[Loader] emulator.cpp:Emulator:60: Starting shadps4 emulator v0.4.1 WIP [Loader] emulator.cpp:Emulator:61: Revision 15d6b095f730bfd6df91ad801c6a19b02bb16c3e [Loader] emulator.cpp:Emulator:62: Branch main [Loader] emulator.cpp:Emulator:63: Description 15d6b09 [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:65: General Logtype: async [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:66: General isNeo: false [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:67: GPU isNullGpu: false [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:68: GPU shouldDumpShaders: false [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:69: GPU vblankDivider: 1 [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:70: Vulkan gpuId: 0 [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:71: Vulkan vkValidation: false [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:72: Vulkan vkValidationSync: true [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:73: Vulkan vkValidationGpu: false [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:74: Vulkan rdocEnable: false [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:75: Vulkan rdocMarkersEnable: false [Config] emulator.cpp:Emulator:76: Vulkan crashDiagnostics: false [Kernel.Vmm] address_space.cpp:Impl:95: System managed virtual memory region: 0x142470000 - 0x7ffffbfff [Kernel.Vmm] address_space.cpp:Impl:98: System reserved virtual memory region: 0x7ffffc000 - 0xfffffffff [Kernel.Vmm] address_space.cpp:Impl:100: User virtual memory region: 0x1000000000 - 0x10fffffffff [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:SetupMemoryRegions:54: Configured memory regions: flexible size = 0x1c000000, direct size = 0x120000000 [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:MemoryManager:37: Usable memory address space: 1082_GB [Loader] emulator.cpp:Run:155: Game id: CUSA01715 Title: God of War® III Remastered [Loader] emulator.cpp:Run:158: Fw: 0x2500000 App Version: 01.02 [Lib.Kernel] libs.cpp:InitHLELibs:51: Initializing HLE libraries [Lib.GnmDriver] gnmdriver.cpp:RegisterlibSceGnmDriver:2760: Initializing presenter [Render.Vulkan] vk_platform.cpp:CreateInstance:203: Creating vulkan instance [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:106: Found 2 physical devices [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:CollectDeviceParameters:526: GPU_Vendor: NVIDIA [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:CollectDeviceParameters:527: GPU_Model: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:CollectDeviceParameters:528: GPU_Vulkan_Driver: NVIDIA 566.14.0.0 [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:CollectDeviceParameters:529: GPU_Vulkan_Version: 1.3.289 [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:CollectDeviceParameters:530: GPU_Vulkan_Extensions: VK_KHR_16bit_storage, VK_KHR_8bit_storage, VK_KHR_acceleration_structure, VK_KHR_bind_memory2, VK_KHR_buffer_device_address, VK_KHR_calibrated_timestamps, VK_KHR_cooperative_matrix, VK_KHR_copy_commands2, VK_KHR_create_renderpass2, VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation, VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations, VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve, VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template, VK_KHR_device_group, VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count, VK_KHR_driver_properties, VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering, VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering_local_read, VK_KHR_external_fence, VK_KHR_external_fence_win32, VK_KHR_external_memory, VK_KHR_external_memory_win32, VK_KHR_external_semaphore, VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32, VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2, VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric, VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate, VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2, VK_KHR_global_priority, VK_KHR_image_format_list, VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer, VK_KHR_index_type_uint8, VK_KHR_line_rasterization, VK_KHR_load_store_op_none, VK_KHR_maintenance1, VK_KHR_maintenance2, VK_KHR_maintenance3, VK_KHR_maintenance4, VK_KHR_maintenance5, VK_KHR_maintenance6, VK_KHR_maintenance7, VK_KHR_map_memory2, VK_KHR_multiview, VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties, VK_KHR_pipeline_library, VK_KHR_present_id, VK_KHR_present_wait, VK_KHR_push_descriptor, VK_KHR_ray_query, VK_KHR_ray_tracing_maintenance1, VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline, VK_KHR_ray_tracing_position_fetch, VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout, VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge, VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion, VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts, VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64, VK_KHR_shader_clock, VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters, VK_KHR_shader_expect_assume, VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8, VK_KHR_shader_float_controls, VK_KHR_shader_float_controls2, VK_KHR_shader_integer_dot_product, VK_KHR_shader_maximal_reconvergence, VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info, VK_KHR_shader_quad_control, VK_KHR_shader_relaxed_extended_instruction, VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types, VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_rotate, VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow, VK_KHR_shader_terminate_invocation, VK_KHR_spirv_1_4, VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class, VK_KHR_swapchain, VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format, VK_KHR_synchronization2, VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore, VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout, VK_KHR_variable_pointers, VK_KHR_vertex_attribute_divisor, VK_KHR_video_decode_av1, VK_KHR_video_decode_h264, VK_KHR_video_decode_h265, VK_KHR_video_decode_queue, VK_KHR_video_encode_h264, VK_KHR_video_encode_h265, VK_KHR_video_encode_queue, VK_KHR_video_maintenance1, VK_KHR_video_queue, VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model, VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex, VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout, VK_KHR_zero_initialize_workgroup_memory, VK_EXT_4444_formats, VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_dynamic_state, VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout, VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced, VK_EXT_border_color_swizzle, VK_EXT_buffer_device_address, VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps, VK_EXT_color_write_enable, VK_EXT_conditional_rendering, VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization, VK_EXT_custom_border_color, VK_EXT_depth_bias_control, VK_EXT_depth_clamp_zero_one, VK_EXT_depth_clip_control, VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable, VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted, VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer, VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing, VK_EXT_device_fault, VK_EXT_discard_rectangles, VK_EXT_dynamic_rendering_unused_attachments, VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state, VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state2, VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3, VK_EXT_external_memory_host, VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock, VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive, VK_EXT_global_priority, VK_EXT_global_priority_query, VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library, VK_EXT_hdr_metadata, VK_EXT_host_image_copy, VK_EXT_host_query_reset, VK_EXT_image_2d_view_of_3d, VK_EXT_image_robustness, VK_EXT_image_sliced_view_of_3d, VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod, VK_EXT_index_type_uint8, VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block, VK_EXT_legacy_vertex_attributes, VK_EXT_line_rasterization, VK_EXT_load_store_op_none, VK_EXT_memory_budget, VK_EXT_memory_priority, VK_EXT_mesh_shader, VK_EXT_multi_draw, VK_EXT_mutable_descriptor_type, VK_EXT_nested_command_buffer, VK_EXT_non_seamless_cube_map, VK_EXT_opacity_micromap, VK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory, VK_EXT_pci_bus_info, VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_cache_control, VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_feedback, VK_EXT_pipeline_library_group_handles, VK_EXT_pipeline_robustness, VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage, VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart, VK_EXT_primitives_generated_query, VK_EXT_private_data, VK_EXT_provoking_vertex, VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign, VK_EXT_robustness2, VK_EXT_sample_locations, VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax, VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout, VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage, VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float, VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation, VK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64, VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier, VK_EXT_shader_object, VK_EXT_shader_replicated_composites, VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot, VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote, VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer, VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control, VK_EXT_swapchain_maintenance1, VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment, VK_EXT_tooling_info, VK_EXT_transform_feedback, VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor, VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state, VK_EXT_ycbcr_2plane_444_formats, VK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays, VK_NV_acquire_winrt_display, VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling, VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives, VK_NV_cooperative_matrix, VK_NV_copy_memory_indirect, VK_NV_corner_sampled_image, VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode, VK_NV_cuda_kernel_launch, VK_NV_dedicated_allocation, VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing, VK_NV_descriptor_pool_overallocation, VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints, VK_NV_device_diagnostics_config, VK_NV_device_generated_commands, VK_NV_device_generated_commands_compute, VK_NV_external_memory, VK_NV_external_memory_win32, VK_NV_fill_rectangle, VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color, VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric, VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums, VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples, VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough, VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor, VK_NV_linear_color_attachment, VK_NV_low_latency, VK_NV_low_latency2, VK_NV_memory_decompression, VK_NV_mesh_shader, VK_NV_optical_flow, VK_NV_raw_access_chains, VK_NV_ray_tracing, VK_NV_ray_tracing_invocation_reorder, VK_NV_ray_tracing_motion_blur, VK_NV_representative_fragment_test, VK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage, VK_NV_scissor_exclusive, VK_NV_shader_atomic_float16_vector, VK_NV_shader_image_footprint, VK_NV_shader_sm_builtins, VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned, VK_NV_shading_rate_image, VK_NV_viewport_array2, VK_NV_viewport_swizzle, VK_NV_win32_keyed_mutex, VK_NVX_binary_import, VK_NVX_image_view_handle, VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes, VK_AMD_buffer_marker, VK_GOOGLE_user_type [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:CreateDevice:225: Physical device subgroup size 32 [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_KHR_swapchain [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():245: Extension VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export unavailable. [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_external_memory_host [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_custom_border_color [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_KHR_push_descriptor [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_depth_clip_control [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_color_write_enable [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3 [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_robustness2 [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_KHR_maintenance5 [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_KHR_maintenance4 [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2 [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_KHR_synchronization2 [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:operator():240: Enabling extension: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=1, number_format=2 is not fully supported (vk_format=R8Uscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=1, number_format=3 is not fully supported (vk_format=R8Sscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=1, number_format=9 is not fully supported (vk_format=R8Srgb, missing features={ ColorAttachment }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=2, number_format=2 is not fully supported (vk_format=R16Uscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=2, number_format=3 is not fully supported (vk_format=R16Sscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=3, number_format=2 is not fully supported (vk_format=R8G8Uscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=3, number_format=3 is not fully supported (vk_format=R8G8Sscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=3, number_format=9 is not fully supported (vk_format=R8G8Srgb, missing features={ SampledImage | ColorAttachment | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=5, number_format=2 is not fully supported (vk_format=R16G16Uscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=5, number_format=3 is not fully supported (vk_format=R16G16Sscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=9, number_format=1 is not fully supported (vk_format=A2B10G10R10SnormPack32, missing features={ SampledImage | StorageImage | UniformTexelBuffer | StorageTexelBuffer | ColorAttachment | TransferSrc | TransferDst | StorageReadWithoutFormat | StorageWriteWithoutFormat }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=9, number_format=2 is not fully supported (vk_format=A2B10G10R10UscaledPack32, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=9, number_format=3 is not fully supported (vk_format=A2B10G10R10SscaledPack32, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=9, number_format=5 is not fully supported (vk_format=A2B10G10R10SintPack32, missing features={ SampledImage | StorageImage | UniformTexelBuffer | StorageTexelBuffer | ColorAttachment | TransferSrc | TransferDst | StorageReadWithoutFormat | StorageWriteWithoutFormat }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=10, number_format=2 is not fully supported (vk_format=R8G8B8A8Uscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=10, number_format=3 is not fully supported (vk_format=R8G8B8A8Sscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=12, number_format=2 is not fully supported (vk_format=R16G16B16A16Uscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=12, number_format=3 is not fully supported (vk_format=R16G16B16A16Sscaled, missing features={ SampledImage | UniformTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=13, number_format=4 is not fully supported (vk_format=R32G32B32Uint, missing features={ SampledImage | StorageTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst | StorageReadWithoutFormat | StorageWriteWithoutFormat }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=13, number_format=5 is not fully supported (vk_format=R32G32B32Sint, missing features={ SampledImage | StorageTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst | StorageReadWithoutFormat | StorageWriteWithoutFormat }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=13, number_format=7 is not fully supported (vk_format=R32G32B32Sfloat, missing features={ SampledImage | StorageTexelBuffer | TransferSrc | TransferDst | StorageReadWithoutFormat | StorageWriteWithoutFormat }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=16, number_format=0 is not fully supported (vk_format=B5G6R5UnormPack16, missing features={ StorageImage | ColorAttachment | StorageReadWithoutFormat | StorageWriteWithoutFormat }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=17, number_format=0 is not fully supported (vk_format=R5G5B5A1UnormPack16, missing features={ StorageImage | ColorAttachment | StorageReadWithoutFormat | StorageWriteWithoutFormat }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:169: Surface format data_format=19, number_format=0 is not fully supported (vk_format=R4G4B4A4UnormPack16, missing features={ StorageImage | ColorAttachment | StorageReadWithoutFormat | StorageWriteWithoutFormat }) [Render.Vulkan] vk_instance.cpp:Instance:179: Depth format z_format=1, stencil_format=1 is not fully supported (vk_format=D16UnormS8Uint, missing features={ DepthStencilAttachment }) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module eboot to 0x8ffffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x00000008ffffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x0000000001b48000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x0000000001b48000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x00000008ffffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 3920956 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 3932160 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x00000009003bc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 301288 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 24674304 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type Interpreter Path [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x9003bc040 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 10048 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Comment [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x0000000900140060 [Loader] memory_patcher.cpp:OnGameLoaded:223: No patch file found for the current serial. [Loader] memory_patcher.cpp:OnGameLoaded:223: No patch file found for the current serial. [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0002000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0003000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0004000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0005000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0006000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0007000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0008000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0009000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x000a000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0010000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x000b000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x000c000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x000d000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x000e000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x000f000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0011000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0012000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0014000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0015000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0016000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0017000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0018000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0019000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x001a000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x001b000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x001d000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0013000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x001c000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:295: Loading C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\shadps4\user\sys_modules\libSceNgs2.sprx [Loader] elf.cpp:IsSelfFile:237: Not a SELF file. Magic mismatch current = 0x464c457f expected = 0x1d3d154f [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libSceNgs2 to 0x90fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x000000090fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x0000000000064000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x0000000000064000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000090fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 323432 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 327680 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = SCE Read-Only After Relocation [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000091004c000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 1216 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R__) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [2] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000910050000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 1648 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 65536 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x90fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 0 