16:34:44 [debg:albert] Albert version: 0.26.6 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Build date: Oct 24 2024 16:27:42 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Qt version: 6.7.2 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Build ABI: x86_64-little_endian-lp64 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Build architecture: x86_64 16:34:44 [debg:albert] CPU architecture: x86_64 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Kernel type: linux 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Kernel version: 6.11.4-amd64 16:34:44 [debg:albert] OS: Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid 16:34:44 [debg:albert] OS type: debian 16:34:44 [debg:albert] OS version: unknown 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Platform name: xcb 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Style name: fusion 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Available styles: Windows, Fusion 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Icon theme: Adwaita 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Font: Helvetica,12,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Language: English 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Locale: en_US 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Binary location: /usr/bin/albert 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Working dir: /home/user/Desktop/albert 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Arguments: albert 16:34:44 [debg:albert] ENVIRONMENT: 16:34:44 [debg:albert] AUTOJUMP_ERROR_PATH: /home/user/.local/share/autojump/errors.log 16:34:44 [debg:albert] AUTOJUMP_SOURCED: 1 16:34:44 [debg:albert] COLORTERM: truecolor 16:34:44 [debg:albert] DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS: unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus 16:34:44 [debg:albert] DESKTOP_SESSION: gnome 16:34:44 [debg:albert] DISPLAY: :0 16:34:44 [debg:albert] F90: /usr/bin/mpif90 16:34:44 [debg:albert] FC: /usr/bin/mpif90 16:34:44 [debg:albert] GDMSESSION: gnome 16:34:44 [debg:albert] GDM_LANG: en_US.UTF-8 16:34:44 [debg:albert] GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID: 913347 16:34:44 [debg:albert] GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID: this-is-deprecated 16:34:44 [debg:albert] GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL: /run/user/1000/keyring 16:34:44 [debg:albert] GNOME_SETUP_DISPLAY: :1 16:34:44 [debg:albert] GTK_MODULES: gail:atk-bridge 16:34:44 [debg:albert] HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING: FALSE 16:34:44 [debg:albert] HOME: /home/user 16:34:44 [debg:albert] INVOCATION_ID: 4e1ad365d61742b8842b9fe5dfa1b435 16:34:44 [debg:albert] JOURNAL_STREAM: 9:30940 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LANG: en_US.UTF-8 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LC_ADDRESS: en_GB.UTF-8 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LC_MEASUREMENT: en_GB.UTF-8 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LC_MONETARY: en_GB.UTF-8 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LC_NUMERIC: en_GB.UTF-8 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LC_PAPER: en_GB.UTF-8 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LC_TELEPHONE: en_GB.UTF-8 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LC_TIME: en_GB.UTF-8 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LD_LIBRARY_PATH: install/lib/ 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LOGNAME: user 16:34:44 [debg:albert] LS_COLORS: rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=00:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.7z=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.apk=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.crate=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.drpm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.egg=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.pyz=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.tar=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.udeb=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.whl=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.avif=01;35:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:*~=00;90:*#=00;90:*.bak=00;90:*.crdownload=00;90:*.dpkg-dist=00;90:*.dpkg-new=00;90:*.dpkg-old=00;90:*.dpkg-tmp=00;90:*.old=00;90:*.orig=00;90:*.part=00;90:*.rej=00;90:*.rpmnew=00;90:*.rpmorig=00;90:*.rpmsave=00;90:*.swp=00;90:*.tmp=00;90:*.ucf-dist=00;90:*.ucf-new=00;90:*.ucf-old=00;90: 16:34:44 [debg:albert] MANAGERPID: 2513 16:34:44 [debg:albert] MEMORY_PRESSURE_WATCH: /sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/session.slice/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.service/memory.pressure 16:34:44 [debg:albert] MEMORY_PRESSURE_WRITE: c29tZSAyMDAwMDAgMjAwMDAwMAA= 16:34:44 [debg:albert] MODULEPATH: /home/user/.modules.d:/etc/environment-modules/modules:/usr/share/modules/versions:/usr/share/modules/$MODULE_VERSION/modulefiles:/usr/share/modules/modulefiles 16:34:44 [debg:albert] MODULESHOME: /usr/share/modules 16:34:44 [debg:albert] MODULES_CMD: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/modulecmd.tcl 16:34:44 [debg:albert] MPLBACKEND: QtAgg 16:34:44 [debg:albert] NO_AT_BRIDGE: 1 16:34:44 [debg:albert] OLDPWD: /home/user/Desktop/albert/build 16:34:44 [debg:albert] PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/weston 16:34:44 [debg:albert] PWD: /home/user/Desktop/albert 16:34:44 [debg:albert] PYTHONSTARTUP: /home/user/.pystartup 16:34:44 [debg:albert] QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_PATH: /usr/share/hunspell-bdic/ 16:34:44 [debg:albert] QT_ACCESSIBILITY: 1 16:34:44 [debg:albert] QT_IM_MODULE: ibus 16:34:44 [debg:albert] QT_LOGGING_RULES: albert*=true 16:34:44 [debg:albert] SESSION_MANAGER: local/user-debian:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/2690,unix/user-debian:/tmp/.ICE-unix/2690 16:34:44 [debg:albert] SFROOT: /home/user/opt/scifor/gnu/4.12.2 16:34:44 [debg:albert] SHELL: /bin/zsh 16:34:44 [debg:albert] SHLVL: 1 16:34:44 [debg:albert] SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /run/user/1000/keyring/ssh 16:34:44 [debg:albert] SYSTEMD_EXEC_PID: 2935 16:34:44 [debg:albert] TERM: xterm-256color 16:34:44 [debg:albert] TERM_PROGRAM: kgx 16:34:44 [debg:albert] TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION: 46.0 16:34:44 [debg:albert] TRIQS_GIT_HASH: @TRIQS_GIT_HASH@ 16:34:44 [debg:albert] TRIQS_ROOT: /home/user/opt/triqs 16:34:44 [debg:albert] TRIQS_VERSION: 3.3.1 16:34:44 [debg:albert] USER: user 16:34:44 [debg:albert] USERNAME: user 16:34:44 [debg:albert] VTE_VERSION: 7800 16:34:44 [debg:albert] WAYLAND_DISPLAY: wayland-0 16:34:44 [debg:albert] XAUTHORITY: /run/user/1000/.mutter-Xwaylandauth.3KB3V2 16:34:44 [debg:albert] XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: GNOME 16:34:44 [debg:albert] XDG_DATA_DIRS: /home/user/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/:/var/lib/snapd/desktop 16:34:44 [debg:albert] XDG_MENU_PREFIX: gnome- 16:34:44 [debg:albert] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: /run/user/1000 16:34:44 [debg:albert] XDG_SESSION_CLASS: user 16:34:44 [debg:albert] XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP: gnome 16:34:44 [debg:albert] XDG_SESSION_TYPE: wayland 16:34:44 [debg:albert] XMODIFIERS: @im=ibus 16:34:44 [debg:albert] _: /usr/bin/albert 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Checking for a running instance… 16:34:44 [crit:albert] Albert has not been terminated properly. Please check your logs and report an issue. 