terraform { required_providers { sumologic = { source = "sumologic.com/dev/sumologic" version = "~> 1.0.0" # set the Sumo Logic Terraform Provider version } } required_version = ">= 0.13" } # Configure the Sumo Logic Provider provider "sumologic" { access_id = "" #paste your access id access_key = "" #paste your access key environment = "stag" base_url = "https://stag-api.sumologic.net/api/v1" } resource "sumologic_partition" "test_partition" { name = "testing_rule_partition" routing_expression = "_sourcecategory=abc/Terraform" is_compliant = false retention_period = 30 analytics_tier = "flex" } resource "sumologic_data_forwarding_destination" "test_destination" { destination_name = "testing_destination" bucket_name = "" #add your bucket name authentication { type = "RoleBased" role_arn = "" #add your arn } enabled = true s3_server_side_encryption = false } resource "sumologic_data_forwarding_rule" "test_rule" { index_id = "${sumologic_partition.test_partition.id}" destination_id = "${sumologic_data_forwarding_destination.test_destination.id}" enabled = true file_format = "test/{index}" payload_schema = "allFields" format = "csv" }