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x000000090fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0000000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0003000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0002000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:295: Loading C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\shadps4\user\sys_modules\libSceFiber.sprx [Loader] elf.cpp:IsSelfFile:237: Not a SELF file. Magic mismatch current = 0x464c457f expected = 0x1d3d154f [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libSceFiber to 0x91fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x000000091fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x000000000000c000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x000000000000c000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000091fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 8052 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = SCE Read-Only After Relocation [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000920000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 208 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R__) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [2] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000920004000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 96 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x91fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 0 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x000000091fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x000000000000000e [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0000000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0005000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0003000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0002000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0004000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:295: Loading C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\shadps4\user\sys_modules\libSceUlt.sprx [Loader] elf.cpp:IsSelfFile:237: Not a SELF file. Magic mismatch current = 0x464c457f expected = 0x1d3d154f [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libSceUlt to 0x92fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x000000092fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x0000000000040000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x0000000000040000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000092fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 190476 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 196608 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = SCE Read-Only After Relocation [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000093002c000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 568 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R__) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [2] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000930030000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 2160 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 49152 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x930030020 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 16 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x000000092fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x000000000000000e [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0000000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0003000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0002000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:295: Loading C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\shadps4\user\sys_modules\libSceJson.sprx [Loader] elf.cpp:IsSelfFile:237: Not a SELF file. Magic mismatch current = 0x464c457f expected = 0x1d3d154f [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libSceJson to 0x93fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x000000093fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x0000000000014000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x0000000000014000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000093fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 38748 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 49152 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = SCE Read-Only After Relocation [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000940008000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 668 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R__) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [2] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000094000c000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 112 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x93fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 0 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x000000093fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0000000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:295: Loading C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\shadps4\user\sys_modules\libSceJson2.sprx [Loader] elf.cpp:IsSelfFile:237: Not a SELF file. Magic mismatch current = 0x464c457f expected = 0x1d3d154f [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libSceJson2 to 0x94fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x000000094fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x000000000001c000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x000000000001c000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000094fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 76536 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 81920 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = SCE Read-Only After Relocation [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000950010000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 368 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R__) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [2] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000950014000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 128 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x94fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 0 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x000000094fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0000000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:295: Loading C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\shadps4\user\sys_modules\libSceLibcInternal.sprx [Loader] elf.cpp:IsSelfFile:237: Not a SELF file. Magic mismatch current = 0x464c457f expected = 0x1d3d154f [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libSceLibcInternal to 0x95fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x000000095fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x0000000000158000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x0000000000158000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000095fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 1247024 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 1261568 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = SCE Read-Only After Relocation [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000960130000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 17184 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 32768 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R__) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [2] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000960138000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 40960 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 114688 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x96013e900 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 1376 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x000000095fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x000000000000000e [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0000000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:295: Loading C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\shadps4\user\sys_modules\libSceDiscMap.sprx [Loader] elf.cpp:IsSelfFile:237: Not a SELF file. Magic mismatch current = 0x464c457f expected = 0x1d3d154f [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libSceDiscMap to 0x96fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x000000096fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x000000000000c000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x000000000000c000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000096fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 12452 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = SCE Read-Only After Relocation [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000970000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 272 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R__) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [2] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000970004000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 88 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x96fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 0 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x000000096fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x000000000000000e [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0000000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:295: Loading C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\shadps4\user\sys_modules\libSceRtc.sprx [Loader] elf.cpp:IsSelfFile:237: Not a SELF file. Magic mismatch current = 0x464c457f expected = 0x1d3d154f [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libSceRtc to 0x97fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x000000097fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x0000000000010000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x0000000000010000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000097fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 18688 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 32768 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = SCE Read-Only After Relocation [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000980004000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 168 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R__) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [2] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000980008000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 88 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x97fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 0 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x000000097fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x000000000000000e [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0002000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:295: Loading C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\shadps4\user\sys_modules\libSceJpegEnc.sprx [Loader] elf.cpp:IsSelfFile:237: Not a SELF file. Magic mismatch current = 0x464c457f expected = 0x1d3d154f [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libSceJpegEnc to 0x98fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x000000098fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x0000000000010000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x0000000000010000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000098fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 19472 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 32768 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = SCE Read-Only After Relocation [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000990004000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 104 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R__) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [2] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x0000000990008000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 88 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 16384 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x98fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 0 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x000000098fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x000000000000000e [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0000000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:303: No HLE available for libSceRazorCpu.sprx module [Loader] emulator.cpp:LoadSystemModules:303: No HLE available for libSceCesCs.sprx module [Loader] emulator.cpp:Run:242: Loading D:/Games shadPS4/Games PS4/CUSA01715\sce_module\libc.prx [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libc to 0x99fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x000000099fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x00000000000d8000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x00000000000d8000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x000000099fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 751908 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 753664 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x00000009a00b4000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 27840 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 131072 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x9a00b4018 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 1184 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Comment [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x000000099fffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x000000000000000e [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0000000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Loader] emulator.cpp:Run:242: Loading D:/Games shadPS4/Games PS4/CUSA01715\sce_module\libSceFios2.prx [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:119: Loading module libSceFios2 to 0x9afffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:127: ======== Load Module to Memory ======== [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:128: base_virtual_addr ......: 0x00000009afffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:129: base_size ..............: 0x0000000000178000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:130: aligned_base_size ......: 0x0000000000178000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [0] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x00000009afffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 309956 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 311296 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (R_X) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:157: program header = [1] type = Loadable [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:158: segment_addr ..........: 0x00000009b0048000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:159: segment_file_size .....: 55232 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:160: segment_memory_size ...: 1228800 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:161: segment_mode ..........: (RW_) [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Module Parameters [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:196: TLS virtual address = 0x9b0048018 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:197: TLS image size = 64 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:219: Unimplemented type SCE Library Version [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadModuleToMemory:224: program entry addr ..........: 0x00000009afffc000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:329: DT_FLAGS is NOT 0x04 should check! [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x000000000000000e [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:393: unsupported dynamic tag ..........: 0x0000000061000017 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0000000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0003000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0001000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:367: unsupported DT_SCE_IMPORT_LIB_ATTR value = ......: 0x0002000000000009 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:360: DT_SCE_FINGERPRINT value = 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:LoadDynamicInfo:383: unsupported DT_SCE_MODULE_ATTR value = ..........: 0x0000000000000000 [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved iKJMWrAumPE as getargc (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved FJmglmTMdr4 as getargv (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved bt3CTBKmGyI as scePthreadSetaffinity (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved G3AnLNdRBjE as sceNpWebApiInitialize (lib: libSceNpWebApi, mod: libSceNpWebApi) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved x1Y7yiYSk7c as sceNpWebApiCreateContext (lib: libSceNpWebApi, mod: libSceNpWebApi) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved rdgs5Z1MyFw as sceNpWebApiCreateRequest (lib: libSceNpWebApi, mod: libSceNpWebApi) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved kVbL4hL3K7w as sceNpWebApiSendRequest (lib: libSceNpWebApi, mod: libSceNpWebApi) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved k210oKgP80Y as sceNpWebApiGetHttpStatusCode (lib: libSceNpWebApi, mod: libSceNpWebApi) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved CQtPRSF6Ds8 as sceNpWebApiReadData (lib: libSceNpWebApi, mod: libSceNpWebApi) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved JzhYTP2fG18 as sceNpWebApiAbortRequest (lib: libSceNpWebApi, mod: libSceNpWebApi) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved noQgleu+KLE as sceNpWebApiDeleteRequest (lib: libSceNpWebApi, mod: libSceNpWebApi) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved UqDGjXA5yUM as munmap (lib: libScePosix, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved QKd0qM58Qes as sceKernelStopUnloadModule (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 7Xl257M4VNI as pthread_equal (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved cYlYsDQY500 as __sanitizer_finish_switch_fiber (lib: libSceDbgAddressSanitizer, mod: libSceDbgAddressSanitizer) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved jh+8XiK4LeE as sceKernelIsAddressSanitizerEnabled (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved BG26hBGiNlw as Unknown !!! (lib: ulobjmgr, mod: ulobjmgr) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved G90IIOtgFQ0 as sceRazorCpuFiberLogNameChange (lib: libSceRazorCpu, mod: libSceRazorCpu) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved Smf+fUNblPc as Unknown !!! (lib: ulobjmgr, mod: ulobjmgr) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved jachrbjpHnM as __asan_destroy_fake_stack (lib: libSceDbgAddressSanitizer, mod: libSceDbgAddressSanitizer) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved PAytDtFGpqY as sceRazorCpuFiberSwitch (lib: libSceRazorCpu, mod: libSceRazorCpu) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved AM5dbXp3qbI as __sanitizer_start_switch_fiber (lib: libSceDbgAddressSanitizer, mod: libSceDbgAddressSanitizer) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved ruZ9hhQ8oUk as pthread_getstack_np (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved BG26hBGiNlw as Unknown !!! (lib: ulobjmgr, mod: ulobjmgr) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved Smf+fUNblPc as Unknown !!! (lib: ulobjmgr, mod: ulobjmgr) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved SweJO7t3pkk as Unknown !!! (lib: ulobjmgr, mod: ulobjmgr) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved HZ9Q2c+4BU4 as Unknown !!! (lib: ulobjmgr, mod: ulobjmgr) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved +2thxYZ4syk as environ (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved nQVWJEGHObc as _sigintr (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved kbw4UHHSYy0 as __pthread_cxa_finalize (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved djxxOmW6-aw as __progname (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved HoLVWNanBBc as getpid (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved +g+UP8Pyfmo as sceKernelGetProcessType (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved PrdHuuDekhY as scePthreadKeyDelete (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved VADc3MNQ3cM as signal (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved bt0POEUZddE as sceKernelGetSanitizerMallocReplace (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 3eqs37G74-s as pthread_getthreadid_np (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved Wl2o5hOVZdw as sceKernelPrintBacktraceWithModuleInfo (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved -YTW+qXc3CQ as sceKernelInternalMemoryGetModuleSegmentInfo (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved kc+LEEIYakc as sceKernelMapNamedSystemFlexibleMemory (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 3k6kx-zOOSQ as sceKernelMlock (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved jh+8XiK4LeE as sceKernelIsAddressSanitizerEnabled (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved FN4gaPmuFV8 as write (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved NhpspxdjEKU as _nanosleep (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved zE-wXIZjLoM as sceKernelDebugRaiseExceptionOnReleaseMode (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved NNtFaKJbPt0 as _close (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved VAzswvTOCzI as unlink (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 2VRU7xiqLO8 as setcontext (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved Nd-u09VFSCA