################################# ####### GENERAL PARAMETERS ###### ################################# #max_step = 100000 stop_time = 3.250e-12 #final time amr.n_cell = 65536 amr.max_grid_size = 32768 #amr.max_grid_size_y = 512 # this is confusingly named and means z in 2D amr.blocking_factor = 16384 # minimum size of each AMReX box, used to decompose the domain geometry.dims = 1 geometry.prob_lo = 0.0e+00 # physical domain zmin geometry.prob_hi = 9.800596442563e-04 # zmax amr.max_level = 0 ################################# ####### Boundary condition ###### ################################# boundary.field_lo = absorbing_silver_mueller boundary.field_hi = absorbing_silver_mueller ################################# ############ NUMERICS ########### ################################# warpx.verbose = 1 warpx.use_filter = 1 warpx.cfl = 1. # if 1., the time step is set to its CFL limit # Order of particle shape factors algo.particle_shape = 3 ################################## ########## NANOPARTICLE ########## ################################## .profile = parse_density_function .species_type = "gold" my_constants.n0 = 1.93e4 my_constants.R0 = 0.1 .density_function(x,y,z) = n0 * (z-z0)*(z-z0) < R**2) ################################# ############ PLASMA ############# ################################# particles.species_names = ele ion ################################# ############ ELECTRONS ########## ################################# ele.species_type = electron ele.injection_style = NUniformPerCell ele.num_particles_per_cell_each_dim = 20 ele.momentum_distribution_type = "at_rest" #gas_ele.ux_th = 1.0e-4 #gas_ele.uz_th = 1.0e-4 #ele.xmin = -47.5e-6 #ele.xmax = 47.5e-6 ele.zmin = 2.530e-05 # plasma is a short name for electrons and ions ele.zmax = 5.060e-05 ele.profile = "constant" ele.density = 1.747e+26 #1/m3 #ele.do_continuous_injection = 1 ################################# ############ IONS ############### ################################# ion.species_type = proton ion.injection_style = NUniformPerCell ion.num_particles_per_cell_each_dim = 10 ion.momentum_distribution_type = "at_rest" #ion.xmin = -47.5e-6 #ion.xmax = 47.5e-6 ion.zmin = 2.530e-05 ion.zmax = 5.060e-05 ion.profile = "constant" ion.density = 1.747e+26 #ion.do_continuous_injection = 1 ################################# ########## LASER STUFF ########## ################################# lasers.names = laser1 laser2 laser1.profile = Gaussian laser1.position = 0. 0. 1.265e-05 # This point is on the laser plane laser1.direction = 0. 0. 1. # The plane normal direction laser1.polarization = 0. 1. 0. # The main polarization vector laser1.a0 = 0.01 # amplitude of the E-Field, Eq. 15 in the paper laser1.profile_waist = 15.e-6 # The waist of the laser (in m), w0 laser1.profile_duration = 8.493e-13 # The duration of the laser (in s) also TAU laser1.profile_t_peak = 2.250e-12 # Time at which the laser reaches its peak (in s) #tstart laser1.profile_focal_distance = 10.e-6 # Focal distance from the antenna (in m) laser1.wavelength = 8.000e-07 # The wavelength of the laser (in m) #laser1.phi2 = 6.0e27 # chirp 1/s^2 #laser1.frequency = 2.6e-15 laser2.profile = Gaussian laser2.position = 0. 0. 1.265e-05 # This point is on the laser plane laser2.direction = 0. 0. 1. # The plane normal direction laser2.polarization = 0. 1. 0. # The main polarization vector laser2.a0 = 0.01 # amplitude of the E-Field, Eq. 15 in the paper laser2.profile_waist = 15.e-6 # The waist of the laser (in m), w0 laser2.profile_duration = 8.493e-13 # The duration of the laser (in s) also TAU laser2.profile_t_peak = 2.250e-12 # Time at which the laser reaches its peak (in s) #tstart laser2.profile_focal_distance = 10.e-6 # Focal distance from the antenna (in m) laser2.wavelength = 6.078e-07 # The wavelength of the laser (in m) #laser2.phi2 = 6.0e27 # chirp 1/s^2 #laser2.frequency = 1.76e-14 ################################# ########## DIAGNOSTICS ########## ################################# diagnostics.diags_names = diag1 diag1.intervals = 6 # output at every number time stamp exg: 500 diag1.write_species = 1 diag1.ele.variables = w ux uy uz # u=momentum, w=statistical weights diag1.ion.variables = w ux uy uz diag1.diag_type = Full diag1.fields_to_plot = Ex Ey Ez Bx By Bz jx jy jz rho_ele # j=current density, rho_ele=charge density of the electrons diag1.format = openpmd diag1.openpmd_backend = h5