssh/2019QnapNAS', '-p', '21212', '-o', 'idmap=user', '-o', 'cache_dir_timeout=2', '-o', 'cache_stat_timeout=2', 'johannes@', '/home/johannes/.local/share/backintime/mnt/826D3CE5/mountpoint']. INFO: [common/ SSH.mount] mount ssh: johannes@ on /home/johannes/.local/share/backintime/mnt/826D3CE5/mountpoint DEBUG: [common/ SSH.mountLockAquire] Set mount lock /home/johannes/.local/share/backintime/mnt/826D3CE5/locks/86451.lock DEBUG: [common/ SSH.mountProcessLockRelease] Release mountprocess lock /home/johannes/.local/share/backintime/mnt/86451.lock DEBUG: [common/ Config.setCurrentProfile] Change current profile: 3=NAS