as sigdelset (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved +F7C-hdk7+E as sigemptyset (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved UDCI-WazohQ as _sigaction (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 9zpLsLESzTs as _sigsuspend (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved JUimFtKe0Kc as sigaddset (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved JnNl8Xr-z4Y as sigismember (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved hPWDGx8ioXQ as setitimer (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved cjt-4ySmYTs as fork (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved edJoqV2FIWs as setsid (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 6mMQ1MSPW-Q as chdir (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved W8f1adVl+48 as _dup2 (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 6Z83sYWFlA8 as _exit (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved MhC53TKmjVA as sysctlbyname (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved Qsxbb+aty0U as __getcwd (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved A0O5kF5x4LQ as _fstat (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved bGVEgWXy6dg as _openat (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved DRGXpDDh8Ng as lstat (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved t6haf4s-eE0 as fstatat (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved DFmMT80xcNI as sysctl (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved t0fXUzq61Z4 as _fcntl (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 17Mfe1B3X6U as _fstatfs (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved sfKygSjIbI8 as _getdirentries (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 9jJTRrWCWK0 as vfork (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved -3nj+K1elI0 as _execve (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved ScfDTOqLOMw as _execvpe (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 8fryvN6BDtY as setpgid (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved yawdym+zDvw as sched_setparam (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved puT82CSQzDE as sched_setscheduler (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved AfuS23bX6kg as getgid (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 4oKwKmeOKjM as setegid (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved kg4x8Prhfxw as getuid (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved HTxb6gmexa0 as seteuid (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved cZq1zIzFN7s as _fpathconf (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved ngZnQWyUvGI as statfs (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved oc98+zOImus as pathconf (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved GDuV00CHrUg as utimes (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 4pYihoPggn8 as __inet_ntop (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved kbw4UHHSYy0 as __pthread_cxa_finalize (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved Fjc4-n1+y2g as __elf_phdr_match_addr (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved pd02UI9TbOA as readlink (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved Pd7KtJ1gybk as link (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved ayrtszI7GBg as truncate (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved z0dtnPxYgtg as chmod (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved F4Kib3Mb0wI as sceKernelGetSanitizerNewReplace (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved crb5j7mkk1c as _is_signal_return (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved hHlZQUnlxSM as getrusage (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved D4yla3vx4tY as sceKernelError (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 7NwggrWJ5cA as __sys_regmgr_call (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved UqDGjXA5yUM as munmap (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved hI7oVeOluPM as recvmsg (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved TU-d9PfIHPM as socket (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved HoLVWNanBBc as getpid (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved G-MYv5erXaU as sceKernelGetAppInfo (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved ChCOChPU-YM as sceKernelSettimeofday (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved D4yla3vx4tY as sceKernelError (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved d7nUj1LOdDU as clock_settime (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved djxxOmW6-aw as __progname (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved kbw4UHHSYy0 as __pthread_cxa_finalize (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved zE-wXIZjLoM as sceKernelDebugRaiseExceptionOnReleaseMode (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved PrdHuuDekhY as scePthreadKeyDelete (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved VADc3MNQ3cM as signal (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved Wl2o5hOVZdw as sceKernelPrintBacktraceWithModuleInfo (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 3k6kx-zOOSQ as sceKernelMlock (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved hHlZQUnlxSM as getrusage (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved Fjc4-n1+y2g as __elf_phdr_match_addr (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved kbw4UHHSYy0 as __pthread_cxa_finalize (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved DFmMT80xcNI as sysctl (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved UqDGjXA5yUM as munmap (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved VkTAsrZDcJ0 as sigfillset (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved aPcyptbOiZs as sigprocmask (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved tZY4+SZNFhA as msync (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved HoLVWNanBBc as getpid (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved crb5j7mkk1c as _is_signal_return (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved mo0bFmWppIw as sigreturn (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved OjWstbIRPUo as __Ux86_64_setcontext (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved 6Z83sYWFlA8 as _exit (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:235: Not Resolved module_stop [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:operator():216: Function not patched! module_stop [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:235: Not Resolved module_start [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:operator():216: Function not patched! module_start [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved WlyEA-sLDf0 as sceKernelTruncate (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved bt3CTBKmGyI as scePthreadSetaffinity (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Core.Linker] linker.cpp:Resolve:274: Linker: Stub resolved rcrVFJsQWRY as scePthreadGetaffinity (lib: libkernel, mod: libkernel) [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:operator():211: in_addr = 0x880000000, out_addr = 0x880000000, len = 0x4000, prot = 0x3, flags = 0x0 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libSceNgs2 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libSceFiber [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libSceUlt [Kernel.Event] event_flag.cpp:sceKernelCreateEventFlag:160: called name = libult eventflag attr = 0x21 initPattern = 0x0 [Kernel.Event] event_flag.cpp:sceKernelCreateEventFlag:160: called name = libult eventflag attr = 0x21 initPattern = 0x0 [Kernel.Event] event_flag.cpp:sceKernelCreateEventFlag:160: called name = libult eventflag attr = 0x21 initPattern = 0x0 [Kernel.Event] event_flag.cpp:sceKernelCreateEventFlag:160: called name = libult eventflag attr = 0x21 initPattern = 0x0 [Kernel.Event] event_flag.cpp:sceKernelCreateEventFlag:160: called name = libult eventflag attr = 0x21 initPattern = 0x0 [Kernel.Event] event_flag.cpp:sceKernelCreateEventFlag:160: called name = libult eventflag attr = 0x21 initPattern = 0x0 [Kernel.Event] event_flag.cpp:sceKernelCreateEventFlag:160: called name = libult eventflag attr = 0x21 initPattern = 0x0 [Kernel.Event] event_flag.cpp:sceKernelCreateEventFlag:160: called name = libult eventflag attr = 0x21 initPattern = 0x0 [Kernel.Event] event_flag.cpp:sceKernelCreateEventFlag:160: called name = libult eventflag attr = 0x21 initPattern = 0x0 [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:45: Stub: Unknown (nid: SweJO7t3pkk) called, returning zero to 0x930021a63 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libSceJson [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libSceJson2 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libSceLibcInternal [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:posix_open:107: posix open redirect to sceKernelOpen [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /dev/console flags = 0x1 mode = 0 [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: getpid (nid: HoLVWNanBBc) called, returning zero to 0x95fffc99e [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: sceKernelGetProcessType (nid: +g+UP8Pyfmo) called, returning zero to 0x95fffc9a5 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:posix_open:107: posix open redirect to sceKernelOpen [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /dev/deci_tty6 flags = 0x1 mode = 0 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libSceDiscMap [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/sce_discmap.plt flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/sce_discmap_patch.plt flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/sce_discmap.plt [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/sce_discmap_patch.plt [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:posix_mmap:472: posix mmap redirect to sceKernelMmap [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:sceKernelMmap:455: called addr = 0x0, len = 3473408, prot = 3, flags = 4098, fd = -1, offset = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/sce_discmap.plt flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/sce_discmap.plt [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/sce_discmap_patch.plt flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/sce_discmap_patch.plt [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: socket (nid: TU-d9PfIHPM) called, returning zero to 0x96fffe361 [Kernel.Pthread] file_system.cpp:posix_close:150: posix_close: error = -2147352575 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libSceRtc [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libSceJpegEnc [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libc [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:sceKernelGetDirectMemorySize:21: called [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:sceKernelAllocateDirectMemory:53: searchStart = 0x0, searchEnd = 0x120000000, len = 0xb0000000, alignment = 0x200000, memoryType = 0x0, physAddrOut = 0x0 [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:sceKernelMapDirectMemory:182: called, redirected to sceKernelMapNamedDirectMemory [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:operator():172: in_addr = 0x0, out_addr = 0x142800000, len = 0xb0000000, prot = 0x13, flags = 0x0, directMemoryStart = 0x0, alignment = 0x200000 [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: getargc (nid: iKJMWrAumPE) called, returning zero to 0x900158dda [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: getargv (nid: FJmglmTMdr4) called, returning zero to 0x900158de1 [Core.Linker] module.cpp:Start:98: Module started : libSceFios2 [Lib.SysModule] sysmodule.cpp:sceSysmoduleLoadModule:47: (DUMMY) called module = ORBIS_SYSMODULE_APP_CONTENT [Lib.AppContent] app_content.cpp:sceAppContentInitialize:246: (DUMMY) called [Lib.SysModule] sysmodule.cpp:sceSysmoduleLoadModule:47: (DUMMY) called module = ORBIS_SYSMODULE_PLAYGO [Lib.SysModule] sysmodule.cpp:sceSysmoduleLoadModule:47: (DUMMY) called module = ORBIS_SYSMODULE_DISC_MAP [Lib.PlayGo] playgo.cpp:scePlayGoInitialize:220: called, bufSize = 2097152 [Lib.SystemService] systemservice.cpp:sceSystemServiceParamGetInt:1894: called param_id 1 [Lib.PlayGo] playgo.cpp:scePlayGoOpen:242: called [Lib.PlayGo] playgo.cpp:scePlayGoGetInstallSpeed:85: called [Lib.PlayGo] playgo.cpp:scePlayGoGetChunkId:38: called [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/CINEMATICS/POS100.TXT flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Common.Filesystem] io_file.cpp:Open:197: Failed to open the file at path=D:/Games shadPS4/Games PS4/CUSA01715\EXEC/CINEMATICS/POS100.TXT, error_message=no such file or directory [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/REGION.TXT flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/REGION.TXT [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/REGION.TXT [Lib.SystemService] systemservice.cpp:sceSystemServiceParamGetInt:1894: called param_id 1 [Lib.Net] net.cpp:sceNetInit:770: (DUMMY) called [Lib.Net] net.cpp:sceNetPoolCreate:813: (DUMMY) name = simple size = 262144 flags = 0 [Lib.Ssl] ssl.cpp:sceSslInit:697: (DUMMY) called poolSize = 786432 [Lib.Http] http.cpp:sceHttpInit:263: (DUMMY) called libnetMemId = 0 libsslCtxId = 1 poolSize = 524288 [Lib.SysModule] sysmodule.cpp:sceSysmoduleLoadModule:47: (DUMMY) called module = ORBIS_SYSMODULE_NP_UTILITY [Lib.SysModule] sysmodule.cpp:sceSysmoduleLoadModule:47: (DUMMY) called module = ORBIS_SYSMODULE_NP_TUS [Lib.SysModule] sysmodule.cpp:sceSysmoduleLoadModule:47: (DUMMY) called module = ORBIS_SYSMODULE_NP_SCORE_RANKING [Lib.NpManager] np_manager.cpp:sceNpRegisterStateCallback:1944: (STUBBED) called [Lib.SysModule] sysmodule.cpp:sceSysmoduleLoadModule:47: (DUMMY) called module = ORBIS_SYSMODULE_SAVE_DATA_DIALOG [Lib.SysModule] sysmodule.cpp:sceSysmoduleLoadModule:47: (DUMMY) called module = ORBIS_SYSMODULE_MESSAGE_DIALOG [Lib.VideoOut] video_out.cpp:sceVideoOutOpen:229: called [Lib.VideoOut] video_out.cpp:sceVideoOutGetResolutionStatus:222: called [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:sceKernelGetDirectMemorySize:21: called [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:sceKernelAllocateDirectMemory:53: searchStart = 0x0, searchEnd = 0x120000000, len = 0x59200000, alignment = 0x200000, memoryType = 0x3, physAddrOut = 0xb0000000 [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:sceKernelMapDirectMemory:182: called, redirected to sceKernelMapNamedDirectMemory [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:operator():172: in_addr = 0x0, out_addr = 0x1f2800000, len = 0x59200000, prot = 0x33, flags = 0x0, directMemoryStart = 0xb0000000, alignment = 0x200000 [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:sceKernelGetDirectMemorySize:21: called [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:sceKernelAllocateDirectMemory:53: searchStart = 0x0, searchEnd = 0x120000000, len = 0x8000000, alignment = 0x200000, memoryType = 0x0, physAddrOut = 0x109200000 [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:sceKernelMapDirectMemory:182: called, redirected to sceKernelMapNamedDirectMemory [Kernel.Vmm] memory.cpp:operator():172: in_addr = 0x0, out_addr = 0x24ba00000, len = 0x8000000, prot = 0x33, flags = 0x0, directMemoryStart = 0x109200000, alignment = 0x200000 [Kernel.Event] equeue.cpp:sceKernelCreateEqueue:176: name = flip [Lib.VideoOut] video_out.cpp:sceVideoOutAddFlipEvent:42: handle = 1 [Kernel.Event] equeue.cpp:sceKernelCreateEqueue:176: name = done [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/INTRO/BOOT0_18.GNF flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Lib.VideoOut] video_out.cpp:sceVideoOutSetBufferAttribute:29: pixelFormat = A8R8G8B8Srgb, tilingMode = 0, aspectRatio = 0, width = 1920, height = 1080, pitchInPixel = 1920 [Lib.VideoOut] driver.cpp:RegisterBuffers:124: startIndex = 0, bufferNum = 3, pixelFormat = A8R8G8B8Srgb, aspectRatio = 0, tilingMode = 0, width = 1920, height = 1080, pitchInPixel = 1920, option = 0x0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/INTRO/BOOT0_18.GNF [Lib.UserService] userservice.cpp:sceUserServiceInitialize:1126: (dummy) called [Lib.VideoOut] driver.cpp:RegisterBuffers:139: buffers[0] = 0x1fc208000 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /savedata0/SAVEDATA [Lib.VideoOut] driver.cpp:RegisterBuffers:139: buffers[1] = 0x1fca00000 [Lib.VideoOut] driver.cpp:RegisterBuffers:139: buffers[2] = 0x1fd1f8000 [Lib.SystemService] systemservice.cpp:sceSystemServiceHideSplashScreen:1797: called [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadInit:204: (STUBBED) called [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadOpen:249: (DUMMY) called user_id = 1 type = 0 index = 0 [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadResetLightBar:394: (STUBBED) called [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadOpen:249: (DUMMY) called user_id = 1 type = 0 index = 0 [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadResetLightBar:394: (STUBBED) called [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadOpen:249: (DUMMY) called user_id = 1 type = 0 index = 0 [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadResetLightBar:394: (STUBBED) called [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadOpen:249: (DUMMY) called user_id = 1 type = 0 index = 0 [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadResetLightBar:394: (STUBBED) called [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadOpen:249: (DUMMY) called user_id = 1 type = 0 index = 0 [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadResetLightBar:394: (STUBBED) called [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadOpen:249: (DUMMY) called user_id = 1 type = 0 index = 0 [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadResetLightBar:394: (STUBBED) called [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadOpen:249: (DUMMY) called user_id = 1 type = 0 index = 0 [Lib.Pad] pad.cpp:scePadResetLightBar:394: (STUBBED) called [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xccdebd80d1b8f55c [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xccdebd802401e5ac [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/DEPENDENCYGRAPH.IFF flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/DEPENDENCYGRAPH.IFF [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/DEPENDENCYGRAPH.IFF [Lib.SystemService] systemservice.cpp:sceSystemServiceDisableMusicPlayer:1669: (STUBBED) called [Lib.AudioOut] audioout.cpp:sceAudioOutOpen:289: AudioOutOpen id = 255 port_type = MAIN index = 0 lenght= 256 sample_rate = 48000 param_type = FLOAT_8CH_STD attr = NONE [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/INTRO/BOOT0_18.GNF [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/INTRO/BOOT1.GNF flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/INTRO/BOOT1.GNF [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x672262b7f40b5c3d [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x672262b76bb7e335 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/INTRO/BOOT1.GNF [Lib.AudioOut] audioout.cpp:sceAudioOutClose:114: (STUBBED) called [Lib.AudioOut] audioout.cpp:sceAudioOutOpen:289: AudioOutOpen id = 255 port_type = MAIN index = 0 lenght= 256 sample_rate = 48000 param_type = FLOAT_8CH_STD attr = NONE [Lib.AudioOut] audioout.cpp:sceAudioOutOpen:289: AudioOutOpen id = 1 port_type = PADSPK index = 0 lenght= 256 sample_rate = 48000 param_type = FLOAT_MONO attr = NONE [Lib.Ajm] ajm.cpp:sceAjmInitialize:119: called reserved = 0 [Lib.Ajm] ajm.cpp:sceAjmModuleRegister:167: called context = 1, codec_type = 1 [Lib.Ajm] ajm.cpp:sceAjmModuleRegister:167: called context = 1, codec_type = 0 [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: scePthreadSetaffinity (nid: bt3CTBKmGyI) called, returning zero to 0x900274f07 [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: scePthreadSetaffinity (nid: bt3CTBKmGyI) called, returning zero to 0x900274f07 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_FX.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_FX.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_FX fSize 1272112 bytes 1.2 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_FX.WAD [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/DEV/LOCALWADS.DCS flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/DEV/LOCALWADS.DCS [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Shell was 00000048 (75497472.0 Mb) now 03700000 ( 55.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Shell was 00000009 (9437184.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Hero was 00000070 (117440512.0 Mb) now 03200000 ( 50.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Hero was 0000001b (28982640.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Lang was 00000004 (5033160.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Lang was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Perm was 0000006e (115930560.0 Mb) now 02800000 ( 40.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Perm was 00000004 (4666163.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_UI was 0000002e (49073352.0 Mb) now 02800000 ( 40.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_UI was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_I_Fire was 00000005 (5452592.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_I_Fire was 00000000 (576716.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_I_Light was 00000005 (5452592.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_I_Light was 00000000 (954204.