; ; Rinoh style sheet for use with Alpyca documentation ; Extends the built-in 'sphinx' stylesheet (located in ; the References folder of the VSCode workspace and also ; in site-packages/rinoh/data/stylesheets)/sphinx.rts). ; [STYLESHEET] name=ASCOM description=Tweaks for ASCOM Master Interfaces Document base=sphinx [VARIABLES] serif_typeface=Roboto sans_typeface=Roboto mono_typeface=Source Code Pro ; ; These may cause a failure in Rinoh. So will some typeface changes above. Same error in all cases: ; https://github.com/brechtm/rinohtype/issues/435 ; Exception occurred: ; File "C:\Users\rdenn\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\rinoh\flowable.py", line 297, in flow_inner ; assert container.advance2(padding_border_bottom) ; AssertionError ; I just removed the assert statement in flowable.py and it appears to run OK!!!!! ; [default: Paragraph] font_size=11pt line_spacing=fixed(14pt,leading(0)) [external hyperlink] font_color=#294ea3 [code block] background_color=#ffffcc [object signature] background_color=ccccff [attention admonition] background_color=#ffff99 [caution admonition] background_color=#ffcc66 [warning admonition] background_color=#ffcc66 [important admonition] background_color=#ccff88 [note admonition] background_color=#e6e6ff ; ; (Sphinx) version added/changed & deprecated ; TextStyle https://www.mos6581.org/rinohtype/master/style/rinoh.text.TextStyle.html#rinoh.text.TextStyle ; [versionmodified] base=DEFAULT_STYLE font_color = #6ab0de font_slant = ITALIC after = 'YOMAMA '