EXECUTION STATISTICS Maxtries Settings: Operation Type Current Default Min Max Write only exchange tries: 4 4 4 4 Write read exchange tries: 10 4 10 10 Multi-part read exchange tries: 8 4 8 8 Multi-part_write exchange tries: 8 4 8 8 Retry statistics for write only Max tries allowed: 4 Successful attempts by number of tries required: 1: 1 Total successful attempts: 1 Failed due to max tries exceeded: 0 Failed due to fatal error: 0 Total attempts: 1 Retry statistics for write-read Max tries allowed: 10 Successful attempts by number of tries required: 1: 3 Total successful attempts: 3 Failed due to max tries exceeded: 0 Failed due to fatal error: 0 Total attempts: 3 Retry statistics for multi-part read No tries attempted Retry statistics for multi-part write No tries attempted DDC Related Errors: None Total errors: 0 Errors Wrapped in Retry: None Total errors: 0 IO and Sleep Events: Total IO events: 14 IO error count: 0 Total sleep events: 7 Sleep Event type Count SE_WRITE_TO_READ 3 SE_POST_WRITE 1 SE_POST_READ 3 SE_POST_SAVE_SETTINGS 0 SE_PRE_MULTI_PART_READ 0 SE_POST_CAP_TABLE_SEGMENT 0 SE_SPECIAL 0 Call Stats: Type Count Millisec ( Nanosec) i2c writes using ioctl (I2_IOCTL_WRITE) 6 7 ( 7079046) i2c reads using ioctl (I2_IOCTL_READ) 4 25 ( 25496250) open file calls (IE_OPEN) 2 0 ( 10059) close file calls (IE_CLOSE) 2 0 ( 10895) Totals: 14 32 ( 32596250) Sleep Call Stats: Total sleep calls: 7 Requested sleep time milliseconds : 438 Actual sleep milliseconds (nanosec): 440 ( 440296733) Total elapsed milliseconds (nanoseconds): 515 ( 515159546) Total non sleep system call time: 32 milliseconds Total sleep call time: 440 milliseconds Elapsed time: 515 milliseconds PER-DISPLAY EXECUTION STATISTICS Per display retry data Retry data for display on bus /dev/i2c-3: Retry data for write only tries Successful attempts by number of tries required: 1: 1 Total successful: 1 Failed due to max tries exceeded: 0 Failed due to fatal error: 0 Total attempts: 1 Retry data for write-read tries Successful attempts by number of tries required: 1: 3 Total successful: 3 Failed due to max tries exceeded: 0 Failed due to fatal error: 0 Total attempts: 3 Retry data for multi-part read tries: No tries attempted Retry data for multi-part write tries: No tries attempted No per-display status code statistics are collected No per-display call statistics are collected Per display elapsed time Elapsed time report for display bus /dev/i2c-3 User sleep multiplier factor: 1.00 Implicit Initial adjusted multiplier: 1.30 from cache Final adjusted multiplier: 0.70 Total sleep time (milliseconds): 438 Successful sleep multiplier count: 3 Minimum successful sleep multiplier: 0.70 Maximum successful sleep multiplier: 1.30 Average successful sleep multiplier: 1.00