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_W_Cestus was 0000000f (16357784.0 Mb) now 01800000 ( 24.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_W_Cestus was 00000001 (1782579.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_W_Electric was 0000000b (12163480.0 Mb) now 00900000 ( 9.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_W_Electric was 00000001 (1468006.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_W_Explosive was 00000011 (18454936.0 Mb) now 01000000 ( 16.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_W_Explosive was 00000001 (1310720.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_W_GodMode was 00000003 (3355440.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_W_GodMode was 00000000 (419430.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_W_Soul was 0000000c (12582912.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_W_Soul was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_W_SoulChar was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_W_SoulChar was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos050 was 00000148 (343932928.0 Mb) now 02e00000 ( 46.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos050 was 00000014 (20971520.0 Mb) now 01900000 ( 25.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos200 was 00000128 (310378496.0 Mb) now 02d00000 ( 45.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos200 was 0000000c (12582912.0 Mb) now 01e00000 ( 30.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos225 was 00000070 (117440512.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos225 was 00000007 (7969177.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos250 was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 00b00000 ( 11.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos250 was 00000003 (4089446.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos300 was 000000b0 (184549376.0 Mb) now 01b00000 ( 27.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos300 was 0000000b (12268339.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos350 was 00000090 (150994944.0 Mb) now 01700000 ( 23.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos350 was 0000000b (11534336.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos400 was 000000d8 (226492416.0 Mb) now 02000000 ( 32.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos400 was 0000000b (11639194.0 Mb) now 00d00000 ( 13.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos600 was 00000078 (125829120.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos600 was 00000007 (7340032.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos650 was 00000110 (285212672.0 Mb) now 02700000 ( 39.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos650 was 0000000c (12582912.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos700 was 00000068 (109051904.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos700 was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos800 was 00000130 (318767104.0 Mb) now 02d00000 ( 45.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos800 was 00000012 (18874368.0 Mb) now 01500000 ( 21.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos900 was 000000b0 (184549376.0 Mb) now 01b00000 ( 27.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos900 was 0000000a (11010048.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos950 was 000000a0 (167772160.0 Mb) now 01900000 ( 25.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos950 was 0000000d (13946061.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Pos975 was 00000070 (117440512.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Pos975 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00d00000 ( 13.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_PosSkyBox was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_PosSkyBox was 00000000 (524288.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_PosSkyBox_1 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_PosSkyBox_1 was 00000000 (524288.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_PosSkyBox_050 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_PosSkyBox_050 was 00000000 (524288.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Poseidon00 was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Poseidon00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_PosHades00 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_PosHades00 was 00000001 (1468006.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_PosHorse00 was 00000050 (83886080.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_PosHorse00 was 00000003 (3879731.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_PosHorse10 was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_PosHorse10 was 00000003 (4089446.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_PosHorse11 was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_PosHorse11 was 00000002 (2306867.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_PosHorse20 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_PosHorse20 was 00000002 (2516582.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_PosMain00 was 00000058 (92274688.0 Mb) now 00d00000 ( 13.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_PosMain00 was 00000006 (7130317.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_HdsSBTest was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_HdsSBTest was 00000012 (18874368.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds025 was 000000c0 (201326592.0 Mb) now 01c00000 ( 28.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds025 was 0000000c (12582912.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds100 was 000001c8 (478150656.0 Mb) now 04600000 ( 70.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds100 was 00000010 (16882074.0 Mb) now 02a00000 ( 42.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds100AI1Cerb was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds100AI1Cerb was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds125 was 000000c0 (201326592.0 Mb) now 01c00000 ( 28.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds125 was 0000000b (12058624.0 Mb) now 00f00000 ( 15.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds125AI1 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds125AI1 was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds175 was 00000090 (150994944.0 Mb) now 01600000 ( 22.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds175 was 0000000b (12478054.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds200 was 00000140 (335544320.0 Mb) now 02c00000 ( 44.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds200 was 0000000f (16252928.0 Mb) now 01d00000 ( 29.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds200AI1Piri was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds200AI1Piri was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds300 was 000000a0 (167772160.0 Mb) now 01800000 ( 24.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds300 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds350 was 00000170 (385875968.0 Mb) now 03700000 ( 55.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds350 was 00000015 (22124954.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds375 was 00000170 (385875968.0 Mb) now 03700000 ( 55.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds375 was 00000015 (22124954.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds350AI1 was 00000088 (142606336.0 Mb) now 01500000 ( 21.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds350AI1 was 00000000 (314572.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds350AI2 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds350AI2 was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds350AI3 was 00000048 (75497472.0 Mb) now 00d00000 ( 13.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds350AI3 was 00000000 (524288.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds400 was 000000d0 (218103808.0 Mb) now 01e00000 ( 30.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds400 was 00000007 (7864320.0 Mb) now 01500000 ( 21.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds425 was 000000c8 (209715200.0 Mb) now 01e00000 ( 30.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds425 was 00000008 (9332326.0 Mb) now 01100000 ( 17.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds450 was 00000130 (318767104.0 Mb) now 02d00000 ( 45.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds450 was 0000000d (14365491.0 Mb) now 01800000 ( 24.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds475 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02200000 ( 34.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds475 was 0000000a (11010048.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds500 was 00000100 (268435456.0 Mb) now 02800000 ( 40.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds500 was 00000011 (17930650.0 Mb) now 01700000 ( 23.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds525 was 000000e8 (243269632.0 Mb) now 02100000 ( 33.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds525 was 00000011 (18350080.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds530 was 000000b8 (192937984.0 Mb) now 01e00000 ( 30.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds530 was 0000000b (11534336.0 Mb) now 01100000 ( 17.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds600 was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds600 was 00000005 (6081741.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds666 was 000001d0 (486539264.0 Mb) now 04400000 ( 68.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds666 was 0000000e (14680064.0 Mb) now 03100000 ( 49.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds666AI was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds666AI was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds675 was 00000108 (276824064.0 Mb) now 02500000 ( 37.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds675 was 00000009 (9909043.0 Mb) now 01a00000 ( 26.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds675AI1Hades was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds675AI1Hades was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds675AI2LilGuys was 00000038 (58720256.0 Mb) now 00b00000 ( 11.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds675AI2LilGuys was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds675AI3Souls was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00900000 ( 9.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds675AI3Souls was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds675HRChains was 00000038 (58720256.0 Mb) now 00b00000 ( 11.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds675HRChains was 00000001 (1096810.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds675Shell was 00000038 (58720256.0 Mb) now 00b00000 ( 11.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds675Shell was 00000006 (6291456.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds690 was 00000058 (92274688.0 Mb) now 00f00000 ( 15.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds690 was 00000007 (7340032.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds700 was 000000c0 (201326592.0 Mb) now 01c00000 ( 28.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds700 was 00000006 (7235174.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds750 was 00000108 (276824064.0 Mb) now 02900000 ( 41.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds750 was 0000000d (13841203.0 Mb) now 01900000 ( 25.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds750AI1Lower was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds750AI1Lower was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hds750AI2Door was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hds750AI2Door was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_HadesBlue was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_HadesBlue was 00000002 (2306867.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulRiver00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulRiver00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulRiver10 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulRiver10 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas100 was 000000b8 (192937984.0 Mb) now 01b00000 ( 27.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas100 was 0000000b (11744051.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas125 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas125 was 00000002 (3040870.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas150 was 00000078 (125829120.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas150 was 0000000e (14889779.0 Mb) now 00f00000 ( 15.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas175 was 00000070 (117440512.0 Mb) now 01800000 ( 24.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas175 was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas200 was 000000c8 (209715200.0 Mb) now 01d00000 ( 29.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas200 was 00000007 (7738491.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas400 was 000001b0 (452984832.0 Mb) now 04200000 ( 66.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas400 was 00000017 (24641536.0 Mb) now 02b00000 ( 43.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas425 was 00000088 (142606336.0 Mb) now 01500000 ( 21.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas425 was 0000000d (14155776.0 Mb) now 00e00000 ( 14.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas450 was 00000060 (100663296.0 Mb) now 01000000 ( 16.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas450 was 00000004 (4194304.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas475 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas475 was 00000000 ( 0.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_TitanFight was 00000038 (58720256.0 Mb) now 00b00000 ( 11.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_TitanFight was 00000003 (3984588.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas400AI1Cent was 0000001c (29360128.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas400AI1Cent was 00000000 (31457.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas400AI2Arch was 0000001a (27682400.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas400AI2Arch was 00000000 ( 0.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas400AI3CivmShCy was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00900000 ( 9.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas400AI3CivmShCy was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas400AI4Heli was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas400AI4Heli was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas400AI5Chim was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas400AI5Chim was 00000000 ( 0.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas400AI6CivfCivm was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas400AI6CivfCivm was 00000000 ( 0.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas400AI7Civm was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas400AI7Civm was 00000000 (209715.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas400AI8Grnt01 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas400AI8Grnt01 was 00000000 (524288.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas500 was 000000d8 (226492416.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas500 was 0000000a (11010048.0 Mb) now 01700000 ( 23.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas510 was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas510 was 00000005 (5767168.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas600 was 000000c0 (201326592.0 Mb) now 01c00000 ( 28.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas600 was 00000004 (4404019.0 Mb) now 00b00000 ( 11.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas800 was 000000c0 (201326592.0 Mb) now 01c00000 ( 28.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas800 was 0000000b (12478054.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas500AI1Gr00 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00900000 ( 9.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas500AI1Gr00 was 00000000 ( 0.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas500AI2ALL was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas500AI2ALL was 00000000 ( 0.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas500AI3Arg00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas500AI3Arg00 was 00000000 ( 0.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Bas800AI1WrArGr was 00000038 (58720256.0 Mb) now 00b00000 ( 11.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Bas800AI1WrArGr was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica100 was 000000b0 (184549376.0 Mb) now 01a00000 ( 26.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica100 was 00000007 (7864320.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica125 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02200000 ( 34.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica125 was 0000000a (11010048.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica200 was 000000ac (180355072.0 Mb) now 01a00000 ( 26.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica200 was 00000008 (8808038.0 Mb) now 01100000 ( 17.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica225 was 00000084 (138412032.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica225 was 00000008 (8808038.0 Mb) now 00e00000 ( 14.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica250 was 000000c0 (201326592.0 Mb) now 01c00000 ( 28.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica250 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica300 was 00000118 (293601280.0 Mb) now 02a00000 ( 42.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica300 was 00000007 (7340032.0 Mb) now 02100000 ( 33.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica325 was 00000080 (134217728.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica325 was 00000007 (7340032.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica400 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica400 was 00000001 (1887436.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica425 was 00000100 (268435456.0 Mb) now 02900000 ( 41.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica425 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 01b00000 ( 27.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica450 was 00000110 (285212672.0 Mb) now 02600000 ( 38.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica450 was 00000006 (6291456.0 Mb) now 01600000 ( 22.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica475 was 00000080 (134217728.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica475 was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00e00000 ( 14.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica500 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica500 was 00000002 (2621440.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica525 was 000000a0 (167772160.0 Mb) now 01800000 ( 24.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica525 was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00f00000 ( 15.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica650 was 000000b4 (188743680.0 Mb) now 01e00000 ( 30.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica650 was 0000000c (12582912.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Ica700 was 00000090 (150994944.0 Mb) now 01a00000 ( 26.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Ica700 was 00000007 (8178893.0 Mb) now 00d00000 ( 13.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav100 was 00000200 (536870912.0 Mb) now 05000000 ( 80.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav100 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 03200000 ( 50.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav200 was 000000b0 (184549376.0 Mb) now 01a00000 ( 26.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav200 was 0000000c (12582912.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav300 was 00000210 (553648128.0 Mb) now 05000000 ( 80.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav300 was 00000019 (26214400.0 Mb) now 03900000 ( 57.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav300AI1GrWr was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav300AI1GrWr was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav300AICyc was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav300AICyc was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav300AI2Ride was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav300AI2Ride was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav310 was 00000060 (100663296.0 Mb) now 01000000 ( 16.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav310 was 00000003 (3670016.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav400 was 000000e8 (243269632.0 Mb) now 02600000 ( 38.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav400 was 0000000c (13107200.0 Mb) now 01600000 ( 22.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav500 was 00000160 (369098752.0 Mb) now 03400000 ( 52.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav500 was 0000000c (12582912.0 Mb) now 02700000 ( 39.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav550 was 00000078 (125829120.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav550 was 00000007 (7864320.