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Creating local server /home/user/.cache/albert/ipc_socket 16:34:44 [info:albert] Searching native plugins in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/mpris.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/python.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/clipboard.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/applications.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/widgetsboxmodel.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/snippets.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/timezones.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/timer.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/path.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/system.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/docs.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/debug.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/hash.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/websearch.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/files.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/chromium.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/urlhandler.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/datetime.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/calculator_qalculate.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Found valid native plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/albert/ssh.so 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Connecting to database… 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Initializing database… 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Updating usage scores… 16:34:44 [debg:albert] Try loading the configured frontend 'widgetsboxmodel'. 16:34:45 [info:albert] Hotkey set to Ctrl+Space 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 4 ms spent loading plugin 'websearch' 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'websearch' 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent loading plugin 'urlhandler' 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 9 ms spent instanciating plugin 'urlhandler' 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent loading plugin 'system' 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'system' 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 11 ms spent loading plugin 'calculator_qalculate' 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 91 ms spent instanciating plugin 'calculator_qalculate' 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent loading plugin 'applications' 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent instanciating plugin 'applications' 16:34:45 [debg:albert.apps] Scanning desktop entries in: /home/user/.local/share/applications 16:34:45 [debg:albert] 4 ms spent loading plugin 'python' 16:34:45 [info:albert.python] Python version 3.12.7 16:34:45 [debg:albert.python] Initializing Python interpreter 16:34:45 [debg:albert.apps] Scanning desktop entries in: /home/user/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications 16:34:45 [debg:albert.apps] Scanning desktop entries in: /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications 16:34:45 [debg:albert.apps] Scanning desktop entries in: /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications 16:34:45 [debg:albert.python] Successfully initialized python interpreter 16:34:45 [debg:albert.python] Initializing venv using system interpreter: /usr/bin/python3 -m venv --upgrade --upgrade-deps /home/user/.local/share/albert/python/venv 16:34:45 [warn:albert.apps] Terminal 'foot' not supported. Please post an issue. 16:34:45 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/home/user/.local/share/applications/foot.desktop': Desktop entry excluded by 'NoDisplay'. 16:34:45 [warn:albert.apps] Terminal 'foot-server' not supported. Please post an issue. 16:34:45 [debg:albert.apps] Skipped desktop entry '/home/user/.local/share/applications/foot-server.desktop': Desktop entry excluded by 'NoDisplay'. 16:34:45 [warn:albert.apps] Terminal 'footclient' not supported. Please post an issue. 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] version : 3.12.7 (main, Oct 3 2024, 15:15:22) [GCC 14.2.0] 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] executable : /home/user/.local/share/albert/python/venv/bin/python3 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] base_exec_prefix : /usr 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] exec_prefix : /usr 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] base_prefix : /usr 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] prefix : /usr 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] path: : /usr/lib/python312.zip 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] path: : /usr/lib/python3.12 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] path: : /usr/lib/python3.12/lib-dynload 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] path: : /home/user/.local/share/albert/python/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] Searching Python plugins in /home/user/.local/share/albert/python/plugins 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] Invalid plugin (Path is not a python file): /home/user/.local/share/albert/python/plugins/albert.pyi 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] Searching Python plugins in /usr/share/albert/python/plugins 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/arch_wiki 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/aur 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/bitwarden 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/coingecko 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/color 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/copyq 16:34:46 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/dice_roll 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/docker 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/duckduckgo 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/emoji 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Invalid plugin (Python package init file does not