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav600 was 000001e0 (503316480.0 Mb) now 04800000 ( 72.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav600 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 02d00000 ( 45.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav610 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav610 was 00000000 (283115.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav700 was 00000140 (335544320.0 Mb) now 03000000 ( 48.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav700 was 00000011 (18140364.0 Mb) now 02500000 ( 37.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Cav800 was 00000140 (335544320.0 Mb) now 03000000 ( 48.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Cav800 was 00000013 (19922944.0 Mb) now 02500000 ( 37.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly100 was 00000110 (285212672.0 Mb) now 02a00000 ( 42.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly100 was 0000000f (15728640.0 Mb) now 01900000 ( 25.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly100AI1Arc was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly100AI1Arc was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly105 was 00000110 (285212672.0 Mb) now 02a00000 ( 42.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly105 was 0000000f (15728640.0 Mb) now 01900000 ( 25.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly110 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly110 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly115 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly115 was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly125 was 00000090 (150994944.0 Mb) now 01600000 ( 22.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly125 was 00000005 (5767168.0 Mb) now 01000000 ( 16.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly125AI1SiGr was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly125AI1SiGr was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly150 was 00000158 (360710144.0 Mb) now 03300000 ( 51.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly150 was 00000016 (23592960.0 Mb) now 02200000 ( 34.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly160 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly160 was 00000006 (6710886.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly160AI1MeSh was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly160AI1MeSh was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly200 was 00000120 (301989888.0 Mb) now 02c00000 ( 44.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly200 was 0000000d (13631488.0 Mb) now 02200000 ( 34.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly200AI1CivGrnCyc was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly200AI1CivGrnCyc was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly200AI2Harp was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly200AI2Harp was 00000002 (2097152.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly205 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly205 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly210 was 00000080 (134217728.0 Mb) now 01800000 ( 24.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly210 was 0000000c (12582912.0 Mb) now 00f00000 ( 15.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly215 was 00000078 (125829120.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly215 was 0000000c (13316915.0 Mb) now 01000000 ( 16.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly220 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00900000 ( 9.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly220 was 00000001 (1258291.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly225 was 00000108 (276824064.0 Mb) now 02900000 ( 41.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly225 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 01f00000 ( 31.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly230 was 00000078 (125829120.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly230 was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly230_ja was 00000078 (125829120.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly230_ja was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly250 was 000000e0 (234881024.0 Mb) now 02000000 ( 32.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly250 was 00000009 (9437184.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly275 was 00000170 (385875968.0 Mb) now 03200000 ( 50.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly275 was 0000000c (12582912.0 Mb) now 01d00000 ( 29.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly300 was 00000100 (268435456.0 Mb) now 02800000 ( 40.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly300 was 0000000d (13631488.0 Mb) now 01700000 ( 23.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly325 was 00000110 (285212672.0 Mb) now 02a00000 ( 42.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly325 was 00000010 (16986932.0 Mb) now 01f00000 ( 31.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly350 was 00000128 (310378496.0 Mb) now 02d00000 ( 45.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly350 was 00000010 (16986932.0 Mb) now 02000000 ( 32.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly375 was 000000a0 (167772160.0 Mb) now 01800000 ( 24.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly375 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly400 was 000001a0 (436207616.0 Mb) now 03c00000 ( 60.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly400 was 00000011 (17825792.0 Mb) now 02000000 ( 32.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly450 was 000000a8 (176160768.0 Mb) now 01900000 ( 25.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly450 was 0000000a (10695475.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly500 was 00000188 (411041792.0 Mb) now 03c00000 ( 60.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly500 was 00000011 (18350080.0 Mb) now 02900000 ( 41.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly500AI1 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly500AI1 was 00000000 (419430.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly600 was 00000128 (310378496.0 Mb) now 02900000 ( 41.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly600 was 0000000d (13631488.0 Mb) now 01e00000 ( 30.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly600AI1 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly600AI1 was 00000003 (3460300.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly700 was 00000090 (150994944.0 Mb) now 01600000 ( 22.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly700 was 00000009 (9856614.0 Mb) now 00f00000 ( 15.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly800 was 000000e0 (234881024.0 Mb) now 02000000 ( 32.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly800 was 00000010 (16986932.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly850 was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly850 was 00000002 (2516582.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly900 was 000001d8 (494927872.0 Mb) now 04800000 ( 72.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly900 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 03300000 ( 51.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly900AIWad was 00000038 (58720256.0 Mb) now 00d00000 ( 13.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly900AIWad was 00000001 (1153433.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly905 was 00000058 (92274688.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly905 was 00000008 (8808038.0 Mb) now 00900000 ( 9.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly905AIHarpy was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly905AIHarpy was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly910 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly910 was 00000003 (3984588.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Oly950 was 00000088 (142606336.0 Mb) now 01900000 ( 25.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Oly950 was 0000000b (11534336.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hermes was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hermes was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Hermes10 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Hermes10 was 00000000 ( 0.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_OlyTitan1 was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_OlyTitan1 was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Crn050 was 00000078 (125829120.0 Mb) now 01300000 ( 19.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Crn050 was 00000007 (7340032.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Crn075 was 00000050 (83886080.0 Mb) now 00e00000 ( 14.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Crn075 was 00000009 (9961472.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Crn100 was 000001c8 (478150656.0 Mb) now 04100000 ( 65.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Crn100 was 0000000d (14470349.0 Mb) now 00f00000 ( 15.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Crn101 was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Crn101 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Crn102 was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Crn102 was 00000004 (4194304.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Crn103 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Crn103 was 00000000 (104857.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Crn200 was 00000050 (83886080.0 Mb) now 00e00000 ( 14.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Crn200 was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Lab050 was 00000098 (159383552.0 Mb) now 01700000 ( 23.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Lab050 was 00000009 (9437184.0 Mb) now 00900000 ( 9.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Lab100 was 000000e0 (234881024.0 Mb) now 02000000 ( 32.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Lab100 was 00000009 (10171187.0 Mb) now 00f00000 ( 15.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Lab200 was 00000070 (117440512.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Lab200 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Lab300 was 000000d8 (226492416.0 Mb) now 01f00000 ( 31.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Lab300 was 0000000c (12792627.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Lab310 was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Lab310 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Lab400 was 00000138 (327155712.0 Mb) now 02f00000 ( 47.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Lab400 was 0000000e (15204352.0 Mb) now 01900000 ( 25.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Lab450 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00900000 ( 9.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Lab450 was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Lab500 was 000000b8 (192937984.0 Mb) now 01b00000 ( 27.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Lab500 was 0000000d (13631488.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Lab550 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Lab550 was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Gaz100 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Gaz100 was 0000000c (12897485.0 Mb) now 01900000 ( 25.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Gaz200 was 00000068 (109051904.0 Mb) now 01200000 ( 18.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Gaz200 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Gaz250 was 00000048 (75497472.0 Mb) now 00e00000 ( 14.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Gaz250 was 0000000a (11324621.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Gaz300 was 000000a0 (167772160.0 Mb) now 01900000 ( 25.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Gaz300 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00f00000 ( 15.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Gaz400 was 000000e8 (243269632.0 Mb) now 02200000 ( 34.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Gaz400 was 00000009 (9437184.0 Mb) now 01400000 ( 20.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Gaz500 was 00000088 (142606336.0 Mb) now 01600000 ( 22.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Gaz500 was 0000000e (14680064.0 Mb) now 00d00000 ( 13.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Gaz600 was 00000148 (343932928.0 Mb) now 02e00000 ( 46.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Gaz600 was 0000000c (12582912.0 Mb) now 00d00000 ( 13.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Gaz650 was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00900000 ( 9.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Gaz650 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_GazSkyBox was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_GazSkyBox was 00000002 (2202009.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_GazSkyBox200 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_GazSkyBox200 was 00000002 (2202009.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Gaz100AI1PandZeus was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Gaz100AI1PandZeus was 00000000 ( 0.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge01 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge01 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge02 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge02 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge03 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge03 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge04 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge04 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge05 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge05 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge06 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge06 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge07 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge07 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge08 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge08 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge09 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge09 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge10 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge10 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge11 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge11 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge12 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge12 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge13 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge13 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_Challenge14 was 000000f0 (251658240.0 Mb) now 02300000 ( 35.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_Challenge14 was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_free0 was 00000140 (335544320.0 Mb) now 02d00000 ( 45.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_free0 was 00000000 ( 0.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_prisonVis was 00000060 (100663296.0 Mb) now 01100000 ( 17.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_prisonVis was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_prisonNightVis was 00000060 (100663296.0 Mb) now 01100000 ( 17.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_prisonNightVis was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_endOfGame was 00000060 (100663296.0 Mb) now 01100000 ( 17.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_endOfGame was 00000007 (7969177.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_costumeImages was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_costumeImages was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_charImages was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_charImages was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_charImages_ja was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_charImages_ja was 0000000a (10485760.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Aphrodite was 00000050 (83886080.0 Mb) now 00e00000 ( 14.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Aphrodite was 00000001 (1572864.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Archer00 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Archer00 was 00000000 (314572.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Archer01 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Archer01 was 00000000 (314572.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Archer02 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Archer02 was 00000000 (314572.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Bomber00 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Bomber00 was 00000002 (2097152.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Boulder00 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Boulder00 was 00000002 (2621440.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Boulder01 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Boulder01 was 00000002 (2831155.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Brute00 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Brute00 was 00000001 (1782579.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Brute10 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Brute10 was 00000001 (1258291.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Centaur00 was 00000038 (58720256.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Centaur00 was 00000001 (1572864.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Centaur10 was 00000038 (58720256.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Centaur10 was 00000001 (1572864.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Chimera00 was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Chimera00 was 00000002 (2621440.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_CivilianF00 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_CivilianF00 was 00000000 (314572.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_CivilianFPlag00 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_CivilianFPlag00 was 00000000 (314572.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_CivilianM00 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_CivilianM00 was 00000000 (524288.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_CivilianMPlag00 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_CivilianMPlag00 was 00000000 (524288.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Cyclops10 was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Cyclops10 was 00000000 (838860.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Cyclops30 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Cyclops30 was 00000002 (3040870.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Cyclops40 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Cyclops40 was 00000005 (5242880.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Daedalus was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Daedalus was 00000000 (838860.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Grunt00 was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Grunt00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Grunt01 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Grunt01 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Grunt02 was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Grunt02 was 00000001 (1782579.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Grunt03 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Grunt03 was 00000001 (1677721.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Grunt10 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Grunt10 was 00000000 (734003.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Grunt20 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Grunt20 was 00000001 (1782579.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Hades was 00000070 (117440512.0 Mb) now 01e00000 ( 30.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Hades was 00000006 (6291456.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_HadesBig was 00000048 (75497472.0 Mb) now 00d00000 ( 13.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_HadesBig was 00000009 (9437184.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_HadesBigSoul was 00000008 (9227464.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_HadesBigSoul was 00000002 (2097152.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_HadesFlesh00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_HadesFlesh00 was 00000001 (1677721.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_HadesFlesh10 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_HadesFlesh10 was 00000001 (1677721.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Harpy00 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Harpy00 was 00000000 (838860.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Harpy10 was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Harpy10 was 00000001 (1310720.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Harpy20 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Harpy20 was 00000000 (838860.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Helios was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 01e00000 ( 30.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Helios was 00000001 (1992294.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Hera was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Hera was 00000003 (3984588.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Hera10 was 00000018 (25165824.0 Mb) now 00700000 ( 7.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Hera10 was 00000003 (3984588.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Hercules was 00000058 (92274688.0 Mb) now 00d00000 ( 13.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Hercules was 00000003 (3250585.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Hercules10 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Hercules10 was 00000001 (1258291.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_KidFear was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_KidFear was 00000000 (524288.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Medusa00 was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Medusa00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Medusa10 was 00000048 (75497472.0 Mb) now 00900000 ( 9.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Medusa10 was 00000001 (1572864.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_MrHand00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_MrHand00 was 00000001 (1572864.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_OilPot was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_OilPot was 00000000 (786432.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Pandora00 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00800000 ( 8.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Pandora00 was 00000002 (2097152.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_PandoraFear was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_PandoraFear was 00000000 (734003.0 Mb) now 00100000 ( 1.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Shield00 was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 02600000 ( 38.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Shield00 was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Shield01 was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 02600000 ( 38.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Shield01 was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Shield10 was 00000030 (50331648.0 Mb) now 02600000 ( 38.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Shield10 was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Shield10 was 00000130 (318767104.0 Mb) now 02600000 ( 38.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Shield10 was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Siren00 was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Siren00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Skorpius was 00000060 (100663296.0 Mb) now 00c00000 ( 12.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Skorpius was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00600000 ( 6.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_UnderMan00 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_UnderMan00 was 00000000 (419430.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Zeus00 was 00000040 (67108864.0 Mb) now 00f00000 ( 15.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Zeus00 was 00000004 (4194304.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Zeus20 was 00000038 (58720256.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Zeus20 was 00000004 (4194304.0 Mb) now 00400000 ( 4.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Zeus40 was 00000020 (33554432.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Zeus40 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Zeus50 was 00000028 (41943040.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Zeus50 was 00000001 (1887436.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Athena00 was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00a00000 ( 10.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Athena00 was 00000004 (4299161.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_AthenaFear was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00500000 ( 5.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_AthenaFear was 00000000 (734003.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_Daedalus was 00000038 (58720256.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_Daedalus was 00000003 (3145728.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_DaedalusDead was 00000010 (16777216.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_DaedalusDead was 00000000 (838860.0 Mb) now 00300000 ( 3.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulArcher00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulArcher00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulBomber00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulBomber00 was 00000001 (1572864.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulCentaur00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulCentaur00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulCerberus00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulCerberus00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulChimera00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulChimera00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulCyclops30 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulCyclops30 was 00000001 (1572864.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulGrunt was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulGrunt was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulKratos was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulKratos was 00000000 (838860.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulMedusa10 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulMedusa10 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulSatyr00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulSatyr00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulSiren00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulSiren00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: LoadWadSizeData: WAD_R_SoulWraith00 was 00000008 (8388608.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: vram : WAD_R_SoulWraith00 was 00000001 (1048576.0 Mb) now 00200000 ( 2.0 Mb) [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/DEV/LOCALWADS.DCS [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Perm alloc 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Perm ax8 335544320 bytes 320.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_PERM.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_PERM.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Perm fSize 40567408 bytes 38.7 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_PERM.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas100 alloc 28311552 bytes 27.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas100 ax8 226492416 bytes 216.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas125 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas125 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas150 alloc 19922944 bytes 19.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas150 ax8 159383552 bytes 152.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas175 alloc 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas175 ax8 201326592 bytes 192.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas200 alloc 30408704 bytes 29.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas200 ax8 243269632 bytes 232.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400 alloc 69206016 bytes 66.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400 ax8 553648128 bytes 528.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI1Cent alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI1Cent ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI2Arch alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI2Arch ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI3CivmShCy alloc 9437184 bytes 9.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI3CivmShCy ax8 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI4Heli alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI4Heli ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI5Chim alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI5Chim ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI6CivfCivm alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI6CivfCivm ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI7Civm alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI7Civm ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI8Grnt01 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas400AI8Grnt01 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas425 alloc 22020096 bytes 21.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas425 ax8 176160768 bytes 168.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas450 alloc 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas450 ax8 134217728 bytes 128.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas475 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas475 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas500 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas500 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas500AI1Gr00 alloc 9437184 bytes 9.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas500AI1Gr00 ax8 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas500AI2ALL alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas500AI2ALL ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas500AI3Arg00 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas500AI3Arg00 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas510 alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas510 ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas600 alloc 29360128 bytes 28.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas600 ax8 234881024 bytes 224.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas800 alloc 29360128 bytes 28.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas800 ax8 234881024 bytes 224.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas800AI1WrArGr alloc 11534336 bytes 11.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Bas800AI1WrArGr ax8 92274688 bytes 88.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Brk100 alloc 62914560 bytes 60.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Brk100 ax8 503316480 bytes 480.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav100 alloc 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav100 ax8 671088640 bytes 640.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav200 alloc 27262976 bytes 26.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav200 ax8 218103808 bytes 208.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav300 alloc 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav300 ax8 671088640 bytes 640.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav300AI1GrWr alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav300AI1GrWr ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav300AI2Ride alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav300AI2Ride ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav300AICyc alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav300AICyc ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav310 alloc 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav310 ax8 134217728 bytes 128.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav400 alloc 39845888 bytes 38.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav400 ax8 318767104 bytes 304.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav500 alloc 54525952 bytes 52.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav500 ax8 436207616 bytes 416.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav550 alloc 20971520 bytes 20.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav550 ax8 167772160 bytes 160.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav600 alloc 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav600 ax8 603979776 bytes 576.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav610 alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav610 ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav700 alloc 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav700 ax8 402653184 bytes 384.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav800 alloc 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Cav800 ax8 402653184 bytes 384.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge01 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge01 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge02 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge02 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge03 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge03 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge04 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge04 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge05 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge05 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge06 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge06 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge08 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge08 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge09 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge09 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge10 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge10 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge11 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge11 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge12 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge12 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge13 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge13 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge14 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Challenge14 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn050 alloc 19922944 bytes 19.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn050 ax8 159383552 bytes 152.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn075 alloc 14680064 bytes 14.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn075 ax8 117440512 bytes 112.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn100 alloc 68157440 bytes 65.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn100 ax8 545259520 bytes 520.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn101 alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn101 ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn102 alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn102 ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn103 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn103 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn200 alloc 14680064 bytes 14.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Crn200 ax8 117440512 bytes 112.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD endOfGame alloc 17825792 bytes 17.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD endOfGame ax8 142606336 bytes 136.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD free0 alloc 47185920 bytes 45.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD free0 ax8 377487360 bytes 360.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz100 alloc 36700160 bytes 35.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz100 ax8 293601280 bytes 280.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz100AI1PandZeus alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz100AI1PandZeus ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz200 alloc 18874368 bytes 18.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz200 ax8 150994944 bytes 144.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz250 alloc 14680064 bytes 14.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz250 ax8 117440512 bytes 112.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz300 alloc 26214400 bytes 25.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz300 ax8 209715200 bytes 200.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz400 alloc 35651584 bytes 34.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz400 ax8 285212672 bytes 272.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz500 alloc 23068672 bytes 22.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz500 ax8 184549376 bytes 176.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz600 alloc 48234496 bytes 46.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz600 ax8 385875968 bytes 368.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz650 alloc 9437184 bytes 9.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Gaz650 ax8 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD GazSkyBox alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD GazSkyBox ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD GazSkyBox200 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD GazSkyBox200 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD HadesBlue alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD HadesBlue ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds025 alloc 29360128 bytes 28.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds025 ax8 234881024 bytes 224.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds100 alloc 73400320 bytes 70.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds100 ax8 587202560 bytes 560.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds100AI1Cerb alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds100AI1Cerb ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds125 alloc 29360128 bytes 28.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds125 ax8 234881024 bytes 224.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds125AI1 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds125AI1 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds175 alloc 23068672 bytes 22.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds175 ax8 184549376 bytes 176.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds200 alloc 46137344 bytes 44.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds200 ax8 369098752 bytes 352.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds200AI1Piri alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds200AI1Piri ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds300 alloc 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds300 ax8 201326592 bytes 192.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds350 alloc 57671680 bytes 55.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds350 ax8 461373440 bytes 440.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds350AI1 alloc 22020096 bytes 21.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds350AI1 ax8 176160768 bytes 168.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds350AI2 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds350AI2 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds350AI3 alloc 13631488 bytes 13.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds350AI3 ax8 109051904 bytes 104.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds375 alloc 57671680 bytes 55.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds375 ax8 461373440 bytes 440.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds400 alloc 31457280 bytes 30.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds400 ax8 251658240 bytes 240.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds425 alloc 31457280 bytes 30.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds425 ax8 251658240 bytes 240.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds450 alloc 47185920 bytes 45.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds450 ax8 377487360 bytes 360.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds475 alloc 35651584 bytes 34.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds475 ax8 285212672 bytes 272.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds500 alloc 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds500 ax8 335544320 bytes 320.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds525 alloc 34603008 bytes 33.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds525 ax8 276824064 bytes 264.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds530 alloc 31457280 bytes 30.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds530 ax8 251658240 bytes 240.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds600 alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds600 ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD hds666 alloc 71303168 bytes 68.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD hds666 ax8 570425344 bytes 544.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds666AI alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds666AI ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675 alloc 38797312 bytes 37.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675 ax8 310378496 bytes 296.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675AI1Hades alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675AI1Hades ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675AI2LilGuys alloc 11534336 bytes 11.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675AI2LilGuys ax8 92274688 bytes 88.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675AI3Souls alloc 9437184 bytes 9.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675AI3Souls ax8 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675HRChains alloc 11534336 bytes 11.