exist): /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/firefoxbookmarks 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/goldendict 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/jetbrains_projects 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/kill 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/locate 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/pacman 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/pass 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/pomodoro 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/python_eval 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/syncthing 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/tex_to_unicode 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/translators 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/unit_converter 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/virtualbox 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/vpn 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/wikipedia 16:34:47 [debg:albert.python] Found valid Python plugin /usr/share/albert/python/plugins/zeal 16:34:47 [info:albert.python] [35 ms] Python plugin scan 16:34:47 [debg:albert] 1874 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python' 16:34:47 [info:albert.apps] Indexed 196 applications [144 ms] 16:34:47 [warn:albert.apps] No terminal configured. Using Console. 16:34:47 [debg:albert] 17 ms spent loading plugin 'python.vpn' 16:34:47 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.vpn' 16:34:47 [debg:albert] 205 ms spent loading plugin 'python.translators' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 933 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.translators' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 7 ms spent loading plugin 'python.tex_to_unicode' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.tex_to_unicode' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent loading plugin 'python.kill' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.kill' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 47 ms spent loading plugin 'python.duckduckgo' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.duckduckgo' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent loading plugin 'python.color' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent instanciating plugin 'python.color' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent loading plugin 'path' 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent instanciating plugin 'path' 16:34:48 [debg:albert.terminal] Indexing /usr/local/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /bin, /usr/games, /usr/lib/weston 16:34:48 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent loading plugin 'files' 16:34:48 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/user/Desktop 16:34:49 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/user/Documents 16:34:50 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/user/Downloads 16:35:05 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/user/Videos 16:35:05 [debg:albert] 17159 ms spent instanciating plugin 'files' 16:35:07 [info:albert.terminal] Indexed 6574 executables [108 ms] 16:35:07 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/user/Music 16:35:07 [debg:albert] Received message: toggle 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' albert 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' system 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' calculator_qalculate 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' files 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' inhibit_sleep 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' python.color 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' triggers 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' websearch 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' pluginregistry 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' urlhandler 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 '' applications 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 1 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #0 GLOBAL '' 16:35:07 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 1 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #0 '' ''  16:35:07 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/user/Pictures 16:35:08 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/user/tools 16:35:08 [info:albert.files] Indexing /home/user/tools/DMFT_REPOS 16:35:09 [debg:albert] Received message: toggle 16:35:09 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#0 ''] 16:35:10 [debg:albert] Received message: toggle 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' albert 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' python.color 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' system 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' files 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' inhibit_sleep 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' pluginregistry 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' applications 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' triggers 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' calculator_qalculate 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' urlhandler 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 '' websearch 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #1 GLOBAL '' 16:35:10 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #1 '' ''  16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'a' albert 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 4│ #2 'a' pluginregistry 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'a' urlhandler 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 53│ #2 'a' applications 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 2│ #2 'a' triggers 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'a' system 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'a' inhibit_sleep 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'a' python.color 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 2│ #2 'a' websearch 16:35:11 [debg:albert.qalculate] "a" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #2 'a' calculator_qalculate 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 11 ms│ 25 ms│ 11730│ #2 'a' files 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 39 ms│ 44 ms│ 11791│ #2 GLOBAL 'a' 16:35:11 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 83 ms│ TRIGGER | 20│ #2 '' 'a'  16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' albert 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' python.color 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' calculator_qalculate 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' inhibit_sleep 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' files 