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675HRChains ax8 92274688 bytes 88.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675Shell alloc 11534336 bytes 11.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds675Shell ax8 92274688 bytes 88.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds690 alloc 15728640 bytes 15.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds690 ax8 125829120 bytes 120.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds700 alloc 29360128 bytes 28.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds700 ax8 234881024 bytes 224.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds750 alloc 42991616 bytes 41.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds750 ax8 343932928 bytes 328.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds750AI1Lower alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds750AI1Lower ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds750AI2Door alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds750AI2Door ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds850 alloc 26214400 bytes 25.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hds850 ax8 209715200 bytes 200.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hermes alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hermes ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hermes10 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Hermes10 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica100 alloc 27262976 bytes 26.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica100 ax8 218103808 bytes 208.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica125 alloc 35651584 bytes 34.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica125 ax8 285212672 bytes 272.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica200 alloc 27262976 bytes 26.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica200 ax8 218103808 bytes 208.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica225 alloc 20971520 bytes 20.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica225 ax8 167772160 bytes 160.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica250 alloc 29360128 bytes 28.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica250 ax8 234881024 bytes 224.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica300 alloc 44040192 bytes 42.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica300 ax8 352321536 bytes 336.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica325 alloc 20971520 bytes 20.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica325 ax8 167772160 bytes 160.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica400 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica400 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica425 alloc 42991616 bytes 41.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica425 ax8 343932928 bytes 328.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica450 alloc 39845888 bytes 38.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica450 ax8 318767104 bytes 304.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica475 alloc 20971520 bytes 20.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica475 ax8 167772160 bytes 160.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica500 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica500 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica525 alloc 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica525 ax8 201326592 bytes 192.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica650 alloc 31457280 bytes 30.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica650 ax8 251658240 bytes 240.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica700 alloc 27262976 bytes 26.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Ica700 ax8 218103808 bytes 208.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab050 alloc 24117248 bytes 23.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab050 ax8 192937984 bytes 184.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab100 alloc 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab100 ax8 268435456 bytes 256.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab200 alloc 18874368 bytes 18.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab200 ax8 150994944 bytes 144.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab300 alloc 32505856 bytes 31.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab300 ax8 260046848 bytes 248.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab310 alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab310 ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab400 alloc 49283072 bytes 47.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab400 ax8 394264576 bytes 376.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab450 alloc 9437184 bytes 9.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab450 ax8 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab500 alloc 28311552 bytes 27.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab500 ax8 226492416 bytes 216.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab550 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Lab550 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly100 alloc 44040192 bytes 42.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly100 ax8 352321536 bytes 336.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly100AI1Arc alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly100AI1Arc ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly105 alloc 44040192 bytes 42.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly105 ax8 352321536 bytes 336.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly110 alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly110 ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly115 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly115 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly125 alloc 23068672 bytes 22.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly125 ax8 184549376 bytes 176.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly125AI1SiGr alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly125AI1SiGr ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly150 alloc 53477376 bytes 51.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly150 ax8 427819008 bytes 408.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly160 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly160 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly160AI1MeSh alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly160AI1MeSh ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly200 alloc 46137344 bytes 44.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly200 ax8 369098752 bytes 352.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly200AI1CivGrnCyc alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly200AI1CivGrnCyc ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly200AI2Harp alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly200AI2Harp ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly205 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly205 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly210 alloc 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly210 ax8 201326592 bytes 192.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly220 alloc 9437184 bytes 9.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly220 ax8 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly225 alloc 42991616 bytes 41.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly225 ax8 343932928 bytes 328.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly230 alloc 19922944 bytes 19.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly230 ax8 159383552 bytes 152.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly230_ja alloc 19922944 bytes 19.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly230_ja ax8 159383552 bytes 152.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly250 alloc 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly250 ax8 268435456 bytes 256.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly275 alloc 52428800 bytes 50.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly275 ax8 419430400 bytes 400.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly300 alloc 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly300 ax8 335544320 bytes 320.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly325 alloc 44040192 bytes 42.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly325 ax8 352321536 bytes 336.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly350 alloc 47185920 bytes 45.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly350 ax8 377487360 bytes 360.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly375 alloc 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly375 ax8 201326592 bytes 192.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly400 alloc 62914560 bytes 60.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly400 ax8 503316480 bytes 480.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly450 alloc 26214400 bytes 25.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly450 ax8 209715200 bytes 200.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly500 alloc 62914560 bytes 60.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly500 ax8 503316480 bytes 480.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly500AI1 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly500AI1 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly600 alloc 42991616 bytes 41.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly600 ax8 343932928 bytes 328.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly600AI1 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly600AI1 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly700 alloc 23068672 bytes 22.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly700 ax8 184549376 bytes 176.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly800 alloc 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly800 ax8 268435456 bytes 256.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly850 alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly850 ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly900 alloc 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly900 ax8 603979776 bytes 576.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly900AIWad alloc 13631488 bytes 13.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly900AIWad ax8 109051904 bytes 104.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly905 alloc 18874368 bytes 18.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly905 ax8 150994944 bytes 144.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly905AIHarpy alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly905AIHarpy ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly910 alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly910 ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly950 alloc 26214400 bytes 25.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Oly950 ax8 209715200 bytes 200.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos050 alloc 48234496 bytes 46.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos050 ax8 385875968 bytes 368.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos200 alloc 47185920 bytes 45.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos200 ax8 377487360 bytes 360.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos225 alloc 19922944 bytes 19.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos225 ax8 159383552 bytes 152.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos250 alloc 11534336 bytes 11.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos250 ax8 92274688 bytes 88.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos300 alloc 28311552 bytes 27.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos300 ax8 226492416 bytes 216.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos350 alloc 24117248 bytes 23.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos350 ax8 192937984 bytes 184.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos400 alloc 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos400 ax8 268435456 bytes 256.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos600 alloc 20971520 bytes 20.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos600 ax8 167772160 bytes 160.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos650 alloc 40894464 bytes 39.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos650 ax8 327155712 bytes 312.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos700 alloc 18874368 bytes 18.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos700 ax8 150994944 bytes 144.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos800 alloc 47185920 bytes 45.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos800 ax8 377487360 bytes 360.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos900 alloc 28311552 bytes 27.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos900 ax8 226492416 bytes 216.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos950 alloc 26214400 bytes 25.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos950 ax8 209715200 bytes 200.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos975 alloc 19922944 bytes 19.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Pos975 ax8 159383552 bytes 152.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD PosSkyBox alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD PosSkyBox ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD PosSkyBox_050 alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD PosSkyBox_050 ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD PosSkyBox_1 alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD PosSkyBox_1 ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD prisonNightVis alloc 17825792 bytes 17.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD prisonNightVis ax8 142606336 bytes 136.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD prisonVis alloc 17825792 bytes 17.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD prisonVis ax8 142606336 bytes 136.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_AphrodGirl00 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_AphrodGirl00 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_AphrodGirl01 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_AphrodGirl01 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Aphrodite alloc 14680064 bytes 14.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Aphrodite ax8 117440512 bytes 112.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Archer00 alloc 3145728 bytes 3.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Archer00 ax8 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Archer01 alloc 3145728 bytes 3.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Archer01 ax8 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Archer02 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Archer02 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Argus00 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Argus00 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Athena00 alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Athena00 ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_AthenaFear alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_AthenaFear ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Axe00 alloc 1048576 bytes 1.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Axe00 ax8 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Axe10 alloc 1048576 bytes 1.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Axe10 ax8 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Bomber00 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Bomber00 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Boulder00 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Boulder00 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Boulder01 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Boulder01 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Brute00 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Brute00 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Brute10 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Brute10 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Centaur00 alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Centaur00 ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Centaur10 alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Centaur10 ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cerberus00 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cerberus00 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cerberus10 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cerberus10 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cerberus12 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cerberus12 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Chimera00 alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Chimera00 ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_CivilianF00 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_CivilianF00 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_CivilianFPlag00 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_CivilianFPlag00 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_CivilianM00 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_CivilianM00 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_CivilianMPlag00 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_CivilianMPlag00 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Crow00 alloc 1048576 bytes 1.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Crow00 ax8 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cyclops10 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cyclops10 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cyclops20 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cyclops20 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cyclops30 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cyclops30 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cyclops40 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Cyclops40 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Daedalus alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Daedalus ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_DaedalusDead alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_DaedalusDead ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt00 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt00 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt01 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt01 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt02 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt02 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt03 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt03 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt10 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt10 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt20 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Grunt20 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hades alloc 31457280 bytes 30.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hades ax8 251658240 bytes 240.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_HadesBig alloc 13631488 bytes 13.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_HadesBig ax8 109051904 bytes 104.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_HadesBigSoul alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_HadesBigSoul ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_HadesFlesh00 alloc 3145728 bytes 3.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_HadesFlesh00 ax8 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_HadesFlesh10 alloc 3145728 bytes 3.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_HadesFlesh10 ax8 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Harpy00 alloc 3145728 bytes 3.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Harpy00 ax8 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Harpy10 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Harpy10 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Harpy20 alloc 3145728 bytes 3.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Harpy20 ax8 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Helios alloc 31457280 bytes 30.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Helios ax8 251658240 bytes 240.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hephaestus alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hephaestus ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hera alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hera ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hera10 alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hera10 ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hercules alloc 13631488 bytes 13.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hercules ax8 109051904 bytes 104.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hercules10 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hercules10 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hermes alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hermes ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hermes10 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hermes10 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_KidFear alloc 1048576 bytes 1.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_KidFear ax8 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_KratosFear alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_KratosFear ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_KratosFear10 alloc 11534336 bytes 11.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_KratosFear10 ax8 92274688 bytes 88.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Medusa00 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Medusa00 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Medusa10 alloc 9437184 bytes 9.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Medusa10 ax8 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Minotaur00 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Minotaur00 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Minotaur10 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Minotaur10 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Minotaur20 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Minotaur20 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Mrhand00 alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Mrhand00 ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_OilPot alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_OilPot ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Pandora00 alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Pandora00 ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PandoraFear alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PandoraFear ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Perm alloc 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Perm ax8 335544320 bytes 320.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Poseidon00 alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Poseidon00 ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosHades00 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosHades00 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosHorse00 alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosHorse00 ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosHorse10 alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosHorse10 ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosHorse11 alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosHorse11 ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosHorse20 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosHorse20 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosMain00 alloc 13631488 bytes 13.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_PosMain00 ax8 109051904 bytes 104.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Princess00 alloc 5242880 bytes 5.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Princess00 ax8 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Rabiddog00 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Rabiddog00 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_RabidDog10 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_RabidDog10 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Satyr00 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Satyr00 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Shield00 alloc 39845888 bytes 38.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Shield00 ax8 318767104 bytes 304.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Shield10 alloc 39845888 bytes 38.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Shield10 ax8 318767104 bytes 304.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Siren00 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Siren00 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Skorpius alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Skorpius ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_SkorpiusMini00 alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_SkorpiusMini00 ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_SoulCerberus00 alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_SoulCerberus00 ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_SoulKratos alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_SoulKratos ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_SoulRiver00 alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_SoulRiver00 ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_SoulRiver10 alloc 2097152 bytes 2.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_SoulRiver10 ax8 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_UnderMan00 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_UnderMan00 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_WifeFear alloc 1048576 bytes 1.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_WifeFear ax8 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Wraith00 alloc 4194304 bytes 4.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Wraith00 ax8 33554432 bytes 32.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus00 alloc 15728640 bytes 15.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus00 ax8 125829120 bytes 120.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus10 alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus10 ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus20 alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus20 ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus30 alloc 3145728 bytes 3.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus30 ax8 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus40 alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus40 ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus50 alloc 10485760 bytes 10.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Zeus50 ax8 83886080 bytes 80.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Shell alloc 57671680 bytes 55.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Shell ax8 461373440 bytes 440.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD TitanFight alloc 11534336 bytes 11.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD TitanFight ax8 92274688 bytes 88.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Lang alloc 1048576 bytes 1.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Lang ax8 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_GodMode alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_GodMode ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Electric alloc 9437184 bytes 9.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Electric ax8 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Fire alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Fire ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Cestus alloc 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Cestus ax8 201326592 bytes 192.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Explosive alloc 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Explosive ax8 134217728 bytes 128.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Soul alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Soul ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Light alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Light ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_SoulChar alloc 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_SoulChar ax8 67108864 bytes 64.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD _TOTAL_ alloc 98566144 bytes 94.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD _TOTAL_ ax8 788529152 bytes 752.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_UI alloc 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_UI ax8 335544320 bytes 320.0 mb [Lib.SystemService] systemservice.cpp:sceSystemServiceParamGetInt:1894: called param_id 1 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/LANGS_BCES00510.TXT flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/LANGS_BCES00510.TXT [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Lang alloc 1048576 bytes 1.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Lang ax8 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/LANGS_BCES00510.TXT [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_LANG_UK.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Lang alloc 1048576 bytes 1.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Lang ax8 8388608 bytes 8.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_LANG_UK.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Lang_uk fSize 456720 bytes 0.4 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_LANG_UK.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_UI alloc 41943040 bytes 40.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_UI ax8 335544320 bytes 320.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_UI.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_UI.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_UI fSize 27792080 bytes 26.5 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_UI.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hero alloc 52428800 bytes 50.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hero ax8 419430400 bytes 400.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hero alloc 52428800 bytes 50.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hero ax8 419430400 bytes 400.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_HERO00.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_HERO00.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_Hero00 fSize 44739936 bytes 42.7 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_HERO00.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Shell alloc 57671680 bytes 55.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Shell ax8 461373440 bytes 440.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Shell alloc 57671680 bytes 55.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Shell ax8 461373440 bytes 440.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Shell alloc 57671680 bytes 55.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/SHELL.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Shell ax8 461373440 bytes 440.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/SHELL.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD Shell fSize 48542080 bytes 46.3 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_GodMode alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_GodMode ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/SHELL.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_GodMode alloc 6291456 bytes 6.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_GodMode ax8 50331648 bytes 48.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_GODMODE4.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_GODMODE4.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_GodMode4 fSize 4444736 bytes 4.2 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_GODMODE4.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Electric alloc 9437184 bytes 9.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Electric ax8 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Electric alloc 9437184 bytes 9.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_ELECTRIC0.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Electric ax8 75497472 bytes 72.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_ELECTRIC0.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Electric0 fSize 7403824 bytes 7.1 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_ELECTRIC0.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Fire alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Fire ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Fire alloc 7340032 bytes 7.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_I_FIRE0.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Fire ax8 58720256 bytes 56.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_I_FIRE0.WAD [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/ENGLISH/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/KR_099_032ALT_A.XVAG [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/ENGLISH/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/KR_099_032ALT_A.XVAG flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Fire0 fSize 4652768 bytes 4.4 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Cestus alloc 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Cestus ax8 201326592 bytes 192.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Cestus alloc 25165824 bytes 24.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Cestus ax8 201326592 bytes 192.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/ENGLISH/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/KR_099_032ALT_A.XVAG [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_I_FIRE0.WAD [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_CESTUS0.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_CESTUS0.WAD [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/ENGLISH/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/KR_099_032ALT_A.XVAG [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/ENGLISH/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/KR_099_032ALT_A.XVAG [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/ENGLISH/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/KR_099_032ALT_A.XVAG flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/ENGLISH/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/KR_099_032ALT_A.XVAG [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Cestus0 fSize 21483264 bytes 20.5 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_CESTUS0.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Explosive alloc 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Explosive ax8 134217728 bytes 128.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Explosive alloc 16777216 bytes 16.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Explosive ax8 134217728 bytes 128.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_EXPLOSIVE5.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_EXPLOSIVE5.WAD [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/ENGLISH/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/KR_099_032ALT_A.XVAG [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Explosive5 fSize 11899280 bytes 11.3 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_EXPLOSIVE5.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Soul alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Soul ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Soul alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Soul ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_SOUL0.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_SOUL0.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_W_Soul0 fSize 10436928 bytes 10.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_W_SOUL0.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Light alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Light ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Light alloc 12582912 bytes 12.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_I_LIGHT0.WAD flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Light ax8 100663296 bytes 96.0 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_I_LIGHT0.WAD [Tty] kernel.cpp:ps4__write:163: WAD_STATS: WAD R_I_Light0 fSize 10185376 bytes 9.7 mb [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/WAD/PS4_LE/R_I_LIGHT0.WAD [Lib.NpManager] np_manager.cpp:sceNpSetNpTitleId:1984: (STUBBED) called [Lib.SysModule] sysmodule.cpp:sceSysmoduleLoadModule:47: (DUMMY) called module = ORBIS_SYSMODULE_NP_TROPHY [Lib.NpTrophy] np_trophy.cpp:sceNpTrophyCreateContext:169: New context = 0, user_id = 1 service label = 0 [Lib.NpTrophy] np_trophy.cpp:sceNpTrophyCreateHandle:183: New handle = 0 [Kernel.Event] equeue.cpp:sceKernelCreateEqueue:176: name = TRPHYEV [Core] stubs.cpp:CommonStub:42: Stub: scePthreadSetaffinity (nid: bt3CTBKmGyI) called, returning zero to 0x90015914d [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xccdebd80d1b8f55c (permutation) [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xccdebd802401e5ac (permutation) [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x29966d1be34790b4 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x29966d1b47a9adb1 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x782d705bc1c01219 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x782d705b3a537165 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x4add57aa5eec8eb1 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x4add57aa8b1a1fbc [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xabd418f2b4587d5d [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xabd418f256453c3e [Render.Vulkan] sampler.cpp:Sampler:12: Texture requires gamma correction [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x107d87f9d56574cf [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x107d87f956453c3e [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x29980d63bb67768a [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x29980d635087a0e7 [Render.Vulkan] sampler.cpp:Sampler:12: Texture requires gamma correction [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x24b77f53dd31047c [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x24b77f535087a0e7 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x20bae467b6468eda [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x20bae4675087a0e7 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xd0e33fa6e9381f8f [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xd0e33fa65087a0e7 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x7c0bee17cbe29a81 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x7c0bee175087a0e7 [Render.Vulkan] tile_manager.cpp:TryDetile:394: Unsupported tiled image: R16G16Sfloat (Display_Linear) [Render.Vulkan] tile_manager.cpp:TryDetile:394: Unsupported tiled image: R16G16Sfloat (Display_Linear) [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x3a79e0b1a021b69e [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x3a79e0b170fcf5e3 [Lib.NpTrophy] np_trophy.cpp:sceNpTrophyRegisterContext:614: (STUBBED) called [Lib.NpTrophy] np_trophy.cpp:sceNpTrophyGetTrophyUnlockState:501: GetTrophyUnlockState called [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x4aec30af92955845 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x4aec30af299c282c [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x9009c1f219f5dfbd [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x9009c1f2a6600ae9 [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xe006bdc922d8b7d8 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xe006bdc9a6600ae9 [Render.Vulkan] sampler.cpp:Sampler:12: Texture requires gamma correction [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xc4e5d7b83a0ef05d [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xc4e5d7b8f47d0810 [Render.Vulkan] sampler.cpp:Sampler:12: Texture requires gamma correction [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xc3e47d4340473e95 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xc3e47d43a6600ae9 [Render.Vulkan] sampler.cpp:Sampler:12: Texture requires gamma correction [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x9233663b6265d9f1 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x9233663b4ee8cbbf [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x3d3aeec340473e95 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x3d3aeec3a6600ae9 [Render.Vulkan] sampler.cpp:Sampler:12: Texture requires gamma correction [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x98af83da6b6e436f [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x98af83da513f1688 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0x6ac9225e5371257c [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0x6ac9225ea6600ae9 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling cs shader 0xdc647184f6178b9e [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xaed40011d135bdf8 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xaed40011eb5259f3 [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/ENGLISH/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/SHELL_AMB.XVAG [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xa80c854a850abe7d [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/SHELL_AMB.XVAG flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xa80c854a2e2637ea [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/SHELL_AMB.XVAG [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelClose:142: Closing /app0/EXEC/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/SHELL_AMB.XVAG [Render.Vulkan] vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp:GraphicsPipeline:92: Rectangle List primitive type is only supported for embedded VS [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xbb6a467defc0ddff [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/ENGLISH/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/SHELL_AMB.XVAG [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelOpen:28: path = /app0/EXEC/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/SHELL_AMB.XVAG flags = 0x0 mode = 0 [Kernel.Fs] file_system.cpp:sceKernelStat:370: (PARTIAL) path = /app0/EXEC/SOUNDS/STREAMS_PS4/SHELL_AMB.XVAG [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xbb6a467dd381d0b6 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling fs shader 0xafac5e7ac6781266 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xafac5e7a6e5c7684 [Render.Vulkan] vk_pipeline_cache.cpp:CompileModule:405: Compiling vs shader 0xafac5e7a6e5c7684 [Debug] liverpool.cpp:ProcessGraphics:641: Unreachable code! Unknown PM4 type 3 opcode 0x20 with count 2