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' pluginregistry 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' system 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' triggers 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' urlhandler 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' websearch 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 '' applications 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #3 GLOBAL '' 16:35:12 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 1 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #3 '' ''  16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'e' system 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'e' urlhandler 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'e' triggers 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'e' python.color 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'e' albert 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'e' inhibit_sleep 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 55│ #4 'e' applications 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 2│ #4 'e' pluginregistry 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #4 'e' websearch 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #4 'e' calculator_qalculate 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 43 ms│ 69 ms│ 45231│ #4 'e' files 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 116 ms│ 118 ms│ 45289│ #4 GLOBAL 'e' 16:35:13 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 235 ms│ TRIGGER | 20│ #4 '' 'e'  16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' files 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' calculator_qalculate 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' inhibit_sleep 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' applications 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' system 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' pluginregistry 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' websearch 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' triggers 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' albert 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' urlhandler 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 '' python.color 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #5 GLOBAL '' 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 1 ms│ TRIGGER | 0│ #5 '' ''  16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'e' system 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'e' albert 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'e' inhibit_sleep 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'e' urlhandler 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 2│ #6 'e' pluginregistry 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'e' triggers 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'e' python.color 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 55│ #6 'e' applications 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 1 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #6 'e' websearch 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 1│ #6 'e' calculator_qalculate 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 70 ms│ 72 ms│ 45231│ #6 'e' files 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Scoring│ Count│ 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'ed' pluginregistry 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'ed' urlhandler 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 21│ #7 'ed' applications 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'ed' albert 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'ed' triggers 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'ed' python.color 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'ed' system 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'ed' inhibit_sleep 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 0 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'ed' websearch 16:35:14 [debg:albert.qalculate] ed interpreted as 10^(d) (1ed) 16:35:14 [debg:albert.qalculate] "d" is not a valid variable/function/unit. 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 10 ms│ 0 ms│ 0│ #7 'ed' calculator_qalculate 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 146 ms│ 95 ms│ 45289│ #6 GLOBAL 'e' 16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 243 ms│ TRIGGER | 20│ #6 '' 'e'  16:35:14 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 53 ms│ 56 ms│ 37767│ #7 'ed' files 16:35:15 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ Handling│ Sorting│ Count│ 16:35:15 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 113 ms│ 75 ms│ 37788│ #7 GLOBAL 'ed' 16:35:15 [debg:albert.query_runtimes] │ 189 ms│ TRIGGER | 20│ #7 '' 'ed'  16:35:15 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#1 ''] 16:35:15 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#2 'a'] 16:35:15 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#3 ''] 16:35:15 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#4 'e'] 16:35:15 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#5 ''] 16:35:15 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#6 'e'] 16:35:15 [debg:albert] Query deleted. [#7 'ed'] 16:35:16 [info:albert] Received signal 2. Quit. 16:35:16 [debg:albert.files] Storing file index to /home/user/.cache/albert/files/file_index.json 16:35:16 [warn:albert.files] Busy wait for file indexer. 16:35:16 [debg:albert] 823 ms spent unloading plugin 'files' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 16 ms spent unloading plugin 'path' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 10 ms spent unloading plugin 'python.color' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 10 ms spent unloading plugin 'python.duckduckgo' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 9 ms spent unloading plugin 'python.kill' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 9 ms spent unloading plugin 'python.tex_to_unicode' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 9 ms spent unloading plugin 'python.translators' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 10 ms spent unloading plugin 'python.vpn' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 61 ms spent unloading plugin 'python' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent unloading plugin 'applications' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 1 ms spent unloading plugin 'calculator_qalculate' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 5 ms spent unloading plugin 'system' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent unloading plugin 'urlhandler' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] 0 ms spent unloading plugin 'websearch' 16:35:17 [debg:albert] Closing local RPC server. 16:35:17 [info:albert] Bye.